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8 best short-term investments in March

If you&#x;re looking to invest money for where is the best place to invest my money right now uk short term, you&#x;re probably searching for a safe place to stash cash before you need to access it in the not-so-distant future. The volatile markets and slumping economy led many investors to hold cash as the coronavirus crisis dragged on &#x; and things remain uncertain as the economy now faces surging inflation.

Short-term investments minimize risk, but at the cost of potentially higher returns available in the best long-term investments. As a result, you&#x;ll ensure that you have cash when you need it, instead of squandering the money on a potentially risky investment. So the most important thing investors should be looking for in a short-term investment is safety.

What is a short-term investment?

If you&#x;re making a short-term investment, you&#x;re often doing so because you need to have the money at a certain time. If you&#x;re saving for a down payment on a house or a wedding, for example, the money must be at the ready. Short-term investments are those you make for less than three years.

If you have a longer time horizon &#x; at least three to five years (and even longer is better) &#x; you can look at investments such as stocks. Stocks offer the potential for much higher returns. The stock market has historically risen an average of 10 percent annually over long periods &#x; but it has proven to be quite volatile. So the longer time horizon gives you the ability to ride out the ups and downs of the stock market.

Short-term investments: Safe but lower yield

The safety of short-term investments comes at a cost. You likely won&#x;t be able to where is the best place to invest my money right now uk as much in a short-term investment as you would in a long-term investment. If you invest for the short term, you&#x;ll be limited to certain types of investments and shouldn&#x;t buy riskier assets such as stocks and stock funds. (But if you can invest for the long term, here&#x;s how to buy stocks.)

Short-term investments do have a couple of advantages, however. They&#x;re often highly liquid, so you can get your money whenever you need it. Also, they tend to be lower risk than long-term investments, so you may have limited downside or even none at all.

The best short-term investments in March:

  1. High-yield savings accounts
  2. Short-term corporate bond funds
  3. Money market accounts
  4. Cash management accounts
  5. Short-term U.S. government bond funds
  6. No-penalty certificates of deposit
  7. Treasurys
  8. Money market mutual funds

Overview: Top short-term investments in March

Here are a few of the best short-term investments to consider that still offer you some return.

1. High-yield savings accounts

A high-yield savings account at a bank or credit union is a good alternative to holding cash in a checking account, which typically pays very little interest on your deposit. The bank will pay interest in a savings account on a regular basis.

Savers would do well to comparison-shop high-yield savings accounts, because it&#x;s easy to find which banks offer the highest interest rates and they are easy to set up.

Risk: Savings accounts are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) at banks and by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) at credit unions, so you won&#x;t lose money. There&#x;s not really a risk to these accounts in the short term, though investors who hold their money over longer periods may have trouble keeping up with inflation.

Liquidity: Savings accounts are highly liquid, and you can add money to the account. Savings accounts typically only allow for up to six fee-free withdrawals or transfers per statement cycle, however. (The Federal Reserve now allows banks to waive this requirement.) Of course, you&#x;ll want to watch out for banks that charge fees for maintaining the account or accessing ATMs, so you can minimize those.

2. Short-term corporate bond funds

Corporate bonds are bonds issued by major corporations to fund their investments. They are typically considered safe and pay interest at regular intervals, perhaps quarterly or twice a year.

Bond funds are collections of these corporate bonds from many different companies, usually across many industries and company sizes. This diversification means that a poorly-performing bond won&#x;t hurt the overall return very much. The bond fund will pay interest on a regular basis, typically monthly.

Risk: A short-term corporate bond fund is not insured by the government, so it can lose money. However, bonds tend to be quite safe, especially if you&#x;re buying a broadly diversified collection of them. In addition, a short-term fund provides the least amount of risk exposure to changing interest rates, so rising or falling rates won&#x;t affect the price of the fund too much.

Liquidity: A short-term corporate bond fund is highly liquid, and it can be bought and sold on any day that the financial markets are open.

3. Money market accounts

Money market accounts are another kind of bank deposit, and they usually pay a higher interest rate than regular savings accounts, though they typically require a higher minimum investment, too.

Risk: Be sure to find a money market account that is FDIC-insured so that your account will be protected from losing money, with coverage up to $, per depositor, per bank.

Like a savings account, the major risk for money market accounts occurs over time, because their low interest rates usually make it difficult for investors to keep up with inflation. In the short term, however, that&#x;s not a significant concern.

Liquidity: Money market accounts are highly liquid, though federal laws do impose some restrictions on withdrawals.

4. Cash management accounts

A cash management account allows you to put money in a variety of short-term investments, and it acts much like an omnibus account. You can often invest, write best long term investments for retirement off the account, transfer money and do other typical bank-like activities. Cash management accounts are typically offered by robo-advisors and online stock brokers.

So the cash management account gives you a lot of flexibility.

Risk: Cash management accounts are often invested in safe low-yield money market funds, so there&#x;s not a lot of risk. In the case of some robo-advisor accounts, these institutions deposit your money into FDIC-protected partner banks, so you might want to make sure that you don&#x;t exceed FDIC deposit coverage if you already do business with one of the partner banks.

Liquidity: Cash management accounts are extremely liquid, and money can be withdrawn at any time. In this respect, they may be even better than traditional savings and money market accounts, which limit monthly withdrawals.

5. Short-term U.S. government bond funds

Government bonds are like corporate bonds except that they&#x;re issued by the U.S. federal government and its agencies. Government bond funds purchase investments such as T-bills, T-bonds, T-notes and mortgage-backed securities from federal agencies such as the Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae). These bonds are considered low-risk.

Risk: While bonds issued by the federal government and its agencies are not backed by the FDIC, the bonds are the government&#x;s promises to repay money. Because they&#x;re backed by the full faith and credit of the United States, these bonds are considered very safe.

In addition, a fund of short-term bonds means an investor takes on a low amount of interest rate risk. So rising or falling rates won&#x;t affect the price of the fund&#x;s bonds very much.

Liquidity: Government bonds are among the most widely traded assets on the exchanges, so government bond funds are highly liquid. They can be bought and sold on any day that the stock market is open.

6. No-penalty certificates of deposit

A no-penalty certificate of deposit, or CD, lets you dodge the typical fee that a bank charges if you cancel your CD before it matures. You can find CDs at your bank, and they&#x;ll generally offer a higher return than you could find in other bank products such as savings accounts and money market accounts.

CDs are time deposits, meaning when you open one, you&#x;re agreeing to hold the money in the account for a specified period of time, ranging from periods of weeks up to many years, depending on the maturity you want, where is the best place to invest my money right now uk. In exchange for the security of having this where is the best place to invest my money right now uk in its vault, the bank will pay you a higher interest rate.

The bank pays interest on the CD regularly, and at the end of the CD&#x;s term, the bank will return your principal plus the earned interest.

A no-penalty CD may also be attractive in a period of rising interest rates, since you can withdraw your money without paying a fee and then deposit it elsewhere for a higher return.

Risk: CDs are insured by the FDIC, so you won&#x;t lose any money on them. The risks are limited for a short-term CD, but one risk is that you may miss out on a better rate elsewhere while your money is tied up in the CD. If the interest rate is too low, you may also end up losing purchasing power to inflation.

Liquidity: CDs are typically less liquid than other bank investments on this list, but a no-penalty CD allows you to avoid the charge for ending the CD early. So you can dodge the key element that makes most CDs illiquid.

7. Treasurys

Treasurys come in three varieties &#x; T-bills, T-bonds and T-notes &#x; and they offer the ultimate in safe yield, backed by the AAA credit rating of the U.S. federal government. So rather than buying a government bond fund, you might opt to buy specific securities, depending on your needs.

Risk: As with a bond fund, individual bonds are not backed by the FDIC, but are backed by the government&#x;s promise to repay the money, so they&#x;re considered very safe.

Liquidity: U.S. government bonds are the most liquid bonds on the exchanges, and can be bought and sold on any day the market is open.

8. Money market mutual funds

Don&#x;t confuse a money market mutual fund with a money market account. While they&#x;re named similarly, they have different risks, though both are good short-term investments

Источник: [www.oldyorkcellars.com]
Mar 22,


Why Invitae Stock Rose % on Tuesday

The molecular diagnostics company is bouncing back from its two-year low.

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The Best Safe Investments Of

Unsettled, volatile markets can shake your faith in risky investments like stocks. That’s why many investors move their money into safe investments when volatility strikes. More stable, lower-yielding safe investments help protect your cash—and may even provide modest growth in difficult times.

If you’re looking for safe havens from tough markets, these eight safe investments offer lower risk than stocks—not to mention peace of mind for your investments.

High-Yield Savings Accounts

High-yield savings accounts are just about the safest type of account for your money. These Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)-insured bank accounts are highly liquid and immune to market fluctuations. Just keep in mind, if inflation is higher than your annual percentage yield (APY), your money could lose purchasing power.

Interest rates are generally low across the board for deposit accounts—and they’ll stay that way for the foreseeable future. However, you can earn modest returns with the best savings accounts, even if they won’t always keep up with inflation.

Certificates of Deposit

If you don’t need immediate access to your cash but you’d like to earn a bit more than a savings account, certificates of deposit (CDs) are a good choice, says Kevin Matthews, a former financial advisor and the founder of investing education website Building Bread. Plus, CDs enjoy the same FDIC insurance amounts as other types of deposit accounts.

As with savings accounts, CDs are likely to see low rates for the next couple of years. While the rates can be higher on longer-term CDs, remember that they lock your money up, reducing your liquidity, and they generally charge penalties if you withdraw your cash early (usually a few months of interest). While there are no-penalty CDs, these generally come with lower yields.


Many investors consider gold to be the ultimate safe investment. Just remember, it can experience similar drastic price swings as stocks and other risky assets over the short term. Research suggests that gold may hold its value over the long term.

According to David Stein, where is the best place to invest my money right now uk, a former fund manager and author of the investment education book “Money for the Rest of Us,” there are a few things to keep in mind with gold as a safe investment, depending on your needs.

“It can be a safe haven in that it’s protected against inflation over the long term, but it doesn’t protect you every year,” he says. “It’s a monetary asset, though, so it can help you diversify away from dollar-denominated assets, if that’s what you’re interested in.”

U.S. Treasury Bonds

U.S. Treasury bonds are widely considered the safest investments on earth. Because the United States government has never defaulted on its debt, investors see U.S. Treasuries as highly secure investment vehicles.

“Treasuries have become less attractive recently because of their low yields,” says Matthews. “However, you can get some inflation protection when you choose TIPS, which are inflation-protected Treasury bonds.”

You can buy government bonds directly from the U.S. Treasury or on secondary markets, via an online brokerage platform. Matthews cautions against the secondary market, since resellers often tack on added costs whereas you can buy U.S. Treasuries free of fees at www.oldyorkcellars.com

You can also invest in mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that exclusively hold U.S. Treasuries. This frees you from the complications of purchasing individual bonds and removes the hassle of reselling the on the secondary market if you need cash before the bond matures.

Series I Savings Bonds

If you want to fend off inflation as well as earn an interest rate, check out Series I Savings bonds, where is the best place to invest my money right now uk, government bonds whose yield can’t go below zero. They have a leg up on TIPS, which can actually post negative yields, says Stein.

For I Bonds, “there’s a composite rate of about % for the next six months, which is better than you’d see with many high-yield savings accounts,” Stein says. “Unfortunately, you can only invest $10, a year per Social Security number, although you might be able to get around it by instructing your tax return to be used to purchase I-Bonds in addition to making a separate purchase.”

An important caveat, though: I Bonds earn interest for up to 30 years. You must hold them for at least a year before you can liquidate them with the government, and if you cash them out before you’ve held them for at least five years, you forfeit three months of interest, similar to many CDs.

Corporate Bonds

If you want higher yields, consider corporate bonds. They generally offer more appealing interest rates but also carry more risk as few companies have the repayment record of Uncle Sam.

To ensure you’re making a safe investment, it’s important to review the rating on bonds. Matthews suggests looking at corporate bonds that are rated as investment grade, which usually means a rating of AAA, AA, A and BBB. Anything else might have even higher yields but also much greater risk.

It’s possible to purchase bonds via an online broker, but Matthews warns that many bond transactions charge higher fees than stock transactions.

To avoid fees and reduce the risk any one company defaults, look to bond mutual funds and where is the best place to invest my money right now uk ETFs, where is the best place to invest my money right now uk, which invest in hundreds or thousands of company bonds. Most index-based ETFs and mutual funds will be available without trading fees from most brokerages these days, but it’s where is the best place to invest my money right now uk to double check as well as to look out for load fees on mutual funds.

Real Estate

Real estate may be considered a safe investment, depending on local conditions. In addition, real estate may offer pretty decent income—again, depending on local market conditions.

“Whether it’s commercial property or a rental property, you’re likely to get consistent income, keeping you out of stock market ups and downs,” says Matthews.

Long-term real estate appreciation remains relatively low, with a year average of about %. Real estate also comes with a variety of additional costs other safe investments lack, like maintenance fees and property taxes, and it may require a large upfront investment.

Some people may suggest investing in real estate investment trusts (REITs) in order to get exposure to real estate with greater liquidity and lower costs. But REITs are risky assets, and they can’t really be recommended as safe havens for you money in volatile markets.

Preferred Stocks

Preferred stocks are hybrid securities with features of both stocks and bonds. They offer the income potential of bonds, thanks to guaranteed dividend payments, plus the ownership stake and appreciation potential of common stock.

The potential appreciation of preferred stocks cuts both ways, however. You may see stronger increases in market value over time than bonds—as well as larger potential decreases in value when the market falls. So why are they safe investments? Because preferred stock dividends are guaranteed in nearly all cases, meaning you’ll get income no matter what the stock is doing.

“These might not be safe haven investments in the sense of market risk because capital appreciation is an issue in a down market,” Stein says. “However, you might see a degree of income protection because of the higher dividends.”

Bottom Line

There are no such things as completely risk-free investments. Even the safe investments listed above come with risks, where is the best place to invest my money right now uk, like loss of purchasing power over time as inflation rises. The key is to consider your own individual needs and put together a portfolio that offers sufficient stability while still allowing you to take advantage of growth over time.

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Источник: [www.oldyorkcellars.com]
Mar 22,


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What’s the difference between saving and investing my money?

For the medium-term, cash deposits might sometimes be the best answer. But it depends on how much risk you’re willing to take with your money to achieve a greater return on your investment.

For example, if you’re planning to buy a property in seven years and you know you’ll need all your savings as a deposit and don’t want to risk your money, it might be safer to put your money into a savings account.

However, bear in mind that your savings will still be at risk from inflation.

This is where the interest you earn on your savings fails to keep up with the rate of inflation so the buying power of your money is reduced.

If your needs are more flexible, you might consider investing your money. This is providing you’re prepared to take some risk with your original capital to try and achieve a greater return on your investment than would be possible by saving alone.

Источник: [www.oldyorkcellars.com]
Mar 22,

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