Earn money displaying banners

earn money displaying banners

How to put display banner ads on a website and get paid? 1. Get Adsterra banner ad codes/scripts. Unfortunately these programs display banners that often don't match your audience. I tried a few but it was a short lived experiment that made me a few dollars. www.oldyorkcellars.com › how-to-make-money-selling-banner-ads.

Earn money displaying banners - necessary words

Do you want to monetize your site and make money with blogs? Then you have various options. In practice, most bloggers choose a combination of different options. Check and compare what is useful and profitable in your individual situation. Thisalso includes thoughts about your business model , if you want to run the blog not just as a hobby but also professionally.

In this article, we will outline 9 different ways in which blogging can be used to make money, increase sales and promote your site.

Banner advertising on the homepage

Banner advertising is one of the most popular ways to make money blogging. An advertising banner is displayed on the page, for which you as the website operator, receive money – if it is clicked on or if readers view it while scrolling. However, banner advertising is only worthwhile if there is a large number of visitors.


    • Easy installation
    • Regular income
    • Advertising to match the content


    • Low sales
    • Finding Marketers
    • Little attention from readers

Read: How to start a blog for beginners

Google AdSense

Google AdSense also falls within the field of advertising on your blog. Similar to advertising banners, you would need to mark the places intended for advertisements on your page. After you have integrated Google AdSense, advertisements will be generated and placed independently.
Every time a user visits your blog, you’ll make money. As with banner advertising, the higher the number of visitors, the more it pays off. Of course, you can also allocate more advertising space, but this quickly becomes a deterrent and annoying for readers.


  • Easy implementation
  • Automatic adaptation of the advertising content
  • Regular income


  • Requires cookie consent
  • Worse for side performance
  • Can be blocked by ad blockers
  • Not lucrative

Read: 7 Requirements to make your blog successful

Affiliate links

Affiliate links or affiliate programs give you the opportunity to participate in the sales of other websites in exchange of a commission. A simple example: A tech blog writes about a new laptop. An affiliate link is built into the article for this purpose, via which the computer can be purchased from a shop. If readers use this link to buy the product, you will receive a commission as the blog operator. The amount varies greatly depending on the product. Sometimes it is only a few percent, in other niches it can be 20, 30 or 50 percent.
The links must be labeled as advertising and affiliate links to let readers know that you are getting money from them. There are no additional costs for the buyer, the price of the product remains unchanged.


    • No flashy advertisements
    • Can be very lucrative
    • Easy and quick to install


    • Not suitable in every niche
    • Requires advertising labeling
    • Irregular income

Build your own online shop

Is there any way you can offer products or services yourself? It can be a lucrative opportunity to earn money by creating an online website that sells products. On the other hand, there are quite high costs involved: Possible manufacturing costs and the programming of a good and secure shop should not be underestimated.
Also remember that you can not only sell classic products and merchandise. Knowledge and expertise can also be offered in the shop. If there is time, you can, for example, offer advice or offer tips, knowledge and experience in eBooks , PDFs or webinars for a corresponding price.


    • High income possible
    • Own, independent design
    • Tailored to the target group


    • Great effort and expense
    • Responsible for production and shipping
    • Possibly dissatisfied customers

Read: How To Improve Your Blog’s Design

Paid content

Larger and more well-known sites in particular are leading the way: payment gateways that make content subject to charges. This might not suit every reader, because many have got used to the fact that there is free content on the Internet. Paid content can be introduced via a subscription model. In this way you create access to a member or premium area for paying readers.
Readers can access all content for a fixed amount per month – those who surf the site for free have to be satisfied with the lower offer. It is important that the issue is really worthwhile for readers and that added value is created. This is the only way to increase the number of subscriptions in the long term.


    • Closer connection with readers
    • Direct marketing on your own site
    • Monthly income


    • Must be installed on the side
    • Additional effort for paid content
    • Requires advertisements on social media to attract readers

Guest Posts

You can use your writing skills to guest post on other portals, sites, and blogs. As a rule, these are not paid for directly, but they are doing something for the marketing of your blog in the long term. You will become better known, reach new readers on other sites and make a name for yourself as an expert in your field.
This is how even unpaid guest posts pay for themselves to build a successful blog and earn money with it. Guest posts are a good option, especially if your page is comparatively small.


    • Promote you on other sites
    • Possibly regular contributions
    • Backlinks to your own blog


    • Effort for content on another side
    • No direct income
    • Success difficult to measure

Sponsored Posts

If you have already built a certain reach with your blog and are addressing a targeted audience, you can offer sponsored posts. In doing so, you publish contributions from other companies or sites in which they advertise their own products in addition to content.
You mark these accordingly on your page to inform readers that this is paid advertising. How much you get for such a sponsored post depends on the reach of your blog. However, don’t overdo it. Readers don’t like it when much of the content published is advertising.


    • Lower expense
    • Can be very lucrative
    • Supplement to your own content


    • No regular income
    • Requires a certain number of readers


Some readers are quite willing to pay a small amount for content – even voluntarily. You can take advantage of this by setting up the option to make donations. This works, for example, via PayPal or other providers.
You cannot make a long-term living off of it. However, it is additional income and, especially at the beginning, when the blog is still small, a good option for making any money at all.


    • No advertising needed
    • Readers’ voluntariness
    • Easy implementation


    • Irregular income
    • Difficult to combine with other options
    • Requires regular readers

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Источник: [www.oldyorkcellars.com]

5 Reasons Why Banner Advertising Is The DUMBEST Way To Monetize Your Blog

So, you hear that blogging can be a good way to make money. Maybe you&#;ve seen images like this one&#;


That&#;s Shoemoney. This image was pretty famous of him. And others even followed suit to post photos of a similar nature (not usually with as big a dollar amount on it).

And so we think&#; banner advertising. That&#;s where it is at. Couldn&#;t be any simpler, really. Start a blog, talk about some stuff, throw some banner ad tags onto the site, sit back and collect checks and take photos of them to brag. Right?

Not so fast.

Truth be told, while banner advertising is certainly the EASIEST way to make money with a blog, it is also the LEAST EFFECTIVE.

My Experience With Banner Ads (And How Things Have Changed)

While I&#;m sitting here telling you how it isn&#;t very effective (and I&#;ll fully explain this below), I want to be clear:

I&#;ve made a lot of money with banner ads.

I don&#;t run any ads here at the Blog Marketing Academy &#; and for a very good reason &#; however I got my start in the technology niche. And, yes, I most definitely ran ads. I used to routinely make around $3, per month from Adsense, another $3, (give or take) from Kontera and some others. It was good times.

But, it all went away. And I am SO THANKFUL that I had huge dips in my ad revenue early on so that it FORCED me to explore another business model &#; specifically that of information marketing. I went on to create my own internal revenue streams that eventually overshadowed banner ad revenue, and even though ad revenue bounced back for a little while (before dying again), the fact that I had my own internal revenue happening meant that I wasn&#;t reliant on the ebb and flow of the banner market.

And things have changed today. Back in this time period, my tech blog was a pretty big player in the space. But, the internet grew up. The tech niche grew up. Big corporations came in and gobbled sites up and conglomerated them and the niche changed into one which is primarily news driven. Sites like mine were almost a commodity in this new reality.

This story has echoed across the Internet. As the net has matured and more and more sites come online, banner ad inventory has become a commodity. There&#;s no shortage of it at all.

As with any commodity, the only way to make good money with it is to run a LOT of volume. Sites like Huffington Post, DrudgeReport, TheBlaze, various other news sites&#; these sites run serious volume. In the tech space, you have certain key players running most of the traffic volume. So, that&#;s where advertisers go. Advertisers would even seek out those properties.

For most blogs, you&#;re just a commodity if you&#;re competing in this market. Your ad inventory is just a tiny little drop in a very large pool and you&#;re going to get the attention such a drop deserves.

So, with the perspective of things as they are today, let me tell you the 5 reasons why banner ads are just a dumb way to proceed today&#;.

#1: It Doesn&#;t Make Any Money

According to MonetizePros, the industry average CPM for display ads (aka banner ads) is $ CPM means &#;cost per thousand&#;, so essentially displays of an ad would cost the advertiser, on average, $

Now, you are the publisher. Most likely going through an ad network which is paying you a revenue split. Let&#;s say you&#;ve got a publisher split of 70%. So, for those same 1, displays of the ad on YOUR blog, you&#;d make $

So, you put that nice big &#;90 banner ad at the top of your blog and you rack up 1, page views. Congrats&#; you just made $


Takes a lot of work to rack up 1, page views when you&#;re first starting out. 1, page views doesn&#;t just fall on your head. A lot of work goes into making that traffic. And, for all your hard work, you can just barely afford to buy a cup of coffee.

Now, in reality, you&#;d probably put several banner ads on each page. So, even if you really screw up your reader experience by putting 4 banners on the page. AND let&#;s assume they all paid you roughly the same. So, those same 1, page views just earned you $

To put this in perspective, if I ran 1, people into a blog profit funnel here at the Academy, do you have any idea how much money I would make? 🙂 Trust me &#; plenty. Your measly little $ is tiny compared to what you can do with that traffic otherwise.

So, banner ads just aren&#;t a money maker for most. Many bloggers play hell even getting over the payment threshold to collect their checks. The only way to make this pay off is to build up to SERIOUS traffic numbers. Enjoy!

#2: Banner Ads Send People AWAY From Your Blog (For Pennies)

Traffic is the #1 challenge for most bloggers, when you ask them. Bloggers spend a lot of time trying to get more traffic.

All that work&#; then they&#;ll throw a banner ad on there which has one, single purpose: To distract your reader enough to make them click and leave.

That&#;s the odd part&#; the purpose of that banner ad is DIRECTLY contradictory to YOUR purpose. The advertiser doesn&#;t have your interest in mind. They&#;re trying like hell to STEAL the attention of your readers!

And if they succeed at stealing your reader, they&#;ll throw you a few pennies for your troubles.


#3: Readers Hate Them.

I&#;m going to state the obvious here, but&#;

Banner ads are annoying.

Do you agree? 🙂

Ads interrupt the user experience. They get in the way. They make it harder to concentrate on your content. They&#;re a distraction.

And that&#;s EXACTLY their intention! Banner ads are interruption marketing and, as the effectiveness has dropped, they just get more annoying so that you&#;ll notice them.

So, if you are trying to have a good user experience on your blog, trying to provide value and build a community&#; then throwing ads all over the place is pretty contradictory to your stated intentions.

#4: It Delivers No Value.

Money isn&#;t something one sucks out of the ether of the universe because of tricks and tactics. Money is the result of delivering VALUE.

You provide value to somebody who wants that value&#; and they&#;ll pay you. Simple.

Now, what value does a banner ad give to your blog readers? Answer: none. In fact, &#;value&#; is the least likely thing to occur to them if you&#;re interrupting them with other people&#;s ads.

The only exchangeable value you&#;re providing, in this situation, is to the advertiser. So, whether you see it or not, the advertiser is your customer and your readers are caught in the middle.

Blog posts aren&#;t exchangeable for money &#; which is why blogging doesn&#;t make money. If all you do is blog, then the only exchangeable asset you&#;re building is your audience themselves. And you&#;re literally selling your audience to your real customer: the advertiser.

#5: It Makes A Mockery Of What You&#;re Trying To Do.

In most cases, it really does make a mockery of your work because it is so at odds with your stated intentions.

  • You do all that work to build your audience, yet you try like hell to make them leave with all those banner ads.
  • You concentrate on &#;providing value&#; to your reader, but in reality you&#;ve turned your reader into a commodity and sold them to your advertiser.
  • The advertiser is the real customer, not your readers.
  • You&#;re not building any exchangeable value&#; except your readers themselves.
  • You do all this for &#;bottom of the barrel&#; revenue.

There&#;s only one situation where any of this makes sense&#;

When Banner Advertising Is Your Only Option&#;

The absolute best niches to monetize with a blog are the ones which focus on delivering a TRANSFORMATION.

Now, I talk about transformations alot in my training inside the Blog Monetization Lab. Understanding this one concept is SO important to your ability to generate real revenue. Your readers are trying to accomplish something (solve a problem or transform their current reality in some way). And you enable them to do that by way of your content, products and services.

THAT&#;S the makings of a real business right there.

However, if you&#;re in a niche which doesn&#;t align around any transformation, then you&#;re in an unfortunate position where banner advertising is really going to be one of your main (if not only) way to generate revenue. Such niches would include:

  • News (and this would include any niche which is focused primarily on news. The tech niche, today, is very much in this category).
  • Politics
  • Entertainment
  • Personal blogs (since they&#;re based on the whims of the author and not on a real market, usually)

The problem with these niches is that the people who would be your audience aren&#;t trying to accomplish anything. There&#;s really nothing actionable which unites them and turns them into a real market.

If you&#;re on a news site, you&#;re there for news. That&#;s it. And you won&#;t pay for it because you can get your news from any of about a million different places. Same goes for politics. People come there to get riled up and follow the election, but that&#;s it. Entertainment? Again, no transformation. They&#;re there to get a chuckle and leave and they won&#;t pay for it unless you&#;ve done a stellar job of branding.

In such niches, banner ads are the main game. The REAL customer here is the advertiser &#; NOT the reader.

Personally, I would never enter a niche like that again. It is far too much work. It is too commoditized. The chances of failure &#; high.

Should You Remove Banner Ads From Your Blog?

If you&#;re in a niche which has no real transformation&#; where your audience isn&#;t trying to accomplish anything&#; then you might as well keep any banner ads you currently have. That&#; and really put some thought into your niche and be open to a pivot in a new direction.

I can help you with that, with the Finding Your Niche course and the Discover Your Business Model course inside the Blog Monetization Lab.

Simply put, starting a blog just to talk about a topic and hoping to monetize with ads and Amazon affiliate links&#;. its just foolish. I&#;m not going to try to make that seem glamorous. You are going down a road which usually goes nowhere at all.

If bloggers want to REALLY make money, they need to stop thinking like media and start thinking like a solutions provider.

So, on the flip side, if your niche is oriented around a transformation or a desired outcome of some kind, then &#; yes &#; I would remove banner ads.

And if you&#;re selling your own stuff (or intend to), but you&#;re currently running banner ads for the extra revenue &#; stop that. It is short-sighted. You&#;re sending all your prospects away, and annoying the rest of them. I cringe whenever I see a person who has a product for sale on their blog&#; and Adsense ads in the sidebar. Just stop it.

Instead of selling your audience off at commodity pricing, start concentrating on building your own internal assets and providing REAL VALUE to your readers. Value that is exchangeable for money.

Then, you&#;re building your own assets while also respecting your reader and what they&#;re trying to achieve.

You Have A Choice

Inside The Lab, my approach to monetization is exactly that: building your own assets while also respecting your reader and what they&#;re trying to achieve.

It is a business approach to blogging. It happens to be FAR more effective than the usual fare (banner advertising). It is also better for your readers because you&#;re providing them what they asked for. You win (financially) and they win.

Isn&#;t that what business is supposed to be? Business is a delivery mechanism for solutions for people who are asking for them. Pure and simple.

We just happen to use the internet to do it and a blog as our main marketing channel. And, it is highly effective when you do it this way.

Need the guidance and support as you do it? That&#;s what the Blog Monetization Lab is all about.

Or&#; if you want to attend a free online training presentation where I lay out the model for you, pick a date and time to attend and I&#;ll see you there.


Источник: [www.oldyorkcellars.com]

Mobile ads: the key to monetizing gaming apps

Looking for the best way to monetize your mobile game? Monetizing with in-app advertising allows your users to play for free while you earn revenue. Read on to learn more about why developers choose to monetize with ads and discover best practices for implementing ads in your mobile game.

Why do developers choose to monetize their games with mobile ads?

Users expect free games

Historically, developers have used a wide variety of game monetization strategies, including subscription and in-app purchase (IAP) models. IAP allows users to pay for features to upgrade their game performance. However, in most cases, only a small percentage of mobile app users spend in apps during a given month. As a result, many developers are turning to mobile advertising as a way to unlock new revenue streams.

Mobile game ads can be a win for everyone

Because not all users are willing or able to pay for mobile games or in-app purchase items, advertising has become the most popular way of monetizing apps. Mobile app advertising is a win for everyone: developers, users, and advertisers. Developers can earn the revenue they need to keep producing content they’re passionate about. Users get to continue playing the games they love for free, which increases engagement and retention. And advertisers have the opportunity to acquire new users with targeted and relevant ads.

Mobile game advertising can be combined with other monetization models

In addition to providing a free user experience, in-app advertising is a highly flexible model that goes hand-in-hand with other revenue streams, such as IAP. An increasing number of developers are finding that ads can co-exist with IAP without cannibalizing revenue. Developers are also discovering that rewarded ads can even give users a preview of in-app items available for purchase, sometimes converting more non-paying users into spenders. In fact, we have seen adoption of what’s often called “hybrid monetization” has increased by more than 50% in the past year.1 Read on to learn how a developer like you chose to add in-app advertising to its game monetization strategy.

www.oldyorkcellars.com: a success story combining in-app purchases and mobile advertising

Chinese developer www.oldyorkcellars.com wanted to grow its revenue by finding a way to monetize non-paying gamers. With over 2 million daily active users across 50+ mobile games and only a small percentage of users making in-app purchases, www.oldyorkcellars.com saw that in-app advertising provided the opportunity for a new revenue stream. www.oldyorkcellars.com initially began working with AdMob to implement static interstitial and banner ads in a few of its apps, and devised a strategy to maintain its IAP revenue while adding revenue from advertising.

In the summer of , following AdMob’s release of rewarded ads, www.oldyorkcellars.com decided to take the next step and add rewarded ads to a few of its mobile games. Although www.oldyorkcellars.com initially worried rewarded ads would cannibalize IAP revenue, the results showed the opposite effect. In one of its mobile games, www.oldyorkcellars.com saw a 40% increase in average revenue per user, an 18% increase in in-app purchase revenue, and a 20% increase in session length. As a result, www.oldyorkcellars.com now implements rewarded ads across its entire portfolio of mobile games.

Best practices for implementing the right ad format for your game

Ready to start implementing mobile ads in your own games? AdMob provides a wide variety of flexible, non-intrusive, high-performing ad formats to help deliver a great ad experience for your game.

Banner ads are simple to use and a great way to get started with mobile advertising. Interstitial ads provide users with a full-screen experience. Rewarded ads deliver a highly engaging experience with an added value for users in the form of in-game rewards. Finally, if you’re looking to tailor the look of ads to your in-game content, native ads may be the right solution for you. Whichever format you select, your choice impacts the gaming experience. AdMob offers a variety of resources to test different ad formats and analyze their performance with your users. Read on to learn which format is best for your apps.

Drive a passive ad experience and impression volume with banner ads

What is a banner ad? Banner ads are rectangular ads that can be anchored to free space at the bottom or top of the screen, or embedded in title or end-of-level screens. Banner ads can show up as text, image, or video.

When should you use banner ads? Banner ads are super easy to implement. They fit in well with casual and single screen games, as it’s typically easy to reserve a portion of the screen for advertising. Banner ads can help you maximize ad exposure while the user plays the game without interrupting the experience. Banner ad slots refresh automatically at an optimized rate calculated from historical data, providing fresh and engaging ads that complement a user’s gaming experience. Additionally, AdMob offers “smart banners,” which automatically adjust the banner size to adapt to different devices. Smart banners take the full width of the screen and use a height proportional to the screen height, making it easy to serve ads across device sizes and orientations without any extra effort.

Best practices for implementing banner ads:

  • Banner ads can be placed on the top or bottom of the app screen and should be clearly distinguished from game content. One way to do this is by separating the ad from interactive elements. For example, you could place a border next to the banner ad.
  • If the banner is anchored to the top or bottom, use the “smart banner” feature to have AdMob automatically fit the banner size to match the screen size, ensuring that your banners provide a great experience across devices (smartphone, tablet, etc.) and orientations (vertical and horizontal).
  • If you don’t want to use smart banners and prefer to set the size of the banner ad manually, it’s critical to choose one that delivers the best performance. Typically x50 banners will be the best choice for a fixed display ad space. You can use x90 for larger devices such as tablets.
  • Consider placing large banners in title or splash screens, if you have available space. For these placements, x banners deliver the best large banner performance.
  • Finally, use the optimized refresh rate feature to let AdMob maximize revenue for you by picking the best frequency based on historical performance.

Engage mobile gamers with interactive interstitial ads

What is an interstitial ad? Interstitial ads are full-screen overlays. AdMob delivers all types of engaging interstitial formats, including interactive creatives and video ads. Interstitial ads can be easily closed at the user’s preference.

When should you use interstitial ads? Interstitial ads are easy to implement and do not affect game content layout because they are full screen. They are ideal for games with natural transition points in between game loops, as you can show the ad to users while they’re taking a break from gameplay. Although interstitial ads typically generate less impressions than banner ads, they tend to deliver much higher cost per thousand impressions (CPMs), resulting in significant overall ad revenue.

Best practices for implementing interstitial ads:

  • Consider the flow of your game. Interstitial ads can be naturally inserted between different levels or stages of a game.
  • Preload your interstitial ads to ensure the creative content is cached in time and ready to show when the user reaches the transition point.
  • Think about your user’s mindset at the point you insert interstitials to make sure they do not become frustrated with the ads. For example, do not show interstitial ads when the user’s mindset is in tap mode, such as at the start of a level. Users can feel annoyed when shown an unexpected ad at the time they want to play.
  • Be careful not to overwhelm your users with too many ads. You can leverage AdMob’s frequency capping feature to limit the number of interstitials a user sees in a period of time. One good strategy for finding the correct frequency capping is to start low and increase carefully to find the optimal volume for your game. This way, you can introduce ads without adversely affecting user retention.

Build a seamless user experience with native ads

What is a native ad? Native ads can be customized to match the visual design, layout, and content of the game. Native ads typically include a main image or video asset accompanied by text that matches the campaign story.

When should you use native ads? By matching an app’s look and feel, native ads may reduce user churn and increase long-term value. Native ads are suitable for most apps so long as you’re willing to take the necessary steps to customize a beautiful ad layout.

Best practices for implementing native ads:

  • Match the style of your content. Design your native ads to resemble content on the same screen while using visual cues such as color, elevation, or shadow to differentiate them. All native ads must include an ad attribution and the AdChoices icon, and should not be mistaken for navigation buttons.
  • Show a clear call-to-action and make it easy for users to engage.
  • Use MediaView to display the main asset of a native ad. This ensures that both video and image assets can be successfully rendered.
  • Consider how you want to integrate your ads. Native ads are best shown when users are reading through the screen, not when they are engaged in the app’s main activity. Popular approaches for integrating native ads into the gaming experience include placing ads in a menu, a splash screen before the game’s start, or in a storefront between in-app purchase and upgrade options.

Incentivize gamers to keep playing with rewarded ads

What is a rewarded ad? A rewarded ad experience occurs when users opt in to engage with an ad in exchange for a “reward” within the app. Rewards can range from extra time playing the game to power-ups and features usually available only through in-app purchases. Rewarded ads will render video ads and interactive ads, such as playables.

Why use rewarded ads? Rewarded ads give users control of the ad experience: they decide whether to engage with an ad in exchange for a valuable reward. Rewarded ads have become an increasingly popular format in gaming, since they drive user engagement while delivering a huge boost to revenue for developers. In the last year, the number of apps using rewarded ads has grown 4x.2 Rewarded ads generally have the highest eCPMs across ad formats as advertisers see increased user engagement and unprecedented performance. However, because impression volume is directly related to user opt-in rates, rewarded ads will only deliver great performance if they offer valuable rewards at the right time.

Best practices for implementing rewarded ads:

  • Consider when and where your users might be interested in engaging with an ad to receive a reward, as well as the amount and type of reward that might be best. For example, let users watch an ad to keep playing when they “die” in a game, instead of having to restart the level. Or, offer bonus points in progressive games so that users can advance faster.
  • Use rewarded ads to complement in-app purchases. Some developers have found success by letting users consume items typically offered via IAP. Once users get a taste of the premium version of the app, they are more likely to spend on in-app purchases in the future.
  • Experiment with different reward types and amounts until you find the right implementation for your game. A robust A/B testing solution such as Firebase Remote Config can be used to run these experiments.
  • Finally, just as with interstitials, make sure you’re prefetching your ads ahead of time so that creatives are already buffered and ready to go when the user opts in.

Mix and match your ad formats!

Many game developers use a combination of ad formats to maximize their revenue. For example, you can anchor banner ads at the bottom of your game while showing interstitials at the end of the level, and offering extra lives or bonus points with rewarded ads at the same time. With Google AdMob, you can successfully boost your revenue to keep doing what you love - developing games.

Ready to try Google AdMob? Get started.

Источник: [www.oldyorkcellars.com]
Part 1 - Web banners

I would like to introduce you a series of articles that (I hope) will be able to increase the profits from your website.

Due to the difficult times caused by you-know-what, I want to share best practices from over local media outlets operating in 5 countries, with which I cooperate. I hope you will find that knowledge useful.

Today I want to tell you a little bit about 3 typical mistakes of web banners. This is the first thing you must check, when you see droppings of your revenues from ads.

Ok, enough chit-chat. Let’s get going!


Web banners on your website. Why they does not earn?

This source of income seems obvious. Web banners have always been the primary way to earn money online. However, when analysing local websites, I have encountered several recurring errors which hinder the maximisation of profits.


Error No. 1: improper placement of banners

As an editor or a journalist, you love creating content. When designing a website, you often do not think where to best place the banners.

We usually put a banner at the top of the site, in the footer, and somewhere on the side.


But it's not enough.

TIP: Do not be afraid to introduce more of them by locating additional banners between the sections in the middle of the site.


Web banners errors


Error No. 2: no banners in articles

Your readers will often not visit the main site. You post something interesting on Facebook and link straight to the article.

Done reading? Bam! Back to Facebook.

TIP: An empty hit without a mid-text banner, which according to our analysis is among the most likely to be clicked on.

Remember that!


web banners errors typical mistakes


Error No. 3: wrong charging model

Local media usually charge a flat fee - a fee for displaying the banner for an agreed period.

Analyse how many impressions such a banner generates and how often it is clicked on.

TIP: Maybe it would be wise to charge some advertisers on the basis of the CPM model, i.e. a fee for each 1, impressions or the CPC model - paying for the result, i.e. each click.


web banners error earnings


And what you will add?

Share with us in the comment! We will update the article and thus help other local media.


Piotr Marek CEO 4media


Piotr Marek, CEO 4media

For almost 10 years I have been creating news websites. I am also the owner and editor of www.oldyorkcellars.com For roughly 5 years I have been networking local media within the Tipmedia/www.oldyorkcellars.com Group.


Piotr Marek, CEO www.oldyorkcellars.com

Источник: [www.oldyorkcellars.com]

Increase website advertising revenue: Alternatives to Google AdSense

Would you like to monetize your website and place advertisements on it for this purpose? Then you've probably already thought about running ads through Google AdSense. The integration of Google Ads initially seems to be the most obvious solution for many companies. On the one hand, because it is probably the best-known way of making money as a publisher. On the other hand, because integration is very easy. We'll show you why you shouldn't rely on Google Ads alone and what advantages advanced ad offers you as an alternative.

Your request: Earn money with your website without much effort

If you're looking to monetize your website, you're probably looking for the easiest way to incorporate ads online. So quickly consult the search engine and you're ready to go. You will likely end up on Google AdSense first. Granted: Google makes it easy for you as a website operator to integrate advertisements into your website. Simply log in with your Google account, insert the code, done. Google will do the rest: The placement of the ads, their adaptation to the user's screen, the selection of the ads that are displayed - all of this happens automatically.

Make money with Google AdSense: Is the simplest also the best?  

As easy as it is to place ads onto your website using Google, the more difficult it is to find out how you can actually make money from them. Google even allows you to calculate your potential earnings. But how do these even come about? It is not clear at first glance exactly which billing model is behind Google AdSense.  

With Google Ads, you only earn when your site visitors click on the ads, so it's a CPC model. Advertisers pay for their ad to be placed on your website and you receive a share of the revenue that Google generates from users' clicks on the ads. However, this type of billing is also non-transparent because you do not find out what price was paid by the advertiser for the placement. In most cases, the remuneration for clicks is kept low, as a click does not automatically result in a sale and the advertisers therefore bear a higher risk.

Side note: CPC, CPO, etc. - Which billing models are there in online marketing?

Here we explain the most common billing models for publishers. Click the arrow to learn more.

Combinations of the different billing models are also possible.

Advertising income through affiliate marketing & affiliate partnerships

Affiliate marketing is an alternative way of making money with your website. You advertise via a network to partner programs of shops that match your content. This gives you the opportunity to use alternative billing models such as the CPO (cost per order). If the user buys a product via an affiliate link on your site, you will receive a corresponding fee. That is worthwhile for the conclusion of a contract (e.g. mobile phone contract). A click price of € CPC - € CPC quickly becomes € or more, which you get paid out as a commission. With this alternative, you can earn a multiple of a pure CPO / click price model.

The problem with alternative affiliate marketing, however, is that you can only advertise one affiliate program with your advertising space. If you want to advertise several at the same time, this requires programming an advertising medium in which several banners of different advertisers rotate. This means that the user visits your website and while reading the content, the banner rotates automatically and shows advertisements from several providers, which increases your advertising income.

However, the whole thing is very time-consuming and technically not very easy to implement. In addition, you still have to make a name for yourself with the affiliate programs (i.e. generate a lot of sales) in order to receive premium conditions and not just the standard commissions.

The alternative to Google AdSense: advanced ad - strong advertisers, CPO remuneration 

This is exactly where the advantage of advanced ad comes into play. This solution offers you all the advantages that you appreciate and value about Google AdSense: The integration is very easy and the display is automatic. However, with advanced ad you don't just earn money when the user clicks on the ads. The display in the visible area alone counts. If the user does not click on the ad, but later buys in the advertiser's shop within a certain period of time, this purchase is traced back to the visual contact with the ad and you earn money from it. With advanced ad, the remuneration for this sale is passed on to you as the publisher on a CPO basis. How long the period of time in which a purchase is still added to the advertisement on your site differs from advertiser to advertiser, but it is usually between 24 and 72 hours.

advanced ad 1

The clear advantage of this CPO billing is that advertisers are willing to pay the maximum remuneration. After all, one purchase is more worthwhile for advertisers than any click. The condition model is different depending on the industry and advertiser. advanced ad works closely with advertisers and tries to negotiate premium remuneration with them in order to offer you as a publisher the highest CPO. advanced ad accesses over advertisers worldwide. With this wide selection, the most important industries are covered and you have access to advertisements from the telecom, retail, travel, tech and finance sectors.  

advanced ad 2

The advantages of advanced ad: 

  • Attractive: transparent billing on a CPO basis  
  • Large selection: more than advertisers 
  • International: advanced ad ads are played in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, Italy and France 
  • Native design: The ads from advanced ad are visually and thematically adapted to the look and feel of your website, so that the user perceives the advertising as less annoying 
  • Versatility: Ads in standard IAB formats, but formats tailored to your needs are also possible  
  • Transparency: You get a precise insight into which advertisers are shown on the advanced ad ads and you can specify blacklists and whitelists 
  • Clarity: With your account in the advanced suite you have a precise overview of your advertisements and income

This is how it works: The integration of advanced ad on your website

  1. Contact us using the contact form and provide us with your personal contact details, the URL of your website and the number of monthly page views. 
  2. We will get in touch with you and clarify the details of the advertising material integration. We will then set up an account for you and send you the advertising material code. 
  3. As soon as you have integrated the advertising code into your website, automated text-image banners are displayed.

Increase advertising revenue - conclusion: It's all about having the right mix

We recommend that you test and use advanced ad in addition to Google Ads. Integrate the ads from Google in a clickable position on your website and advanced ad in another visible position on the page. So you benefit from the advantages of both types of ads and get the most out of the monetization of your website!

Start now with advanced ad and get in touch with us!

Elisabeth Betz
Источник: [www.oldyorkcellars.com]
earn money displaying banners


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