Squidoo lenses make money

squidoo lenses make money

Ads are featured on these pages, and if someone clicks an ad on the page, the creator of that page, also known as the lensmaster, will earn a. Squidoo has a three-tiered payment structure for calculating how much each individual lens makes each month. In a nutshell, the top 33.3% of lenses according to. Squidoo lenses can also make you some royalty money or you can donate your earnings to a charity by having an Amazon, CafePress or eBay module.

Can: Squidoo lenses make money

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Squidoo lenses make money

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Have you heard about Squidoo? If yes? definitely you have already noticed that people making money online there with sharing useful content. Squidoo is a world’s best web 2.0 platform which allow you to write and share your own content as lenses in their website. You can add text, images, video, audio, links anything as you want in your lens, squidoo lenses make money you should not spam it.

Now its your turn, Learn here how to make smart income from Squidoo very quickly. Its not much hard if you concentrate on squidoo perfectly.

Ways to Make Money Online with Squidoo Lenses:

1. Create more lenses and squidoo lenses make money advertisements 

If once your lens is published, you are able to run advertisements there. So this way you can see some cash in your account. Squidoo will take some percentage on your earnings and they will send you the rest of the amount to your paypal account once its reached minimum payout. To make money like this, your lenses should be getting good amount of traffic.

Make money with squidoo

2. Affiliate Program

Affiliates are another great method to earn cash here, squidoo lenses make money, When you are creating your lenses  in right sidebar you will see some widgets like text modules, image, video etc. In that box you can find “Amazon”, “eBay” widgets which will helps you to add affiliate products to your lens.

If a visitor make a sale through your lens  you will get money. Its almost similar to doing affiliate marketing in your own blog, but advantage of doing in squidoo is, you can rank your page more quickly than your website here.

3. Sell links to your clients

Squidoo links are like hot cakes in market, there is lot of craze for those links. First find some clients who looking for squidoo links, next make a new lens and get it published. Now add your clients link in your profile box which is visible on top right of your lens  You can try to add your clients links in lens body also if that link is very relevant to lens topic.

4. Drive traffic to your website

There is a option in lens squidoo lenses make money to add RSS feed of your website, Just make use of it and drive traffic to your websites easily. So there are some chances to make revenue from your website with that traffic.

Things you should remember: 

  • Squidoo don;t accept low quality or copied content
  • If they found any violation in your lens, they will take it down
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How You Should Create A Squidoo Lens

07 Dec How You Should Create A Squidoo Lens

Squidoo is a community where you can publish information that you know all about and share with others. Lenses (a Squidoo page) can be pretty much about any topic and can point to other websites on the web. Squidoo can increase traffic to a website by linking to your website from you lens, as well as increasing your chances in appearing in search engine results since the site is popular.

Modules are the building blocks of what makes a Squidoo lens. They can contain text, photos, YouTube videos, user polls, link lists and featured products from Amazon. Squidoo lenses can also make you some royalty money or you can donate your earnings to a charity by having an Amazon, CafePress or eBay module.

Squidoo squidoo lenses make money are pretty easy to create, but the best lenses are updated often and filled with interaction.

My suggestions when creating a Squidoo lens would be:

  • Make sure you have an introduction to your lens
  • Have at least 2 or 3 text modules
  • Have at least 3 or 4 modules of media
  • Include keyword targeted phrases
  • Keep content easy to read using short paragraphs or bullet points

For an idea of what a Squidoo lens looks like when complete, you can check out Ten Golden Rules’ Official Squidoo lens.

Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]

How To Make Money Flipping Squidoo Lenses

Since you are reading this article, I know you are looking for a way to make money. I figure you would prefer something that doesn't already have 8 billion people doing it and with a little effort, you have a realistic chance to make money. I am about to introduce you to what you are looking for plus it's relatively new and it's in high demand (aka a hungry market).

Before I get into the details here's my prediction. 2008 will be the year flippers make a lot of money -- it's a hot and growing market with a ton a demand.

You might be wondering what is flipping and also what is Squidoo. If so, I will give you a brief overview of each.


Squidoo is a Web 2.0 social site that allows user to create their own content. This in itself is no big deal but the real attraction to Squidoo is both the user base is growing dramatically and Google loves Squidoo pages. I get front page Google results quite often with a good Squidoo lens, squidoo lenses make money. This all leads to explosive opportunity for high volume traffic. Of course, traffic or even the potential for traffic has tremendous value to buyers.


Flipping a Squidoo lens is the same concept as flipping a house. You simply build a great lens and then sell it for profit, squidoo lenses make money. Like picking a good location is important to flipping a house, you need to pick the right niche, keywords and content to maximize your sales price with a lens.

So how do you do this flipping stuff?

First, you head on over to Squidoo and set-up a lens so it is optimized for sale. This includes picking a niche along with selecting the best keywords related to the niche. You want to select a topic where there is a hungry market. If you are not sure where to start for topics, you can head over to Amazon and look over the non-fiction best seller list to see if you can come up with ideas. There are many other ways to find niches but I will save that for another article.

Once you have your lens set-up, you are ready to add content and further tweak it. The content you add can make or break you -- so it is important you add quality content. The nice thing about a lens is you do not need to add a lot of content. Usually one or two 300-500 word articles is sufficient. You will want to add affiliate links for products that target your niche. You can also use polls to generate affiliate revenue.

The last step is to carefully review your lens for perfection. Just like you would wash, vacuum and wax your car before selling it -- do the same with your lens. Make sure it shines. Review it for typos, add images where appropriate and confirm the layout is good.

The next step is to promote your lens. The more you can promote it the more traffic you will get. Naturally, traffic will lead to affiliate sales. With both traffic and sales, you will have driven up the value of your lens. Keep in mind, you do not have to have traffic and sales to sell your lens but you will get a better price and more buyers if you do.

You can promote your lens in a lot of different ways. Add it to social bookmarking sites like Stumble and Digg. Write articles and submit it to directories like Ezinearticle.com, Goarticles.com and SearchWarp.com. You can visit relevant forums and be part of the community there. Add your lens in the signature of your forum posts. The more promotion the better.

Ok, so now you have both built and promoted your lens. Now you are ready to sell it. There are numerous sites for selling including eBay, Sitepoint, forums and many other locations.

This article is a starting point for flipping a lens. I hope you have found this interesting and useful. Now go flip!
Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]

My Squidoo Earnings Record

Virginia likes to help other writers get started online. She wrote for eHow, Squidoo, Hubpages, and is a blogger.

I Spent a Lot of Time on Squidoo

Making Money on Squidoo

I first started on Squidoo with the idea of promoting my mother's book and also calling attention to a lake lot I wanted to sell. My first lenses accomplished those goals, but Quiz to make money didn't stop there. Creating the lenses appealed to my sense of creativity. I was looking for a new outlet after the eHow website developed publishing issues. Squidoo seemed money earned winning super bowl the right thing for me to create online content.

At first, I didn't realize the earning potential for Squidoo, as there's a two-month lag in paying earnings. In browsing around the site, I found some lensmasters (writers of articles) discussing the money-making potential of their lenses. It opened my eyes to the possibility of having fun and making money at the squidoo lenses make money time. Lovely idea!

Squidoo isn't a get-rich-quick site and there is real work involved in creating quality lenses. The good news is that the site is free and has a very supportive atmosphere with lensmasters willing to help others succeed. Over time, lenses can earn significant money for the lensmaster once you learn how to monetize, how to apply keywords and how to create a lens that attracts an audience.

Here are my payouts from Squidoo, squidoo lenses make money, so new arrivals can see the progression. This is just one sample, as others earn more if they create high-interest lenses and some earn less if they are less proficient in their lens creation. New lensmasters find it inspiring to see the possibilities of creating and earning on Squidoo.

The Squidoo site has now closed and the content shifted to the Hubpages site.

It Takes Time to Grow And Earn

My Paydays on Squidoo - 1st Year - Note that for months and months, I earned very little

  • Sept. 2008 - Made my 1st lens and went away, forgetting about Squidoo.
  • August 2009 - Returned and made 2 lenses, squidoo lenses make money.

    September 2009 - Made 5 lenses.

    October 2009 - Published 9 more lenses on Squidoo. (on the 10/08/09 payday for the month of August earned nothing. Squidoo has a 2 month lag for paying out the earnings.)

    November 2009 - Added 25 more lenses. (Earned nine cents on the 11/05/09 payday)

    December 2009 - Made 34 more lenses. (Earned ninty-four cents on the 12/15/09 payday. This is from the October work.)

  • January 2010 - Made 27 new lenses. (Squidoo said I earned $3.73 for the November work, but still haven't reached the minimum $10 payout that I'd set)

    February 2010 - Made 23 new lenses (In mid-February, Squidoo told me I earned $4.23 for the December work.)

    March 2010 - Made 28 new lenses (On the March payday I earned $8.95 for the January work.)

    April 2010 - Made 12 new lenses (On the April payday I earned $9.57 for the February work.)

    May 2010 - Made 7 new lenses (May payday, I earned $31.56 from 61 lenses. The rest of my lenses did not earn anything this month. This was the royalties for the month of March.)

    June 2010 - Made 20 new lenses (On the June payday I earned $50.29. Remember the 2 month lag in paying, so this was for earnings from April)

    July 2010 - Made 29 new lenses (For the July payday I earned $42.22. This is for earnings in May.)

  • YOUR ROYALTIES (06/01/2010 to 06/30/2010)

    Your new lens earnings this period = $58.90

    Zero lenses in tier 1, 7 lenses in tier 2, and a huge number squidoo lenses make money tier 3 or lower.

    (I'm really looking forward to next month's payday, as I've had a number of associate sales on various lenses)

  • YOUR SQUIDOO ROYALTIES (07/01/2010 to 07/31/2010)

    Your new lens earnings from this period = $139.50

    96 lenses earned something during the month, but $85 came from my three lenses that stayed in tier one.

    Add in the $99 from the Summer Sunshine award, my earnings came to $238.50 this month from Squidoo.

At the end of the first year,

my squidoo lenses make money month was $238.

Rise and Decline of Squidoo Earnings - My Record

Won a Bitcoin investir 5 de Award in August

The $99 for this award was deposited to my Paypal on the same day as my September monthly payment. Lovely!

You don't have to make this many lenses, but it took me awhile to learn what works best for me.

My Second Year of Earnings on Squidoo - Starting with the October 15, 2010 Pay Out

  • Not payday yet, but I just sold my first Squidoo lens. It was a tier one and I sold it for $100. That may sound too cheap to some, but it was a seasonal lens that will only earn a few months each year. I'm excited about this new way to earn using Squidoo.
  • YOUR SQUIDOO ROYALTIES (08/01/2010 to 08/31/2010)

    Your new lens earnings from this period = $193.27

    Total earnings = $193.27!

    Combine the royalties with the $100 from the lens I sold brings my Squidoo income to $293 for October. This is real progress!

  • YOUR SQUIDOO ROYALTIES (09/01/2010 to 09/30/2010) Paid out on November 16, 2010.

    Your new lens earnings from this period = $226.60

    A few of the dollars went to charity, out of the $226.

  • YOUR SQUIDOO ROYALTIES (10/01/2010 to 10/31/2010) Paid out on December 15, 2010

    Your new lens earnings from this period = $395.64

    Total earnings = $395.64! (a few dollars of the $395 went to charity)

    That's from the sales of Halloween items on the lenses plus 5 lenses were in tier one which paid about $25 each! Wow! The infolinks are paying mostly pennies and Chitka seems negligible. I'm loving Amazon though!

  • YOUR SQUIDOO ROYALTIES (11/01/2010 to 11/30/2010)

    Your new lens earnings from this period = $379.77

    Total earnings = $379.77!

    I was hoping that this month would be bigger (with Christmas buying) than October was (with Halloween buying). Guess not. I'm still excited about December Amazon sales which I won't know about until mid-February.

  • Just received the February payout (covering earnings from December 2010). I was anxious to see how the Christmas season earned. My total earnings after a small bit was given to charity is $455.06. That's the best payday for me yet!

    I expect next month to drop down without all the Christmas shopping boosting the earnings.

    I like the new way that Squidoo is posting the month's earning so you can see the top earning lens and scan down the list without having to click on each one. Great!

  • March 15 payout (covering earnings from January 2011) was $318.67. As expected, the earnings dropped from the peak Christmas earnings. This is probably the range I'll earn in unless I make more lenses, fine-tune my sales lenses and build more backlinks.
  • BONUS - I just received $30 for a creating a commissioned lens. The nice part, is I get to keep the lens, as they just wanted the backlinks. The lens is in the third tier, but I have hopes of moving it up to second tier over time.
  • Yes, there is FREE LUNCH. I made a lens for a friend and she treated me to a nice lunch.
  • April 2011 (February 2011 royalties paid out 04/14/2011)

    * Total featured lenses on date: 203 lenses (I have more lenses but they did not earn anything)

    * Total paid in cash via PayPal: $323.74

  • March 2011 earnings (paid out May 2011)

    Earnings on May 13, 2011 payday .$348.08

  • April 2011 royalties (paid out 06/10/2011)

    Total featured lenses on date: 187 lenses (this doesn't count my non-earning lenses)

    Total paid in cash via PayPal : $292.04 (a $56 drop from last month)

  • May 2011 royalties (paid out July 14, 2011)

    Total featured lenses on date: 183 lenses (I have more lenses than that, but the count doesn't include the non-earners)

    Grand total this month: $467.59 WhooHoo, this even beat my Christmas month earnings!

  • June 2011 royalties (paid out August 11, 2011)


    plus $5 for a referral which means someone who signed up through me made their first $15, squidoo lenses make money, so I get a bonus. My new total is $451.97 for the month.

  • July 2011 royalties (paid squidoo lenses make money September 15, squidoo lenses make money, 2011)

    $465.41 Then on September 21, received an additional $96 which was the missing Chitka and Ad money that I filed a bug report about. That brings the total for the month to $561.79. Highest month yet!

    October 10, 2011 - just received a bonus from an experiment Squidoo did with the angels. I earned $21.59 in the DueProps Angel Project, squidoo lenses make money. Very nice. That brings the total for the month to $583.38.

Whoops, Error on My Payout

Luckily I looked closely at my September 15, 2011 payout with the details of earnings for each lens. I noticed that Chitika and Adlinks $$ were missing. I submitted a bug report after checking to be sure my settings were correct.

They responded today saying that I would receive the money for that as a separate deposit. I'm hoping it equals another $35 to $50.

9/21/11 - just received the missing funds for another $96. Yay!

My Third Year of Earning on Squidoo

  • October 13, 2011 received the payout for August. It's the best yet! $623.22
  • November 15, 2011 received the payout for September. Even better than last month.$793.40
  • December 14, 2011 was the payout for October. Halloween made some great sales for me and with 10 lenses in tier one, I made $1,074.93.

    Best payout yet!

  • January 12, 2012 received the payout for November. Slight drop off after Halloween and before major Christmas shopping. Still quite good at $997.36. It dropped about $77 but I'm not complaining.
  • February 13, 2012 was the payout for December. Christmas earnings were good, so my payday was $1,360.82. That's the best I've ever had.
  • March 14, 2012 was the payout for January, squidoo lenses make money. I expected it to drop after the Christmas high, but wish it hadn't dropped this much.

    Total paid in cash via PayPal was $852.52. About half of my lenses did not earn anything, meaning they didn't rank in tier one, two or three and did not sell anything through Amazon or eBay.

  • April 14, 2012 - payout for February. Up a bit from last month. $881.43

    To give some perspective, this is about double what I made in Make money fake keygen 2011. It's a huge improvement over the $9 that I made in April 2010.

  • May 10, 2012 - payout for March. Down a bit, but not too bad, squidoo lenses make money. $824.95 was the payout.
  • June 12, 2012 - payout for April. Up from last month (and double what I made in June 2011). $884.33 was my payout.
  • July 13, 2012 - payout for May. Big jump forward with a payout of $1,213.06. That included 11 tier one lenses and 16 tier two lenses with several hundred falling into tier three.
  • August 9, 2012 - payout for June. Holding steady at $1,337.27. I had 12 tier one lenses this time.
  • September 7, 2012 - payout for earnings in July. Dropped down some to $1,064. I had 9 lenses in tier one.

My best month for the 3rd year was $1,360

My 4th Year on Squidoo

  • October 12, 2012 - This is the payout for the month of August. Best pay day so far.$1,492. That included having 11 lenses in tier one and quite a few Amazon and eBay sales from my lenses. It does not include associate income from Amazon or Zazzle.
  • November 14, 2012 - Payout for the month of September. $1,348.05
  • December 11, 2012 - Payout for the month of October. $2,000.15

    The Halloween shoppers gave me a real boost squidoo lenses make money those topics earning $815.

    My purchased lenses pulled their share and earned $240. I'm sure they will do even better once they are more mature.

  • January 15, 2013 - Payout for the month of November. $1,443.

    As expected there's a little lull between Halloween and Christmas shopping.

    I started selling off some lenses once I squidoo lenses make money 825. I'll add my profits from that later.

    Oops, forgot to include my niche account which made $350. That brings my total to $1,793.

  • February 14, 2013 - Payout for the month of December. $1,623.

    Not as high as I was hoping. I'll have to tweak my lenses and see what I can do better. This does not include my own Amazon affiliate earnings.

  • March 11, 2013 - Payout for the month of January. $736. I knew the tier payments were going to be lowered this month. That has hit everyone hard, I imagine. This is the lowest payout that I've had since October 2011. Hopefully the drastic changes Squidoo is making right now will impact earnings in squidoo lenses make money positive way for the future.
  • April 12, 2013 - Payout for the month of February. $719. Holding steady.
  • May 14, 2013 - Payout for the month of March. $778. Up slightly from last month.
  • June 13, 2013 - Payout for the month of April. $706, Down slightly from last month (and down $1300 from my peak month). I had 5 lenses in tier one, 18 lenses in tier two and 250 lenses in tier three. A few earned from sales but didn't make it into the tier ranking. About 1/2 of my lenses earned nothing (318 of them).
  • July 11, 2013 - Payout for the month of May. $769. Encouraging as there is a slight upswing. That's 6 lenses in tier one though the ad pool is sadly much lower than when Squidoo lenses make money was flying high. Lots of sales though and ten lenses earned really well without even making it into tier one.
  • August 8, 2013 - Payout for the month of June, squidoo lenses make money. $822. Thanks to some seasonal lenses, an upward movement! I had 10 lenses earn tier one pay. Fifty percent of my lenses earned, though some earned only a penny each.
  • September 11, 2013 - Payout for the month of July, squidoo lenses make money. $639. Almost a $200 drop from last month so pretty disappointing. That's 11 lenses earning tier one payout, but many more just making 13 cents each. Sigh.

My best month for the 4th year was $2,000

My Fifth Year on Squidoo

  • October payout - $440. This is a drop of $200 from the previous month. Disappointing, squidoo lenses make money. Tier one lenses paid a mere $11 each. I am seeing an increase in sales so maybe the payout two months down the line will be better.
  • November 2013 payout - $706. Good increase and I feel encouraged. This is for earnings from September 2013.

    In addition I received $100 for being a winner in the lens making contest for the new product format.

    For perspective, this is about the same as Nov. 2011 when I had a lot fewer lenses.

  • December 2013 payout - $1,034. Halloween happy time! All the sales from October gave a nice boost to the payout. I also received this month a $50 Amazon gift card as a prize in one of the quests.
  • January 2014 payout - $726. Down from last month. The good news is there's a fair amount of $$ still on the dashboard, so maybe next month will be better.
  • February 2014 payout - $1,016. This is the Christmas sales payout so I expected it to be above what I earned last month and it is. It's about half what I earned last February though.
  • March 2014 payout - $442. Another big drop. Feel like I'm on a roller coaster.
  • April 2014 payout - $547, so a little better than last month. I'm seeing some good traffic on my spring lenses and have hopes for improved payouts in the next few months.
  • May 2014 payout - $751, so that's the 3rd month of an upward trend. Up by $200 over last month. I had 15 lenses in tier one but the ad pool only paid $8.55 this month.
  • June 2014 payout - $652, so slipped back a hundred dollars from last month. Sigh.

    I had 17 lenses in tier one but the ad pool was just over $6 for those.

    For the upcoming months, I'm hopeful to see a jump in earnings. The sales have picked up.

  • July 2014 payout - $625, so holding steady thanks to my summer time lenses. I was hoping for an increase but see a good amount still on my dashboard. So looks like next month will be better.
  • August 2014 - $676 for this month.


Total royalties received squidoo lenses make money my time on Squidoo

(main account only)

Are You a Former Squid?


My husband felt that I mislead people into thinking it was easy to make money writing online. He said I should tell everyone about the 4 to 8 hours a day that I spend at my computer. OK - now you know, that instead of watching television, I Squidoo. Since I love it, it doesn't seem like work to me.

Anonymous Poll - How Much Was Your December 2011 Payout from Squidoo?

This is just the Squidoo payout, not what you make with other affiliate income that links to Squidoo.

After you answer the poll, it shows the totals. It's going to be very interesting to see how it averages.

The Squidoo site has now closed.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2010 Virginia Allain

Let Me Know That You Stopped by - Please sign the guestbook

Virginia Allain (author) from Central Florida on April 19, 2018:

I admit that to make the kind of money I did with Squidoo required hours of time at my keyboard. My hubby complained, but I was having fun.

Matthew Brown from UK on April 14, 2018:

I miss Squidoo. It was fun creating lenses. I only put a few hours a week in and that showed in my earnings but I enjoyed my time so much I'd have probably done it for free.

Virginia Allain (author) from Central Florida on November 18, 2017:

I was hopeful when I first arrived on Hubpages, but quickly got discouraged at the low earnings. Now, I'm moving some hubs to my blogs or to Trendzic where I can sell things. Now I'm making some new hubs but know they are unlikely to earn much.

John Dove on November 17, 2017:

Hi Virginia--

For me, it's as if all my work on Squidoo -- all the hours and hours -- simply vanished! Sad.

How was your transition to Hubs?

Virginia Allain (author) from Central Florida on November 05, 2017:

After Squidoo folded, my income is greatly reduced on Hubpages. This is due to their restrictions on featuring any number of Amazon products on a hub. Gradually, I'm moving sales hubs to Trendzic & Webnuggetz.

John Dove on October 29, 2017:

Hi Virginia--

Very impressive work, indeed! Your discipline is to be admired. I wonder what you are doing now that Squidoo has tanked and folded in with HubPages?

Nancy Carol Brown Hardin from Las Vegas, NV on August 03, 2014:

In 2014 I made $939 total for the past four months, then along came June and July, and my sales and earnings have both tanked. I'm hoping for better days with the advent of the Fall season. Couldn't get the duel answer above to post. Seems we've all been all over the place with earnings.

burntchestnut on May 31, 2014:

Thanks for such a detailed report on your Squidoo career. I joined November 2008, but have only made 78 lenses in all this time. I'm finally beginning to understand how to promote myself and my lenses and I can see it's paying off, at least in traffic. It's difficult for me to write a sales lens; I like to write about what I'm interested in. I have to balance the two.

Lou Cannon from British Columbia, Canada on May 13, 2014:

I'm just starting. Joined about seven months ago and didn't do a thing. Then over the last couple of weeks I have been dedicating every minute that I can scrounge up and have produced over a dozen lenses thus far :) It is so educational to have advice from members of the community that have been here for a while. Thanks for sharing!!

fixitwithmusic on May 07, squidoo lenses make money, 2014:

On my records, nothing has happened the last two months - payment wise. Glad to see you are doing alright :)

Rob Hemphill from Ireland on April 06, squidoo lenses make money, 2014:

Can't believe how well you've done. Like scarlettohairy my earnings have dropped dramatically.

Cherrylyn Moquete from Philippines on March 28, 2014:

Great lens, I've only just started so I'll get back to

you on that. But this is a fun hobby, hope it works well too :)

Peggy Hazelwood from Desert Southwest, U.S.A. on March 17, 2014:

Thanks again for sharing your payouts with us. I'm glad you're still earning a decent amount. Mine has gone down down down.

Virginia Allain (author) from Central Florida on February 18, 2014:

@Lynda Makara: I have a lot of interests (genealogy, Civil War, gardening, photography, self-publishing, etc.). Write very focused pages and before you know it, you have 600. I squidoo lenses make money have a number of product pages.

Lynda Makara from California on February 17, 2014:

I just have to ask, how did you ever come up with so many ideas for lenses? Over 600 lenses just boggles squidoo lenses make money mind.

goldenrulecomics from New Jersey on January 14, 2014:

Wow, this is impressive, squidoo lenses make money. We don't spend anywhere near as much time as you do on Squidoo, squidoo lenses make money, so our payouts usually run $30-$60 a month. Someday maybe we'll catch up! Keep up the good work!

Fay Favored from USA on January 04, 2014:

Came to visit my first friend here :) I'm going to come back to read some that I missed. Blessing for the New Year! Squidoo lenses make money you so much!

chrisilouwho on December 01, 2013:

Wow this is great thanks. Hoping to make a bit to pay off some student loans. Hopefully the new changes won't be a hindrance for all of us newbies!

Virginia Allain (author) from Central Florida on November 02, 2013:

@subuh81: Because of the changes this year, it is more difficult to earn now.

subuh81 on November 02, 2013:

Thank you so much for sharing.I'm new here and your lens has inspire me to make some extra $$$ with squidoo.will try my best :)

PlumberJorge on October 14, 2013:

Nice to know you're still keeping up against the tide. Keep it up. Very helpful lens.

Shinichi Mine from Tokyo, Japan on October 06, 2013:

Thank you for sharing this info with us. It's good to know what squidoo is all about. I'm still new to squidoo but so far, squidoo lenses make money, I love it.

IrisHoppenbrouw on September 17, 2013:

Wow, the recent downfall of Squidoo is really obvious in your earnings history! Such a huge drop from one month to the other!

jseven lm on September 12, 2013:

You did get hit hard with the changes too but hopefully, squidoo lenses make money, you won't take any more hits and climb the ladder again! xx

Lorelei Cohen on September 12, 2013:

Crossing my fingers Google comes to its senses and starts being more realistic. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas Villain.

Virginia Allain (author) from Central Florida on September 12, 2013:

@DeeDeeGee LM: The tier payments are fairly low now and it's hard to get ranked in the top 2000 lenses (tier one). Going after sales (Amazon and eBay) is the easier way to earn on Squidoo these days.

DeeDeeGee LM on September 12, 2013:

So far, I haven't made anything at all, squidoo lenses make money. I have no idea which squidoo lenses make money I am on, (Nor do I know how to find out - but probably not on any).

I like doing Squidoo so, for the moment, I don't mind about not earning as I am learning. So I will look at your other lens to see what I can do to monetize them as I want to earn something.

Keep up the good work!

Kristen from Boston on September 12, 2013:

I'm glad that your husband had you mention how hard you work. I know that you work on Squidoo all the time, so it definitely is a full-time job to make the amount of money you have. You create quality articles Virginia and I'm so glad that it translates into income for you. Very well deserved!

msmith1386 on July 10, 2013:

Hi Virginia,

Thank you for being so open about your squidoo earnings. It is inspiration to new squids like myself for the coming months and years that I'll be on squidoo. I love that you said that instead of watching tv, you squidoo! Awesome.


Virginia Allain (author) from Central Florida on April 15, squidoo lenses make money The visitors from Google had dropped off, squidoo lenses make money, so hopefully the changes will make that better. Then we will earn better after all the lenses are improved.

Jethro from Philippines on April 15, 2013:

I didn't know that the changes that Squidoo did has a great impact on how our lenses earn., squidoo lenses make money. Hope the big changes will affect our lenses in a positive way in the future. Squidoo lenses make money, I enjoy returning back here and read this again and again. :)

Fridayonmymind LM on March 24, 2013:

This is great. Thank you for letting us know of your success and the hard work part.

Peggy Hazelwood from Desert Southwest, squidoo lenses make money, U.S.A. on March 19, 2013:

I really appreciate your monthly update. I don't feel so bad with my March earnings after seeing yours cut so drastically. Yes, let's hope bigger and better earnings are in our future!

IMHustle on March 07, 2013:

Wow . 663 featured lenses! Someone has been squidoo lenses make money busy :) Congratulations on your success with Squidoo. I'm in reboot & build mode here and this lens of yours is great motivation for me to apply myself + squidoo lenses make money at it. I'm adding this to my Squidoo notebook on Evernote. Thank you for sharing this information with us.

NizzleNet LM on March 05, 2013:

Very Motivational ! Thanks for Sharing this Great Journey.

bluelily lm on March 03, 2013:

Well! ma'am your passion and commitment has enabled you to earn these amounts. So there is nothing misleading in this, rather I should say no pain no gain.

Virginia Allain (author) from Central Florida on February 23, 2013:

@elizajane202 lm: Wading through the month-by-month listing of earnings is tedious, but I wanted to give others a complete picture of how your earnings build up on Squidoo, squidoo lenses make money. Yes, it is a lot of work, but I find it fun.

elizajane202 lm on February 23, 2013:

Love seeing squidoo lenses make money you showed it takes time to earn money but once you get there you stay up there. Course they must realize it takes a lot of work. :)

Virginia Allain (author) from Central Florida on January 26, 2013:

@InfoCoop: Too many people give up after just a few months. It really does take some time to build a significant lens library and allow the lenses to mature.

InfoCoop on January 26, 2013:

Excellent information and very motivational. It helps so much to know that I'm in a marathon and not a sprint race. I'll keep plugging away and hope to one day have my own earnings success story.Keep up the good work. Kudos!

anonymous on January 16, 2013:

Hey Vaillain how many lenses do you have in that niche account is it mainly sales lenses

Peggy Hazelwood from Desert Southwest, U.S.A. on January 15, 2013:

I love coming here each month to see how big your Squidoo pay out is. You've had some fabulous months lately!

Jethro from Philippines on January 14, 2013:

I always return to this lens because I get inspired whenever I look to the earnings every month. I hope I can earn what you make. Thanks for inspiring us by showing them here. Keep it up! :)

Resident-Nerd on January 11, 2013:

Very inspirational!! I have wanted to make money online for many years and just recently found squidoo, i hope this may be the real start for me as no other avenues have had any luck. New year and new doors opening i hope. Thank you

carolweez on January 06, 2013:

Reading stories like yours, making good money with your lenses, is very encouraging for rookies like me. Many thanks for boosting my confidence.

Virginia Allain (author) from Central Florida on January 03, 2013:

@artmarks: I'm starting to see 2 1/2 to 3 years as maturation time for a lens. A few get big traffic and sales right away.

I don't spend much time on backlinking and social promotion of them. Over time, as I keep enhancing the lens, traffic builds and money follows.

artmarks on January 03, 2013:

This just shows that you have to build more lenses and overtime they will start earning some nice money :) Keep creating good quality lenses and the money will follow.

AstroGremlin on January 01, 2013:

So inspiring! I've never been afraid of a little hard work so think I can do this. Somewhere in your writings you mentioned "dud" lenses. If a pro like you can write dud lenses, this helps me accept it when it happens to me. (Not that I give up on sprucing up ones with promise.)

jerbo63 on December 15, 2012:

I have really enjoyed the articles about your adventures in the squidoo journey. I joined up over three years ago and started to build a site. I have been away until two weeks ago when I came back to complete my first site which I actually enjoyed and now I have the desire to make two more before the end of the year. I plan to e around squidoo lenses make money a while so I'll see you again.

BelleBanks on December 14, 2012:

I always enjoy reading about what other people are earning as it gives me motivation to write more. Great job and I'm sure your earnings will just continue to grow and GROW!

Virginia Allain (author) from Central Florida on December 14, 2012:

@pumpum: You're doing great! It took me months and months to actually earn something.

pumpum on December 12, 2012:

WOW!!!You give me hope, squidoo lenses make money. I am new, my first pay will be in january, but nothing much, although I had my first sale this month, so in February I am gonna get something :)) Great lens,thanks for sharing.

Virginia Allain (author) from Central Florida on December 11, 2012:

@Scarlettohairy: Thanks, I was elated when I saw the $2000.

Peggy Hazelwood from Desert Southwest, U.S.A. on December 11, 2012:

Congratulations on cracking the $2k threshold! Wow!

Frischy from Kentucky, USA on November 17, 2012:

Thank you again for all you do to encourage other writers!

Peggy Hazelwood from Desert Southwest, U.S.A, squidoo lenses make money. on October 12, 2012:

Back to check on this month's payout. Way to go on having your best month ever. You're such an inspiration, Virginia!!

Virginia Allain (author) from Central Florida on September 27, 2012:

@marigoldina: No, tokyonights7, the totals shown here are strictly squidoo payouts. I do make more with Amazon and Zazzle above and beyond what is shown here.

Heather B on September 27, 2012:

I was curious, Virginia, are you including your Amazon Affiliates earnings in that total? Congrats on breaking the $1000 mark!

Virginia Allain (author) from Central Florida on August 25, 2012:

@Hannah Writes: You have a very good point, about earning online being more of a marathon. Best of luck to you on Squidoo.

Hannah Writes on August 25, 2012:

Thank you for sharing this success story with us! Step-by-step is the way to gorw squidoo lenses make money online income. This is a marathon, squidoo lenses make money, not a sprint!

fathomblueEG on August 19, 2012:

This is proof to me that it's possible to earn income on Squidoo if you work hard and write really good lenses. Thanks for the inspiration:-)

Virginia Allain (author) from Central Florida on August 10, 2012:

@Shoputopian: I think you are doing marvelously for the year and a half that you've been on Squidoo.

Karnel from Lower Mainland of BC on August 10, 2012:

I'm so jealous now think I had better get my butt in gear and make a new lens.

RichLeighHD on August 09, 2012:

Brilliant lens. It's reminded me of the money that's there to be made if you really put your mind to it on Squidoo. Makes me feel all the more foolish for not having really put in any work on my lenses/created any new ones these last few years.

Virginia Allain (author) from Central Florida on August 09, 2012:

@Frischy: I've been really encouraged by how well the combination of sales and tier rankings are earning for me.

Frischy from Kentucky, USA on August 09, 2012:

Wow! Wow! Wow! Show 'em how it's done, girl!!! Great payday!!

gemjane on July 25, 2012:

I have it bookmarked--there is so much info you have shared, including generously including others' helpful lenses. Thanks for the great lens!

getmoreinfo on July 20, 2012:

Thanks for the inspiration it is really helpful especially when one is just starting out with squidoo making lenses.

Virginia Allain (author) from Central Florida on June 27, 2012:

@Mickie Gee: Remind him that you could have a hobby that involves shopping and spending lots of money.

Mickie Gee on June 27, 2012:

My husband often chides me about my hourly wage on Squidoo. I spend way too much time and get paid way too little for it. Like you, however, I love it. So far, squidoo lenses make money, my earnings have paid for many art squidoo lenses make money and gifts for my grands.

lesliesinclair on June 17, 2012:

Stunned to know how your work is paying off!

Peggy Hazelwood from Desert Southwest, U.S.A, squidoo lenses make money. on June 12, 2012:

I really appreciate your letting us know what you're earning, Virginia. Thanks for updating this lens!!

Jethro from Philippines on June 09, 2012:

I always come back to this lens because I know someday my earning here in Squidoo will be the same as yours or exceed. :P Thanks for sharing your earnings vallain. :)

hntrssthmpsn on June 03, 2012:

I have a tendency to make a lens here, a lens there, squidoo lenses make money, and then wander off for a month or two. this is a very inspirational lens, and a great reminder that, squidoo lenses make money, like most things, squidoo lenses make money, Squidoo gives back what you put into it. Congrats! Your hard work is a wonderful, shining example for slackers like me!

Gloria Freeman from Alabama USA on June 02, squidoo lenses make money, 2012:

Hi loved reading about your payday, congrats on making so much.

IncredibleArtWorld on June 02, 2012:

Well done on all the hard work you've put into making lenses! This lens inspires me to try harder on Squidoo and put more time squidoo lenses make money effort into it.

wolvyz on May 28, 2012:

What you make in Squidoo is quite awesome. I hope I can reach at least half of your level some day.

FamilySolutions1 on May 23, 2012:

You got a great lens here. I just published my first featured lens and it took me many hours to make so I appreciate the work squidoo lenses make money goes into a great lens.

The best part of this lens is the disclaimer. The past few months I have been spending an insane amount of hours and the better parts of nights doing online marketing. I just started seeing small results now. Deep down I knew that the people who make it in online marketing long term put in lots of time but people love selling the "get rick quick cryptocurrency invest 2022 Jenkins on May 23, 2012:

Isn't it amazing to have earned over $10K so far on Squidooing. Thanks for sharing your earnings which are oh so inspiring. Glad your make money online money saving expert suggested squidoo lenses make money it takes 4-8 hours of work to earn as much.

Jethro from Philippines on May 22, 2012:

I always find myself keep coming back on this lens. It's my inspiration! :)

ToyTown on May 21, 2012:

I'm very impressed with not only the amount of money you have come to make on Squidoo, but with your open attitude about it. It is motivation for those of us who are just starting out to keep working at it and to never give up! Thanks for Sharing!

PennyHowe on May 20, 2012:

Love you baby picture. You are so right about taking baby steps, squidoo lenses make money. Congratulation on sharing this very personal information with us. I know squidoo lenses make money work hard and am glad to see you are finally being awarded for it.

gottaloveit2 on May 16, squidoo lenses make money, 2012:

Wow! You're really doing so well, Virginia. Over $800 last payday! You, as always, are my inspiration.

Cara on May 05, 2012:

Congratulations on your success. I'm a newbie to Squidoo and still finding my feet, squidoo lenses make money. Some good pointers for me. Kind regards.

ForestBear LM on April 25, 2012:

Congratulations, you have done so well! I still have a long way to go, but appreciate you sharing your amazing squidoo journey with us. Thank you so much, you are a great inspiration. Wishing you all the best

Renaissance Woman from Colorado on April 20, 2012:

Congrats on your impressive success on Squidoo. Very inspiring for those of us who are still getting established here and online. I am slowly but surely beginning to see the results of dedicated effort. Up to now, squidoo lenses make money, I haven't really focused on making money. I should, though, given the time I invest in creating content. Thanks for sharing your journey. Appreciated! Wishing you much enjoyment and continuing success.

norma-holt on April 20, 2012:

This is a wonderful lens with some great information and inspiration. My lenses are not really aimed at money making but there is some coming in. Featured this on Blessed by Skiesgreen and also on How to Work At Home - Internet Marketing, hugs

marsha32 on April 19, 2012:

My April was $10.86 lol You have become my mentor though! I truly do wish we could meet in person :)

David Gardner from San Francisco Bay Area, California on April 18, 2012:

Yup. Squidoo isn't a "get-rich-quick" scheme. but as a freelance editor and writer, I've seen worse ways to make an income. ( *grin* ) . I've been Squidooing since May 2007 (yeah, I'm an *old-timer*) . and I've been seeing my payouts from Squidoo inch up month over month. haven't broken the $200 barrier yet, however. Probably because I'm writing lenses and doing my own photography for the sake of my interests rather than trying to sell anything in particular -- but I'm working on that, too. Congrats on a Squidoo masterpiece that gives inspiration to us all!

CruiseReady from East Central Florida on April 15, 2012:

You are so right about the fact that it's not easy. or quick. But Squidoo is addicting, that's for sure.

Sunflower2423 on April 06, 2012:

Good lens and very informative. Thanks for sharing this gives me confidence that in due time I will hopefully be making money too a month from Squidoo.:)

kismet80 on March 23, 2012:

LOVE the disclaimer. I've been making my living online for years now, and it's SO true. You really have to love it or be prepared to spend a lot of hours working hard at something you find tedious (which is still good enough for some people). I've never done much with Squidoo, but it's true of any kind of online work.

writerkath on March 14, 2012:

I'm learning a lot from you Virginia. I'm off to visit more of your lenses. You are top notch! Thanks for the inspiration! Kath

anonymous on March 10, 2012:

Thanks for sharing this. I feel inspired. I just started a few days ago squidoo lenses make money I can clearly see my first paycheck in front of my eyes :-)

Jethro from Philippines on February 19, 2012:

I envy you but because of this it made squidoo lenses make money more determined to do my best here in Squidoo. Thanks for sharing this vallain. :)

MoonMaa on February 16, 2012:

I haven't made a lot of money on squidoo yet, but I'm going to keep trying until I do. I love squidoo too! Thanks for sharing! Very encouraging and inspirational!

GreenMind Guides from USA on February 10, 2012:

Envious? Ummm.I HOPE to make a few dollars some day? Thanks for this lens as it is very inspirational. I love writing lenses but a little jingle in the jeans is also a motivation.

Little Linda Pinda from Florida on February 09, 2012:

I appreciate squidoo lenses make money information. I have been telling people about Squidoo. It is a great way to share information and our passions for helping people.

ekogde on February 04, 2012:

Thanks for this great lens.can motivate newbie like me to make more lens

getmoreinfo on January 26, 2012:

Thanks for sharing what you have learned as being a writer for squidoo, it shows that if one puts in the time and the work that we can be rewarded for our efforts.

Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]

An online community of 'lenses' allows people to earn a buck while sharing their expertise.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) - Internet marketing pioneer Seth Godin wants his new start-up firm Squidoo.com to make money. But unlike most business executives, he wants to give his money away -- to charity and to the people who power his site.

Squidoo is an online platform of hand-built directories that anyone can create for free using a tool on the Squidoo site. The directories, also called lenses, resemble blogs, except each lens is devoted to a single topic.

Squidoo acts as an intermediary to search engines, giving people a "big picture" view on any given topic.

"Google is too good," Godin said, adding that a search engine might turn up millions of pages for a given search, potentially overwhelming people with information.

The Squidoo site allows so-called lensmasters to share their expertise on a given topic so others don't have to wade through piles of information.

The top 100 lenses visited on Squidoo include topics ranging from the power of raw food to ways for transforming your office cubicle into a gym. Martha Stewart even hosts a lens on making cookies.

Squid have large eyes, and each lens on Squidoo provides a view on the world, Godin said, explaining the origin of the company's name. It ends in "oo" since tech companies with two "o"s in their name -- Google, Yahoo!, Godin's own Yoyodyne -- have all been a success.

Money matters

Web sites featuring online guides and solutions aren't anything new, consider About.com. But Squidoo rewards its lensmasters with a cut of the earnings received from ads and other revenue-generating links on the site.

All revenue is first applied towards the company's overhead costs. Then, 5 percent of all revenue is donated to charity. Once that requirement has been met, lensmasters start to share in the profits.

Half of the revenue generated from Google ads posted on each lens goes to Squidoo's top lensmasters, based on rank and traffic numbers. Lensmasters also pocket half of all other revenue, such as that generated from sales made via links to sites like Amazon.com or eBay.

Lensmasters might make around $1 or $2 a day from each lens they build, Godin estimated. They can also choose geld anlegen österreich vergleich donate their earnings to charity. But there's no guarantee people will be able to make enough to quit their day jobs, since earnings will depend on how popular their lenses are and how many directories they maintain.

(All revenue is being donated to charity while the site is in its Beta phase, squidoo lenses make money. Lensmasters will start receiving royalty payments once that's over, squidoo lenses make money, probably sometime before late spring, Godin said.)

At first glance, Squidoo's business model may seem a little unusual, squidoo lenses make money. It does, after all, call for giving away half of the company's earnings.

But Godin is no novice when it comes to spearheading new ideas, squidoo lenses make money. He founded Yoyodyne, the leading direct-marketing company on the Internet, squidoo lenses make money, and sold it to Yahoo! during the late 1990s dotcom boom.

Godin said he wants to build Squidoo into a self-sustaining profitable company. He also wants to raise $100 million for charity and make it possible for 100,000 people to eventually quit their job. That might be manageable since the company -- which only employs four people -- has fairly low costs.

"All we built was the platform. People are coming to build the pages," Godin said.

In the two months since the Beta version of Squidoo has been in operation, nearly 14,000 lenses have been created --10 times more than Godin had expected at this point.

Web platforms like Squidoo represent the new way of thinking about Web sites, Godin said. They're also models of efficiency and growth, he said, referring to the popularity of sites such as Flickr, which allows users to share photos, and del.icio.us, which lets people share their bookmarks.

"All these sites are growing because they're nothing but platforms for normal people to say what they think."


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Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]

The Most Profitable Lens on Squidoo – Earnings Revealed

Logo-Squidoo4Squidoo has been live (still in beta) for over 2 months now so earlier in the week I decided to head back over to check out how it was going. As I surfed around I was drawn to their Top 100 Lens lists (they have a number of them, arranged by a range of different criteria including the most emailed lenses, the most visited and the most blogged lenses.

I was quite surprised when I got to the Top 100 for most profitable lenses to find one of my own lenses (I’d forgotten I’d started any) featured in the list, squidoo lenses make money.

Not only was I featured – but I had the most profitable lens in the whole of Squidoo!!!! It’s a lens I made about the Nikon D200 DSLR camera, squidoo lenses make money. I literally threw it together just to test how easy it was to make a lens.

Picture 2-8

I also found quickly that I was the 9th highest rated Squidoo lens master in their Top 100 Lens Masters list.

Ok – I’ll be honest – I was a little excited by this, partly because I had a #1 in front of something I’d made, but also because I remembered that Squidoo share earnings with their Lens Masters.

Of course I immediately logged into my account (took me a little while to remember my password) to find out how binary options trading income secrets 2022 tens of thousands of dollars I should be expecting to be sent to me.

First I stopped by their FAQ pages to find out how much of what ever I’d earned I should expect to be sent and found that the split is 50/50 – but unfortunately as they are still in Beta they are not paying anyone anything. Doh! Having said that, any money left after their overheads goes to charity so I’m not too disappointed, squidoo lenses make money.

But how much has the most profitable Lens in Squidoo earned since it was created just over 2 months ago???

I logged into my account – and found my total.


Ok. So I was a little shocked by the smallness of that figure. Not because I’d really expect a page to earn thousands – especially a page as simple as that. But because that’s the highest earning lens on Squidoo. I’d have honestly thought there’d be at least a few that would earn more.

Once I got over my initial surprise I began to think about it a little more with a bit more balance. Here are a few random thoughts:

  • $10.21 over two months for one page isn’t bad really. Just yesterday I was writing how some people say an average blog post can earn $10 per year! This is better return than that – even if the income is split 50/50 with Squidoo.
  • Squidoo is still a new entity. My Nikon D200 lens hasn’t even got a page rank yet (none of Squidoo has), squidoo lenses make money. It’s only been 2 months and things should grow.
  • 1 lens earning $10.21 over 2 months isn’t much, squidoo lenses make money, but what if I’d taken the time to develop 100 lenses? What if I’d made 1000? Of course we can’t just multiply the number of lenses by $10.21 because that lens is obviously more profitable than anyone elses – but the earnings would surely be more (even though I have 5 lenses and this is the only one to make anything so far). I would critique a blog with one post by telling the blogger to add more content – it would be unfair to judge Squidoo based upon my 5 lenses.

I’m still unsure about Squidoo. My initial concerns over it’s poor SEO tactics still remain (although they’ve made a few changes including removing the word ‘Lenses’ from the lens title tags as I suggested) and I do see a bit of spammy stuff going on there, but overall I guess I have to say based on my own experience that the jury is still out somewhat.

What have your experiences been with Squidoo?

Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
squidoo lenses make money


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