Market linked term investments

market linked term investments

Market-linked guaranteed investments ; Main feature: Capital 100% guaranteed at maturity ; Term offered: Different terms offered depending on investment type. Guarantee Advantage® is a market-linked Term investment whose growth is linked to the performance of the securities of companies listed on a stock exchange. Coast Capital Savings - The Safe Bet, No Sweat™ Market-Linked Term Deposit. your initial investment is always safe with a Market-Linked GIC*.

Market linked term investments -

Equity-Linked Security (ELKS)

What Is Equity-Linked Security (ELKS)?

The term equity-linked security refers to a debt instrument with variable payments linked to an equity market benchmark. These securities are an alternative type of fixed-income investment—structured products most often created as bonds. Equity-linked securities are usually used in private market corporate capital financings, and are offered to investors to raise corporate capital. As such, they are not traded on financial market exchanges.

Key Takeaways

  • An equity-linked security is a debt instrument with variable payments linked to an equity market benchmark.
  • They are offered to investors so the issuer can raise capital.
  • These securities are an alternative type of fixed-income investment—structured products most often created as bonds.
  • ELKS normally mature within a one-year period and normally pay higher yields than that of the underlying security.
  • Some kinds of ELKS include corporate, bank-offered, and market-linked.

Understanding Equity-Linked Security (ELKS)

Equity-linked securities resemble both stocks and bonds. So although they may be debt securities, equity-linked securities provide returns that are tied to some form of underlying equity—hence the name. This equity is normally a common stock. This means the returns are linked to the upward and downward movements of the underlying stock.

ELKS normally mature within a one-year period. The yield they pay is normally higher than that of the underlying security. They also make two payouts or distributions to investors before they mature, which is why investors prefer these kinds of investments.

Equity-linked securities normally mature within one year.

An equity-linked security offering provides corporations with an alternative way to structure interest payments to investors. An issuer can base security interest payments on a range of equity market products including a stock, a group of stocks, or an equity index. They may also cap or pay a specified portion of the benchmark’s return. A standard equity-linked security structured as a bond would offer variable interest payments tied to an equity benchmark and the return of principal at maturity. ELKS offer a controlled interest rate product for the issuer.

Equity-Linked Security Investments and Solutions

Investors may be offered the opportunity to invest in ELKS from a few different issuers. They may also find ELKS advertised as market-linked. The following are a few kinds of ELKS that are available on the market.

Corporate ELKS

Corporations typically work with investment banks for support to structure equity-linked security offerings for capital financing. The Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) is a leading source of structured finance equity-linked securities. RBC works with companies to structure equity-linked security offerings with various types of provisions.

Bank-Offered ELKS

Retail investors may see equity-linked security offerings from a bank alongside certificates of deposit. An equity-linked security can be any type of investment with interest payments tied to an equity benchmark. Union Bank advertises equity-linked CDs as one component of their market-linked CD offering. The interest on the CDs is linked to an equity index. The minimum investment is $4,000.

Market-Linked Securities

Securities with payments linked to a market benchmark are offered across the investment industry. A market-linked security can have payments linked to any type of market benchmark. An issuer could structure a market-linked security to make payments based on an equity benchmark. They can also use any other market benchmark such as gold or currency.

For the security issuer, market-linked products offer the opportunity to control the payment to the investor by choosing a specified benchmark. For investors, they can offer an easy alternative to investing in the benchmark itself. An investor in a gold-linked CD would generally seek to earn the same rate of return as gold. Issuers can structure market-linked products in numerous ways. Market-linked products are also known to be illiquid and not tradable or redeemable without penalty during the duration of the investment.

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Market-linked guaranteed investments (MLGI)

Market-linked guaranteed investments provide a good balance between the security of your capital and attractive returns. The amount you invest is protected and returns can reflect market growth.

These term investments are as safe guaranteed investment certificates and term deposits. Their advantage is that returns are variable and may exceed the posted rates on these types of investments1. Returns are not known ahead of time because they are based on market performance.

UNI also has market-linked guaranteed investments with guaranteed returns, an additional protection if the markets aren't performing well.

Discover in a few clicks which of our guaranteed investments are right for you.Try our Guaranteed Investment Selector.

  • Capital 100% guaranteed at maturity2
  • Deposits insured under the terms established by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation
  • Designed by experts
  • Protects you against exchange rate fluctuations
  • Guaranteed return available, known at purchase for some investments
  • Potential variable return linked to market growth1
  • No commission or administration fees
  • Entitles you to potential member dividends
See returns for previously issued MLGIs
  • Terms: 2 years, 3 years, 4 years and 5 years
  • Minimum deposit: $1000
  • Eligible for registered plans (TFSA, RRSP, LIRA, locked-in RRSP, RRIF and LIF) and non-registered plans

Want to tap into the stock markets' growth potential without risking your capital? With market-linked guaranteed investments, you get 2 return options: guaranteed and variable. Plus, your capital is 100% guaranteed!

What is a market-linked guaranteed investment (MLGI)?

MLGIs fit investors who are seeking both security and returns that are higher than the more familiar secure investments (GICs, term savings). They offer a 100% capital guarantee and variable return.

What kind of investment do you want?

There's an investment for every type of investor. 2 types of markets-linked guaranteed investments available:

1. Variable return may be nil at maturity. Some investments offer a guaranteed annual return.

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  • You are an investor looking for a product that offers potential to gain higher returns.
  • You are interested in products that offer different levels of protection against capital loss relative to other investments.
  • You are a balanced or aggressive investor looking for investment opportunities to form part of the defensive portion of your investment portfolio.
  • You are looking for the potential for enhanced returns in times of neutral, moderately bullish to bearish market performance and may not necessarily have a view on the future direction of the underlying market.

Key Risks

MLIs are structured investments that are designed for sophisticated investors. It is important that investors understand the features and the investments risks of the MLI before investing. Some of the key risks of MLIs include:-

  • Credit risk
  • Market/underperformance risk
  • Liquidity risk
  • Operational risk
  • Commitment risk
  • Options risk
  • Currency risk
  • Potential return risk

How To Apply

Apply for Market Linked Investments

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Market-Linked GICs

Reading up on personal finance? Looking for ways to maximize your savings and investments? Instantly compare the best accounts in Canada and boost your ROI.

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In recent years, banks have introduced a twist on the traditional guaranteed investment certificate (GIC). These products, known as market-linked or equity-linked GICs, are tied to the performance of the equity market and follow stock or bond indexes.

Market-linked GICs are a sort of hybrid investment vehicle: part GIC, part stock market investment. They guarantee the original principal, and offer the potential for higher returns, depending on how a specified market performs over a 3- or 5-year period.

In essence, the appeal of a market-linked GIC is that it comes with deposit insurance up to the eligible limits, and with the possibility of reaping the upside returns of the equity market. The potential gains with a market-linked GIC can be far in excess of what a traditional GIC would offer, which is why you may want to consider adding one to your investment portfolio.


How do market-linked GICs work?

All market-linked GICs are created differently, but they do share some common characteristics. First, the original amount invested is guaranteed up to the eligible coverage limits. Second, the return of the GIC is linked to how a specified market index ends up doing over the term of the product.

For example, take a 3-year market-linked GIC tied to the S&P/TSX 60 Index. This index, which is widely quoted, measures the stock performance of some of the largest companies in Canada. If the S&P/TSX 60 index climbs over the 3-year contract period, the GIC’s return will reflect this. However, if the market declines or even stays the same, there will be no return on the GIC at all. In this regard, market-linked GICs are very different from traditional GICs: to make any money, they require the equity market to rise.

With that being said, some market-linked GICs do offer a small amount of guaranteed interest, regardless of what the equity market does.

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Why returns are limited with market-linked GICs

For most market-linked GICs, the banks limit the potential return in one of two ways: participation rates and maximum returns.

Participation rates

This is the degree to which the GIC’s return will correspond to that of the equity market; it is expressed as a percentage. Here’s how it works:

You buy a 3-year GIC tied to the S&P/TSX Composite Index. (This is the most widely-known Canadian stock exchange). At the time of purchase, the market is at 14,000. By the end of the term, it has risen to 18,000 - that’s a gain of 28.57% over 3 years. However, if the participation rate is 60%, your return is limited to 60% of 28.57%, or 17.14% - that works out to 5.71% a year (not compounded).

Here is the formula for determining your return where there is a participation rate:

Participation Rate Formula
Principal x (Index Closing Level-Index Starting Level) x Participation Rate
= Index Starting Level

In our example, this becomes:

($20,000 Principal($18,000 Index Closing Level$14,000 Index Starting Level) 60.00%Participation Rate) ÷ $14,000 Index Starting Level

Maximum returns

If there’s no participation rate, then the GIC contract may specify your potential return is limited to a maximum return. This stipulation is also expressed as a percentage. Here’s how it works:

You invest $10,000 in a 5-year GIC tied to the TSX with a maximum return of 20%. At the time of purchase, the market is at 14,000. By the end of the term, it has risen to 21,000 - that’s a gain of 50% (21,000 / 14,000 = 1.50) over 5 years. On a $10,000 investment, that should mean you’d walk away with $15,000 ($10,000 x 1.50) after 5 years.

However, your return is limited to 20% (expressed as 1.20 to include 100% of your original investment) because of the maximum return clause; this means you’d walk away with just $12,000 ($10,000 x 1.20) after 5 years.


Risks and opportunity costs with market-linked GICs

Market-linked GICs come with significant potential risks and opportunity costs. For example, if the equity market goes down and you receive 0%, you’ve lost out on the guaranteed return a GIC would have provided (say 1.75% a year). Alternatively, if the equity market goes way up, through either a participation rate or a maximum return, you could miss out on the full increase. In this case, it would have been better to simply invest directly in the equity market itself. As well the determination of the rate of return is established as a set point in time generally just prior to or at the maturity date and your rate of return is fixed only then.


Additional considerations:

  • Market-linked GICs are typically non-redeemable.
  • The fine print can be particularly important with market-linked products. Some contracts have clauses related to “extraordinary events”, such as market disruptions, where the bank may retain the right to modify how the GIC return is calculated.
  • Some of these products are known as “mixed market GICs”, because the return depends on the “blended” performance of multiple markets (stock, bond, etc).
  • Know the market your GIC is tied to. In the case of the Toronto Stock Exchange, three sectors (mining, energy and financials) make up the bulk of the index; this poses risks, because there is so little diversification.
  • An important aspect of a typical investment in the stock market is the dividends paid to owners of shares. When you buy a market-linked GIC, you will not receive any dividends.
  • For tax purposes, any gains on a market-linked GIC are considered interest income as opposed to capital gains; this tax treatment is different than holding the equity products outright but the same as holding a GIC.
  • Banks often promote these products based on past performance, but even they will admit, in the fine print, that this cannot predict future performance.



Before buying a market-linked GIC, you need to ask yourself a few questions:

  1. Do you think the equity market is likely to rise over time?
  2. Are you ok with the possibility of earning nothing, if it doesn’t go up?
  3. Does a non-redeemable GIC suit your financial situation?

If you answered yes to all three questions, a market-linked GIC may be a good investment product for you to consider. However, if you answered no to one or more questions, a more traditional GIC may be a better option.

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When to report interest on market-linked guaranteed investments

What are market-linked guaranteed investments?

They are investments on which in all or part of the return is calculated at maturity, based on the performance of one or more stock market indexes. Capital invested is 100% guaranteed.

Market-linked guaranteed investments and taxation

Income tax on deferred interest

Interest income on non-registered investments is usually reported on your annual income tax return. Since the non-guaranteed portion of the return on market-liked investments is only known at maturity, interest must be reported in the year in which it matures. The only exception if you elect the fixed-return option.

Example*: You invested $1,000 in a Global Equity Guaranteed Investment issued in 2007 for a 3-year term. At maturity, the return was determined to be $450. Since the amount was not known prior to 2010, nothing was reported in your 2007, 2008 and 2009 income tax returns. The $450 in interest must therefore be included as income in your 2010 tax return.

Your financial institution will forward you a tax form with the amount to include in your taxable income. You may defer taxes on the income for up to 3 years. You may not, however spread out the tax due retroactively over the 3-year holding period.

Depending product features, when returns are fully or partially known before maturity, taxes are due on the interest accrued on the investment anniversary date. This is the case for the Enhanced Return Guaranteed Investment since it guarantees a yearly minimum return, paid either monthly or annually.

Income tax when the fixed-return option is elected

Investments with a fixed return option enable you to freeze the rate of return at the current index level prior to maturity, protecting you from a possible market decline. Exercising this option triggers the taxation of the interest accrued on the investment anniversary date.

From this time on, your financial institution will forward you an annual tax form with the amount to include in your taxable income. At maturity, only the interest incurred since the last anniversary date is added to your income, even if you are paid the entire return. Before you choose this option, be aware that you will have to pay taxes starting the year the return is frozen.

Example*: You have a market-linked guaranteed investment in the amount of $1,000 issued in December, 2007, for 3-year term, with a fixed-rate option available on the 2nd anniversary date.

In December 2009, you decide to exercise the fixed-rate option. From this point on, you know how much you will receive at maturity. You must therefore report the interest accrued between December 2007 and December 2009, or $219 according to the index level at the time of the freeze, in your 2009 income tax return.

The interest amount will be indicated on the tax form forwarded to you by your financial institution for the tax year 2009. In 2010, you’ll the total return established at $346 will be posted to your account, but the tax form you receive will list only the interest accrued between December 2009 and December 2010, or $127, which you will need to include in your 2010 income.

Market-linked guaranteed investments in an RRSP

Even though investment income is only taxed at maturity, why not put your market-linked guaranteed investments in your RRSP? This way, the interest will only be taxed when you withdraw from your RRSP.

When the RRSP matures, before the end of the year in which you turn 71, you may convert your market-linked guaranteed investments into an RRIF. Make sure, however, that there are enough cash holdings in your RRIF to allow for the annual minimum withdrawal.

If you opt to convert your total RRSP to a fixed or life annuity at maturity, you will no longer be able to invest in market-linked guaranteed investments.

Market-linked guaranteed investments in a TFSA

If you decide to include market-linked guaranteed investments in your Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA), taxation will no longer be an issue because they are designed to generate tax-free income.


* Financial information provided is based on government tax requirements for the year 2009.

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Opinion: Market linked term investments

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Market linked term investments


  • You are an investor looking for a product that offers potential to gain higher returns.
  • You are interested in products that offer different levels of protection against capital loss relative to other investments.
  • You are a balanced or aggressive investor looking for investment opportunities to form part of the defensive portion of your investment portfolio.
  • You are looking for the potential for enhanced returns in times of neutral, moderately bullish to bearish market performance and may not necessarily have a view on the future direction of the underlying market.

Key Risks

MLIs are structured investments that are designed for sophisticated investors. It is important that investors understand the features and the investments risks of the MLI before investing. Some of the key risks of MLIs include:-

  • Credit risk
  • Market/underperformance risk
  • Liquidity risk
  • Operational risk
  • Commitment risk
  • Options risk
  • Currency risk
  • Potential return risk

How To Apply

Apply for Market Linked Investments

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When to report interest on market-linked guaranteed investments

What are market-linked guaranteed investments?

They are investments on which in all or part of the return is calculated at maturity, based on the performance of one or more stock market indexes. Capital invested is 100% guaranteed.

Market-linked guaranteed investments and taxation

Income tax on deferred interest

Interest income on non-registered investments is usually reported on your annual income tax return. Since the non-guaranteed portion of the return on market-liked investments is only known at maturity, interest must be reported in the year in which it matures. The only exception if you elect the fixed-return option.

Example*: You invested $1,000 in a Global Equity Guaranteed Investment issued in 2007 for a 3-year term. At maturity, the return was determined to be $450. Since the amount was not known prior to 2010, nothing was reported in your 2007, 2008 and 2009 income tax returns. The $450 in interest must therefore be included as income in your 2010 tax return.

Your financial institution will forward you a tax form with the amount to include in market linked term investments taxable income. You may defer taxes on the income for up to 3 years. You may not, market linked term investments, however spread out the tax due retroactively over the 3-year holding period.

Depending product features, when returns are fully or partially known before maturity, market linked term investments, taxes are due on the interest accrued on the investment anniversary date. This is the case for the Enhanced Return Guaranteed Investment since it guarantees a yearly minimum return, paid either monthly or annually.

Income tax when the fixed-return option is elected

Investments with a fixed return option enable you to freeze the rate of return at the current index level prior to maturity, protecting you from a possible market decline. Exercising this option triggers the taxation of the interest accrued on the investment anniversary date.

From this time on, your financial institution will forward you an annual tax form with the amount to include in your taxable income. At maturity, only the interest incurred since the last anniversary date is added to your income, even if you are paid the entire return. Before you choose this option, be aware that you will have to pay taxes starting the year the return is market linked term investments You have a market-linked guaranteed investment in the amount of $1,000 issued in December, 2007, for 3-year term, market linked term investments, with a fixed-rate option market linked term investments on the 2nd anniversary date.

In December 2009, you decide to exercise the fixed-rate option. From this point on, you know how much you will receive at maturity. You must therefore report the interest accrued between December 2007 and December 2009, or $219 according to the index level at the time of the freeze, in your 2009 income tax return.

The interest amount will be indicated on the tax form forwarded to you by your financial institution for the tax year 2009. In 2010, you’ll the total return established at $346 will be posted to your account, income producing investments uk the tax form you receive will list only the interest accrued between December 2009 and December 2010, or $127, which you will need to include in your 2010 income.

Market-linked guaranteed investments in an RRSP

Even though investment income is only taxed at maturity, why not put your market-linked guaranteed investments in your RRSP? This way, the interest will only be taxed when you market linked term investments from your RRSP.

When the RRSP matures, before the end of the year in which you turn 71, you may convert your market-linked guaranteed investments into an RRIF. Make sure, however, that there are enough cash holdings in your RRIF to allow for the annual minimum withdrawal.

If you opt to convert your total RRSP to a fixed or life annuity at maturity, you will no longer be able to invest in market-linked guaranteed investments.

Market-linked guaranteed investments in a TFSA

If you decide to include market-linked guaranteed investments in your Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA), taxation will no longer be an issue because they are designed to generate tax-free income.


* Financial information provided is based on government tax requirements for the year why bitcoin cash could hit 5 000 in 2022 []

Market-linked guaranteed investments (MLGI)

Market-linked guaranteed investments provide a good balance between the security of your capital and attractive returns. The amount you invest is protected and returns can reflect market growth.

These term investments are as safe guaranteed investment certificates and term deposits. Their advantage is that returns are variable and may exceed the posted rates on these types of investments1. Returns are not known ahead of time because they are based on market performance.

UNI also has market-linked guaranteed investments with guaranteed returns, an additional protection if the markets aren't performing well.

Discover in a few clicks which of our guaranteed investments are right for you.Try our Guaranteed Investment Selector.

  • Capital 100% guaranteed at maturity2
  • Deposits insured under the terms established by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation
  • Designed by experts
  • Protects you against exchange rate fluctuations
  • Guaranteed return available, known at purchase for some investments
  • Potential variable return linked to market growth1
  • No commission or administration fees
  • Entitles you to potential member dividends
See returns for previously issued MLGIs
  • Terms: 2 years, 3 years, 4 years and 5 years
  • Minimum deposit: $1000
  • Eligible for registered plans (TFSA, RRSP, LIRA, locked-in RRSP, RRIF and LIF) and non-registered plans

Want to tap into the stock markets' growth potential without risking your capital? With market-linked guaranteed investments, you get 2 return options: guaranteed and variable. Plus, your capital is 100% guaranteed!

What is a market-linked guaranteed investment (MLGI)?

MLGIs fit investors who are seeking both security and returns that are higher than the more familiar secure investments (GICs, term savings). They offer a 100% capital guarantee and variable return.

What kind of investment do you want?

There's an investment for every type of investor. 2 types of markets-linked guaranteed investments available:

1. Variable return may be nil at maturity. Some investments offer a guaranteed annual return.

Источник: []

What is a Market-Linked Guaranteed Investment? Market-Linked investments offer interest returns based on how companies in the investments perform.
How is a Market-Linked investment different than a term/GIC deposit? These products guarantee your original deposit amount with the opportunity for investors to earn more than a standard term/GIC with the safety of a guaranteed initial investment. The return on these investments depend on how the stocks perform during the investment, market linked term investments, meaning that the maximum return can't be guaranteed.
How is it different than a mutual fund? An investment in a mutual fund has no guarantee but can offer larger returns based off the fund performance. With a market-linked investment you can rest easy knowing you have a minimum guaranteed return with the potential to earn more!
How can I invest? These investments can even be made through an RRSP, TFSA or on its own!
Conexus provides you with 2 options to invest in Market-Linked Products, market linked term investments, the Canadian Mix and Eco Mix products!

Canadian Mix

Put your money where your maple leaf is with this investment made up of some of Canada's largest companies.


  • Choose from 3 or 5 year terms to fit your schedule and relax, knowing your original investment is 100% guaranteed.

Eco Mix

Live green, market linked term investments, make green with this investment in eco-friendly companies. You won't need to worry since your original investment is fully guaranteed.


  • This investment has 3 or 5 year terms to choose from.


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Market-linked guaranteed investments

Want to protect your capital and enjoy good returns? Market-linked guaranteed investments are as safe as guaranteed investment certificates and term deposits, making them the perfect solution!

The main advantage of market-linked guaranteed investments is that their returns are variable and may exceed the posted rates on these types of investments. Returns aren't known ahead of time because they're based on market performance. Market-linked guaranteed investments offer security, returns and flexibility in one investment.

  • Capital 100% guaranteed at maturity
  • Learn more about deposit insurance
  • Designed by our team of experts
  • Protect you against exchange rate fluctuations
  • Guaranteed return available, known at purchase for some investments
  • Variable returns option linked to market growth
  • No commission or administration fees
  • Eligible for potential 72 bitcoin value market linked term investments member dividends

See returns for previously issued MLGIs

  • Terms: 2, market linked term investments, 3, 4, 5 or 6 years
  • Minimum deposit: $500
  • Eligible for registered plans (TFSA, RRSP, FTA, market linked term investments, LIRA, locked-in RRSP, RRIF, LIF and RDSP) and non-registered plans
  • Annual interest payment option
  • Redeemable or convertible if something unexpected happens
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Market-Linked GICs

Reading up on personal finance? Looking for ways to maximize your savings and investments? Instantly compare the best accounts in Canada and boost your ROI.

let’s get started!

In recent years, banks have introduced a twist on the traditional guaranteed investment certificate (GIC). These products, known as market-linked or equity-linked GICs, are tied to the performance of the equity market and follow stock or bond indexes.

Market-linked GICs are a sort of hybrid investment vehicle: part GIC, part stock market investment. They guarantee market linked term investments original principal, and offer the potential for higher returns, market linked term investments, depending on how a specified market performs over a 3- or 5-year period.

In essence, the appeal of a market-linked GIC is that it comes with deposit insurance up to the eligible limits, and with the possibility of reaping the upside returns of the equity market. The potential gains with a market-linked GIC can be far in excess of what a traditional GIC would offer, market linked term investments, which is why you may want to consider adding one to your investment portfolio.


How do market-linked GICs work?

All market-linked GICs are created differently, but they do share some common characteristics. First, the original amount invested is guaranteed up to the eligible coverage limits. Second, the return of the GIC is linked to how a specified market index ends up doing over the term of the product.

For example, take a 3-year market-linked GIC tied to the S&P/TSX 60 Index. This index, which is widely quoted, measures the stock performance of some of the largest companies in Canada. If the S&P/TSX 60 market linked term investments climbs over the 3-year contract period, market linked term investments, the GIC’s return will reflect this. However, if the market declines or even stays the same, there will be no return on the GIC at all. In this regard, market-linked GICs are very different from traditional GICs: to make any money, they require the equity market to rise.

With that being said, some market-linked GICs do offer a small amount of guaranteed interest, regardless of what the equity market does.

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Why returns are limited with market-linked GICs

For most market-linked GICs, the banks limit the potential return in one of two ways: participation rates and maximum returns.

Participation rates

This is the degree to which the GIC’s return will correspond to that of the equity market; it is expressed as a percentage. Here’s how it works:

You buy a 3-year GIC tied to the S&P/TSX Composite Index, market linked term investments. (This is the most widely-known Canadian stock exchange). At the time of purchase, the market is at 14,000. By the end of the term, it has risen to 18,000 - that’s a gain of 28.57% over 3 years, market linked term investments. However, if the participation rate is 60%, your return is limited to 60% of 28.57%, or 17.14% - that works out to 5.71% a year (not compounded).

Here is the formula for determining your return where there is a participation rate:

Participation Rate Formula
Principal x (Index Closing Level-Index Starting Level) x Participation Rate
= Index Starting Level

In our example, this becomes:

($20,000 Principal($18,000 Index Closing Level$14,000 Index Starting Level) 60.00%Participation Rate) ÷ $14,000 Index Starting Level

Maximum returns

If there’s no participation rate, then the GIC contract may specify your potential return is limited to a maximum return. This stipulation is also expressed as a percentage. Here’s how it works:

You invest $10,000 in a 5-year GIC tied to the TSX with a maximum return of 20%. At the time of purchase, the market is at 14,000. By the end of the term, it has risen to 21,000 - that’s a gain of 50% (21,000 / 14,000 = 1.50) over 5 years. On a $10,000 investment, market linked term investments, that should mean you’d walk away with $15,000 ($10,000 x 1.50) after 5 years.

However, your return is limited to 20% (expressed as 1.20 to include 100% of your original investment) because of the maximum return clause; this means you’d walk away with just $12,000 ($10,000 x 1.20) after 5 years.


Risks and opportunity costs with market-linked GICs

Market-linked GICs come with significant potential risks and opportunity costs. For example, if the equity market goes down and you market linked term investments 0%, you’ve lost out on the guaranteed return a GIC would have provided (say 1.75% a year). Alternatively, if the equity market goes way up, market linked term investments, through either a participation rate or a maximum return, you could miss out on the full increase. In this case, market linked term investments, it would have been better to simply invest directly in the equity market itself. As well the determination market linked term investments the rate of return is established as a set point in time generally just prior to or at the maturity date and your rate of return is fixed only then.


Additional considerations:

  • Market-linked GICs are typically non-redeemable.
  • The fine print can be particularly important with market-linked products. Some contracts have clauses related to “extraordinary events”, such as market disruptions, where the bank may retain the right to modify how the GIC return is calculated.
  • Some of these products are known as “mixed market GICs”, because the return market linked term investments on the “blended” performance of multiple markets (stock, bond, etc).
  • Know the market your GIC is tied to. In the case of the Toronto Stock Exchange, three sectors (mining, energy and financials) make up the bulk of the index; this poses risks, because there is so little diversification.
  • An important aspect of a typical investment in the stock market is the dividends paid to owners of shares. When you buy a market-linked GIC, you will not receive any dividends.
  • For tax purposes, any gains on a market-linked GIC are considered interest income as opposed to capital gains; market linked term investments tax treatment is different than holding the equity products outright but the same as holding a GIC.
  • Banks often promote these products based on past performance, market linked term investments, but even they will admit, market linked term investments, in the fine print, that this cannot predict future performance.



Before buying a market-linked GIC, you need to ask yourself a few questions:

  1. Do you think the equity market is likely to rise over time?
  2. Are you ok with the possibility of earning nothing, if it doesn’t go up?
  3. Does a non-redeemable GIC suit your financial situation?

If you answered yes to all three questions, a market-linked GIC may be a good investment product for you to consider. However, if you answered no to one or more questions, a more traditional GIC may be a better option.

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Factors To Consider While Investing In Market Linked Investment Options

Market-linked investment instruments play a crucial role in accomplishing investors’ financial goals, maximising their wealth creation and beating inflation in the long term. Depending on the age, risk tolerance, return expectations and goal requirements, one should smartly allocate an adequate portion of the portfolio into market-linked instruments. For example, if you are a young investor with a high risk appetite, limited liabilities and an ambition to build a huge corpus for your future, you can’t ignore market-linked investments.

Now, depending on the underlying asset class, a market-linked investment can be a debt, equity, or hybrid (i.e. mix of debt and equity) product. However, in a bid to earn greater returns through market-linked investments, one cannot ignore that they also carry greater risk in comparison to non-linked instruments like fixed income instruments. So, you should be aware of these crucial things before investing in a market-linked instrument.

Types Of Market-linked Instruments

Some of the popular market-linked instruments available in the market include mutual funds, unit-linked plans (ULIPs), direct equities and the National Pension Scheme (NPS). These market-linked instruments could offer a high return, but they market linked term investments carry a higher risk in comparison to a fixed income product, market linked term investments. If you are a risk-averse investor, market linked term investments, you should avoid investing only in market-linked instruments.

Who Should Invest?

If you are young, have limited liabilities, and ready to take a higher amount of risk to generate greater returns, a market-linked instrument can be an attractive investment option. Even older investors with limited liabilities and healthy finances safeguarded by, say, adequate insurance protection, could also consider smartly investing bitcoin investing 2022 20 small portion of their funds into market-linked products. Market-linked instruments can beat inflation and generate a high real rate of return (i.e., nominal returns minus applicable taxes, investment charges, etc.).

However, if you are looking to chase a crucial goal in the short term, you may want to avoid investing in a market-linked instrument. It’s usually safer to invest in nowe orlowo-invest komfort market-linked instrument to achieve long-term goals. Also, some of the debt-oriented market-linked investments are comparatively less risky than equity-oriented market-linked investments.

How To Lower The Risk?

You may lower the risk while investing in market-linked products by optimal diversification and investing through the systematic investment plan (SIP) method. Instead of investing the entire corpus in a single market linked term investments instrument, you should diversify it into different types of instruments involving different asset classes. For example, you may invest money in equity mutual funds, debt funds, etc. You may further diversify into different types of schemes offered by different companies within the equity and debt fund categories.

Diversification helps in reducing the market risk and minimising the volatility impact on the portfolio. Investing in market-linked instruments through SIP can reduce the volatility risk and allow the benefit of rupee cost averaging in the long term. Selecting the right combination of instruments as per your financial goal, and risk appetite can further reduce the level of risk.

Invest For Short-term Or Long-term

As market-linked instruments have higher exposure to market risks, investing for the long term can also lower the risk to a market linked term investments extent. However, a product like a liquid fund carries comparatively lower risk than most other market-linked instruments. It can offer you great flexibility and moderate to good returns as a short-term investment instrument. If you are looking for a higher return and don’t have liquidity constraints, go for a long-term horizon when you invest in a market-linked instrument.

How Much Should You Invest?

Investment allocation should always be in sync with your financial goals and liquidity requirements. Market-linked investments have better potential to provide a promising return in the long term compared to short-term investments. People who invest their entire money in a market-linked instrument may suffer losses if they have to exit the investment in the short term due to a liquidity crunch.


So, it would be safe to argue that it is better to invest that portion of your savings into a market-linked instrument market linked term investments you will not require in the short term. That said, market linked term investments, allocation to market-linked instruments should be higher when you are young, and it should gradually decrease as you grow older.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not market linked term investments rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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