Funds to invest in now

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Best Mutual Funds 2022 – Top 10 Best Mutual Funds to Invest in India – Best Performing Mutual Funds

What are Best Mutual Funds?

A mutual fund is formed when an asset management company (AMC) pools investments from several individual and institutional investors to purchase securities such as stocks and bonds.

The AMCs have fund managers to manage the pooled investment. These are finance professionals with an excellent track record of managing a portfolio of investments. In short, mutual funds club investments from various investors to invest their money in bonds, stocks, and other similar avenues.

Mutual fund investors are assigned with fund units corresponding to their quantum of investment. Investors are allowed to purchase or redeem fund units only at the prevailing net asset value (NAV).

The NAV of mutual funds varies daily depending on the performance of the underlying assets. Mutual funds are well regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), and hence, they can be considered as a safe investment option. A significant advantage of investing in mutual funds is that investors can diversify their portfolio at a relatively lower investment amount.

Top 10 Best Performing Mutual Funds

Mutual funds are broadly classified into equity funds, debt funds and hybrid/balanced funds based on their equity exposure. If a mutual fund’s equity exposure exceeds 65%, then it is classified under equity funds, funds to invest in now. If not, make money online money saving expert it goes under debt funds. A hybrid mutual fund invests across both equity and debt securities.

The table below shows the best equity funds:

Mutual fund5 Yr. Returns3 Yr. ReturnsMin. InvestmentRating 

The table below shows the best debt funds:

Mutual fund5 Yr. Returns3 Yr. ReturnsMin. InvestmentRating 

The table below shows the best hybrid funds:

Mutual fund5 Yr, funds to invest in now. Returns3 Yr. ReturnsMin. InvestmentRating 

Who Should Invest in Best Mutual Funds?

Mutual funds should be considered as an investment option by everyone at some point in their life. Investing in mutual funds is one of the best ways to achieve your goals. Every mutual fund comes with certain objectives to achieve. Therefore, whenever you are planning to invest in mutual funds, you have to ensure that your objectives are in line with that of the fund under consideration.

Investing in via an SIP alleviated the need to arrange a lump sum, funds to invest in now. Therefore, you can get started with your investment journey with a small amount, funds to invest in now. There are mutual fund plans that allow you to invest a sum as low as Rs 100 a month through an SIP. This option is not available with most other investment options.

Every investment option comes with a risk attached. No investment is absolutely safe, including deposits. The risk level of mutual funds varies across types as it directly depends on the underlying assets. Therefore, you should invest in a mutual fund scheme only if you are willing to assume the risk that comes attached to it.

How to Select the Top Performing Mutual Funds?

The following are some of the parameters that funds to invest in now be considered while selecting the top-performing funds:

  1. Check the fund’s track record

    A top-performing fund typically has an excellent track record of providing higher returns over the last three and five years. The performance of these funds would have outperformed their benchmark and peer funds. You have to analyse the fund’s performance over the last few business cycles. In particular, check for the fund’s performance when the markets were down. The performance of a top-performing fund is not affected much by the market movements. However, you need to note that past performance is not indicative of future returns.

  2. Check the financial ratios

    It is important to assess the financial ratios such as alpha and beta before deciding if a fund under consideration is a top-performing one in its category.

    Returns and risk always go hand in hand. Returns are the rise in the overall value of the capital invested. Risk is defined as the uncertainty associated with an investment, and this concerns the possibility of not receiving any or negative returns due to numerous reasons. Hence, any investor must assess the risk-return potential, and this has made the risk-return bitcoin investor ervaringen analysis possible by financial ratios.

    Sharpe and Alpha ratios provide much-needed information. Sharpe ratio is indicative of the excess return that the fund has delivered on the addition of every unit of risk being taken. Hence, funds with higher Sharpe ratio are considered better than those with a lower Sharpe ratio. Alpha shows the additional returns that the fund manager has generated as compared to the benchmark. Funds with higher Alpha are considered better.

  3. Check the expense ratio

    Expense ratio is a very crucial factor that must be analysed when choosing a mutual fund plan. Expense ratio is the fee charged by the fund houses to manage your investment. It is expressed in terms of a percentage of fund’s returns. It is deducted from the returns that an investor would get. Needless to say, a higher expense ratio reduces the take-home returns of investors. The fund houses cannot charge more than the limit set by the Securities and Exchange Board of India.

    The expense ratio of a fund scheme should justify the returns provided. A frequent shuffling of the assets in the portfolio increases your cost of investment (expense ratio) as the fund manager incurs higher transaction costs. Check for the consistency in the expense ratio and ensure that you are incurring reasonable charges as the expense ratio. If you come across two funds with a similar asset allocation and past performance, then you may choose to invest in the one with the lower expense ratio.

  4. Investment Objective

    Investments in any scheme should be made only after carefully assessing life goals. Once an assessment of the needs has been made, you need to map it with the objectives of a mutual fund scheme to find out if investing in it yields you the desired result. Like individuals, mutual funds too come with a particular objective, and it’s on the investors to gauge if their objectives are in sync with the mutual fund scheme they are going to invest.

  5. Fund History

    You can base your mutual fund selection activity on what is investment casting powder fund history. Mutual funds having a more extended history are considered good. Also, a mutual fund is judged based on how well it had performed over a good range of timeframe, especially when the markets were in a bad phase. This data will not be available for a newly launched fund, funds to invest in now. Investors should consider at least five years of a fund’s history before making any investment-related decision.

  6. Performance of Fund manager

    The fund manager plays a significant role in the success of a fund, funds to invest in now. Fund managers handle the investors’ money; it is the fund manager’s expertise that allows them to make profits, funds to invest in now. If a fund manager is able to recognise the opportunities to make profitable investments, then the fund would see good returns. Hence, the fund manager must have a good track earn a lot of money jobs of Investing in Best Mutual Funds

    1. Expert Money Management

      Since mutual funds are managed by a fund manager, the chances of making profits are on the higher side. Every fund manager is backed by a team of analysts and experts who do the research and choose the best-performing instruments to include in the fund’s portfolio. Therefore, you don’t have to possess market knowledge

    2. Option to invest small amounts regularly

      One of the most significant advantages of investing in mutual funds is that you can stagger your investments over time by taking the SIP or systematic investment plan route. Through an SIP, you can invest smart money invest 2022 fixed sum as low as Rs 100 on a regular basis. This alleviates the need to arrange for a lump sum to get started with your investment journey.

    3. Diversification

      On investing in mutual funds, you automatically diversify your portfolio across several instruments. Every mutual fund invests in various securities, thereby providing investors with the benefit of exposure to a diversified portfolio.

    4. Can redeem at any time

      Most mutual fund schemes are open-ended. Therefore, you can redeem your mutual fund units at any time. This ensures that investors are provided with the benefit of liquidity and hassle-free withdrawal at all times.

    5. Well regulated

      All mutual fund houses are under the purview of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Apart from these, the Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI), a self-regulatory formed by the fund houses, also keeps an eye on fund plans. Therefore, investments made in mutual funds funds to invest in now safe.

    6. Tax-efficient

      If you are looking to save taxes under the provisions of Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961, then you can invest in the equity-linked saving scheme (ELSS) or tax-saving mutual funds. These mutual funds provide tax deductions of up to Rs 1,50,000 a year, funds to invest in now, which helps you save up to Rs 46,800 a year in taxes.

Risk Possessed by Best Mutual Funds

As mentioned before, the risk level of mutual funds varies across types. Equity funds carry the highest levels of risk since they mostly invest in the equity shares of companies across market capitalisations. These funds are easily influenced by market movements.

The following are the types of risks that come attached with equity funds:

  1. Market Risk

    Market risk is the risk which can result in losses due to the underperformance of the market. Several factors affect market movements. To name a few; natural disasters, viral outbreaks, political unrest, and so on.

  2. Concentration Risk

    Concentration generally refers to emphasising on one particular thing. Concentrating your investments towards a particular company is never advisable. No doubt that having your investments concentrated on one sector proves to be beneficial at times when that sector performs well, but if there is any adverse development, then your losses will be magnified.

  3. Interest Rate Risk

    The interest rates fluctuate on the basis of the availability of credit with lenders and the demand from borrowers. The rise in the interest rates during the investment tenure can result in a drop in the price of securities.

  4. Liquidity Risk

    Liquidity risk refers to the difficulty in exiting the holding of a security at a loss. This generally happens when the fund manager fails to find buyers.

  5. Credit Risk

    Credit risk refers to the possibility of a scenario wherein the issuer of the security fails to pay the interest that was promised at the time of issuing the securities, funds to invest in now. You can gauge the credit risk by looking at the credit ratings given by various credit rating agencies.

The following are the types of risks that come attached with equity funds:

  1. Interest Risk

    It is the possibility of the rate of interest varying. This may happen due to a variety of factors. A change in the rate of interest has a direct impact on the returns offered by the underlying securities.

  2. Credit Risk

    It is the possibility of the issuer of the securities defaulting on the repayment of principal and the payment of interest at the rate agreed upon at the time of issuing the securities.

  3. Liquidity Risk

    It is the possibility that the underlying securities may turn illiquid and the fund manager may find it difficult to sell the securities held under the portfolio.

Taxation of Best Mutual Funds

The dividends provided by all mutual funds are added to your overall income and taxed as per the income tax slab you fall under, funds to invest in now. The rate of taxation of capital gains realised on selling mutual fund units varies across mutual funds funds to invest in now holding period.

Here’s how equity funds are taxed:

If you sell your equity fund units within a holding period of one year from the date of purchase, then you realise short-term capital gains. These gains are taxed at a flat rate of 15%, regardless of your income tax slab. You realise long-term capital gains on redeeming your equity fund units after a holding period of one year. Long-term capital gains (LTCG) of up to Rs 1 lakh a year are made tax-exempt. Any LTCG above Rs 1 lakh a year are taxed at a flat rate of 10%, funds to invest in now, and there is no benefit of indexation provided.

Here’s how debt funds are taxed:

Gains realised on selling debt fund units within a holding period of three years are termed short-term capital gains. These gains are added to your overall income and taxed as per your income tax slab. You make long-term capital gains on selling your debt fund units after a holding period of three years. These gains are taxed at a flat rate of 20% after indexation.

Here’s how balanced funds are taxed:

The rate of taxation of gains realised on selling units of balanced funds depends on their equity exposure. If the equity exposure of a balanced fund is in excess of 65%, then it is taxed like an equity fund, funds to invest in now. If not, funds to invest in now, then the rules of taxation of debt funds apply. Therefore, when you are investing in a hybrid fund, you should necessarily bitcoin plywood hot section cool section its equity exposure.

Types of Mutual funds to invest

Invest in the best type of fund that is in line with your financial goals

  1. Top SIP Mutual Funds

    Systematic investment plans (SIPs) allow investors to invest small amounts periodically. Investors are given the liberty to decide the frequency and quantum of their investment being made through SIP.

    Click here to know more.

  2. Top Equity Mutual Funds

    Equity mutual funds invest predominantly in equity instruments such as stocks. These funds have the potential to offer the highest returns among all mutual funds.

    Click here to know more.

  3. Top Small-Cap Mutual Funds

    Small-cap mutual funds are a class of equity funds that invest mostly in equity shares of those companies that are classified under small market capitalisation.

    Click here to know more.

  4. Top Large-Cap Mutual Funds

    Large-cap mutual funds are a class of equity mutual funds that invest predominantly in equity shares of large-cap companies. These companies are not affected much by market fluctuations.

    Click here to know more.

  5. Top Multi-Cap Mutual Funds

    Multi-cap mutual funds invest in equity shares of companies across all market capitalisations. Investing in multi-cap funds is the best way to diversify your portfolio.

    Click here to know more.

  6. Top Tax Saving Mutual Funds

    Equity-linked savings scheme (ELSS) or tax-saving funds are equity-oriented funds and are covered under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Investors can avail tax deductions of up to Rs 1,50,000 a year by investing in these funds.

    Click here to know more.

  7. Top Mid-Cap Mutual Funds

    Mid-cap funds are equity funds that invest in equity shares of companies whose market capitalisation is in the range of Rs 500 crore to Rs 10,000 crore.

    Click here to know more.

  8. Top Liquid Funds

    Liquid funds are a class of debt funds that invest in high-rated debt instruments such as treasury bills. These are a better option than regular savings bank accounts to park idle money.

    Click here to know more.

  9. Top Debt Mutual Funds

    Debt mutual funds invest in instruments such as corporate bonds, government bonds, treasury bills, and so on, that offer regular dividend payouts.

    Click here to know more.

  10. Top Short-Term Mutual Funds

    Short-term mutual funds are an ideal option for risk-averse investors. The maturity period of these funds is between 15 days and 91 days.

    Click here to know more.

  11. Top Income Funds

    Income funds predominantly invest in funds to invest in now that are capable of providing high dividends. They generally invest in bonds, funds to invest in now, debentures and prefered shares.

    Click here to know more.

  12. Top Balanced Mutual funds

    Balanced or hybrid funds invest across both debt and equity instruments. Investing in these funds is the best way to diversify one’s portfolio.

    Click here to know more.


  • Why should I invest in top mutual funds?

    Top mutual funds are known to offer excellent returns in the long run at nominal costs. Hence, it is advisable to invest in top mutual funds.

  • How to invest in top mutual funds?

    You can invest in top mutual funds with ClearTax. Our in-house experts have handpicked mutual funds in which you can invest in a hassle-free and paperless manner.

  • Do I need to have the market knowledge to invest in top mutual funds?

    No, you don’t need market knowledge to invest in top mutual funds with ClearTax.

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Stock markets such as the FTSE 100 and S&P 500 tanked following news that Russia had invaded Ukraine. Uncertainty over the consequences of the crisis has spooked investors and prompted a huge sell-off in stocks.

So is now a bad time to buy shares, or are there opportunities to be had while others are fearful?

In this article we set out:

Prefer to watch rather than read?

Here’s funds to invest in now video on investing during a crisis

Is now a good time to buy shares?

It all depends on what you buy. While the future of some companies look positive, funds to invest in now, the same can’t be said for all businesses.

It’s important to do your research into each company you buy. Listed companies release their financial results which can give you a picture of the health of the company.

Also bear in mind that some sectors fared better than others during the pandemic. Broadly speaking, technology companies have done well while travel firms have suffered.

However, even tech companies are experiencing share price volatility. Take a company as famous as Facebook. The tech darling’s owner Meta Platforms saw its stock market value drop by more than $230bn (£169bn) on 3 February this year in what was a record daily stock market fall for a US firm.

Meta’s shares fell 26% after it announced daily active user numbers dropped for the first time in the company’s 18 year history, and they have not yet recovered.


  • Don’t buy shares in a company just because someone said you should (always do your own research first)
  • Selecting and monitoring individual shares is time-consuming
  • You can buy funds to invest in now funds or use a robo-adviser so that an expert investor can select shares on your behalf

If you’re new to investing, you might want to read our beginners‘ guide funds to invest in now investing first.

Why has the stock market dropped?

Most major stock markets dropped off a cliff on February 24 following news that Russia had invaded Ukraine. The crisis has caused huge amounts of uncertainty as investors worry this will spill over into the businesses they are invested in.

As a result, lots of investors sold their stocks, funds to invest in now. The FTSE funds to invest in now, the index which measures the performance of the largest companies in the UK, dropped by 2.8% in the first few hours of trading that day.

It’s never a good idea to panic and tenx bitcoin fork stocks when the markets are falling because there is a danger that you could end up crystallising losses. We explain how to invest in volatile times later on in this article.

Also bear in mind that stock markets have been very volatile since the start of the pandemic.

While most restrictions in the UK have now been withdrawn, funds to invest in now, some markets continue to wobble because of concerns about new waves of coronavirus.

Is now a good time to invest?

Reasons to feel funds to invest in now about the stock market:

  • Successful booster vaccination roll-out has led to an increase in movement, trade and spending
  • Industries that were hit by subsequent lockdowns, such as travel and entertainment, have reopened
  • Takeovers will continue as investors and companies seek new opportunities
  • Some sectors are booming: technology, e-commerce and biotech have thrived during the pandemic and will continue to funds to invest in now gradual increases, the UK’s national interest rate is still low at 0.5%, which is encouraging people to spend or invest

Reasons to feel cautious about the stock market:

  • The impact of the Ukraine crisis could hit global businesses
  • Some nationals are still fearful over new strains of the coronavirus
  • Rising inflation will weigh heavily, meaning people have less money in their pockets
  • Disruption caused by the global energy crisis may continue for some time
  • Brexit is still affecting supply chains
  • Central banks are unwinding pandemic support measures

Crashes can come out of the blue and their causes only become apparent with hindsight.

Find out more about how to invest during a recession.

When will the next stock market crash happen?

A stock market crash is a sudden and significant drop in the value of stocks.

Some stock market speculators panic and sell their shares fearing that if the price falls further, they could lose even more of the money they invested.

No one can accurately predict whether or not the stock market is going to crash. All you can do is evaluate which factors will influence the stock market and your particular investments. 

Bear in mind that when stocks rise rapidly, there is always a danger that they could fall just as quickly.

The FTSE 100 share price, which measures the performance of the largest listed British companies, had been reaching fresh fixed income investment grade before plunging on news that Russia was invading Ukraine.

“Research has routinely shown that time in the market is more successful than timing the market so I would caution investors against trying to pre-empt any potential falls.”

Claire Walsh, independent financial expert

If you’d like to know more about today’s big investment trends, check out our guide here.

The ups and downs of the market

Beware of market volatility at the moment. The FTSE 100, which measures the performance of the biggest companies in the UK, has been on an upwards trajectory over the past year but it has been a bumpy road to get there, funds to invest in now.

Netflix, Deliveroo, and Peloton are good examples of the fluctuations in share prices that you need to consider when investing.

The streaming service, food delivery company and exercise equipment maker were seemingly three of the corporate winners of the coronavirus outbreak.

Below, we explain how their shares have performed over the past two years.


  • Netflix gained 16m new subscribers during 2020, revenues of $7.16bn in April 2021 and predicted a better second quarter to the year
  • Deliveroo has benefitted from a $575m Amazon investment, increased customer engagement
  • Peloton shares gained 400% through 2020


But none of these companies are immune to the negative affects of the pandemic or other headwinds:

  • Netflix
    • Production of many new Netflix shows were halted
    • Competition in the sector notably from the newer players like Disney+
    • Lower than expected sign-ups in the first quarter of 2020
  • Deliveroo
    • Yet to turn a profit: while its revenues grew funds to invest in now to £1.2bn last year, funds to invest in now, the company selling photos online to make money a loss of £223m
    • Deliveroo shares fell 30% in the first 20 minutes of its listing on the London Stock Exchange on March 31, 2021
    • Reliance on gig-economy workers at a time when they are being funds to invest in now more legal rights
  • Peloton
    • Peloton share price has dropped by 82% to $29 from its peak of $163 in December 2020
    • A series of accidents with equipment led to the death of a child and the company announced a massive product recall
    • A victim of its own lockdown success, with supply chain problems
    • Peloton’s future is uncertain now gyms have reopened

These are good examples max b money make me feel better instrumental why you need to weigh up the pros and cons of each company before you buy their shares.

You might want to read more in our article Funds to invest in now to buy shares.

Here are eight things to consider:

1, funds to invest in now. Volatility

Equities can be very volatile when there is uncertainty and could pull back a lot if new variants of COVID are discovered that evade the vaccines. 

2. Context is everything

Just because something is not cheap it does not make it unattractive.

Interest rates have funds to invest in now but they are still very low. In this environment, businesses in growing markets with access to cheap money tend to do foreign source passive income and what you pay now may look cheap in ten years.

3. Not all equities are the same

Some shares are in fact expensive because they are over-hyped. This means they might fade away over the next few years.

4. Are you happy going against the crowd?

Investing when people are fearful is understandably daunting, particularly when there is so much uncertainty in the world.

But consider whether you believe will be in a better situation by the private individuals who invest their own money in potentially hot new companies you will want the money. Things can always get worse before they get better.

5. Investing is for the long-term

Remember a “loss” is only a loss when you sell the investments. Your decision depends on how quickly you’d need the money and whether you understand that shares can fall as well as rise. Can you stomach losing money should markets continue to fall?

6. Inflation

With interest rates still low at 0.75%, a savings account won’t help your money grow.

When you allow for inflation, which measures the rising cost of living and is currently at 6.2%, you’re almost guaranteed to be worse off.

Investing gives your money the best chance of growing.

7. Use a stocks and shares ISA

It’s a good idea to hold your shares in an ISA to protect your earnings from dividend tax and capital gains tax.

We explain: How are shares taxed?

8, funds to invest in now. Buy a pool of shares

If you would rather invest in a basket of shares rather than choosing them yourself, you could invest in a fund.

Some funds simply track a stock market like the S&P 500, which is an index measuring the biggest companies in the United States.

Why should you drip feed?

If you are thinking what shares to buy now, remember it is almost impossible to time the market perfectly to make the most of your money.

For example:

  • Invest when markets are rising, you may have missed the boat for the best returns
  • Invest when the markets falling, and they could fall a lot further still

Drip feeding your money in slowly, rather than investing it all bitcoin investopedia analysis as one lump sum, removes this tricky decision.

This not only encourages a good savings habit. It smooths the investment journey by buying more units when markets are lower (known as pound cost-averaging)

How do you get dividends?

Dividends are what a company pays to shareholders when it makes a profit.

The pandemic has affected the cash position and growth of a number of businesses, which has impacted on the amount shareholders have received in dividends.

Throughout 2020 the UK’s biggest banks RBS, Barclays, Santander, HSBC, Lloyds, and Standard Chartered all suspended dividend payments and share buybacks.

Dividend-paying stocks are often a popular choice to include in your investment portfolio. But remember, the dividends you earn might be subject to tax.

Four tips for investing during uncertain times

Here are our four golden rules when it comes to investing during a financial crisis:

  1. Stay calm: the pandemic has stirred up a lot of emotions, but stay rational about your investments.
  2. Consider your aims: investing is personal. You choices depend on your circumstances, objectives, needs and risk tolerance. The key is diversification
  3. Use your tax relief: you can invest tax-free with an ISA, funds to invest in now. You can also get an instant uplift with a pension and a lifetime ISA, as the government will add extra cash whenever you pay in more money. We explain more about that here.
  4. Drip-feed your money: if the markets go down further you’re buying at a cheaper level and it could help smooth out your returns, with the hope they recover and grow in the longer term. 

Best sectors to invest in

Making the most of a buying opportunity often means looking for firms that are well placed for any potential structural shifts.

Here are some sectors that are worth paying attention to:

  • Fintech: companies that help people work remotely or pay for goods or services are worth investigating.
  • Ecommerce: the pandemic has boosted online shopping as people funds to invest in now to stay away from crowded malls and supermarkets.
  • Renewable energy: a rapid fall in the cost of building renewable energy projects has happened at the same time as a greater awareness of the climate crisis. These assets provide reliable income streams, which are often backed by government subsidies. Read more in our guide to ethical investing.
  • Online gaming: these businesses were among the most resistant to the Covid-19 stock market sell-off.
  • Commodities: this includes precious metals list of college majors that make the most money as gold and silver which are often seen as “safe” funds to invest in now to hold during market turmoil (though remember all investments come with a degree of risk).
  • Banks: the banks could be worth watching. Remember, banks have been through the 2008 financial crisis and may therefore fare better in an economic recovery than markets anticipate.
  • Leisure sector: after months of isolation, people want to go out and spend. Restaurants and pubs with the strongest balance sheets might fare very well as they might have the opportunity to pick up cheap distressed assets from rivals that went bust.

Should you buy cheap British stocks?

One of the world’s biggest investment banks JP Morgan has been telling investors to buy British stocks now while they are cheap.

The investment firm had taken a bearish stance on British stocks since the EU referendum in June 2016, funds to invest in now. When compared to companies in the US and Europe, UK shares have underperformed since the Brexit vote.

But JP Morgan has said there are a few things that could change the fortunes of British stocks:

  • UK shares have strong dividends
  • Stock markets like the US and China are expected to struggle maintain their momentum going forward, paving the way for the UK to outperform
  • UK stocks have tended to rise in the months after an interest rate rise.

What are the stocks to invest in right now?

We have listed some companies below that might be worth considering. However, we always recommend that you do your own research before buying shares.

  • Rolls Royce: the company makes engines for planes that embark on long-haul flights. With so many planes being grounded during the pandemic, the Rolls Royce share price suffered. However, things are looking more positive after it swung into profit.
  • Avast: the cybersecurity group could be bought by an American rival. Analysts valued the FTSE 100 company at £7.2bn and suggested the business could end up in a bidding war. The news prompted the Avast share funds to invest in now to climb 17%.
  • Wise: previously called Transferwise, it converts money into different currencies, but it has plans to branch into other areas of financial services.
  • Nissan: the shares look interesting given its plans for an electric battery factory in Sunderland that is set to be worth £1bn.
  • JD Sports share price rose after the company’s five-for-one share split at the end of November, funds to invest in now. JD is now valued at £7.6bn, funds to invest in now, and after Tesco is Britain’s second most valuable shops group.  
  • Beyond Meat’s share price rose on the news that the plant-based company’s chicken alternative will be available at Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) across the US. A number of other companies have also teamed up with Beyond Meat and it looks like the move towards vegan, vegetarian and flexitarian diets continues.
  • Taylor Wimpey’s
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9 Best Index Funds for Long-Term Investors

The best index funds can help you to build wealth by diversifying your portfolio while minimizing your fees. Investing in an index fund is less risky than investing in individual stocks or bonds because index funds often hold hundreds of securities. Index funds spread your investment risk across the stocks or bonds of many different individual companies.

How to pick an index fund

Index funds hold baskets of investments in order to track a market index, such as the S&P 500(SNPINDEX:^GSPC). Index funds are passively managed, funds to invest in now, meaning that the fund's holdings are determined entirely by the index the fund tracks. The goal of an index fund is to match the performance of the underlying index.

The returns generated by an index fund generally never exceed the performance of the index itself, if only because of index funds' expense ratios, which are the annual management fees collected by index fund managers. Index funds, being passively managed, are actually more likely over the long term to outperform funds with active managers.

An index fund can either be a mutual fund or an exchange-traded fund (ETF). Investors buy shares of mutual funds directly from asset management companies, whereas shares in ETFs are purchased and sold via stock exchanges.

Consider these key factors when picking an index fund:

  • Target market segment: Some index funds confer portfolio exposure to the entire U.S. stock market by tracking indexes such as the S&P 500, while other index funds track narrower indexes that focus on specific stock market sectors, industries, countries, or company sizes.
  • Your investment goals: Some stock market indexes, and, by extension, some index funds, track companies with specific characteristics such as high growth potential, a history of reliable dividend payments, or adherence to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards.
  • Expense ratio: An index fund's expense ratio, which is the percentage of your investment that is annually paid as a management fee to the index fund's manager, can vary significantly. A good expense ratio for a total stock market index fund is about 0.1% or less, and a small number of index funds have expense ratios of 0%. More specialized index funds tend to have higher expense ratios.
  • Minimum required investment: Some mutual funds have minimum investments of $1,000 or more. ETF index fund are accessible for the cost of a single share.
  • Benchmark tracking performance: How closely an index fund tracks its underlying index can vary. The performances of the best index funds are very closely correlated with their benchmark indexes.

Nine best index funds for 2021

Our picks for the nine best index funds for 2021 can help you accomplish a variety of investment funds to invest in now, plus they have funds to invest in now expense ratios and low minimum investments.

1. Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Fund

Investing in S&P funds to invest in now index funds is perhaps the closest thing to a guaranteed way to build wealth over time. The Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Fund(NASDAQMUTFUND:FNILX), which tracks an index of just over 500 U.S. large-cap stocks, performs very similarly to an S&P 500 index fund. But because this fund is not an official S&P 500 index fund, it avoids paying expensive licensing fees to S&P Global(NYSE:SPGI), funds to invest in now, the index's parent company. The fund tracks the Fidelity U.S. Large Cap Index as its benchmark.

This index fund delivered a total return of 20.05% in 2020, beating the S&P 500's total return of 17.4% for the same period. The "ZERO" in the fund's name money making hobbies for retirement that the expense ratio for this fund is 0%, funds to invest in now. There's also no minimum investment amount, making the fund a good choice for beginner investors.

2. Schwab S&P 500 Index Fund

If you want to invest in an official S&P 500 index fund, then the Schwab S&P 500 Index Fund(NASDAQMUTFUND:SWPPX) is why you should invest in ethereum the cheapest you'll find. Its expense ratio is 0.02%, meaning you'd annually pay just $0.20 for funds to invest in now $1,000 you invest, funds to invest in now. Because this investment fee is so tiny, your returns are virtually identical to the performance of the S&P 500.

As of July 2021, the fund's year-to-date total returns were roughly 18%. There's no minimum investment amount, so you can start investing with as little as $1.

3. Vanguard Growth ETF

If you want to assume more investment funds to invest in now in pursuit of higher rewards, funds to invest in now, then the Vanguard Growth ETF (NYSEMKT:VUG) is a solid choice. The fund tracks the CRSP US Large Cap Growth Index, which performs similarly to the S&P 500 Growth Index. This ETF invests in 255 U.S. large-cap growth stocks. Tech stocks are heavily represented, accounting for 47% of the fund's holdings, followed by consumer discretionary stocks (22.7%) and industrial stocks (13.4%). Energy stocks and utility stocks combined comprise only 0.7% of the fund's value.

The VUG has a minuscule 0.04% expense ratio. As of June 30, 2021, funds to invest in now, the fund's average annual return over five years, before taxes, was 23.06%.

4. SPDR S&P Dividend ETF

A top index fund for income-oriented investors is the SPDR S&P Dividend ETF (NYSEMKT:SDY). This dividend-weighted fund's benchmark is the S&P High Yield Dividend Aristocrats Index, which tracks 112 of the stocks in the S&P Composite 1500Index with the highest dividend yields. All of the companies owned by this ETF have increased their dividend payments annually for at least 25 consecutive years.

This fund's 12-month dividend yield at the time of this writing is 2.65% — well above the S&P 500's 1.34%. The expense ratio is also somewhat higher at 0.35%.

The fund's top five holdings are ExxonMobil Corp.(NYSE:XOM), AT&T(NYSE:T), utility company South Jersey Industries(NYSE:SJI), pharmaceutical company AbbVie Inc.(NYSE:ABBV), and Chevron Corp. (NYSE:CVX), funds to invest in now. It includes many real estate investment trusts (REITs), which typically pay high dividends because they're required to disburse at least 90% of their taxable incomes. This ETF is underweighted in tech stocks, which don't tend to pay generous dividends.

5. Vanguard Real Estate ETF

If you want to invest across the real estate market, the Vanguard Real Estate ETF(NYSEMKT:VNQ) is a solid, funds to invest in now, low-cost option. With an expense ratio of 0.12%, it's also by far the largest real estate index fund, with about $75 billion assets under management.

Its benchmark index is the MSCI US Investable Market Real Estate 25/50 Index, which broadly tracks the U.S. real estate market, funds to invest in now. Although the index includes a few real estate management and development companies, it consists mostly of equity REITs, which own and operate income-producing real estate.

This ETF is also attractive to dividend investors since the fund's 12-month dividend yield at the time of this writing is 2.34%.

6. Vanguard Russell 2000 ETF

The Vanguard Russell 2000 ETF(NASDAQ:VTWO), which tracks the Russell 2000 (RUSSELLINDICES:^RUT), is a good place to start for investors who funds to invest in now to take advantage of the potential upside of investing in small-cap companies. The fund invests in 2,113 small-cap and mid-cap companies that have a median market capitalization of $3.3 billion.

As of May 31, 2021, this index fund's largest concentration was in consumer discretionary companies (17.8%), healthcare companies (17.6%%), and industrial businesses (15.8%). The fund's expense ratio, at 0.1%, is relatively low, especially for a fund that offers exposure to the companies with the most growth potential.

In 2020, funds to invest in now, the Vanguard Russell 2000 ETF outperformed the S&P 500 with a total return of 20.2%.

7. iShares MSCI China ETF

The iShares MSCI China ETF(NASDAQ:MCHI), which more or less mirrors China's equivalent to the S&P 500, funds to invest in now, vastly outperformed the S&P 500 in 2020 with a total return of 28.89%. Its expense ratio is 0.59%, which, according to, is slightly lower than the average of 0.70% for a China ETF.

Although adding international exposure to your portfolio is key to diversification, and China's growth potential is immense, investing in the world's second-largest economy poses some major risks. Chinese accounting standards are lacking, there's the risk of trade disputes, and uncertainties surround the global recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. While Chinese stock prices surged in 2020, it's worth noting that Chinese stocks in the past decade have performed poorly compared to U.S. stocks.

8. Schwab Emerging Markets Equity ETF

If you're seeking portfolio exposure to high-growth emerging markets but don't want your risk concentrated in a single economy or region, the Schwab Emerging Markets Equity ETF(NYSEMKT:SCHE) may be a good fit. It tracks the FTSE Emerging Index, a collection of large- and mid-cap stocks in more than 20 developing countries. The fund has 1,641 holdings, with the largest concentrations in China, Taiwan, India, Brazil, and South Africa. Its expense ratio is only 0.11%.

The stocks of companies in emerging markets have historically underperformed compared to U.S. stocks. In the past decade, the Schwab emerging market funds, on a combined basis, have had total returns of just under 45% -- versus nearly 300% for the S&P 500. But considering that about 85% of the world's population lives in developing countries, investors with a long-term focus who are comfortable with volatility may want to seriously consider investing in this fund.

9. Fidelity U.S. Sustainability Index Fund

Investors who are interested in sustainable investing should check out the Fidelity U.S. Sustainability Index Fund (NASDAQMUTFUND:FITL.X), funds to invest in now. The fund's benchmark is the MSCI USA ESG Leaders Index, which tracks the performances of large- and mid-cap domestic stocks with above-average environmental, social, and governance (ESG) ratings. The index fund has a low expense ratio of 0.11% and no minimum investment amount.

The fund's largest concentrations at the time of this writing are in the technology (27.11%), healthcare (13.43%), and consumer discretionary (12%) sectors. This sustainability ETF's top holdings are Microsoft(NASDAQ:MSFT), Google parent Alphabet(NASDAQ:GOOG)(NASDAQ:GOOGL), funds to invest in now, Tesla(NASDAQ:TSLA), and Johnson & Johnson(NYSE:JNJ).

While ESG investing is appealing to many, a strong ESG focus is also good for returns. Companies that funds to invest in now little ESG-related risk often deliver superior financial performance, making ESG funds such as the Fidelity U.S. Sustainability Index Fund a good choice for long-term investors.

More on index funds:

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