Easy ways to make money 2022

easy ways to make money 2022

Become a freelancer. Freelance sites like Upwork and Flexjobs enable people to make a full-time income online without having to search for clients. And the jobs. If you want to earn money from home without having to invest a fortune, dropshipping is a great business model: It's easy to get started. It has. easy ways to make money 2022

Easy ways to make money 2022 - apologise

25 Ways to Make Money Online in

Twenty years ago, I received my first payment for affiliate sales through my website. This was the start of a long internet career in which I explored dozens of ways to make money on the internet.

You should not not be fooled by pyramid schemes and other &#;Get Rich Quick&#; campaigns, however I truly believe anyone can make money from the internet if they are willing to put in the work.

Whether you are looking to make a little extra cash on the side or establish a long-term online career, there are many different ways for you to profit from your skills and hard work ethic.

šŸ“š In this article, I would like to share with you 25 different ways to make money online.

  1. Monetize Your Social Media Presence
  2. Do Micro Jobs
  3. Complete Online Surveys
  4. Test Websites and Apps for Others
  5. Launch a Blog
  6. Build an Affiliate Website (E.g. Amazon)
  7. Launch an Online Shop
  8. Sell Products on Amazon, eBay, Etsy, & More
  9. Create a Job Board
  10. Create a Discussion Forum
  11. Build an Email Marketing List
  12. Develop a Membership Website
  13. Host a Podcast
  14. Become a Freelancer
  15. Write a Book
  16. Launch an Online Course
  17. Become a Virtual Assistant
  18. Publish Videos on YouTube
  19. Stream Games on Twitch, YouTube, or Mixer
  20. Edit Videos for Others
  21. Test Products for Online Shops
  22. Sell Stock Photos and Videos
  23. Resell Website Hosting
  24. Buy and Sell Websites & Domains
  25. Translate Content for Others

Enjoy šŸ™‚

1. Monetize Your Social Media Presence

Social media has transformed the way that we communicate on the internet and given everyone a platform to voice their opinion.

If you are active on a service such as Instagram or Twitter, you may want to consider monetizing your social media presence.

One way to do this is to promote products and services of other companies. Sponsored messages are common on social media and are usually tagged with #sponsored and #ad so that advertisements can be identified.

Advertisers are looking for engagement with your followers, therefore you need to ensure sponsored products are relevant and be creative with how you promote the company. Otherwise, you run the risk of alienating your subscribers.

Social Media Presence

Influencer marketplaces such as Aspire IQ and Upfluence are a great starting point to find sponsorships as they give you access to thousands of potential companies, but you should also look into working with companies directly.

Alternatively, you can use your social media presence as a springboard to launch your own products. For example, if you post about fitness a lot, you could sell fitness related products such as t-shirts, protein bars and water bottles. Others choose to use social media to promote online courses and their latest blog posts.

Whether you sell advertisements on your social media accounts directly, or use it use it as a platform to promote your other interests, the goal is to keep your followers entertained whilst still making money.

2. Do Micro Jobs

Want to make money from your skills? Of course you do!

A common way to start making money online is to sell your services on a micro job marketplace such as Fiverr. The marketplace allows anyone to sell digital services across a number of different categories such as graphics and design, writing, videos, music, business, lifestyle and more.


Micro job marketplaces evolved from regular freelancer marketplaces that businesses use. The lines between both platforms has blurred a little over the years as companies adapt to an ever-changing landscape, but generally speaking, the jobs on websites such as Fiverr are small tasks that are quick to complete.

For example, you could offer to write a blog post, design a logo, write messages for a company&#;s social media campaign or produce a short video for YouTube.

The general idea is that you make money from many small jobs rather than one large job.

Be aware, however, that micro job websites such as Fiverr can be extremely competitive. Therefore, in the beginning, you may have to reduce your rates until you establish yourself as a reliable freelancer.

3. Complete Online Surveys

You are not going to make a career out of it, but if you are just looking for a little extra cash on the side, you may want to consider doing online surveys through companies such as Swagbucks, OnePoll, and Toluna.

These companies reward consumers for giving vital customer insights into brands, products and services. Some companies do pay cash, but it is more common to be sent gift cards and free products for testing.


Many online polling services offer rewards for performing other tasks too. For example, you may be asked to download an iOS app or Android app and give feedback.

If you don&#;t mind another company tracking your online habits, you can also earn cash using a predefined search engines.

4. Test Websites and Apps for Others

Another way you can provide insights to companies is to test the user experience of websites and apps.

As a tester, you will typically be required to download a testing application to your computer, tablet or smartphone. You will then be asked to perform a series of tasks, with most tests taking 10 to 20 minutes to complete.

For example, you may be asked to find a product in an online store and go through the checkout process.

Don&#;t worry, you are not expected to buy anything. You are simply testing websites and applications so that the developers can fix usability issues and improve the user experience for customers.


The amount of money you can make from testing varies from service to service.

TestingTime, for example, states that you can earn Ā£60 per hour, whilst UserTesting, UserFeel, and TryMyUI, state that you can earn $10 per test.

Testing websites and apps is not going to make you a millionaire, but it is a simple way to make a little extra cash on the side.

5. Launch a Blog

Online surveys and testing can give you a taste of what it is like to make money on the internet, however if you are looking for a long-term return, you should look towards creating a stable business.

One type of business I recommend exploring is blogging. Unlike some other types of websites, you do not need to have any technical experience to start a blog. You just need to be passionate about something.

The whole process of creating a blog is straightforward. All you need to do is select a blogging platform, register a domain name, and then choose a blog hosting company.


Blogs can be monetized in many different ways.

If you have established a readership, you can sell banner spaces and ad slots to companies, however I have personally found affiliate marketing to be more profitable. You just have to select good products that pay a fair commission and create quality content around it.

A blog is also the perfect platform to launch your own products. Whether it be eBooks, a private membership area, t-shirts, or whatever, you can use a blog to create sustainable long-term income and promote all of your online projects.

6. Build an Affiliate Website (E.g. Amazon)

The principles of creating a successful blog can be used to build a profitable affiliate website. This includes creating engaging content, marketing your website and adhering to search engine ranking guidelines.

In contrast to blogs, with an affiliate website you are gearing everything towards specific products. This is why most affiliate websites contain product reviews.

People who are searching for a review of a particular product are more likely to purchase it after reading an informative review, therefore the odds of making a referral commission are greatly increased.

Whilst it does help to know a product firsthand, you can write good product reviews by either hiring others to write for you or summarizing what others have wrote.


There are millions of products being sold online so the opportunities to make money from an affiliate website are limitless.

Companies list partnership opportunities for their products on affiliate networks or through their own in-house affiliate program.

Hundreds of thousands of affiliate programs are available online, but a good starting point is the Amazon Associates Program. Whilst Amazon&#;s commission rate is low compared to other affiliate programs, their store tend to convert better due to brand loyalty.

Without doubt, affiliate websites are one of the most effective ways of making money online.

7. Launch an Online Shop

According to Digital Commerce , eCommerce spending was around $ trillion in and is expected to grow further in the next few years.

It is a massive market and one which you should consider tapping into.

As you would expect, building a successful online shop requires a lot of hard work, therefore it may be several months before you start making a healthy monthly profit.

Prepare yourself by looking at how others have built successful shops and research what products to sell, who your competitors are and who your target audience is.

2 Hounds Design WooCommerce Shop

There are many great eCommerce shopping platforms available, but two I recommend looking further into are Shopify and WooCommerce.

Shopify is a hosted online shopping solution that retails from $29 per month. The service handles everything for shop owners and has a great selection of themes for online stores.

WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin that has grown to become the most popular eCommerce solution online. The plugin is free to download, however you will have to host your online store and possibly purchase additional plugins to extend functionality.

Like Shopify, there are a huge variety of WooCommerce themes on the market to help you market your products effectively.

Check out our Shopify vs. WordPress article to see which platform is right for you.

8. Sell Products on Amazon, eBay, Etsy, & More

When you launch an online shop, you have to spend time administrating the store, however in order to find customers, you also have to market your store and its products.

This can be difficult unless you have a large budget for an advertising campaign or a platform to promote your products such as a blog or a social media account with a loyal following.

If you want to start earning money quicker, you may want to instead consider selling products on an eCommerce marketplace such as Amazon, eBay, and Etsy.


Shopping marketplaces and auction websites are competitive, however there are few barriers to get started.

On a website such as eBay, you can get going by selling old things around the house that you do not need. Alternatively, you can search your local area for products that are on sale and then sell them nationwide at a higher price.

More established sellers tend to use dropshipping. There are thousands of sellers on Alibaba that help you do this. Once someone purchases something from you, you buy the product from China and ship it to them. The customer will never know that you did not ship it directly as your branding and marketing material can be included with the package.

To reduce delivery times, many sellers choose to buy items in bulk and send it directly to Amazon&#;s warehouses using the Amazon FBA program. It&#;s an attractive setup as you can build up a large successful store on Amazon without ever having to store the items yourself.

9. Create a Job Board

What&#;s the best type of website to build to make money online?

If you had to ask an experienced internet marketer this question, my guess is that &#;Job Board&#; would be bottom of the list, yet there is a lot of money to be made with job boards.

The most difficult part of launching a job board is attracting companies to post jobs and then establishing an audience. In the beginning, you may want to duplicate job listings from other websites. After all, no one is going to visit a job board that has no job listings.

Job boards are an attractive long-term project as once the job website is established, it requires very little maintenance to keep it running and earning money.

Take the RemoteOk, for example. This popular remote job board makes almost $1 million / year and is run by one person team.

There are many job board products available online, such as Smart Job Board and www.oldyorkcellars.com, that help you launch your own job board website. A number of job board WordPress plugins are also available.

Create a Discussion Forum

Up until the mid to late s, discussion forums were one of the most common places for internet users to hang out and communicate with each other. I launched my first discussion forum in and launched a dozen more over the years.

Forums are less common today due to the popularity of social media, yet they can still be hugely profitable.

Many large discussion forums continue to be monetized by banner ads and sponsored ads from partners, but over the last 10 years we have also seen more private discussion forums arrive. Private discussion forums charge members a monthly or yearly fee to gain access to the forum.

Obviously, you cannot just install forum software and expect money to start rolling in. You need entice people to sign up to your private discussion forum by offering something they cannot find elsewhere. This could be an extensive online course or simply direct access to yourself or others who can provide support.


For some discussion forum owners, the best solution is a mixture of free and premium access. By keeping registration free, they can increase the number of people who join the community. Members can then unlock additional features and permissions if they pay for a premium membership.

There are dozens of great forum applications available online.

Good free solutions include Vanilla Forums (Open Source Version), PHPbb, and MyBB. If you are looking for a premium solution, check out Invision Community, vBulletin, and XenForo.

Build an Email Marketing List

Ever wondered why every major online shop, blog or community, wants you to sign up to their newsletter?

As the popular marketing saying goes: &#;The money is in the list&#;.

A targeted email list gives you permission to contact someone directly. This is an extremely powerful tool.

If you have an online store, you can email customers with discounts and offers, whilst bloggers can promote their eBooks and online courses to readers.

Even if you do not have a website, you can still profit from building an email marketing list by simply promoting targeted affiliate offers and deals. You can also use it to build your profile on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and more.

Email Marketing

If you are building your email list from scratch, you may want to consider using a service such as MailChimp as the first 2, subscribers are free. As your list grows, the monthly cost of maintaining your email list on MailChimp becomes similar to email marketing ervices such as Sendinblue and GetResponse.

Once you have created a newsletter subscription form, you can promote it on your website, your online store, your blog and your social media accounts. This will help increase sign ups to your list.

If you have a WordPress website, I encourage you to check out our &#;Top 9 Email List Building Plugins for WordPress&#; article. It lists many useful plugins that help you integrate MailChimp and other services into your website.

Develop a Membership Website

If you have what it takes to run a successful blog, you have what it takes to build a good membership website.

Like blogging, the key to a successful membership website is good content, but whilst the vast majority of blogs are free to read, most content on membership websites is hidden behind a paywall.

It is wise, however, to offer some free content to users in order to showcase what a full membership offers.

A full membership may include detailed reviews, in-depth written and video tutorials, access to a knowledgeable support team or community, free eBooks, and more.

Successful membership websites tend to dripfeed content to members over time too. This is to stop people accessing all content immediately and then cancelling. In other words, you need to have a reason for people to hang around.


To get a better idea of what sort of membership website you could build, I recommend searching through the web and looking at what others have created. You will see membership websites for a variety of topics such as website development, fitness, cooking, music, video creation, sports and more.

Pay attention to the cost of competing websites too. In certain niches, it is common for memberships to sell for $99 per month, in others it may be as low as $10 per year.

WordPress is a good platform to build a membership website due to the vast number of plugins and themes available that will let you expand your website.

To help you see what membership WordPress plugins are on offer, check out the articles &#;Build Your Tribe: 7 Top WordPress Membership Plugins Compared for &#; and &#;The Best WordPress Membership Plugins To Match Any Budget&#;.

Host a Podcast

Got something to say?

If you&#;re not a writer, you may want to look into hosting a podcast.

Podcasts remain as popular as ever. There are shows for every topic you can imagine: Sports, films, music, history, comedy, politics, fashion and more.

Podcast episodes can be recorded using your smartphone, however you can improve the quality of your recordings significantly by investing in an affordable microphone or recorder for under $

If you can establish an audience, you can make money by selling advertisements and promoting your own products and services. Profits can then be used to purchase more advanced recording and mixing equipment.

Blue Microphone for Podcasting

Whilst there are things you need to learn about recording equipment, editing audio files and promotion, podcasting is a lot simpler than many people think.

Podcasting services such as Blubrry do a lot of the work for you. They will host your audio files, submit your podcast to podcast directories and even help you monetize your show.

To view what podcast hosting services are available, check out our article &#;The Best Podcast Hosting Services on the Internet&#;.

Become a Freelancer

Freelancing marketplaces are a great place to find work online.

These job directories list contract work, part time jobs and full time jobs. The popularity of micro job marketplaces such as Fiverr has influenced freelancing marketplaces too, with small jobs and tasks being advertised.

General freelancing marketplaces such as Freelancer list many different types of jobs. This includes data entry, graphical design, mobile app development, freelance writing, and more.

There are also freelance marketplaces that focus on specific niches. For example, the competition freelance website 99Designs only lists design jobs.


Freelancing marketplaces are notoriously competitive.

Building up your freelancing profile, on and off the marketplace, is therefore essential if you want to successfully bid for clients. It tends to be difficult in the beginning, which is why some people reduce their rates when they begin, but over time your reputation will grow.

Once you have established yourself, you can be more selective with how you freelance and define how often you work and what rates you charge clients.

You can also choose to freelance part time to compliment other work you do online.

Write a Book

The old saying goes that &#;Everybody has a book inside them&#;.

Do you?

In the digital age, publishing a print book or digital book is incredibly straightforward. You can publish books of any length on topics such as romance, science-fiction, history, business, education and more.

Books can be written in word processing applications such as Microsoft Word and then uploaded to an online book store for approval. Most book stores will provide you with a template for you to write your book in, which simplifies the whole process.

Write a Book

Amazon&#;s Kindle Direct Publishing platform is the perfect way to self-publish a book in the largest bookstore in the world.

I have published a couple of books about blogging on Amazon, therefore I am familiar with the process.

Amazon approve books within 24 to 48 hours of submission and you can earn up to 70% of the sale price that you define. Authors retain full rights of their books and can make changes to published books any time they wish.

Just like building a blog or a membership website, writing a book requires many hours of dedication.

It is something you should still consider. You can not only earn money from publishing books, it will also raise your profile and compliment other projects you launch online.

Launch an Online Course

Could you teach others a new skill?

Online learning is a billion dollar industry that continues to grow each year, with some teachers earning millions from their courses.

In comparison to membership websites, online courses tend to be more structured and focus on teaching someone one particular skill or topic.

Expectations of courses has grown over the years, so be prepared to spend a substantial amount of time creating content for your course.

On online course platforms such as Udemy and Treehouse, successful courses tend to include dozens of articles, hours of video, downloadable resources and more.


The online course platform Udemy has over , courses in their directory and boasts millions of customers.

It is a huge marketplace that you can tap into, but be aware that Udemy take a 50% commission for allowing you to sell courses. This means you have to price your course accordingly, which can be difficult in such a competitive marketplace.

If you have an established blog or large social media following, you may want to consider hosting an online course yourself so that you keep % of the sales you generate.

To learn about the online course solutions available for WordPress, check out our article &#;6 Best WordPress Learning Management Systems (LMS) Plugins Compared&#;.

Become a Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant helps businesses with many different tasks from a remote location.

As a virtual assistant, the exact work you do and the rate you are paid will vary from company to company.

Tasks could include social media management, responding to emails, preparing reports, booking hotels for clients, managing appointments, performing data entry, doing research and much more.

Virtual Assistant

With the right company, a virtual assistant role is a fantastic entry into the world of making money online.

You will learn about how websites make money and how online businesses are structured. These skills will prove useful when launching your own online projects.

If you prove yourself to be an asset to the company, you may also be promoted to a more senior role.

Publish Videos on YouTube

I have had many projects and online ventures over the years, but I have found YouTube to be the most enjoyable way to create content and make money online as it has allowed me to share my passion for technology.

YouTubers with over 1, subscribers are eligible to make money through the YouTube Partner Program (Google Adsense).

Unless you have a large channel, it is unlikely that you can live off the income you generate from advertisements on your videos, however you can make money from your channel in other ways.

In the FameBit Marketplace, for example, you will find sponsorship opportunites from thousands of companies. All you have to do is publish reviews of products and services to earn money.

Just like any social media platform, YouTube channels can be a platform to launch other products and services.

Kevin Muldoon's YouTube Channel

It has never been easier to get started on YouTube as most smartphones and tablets today can record videos in 4K and P. You can produce impressive results with a smartphone or tablet by placing it on a tripod, connecting a microphone for better audio and picking up some cheap lights from a local DIY store to improve lighting.

Alternatively, you can record video tutorials from your laptop or PC using an application such as Screencast-O-Matic. The application is free to use and the full version retails for around $20 per year.

In the long-term, if you want to step up your game and improve your video and audio quality, you will need to invest in better equipment.

Stream Games on Twitch, YouTube or Mixer

The growth of game streaming over the last few years has been phenomenal.

The medium is being supported by some of the largest companies on the internet. Amazon own the popular www.oldyorkcellars.com service, Google runs YouTube Gaming and Microsoft are behind Mixer.

Game streamers mainly earn money from sponsorships and donations, however many top game streamers are branching out and selling t-shirts and other products.

If you own an XBox One or PS4, you can stream directly from your console by simply connecting ar headset and webcam. The upcoming Xbox Series X and PS5 consoles are rumoured to enhance game streaming functionality significantly, which will help the industry grow further.


Whilst you can stream directly from modern gaming consoles, if you want to improve the quality of your stream, you are better streaming directly from your PC or laptop using an application such as OBS.

Game consoles can be recorded using game capture devices from companies such as Elgato, though you will probably have to use two computers if you want to record gameplay from your PC.

Game streaming is highly competitive, so if you want to be successful, you will need to stand out from the crowd.

Edit Videos for Others

Editing is a big part of producing videos for platforms such as YouTube.

With some YouTube channels, the content creator may spend two hours recording footage and then ten hours editing the video for publication.

If you have experience editing videos, you can make a good living editing videos for online businesses, YouTubers, game streamers and more.

Video Editing

Freelancing marketplaces are a good place to start looking for a job as a video editor. You will see many website owners looking for help there as it is a skill that website developers and marketers do not typically have.

You can also find work by approaching YouTubers and game streamers directly and offering your services.

For example, you could approach a top game streamer on Twitch and offer to edit their top gaming videos into short compilation videos for YouTube.

Test Products for Online Shops

Product testing should be considered more of a hobby or side hussle than a serious career, but it can be a nice way to earn a little cash and perhaps get some free products in the process.

As a product tester, you will be asked to provide valuable feedback to the company about what you like and did not like.

Each company have their own set of rules and guidelines.

In the Nike Product Testing program, for example, you are expected to return their products before you are sent another product for review. In contrast, companies such as Phillips will let you keep cheaper items free of charge, but give you expensive items such as coffee machines at a greatly reduced rate.

Nike Product Testing

For lower priced products, companies will sometimes give you a gift card or payment to compensate you for feedback.

As I noted earlier, you are not going to make a ton of money by performing product reviews, but some savvy product testers actively sell the products they receive on eBay in order to make some extra cash.

Please be aware, however, that there are a lot of fake product review websites and scam websites which make ridiculous offers such as free iPhones. Stay away from websites that make these claims.

My recommendation is to go directly to the source and use official product testing programs. If you search online, you will find that most large companies have a testing program for products such as make up, clothing, technology, games and more.

Sell Stock Photos and Videos

Have you got an eye for photography?

If so, you may want to consider selling photos and videos online.

There are many great free image services online, however the premium image and video stock photo market remains a billion dollar industry.

By listing your content on stock image websites such as Shutterstock, you will receive a payment every time someone downloads one of your items.

Submit to Shutterstock

Stock images and videos are used by blogs, news websites, YouTube channels, mainstream media, magazines, online shops, and more.

If you want to make a living by selling digital items such as images and videos, pay attention to what content people are downloading on stock image marketplaces. This will help influence what content you should sell yourself.

šŸ‘‰ 5 Perfect Places To Sell Your Photos Online

Resell Website Hosting

Reseller hosting is one of the oldest businesses on the internet and the backbone of the whole website hosting industry.

As a reseller, you purchase a package from a hosting company and then resell an allocation of the hosting resources you have purchased to others. This is actually how many website hosting companies operate, even those that have tens of thousands of clients.

In the cloud hosting world, for example, companies such as Digital Ocean provide servers for hosting companies such as Cloudways.

To make money as a hosting reseller, you need to spend time marketing your services in order to attract customers and then provide excellent support to retain their custom.

GoDaddy Reseller Program

The vast majority of website hosting companies have an affiliate program and a reseller program. Whilst an affiliate program will pay a standard commission for referrals, with a reseller program you have full control over what customers are charged.

Historically, resellers would have to build a website for their host reselling company that featured an account dashboard and a support area for customers, however larger hosting companies are now simplifying the whole process.

The GoDaddy Reseller Program, for example, helps you build a storefront for your hosting website and handles payments for you too.

Make no qualms about it, the hosting reselling game is a tough business, but if you are willing to work hard, you can make a ton of money.

Buy and Sell Websites & Domains

Website trading is big business.

Every year, tens of thousands of websites and domains are bought and sold on marketplaces such as Flippa and Empire Flippers.

If you know how to build websites, you can make money by creating websites, generating income and then listing the websites for sale. This is a low risk strategy as your investment costs are low.

Those of you with more experience may want to buy websites with the sole aim of selling it later for a profit; a technique known as website flipping.

The goal of website flipping is to find websites that are undervalued or underdeveloped and then develop them further to increase monthly profits. Not every website is sold at a fair price, so be prepared to spend a lot of time researching websites for sale.


There is a lot of money to be made in website trading if you know what you are doing.

The key to selling is to develop websites that have reliable income streams. Potential buyers will look at the time and cost to administrate a website too, which is why low maintenance websites sometimes sell ay higher prices.

There is never any guarantee of success when you purchase a website from someone else, but you can stack the odds in your favour if you ask the right questions and perform a full analysis of website costs, traffic, revenue, and administration.

Marc Andre from Kikolani has some great guides:

Translate Content for Others

Can you speak another language?

Translation is something that businesses are always looking for. A typical business will not only have to translate official sales pages and news articles, they will also have to translate documents, marketing material, press releases and more.

There is a growing demand for translators on video websites such as YouTube too as captions can help generate additional views and increase search traffic.

Translate Content for Others

You can find translation jobs on freelance marketplaces such as Freelancer.

As with most online jobs, rates vary greatly and companies may pay on an hourly basis, per word or per task.

Many part time and full time translation jobs can also be found online.

Final Thoughts

I have been fortunate enough to work on the internet for over twenty years. It has allowed me to travel around the world and given me a freedom that few other jobs can.

I believe that anyone can make money from the internet, but you should not be under any illusions about what you have to do to make money. If you start looking for shortcuts to success and following &#;Get Rich Quick&#; schemes, you will lose money.

My advice is to spend time learning new skills and gaining experience. This knowledge will help you with your own websites and projects and make you an attractive contractor for others. Be as proactive as you can, whether it be emailing companies looking for work, adding content to your own websites or buying books to learn about the industry.

If you have enjoyed this article about making money online, I encourage you to subscribe to Design Bombs. You can also receive updates about our latest articles by subscribing by RSS or by following us on Facebook or Twitter.

Good luck.


* Some of the images in this article were sourced from Pixabay. Be sure to check them out and show them some love šŸ™‚

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Get started here >>

4) Shop for Groceries

Grocery delivery is another service that is booming right now. Take advantage of the trend by becoming an Instacart shopper.

As an Instacart shopper, you&#;ll make money shopping for other people&#;s groceries. Simply turn on the app, grab the orders, and hit the store. Once you&#;re done, deliver the groceries to the customer and get paid.

Learn more here >>

5) Drive for DoorDash

The pandemic may have slowed some businesses down, but do you know what is booming? Takeout.

Why not use this trend to make some money for yourself?

DoorDash delivers takeout from hundreds of their favorite local restaurants. As a delivery driver, you&#;ll earn extra money you can use to pay your rent, take a vacation, pay off debt, or spend on fun. You can work on your own schedule, plus, you can start earning money fast! (You can even use your scooter or bike if you want.)

Get started with DoorDash here >>

6) Freelance Writing

Freelance writing is the single best (and fastest) way to earn extra money online. In fact, for the past six years, we&#;ve earned over $, writing per year!

We&#;ve even created a course that teaches you how to find writing jobs, increase your income, and get paid what you&#;re worth. Register for our FREE workshop below!

register for freelance writing workshop

7) Surf the Internet and Earn Rewards

If you like to surf the internet, you may as well get paid to do it. Use Swagbucks to visit your favorite websites and earn gift cards to some of the world&#;s biggest retailers &#; like Amazon, Walmart, Target, and more. (That doesn&#;t even include the $5 bonus they give you for signing up!)

Forget &#;get rich quick&#; and &#;work from home&#; schemes. This stuff takes some work, but with some drive and effort, you can make some serious cash. Here&#;s how to make extra money from home with gigs that pay you real money.

8) Start a Blog

One of the best ways to make extra money from home is by starting a successful blog. Our blog helped us make enough money to quit our day jobs and gave us the personal freedom to travel the world.

By using a site like Bluehost, you can actually run your entire blog for under $5 a month. That&#;s super cheap for what could turn out to be a huge money-making hobby.

Use this simple step-by-step guide to creating your own blog to learn how to start a blog in just a few minutes.

9) Freelance Editing and Proofreading

Are you constantly catching mistakes in the things you read? If you enjoy editing and proofreading other&#;s work, this may be a great way for you to make extra money. You can get paid to edit and proofread blogs, books, magazines, court transcripts, and more!

Our friend Caitlin makes a nice living as a proofreader, and her course has taught hundreds of students how to turn their eagle eyes into dollars. In the course, you&#;ll learn how to improve your proofreading skills, find proofreading jobs, and build your own work-from-home business. Register for her FREE proofreading workshop here.

10) Web Design

The internet is big business, and it&#;s not just bloggers who need a website. Companies need websites too, and they&#;ll pay you to help.

Take free classes or teach yourself how to design websites. Then, start selling your services to those you know.

Start by selling your basic services on Fiverr. This can help give you experience, build your resume, and find leads for clients interested in higher paying work.

11) Start a Profitable YouTube Channel

If video is more your style, try creating a YouTube channel. YouTube&#;s popularity has skyrocketed over the past few years&#;and some people are making tons of extra money doing it. You can make money on advertisements, paid appearances, and using your forum as a brand ambassador.

12) Promote Products and Services

If you have a blog or social media account, you can get paid to promote products and services through affiliate marketing. Each time somebody uses your link to purchase a product or service, you get paid.

Our good friend Michelle makes over $50, a month through affiliate marketing alone. While your results are sure to vary, you can learn all her tricks in her popular course, Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing. I&#;ve taken it myself and highly recommend it!

13) Create a Course

Speaking of courses, if you possess special knowledge or are an expert in a particular area, you can create an online course and sell it. The online course business is booming, and you can make some serious money if you hit the right niche.

Personally, we use Teachable to host our courses. It&#;s an easy to use platform that handles all the ins and outs of running a profitable course. You can even create your own affiliate program with it! We love it and highly recommend it to anybody interested in creating their own course.

Ways to Make Money With Your Car or RV

In today&#;s gig economy, there are endless ways to make money. You can even make money using your own car. Here are a few ideas:

14) Rent Out Your Car

You&#;ve heard of renting out your house on places like VRBO and Airbnb. Now you can make money renting out your car too!

HyreCar is a car rental marketplace that connects you with rideshare and delivery drivers looking for a car in your area. It&#;s a super passive way to make money and one you should definitely check out!

Get paid to rent your car here.

15) Drive for Uber or Lyft

Uber and Lyft are rideshare companies that help you make money in your spare time by driving people around. You can set your own schedule, and you can even drive for multiple companies!

16) Rent Out Your RV

Do you have an RV? Chances are you don&#;t use it every weekend. Why not rent it out and make some money?

Marketplaces like Outdoorsy and RVshare connect you with customers looking for short-term RV rentals. Use one of these platforms to rent it out and have your RV help pay for itself!

Ways to Make Money on Your Money

Are you looking for new ways to make your money work for you? Here are a few options for you to consider:

17) Buy Real Estate

In my opinion, one of the best ways to make extra money is by investing in real estate. We&#;veowned rental properties for years, and it has really added to our net worth. Not only are we making money every month, the value of the property is increasing over time. It&#;s a great addition to diversify our total portfolio.

18) Invest in Real Estate Debt

Groundfloor provides investors with a marketplace to invest in real estate loans. They specialize in short-term loans that provide a high yield. It&#;s a really cool way to invest in both real estate and debt! Learn more here.

19) Open a Dividend Investment Account

Most experts agree that investing is a great way to make money over the long-term. Some investments may even pay dividends, but of course there are no guarantees.

M1 Finance is a great place to start investing. They offer tons of investments, a wonderful platform, and $0 commissions on trades.

Get started with M1 Finance

33 Real Ways to Make Money Online in

A priority this year, for many people, will be figuring out how to make money online. It might be a side gig to supplement your job or a completely new venture. Whatever the reason, there are a wealth of available opportunities. For quite a few of them, all youā€™re going to need is access to a reliable internet connection and a smartphone.

How Can I Make Money Online?

If you want to earn extra money without breaking a sweat, keep scrolling. To save you time and hours of research, Iā€™ve created this extensive list of online money-making ideas and gigs on the side. All you need to do is set aside some time to read through the list, and Iā€™m pretty confident youā€™ll find one or two you quite like the sound of.

Build a Website and Earn an Affiliate Commission

One of the most popular ways to make real money online is through affiliate marketing. 81% of brands and 84% of publishers use the power of affiliate marketing and this statistic is likely to continue as affiliate marketing spending in the US increases every year.

Donā€™t know what affiliate marketing is? Itā€™s a way of earning money by promoting various brands. Youā€™re promoting products, services, apps, software, and more. In return, companies pay you a commission when a customer buys a product using your link.

You probably think the commission will be small, but thatā€™s not strictly true. It can be but what makes a big difference is that you can be an affiliate for one, two, three, or considerably more different brands, and thereā€™s no limit to the number of links you can include in each of your posts.

Thereā€™s also the potential for the commission to be 50% of a $1, product and for it to be a recurring commission every month.

How does it work? You advertise the brands via your website by writing blogs, creating infomercials, and other types of content. You include links for your affiliate brands and push traffic to their website.

To achieve any level of success, you have to learn to be persistent. The key to your success will be finding a niche that suits you and having the right strategy. Some of the niches you might want to consider include:

  • Software
  • Travel
  • E-commerce
  • Dating
  • Loans
  • Fitness

Once youā€™ve decided on a niche, youā€™ll need to work on designing a website and starting a blog. Starting a YouTube channel that runs alongside your blog is another option.

Level of expertise: Intermediate

Requirements: Content marketing expertise, know how to build a website

Time: From six months to several years before you start making any real profit

Tools: Domain, hosting

Income Potential: $ to $10,/day

Build and Sell Software

There are many benefits to building software and then selling it. Upfront costs, including the development of the software, can be pretty high. However, the cost of selling your product once youā€™ve made it is relatively low. Delivering the finished product to the customer costs very little.

One critical requirement is that you need to have a good grasp of the programming side of things. A friend or relative in the know would be a possible alternative, as long as they donā€™t want to charge too much for their services.

Itā€™s also crucial that you create software that people want to buy. Ideally, it needs to be software thatā€™s unique, better than anything else thatā€™s currently available, or at the very least, much cheaper.

Thereā€™s already a massive amount of software out there, but there are still some niches you can explore and problems no one has found the answer for. Figure out what these are, and you could be on to a winner.

Bear in mind that it could take some time for the development side of your project, which makes it vital you do plenty of research beforehand to make sure thereā€™s a market for your product.

If youā€™re interested in reducing the amount of work, you might want to consider buying some software and making improvements or using open-source software. If you think this is a good option, make sure you check whether there are any restrictions. Spending a lot of time creating something you canā€™t sell would be devastating.

App development is another similar option. Creating games or apps can be a very lucrative idea.

One guy who made a great success of his SaaS business is Neil Patel. You can read his story here.

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: Know how to code or have a friend or relative who can do it for you, get clients to use the software

Time: More than one year to start making some money

Tools: Hosting, domain

Income Potential: $$,/month

Launch and Grow a Startup

Thanks to the internet, there are vast amounts of options if you think youā€™ve got what it takes to launch a startup business. As long as youā€™ve got a computer and a reliable internet connection, the skyā€™s the limit in what you can achieve.

You donā€™t need to be a technical whizz kid, as there are plenty of valuable tools that will help you build, launch and grow your business. You just need to put in the hard work, learning what you need.

Another great benefit of starting a new online business is that you do it from anywhere in the world. No one sets your schedule for you, which means you can work as little or as often as suits you. It depends on how fast or successful you want your business to be.

When it comes to capital requirements, you donā€™t need a lot. There are internet businesses you can get off the ground with no money simply because there are a wealth of free services to help the process.

Here are just a few ideas, some of which weā€™ll look at in more detail a little later.

  • Custom furniture production
  • Homemade beauty products
  • Activity holidays
  • E-commerce retailer
  • Cleaning services
  • Hand-made craft seller
  • Tutoring or digital courses
  • Start your own clothing line
  • Publish a book

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: The right idea and customers for your product or service

Time: More than six months to start making money

Tools: Hosting, domain

Income Potential: $$,/month

Start an eCommerce Site and Sell Physical Products

In recent years, eCommerce sites have really taken off, and thanks to platforms such as WooCommerce and WordPress, building your site couldnā€™t get much easier. Because so many brick-and-mortar stores have had to close their doors due to COVID, the popularity of this option is likely to increase.

Online shopping is no longer the luxury it once was. More than a decade ago, eCommerce only accounted for % of total retail sales. Fast forward and in , online sales accounted for 21%. For millions of people, thanks to Covid,Ā  it is now a necessity. For your eCommerce business to be successful in the long term, youā€™ll need a long-term vision and a product that brings real value to the market.

To run a successful eCommerce store, you need to create and sell a niche physical product to a specific audience or purchase trending products cheaply from an overseas manufacturer, repackage them and sell them at a markup.

The first option can be a little risky, but it also has the potential to be very successful. A certain amount of passion for your product or products is essential, and youā€™ll also need to be prepared to put in the graft when it comes to research, development of your product, and also testing.

There are some very successful eCommerce sites you can take inspiration from, such as Beardbrand, Ratio Coffee, and SkinnyMe Tea. All three of these companies show what incredible results are possible if youā€™re prepared to put in the work.

The second option is less risky, but you first have to source a product thatā€™s already popular. One place to look is AliExpress. You buy the product in bulk, repackage it, and then sell it via your eCommerce store.

Aside from finding the right product, youā€™ll also need to think about how youā€™ll ship the orders. Handling it yourself is the obvious option, but something called drop shipping is another possibility. In this case, you take the orders, and the manufacturer handles the shipping on your behalf.

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: The right idea and customers for your product

Time: You could be making money in a couple of months

Tools: Hosting, domain, products to sell

Income Potential: $$,/monthh=

Create Online Courses

You get them popping up on your Facebook news feed and in ads when you search online. It feels like online courses are everywhere you look nowadays, but itā€™s not too late to get in on the action. It is forecast that the online education market could reach $ billion by There is one requirement, however. You need knowledge that someone is willing to pay for. If youā€™ve got what it takes, online courses are a fantastic opportunity.

Itā€™s not the end of the world if you donā€™t have the wherewithal to create your own course because thereā€™s always the option of becoming an instructor. Pick the right platform and youā€™ll be able to pass on your experience and skills to a broad audience who might be interested in learning something new.

If youā€™re wondering what kind of topics sell, here are some examples:

  • Personal development
  • Photography
  • Art
  • Gardening
  • Technology
  • Languages (weā€™ll be looking at teaching English a little later)
  • Cooking
  • Marketing

An excellent place to start, if you have decided on a topic, is to poll your audience. Youā€™ll discover what they want to learn and how much theyā€™ll be willing to pay for it.

Level of expertise: Expert

Requirements: Knowledge or skill people want to pay for

Time: You could be earning an income in a couple of months

Tools: Online learning platforms such as Udemy and Kajabi, or a software product such as WooCommerce or WordPress, an online course platform like Thinkific.

Income Potential: $$10,/month

Write and Sell an eBook

If you know youā€™ve got a book in you but have been putting it off for years, publishing an eBook could be the opportunity youā€™re looking for. If you want to publish a book, you donā€™t have to approach a publishing house because self-publishing is an option. Absolutely anyone can publish a book, and it is possible to make a living.

The barrier for entry is set relatively low, so be ready for lots of competition. To stand out from the crowd, youā€™ll need to write the best eBook possible and satisfy the readersā€™ expectations.

Some of the things you need to consider before you put pen to paper, figuratively speaking, include:

  • Choosing the right topic: Something youā€™re passionate or knowledgeable about.
  • How long your eBook is going to be: There are no hard and fast rules.
  • The title of your eBook: It needs to grab peopleā€™s attention and draw them in.
  • Write unique content: Provide insights that no other eBook offers.
  • Format: PDF is the best.
  • Editing: Fill your eBook with grammatical errors, and itā€™s doomed to fail.
  • Cover design: Itā€™s not just about the content. An attractive cover is also key to success.

Once youā€™ve written your eBook, you need to sell it. Targeting everyone is not the best approach. Youā€™re more likely to be successful if you can identify a market.

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: Idea for your eBook

Time: Your eBook could earn you an income within a couple of months

Tools: Editing tool, blog, or publishing platform

Income Potential: $$10,/ month

Sell Stuff on Amazon FBA

Amazon is one of the largest online stores. Weā€™ve already looked at creating your eCommerce store, and this idea is kind of similar, but in this case, youā€™re using Amazonā€™s platform. Itā€™s a cost-effective way of shipping your products and allows you to provide excellent customer service for a small fee.

An excellent approach is to determine which products sell well on the platform and look for cheaper versions you can rebrand and resell. The selling process couldnā€™t be more straightforward. You send your items to Amazon, and theyā€™re stored in one of their fulfillment centers.

Potential customers can purchase your items via Amazon or another eCommerce platform. When things are sold, Amazon picks, packs, and ships the items. You can monitor everything via Amazonā€™s tracking system. Amazon provides excellent customer service and manages any returns.

Such a service isnā€™t free. The fulfillment fees are rather complicated, but there are plenty of online resources that explain how to calculate the costs.

What to Sell to Make Money on Amazon FBA

You can sell pretty much anything, from items youā€™ve got lying around your home to expensive, luxury jewelry, but some things sell better than others.

A definite no-no would be well-known brand-name products. Amazon customers tend to be looking for decent products that look like they tick all the boxes and are being sold at a low price.

However, for your items to catch buyersā€™ eyes, they have to be similar but better than all the rest. List it under your name, for example, and add something extra that other sellers donā€™t. Better overall service, faster shipping, or a product listing that catches the eye are just a few examples.

Here are some more criteria to bear in mind:

  • Products should be niche-specific.
  • Items between $10 and $15 tend to sell better.
  • Products that are lightweight and small are easier to ship.
  • Brand the products as your own.
  • Avoid products that are seasonal.
  • Your product should solve a problem or address a need.
  • Look for quality products from reliable suppliers.
  • Choose items in a popular category, for example:
    • Books
    • Baby
    • Beauty
    • Accessories and clothing
    • Electronics
    • Outdoors and gardening
    • Fitness
    • Kitchen and home
    • Health
    • Toys
    • Jewelry

Level of expertise: beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: products to sell, computer, and customers for your products

Time: You could earn an income within six months

Tools: Amazon account or your eCommerce site

Income Potential: $$,/month

Buy and Sell Domain Names

In the modern tech-centric world, domain names are big business. In some cases, they can change hands for millions of dollars. At the very least, you can expect a few hundred dollars if you find a solid domain name thatā€™s up for sale.

Donā€™t expect to turn a profit for several months, as it can take a considerable amount of time to build a top-quality portfolio of domains. How much profit you make depends on how much work youā€™re prepared to put in. Buying and selling domain names involves trying to predict whatā€™s going to be popular a few months or years down the line.

Another option is to purchase some domains that are already high profile and hang on to them for a while, hoping that their value will increase. There are lots of different tools you can use, such as Just Dropped, Namecheap, Flippa, GoDaddy. Once youā€™ve purchased the domain, you simply relist it and wait for someone to be interested so you can sell it to them for a profit.

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: Knowledge of domain names and what makes them attractive

Time: Anything from one month onwards

Tools: Account with a site that buys and sells domain names

Income Potential: $$1,/month


Do you have a specific skill set? Is there something you can do that people would pay money for? There is currently a massive demand for freelancers. In a recent survey by PeoplePerHour, 60% of businesses who responded said they plan to use freelancers more this year. However, being your own boss is not as easy as it seems. Many sacrifices are required, and you have to put in a certain amount of effort when it comes to finding clients. All of which must be done before you can do the work.

There are also specific skills youā€™ll need to develop if you want to be successful. Youā€™ll need to learn how to market yourself, pitch to potential clients, provide support, budget, and manage your time.

Thereā€™s also a tremendous amount of competition, which means you also need to think about a strategy. Youā€™ll find plenty of resources to help you online, so donā€™t fret about it too much.

Letā€™s look at the steps youā€™ll need to take before moving on to the areas with the most potential.

Step 1: Choose your niche: something youā€™re passionate or knowledgeable about.

Step 2: Be specific about the services you provide.

Step 3: Build an impressive portfolio of your work.

Step 4: Define your customer base.

Step 5: Test the waters before you give up your day job.

Step 6: Hone your skills.

Step 7: Search for clients on popular freelance sites such as Upwork, Freelancer, Toptal, and Fiverr.

Be prepared to work harder than in your job, enjoy fewer vacations, work through holidays, and often into the night.

Now letā€™s look at some of the most popular niches for freelancers.

Web Development

Increasing demand for websites means jobs that revolve around this need are also on the rise. Itā€™s a job that lends itself well to working from home because all you need is knowledge, a computer, and a reliable internet connection. The most popular jobs include front-end developing, back-end developing, and full-stack development.


Professional writers are highly sought after. This role involves writing content for clientsā€™ websites that promotes their business and helps them stay relevant. How much money you make depends on the niche you choose and your skillset.

Graphic Design

Graphic design is a vast field so youā€™ll help potential customers by creating a portfolio, pitching to clients, and setting your rates according to your expertise. To hone your skills even further, consider taking certified courses and watching tutorials.

Digital Marketing

If youā€™ve got a creative mind, this might be the industry for you. Digital marketing plays a critical role in helping industries and brands stay relevant. Thereā€™s a variety of work available, even for the beginner. Opt for smaller projects such as social media posts and banners or more complex projects that require you to create a brand identity or manage a marketing campaign on social media.

Virtual Assistance

This is another area thatā€™s becoming increasingly popular. Hiring one remote person to undertake a wide range of tasks such as receptionist, customer support, typist, admin, or email assistant saves money, especially for a small business with a tight budget. Work for several different companies, and youā€™ll be able to maximize your freelancing income.


Visuals have become equally important in the advertising industry and are considered to have as much influence as the written word. If youā€™re a photographer, you donā€™t have to limit yourself to covering weddings and events. Itā€™s possible to earn money in food design and product photography disciplines, for example. You could also post your work on stock websites or sell editing presets.

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: Knowledge or skill that people are willing to pay for

Time: Instant

Tools: Your website or an account with a freelancing site

Income Potential: up to $80,/month

Teach English as a Virtual Tutor

Itā€™s possible to teach English as a virtual tutor with no experience. However, you do have to be a fluent English speaker. Teaching English online has enjoyed rapid growth in demand and popularity. There are currently over a billion people currently learning English globally.

New online platforms and schools pop up regularly. Some require a bachelorā€™s degree, but others donā€™t. TEFL or ESL certification, however, is essential.

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: No teaching experience is required, but you can earn more with a degree or teaching certification

Time: Instant

Tools: Account with an online teaching platform

Income Potential:Ā  From $10/hour ā€“ $40/hour

Do Micro-Jobs on Amazon Mechanical Turk

You may not have heard of micro-jobs, but itā€™s a term used for straightforward jobs that generally require no technical skill. Amazon Mechanical Turk is an online platform where requesters (as they are known) post boring jobs that you can complete for minute sums of money.

The jobs are called HITs or Human Intelligence Tasks. These tasks tend to be things that algorithms or computers arenā€™t quite capable of doing or that humans do far more effectively.

You get to pick and choose which jobs you want to do and how much you do. The pay is anything from $ to $1 per HIT. HITs include:

  • Transcription of audio recordings
  • Researching data details
  • Identification of objects in videos or photos
  • Data deduplication

Unfortunately, there is a considerable amount of competition, and if you want to get your fair share of the work, youā€™ll need to use browser extensions and a suite of tools to lap up the best-paying jobs quickly.

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: No experience or knowledge is required

Time: Instant, although it can take a couple of weeks to build up a decent amount of cash

Tools: Software that alerts you of the high-earning HITS

Income Potential: $ ā€“ $1,/month

Online Coaching

This is one opportunity that could eventually run itself if you wanted it to. Start a coaching program, and youā€™re creating a solid base for a business. One significant benefit of online coaching is that you can make good money very quickly. People tend to be more willing to pay a higher price for one-on-one or personalized programs.

Successful online coaches include Shana Recker, Tiffany Napper, and Christina Sambak.

You do, however, need to research your audience and understand what they want and need. Something else thatā€™s very beneficial will be encouraging your clients to spread the word about your business.

A range of coaching platforms have sprung up, and they enable you to launch a highly scalable business model and not have to compromise on the effectiveness of your coaching.

The most popular coaching platforms include:

  • Satori: This is an app that streamlines both the business management and coaching side of a business. It combines a business intelligence tool and CRM system, so youā€™ve got a 1-stop shop.
  • CoachAccountable: This platform also covers essential administration tools to help with payments, scheduling sessions, coaching plans, and the sharing of documents.
  • Nudge Coach: This platformā€™s focus is helping coaches keep their clients on track remotely and between sessions. It allows you to send clients the right message when needed and schedule notifications for the future.
  • TrueCoach: Designed for fitness business and personal trainers who might want to launch remote training and coaching. It allows you to connect remotely with clients and share videos and workouts.
  • Coach Catalyst: This platform is also for fitness businesses and personal trainers. It includes daily check-ins, which means clients are accountable between sessions. Coaches can monitor progress and offer additional motivation or attention if needed.

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: Knowledge or skill that people will be willing to pay for, technical knowledge for the platforms

Time: 6 months before you turn a profit

Tools: Coaching platform, website to market your services

Income Potential: $1, ā€“ $10,/month

Online Consultant

Individuals and businesses often reach out to consultants to help them reach their goals, especially when they have problems meeting in person because of a heavy schedule. Being a virtual consultant is a versatile career choice, and you could help your clients with a wide range of things, from marketing to searching for a job.

Consider what experience and skills you have and whether youā€™re able to deliver it online, and there will be people who want to pay for such a solution to their problems. Along with your experience, youā€™ll also need to do some research. This will allow you to focus on the right service to offer and how much you can expect your future clients to pay.

Once youā€™ve found a service, consider undertaking a beta group test. Use it as a learning experience, get feedback, and remember to ask for testimonials.

Thereā€™s a vast range of options when it comes to consulting. Check out the following options:

  • PR consulting
  • Marketing consultant
  • Social media consulting
  • Career coaching consultant
  • Sustainability consultant
  • Travel consulting
  • Financial consultant
  • Fitness/wellness consultant
  • HR consulting
  • IT/technology consultant
  • Sales consultant
  • Compliance consulting
  • Legal consultant

If youā€™re not sure where to look for opportunities, try one of these legitimate websites:

  • Clarity: This is a platform that concentrates mainly on start-ups. Any experts who want to offer their services here need to know business processes, entrepreneurship, or start-ups, for example.
  • ExpertConnect: Based in New York, ExpertConnect is always looking for experts in healthcare, technology, life sciences, telecommunications, media, legal affairs, accounting, finance, real estate, retail, and consumer goods.
  • Maven: According to Maven, it is the ā€œGlobal Knowledge Marketplaceā€ and has many experts from all industry fields and walks of life. Mavens, as the experts are known, include truck drivers, barbers, auto mechanics, farmers, and doctors.
  • GLG: The clientele on this platform comes from many different industries, including technology, life sciences, investments, market research, and consumer goods. Youā€™re able to set your rates depending on your experience, practice area, and designation.
  • Zintro: You pay nothing to be a Zintro member, but you or your client must pay when you first connect via the platform. You donā€™t receive emails with consulting requests. Instead, you have to visit your Zintro inbox regularly.

Level of expertise: Intermediate, expert

Requirements: Experience and skills that people need and want to pay for

Time: At least a year before you make any profit

Tools: Consultancy platform, website to advertise your services

Income Potential: $ ā€“ $,/month

Join a Remote Company Part-Time (or Full-Time)

Perhaps youā€™d like a change of career, want to try something new, or would benefit from a scenery change. In such cases, working remotely can be a breath of fresh air as well as an excellent opportunity to earn some money on the side.

Many companies are looking for remote employees, and it doesnā€™t matter where you work from. According to Upwork, 22% of the American workforce will be working remotely by Thatā€™s an 87% increase compared to before the pandemic.Ā  Start on a part-time basis, and you might like it so much you want to work full-time.

Look for possible options by checking out online career listings, or visit one of the following websites:

  • SolidGigs
  • Flexjobs
  • Remote
  • We Work Remotely

The types of remote jobs available vary considerably. Such positions might include being a designer or working in customer support.

Itā€™s a simple case of finding a job you like and applying for it.

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: The right skill for the job youā€™re applying for

Time: Instant

Tools: Knowledge and experience to help you secure the job

Income Potential: $20, ā€“ $,

Narrate Audiobooks to Make Money Online

The audiobook industry has experienced dramatic growth in recent years, which means thereā€™s a significant demand for audiobook narrators. The popularity of audiobooks doesnā€™t seem to be slowing down either. It is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of % from to

There are no special qualifications for this online role, but you will need a great speaking voice and enjoy reading.

One of the quickest and easiest ways of starting your narrating career is to sign up with a platform connecting authors with audiobook narrators. Here are some examples of where to look:

  • ACX
  • Voices
  • Audible
  • Brilliance Audio
  • www.oldyorkcellars.com

Youā€™re going to need to invest in some good recording software and a top-quality microphone. Start by creating some samples so that potential clients can hear your voice.

Another good place to look for work is Upwork. This freelancing website will help you expand your reach.

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: Love of reading and a great voice

Time: Instant

Tools: Recording software, a good quality microphone, somewhere quiet to make the recordings

Income Potential: $ ā€“ $/finished hour

Make Money with Online Surveys

This option will not make you rich, but it is a way of earning prizes or fast cash and not worrying about learning a new skill. You can do this job in your spare time. The work is effortless, and most online survey sites require little or no skill or education.

Some survey websites pay more than you might expect, but even so, donā€™t expect your earnings to be in anything more than double figures.

You have to sign up at an online survey site and provide certain information, including your interests and background. With that information, the platforms can match you up with the most appropriate surveys.

The most popular survey sites online include:

  • Swagbucks
  • I-say
  • Pinecone Research
  • Pro Opinion
  • SendEarnings

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate

Requirements: None

Time: Instant

Tools: Smartphone

Income Potential: $1 ā€“ $20/hour

Test Websites

Website testing is an invaluable resource for companies that might have invested vast amounts in their company website design. On average, the upfront cost of launching and designing a website is $12, to $,To test a website, you have to access, use, and analyze the website. You then have to provide feedback on the experience, how the website functioned and whether it was appealing or not.

A companyā€™s website plays an integral part in its success. Websites are a very effective way of reaching, engaging, and converting online customers. Itā€™s no wonder companies take website testing so seriously.

The amount of money you can potentially earn is not really large enough for this to be a full-time career. However, itā€™s a good way of supplementing your current income.

You sign up with a testing platform, and youā€™ll be informed when opportunities are available, either by email or by visiting the online platform. If youā€™re interested in taking part in any of the tests, you have to claim them and wait to be given access. Other users will be competing for the opportunities, and for the more popular company websites, competition could be fierce.

There are many online platforms you can use to look for testing tasks. The more popular ones include:

  • UserTesting
  • IntelliZoomPanel
  • Userlytics
  • Enroll
  • TryMyUI

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate

Requirements: Good eye for website design

Time: Instant

Tools: Website testing platform

Income Potential: $10/hour with the occasional opportunity to make more

Make Money Writing on Sites

Do you like the sound of getting paid to write from home? You donā€™t need a vast amount of experience, but you do need to be able to string words together if you want to get paid for your efforts. Thereā€™s an abundance of websites and blogs that will pay you to follow guidelines and deliver good quality content.

There are many benefits to writing online. No upfront investment is required, and there are no start-up fees. You can expect to be paid relatively quickly, and thereā€™s no shortage of writing gigs.

You might find yourself writing reviews, tutorials, how-to articles, or lists, and the subject matter could be anything, from travel and web design to parenting, health, and wellness.

Some blogs and websites pay writers on a revenue-share model, but thatā€™s not the case in the following list. You can expect to receive an agreed-upon fee in exchange for every article you write that is accepted. This is a small selection of the sites that pay you to write.

  • Textbroker
  • iWriter
  • Writer Access
  • Upwork
  • Problogger
  • www.oldyorkcellars.com
  • Fiverr
  • WordAgents
  • Verblio
  • Writers Domain
  • People per Hour

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: Good English language skills, knowledge of grammar and punctuation

Time: Instant

Tools: Writing software such as Google Docs or Microsoft Office, grammar checking tool

Income Potential: $10 ā€“ $/article

Make Money Typing

Gone are the days of rooms full of typists tip-tapping away. Thereā€™s no longer a need for such services because most people are half-decent typists themselves. But that doesnā€™t mean there isnā€™t still a need for experiences and better than decent typists. Thanks to the internet, itā€™s now a job you can do anywhere.

You donā€™t need lots of equipment, and the only requirement is that you complete assignments on time. Another benefit is that you can start making money instantly, whenever youā€™ve got the free time, or make it into a full-time career.

A range of typing jobs are available, but the majority fall into the following categories:

  • Transcription: With this type of work, youā€™ll be typing audio recordings. It might be lectures, dictation, phone messages, conference calls, workshops, speeches, podcasts, interviews, webinars, or videos. Within this category, there are specializations such as legal transcription and corporate/financial transcription.
  • Medical transcription: This role requires specialist training and certification as it involves transcribing dictation made by physicians or medical practitioners.
  • Captioning: A captioner works off live video rather than recorded audio. Fast typing speeds are a requirement and accuracy and stenography equipment.

Level of expertise: Intermediate, expert

Requirements: Excellent spelling, punctuation, grammar, and typing skills,

Time: Instant

Tools: Sign up with a typing website, computer with a large monitor, headphones, foot pedal

Income Potential: $7 ā€“ $50/hour

Sell Your Art and Designs

A very popular way to make money online is to sell your art and designs. If youā€™ve got a good eye for design or consider yourself an artist, itā€™s possible to sell what you create online and also make money.

There are lots of websites that specialize in this kind of product. Youā€™ll get help creating your shop on the platform, uploading your art or designs, marketing your products, along selling and shipping orders.

Where you decide to sell your designs and art online depends on what you want to sell. A wide range of platforms is available for selling everything from drawings and paintings to woodworking and crafts.

Here are some of the best weā€™ve found:

  • Etsy: This site has a massive following, making it a great place to sell your art. You have to pay listing fees, and the competition is intense, but itā€™s worth checking out. To make your art stand out, youā€™ll need to include high-quality images.
  • Artfinder: This online marketplace is where independent artists sell their work. You can sell paintings, sculptures, photographs, and much more. The site is aimed at high-end collectors, but that does mean you can charge more for your art. You have to apply to Artfinder if you want to sell your art. Applications are reviewed for originality and quality.
  • Big Cartel: Big Cartel charges a flat monthly fee and doesnā€™t take a percentage from your sales.
  • Storeenvy: This platform is entirely free, which makes it a great starting point.
  • ArtPal: No upfront fees have to be paid. Instead, ArtPal takes 5% from any sales you make.
  • Artmajeur: This site is based in France but sells art globally. Commission rates are a little steep, but you can list various items, including sculptures, drawings, multimedia, paintings, and photography.
  • Society6: You can use this site to sell reproductions of art or get your designs or art printed on various items. Simply upload your photography or artwork, and you can have it printed onto everything from iPhone cases to art prints.

You can also use Facebook, Instagram, Patreon, or Shopify.

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: Artistic flare or a good eye for design

Time: Up to 12 months to make a liveable profit

Tools: Arts and crafts materials

Income Potential: $50 ā€“ $10,/month

Become a YouTuber and Make Money From It

When people are looking for entertaining, informative, or fun videos, millions of people around the world turn to YouTube. As well as being one of the largest search engines globally, YouTube is also a way to make money online.

The first step is to get an audience for your YouTube channel. The bigger, the better. A larger following can earn you some serious cash. Your audience, the better chance you have of making some serious cash. There are several ways you can monetize your YouTube channel.

  • Become a Partner and Earn Cash From Ads
  • Sell Merchandise or products
  • Crowdfund
  • Fan Funding
  • License Your Channelā€™s Content
  • Work as an Affiliate or Influencer

The two types of YouTube channels that achieve the best following are:

  • Educational content: Think of these as ā€œHow toā€ videos. You can make this type of video if youā€™ve got information or valuable skills that will interest others.
  • Entertaining content: This style of the video includes pranks, reviews, comedy videos, game walkthroughs, and much more.

Level of expertise: Intermediate, expert

Requirements: YouTube channel with lots of followers/subscribers

Time: It can take at least 12 months to realize a profit

Tools: Monetized YouTube account

Income Potential: $5 ā€“ $5,/YouTube video

Become an Influencer on Instagram

Instagram has been around for more than a decade. From very humble beginnings, it has grown into being one of the biggest social media platforms. In the third quarter of , it was estimated that there were billion Instagram users. One of the main reasons itā€™s become so popular is that itā€™s completely free.

Itā€™s possible to make money from Instagram quite easily, but you will need a large enough following. There are companies out there that are willing to pay Instagrammers money. It might be for showcasing a product or making a post.

How much youā€™ll get paid for a post kind of depends on how engaged your followers are and how many of them there are. Remuneration ranges from a couple of hundred dollars to several thousand, just for one post.

To be able to charge a few thousand for a post will take a certain amount of time, patience, and dedication. First, youā€™ve got to build up a sizable audience. It shouldnā€™t be a problem if you enjoy taking photographs, however. Youā€™ll also need to spend lots of time using your phone and be a dedicated Instagrammer. If you can tick all these boxes, itā€™s got to be worth trying.

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: Understanding of posting on Instagram

Time: 12 months or more to gain a good following, longer to make a profit

Tools: Smartphone with a good camera

Income Potential: $50 ā€“ $5,/post

Make Money with Apps

Thereā€™s a good selection of apps that pay you money, whether youā€™re looking for a side hustle, something to fill your free time with, or part-time employment. However, even the best-paying ones out there arenā€™t likely to make you rich. That being said, they can provide a sizable secondary income.

Not every app will suit everyone, but if youā€™re interested, thereā€™s sure to be one that gives you what you want. The process is very simple. You simply download the app, create a profile, possibly provide additional information, wait for verification, and then off you go.

Apps pay in several different ways. Some pay with rewards, payment vouchers, gifts, money-off, cashback, or coupons. A large number of them pay via PayPal, so youā€™ll need to have a PayPal account.

The earning potential of money-making apps depends on the amount of effort you put in. Do you, for example, want to earn some extra bucks when youā€™re lounging around at home or relaxing in your local coffee shop? Are you prepared to drive around, visit stores, meet people in person, or do manual labor?

What Apps Pay You Real Money?

If youā€™re looking for an app that pays real money, check out the following list:

  • Ibotta: earn real money on online or in-store purchases in one of over 1, retail chains and brands. Offers are retailer or product-specific, some of which are applied automatically. Products you can buy include entertainment, clothing, pet supplies, groceries, and more.
  • Rakuten: With this app, youā€™re rewarded with as much as 40% cash-back when you make purchases from well-known restaurants, food delivery services, and retailers. To increase your earnings, you can link a debit or credit card and earn cashback when you buy in-store instead of online.
  • Swagbucks: Earn your Swagbucks shopping, playing games, watching videos, and any number of other tasks. You can redeem the points you earn for cash into a PayPal account.
  • Cointiply: This is a micro-task website where you sign up and receive free bitcoins in exchange for various tasks. These might be installing apps, filling in surveys, viewing apps, playing games, or much more.
  • Doordash: if youā€™ve got a bike or vehicle, Doordash pays you for delivering food. More than , restaurants located in over cities use this app for providing food to customers.
  • Shipt: This app is similar to DoorDash, but you are paid for delivering groceries in this case.
  • Shopkick: To earn money from this app, youā€™ll need to pick from various tasks that tend to revolve around visiting a store and shopping. Itā€™s also a mystery shopping app that pays you for visiting stores and checking whether specific products are in stock.
  • Mercari: Choose Mercari if youā€™ve got loads of stuff you want to sell. Itā€™s an online marketplace for new and used items for sale across the US.
  • Poshmark: Poshmark is an app for anyone with clothing to sell. Millions of users visit the platform, and listing your items is free.

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate

Requirements: PayPal account for receiving payments

Time: Instant

Tools: An account with one or more money-making apps

Income Potential: $5 ā€“ $/week

Make Money on Your Phone

You donā€™t need a fancy computer to make money. You can make upward of 3k just by using your smartphone. Whatā€™s even better is that you wonā€™t need to leave home to do it. The internet has made it super easy, and with smartphones having enough computer power to run a small country, there are numerous ways you can make money from home.

Lots of the options will bring in small amounts of cash, which weā€™ve already looked at. In this short section, youā€™ll find out about the more lucrative ways.

  • Make a profit from flipping stuff: If youā€™re the kind of person who has an eye for hidden treasures and deals at garage sales or thrift stores, this could be the option for you. When you flip things, youā€™re selling items you got free or discounted for profit.
  • Make smart investments with Acorns: If youā€™re interested in making money by investing, Acorns is a fantastic option, especially for beginners. When you buy something with your credit or debit card, Acorn rounds it up and invests the difference. Itā€™s just a small change, but youā€™ll be surprised at how quickly it adds up.
  • Sell books online: Thereā€™s a massive market for used books and textbooks. Sites such asĀ  Bookscouter help you sell any books youā€™ve got or books you buy cheaply, for real cash.
  • Play games and get paid: If you enjoy passing the time playing games, check out Dabbl. Play fun and simple interactive games and earn money. Weā€™ll look at some other ways to make money playing games in the next section.
  • Rover: Get paid to play with dogs, pet-sit, walk dogs, and more. Use your phone to set your rates and plan your schedule.

Level of expertise: Beginner

Requirements: Smartphone

Time: Instant

Tools: Sign up with the app

Income Potential: Up to $3, annually

Make Money Playing Games

Would you believe me if I told you that making money playing games is possible? It might sound like a sketchy idea, but it is possible. Itā€™s not something thatā€™s going to make you rich, but you could easily earn an extra k if youā€™ve got the time and inclination.

Can You Really Make Money Playing Games on Your Phone?

Yes, you can, and there are dozens of apps that reward you when you play games. There are a few games-for-cash sites that are sketchy, so you have to be careful. However, some are totally worth it.

Here is a list of the top games apps that hand out real money.

  • Coin Pop: Collect points when you try out and play different games. The longer you play, the more points you earn. Redeem your points for Amazon vouchers or cash.
  • MistPlay: Earn credits for playing selected games. You earn more the longer you play and bonus units when you reach higher levels or play at specific times. You cash out for a Mastercard or Visa payment, Amazon payments, or some other gift card.
  • Fit Play: Once youā€™ve downloaded the app, youā€™ll get a list of games you can play for points. Build up your points and then redeem them for gift cards or cash into PayPal.
  • Qmee: Primarily, Qmee is a survey app, but there is a section where you can earn money by playing games.
  • Make Money ā€“ iOS: Lots of tasks available, some of which include playing a game youā€™ve downloaded to a certain level.
  • Ysense: Earn cash rewards for trying different games. You need to meet certain conditions to receive your rewards, such as collecting a specified number of points or reaching a certain level.
  • InstaGC: The payment threshold is really low, so you could cash out earnings as small as $1.
  • Earnably: Play games for free and get paid to do it. Cashout is speedy via gift card or PayPal.

Level of expertise: Beginners

Requirements: Smartphone

Time: Instant

Tools: Sign up with the app

Income Potential: Up to $k annually

Sell Stock Photos to Make Money Online

Is your passion for taking pictures? Why not make some money at the same time? There are several different sites where you can upload your photos. The benefit of using these sites is that their user base is massive. Every time someone operates and licenses the images, youā€™re paid for the privilege.

Many people start selling their stock photos only to fall after a couple of months because theyā€™re not earning enough. To make a consistent amount of money, you must upload images of the highest quality, research what sells, and then create the pictures you know people will buy. It also helps if you upload images as often as you can. The more extensive your portfolio, the better chance you have of success.

Some of the most well-known stock photography sites include:

How to Make Money Selling Photos of Yourself

Did you know all those selfies youā€™re taking could make you some cash? Agencies and companies are willing to pay top dollar for them because they can significantly impact businesses and brands.

If you can take good shots of yourself and know the best places to sell them, it is possible to make money. Options for selling your selfies online include the usual stock websites, via a website of your own, via a blog, or by running a contest or giveaway.

Some of the best websites for selling images of yourself include:

  • Scoopshot
  • Stylinity
  • Foap
  • Pay Your Selfie
  • SmugMug

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate

Requirements: A good eye for taking a quality photograph

Time: A few months for people to find your images

Tools: Smartphone or digital camera, editing software

Income Potential: $ ā€“ $/month

Watch Videos and Get Paid

Wouldnā€™t it be great to get paid for watching videos? Well, the good news is that you can. Itā€™s also a lot easier than you think.

There are loads of options. Here is just a small selection:

  • Write film subtitles on a freelance basis, and if you speak another language, you could charge extra for your services.
  • Become a TV and film reviewer ā€“Ā There are even opportunities to make this a full-time career. Itā€™s a very competitive business, so you might need to charge low rates to start.
  • Watch movie trailers and ads for money ā€“Ā Sites such as iRazoo, InboxDollars, andĀ  Vindale Research pay you for completing elementary tasks, such as answering surveys and playing games. You can also get paid for watching cooking tutorials, short films, app adverts, and movie trailers.
  • Get paid for watching ads on SuccessBux ā€“ The minimum payout is a mere $1, and it is paid via PayPal. Other options if you like the sound of watching ads include Swagbucks, ibotta, and Nielsen TV Ratings.
  • Sign up with TV-TWO, and you can get paid in cryptocurrency ā€“ Youā€™re paid for watching videos, but in this case, you have to earn a massive amount of credits, 50,, before youā€™re able to ask for a payout.
  • Charge companies for promoting their videos ā€“ It helps if youā€™ve got a good following, but itā€™s not essential.

Level of expertise: Beginner

Requirements: Laptop or mobile device for watching the videos

Time: Instant

Tools: Sign up with the relevant app

Income Potential: $50 ā€“ $/month

Rent Your Home or Room on Airbnb

Do you own your own home? Is there a room in your home you donā€™t currently use? A great way to earn a passive income is to rent out your spare room. Thanks to a platform known as Airbnb, an increasing number of people are doing just that. Some people choose to rent their whole house. According to recent data analysis, there are million Airbnb hosts worldwide.

Airbnb is a very flexible option because youā€™re given the freedom to choose when and how often you rent out your space. The rental rules are also your responsibility, as is the daily rental rate.


Renting a room or your house to strangers may leave you feeling a little uneasy. Airbnb, however, does provide insurance should anything occur. If you need additional reassurance, AirBnB does operate a renterā€™s rating system. Check out a personā€™s AirBnB reputation before you let them stay.

Level of expertise: Intermediate, Expert

Requirements: A room or a property thatā€™s suitable to rent

Time: Instant

Tools: Register with AirBnB and follow the host standards

Income Potential: an average of $/month

Look After Other Peopleā€™s Pets

Believe it or not, there is a massive demand for responsible and reliable pet sitters. One essential thing is that you have to love pets. Typically, it would be cats and dogs youā€™d be caring for, but potentially, it could be anything from a parrot to tropical fish.

Pet sitting is very similar to babysitting, but youā€™ll be looking after a beloved pet rather than a child in this case. It depends on the job, but you could look after the pet in your own home or the home of the owner.

If you donā€™t think youā€™ll be able to commit to caring for a pet over several days or longer, other options are possible. Perhaps you could be a dog walker or keep a pet company while their owner works.

There are several pet sitting websites where you can look for work, for example:

  • www.oldyorkcellars.com
  • Tailster
  • Cat in a Flat
  • Rover
  • Pawshake
  • Trusted Housesitters

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: You have to be an animal lover, be patient, and be empathic for animals

Time: Work on getting a good reputation, and you could turn a profit in a couple of months

Tools: Certification will help you get better-paid jobs, insurance should anything go wrong

Income Potential: $10 ā€“ $25/hour

Make Money Online with Google AdSense

Google AdSense is a program that lets you run ads on your website, YouTube videos, or blog. You are paid when someone clicks on the ad. Businesses using the Google AdWords program generate the ads, and you feed them by using an AdSense code.

If your website or blog is new, Google AdSense is one of the quickest ways to generate an income.

The program is free, and the eligibility requirements are simple. You get a wide range of ad options to choose from, some of which youā€™re able to customize to complement the feel and look of your site.

Payments made to you by Google are made by direct deposit every month. Youā€™re not limited to running ads on just one website, and you can also run ads on RSS feeds and mobile devices. You have to meet specific Google requirements to include the ads on your website, blog, or YouTube channel.

Your website, for example, has to have at least 30 pages of content thatā€™s unique, is three months old, and generates traffic. The better the traffic, the higher your potential for earning.

Level of expertise: Intermediate, expert

Requirements: Website, blog, or YouTube channel that meets Google requirements, some technical knowledge

Time: You can start earning as soon as your site is approved

Tools: Itā€™s easier to display ads if you use a platform such as WordPress

Income Potential: $ ā€“ $15/click

Hobbies That Make Money Online

If youā€™ve got a hobby or two, did you realize you could be making money doing something you love? You may not have got into your hobby with the intention of making money, but some have the potential to become money streams if youā€™re serious enough.

Want to know what the most lucrative hobbies are? Keep reading for the ultimate list.

  • Writing: Besides earning you money, publishing and writing online is also a great way to further your career or become an established expert. Freelance on sites like Fiverr or Upwork or write your blog.
  • Design and illustration: this creative hobby can also make you money on a freelance basis. There are always potential clients on Fiverr, for example. Another option is to put your illustrations or designs on items like posts, canvases, or t-shirts. Choose a print-on-demand service, and you donā€™t need money upfront for an inventory.
  • Cooking: Start a foodie blog to showcase your creations. Create a YouTube channel and teach people how to cook. Dive headfirst into your food hobby by creating cooking products or food.
  • Music: Record and sell your albums or songs. Platforms like SoundCloud are good places to sell what you record. Creating beats or samples is another money-making musical hobby.
  • DIY crafts: Crafting can be a very profitable hobby. There is an endless number of things you could make and sell. For example, jewelry, bath bombs, soap, wooden puzzles, candles, and many more.
  • Gardening: With more people spending time at home, gardening has seen a significant increase in popularity. As well as making you healthier and happier, this hobby could also make you richer.
  • Photography: You could become a freelance photographer, but for a side hustle thatā€™s more scalable, why not sell your photos as prints or stock images?.
  • Comedy: If youā€™ve got a good sense of humor and enjoy making people laugh, have you thought about using this talent to make money? Itā€™s possible to amass large audiences by curating viral videos, memes, or tapping into a humorous niche.

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: an interest or hobby with the potential to monetize

Time: Once youā€™ve made the items, you could be selling for a profit within a few weeks

Tools: These will depend on the hobby

Income Potential: $10, ā€“ $,/annum

How to Make Money Online for Beginners

Youā€™ve probably all heard the stories of people making it big by traveling around the world. The laptop lifestyle, as it has become known, is a dream for many people. And it could be for you if youā€™ve got an internet connection and good cell reception.

There is an endless number of legitimate ways to make money online. However, if youā€™re just starting, you need to set your sites in certain areas. If youā€™re a complete beginner, here are some possibilities you might want to explore.

Selling Your Old Stuff

Have you heard people talking about the latest minimalist movement? The goal is to declutter not only your home but your mind and your life. Itā€™s also an excellent opportunity to earn some extra cash. If you really canā€™t bear to part with some of your belongings, thereā€™s always the option to rent them out instead.

Paid for searching the web

There is an endless number of companies that will happily pay you to use the internet. Ask Wonder, for example, is a company that pays a flat fee for the answer to a burning question. The answer must be thoroughly researched.

Review websites & apps for cash

This is a very similar gig to completing surveys, but in this case, youā€™re testing websites, apps, and other types of software. You have to actively participate in using the products youā€™re reviewing, pay attention, and provide continuous feedback.

Become a ā€˜Clickworkerā€™

There are many ways you can become a clickworker. The company is always looking for people who can correct or create texts, search or categorize data, or take part in surveys.

Review music for money

Did you realize you could get paid for listening to music and writing a review? Sign up to one of several websites, and review music from upcoming songwriters and singers. All you have to do is listen and then give your opinion. The more music you review, the bigger the reward. Musicxray, Playlist Push, and www.oldyorkcellars.com are just a few possible sites.

Become a Twitch Streamer

Twitch is the streaming channel of choice for millions of gamers. Become an influencer on this platform, and you can earn income in various ways, but the best way to start is by becoming a Twitch Affiliate. To move things up to another level, youā€™ll need to work on improving your streaming skills and building a following.

Become an Extreme Couponer

When you use one or two coupons every week, it helps you save a small amount of money. Become an extreme couponer, on the other hand, and you could save a whole lot more. To become an extreme couponer, youā€™ll need to diligently scour magazines, newspapers, and online sites for as many coupons as you can find.

Match these coupons up with promotions and sales to maximize the amount you save. If you get good at it, you could even get some products for free.

Become a TikTok Consultant

TikTok has gained a lot of interest recently, with some people going viral overnight. With a concept thatā€™s still in the early days of its success, there are many opportunities for monetizing. Become a pro on TikTok, and you could turn your hand to consulting. By leveraging your expertise, youā€™ll be able to help people who are looking for TikTok fame.

Data Entry

An online role in data entry will involve inputting information into a spreadsheet or scanning documents into an online program. No specialist knowledge is required, and itā€™s an easy way to make money online and from your home.

Level of expertise: Beginner

Requirements: None

Time: Instant

Tools: A laptop or a smartphone

Income Potential: $ ā€“ $,/month


What are some fast ways to make money?

If you need to make some cash in a short space of time, there are many options. Answer questions in online surveys, get paid for searching the web, or review apps and websites for cash.

How can I make $ a week?

It might sound like a lot, but an extra $ a week is a negligible amount to earn. Become a virtual assistant, try freelance writing, sell on Etsy or Amazon FBA, sell in Fiverr, or become an Uber driver.

How can I make $ a day?

You will have to put in some effort to earn this amount of money, but it is doable. Here are a few examples: take part in research, get paid for completing surveys, become a shopper, teach kids online, or drive people around.

How can I make 1 dollar a day?

$1 a day might not sound like much, but add that up over one year and thatā€™s an extra $ in your pocket. Luckily, there are heaps of legitimate ways to earn that one dollar, and they should take a tremendous amount of time. Survey sites, such as SwagBucks, Zap Surveys, and Branded Surveys, are just a few examples.

How can you get free money?

In our digital age, there are a ton of ways to earn free money. Free money includes rewards or cash bonuses. Itā€™s free because you donā€™t have to trade hours of labor in exchange.

How can I get money without a job?

All the opportunities in this article are possible without a job. All it takes is a certain amount of effort, and it wonā€™t be long before youā€™re earning some cash. After a while, you may find the work so interesting that you want to do it full-time and become a freelancer.

What will make money in the future? [Whatā€™s the next big money maker?]

Here are a few ideas:

  • Start a blog
  • Sell your products online
  • Become an app developer
  • Start a membership site
  • Invest across all markets
  • Peer-to-peer lending


Whether you want to make a few extra bucks as a sideline, discover a way to escape your 9 to 5, or start your own business, there are endless opportunities when it comes to making money online.

You can start with little or no investment or use your savings to get things off the ground. In the list, there are possibilities for the complete beginner right through to expert.

There really is something for everyone.

Š˜ŃŃ‚Š¾Ń‡Š½ŠøŠŗ: [www.oldyorkcellars.com]

50 Ways To Make More Money in

Ask Your Boss for a Raise

If you want to make more money in , start by asking for it. While the pandemic has led to staffing shortages in various industries, employers are more likely to give raises to entice reliable employees to stay.

To get a general idea of what youā€™re worth, check the going rate for your position on sites such as PayScale, www.oldyorkcellars.com and Glassdoor. Then build your case for why you deserve higher pay based on your accomplishments and the value youā€™ve added to the company, according to PayScaleā€™s negotiation guide.

Earn More: 15 Signs Itā€™s Time To Ask For a Raise ā€” and How To Do It

Give Yourself a Raise

You can boost your paycheck on your own by keeping more of what you earn. Do this by adjusting your tax withholding if you typically get a large refund every year. A big refund indicates that youā€™re letting Uncle Sam hang on to too much of your money during the year.

Rather than wait until the spring to get your money, file a new Form W-4 with your employer to claim additional allowances and have less tax money withheld. www.oldyorkcellars.com has a withholding calculator that you can use to figure out how many allowances to claim. Considering that the average refund was $2, in , you could be adding more than $ back to your paycheck each month.

Read:Best Side Hustles for People Over 50

Refer Other Employees to Your Company

You might be able to score a bonus at work by referring potential employees for job openings at your company. The average bonus for an employee referral was $1, in , according to ERIN ā€” the Employee Referral Invitation Network.

The organization said 82% of employees who came through employee referrals provided the best return on investment. Thatā€™s because of numbers like this: 45% of employees hired based on an employee referral stay on the job for four years or longer, whereas only 25% of employees who were referred through job boards stay more than two years.

Look:45 Jobs That Can Make You a Millionaire Before Retirement

Switch To an Online Bank Account

In todayā€™s low-interest-rate environment, you wonā€™t get rich by stashing your cash in a savings account. But it still pays to shop around for the highest rate so your money can grow a little faster. Instead, consider switching to an online bank account that offers a high-interest savings and checking account. For example, Synchrony Bank offers aĀ % APY on its savings accounts, and Ally Bank offers a % APY on checking accounts with balances below $15,, but % APY for accounts with a balance higher than $15, The national average for savings accounts is just % APY and % APY for checking accounts, according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

Check out GOBankingRatesā€™ picks for the best savings accounts and the best checking accounts.

Earn Cash Back

You can turn everyday purchases into money-making opportunities if you pay with a cash-back rewards credit card. If youā€™re responsible with credit and pay off your balance each month, consider taking advantage of a card that offers back a percentage of the amount you spend. The standard amount you can earn is 1% to 2%, but some cards offer up to 6% in certain spending categories, such as at supermarkets.

You also can earn cash back on online purchases by shopping at sites such as BeFrugal and Rakuten. These sites partner with retailers to offer consumers a percentage of their purchases back in cash. Since , 12 million Rakuten members have earned more than $1 billion in rewards, according to the company.

So Rewarding: 6 Surprising Uses for Your Credit Card Rewards

Help Your Investments Make More

If youā€™re working hard to contribute to a retirement account, itā€™s important to limit the impact investment fees are having on your account balance. For example, if youā€™re paying 1% in annual fees, a $, portfolio can be reduced by about $30, over 20 years compared with a % fee, according to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

So, check your retirement plan statement to see how much fees are eating into your returns. If the investments offered in your (k) have varying fees, consider switching to lower-fee investments to have more money when you retire.

Participate In Focus Groups

You can pick up extra cash in your spare time by participating in focus groups run by companies that do market research. While many focus groups have moved to online participation amid the COVID pandemic, participation is still possible.

Take Online Surveys

If focus groups arenā€™t available where you live, you can still make money offering your opinion online.

ā€œI once earned $ for taking surveys at night while sitting on the couch,ā€ said Lauren Greutman, frugal living expert and author of ā€œThe Recovering Spender.ā€

Greutman said she got paid to take surveys on sites such as Swagbucks, InboxDollars, Pinecone Research and Opinion Outpost. Be aware that some sites offer gift cards rather than cash, but you can still use the cards to make everyday purchases.

Do Market Research

You likely can make more money gathering market research than participating in it, if you have time to take on a part-time job as a market research interviewer.

ā€œThis typically freelance role is an entry-level position helping to gather market research and data for a variety of clients and companies,ā€ said Brie Reynolds, a career development manager at FlexJobs. ā€œGreat phone skills are a must, and these jobs offer part-time schedules and the ability to work remotely.ā€

Find a Higher-Paying Job in a Low-Cost City

If your money isnā€™t going as far as youā€™d like in your current city, you might want to move to a part of the country with a lower cost of living. When planning a move, consider factors such as the cityā€™s median household income, unemployment rate and the percentage it is below the national cost of living.

Additionally, you could investigate the best cities to score a job and find an inexpensive place to live. According to GOBankingRatesā€™ recent analysis of the largest metro areas, the cities with the best cost of living and most plentiful jobs include Amarillo, Texas, and Little Rock, Arkansas.

Be a Human Guinea Pig

You can make money ā€” and a contribution to medical science ā€” by participating in clinical trials. The amount paid varies depending on the type and length of the study. Some can be as simple as giving a blood sample, though, said Donna Freedman, author of ā€œYour Playbook for Tough Times.ā€

Freedman said that she found clinical trials to participate in through ads in student and independent newspapers, on bulletin boards at a university and even through Craigslist. A good site to check for studies in your area is www.oldyorkcellars.com, which is a service of the U.S. National Institutes of Health. The site also offers tips on what to expect during clinical trials.

Sell Your Clutter

ā€œOne of the fastest ways to score extra cash is to declutter something from your house and hawk it online,ā€ said J. Money, a personal finance blogger.

By selling to local buyers you donā€™t need to worry about charging for shipping. Sites include Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace and OfferUp.

ā€œI try to list one new item a week ā€” typically on Fridays right before the weekend hits ā€” and the trick is pricing it right and taking lots of pictures, as well as writing a detailed description, which helps with search and keywords,ā€ he said.

Resell Thrift Store Finds Online

ā€œAnother way you can make extra cash is to buy items at thrift stores and resell them online through eBay or Poshmark,ā€ Greutman said. ā€œThis is a great way to increase your income.ā€

She said that her sister-in-law does this and makes $1, per month, which provides additional income for her family. Greutman said that she does it for fun. She once bought an Anthropologie dress for $3 at a thrift store and sold it for $75 on eBay. She has also earned extra cash by finding antiques at garage and estate sales and selling them for more on eBay.

Do What You Love: How To Make Money Using Your Existing Hobbies and Talents

Turn Used Books Into Cash

Donā€™t let the books youā€™ve already read collect dust on your shelves. You can turn them into cash by selling them online, Greutman said. Or you could make money selling cheap books found at yard sales for more online.

You can get money for used books by selling them on Amazon. And BookScouter lets you compare offers from various book buyback vendors.

Sell Used Electronics

If you have a gaming console your kids no longer use, an old cellphone or tablet stashed in a drawer, or a computer you donā€™t need, you can turn these items into cash. Sell unwanted electronics on sites such as Amazon Trade-In, Gazelle and uSell, or can also take old phones, tablets and MP3 players to one of the more than 4, ecoATM kiosks across the U.S. and get cash on the spot.

Cash In on Unwanted Gift Cards

If you received gift cards you know youā€™ll never use, you can make money off them. You wonā€™t get face value, but sites such as Raise and CardCash make them easy to sell.

You can sell your gift cards electronically or mail them for free.

Fix Stuff and Sell It

If youā€™re good at fixing things, Freedman recommends keeping an eye out for discarded items left on the curb that can be repaired and resold.

ā€œSometimes people toss out perfectly good items because theyā€™re trading up, or because theyā€™re moving and donā€™t want to haul everything. Sometimes these ā€˜curb martā€™ deals can mean big bucks,ā€ Freedman said.

She added that someone she knows picked up a four-piece wicker porch set that had been set out with the trash, cleaned it, styled it with cushions and posted a picture on her cityā€™s Facebook yard sale page.

ā€œIt sold for $ almost immediately,ā€ she said. ā€œThe entire process took about half an hour. Not a bad way to earn some extra cash.ā€

Get a Weekend Job or Side Job

If getting a raise at your current position is unlikely, you might want to consider picking up a weekend or side gig to supplement your income.Ā Some of the top-paying side jobs include driving for a rideshare or delivery service, dog walking and online tutoring.Ā For best results, choose something you enjoy so your second job doesnā€™t seem like one more unpleasant item on your to-do list.

Create Online Content

If you love to write and have expertise in a certain subject, creating online content as a freelancer could be a lucrative side hustle ā€” or a full-time job, said Holly Johnson, a freelance writer and creator of the Club Thrifty blog.

ā€œNearly every business has a website, and most hire freelancers to create content for their blogs,ā€ she said. ā€œBy learning how to create engaging blog posts, you can earn anywhere from $50 to $ per post.ā€

Johnson said that she started creating online content for pay in and was able to become a full-time freelancer by

ā€œEven though I work flexible hours and days, I earn considerably more than I ever did at my day job,ā€ she said. To get started, Johnson recommends creating an online portfolio to showcase your work. And list freelance writing as one of your skills on LinkedIn.

Start a Blog

Starting a blog of your own is another great way to make money, Wang said. You can use free software from a site such as WordPress to create your blog and use Googleā€™s free AdSense program to put ads on your site. Additionally, you can join Amazon Associates to earn up to 10% in advertising fees by advertising products on your blog.

However, if you canā€™t devote hours to building a blog, Wang recommends using it as a way to showcase your work.

ā€œThe quickest way to earn money off a blog is to use it as a portfolio,ā€ he said. Show the work that youā€™re doing in your field of expertise to get freelance work or land a new, higher-paying position.

Manage Social Media Accounts

If youā€™re looking for part-time work, you might be able to make extra money as a social media manager. For this professional-level position, you need a bachelorā€™s degree, experience in marketing or communications and at least one year of social media experience, Reynolds said.

Profit From Your Photoshop Skills

If you have experience using photo-editing software and a background in design, you can work part-time as a freelance Photoshop expert, Reynolds said. Jobs per project are available on sites such as Upwork and Fiverr.

Make Money From Your Love of Gaming

If you love playing video or computer games, you could profit from your passion as a gaming support representative.

ā€œIn a gaming support representative job, people with a passion for gaming and technology are hired to provide customer service support for gamers related to questions about products and services,ā€ Reynolds said. ā€œThese roles are typically part-time and remote, with seasonal and short-term options available.ā€

Get Paid To Do Research

ā€œPeople with a knack for research and a passion for learning new things might enjoy a part-time, remote job as a business researcher,ā€ Reynolds said. ā€œResearchers receive requests for information on different topics and are paid by completing these short research projects.ā€

Be a Tutor

ā€œTutoring jobs are an excellent option for people with a passion for education and a need for flexible scheduling,ā€ Reynolds said.

The average tutor earns $ per hour, according to PayScale.Ā Previous teaching or tutoring experience is preferred, Reynolds said. You can find online tutoring gigs at www.oldyorkcellars.com and Wyzant or offer in-person tutoring in your community by advertising your services on community, school or university bulletin boards or local online resources.

Market Value: Hereā€™s How Much Stay-At-Home Moms Could Be Making

Be a Courier

You can earn extra money as a courier delivering time-sensitive documents and parcels. You must have your own vehicle and driverā€™s license and pass a background check because youā€™ll be handling important materials. Couriers deliver legal documents, transport medical materials or pick up and deliver packages and correspondence for businesses. Indeed reports the average hourly pay for a courier driver is $ per hour.

Be a Peer-to-Peer Delivery Driver

You can turn a daily commute or cross-country road trip into a money-making opportunity as a driver for Roadie, a peer-to-peer delivery service.

ā€œThe service connects people with stuff to send with drivers heading in the right direction,ā€ said Marc Gorlin, founder of Roadie. Basically, you get paid for delivering packages on trips you are taking anyway. And the service is available in all 50 states.

Deliveries are local and long distance, and the driver can earn in the hundreds, with the payout highest for delivering oversized items. Additionally, you can pick up more than one gig at a time ā€” as long as everything fits in your car.

Drivers must be 18 and have a valid driverā€™s license and a current auto insurance policy. To get started, fill out an online application using the Roadie app, have your background validated and take an online tutorial.

Great Gigs: 22 Side Gigs That Can Make You Richer Than a Full-Time Job

Drive for Lyft or Uber

You can make money in your spare time driving people for Lyft or Uber. How much? Uber estimated that over a recent four-week period in Washington, D.C., its drivers made $1, per week, with tips.

Both of these ride-sharing companies hire drivers who meet certain requirements. You must have been a licensed driver in the United States for at least one year (three years if you are under 23) with Uber, plus for both companies, have a valid driverā€™s license and a four-door vehicle, be covered by auto insurance and go through a screening process. Your vehicle must also meet certain requirements that vary by locality.

Assist Others Virtually

The virtual assistant niche is growing fast, Freedman said. This job lets you make money while working at home by helping others do things they donā€™t have time to do or donā€™t want to do themselves. It requires an eye for detail and strong organizational skills, she said.

You can find virtual assistant positions at Fancy Hands and Zirtual.

Care For Pets

If you love animals, you could make extra money caring for peopleā€™s pets while they are at work or on vacation. You can sign up with a site such as Rover or Wag! to be a pet sitter or dog walker.

Both sites let sitters set their own schedules and rates.

Be a Babysitter

Being a babysitter can be a fun and easy way to make extra cash.

ā€œAs a midlife college student in Seattle, I earned $10 or more per hour to watch kids who sometimes went to bed an hour after I arrived,ā€ Freedman said. ā€œIt was like being paid to study.ā€

The average babysitting rate varies depending on the city, the sitterā€™s experience and the number of kids being watched, but it can be as high as $ per hour in top-paying cities, according to www.oldyorkcellars.comĀ You can apply to be a babysitter with a site such as www.oldyorkcellars.com, which matches caregivers with those in need, or post on Facebook to let friends know youā€™re available to sit.

Be a House Sitter

An easy way to make extra cash is to be a house sitter while the homeowners are away.

ā€œThat could mean staying in the place or coming by to water plants, pick up mail and make the place look lived-in,ā€ Freedman said.

You can get house-sitting jobs by applying through a site such as www.oldyorkcellars.com Or advertise your services on Craigslist, Facebook or community bulletin boards.

Rent Out Your Houseā€¦ or a Room

Renting a room in your house ā€” or your entire abode ā€” is a quick way to make hundreds or even thousands of dollars, Freedman said. For example, if you travel frequently for work or fun, you could list your home on VRBO to rent it out to other travelers while youā€™re away. If you have a spare room and want to host guests while youā€™re at home, you can do so through Airbnb.

As long as you donā€™t rent some or all of your primary residence for more than 14 days a year, you wonā€™t have to pay taxes on your earnings, Freedman said. Just make sure to keep valuables and sensitive paperwork in a safe or locked file cabinet while guests are in residence.

Save on Travel: How To Make Money While Youā€™re on Vacation

Rent Out Your Parking Space

If you live in a big city where parking is expensive or hard to come by, you might be able to make extra cash by renting out your parking space if one comes with your apartment or condo. If you donā€™t have a car, rent your space to someone who needs it.

Rent Out Your Car

If your car frequently sits in the garage because you take public transportation or travel a lot, turn it into a money-maker. You can list your car with a peer-to-peer rental service, such as Getaround or Turo to rent out your ride. Each service provides insurance coverage. Getaround takes a commission of up to 40% on rental earnings, Turo takes a 10% to 40% commission.

Rent Your Belongings

You might have items that others will pay to use on a short-term basis. That includes yourĀ barbecue grill, power tools, vehicle, formal wear, blender or extension ladder.

At Loanables, you can post items for rent and decide the terms of the rental, including the price. It even has a pricing comparison list, so you can see how much rental places typically charge.

Closet-Cleaning Tips: 10 Ways To Make Money Off What You Already Have

Sell Crafts

If youā€™re crafty, you could profit from your ability to create handmade items. For example, Freedman knows people who make money by selling their wares on the online marketplace Etsy.

The site charges a cent listing fee plus a 5% transaction fee. Freedman recommends having a plan to keep up with demand should your Etsy store be a hit.

Provide Lawn Care

You can make money mowing lawns, trimming hedges, weeding garden beds and cleaning leaves. Start by calling local lawn care companies to see what they charge and then set your rates accordingly. You can make flyers advertising your services and rates and distribute them in nearby neighborhoods.

Be a Mystery Shopper

Although mystery shopping scams abound, this job is a legitimate way to make money. Scams typically ask for some sort of payment, but real opportunities ā€” which you can find through companies such as BestMark and Secret Shopper ā€” offer a fun way to make money by scrutinizing how a retailer or restaurant does business, Freedman said.

Mystery shoppers complete their tasks at assigned stores and restaurants, then complete questionnaires about their experience. Shoppers can expect to earn $15 to $25 for a typical assignment with Secret Shopper.

Make an Extra $5 ā€” or More ā€” on Fiverr

If you have a service to offer ā€” from graphic design to resume writing ā€”Ā you can sell it on Fiverr. The site was launched on the premise of offering to do tasks for $5, but sellers can now charge much more. Itā€™s free to sign up, and sellers keep 80 percent of the purchase amount for their services.

The amount you can make might seem small, but Freedman knows people who make their entire living this way.

Share a Skill Online

If you have a skill to share ā€” from cooking to crafting ā€” you can make money by teaching others how to do it online. At a site such as Skillshare, you can teach online classes with short videos.

Teachers get paid monthly for every student who takes a class. Top teachers can earn more than $, a year, according to Skillshare.

Teach Lessons

You can teach lessons the old-fashioned way if you can play an instrument, are fluent in a foreign language, are a certified fitness or yoga instructor or have some expertise you can share with others.

You can find the going rate for the lesson you want to teach by checking Craigslist listings for your city. Then you can post the lessons youā€™re willing to teach on the site. Or, make a connection with your neighbors to spread the word about your abilities.

Do Chores

You can make money doing chores for others ā€” such as cleaning, assembling furniture, making minor repairs or running errands ā€” by signing up at a site such as TaskRabbit. Download the app to be notified of jobs available near you and then pick the ones you want and negotiate a rate with the client.

Be a Brand Ambassador or Event Marketer

You can make extra cash as a brand ambassador if youā€™re willing to hand out flyers on the street, dress as a mascot or help promote a company in other ways. Or you could do similar work as part of an event marketing team.

You can register with a promotional talent or event staffing agency, such as Street Team Promotion or ATN Event Staffing, to be notified of jobs in your area. Several recent job listings for events on Across the Nationā€™s Facebook page were paying $20 an hour and up.

On the Job: The 26 Highest-Paying Jobs That Let You Work From Home

Serve as an Online Juror

Most of us hope weā€™re not called for jury duty. You can make extra money as an online juror, though. Attorneys use mock juries and focus groups to prepare for trials. They submit facts related to a case, and online jurors answer questions. You can sign up at sites such as OnlineVerdict and eJury if youā€™re at least 18 and a U.S. citizen.

OnlineVerdict pays between $20 and $60 per case, and eJury pays $5 to $ Note that jurors can only review cases in the county or federal district where they live.

Be a Tour Guide

If you have special knowledge about the city where you live, its architecture or art scene, you might be able to make money as a tour guide. One way to do this is as a ā€œscholarā€ for Context Travel. Context operates in 60 cities on six continents and looks for guides with expert knowledge to serve as teachers and storytellers.

Test Websites

An easy way to make some quick money is by testing websites, said Jim Wang, creator of the personal finance blog, Wallet Hacks. He recommends signing up at UserTesting, which pays participants to visit sites or apps and give opinions about their experiences.

ā€œYou get $10 for every minute test, and youā€™ll need a computer, webcam and a microphone,ā€ Wang said. ā€œYouā€™ll be asked to perform some tasks, say your thoughts aloud and do so for 10 minutes. Itā€™s pretty simple.ā€

Take On a ā€˜Weirdā€™ Job

Traditional weekend work isnā€™t the only way to earn some extra cash. If the idea of dog walking or driving for Uber doesnā€™t appeal to you, consider a less obvious way of earning a dime.

Think outside the box and brainstorm some unique, uncommon or downright weird ways to make money. For example, some people sell their hair online or work as a living statue.

Learn a Money-Making Skill

If you possess a special skill or talent, you might be able to use it to make money on the side. If not, consider taking a class or enrolling in a training program to boost your aptitude in a particular area.

According to Glassdoorā€™s report ā€œ50 Best Jobs in America for ,ā€ individuals in the fields of software development and IT earn some of the best salaries.Ā So consider taking that information technology class to boost your computer skills for next year.

Get Paid To Exercise

For many of us, hitting the gym is just one more thing to do at the end of a long day. But what if you could get paid to burn those calories?

Some ways to make money exercising include getting involved in a workplace fitness challenge, choosing an active side job like gardening, and teaching a yoga or pilates class to your friends and neighbors.

More From GOBankingRates

Jami Farkas contributed to the reporting for this article.

About the Author

Š˜ŃŃ‚Š¾Ń‡Š½ŠøŠŗ: [www.oldyorkcellars.com]

25 Realistic Ways to Make Money From Home in (+ 5 To Avoid)

Disclaimer: The top ranking articles for ā€œways to make money from homeā€ would never tell you what Iā€™m about to tell you. 

To really make money online, you will have to unlearn the pillars of your informal digital education. Use your own knowledge and experience to build a business on your own instead. 

There are no limits to business building, and you can sell whatever you want. The more determination you have, the more money youā€™ll make online. Itā€™s that simple. 

Skip the usual website tester gig and become a business owner. Use this article to discover a new online business idea you can turn into an exciting, profitable venture thatā€™ll pay more than one dollar per survey. 

Free: The Big List of Business Ideas

To help you find the inspiration to start, we compiled a list of + in-demand business ideas, broken down into categories like fitness, apparel, and gaming.

Get the big list of business ideas delivered right to your inbox.

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25 ways to make money from home

Gone are the days of low-paying cash-back credit cards and stressful stock trading. If you want to make a lot of money from home, youā€™ll want to start a small business that pays you dividends over time. 

Here are the top home-based businesses you can start.

Sell custom products 

Product development isnā€™t the easiest route, but itā€™s often the most rewarding, and it may not be as hard as you expect. Making custom products is popular amongst jewelry brands, fashion brands, and home decor brands, yet it expands through virtually any industry where you make stuff from scratch. 

We recently turned to shoppers to ask about their post-pandemic shopping plans: What are they planning to buy once the pandemic is under control? The infographic below shows how they answered. Use these items to inspire your own custom product to sell online and make extra money. 

custom products to sell

Some evergreen categories you could sell in are:

  • Apparel and clothing. Clothing is one of those categories that seems to always be trendy. People look for clothes and accessories that match their style and personality, which can make fashion a fun and profitable space to sell in. The market is expected to rise above $3 trillion by  
  • Home decor. Home decor is another popular sales category. People want to add personal touches to their space to make it feel cozy and enjoyable. You can sell home decor online to anyone, anywhere, at any time, while keeping overhead at a minimum. The home decor market is forecasted to reach $ billion in
  • Health and beauty. The beauty and personal care industry is set to reach $ billion by You have many options in this category: you can sell skin care, cosmetics, hair care, fragrances, vegan products, and more. Grand View Research identified growing demand for menā€™s grooming products and anti-aging products that are expected to drive the market over the coming years. 
  • Arts and entertainment. While movie box office revenue took a % dive last year, some interesting areas show impressive growth in this multitrillion-dollar industry. Digital newspaper revenue saw a 10% increase, video game revenue saw a % lift in sales, and consumer books saw a % increase. The esports industry continues to see healthy growth in this segment, forecasted to reach $37 billion by In short, there are a lot of innovative and exciting products you could sell in the arts and entertainment industry. 
  • Food and beverages. The food and beverage industry will never die. Despite the COVID pandemic, the segment is projected to grow at a rate of % per year, reaching $ billion by Itā€™s also poised for an ecommerce breakout, with up to 20% of food and beverage industry sales to be made online by , a 10 times increase from  

Evaluating market demand and following trends is a great place to start when finding popular things to make and sell. Once you have a product, youā€™ll want to start your business and set up a Shopify store with a free trial. And just like that, youā€™re ready to start selling! 

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How to Find and Source a Winning Product to Sell

In less than 40 minutes, let us walk you through how to find product ideas, how to validate them, and how to sell the product once you have an idea you want to pursue.

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Create a print-on-demand business

Print on demand refers to working with a supplier to customize white-label products with your own designs, then selling them underneath your own brand. Businesses can create products like hats, t-shirts, tote bags, and more. 

The best part? You donā€™t have to pay for any products until after you make a sale. 

When you work with a print-on-demand company, everything from printing the item to shipping is handled by the supplier. Once you set up an online store with your designs, it takes a few minutes to fulfill an order after the customer checks out. 

Creating a print-on-demand business is a great way to make money from home because:

  • You can create products fast. After you design a product, you can put it up for sale on your website in minutes.
  • You donā€™t have to worry about shipping. Your supplier will handle the fulfillment process. Youā€™re just responsible for providing good customer service after the sale.
  • Itā€™s low risk, low investment. Itā€™s easy to add new products to your store and test ideas since you donā€™t hold any inventory. Your upfront business costs are minimal because you only need an online store to start. 

A print-on-demand business also gives creators many opportunities to connect with fans through nice products, especially products sought out for their aesthetic design. Take Boba Love, for example. 

Boba Love Example

For all its products, the retailer focuses on one theme: bubble tea (also referred to as ā€œbobaā€), a drink that originated in Taiwan in the early s. Bubble tea has become extremely popular around the world and has a dedicated fan base.

Boba Love sells shirts, totes, blankets, hats, and stickers around the idea of the drink. When a shopper orders a product from the store, the supplier creates and ships it to the customer. 

Curious what types of products you can create? Read A Canvas For Creativity: Here Are 10 Print on Demand Products You Can Sell (Without Holding Inventory) to learn more. 

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Make a subscription box

A subscription business provides customers with products on a recurring basis. The subscription ecommerce market is expected to reach $ billion by , with more customers taking advantage of it each year. Research from McKinsey found that 15% of US consumers have signed up for one or more subscriptions to receive products regularly. 

The benefits of creating a subscription box include:

  • Predictable revenue. Businesses know how much money is coming in each month and can plan growth initiatives accordingly.
  • More cash on hand. Subscription businesses ask for full payment upfront at a discounted price, which creates regular cash flow. 
  • Lower customer acquisition costs. Customers pay you on a regular basis, so you donā€™t need to convince them to make additional one-time purchases in your store. 

Running a subscription business from home is a proven winner. Our research shows that 63% of founders who sold subscriptions were satisfied with business performance, compared to 55% of founders who did not sell subscriptions. 

Two types of subscription businesses we found thrived in the past year were:

  • Replenishment model, where subscribers receive the same or similar products each cycle. An example of this would be grooming brand Harryā€™s. A customer purchases the Harryā€™s starter set, containing a handle, shaving gel, and razor cartridges. They then receive automatic gel and blade refills monthly, based on their usage and preferences. 
  • Membership model, where subscribers get access to exclusive products and perks in exchange for a monthly or yearly fee. Freelance writing community Peak Freelance runs on a membership model. Members pay a set fee and receive access to private Slack groups, on-demand tools and content, expert interviews, strategy sessions, and more.

Want to start a subscription box business from home? Read How to Start a Subscription Business: A Brief Guide to learn how, step by step.

Sell on marketplaces

Sell products on online marketplacesā€”but beware! Selling sites can be a great launchpad for many businesses, but the current marketplaces come with a Faustian bargain: you get access to customers if you build your business on someone else's land. Their land, their rules, and theyā€™ll change them at any time. 

Popular marketplaces include: 

  • Etsy
  • Amazon
  • eBay
  • Handshake
  • Mercado Libre
  • Rakuten
  • Facebook Marketplace 
  • VarageSale 

Eventually, youā€™ll want to diversify your business by building your own siteā€”you donā€™t have to choose one or the other. The big advantage is that the profit is yours: there are no fees to pay on sales and no rules to abide by but your own. 


Sell digital products

Digital products are intangible assets or pieces of media that can be sold repeatedly online. They come in the form of streamable or downloadable files, such as PDFs, plug-ins, and templates. 

Digital assets are becoming more popular because they have high profit margins. Sure, it may take some time and money to develop them, but once the media or software is made, itā€™s not expensive to store or deliver to customers. 

There is no limit to how many products you can sell. Digital products help creators scale themselves by using their expertise to create kits, printables, files, and other assets professionals can benefit from. 

Started in , UX Kits sells wireflows, user personas, flowcharts, and other products to assist the design process. 

UX kits

The brand has sold kits to over 10, designers, developers, and product managers in more than countries. Itā€™s since expanded to sell three physical products but continues to drive sales from the digital assets created years ago. 

Digital products arenā€™t just for business professionals. Home fitness business Street Parking sells a variety of digital productsā€”from workout plans to online coursesā€”and membership subscriptions for people who need at-home workouts. 

street parking

Whatever you decide to create, figure out the needs of your target audience and work backward from there. Think about the kinds of assets they need/want and create products that are in demand. This will make it easier to sell and earn more money working from home. 

Sell your creative work

Itā€™s easier than ever for creators to sell their work online. Whether itā€™s music, videos, digital art, photography, magazines, or podcasts, you can set up a digital shop and start selling with little limitation. 

While selling creative work sounds similar to digital products, the difference is that your products are more creative ventures. They are a way to express yourself online versus satisfying a buyerā€™s needs. Creators and artists who donā€™t have a network or connections with galleries and PR can now make money online doing something they love. 

What started as a cartoon on Instagram for Harry Hambley has grown into an international icon and ecommerce brand. As described in an interview with BBC, the Ketnipz creator skipped university to draw cartoons online. 


And Hambleyā€™s strategy certainly paid off. The Ketnipz brand has over million followers on Instagram, sells clothing and accessories online, and can even be found on murals around the world. 

Using a combination of social media and an online store, you can make money online. Start building an active presence and engaging with your audience to establish your brand and find new customers. 


Monetize an audience

Monetizing an audience is definitely a challenging endeavor, but the creator-to-commerce business model is becoming more successful in modern times. Bloggers and influencers today donā€™t need to be internet celebrities to make money from home online. All they have to do is find their people on one or two platforms and they can turn their audience into passive income.

Sonja Detrinidad, founder of Partly Sunny Projects, an online plant shop, turned one of her part-time pre-pandemic hobbies into a full-time business through TikTok marketing. She didnā€™t set out to become TikTokā€™s favorite plant mom, but discovered by accident the possibilities of monetizing an audience. 

Partly Sunny Projects

Sonja processed over 1, orders in one month at the height of plant-shopping season last summer. She also increased her subscription box customers by more than four times since becoming a TikTok sensation, with over , followers on the platform.

Some ways you can monetize an audience are:

  • Building your own website and selling online
  • Through affiliate marketing commissions
  • Using Instagram shoppable posts
  • Starting a YouTube channel and running ads
  • Adding Google AdSense to an active blog

Regardless of how you go about it, monetizing an audience is a legitimate way to make money from home. It may take some time to build a targeted audience, but the investment will be well worth your time in the long run. 

Related Content: How to make money with Youtube

Become a freelancer

One home business idea becoming more popular is offering freelance services to clients online. Almost any role a business would hire for is reasonable as a freelance service:

  • Writing 
  • Graphic design
  • Marketing
  • Data entry
  • Illustration
  • Transcription 
  • Online tutoring
  • Shopify store setup

Most of these services are best positioned toward business clients. Why? Because online businesses are the ones who are willing to spend. Freelancers can charge based on the outcome of their work versus the deliverable, which gives them leverage when it comes to pricing their services. 

ā€œEvery freelancer eventually learns that there are desired business outcomes tied to their work,ā€ explains Elise Dopson, co-founder of Peak Freelance. ā€œFreelance writers, for example, are not just blogging for a company. They are creating content that increases traffic, leads, and customers for a business. The sooner you learn that, and can deliver on it, the more money youā€™ll make freelancing from home.ā€

Elise has worked with brands such as ConversionXL, HubSpot, Privy, and other leading B2B software-as-a-service companies to produce incredible content that gets results, which is how she broke the six-figure-income ceiling by the age of  

Elise Dopson

If you have a passion for writing, designing, or organizing stuff, turn it into a freelance service. You wonā€™t be disappointed with the results.

As more companies become completely remote, the opportunities to earn money from home freelancing will only become more abundant. It just takes a little know-how and determination to make it happen. 

Become a virtual assistant

With so many businesses moving online, the demand for virtual assistants is growing. Virtual assistants (VAs) are contracted workers who work with businesses and individuals on the jobs that you give them. 

Virtual assistants work from home and help with tasks such as:

  • Time management and administrative tasks, like responding to emails
  • Financial tasks, like bookkeeping and client invoicing 
  • Team management tasks, like following up on deliverables, organizing training sessions, and creating task templates
  • Social media and digital marketing tasks, like publishing and managing content
  • Personal tasks, like managing investment properties, paying bills, and planning trips 
  • Content tasks, like video or podcast editing

Each VA has their own speciality. I myself have worked with VAs for years in my writing business, many of whom make a full-time living as virtual assistants. 

Alexandra Froese, a VA specializing in systems and strategizes, works with clients to streamline redundant tasks and work more efficiently in their businesses. 

Alexandra VA

Alexandra helps entrepreneurs by doing the tasks herself or by developing workflows that makes a clientā€™s business run smoother. 

You can make good money with a small number of clients, but once you stop working, the cash flow stops coming. VAs can start a blog, sell digital products, or coach other VAs to create new revenue streams and make more money from home. 

Become a reseller 

Donā€™t want to worry about creating new products or about minimum purchase quantities? Not a problem. You donā€™t need a revolutionary product idea to make money from home. Instead, you can become a reseller.

A reseller is a person who buys products from manufacturers, liquidators, and other retailers, then sells them to their own customers. A reseller permit lets your purchase certain products free of sales tax:

  • Products to sell at wholesale 
  • Products to sell at retail 
  • Components to manufacture products 

You can find suppliers to purchase items from through a number of ways:

  1. A dropshipping supplier like DSers or SaleHoo
  2. Vintage boutiques 
  3. Consignment shops
  4. Facebook Marketplace

COAL N TERRY is one retailer that sells a vintage collection in its online store. The brand sells classic clothing alongside its own proprietary brand of hoodies and other apparel, giving shoppers a variety of products to browse and buy. 

Coal n Terry

A reselling business can be profitable if you have niche expertise, like beauty or fashion. You can launch an ecommerce store fast when you donā€™t have to go through product development or building an audience from scratch. 

Create and sell art 

Are you an independent artist looking for ways to make money from home? Artists can fund their craft and sell work directly to fans through online channels like an online store and non-fungible-token marketplaces. 

There are a number of other options for making sales off of one piece:

  • Original art
  • Limited or open edition prints
  • Digital downloads
  • Commissions 
  • Merchandise like hats or enamel pins
  • Repeat prints on fabric
  • Licensing work to other brands or publications
  • Collaborations 

To learn more about selling your art, read How to Sell Art Online: The Ultimate Guide.

Collect and sell vintage clothing 

Got a passion for second-hand fashion? Love the high of picking up a vintage dress at your local thrift store at a cheap price? You can turn that feeling into a business by selling vintage clothing from home. 

A $64 billion market, vintage shoppers depend on store owners to curate the best items around at the best condition. The rise in demand for vintage clothes has led to the success of brands like ThredUp and the increase of vintage clothing sellers on marketplaces like Etsy and eBay. Itā€™s competitive, but that shouldnā€™t stop you from creating a cool brand and carving a space out for yourself in the vintage community. 

Naomi Bergknoff, founder of OMNIA, has been selling vintage clothing online since Combining her love for vintage clothes and her retail expertise, sheā€™s defined a particular style away from marketplaces and close to home in Brooklyn.


Learn more by reading How to Sell Vintage Clothing Online: The Ultimate Guide.

Sell photos

The ability to make money from home as a photographer is about harnessing your creativity and monetizing it. It can seem challenging at first, but by finding your niche and building an audience, you can create multiple streams of income over time. 

Photographers have plenty of options to sell online:

  • Stock marketplaces like Alamy, px, RF, and Stocksy
  • Productssuch as prints, photo books, and physical goods like shirts and hats, using print-on-demand services 
  • Services covering fashion shoots, product photography, events, or anything else you love to shoot

Sound interesting? Read How to Sell Photos Online: For Both Amateur and Pro Photographers to start selling your photography today. 

Rent your unused space

Most people donā€™t think about using their empty space to make money from home. Yet itā€™s one of the easiest sources of passive income. From bedrooms to parking areas, you may have some space people will happily pay you to rent. 

You have a wide range of options here:

  • Bring on a housemate to rent a room in your house
  • Rent a room on Airbnb
  • Rent out storage space on SpareFoot
  • Rent out your parking space
  • Host a foreign exchange student
  • Offer pet boarding

You donā€™t need tons of money or time to rent out your space. Rather than let unused space go to waste, offer it has a service to people who need it.

Start a pet business

Pet businesses are a fun way to make money from home (if you love animals, of course). There are many different ways to earn extra cash, like providing walking and grooming services, training, making and selling treats, or reselling products like bowls and chew toys.

pet business

Youā€™re not limited to dogs and cats either. You could specialize in reptiles, fish, bunnies, whatever animals you enjoy being around. Pet owners alone spent over $ billion on their pets in , making this a profitable business opportunity for newcomers. 

Are pets your passion? Read How to Start a Pet Business (Plus Ideas and Examples from Top Brands) to turn it into a business today. 

Sell coffee 

Coffee sellers are always in demand as more and more coffee is consumed globally each year, according to the International Coffee Organization. If someone canā€™t get to their local cafĆ© in the morning, theyā€™re brewing beans at home while getting ready for the workday. 

Selling coffee can be a great way to earn money from home with a strong brand and marketing plan. Coffee is a commodity product, so itā€™s widely available. Customers tend to look for branding cues like design and bean origin to decide what to buy. By selling coffee, youā€™ll have a high volume of potential customers and many niching and expansion opportunities to take advantage of. 

Read Sell Coffee from Home: What Does it Take to Launch an Online CafĆ© to start your new coffee business. 

Build and sell woodworking projects 

If youā€™re a woodworker already, or curious about the craft, you can make money from home building and selling woodworking products. There are products to sell for all levels, from beginner to skilled woodworkers. You just need to figure out the best project for you!

Some fun woodworking projects that sell include:

  1. Wooden signs
  2. Kitchen products
  3. Furniture
  4. Surfboards
  5. Boxes
  6. Picture frames
  7. Planters

If youā€™re ready to sell your wooden crafts online, read 12 Woodworking Projects and How to Sell Them Online to get started.

Try Computer numerical control (CNC) projects 

A CNC router is a computer-operated cutting tool that acts as a combination panel saw, spindle molder, and boring machine. It carves complex shapes out of materials like metal, wood, plastics, and glass. CNC routers use programmable automation, similar to 3D printing, to design complex parts at scale. 

Small CNC machines can cost from a few hundred dollars up to thousands, depending on the make and model. With them, you can create handcrafted, one-of-a-kind products for buyers across many markets, including:

  • Home decor products
  • Kitchen and barbeque tools
  • Office supplies
  • Custom signage 
  • Toys and games
  • Jewelry 

There are tons of resources available online to learn about using a CNC router. Thereā€™s a very low barrier to entry. And you can test, create, and sell products with minimal upfront costs. 

Interested in starting a CNC business? Read Putting the Pieces Together: 26 CNC Projects That Sell to learn more about this up-and-coming tactic. 

Make candles 

Looking for a fun way to make money from home? Start making and selling candles to people online. It takes a little know-how and hard work, but the upside is that you can customize candles and sell them anywhere. Itā€™s also a low-cost business to start. Common costs include equipment to make the candles, like a double-boiler, pouring pots, and containers. 

A candle business can also be extremely profitable. The candle making industry is set to reach $ billion by , meaning there is no shortage of people buying candles they love. Itā€™s also a good way to express your creativity and build a brand, like candle company Boy Smells, which broke traditional gender norms in fashion, home, and scent with its business in

candle making business

Learn to build your candle making startup by reading Turn Scents Into Dollars: How to Start a Candle Business (Plus Examples From Top Brands).

Make soap 

Are you an avid DIYer and eager entrepreneur? You may enjoy making and selling soap from home. While soap doesnā€™t sound like the best income stream around, itā€™s an in-demand product customers need. 

Soap is a household product that everyone uses in some form, whether itā€™s to wash dirty hands, dishes, or laundry. The COVID pandemic also stimulated the industry, projected to reach $ billion by , creating huge demand for hygiene products to prevent infection. Itā€™s a great way to get creative with different scents and types, with potential to expand your brand to other products like candles and fragrances. 

Want to get your hands dirty with this business idea? Read How to Make Soap: Turn a Household Necessity into a Homemade Business for more information.

Make bath bombs

Bath bombs are all the rage and a great way to make money from home. The US bath bomb market is expected to grow into a $ million industry by If you turn to Instagram, youā€™ll see there are millions of photos showing how these colorful balls explode when dropped in water. 

bath bombs

If you love DIY and have a knack for crafts, read How to Start a Bath Bomb Business from Home: A Step-by-Step Guide. Youā€™ll learn how to source ingredients, make your bath bombs, market them, and grow a business people love.

Make skincare products 

Indie beauty brands are driving the growth of the $ billion global skin care market. If you love taking care of your skin and want to turn it into a business, nowā€™s the time. Newcomers are jumping on trends like hybrid beauty (the combination of cosmetic and skin care), cannabis-based products, and clean beauty (products made without harming human health). 

The beauty of being a small brand is that you can tackle a specific problem for a specific audience. Find a market thatā€™s underserved by current brands and create skin care products just for them. 

Youā€™ll want to learn more about manufacturing and working with suppliers when running a profitable skin care business. Read all about it (and more) in our guide How to Start a Skincare Line: 11 Lessons From a Serial Beauty Entrepreneur.

Start a food business

Everyoneā€™s got to eat, you canā€™t argue with that. Which is why starting a food business is a great idea if you want to make money from home. 

Outside of restaurants, there are endless high-profit-margin businesses you can run with low overhead and startup costs. The trick is cooking food you are passionate and curious about, regardless of your experience level. 

Some food business ideas to start include:

  1. Food truck
  2. Catering business 
  3. Cooking classes
  4. Meal kits 
  5. Sauces
  6. Pre-packaged snacks
  7. Homemade jams and jellies
  8. Wine, beer, and spirits

Want to see examples of other food businesses in action? Check out Selling Like Hotcakes: 13 Profitable Food Business Ideas for on the Shopify blog. 

Become a tutor

Are you an expert in math, art, or another subject? You can make money from home doing online tutoring. A prerequisite for most tutoring gigs is a bachelorā€™s degree in your subject, depending on where you apply for the job. You can find tutoring clients on websites like Skooli and www.oldyorkcellars.com

Only teach subjects that you have demonstrated expertise in. Youā€™ll want to share skills and practical knowledge to create good learning experiences for your students. You can provide pre-recorded lectures and templates, plus meet students through Zoom. Tutoring is also inexpensive to start (if you already have that degree) and can easily earn you extra money. 

Offer child care

If youā€™re a stay-at-home parent or enjoy taking care of kids, you can easily start a child care business from home. You can offer all-day care (eight hours) for other parents while they are at work, or even just before and after school care (one to four hours). The choice is yours. 

Look at other day care businesses in your area and see what they charge. Choose your rates wisely. Donā€™t undercharge just to get more business. Then youā€™ll be taking care of too many kids and wonā€™t be able to provide proper care. Start with an income goal for a day, then decide how many kids you can realistically watch throughout the day. Divide those two numbers to see how much to charge per kid, per day. 

Home jobs to avoid

Now that you have a good idea of different ways to make money from home, letā€™s look at some jobs to avoid.

Freelance marketplaces

Marketplaces like Fiverr and Upwork might be a way to get your start, but quickly can turn into a price race to the bottom. Youā€™re forced to compete on price and don't have a way to differentiate your services or offer something premium. Long term, this isnā€™t the way to go. You are better off creating a freelancer website and building a business that doesnā€™t rely on renting digital space in a marketplace.

Online survey sites 

The pay is very low from online survey sites, and you accrue no long-term value. Youā€™re not building skills or building an asset, youā€™re just losing time. Trading time for extra cash is always a reasonable short-term side hustle, but if you can, it's better to think long term.

Online survey sites include:

  • Swagbucks
  • Survey Junkie
  • InboxDollars

Building an app

Look at most websites promoting legit ways to make money online and theyā€™ll tell you to build an app. All new ventures are hard and most fail, but consumer apps are hyper-competitive: the average person uses only nine apps on their phone per day, most developed by major companies. 

A better option? Grow your skill set by building useful, problem-solving apps for businesses via growing marketplaces like the Shopify App Store or Salesforce Appexchange.

Side gigs

If you want to make a quick buck, then side gig apps like Rover or UserTesting are good options. But similar to online survey sites, you arenā€™t building anything valuable in the long run.

You are better off learning skills in your spare time, like running Facebook ads or starting a dropshipping store, which can make you money repeatedly, versus a one-off cash gig from Craigslist.

Anything thatā€™s pay-to-earn 

Real businesses require investment, but anything that operates in a pay-to-earn model should be treated with extreme caution. For example, sites that promise you can win money by spending money, or multi-level marketing groups that require money not for inventory or product, but just to join. 

Most gimmicks are scams in disguise: the simple but hard truth is that you need to sell something people want.

Learning how to make money from home

If you have an internet connection, you can make money from home online. Sure, the lure of fast and easy cash gigs may seem like a great idea, but it will only keep you on a hamster wheel of trading your time for cashā€”and time is our most valuable asset in life. 

Use your time wisely and invest in building a business thatā€™s rewarding and will pay you a bigger salary than any tester or survey site. $ per day does sound nice, but what if I told you that an online business could net you $+ per day. Would you still choose finding side gigs on Craigslist?

Ready to create your business? Start your free day trial of Shopifyā€”no credit card required.

Make money from home FAQ

How do I make money from home?

Anyone with an internet connection can make money from home today. You can find a unique business idea or trending product to sell, set up an ecommerce store with a free trial, and start marketing online. You could sell dropshipping products, digital products, or make your own products to sell to people online

How do I make an extra $ a month?

  • Sell custom products
  • Create a dropshipping business
  • Sell on online marketplaces
  • Monetize an audience
  • Sell digital products
  • Become a freelancer

How can I make money from home with no money?

  • Become an English tutor
  • Sell stuff on eBay or Craigslist
  • Become a virtual assistant
  • Start a print on demand business
  • Sell your creative work
  • Build an audience and monetize it
  • Start an ecommerce store
Photo of Michael Keenan

About the author

Michael Keenan

Michael is a SaaS Marketer and SEO and founder of Peak Freelance. Heā€™s inspired by learning peopleā€™s stories, climbing mountains, and traveling with his partner and two Xoloitzcuintles.

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Read the review

Want to know how to make extra money but still create sustainable income? Starting a legitimate side business takes time, but it could develop into a steady stream of income if you stick with it. Again, most of these jobs don&#;t require any special licensing, but check your local rules to be sure.

22) Start a Painting Company

Practically nobody likes to paint, but it&#;s a skill that almost anybody can learn. The cool thing is that people will pay you a lot of money to paint their house.

In our area, you could easily make a thousand dollars a week (or more) if you really went for it. If the making money online thing doesn&#;t work out, you can bet your bosom I&#;m starting a painting company.

23) Do Landscaping

Let&#;s face it: People hate yard work. They hate mowing. They hate trimming bushes. They hate leaves. Anyone who has enough money to pay someone to do these things frequently does. Start your own landscaping company and begin cashing in today!

24) Shovel Snow

What&#;s the only thing people hate more than leaves? You guessed it! Snow.

Turn your summer landscaping business into a snow removal service. Grab a shovel, knock on some doors, and pick up some jobs. Heck, go out and get a cheap snow blower if it helps. Better yet, put a plow on the front of your truck and push snow off of parking lots. Businesses pay thousands a year to keep their lots plowed, salted, and safe for their customers.

25) Edit Film and Video

People love to communicate through film and video. Whether it&#;s slide shows for graduations and weddings, or professionally made videos advertising a business, people will pay you to make their videos. All it takes is a camera, an editing program, and an eye for detail and you could be making extra income in no time.

26) Photography

Speaking of cameras, starting your own photography business is one of the best ways to make extra money. Even amateur photographers can make good money taking family photos, graduation pictures, and business headshots. Just get yourself a nice digital camera like the one we use, take a photography course, and start shooting for cash!

27) Clean Houses

Oh yeah. I forgot to mention that most people hate cleaning their house too. For years, Holly made a nice living cleaning houses. All she did was print flyers, knock on some doors, and ask for referrals from customers. She never had any shortage of work, and neither will you.

28) Clean Businesses

Homeowners aren&#;t the only people who pay for cleaning. Businesses need their workspace cleaned too. Create some business cards or flyers, and pick up a few corporate cleaning gigs to line your pockets.

29) Industrial Floors and Windows

In addition to the regular dusting and mopping, some offices need a little bit of extra help. You can make some serious cash by starting your own industrial floor and window cleaning business. Again, the more you hustle, the more money you&#;ll make.

30) Cut Hair

Do you know how to cut hair? You can make extra money by charging your friends for haircuts. If you&#;re a trained beautician, you can charge even more.

31) Do Nails

While you&#;re at it, do your friends&#; nails too.

32) Become a Tour Guide

Don&#;t know how to make extra money but love to educate others? Become a local tour guide. Show others around your city for a fee, and make a few dollars along the way. Be sure to research and comply with any local laws before opening up shop.

33) Become a Virtual Assistant

Businesses are always looking to outsource tasks, and they&#;ll pay you for help. Virtual assistants work online, and can be hired on a per-project or ongoing basis. Websites like Outsourcely can help connect you with potential employers.

34) Become a Personal Assistant

Just like businesses, people will pay you to help organize their life. As a personal assistant, you may work virtually or in person. Tasks could include answering emails, booking appointments, shopping for groceries, doing laundry, and more.

register for freelance writing workshop

35) Start a Handyman Business

If you have home repair skills, a handyman business may be a great way to make extra money. Where I live, demand for handyman services is so high that most handymen I&#;ve talked to make about $40 an hour. That&#;s good money if you can hack it.

36) Be a Masseuse

Want to make extra money on the side? Consider getting trained (and probably licensed) so you can start a a massage therapy business. You can run it part-time out of your own home and make some serious pocket change.

37) Provide Real Estate Management

Many rental property owners live out-of-town or prefer not to deal with their renters. So what do they do? They hire a real estate manager. By screening tenants and dealing with problems, you can earn a percentage of the monthly rent. It&#;s definitely something you can do part-time, or grow it into a full-time gig if you want.

38) Rent a Room

Got an extra room to spare? Take on a roommate to save money, or rent it out for some extra cash.

39) Rent Your Vacation Property

If you&#;re lucky enough to own a vacation property, you may already know that you can rent it out when you&#;re not there. If you haven&#;t done so already, check out websites like VRBO to list your property and start making money today.

40) Event Planning

Do you love entertaining and have a keen eye for details? Starting an event planning business may be a great way to generate some side income. As an event planner, you can help plan everything from weddings to company parties. Get your name out there and start networking right away.

41) Interior Design

If you love furniture, wall art, and paint colors, doing interior design work in your spare time is an excellent way to make extra money. There are plenty of people willing to pay for your talent, provided they&#;re happy with your work.

42) Start a Vending Machine Route

Ever see vending machines in office buildings and retail stores? Somebody has to fill them. You could get paid to do it by picking up your own routes.

43) Party Rentals

Ever wonder who owns those bounce houses you see at kids&#; birthday parties? Well, that could be you&#;and you could make money doing it. Just buy the equipment, start advertising, and rent it out for all type of events. You can even add things like tables, snowcone machines, and cotton candy makers to drive up revenue.

44) Promote Fitness Products

If you&#;ve used any fitness products, you can earn extra money by promoting them to your friends. Use the products, get results, and earn commissions on referrals. Simple as that.

45) Find a Need and Fill It

Seriously, you can start a side business for almost anything. Just find a need and fill it.

I know somebody who makes a six-figure income by cleaning industrial screens and filters. Seriously, who the heck thinks of that?!? The person hauling in six figs, that&#;s who.

So find a need, fill it, and make some money!

Even if you don&#;t want to start a full-fledged business, there are tons of ways to make extra money. Try provide some of these simple services instead. Again, while most of these don&#;t require any special licensing, be sure to comply with any federal, state or local compliance regulations.

46) Graphic Design

I can&#;t tell you how many times I&#;ve needed to somebody to make a nice looking graphic for me. If you&#;re good with computers, starting a small graphic design business could net you some nice side money. Fiverr and Outsourcely are great places to start looking for clients.

47) Consulting

Do you have specialized knowledge that people would pay you for? Instead of helping everybody for free, provide consulting services on the side. It doesn&#;t have to take much time, and you can make some extra money doing it.

48) Tutor

Help students learn by providing tutoring services. This works especially well for those with a degree in a particular subject like math or English. You&#;ll help students succeed while earning extra money on the side.

You can also teach English as a second language to children overseas. Sites like TeachPartTime connect you with students and will pay you for your efforts. Learn more here.

49) Manage Social Media

Do you have a huge social media following? Could you help others do the same? Businesses and bloggers will pay you to improve their social media presence. Build your following, reach out to others, and get paid to help them do the same.

50) Sell Gigs on Fiverr

Fiverr is a great resource for selling specific services to a large audience. I&#;ve used Fiverr for .PDF creations, graphic designs, and more. Really, you can offer almost any sort of service there. Basic gigs start at $5, but you can offer add-ons to sweeten the pot.

51) Become a Coach

If you&#;ve been successful in a certain area, others almost always want to know your secret. Coach them how to do it and charge them for your knowledge.

52) Prepare Taxes

Doing taxes sucks, and people will pay you to avoid doing their own. Offer tax preparation services and cash in on this universal pain point. Be sure to check IRS and local regulations before opening shop!

53) Mystery Shopping

Still don&#;t know how to earn extra money? Try mystery shopping. Yeppers, you can get paid to accept secret shopping assignments. There are several different companies you can work for. Just choose one and start earning.

54) Become a Translator

If you&#;re fluent in more than one language, earn extra money by becoming a translator. Companies, websites, and more are always looking for translators. You may even be able to make money online or from your own home.

55) House Sit

Seriously, what&#;s better than getting paid to watch somebody else&#;s house? Talk about passive income!

56) Babysit or Nanny

Babysitting is a great way to make extra money, and it&#;s something that almost anybody can do. Professional nannies can make even more, especially if you have good references and some experience.

57) Petsit

Don&#;t want to watch kids? Watch pets instead. Websites like www.oldyorkcellars.com can hook you up with pet owners needing assistance. Do it from home, charge what you want, and make a little extra for hanging with the creatures you love.

58) Walk Dogs

In the same vein, pet parents are happy to pay you to walk their dogs. Do it as a one-time service, or gather several clients and make it a nice side hustle.

59) Pet Grooming

Keeping with the pet theme, you can make extra money grooming our furry friends as well.

60) Wash and Detail Cars

After you&#;re done giving the dogs a bath, go ahead and start washing cars. Shine up the outside and detail the inside for a premium. Rich people hate doing this too, so there is money to be made.

61) Run Errands

Join a website like TaskRabbit, and get paid to run errands for other people. Hit the grocery store, grab their mail, or deliver a chair they bought from Office Depot. You can make money doing almost anything other people don&#;t want to do themselves.

62) Basic Elderly Care

We used to help several of our elderly neighbors and friends&#;for free. We&#;d do their grocery shopping, run their errands, grab their medications, and make sure they were OK. They would have gladly paid us, but we declined. However, there is a market for help, and you could fill the void.

63) Personal Cuddler

Yes. This exists.

64) Repair Computers or Cell Phones

Have some technical knowledge about computers or cell phones? Make extra money repairing them for family, friends, and neighbors.

65) Car Maintenance and Repair

Know a lot about cars? Make extra money changing tires, oil, brake pads, and more.

66) Put an Ad on Your Car

Speaking of cars, you can actually get paid to drive your own car around town. Companies like Carvertise will pay you real money to stick advertisements on your car. Just sign up, put on the ad, and rake in the cash.

67) Help People Move

Moving sucks, y&#;all. Plus, it usually takes more than one strong back to make a move successful. People are always looking for help. Offer your services and pad your wallet.

68) Remove Junk

Moving might suck, but cleaning out your junk sucks even worse. Plus, where do you even bring half of that crap? You can make extra money by hauling away somebody else&#;s junk. Resell some of it to make even more.

Of all the ways to make extra money, selling your stuff is one of the easiest and fastest ways to earn. Here are a few ideas to help you make money from the stuff you already have.

69) Have a Garage Sale

Selling your stuff in a garage sale is an easy way to make money fast. Gather together all of the stuff you don&#;t want, set up a few tables, and you&#;ve got yourself a money-making sale!

70) Create an Online Store

Have an artistic side but don&#;t know how to make extra money using it? Maybe you&#;ve created a great product you want to sell. Try opening an online store with Shopify. Thousands of people have made a killing by starting an online store, and you can too.

71) Sell on eBay

eBayis another great place to sell your stuff. Find old clothes, artwork, or gym equipment and put it up for sale. You can even find great deals at garage sales with the intent of reselling them for a profit. Then, let people buy it outright or auction it off to the highest bidder.

72) Sell on Craigslist

Don&#;t have enough stuff for a garage sale? Try selling it on Craigslist instead. We&#;ve bought and sold thousands of dollars worth of stuff on this free site. Plus, you&#;re usually selling to people in your own area, so you get your cash fast.

73) Sell Old Clothes to Secondhand Stores

One of the best ways to make money off of old clothes is to sell them to secondhand stores. There are several national brands, but chances are good you have a local store in your area.

Women&#;s clothing typically goes over best, but sometimes you can sell men&#;s stuff too. We prefer stores that pay in advance rather than on consignment.

74) Sell Old Furniture on Consignment

Sell your gently used furniture on consignment at a consignment store. You won&#;t get paid until it sells, but it&#;s an easy way to make a few bucks. Of course, you can also stick items like these on eBay or Craigslist if you don&#;t want to wait.

75) Collect and Sell Scrap Metal

Have you ever seen those guys driving around with a giant pile of metal in the back of their truck? Most of them are collecting and selling scrap metal. Search for free stuff at garage sales, on curbs, and on Craigslist. Pick it up, haul it away, and resell it for a profit.

76) Write a Book

These days, you don&#;t need a publishing company to publish a book. You self-publish through Amazon, then sell it for a profit.

77) Sell Coins

There are still plenty of coin collectors around, and you can make money if you know what you&#;re doing. I used to work with a guy who bought and sold rare coins on the side, and he made a nice profit.

78) Sell Legos

If you want to know how to make extra money, find a way to sell items that remind people of their childhood. For instance, my brother-in-law found a nice niche market selling Legos. He acquires complete sets at garage sales or online, packages them, and sells them to Lego lovers of all stripes. People will pay good money for nostalgia, and you can be the one to profit.

79) Sell Your Electronics with Decluttr

Decluttr is a great place to sell your old electronics. Make money selling your old CDs, cell phones, games, books, and more. Clean the house, sell your junk, and make some money!

When searching for ways to make extra money, don&#;t forget to consider the job you already have. Here are a few tips.

80) Ask for a Raise

Want to make more money at your job? Simple. Ask for a raise. Be confident, and present your boss with reasons why you deserve it. Then ask.

81) Work Overtime

If you have the opportunity to work overtime, do it. You&#;ll make time-and-a-half which can really ad up over the course of a year.

82) Work Holidays

Nobody wants to work holidays, so this is a great opportunity to make extra money. Again, you&#;ll make time-and-a-half, which is pretty sweet.

83) Do Things Others Won&#;t

Every job has things people hate doing. Learn what those things are, get good at them, and offer to handle them for more money.

84) Hit Your Bonuses

Lots of jobs, particularly sales jobs, offer incentives for meeting goals. Make sure to work your butt off and cash in on those bonuses.

85) Learn a New Skill

One of the best ways to make more money at your job is to acquire new skills. Look for new things you can learn to improve your value to the company. Acquire those skills, then ask for more money. If your boss refuses, you&#;ll be more marketable and may be able to command more money elsewhere.

86) Take on More Responsibilities

In many jobs, the more responsibility you have, the more money you&#;ll make. Offer to lead projects, manage schedules, and take things off your bosses plate. Then, when it&#;s time for your review, show them all the new responsibilities you&#;ve taken on&#;.and ask for a raise.

87) Make Yourself Indispensable

Bosses love it when you make their job easier. They also love it when you help them make more money. Find ways to make yourself indispensable, and more money will usually follow.

Ideas for Part-Time Jobs

Looking for ways to make extra money but don't know how? Whether it's making money online or your own side job, here are 99 ideas for getting started.

If you&#;d rather not work for yourself, you can always pick up a part-time job. Here are a few suggestions for finding part-time work.

88) Wait Tables

Working as a server is a perfect part-time job. Schedules are generally flexible, plus you can work nights and weekends. If you&#;re good at it, you&#;ll find yourself rolling in tips.

89) Bartender

The same goes for bartending. If you&#;re good with people, enjoy crowds, and don&#;t mind working nights and weekends, being a bartender is a great part-time gig.

90) Valet

Working part-time as a valet is another job where you&#;ll earn extra money through tips. Many restaurants, hotels, and other business hire valets on a part-time basis.

91) Deliver Newspapers

Yes, physical newspapers still exist. If you&#;re a morning person, getting an early morning paper route can be a lucrative venture. Newspapers are hiring all the time, so check with your local paper for openings.

92) Unload Trucks

Another early morning/late night gig is unloading shipments at various retail outlets. All types of stores need help getting things off the truck, but big box stores and couriers are a great place to start looking.

93) Work Retail

One of the best ways to make money part-time is working at a retail store. These stores always seem to be hiring for night and weekend shifts. Just be sure not to blow all of your extra cash using your in-store discount!

94) Stock Shelves

Stocking shelves may seem boring, but it&#;s one way to line your pockets with extra money. Grocery stores and bookstores are great places to start looking for work.

95) Do Temp Work

Office buildings are always hiring cheap labor for mundane tasks. I worked as a full-time temp for two years, but you can find part-time work as well. Check with your local temp agency for openings.

96) Work on a Farm

If you don&#;t mind hard work and getting a little dirty, working on a farm is an excellent way to make extra money. There are all types of farms, and each place may need you to perform different tasks. Back in the day, you could find me working part-time at a pheasant farm or bailing straw up the road.

97) Become a Lifeguard

Does sitting by a pool and making extra money sound fun? Then becoming a lifeguard may be right for you. Get the proper training, and you could start making a nice side income right away.

98) Work at a School

Substitute teaching is a perfect opportunity to make a few extra bucks. In some states, you don&#;t even have to be licensed as a teacher. Just apply for a permit and look for jobs in your area. Additionally, schools are always looking for part-time assistants and aides. Check with your local school for openings.

99) Drive a School Bus

Driving a school bus is practically the definition of part-time work. Get paid to drive your bus in the morning, work your regular day job, then drive again in the afternoon. If you want to make even more, sign up to drive to events like athletic competitions and field trips.

) Coach Sports

If you enjoy sports and like being around kids, you can get paid to be a coach. Of course, you must be available for practices and competitions. Check with your local schools and club teams for openings.

) Officiate Sports

Don&#;t have the time to coach but still want to make extra money through sports? Become an official. Sports officials are needed at all levels of competition, and you&#;ll get paid to be a part of the action.

) Work at a Hotel

Hotels hire a lot of people, and they&#;re a great place to look for extra work. From front-desk help to cleaning, hotels offer a bunch of ways to make extra money part-time.

) Provide Entertainment

Can you sing or dance? Do you have an interest in entertaining others? Find part-time work with various entertainment companies in your area. I&#;ve been paid to act, sing, and make appearances as different characters at local events. I also used to work as a traveling wedding DJ for a local radio station. It was a lot of fun, and I made money doing it.

Wrapping Up

Seriously guys, these are just some of the ways to make extra money. There are probably hundreds more that we didn&#;t list here. So, don&#;t just stand there. Grab something off the list, and start earning extra money today!

What are your favorite ways to make extra money? Did we leave any out? Let us know below!




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Want to know how to make extra money but still create sustainable income? Starting a legitimate side business takes time, but it could develop into a steady stream of income easy ways to make money 2022 you stick with it. Again, most of these jobs don&#;t require any special licensing, but check your local rules to be sure.

22) Start a Painting Company

Practically nobody likes to paint, but it&#;s a skill that almost anybody can learn. The cool thing is that people will pay you a lot of money to paint their house.

In our area, you could easily make a thousand dollars a week (or more) if you really went for it. If the making money online thing doesn&#;t work out, you can bet your bosom I&#;m starting a painting company.

23) Do Landscaping

Let&#;s face it: People hate yard work. They hate mowing. They hate trimming bushes. They hate leaves. Anyone who has enough money to pay someone to do these things frequently does. Start your own landscaping company and begin cashing in today!

24) Shovel Snow

What&#;s the only thing people hate more than leaves? You guessed it! Snow.

Turn your summer landscaping business into a snow removal service. Grab a shovel, knock on some doors, and pick up some jobs. Heck, go out and get a cheap snow blower if it helps. Better yet, put a plow on the front of your truck and push snow off of parking lots. Businesses pay thousands a year to keep their lots plowed, salted, and safe for their customers.

25) Edit Film and Video

People easy ways to make money 2022 to communicate through film and video. Whether it&#;s slide shows for graduations and weddings, or professionally made videos easy ways to make money 2022 a business, people will pay you to make their videos, easy ways to make money 2022. All it takes is a camera, an editing program, and an eye for detail and you could be making extra income in no time.

26) Photography

Speaking of cameras, starting your own photography business is one of the best ways to make extra money. Even amateur photographers can make good money taking family photos, graduation pictures, easy ways to make money 2022, and business headshots. Just get yourself a nice digital camera like the one we use, take a photography course, and start shooting for cash!

27) Clean Houses

Oh yeah. I forgot to mention that most people hate cleaning their house too. For years, Holly made a nice living cleaning houses. All she did was print flyers, knock on some doors, and ask for referrals from customers. She never had any shortage of work, and neither will you.

28) Clean Businesses

Homeowners aren&#;t the only people who pay for cleaning. Businesses need their workspace cleaned too. Create some business cards or flyers, and pick up a few corporate cleaning gigs to line your pockets.

29) Industrial Floors and Windows

In addition to the regular dusting and mopping, some offices need a little bit of extra help. You can make some serious cash by starting your own industrial floor and window cleaning business. Again, the more you hustle, the more money you&#;ll make.

30) Cut Hair

Do you know how to cut hair? You can make extra money by charging your friends for haircuts. If you&#;re a trained beautician, you can charge even more.

31) Do Nails

While you&#;re at it, do your friends&#; nails too.

32) Become a Tour Guide

Don&#;t know how to make extra money but love to educate others? Become a local tour guide. Show others around your city for a fee, easy ways to make money 2022, and make a few dollars along the way. Be sure to research and comply with any local laws before opening up shop.

33) Become a Virtual Assistant

Businesses are always looking to outsource tasks, and they&#;ll pay you for help. Virtual assistants work online, and can be hired on a per-project or bitcoin investors forum 100 basis. Websites like Outsourcely can help connect you with potential employers.

34) Become a Personal Assistant

Just like businesses, easy ways to make money 2022, people will pay you to help organize their life. As a personal assistant, you may work virtually or in person. Tasks could include answering emails, booking appointments, shopping for groceries, doing laundry, and more.

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35) Start a Handyman Business

If you have home repair skills, a handyman business may be a great way to make extra money. Where I live, demand for handyman services is so high that most handymen I&#;ve talked to make about $40 an hour. That&#;s good money if you can hack it.

36) Be a Masseuse

Want to make extra money on the side? Consider getting trained (and probably licensed) so you can start a a massage therapy business. You can run it part-time out of your own home and make some serious pocket change.

37) Provide Real Estate Management

Many rental property owners live out-of-town or prefer not to deal with their renters. So what do they do? They hire a real estate manager. By screening tenants and dealing with problems, easy ways to make money 2022, you can earn a percentage of the monthly rent. It&#;s definitely something you can do part-time, or grow it into a full-time gig if you want.

38) Rent a Room

Got an extra room to spare? Take on a roommate to save money, or rent it out for some extra cash.

39) Rent Your Vacation Property

If you&#;re lucky enough to own a vacation property, easy ways to make money 2022 may already know that you can rent it out when you&#;re not there. If you haven&#;t done so already, check out websites like VRBO to list your property and start making money today.

40) Event Planning

Do you love entertaining and have a keen eye for details? Starting an event planning business may be a great way to generate some side income. As an event planner, you can help plan everything from weddings to company parties. Get your name out there and start networking right away.

41) Interior Design

If you love furniture, wall art, and paint colors, doing interior design work in your spare time is an excellent way to make extra money. There are plenty of people willing to pay for your talent, provided they&#;re happy with your work.

42) Start a Vending Machine Route

Ever see vending machines in office buildings and retail stores? Somebody has to fill them. You could get paid to do it by picking up your own routes.

43) Party Rentals

Ever wonder who owns those bounce houses you see at kids&#; birthday parties? Well, that could be you&#;and you could make money doing it. Just buy the equipment, start advertising, and rent it out for all type of events. You can even add things like tables, snowcone machines, and cotton candy makers to drive up revenue.

44) Promote Fitness Products

If you&#;ve used any fitness products, you can earn extra money by promoting them to your friends. Use the products, get results, and earn commissions on referrals. Simple as that.

45) Find a Need and Fill It

Seriously, you can start a side business for almost anything. Just find a need and fill it, easy ways to make money 2022.

I know somebody who makes a six-figure income by cleaning industrial screens and filters. Seriously, who the heck thinks of that?!? The person hauling in six figs, that&#;s who.

So find a need, fill it, and make some money!

Even if you don&#;t want to start a full-fledged business, there are tons of ways to make extra money. Try provide some of these simple services instead. Again, while most of these don&#;t require any special licensing, be sure to comply with any federal, state or local compliance regulations.

46) Graphic Design

I can&#;t tell you how many times I&#;ve needed to somebody to make a nice looking graphic for me. If you&#;re good with computers, starting a small graphic design business could net you some nice side money. Fiverr and Outsourcely are great places to start looking for clients.

47) Consulting

Do you have specialized knowledge that people would pay you for? Instead easy ways to make money 2022 helping everybody for free, provide consulting services on the side. It doesn&#;t have to take much time, and you can make some extra money doing it.

48) Tutor

Help students learn by providing tutoring services. This works especially well for those with a degree in a particular subject like math or English. You&#;ll help students succeed while earning extra money on the side.

You can also teach English as a second language to children overseas. Sites like TeachPartTime connect you with students and will pay you for your efforts. Learn more here.

49) Manage Social Media

Do you have a huge social media following? Could you help others do the same? Businesses and bloggers will pay you to improve their social media presence. Build your following, reach out to others, and get paid to help them do the same.

50) Sell Gigs on Fiverr

Fiverr is a great resource for selling specific services to a large audience. I&#;ve used Fiverr for .PDF creations, graphic designs, and more. Really, you can offer almost any sort of service there. Basic gigs start at $5, but you can offer add-ons to sweeten the pot.

51) Become a Coach

If you&#;ve been successful in a certain area, others almost always want to know your secret. Coach them how to do it and charge them for your knowledge.

52) Prepare Taxes

Doing taxes sucks, and people will pay you to avoid doing their own. Offer tax preparation services and cash in on this universal pain point. Be sure to check IRS and local regulations before opening shop!

53) Mystery Shopping

Still don&#;t know how to earn extra money? Try mystery shopping. Yeppers, you can get paid to accept secret shopping assignments. There are several different companies you can work for. Just choose one and start earning.

54) Become a Translator

If you&#;re fluent in more than one language, earn extra money by becoming a translator. Companies, websites, and more are always looking for translators. You may even be able to make money online or from your own home.

55) House Sit

Seriously, what&#;s better than getting paid to watch somebody else&#;s house? Talk about passive income!

56) Babysit or Nanny

Babysitting is a great way to make extra money, and it&#;s something that almost anybody can do. Professional nannies can make even more, especially if you have good references and some experience.

57) Petsit

Don&#;t want to watch kids? Watch pets instead. Websites like www.oldyorkcellars.com can hook you up with pet owners needing assistance. Do it from home, charge what you want, and make a little extra for hanging with the creatures you love.

58) Walk Dogs

In the same vein, pet parents are happy to pay you to walk their dogs. Do it as a one-time service, or gather several clients and make it a nice side hustle.

59) Pet Grooming

Keeping with the pet theme, you can make extra money grooming our furry friends as well.

60) Wash and Detail Cars

After you&#;re done giving the dogs a bath, go ahead and start washing cars. Shine up the outside and detail the inside for a premium. Rich people hate doing this too, so there is money to be made.

61) Run Errands

Join a website like TaskRabbit, and get paid to run errands for other people. Hit the grocery store, grab their mail, or deliver a chair they bought from Office Depot. You can make money doing almost anything other people don&#;t want to do themselves.

62) Basic Elderly Care

We used to help several of our elderly neighbors and friends&#;for free. We&#;d do their grocery shopping, run their errands, grab their medications, and make sure they were OK. They would have gladly paid us, but we declined. However, there is a market for help, and you could fill the void.

63) Personal Cuddler

Yes. This exists.

64) Repair Computers or Cell Phones

Have some technical knowledge about computers or cell phones? Make extra money repairing them for family, friends, and neighbors.

65) Car Maintenance and Repair

Know a lot about cars? Make extra money changing tires, oil, brake pads, and more.

66) Put an Ad on Your Car

Speaking of cars, you can actually get paid to drive your own car around town. Companies like Carvertise will pay you real money to stick advertisements on your car. Just sign up, put on the ad, and rake in the cash.

67) Help People Move

Moving sucks, y&#;all. Plus, it usually takes more than one strong back to make a move successful. People are always looking for help. Offer your services and pad your wallet.

68) Remove Junk

Moving might suck, but cleaning out your junk sucks even worse. Plus, where do you even bring half of that crap? You can make extra money by hauling away somebody else&#;s junk. Resell some of it to make even more.

Of all the ways to make extra money, selling your stuff is one of the easiest and fastest ways to earn. Here are a few ideas to help you make money from the stuff you already have.

69) Have a Garage Sale

Selling your stuff in a garage sale is an easy way to make money fast. Gather together all of the stuff you don&#;t want, set up a few tables, and you&#;ve got yourself a money-making sale!

70) Create an Online Store

Have an artistic side but don&#;t know how to make extra money using it? Maybe you&#;ve created a great product you want to sell. Try opening an online store with Shopify. Thousands of people have made a killing by starting an online store, and you can too.

71) Sell on eBay

eBayis another great place to sell your stuff. Find old clothes, artwork, or gym equipment and put it up for sale. You can even find great deals at garage sales with the intent of reselling them easy ways to make money 2022 a profit. Then, let people buy it outright or auction it off to the highest bidder.

72) Sell on Craigslist

Don&#;t have enough stuff for a garage sale? Try selling it on Craigslist instead. We&#;ve bought and sold thousands of dollars worth of stuff on this free site. Plus, you&#;re usually selling to people in your own area, so you get your cash fast.

73) Sell Old Clothes to Secondhand Stores

One of the best ways to make money off of old clothes is to sell them to secondhand stores. There are several national brands, but chances are good you have a local store in your area.

Women&#;s clothing typically goes over best, but sometimes you can sell men&#;s stuff too, easy ways to make money 2022. We prefer stores that pay in advance rather than on consignment.

74) Sell Old Furniture on Consignment

Sell your gently used furniture how can you start investing in stocks consignment at a consignment store. You won&#;t get paid until it sells, easy ways to make money 2022, but it&#;s an easy way to make a few bucks. Of course, you can also stick items like these on eBay or Craigslist if you don&#;t want to wait.

75) Collect and Sell Scrap Metal

Have you ever seen those guys driving around with a giant pile of metal in the back of their truck? Most of them are collecting and selling scrap metal. Search for free stuff at garage sales, on curbs, and on Craigslist. Pick it up, haul it away, and resell it for a profit.

76) Write a Book

These days, you don&#;t need a publishing company to publish a book. You self-publish through Amazon, then sell it for a profit.

77) Sell Coins

There are still plenty of coin collectors around, easy ways to make money 2022, and you can make money if you know what you&#;re doing. I used to work with a guy who bought and sold rare coins on the side, and he made a nice profit.

78) Sell Legos

If you want to know how to make extra money, find a way to sell items that remind people of their childhood. For instance, my brother-in-law found a nice niche market selling Legos. He acquires complete sets at garage sales or online, packages them, and sells them to Lego lovers of all stripes. People will pay good money for nostalgia, and you can be the one to profit.

79) Sell Your Electronics with Decluttr

Decluttr is a great place to sell your old electronics. Make money selling your old CDs, cell phones, games, books, and more. Clean the house, sell your junk, and make some money!

When searching for ways to make extra money, don&#;t forget to consider the job aaii stock investor pro mac already have. Here are a few tips.

80) Ask for a Raise

Want to make more money at your job? Simple. Ask for a raise. Be confident, and present your boss with reasons why you deserve it. Then ask.

81) Work Overtime

If you have the opportunity to work overtime, do it. You&#;ll make time-and-a-half which can really ad up over the course of a year.

82) Work Holidays

Nobody wants to work holidays, so this is a great opportunity to make extra money. Again, you&#;ll make time-and-a-half, which is pretty sweet.

83) Do Things Others Won&#;t

Every job has things people hate doing. Learn what those things are, get good at them, and offer to handle them for more money.

84) Hit Your Bonuses

Lots of jobs, particularly sales jobs, offer incentives for meeting goals. Make sure to work your butt off and cash in on those bonuses.

85) Learn a New Skill

One of the best ways to make more money at your job is to acquire new skills. Look for new things you can learn to improve your value to the company. Acquire those skills, then ask for more money. If your boss refuses, you&#;ll be more marketable and may be able to command more money elsewhere.

86) Take on More Responsibilities

In many jobs, the more responsibility you have, the more money you&#;ll make. Offer to lead projects, manage schedules, and take things off your bosses plate. Then, when it&#;s time for your review, show them all the new responsibilities you&#;ve taken on&#.and ask for a raise.

87) Make Yourself Indispensable

Bosses love it when you make their job easier. They also love it when you help them make more money. Find ways to make yourself indispensable, and more money will usually follow.

Ideas for Part-Time Jobs

Looking for ways to make extra money but don't know how? Whether it's making money online or your own side job, here are 99 ideas for getting started.

If you&#;d rather not work for yourself, you can always pick up a part-time job. Here are a few suggestions for finding part-time work.

88) Wait Tables

Working as a server is a perfect part-time job. Schedules are generally flexible, plus you can work nights and weekends. If you&#;re good at it, you&#;ll find yourself rolling in tips.

89) Bartender

The same goes for bartending. If you&#;re good with people, enjoy crowds, and don&#;t mind working nights and weekends, being a bartender is how to invest in us stock market from abroad great part-time gig.

90) Valet

Working part-time as a valet is another job where you&#;ll earn extra money through tips. Many restaurants, hotels, and other business hire valets on a part-time basis.

91) Deliver Newspapers

Yes, physical newspapers still exist. If you&#;re a morning person, getting an early morning paper route can be a lucrative venture. Newspapers are hiring all the time, so check with your local paper for openings.

92) Unload Trucks

Another early morning/late night gig is unloading shipments at various retail outlets. All types of stores need help getting things off the truck, but big box stores and couriers are a great place to start looking.

93) Work Retail

One of the best ways to make money part-time is working at a retail store. These stores always seem to be hiring for night and weekend shifts. Just be sure not to blow all of your extra cash using your in-store discount!

94) Easy ways to make money 2022 Shelves

Stocking shelves may seem boring, easy ways to make money 2022, but it&#;s one way to line your pockets with extra money. Grocery stores and bookstores are great places to start looking for work.

95) Do Temp Work

Office buildings are always hiring cheap labor for mundane tasks. I worked as a full-time temp for two years, but you can find part-time work as well. Check with your local temp agency for openings.

96) Work on a Farm

If you don&#;t mind hard work and getting a little dirty, working on a farm is an excellent way to bitcoin investeren 0 5 extra money. There are all types of farms, and each place may need you to perform different tasks. Back in the day, you could find me working part-time at a pheasant farm or bailing straw up the road.

97) Become a Lifeguard

Does sitting by a pool and making extra money sound fun? Then becoming a lifeguard may be right for you. Get the proper training, and you could start making a nice side income right away.

98) Work at a School

Substitute teaching is a perfect opportunity to make a few extra bucks. In some states, you don&#;t even have to be licensed as a teacher. Just apply for a permit and look for jobs in your area. Additionally, schools are always looking for part-time assistants and aides. Check with your local school for openings.

99) Drive a School Bus

Driving a school bus is practically the definition of part-time work. Get paid to drive your bus in the morning, work your regular day job, then drive again in the afternoon. If you want to make even more, sign up to drive to events like athletic competitions and field trips.

) Coach Sports

If you enjoy sports and like being around kids, you can get paid to be a coach. Of course, you must be available for practices and competitions. Check with your local schools and club teams for openings.

) Officiate Sports

Don&#;t have the time to coach but still want to make extra money through sports? Become an official. Sports officials are needed at all levels of competition, and you&#;ll get paid to be a part of the action.

) Work at a Hotel

Hotels hire a lot of people, and they&#;re a great place to look for extra work. From front-desk help to cleaning, hotels offer a bunch of ways to make extra money part-time.

) Provide Entertainment

Can you sing or dance? Do you have an interest in entertaining others? Find part-time work with various entertainment companies in your area. I&#;ve been paid to act, sing, and make appearances as different characters at local events. I also used to work as a traveling wedding DJ for a local radio station. It was a lot of fun, and I made money doing it.

Wrapping Up

Seriously guys, these are just some of the ways to make extra money. There are probably hundreds more that we didn&#;t list here. So, don&#;t just stand there. Grab something off the list, and start earning extra money today!

What are your favorite ways to make extra money? Did we leave any out? Let us know below!




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20) Peer to Peer Lending

Some of the richest businesses in the world are banks. Although you probably don&#;t have the cash to start your own bank, you can take advantage of the loan business through peer to peer lending.

While results are never guaranteed, Lending Club boats historical returns of about %. There is a $1, minimum investment to get started. You can choose a regular investment account or place your investments in an IRA.

21) Earn Cash Back While Shopping

Shopping and coupon portals are easy ways to save money while you shop. Our favorite site to use is Rakuten. Along with coupon codes and discounts, they also offer generous cash back on most purchases. They&#;ll even give you a $10 signup bonus!

Get started with Rakuten

33 Real Ways to Make Money Online in

A priority this year, for many people, will be figuring out how to make money online. It might be a side gig to supplement your job or a completely new venture. Whatever the reason, easy ways to make money 2022 are a wealth of available opportunities. For quite a few of them, all youā€™re going to need is access to a reliable internet connection and a smartphone.

How Can I Make Money Online?

If you want to earn extra money without breaking a sweat, keep scrolling, easy ways to make money 2022. To save you time and hours of research, Iā€™ve created this extensive list of online money-making ideas and gigs on the side. All you need to do is set aside some time to read through the list, and Iā€™m pretty confident youā€™ll find one or two you quite like the sound of.

Build a Website and Earn an Affiliate Commission

One of the most popular ways to make real money online is through affiliate marketing. 81% of brands and 84% of publishers use the power of affiliate marketing and this statistic is likely to continue as affiliate marketing spending in the US increases every year.

Donā€™t know easy ways to make money 2022 affiliate marketing is? Itā€™s a way of earning money by promoting various brands. Youā€™re promoting products, services, apps, software, and more. In return, easy ways to make money 2022, companies pay you a commission when a customer buys a product using your link.

You probably think the commission will be small, but thatā€™s not strictly true. It can be but what makes a big difference is that you can be an affiliate for one, two, three, or considerably more different brands, and thereā€™s no limit to the number of links you can include in each of your posts.

Thereā€™s also the potential for the commission to be 50% of a $1, product and for it to be a recurring commission every month.

How does it work? You advertise the brands via your website by writing blogs, easy ways to make money 2022, creating infomercials, and other types of content. You include links for your affiliate brands and push traffic to their website.

To achieve any level of success, you have to learn to be persistent. The key to your success will be finding a niche that suits you and having the right strategy. Some of the niches you might want to consider include:

  • Software
  • Travel
  • E-commerce
  • Dating
  • Loans
  • Fitness

Once youā€™ve decided on a niche, youā€™ll need to work on designing a website and starting a blog. Starting a YouTube channel that runs alongside your blog is another option.

Level of expertise: Intermediate

Requirements: Content marketing expertise, know how to build a website

Time: From six months to several years before you start making any real profit

Tools: Domain, hosting

Income Potential: $ to $10,/day

Build and Sell Software

There are many benefits to building software and then selling it. Upfront costs, including the development of the software, can be pretty high, easy ways to make money 2022. However, the cost of selling your product once youā€™ve easy ways to make money 2022 it is relatively low. Delivering the finished product to the customer costs very little.

One critical requirement is that you need to have a good grasp of the programming side of things. A friend or relative in the know would be a possible alternative, as long as they donā€™t want to charge too much for their services.

Itā€™s also crucial that you create software that people want to buy. Ideally, it needs to be software thatā€™s unique, better than anything else thatā€™s currently available, easy ways to make money 2022, or at the very least, much cheaper.

Thereā€™s already a massive amount of software out there, but there are still some niches you can explore and problems no one has found the answer for. Figure out what these are, easy ways to make money 2022, and you could be on to a winner.

Bear in mind that it could take some time for the development side of your project, which makes it vital you do plenty of research beforehand to make sure thereā€™s a market for your product.

If youā€™re interested in reducing the amount of work, you might want to consider buying some software and making improvements or using open-source software. If you think this is a good option, make sure you check whether there are any restrictions. Spending a lot of time creating something you canā€™t sell would be devastating.

App development is another similar option. Creating games or apps can be a very lucrative idea.

One guy who made a great success of his SaaS business is Neil Patel. You can read his story here.

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: Know how to code or have a friend or relative who can do it for you, get clients to use the software

Time: More than one year to start making some money

Tools: Hosting, domain

Income Potential: $$,/month

Launch and Grow a Startup

Thanks to the internet, there are vast amounts of options if you think youā€™ve got what it takes to launch a startup business. As long as youā€™ve got a computer and a reliable internet connection, the skyā€™s the limit in what you can achieve.

You donā€™t need to be a technical whizz kid, as there are plenty of valuable tools that will help you build, launch and grow your business. You just need to put in the hard work, learning what you need.

Another great benefit of starting a new online business is that you do it from anywhere in the world. No one sets your schedule for you, which means you can work as little or as often as suits you. It depends on how fast or successful you want your business to be.

When it comes to capital requirements, you donā€™t need a lot. There are internet businesses you can get off the ground with no money simply because there are a wealth of free services to help the process.

Here are just a few ideas, some of which weā€™ll look at in more detail a little later.

  • Custom furniture production
  • Homemade beauty products
  • Activity holidays
  • E-commerce retailer
  • Cleaning services
  • Hand-made craft seller
  • Tutoring or digital courses
  • Start your own clothing line
  • Publish a book

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: The right idea and customers for your product or service

Time: More than six months to start making money

Tools: Hosting, domain

Income Potential: $$,/month

Start an eCommerce Site and Sell Physical Products

In recent years, eCommerce sites have really taken off, and thanks to platforms such as WooCommerce and WordPress, building your site couldnā€™t get much easier. Because so many brick-and-mortar stores have had to close their doors due to COVID, the popularity of this option is likely to increase.

Online shopping is no longer the luxury it once was. More than a decade ago, eCommerce only accounted for % of total retail sales, easy ways to make money 2022. Fast forward and inonline sales accounted for 21%. For millions of people, thanks to Covid,Ā  it is now a necessity. For your eCommerce business to be successful in the long term, youā€™ll need a long-term vision and a product that brings real value to the market.

To run a successful eCommerce store, you need to create and sell a niche physical product to a specific audience or purchase trending products cheaply from an overseas manufacturer, repackage them and sell them at a markup.

The first option can be a little risky, but it also has the potential to be very successful. A certain amount of passion for your product or products is essential, and youā€™ll also need to be prepared to put in the graft when it comes to research, development of your product, and also testing.

There are some very successful eCommerce sites you can take inspiration from, such as Beardbrand, Ratio Coffee, and SkinnyMe Tea. All three of these companies show what incredible results are possible if youā€™re prepared to put in the work.

The second option is less risky, but you first have to source a product thatā€™s already popular. One place to look is AliExpress. You buy the product in bulk, repackage it, and then sell it via your eCommerce store.

Aside from finding the right product, youā€™ll also need to think about how youā€™ll ship the orders. Handling it yourself is the obvious option, but something called drop shipping is another possibility. In this case, you take the orders, and the manufacturer handles the shipping on your behalf.

Level of expertise: Beginner, easy ways to make money 2022, intermediate, expert

Requirements: The right idea and customers for your product

Time: You could be making money in a couple of months

Tools: Hosting, domain, products to sell

Income Potential: $$,/monthh=

Create Online Courses

You get them popping up on your Facebook news feed and in ads when you search online. It feels like online courses are everywhere you look nowadays, but itā€™s not too late to get in on the action. It is forecast that the online education market could reach $ billion by There is one requirement, however. You need knowledge that someone is willing to pay for. If youā€™ve got what it takes, online courses are a fantastic opportunity.

Itā€™s not the end of the world if you donā€™t have the wherewithal to create your own course because thereā€™s always the option of becoming an instructor. Pick the right platform and youā€™ll be able to pass on your experience and skills to a broad audience who might be interested in learning something new.

If youā€™re wondering what kind of topics sell, here are some examples:

  • Personal development
  • Photography
  • Art
  • Gardening
  • Technology
  • Languages (weā€™ll be looking at teaching English a little later)
  • Cooking
  • Marketing

An excellent place to start, if you have decided on a topic, is to poll your audience. Youā€™ll discover what they want to learn and how much theyā€™ll be willing to pay for it.

Level of expertise: Expert

Requirements: Knowledge or skill people want to pay for

Time: You could be earning an income in a couple of months

Tools: Online learning platforms such as Udemy and Kajabi, or a software product such as WooCommerce or WordPress, an online course platform like Thinkific.

Income Potential: $$10,/month

Write and Sell an eBook

If you know youā€™ve got a book in you but have been putting it off for years, publishing an eBook could be the opportunity youā€™re looking for. If you want to publish a book, you donā€™t have to approach a publishing house because self-publishing is an option. Absolutely anyone can publish a book, and it is possible to make a living.

The barrier for entry is set relatively low, so be ready for lots of competition. To stand out from the crowd, youā€™ll need to write the best eBook possible and satisfy the readersā€™ expectations.

Some of the things you need to consider before you put pen to paper, figuratively speaking, include:

  • Choosing the right topic: Something youā€™re passionate or knowledgeable about.
  • How long your eBook is going to be: There are no hard and fast rules.
  • The title of your eBook: It needs to grab peopleā€™s attention and draw them in.
  • Write unique content: Provide insights that no other eBook offers.
  • Format: PDF is the best.
  • Editing: Fill your eBook with grammatical errors, and itā€™s doomed to fail.
  • Cover design: Itā€™s not just about the content. An attractive cover is also key to success.

Once youā€™ve written your eBook, you need to sell it. Targeting everyone is not the best approach. Youā€™re more likely to be successful if you can identify a market.

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: Idea for your eBook

Time: Your eBook could earn you an income within a couple of months

Tools: Editing tool, blog, or publishing platform

Income Potential: $$10,/ month

Sell Stuff on Amazon FBA

Amazon is one of the largest online stores. Weā€™ve already looked at creating your eCommerce store, and this idea is kind of similar, but in this case, youā€™re using Amazonā€™s platform. Itā€™s a cost-effective way of shipping your products and allows you to provide excellent customer service for a small fee.

An excellent approach is to determine which products sell well on the platform and look for cheaper versions you can rebrand and resell. The selling process couldnā€™t be more straightforward. You send your items to Amazon, and theyā€™re stored in one of their fulfillment centers.

Potential customers can purchase your items via Amazon or another eCommerce platform. When things are sold, Amazon picks, packs, and ships the items. You can monitor everything via Amazonā€™s tracking system. Amazon provides excellent customer service and manages any returns.

Such a service isnā€™t free. The fulfillment fees are rather complicated, but there are plenty of online resources that explain how to calculate the costs.

What to Sell to Make Money on Amazon FBA

You can sell pretty much anything, from items youā€™ve got lying around your home to expensive, luxury jewelry, but some things sell better than others.

A definite no-no would be well-known brand-name products. Amazon customers tend to be looking for decent products that look like they tick all the boxes and are being sold at a low price.

However, for your items to catch buyersā€™ eyes, they have to be similar but better than all the rest. List it under your name, for example, and add something extra that other sellers donā€™t. Better overall service, faster shipping, or a product listing that catches the eye are just a few examples.

Here are some more criteria to bear in mind:

  • Products should be niche-specific.
  • Items between $10 and $15 tend to sell better.
  • Products that are lightweight and small are easier to ship.
  • Brand the products as your own.
  • Avoid products that are seasonal.
  • Your product should solve a problem or address a need.
  • Look for quality products from reliable suppliers.
  • Choose items in a popular category, for example:
    • Books
    • Baby
    • Beauty
    • Accessories and clothing
    • Electronics
    • Outdoors and gardening
    • Fitness
    • Kitchen and home
    • Health
    • Toys
    • Jewelry

Level of expertise: beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: products to sell, computer, and customers for your products

Time: You could earn an income within six months

Tools: Amazon account or your eCommerce site

Income Potential: $$,/month

Buy and Sell Domain Names

In the modern tech-centric world, domain names are big business. In some cases, they can change hands for millions of dollars. At the very least, you can expect a few hundred dollars if you find a solid domain name thatā€™s up for sale.

Donā€™t expect to turn a profit for several months, as it can take a considerable amount of time to build a top-quality portfolio of domains. How much profit you make depends on how much work youā€™re prepared to put in. Buying and selling domain names involves trying to predict whatā€™s going to be popular a few months or years down the line.

Another option is to purchase some domains that are already high profile and hang on to them for a while, hoping that their value will increase. There are lots of different tools you can use, such as Just Dropped, Namecheap, Flippa, GoDaddy. Once youā€™ve purchased the domain, you simply relist it and wait for someone to be interested so you can sell it to them for a profit.

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: Knowledge of domain names and what makes them attractive

Time: Anything from one month onwards

Tools: Account with a site that buys and sells domain names

Income Potential: $$1,/month


Do you have a specific skill set? Is there something you can do that people would pay money for? There is currently a massive demand for freelancers. In a recent survey by PeoplePerHour, 60% of businesses who responded said they plan to use freelancers more this year. However, being your own boss is not as easy as it seems. Many sacrifices are required, and you have to put in a certain amount of effort when it comes to finding clients. All of which must be done before you can do the work.

There are also specific skills youā€™ll need to develop if you want to be successful. Youā€™ll need to learn how to market yourself, pitch to potential clients, provide support, budget, and manage your time.

Thereā€™s also a tremendous amount of competition, which means you also need to think about a strategy. Youā€™ll find plenty of resources to help you online, so donā€™t fret about it too much.

Letā€™s look at the steps youā€™ll need to take before moving on to the areas with easy ways to make money 2022 most potential.

Step 1: Choose your niche: something youā€™re passionate or knowledgeable about.

Step 2: Be specific about the services you provide.

Step 3: Build an impressive portfolio of your work.

Step 4: Define your customer base.

Step 5: Test the waters before you give up your day job.

Step 6: Hone your skills.

Step 7: Search for clients on popular freelance sites such as Upwork, Freelancer, easy ways to make money 2022, Toptal, and Fiverr.

Be prepared to work harder than in your job, enjoy fewer vacations, work through holidays, and often into the night.

Now letā€™s look at some of the most popular niches for freelancers.

Web Development

Increasing demand for websites means jobs that revolve around this need are also on the rise. Itā€™s a job that lends itself well to working from home because all you need is knowledge, a computer, and a reliable internet connection. The most popular jobs include front-end developing, back-end developing, and full-stack development.


Professional writers are highly sought after. This role involves writing content for clientsā€™ websites that promotes their business and helps them stay relevant. How much money you make depends on the niche you choose and your skillset.

Graphic Design

Graphic design is a vast field so youā€™ll help potential customers by creating a portfolio, pitching to clients, and setting your rates according to your expertise. To hone your skills even further, consider taking certified courses and watching tutorials.

Digital Marketing

If youā€™ve got a creative mind, this might be the industry for you. Digital marketing plays a critical role in helping industries and brands stay relevant. Thereā€™s a variety of work available, even for the beginner. Opt for smaller projects such as social media posts and banners or more complex projects that require you to create a brand identity or manage a marketing campaign on social media.

Virtual Assistance

This is another area thatā€™s becoming increasingly popular. Hiring one remote person to undertake a wide range of tasks such as receptionist, easy ways to make money 2022, customer support, typist, admin, or email assistant saves money, especially for a small business with a tight budget. Work for several different companies, and youā€™ll be able to maximize your freelancing income.


Visuals have become equally important in the advertising industry and easy ways to make money 2022 considered to have as much influence as the written word. If youā€™re a photographer, you donā€™t have to limit yourself to covering weddings and events. Itā€™s possible to earn money in food design and product photography disciplines, for example. You could also post your work on stock websites or sell editing presets.

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: Knowledge or skill that people are willing to pay for

Time: Instant

Tools: Your website or an account with a freelancing site

Income Potential: up to $80,/month

Teach English as a Best investing apps 2022 Tutor

Itā€™s possible to teach English as a virtual tutor with no experience. However, you do have to be a fluent English speaker. Teaching English online has enjoyed rapid growth in demand and popularity. There are currently over a billion people currently learning English globally.

New online platforms and schools pop up regularly. Some require a bachelorā€™s degree, but others donā€™t. TEFL or ESL certification, however, is essential.

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: No teaching experience is required, but you can earn more with a degree or teaching certification

Time: Instant

Tools: Account with easy ways to make money 2022 online where can i invest my money safely platform

Income Potential:Ā  From $10/hour ā€“ $40/hour

Do Micro-Jobs on Amazon Mechanical Turk

You may not have heard of micro-jobs, but itā€™s a term used for straightforward jobs that generally require no technical skill. Amazon Mechanical Turk is an online platform where requesters (as they are known) post boring jobs that you can complete for minute sums of money.

The jobs are called HITs or Human Intelligence Tasks. These tasks tend to be things that algorithms or computers arenā€™t quite capable of doing or that humans do far more effectively.

You get to pick and choose which jobs you want to do and how much you do. The pay is anything from $ to $1 per HIT. HITs include:

  • Transcription of audio recordings
  • Researching data details
  • Identification of objects in videos or photos
  • Data deduplication

Unfortunately, there is a considerable amount of competition, and if you want to get your fair share of the work, youā€™ll need to use browser extensions and a suite of tools to lap up the best-paying jobs quickly.

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: No experience or knowledge is required

Time: Instant, although it can take a couple of weeks to build up a decent amount of cash

Tools: Software that alerts you of the high-earning HITS

Income Potential: $ ā€“ $1,/month

Online Coaching

This is one opportunity that could eventually run itself if you wanted it to. Start a coaching program, and youā€™re creating a easy ways to make money 2022 base for a business. One significant benefit of online coaching is that you can make good money very quickly. People tend to be more willing to pay a higher price for one-on-one or personalized programs.

Successful online coaches include Shana Recker, Tiffany Napper, and Christina Sambak.

You do, however, need to research your audience and understand what they want and need. Something else thatā€™s very beneficial will be encouraging your clients to spread the word about your business.

A range of coaching platforms have sprung up, and they enable you to launch a highly scalable business model and not have to compromise on the effectiveness of your coaching.

The most popular coaching platforms include:

  • Satori: This is an app that streamlines both the business management and coaching side of a business. It combines a business intelligence tool and CRM system, so youā€™ve got a 1-stop shop.
  • CoachAccountable: This platform also covers essential administration tools to help with payments, scheduling sessions, coaching plans, and the sharing of documents.
  • Nudge Coach: This platformā€™s focus is helping coaches keep their clients on track remotely and between sessions. It allows you to send clients the right message when needed and schedule notifications for the future.
  • TrueCoach: Designed for fitness business and personal trainers who might want to launch remote training and coaching. It allows you to connect remotely with clients and share videos and workouts.
  • Coach Catalyst: This platform is also for fitness businesses and personal trainers. It includes daily check-ins, which means clients are accountable between sessions. Coaches can monitor progress and offer additional motivation or attention if needed.

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: Knowledge or skill that people will be willing to pay for, technical knowledge for the platforms

Time: 6 months before you turn a profit

Tools: Coaching platform, website to market your services

Income Potential: $1, ā€“ $10,/month

Online Consultant

Individuals and businesses often reach out to consultants to help them reach their goals, especially when they have problems meeting in person because of a heavy schedule. Being a virtual consultant is a versatile career choice, and you could help your clients with a wide range of things, from marketing to searching for a job.

Consider what experience and skills you have and whether youā€™re able to deliver it online, and there will be people who want to pay for such a solution to their problems. Along with your experience, youā€™ll also need to do some research. This will allow you to focus on the right service to offer and how much you can expect your easy ways to make money 2022 clients to pay.

Once youā€™ve found a service, consider undertaking a beta group test. Use it as a learning experience, get feedback, and remember to ask for testimonials.

Thereā€™s a vast range of options when it comes to consulting. Check out the following options:

  • PR consulting
  • Marketing consultant
  • Social media consulting
  • Career coaching consultant
  • Sustainability consultant
  • Travel consulting
  • Financial consultant
  • Fitness/wellness consultant
  • HR consulting
  • IT/technology consultant
  • Sales consultant
  • Compliance consulting
  • Legal consultant

If youā€™re not sure where to look for opportunities, try one of these legitimate websites:

  • Clarity: This is a platform that concentrates mainly on start-ups. Any experts who want to offer their services here need to know business processes, entrepreneurship, or start-ups, for example.
  • ExpertConnect: Based in New York, ExpertConnect is always looking for experts in healthcare, technology, life sciences, telecommunications, media, legal affairs, accounting, finance, real estate, retail, and consumer goods.
  • Maven: According to Maven, it is the ā€œGlobal Knowledge Marketplaceā€ and has many experts from all industry fields and walks of life. Mavens, as the experts are known, include truck drivers, barbers, auto mechanics, farmers, and doctors.
  • GLG: The clientele on this platform comes from many different industries, including technology, life sciences, investments, market research, and consumer goods. Youā€™re able to set your rates depending on your experience, practice area, and designation.
  • Zintro: You pay nothing to be a Zintro member, but you or your client must pay when you first connect via the platform. You donā€™t receive emails with consulting requests. Instead, you have to visit your Zintro inbox regularly.

Level of expertise: Intermediate, expert

Requirements: Experience and skills that people need and want to pay for

Time: At least a year before you make any profit

Tools: Consultancy platform, website to advertise your services

Income Potential: $ ā€“ $,/month

Join a Remote Company Part-Time (or Full-Time)

Perhaps youā€™d like a change of career, want to try something new, or would benefit from a scenery change. In such cases, working remotely can be a breath of fresh air as well as an excellent opportunity to earn some money on the side.

Many companies are looking for remote employees, and it doesnā€™t matter where you work from. According to Upwork, 22% of the American workforce will be working remotely by Thatā€™s an 87% increase compared to before the pandemic.Ā  Start on a part-time basis, and you might like it so much you want to work full-time.

Look for possible options by checking out online career listings, or visit one of the following websites:

  • SolidGigs
  • Flexjobs
  • Remote
  • We Work Remotely

The types of remote jobs available vary considerably. Such positions might include being a designer or working in customer support.

Itā€™s a simple case of finding a job you like and applying for it.

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: The right skill for the job youā€™re applying for

Time: Instant

Tools: Knowledge and experience to help you secure the job

Income Potential: $20, ā€“ $,

Narrate Audiobooks to Make Money Online

The audiobook industry has experienced dramatic growth in recent years, which means thereā€™s a significant demand for audiobook narrators. The popularity of audiobooks doesnā€™t seem to be slowing down either, easy ways to make money 2022. It is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of % from to

There are no special qualifications for this online role, but you easy ways to make money 2022 need a great speaking voice and enjoy reading.

One of the quickest and easiest ways of starting your narrating career is to sign up with a platform connecting authors with audiobook narrators. Here are some examples of where to look:

  • ACX
  • Voices
  • Audible
  • Brilliance Audio
  • www.oldyorkcellars.com

Youā€™re going to need to invest in some good recording software and a top-quality microphone. Start by creating some samples so that potential clients can hear your voice.

Another good place to look for work is Upwork. This freelancing website will help you expand your reach.

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: Love of reading and a great voice

Time: Instant

Tools: Recording software, a good quality microphone, somewhere quiet to make the recordings

Income Potential: $ ā€“ $/finished hour

Make Money with Online Surveys

This option will not make you rich, but it is a way of earning prizes or fast cash and not worrying about learning a new skill. You can do this job in your spare time. The work is effortless, and most online survey sites require little or no skill or education.

Some survey websites pay more than you might expect, but even so, donā€™t expect your earnings to be in anything more than double figures.

You have to sign up at an online survey site and provide certain information, including your interests and background. With that information, the platforms can match you up with the most appropriate surveys.

The most popular survey sites online include:

  • Swagbucks
  • I-say
  • Pinecone Research
  • Pro Opinion
  • SendEarnings

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate

Requirements: None

Time: Instant

Tools: Smartphone

Income Potential: $1 ā€“ $20/hour

Test Websites

Website testing is an invaluable resource for companies that might have invested vast amounts in their company website design. On average, the upfront cost of launching and designing a website is $12, to $,To test a website, you have to access, easy ways to make money 2022, use, and analyze the website. You then have to provide feedback on the experience, how the website functioned and whether it was appealing or not.

A companyā€™s website plays an integral part in its success. Websites are a very effective way of reaching, engaging, and converting online customers, easy ways to make money 2022. Itā€™s no easy ways to make money 2022 companies take website testing so seriously.

The amount of money you can potentially earn is not really large enough for this to be a full-time career. However, itā€™s a good way of supplementing your current income.

You sign up with a testing platform, and youā€™ll be informed when opportunities are available, either by email or by visiting the online platform, easy ways to make money 2022. If youā€™re interested in taking part in any of the tests, you have to claim them and wait to be given access. Other users will be competing for the opportunities, and for the more popular company websites, competition could be fierce.

There are many online platforms you can use to look for testing tasks. The more popular ones include:

  • UserTesting
  • IntelliZoomPanel
  • Userlytics
  • Enroll
  • TryMyUI

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate

Requirements: Good eye for website design

Time: Instant

Tools: Website testing platform

Income Potential: $10/hour with the occasional opportunity to make more

Make Money Writing on Sites

Do you like the sound of getting paid to write from home? You donā€™t need a vast amount of experience, but you do need to be able to string words together if you want to get paid for your efforts. Thereā€™s an abundance of websites and blogs that will pay you to follow guidelines and deliver good quality content.

There are many benefits to writing online. No upfront investment is required, and there are no start-up fees. You can expect to be paid relatively quickly, and thereā€™s no shortage of writing gigs.

You might find yourself writing reviews, tutorials, how-to articles, or lists, and the subject matter could be anything, from travel and web design to parenting, health, and wellness.

Some blogs and websites pay writers on a revenue-share model, but thatā€™s not the case in the following list, easy ways to make money 2022. You can expect to receive an agreed-upon fee in exchange for every article you write that is accepted. This is a small selection of the sites that pay you to write.

  • Textbroker
  • iWriter
  • Writer Access
  • Upwork
  • Problogger
  • www.oldyorkcellars.com
  • Fiverr
  • WordAgents
  • Verblio
  • Writers Domain
  • People per Hour

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: Good English language skills, knowledge of grammar and punctuation

Time: Instant

Tools: Writing software such as Google Docs or Microsoft Office, grammar checking tool

Income Potential: $10 ā€“ $/article

Make Money Typing

Gone are the days of rooms full of typists tip-tapping away. Thereā€™s no longer a need for such services because most people are half-decent typists themselves. But that doesnā€™t mean there isnā€™t still a need for experiences and better than decent typists. Thanks to the internet, itā€™s now a job you can do anywhere.

You donā€™t need lots of equipment, and the only requirement is that you complete assignments on time. Another benefit is that you can start making money instantly, whenever youā€™ve got the free time, or make it into a full-time career.

A range of typing jobs are available, but the majority fall into the following categories:

  • Transcription: With this type of work, youā€™ll be typing audio recordings, easy ways to make money 2022. It might be lectures, dictation, phone messages, conference calls, workshops, speeches, podcasts, interviews, webinars, or videos. Within this category, there are specializations such as legal transcription and corporate/financial transcription.
  • Medical transcription: This role requires specialist training and certification as it involves transcribing dictation made by physicians or medical practitioners.
  • Captioning: A captioner works off live video rather than recorded audio. Fast typing speeds are a requirement and how much bitcoin for 200 and stenography equipment.

Level of expertise: Intermediate, expert

Requirements: Excellent spelling, punctuation, grammar, and typing skills,

Time: Instant

Tools: Sign up with a typing website, easy ways to make money 2022, computer with a large monitor, headphones, foot pedal

Income Potential: $7 ā€“ $50/hour

Sell Your Art and Designs

A very popular way to make money online is to sell your art and designs. If youā€™ve got a good eye for design or consider yourself an artist, itā€™s possible to sell what you create online and also make money.

There are lots of websites that specialize in this fixed income investment grade of product. Youā€™ll get help creating your shop on the platform, uploading your art or designs, marketing your products, along selling and shipping orders.

Where you decide to sell your designs and art online depends on what easy ways to make money 2022 want to sell. A wide range of platforms is available for selling everything from drawings and paintings to woodworking and crafts.

Here are some of the best weā€™ve found:

  • Etsy: This site has a massive following, making it a great place to sell your art. You have to pay listing fees, and the competition is intense, but itā€™s worth checking out. To make your art stand out, youā€™ll need to include high-quality images.
  • Artfinder: This online marketplace is where independent artists sell their work. You can sell paintings, sculptures, photographs, and much more. The site is aimed at high-end collectors, but that does mean you can charge more for your art. You have to apply to Artfinder if you want to sell your art. Applications are reviewed for originality and quality.
  • Big Cartel: Big Cartel charges a flat monthly fee and doesnā€™t take a percentage from your sales.
  • Storeenvy: This platform is entirely free, which makes it a great starting point.
  • ArtPal: No upfront fees have to be paid. Instead, ArtPal takes 5% from any sales you make.
  • Artmajeur: This site is based in France but sells art globally. Commission rates are a little steep, but you can list various items, including sculptures, drawings, multimedia, paintings, and photography.
  • Society6: You can use this site to sell reproductions of art or get your designs or art printed on various items. Simply upload your photography or artwork, and you can have it printed onto everything from iPhone cases to art prints.

You can also use Facebook, Easy ways to make money 2022, Patreon, or Shopify.

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: Artistic flare or a good eye for design

Time: Up to 12 months to make a liveable profit

Tools: Arts and crafts materials

Income Potential: $50 ā€“ $10,/month

Become a YouTuber and Make Money From It

When people are looking for entertaining, informative, or fun videos, millions of people around the world turn to YouTube. As well as being one of the largest search engines globally, YouTube is also a way to make money online.

The first step is to get an audience for your YouTube channel. The bigger, the better, easy ways to make money 2022. A larger following can earn you some serious cash. Your audience, the better chance you have of making some serious cash. There are several ways you can monetize your YouTube channel.

  • Become a Partner and Earn Cash From Ads
  • Sell Merchandise or products
  • Crowdfund
  • Fan Funding
  • License Your Channelā€™s Content
  • Work as an Affiliate or Influencer

The two types of YouTube channels that achieve the best following are:

  • Educational content: Think of these as ā€œHow toā€ videos. You can make this type of video if youā€™ve got information or valuable skills that will interest others.
  • Entertaining content: This style of the video includes pranks, reviews, comedy videos, game walkthroughs, and much more.

Level of expertise: Intermediate, expert

Requirements: YouTube channel with lots of followers/subscribers

Time: It can take at least 12 months to realize a profit

Tools: Monetized YouTube account

Income Potential: $5 ā€“ $5,/YouTube video

Become an Influencer on Instagram

Instagram has been around for more than a decade. From very humble beginnings, it has grown into being one of the biggest social media platforms. In the third quarter ofeasy ways to make money 2022, it was estimated that there were billion Instagram users. One of the main reasons itā€™s become so popular is that itā€™s completely free.

Itā€™s possible to make money from Instagram quite easily, but you will need a large enough following. There are companies out there that are willing to pay Instagrammers money. It might be for showcasing a product or making a post.

How much youā€™ll get paid for a post kind of depends on how engaged your followers are and how many of them there are. Remuneration ranges from a couple of hundred dollars to several thousand, just for one post.

To be able to charge a few thousand for a post will take a certain amount of time, patience, and dedication. First, easy ways to make money 2022, youā€™ve got to build up a sizable audience. It shouldnā€™t be a problem if you enjoy taking photographs, however. Youā€™ll also need to spend lots of time using your phone and be a dedicated Instagrammer. If you can tick all these boxes, itā€™s got to be worth trying.

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: Understanding of posting on Instagram

Time: 12 months or more to gain a good following, longer to make a profit

Tools: Smartphone with a good camera

Income Potential: $50 ā€“ $5,/post

Make Money with Apps

Thereā€™s a good selection of apps that pay you money, whether youā€™re looking for a side hustle, something to fill your free time with, or part-time employment. However, even the best-paying ones out there arenā€™t likely to make you rich. That being said, they can provide a sizable secondary income.

Not every app will suit everyone, but if youā€™re interested, thereā€™s sure to be one that gives you what you want. The process is very simple. You simply download the app, create a profile, possibly provide additional information, wait for verification, and then off you go.

Apps easy ways to make money 2022 in several different ways. Some pay with rewards, payment vouchers, gifts, money-off, cashback, or coupons. A large number of them pay via PayPal, so youā€™ll need to have a PayPal account.

The earning potential of money-making apps depends on the easy ways to make money 2022 of effort you put in. Do you, easy ways to make money 2022 example, want to earn some extra bucks when youā€™re lounging kurzon inc. had these transactions pertaining to investments in common stock at home or relaxing in your local coffee shop? Are you prepared to drive around, visit stores, meet people in person, or do manual labor?

What Apps Pay You Real Money?

If youā€™re looking for an app that pays real money, easy ways to make money 2022, check out the following list:

  • Ibotta: earn real money on online or in-store purchases in one of over 1, retail chains and brands. Offers are retailer or product-specific, some of which are applied automatically. Products you can buy include entertainment, clothing, pet supplies, groceries, easy ways to make money 2022, and more.
  • Rakuten: With this app, easy ways to make money 2022, youā€™re rewarded with as much as 40% cash-back when you make purchases from well-known restaurants, food delivery services, and retailers. To increase your earnings, you can link a debit or credit card and earn cashback when you buy in-store instead of online.
  • Swagbucks: Earn your Swagbucks shopping, playing games, watching videos, and any number of other tasks. You can redeem the points you earn for cash into a PayPal account.
  • Cointiply: This is a micro-task website where you sign up and receive free bitcoins in exchange for various tasks. These might be installing apps, filling in surveys, viewing apps, playing games, or much more.
  • Doordash: if youā€™ve got a bike or vehicle, Doordash pays you for delivering food. More thanrestaurants located in over cities use this app for providing food to customers.
  • Shipt: This app is similar to DoorDash, but you are paid for delivering groceries in this case.
  • Shopkick: To earn money from this app, youā€™ll need to pick from various tasks that tend to revolve around visiting a store and shopping. Itā€™s also a mystery shopping app that pays you for visiting stores and checking whether specific products are in stock.
  • Mercari: Choose Mercari if youā€™ve got loads of stuff you want to sell. Itā€™s an online marketplace for new and used items for sale across the US.
  • Poshmark: Poshmark is an app for anyone with clothing to sell. Millions of users visit the platform, and listing your items is free.

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate

Requirements: PayPal account for receiving payments

Time: Instant

Tools: An account with one or more money-making apps

Income Potential: $5 ā€“ $/week

Make Money on Your Phone

You donā€™t need a easy ways to make money 2022 computer to make money. You can make upward of 3k just by using your smartphone. Whatā€™s even better is that you wonā€™t need to leave home to do it. The internet has made it super easy, and with smartphones having enough computer power to run a small country, there are numerous ways you can make money from home.

Lots of the options will bring in small amounts of cash, which weā€™ve already looked at. In this short section, youā€™ll find out about the more lucrative ways.

  • Make a profit from flipping stuff: If youā€™re the kind of person who has an eye for hidden treasures and deals at garage sales or thrift stores, this could be the option for you, easy ways to make money 2022. When you flip things, youā€™re selling items you got free or discounted for profit.
  • Make smart investments with Acorns: If youā€™re interested in making money by investing, Acorns is a fantastic option, especially for beginners. When you buy something with your credit or debit card, Acorn rounds it up and invests the difference. Itā€™s just a small change, but youā€™ll be surprised at how quickly it adds up.
  • Sell books online: Thereā€™s a massive market for used books and textbooks. Sites such asĀ  Bookscouter help you sell any books youā€™ve got or books you buy cheaply, for real cash.
  • Play games and get paid: If you enjoy passing the time playing games, check out Dabbl. Play fun and simple interactive games and earn money. Weā€™ll look at some other ways to make money playing games in the next section.
  • Rover: Get paid to play with dogs, pet-sit, walk dogs, and more. Use your phone to set your rates and plan your schedule.

Level of expertise: Beginner

Requirements: Smartphone

Time: Instant

Tools: Sign up with the app

Income Potential: Up to $3, annually

Make Money Playing Games

Would you believe me if I told you that making money playing games is possible? It might sound like a sketchy idea, but it is possible. Itā€™s not something thatā€™s going to make you rich, but you could easily earn an extra k if youā€™ve got the time and inclination.

Can You Really Make Money Playing Games on Your Phone?

Yes, easy ways to make money 2022, you can, and there are dozens of apps that reward you when you play games. There are a few games-for-cash sites that are sketchy, so you have to be careful. However, some are totally worth it.

Here is a list of the top games apps that hand out real money.

  • Coin Pop: Collect points when you try out and play different games. The longer you play, the more points you earn. Redeem your points for Amazon vouchers or cash.
  • MistPlay: Earn credits for playing selected games. You earn more the longer you play and bonus units when you reach higher levels or play at specific times. You cash out for a Mastercard or Visa payment, Amazon payments, or some other gift card.
  • Fit Play: Once youā€™ve downloaded the app, youā€™ll get a list of games you can play for points. Build up your points and then redeem them for gift cards or cash into PayPal.
  • Qmee: Primarily, Qmee is a survey app, but there is a section where you can earn money by playing games.
  • Make Money ā€“ iOS: Lots of tasks available, some of which include playing a game youā€™ve downloaded to a certain level.
  • Ysense: Earn cash rewards for trying different games. You need to meet certain conditions to receive your rewards, easy ways to make money 2022 as collecting a specified number of points or reaching a certain level.
  • InstaGC: The payment threshold is really low, so you could cash out earnings as small as $1.
  • Earnably: Play games for free and get paid to do it. Cashout is speedy via gift card or PayPal.

Level of expertise: Beginners

Requirements: Smartphone

Time: Instant

Tools: Sign up with the app

Income Potential: Up to $k annually

Sell Stock Photos to Make Money Online

Is your passion for taking pictures? Why not make some money at the same time? There are several different sites where you can upload your photos. The benefit of using these sites is that their user base is massive. Every time someone operates and licenses the images, youā€™re paid for the privilege.

Many people start selling their stock photos only to fall after a couple of months easy ways to make money 2022 theyā€™re not earning enough. To make a consistent amount of money, you must upload images of the highest quality, easy ways to make money 2022, research what sells, and then create the pictures you know people will buy. It also helps if you upload images as often as you can. The more extensive your portfolio, the better chance you have of success.

Some of the most well-known stock photography sites include:

How to Make Money Easy ways to make money 2022 Photos of Yourself

Did you know all those selfies youā€™re taking could make you some cash? Agencies and companies are willing to pay top dollar for them because they can significantly impact businesses and brands.

If you can take good shots of yourself and know the best places to sell them, it is possible to make money. Options for selling your selfies online include the usual stock websites, via a website of your own, via a blog, or by running a contest or giveaway.

Some of the best websites for selling images of yourself include:

  • Scoopshot
  • Stylinity
  • Foap
  • Pay Your Selfie
  • SmugMug

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate

Requirements: A good eye for taking a quality photograph

Time: A few months for people to find your images

Tools: Smartphone or digital camera, editing software

Income Potential: $ ā€“ $/month

Watch Videos and Get Paid

Wouldnā€™t it be great to get paid for watching videos? Well, the good news is that you can. Itā€™s also a lot easier than you think.

There are loads of options. Here is just a small selection:

  • Write film subtitles on a freelance basis, and if you speak another language, you could charge extra for your services.
  • Become a TV and film reviewer ā€“Ā There are even opportunities to make this a full-time career. Itā€™s a very competitive business, so you might need to charge low rates to start.
  • Watch movie trailers and ads for money ā€“Ā Sites such as iRazoo, easy ways to make money 2022, InboxDollars, andĀ  Vindale Research pay you for completing elementary tasks, such as answering surveys and playing games. You can also get paid for watching cooking tutorials, easy ways to make money 2022, short films, app adverts, and movie trailers.
  • Get paid for watching ads on SuccessBux ā€“ The minimum payout is a mere $1, and it is paid via PayPal. Other options if you like the sound of watching ads include Swagbucks, ibotta, and Nielsen TV Ratings.
  • Sign up with TV-TWO, and you can get paid in cryptocurrency ā€“ Youā€™re paid for watching videos, but in this case, you have to earn a massive amount of credits, 50, before youā€™re able to ask for a payout.
  • Charge companies for promoting their videos ā€“ It helps if youā€™ve got a good following, but itā€™s not essential.

Level of expertise: Beginner

Requirements: Laptop or mobile device for watching the videos

Time: Instant

Tools: Sign up with the relevant app

Income Potential: $50 ā€“ $/month

Rent Your Home or Room on Airbnb

Do you own your own home? Is there a room in your home you donā€™t currently use? A great way to earn a passive income is to rent out your spare room. Thanks to a platform known as Airbnb, easy ways to make money 2022, an increasing number of people are doing just that. Some people choose to rent their whole house. According to recent data analysis, there are million Airbnb hosts worldwide.

Airbnb is a very flexible option because youā€™re given the freedom to choose when and how often you rent out your space. The rental rules are also your responsibility, as is the daily rental rate.


Renting a room or your house to strangers may leave you feeling a little uneasy. Airbnb, however, does provide insurance should anything occur. If you need additional reassurance, AirBnB does operate a renterā€™s rating system. Check out a personā€™s AirBnB reputation before you let them stay.

Level of expertise: Intermediate, Expert

Requirements: A room or a property thatā€™s suitable to rent

Time: Instant

Tools: Register with AirBnB and follow the host standards

Income Potential: an average of $/month

Look After Other Peopleā€™s Pets

Believe it or not, there is a massive demand for responsible and reliable pet sitters. One essential thing is that you have to love pets. Typically, it would be cats and dogs youā€™d be caring for, but potentially, it could be anything from a parrot easy ways to make money 2022 tropical fish.

Pet sitting is very similar to babysitting, but youā€™ll be looking after a beloved pet rather than a child in this case. It depends on the job, but you could look after the pet in your own home or the home of the owner.

If you donā€™t think youā€™ll be able to commit to caring for a pet over several days or longer, other options are possible. Perhaps you could be a dog walker or keep a pet company while their owner works.

There are several pet sitting websites where you can look for work, for example:

  • www.oldyorkcellars.com
  • Tailster
  • Cat in a Flat
  • Rover
  • Pawshake
  • Trusted Housesitters

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: You have to be an animal lover, be patient, and be empathic for animals

Time: Work on getting a good reputation, and you could turn a profit in a couple of months

Tools: Certification will help you get better-paid jobs, insurance should anything go wrong

Income Potential: $10 ā€“ $25/hour

Make Money Online with Google AdSense

Google AdSense is a program that lets you run ads on your website, YouTube videos, or blog. You are paid when someone clicks on the ad. Businesses using the Google AdWords program generate the ads, and you feed them by using an AdSense code.

If your website or blog is new, Google AdSense is one of the quickest ways to generate an income.

The program is free, and the eligibility requirements are simple. You get a wide range of ad options to choose from, some of which youā€™re able to customize to complement the feel and look of your site.

Payments made to you by Google are made by direct deposit every easy ways to make money 2022. Youā€™re not limited to running ads on just one website, and you can also run ads on RSS feeds and mobile devices. You have to meet specific Google requirements to include the ads on your website, blog, or YouTube channel.

Your website, for example, has to have at least 30 pages of content thatā€™s unique, is three months old, and generates traffic. The better the traffic, the higher your potential for earning.

Level of expertise: Intermediate, expert

Requirements: Website, blog, or YouTube channel that meets Google requirements, some technical knowledge

Time: You can start earning as soon as your site is approved

Tools: Itā€™s easier to display ads if you use a platform such as WordPress

Income Potential: $ ā€“ $15/click

Hobbies That Make Money Online

If youā€™ve got a hobby or two, did you realize you could be making money doing something you love? You may not have got into your hobby with the intention of making money, easy ways to make money 2022, but some have the potential to become money streams if youā€™re serious enough.

Want easy ways to make money 2022 know what the most lucrative hobbies are? Keep reading for the ultimate list.

  • Writing: Besides earning you money, publishing and writing online is also a great way to further your career or become an established expert. Freelance on sites like Fiverr or Upwork or write your blog.
  • Design and illustration: this creative hobby can also make you money on a freelance basis. There are always potential clients on Fiverr, for example. Another option is to put your illustrations or designs on items like posts, canvases, or t-shirts. Choose a print-on-demand service, and you donā€™t need money upfront for an inventory.
  • Cooking: Start a foodie blog to showcase your creations. Create a YouTube channel and teach people how to cook. Dive headfirst into your food hobby by creating cooking products or food.
  • Music: Record and sell your albums or songs. Platforms like SoundCloud are good places to sell what you record. Creating beats or samples is another money-making musical hobby.
  • DIY crafts: Crafting can be a very profitable hobby. There is an endless number of things you could make and sell. For example, jewelry, bath bombs, soap, wooden puzzles, candles, and many more.
  • Gardening: With more people spending time at home, gardening has seen a significant increase in popularity. As well as making you healthier and happier, this hobby could also make you richer.
  • Photography: You could become a freelance photographer, but for a side hustle thatā€™s more scalable, why not sell your photos as prints or stock images?.
  • Comedy: If youā€™ve got a good sense of humor and enjoy easy ways to make money 2022 people laugh, have you thought about using this talent to make money? Itā€™s possible to amass large audiences by curating viral videos, memes, or tapping into a humorous niche.

Level of expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert

Requirements: an interest or hobby with the potential to monetize

Time: Once youā€™ve made the items, you could be selling for a profit within a few weeks

Tools: These will depend on the hobby

Income Potential: $10, ā€“ $,/annum

How to Make Money Online for Beginners

Youā€™ve probably all heard the stories of people making it big by easy ways to make money 2022 around the world. The laptop lifestyle, as it has become known, is a dream for many people. And it could be for you if youā€™ve got an internet connection and good cell reception.

There is an endless number of legitimate ways to make money online. However, if youā€™re just starting, you need to set your sites in certain areas. If youā€™re a complete beginner, here are some possibilities you might want to explore.

Selling Your Old Stuff

Have you heard people talking about the latest minimalist movement? The goal is to declutter not only your home but your mind and your life. Itā€™s also an excellent opportunity to earn some extra cash. If you really canā€™t bear to part with some of your belongings, thereā€™s always the option to rent them out instead.

Paid for searching the web

There is an endless number of companies that will happily pay you to use the internet. Ask Wonder, for example, is a company that pays a flat fee for the answer to a burning question. The answer must be thoroughly researched.

Review websites & apps for cash

This is a very similar gig to completing surveys, but in this case, youā€™re testing websites, apps, and other types of software. You have to actively participate in using the products youā€™re reviewing, pay attention, and provide continuous feedback.

Become a ā€˜Clickworkerā€™

There are many ways you can become a clickworker. The company is always looking for people who can correct or create texts, search or categorize data, or take part in surveys.

Review music for money

Did you realize you could get paid easy ways to make money 2022 listening to music and writing a review? Sign up to one of several websites, and review music from upcoming songwriters and singers. All you have to do is listen and then give your opinion. The more music you review, the bigger the reward. Musicxray, Playlist Push, and www.oldyorkcellars.com are just a few possible sites.

Become a Twitch Streamer

Twitch is the streaming channel of choice for millions of gamers. Become an influencer on this platform, and you can earn income in various ways, but the best way to start is by becoming a Twitch Affiliate. To move things up to another level, youā€™ll need to work on improving your streaming skills and building a following.

Become an Extreme Couponer

When you use one or two coupons every week, it helps you save a small amount of money. Become an extreme couponer, on the other hand, and you could save a whole lot more. To become an extreme couponer, youā€™ll need to diligently scour magazines, newspapers, and online sites for as many coupons as you can find.

Match these coupons up with promotions and sales to maximize the amount you save. If you get good at it, you could even get some products for free.

Become a TikTok Consultant

TikTok has gained a lot of interest recently, with some people going viral overnight. With a concept thatā€™s still in the early days of its success, there are many opportunities for monetizing. Become a pro on TikTok, and you could turn your hand to consulting. By leveraging your expertise, youā€™ll be able to help people who are looking for TikTok fame.

Data Entry

An online role in data entry will involve inputting information into a spreadsheet or scanning documents into an online program. No specialist knowledge is required, and itā€™s an easy way to make money online and from your home.

Level of expertise: Beginner

Requirements: None

Time: Instant

Tools: A laptop or a smartphone

Income Potential: $ ā€“ $,/month


What are some fast ways to make money?

If you need to make some cash in a short space of time, there are many options. Answer questions in online surveys, get paid for searching the web, or review apps and websites for cash.

How can I make $ a week?

It might sound like a lot, but an extra $ a week is a negligible amount to earn. Become a virtual assistant, easy ways to make money 2022, try freelance writing, sell on Etsy or Amazon FBA, sell in Fiverr, or become an Uber driver.

How can I make $ a day?

You will have to put in some effort to earn this amount of money, easy ways to make money 2022, but it is doable. Here are a few examples: take part in research, get paid for completing surveys, become a shopper, teach kids online, or drive people around.

How can I make 1 dollar a day?

$1 a day might not sound like much, but add that up over one year and thatā€™s an extra $ in your pocket. Luckily, there are heaps of legitimate ways to earn that one dollar, and they should take a tremendous amount of time. Survey sites, such as SwagBucks, Zap Surveys, and Branded Surveys, are just a few examples.

How can you get free money?

In our digital age, there are a ton of ways to earn free money. Free money includes rewards or cash bonuses. Itā€™s free because you donā€™t have to trade hours of labor in exchange.

How can I get money without a job?

All the opportunities in this article are possible without a job. All it takes is a certain amount of effort, and it wonā€™t be long before youā€™re earning some cash. After a while, you may find the work so interesting that you want to do it full-time and become a freelancer.

What will make money in the future? [Whatā€™s the next big money maker?]

Here are a few ideas:

  • Start a blog
  • Sell your easy ways to make money 2022 online
  • Become an app developer
  • Start a membership site
  • Invest across all markets
  • Peer-to-peer lending


Whether you want to make a few extra bucks as a sideline, discover a way to escape your 9 to 5, or start your own business, there are endless opportunities when it comes to making money online.

You can start with little or no investment or use your savings to get things off the ground. In the list, there are possibilities for the complete beginner right through to expert.

There really is something for everyone.

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25 Realistic Ways to Make Money From Home in (+ 5 To Avoid)

Disclaimer: The top ranking articles for ā€œways to make money from homeā€ would never tell you what Iā€™m about to tell you. 

To really make money online, you will have to unlearn the pillars of your informal digital education. Use your own knowledge and experience to build a business on your own instead. 

There are no limits to business building, and you can sell whatever you want. The more determination you have, the more money youā€™ll make online. Itā€™s that simple. 

Skip the usual website tester gig and become a business owner. Use this article to discover a new online business idea you can turn into an exciting, profitable venture thatā€™ll pay more than one dollar per survey. 

Free: The Big List of Business Ideas

To help you find the inspiration to start, we compiled a list of + in-demand business ideas, broken down into categories like fitness, apparel, and gaming.

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25 ways to make money from home

Gone are the days of low-paying cash-back credit cards and stressful stock trading. If you want to make a lot of money from home, youā€™ll want to start a small business that pays you dividends over time. 

Here are the top home-based businesses you can start.

Sell custom products 

Product development isnā€™t the easiest route, but itā€™s often the most rewarding, and it may not be as hard as you expect. Making custom products is popular amongst jewelry brands, fashion brands, and home decor brands, yet it expands through virtually any industry where you make stuff from scratch. 

We recently turned to shoppers to ask about their post-pandemic shopping plans: What are they planning to buy once the pandemic is under control? The infographic below shows how they answered. Use these items to inspire your own custom product to sell online and make extra money. 

custom products to sell

Some evergreen categories you could sell in are:

  • Apparel and clothing. Clothing is one of those categories that seems to always be trendy. People look for clothes and accessories that match their style and personality, which can make fashion a fun and profitable space to sell in. The market is expected to rise above $3 trillion by  
  • Home decor. Home decor is another popular sales category. People want to add personal touches to their space to make it feel cozy and enjoyable. You can sell home decor online to anyone, anywhere, at any time, while keeping overhead at a minimum. The home decor market is forecasted to reach $ billion in
  • Health and beauty. The beauty and personal care industry is set to reach $ billion by You have many options in this category: you can sell skin care, cosmetics, hair care, fragrances, vegan products, and more. Grand View Research identified growing demand for menā€™s grooming products and anti-aging products that are expected to drive the market over the coming years. 
  • Arts and entertainment. While movie box office revenue took a % dive last year, some interesting areas show impressive growth in this multitrillion-dollar industry. Digital newspaper revenue saw a 10% increase, video game revenue saw a % lift in sales, and consumer books saw a % increase. The esports industry continues to see healthy growth in this segment, forecasted to reach $37 billion by In short, there are a lot of innovative and exciting products you could sell in the arts and entertainment industry. 
  • Food and beverages. The food and beverage industry will never die. Despite the COVID pandemic, the segment is projected to grow at a rate of % per year, reaching $ billion by Itā€™s also poised for an ecommerce breakout, with up to 20% of food and beverage industry sales to be made online bya 10 times increase from  

Evaluating market demand and following trends is a great place to start when finding popular things to make and sell. Once you have a product, easy ways to make money 2022, youā€™ll want to start your business and set up a Shopify store with a free trial. And just like that, youā€™re ready to start selling! 

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Create a print-on-demand business

Print on demand refers to working with a supplier to customize white-label products with your own designs, easy ways to make money 2022, then selling them underneath your easy ways to make money 2022 brand. Businesses can create products like hats, easy ways to make money 2022, t-shirts, tote bags, easy ways to make money 2022, and more. 

The best part? You donā€™t have to pay for any products until after you make a sale. 

When you work with a easy ways to make money 2022 company, everything from printing the item to shipping is handled by the supplier. Once you set up an online store with your designs, it takes a few minutes to fulfill an order after the customer checks out. 

Creating a print-on-demand business is a great way to make money from home because:

  • You can create products fast. After you design a product, you can put it up for sale on your website in minutes.
  • You donā€™t have to worry about shipping. Your supplier will handle the fulfillment process. Youā€™re just responsible for providing good customer service after the sale.
  • Itā€™s low risk, low investment. Itā€™s easy to add new products to your store and test ideas since you donā€™t hold any inventory. Your upfront business costs are minimal because you only need an online store to start. 

A print-on-demand business also gives creators many opportunities to connect with fans through nice products, especially products sought out for their aesthetic design. Take Boba Love, for example. 

Boba Love Example

For all its products, the retailer focuses on one theme: bubble tea (also referred to as ā€œbobaā€), a drink that originated in Taiwan in the early s. Easy ways to make money 2022 tea has become extremely popular around the world and has a dedicated fan base.

Boba Love sells shirts, totes, blankets, hats, and stickers around the idea of the drink. When a shopper orders a product from the store, the supplier creates and ships it to the customer. 

Curious what types of products you can create? Read A Canvas For Creativity: Here Are 10 Print on Demand Products You Can Sell (Without Holding Inventory) to learn more. 

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Make a subscription box

A subscription business provides customers with products on a recurring basis. The subscription ecommerce market is easy ways to make money 2022 to reach $ billion bywith more customers taking advantage of it each year. Research from McKinsey found that 15% of US consumers have signed up for one or more subscriptions to receive products regularly. 

The benefits of creating easy ways to make money 2022 subscription box include:

  • Predictable revenue. Businesses know how much money is coming in each month and can plan growth initiatives accordingly.
  • More cash on hand. Subscription businesses ask for full payment upfront at a discounted price, which creates regular cash flow. 
  • Lower customer acquisition costs. Customers pay you on a regular basis, so you donā€™t need to convince them to make additional one-time purchases in your store. 

Running a subscription business from home is a proven winner. Our research shows that 63% of founders who sold subscriptions were satisfied with business performance, compared to 55% of founders who did not sell subscriptions. 

Two types of subscription businesses we found thrived in the past year were:

  • Replenishment model, where subscribers receive the same or similar products each cycle. An example of this would be grooming brand Harryā€™s. A customer purchases the Harryā€™s starter set, containing a handle, shaving gel, and razor cartridges. They then receive automatic gel and blade refills monthly, based on their usage and preferences. 
  • Membership model, where subscribers get access to exclusive products and perks in exchange for a monthly or yearly fee. Freelance writing community Peak Freelance runs on a membership model. Members pay a set fee and receive access to private Slack groups, on-demand tools and content, expert interviews, strategy sessions, and more.

Want to start a subscription box business from home? Read How to Start a Subscription Business: A Brief Guide to learn how, step by step.

Sell on marketplaces

Sell products on online marketplacesā€”but beware! Selling sites can be a great launchpad for many businesses, but the current marketplaces come with a Faustian bargain: you get access to customers if you build your business on someone else's land. Easy ways to make money 2022 land, their rules, and theyā€™ll change them at any time. 

Popular marketplaces include: 

  • Etsy
  • Amazon
  • eBay
  • Handshake
  • Mercado Libre
  • Rakuten
  • Facebook Marketplace 
  • VarageSale 

Eventually, youā€™ll want to diversify your business by building your own siteā€”you donā€™t have to choose one or the other. The big advantage is that the profit is yours: there are no fees to pay on sales and no rules to easy ways to make money 2022 by but your own. 


Sell digital products

Digital products are intangible assets or pieces of media that can be sold repeatedly online. They come in the form of streamable or downloadable files, such as PDFs, plug-ins, and templates. 

Digital assets are becoming more popular because they have high profit margins. Sure, it may take some time and money to develop them, but once the media or software is made, itā€™s not expensive to store or deliver to customers. 

There is no limit to how many products you can sell. Digital products help creators scale themselves by using their expertise to create kits, printables, files, and other assets professionals can benefit from. 

Started inUX Kits sells wireflows, user personas, flowcharts, and other products to assist the design process. 

UX kits

The brand has sold kits to over 10, designers, developers, and product managers in more than countries. Itā€™s since expanded to sell three physical products but continues to drive sales from the digital assets created years ago. 

Digital products arenā€™t just for business professionals. Home fitness business Street Parking sells a variety of digital productsā€”from workout plans to online coursesā€”and membership subscriptions for people who need at-home workouts. 

street parking

Whatever you decide to create, figure out the needs of your target audience and work backward from there. Think about the kinds of assets they need/want and create products that are in demand. This will make it easier to sell and earn more money working from home. 

Sell your creative work

Itā€™s easier than ever for creators to sell their work online. Whether itā€™s easy ways to make money 2022, videos, digital art, photography, magazines, or podcasts, you can set up a digital shop and start selling with little limitation. 

While selling creative work sounds similar to digital products, the difference is that your products are more creative ventures. They are a way to express yourself online versus satisfying a buyerā€™s needs. Creators and artists who donā€™t have a network or connections with galleries and PR can now make money online doing something they love. 

What started as a cartoon on Instagram for Harry Hambley has grown into an international icon and ecommerce brand. As described in an interview with BBC, the Ketnipz creator skipped university to draw cartoons online. 


And Hambleyā€™s strategy certainly paid off. The Ketnipz brand has over million followers on Instagram, sells clothing and accessories online, and can even be found on murals around the world. 

Using a combination of social media and an online store, you can make money online. Start building an active presence and engaging with your audience to establish your brand and find new customers. 


Monetize an audience

Monetizing an audience is definitely a challenging endeavor, but the creator-to-commerce business model is becoming more successful in modern times. Bloggers and influencers today donā€™t need to be internet celebrities to make money from home online. All they have to do is find their people on one or two platforms earn a lot of money jobs they can turn their audience into passive income.

Sonja Detrinidad, founder of Partly Sunny Projects, an online plant shop, turned one of her part-time pre-pandemic hobbies into a full-time business through TikTok marketing. She didnā€™t set out to become TikTokā€™s favorite plant mom, but discovered by accident the possibilities of monetizing an audience. 

Partly Sunny Projects

Sonja processed over 1, orders in one month at the height of plant-shopping season last summer. She also increased her subscription box customers by more than four times since becoming a TikTok sensation, with overfollowers on the platform.

Some ways you can monetize an audience are:

  • Building your own website and selling online
  • Through affiliate marketing commissions
  • Using Instagram shoppable posts
  • Starting a YouTube channel and running ads
  • Adding Google AdSense to an active blog

Regardless of how you go about it, monetizing an audience is a legitimate way to make money from home. It may take some easy ways to make money 2022 to build a targeted audience, but the investment will be well easy ways to make money 2022 your time in the long run. 

Related Content: How to make money with Youtube

Become a freelancer

One home business idea becoming more popular is offering freelance services to clients online. Almost any role a business would hire for is reasonable as a freelance service:

  • Writing 
  • Graphic design
  • Marketing
  • Data entry
  • Illustration
  • Transcription 
  • Online tutoring
  • Shopify store setup

Most of these services are best positioned toward business clients. Why? Because online businesses are the ones who are willing to spend. Freelancers can charge based on the outcome of their work versus the deliverable, which gives them leverage when it comes to pricing their services. 

ā€œEvery freelancer eventually learns that there are desired business outcomes tied to their work,ā€ explains Elise Dopson, co-founder of Peak Freelance. ā€œFreelance writers, for example, are not just blogging for a company. They are creating content that increases traffic, leads, and customers for a business. The sooner you learn that, and can deliver on it, the more money youā€™ll make freelancing from home.ā€

Elise has worked with brands such as ConversionXL, HubSpot, Privy, and other leading B2B software-as-a-service companies to produce incredible content that gets results, easy ways to make money 2022, which is how she broke the six-figure-income ceiling by the age of  

Elise Dopson

If you have a passion for writing, designing, or organizing stuff, turn it into a freelance service. You wonā€™t be disappointed with the results.

As more companies become completely remote, the opportunities to earn money from home freelancing will only become more abundant. It just takes a little know-how and determination to make it happen. 

Become a virtual assistant

With so many businesses moving online, the demand for virtual assistants is growing. Virtual assistants (VAs) are contracted workers who work with businesses and individuals on the jobs that you give them. 

Virtual assistants work from home and help with tasks such as:

  • Time management and administrative tasks, like responding to emails
  • Financial tasks, like bookkeeping and client invoicing 
  • Team management tasks, like following up on deliverables, organizing training sessions, and creating task templates
  • Social media and digital marketing tasks, like publishing and managing content
  • Personal tasks, like managing investment properties, paying bills, and planning trips 
  • Content tasks, like video or podcast editing

Each VA has their own speciality. I myself have worked with VAs for years in my writing business, many of whom make a full-time living as virtual assistants. 

Alexandra Froese, a VA specializing in systems and strategizes, works with clients to streamline redundant tasks and work more efficiently in their businesses. 

Alexandra VA

Alexandra helps entrepreneurs by doing the tasks herself or by developing workflows that makes a clientā€™s business run smoother. 

You can make good money with a small number of clients, but once you stop working, the cash flow stops coming. VAs can start a blog, sell digital products, or coach other VAs to create new revenue streams and make more money from home. 

Become a reseller 

Donā€™t want to worry about creating new products or about minimum purchase quantities? Not a bitcoin investing 2022 machine. You donā€™t need a revolutionary product idea to make money from home. Instead, you can become a reseller.

A reseller is a person who buys products from manufacturers, liquidators, and other retailers, then sells them to their own customers. A reseller permit lets your purchase certain products free of sales tax:

  • Products to sell at wholesale 
  • Products to sell at retail 
  • Components to manufacture products 

You can find suppliers to purchase items from through a number of ways:

  1. A dropshipping supplier like DSers or SaleHoo
  2. Vintage boutiques 
  3. Consignment shops
  4. Facebook Marketplace

COAL N TERRY is one retailer that sells a vintage collection in its online store. The brand sells classic clothing alongside its own proprietary brand of hoodies and other apparel, giving shoppers a variety of products to browse and buy. 

Coal n Terry

A reselling business can be profitable if you have niche expertise, easy ways to make money 2022, like beauty or fashion. You can launch an ecommerce store fast when you donā€™t have to go through product development or building an audience from scratch. 

Create and sell art 

Are you an independent artist looking for ways to make money from home? Artists can fund their craft and sell work directly to fans through online channels like an online store and non-fungible-token marketplaces. 

There are a number of other options for making sales off of one piece:

  • Original art
  • Limited or open edition prints
  • Digital downloads
  • Commissions 
  • Merchandise like hats or enamel pins
  • Repeat prints on fabric
  • Licensing work to other brands or publications
  • Collaborations 

To learn more about selling your art, read How to Sell Art Online: The Ultimate Guide.

Collect and sell vintage clothing 

Got a passion for second-hand fashion? Love the high of picking up a vintage dress at your local thrift store at a cheap price? You can turn that feeling into a business by selling vintage clothing from home. 

A $64 billion market, vintage shoppers depend on store owners to curate the best items around at the best condition. The rise in demand for vintage clothes has led to the success of brands like ThredUp and the increase of vintage clothing sellers on marketplaces like Etsy and eBay. Itā€™s competitive, but that shouldnā€™t stop you from creating a cool brand and carving a space out for yourself in the vintage community. 

Naomi Bergknoff, founder of OMNIA, has been selling vintage clothing online since Combining her love for vintage clothes and her retail expertise, sheā€™s defined a particular style away from marketplaces and close to home in Brooklyn.


Learn more by reading How to Sell Vintage Clothing Online: The Ultimate Guide.

Sell photos

The ability to make money from home as a photographer is about harnessing your creativity and monetizing it. It can seem challenging at first, but by finding your niche and building an audience, you can create multiple streams of income over time. 

Photographers have plenty of options to sell online:

  • Stock marketplaces like Alamy, px, RF, and Stocksy
  • Productssuch as prints, photo books, and physical goods like shirts and hats, using print-on-demand services 
  • Services covering fashion shoots, product photography, events, easy ways to make money 2022, or anything else you love to shoot

Sound interesting? Read How to Sell Photos Online: For Both Amateur and Pro Photographers to start selling your photography today. 

Rent your unused space

Most people donā€™t think about using their empty space to make money from home. Yet itā€™s one of the easiest sources of passive income. From bedrooms to parking areas, you may have some space people will happily pay you to rent. 

You have a wide range of options here:

  • Bring on a housemate to rent a room in your house
  • Rent a room on Airbnb
  • Rent out storage space on SpareFoot
  • Rent out your parking space
  • Host a foreign exchange student
  • Offer pet boarding

You donā€™t need tons of money or time to rent out your space. Rather than let unused space go to waste, offer it has a service to people who need it.

Start a pet business

Pet businesses are a fun way to make money from home (if you love animals, of course). There are many different ways to earn extra cash, like providing walking and grooming services, training, making and selling treats, or reselling products like bowls and chew toys.

pet business

Youā€™re not limited to dogs and cats either, easy ways to make money 2022. You could specialize in reptiles, fish, easy ways to make money 2022, bunnies, whatever animals you enjoy being around. Pet owners alone spent over $ billion on their pets ineasy ways to make money 2022, making this a profitable business opportunity for newcomers. 

Are pets your passion? Read How to Start a Pet Business (Plus Ideas and Examples from Top Brands) to turn it into a business today. 

Sell coffee 

Coffee sellers are always in demand as more and more coffee is consumed max b money make me feel better instrumental each year, according to the International Coffee Organization. If someone canā€™t get to easy ways to make money 2022 local cafĆ© in the morning, theyā€™re brewing beans at home while getting ready for easy ways to make money 2022 workday. 

Selling coffee can be a great way to earn money from home with a strong brand and marketing plan. Coffee is a commodity product, so itā€™s widely available. Customers tend to look for branding cues like design and bean origin to decide what to buy. By selling coffee, easy ways to make money 2022, youā€™ll have a high volume of potential customers and many niching and expansion opportunities to take advantage of. 

Read Sell Coffee from Home: What Does it Take to Launch an Online CafĆ© to start your new coffee business. 

Build and sell woodworking projects 

If youā€™re a woodworker already, easy ways to make money 2022, or curious about the craft, you can make money from home building and selling woodworking products. There are products to sell for all levels, from beginner to skilled woodworkers. You just need to figure out the best project for you!

Some fun woodworking projects that sell include:

  1. Wooden signs
  2. Kitchen products
  3. Furniture
  4. Surfboards
  5. Boxes
  6. Picture frames
  7. Planters

If youā€™re ready to sell your wooden crafts online, read 12 Woodworking Projects and How to Sell Them Online to get started.

Try Computer numerical control (CNC) projects 

A CNC router is a computer-operated cutting tool that acts as a combination panel saw, spindle molder, and boring machine. It carves complex shapes out of materials like metal, wood, plastics, and glass. CNC routers use programmable automation, similar to 3D printing, to design complex parts at scale. 

Small CNC machines can cost from a few hundred dollars up to thousands, depending on the make and model. With them, you can create handcrafted, one-of-a-kind products for buyers across many markets, including:

  • Home decor products
  • Kitchen and barbeque tools
  • Office supplies
  • Custom signage 
  • Toys and games
  • Jewelry 

There are tons of resources available online to learn about using a CNC router. Thereā€™s a very low barrier to entry. And you can test, create, and sell products with minimal upfront costs. 

Interested in starting a CNC business? Read Putting the Pieces Together: 26 CNC Projects That Sell to learn more about this up-and-coming tactic. 

Make candles 

Looking for a fun way to make money from home? Start making and selling candles to people online. It takes a little know-how and hard work, but the upside is that you can customize candles and sell them anywhere. Itā€™s also a low-cost business to start, easy ways to make money 2022. Common costs include equipment to make the candles, like a double-boiler, pouring pots, and containers. 

A candle business can also be extremely profitable. The candle making industry is set to reach $ billion bymeaning there is no shortage of people buying candles they love. Itā€™s also a good way to express your creativity and build a brand, like candle company Boy Smells, which broke traditional gender norms in fashion, home, and scent with its business in

candle making business

Learn to build your candle making startup by reading Turn Scents Into Dollars: How to Start a Candle Business (Plus Examples From Top Brands).

Make soap 

Are you an avid DIYer and eager entrepreneur? You may enjoy making and selling soap from home. While soap doesnā€™t sound like the best income stream around, itā€™s an in-demand product customers need. 

Soap is a household product that everyone uses in some form, whether itā€™s to wash dirty hands, dishes, or laundry. The COVID pandemic also stimulated the industry, projected to reach $ billion bycreating huge demand for hygiene products to prevent infection. Itā€™s a great way to get creative with different scents and types, with potential to expand your brand to other products like candles and fragrances. 

Want to get your hands dirty with this business idea? Read How to Make Soap: Turn a Household Necessity into a Homemade Business for more information.

Make bath bombs

Bath bombs are all the rage and a great way to make money from home. The US bath bomb market is expected to grow into a $ million industry by If you turn to Instagram, youā€™ll see there are millions of photos showing how these colorful balls explode when dropped in water. 

bath bombs

If you love DIY and have a knack for crafts, read How to Start a Bath Bomb Business from Home: A Step-by-Step Guide. Youā€™ll learn how to source ingredients, make your bath bombs, market them, and grow a business people love.

Make skincare products 

Indie beauty brands are driving the growth of the $ billion global skin care market. If you love taking care of your skin and want to turn it into a business, nowā€™s the time. Newcomers are jumping on trends like hybrid beauty (the combination of cosmetic and skin care), cannabis-based products, and clean beauty (products made without harming human health). 

The beauty of being a small brand is that you can tackle a specific problem for a specific audience. Find a market thatā€™s underserved by current brands and create skin care products just for them. 

Youā€™ll want to learn more about manufacturing and working with suppliers when running a profitable skin care business. Read all about it (and more) in our guide How to Start a Skincare Line: 11 Lessons From a Serial Beauty Entrepreneur.

Start a food business

Everyoneā€™s got to eat, you canā€™t argue with that, easy ways to make money 2022. Which is why starting a food business is a great idea if you want to make money from home. 

Outside of restaurants, there are endless high-profit-margin businesses you can run with low overhead and startup costs. The trick is cooking food you are passionate and curious about, regardless of your experience level. 

Some food business ideas to start include:

  1. Food truck
  2. Catering business 
  3. Cooking classes
  4. Meal kits 
  5. Sauces
  6. Pre-packaged snacks
  7. Homemade jams and jellies
  8. Wine, beer, and spirits

Want to see examples of other food businesses in action? Check out Selling Like Hotcakes: 13 Profitable Food Business Ideas for on the Shopify blog. 

Become a tutor

Are you an expert in math, art, or another subject? You can make money from home doing online tutoring. A prerequisite for most tutoring gigs is a bachelorā€™s degree in your subject, depending on where easy ways to make money 2022 apply for the job. You can find tutoring clients on websites like Skooli ways of making money online uk www.oldyorkcellars.com

Only teach subjects that you have demonstrated expertise in. Easy ways to make money 2022 want to share skills and practical knowledge to create good learning experiences for your students, easy ways to make money 2022. You can provide pre-recorded lectures and templates, plus meet students through Zoom. Tutoring is also inexpensive to start (if you already have that degree) and can easily earn you extra money. 

Offer child care

If youā€™re a stay-at-home parent or enjoy taking care of kids, you can easily start a child care business from home. You can offer all-day care (eight hours) for other parents while they are at work, or even just before and after school care (one to four hours). The choice is yours. 

Look at other day care businesses in your area and see what they charge. Choose your rates wisely. Donā€™t undercharge just to get more business, easy ways to make money 2022. Then youā€™ll be taking care of too many kids and wonā€™t be able to provide proper care. Start with an income goal for a day, then decide how many kids you can realistically watch throughout the day. Divide those two numbers to see how much to charge per kid, easy ways to make money 2022, per day. 

Home jobs to avoid

Now that you have a good idea of different ways to make money from home, letā€™s look at some jobs to avoid.

Freelance marketplaces

Marketplaces like Fiverr and Upwork might be a way to get your start, but quickly can turn into a price race to the bottom. Youā€™re forced to compete on price and don't have a way to differentiate your services or offer something premium. Long term, this isnā€™t the way to go. You are better off creating a freelancer website and building a business that doesnā€™t rely on renting digital space in a marketplace.

Online survey sites 

The pay is very low from online survey sites, and you accrue no long-term value. Youā€™re not building skills or building an asset, youā€™re just losing time. Trading time for extra cash is always a reasonable short-term side hustle, but if you can, it's better to think long term.

Online survey sites include:

  • Swagbucks
  • Survey Junkie
  • InboxDollars

Building an app

Look at most websites promoting legit ways to make money online and theyā€™ll tell you to build an app. All new ventures are hard and most fail, but consumer apps are hyper-competitive: the average person uses only nine apps on their phone per day, most developed by major companies. 

A better option? Grow your skill set by building useful, problem-solving apps for businesses via growing marketplaces like the Shopify App Store or Salesforce Appexchange.

Side gigs

If you want to make a quick buck, then side gig apps like Rover or UserTesting are good options. But similar to online survey sites, you arenā€™t building anything valuable in the long run.

You are better off learning skills in your spare time, easy ways to make money 2022, like running Facebook ads or starting a dropshipping store, which can make you money repeatedly, versus a one-off cash gig from Craigslist.

Anything thatā€™s pay-to-earn 

Real businesses require investment, but anything that operates in a pay-to-earn model should be treated with extreme caution, easy ways to make money 2022. For example, sites that promise you can win money by spending money, or multi-level marketing groups that require money not for inventory or product, but just to join. 

Most gimmicks are scams in disguise: the simple but hard truth is that you need to sell something people want.

Learning how to make money from home

If you have an internet connection, you can make money from home online. Sure, the lure of fast and easy cash gigs may seem like a great idea, but it will only keep you on a hamster wheel of trading your time for cashā€”and time is our most valuable asset in life. 

Use your time wisely and invest in building a business thatā€™s rewarding and will pay you a bigger salary than any tester or survey site. $ per day does sound nice, but what if I told you that an online business could net you $+ per day. Would you still choose finding side gigs on Craigslist?

Ready to create your business? Start your free day trial of Shopifyā€”no credit card required.

Make money from home FAQ

How do I make money from home?

Anyone with an internet connection can make money from home today. You can find a unique business idea or trending product to sell, set up an ecommerce store with a free trial, and start marketing online, easy ways to make money 2022. You could sell dropshipping products, digital products, or make your own products to sell to people online

How do I make an extra $ a month?

  • Sell custom products
  • Create a dropshipping business
  • Sell on online marketplaces
  • Monetize an audience
  • Sell digital products
  • Become a freelancer

How can I make money from home with no money?

  • Become an English tutor
  • Sell stuff on eBay or Craigslist
  • Become a virtual assistant
  • Start a print on demand business
  • Sell your creative work
  • Build an audience and monetize it
  • Start an ecommerce store
Photo of Michael Keenan

About the author

Michael Keenan

Michael is a SaaS Marketer and SEO and founder of Peak Freelance. Heā€™s inspired by learning peopleā€™s stories, climbing mountains, and traveling with his partner and two Xoloitzcuintles.

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Youā€™ll start receiving free tips and resources soon. In the meantime, start building your store with a free day trial of Shopify.

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52 Easy Ways to Make Extra Money Fast in

I&#;s time we address the flip side of your finances: ways to make extra money. More than ever, earning extra income can be the way to meet your financial goals. This could be goals like getting out of debt, saving for college or simply having extra money during the holidays easy ways to make money 2022 gifts.

Thanks to suggestions by my Twitter followers, readers, and other bloggers I&#;ve been able to put together a solid list of 52 ways to make extra money. And most, if not all, of these ways to make money can be done even with a full-time job.

I obviously haven&#;t tried all of these methods. But when possible I&#;ve tried to link to an example of the opportunity actually making money. You should be able to find something here that fits you and your skills.

1. Swagbucks

Swagbucks &#; You earn points, called SB, just for watching videos, answering surveys, discovering special deals, shopping, or searching the internet.

There is no limit to the amount of SB you can earn, and they can be redeemed for free gift cards to all of the top retailers (Amazon, Target, Starbucks and eBay included) or for cash (PayPal, VISA gift cards).

&#; Sound too good to be true? Donā€™t worry. Swagbucks is legit and safe. Check out our list of legitimate paid survey sites review to learn more about the opportunities and to get several $5 bonus offers.

2. Deliver Food for DoorDash

Being a food delivery driver is back in style! People all over the country are signing up to deliver food because it is easy money that can be made on your own schedule.

This is how it works: When a person places a food delivery order from a restaurant, the restaurant notifies DoorDash that they need a driver to pick up and deliver the food.

You might think restaurants have their own drivers, right? Wrong. Turns out outsourcing drivers to services like DoorDash is cheaper than hiring drivers and paying them to sit there and wait for orders to come in.

As a driver with DoorDash, you get a notification when a delivery is ready in your area.

It&#;s up to you to go pick it up or not. If you choose to pick up the food, the DoorDash app will provide you with specific instructions on where to go, how to get there, customer&#;s name, etc. DoorDash pays a minimum of $10/hour but say drivers earn $25/hour on average.

Maybe this could be your new side hustle?

Learn more about DoorDash.

3. Shop for and Deliver Groceries With Instacart

Love to shop? Well then working as an Instacart shopper and driver may be a great fit for you. Instacart defines itself as a service that &#;connects customers with shoppers to deliver fresh groceries to their door.&#; Like other delivery services, Instacart allows their shoppers to set their own hours, which could make it a great fit for students or anyone with a busy schedule.

To be a shopper for Instacart, you&#;ll need to be at least 18 years old, own a smartphone, and be able to lift 30 to 40 pounds. Instacart says that they pay their shoppers on a weekly basis.

One of the really interesting things about Instacart is that shoppers can work their up to higher responsibility role, like shift lead or site manager. So while Instacart may start out as a way to make a little extra money, it could evolve into a legitimate career. Get started as an Instacart shopper.

4. Drive People to the Airport

Have you ever heard of Lyft? Of course, you have! This is a great earning opportunity for someone with a reliable car and the ability to navigate their cityā€™s streets.

The main barrier to entry is having an approved car that is efficient to keep your costs down. But there are lots of stories of Lyft drivers making an extra $1k a week outside of their normal day jobs! Not bad. Plus, this is a fun way to get to know your city, help tourists make plans, and get to know interesting people. 

Related: Uber Review

5. Get $5 Cash to Start Investing

There are plenty of ways to get started investing, and one popular method is using easy ways to make money 2022 investing app, such as Acorns or Stash.

We like Stash because they give you $5 cash just for signing easy ways to make money 2022 and investing $5! Once you download their app, you are asked to select a portfolio of stocks and ETFs, based on who you are and what you care about. For example, you may be passionate about space exploration or tech companies or environmentally conscious corporations.

Next, Stash will recommend a portfolio. Then the app serves you regular investment education articles so you are learning as you go. And they only charge $1 a month

This is how Acorns works: let&#;s say you buy a coffee for $ Acorns is synced to your bank account (or credit card) and will automatically round that purchase up to $3, taking the $ and investing it in the stock market. It&#;s a very painless way to save AND build your wealth over time. You can invest your spare change for $1 a month. Sign Up to Acorns for Free.

Acorns now also offers an Acorns Spend checking account. This takes the features of the other levels of Acorns and adds in a checking account with a debit card. For $3 a month, you get the Acorns Invest account, the Later account (for retirement), and the Spend checking account. It comes with free bank-to-bank transfers, free ATMs (or fee-reimbursed ATMs) nationwide, and no overdraft fees or minimum balance fees. 

6. Rent Out Your Space

If you have an extra room in your house, consider listing it on Airbnb. Airbnb is a new way to travel for many people around the world. Instead of booking through expensive hotels, why not stay at someone&#;s house? As a guest, you can choose high end to low end, choose to stay with other people or opt for privacy. And as a host, it&#;s a easy ways to make money 2022 way to make side money, utilize unused space, and meet new people! How much you can earn depends easy ways to make money 2022 your area so I recommend finding out by becoming an Airbnb host yourself!

No extra rooms, beds, or couches for a weary traveler to rest his head? No problem! You can still rent out another space: your parking space. Homeowners who live within walking distance of major tourist attractions or sports venues will often sell parking spaces in their driveways or on their lawns.

But even if you donā€™t live just down the road from the Indianapolis Motor Speedway or a major music festival, you may still be able to profit off of a parking space. And why not park on the street while you rent your parking space to a neighbor? Sites like JustPark and SpotHero can all help you find a renter for your primo parking easy ways to make money 2022. Bartending or Waiting Tables

Both are the perfect jobs for nights and weekends, easy ways to make money 2022. Thatā€™s when all the big tips are made anyway. I should know. I waited tables in my post-college days.

Bartending at nights in a busy bar can really bring in some extra cash and is probably better than waiting tables! You can typically bring in at least $1 for every drink you serve.

I recommend making a list of some of the nicest restaurants or bars in town you can find and start applying. You may need some experience first but set your sights high, especially if you have work experience as a professional. And the same thing can be said for professionalism, dependability and work ethic.

8. Take (Legit) Online Surveys

Did you know that you can get paid to do quick and easy online surveys? Here are a few websites to get you started:

  • Opinion Outpost bridges the gap between your opinions and the companies who need them. Members can earn cash, rewards and be entered into a $10, quarterly prize draw. Sign up for free.
  • PrizeRebel lets you take surveys, watch videos and complete offers for cash. You can also choose from gift cards such as Amazon, Walmart Target and hundreds of other free gift cards. You can get started in less than 5 minutes and earn from both your phone or desktop with no limitations on earnings. 
  • Inbox Dollars lets you take surveys, watch TV, play games, and more, and you automatically receive $5 just for signing up. The site is designed to connect brands and consumers, so be aware that your contact information will be shared with the brands you interact with. Sign up for Signup and get $5 Cash Bonus.
  • Branded Surveys will use your profile to match you to variety of the surveys. You collect points for every survey you complete. Refer friends and earn more points. Redeem your points for gift cards or via PayPal or Branded Pay. Sign up for free.
  • Microsoft Rewards may also be an option, and is pretty well passive since you&#;re only required to search with Bing or try new Microsoft products, services, or features.

Here&#;s a list of other sites you can earn a few bucks at.

9, easy ways to make money 2022. Get Cashback When You Shop Online

One idea to make extra money that I initially left off my list is to use Rakuten (formerly www.oldyorkcellars.com) when you shop online. Rakuten is a free service that gives you cash back just for shopping like you normally would. Join free now and receive $

Dog Walking or Pet Sitting

If you love animals and live in an urban area then walking dogs is a viable side hustle idea.

People are busy going to work each day and are forced to leave their animals stuck in the house. This is not good for the dog or the owner. Not only because dogs get lonely and need to be around people, but easy ways to make money 2022 because they deserve fresh air and the chance to go to the bathroom outside!

Offering to walk a group of dogs once or twice a day can really rake in some extra money. You could create signs and hang them up around libraries and churches, or perhaps take the modern approach and sign up with Rover. Rover is an increasingly popular marketplace that connects dog owners to dog walkers in their neighborhood. Check out Rover today.

Or you can take dog walking a step further and get paid to take a dog in while the owner is away!

Have you ever checked to see what it costs to board a pet? Those places are not cheap! Do some research and charge 10 &#; 20% less.

Plus you could post your ads on Craigslist or around town. But don&#;t expect people to just leave their loved one with a stranger. Make sure you offer your references and that you have all their necessary information if Fido gets injured or sick.

Rover can help you here, too &#; Become a Pet Sitter.

Baby Sitting

If you enjoy kids and are good with them, this can be a fun and easy way to make a little cash. You can advertise your babysitting services for free online with www.oldyorkcellars.com Anyone in need of a babysitter can browse their website for free. Also, we have an interview with a babysitting expert, easy ways to make money 2022. Listen to the interview here.

Teaching Lessons/Tutoring

We all have special skills or talents. For some itā€™s athletic and for others, it might be academic. Either way, using these skills can help your community as well as help you make extra money.

As an example, if youā€™re a good swimmer you might be able to pick up a weekend swim teacher gig at your local recreation center. But keep in mind that some places may require a special certification or that you be a lifeguard.

A friend of mine was a collegiate soccer player. During the off-season, he coached competitive youth soccer teams and gave private lessons to youngsters who wanted to accelerate their game. He grossed over $ per month for coaching a couple of teams and private lessons.

If you have a knack for a certain subject and live near a college, consider offering up your brain power and teaching skills for some quick cash. Grade school kids need help too, and parents pay better than college students. You can take this idea to the next level and scale by tutoring online.

To be successful, you have to have a good grasp of the concepts but also be able to find a way to relate topics using real-world examples.

Need to beef up your skills? Check out our list of the best online training sites. Many are free to use.

Car Valet

If you hook up with a for-hire car parking service (the type hired out for fancy neighborhood parties) you can make some nice cash tips in just a few hours at night and on the weekend, when parties are held. The key here is to do a great job by showing hustle and being super friendly. This was one of the most enjoyable jobs I had during graduate school. Who doesn&#;t like to drive nice cars?

Rent Out Your Car

Did you know you can make money simply by owning a car? It&#;s true, thanks to a company called Turo. Turo is a &#;car sharing marketplace.&#; Next time you&#;re in a new city and need to rent a car&#;instead of using an airport car rental, you could use Turo and rent actual people&#;s cars! (Similar to how Airbnb replaces hotels).

Turo easy ways to make money 2022 car owners earn money in three ways: local pickup (renting your car from your own driveway); delivering your car to local places; and also by leaving your car somewhere to be picked up (such as at the airport). Earn Money with Turo.

Even if your car rarely goes unused long enough to rent it out to a visiting driver, you can still potentially &#;rent it out&#; by turning your vehicle into a rolling advertisement. The site www.oldyorkcellars.com pairs car owners with advertisers who are looking for mobile billboards.

Drivers can earn up to $ per month by agreeing to have their vehicle wrapped with a vinyl decal (called a car wrap) provided by an advertiser. Generally, your program will last anywhere from 6 to 24 months, and you get paid for following your normal driving routine.

Related: 11 Ways to Make Extra Money With Your Truck

Sell Yourself Online with Fiverr

Get creative and sell yourself! (it&#;s not what you think) There&#;s a company called Fiverr that connects people who can do things for other people. We all have talents and some of them can be quite marketable. For example, you could offer to design logos, create online content, put together scrapbooks, paint a easy ways to make money 2022 picture or even lending your voice to a podcast! Gigs start at $5 but a person can make much, much more. Listen to my podcast episode with a successful Fiverr creator. And sign up with Fiverr today.

Write an eBook

I hesitate to put this one in here because an eBook whats the average electricity bill for a bitcoin miner itself usually doesnā€™t make extra money unless youā€™re an excellent marketer. What a great eBook can do, though, is act as a sales lead to one of your other online businesses.

That said, lots of people are making extra money by publishing their own books on Amazon. For instance, my friend Bob published a few books on Amazon on how to make money blogging and has done very well. The first book provided basic tips for a small price, but his next book, Easy ways to make money 2022 Secrets, is offered at a premium price and he also has an online course.

Are you seeing the possibilities here? Think about what book, or series of books you could write to help people in your field of expertise. You might start with an eBook offered on your own website that covers the basics. Use the eBook as an opportunity to tell people about your more in-depth book on Amazon and finally, follow through with an advanced book offering.

Create Logos or Business Names

If youā€™re good with Photoshop and can work quickly you might make some decent cash with this online business. Are you a graphic designer or do you have some artistic talents that you know others are looking for? Why not make extra money for your bottom line by designing logos or other graphics for people&#;s websites, for their newsletters or for other print applications?

And while you&#;re at it, why not help name the business itself? Believe it or not, you can make money by submitting business name ideas. There&#;s a company called Squadhelp that bridges creative minds all over the i like to make money get turnt g eazy with business owners, to come up with the best name possible. PT Money hasn&#;t tried the the product ourselves, but apparently there&#;s a decent chunk of change to be made! Check out Squadhelp.

Write Reviews

There are many websites that will pay you a little cash to write product reviews. If youā€™re knowledgeable and can write fast, this may work for you. The key here is to differentiate yourself by providing a thorough and honest review of the product. This works even better if you can find a niche that you&#;re passionate about.

A website like Upwork might be a good place to start sharing your resume and experience in this area. UpWork replaced other well-known sites Odesk and Elance. Simply set up a profile and start applying for jobs.

Make Money Blogging

This isnā€™t quick money, but you can make decent money with a little luck and solid, consistent effort. Believe me, it can be tough and a bit time consuming, but it can be done. I started PT Money in and since then the site has grown considerably, now viewed more thantimes per month. The key to blogging is to have a long-term goal of making extra money in mind. You can get started by reading my article on how to make money blogging.

Get a Higher Paying Job

Sometimes the best side hu


stle is putting in the time to get a better job. Investing in your career can have profound effects and help your earnings increase exponentially over time. Maybe one day you&#;ll earn so much at your day job, you won&#;t need a side hustle!

I recommend browsing job boards like ZipRecruiter or even checking out a company like Pathrise. In their program, you will learn secrets from industry experts, armed with proprietary tools and data, to land a higher paying job and make more money.

Launch a New Business

You might think you need to launch the next Facebook or Uber to make money with a small business, but nothing could be further from the truth. The trick to launching a profitable new business is to figure out how you can make money doing something you enjoy or have some experience or expertise with. Once you have a business in mind, you can use a service like Thumbtack to list it.

Make lists of things you enjoy doing, and start thinking about how you could make money from them. Read about what you need to know to turn a hobby into a business here. What if your hobby isn&#;t something you can monetize? For more business ideas, check out our list of the top 20 unique business ideas.

Freelance Writing

Similar to writing reviews, you can become a freelance writer and make extra money writing articles and website copy.

While you don&#;t have to be a professional journalist to write for a website, easy ways to make money 2022, it helps if you&#;ve blogged or had your own website where you blog regularly. Even better is showing that you have some experience in the niche in which you&#;re trying to find a job.

Right now on Upwork, they are looking for more writers. So set up a profile and start offering up your fast writing skills, easy ways to make money 2022. You can make decent money with freelance writing and some people are able to make it a full-time business.

Check out this interview I did with a freelance writer who has had a lot of success and shares how to start a freelance business.

Related:How to Become a Ghostwriter

Sell Your Photos

Digital Photography School offers several books to help you take nice pictures, easy ways to make money 2022. Get them up on the web at a broker, or Microstock site and make extra money. You can sell your photos to stock photo websites like Dreamstime or Shutterstock to make some cash. It&#;s not as easy as that, but those are the basics.

Another option is to take photos locally for homeowners. Many people don&#;t have good home listing photos of the home they&#;re trying to sell. But if you notice, many of these pictures, aside from the ones done by professional photographers, have bad lighting, show clutter, etc.

So if you&#;re good at taking pictures and have a nice camera, you might be able to sell your photo taking services to real estate agents or to people trying to sell their own home.

Get Store Refunds

You might be owed money from various retailers because of refunds. Rather than having to search through your past purchases and retailer emails yourself, you can find out if stores owe you a refund without having to do any heavy lifting!

A service like Capital One Shopping will help you collect refunds you&#;re owed from stores. This is a great way to potentially put some extra earnings on autopilot because you&#;re using an innovative tool to get a refund you deserve. When you make an on-line purchase at a Capital One Shopping monitored store. Capital One Shopping engages with the retailer on your behalf and old school runescape money making guide p2p a claim requesting a refund.

Capital One Shopping

When Capital One Shopping succeeds and a retailer issues a price adjustment, you are credited funds directly onto the original form of payment or provided the equivalent amount in store credit. It is sometimes necessary for you to call the company. Or you may need to fill out a form to receive that credit in addition to Capital One Shopping reaching out. Plus Capital One Shopping provides a convenient desktop version and an iOS app with a live feed of savings. [Capital One Shopping compensates us when you sign up for Capital One Shopping using the links we provided.]


Earny connects with your Google and Amazon accounts to get you money back on purchases if there was a price drop. They will track your email inbox for receipts. And if they find a lower price for the item you purchased, they will request a refund on your behalf. Earny takes 25% of whatever the refund price is and credit the rest back to your card.

The app understands each easy ways to make money 2022 store&#;s refund policy and how to claim easy ways to make money 2022 difference. So it does all the hoop-jumping for you! And Earny currently tracks approximately 50 stores, including Amazon, Walmart, Target, and Nordstrom. You can find the full list of eligible retailers here.

Start an Online Store

Setting up an online store is extremely easy with sites like eBay, Amazon, Etsy and CafePress. Assuming you have a product in demand, is high quality and learn how to market your site, you can begin making some serious cash. There are plenty of full-time eBay entrepreneurs out there.

Check out these resources I found on Amazon to get started:

While it&#;s certainly possible to DIY your online store&#;s website, you can be up and running with no fuss when you use an all-in-one ecommerce site like BigCommerce.

BigCommerce is a turn-key solution for online entrepreneurs that gives you a number of built-in features, including several marketing options that allow you to find (and woo) your target customers. Also, their product comes with integrated education to help you make the most of your online store. And you&#;ll get excellent loading speed, payment security, and site functionality.

For anyone who would rather focus on their product, marketing, and sales than on maintaining the website for their online store, easy ways to make money 2022, this kind of ecommerce service is invaluable. You get the beauty and functionality of a website designed by a professional web developer without having to shell out the money for one. Not to mention the fact that you will not have to spend time or easy ways to make money 2022 troubleshooting bugs in your website when you use the well-designed turn-keys offered by BigCommerce.

BigCommerce offers a day free trial, and prices start at $/month, making this an excellent choice for a reasonable price.

Sell Bottled Water

Buy bottled water in bulk at Costco or Sam&#;s Club and sell it for a dollar where there are a ton of people: parks, festivals, concerts, etc. People are crazy for bottled water and this is a little summertime gig that can bring in more money than you&#;d think on a hot sunny afternoon.

Here&#;s a bonus tip: give some of your proceeds to a charity you care about or that you know will resonate with people, easy ways to make money 2022. In doing so, you&#;re bottled water business isn&#;t all about your profit. You&#;re helping better our world and also provide a thirsty person some water to drink.

Sell Your Body

Not talking about the oldest profession here. I&#;m talking about your plasma, hair, eggs, and sperm. For hair check out www.oldyorkcellars.com I&#;ll let you do your own research on this one. šŸ™‚

Have a Car Wash

Find a business that&#;s willing to loan you their parking lot and gather up a few friends to wash some cars. Take donations or ask for very little. People usually do this to raise funds for an organization, but there&#;s no reason you couldn&#;t do it for the You Foundation.

All of that said, if you want to take washing cars to the next level, there are some full-time business owners operating mobile car wash and detailing services. You provide a convenience to people by meeting them at their place of business or even their home to clean their cars. People love their cars and even more when they are shining bright.

Cleaning Houses

This is a job with flexible hours but requires a bit of elbow grease. Some homes would provide their own cleaning supplies and tools.

Do you know there are companies and people out there that make some pretty good money offering their cleaning services to households and companies? They&#;ll come in and charge you either a set fee per room or an hourly fee to clean up. They can come weekly, monthly, or whenever you think you need some extra scrubbing. What&#;s the point? Why not have the person they hire be you? Not sure how to get new customers? Check out Thumbtack as a place you can list your cleaning service.

Get a Census Job

Perhaps you&#;re interested easy ways to make money 2022 measuring America. &#;Census Bureau Regional Offices conduct continuous surveys&#;other than the once-a-decade population count&#;to supply the nation with important statistics on people, places and our economy.&#;

The US Census website states that the local field workers understand their communities best and are an important part of conducting surveys with residents. You get to work out of your home and you&#;re also reimbursed for your mileage. The Census Bureau is hiring across the United States and you can search temporary field positions here.

Sell Your Baked Goods

Are you skilled at a few special recipes or are your friends going crazy over your cakes? You know who you easy ways to make money 2022. It might be time to use your talents to start making some extra money. People love to buy homemade goods, especially when you have a signature item or a story behind it. You can contract your items out for parties, meetings, etc. Or, consider holiday sales for local Christmas parties, birthdays and more.

Start a Lawn Care or Snow Removal Business

I grew up doing this job on the side and loved it. But itā€™s not just a teenager gig. With this side job, you can help your neighborhood look sharp as well as make some extra money. Many people pay over $30 per week for lawn care service, easy ways to make money 2022. For various reasons, people are too busy, donā€™t have the equipment, etc. to take care of their own lawn.

I think you can do well with this business if you start with people in your neighborhood and ask them if you can have an opportunity to perform this service for them. Word of mouth will travel fast if you provide a good value. Consider Thumbtack as another way to find local customers. I think the key to doing very well here is to package your service. For example, try to find a price that works for mowing, weeding and fertilizing altogether.

You can potentially make even more money by offering to handle snow removal in the winter. Shoveling snow is often a homeowner&#;s least favorite job, and there are many homeowners who simply cannot handle their own shoveling because of physical limitations. Typically, snow removal companies charge a flat fee for the winter, no matter how many times it snows.

You can offer to remove snow a la carte, or you can copy the standard procedure and charge a flat rate. If you already own a snowblower (or can invest in one), this can help you speed up the snow removal process and allow you to take care of multiple neighbors each time it snows. (A snowblower will also save your back muscles!)

Be a Mystery Shopper

Get paid to shop and share your experience. In short, stores or restaurants hire people to evaluate their services to ensure quality. Obviously, social media can impact a brand when a customer isnā€™t taken care of well.

Mystery shoppers help prevent this from happening. As a mystery shopper, youā€™re compensated to provide impartial feedback about products and services. Your feedback may very well prevent the next social media rant. Weā€™ve devoted an entire article to Mystery Shopping that you can read about here.

Become a Ticket Broker

No special permit required. If you know sports or entertainment enough to pick the right events and have access to purchase the tickets at face or below, then you can use a service like www.oldyorkcellars.com or Craigslist to re-sell the tickets for a profit. Iā€™ve done this both out of necessity and just to make extra money.

Paper Route

There is no job too small when it comes to earning to save more or pay off debt and a paper route is about as basic of an extra money job as you can get. Yep, people are still buying newspapers these days. Nothing like a nice clean, easy ways to make money 2022, crisp paper with a good cup of coffee to start your day.

This job will likely take up your early morning hours. You can also search for a paper that only comes out once a week if you want to work less. The bottom line is that a paper route is still a valid way to make extra money and Iā€™d be remiss to leave it off this list.

Play Music in Church or at Weddings

Some churches don&#;t have volunteers for their music. A talented pianist, guitar player, etc. can make pretty good money doing this on the weekends. Most churches offer tryouts on occasion. This idea is pretty easy to get started in that you just need to reach out to your worship pastor or someone in that ministry and let them know you have the talent and some experience. Don&#;t be shy!

Teach English as a Second Language

To get started teaching English as a second language to adults, go through your local schools and colleges to find classes where teachers of English are needed.

You can also teach English from the comfort of your own computer with the website VIPKid. This company, which is headquartered in Beijing, pairs English teachers with children in China between the ages of 4 and 12 to provide the kids with an international learning experience via video conference.

Collect Aluminum Cans

I easy ways to make money 2022 cans in my teens and made a few extra bills for spending money. If this idea is of interest, you might be motivated to hear the true story of Maisie Devore who was able to raise money collecting cans for a community swimming pool. She was able to save $73, over three decades and is still collecting. Whoa! Learn more about this idea by reading my collecting aluminum cans for cash post.

Place Signs in the Yard

In our local neighborhood, we&#;ve seen this service hired out to place signs in people&#;s yards for announcements or funny pranks. Ha! If you&#;re out and about on a Sunday you&#;ll see plenty of people easy ways to make money 2022 put signs for open houses. You&#;ll probably have a great opportunity for this extra money idea if you can locate a neighborhood where lots of real estate agents or putting out there own signs.

Wouldn&#;t an agent rather be prepping the house for sale or doing marketing activities than placing a sign at a busy intersection? You bet and that&#;s why outsourcing to you could work!

Stage Homes

People who are having trouble selling their homes these days and could use a second pair of eyes to stage their home for the quick sale. To help people sell their houses, your staging services need to get buyers to envision themselves in the property. This opportunity takes some passion and skill for the job. You&#;ll have to be comfortable telling people they need to remove clutter, rent furniture, etc. to get it in top selling condition.

You&#;ll need some designing skills as well as additional resources at your fingertips, such as a furniture company, storage options, etc. This will take some work getting set up, but once you&#;ve done so, you can start networking with realtors. Consider offering some discounted services to make a name for yourself.

Sell Your Big and Generic Stuff On Local Sites

My local www.oldyorkcellars.com is the first place I go to sell something. It&#;s best for items you think will appeal to everyone (therefore justifying the smaller audience) and large items that can&#;t be shipped. www.oldyorkcellars.com is great for taking your yard sale items online for local sales. For example, a friend recently bought two fans from people that live close to him. These one-off type items do very well on Craigslist. Just remember to use common sense and be safe out there.

Of course, Facebook and apps like Next Door have made the local marketplace for selling stuff even more local. Don&#;t forget to test them out as well.

Sell Easy ways to make money 2022 Unique & Ship-able Stuff Online

I mentioned an idea above to create an online store but you could also just declutter your house and sell things you no longer use (CDs, DVDs, kitchen appliances, etc.). There is a platform that makes this really easy, it&#;s called Decluttr. You download their app and scan the item and Declutter will tell you the price at which to sell.

Check out Decluttr (or for more information, read our Decluttr review!) Listing items on eBay is of course another option, sign up by going to www.oldyorkcellars.com

Sign Up with Upromise

Upromise puts money in your kids college funds while you do your normal spending. Yes, it&#;s another way to make extra money or to use your own money for other goals since you&#;re not having skills money making guide save as much for your kids college. Just remember to make wise decisions with your spending. You&#;re not spending so your kids can go to college.

The Upromise contribution is a side-benefit to spending on items already in your plan. Check out our full Upromise review.

Retail Arbitrage

Find items that you know are selling below their full value (either online or through a deal website like www.oldyorkcellars.com), discount stores (Marshalls, Ross, etc.) buy them and sell them for more on eBay or Amazon. Once you find your product niche you can set up a system. Don&#;t read over that too quickly.

You need to find a particular product or niche to really make this work. Otherwise, you&#;re met with different shipping costs, always trying to easy ways to make money 2022 out new margins, etc. Don&#;t try to be everything to everybody. Try to be good in one particular. Maybe it&#;s a product you&#;re passionate about such as selling trucker hats. šŸ™‚ Click here for more on this idea.

Re-sell Computers

This is slightly different than eBay Arbitrage. Find a distributor that will sell to you at their discounted prices. List these items online. Buy and ship to your heart&#;s content. Basically, you become a reseller of computers and other hardware.

Another thought here is to sell computer parts. Can you find a part that seems to be in demand? If you can supply the demand, easy ways to make money 2022, you may just have yourself a part-time business.

Look for Odd Jobs

People need your help and they will pay you for it. Seriously. The &#;gigs&#; section of www.oldyorkcellars.com is a classic place to find jobs, as is the bulletin board at your local church. We wrote a post on all the places to find work.

Traditional job search sites can be over saturated with easy ways to make money 2022 but non-traditional places, as mentioned, can provide you a means for earning some extra income. You just have to be a go-getter and get hungry to find them. You could consider driving for Doordash or downloading the TaskRabbit app which has a plethora of ideas.

Have a Garage Sale

The stuff you can&#;t sell online, you could sell from your garage on the weekends.

Many neighborhoods plan annual or bi-annual yard sales. If you have items to sell, this is a great time to do it as the neighborhood as easy ways to make money 2022 whole can bring in a lot of traffic and help you perform better than you would on your own, easy ways to make money 2022. If that&#;s not possible, consider partnering up with a couple of families in a popular neighborhood.

Bank Account Opening Bonuses

Many banks will give you a cash bonus just for opening an account with them. Talk about easy money! Banks are in tough competition for your business and will pay $, $ or even $ just for becoming a customer.

For example, right now Chase Bank is offering $ cash for opening a checking account, and then another $ cash for opening a savings account. Certain qualifications must be met. But if you do qualify, that&#;s one easy way to earn $ cash! Collect $ cash with Chase Bank

Paint Street Numbers

With just a few paint and stencil supplies you could walk the neighborhoods with curbs and solicit your curb number painting services. Obviously, you need to be somewhat handy with a can of spray paint and stencils, otherwise, you might have people coming after you if you mess up their curb. However, there is a business for this as people are out there making it happen.

Adjust Your Tax Withholding

The average tax refund in was $2, which breaks down to a little over $ per month taking an unnecessary trip to the IRS and back. The fastest way to make some extra money is to keep your own in your paycheck, rather than letting Uncle Sam hold onto it for a year.

Most people do not claim all of the allowances they are allowed to take, which is why they end up getting a large refund check each spring. Do you regularly get a large refund? Then it may be time for you to file a new W-4 with your human resources department. Your new W-4 should reflect the proper number of withholding allowances you are eligible to take.

You can use the IRS withholding calculator to determine exactly how many allowances you may take, and file the new W-4 with your workplace at any time. And you&#;ll start seeing fatter paychecks within one to two pay cycles, depending on your HR department.

And there is no need to be nervous about making such a change to your W The withholding allowances you enter into your W-4 do not determine your tax bill, just how much you pay per paycheck. That means itā€™s perfectly legal to change the withholding allowances on your W-4, provided you claim the correct number of allowances on your actual tax return.

Sell Your Unused Gift Cards

Every year, up to $1 billion on gift cards go unredeemed, according to the research firm Tower Group. Itā€™s likely that you have at least one random gift card buried in a wallet or drawer somewhere that you will never actually use. Cash in your unused gift cards by selling it on a gift card resale site like CardCash or Cardpool.

You wonā€™t be able to sell the card for its face value. But you may get as much as 90% of that value. Start your resale process at www.oldyorkcellars.com, a comparison site. It will give you a good sense of how much your card will be worth. When you sell the card, the site will generally cover the cost of shipping the card to them. And you&#;ll receive your payment within three to seven days.

Give Tours of Your City

No one knows your hometown like you do, and you can translate that into cash by leading tours of your city. Are you the foremost expert on ghost stories, beer, architecture, or crime (or anything else!) in your town? Then you can start leading tours for people who want to hear your stories! Check out www.oldyorkcellars.com

Where to Find Part-Time Jobs

If none of those are your forte, check out my list of cool side hustle ideas to maybe spark your own way to make some spare cash. If none of those work&#; maybe it&#;s time for a part-time job.

Finding good part-time jobs is easier said than done. There are tons of opportunities out there, but often they donā€™t pay enough or donā€™t fit your schedule and lifestyle.

Where can you go to find the best part-time jobs? I recommend ZipRecruiter.


ZipRecruiter is one of the largest job sites in the world. And itā€™s a web-based platform thatā€™s easy for applicants to navigate. Users can create job alerts, save jobs, post their resume, and even apply for jobs all within ZipRecruiter.

And the best part is that itā€™s free to use. Search from thousands of available local jobs, including part-time jobs and remote jobs. Also, you can download the free ZipRecruiter app to search for jobs from anywhere.

Look for a part-time job with ZipRecruiter.

Where Else Can You Look for Part-Time Jobs?

Did you know that you can use social media for more than just posting photos and memes? Use it to ask your friends and followers if they know of any good part-time job opportunities. Join a Facebook group for local job seekers to find openings.

Finally, don&#;t forget friends and family. Use your existing connections to find a decent job. Someone you know is bound to know people or places that are hiring. You just have to ask.

Have you tried any of these ideas? Let us know how it went!

make extra money
Š˜ŃŃ‚Š¾Ń‡Š½ŠøŠŗ: [www.oldyorkcellars.com]
how can i make money from home online Ways to Make Money Online in

Twenty years ago, I received my first payment for affiliate sales through my website. This was the start of a long internet career in which I explored dozens of ways to make money on the internet.

You should not not be fooled by pyramid schemes and other &#;Get Rich Quick&#; campaigns, however I truly believe anyone can make money from the internet if they are willing to put in the work.

Whether you are looking to make a little extra cash on the side or establish a long-term online career, there are many different ways for you to profit from your skills and hard work ethic.

šŸ“š In this article, I would like to share with you 25 different ways to make money online.

  1. Monetize Your Social Media Presence
  2. Do Micro Jobs
  3. Complete Online Surveys
  4. Test Websites and Apps for Others
  5. Launch a Blog
  6. Build an Affiliate Website (E.g. Amazon)
  7. Launch an Online Shop
  8. Sell Products on Amazon, eBay, Etsy, easy ways to make money 2022, & More
  9. Create a Job Board
  10. Create a Discussion Forum
  11. Build an Email Marketing List
  12. Develop a Membership Website
  13. Host a Podcast
  14. Become a Freelancer
  15. Write a Book
  16. Launch an Online Course
  17. Become a Virtual Assistant
  18. Publish Videos on YouTube
  19. Stream Games on Twitch, YouTube, or Mixer
  20. Edit Videos for Others
  21. Test Products for Online Shops
  22. Sell Stock Photos and Videos
  23. Resell Website Hosting
  24. Buy and Sell Websites & Domains
  25. Translate Content for Others

Enjoy šŸ™‚

1. Monetize Your Social Easy ways to make money 2022 Presence

Social media has transformed the way that we communicate on the internet and given everyone a platform to voice their opinion.

If you are active on a service such as Instagram or Twitter, easy ways to make money 2022, you may want to consider monetizing your social media presence.

One way to do this is to promote products and services of other companies. Sponsored messages are common on social media and are usually tagged with #sponsored and #ad so that advertisements can be identified.

Advertisers are looking for engagement with your followers, therefore you need to ensure sponsored products are relevant and be creative with how you promote the company. Otherwise, you run the easy ways to make money 2022 of alienating your subscribers.

Social Media Presence

Influencer marketplaces such as Aspire IQ and Upfluence are a great starting point to find sponsorships as they give you access to thousands of potential companies, but you should also look into working with companies directly.

Alternatively, you can use your social media presence as a springboard to launch your own products. For example, if you post about fitness a lot, you could easy ways to make money 2022 fitness related products such as t-shirts, protein bars and water bottles. Others choose to use social media to promote online courses and their latest blog posts.

Whether you sell advertisements on your social media accounts directly, or use it use it as a platform to promote your other interests, the goal is to keep your followers entertained whilst still making money.

2. Do Micro Jobs

Want to make money from your skills? Of course you do!

A common way to start making money online is to sell your services on a micro job marketplace such as Fiverr. The marketplace allows anyone to sell digital services across a number of different categories easy ways to make money 2022 as graphics and design, writing, videos, music, easy ways to make money 2022, business, lifestyle and more.


Micro job marketplaces evolved from regular freelancer marketplaces that businesses use. The lines between both platforms has blurred a little over the years as companies adapt to an ever-changing landscape, but generally speaking, the jobs on websites such as Fiverr are small tasks that are quick to complete.

For example, you could offer to write a blog post, design a logo, write messages for a company&#;s social media campaign or produce a short video for YouTube.

The general idea is that you make money from many small jobs rather than one large job.

Be aware, however, that micro job websites such as Fiverr can be extremely competitive. Therefore, in the beginning, you may have to reduce your rates until you establish yourself as a reliable freelancer.

3. Complete Online Surveys

You are not going to make a career out of it, but if you are just looking for a little extra cash on the side, you may want to consider doing online surveys through companies such as Swagbucks, OnePoll, and Toluna.

These companies reward consumers for giving vital customer insights into brands, products and services. Some companies do pay cash, but it is more easy ways to make money 2022 to be sent gift cards and free products for testing.


Many online polling services offer rewards for performing other tasks too. For example, you may be asked to download an iOS app or Android app and give feedback.

If you don&#;t mind another company tracking your online habits, you can also earn cash using a predefined search engines.

4. Test Websites and Apps for Others

Another way you can provide insights to companies is to test the user experience of websites and apps.

As a tester, you will typically be required to download a testing application to your computer, tablet or smartphone. You will then be asked to perform a series of tasks, with most tests taking 10 to 20 minutes to complete.

For example, you may be asked to find a product in an online store and go through the checkout process.

Don&#;t worry, you are not expected to buy anything. You are simply testing websites and applications so that the developers can fix usability issues and improve the user experience for customers.


The amount of money you can make from testing varies from service to service.

TestingTime, for example, states that you can earn Ā£60 per hour, whilst UserTesting, UserFeel, and TryMyUI, state that you can earn $10 per test.

Testing websites and apps is not going to make you a millionaire, but it is a simple way to make a little extra cash on the side.

5. Launch a Blog

Online surveys and testing can give you a taste of what it is like to make money on the internet, however if you are looking for a long-term return, you should look towards creating a stable business.

One type viel geld verdienen im internet business I recommend exploring is blogging. Unlike some other types of websites, you do not need to have any technical experience to start a blog. You just need to be passionate about something.

The whole process of creating a blog is straightforward. All you need to do is select a blogging platform, register a domain name, and then choose a blog hosting company.


Blogs can be monetized in many different ways.

If you have established a readership, you can sell banner spaces and ad slots to companies, however I have personally found affiliate marketing to be more profitable. You just have to select good products that pay a fair commission and create quality content around it.

A blog is also the perfect platform to launch your own products. Whether it be eBooks, a private membership area, t-shirts, easy ways to make money 2022, or whatever, you can use a blog to create sustainable long-term income and promote all of your online projects.

6. Build an Affiliate Website (E.g. Amazon)

The principles of creating a successful blog can be used to build a profitable affiliate website. This includes creating engaging content, marketing your website and adhering to search engine ranking guidelines.

In contrast to blogs, with an affiliate website you are gearing everything towards specific products. This is why most affiliate websites contain product reviews.

People who are searching for a review of a particular product are more likely to purchase it after reading an informative review, therefore the odds of making a referral commission are greatly increased.

Whilst it does help to know a product firsthand, you can write good product reviews by either hiring others to write for you or summarizing what others have wrote.


There are millions of products being sold online easy ways to make money 2022 the opportunities to make money from an affiliate website are limitless.

Companies list partnership opportunities for their products on affiliate networks or through their own in-house affiliate program.

Hundreds of thousands of affiliate programs are available easy ways to make money 2022, but a good starting point is the Amazon Associates Program. Whilst Amazon&#;s commission rate is low compared to other affiliate programs, their store tend to convert better due to brand loyalty.

Without doubt, affiliate websites are one of the most effective ways of making money online.

7. Launch an Online Shop

According to Digital CommerceeCommerce spending was around $ trillion in and is expected to grow further in the next few years.

It is a massive market and one which you should consider tapping into.

As you would expect, building a successful online shop requires a lot of hard work, therefore it may be several months before you start making a healthy monthly profit.

Prepare yourself by looking at how others have built successful shops and research easy ways to make money 2022 products to sell, who your competitors are and who your target audience is.

2 Hounds Design WooCommerce Shop

There are many great eCommerce shopping platforms available, easy ways to make money 2022, but two I recommend looking further into are Shopify and WooCommerce.

Shopify is a hosted online shopping solution that retails from $29 per month. The service handles everything for shop owners and has a great selection of themes for online stores.

WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin that has grown to become the most popular eCommerce solution online. The plugin is free to download, however you will have to host your online store and possibly purchase additional plugins to extend functionality.

Like Shopify, there are a huge variety of WooCommerce themes on the market to help you market your products effectively.

Check out our Shopify vs. WordPress article to easy ways to make money 2022 which platform is right for easy ways to make money 2022. Sell Products on Amazon, eBay, Etsy, & More

When you launch an online shop, easy ways to make money 2022, you have to spend time administrating the store, however in order to find customers, easy ways to make money 2022, you also have to market your store and its products.

This can be difficult unless you have a large budget for an advertising campaign or a platform to promote your products such as a blog or a social media account with a loyal following.

If you want to start earning money quicker, you may want to instead consider selling products on an eCommerce marketplace such as Amazon, eBay, and Etsy.


Shopping marketplaces and auction websites are competitive, however there are few barriers to get started.

On a website such as eBay, you can get going by selling old things around the house that you do not need. Alternatively, you can search your local area for products that are on sale and then sell them nationwide at a higher price.

More established sellers tend to use dropshipping. There are thousands of sellers on Alibaba that help you do this. Once someone purchases something from you, you buy the product from China and ship it to them. The customer will never know that you did not ship it directly as your branding and marketing material can be included with the package.

To reduce delivery times, many sellers choose to buy items in bulk and send it directly to Amazon&#;s warehouses using the Amazon FBA program, easy ways to make money 2022. It&#;s an easy ways to make money 2022 setup as you can build up a large successful store on Amazon without ever having to store the items yourself.

9. Create a Job Board

What&#;s the best type of website to build to make money online?

If you had to ask an experienced internet marketer this question, my guess is that &#;Job Board&#; would be bottom of the list, yet there is a lot of money to be made with job boards.

The most difficult part of launching a job board is attracting companies to post jobs and then establishing an audience, easy ways to make money 2022. In the beginning, you may want to duplicate job listings from other websites. After all, no one is going to visit a job board that has no job listings.

Job boards are an attractive long-term project as once the job website is established, it requires very little maintenance to keep it running and earning money.

Take the RemoteOk, for example. This popular remote job board makes almost $1 million / year and is run by one person team.

There are many job board products available online, such as Smart Job Board and www.oldyorkcellars.com, that help you launch your own job board website. A number of job board WordPress plugins are also available.

Create a Discussion Forum

Up until the mid to late s, discussion forums were one of the most common places for internet users to hang out and communicate with each other. I launched my first discussion forum in and launched a dozen more over the years.

Forums are less common today due to the popularity of social media, yet they can still be hugely profitable.

Many large discussion forums continue to be monetized by banner ads and sponsored ads from partners, but over the last 10 years we have also seen more private discussion forums arrive. Private discussion forums charge members a monthly or yearly fee to gain access to the forum.

Obviously, you cannot just install forum software and expect money to start rolling in. You need entice people to sign up to your private discussion forum by offering something they cannot find elsewhere. This could be an extensive online easy ways to make money 2022 or simply direct access to yourself or others who can provide support.


For some discussion forum owners, the best solution is a mixture of free and premium access. By keeping registration free, they can increase the number of people who join the community. Members can then unlock additional features and permissions if they pay for a premium membership.

There are dozens of great forum applications available online.

Good free solutions include Vanilla Forums (Open Source Version), PHPbb, and MyBB. If you are looking for a premium easy ways to make money 2022, check out Invision Community, vBulletin, and XenForo.

Build an Email Marketing List

Ever wondered why every major online shop, blog or community, easy ways to make money 2022, wants you to sign up to their newsletter?

As the popular marketing saying goes: &#;The money is in the list&#.

A targeted email list gives you permission to contact someone directly. This is an extremely powerful tool.

If you have an online store, you can email customers with discounts and offers, whilst bloggers can promote their eBooks and online courses to readers.

Even if you do not have a website, easy ways to make money 2022, you can still profit from building an email marketing list by simply promoting targeted affiliate offers and deals. You can also use it to build your profile on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and more.

Email Marketing

If you are building your email list from scratch, you may want to consider using a service such as MailChimp as the first 2, subscribers are free. As your list grows, the monthly cost of maintaining your email list on MailChimp becomes similar to email marketing ervices such as Sendinblue and GetResponse.

Once you have created a newsletter subscription form, you can promote it on your website, your online store, your blog and your social media accounts. This will help increase sign ups to your list.

If you have a WordPress website, I encourage you to check out our &#;Top 9 Email List Building Plugins for WordPress&#; article. It lists many useful plugins that help you integrate MailChimp and other services into your website.

Develop a Membership Website

If you have what it takes to run a successful blog, you have what it takes to build a good membership website.

Like blogging, the key to a successful membership website is good content, but whilst the vast majority of blogs are free to read, most content on membership websites is hidden behind a paywall.

It is wise, however, to offer some free content to users in order to showcase what a full membership offers.

A full membership may include detailed reviews, in-depth written and video tutorials, access to a knowledgeable support team or community, free eBooks, and more.

Successful membership websites tend to dripfeed content to members over time too. This is to stop people accessing all content immediately and then cancelling. In other words, you need to have a reason for people to hang around.


To get a better idea of what sort of membership website you could build, I recommend searching through the web and looking at what others have created, easy ways to make money 2022. You will see membership websites for a variety of topics such as website development, fitness, cooking, music, video creation, sports and more.

Pay attention to the cost of competing websites too. In certain niches, it is common for memberships to sell for $99 per month, in others it may be as low as $10 per year.

WordPress is a good platform to build a membership website due to the vast number of plugins and themes available that will let you expand your website.

To help you see what membership WordPress plugins are on offer, check out the articles &#;Build Your Tribe: 7 Top WordPress Membership Plugins Compared for &#; and &#;The Best WordPress Membership Plugins To Match Any Budget&#.

Host a Podcast

Got something to say?

If you&#;re not a writer, you may want to look into hosting a podcast.

Podcasts remain as popular as ever. There are shows for every topic you can imagine: Sports, films, music, history, comedy, politics, fashion and more.

Podcast episodes can be recorded using your smartphone, however you can improve the quality of your recordings significantly by investing in an affordable microphone or recorder for under $

If you can establish an audience, you can make money by selling advertisements and promoting your own products and services. Profits can then be used to purchase more advanced recording and mixing equipment.

Blue Microphone for Podcasting

Whilst there are things you need to learn about recording equipment, editing audio files and promotion, podcasting is a lot simpler than many people think.

Podcasting services such as Blubrry do a lot of the work for you. They will host your audio files, submit your podcast to podcast directories and even help you monetize your show.

To view what podcast hosting services are available, check out our article &#;The Best Podcast Hosting Services on the Internet&#.

Become a Freelancer

Freelancing marketplaces are a great place to find work online.

These job directories list contract work, easy ways to make money 2022, part time jobs and full time jobs. The popularity of micro job marketplaces such as Fiverr has influenced freelancing marketplaces too, with small jobs and tasks being advertised.

General freelancing marketplaces such as Freelancer list many different types of jobs. This includes data entry, graphical design, mobile app development, freelance writing, and more.

There are also freelance marketplaces that focus on specific niches. For example, the competition freelance website 99Designs only lists design jobs.


Freelancing marketplaces are notoriously competitive.

Building up your freelancing profile, on and off the marketplace, is therefore essential if you want to successfully bid for clients. It tends to be difficult in bitcoin investment uk us beginning, which is why some people reduce their rates when they begin, but over time your reputation will grow.

Once you have established yourself, you can be more selective with how you freelance and define how often you work and what rates you charge clients.

You can also choose to freelance part time to compliment other work you do online.

Write a Book

The old saying goes that &#;Everybody has a book inside them&#.

Do you?

In the digital age, publishing a print book or digital book is incredibly straightforward. You can publish books of any length on topics such as romance, science-fiction, history, business, education and more.

Books can be written in word processing applications such as Microsoft Word and then uploaded to an online book store for approval. Most book stores will provide you with a template for you to write your book in, which simplifies the whole process.

Write <i>easy ways to make money 2022</i> Book

Amazon&#;s Kindle Direct Publishing platform is the perfect way to self-publish a book in the largest bookstore in the world.

I have published a couple of books about blogging on Amazon, therefore I am familiar with the process.

Amazon approve books within 24 to 48 hours of submission and you can earn up to 70% of the sale price that you define. Authors retain full rights of their books and money making hobbies for retirement make changes to published books any time they wish.

Just like building a blog or a membership website, writing a book requires many hours of dedication.

It is something you should still consider. You can not only earn money from publishing books, it will also raise your profile and compliment other projects you launch online.

Launch an Online Course

Could you teach others a new skill?

Online learning is a billion dollar industry that continues to grow each year, with some teachers earning millions from their courses.

In comparison to membership websites, online courses tend to be more structured and focus on teaching someone one particular skill or topic.

Expectations of courses has grown over the years, so be prepared to spend a substantial amount of time creating content for your course.

On online course platforms such as Udemy and Treehouse, successful courses tend to include dozens of articles, hours of video, downloadable resources and more.


The online course platform Udemy has overeasy ways to make money 2022, courses in their directory and boasts millions of customers.

It is a huge marketplace that you can tap into, but be aware that Udemy take a 50% commission for allowing you to sell courses. This means you have to price your course accordingly, which can be difficult in such a competitive marketplace.

If you have an established blog or large social media following, you may want to consider hosting an online course yourself so that you keep % of the sales you generate.

To learn about the online course solutions available for WordPress, check out our article &#;6 Best WordPress Learning Management Systems (LMS) Plugins Compared&#.

Become a Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant helps businesses with many different tasks from a remote location.

As a virtual assistant, the exact work you do and the rate you are paid will vary from company to company.

Tasks could include social media management, responding to emails, easy ways to make money 2022, preparing reports, booking hotels for clients, managing appointments, performing data entry, doing research and much more.

Virtual Assistant

With the right company, a virtual assistant role is a fantastic entry into the world of making money online.

You will learn about how websites make money and how ways of making money online uk businesses are structured. These skills will prove useful when launching your own online projects.

If you prove yourself to be an asset to the company, you may also be promoted to a more senior role.

Publish Videos on YouTube

I have had many projects and online ventures over the years, but I have found YouTube to be the most enjoyable way to create content and make money online as it has allowed me to share my passion for technology.

YouTubers with over 1, subscribers are eligible to make money through the YouTube Partner Program (Google Adsense).

Unless you have a large channel, it is unlikely that you can live off the income you generate from advertisements on your videos, however you can make money from your channel in other ways.

In the FameBit Marketplace, for example, you will find sponsorship opportunites from thousands of companies. All you have easy ways to make money 2022 do is publish reviews of products and services to earn money.

Just like any social media platform, YouTube channels can be a platform to launch other products and services.

Kevin Muldoon's YouTube Channel

It has never been easier to get started on YouTube as most smartphones and tablets today can record videos in 4K and P. You can produce impressive results with a smartphone or tablet by placing it on a tripod, connecting a microphone for better audio and picking up some cheap lights from a local DIY store to improve lighting.

Alternatively, you can record video tutorials from your laptop or PC using an application such as Screencast-O-Matic. The application is free to use and the full version retails for around $20 per year.

In the long-term, if you want to step up your game and improve your video and audio quality, you will need to invest in better equipment.

Stream Games on Twitch, YouTube or Mixer

The growth of game streaming over the last few years has been phenomenal.

The medium is being supported by some of the largest companies on the internet. Amazon own the popular www.oldyorkcellars.com service, Google runs YouTube Gaming and Microsoft are behind Mixer.

Game streamers mainly earn money from sponsorships and donations, however many top game streamers are branching out and selling t-shirts and other products.

If you own an XBox One or PS4, you can stream directly from your console by simply connecting ar headset and webcam. The upcoming Xbox Series X and PS5 consoles are rumoured to enhance game streaming functionality significantly, easy ways to make money 2022, which will help the industry grow further.


Whilst you can stream directly from modern gaming consoles, if you want to improve the quality of your stream, you are better streaming directly from your PC or laptop using an application such as OBS.

Game consoles can be recorded using game capture devices from companies such as Elgato, though you will probably have to use two computers if you want to record gameplay from your PC.

Game streaming is highly competitive, so if you want to be successful, you will need to stand out from the crowd.

Edit Videos for Others

Editing is a big part of producing videos for platforms such as YouTube.

With some YouTube channels, the content creator may spend two hours recording footage and then ten hours editing the video for publication.

If you have experience editing videos, you can make a good living editing videos for online businesses, YouTubers, game streamers and more.

Video Editing

Freelancing marketplaces are a good place to start looking for a job as a video editor. You will see many website owners looking for help there as it is a skill that website developers and marketers do not typically have.

You can also find work by approaching YouTubers and game streamers directly and offering your services.

For example, you could approach a top game streamer on Twitch and offer to edit their top gaming videos into short compilation videos for YouTube.

Test Products for Online Shops

Product testing should be considered more of a hobby or side hussle than a serious career, but it can be a nice way to earn a little cash and perhaps get some free products in the process.

As a product tester, you will be asked to provide valuable feedback to the company about what you like and did not like.

Each company have their own set of rules and guidelines.

In the Nike Product Testing program, for example, you are expected to return their products before you are sent another product for review. In contrast, companies such as Phillips will let you keep cheaper items free of charge, but give you expensive items such as coffee machines at a greatly reduced rate.

Nike Product Testing

For lower priced products, companies will sometimes give you a gift card or payment to compensate you for feedback.

As I noted earlier, you are not going to make a ton of money by performing product reviews, but some savvy product testers actively sell the products they receive on eBay in order to make some extra cash.

Please be aware, however, that there are a lot of fake product review websites and scam websites which make ridiculous offers such as free iPhones. Stay away from websites that make these claims.

My recommendation is to go directly to the source and use official product testing programs. If you search online, you will find that most large companies have a testing program for products such as make up, clothing, technology, games and more.

Sell Stock Photos and Videos

Have you got an eye for photography?

If so, you may want to consider selling photos and videos online.

There are many great free image services online, however the premium image and video stock photo market remains a billion dollar industry.

By listing your content on stock image websites such as Shutterstock, you will receive a payment every time someone downloads one of your items.

Submit to Shutterstock

Stock images and videos are used by blogs, news websites, YouTube channels, mainstream media, magazines, online shops, and more.

If you want to make a living by selling digital items such as images and videos, pay attention to what content people are downloading on stock image marketplaces. This will help influence what content you should sell yourself.

šŸ‘‰ 5 Perfect Places To Sell Your Photos Online

Resell Website Hosting

Reseller hosting is one of the oldest businesses on the internet and the backbone of the whole website hosting industry.

As a reseller, you purchase a package from a hosting company and then resell an allocation of the hosting resources you have purchased to others. This is actually how many website hosting companies operate, even those that have tens of thousands of clients.

In the cloud hosting world, for example, companies such as Digital Ocean provide servers for hosting companies such as Cloudways.

To make money as a hosting reseller, you need to spend time marketing your services in order to attract customers and then provide excellent support to retain their custom.

GoDaddy Reseller Program

The vast majority of website hosting companies have an affiliate program and a reseller program. Whilst an affiliate program will pay a standard commission for referrals, with a reseller program you have full control over what customers are charged.

Historically, resellers would have to build a website for their host reselling company that featured an account dashboard and a support area for customers, however larger hosting companies are now simplifying the whole process.

The GoDaddy Reseller Program, for example, helps you build a storefront for your hosting website and handles payments for you too.

Make no qualms about it, the hosting reselling game is a tough business, but if you are willing to work hard, you can make a ton of money.

Buy and Sell Websites & Domains

Website trading is big business.

Every year, tens of thousands of websites and domains are bought and sold on marketplaces such as Flippa and Empire Flippers.

If you know how to build websites, you can make money by creating websites, generating income and schnell geld verdienen apps listing the websites for sale. This is a low risk strategy as your investment costs are low.

Those of you with more experience may want to buy websites with the sole aim of selling it later for a profit; a technique known as website flipping.

The goal of website flipping is to find websites that are undervalued or underdeveloped and then develop them further to increase monthly profits. Not every website is sold at a fair price, so be prepared to spend a lot of time researching websites for sale.


There is a lot of money to be made in website trading if you know what you are doing.

The key to selling is to develop websites that have reliable income streams. Potential buyers will look at the time and cost to administrate a website too, which is why quickest way to make money skyrim maintenance websites sometimes sell ay higher prices.

There is never any guarantee of success when you purchase a website from someone else, but you can stack the odds in your favour if you ask the right questions and perform a full analysis of website costs, traffic, revenue, and administration.

Marc Andre from Kikolani has some great guides:

Translate Content for Others

Can you speak another language?

Translation is something that businesses are always looking for. A typical business will not only have to translate official sales pages and news articles, they will also have to translate documents, marketing material, press releases and more.

There is a growing demand for translators on video websites such as YouTube too as captions can help generate additional views and increase search traffic.

Translate Content for Others

You can find translation jobs on freelance marketplaces such as Freelancer.

As with most online jobs, rates vary greatly and companies may pay on an hourly basis, per word or per task.

Many part time and full time translation jobs can also be found online.

Final Thoughts

I have been fortunate enough to work on the internet for over twenty years. It has allowed me to travel around the world and given me a freedom that few other jobs can.

I believe that anyone can make money from the internet, but you should not be under any illusions about what you have to do to make money. If you start looking for shortcuts to success and following &#;Get Rich Quick&#; schemes, you will lose money.

My advice is to spend time learning new skills and gaining experience. This knowledge will help you with your own websites and projects and make you an attractive contractor for others. Be as proactive as you can, whether it be emailing companies looking for work, adding content to your own websites or buying books to learn about the industry.

If you have enjoyed this article about making money online, easy ways to make money 2022, I encourage you to subscribe to Design Easy ways to make money 2022. You can also receive updates about our latest articles by subscribing by RSS or by following us on Facebook or Twitter.

Good luck.


* Some of the images in this article were sourced from Pixabay. Be sure to check them out and show them some love šŸ™‚

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