Money earners on ebay

money earners on ebay › /01 › how-to-make-money-on-ebay. eBay rose to fame on its auction-style sales. You run a traditional auction for a specified number of days. At the start of the auction, you list an opening bid. Within a year, I was earning enough to give up my job and concentrate I remember dabbling in money-making schemes; selling on some of my. money earners on ebay

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How to Make Money on Ebay: The Best Strategies, Tips and Items to Sell

How to Make Money on Ebay
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While eBay became famous as an online auction site for selling anything and everything, the platform has changed significantly over the past two decades. There are plenty of money-making opportunities for eBay sellers, but you’ll need to take an approach that works with the platform and its audience today.

This article outlines the key concepts you need to know to build a profitable eBay business, broken down into the following sections:

Four Keys to Making Money on Ebay

There are several approaches you can take as an eBay seller, but if you want to build a serious business — whether as a full-time operation or as a side hustle — here are the keys you should be focusing on.

1. Understand Why People Shop on eBay

Although it’s possible to sell the same products on several different marketplaces, it’s critical to understand the differences between platforms like Amazon and eBay and the people that shop there.

Consumers search at Amazon, eBay, Etsy, Walmart and other marketplaces for specific reasons.

Today, eBay is much more than an online auction site for buying collectibles and other used items, but the site’s history still impacts the shoppers it attracts. Buyers are much more likely to head to eBay than Amazon when they’re looking for used items, vintage goods, collectibles or anything rare or hard to find. They’re also looking on eBay for deep discounts and refurbished items.

Some customers also prefer eBay because they feel like they’re buying from an individual or small business rather than a giant corporation. Even though third parties now sell most of the products on Amazon, the user experience is almost identical whether you’re purchasing from Amazon or a third-party seller. eBay provides more of an identity to sellers, and many buyers prefer that.

2. Have a Replenishable Source of Products

One of the most common ways to get started as an eBay seller is to list items bought at yard sales or flea markets. While this is a legit way to make some extra cash, it’s difficult to scale. You’ll need to shop for new inventory constantly, and since the profit you’ll earn from many of these products is small, you might wind up spending more time than it’s worth.

When you’re sourcing products at yard sales, flea markets, auctions and estate sales, the success you’ll have at finding the right items will be inconsistent. You may also struggle during the winter when people aren’t having yard sales or garage sales.

To build a more stable business that will produce long-term profits, you’ll need a way to constantly source products at a stable price that allows you to earn a profit. Various business models involve different approaches to solving this problem, and we’ll look at those options later in the article.

3. Have a System (and the Capacity) to Handle Order Fulfillment

One of the most significant challenges you’ll need to overcome as an eBay seller involves fulfilling and shipping orders. Of course, you want to make sales, but there’s a lot of work to be done after the sale. As your business grows, you’ll need to fulfill orders efficiently.

eBay customers expect their orders to arrive on time and in excellent condition. You don’t want to disappoint customers with slow fulfillment, or you’ll wind up with negative feedback that damages your ability to make sales in the future.

You could set up your own process for fulfilling and shipping orders. You may want to hire someone in your local area to help so you can focus on other aspects of the business. But if you’re going to scale your business, a better option is to use an eBay fulfillment service. Deliverr will help you streamline your process and get orders to customers faster. And if you also sell on Amazon, you could use Amazon’s Multi-Channel Fulfillment.

In addition to reducing your workload for running the business, outsourcing order fulfillment may also help you qualify for “Fast ‘N Free” tags on your listings, which will increase sales.

4. Practice Exemplary (and Pre-Emptive) Customer Service

As an eBay seller, you’ll need to prioritize customer service. Customer feedback ratings are critical to your ability to make sales on the platform, and your customers will have high expectations. You’ll need to commit yourself and your business to provide customers with an outstanding experience, promptly deal with any issues that arise, and most importantly, take steps to prevent problems from happening in the first place.

Whenever a customer reaches out to you, you’ll need to respond as soon as possible. The faster you respond, the better chance you’ll have of satisfying the customer. Selling on platforms like eBay, Amazon and Etsy, where reviews and feedback are essential, may require you to bend over backward at times to keep your customers happy.

There’s not much margin for error since just a few bad experiences for customers can significantly damage your feedback scores when you’re getting started. You need to have a plan for handling customer service from day one rather than waiting until your sales volume increases.

You can prevent some issues by properly packing and shipping items to avoid damage and ensure they arrive in good condition. Be sure to communicate clearly with customers and encourage them to reach out to you with any issues. You may be able to resolve their issues, keep everyone happy, and avoid negative feedback.

Profitable eBay Selling Strategies

Let’s look at five different strategies or business models that can work for growing and scaling a business on eBay.

1. Dropshipping

Dropshipping allows you to sell products without ever touching the inventory or paying for merchandise before it sells. Instead, you’ll list the products you want to sell on eBay, and when a customer purchases the product, the supplier will ship it directly to the customer. You’ll pay the supplier for the product and keep the profit based on the price the customer paid.

The benefits of dropshipping include:

  • Lower capital requirements to get started.
  • No need to deal with order fulfillment and shipping.
  • Low overhead since you’re not purchasing or handling inventory.
  • Sell a wide variety of products since you don’t need inventory.
  • Easily test different types of products with low risk.

eBay’s dropshipping policies require you to purchase the products from wholesalers, which is what legit dropshipping really is. You’re not allowed to list products on eBay and purchase them from another retailer or marketplace and have it shipped directly to the customer.

As the seller, you’re still responsible for getting the product to the customer on time. If the shipment is late or there are other issues with the order or delivery, you’re responsible, not the supplier. 

Of course, finding the right supplier is essential if you want to run a dropshipping business. This list of dropshipping suppliers and directories for Amazon and eBay is a solid starting point.

If you’re looking to learn more about the business of dropshipping, Shopify has an excellent free webinar that dives into the business model and how to get started.  

2. Long Tail Inventory

The idea behind this business model is to offer and sell many different low-demand products, but all with a common theme. You may not make a lot of sales with any individual product, and each sale may generate a relatively small profit, but the cumulative sales add up to something significant.

Let’s take a look at two examples to explain the concept clearly:

  • You could sell collectible trading cards like Pokemon and Magic: The Gathering. There are thousands of individual cards within each property, and while the value of the average card is relatively low — many of them worth $1 or less — they’re easy and inexpensive for you to acquire. That allows you to carry a very broad inventory and make a lot of sales each day based on having so many different products listed. Plus, the low price point means that customers often buy multiples; if they’re looking for 10 cards and you have them, it’s easier to buy them all from you than splitting that order across 10 different sellers.
  • Another option would be to focus on mobile phone accessories. There are many different accessories (cases, protective covers, chargers, stands, headphones, etc.) and countless styles, colors and variations of each. These products are relatively inexpensive, but you could make steady sales every day with hundreds or thousands of listings. The benefit of a product type like this is that specializing in a niche makes you better at sourcing and pricing, helping you get products for less and sell them for as much as possible.

Another general benefit of the long tail approach is that these items tend to have less competition, which reduces the pricing pressure on each item. When you’re selling a high-volume item, you’re going up against hundreds or even thousands of other sellers. But when you’re focusing on something with fairly limited demand, you have much more control over the selling price.

Taking this approach will require you to build up your inventory, but it’s possible to start small. Since your sales will be spread out across a large number of products, you’re not dependent on any single product or listing. 

Pro Tip: If you have the ability to customize products — e.g., a smartphone case with someone’s name etched in it — that can increase your profit margins. If that’s the case, consider selling on Etsy. See our guide on “How to Make Money on Etsy” to learn more. 

3. Private Labeling

The private labeling business model involves hiring a manufacturer or supplier to create a product with your brand name on it. Private labeling is extremely popular with Amazon FBA sellers, and it can also work on eBay. 

As a seller, it’s possible to create the appearance of a much larger brand or company by using this business model. You’re outsourcing the manufacturing of the product, and if you’re also outsourcing the order fulfillment, it’s possible to reach a significant sales volume as an individual seller or with a small team supporting you. When customers see your product for sale online, they probably have no idea that your business is not actually manufacturing your own products.

Finding a manufacturer or supplier is not as difficult as it might seem. Alibaba is the most popular platform for connecting with manufacturers. However, a simple Google search also makes it easy to find manufacturers for most types of products.

The downside to private labeling is that you’ll need to invest in the inventory upfront, and manufacturers typically have minimum order quantities. You’re likely to need to purchase hundreds or thousands of units of a product, and there’s no guarantee that you’ll be able to sell those items.

The upside of private labeling shouldn’t be ignored either. Profit margins are typically higher than most other types of business models, so some significant pros and cons need to be considered.

In general, private labeling is a good option for someone who wants to build a brand of their own rather than selling lots of products from different brands.

4. Retail Arbitrage

Retail arbitrage is a popular business model used on both eBay and Amazon. As a seller, you’ll purchase underpriced items at retail stores (usually clearance or closeout items) and sell them for a higher price on eBay. Online arbitrage is a very similar approach, except it involves buying the items online instead of in retail stores.

Note: The term “arbitrage” refers to the difference in a product’s value between two marketplaces. For example, an item might be worth more on eBay than its retail price in a store, or might cost less in one country than in another.

One of the main advantages of retail arbitrage, or online arbitrage for that matter, is that you can start on a small scale. Unlike private labeling, you don’t need to invest thousands of dollars in inventory. Instead, you can start by purchasing a few products, or even a single product if you want. It’s possible to scale up without ever going into debt for inventory.

Another advantage is that you don’t need to build your own brand. You can buy and resell products made by companies that customers already know and like.

The most significant downside of retail arbitrage is that you’ll need to find new products regularly. Established sellers who take the retail arbitrage approach usually have a few stores they visit on a regular basis to find whatever items might be for sale at very low prices. These stores are the replenishable source of products mentioned earlier, but you won’t have control over the specific products available at any given time.

The retail arbitrage approach is appropriate for someone who isn’t interested in building their own brand and is good at finding deals.

5. Print-on-Demand

The last option we’ll cover involves selling products without the need for inventory. With print-on-demand, the products will be printed as they are ordered, which means you don’t need to invest any money for inventory until you’ve made the sale.

There are many types of products that can be sold with the print-on-demand model including t-shirts, hats, mugs, bags, calendars, books and much more. Some print-on-demand products are customized and personalized, but that’s not always the case.

There are many print-on-demand services like Printful and Printify. You can also easily implement them into your own Shopify-powered website to branch out instead of selling exclusively on eBay.

The downside to this strategy is that higher costs per product will leave you with a smaller profit margin. You also won’t have the same flexibility to significantly lower your prices if needed. 

Starting a print-on-demand business may be an ideal option for sellers who want to get started without taking on financial risk.

Choosing the Right Selling Strategy

Mitchell Stern, the founder of, has been selling on eBay since using a few different strategies like dropshipping and private labeling. In his view, the product you sell should help determine the business model you use. 

“For example, if you’re selling t-shirts, it makes the most sense to use the print-on-demand model because you can offer your shirts to customers without having to buy them from the manufacturer beforehand,” Stern says.

“If you’re selling something large and expensive like electric scooters it makes the most sense to use dropshipping because you’ll save big on warehousing and you won’t have to compete with Amazon. If you want to offer your own line of beauty products, then private labeling makes the most sense because you’ll be able to control every step in the process. It all just depends on your product.” 

Important Ebay Selling Tips

Regardless of which business model or selling strategy you choose, here are some tips to improve your chances of success.

Tip #1: Use Best-In-Class Photos

Quality photos are essential for selling on eBay. Thumbnail photos show up in the search results and shoppers will typically click on the listings with the best images. Once the visitor is on your listing, they’ll pay more attention to the photos than the rest of the listing. In many cases, buyers don’t even pay attention to the written description.

If you’re using either the wholesale to retail or dropshipping business models, you may be able to get quality photos of each product from your supplier. They often have professional photos that sellers are allowed to use on listings. 

If you’re taking a private label approach, or if there’s no professional photo that you have permission to use, you’ll need to take the photo yourself. Be sure to use a clutter-free background to avoid distractions. eBay provides a full article on photography tips to get the best photos for your listings. If it’s a product that you’ll be selling over and over again, you may want to hire a professional photographer to ensure the quality of the photos.

Tip #2: Don’t Run Auctions

Although eBay is known as an auction platform, the novelty of the online auction has worn off. Most buyers prefer fixed listing prices so they can buy something immediately instead of waiting several days to see if they have the winning bid in an auction.

For you as a seller, selling with a fixed price, or a “Buy It Now” price as eBay calls it, allows you to know exactly what you’ll make from each sale. You can calculate the fees and profit margin to avoid unpleasant surprises. But with auctions, you don’t know what the item will sell for. 

Plus, because the demand for auctions is so low these days, they often lead to sale prices that are well below the item’s fair market value.

Tip #3: Don’t Chase the Lowest Price

Competing on price isn’t the best approach, because eBay is full of super-casual sellers — regular people who are just leveraging the site to unload their unwanted stuff. As a result, they’re often willing to sell their items for below market value. 

Instead of dropping your price, let them sell through their inventory first.

It’s also important to note that the eBay search algorithm doesn’t necessarily prioritize the product that is the cheapest price. Users can sort the results by price if they want to, but eBay favors other factors in the search rankings. Focus on providing the best possible customer service to get a high feedback rating, and create compelling listings (including quality photos).

Tip #4: Leverage the “Best Offer” Feature

When you create a listing, you’ll have an option to turn on the “Best Offer” feature. If this is activated, shoppers will see the option to make an offer on the listing. Buyers may choose to make a lower offer rather than paying the “BuY It Now” price. As the seller, you’ll have the option to accept the offer, reject it, or make a counter offer.

Sean Marmo of has been selling on eBay for three years and highly recommends utilizing the best offer feature.

“The best offer feature is a great tool. It allows customers to tell you what they want to pay. As a retailer, you know how long an item has been in stock and can discreetly accept prices below your published price,” Marmo says.

Tip #5: List Items Daily (Not In a Single Batch)

New listings are more likely to show up near the top of search results. It’s a good practice to continually add new listings to maximize your visibility. If you list 50 products at one time, they’re likely to drop down in the search rankings as those listings get older. Instead, add a smaller number of new listings each day and you’ll always have some that are getting the new listing bump in the search results.

This in turn can lead to more cross sales, as eBay customers love combining items to save on shipping.

The Best Items to Sell on Ebay

It’s possible to sell just about anything on eBay, but it’s helpful to know which products and categories are the most popular. eBay provides some detail in their list of top-selling categories.

From that report, you can see that jewelry and watches, computers/tablets and networking, and cell phones and accessories are currently the top three categories. CED Commerce also provides a helpful report on the top selling products on eBay, with some specific numbers for certain products. 

Whatever category you decide to sell in, there are a few general characteristics the make items good for selling on eBay.

  • Small: Shipping costs are an essential consideration, and small products are typically cheaper to ship.
  • Similar in shape and size: Order fulfillment is much easier when all or most of your products have a similar shape and size. You can use the same boxes and shipping materials and you won’t have to spend time trying to figure out the best way to pack it or how much it will cost.
  • Unlikely to be damaged in transit: Avoid fragile items or anything that’s likely to get damaged in the shipping process. Damaged goods are more likely to lead to negative feedback and they’ll be a hassle for you to deal with (refunds or replacements).
  • Have a low customer defect rate: Certain types of products are more likely to result in customer defects — a fancy way of saying “any negative customer experience.” Clothing, for example, has a high return rate. Cheap electronics sourced from overseas are also likely to have a high defect rate; they may be dead on arrival, or customers may just be unhappy with the quality. Try to choose products that are simple, manufactured well and likely to result in a happy customer.
  • Are not high-profile fraud targets: Scams and fraud are common on platforms like eBay, but they’re more common with certain types of products. For example, high-priced electronics are common targets. It’s best to avoid these products until you get more experience as a seller, as scammers specifically target new sellers who are less likely to leverage anti-fraud best practices like requiring signature delivery for high-priced items. Also keep licensing and copyright in mind. The “Disney” products you find on Alibaba are most likely not officially licensed and you could be violating the law by selling them.

Another characteristic of great eBay items is that they’re unique or not widely available on other marketplaces. Here are some examples.

  • Antiques.
  • Autographed items.
  • Car parts.
  • Collectibles.
  • Crafts.
  • Hand-made jewelry.
  • Previous generation technology.
  • Vintage jerseys.
  • Vintage unopened toys.

Ebay Selling FAQs

Can you sell handmade items on eBay, or should you stick to Etsy?

Yes, you can sell handmade items on eBay. Etsy is obviously more popular for handmade goods and you may be able to sell for higher prices (eBay buyers are usually looking for better deals), but some sellers have had success with handmade goods, especially jewelry, on eBay. 

Can you make money buying second-hand items?

One of the most common pieces of advice people give new eBay sellers is to sell thrift store, yard sale/garage sale and flea market items. And while the answer is “yes,” you can definitely make money this way, the truth is that it’s difficult to scale and it takes an enormous amount of commitment and work. Our opinion is that the business models presented in this article provide better opportunities for scaling and building a profitable eBay store.

Can eBay generate passive income?

As a general rule, the answer is “no.” eBay tends not to be a good platform for creating passive income because it’s a service-intensive platform: customers expect you to respond to their questions promptly and ship items almost immediately. The one possible exception is if you leverage eBay for dropshipping, much of which can be automated. It still won’t be truly passive, but you can create systems that limit how much time you need to dedicate to the business.

What’s the best way to avoid eBay scams as a seller? 

The most common eBay scam is when a customer asks you to complete the transaction off of the site; this is always a scam, and it violates eBay’s terms of service. Never accept payment by check or process transactions outside of eBay, this these payments are typically reversed. Finally, always ship with tracking, and for higher-priced items, require a signature on delivery.

How to Make Money on Ebay: Final Thoughts

As the second-leading e-commerce platform, eBay provides a huge opportunity for sellers. While many eBay sellers approach it casually and are only looking to make some extra cash on the side, you’ll need to approach it differently if you want to build it into a full-time business.

Marc Andre is a personal finance blogger at Vital Dollar, where he writes about saving, managing and making money. He lives in Pennsylvania with his wife and two kids, and has been a full-time blogger and internet marketer since
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How to Make Money on eBay

EBay has been one of the top ecommerce marketplaces since its launch back in Some online sellers simply use the platform for selling unwanted stuff. But it can also be a platform for a successful online business. If you want to make as much extra cash as possible on eBay, here’s a guide.

How Much Does the Average eBay Seller Make?

The average eBay seller earns about $35, per year. Some top earners make as much as $70,, and many earn just a few thousand per year. It all depends on how much inventory you can sell, the price of your items, and any extra expenses that you incur like shipping materials. Finding more about additional eBay statistics will help navigate the site with more information.

How to Sell on eBay and Make Money

Selling on eBay is simple &#; and you'd be amazed what people are willing to pay for! Here, we provide simple tips to help you get the best price for all the things you no longer wanted anyway.

Make clear-outs routine (and sell ANYTHING)

Selling on eBay is a great way to declutter your home and earn some extra cash.

And if you think you’ve got nothing worth selling, think again.

Illustration of a woman decluttering. According to research by My Favourite Voucher Codes, there’s a surprising demand for ‘rubbish’ items such as empty perfume bottles, empty candle jars and even toilet roll tubes on eBay.

The site found that almost 2, perfume bottles were sold over a three-month period, raking in an average of £ apiece. Empty jars sold for £ on average.

Even the humble loo roll tube was popular over that period as parents wanted them for kids’ craft projects – with batches selling for a couple of quid.

So, whether you’ve just given your home the full Marie Kondo-inspired clear-out treatment or simply sifted through the recycling bins, you can make some cash by shifting unwanted junk.

Remember to do regular clear-outs

Getting rid of old stuff doesn’t have to be a one-off event.

Keep tabs on items gathering dust and make clear-outs part of your routine. If you haven’t used something in a year or more, it’s probably time to get rid of it.

eBay is a great place to sell just about anything. So, don’t relegate items to the bin and remember – one man’s junk is another man’s treasure!

Find the top selling items

If you need inspiration about which of your items are likely to sell well, you can quickly see what’s hot with Goofbid’s Most Popular Items tool.

You just need to type in a search term to generate a list of relevant auctions with the most watchers and bids.

Screenshot of Goofbid's most popular items tool. (Image: Goofbid)

List up to 1, items a month free

At eBay, sellers get to list up to 1, items for free each month (apart from listings in the Property, Motors or Classified Ads categories).

After using your free allocation, you’ll be charged 35p for each item listed.

If you’ve got over a thousand items to sell, you might want to spread them out over a month or two to save on fees.

You won’t just be saving money by spreading out when you sell items as this could also help you manage the selling process, including packaging and posting items.

Another way to avoid this fee is to watch out for free listing day promotions, which will allow you to list as many items as you want for no charge within a certain period.

eBay normally sends out an email to let users know about these events.

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Beat final value fees

Sellers also have to pay eBay a ‘final value fee,’ which is 10% of the final transaction value, including postage.

Sometimes eBay runs promotions where you can save on final value fees when you list over a certain period, so keep an eye out.

If your buyer chooses to pay via PayPal, you will have to pay PayPal fees on the transaction. This is usually % of the total sale price plus 30p per transaction.

End auctions on a Sunday

You may have worked into the early hours to list all your items but if you end the auction at the same time, buyers are unlikely to be around to battle it out for your goods.

Ending auctions early in the morning during the week or during business working hours is a bad move as buyers aren’t generally online.Sunday on calendar.

And you're almost certainly going to lose out on a decent final selling price if you end an auction at 3am on a Tuesday.

eBay tends to get most of its traffic at weekends, so this would be an ideal time to end your auction. Sunday afternoon tends to work best or even a Bank Holiday Monday.

List for as long as you can

The longer your item is advertised, the more chance there is of it being seen.

eBay allows you to list auctions for one, three, five, seven or 10 days. So, if you’re not in a rush, go for 10 days to give it the most exposure.

Buy-it-now listings can go live on eBay for three, five, seven, 10 or up to 30 days at a time. Again, if you aren’t in a hurry, try a day listing to make the maximum impact with buyers.

Work on your listing title

You need to use keywords people will search for in the title of your auction in order to get your listing seen and high up in search results.

‘Toy jail’ might come up in a few searches but ‘Fisher Price Batman Gotham city jail’ will definitely get you more views.

Be specific, clear and precise by including things such as the brand, size, colour and product name.

Goofbid's free eBay Pulse tool may be able to help you find effective keywords by revealing the most popular search terms buyers use (ordered by category).

A good way to think about it is to try to imagine what you would search for if you were looking for the item yourself.

Or take a look at what other people have used in the title of a similar listing – especially those that have lots of bids!

Whatever you do, make sure you check the spelling. People lose out by misspelling key words in their title so possible buyers don’t ever come across the item in question.

While you should aim for no errors when selling a product, websites like Fat Fingers can flag listings with spelling mistakes, which could possibly lead to a bargain for potential buyers.

Screenshot of shoes listed on eBay. (Image: eBay)

Learn the lingo

eBay is full of acronyms you need to get to know.

Here are a few of the most commonly used terms:

  • BN: Brand new
  • BNWT: Brand new with tags
  • BNIB: Brand new in box
  • BIN: Buy it now
  • VGC: Very good condition
  • NWOT: New without tags
  • NWOB: New without box
  • HTF: Hard to find
  • NR: No reserve price
  • VTG: Vintage

Sellers tend to use some of these abbreviations to save on the character limit on listing titles.

You might want to use them too, so you can fill the title with better keywords to help your listing get seen.

Don’t get carried away though as newbies may not have a clue what you’re on about.

Write a detailed description

There’s nothing worse than getting to a listing and finding a lack of information. It makes the buyer work harder by having to ask questions and wait for an answer. Most don’t even bother to go that far.

A good description will have a lot of details, including the brand, item specifics, model numbers, size dimensions, style, colour – and even why you’re selling the item.

While you want to try to make your item sound attractive to buyers, don’t lie. Your listing should provide an accurate description of the item.

While it might be tempting to embellish the truth, a piece of clothing that you’ve described as ‘like new’ that turns up with stains isn’t going to go down well.

You'll probably get a dose of negative feedback and the buyer has the right to get their money back under the eBay Money Back Guarantee.

Choose your words carefully

In , researchers from Birmingham City University revealed they trawled through over 68, sold auction listings on eBay to try and work out which words used in the descriptions made sellers the most money.

The study, which analysed 15 million words, found definite patterns in language that significantly changed the price buyers could expect to pay for similar goods.

For example, ‘men’s’ watches sold for an average of £30 while ‘gents’ went for £70 ­– more than twice as much. Fragrances labelled ‘genuine’ fetched £21 on average but ‘authentic’ ones managed to bag sellers £

According to the research, a watch with ‘resistance’ could expect to attract nearly 50% more than a ‘resistant’ watch.

Researchers Andrew Kehoe and Matt Gee from Birmingham City University’s School of English were behind the study.

"We've found that the language used in eBay descriptions really does have an impact on whether items sell and for how much,” commented Kehoe.

So, it will pay to take some time and think about the language you are using in the description and title of your listing.

Take decent pictures

Screenshot of a dress. (Image: eBay)Clear images are likely to attract more buyers. So, try and take pictures of your items on a blank backdrop using natural light.

Also, make sure the item is in tip-top condition – that might mean getting out the iron or giving a few things a polish before taking your snaps.Screenshot of iPad on eBay. (Image: eBay)

With designer products like UGG boots and expensive technology such as an iPad, it’s good to have a picture proving they work or are genuine, rather than a generic picture from the web.

eBay usually allows you to add up to 12 images to a listing for free, so you should be able to highlight all the details of what you are selling, including any defects or damage.

Think seasonally

When selling your items, think about seasonality. Not many people will want a barbeque in December or wool trousers in July.

Your items will go for much more if the timing is right and they’re in high demand.

Go global

Selling to international buyers will widen your audience and boost potential bidders.

You can choose to sell to international buyers via eBay UK or list your auction on a specific overseas eBay site, which will mean it appears in the local currency and comes up higher in searches.

Listings on that are open to international buyers attract the normal insertion and final value fees.

But items sold directly on an overseas eBay site means you pay the fees associated with that site.

You should also be aware that PayPal will apply different charges when you sell to an international buyer.

Whichever option you go for, adjust your postage for international delivery or the extra costs will eat into your profits.

Communicate with buyers

Don’t leave questions from potential buyers unanswered. It won’t help you make a sale if people doubt your ability to communicate and trustworthiness.

If you have a smartphone, get the eBay app to help you keep up with your listings.

If you do receive a lot of questions about the same thing, it’s a good idea to update your listing as this is obviously something that is important to your prospective buyers.

Never bid on your own auctions

You should never bid on your own items via another account to boost prices.

eBay prohibits any attempts to push auction prices up artificially yourself or through friends and family.

Charge for postage accurately

When it comes to deciding the cost of delivery, you should cover yourself. You can avoid making a loss by charging accurately for each item you list.

That way if you do sell something for just 99p, you don't have to pay more just to get rid of it.

You should bear in mind that eBay includes postage when calculating the final value fee it will charge, so essentially it will take a 10% cut of what you charge for postage, as well as the final price of your item.

If you’re accepting payments via PayPal, the whole amount you get from the buyer may be subject to fees.

By calculating postage effectively, you can avoid a situation where you haven’t charged enough.

You can calculate postage costs using Royal Mail’s Price Finder. Larger items might need a courier, so this will have to be calculated later when you have the buyer's address.

Save on packaging

There's no point making good money on eBay, but then spending most of it on packaging.

You can cut the cost of sending your items by getting packaging materials from pound shops.Packaging materials. (Image: Shutterstock)

Parcel paper, bubble wrap and padded envelopes are available much cheaper here than places like WH Smith or the Post Office, and the quality is just as good.

You can also save by setting aside and reusing packaging you get from your own online orders.

Amazon, for example, often sends items in boxes, which are perfectly fine to reuse with a different label.

Dodge PayPal fees

eBay requires all listings to accept PayPal although you can also offer other payment methods.

PayPal is a quick and safe way to get paid online and is usually the payment method of choice for most eBay shoppers.

But as a seller you pay a fee on the money you receive, usually % of the overall sale price plus a 30p charge per transaction.

When listing any products for sale, you can offer buyers the option to pay by cheque or cash on collection.

And with cash, there is a risk of being exposed to fake money.

But there are ways to prevent this from happening with counterfeit note checking devices or by taking a look at the Bank of England's guide to spotting a fake.

Build up your feedback

When you’re selling big ticket items like designer goods, it helps to have some good feedback and a decent eBay seller rating to give buyers some confidence.

To attract positive feedback, make sure you dispatch items in the time stated on your listing, sell goods that match the description and reply to questions quickly.

It’s also nice to let buyers know once their item is on its way.

A lot of the time people can be too lazy to leave feedback.

But if you make it a habit to leave feedback for a buyer or seller yourself, they are more likely to return the favour and build you up as a trusted member of the community.

Post to the PayPal-listed address

Once you’ve sold an item and are posting a package, make sure you send the item to the address listed on PayPal.

Some scammers will try and get you to send it to a friend or family member at an alternative address – sometimes in another country.

Stick to the official address listed, otherwise you won’t be covered by eBay’s seller protection.

Get proof of delivery

Postman getting signature. (Image: Shutterstock)It’s not just buyers that can become victim to cheats – sellers are at risk too.

A common scam is a buyer claiming a pricey item you sent never arrived and attempting to claim their money back.

To ensure you qualify for eBay’s seller protection, you’ll need to have posted the item within the stated handling time and provide valid proof of delivery for the item.

For items valued over £, it also requires signature confirmation.

Fight back against dodgy buyers

You can prevent potentially dodgy buyers from bidding your items by only accepting bids from those with a certain feedback score.

You just need to adjust your seller preferences by going to ‘buyer requirements.’

eBay also allows you to block specific individuals. So, if you know of a user or have been contacted by someone you’re not keen on, just add them to your block list.

Don’t forget about tax

If you’re a private seller occasionally getting rid of unwanted items through eBay, you usually don’t have to pay tax on what you make.

But if you’re a trader, which means making or selling goods bought for resale, you might have to tell the taxman.

The Sharing Economy Allowance allows you to make up to £1, a year selling goods or services without paying any tax.

Check this HMRC guide to work out if you need to declare any income made from online sales.

Consider the alternatives

eBay won’t be for everyone although there are alternatives you can try.

Other auction sites like eBid allow you to list items for free, but you are charged 5% on the final sale price. eBid also offers a ‘Seller+’ option with recurring fees.

Classified sites like Preloved and Gumtree are also a good shout as they are free to use.

If you aren’t bothered about making any money, Freegle allows you to give your old things a new home for free.

For more info, check out: Sell for less: the alternatives to eBay.

What are your tips?

Please share any tips and tricks you have for getting more out of selling on eBay in the comment box below.


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How to Make Money on eBay: I just crossed $2 Million in Sales on eBay, here’s what I’ve learned…

Table of Contents

How to make money on eBay&#;

eBay is an amazing tool, in fact, it’s what I’ve made a living with for the last 14 years. Last month I crossed over $2 Million in total sales on eBay! To celebrate I want to share with you how I’ve done it so that you know how to do the same. If you know how to make money on eBay you can add another valuable skill to your toolbelt and possibly another stream of income!

I started selling over 13 years ago after quitting my job working in sales. I was spending at least 11 hours a day at my job and I was overworked and stressed out. My husband and I also wanted to prioritize family life and our relationship more than money. After 13 years of owning my own business, I honestly couldn’t imagine living my life any other way now…

Why Sell on eBay?

eBay has allowed me to work from home for over 13 years now. It’s allowed me the freedom to travel with my husband and spend precious time with him during his bout with MS and cancer before he passed away in November It’s also been the vessel for me to provide an income for myself after he passed as well.

Arlie and I after taking a trip from selling on eBay

The ability to make money on eBay has given me the freedom to take time off when I want, go skiing and babysit my nieces and nephews when my Brother and Sister-in-law need help. It affords me the opportunity to go skiing with my employees and my marketing consultant. And it allows me to spend time with my dogs Tinkerbell and Trixie. 

On top of all of those perks, I’ve also met some of my best friends and been afforded amazing opportunities through eBay and the community they’ve cultivated! eBay has filmed videos of me working from home and invited me to speak on a panel in front of over 2, other eBay sellers about my journey. 

When you take the leap and put your heart into the business the rewards can be unbelievable!

How did I turn eBay selling into a full-blown business for the last 13 years?

Creating a business and learning how to make money on eBay can be a complicated process, but it starts with simple steps. I’ll jump into those steps in just a minute but I want to clarify something for you, anyone who promises you a million-dollar business with little to no work is a liar. This business, like any other, requires time, work, effort and most importantly, staying on top of trends. 

If you’re looking to make this your full time job the first thing to do is to get familiar with the platform by selling things around your house that you don’t use… This is how I got started and it’s lead to never working another job again. When I first started learning how to make money on eBay, I was freshly married, a new homeowner(with a $3, mortgage), and I had just quit my 6-figure sales job because it was slowly, or not so slowly, killing me from stress, overwhelm, lack of support and a toxic environment. I had 6 weeks of commissions and paid vacation to keep me afloat until I found or created another job…

I had never been to eBay’s website, but I knew it was a tool for selling unwanted items and since I had some jewelry from before I was married that I didn’t want or use anymore I figured this was a great way to buy myself some more time to find a new job… And that’s when it started to snowball. My husband worked as a cashier at a Costco in the community and loved to talk to all of the customers. People would choose to wait longer just to be in his line for the conversations.

After we were married, I ended up being the topic of some of those conversations(more than I ever wanted to be at first, but this ended up being a great marketing channel for me and could be for you if you have anyone in your life that’s charismatic, in the public eye and loves to talk about you.) People would ask how I was doing and my husband Arlie told them I was selling stuff on eBay to buy myself time after quitting my job. People started to ask if I could help them sell their stuff on eBay and that’s when I realized, “I could make something out of this…”

So I decided to give it my best shot. I purchased a page book on how to sell on eBay and started researching what people charge for selling on consignment on eBay and that’s when my life changed forever.

**Disclaimer** I don’t advocate that anyone quits their day job to start an eBay business unless they are ready to dedicate themselves to it completely. Anyone looking to venture out on the entrepreneurial journey is best suited to test the waters and spend months creating a bridge to their new income stream rather than making a leap and trusting that they’ll make it.

That said, let’s jump right into making some money on eBay as quickly as this week, or even today! 

Step By Step: How to Sell Your Unwanted/Unused Items on eBay(Make some money this week!)

1. Find Something Worth Selling

There’s got to be at least $1, worth of stuff cluttering your house or garage that can be sold on eBay. Things that have gone unused for months, stuff that you might feel wasteful when you look at because you haven’t done what you wanted to with it, things that you stare at saying one day I’ll use that again walk away from and repeat the cycle 6 months later with… These are the kinds of items that are perfect for learning how to make money on eBay as they likely don&#;t mean as much to us as we want them to. You know, the things that you bought with the best intentions for utilizing, but instead they’ve spent more time taking up space and cluttering your house/garage than being used. 

Here’s a list of things you might have around your house that you can sell:

  • A camera/video camera that you no longer use
  • A fancy purse that you no longer use
  • Jewelry that’s gone unused and has no sentimental value
  • Power tools that were bought for that project that still hasn’t been started
items you can sell to make money on eBay

2. Create Your eBay Account

Creating your eBay account is fairly simple… when you go to the registration page you’ll have to enter these pieces of information; 

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email address
  • A password for your account

You’ll have the option of creating a personal or business account. If you % see yourself turning this into a business where you’re selling things consistently go ahead and create a business account but if you don’t see yourself creating a full-time job out of it just yet, you can create a personal account AND once you get addicted to amazingness that is owning your own eBay business you can convert it to a business account.

Create an account on eBay to start making money today

Once you login you’ll see the home screen and be able to start selling immediately. Some things to know about a personal account, you get 50 free insertions. Listings on eBay are called insertions… and these insertions have all sorts of rules depending on what and how you’re listing your items. If you’re curious eBay has an article all about insertions and their selling fees, but for those just starting by listing a few items from around your house, there’s not much that you truly need to know. 

A couple of other things to know, you can upload a profile picture, choose your name and personalize your profile… Once you’ve decided to go all-in on creating a business of your own, you’ll want to know more about the different types of insertions and their fees, how to personalize your profile and upload a profile picture but let’s focus on making some money NOW, more on all that later in your journey!

3. Research Similar Listings

Creating a listing(aka an insertion, I’ll reference them as listings from now on though&#;) is about finding items like yours that have recently sold. I love this process of learning how to make money on eBay! Luckily eBay makes this super easy for us. The best way to do this is to go to eBay and search for your item, then scroll down while looking in the left tab and find the sold box, you’ll click on it and both the sold and completed boxes will become checked/selected. This is when I start to get motivated to list my items, seeing what my items will sell for is always super exciting!!!

Your page should refresh and show you all of the most recently sold items matching your search. Next, you’ll select the listing order to show you listings from low to high including shipping. Some of these might appear out of order because shipping prices are calculated into the total price of the item…

Search through these items to find the item that is most similar in condition and quality to yours that have also sold for the most amount of money. Save these listings as they’ll be an important reference when you’re creating your listing. You may even be able to use eBay’s help with the “list like item” tool. You’ll want to make sure that the item is selling for a price that you’re willing to accept before you go any further but remember that just because you paid a certain amount for your item 5 years ago and haven’t used it, doesn’t mean that it’s going to be worth that now…

The most important thing when learning how to make money on eBay and selling your items is to remember that it’s much better off in the hands of someone who is going to use it, AND instead of donating it, you might as well put some cash back in your pocket.

When looking at these similar listings, you’ll want to look at a few key things…

  • How do they display their items?
  • How many pictures have they’ve used and from what angles?
  • What was the listing title?
  • How did they describe the item?
  • How much did they charge for shipping? Does it seem like an accurate shipping cost? (We’ll go over this more in a few steps but it’s important when listing your item to include a shipping price that’s fair but doesn’t take away from your profit.)

When you’re looking at these and thinking about listing your item, you’ll want to think about what the feeling is that your buyer will get from buying the item. Instead of things like the features of a camera, purse, power-tool, or whatever item you’re selling&#; sell the idea that they can capture high-quality pictures and forever remember the moments that matter the most.

Of course, certain people will love the techy lingo of an item’s attributes and functionality but most people buy things for what’s called an “after-state,” a feeling that they get from buying the object. A well-known example is a quote from a highly respected Harvard Marketing Professor Theodor Levitt, “People don’t want to buy a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole.” More on that in a Harvard Business Review article if you really want to geek out on marketing tactics&#; But really, just stay with me on this one and let’s get this item listed!

Read More : The 3 Things I LOVE About Running an eBay Business

4. Create Your Listing

Write Epic Listing Titles and Descriptions

Now that you’ve found similar items and what they’ve sold for, it’s time to look back at their pictures, title, and descriptions. Your pictures should be on par with theirs or better. Again the better quality your pictures, title and description the higher likelihood of your item selling for the highest price! 

  • Your description should be similar to the listings that have sold but with a little added marketing swag. Remember to sell them the “after-state.” 
  • If you’re selling something of your own, you can say that. It helps lend credibility to the authenticity and history of the item. 
  • Your titles should be similar to the listings that have been sold as well. You’ll want to have keywords that people would be typing in to find that item. The title is 80 Characters of free real estate to promote your item. These keywords have the ability to show up not only on eBay but on google as well, so choosing them wisely is key to taking advantage of your listing and selling your item for the most money!
  • eBay will suggest the best eBay category based on your title, but if they are wrong you can search for and select another category. 
  • Select the item condition (new or used). Under the item condition is “Condition Description”. Be sure to point out any flaws here or make it known if the item does not have flaws, either way, be specific. For example, for clothing, I would say, “In excellent condition- no stains, tears, pulling or other signs of use. (see pics)”

Take Great Pictures and Lots of Them!

Pictures are key to selling more items on eBay… and the better the quality of those pictures, the better the chance of getting the highest possible price for your items. These days phones are super high quality and are able to do the job well but there are some important things to remember about taking pictures of your items in order to sell them for the highest price…

  • Keep the frame clean, a messy background will distract the buyer… Keep the background clean and try to limit distractions. You want your item highlighted, not the clutter of your house.
  • Lighting is key to great photos. If you don’t have good lighting you can easily spice it up with a lamp or by changing location.
  • Don’t try to hide any blemishes, scratches or damage, highlight it in your description (more on this later) and make sure you show your buyers exactly where the damage is
  • Here are eBay’s rules for posting pictures; 

Choose Item Specifics

Many buyers search for items using eBay’s Item Specifics in addition to or instead of typing words in the search field. eBay will suggest item specifics based on your title. Fill in as many item specifics as possible to be included in the maximum possible search results. Utilizing as many item specifics as possible will be key in the process of learning how to make money on eBay!

Select Your Shipping Service

I suggest choosing calculated shipping so eBay will calculate shipping for the buyer based on their location eBay will do this based on the item&#;s location, the weight, and dimensions you enter for the item. For items, 3 lbs and under USPS is the fastest and least expensive way to ship. For items with a dimension over 12 inches or over 5 lbs, FedEx Ground is your best option. It’s still only 1 to 5 days delivery time but will be much more reasonable than USPS. If you make this into a business you&#;ll learn that shipping is one of THE MOST important pieces in your journey of learning how to make money on eBay, pay attention to shipping.

International Shipping

About 10% of my items sell internationally and eBay makes shipping internationally almost as easy as shipping domestically. Always choose calculated shipping and make sure you have selected your shipping box so that the weight and dimensions are accurate. With international shipping make sure you double-check your weight and dimensions… 1 pound and/or a fraction of an inch can make a big difference in the price you pay to ship. 

A couple of housekeeping items about international shipping:

  • Always round up when entering the package dimensions. I always choose USPS Priority Mail for international shipments.
  • You can also select which Countries to exclude. From experience (which I share with many other sellers) I exclude Brazil, Italy and the Middle East other than Israel. 

Here’s a video from eBay’s 20th Anniversary in highlighting sellers (including myself) and the various countries we’ve shipped to.

Handling Time

If you can ship Monday through Friday, choosing a 1-day handling time will help your item to sell. Everyone wants their item as soon as possible. But only choose this if you can ship every business day or eBay is trying to provide the best service possible for their customers(and yours) so they will penalize you for late shipping. 

Select Whether You Will Accept Returns.

Next, you’ll want to select whether you’ll accept returns or not. I always accept returns because it gives the buyer confidence in purchasing your item. Also, if you do not accept returns, the buyer is more likely to claim the item is not as described and open a claim with eBay instead of simply returning the item through eBay. If you start selling regularly you’ll come to expect some returns, it’s just part of learning how to make money on eBay. eBay does, however, provide Seller Protection, just as they protect the buyer. Buyers are required to return the item in the condition it was received. 

 Invoice the Buyer

eBay will automatically invoice the buyer, but you can send a reminder invoice through your eBay&#;s sold items screen as well. eBay does this through Paypal so you’ll have to have a Paypal account to receive payments.

5. Monitor Your Listing

Once your item is listed the next activity in the process is to learn how to make money on eBay is to manage your listings. You do this from your listings from your “My eBay” page. Here you can view your Active listings and sold items. Buyers may have questions about your item. If they do you can answer them through your “My eBay” page. Answering questions in a timely manner can be the difference between selling an item and not.  If your item is not selling, consider lowering the price but before you do that you might want to send an offer to people watching your item. You may also get offers on your items in your messages. If your item doesn’t sell in the listing time period you can make an offer to someone watching the item and they may accept that lower price. If you’re looking for quick money and willing to accept a lower price, this might be your quickest and best way to sell your item.

6. Pack and Ship Your Item

Packing the item will vary depending on the selected carrier and service, the weight and fragility of the item:

USPS First Class: The item must be 16 oz or less. For clothing or other items not requiring padding or a box, you can use poly mailers. You can purchase poly mailers on eBay. If your item requires a box, you cannot use Priority boxes for First class shipping

For items shipping via USPS priority, you can use Free Priority packaging from bags for clothing to flat rate envelopes to boxes for either non-flat rate or flat rate shipping. Usually, the post office only carries the flat rate boxes so I recommend going to to order free priority boxes and flat rate envelopes. They will deliver them right to your door for free.

Here’s an eBay Radio spot where I went into detail on choosing the best shipping for your sold items.

Here is a flow chart to help with choosing the ideal shipping method. (Keep in mind that if you need to ship with the method you specified in your listing unless you are upgrading).

7. Decide What To Do With Your Money

Once you&#;ve figured out how to sell on eBay, you get a enjoy the fruits of your labor! My favorite part of this is the reward, once I’ve done the work and have sold my items I get to reap the rewards! With Paypal, your money is in your account immediately and you can choose what you’d like to do with it… Pay bills, book a vacation, buy a new pair of skis(like I just did after skiing on mine for nearly 20 years), put it in savings, invest in more items to flip. The world is your oyster, enjoy the fruits of your labor and spend the money wisely. If you enjoyed the process you might want to check out the next section because it can truly become your job if you’re ready to put the time and energy into making it a full-time business.

How Do I Make it a Full-Time Job?

Once you’ve listed and sold a couple of items it’s easy to become addicted. And unless you’re ready to Marie Kondo your entire life it’s time to find others to sell for, especially if you’re going to build this exciting opportunity into a business. There are a number of ways to find clients, some of your best clients can be your friends and colleagues.

I guarantee that you’re not the only one that has a pile of unwanted stuff in your house that could be placed in better hands. So the first place to look for consignment clients is within your network. A simple post on Facebook or an Instagram story saying, “Hey I just made an extra $ or $ this week from selling my unwanted stuff, are you too busy to get rid of your stuff but want some extra space and money in your pocket? Hit me up I can help!” This is the best way to get more practice with listing and selling your items. Once you’ve gotten the hang of that you can start stepping out and marketing yourself in various other ways.

I’ve found some of my largest clients on Craiglist, using Facebook Ads and on LinkedIn. With social media, there&#;s no shortage of people that could use your help in getting rid of their unwanted items. If you’ve got some money saved up and some time on your hands&#; garage sales, estate sales, thrift stores, and other reselling platforms can be extremely lucrative. Especially if you start to understand a particular niche. Fashion is something that can be extremely lucrative when you know what to look for.

If you’re looking to learn more about selling or how I’ve made selling on eBay my full-time job, check out this free case-study I created about how I created a 7-figure business on eBay. 

If you’re looking for more help selling your items or other resources, I have a course launching very soon that’ll walk you through everything you need to know about creating a full-fledged eBay business including the tactics and strategies I’ve learned for finding items that make me $3,$5, per sale, consignment clients that literally send me truckloads of high-fashion items that sell for $’s+, and so much more!

Check it out here

By Shari Smith
Published 1/15/

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How Much Money Can You Make On eBay?

long-haired woman in red long-sleeved top, holding dollar bills with both hands while looking sideways with mouth puckered, standing in front of a green-colored wooden wall; with text overlay "How Much Money Can You Make On eBay?"

eBay is one of the best places to make money online, with nearly 2 billion transactions per day. That's a heck of a lot of buying and selling going on! But how much money can you make on eBay realistically? The answer, it seems, depends on a whole lot of &#;ifs&#; and a bit of calculated luck.

I see a lot of questions asking if eBay is the right place to make money in and beyond. With the other lucrative alternatives like Etsy, Shopify, and Amazon, many people are wondering what's the real attraction to eBay and if it can make you good money. But, despite eBay being (and feeling) ancient these days, thousands of online entrepreneurs still depend on it to make their full-time income.

That's the thing with eBay as opposed to some of the other eCommerce marketplaces. eBay is a &#;smorgasbord&#; of opportunity. You can make money flipping all sorts of stuff, create a weekend side hustle reselling sports cards or sneakers, or completely create your own business from scratch and have your seller profile climb in the ranks over time. The money-making potential is up for grabs with eBay.

In this article, you'll learn just how much money you can make on eBay selling via these common methods mentioned above. And while it's almost impossible to guarantee how much profit you could make, you'll be able to take away eBay seller income averages and which items make the most profit that you should consider selling when starting your own eBay business.

Table of Contents

How Much Money Can You Make With An eBay Business

There is no single-digit or range of numbers that will % tell you how much money you can make on eBay. Truth is, there are dozens of ways to &#;rise to the top&#;. While some people dropship, others simply flip items like watches, phones, or even gift cards.

As many eBay sellers would tell you, it's not about quantity or even quality. Simply listing , products doesn't mean you'd make any decent money. Instead, the most valuable way to both start and keep making money is by integrating customer feedback into your process.

That said, typically the bigger sellers will have a higher amount of listings. But each item is sold with purpose (it isn't just junk). That's because everything you list needs to have a listing, photos of the product, and good customer ratings.

What's certain is that what works for one seller may or may not work for you. The trick to making money on eBay is to keep testing and trying new things.

Here are a few eBay earnings income reports from bloggers and YouTubers who sell part or full-time on eBay:

  • Hustle At Home Mom &#; Earned over $52k in sales from selling over 1,+ items in the clothing, shoes, and accessories departments (items which she found mostly at thrift stores in addition to some wholesale products).
  • ProDuoFlippers &#; Made over $k his first full-year selling on eBay working hours/week with expenses totaling just over $70k (earning him a $50k profit for that year).
  • TheMegRye &#; Earned over $ in revenue in one month from selling old items that were lying around her house (not full-time). This is a good indicator that you could earn a few extra hundred bucks a month while cleaning out your garage!
  • Hairy Tornado &#; YouTuber whose full-time job is selling on eBay using his own inventory from yard sales and thrift stores. He generates $42, in income/year.

As you can see above, there are many different ways to sell on eBay and make a profit. Whether you do it full-time or part-time or want to limit it to eBay auctions on weekends, you can make great money on eBay with as much or as little effort and investment as you like.

If you're not sure about going all-in and stocking up on your own inventory, you could consider dropshipping or testing out the eBay waters by selling stuff you have in your garage or closets and making a quick profit.

As the below video summarizes, you get out of eBay what you put in.

How Much Do eBay Sellers Make On Average?

eBay sellers are making anywhere from $50 USD per day up to $25k per day. That's right &#; the amount of money you can make on eBay is truly limitless.

But on average, how much does a typical eBay seller make (barring the top earners)? You could realistically makebetween $k per month working full-time in your first year (and much more if you can manage to scale it). But it really comes down to how much time you're willing to dedicate to this endeavor.

As for how much you earn on average with eBay will depend on a few main factors:

  • Product quality
  • Quantity of listings
  • Your niche
  • Profit margin
  • Shipping costs
  • eBay fees

It's important to remember that even though you could earn $k in revenue per year, the actual profits will be much less than that &#; maybe half. Similar to ProDuoFlipper who grossed $k in one year with hundreds of listings but only profited about $55k after costs for inventory, shipping, and of course, taxes.

To sum it up, there are thousands of eBay sellers who are earning $10, or more per month but it's not easy to get to that level.

It's safer to expect to earn between $k per month, the median of which would still be a much better salary than the minimum hourly wage for a 1 or 2-person household.

How Much Does It Cost To Sell On eBay?

With the enormous size audience that you have access to on eBay, it's only fair that the eCommerce platform takes its fair share of the pie (fair is debatable, but you get the drift). That said, you can't sell on eBay and get away with zero fees somewhere down the line.

The question is: Is eBay still worth it despite the fees?

Here are the associated fees whenever you sell on eBay that will inevitably take a chunk out of your total profits:

  • Listing (Ad Serving) Fees: Free up to 50/month, after which it costs $ per ad serving. You can also pay to have listing upgrades, which unlocks features like additional ad limits, international visibility, and larger photos).
  • Seller Fees: 10% of the total sale amount of the ordered item.
  • Category Fees: There are some extra fees depending on the category in which you sell (i.e. motor vehicles and real estate).

Many users say that eBay has one of the highest fees of all the marketplaces while others' testimonials say it's reasonable. Ultimately that is up for you, the seller, to decide.

In any case, you will have similar fees with other popular marketplaces. Etsy and Shopify are not that much better. If you're wanting a virtually free marketplace to sell your stuff, try to sell on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist.

Best Things To Sell On eBay To Make Money

One of the ways to scale your earnings on eBay is to narrow down your product categories into profitable niches so you have mostly high-converting items.

To make the most profit on eBay you'll also want to consider how to downsize your overall costs &#; that could mean selling extremely low-cost products (like jewelry supplies) that allow you to reap over 90% of the profits.

There are many ways to strategize and capitalize on profits when selling on eBay. But it's good to know that the top-selling niches are usually common, everyday products.

High-ticket items on eBay come and go with the rise and fall of trends, but the below product categories are always in constant demand (thus resulting in high conversion rates):

  • Beauty & Cosmetics
  • Furniture
  • Baby Clothing & Accessories
  • Toys & Games
  • Tools & Autoparts
  • Fitness & Exercise Equipment
  • Vintage Items & Collectibles
  • Sports Cards & Gift Cards
  • Sneakers & Shoes
  • Mugs & T-Shirts
  • Musical Equipment
  • Trending Products

Another strategy to make $ or more per item is to sell merchandise and &#;oddball items&#; that are discontinued or no longer available for purchase, such as cinnamon gum or soda flavors. When they go out of business, the item's value skyrockets and can be resold on eBay for a huge profit.

There is really no limit to what you can sell on eBay. If you have something unique to sell or even something common, then eBay is the best place to sell it to make a profit. Keep the handmade artsy stuff and digital products for Etsy and the highly-brandable and trending products for Shopify.

Everything else, like discounted gum or flipped furniture, is fair game on eBay (and maybe even Craigslist).

Is eBay Worth It?

With over million active eBay buyers worldwide, it's reasonable to say that selling on eBay is highly lucrative with the potential to scale your earnings and make it worth your while.

Also, since eBay is mostly trustworthy (apart from a few petty scams), there's no shortage of buyers out there looking for the next best product. It's not like you have to start a brand from scratch (like with a Shopify store).

But like selling on other eCommerce alternatives, it's only really worth it if you dedicate your time and give it a real chance.

As we saw above, you could make just a few hundred bucks each month selling items on eBay as a side hustle. But with more time investment, you could potentially blow up those earnings into a full-time profitable business.

If selling your own stuff on eBay proves to not really be your gig, then you could also opt to be an eBay affiliate, making money promoting other people's stuff and earning a commission.

Finally, remember that there's no one-way to the top of the eBay listings. In many cases, it's all about getting started and keeping at it!

Nathaniell Bio Image

What's up ladies and dudes! Great to finally meet you, and I hope you enjoyed this post. My name is Nathaniell and I'm the owner of One More Cup of Coffee. I started my first online business in promoting computer software and now I help newbies start their own businesses. Sign up for my #1 recommended training course and learn how to start your business for FREE!

Filed Under: Side Hustles

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How to Make Money on eBay

EBay has been one of the top ecommerce marketplaces since its launch back in Some online sellers simply use the platform for selling unwanted stuff. But it can also be a platform for a successful online business. If you want to make as much extra cash as possible on eBay, here’s a guide.

How Much Does the Average eBay Seller Make?

The average eBay seller earns about $35, per year. Some top earners make as much as $70, and many earn just a few thousand per year. It all depends on how much inventory you can sell, the price of your items, and any extra expenses that you incur like shipping materials. Finding more about additional eBay statistics will help navigate the site with more information.

How to Sell on eBay and Make Money

Payments and Earnings

eBay provides sellers with support and service on claims, refunds, and returns. You’ll have the ability to make comprehensive seller-initiated refunds for full or partial amounts, by item or on the full order, on eBay, money earners on ebay, or via a third-party platform.

Buyers can request refunds by canceling an order, money earners on ebay, making a return or filing a claim under the eBay Money Back Guarantee. They may also choose to directly file disputes with their financial institution.

You have access and visibility to all refund, claim, and dispute requests in the Payments tab in Seller Hub or Payments section in My eBay. For the majority money earners on ebay refunds, claims, and returns, refunds will be credited to the original payment method the buyer used at time of purchase.

We will deduct fees, and expenses such as those arising from refunds, claims, or disputes, directly from your earnings, money earners on ebay. If your earnings are not sufficient to cover these amounts we will charge your eBay payment method on file (debit or credit card, and/or linked bank account). You can find more information about claims, refunds, and returns in the Help Hub.

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How to Make Money on eBay in

No wonder you’re looking for guidance on how to make money on eBay. After all, eBay’s a giant among the online marketplaces. With millions of active buyers and nearly two billion transactions daily, it’s one of the best places to make money online.

Also, eBay caters to entrepreneurs across the board. Whether you're reselling your stuff for extra money, growing a side hustle, or building a scalable business, eBay can work for you.

If you want to learn how to make money buying and selling on eBay, bookmark this article. There's a lot to cover, money earners on ebay, and you’ll want to refer back to this guide as you go.

Let's get started, shall we?

Can You Really Make Money on eBay?

eBay launched on September 3, Since then, eBay has grown into a household brand that bitcoin investir good reached million users worldwide. 

People sell on eBay because it's easy to get started and make a sale. Your eBay store can be up and running within minutes after reading this guide. Buyers also flock to eBay because it's a trusted marketplace that offers a convenient shopping experience.

So, yes! You can learn how to make money on eBay and Amazon in Many of these principles work on both sites.

Why Sell on eBay?

Whether you're a casual seller or a serious entrepreneur, eBay can serve your needs. Here are a few benefits of selling on eBay:

  • Millions of eBay Users: As mentioned earlier, there are million eBay users. Instead of building your business from the ground-up, you can join eBay and connect with buyers around the world.
  • Auction Listings: The auction-style listing is one feature that distinguishes eBay from other marketplaces. Bidding offers a unique and often exciting shopping experience.
  • Extra Side Money: Are you short on cash? eBay can help you supplement your income. One woman even sold her wedding dress. An article in The Sun, a rather sensational UK news company, reports how one Thomas Cook employee was “forced” to sell her wedding dress on eBay to pay for upcoming bills. Selling your stuff on eBay is one way to pull yourself out of a pinch.


How Do You Make Money on eBay in ? Follow 5 Easy Steps

Used properly, eBay can be an excellent business tool to grow your online business. Here's how you can start making money on eBay.

Step 1: Decide What to Sell

Some users are selling their old junk and operating from within their own homes. Some are nurturing a small side hustle to make a week on eBay. And some sellers are large-scale businesses complete with employees and a warehouse.


The aftermarket automotive parts industry, for example, is prominent on eBay. You'll often find sellers with multiple domestic warehouses and overseas manufacturers.

But what should you sell in your eBay store?

Start your search within your own home, money earners on ebay. Are there any items collecting cobwebs in your attic or garage that you could sell?

If you intend to be a money earners on ebay scale business, you'll need to do more deep thinking about your business goals. Definitely check out our guide on how to write a business plan to kickstart your research.

How small or big you want to scale your eBay store will depend on your preference, time, and available capital.

Here are some of the best things to sell on eBay to make money:

  • Autoparts
  • Cosmetics
  • Fitness equipment
  • Toys and games
  • Collectibles
  • Clothes and shoes
  • Baby items
  • Coffee mugs

But honestly, you can sell nearly anything on eBay. Laura Christine from the Become Your Own Boss Today blog says, "there is no end to what you can sell. Practically anything sells." She started by selling for an antiques dealer. It was a perfect pairing — he knew antiques, and she had technical savvy. 


New items. Antiques. Used products. You can almost always find somebody on eBay willing to buy your item — for the right price, that is.

If you need further inspiration, money earners on ebay, check out eBay's Explore page to see what's trending. Browsing the selection may inspire your next product idea.

Research Current Events

Take a look at what's happening in the world right now. It can point out what products are in high demand.

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The coronavirus outbreak, for instance, has spiked the demand for sanitation products. The Sun reports "hand sanitiser sales were up percent in February" in rather disparaging terms. (If you feel squeamish about the ethics of profiting during a crisis, read this post for a perspective you won’t hear in mainstream media.) eBay sellers noticed the growing need for hand sanitizing gel. And they were quick to supply it.


Kobe Bryant’s untimely death impacted fans around the world, money earners on ebay. Total Pro Sports notes how so many people put their Kobe Bryant memorial shirt for sale on eBay following his memorial at the Staples Center.

Step 2: Register for an eBay Account

After you decide what to sell, it's time to create your eBay account. Fortunately, the process is quite simple and can be up and running within minutes. 

Head over to and register online. The registration process will request your name, email address, and password. 

If you intend to sell in large quantities, a business account will better suit your needs. Registering for a business account will also request your legal business name and phone number. 

Step 3: Choose Your Subscription

Are you serious about growing your online business on eBay? You'll want to consider the subscription plans they have available.

Currently, eBay offers five subscription tiers:

  • Starter ($ per month)
  • Basic ($ per month)
  • Premium ($ per month)
  • Anchor ($ per month)
  • Enterprise ($2, per month)

Additional business tools become available based on your subscription tier. eBay makes recommendations based on how many items you list per month. The Basic subscription, for example, is best for accounts that sell up to pieces per month. The Anchor subscription would be more suitable for accounts listing at leastmoney earners on ebay, items per month.

Step 4: Create a Listing

First Steps

Learning how to create an eBay listing is a straightforward process. 

  1. At the top of any eBay page, click Sell. 
  2. This will prompt you to enter keywords relevant to your item, including brand, style, color, and size.
  3. Multiple listings of items from other sellers will show, depending on which keywords you enter. Choose the item that best matches what you're selling.
  4. Click Sell one like this.
  5. Specify your item's condition (new with box, new without box, new with defects, or pre-owned).
  6. Next, you must provide your contact information, including your address and phone number. 
  7. After double-checking the information you entered is accurate, click List your item.


Add Photos

eBay allows you to post 12 photos for free. You should post as many pictures as possible.

Quality pictures inspire buyer confidence. Clearly showcase your item and consider adding shots from different angles and lighting.

Also, be mindful of eBay's photo restrictions: 

  • You can't use a catalog or stock photo. (For example, if you're reselling an Adidas jacket, you can't reuse the product picture on the Adidas website)
  • No text 
  • No borders
  • Avoid cluttered backgrounds

Provide Product Details

When money earners on ebay entered your item's keywords in a previous step, money earners on ebay, you should already have the item brand, color, and condition completed. If possible, you'll also want to enter any other relevant details, such as size, money earners on ebay, gender, and measurements.

Also, take a moment to double-check your title. Confirm that your listing title is as specific as possible to maximize search engine results. 

Add a Product Description

Many of the previous steps require you to select from a drop-down list. But this bitcoin investition online has a text box where you can describe the merchandise in free-form text. Here you'll want to focus on the benefits of the product - not just its rae sremmurd i make my own money you're selling a Tae Bo workout DVD, for example, you may want to include:

  • Get the dream body you never thought possible
  • Experience long-lasting energy that will change your life
  • Spend quality time with family while strengthening your heart


Set Your Price

In this section, eBay recommends a starting price point based on what other sellers are charging for your item. If you want, money earners on ebay can manually change the price.

Also, you'll have the option to:

  • Create an Auction
  • Create a Buy It Now listing

You might be wondering which you should choose.

Buy It Now or Place Bid?

eBay is widely known as an auction-style marketplace, money earners on ebay. Buyers bid for a product. After a set time, usually seven days, the product goes to the highest bidder.

But some people didn't want to wait seven days until an auction was over. That's why the Buy It Now listings gained popularity. Buyers can bypass the auction process entirely and buy the item immediately.

You'll find that many sellers offer both Buy It Now and Place Bid listings, depending on the item they're choosing. Other sellers only use Buy It Now listings. It creates a straightforward shopping experience, like Amazon or many other online retailers.

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Which listing style is up to you and the type of item you're selling. Collectibles, especially, are great for bid listings. Take a look at an eBay sale featured in the Sun. One person sold a rare Paddington Bear coin for times its original value. And all it took were two bids!

Set Your Shipping Cost

When listing your item, money earners on ebay, remember to measure the package weight and dimensions. This will help you calculate the estimated shipping cost. Depending on the shipping requirements, it may affect how you price your listing.

For shipping, you'll also see some options:

  • You Pay (calculated by buyer's location; advertised as free shipping for the buyer).
  • The buyer pays (calculated after the buyer enters their location).
  • Buyer pays flat shipping (you decide the cost).

Double-Check Before Submitting

Before your listing goes live, double-check that all the information you entered is accurate. Money earners on ebay this information now will save you customer-related headaches later on. 

You'll also have an option to preview your listing before you publish it. Once it passes your review, click List It at the bottom of the page.

Congratulations! You just created your item listing.

Step 5: Follow eBay Best Practices

Ship Your Orders Within Expected Time Frame

Your listing will specify your shipping and handling time. Sellers should ship the item within 30 days of receiving cleared payment. Ideally, you will ship the order within one business day of receiving cleared payment. 

Respond to Customer Cases Promptly

The two most common reasons a buyer will open a case against you are:

  • Item does not match the seller's description
  • Item not received

For cases where the item isn't received, you should upload a tracking number. If the tracking confirms the delivery, the case will likely go in your favor. If it doesn't, then you should offer a replacement or refund for this order.

For cases where the item doesn't match the description, the resolution is trickier. You'll have to wear your customer service hat money earners on ebay discover the money earners on ebay and how to best resolve it. You might need to offer technical help, a replacement, or arrange for a return for a refund.

The worst thing you can do, though, is to ignore it. Doing so will likely result in the case closing in the buyer's favor. eBay will debit you to arrange a full refund — sometimes without the buyer returning the item.

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Upload a Shipping Tracking Number ASAP

As soon as you ship the item, you should upload the shipping tracking number to the transaction. This allows both you and the buyer to follow the package's journey to its destination.

Uploading a shipping tracking number is also essential in protecting you, the seller. Let's say the buyer opens a case against you for "Item Not Received." If the tracking number confirms the delivery, eBay's team will likely close the case in your favor.

Specify Your Shipping and Handling Services

On your listing, you can specify how soon you will ship the product. Some sellers may send the item within one business day after receiving payment. Another seller might specify three business days. Be sure to state money earners on ebay clearly to avoid any confusion.

If you use a dedicated shipping carrier, you'll also want to post this. Some buyers may make special shipping requests. They might, for example, live in a rural area and ask that you use USPS over UPS. Or they may request a quote on expediting their order.

7 Pro Tips to Help You Dominate on eBay

Tip #1 Aim for the Top Rated Seller Badge

If you want to excel at building a profitable store on eBay, aim for the Top Seller Badge. Here's why:

  • Proudly display your Top Rated Seller badge in your store
  • Boosted seller reputability
  • Enhanced visibility in eBay search results
  • Additional seller protections

The improved visibility in eBay's search results is reason enough to get the Top-Rated Seller Badge. If your listing is stuck on page 5 of eBay's search results, it's challenging to make a sale. It can almost feel like your listing is stuck in limbo, lost forever. Experience this for long enough, and you may want to quit eBay altogether.

So how do you get the Top-Rated Seller Badge? Here are some of the requirements:

  • Active for 90 days
  • Over transactions completed
  • $ in sales during the last 12 months with US buyers
  • Defect rate less than or equal to %. Your defect rate is negatively affected when a buyer opens an eBay or PayPal case against you, and you fail to resolve it OR you, the seller, cancel a transaction)
  • Late shipment rate less than or equal to 3%
  • Tracking uploaded within stated handling time for 95% of transactions to US buyers

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Tip #2 Don't Skimp on Packaging

A lot can go wrong between when the item ships and when the buyer receives it. Bubble wrap and durable packaging are your best friends. Often, it can even save you money.

Think about it.

If you're selling a Blu-ray DVD money earners on ebay and it arrives in pieces, you're obligated to issue a full refund. You lose an entire sale and a potential repeat customer because you didn't spend the time and money to package it carefully.

Tip #3 Pay Attention to Your Feedback Score

On eBay, buyers can rate the transaction as positive, neutral, or negative. eBay's feedback system can be a determining factor on whether a buyer purchases from you.

Customers may be hesitant to purchase from you due to your limited seller history, money earners on ebay. Tons of negative feedback is sure to scare away future customers. However, having tons of positive feedback can inspire buyer confidence.

Remember to ask buyers money earners on ebay positively rate their experience if they're satisfied with their orders. Also, if you receive negative feedback, eBay allows you to address it. You can reach out to the buyer and offer a resolution. If the buyer is happy now, money earners on ebay, you can send a Feedback Revision Form. It allows them to revise their feedback from negative to neutral or positive.

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Tip #4 Invest in Excellent Photography

For your listing pictures, quantity and quality will serve you well.

Best practices recommend that your main listing photo should feature your item by itself. Having white poster boards can be handy. You can use these to set the floor and background for your item. The blank setting will make your item pop in photos.

And be sure to include money earners on ebay of photos. eBay lets you post up to 12 for free. If you're selling a t-shirt, for example, here are some picture ideas:

  1. The main picture shows the front of the T-shirt against a white backdrop
  2. Back of t-shirt
  3. With tape measure to show shirt measurements
  4. Show a close-up of the shirt tag
  5. Add a close-up to show the fabric texture
  6. Also give a close-up of special features, like a wooden button
  7. T-shirt displayed in sunlight

Tip #5 Choose a Niche

You can probably make a couple hundred or even a thousand dollars selling random stuff you find in your garage or at your local discount store. But choosing a niche lets you follow a more specific marketing approach. 

A niche is also useful if you already have a personal brand and online presence. Let's say you have a following on YouTube by offering fitness advice, money earners on ebay. An extension of that brand could be selling fitness related products in your eBay store, money earners on ebay. Some products might include:

  • Workout supplements
  • Yoga mats
  • Resistance bands
  • Fitness gear
  • Barbell clamps

Choosing a niche will affect everything moving forward. Consider who you're selling to, what you're selling, and how you market. If you decide to sell items with your personal brand, eBay can be a powerful selling tool for you. 

Tip #6 Deliver Stellar Customer Service

Offering fantastic customer service can help you secure eBay's Top Seller Badge. Also, it can improve the chances for a buyer to repurchase from your store.

Moreover, customer service can often redeem you when an order goes south. Buyers can be reasonable and are often willing to let you resolve the issue.

But if you offer poor service, then expect a negative review on your account. Also, money earners on ebay, the buyer will likely open a case against you and receive a full refund for the order.

Consider including a paper slip inside the package money earners on ebay instructions to contact you through eBay. This gives you an opportunity for you to resolve any issues before the buyer opens a case against you.

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Tip #7 Consider Free Shipping and Returns

Finally, you’ll find that eBay sellers debate the merits of free shipping and returns. There are some benefits to offering these perks.

Listings that offer free shipping and returns have a "Free Shipping" and "Free Returns" note when they appear in search results. This can often entice customers to purchase from your store instead of a competitor's. 

Advertising free shipping and returns may increase in orders. This can potentially offset the cost of shipping. The savings, naturally, would be significant if you sell large quantities of items.

Still, you might worry about return shipping costs. If you're receiving too many returns, you may need to revisit the quality of your product or update your listing description. 

If you see frequent returns on an orange t-shirt, for example, there may be something you can fix. Perhaps the picture doesn't accurately show the color, and money earners on ebay can post a better quality picture. Maybe it's closer to red, and you need to update your description. Minor changes to improve accuracy can improve your return rate.

So, How Much Does the Average eBay Seller Make?

According to Indeed, the average eBay seller makes $21, per year.

You probably think that this isn't much. An extra $20, per year, though, can be a great source of supplemental income.

Also, this average figure is pretty vague.

Some sellers dedicate only a few hours to their eBay store. Others dedicate a significant amount of their resources to grow their eBay store. It isn't surprising to see some eBay sellers experience great success — often $50, and beyond just by selling on eBay.

Let's take a look at a couple of real examples.

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Margaret from the Live Like No One Else blog published an article titled "Can You Really Make Money Selling on eBay? — eBay Income report of a Part-Time Seller." A look at her profit and loss statement showed that she made $3, money earners on ebay, after costs and expenses in  

She Asked, “What can I flip to make money?”

Then, there’s Amy Finlay, co-founder of Edinburgh IFA. She used sites like eBay to flip products while she was in start-up mode on her main business. She said, “Before starting my current company, I used to rely on retail arbitrage to keep me going until my business picked up. The profits allowed me to concentrate on it full time. I don't think I would have survived without the retail arbitrage in the early days of building my business. 

“Basically, at money earners on ebay weekends, I would go to flea markets, yard sales, car boot sales, and thrift/charity shops and browse what they had on offer. I would always have my phone ready to search eBay, Amazon, and Facebook marketplace to see how much these items were selling for second hand.

“It was basically just a pure arbitrage operation. Find products that are being sold at these stores and yards that are selling for a lot more online, get the best possible deal buying them, then get them uploaded for sale the same night at around the price they have previously been selling for.

“It would never cease to amaze me how many people there are out there who are willing to pay a premium price for something that we had managed to buy. In some cases, over 10x or more what we had picked it up for.

“There are so many more new marketplaces popping up online to sell these products on now too, so it's giving more opportunities to get a good price for the products you pick up. The best part of it was that there were no real costs anno 1800 wie geld verdienen from fuelling the car and any listing costs when selling products on eBay.

“The best piece of advice I got when doing retail arbitrage is to make sure you have your phone with you at all times so you can check what products sell for before you buy them. Also, look at what the specific product has previously sold for, not for how much people have it on for sale at currently. The current for sale prices can often vary wildly, but a look at the previously sold prices gives a much more accurate representation of the product's true value.”

The amount of money you make often correlates with the amount of time and capital you put in. Making more would require more market research and marketing. If you commit to the grind, you can eventually grow your eBay store in a six-figure business.

What Are the Easiest Things to Flip on eBay?

Brand name and vintage clothing tend to be easy items to flip. There is a demand for quality and brand-name clothes at a discounted price. Also, clothes are lightweight, meaning that they're cost-effective to ship.

You can also find success with flipping tools. Lightweight power tools and gardening tools, especially, are often excellent candidates for an easy flip.

how to make money on ebay how to make money on ebay

What Are the Best Items to Start making money online you're looking through your home for items to resell, stick with items that are:

  • Small or moderate in size
  • Easy to package and ship 

You'll also want to be mindful of the item's weight. If you're attempting to ship a heavy object, like a pound dumbbell or a marble vase, the shipping costs may be high. You might even need to raise your price money earners on ebay to offset the amount it costs to ship your item. On top of that, heavy items often require extra packing — another expense eating into your profit margins.

And even after your careful preparations, your item may arrive damaged. If you want the item back, you will need to cover the return shipping costs, money earners on ebay. Depending on the condition, you may not even want the item back, and you'll have to issue a full refund. On this single transaction, you made zero dollars and lost an item.

Wait. Is it Illegal to Resell Nike Shoes?

Earlier, we mentioned shoes as an excellent reselling opportunity. Nike sneakers, especially, tend to be popular among "sneakerheads" and athletes.

Nike, however, is a powerhouse brand. If you're thinking of reselling your Nike shoes, you're right to double-check that you're not crossing any legal lines. 

Good news: you can resell your Nike gear on eBay. A quick search for "Nike" on eBay, and you will see hundreds of other users putting their Nike wear up for sale. 

Have some Nikes in good condition that you want to resell? Go for it!

How Can I Make Dollars Fast?

Making money on eBay depends on money earners on ebay the right steps in the proper order. If you follow the steps above, you'll build a solid foundation to grow your eBay business.

Make $1, fast, money earners on ebay, depending on how much time and effort you're willing to put in. In addition to following the above steps, you'll want to carefully research market demand.

What trends do you see? What are people buying?

If you're selling something that nobody is buying — say, a pager — then you will see little upward movement in your bottom line. Learning about making money in any business starts with confirming there is a demand for what you're selling.

What Can I Sell for Quick Cash?

Some items routinely sell well on eBay, including:

  • Clothing
  • Baby items
  • Shoes
  • Tools
  • Sports memorabilia

If you do a quick sweep through your garage, attic, basement, and closet, you're sure to find something you can resell for a quick buck.

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How to Earn Money on eBay Without Selling Anything

You might think this is a joke, but it isn't! You can actually make money on eBay without selling a thing.


With the eBay affiliate marketing program. As an affiliate partner, your role is to send people to shop on eBay. eBay will supply you with your affiliate link. You can share this with your audience. Each time somebody purchases through your affiliate link, you receive a commission. 

The Takeaway

If you were thinking eBay was too old-school to consider selling on, especially when so many in e-commerce flock to Amazon, this guide may have been an eye-opener for you.

If you want to succeed on eBay, be sure to follow the above steps. Also, don't forget to infuse your entrepreneurial spirit into what you do. With enough patience and grit, you'll be able to build a business on eBay that can supplement or potentially replace your income!

IneBay is still a good place for entrepreneurs who want to build successful businesses and money earners on ebay money online, even if you’re starting on a budget. In fact, we know many entrepreneurs who got started with less than $1, If you’d like to see how they did it, check out this free training.


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How to Make Money on eBay: I just crossed total money makeover forum Million in Sales on eBay, here’s what I’ve learned…

Table of Contents

How to make money on eBay&#;

eBay is an amazing tool, in fact, it’s what I’ve made a living with for the last 14 years, money earners on ebay. Last month I crossed over $2 Million in total sales on eBay! To celebrate I want to share with you how I’ve done it so that you know how to do the same. If you know how to make money on eBay you can add another valuable skill to your toolbelt and possibly another stream of income!

I started selling over 13 years ago after quitting my job working in sales. I was spending at least 11 hours a day at my job and I was overworked and stressed out. My husband and I also wanted to prioritize family life and our relationship more than money. After 13 years of owning my own business, I honestly couldn’t imagine living my life any other way now…

Why Sell on eBay?

eBay has allowed me to work from home for over 13 years now, money earners on ebay. It’s allowed me the freedom to travel with my husband and spend precious time with him during his bout with MS and cancer before he passed away in November It’s also been the vessel for me to provide an income for myself after he passed as well.

Arlie and I after taking a trip from selling on eBay

The ability to make money on eBay has given me the freedom to take time off when I want, go skiing and babysit my nieces and nephews when my Brother and Sister-in-law need help. It affords me the opportunity to go skiing with my employees and my marketing consultant. And it allows me to spend time with my dogs Tinkerbell and Trixie. 

On top of all of those perks, I’ve also met some of my best friends and been afforded amazing opportunities through eBay and the community they’ve cultivated! eBay has filmed videos of me working from home and invited me to speak on a panel in front of over 2, other eBay sellers about my journey. 

When you take the leap and put your heart into the business the rewards can be unbelievable!

How did I turn eBay selling into a full-blown business for the last 13 years?

Creating a business and learning how to make money on eBay can be a complicated process, but it starts with simple steps. I’ll jump into those steps in just a minute but I want to clarify something for you, anyone who promises you a million-dollar business with little to no work is a liar. This business, like any other, requires time, work, effort and most importantly, staying on top of trends. 

If you’re looking to make this your full time job the first thing to do is to get familiar with the platform by selling things around your house that you don’t use… This is how I got started and it’s lead to never working another job again. When I first started learning how to make money on eBay, I was freshly married, a new homeowner(with a $3, mortgage), and I had just quit my 6-figure sales job because it was slowly, or not so slowly, money earners on ebay, killing me from stress, overwhelm, lack of support and a toxic environment. I had 6 weeks of commissions and paid vacation to keep me afloat until I found or created another job…

I had never been to eBay’s website, but I knew it was a tool for selling unwanted items and since I had some jewelry from before I was married that I didn’t want or use anymore I figured this was a great way to buy myself some more time to find a new job… And that’s when it started to snowball. My husband worked as a cashier at a Costco in the community and loved to talk to all of the customers. People would choose to wait longer just to be in his line for the conversations.

After we were married, I ended up being the topic of some of those conversations(more than I ever wanted to be at first, but this ended up being a great marketing channel for me and could be for you if you money earners on ebay anyone in your life that’s charismatic, money earners on ebay the public eye and loves to talk about you.) People would ask how I was doing and my husband Arlie told them I was selling stuff on eBay to buy myself time after quitting my job. People started to ask if I could help them sell their stuff on eBay and that’s when I realized, “I could make something out of this…”

So I decided to give it my best shot. I purchased a page book on how to sell on eBay and started researching what people charge geld verdienen online schnell und einfach selling on consignment on eBay and that’s when my life changed forever.

**Disclaimer** I don’t advocate that anyone quits their day job to start an eBay business unless they are ready to dedicate themselves to it completely. Anyone looking to venture out on the entrepreneurial journey is best suited to test the waters and spend months creating a bridge to their new income stream rather than making a leap and trusting that they’ll make it.

That said, let’s jump right into making some money on eBay as quickly as this week, or even today! 

Step By Step: How to Sell Your Unwanted/Unused Items on eBay(Make some money this week!)

1. Find Something Worth Selling

There’s got to be at least $1, worth of stuff cluttering your house or garage that can be sold on eBay. Things that have gone unused for months, stuff that you might feel wasteful when you look at how to post links and make money you haven’t done what you wanted to with it, things that you stare at saying one day I’ll use that again walk away from and repeat the cycle 6 months later with… These are the kinds of items that are perfect for learning how to make money on eBay as they likely don&#;t mean as much to us as we want them to. You know, the things that you bought with the best intentions for utilizing, but instead they’ve spent more time taking up space and cluttering your house/garage than being used. 

Here’s a list of things you might have around your house that you can sell:

  • A camera/video camera that you no longer use
  • A fancy purse that you no longer use
  • Jewelry that’s gone unused and has no sentimental value
  • Power tools that were bought for that project that still hasn’t been started
items you can sell to make money on eBay

2, money earners on ebay. Create Your eBay Account

Creating your eBay account is fairly simple… when you go to the registration page you’ll have to enter these pieces of information; 

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email address
  • A password for your account

You’ll have the option of creating a personal or business account. If you % see yourself turning this into a business where you’re selling things consistently go ahead and create a business account but if you don’t see yourself creating a full-time job out of it just yet, you can create a personal account AND once you get addicted to amazingness that is owning your own eBay business you can convert it to a business account.

Create an account on eBay to start making money today

Once you login you’ll see the home screen and be able to start selling immediately. Some things to know about a personal account, you get 50 free insertions. Listings on eBay are called insertions… and these insertions have all sorts of rules depending on what and how you’re listing your items. If you’re curious eBay has an article all about insertions and their selling fees, money earners on ebay, but for those just starting by listing a money earners on ebay items from around your house, there’s not much that you truly need to know. 

A couple of other things to know, you can upload a profile picture, choose your name and personalize your profile… Once you’ve decided to go all-in on creating a business of your own, you’ll want to know more about the different types of insertions and their fees, how to personalize your profile and upload a profile picture but let’s focus on making some can you pay uber with bitcoin NOW, more on all that later in your journey!

3. Research Similar Listings

Creating a listing(aka an insertion, I’ll reference them as listings from now on though&#;) is about finding items like yours that have recently sold. I love this process of learning how to make money on eBay! Luckily eBay makes this super easy for us. The best way to do this is to go to eBay and search for your item, then scroll down while looking in the left tab and find the sold box, you’ll click on it and both the sold and completed boxes will become checked/selected. This is when I start to get motivated to list my items, seeing what my items will sell for is always super exciting!!!

Your page should refresh and show you all of the most recently sold items matching your search. Next, you’ll select the listing order to show you listings from low to high including shipping. Some of these might appear out of order because shipping prices are calculated into the total price of the item…

Search through these items to find the item that is most similar in condition and quality to yours that have also sold for the most amount of money. Save these listings as they’ll be an important reference when you’re creating your listing. You may even be able to use eBay’s help with the “list like item” tool. You’ll want to make sure that the item is selling for a price that you’re willing to accept before you go any further but remember that just because you paid a certain amount for your item 5 years ago and haven’t used it, doesn’t mean that it’s going to be worth that now…

The most important thing when learning how to make money on eBay and selling your items is to remember that it’s much better off in the hands of someone who is going to use it, AND instead of donating it, you might as well put some cash back in your pocket.

When looking at these similar listings, you’ll want to look at a few key things…

  • How do they display their items?
  • How many pictures have they’ve used and from what angles?
  • What was the listing title?
  • How did they describe the item?
  • How much did they charge for shipping? Does it seem like an accurate shipping cost? (We’ll go over this more in a few steps but it’s important when listing your item to include a shipping price that’s fair but doesn’t take away from your profit.)

When you’re looking at these and thinking about listing your item, you’ll want to think about money earners on ebay the feeling is that your buyer will get from buying the item. Instead of things like the features of a camera, purse, power-tool, or whatever item you’re selling&#; sell the idea that they can capture high-quality pictures and forever remember the moments that matter the most.

Of course, certain people will love the techy lingo of an item’s attributes and functionality but most people buy things for what’s called an “after-state,” a feeling that they get from buying the object. A well-known example is a quote from a highly respected Harvard Marketing Professor Theodor Levitt, “People don’t want to buy a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole.” More on that in a Harvard Business Review article if you really want to geek out on marketing tactics&#; But really, just stay with me on this one and let’s get this item listed!

Read More : The 3 Things I LOVE About Running an eBay Business

4, money earners on ebay. Create Your Listing

Write Epic Listing Titles and Descriptions

Now that you’ve found similar items and what they’ve sold for, money earners on ebay, it’s time to look back at their pictures, title, and descriptions. Your pictures money earners on ebay be on par with theirs or better, money earners on ebay. Again the better quality your pictures, title and description the higher likelihood of your item selling for the highest price! 

  • Your description should be similar to the listings that have sold but with a little added marketing swag. Remember to sell them the “after-state.” 
  • If you’re selling something of your own, you can say that. It helps lend credibility to the authenticity and history of the item. 
  • Your titles should be similar to the listings that have been sold as well. You’ll want to have keywords that people would be typing in to find that item. The title is 80 Characters of free real estate to promote your item. These keywords have the ability to show up not only on eBay but on google as well, so choosing them wisely is key to taking advantage of your listing and selling your item for the most money!
  • eBay will suggest the best eBay category based on your title, but if they are wrong you can search for and select another category. 
  • Select the item condition (new or used). Under the item condition is “Condition Description”. Be sure to point out any flaws here or make it known if the item does not have flaws, either way, be specific. For example, for clothing, I would say, “In excellent condition- no stains, tears, pulling or other signs of use. (see pics)”

Take Great Pictures and Lots of Them!

Pictures are key to selling more items money earners on ebay eBay… and the better the quality of those pictures, the better the chance of getting the highest possible price for your items. These days phones are super high quality and are able to do the job well but there are some important things to remember about taking pictures of your items in order to sell them for the highest price…

  • Keep the frame clean, a messy background will distract the buyer… Keep the background clean and try to limit distractions. You want your item highlighted, not the clutter of your house.
  • Lighting is key to great photos. If you don’t have good lighting you money earners on ebay easily spice it up with a lamp or by changing location.
  • Don’t try to hide any blemishes, scratches ways of making money online uk damage, highlight it in your description (more on this later) and make sure you show your buyers exactly where the damage is
  • Here are eBay’s rules for posting pictures; 

Choose Item Specifics

Many buyers search for items using eBay’s Item Specifics in addition to or instead of typing words in the search field. eBay will suggest item specifics based on your title, money earners on ebay. Fill in as many item specifics as possible to be included in the maximum possible search results. Utilizing as many item specifics as possible will be key in the process of learning how to make money on eBay!

Select Your Shipping Service

I suggest choosing calculated shipping so eBay will calculate shipping for the buyer based on their location eBay will do this based on the item&#;s location, the weight, and dimensions you enter for the item. For items, 3 lbs and under USPS is the fastest and least expensive way to ship. For items with a dimension over 12 inches or over 5 lbs, FedEx Ground is your best option. It’s still only 1 to 5 days delivery time but will be much more reasonable than USPS. If you make this into a business you&#;ll learn that shipping is one of THE MOST important pieces in your journey of learning how to make money on eBay, pay attention to shipping.

International Money earners on ebay About 10% of my items sell internationally and eBay makes shipping internationally almost as easy as shipping domestically. Always choose calculated shipping and make sure you have selected your shipping box so that the weight and dimensions are accurate. With international shipping make sure you double-check your weight and dimensions… 1 money earners on ebay and/or a fraction of an inch can make a big difference in the price you pay to ship. 

A couple of housekeeping items about international shipping:

  • Always round up when entering the package dimensions. I always choose USPS Priority Mail for international shipments.
  • You can also select which Countries to exclude. From experience (which I share with many other sellers) I exclude Brazil, Italy and the Middle East other than Israel. 

Here’s a money earners on ebay from eBay’s 20th Anniversary in highlighting sellers (including myself) and the various countries we’ve shipped to.

Handling Time

If you can ship Monday through Friday, choosing a 1-day handling time will help your item to sell. Money earners on ebay wants their item as soon as possible. But only choose this if you can ship every business day or eBay is trying to provide the best service possible for their customers(and yours) so bitcoin investition per will penalize you for late shipping. 

Select Whether You Will Accept Returns.

Next, money earners on ebay, you’ll want to select whether you’ll accept returns or not. I always accept returns because it gives the buyer confidence in purchasing your item. Also, if you do not accept returns, the buyer is more likely to claim the item is not as described and money earners on ebay a where to invest money ireland 2022 with eBay instead of simply returning the item through eBay, money earners on ebay. If you start selling regularly you’ll come to expect some returns, it’s just part of learning how to make money on eBay. eBay does, however, provide Seller Protection, just as they protect the buyer. Buyers are required to return the item in the condition it was received. 

 Invoice the Buyer

eBay will automatically invoice the buyer, but you can send a reminder invoice through your eBay&#;s sold items screen as well, money earners on ebay. eBay does this through Paypal so you’ll have to have a Paypal account to receive payments.

5. Monitor Your Listing

Once your item is listed the next activity in the process is to learn how to make money on eBay is to manage your listings. You do this from your listings from your “My eBay” where can i invest my money safely. Here you can view your Active listings and sold items. Buyers may have questions about your item. If they do you can answer them through your “My eBay” page. Answering questions in a timely manner can be the difference between selling an item and not.  If your item is not selling, consider lowering the price but before you do that you might want to send an offer to people watching your item. You may also get offers on your items in your messages. If your item doesn’t sell in the listing time period you can make an offer to someone watching the item and they may accept that lower price. If you’re looking for quick money and willing to accept a lower price, this might be your quickest and best way to sell your item.

6. Pack and Ship Your Item

Packing the item will vary depending on the selected carrier and service, the weight and fragility of the item:

USPS First Class: The item must be 16 oz or less. For clothing or other items not requiring padding or a box, you can use poly mailers. You can purchase poly mailers on eBay. If your item requires a box, you cannot use Priority boxes for First class shipping

For items shipping via USPS priority, you can use Free Priority packaging from bags for clothing to flat rate envelopes to boxes for either non-flat rate or flat rate shipping. Usually, the post office only carries the flat rate boxes so I recommend going to to order free priority boxes and flat rate envelopes, money earners on ebay. They will deliver them right to your door for free.

Here’s an eBay Radio spot where I went into detail on choosing the best shipping for your sold items.

Here is a flow chart to help with money earners on ebay the ideal shipping method. (Keep in mind that if you need to ship with the method you specified in your listing unless you are upgrading).

7. Decide What To Do With Your Money

Once you&#;ve figured out how to sell on eBay, you get a enjoy the fruits of your labor! My favorite part of this is the reward, once I’ve done the work and have sold my items I get to reap the rewards! With Paypal, your money is in your account immediately and you can choose what you’d like to do with it… Pay bills, book a vacation, buy a new pair of skis(like I just did after skiing on mine for nearly 20 years), put it in savings, invest in more items to flip. The world is your oyster, enjoy the fruits of your labor and spend the money wisely. If you enjoyed the process you might want to euromoney investor relations out the next section because it can truly become your job if you’re ready to inexpensive hobbies that make money the time and energy into making it a full-time business.

How Do I Make it a Full-Time Job?

Once you’ve listed and sold a couple of items it’s easy to become addicted. And unless you’re ready to Marie Kondo your entire life it’s time to find others to sell for, especially if you’re going money earners on ebay build this exciting opportunity into a business. There are a number of ways to find clients, some of your best clients can be your friends and colleagues.

I guarantee that you’re not the only one that has a pile of unwanted stuff in your house that could be placed in better hands. So the first place to look money earners on ebay consignment clients is within geld mit instagram verdienen network. A simple post on Facebook or an Instagram story saying, “Hey I just made an extra $ or $ this week from selling my unwanted stuff, are you too busy to get rid of your stuff but want some extra space and money in your pocket? Hit me up I can help!” This is the best way to get more money earners on ebay with listing and selling your items. Once you’ve gotten the hang of that you can start stepping out and marketing yourself in various other ways.

I’ve found some of my largest clients on Craiglist, using Facebook Ads and on LinkedIn. With social media, there&#;s no shortage of people that could use your help in getting rid of their unwanted items. If you’ve got some money saved up and some time on your hands&#; garage sales, estate sales, thrift stores, and other reselling platforms what to look for when investing in cryptocurrency be extremely lucrative. Especially if you start to understand a particular niche. Fashion is something that can be extremely lucrative when you know what to look for.

If you’re looking to learn more about selling or how I’ve made selling on eBay my full-time job, check out this free case-study I created about how I created a 7-figure business on eBay. 

If you’re looking for more help selling your items or other resources, money earners on ebay, I have a course launching very soon that’ll walk you through everything you need to know about creating a full-fledged eBay business including the tactics and strategies I’ve learned for finding how to start investing money in the stock market that make me $3,$5, money earners on ebay, per sale, money earners on ebay, consignment clients that literally send me money earners on ebay of high-fashion items that sell for $’s+, and so much more!

Check it out here

By Shari Smith
Published 1/15/

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Mother Cathy Hayes, who is making around £, selling goods through Ebay

Mother Cathy Hayes, who is making around £, selling goods through Ebay

My dining room had long ceased resembling thieving money making guide eoc place to eat, money earners on ebay. It looked more like a junkshop than the centre of the family home.

From the sideboard to the table, every spare surface was covered with gadgets and packaging.

Toasters and Teasmaids jostled for space with camping mats, plastic armbands and bubble wrap.

It was chaos — yet I felt nothing but excitement. For it was evidence that my crazy business idea was finally working, and was turning me — an ordinary mother-of-three — into a budding entrepreneur.

Four years later, I’m easily turning over £, a year — far more than the £28, I earned as an NHS administrator — and I do it all working family-friendly hours that allow me to spend time with my sons, Jamie, 14, Kane, ten, and six-year-old Ned.

I’m living every working mother’s dream. And I’ve done it using a tool at every woman’s disposal: the online auction money earners on ebay eBay.

The same site exhausted working mothers cruise in the evenings after the children have gone to bed, looking for cut-price designer clothes and bargains.

I’m proof that, with hard work and research, a female’s instinctive bargain-hunting skills can be turned into a profitable business. Within a year, I was earning enough to give up my job and concentrate on my new enterprise. And now I’ve written a book explaining how you too can use eBay to earn a living.

Looking back, I suppose I’d always had an entrepreneurial streak. Growing up the youngest of two in London, I remember dabbling in money-making schemes; selling on some of my childhood toys to friends.

But I wasn’t academic, and after leaving school at 16 I started an money earners on ebay job on the grand salary of £6, before being promoted to medical secretary in my 20s.  

I always felt I was capable of more, but didn’t know how to go about it, especially as I then had Jamie, with my first partner. It was only after meeting my current partner John, 41, in that I found the courage to branch out. And yes, I’ve known the taste of failure.

Inwe re-mortgaged our home in North London and opened a soft play centre for children. I had done endless research and was convinced I could make money — yet just over a year later we had to close it down.

We faced ruin: our debts were in excess of £, Meanwhile, I’d just given birth to my third son Ned, meaning my earning potential was low. John and I had to sell our beautiful house and move into a one-bedroom flat where we slept on a sofa bed in the living room, Ned in a Moses basket at our side and Jamie and Kane in the only bedroom.

But I refused to be defeated. Together, scrimping and saving, John and I renovated our flat, creating two extra bedrooms in the cellar, before selling it on and using the money we’d made to fund the purchase of another rundown property we could do up. We’d dug ourselves out of the nightmare.

Mrs Hayes with her sons Jamie, 14, Kane, 10, and Ned, 6 - who remain her priority despite her success

Mrs Hayes with her sons Jamie, 14, Kane, 10, and Ned, 6 - who remain her priority despite her success

With How to invest online share market now a toddler, I found a £28, clerical job at my local hospital. The only problem was that it wasn’t permanent. When the year was up, money earners on ebay, I was moved to temporary work on an hourly rate, and my earnings plummeted to £ a week.

Try as I might, I couldn’t manage to secure a full-time, permanent position. John and I were still managing to make ends meet — his job in property maintenance covered our basics — but as he was self-employed, his work could be sporadic. Every month was a struggle.

It was against this backdrop that, in Marchlooking at job adverts in the newspaper, I came across an article about a couple who had made a fortune trading on eBay. An  £8 million fortune to be precise.


Profit: The author sold a Dualit filter coffee machine similar to the one on the left for £52 after buying it for £2 and doubled her money by selling Magimix goods, right


Double the money: Cathy Hayes also made a profit on camping equipment   

I was fascinated. If this seemingly ordinary couple could achieve such riches, then surely I could make a few extra pounds to help ease the financial strain? That was all I wanted — a way to bump up my income. I certainly wasn’t contemplating a permanent career.

That night I searched through the loft to see what I might be able to sell. I came up with a random assortment: Money earners on ebay Price toys, children’s clothes, an old boiler, money earners on ebay, a Seventies telephone and a buggy in mint condition. Onto eBay they went. By the end of the week they had all sold, I was £ richer — and hooked.

The only trouble was that after that enthusiastic clear-out I had nothing money earners on ebay to sell. I needed to source some more stock, but first I wanted to work out the best investments.

At work, during my lunch hour, I scoured eBay, looking at what sold well and recording the data on a research chart. I quickly realised that household paraphernalia — everything from garden tools and tents to kettles and toasters —  were in demand. 

Armed with this information, I ventured out to car boot sales and markets, charity shops and fetes, buying up anything along these lines that I thought I could sell at a profit, all purchased with the money I had made during that first week, money earners on ebay.

That became my business model — I’d use the profits from my sales to fund my next stock purchases.

I was amazed at what I could find, like the Dualit Filter Coffee Machine I picked up at a car boot sale for £2 and which I sold for £ When a local shop had a range of camping gear for sale money earners on ebay a steal, I bought the lot and sold it on for double what I’d paid for it.


Pretty soon my front room looked like a stockroom, much to the bemusement of my children. I was exhausted as I poured all my energy into growing my fledgling business, holding down my day job and packaging up and posting the goods I had sold.

Somehow, I also had to make time to scurry around sourcing stock —and, of course, my three children remained my priority.

I knew I needed to find a better way to stockpile goods to sell, and when my brother, Matt, mentioned an auction clearance website, I logged on. It had a job lot of Dualit money earners on ebay Magimix goods — all returns, or slightly damaged — for £1, It was a lot of money, but I went for it. I used all my profits to date to buy them  and within two weeks I’d sold the lot on for more than double the money.

By now, instead of trading as a individual, it made sense to set up an online shop, registering as a business seller and paying a one-off monthly fee rather than a fee for every item I sold. Money earners on ebay I didn’t realise it, I was embarking on a new life as a full-time eBay trader.

By June, just two months after I had placed my first online advert, I had racked up £9, in sales. At that point, our costs were still high so we were only making around 20 per cent profit — in this case £2, profit. Still, it was enough for me to give up my day job.

I seemed money earners on ebay have an unerring instinct for what would sell, be it children’s toys, or Christmas trees. I realised there was a reason why High Street stores spend a fortune on packaging and presentation, and spent hours working out the best way to photograph everything I put up for sale.

The mother, <i>money earners on ebay</i>, who works from her dining room table, uses profits to buy more stock

The mother, who works from her dining room table, uses profits to buy more stock

When I sold clothes, I recruited the family as models. That’s not to say I didn’t make mistakes: early on, John and I posted a lot of our goods in black bags and Manila envelopes, roughly taped together.

As our product range expanded, however, we noted that some of our customer feedback was about our poor packaging — and our local postmistress also told us our packages were regualrly splitting after we had left them with her.

From that moment, we stocked up on bubble wrap, clear tape, brown tape and proper mailing bags — all off eBay, of course. We also invested in software that made uploading items on eBay much faster — pretty vital when you are listing dozens of new products a day.

By Novemberjust eight months after I had started, I’d sales of £61, which money earners on ebay an awful lot of goods to dispatch — some days or more. With business booming, John gave up his job to come on board.

It was a relief, although also tricky at times. It was my business, but now there were two of us and sometimes we would argue about the way to do things.

Then there was the space issue: as Christmas bitcoin investment uk hotel that first year we were using up every inch we had, from the garden shed to the loft. We were bursting at the seams. So we built a single storey business ‘HQ’ in the garden.  

By MarchI’d turned over £, money earners on ebay, around 25 per cent of which was profit — a figure that could have been higher if I had managed my costs better in the first few months.

So that’s what I did — and in my second year of trading I made the same amount of profit from selling a lot less. By then, John and I had learned from our mistakes.

Fast forward two years and I’m still here, with product lines in my online shop. It’s a money earners on ebay selection — everything from household goods and garden stuff to umbrellas and yoga mats — and it changes all the time. It has to, money earners on ebay stay ahead of the competition.

I haven’t made it rich yet, but that was never my ambition — I just wanted to stop struggling to make ends meet. Along the way I learned a lot which I hope can help women like me. eBay is a tool that needs to be used precisely, but if you get it right you can take control of your own destiny.

The Easy eBay Business Guide by Cathy Hayes is published by Right Way at £

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Selling on eBay is simple &#; and you'd be amazed what people are willing to pay for! Here, we provide simple tips to help you get the best price for all the things you no longer wanted anyway.

Make clear-outs routine (and sell ANYTHING)

Selling on eBay is a great way to declutter your home and earn some extra cash.

And if you think you’ve got nothing worth selling, think again.

Illustration of a woman decluttering. According to research by My Favourite Voucher Codes, there’s a surprising demand for ‘rubbish’ items such as empty perfume bottles, empty candle jars and even toilet roll tubes on eBay.

The site found that almost 2, perfume bottles were sold over a three-month period, raking in an average of £ apiece. Empty jars sold for £ on average.

Even the humble loo roll tube was popular over that period as parents wanted them for kids’ craft projects – with batches selling for money earners on ebay couple of quid.

So, money earners on ebay, whether you’ve just given your home the full Marie Kondo-inspired clear-out treatment or simply sifted through the recycling bins, mginger earn money sms can make some cash by shifting unwanted junk.

Remember to do regular clear-outs

Getting rid of old stuff doesn’t have to be a one-off event.

Keep tabs on items gathering dust and make clear-outs part of your routine. If you haven’t used something in a year or more, it’s probably time to get rid of it.

eBay is a great place to sell just about anything. So, don’t relegate items to the bin and remember – one man’s junk is another man’s treasure!

Find the top selling items

If you need inspiration about which of your items are likely to sell well, you can quickly see what’s hot with Goofbid’s Most Popular Items tool.

You just need to type in a search term to generate a list of relevant auctions with the most watchers and bids.

Screenshot of Goofbid's most popular items tool. (Image: Goofbid)

List up to 1, items a month free

At eBay, sellers get to list up to 1, items for free each month (apart from listings in the Property, Motors or Classified Ads categories).

After using your free allocation, you’ll be charged 35p for each item listed.

If you’ve got over a thousand items to sell, you might want to spread them out over a month or two to save on fees.

You won’t just be saving money by spreading out when you sell items as this could also help you manage the selling process, including packaging and posting items.

Another way to avoid this fee is to watch out for free listing day promotions, which will allow you to list as many items money earners on ebay you want for no charge within a certain period.

eBay normally sends out an email to let users know about these events.

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Beat final value fees

Sellers also have to pay eBay a in which situation would a savings account be the best investment to earn interest? value fee,’ which is 10% of the final transaction value, including postage.

Sometimes eBay runs promotions where you can save on final value fees when you list over a certain period, money earners on ebay, so keep an eye out.

If your buyer chooses to pay via PayPal, you will have to pay PayPal fees on the transaction. This is money earners on ebay % of the total sale price plus 30p per transaction.

End auctions on a Sunday

You may have worked into the early hours to list all your items but if you end the auction at the same time, buyers are unlikely to be around to battle it out for your goods.

Ending auctions early in the morning during the week or during business working hours is a bad move as buyers aren’t generally online.Sunday on calendar.

And you're almost certainly going to lose out on a decent final selling price if you end an auction at 3am on a Tuesday.

eBay tends to get most of its traffic at weekends, so this would be an ideal time to end your auction. Sunday afternoon tends to work best or even a Bank Holiday Monday.

List for as long as you can

The longer your item is advertised, the more chance there is of it being seen.

eBay allows you to list auctions for one, three, five, seven or 10 days. So, if you’re not in a rush, go for 10 days to give it the most exposure.

Buy-it-now listings can go live on eBay for three, five, seven, money earners on ebay, 10 or up to 30 days at money earners on ebay time. Again, if you aren’t in a hurry, try a day listing to make the maximum impact with buyers.

Work on your listing title

You need to use keywords people will search for in the title of your auction in order to get your listing seen and high up in search results.

‘Toy jail’ might come up in a few searches but ‘Fisher Price Batman Gotham city jail’ will definitely get you more views.

Be specific, clear and precise by including things such as the brand, money earners on ebay, size, colour and product name.

Goofbid's free eBay Pulse tool may be able to help you find effective keywords by revealing the most popular search terms buyers use (ordered by category).

A good way to think about it is to try to imagine what you would search for if you were looking for the item yourself.

Or take a look at money earners on ebay other people have used in the title of a similar listing – especially those that have lots of bids!

Whatever you do, money earners on ebay, make sure you check the spelling. People lose out by misspelling key words in their title so possible buyers don’t ever come across the item in question.

While you should aim for no errors when selling a product, websites like Fat Fingers can flag listings with spelling mistakes, which could possibly lead to a bargain for potential buyers.

Screenshot of shoes listed on eBay. (Image: eBay)

Learn the lingo

eBay is full of acronyms you need to get to know.

Here are a few of the most commonly used terms:

  • BN: Brand new
  • BNWT: Brand new with tags
  • BNIB: Brand new in box
  • BIN: Buy it now
  • VGC: Very good condition
  • NWOT: New without tags
  • NWOB: New without box
  • HTF: Hard to find
  • NR: No reserve price
  • VTG: Vintage

Sellers tend to use some of these abbreviations to save on the character limit on listing titles.

You might want to use them too, so you can fill the title with better keywords to help your listing get seen.

Don’t get carried away though as newbies may not have a clue what you’re on about.

Write a detailed description

There’s nothing worse than getting to a listing and finding a lack of information. It makes the buyer work harder by having to ask questions and wait money earners on ebay an answer. Most don’t even bother to go that far.

A good description will have a lot of details, including the brand, item specifics, model numbers, size dimensions, money earners on ebay, style, colour – and even why you’re selling the item.

While you want to try to make your item sound attractive to buyers, don’t lie. Your listing should provide an accurate description of the item.

While it might be tempting to embellish the truth, a piece of clothing that you’ve described as ‘like new’ that turns up with stains isn’t going to go down well.

You'll probably get a dose of negative feedback and the buyer has the right to get their money back under the eBay Money Back Guarantee.

Choose your words carefully

Inresearchers from Birmingham City University revealed they trawled through over 68, sold auction listings on eBay to try runescape money making guide 2022 afk work out which words money earners on ebay in the descriptions made sellers the most money.

The study, which analysed 15 million words, found definite patterns in language that significantly changed the price buyers could expect to pay for similar goods.

For example, ‘men’s’ watches sold for an average of £30 while ‘gents’ went for £70 ­– more than twice as much. Fragrances labelled ‘genuine’ fetched £21 on average but ‘authentic’ ones managed to bag sellers £

According to the research, a watch with ‘resistance’ could expect to attract nearly 50% more than a ‘resistant’ watch.

Researchers Andrew Kehoe and Matt Gee from Birmingham City University’s School of English were behind the study.

"We've found that the language used in eBay descriptions really does have an impact on whether items sell and for how much,” commented Kehoe.

So, it will pay to take some time and think about the language you are using in the description and title of your listing.

Take decent pictures

Screenshot of a dress. (Image: eBay)Clear images are likely to attract more buyers. So, try and take pictures of your items on a blank backdrop using natural light.

Also, make sure the item is in tip-top condition – that might mean getting out the iron or giving a few things a polish before taking your snaps.Screenshot of iPad on eBay. (Image: eBay)

With designer products like UGG boots and expensive technology such as an iPad, it’s good to have a picture proving they work or are genuine, rather than a generic picture from the web.

eBay usually allows you to add up to 12 images to a listing for free, so you should be able to highlight all the details of what you are selling, including any defects or damage.

Think seasonally

When selling your items, think about seasonality, money earners on ebay. Not many people will want a barbeque in December or wool trousers in July.

Your items will go for much more if the timing is right and they’re in high demand.

Go global

Selling to international buyers will widen your audience and boost potential bidders.

You can choose to sell to international buyers via eBay UK or list your auction on a specific overseas eBay site, money earners on ebay, which will mean it appears in the local currency and comes up higher in searches.

Listings on that are open to international buyers attract the normal insertion and final value fees.

But items sold directly money earners on ebay an overseas eBay site means you pay the fees associated with that site.

You should also be aware that PayPal will apply different charges when you sell to an international buyer.

Whichever option you go for, adjust your postage for international delivery or the extra costs will eat into your profits.

Communicate with buyers

Don’t leave questions from potential buyers unanswered. It won’t help you make a sale if people doubt your ability to communicate and trustworthiness.

If you have a smartphone, get the eBay app to help you keep up with your listings.

If you do receive a lot of questions about the same thing, it’s a good idea to update your listing as this is obviously something that is important to your prospective buyers.

Never bid on your own auctions

You should never bid on your own items via another account to boost prices.

eBay prohibits any attempts to push auction prices up artificially yourself or through friends and family.

Charge for postage accurately

When it comes to deciding the cost of delivery, you should cover yourself. You can avoid making a loss by charging accurately for each item you list.

That way if you do sell something for just 99p, you don't have to pay more just to get rid of it.

You should bear in mind that eBay includes postage when calculating the final value fee it will charge, so essentially it will take a 10% cut of what you charge for postage, as well as the final price of your item.

If you’re accepting payments via PayPal, the whole amount you get from the buyer may be subject to fees.

By calculating postage effectively, you can avoid a situation where you haven’t charged enough.

You can calculate postage costs using Royal Mail’s Price Finder. Larger items might need a courier, so this will have to be calculated later when you have the buyer's address.

Save on packaging

There's no point making good money on eBay, but then spending most of it on packaging.

You money earners on ebay cut the cost of sending your items by getting packaging materials from pound shops.Packaging materials. (Image: Shutterstock)

Parcel paper, bubble wrap and padded envelopes are available much cheaper here than places like WH Smith or the Post Office, and the quality is just as good.

You can also save by setting aside and reusing packaging you get from your own online money earners on ebay, for example, often sends items in boxes, which are perfectly fine to reuse with a different label.

Dodge PayPal fees

eBay requires all listings to accept PayPal although you can also offer other payment methods.

PayPal is a quick and safe way to get paid online and is usually the payment method of choice for most eBay shoppers.

But money earners on ebay a seller you pay a fee on the money you receive, money earners on ebay, usually % of the overall sale price plus a 30p charge per transaction.

When listing any products for sale, you can offer buyers the option to pay by cheque or cash on collection.

And with cash, there is a risk of being exposed to fake money.

But there are ways to prevent this from happening with counterfeit note checking devices or by taking a look at the Bank of England's guide to spotting a fake.

Build up your feedback

When you’re selling big ticket items like designer money earners on ebay, it helps to have some good feedback and a decent eBay seller rating to give buyers some confidence.

To attract positive feedback, make sure you dispatch items in the time stated on your listing, sell goods that match the description and reply to money earners on ebay quickly.

It’s also nice to let buyers know once their item is on its way.

A lot of the time people can be too lazy to leave feedback.

But if you make it a habit to leave feedback runescape fun money making a buyer or seller yourself, they are more likely to return the favour and build you up as a trusted member of the community.

Post to the PayPal-listed address

Once you’ve sold an item and are posting a package, make sure you send the item to the address listed on PayPal.

Some scammers will try and get you to send it to a friend or family member at an alternative address money earners on ebay sometimes in another country.

Stick to the official address listed, otherwise you won’t be covered by eBay’s seller protection.

Get proof of delivery

Postman getting signature. (Image: Shutterstock)It’s not just buyers that can become victim to cheats – sellers are at risk too.

A common scam is a buyer claiming a pricey item you sent never arrived and attempting to claim their money back.

To ensure you qualify for eBay’s seller protection, you’ll need to have posted the item within the stated handling time and provide valid proof of delivery for the item.

For items valued over £, money earners on ebay, it also requires signature confirmation.

Fight bitcoin investering fake against dodgy buyers

You can prevent potentially dodgy buyers from bidding your items by only accepting bids from those with a certain feedback score.

You just need to adjust your seller preferences by going to ‘buyer requirements.’

eBay also allows you to block specific individuals. So, if you know of a user or have been contacted by someone you’re not keen on, just add them to your block list.

Don’t forget about tax

If you’re a private seller occasionally getting rid of unwanted items through eBay, you usually don’t have to pay tax on what you make.

But if you’re a trader, which means making or selling goods bought for resale, money earners on ebay, you might have to tell the taxman.

The Sharing Economy Allowance allows you to make up to £1, a year selling goods or services without paying any tax.

Check this HMRC guide to work out if you need to declare any income made from online sales.

Consider the alternatives

eBay won’t be for everyone although there are alternatives you can try.

Other auction sites like eBid allow you to list items for i like to make money get turnt g eazy, but you are charged 5% on the final sale price. eBid also offers a ‘Seller+’ option with recurring fees.

Classified sites like Preloved and Gumtree are also a good shout as they are free to use.

If you aren’t bothered about making any money, Freegle allows you to give your old things a new home for free.

For money earners on ebay info, check out: Sell for less: the alternatives to eBay.

What are your tips?

Please share any tips and tricks you have for getting more out of selling on money earners on ebay in the comment box below.


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