Blog ideas that make money

blog ideas that make money

The Most Profitable Blog Niches (). If you want to choose a blog niche that makes money, this tried and true list of ideas is an excellent. Technology and Gaming. Earning a full income as a blogger is more realistic than you might think. Finance blog Millennial Money reports that after just 2 years of.

Blog ideas that make money - never impossible

If you are reading this, odds are, you want to know what are the best types of blogs that make money. This is a common question, or thought, for people that want to start a blog, but it’s also common amongst those that already have an established blog, but want to make more money with their website.

While it is true that you can make money with just about any type of blog, there are a few blog niches and types that tend to generate a far greater income than the rest. In this article, we’re going to look at the best 16 types of blogs that make money right now and will in the months and years to come.

If you’re new to blogging, make sure that when going through this list, you look for blog types that you are interested in and passionate about. It will make the journey all the more rewarding and you could even get there faster as you’ll be excited about writing and working on your blog.

To help give you some inspiration, I’ll include some examples of blogs that make money with each of these blogging niches. You should use these for income-generating ideas, potential ways that you can make money blogging as well, but don’t just go out and copy them.

Now, let’s get to the good stuff, here are 16 types of blogs that make money in

Business-related Types of Blogs that Make Money

I’ve grouped these into 3 categories, and while the category itself doesn’t necessarily mean you will earn more, the first of these categories do seem to have the blogs with the highest incomes. These are business-related blog types and as with most businesses, generally, the ones that solve the biggest problems (e.g., provide the largest monetary value) can earn the highest amounts.

There may be some overlap of course in different niches, but this should give you a good overview of what type of category your blog can fall into.

1. Finance Blog

First on this list are finance blogs, and if you’re someone that is great with money, this may be a great choice of a blog for you.

Finance blogs provide people with financial advice, this can be for people from all walks of life, whether you’re a college student, looking to pay off debts, parents, or have some extra cash that you’re looking to spend/invest wisely.

Finance blogs have in general some of the highest CPM’s when it comes to ads, as advertisers here have a lot of competition and can pay a lot more than most niches as their products tend to generate far greater revenue for them. For bloggers, this is of course a big win.

It’s not only ads that you can stand to benefit from though, as I have already said, but the products in this niche also tend to have a higher value, which means that if you sell products/services or are an affiliate for some of these products and services, you can earn quite a lot off of a relatively small number of traffic/conversions.

Blogging in this niche can be very diverse, but some of the main topics covered would be:

  • Budgeting
  • Saving money
  • Investing money
  • Passive income
  • Debt management
  • Side hustles
  • Working from home

If these are things you are passionate about and have some experience in, then maybe it’s time you start a finance blog.

Examples of finance blogs that make money:

The Money Ninja – $7,+ per month
Making sense of cents – $mil+ a year
Finsavvy Panda – $22,+ per month

2. Marketing Blog

This is another problem many businesses suffer with, especially in the digital age with the marketing landscape changing constantly. This is why a marketing blog is also one of the best types of blogs to make money with.

Marketing blogs help creators, marketers, and business owners navigate these new waters while increasing their reach, as well as increasing their conversions, both online and offline.

These types of blogs can be related to a specific sub niche, such as social media (which is how this blog you’re reading started, and is one of the main topics I cover here), but can also be as diverse as covering the entire industry.

With a marketing blog you can cover the latest trends in certain industries, cover how to get ahead on certain platforms or with certain mediums, and also provide strategy to increase your reach, be that with your website, email list, social media channels, or even through traditional marketing channels in a modern landscape.

Examples of marketing blogs that make money: – $,+ per month – $43,+ per month
Her Paper Route – $12,+ per month

3. Legal Blog

As the world becomes more digital, traditional services are slowly becoming more digital, and when you have a problem, one of the first things most people do is take out their phone and on a search engine like Google, they type in their problem. For legal problems, this is no different.

People want to see if they can solve their legal problems themselves, whether it’s something tax-related, or to see if what they are doing is legally correct. Lawyers are notoriously expensive, which means that there is a lot of opportunities online to provide solutions for what can be considered common or basic problems that might not need a one-on-one consultation with an expensive legal expert.

These could be a set of legal templates for your blog, a video guide on how to file your taxes in a certain country, applying for work in a foreign country, how to immigrate to a new country, and so on.

If you have any serious legal problems, however, then you should definitely consult a professional. And for ambitious legal bloggers, if you’re no longer practicing, you could even use your blog as a lead generating tool for a network of lawyers from around the world, because they’ll also be in the market for new clients and you can earn a good amount in commissions for doing a bit of match-making. 😉

Examples of legal blogs that make money and/or have a large readership: – $60,+ per month
Above the law – Over 50, Newsletter subscribers
Legal Eagle – mil+ YouTube Subscribers

4. Business Blog

When it comes to business related blogs, there can be quite a lot of overlap with marketing blogs. This is because a key success factor when it comes to running a business is marketing.

Business blogs discuss industry trends, they provide practical advice on starting and scaling a business, as well as different options for starting a business depending on your specific circumstances.

Some common topics covered by business blogs are:

  • How to make money online
  • Business ideas
  • How to market your business
  • Business trends
  • Funding and pitching advice
  • Entrepreneurial motivation
  • Business planning

These types of blogs do generally cover other topics that you’ll find in marketing and finance blogs as well due to the major overlap.

Examples of business blogs that make money:

Adam Enfroy – $83,+ per month
Melyssa Griffin – $,+ per month
Smart Passive Income – $,+ per month

Self-Help Related blog types that have money-making potential

In the previous section we covered blogs that solve problems generally related to money, as this deals with people’s livelihoods, these sites have high-income potential. Another area that has huge income potential, but for a completely different reason is self-help.

People are willing to invest in improving their habits to become the best version of themselves and they’re willing to spend large portions of their disposable income to reach these goals.

So, let’s take a look at some of the blogging niches that you could fall into.

5. Personal Development Blog

The first thing that springs to mind when you think of self-help would be personal development.

These blogs usually provide readers with help getting in touch with who they really are and managing their emotions to achieve their goals, vision, and the life that they are aspiring to have.

These blogs generally cover things like:

  • Life coaching
  • Emotional mastery
  • Dating and relationships
  • Mindset
  • Happiness
  • Mental health

Examples of self-improvement blogs that make money:

Women blazing trails – $4,+ per month
Let’s reach success – $5,+ per month
Goodbye, Self Help – $2,+ per month

6. Health and Fitness Blog

Self-help doesn’t only fall into the emotional and mental side of things. Many people are looking for ways to improve their physical health and appearance, and this is where health and fitness blogs have a large earning potential.

Fitness and health-related blogs help readers achieve a healthy lifestyle while improving strength and fitness. This doesn’t have to be a bodybuilding blog (although that could be a topic if you’re into that sort of thing), you can also write about a wealth of different topics such as:

  • Healthy eating
  • Niche workout and exercise plans (Bodybuilding, Yoga, Pilates, etc.)
  • Nutritional advice
  • How to do certain exercises
  • Mindfulness
  • Body positivity

There are a ton of different topics you can cover when it comes to health and fitness, and we can all relate to one or another aspect, meaning there is a vast audience waiting to read your content if this is something that you are interested in.

Examples of health and fitness blogs that make money:

Organize yourself Skinny – $13,+ per month
Fit Mom Journey – $10,+ per month
Nerd Fitness – $,+ per month

7. Parenting Blog

Sometimes also known as mom blogs as these are often written by mothers speaking about their first-hand experiences. Dads have started to enter the chat in this respect as well, so we’re going to go and just call these parenting blogs.

Parenting blogs are all about raising your children and cover a variety of different family topics. These blogs are a great way of sharing your own experiences as many parents are looking for advice on the same things and you can be that relatable hand that helps them along their journey.

Parenting blogs cover a variety of different topics, some being:

  • Home schooling
  • Raising teenagers
  • Handling work and kids
  • Traveling with children
  • Affordable parenting
  • Children’s nutrition

Parenting blogs also have the added benefit of being able to make money and spend more time at home with your kids.

Examples of parenting blogs that make money in

Mommy on Purpose – $+ per month
The Realistic Mama – $20,+ per month
The Soccer Mom Blog – $11,+ per month

8. Sustainability Blog

The topic of sustainability and eco-friendliness can overlap into just about every topic discussed here. Blogs that fall into this category generally only write about their sub-niche within this topic, however.

Sustainability blogs are about conserving the planet that we’re living on, helping readers become self-sufficient and bringing awareness to climate change, pollution and providing solutions that everyone can implement to make a positive impact on both themselves, but also the planet.

Topics covered by sustainability blogs are often:

  • Living off-grid
  • Self-sustainable gardening
  • Environmental alternatives for popular products
  • No waste living
  • Minimalism
  • DIY/Crafts

Examples of sustainability blogs that make money:

Embracing Simple Blog – $2,+ per month
Fork in the Road – $2,+ per month

Lifestyle and hobby-related Blogs that Make Money

These are often the first types of blogs that introduce beginners into the world of blogging. These are the passion projects and the typical “fun” styled blogs that get the most “And you can make a living like that?” questions.

Yes, you can make a living like that, and you can earn quite a lot in fact, as you’ll see below.

9. Travel Blog

If you love traveling, visiting new places and telling people about your adventures and the different things you saw, did, ate, etc. Then a travel blog may just be your calling.

Travel blogs showcase different places and provide readers with inspiration for their next holiday, things to do on their next trip, and ideas on where to eat. These blogs often have beautiful images (although you don’t have to be a professional photographer to have a great travel blog), comprehensive lists, and provide insights on the very best things to do and see from a local’s perspective.

These types of blogs write about a variety of different things, such as:

  • Traveling on a budget
  • Travel itineraries
  • Things to do and see
  • Local travel
  • Food in different countries
  • Remote work or online jobs to travel
  • Backpacking

Examples of travel blogs that make money:

Kara and Nate – $40,+ per month
Adventure in You – $19,+ per month
Two Wandering Soles – $16,+ per month

Fashion Blog

Would you consider yourself a stylish and fashion-forward person? Then it may be time to consider a fashion blog.

Fashion blogs can actually make quite a lot of money, with affiliate marketing, your own products, and of course ads being some of the best ways to earn an income with your fashion blog.

It’s not just about pretty picture and stylish outfits though, fashion blogs cover a variety of topics that provide their readers with value, things like:

  • Affordable fashion
  • DIY fashion/hacks (and fashion upgrades)
  • Environmentally friendly fashion
  • Seasonal style
  • Clothing for particular occasions (like weddings, interviews, etc.)
  • Fashion reviews
  • Latest style trends

Examples of fashion blogs that make money in

The Modest Man – $7,+ per month
Chic Pursuit – $4,+ per month
Affordable by Amanda – $4,+ per month

Food Blog

If you love cooking and experimenting in the kitchen, or just love trying different dishes and desserts, then a food blog might be ideal for you.

Food blogs revolve mostly around recipes but can cover a variety of different topics and subniches, things like:

  • Baking recipes
  • Quick meals
  • Growing your own fruit and vegetables
  • Affordable meals
  • Cooking without XYZ (like recipes without an oven, for example)
  • Drink recipes
  • Restaurant reviews

Food blogs, like fashion and travel, can be very visual, which is why being active on visual social networks like Pinterest and Instagram can help your blog’s growth.

Examples of food blogs that make money in

Green Thickies – $15,+ per month
Pinch of yum – $,+ per month
Show me the Yummy – $46,+ per month

DIY/Craft Blog

Do it yourself, or craft blogs, show readers how they can do things themselves. Whether that’s building a house or decorating your living room, the possibilities are endless.

If you’re a maker and have a knack for creating things yourself, then a DIY/craft blog can be a great way of sharing your knowledge with others, while earning a good income in the process. You can then work on projects you wouldn’t have had the time or money for before, or just enjoy the added freedom to do other things you love.

DIY/craft blogs can cover just about any topic, these are some popular ones:

  • Woodwork
  • Home Renovation
  • Arts and crafts
  • Clothing
  • Gardening
  • Holiday decorations
  • DIY life hacks

Some of the most popular videos on social networks like Facebook and YouTube are DIY videos, so if you want to showcase your DIY skills, it can help to grow your blog by incorporating videos and starting a YouTube Channel as well.

Examples of DIY/craft blogs that make money in

While she naps – $+ per month
Crochetpreneur – $17,+ per month
The Shabby Creek Cottage – $25,+ per month

Pet Blog

We all love our pets and if you enjoy writing about yours, then you may want to consider a pet blog.

You’re probably wondering if pet blogs can actually make money, and I’m here to tell you that they absolutely can, and they do. There are a few great ways to monetize your pet blogs, such as adding affiliate links to your favorite pet toys, gear, training, and other pet care products.

Pet blogs can cover a variety of different topics, or they can be completely niched down to one specific breed. Here are some of the most popular topics for different pet blogs:

  • Training your pet
  • Traveling with your pet
  • Adopting
  • Breed information
  • Dealing with exotic animals
  • Nutrition

Examples of pet blogs that make money or get a lot of traffic:

You Did What with Your Wiener – $10,+ per month
Sit Stay – 70,+ page visits per month
The Spruce Pets – 12mil+ page visits per month

Technology Blog

If you’re like me, then you can’t help yourself when a new tech gadget gets released and watch every review you can find as well as reading about all of the features and functions on various tech blogs.

Technology blogs provide information and reviews on the latest tech gear and help influence readers buying decisions, because of this, tech blogs can make a lot of money through affiliate commissions. People are normally already “warm” when they’re looking for a review on a specific product so when they click on your article and it’s an authentic review that shows the pros and cons, if the cons aren’t a deal-breaker for them, they may just click on your link and then make a purchase.

As tech products also tend to be high-value items, even if you’re an affiliate for Amazon where you earn a very small percentage as an affiliate commission, you can make quite a lot of money per transaction.

Tech blogs cover a wide variety of topics and niches, some of the most common are:

  • Product reviews
  • Product comparisons and rankings
  • Tutorials and guides
  • Affordable tech
  • News and leaks

Examples of technology blogs that get a lot of page visitors:

Photography Blog – ,+ page views per month
Ken Rockwell – mil+ page views per month
Laptop Mag – mil+ page views per month

Gaming Blog

Gaming is a genre very popular on YouTube, but with the gaming world migrating almost completely online, opportunities within the gaming niche are also growing for blogs.

Your gaming blog can be specific to a specific niche, cover the whole industry, only focus on a specific topic (like reviews), or you can use your blog to support your presence on YouTube or on a streaming service.

Here are some examples of different things you can write about for gaming:

  • Let’s play videos
  • Tutorials and game walkthroughs
  • Game reviews
  • Game comparisons

Examples of gaming channels that make money in

Pewdiepie – m+ YouTube Subscribers
BorasLegend – k+ YouTube Subscribers
CrazyPlayz – m+ YouTube Subscribers

Lifestyle Blog

The previous blogs types all had one thing in common, they focus on a specific topic or industry, this is where lifestyle blogs are a little bit different.

Lifestyle blogs tend to have many different topics and the way they are woven together to make a cohesive blog is the personality and the stories behind the writer or they write and cater to a specific audience.

This type of blog connects with their audience by being very relatable. If you can’t decide on exactly what you want to write about, but have value to share to a particular audience, then a lifestyle blog may be something to consider.

These blogs cover just about everything, with a strong overlap on some personal development topics. Here are some of the more popular topics:

  • Relationships
  • Learning a new skill
  • Productivity
  • Best XYZ for twenty-somethings (clothing brands, vacation destinations, etc.)

Examples of lifestyle blogs that make money

It’s Claudia G – $2,+ per month
Just a girl and her blog – $40,+ per month
Chasing Foxes – $19,+ per month

How to make money blogging

Now that we’ve covered the different types of blogs that make money, let’s take a look at how to make money blogging. There are a number of different ways to make money blogging, with the only real limitations being your imagination, so here are some of the most popular ways to make money blogging:

  • Run ads on your blog
  • Include affiliate links in your articles
  • Sell advertising space on your blog
  • Create and sell an eBook
  • Create and sell a course
  • Promote your services
  • Collect donations through PayPal or Patreon
  • Sponsored posts
  • Sell a virtual product (like a template or how-to guide)
  • Sell products on Etsy
  • Sell your blog (Ok, this one’s a bit extreme, but some blogs have sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars)

How to pick your blogging niche

Picking the type of blog that you want to make shouldn’t rely solely on the amount of money you can make within that niche.

As you’ve just seen, it’s very possible to make money with just about any niche.

What you need to get there however is the passion to see things through, as well as the interest and at least a decent understanding of the subject in order to provide value.

Of course, the more of an expert you are on a particular subject, the better, but just because you’re not an expert yet doesn’t mean that you cannot write about something you are passionate about and learning about.

Just by showing an interest in something, you’ll already have a far greater knowledge of a subject compared to the majority of people, and this knowledge you can share on your blog.

Even if you’re a beginner, your journey can be relatable to other people who are in a similar situation.

The simple answer to picking a blogging niche is to find something you’re passionate about in the list above, but if you’re still having difficulties, check out this article to find your blog niche in 5 easy steps.

Best Practices to Create a Blog That Will Make Money

Write for your audience

This means that you should think about your audience first and not yourself. Put yourself in their shoes and think about why they should read your blog. Once you’ve answered that question, you’ll know exactly what to write.

Be authentic

In the modern world, there are a lot of people faking it, with many even advocating for people to “fake it until you make it”. People aren’t stupid though, and you’ll get a lot further and live a much healthier life if you’re open and honest with your readers. People appreciate authenticity and by being authentic, you’re showing you’re a real person, with real problems that your readers will be able to relate to.

Provide solutions to problems

If you’re going to only take one thing from this post, let it be this: Provide solutions to your reader’s problems. If you can provide your readers with solutions, you’re providing them with value and that is the name of the game when it comes to blogging.

Give before you ask

This goes along the lines of the previous point about providing solutions. Show your readers that you can help solve their problems and only thereafter ask for something in return. This could be an affiliate product that takes it one step further, a course that will provide even more value, or you just asking them to read another article.

What’s Next

The next step, now that you know the types of blogs that make money, would be to start your own blog and get going.

If you’re ready to take the leap and get started, then I’ve put together an easy guide for beginners to start a blog in 20 minutes that you can read from the button below.

Get Started Today!

For more help along the way, I’ve included two of my favorite blogging courses depending on how far along you are in your journey that will help take you all the way from blog setup to six figures.

Launch Your Blog Biz

If you’re at the very beginning of your blogging journey and finding it tough getting started. I recommend the Launch Your Blog Biz course, from Alex and Lauren from Create & Go.

This course guides you through setting up your blog with WordPress, customizing themes, creating graphics, how to write blog posts, blogging fundamentals, building your list, and many more useful and professional tips and tutorials. In addition to the blogging stuff, you’ll also learn how to monetize your blog through affiliate marketing, sales, and email funnels, how to convert readers into buyers, using social media to get traffic to your posts, and much more.

Launch Your Blog Biz

If you want to get started making money with your blog, I highly recommend the course. You may even run into me in the private support group lending a hand. 😉

Six-Figure Blogger

If you’re already making some money with your blog and have an established audience and blog niche, then this is the course to help take you from hobby blogger to six-figure blogger.

Amira from (one of the profitable legal blogs mentioned earlier) is actually a student of the course and watching her go from 0-$60k per month has been quite incredible.

Six Figure Blogger Course

Find out more about the Six-Figure Blogger course here, or read my review.

Now that you know the 16 types of blogs that make money, which ones are you going to go after? Or have you already started and are well on your way?

Wherever you are in your journey, I hope this article has helped shed some light on the income potential you can make when you start a blog, content site, authority site, or whatever you want to call it.

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Most Profitable Blog Niches (): 8 High-Paying Blog Niches to Try

Many bloggers start with aspirations of growing their blog into a business. If this sounds like you, welcome to the club!

Making money with a blog is an incredible feeling. It’s a sign that your digital labors and hours behind the laptop screen are coming to fruition.

However, one of the most important choices you make when starting out is your blogging niche. Additionally, if money is your goal, you want to pick a blog niche that has enough money on the table to be worth your time.

Why Picking a Blog Niche Matters

There are several advantages to picking a niche rather than being a lifestyle blogger. Picking a blog niche lets you:

  • Narrow Your Focus: Growing a business is hard, especially if you don’t have a target audience or theme.
  • Become An Expert: The more you write in a space, the more authoritative you become in the eyes of readers and Google (provided the content is valuable).
  • Face Less Competition: Multi-niche bloggers compete in every niche they cover, whereas you only worry about immediate competition as a single-niche writer.

However, it’s still a balancing act between narrowing your focus and having enough of an audience to make money, so keep this in mind.

Related: How to Choose a Blog Niche &#; 6 Critical Questions and 60 Niche Ideas

The Most Profitable Blog Niches ()

If you want to choose a blog niche that makes money, this tried and true list of ideas is an excellent place to begin brainstorming.

1. Personal Finance

When it comes to blog niches that make money, it’s no surprise that writing about money makes the list.

People don’t always talk about money, but they certainly read about it, so the personal finance niche gets attention year-round.

With recent events, topics like investing or budgeting have become even more pertinent as people figure out what to do with their stimulus checks or a recent job loss.

Plus, personal finance blogs have access to incredibly lucrative affiliate offers; things like credit cards, online banks, insurance plans, and mortgage lenders are examples that generally pay $ or more per conversion. And they are services that just about everyone needs at some point.

In a blogging income survey from, the personal finance niche dominated the affiliate income space:

Additionally, advertising rates in finance are typically high, so it’s the perfect income-combo between display ads and affiliate offers.

Pros: High-paying affiliate offers; always trending.

Cons: Incredibly competitive for SEO.

Blog Micro Niche Ideas: Frugality, side hustles, making money online, financial independence.

2. Education

Another profitable blog niche is education. This includes online-only education websites, college advice blogs, and even homeschooling blogs.

Education is a profitable niche for one primary reason: obtaining an education is generally very expensive.

Therefore, advertises and affiliate offers within the education space as immensely lucrative. I’m talking about $$+ cost-per-acquisitions (CPAs) for things like refinancing student loans, opening student bank accounts, or choosing an online school.

Plus, you still have options if you’re less interested in finance. Some education bloggers sell printables to fellow teachers or to students to help them organize their semester. If you cover college advice, it’s also easy to sprinkle in Amazon affiliate links for products you recommend.

Pros: High-paying affiliate offers.

Cons: Slightly seasonal based on when semesters start.

Blog Micro Niche Ideas: Surviving college; online college reviews; homeschooling tips for parents.

3. Food

Chances are, you’ve visited plenty of food blogs in your life. This blog niche is perhaps one of the most saturated niches out there. But it’s also a profitable blogging niche because of how creative you can get with monetization.

Many of the highest-earning food bloggers make money with multiple income streams, including:

  • Display ads
  • Affiliate links (for ingredients, appliances, food subscription services)
  • Sponsored posts
  • Selling printables and eBooks

Sponsored posts are a particularly profitable aspect of this niche. Large food publications get offers from brands to use their products in recipes all the time, and these agreements can easily reach thousands of dollars if you have a large audience.

One downside for this blogging niche is how saturated it is. To make it as a food blogger, you probably need to rely on some heavy Pinterest promotion and Tailwind usage to get through the noise.

Pros: Sponsored post opportunities; does well on social media.

Cons: Saturated space; usually requires significant social media marketing.

Blog Micro Niche Ideas: Keto diet; gluten-free baking; reproducing restaurant meals at home.

Related: Tailwind Review &#; Features, Pricing, Pros and Cons

4. Business & Marketing

Another profitable blog niche is the business and marketing space.

Granted, this niche is generally narrowed down into micro niches like:

  • Online businesses
  • Affiliate marketing
  • SEO and marketing best-practices
  • Entrepreneurship

However, two things these micro niches have in common are high-paying display ads and lucrative affiliate offers.

Like personal finance, business advertisers are willing to pay a premium for advertising on the right blog. This is because things like SaaS contracts or B2B products can easily cost thousands of dollars per year, so the payout is worth it.

Factor in high-paying affiliate offers and suddenly, even a small business and marketing based blog can earn a handsome sum.

Pros: High-paying affiliate programs.

Cons: Incredibly competitive for SEO; can be quite narrow in scope.

Blog Micro Niche Ideas: SEO software; email marketing.

Check out my free training &#;How to create a blog that gets attention, even in an oversaturated niche&#;

Click here to register.

5. Travel

With Covid, the travel niche got absolutely decimated.

Traffic and advertising rates plummeted. Travel affiliate programs also shut their doors. All-in-all, it’s been a brutal time to own a travel blog.

However, travel is a historically profitable blog niche. Furthermore, as the world begins to open up in the future, travel will resume. In fact, there’s already been an increase in domestic travel, so people are packing their bags once again.

As a travel blogger, this is excellent news. There are plenty of monetization options in this niche as well, including:

  • Display advertisements
  • Affiliate programs for hotels, travel gear, airlines, excursions, and travel insurance
  • Travel credit card affiliate programs
  • Writing sponsored posts
  • Branching into YouTube and vlogging

It’s hard to pinpoint when this niche will fully recover. However, there’s no denying that this profitable blogging niche is here to stay.

Pros: Does well on social media; can let you make money while traveling.

Cons: Slightly lower advertising rates; still recovering.

Best Blog Micro Niche Ideas: Local travel guide; digital nomadism; frugal travel.

6. Parenting

While this blogging niche can cross over into a lifestyle blog where you provide a glimpse of your daily life, the parenting space has always been a popular blog topic.

This popularity makes sense. Parenting books are always in demand, and parenting blogs that help others manage the hectic, wonderful responsibility of being a parent do extremely well.

There’s also room to get creative here. Here’s a few micro niche blog ideas for the parenting niche to mull over:

  • Stay-at-home work opportunities
  • Pregnancy
  • A guide for new parents
  • Healthy cooking for families
  • Traveling with kids

Again, the central theme is parenting, but what aspect of parenting you write about is up to you.

As for monetization, there’s the regular mix of display ads, affiliate offers, sponsored posts, and selling your own products. However, parents are willing to spend on products or services that improve their family’s life. If you promote affiliate offers you personally use and benefit from, your affiliate revenue can grow very quickly.

Pros: Incredibly flexible; readers are naturally more invested in the subject matter.

Cons: You generally have to be a parent to have authority in this niche, so it’s not easy for non-parent bloggers to get into.

Blog Micro Niche Ideas: See above list.

Related: Why Your Lifestyle Blog isn't Working (and How to Fix it)

7. DIY Blogs

While this is a broad profitable blogging niche, DIY bloggers also have an incredible number of monetization options at their disposal.

The nature of a DIY blog is instructional; you’re usually teaching people how to solve a specific problem or to create something on their own without having to pay full-price at the store.

This lends itself well to:

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Selling instruction booklets or printables
  • Branching out to other mediums, like starting a YouTube channel or selling on Etsy alongside your blog

Plus, DIY content typically does well on platforms like Pinterest, which can help you get more blog traffic.

Advertising rates for DIY content aren’t as high as niches like personal finance or business. But, it’s likely easier to convert readers into affiliate sales if they’re following instructional content than convincing a reader to sign up for a new credit card offer or something that involves more decision making.

Pros: Does well on social media; easy to branch out on Etsy or YouTube.

Cons: Slightly lower display advertising rates on average than niches like finance.

Blog Micro Niche Ideas: Woodworking; student crafts; vintage revivals.

8. Health and Wellness

Alright, time to talk about a profitable blog niche that’s also one of the most contentious.

The health and wellness space has been a goldmine for bloggers since the internet started. People are always searching for fitness advice, new recipes, or general wellness tips that can help them lead a better life. However, along the way, this niche has been plagued by fad diets, fake supplements, and a range of shady behavior.

Unsurprisingly, Google finally took note of this in After a massive algorithm update, Google determined that sites that talk about your money or your life (“YMYL blogs”) need to have expertise, authority, and trust to rank well.

In short, for this to be a profitable blog niche, you need to know your stuff and have the credentials to back it up. But, if you’re a doctor, certified dietitian, licensed fitness coach, or have an incredible personal story that relates to the niche, this requirement shouldn’t be a problem.

I wouldn’t get into this niche if you don’t know much about health and wellness. However, there are plenty of affiliate programs and ways to make money as a health and wellness blogger. Plus, online coaching is one monetization idea that does incredibly well for this niche. 

Pros: Lends itself well to coaching and affiliate marketing.

Cons: Ranking well on Google usually requires expertise and credentials.

Blog Micro Niche Ideas: Running; managing specific health conditions; staying fit as a working professional.

The #1 Factor for Picking a Profitable Blog Niche

One final piece of advice I want to give for picking a profitable blog niche is to always stick with what you know and care about.

The internet has millions of blogs, and more get added every day. The only way to stand out from the crowd is to write the best content out thereand give readers a reason to follow you.

Besides, wouldn’t you rather pick a niche you’re an expert in and love and make slightly less money than struggle to write in a niche you don’t care about?


This list of the most profitable blog niches is really scratching the surface of your options.

The truth is you should write about what you’re more knowledgeable and passionate about. As long as the audience isn’t too narrow, you can develop your blogging voice and audience over time and turn almost any blog niche into a profitable one.

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Are you thinking about starting a blog but not sure which topics or niche to choose?

Choosing the right niche for your blog makes it easier to create engaging content and even make money online.

In this article, we&#;ll explain how to easily choose the best blogging niche that will eventually help you start earning online.

Best blogging niche to start a blog

What is a Blog?

A blog is a website that&#;s updated regularly with new pieces of content, which are normally written articles. These are called &#;posts&#; and appear in reverse chronological order, with the newest at the top of the list.

To learn more, see our guide on the difference between a blog and a website.

When blogs first started, they were mostly personal diaries, sharing information on a range of topics of interest to the person writing.

That&#;s still how some blogs work today, but a large number of blogs now focus on specific niches that interest the blogger and their target audience.

For instance, WPBeginner is a blog focused on helping non-techy users do more with WordPress through helpful tutorials, how-tos, and other articles.

How to Make a Blog?

To start a blog, you need three key things:

  • A domain name: the address of your site (ours is
  • Web hosting: online storage for your site, so visitors can access it
  • A blogging platform: special software that lets you easily create a blog without needing to do any coding

Normally, a domain name costs around $ per year and web hosting starts from $ per year.

That&#;s a significant investment, especially when you are just testing the waters.

Luckily, Bluehost has agreed to offer our users a free domain name and a generous discount on hosting. Basically, you can get started for $ per month.

→ Click Here to Claim This Exclusive Bluehost Deal ←

Need more options? See our guide on how to choose the best web hosting detailed comparison of top hosting providers.

When it comes to your blog platform, there are plenty of choices available, including many great free ones. See our list of the best blogging platforms for detailed comparison.

However, if you want to make money from your blog in the near future, then is your best option (this is what we use on WPBeginner).

It is easy to use and comes with thousands of design options and add-ons. Most importantly, it gives you the freedom to monetize your blog in any way you want.

For more details, see our detailed guide on how to start a WordPress blog.

Related:Why you should use WordPress

Can You Really Make Money Blogging?

Starting a blog isn&#;t going to make you rich overnight, but you can definitely make money blogging.

Many popular blogs make money online using different methods. Often, this is called &#;monetizing&#; your blog.

Smaller blogs with a specific target audience can easily make a nice side income. Many popular blogs make six and even seven-figure income (see: WPBeginner income &#; how much money does WPBeginner make?).

The following are just some of the most popular monetization methods used by blogs all over the world.

Advertising: Running ads, often through an advertising network like Google AdSense. Some bloggers sell ads directly to companies instead.

Sponsorship: Running sponsored (paid for) content from an advertiser. This is often in the form of sponsored blog posts, but could also include social media posts on Instagram or other social networks.

Affiliate marketing: Linking to products or services that offer commission when someone clicks on your link and makes a purchase. This is a great way to monetize your blog. We have lots of affiliate marketing tips and tools to make it easy for you.

Digital products: By selling digital products like Ebooks, online courses, printables, apps, software, music, and more. Digital products generally have low overheads and can work for almost any niche.

Services: If you&#;re a writer, photographer, coach, or similar, that can be a great way to monetize your blog. You might even start a blog to help you market an existing service you offer, like logo design or freelance writing.

Physical products: Although they have higher costs than digital ones, physical products can be a great way to make money. It&#;s easy to add an online store to your WordPress blog and start selling.

Things to Consider When Choosing Your Blogging Niche

Many new blogs die within a few weeks and most don&#;t even make it to a couple of months.

Whatever blogging niche you choose, make sure you are genuinely interested in that topic. This would make it easier to stick to it and keep yourself motivated.

It&#;s also important to consider:

Do you know enough about your niche to be able to write confidently? You don&#;t need to be an expert, but it&#;s best to start a blog on a topic that you&#;re able to write about without having to do loads of research.

Can you easily make money from your niche? While blogs on all sorts of topics can and do make money, some niches are a lot easier to monetize than others. A blog about a little-known or uninteresting topic might not get enough readers to make much money.

Have you chosen an appropriately sized niche? It&#;s best not to go too broad. If you&#;re aiming for an audience of &#;everyone&#;, you&#;re likely to end up with &#;no one&#;. Try to find a sub-niche that&#;s a great fit for you.

Are you happy to have your name associated with your niche? While it&#;s fine to blog anonymously if you want to, however you might find it difficult to monetize.

Top Blogging Niches That Will Make Money

You might already have a topic in mind for your blog, or you might not have any ideas at all. All the niches below are great ones to try, so long as you pick a topic that you&#;re truly interested in.

These are all big, popular niches that have been around for years and that can make a lot of money.

1. Health and Fitness

Health and fitness
Health and fitness are huge topics, and you&#;ll definitely find an audience if you&#;re blogging about something in this area.

Health and fitness is one of the most popular blogging niches. It is a lucrative niche which means there are a ton of blogs that will be competing with you.

The easiest way to build your voice is by narrowing it down to your general interest.

There are lots of different angles that you could take:

  • A particular diet: paleo, gluten-free, raw food, , keto&#;
  • A particular type of exercise: running, weight-lifting, CrossFit&#;
  • A specific audience: women, men, young, old, geeky&#;
  • A particular approach to health: homeopathy, acupuncture, wellness&#;
  • Sharing your progress: if you&#;re on a health journey of your own, you could update readers on that and share your lessons learned

Tip: We&#;ve got a list of the best WordPress themes for CrossFit gyms. A lot of those could work well for other health or fitness topics too, so take a look and see if one would be right for your blog.

2. Personal Finance

Personal finance

We all need money, and many of us want to earn more, spend less, or save more. Blogs on personal finance have found huge audiences, and again, there are lots of different angles and approaches you can take.

You might choose to write about:

  • Frugality: money saving tips, using coupons, anti-consumerism&#;
  • Investing: market tips, best index funds, angel investors&#;
  • Debt: paying it off, mortgages, student loans&#;
  • Budgeting: software, motivation, cost-cutting tips&#;
  • Sharing your progress: this is quite common with blogs that focus on getting out of debt

Related:Best WordPress themes for financial blogs.

3. Fashion

Fashion blog

Fashion is another immensely popular blogging niche and one that could be a great money-maker. It&#;s a particularly good fit if you love posting on Instagram, which is where some fashion bloggers have become especially influential.

Many fashion blogs focus on the blogger and include lots of photos. If you want to remain anonymous, or if you hate being photographed, then this type of fashion blogging probably isn&#;t for you. Instead, you might want to blog about particular trends within fashion, or share fashion-related news.

Although you might associate fashion blogging with female bloggers, this niche isn&#;t just for women.

There are plenty of men&#;s fashion blogs (often called &#;men&#;s style&#;) out there too. These tend to focus more on tips and product suggestions than on personal photos.

We have a complete guide on how to start a fashion blog and make money with step by step instructions.

4. Lifestyle

The Stack theme for WordPress

What&#;s the &#;lifestyle&#; niche in blogging? It can be a little confusing if you&#;re new to blogging, so let&#;s break it down.

Lifestyle means writing about a range of different topics that are connected through having the same audience.

For instance, you might have a lifestyle blog where you write about food, fashion, and motherhood. The connection is that you&#;re writing for women in their 30s and 40s who want to eat well and look great while raising young children.

Alternatively, you might have a lifestyle blog aimed at single women that focuses on travel, beauty, and hair. Or you might have a blog aimed at men aged 20 to 40 that&#;s all about style, fitness, and music.

The mix of topics is up to you, but it&#;s important to make sure your blog has a very clear brand to give it focus and direction.

Tip: Many fashion WordPress themes or fitness WordPress themes can be a good fit for lifestyle blogs. As with fashion blogs, design is really important in this niche, so invest in a premium theme if you can.

5. Business and Marketing

Business blog

There are loads of blogs out there that cover business and marketing related topics. If you&#;ve been reading a lot about blogging, you might feel like every popular blog talks about something to do with blogging, marketing or building a business!

If you&#;ve got a business or marketing background, then starting a blog in this niche could be a great idea. As with the other niches on our list, this is a huge one, so you&#;ll want to find a clear focus and voice for your own blog.

Depending on your expertise and interests, you might choose to blog about:

  • B2B (business-to-business) marketing
  • B2C (business-to-consumer) marketing
  • Entrepreneurship: starting and growing companies
  • Small businesses: more and more people are moving into self-employment, so this is a great area to target
  • A particular type of marketing or area of marketing: networking, social media marketing, copywriting, direct response marketing&#;

Tip: Almost any of these multi-purpose WordPress themes could work for your business or marketing website. Divi is an especially good option as it&#;s fully responsive and you can customize it however you like.

6. Technology and Gaming

Technology and gaming

The fast-paced technology niche is great for making money from affiliate income, either directly from manufacturers and software companies, or through a website like Amazon.

Your best monetization routes are likely to be through advertising and affiliate marketing. Even if you&#;re not writing in-depth product reviews, a technology or gaming blog will give you lots of chances to link to products or software using affiliate links.

You might not be able to break industry news or share insider information, but there are still lots of things you could write about in this niche:

  • Specific equipment or gadgets: phone handsets, digital cameras, fitness trackers, Chromebooks&#;
  • Games: for consoles, PCs, mobiles, Facebook&#;
  • Tutorials: either for a specific piece of software (e.g. Photoshop) or more wide-ranging
  • Latest news: usually about a particular company or type of product
  • Technology or gaming for a specific demographic, such as teens or boomers

Related: See our step by step complete affiliate marketing guide for beginners.

7. Travel

Start a travel blog

The final niche on our list is travel. Again, it&#;s a hugely popular niche, both with bloggers and with readers, and there are a lot of different approaches you could take to build a successful blog.

Blogging about your own travels could be monetized through affiliate links to hotels, recommended travel buys, and so on. It might even give you opportunities for free vacations.

Great photos are, of course, an important part of your travel blog. Even if you&#;re just writing about local attractions, people will want to see pictures.

You could focus your travel blog by writing about:

  • Specific countries or continents: things to do, restaurants to visit, ways to get around&#;
  • A particular type of traveler: families, solo female travelers, digital nomads&#;
  • Travel deals: for flights, hotels, packages&#;
  • Your own travels: having a key theme or brand can make this easier to monetize

For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to start a travel blog and make money from it.

Other Popular Blogging Niches to Consider

Of course, these aren&#;t the only ones you could make great money from. There are bloggers out there with successful blogs on almost any topic you could think of.

Maybe none of the ideas we&#;ve looked at sound like a good fit for you. Don&#;t push yourself to start a blog on a topic that you&#;re not interested in.

Here are some other good options to try. They all have the potential to make plenty of money.

Crafts Blog

If you love to knit, paint, sew, make jewelry, or engage in some other type of craft, why not blog about it? There are lots of great crafty blogs out there, and they tend to do really well on Pinterest.

As with other highly visual niches, like fashion, lifestyle, and travel, you&#;ll need to be able to include great photos. You could monetize by using affiliate links to any crafting tools and supplies that you want to promote or by selling your crafted items through a marketplace like Etsy.

DIY Blog

Do you enjoy decorating and remodeling your home? Or maybe you&#;ve gone further and redesigned or even rebuilt your home. There are plenty of DIY blogs out there, and this can be a great type of blogging to try if you enjoy writing tutorials and &#;how-to&#; articles.

Parenting Blog

Do you have kids? There are thousands of blogs out there about parenting, covering all sorts of different angles. While you might think the niche is already full of mommy bloggers, the audience for parenting blogs is so large that it&#;s definitely worth considering.

To help your parenting blog stand out, you&#;ll want a clear angle. You could write about a stage of parenting (like parenting toddlers) or you could write for a certain group of parents (like older parents or teen parents).

Educational Blog

Is there a topic that you know well and that you could teach others about? That could become a great niche for you.

For instance, perhaps you&#;re a keen amateur photographer and you could write detailed tutorials for beginners. Or maybe you&#;re an experienced developer and you could offer tips for people learning to code.

Sites that teach people how to do something can almost always be monetized through selling ebooks, online courses, or other information products.

Tip: You can also create and sell online courses along with your blog posts to make some serious dough.

Food Blog

We all need to eat! Blogs about food can be hugely popular. In this niche, you&#;ll almost certainly be sharing recipes, so you&#;ll want to take photos that make your food look great.

Again, it helps to have an angle or specific area that your blog focuses on within the broader niche. Perhaps you&#;ll be writing about quick and easy meals that taste great or about gluten-free or dairy-free recipes.

Advertising, affiliate links, or your own recipe book could all be great ways to monetize your food blog.

See our complete guide on how to start a food blog and make money for more advice and details.

Final Thoughts on Choosing the Best Blogging Niche

You could spend forever trying to pick the very best blogging niche. Or you could start your blog and, six months or a year from now, you could be making good money from it.

First, choose a niche that interests you and make sure you have a clear idea about how you can monetize it.

Then, choose a domain name that works well for your blog topic.

Finally, sign up for a hosting account and register your domain name. We recommend Bluehost, which will cost you just $ / month, with a free domain name included (this is a special offer for WPBeginner readers).

That&#;s all you need to do to get started with your blog.

We hope this article has helped you choose the best blogging niche to make money from your blog. You may also want to look at our list of online business ideas to make money, and our article on how to increase your blog traffic.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

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10 Types of Blogs That Make Money (With Examples)

types of blogs that make money

W ant to know the most popular types of blogs that make money? 

While starting a blog is a great way to make money online, most beginners don’t know what type of blog to create. Many of you have probably wondered, what are the most popular types of blogs? 

If this is you, then you’re in the right place! We’ve listed the 10 types of blogs that make the most money. And we’ve added examples to each type of blog. 

Sound good? Great!

Let’s get to it. 

10 Top Money Making Blogs 

Below you’ll find the 10 most popular types of blogs. Each of these types of blogs can be monetized. So hopefully, this list will inspire you to create your own money-making blogging strategy. 

1. Finance Blog 

Are you a pro at handling money? Then a finance blog might be a great choice for you. 

Finance blogs give actionable advice to any online user. Whether it’s a college student, young adult, or parent, everyone could gain more knowledge about their finances. 

 Let’s take a look at a popular finance blog, Get Rich Slowly. 

finance type of blog get rich slowly

Get Rich Slowly helps their readers pay off their debt and grow their money. They also cover other finance topics, like investing and your money mindset. 

As we mentioned before, finance reaches out to all different types of people, so there’s an infinite amount of finance topics to cover. This means you won’t get stuck on thinking of new blog posts in the long-run. 

Plus, there’s a ton of different finance blog niches to choose from. Some of these blog niches include: 

  • Frugal spending
  • Early-retirement
  • Passive-income
  • Side-hustles
  • Investing

This is why finance is one of the best types of blogs that make money. It’s useful for everyone, and you have an infinite amount of topics to cover. 

2. Fashion Blog 

Have you ever dreamed of starting your own clothing line? Start a fashion blog! 

A fashion blog is a great way to express your unique sense of style through photos, clothing, and beauty products. 

But wait… fashion blogs make money? 

Of course! There are many ways to monetize a fashion blog. You can sell products, add affiliate links, and become an influencer on Instagram. 

One of the most popular fashion blogs out there is We Wore What. 

we wore what fashion blog

Danielle Bernstein started We Wore What to photograph her outfits across New York City. Now she sells her own swimwear and overalls. Plus, she has over 2 million followers on Instagram. 

With that said, we suggest using Instagram along with your fashion blog. It’s another way to showcase your photos to your audience. You might want to check out our guide on using Instagram as a blogger. 

Some fashion blog niches you can write about are: 

  • DIY fashion
  • Affordable fashion
  • Fashion reviews
  • Fashion for a particular event (ie. Weddings)
  • Eco-friendly fashion

If you’re ready to get started, then check out our complete guide on how to start a fashion blog. 

3. Travel Blog 

When most people think about traveling, they imagine the Eiffel Tower, Patagonia, or Cancun. But what about the logistics, like planning and budgeting? Wouldn’t it be nice if someone could plan it all for you? 

With a travel blog, there is! Travel blogs are an invaluable resource to help anyone plan the trip of their dreams. They teach readers how to plan a trip, what destinations to visit, and how to budget wisely. 

travel blogs are a popular type of blog that makes money

Will Hatton, the owner of The Broke Backpacker, helps his reader’s travel on a tight budget. And by a tight budget, we mean less than 10 dollars a day! 

So how do travel blogs make money? 

Affiliate links are a popular way to monetize a travel blog. The Broke Backpacker, for example, uses affiliate links to promote travel gear. 

You could also sell your own services, like Will. Along with his travel guides, he helps his readers work as they travel. 

And even if you don’t travel internationally, you can still start a travel blog! Some other travel blog niches you can write about are: 

  • Traveling in your country
  • Road trips
  • Camping
  • Traveling on a budget
  • How to travel and work at the same time

4. Marketing Blog

One of the best types of blogs that make money is a marketing blog. 

A marketing blog helps readers learn and monetize online marketing skills to start a business. A lot of marketing blogs cover blogging, email marketing, eCommerce marketing, and SEO. 

We consider Blog Tyrant as a marketing blog! Our website is full of marketing resources for bloggers and small businesses. 

Another example of a marketing blog is WPBeginner. 

WPBeginner of one of the most popular types blogs that make money. This is an example of a marketing blog.

WPBeginner is the most popular blog for anything WordPress-related. They help their readers build and monetize their WordPress site for blogging and eCommerce shops. 

Marketing blogs are useful for anyone who wants to make money online. And it’s a great way to become an authoritative source. 

With that said, there are so many marketing strategies out there. So we suggest narrowing down a specific niche. This is the best way to get more traffic and gain authority. 

Look at WPBeginner. They narrowed their niche to WordPress, and now they’re the most popular resource for WordPress. 

Other marketing blog niches you can write about are: 

  • Small business marketing
  • Marketing yourself as a [insert profession here]
  • Business news and trends
  • How to build an online business in [insert profession here]
  • Digital marketing strategies (SEO, email marketing, website analytics)

5. Health and Fitness Blog

Are you into living a healthy lifestyle? Then a health and fitness blog might be for you. 

A health and fitness blog is great because everyone can relate to it. Whether it’s nutrition, exercise, or mental health, there’s something for everyone in this blog topic. 

Let’s take a look at Born Fitness. 

health and fitness type of blog

Born Fitness debunks myths and answers questions about nutrition and exercise. And they monetize their blog with health coaching. 

You can also make health and fitness blogs profitable with an online course, affiliate links, and selling your own products.

But as health impacts our daily lives, make sure to build trust with your readers. The last thing a person wants is inaccurate information about a health concern. 

With that, offer educational content, like videos, podcasts, and email newsletters to connect with your audience. 

Some other health and fitness blog niches are: 

  • Body empowerment
  • Eating healthy on a budget
  • Nutrition and exercise for children
  • Niche workout blog (Yoga, running, weight lifting)
  • Mindfulness

6. Mom Blog 

Also known as a parenting blog, a mom blog is all about raising your children and other family life topics. 

So how did mom blogs become popular? 

First, there are so many parents out there who share have the same questions about raising children. So it’s a great way to share your own stories and advice. 

And second, these parents realized that they can make money blogging AND stay at home with their kiddos. 

In fact, mom blogs are so popular that there are now mom blogs that help other moms create their own mom blog! 

We’ll check out Lucie’s List as our mom blog example. 

a mom blog example

Lucie’s List helps women transition into motherhood. They monetize their blog with affiliate links for baby and children’s products. 

But mom blogs don’t stop at how to raise children. With so many family dynamics in the world, there’s a ton of blog niches you can write about parenting. Some examples are: 

  • Working and parenting
  • Traveling with children
  • Homeschooling children
  • Affordable parenting
  • Raising teenagers

7. Food Blog 

Are you a foodie? Then a food blog is right up your alley. 

Food blogs are like recipe books—you get to teach readers how to make tasty dishes. And you get to take nice photos. 

A Sassy Spoon is a great example of a food blog. 

example of a food blog that makes money

A Sassy Spoon organizes their blog by recipe, diet, time-limits, and meal. So her site is easy to navigate for any type of reader. 

So now you might be wondering how much money a food blog makes. 

Jamie, the founder of Sassy Spoon, made over k from her food blog in ! This was all thanks to ads, affiliate marketing, and business coaching. We’ll talk about how to monetize your blog a little more later in the post. 

Some other types of food blogs you can create are: 

  • Restaurant reviews
  • Homemade recipes
  • Eating and traveling
  • Affordable eating
  • DIY drinks

Make sure to check out our guide on how to start a food blog for step-by-step instructions. 

8. Lifestyle Blog 

So far, the types of blogs that make money have been about one specific topic. But a lifestyle blog is a little different. 

Lifestyle bloggers write about a bunch of topics, like personal experience, culture, and relationships. 

A lifestyle blog attracts readers who want to read something similar to a magazine. They like stories, advice columns, and product recommendations. 

example of a lifestyle blog that makes money

Advice From a Twenty Something is a lifestyle blog for the average year-old. They write about anything a year-old wants to know about. Dating, fashion, and fitness are a few examples. 

This blog makes money from affiliate links. They also get traffic from allowing other users to submit blog posts to their site. This is also known as guest posting. 

If you have a bunch of blogging ideas, then a lifestyle blog might be a good place to start. As you blog, you’ll learn more about what you like to write about and who your ideal reader is.

Some topics people lifestyle blog about are: 

  • Dating and relationships
  • Self-improvement
  • Productivity
  • Learning a [insert hobby here]
  • Music

Don’t feel like you have to write about the above blog niches. The beauty of a lifestyle blog is that you can write about anything you want! 

Just make sure other people are interested in your blog content. In other words, make your lifestyle blog relatable. 

9. DIY Blog  

Do you have a knack for crafts? Then why not create a DIY blog! 

DIY stands for “Do it yourself.” So a DIY blog shows readers how to make crafts, clothing, home decor…the possibilities are quite endless. 

P.S I Made This, is one of the most popular DIY blogs out there. 

DIY blog example

P.S I Made This shows their readers how to craft all types of things. Some examples are clothing, beauty products, and home decor. 

Many DIY blogs use social media, like Pinterest and Instagram to showcase their products. You could even use YouTube and post videos of how you create your crafts! 

Some other DIY blog ideas you can use are: 

  • Arts and crafts
  • Home renovations
  • Gifts
  • Beauty products
  • DIY for teachers

Pet Blog 

Let’s face it—we’re obsessed with our pets. We love to play with them, cuddle with them, and write about them! 

A pets blog is great for anyone looking for DIY pet treats, training tips, and activities. 

So if you own a bunch of animals or know a lot about a specific breed, then a pet blog might be for you. 

types of blogs that make money - pet blog example

PuppyLeaks is a pet blog for dog owners. They have articles on puppy training, treats, and games. 

So are pet blogs profitable? 

Yes! The best way to monetize a pet blog is to add affiliate links to your favorite pet toys and pet care products. 

It’s also easy to think of a pet blog niche. For example, if you own a Labrador Retriever, then you can create a blog all about this dog breed. 

But if you get stuck, you always write about: 

  • Your pet breed
  • Pet adoption
  • Farm animals
  • Reptiles
  • Exotic animals

How Do Beginner Blogs Make Money? 

Now that you know the types of blogs that make money, you might be wondering how they become popular. What blogging strategies should you implement for success? 

The most popular blogs have the following 5 strategies in common with one another. 

1. Valuable Content 

Any blog that makes money knows how to bring value to the reader. Valuable content has the following 3 characteristics. 

Focused on the reader

Don’t write content just because it’s about your niche. Instead, you should write content for your reader. What do they want to learn more about? How will you help them take action? 

You can use tools like keyword research to see if your blog post topics are searched by your audience. You should also look up your blog topics on Google to see what type of blog posts are written about them. 

Easy to read

Think back to the last time you read an article that looked like this: 

An example of an unoptimized blog post.

It was probably difficult to read, right? 

Blog posts are much more user-friendly than textbooks. You should avoid large paragraphs or complicated vocabulary. This might scare your reader to another blog. 

Instead, write short paragraphs, use easy vocab, and add helpful images to your content. You can check out our guide, how to write a good blog post for more tips. 

Optimized for search

Your blog posts might be full of good info, but if it doesn’t rank on search then nobody will see it. This is bad news if you want to monetize your blog. But luckily it isn’t hard to optimize for search. 

To get started, you’ll want good keywords, a fast website, and optimized images. Our SEO guide for beginners will help you get started. 

2. A Unique Selling Proposition 

Optinmonster found that the number of bloggers was expected to grow to million this year. So if you want to create a profitable blog then you need to stand out from everyone else. 

You can do this with a unique selling proposition (USP). A USP is something that makes your blog different from everyone else—why should someone read your blog over another? 

A good example of a USP is the travel blog we mentioned earlier, The Broke Backpacker. Their USP is teaching readers to travel on less than $10 a day.

Most travel blogs don’t talk about traveling with this tight of a budget, so The Broke Backpacker stands out from the rest. And they target anyone who wants to travel on a low budget. 

So how do you find your own USP? 

Niche down your blog topic to something specific. So instead of creating a fitness blog for all ages, you could create a daily workout blog for college students. This topic is specific, yet reaches out to a large group of people. 

We thought of 89 blog niche ideas for you in case you get stuck. 

3. Google Adsense 

The easiest way to make a profitable blog is with Google Adsense. When you sign up for Google Adsense, your blog will display ads like below: 

An example of Google AdSense. Google Adsense is a great way for beginner blogs to make money

So anytime someone clicks on the ad, Google will charge the advertiser. And you’ll get 68% of the profit. 

It’s also easy to sign up for! All you have to do is get approved by Google and then add the code to your blog. 

So if Google Adsense is so easy to manage, then why doesn’t every beginner blogger promote their ads? 

If your blog has a ton of ads, then you might scare off new readers. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use Google Adsense. But instead, wait until you have consistent blog traffic. 

We talk about this more in our Google Adsense guide. 

4. Affiliate Marketing 

Think back to the last time you read a blog post about a product. Maybe you ended up clicking on the product link and purchasing it. 

This is called affiliate marketing. Most types of blogs that make money use this strategy. But how does it work? 

When you become an affiliate partner with an online store, you’ll promote and add a link to their products in your blog post. And if a reader clicks on that link and purchases the product, you’ll earn a commission. 

What’s great about affiliate marketing is that any blog can do it, especially if you chose one of the blog topics we mentioned earlier. 

You might want to check out our complete guide on getting started with affiliate marketing to learn more. 

5. Online Store 

Have any products or services to sell? You can always start an online store! 

The best part about running an online store is that all purchases go straight to your bank account. And you have the freedom to create a product of your own. 

You can also use organic marketing strategies like starting an email list or social media to promote your products to your readers. 

Oh, and another thing—it’s easier than ever to build an online store with WordPress! All you have to do is follow our guide on how to start an online store.  

And that’s it! 

Now you know 10 types of blogs that make money and how to get started. Try out these blog strategies and see what works for you. 

And remember, creating a profitable blog doesn’t happen overnight. But if you put in the hard work and determination, you’ll see results. 

Plus, you can always refer back to our site for the best blogging tips. If you liked this post, you might want to check out our guide on proven ways to make money online. 

And don’t forget to sign up for our email newsletter for more helpful blogging tips!


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There are lots of guides about how to make money blogging, but here’s what makes this one different:

I’ve taken three different blogs to over $1 million per year. In fact, the blog you’re reading right now has made a total of $ million.

And in this post, I’m going to give you a step-by-step case study showing you exactly how I did it, starting from nothing, along with my step-by-step guide for beginners trying to get started.

Let’s jump in.

7 Ways to Make Money Blogging (with Examples!)

  1. Online Courses and Workshops
  2. Books and Ebooks
  3. Affiliate Marketing
  4. Advertising
  5. Speaking Gigs
  6. Consulting/Coaching
  7. Selling Freelance Services

In a moment, I&#;m going to show you a general framework you can follow to start a profitable blog from scratch.

But first, let’s jump into the specifics of how to make real money blogging, including real-world examples you can study and learn from.

Free Training:The 31 Most PROFITABLE Niches for Bloggers in

Here are the top 7 awesome ways to make a good blogging income:

1. Online Courses and Workshops

Here at Smart Blogger, we make most of our income from online courses and workshops — over $1 million per year — but we are far from the only successful blog doing this. Most of the people making a lot of money from their blogs are doing it through online courses.

Ramit Sethi reportedly crossed $10 million dollars in annual revenue with his suite of premium courses:

Ramit Sethi - Premium Courses

And it’s not only business or wealth-focused topics that are doing well. You can find successful blogs on just about any topic or niche monetizing with online courses. For instance, the popular interior designer Maria Killam has quite a few courses and workshops in her catalog:

Maria Killam - Courses and Workshops

Online courses and workshops can bring in one-time payments or, depending on your model, recurring income via subscriptions.

2. Books and Ebooks

Quite a few writers have parlayed their blogging success into a major publishing deal. Mark Manson, for instance, published a blog post called The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck in Millions of readers later, he got a book deal with Harper Collins and went on to sell over 3,, copies in the US alone.

Mark Manson - The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

Self-published books have also been successful. The most notable success story among bloggers is probably James Altucher’s Choose Yourself, which is now sold over , copies:

James Altucher - Choose Yourself

3. Affiliate Marketing

If you’d like to create some passive income streams from your blog, one of the best choices is affiliate marketing — recommending the services, digital products, and physical products of other companies in exchange for a commission.

Here at Smart Blogger, we make more than $, per year promoting affiliate products, most of that coming from casually recommending products we love like SiteGround (affiliate link) and Elementor (affiliate link).

Editor&#;s Note: Read our in-depth review of SiteGround here: SiteGround Review: Still the Best (Or Not-So-Good) in ? And, for an in-depth review of Elementor, read: Elementor Review: Is it REALLY the Best Landing Page Builder?

But there are lots of other examples too. For instance, John Lee Dumas of EOFire made $, in affiliate income last year. Digital Photography School has reportedly made over $, in Amazon Associates commissions from promoting photography equipment:

Digital Photography School - Amazon Affiliates

With so many companies offering referral programs to help spread the word about their product or service, the number of different affiliate marketing opportunities is enormous.

Joining an affiliate network is one way to begin tapping into this revenue stream and to start earning extra income from your hard-earned organic traffic.

Free Bonus: Click here to get our &#;cheat sheet&#; for affiliate marketers delivered straight to your inbox (for free).

4. Advertising

Normally, we’re not big fans of selling ads on your site as a monetization strategy. You need roughly a million visitors per year for the large ad networks to take you seriously, and affiliate marketing is almost always more profitable and just as passive.

That being said, some niches like recipes, fashion, and news are hard to monetize through many of the other methods mentioned here, and they get LOTS of page views. In that case, putting a few banner ads on your site can make sense as a supplementary income source.

For example, here’s a screenshot of a income report from Share the Yummy:

Share the Yummy - Income Report

Normally, you make money by joining an ad network. Nearly anyone can join Google AdSense, for example, and you can later grow into more selective networks like Mediavine and AdThrive.

5. Speaking Gigs

If your blog takes off, and you start being recognized as an authority in your space, you might be surprised by how many invitations you get to speak at conferences. And it’s amazingly profitable. I typically make a minimum of $10, per speech and it can go as high as $, when you count product sales resulting from the speech.

Not bad for a minute talk. 🙂

Ryan Deiss Testimonial

6. Consulting/Coaching

While this certainly isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, doing a bit of coaching or consulting is an online job that can earn you a surprisingly nice living, even when your audience is small. I rarely do consulting anymore, but the last time I did regularly, I charged $1, an hour with a six-month waiting list.

But I’m not the only one. Going back to Maria, again, she’s been quite innovative in coming up with ways to do design consultations by photo and email, currently charging $1, per room:

Maria Killam - Consultations

You can make this work in almost any niche. You just need to know what you’re doing and be confident in the value you are providing to clients.

7. Selling Freelance Services

The next step up from consulting is to actually do it for them.

Typically, you’ll make more money freelancing than with anything else, but it’s also the most draining and time-intensive. That being said, I’ve seen bloggers make six-figure incomes with no more than a few thousand readers on their blog, essentially using their blog as a lead mechanism to get clients.

It’s so profitable, even if successful bloggers continue to do it. For example, Elna Cain continues to sell her freelance writing services:

Elna Cain - Freelance writing services

If you’re a freelance writer, designer, photographer, programmer, or other service provider where your skills can be sold digitally instead of you having to be there in person, you might want to consider this income stream from day one. All you really need to get started is a contact form for clients to reach out to you.

Okay, now for the fun part. Let me show you the framework I used to become an honest-to-goodness millionaire&#;

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If you’re a new blogger starting from scratch with no traffic or influential friends, it’s easy to wonder…

Is it reasonable for you to believe you can make money blogging?

For that matter, how do blogs even make money? Ads? Sponsored content? Sell products? Good luck? Or something else?

Well, let’s take a look at exactly how I did it at Smart Blogger. Here’s my complete step-by-step process for how to make money blogging:

1. Choose the Right Blogging Niche (a Profitable One)

Let’s start with a little brutal truth, shall we?

  • Passion does not equal profit.
  • Neither does expertise.
  • Hard work doesn’t guarantee anything either.

For example:

You can be the world’s foremost expert on square-shaped tomatoes, wake up every morning with a burning passion to educate the public on their vast superiority to normal-shaped tomatoes, and work until your fingers bleed and your eyes fall out of your head, following all the right tactics for turning your new blog into a popular one, and…

You’ll never have a chance in hell at making any amount of money.

Here’s why:

  1. Nobody but you gives a damn about square tomatoes
  2. Even if they did care, they wouldn’t spend any money

In other words, you need a large audience who buys things. Without that, nothing else matters. It’s a prerequisite for everything else.

In the case of Smart Blogger, I noticed early on that bloggers buy lots of different things:

what bloggers buy

In fact, there are companies with $10 million+ per year of revenue in most of those categories. It’s also a growing space with millions of people:

Blogger Statistics -

The only problem?

Loads of competition. Whether it be my previous employers Brian Clark or Neil Patel, my good friends over at Problogger, or the gazillion other “blogging about blogging” peeps infesting the social media space, everyone was intent on snagging a piece of the pie. They also had a several-year head start on me.

So, how did I compete? The honest answer:

2. Improve Your Content Skills

How to Make Money Blogging: The $ Million Case Study

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You’ve probably heard that “Content is king,” and it’s true… to an extent. A more accurate statement would be…

The Best Content Is King

If that’s hard to understand, think about it this way:

Lots of bloggers sit down and think, “What will I write today?” They jot down some thoughts, doing their best to be helpful, original, and entertaining. If they’re disciplined, they might even stick with it for a few months.

But it almost never works. Here are a few reasons why:

  • What you want to say isn’t what other people want to read
  • You weren’t using a proven content framework
  • It’s not the best post ever published on the topic

Granted, it’s not your fault. Until today, chances are no one ever told you about any of those requirements. You thought, to become a successful blogger, you just had to write interesting stuff and publish it.

No, grasshopper. No.

The truth is, having good ideas and powerful words isn&#;t enough. You have to create the best content ever published on blog topics lots of people are interested in learning more about. And that brings us to the three levels of content creation:

  1. You know what blog content is popular in your niche, and you write exclusively about those topics
  2. You’ve mastered frameworks proven to make your content more popular (list post, how to post, etc.)
  3. Your content delivers more value to the reader than any other post published on that topic

You’re probably thinking, “Geez. That sounds hard.” And you’re right, it is.

I personally spent about three years honing my skills by writing for other sites before I started my own blog. It doesn’t have to take that long — I’m just a perfectionist, so I wanted to learn from the best people in my space.

How to Quit Your Job - Problogger

It worked, though. Nowadays, my posts get millions and millions of visitors, not because I know some special “secret,” but because I’m really good at what I do.

Blogging is really no different than anything else. The more of a badass you are, the easier it is for you to make money online.

So you want to know how to make money blogging?

Become an awesome writer.

Then the next step is to…

3. Choose a Traffic Source (Google Search or Facebook)

When you’re a newbie, getting traffic is confusing.

Should you focus on optimizing your keywords? Growing your Facebook page? Leaving comments on blogs? Answering questions on Quora? Being active in Facebook groups? Creating videos for your YouTube channel? Starting a popular podcast?

And so on.

There are a gazillion traffic tactics out there. Everybody says theirs is the best.

But here’s the data:

referral traffic sources by topic

Pretty much all the traffic for written content comes from either Google or Facebook. The rest of traffic sources combined don’t even come close to competing with those two Goliaths.

So, how do you get them to send you a bunch of traffic?

One option is you can pay for it. They like that.

But chances are, you’re reading about how to make money blogging because you don’t want to pay for traffic. You want it for free, right?

Well, imagine this:

There’s an arena where all the bloggers in your space go to compete for traffic. The number of other challengers you defeat determines the amount of traffic you receive.

In other words, getting traffic is a sport.

  • There are winners, and there are losers
  • To be good, you have to train
  • You need to study your opponents

There are actually two sports, and I’d bet you’ve heard of both of them: search engine optimization (SEO) and going viral on Facebook. Both take years (yes, I said years) of study to master, but you can start getting pretty decent traffic after just a few months of study and practice.

Which one should you focus on?

Well, here are two questions to guide you:

  • Is your topic something your friends and family regularly talk about on Facebook? Examples: pets, parenting, self-improvement, and health. If so, focus on playing the viral traffic sport.
  • Is your topic something people actively search for information about on Google? Examples: product reviews, specific questions they would ask an expert, how-to information. If so, focus on SEO.

For most topics, you can do both, but one or the other will be dominant. In that case, focus on whichever one is dominant.

In the blogging space, for example, stuff about writing and grammar occasionally goes viral on Facebook, because we love criticizing our relatives about their terrible English. On the other hand, you rarely talk with your family about blogging platforms, WordPress plugins, affiliate marketing, digital marketing, keyword research, or any other blogging topics.

You will, however, search for them on Google. Just as you would guess then, the blogging niche is heavily dominated by search. Here’s a breakdown of Smart Blogger’s traffic by source:

Smart Blogger's Traffic Breakdown by Source

The truth is, we pretty much ignore Facebook. The volume of traffic available there comes nowhere close to the volume of traffic available from search engines. So, we focus on Google.

I also spend WAY more time keeping up to date on SEO stuff than I do on social stuff. I’m a geek about it. Throw me in a room full of Google engineers, and I’d probably know more than half of them.

Not to imply I’m the best, though. I’m also competing against people like Darren Rowse, Amy Lynn Andrews, and Neil Patel. They’re pretty freaking good too.

In time, I think I can be better, but who knows? That’s why sports are fun. You never know who is going to win.

If you’re good though, you’ll always be in the “playoffs,” for your space, and you’ll get lots of traffic. Maybe not the most, but still plenty.

And then you can focus on how to…

4. Grow Your Email List with Pop Ups

Grow Your Email List with Pop-Ups

Chances are, you see pop ups as an annoyance.

They get in the way when you’re trying to read. They ask you to hand over sensitive information like your name, email address, and phone number. Sometimes you have to deal with multiple pop ups on the same site, and it makes you feel hassled and uncared for.

And all that sucks. In my opinion, you have every right to be annoyed.

But here’s the thing…

That’s where the money comes from. The best predictor of the revenue for a money making blog is the size of their email list. Here’s a breakdown of our revenue at Smart Blogger comparing revenue dollars from email to other sources.

The rule of thumb is you can expect to make $1 per subscriber per month. So, if you have 10, email subscribers, you should be able to make about $10, per month.

So obviously, growing your email list is a top priority. You might, however, feel conflicted about using pop ups. What are you supposed to do?

Here’s a different way of looking at it:

If a visitor comes to your site and doesn’t give you their email address, the chances of them returning are nearly zero. You’ll never have another opportunity to help them.

If you believe your content is the best, and you believe you can help them over time, I believe you owe it to them to be as pushy as possible about staying in contact. In other words, not using a pop up is unethical. A little annoyance is a small price to pay for change.

And remember, that doesn’t mean you have to be extremely pushy or spammy. You can absolutely use pop ups in authentic ways.

But you absolutely must use them. Assuming you want to make money, anyway.

5. Begin Monetizing with Affiliate Programs

Begin Monetizing with Affiliate Offers

So, you’re operating in a profitable niche, and you have traffic and an email list. What next?

Lots of new bloggers jump into creating a course or book or community of some sort, but that’s a mistake, in my opinion. Before you start selling things, you need concrete evidence those things are what people want to buy. Otherwise, you’re risking wasting months or even years of your life trying to push a product no one wants.

The simplest way to obtain that evidence:

Affiliate programs.

By seeing what your audience buys from other people, you can get a much better sense of what they might want to buy from you. If you promote an affiliate product and it converts well, you should think about creating a similar product. If it doesn’t convert well, you should probably move on.

In other words, affiliate program offers are a form of market research. As a bonus, you just so happen to get paid commissions on the products your customers buy in the process. So not only are you learning what your target audience wants to buy, but you’re making money from your blog at the same time. Pretty sweet deal.

At Smart Blogger, I’ve tried lots of different offers. WordPress blog hosting, landing page tools, email marketing software, Amazon affiliate content links, WordPress themes, and half a dozen different types of high-quality courses. Since we sell courses, I pay the most attention to the results from those programs, and here are a couple of lessons:

  • End to end solutions sell best. Courses promising to take someone from knowing nothing to making money far outperformed the others. For instance, here’s a screenshot showing us as the #1 affiliate for Danny Iny’s Course Builder’s Laboratory:

#1 affiliate Leaderboard

  • Tools with a clear connection to money making also sell better than the others. For instance, landing page builders. As proof, here&#;s a screenshot of our earnings from promoting LeadPages:

LeadPages - Affiliate Commissions

By themselves, neither of those promotions really moved the needle on our revenue, but they did teach us useful lessons that went into creating Freedom Machine, which brings us to…

6. Develop a Unique Mechanism

Before you think about launching your own products or services, there’s one essential point about human nature you need to understand:

Whenever anyone purchases anything, they expect to transition from where they are now (Point A) to where they want to be (Point B). For example…

  • When you buy pizza, you want to transition from being hungry and craving pizza (Point A) to tasting delicious pizza and feeling full (Point B).
  • When you hire a plumber, you want to transition from having a clogged, overflowing toilet (Point A) to having a normally functioning toilet (Point B).
  • When you buy a course on SEO, you want to transition from feeling bewildered and getting ignored by Google (Point A) to ranking for competitive terms and getting great blog traffic.

The success of a product ultimately depends on helping customers make those transitions. If the customer doesn’t get to Point B, they typically view the experience as a failure.

So, here’s the magic question:

What makes you better equipped to deliver that transition than your competitors?

The answer to that question is what content marketing expert Todd Brown calls your “unique mechanism.” It’s a little different from a “unique selling proposition,” because it’s not just something about you that’s different. It’s something about you or your method that makes you better able to help customers than anyone else.

For Freedom Machine, we have multiple unique mechanisms:

  1. Get published on Medium — a platform with more than 60 million active readers looking for great content
  2. Content frameworks developed behind the scenes at Smart Blogger to produce popular, valuable content
  3. A monetization methodology proven by our success with Smart Blogger

Combined, those unique mechanisms are EXTREMELY convincing at setting us up as the superior solution. Therefore, the product sells like hotcakes.

To be clear… it’s not necessary to have 3 different unique mechanisms. Sometimes just one is all you need (i.e. fresh, hot pizza in 30 minutes or less). The core idea though is to make sure you are obviously far more capable than your competitors at delivering results.

Then all you have to do is…

7. Launch the Minimum Viable Funnel

Launch the Minimum Viable Funnel

Look around at successful entrepreneurs of any type, and you’ll find a surprising trend:

They tend to sell their products before the product is created.

To most people, this sounds like insanity at best or a disturbing lack of ethics at worst. How could you possibly ask people to buy something that doesn’t exist?

The answer:

It’s the same principle as Kickstarter.

Kickstarter campaign

You create a fancy minimal sales funnel of some sort (in this case, just a simple sales page), tell people the product is coming soon, and then wait to see if enough people sign up to justify making the product. If they don’t, you refund everyone’s money and start over.

In other words, it’s the final step in validating you have a viable product. The steps go like this:

  1. Identify demand by promoting affiliate products
  2. Find a unique mechanism that makes you clearly superior
  3. Test the demand for that unique mechanism with a quick and dirty launch before you create the product

In my case, the minimum viable funnel was a minute webinar. The first time I did it, there was no product, no follow-up sequence, nothing. It was just a bare-bones test.

And it resulted in $, in sales live on the webinar.

Seeing that $30, sales was my minimum for success, we went ahead and created the first version of the product live with students. About a year later, it’s now approaching $1 million in sales.

That’s also just one product. We have others, and we have still more in the research pipeline.

And guess what I would do if I had to start over again?

The exact same thing. It’s not easy, it’s not fast, it’s not even that sexy, but it works.

Let’s close with some questions and answers, shall we?

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FAQ about How to Make Money Blogging

So, we’ve covered the basic process. Now let’s step back for a moment and answer some of the questions I hear the most often:

Do bloggers make money?

I certainly do, but I don’t think that’s what you’re asking. I think you’re asking…

“Is it reasonable for me to learn how to make money blogging?”

The no BS answer:

It depends on how patient and persistent you are.

Starting a blog from scratch is just as difficult as starting a small business. For example, it requires the same time and effort as starting your own restaurant, software company, or accounting service. Yes, those businesses are wildly different, but the first few years are usually the same story: low income, lots of stress, big learning curve.

If you want a more concrete answer than that, we’ve found it takes even our smartest, most dedicated students years to make enough money from blogging to quit their jobs. And that sounds like a long time, but so what? years to be able to work from anywhere in the world, take a vacation whenever you want, and probably have passive income until the day you die?

Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

How much money can you make from blogging?

The fact is, most bloggers make as much money as any other type of entrepreneur:


And it’s not because there’s no money in it. This blog makes more than $1 million per year, for God sakes, and it’s nowhere close to the most profitable blog out there. Blogs like The Penny Hoarder, Moz, and Lifehacker power businesses worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Penny Hoarder - Affiliate Marketing

So why aren’t more bloggers rich?

The truth is, most people quit. They start a blog, write a post or two, realize it’s hard work, and walk away.

But if you’re patient and persistent?

You can make millions. I have. So have lots of other smart, dedicated entrepreneurs.

You just have to do the work. Consistently. For years.

Can you do that?

Then yeah, I think you can make six figures at least. Maybe more.

How do you make money blogging? (Or, How do bloggers make money?)

As I mentioned earlier, there 7 popular ways to make money blogging:

  1. Offering online courses and workshops
  2. Writing books and eBooks
  3. Affiliate marketing (recommending products and services in exchange for a commission)
  4. Blog ads
  5. Speaking at conferences
  6. Offering your expertise as a consultant or coach
  7. Selling freelance services such as writing, designing, and programming

Which is best for you will depend on your blog, your expertise, and your situation.

How do you start your own blog for free?

Lots of people say you can’t. They tell you to buy a domain name, a web hosting account (Bluehost is one you see pushed a lot by influencers), and a premium WordPress theme.

But I think that’s nonsense.

You can get started for free within five minutes on Medium. They also have over 60 million monthly readers, so you can get a lot of exposure there if you get featured.

Free Blogging on Medium

This great article walks you through that strategy, step-by-step.

Alternatively, you can write on, Linkedin, or any of the other platforms out there. It doesn’t really matter. The point is, start writing and learning as soon as possible.

Once people start sharing your great, informative posts, and you begin to understand how everything works, then you can go through the trouble of setting up your own site, installing WordPress, and all that jazz. Until then though, it’s just a headache you don’t need.

What are the most popular blogging platforms?

WordPress is by far the most popular. No one else is even close.

But that doesn’t mean it’s the best for everyone. There are several blogging platforms you can try — and most of them are free.

As I mentioned earlier, I think Medium is a good place to start. You can also create your own blog with tools like Blogger, Squarespace, Wix, Joomla, and countless others.

What are the top blogs about how to make money blogging?

I’d like to think Smart Blogger is the best (and most comprehensive) site on the topic, but it’s by no means the only one. Not all of these talk about how to make money blogging, but together, they give you a solid foundation:

  • Backlinko — Brian Dean doesn’t talk much about how to make money blogging, but he’s one of the top experts and educators in the world on SEO. What I love about his highly valuable content is how easy to understand it is, despite covering some incredibly complex topics. If you’re a beginner blogger looking for DIY insights, prepare for a treat.
  • Digital Marketer: — In my opinion, my friends over at Digital Marketer are the best in the world at monetizing traffic. If you’d like to learn about marketing, list building, customer research, automation, or funnels, there’s no better source.
  • Smart Passive Income — If you’re interested in using your blog to build passive income, Pat Flynn is a master at showing you how to build a tiny little business that can support you and the lifestyle you want. Both his blog and podcast are excellent.

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The Bottom Line about How to Make Money Blogging

Is it possible?

Absolutely, but only if you treat it like a blogging business.

Yes, you can start your blog as a side project. Yes, you can slowly grow it in the background. Yes, you can turn your blog into a source of passive, full-time income that eventually lets you quit your job, travel, spend a lot of time with your family, whatever you want to do.

But like anything worthwhile, it’s hard work getting there.

You have to study. Practice. Master your craft. Put in a lot of work. Hustle.

If you love writing, I can’t imagine a better business, though. Not only is blogging a great way to get your writing noticed, but it’s a great way to connect with people around the world who need you, teach them what you know, and get paid pretty damn well in exchange.

There’s never a day I regret dedicating myself to blogging. Never.

It’s not just because of the money, either. It’s because I also get to do what I love and help people at the same time.

What could be better than that?

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Blog ideas that make money - All above

There are lots of guides about how to make money blogging, but here’s what makes this one different:

I’ve taken three different blogs to over $1 million per year. In fact, the blog you’re reading right now has made a total of $ million.

And in this post, I’m going to give you a step-by-step case study showing you exactly how I did it, starting from nothing, along with my step-by-step guide for beginners trying to get started.

Let’s jump in.

7 Ways to Make Money Blogging (with Examples!)

  1. Online Courses and Workshops
  2. Books and Ebooks
  3. Affiliate Marketing
  4. Advertising
  5. Speaking Gigs
  6. Consulting/Coaching
  7. Selling Freelance Services

In a moment, I&#;m going to show you a general framework you can follow to start a profitable blog from scratch.

But first, let’s jump into the specifics of how to make real money blogging, including real-world examples you can study and learn from.

Free Training:The 31 Most PROFITABLE Niches for Bloggers in

Here are the top 7 awesome ways to make a good blogging income:

1. Online Courses and Workshops

Here at Smart Blogger, we make most of our income from online courses and workshops — over $1 million per year — but we are far from the only successful blog doing this. Most of the people making a lot of money from their blogs are doing it through online courses.

Ramit Sethi reportedly crossed $10 million dollars in annual revenue with his suite of premium courses:

Ramit Sethi - Premium Courses

And it’s not only business or wealth-focused topics that are doing well. You can find successful blogs on just about any topic or niche monetizing with online courses. For instance, the popular interior designer Maria Killam has quite a few courses and workshops in her catalog:

Maria Killam - Courses and Workshops

Online courses and workshops can bring in one-time payments or, depending on your model, recurring income via subscriptions.

2. Books and Ebooks

Quite a few writers have parlayed their blogging success into a major publishing deal. Mark Manson, for instance, published a blog post called The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck in Millions of readers later, he got a book deal with Harper Collins and went on to sell over 3,, copies in the US alone.

Mark Manson - The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

Self-published books have also been successful. The most notable success story among bloggers is probably James Altucher’s Choose Yourself, which is now sold over , copies:

James Altucher - Choose Yourself

3. Affiliate Marketing

If you’d like to create some passive income streams from your blog, one of the best choices is affiliate marketing — recommending the services, digital products, and physical products of other companies in exchange for a commission.

Here at Smart Blogger, we make more than $, per year promoting affiliate products, most of that coming from casually recommending products we love like SiteGround (affiliate link) and Elementor (affiliate link).

Editor&#;s Note: Read our in-depth review of SiteGround here: SiteGround Review: Still the Best (Or Not-So-Good) in ? And, for an in-depth review of Elementor, read: Elementor Review: Is it REALLY the Best Landing Page Builder?

But there are lots of other examples too. For instance, John Lee Dumas of EOFire made $, in affiliate income last year. Digital Photography School has reportedly made over $, in Amazon Associates commissions from promoting photography equipment:

Digital Photography School - Amazon Affiliates

With so many companies offering referral programs to help spread the word about their product or service, the number of different affiliate marketing opportunities is enormous.

Joining an affiliate network is one way to begin tapping into this revenue stream and to start earning extra income from your hard-earned organic traffic.

Free Bonus: Click here to get our &#;cheat sheet&#; for affiliate marketers delivered straight to your inbox (for free).

4. Advertising

Normally, we’re not big fans of selling ads on your site as a monetization strategy. You need roughly a million visitors per year for the large ad networks to take you seriously, and affiliate marketing is almost always more profitable and just as passive.

That being said, some niches like recipes, fashion, and news are hard to monetize through many of the other methods mentioned here, and they get LOTS of page views. In that case, putting a few banner ads on your site can make sense as a supplementary income source.

For example, here’s a screenshot of a income report from Share the Yummy:

Share the Yummy - Income Report

Normally, you make money by joining an ad network. Nearly anyone can join Google AdSense, for example, and you can later grow into more selective networks like Mediavine and AdThrive.

5. Speaking Gigs

If your blog takes off, and you start being recognized as an authority in your space, you might be surprised by how many invitations you get to speak at conferences. And it’s amazingly profitable. I typically make a minimum of $10, per speech and it can go as high as $, when you count product sales resulting from the speech.

Not bad for a minute talk. 🙂

Ryan Deiss Testimonial

6. Consulting/Coaching

While this certainly isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, doing a bit of coaching or consulting is an online job that can earn you a surprisingly nice living, even when your audience is small. I rarely do consulting anymore, but the last time I did regularly, I charged $1, an hour with a six-month waiting list.

But I’m not the only one. Going back to Maria, again, she’s been quite innovative in coming up with ways to do design consultations by photo and email, currently charging $1, per room:

Maria Killam - Consultations

You can make this work in almost any niche. You just need to know what you’re doing and be confident in the value you are providing to clients.

7. Selling Freelance Services

The next step up from consulting is to actually do it for them.

Typically, you’ll make more money freelancing than with anything else, but it’s also the most draining and time-intensive. That being said, I’ve seen bloggers make six-figure incomes with no more than a few thousand readers on their blog, essentially using their blog as a lead mechanism to get clients.

It’s so profitable, even if successful bloggers continue to do it. For example, Elna Cain continues to sell her freelance writing services:

Elna Cain - Freelance writing services

If you’re a freelance writer, designer, photographer, programmer, or other service provider where your skills can be sold digitally instead of you having to be there in person, you might want to consider this income stream from day one. All you really need to get started is a contact form for clients to reach out to you.

Okay, now for the fun part. Let me show you the framework I used to become an honest-to-goodness millionaire&#;

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If you’re a new blogger starting from scratch with no traffic or influential friends, it’s easy to wonder…

Is it reasonable for you to believe you can make money blogging?

For that matter, how do blogs even make money? Ads? Sponsored content? Sell products? Good luck? Or something else?

Well, let’s take a look at exactly how I did it at Smart Blogger. Here’s my complete step-by-step process for how to make money blogging:

1. Choose the Right Blogging Niche (a Profitable One)

Let’s start with a little brutal truth, shall we?

  • Passion does not equal profit.
  • Neither does expertise.
  • Hard work doesn’t guarantee anything either.

For example:

You can be the world’s foremost expert on square-shaped tomatoes, wake up every morning with a burning passion to educate the public on their vast superiority to normal-shaped tomatoes, and work until your fingers bleed and your eyes fall out of your head, following all the right tactics for turning your new blog into a popular one, and…

You’ll never have a chance in hell at making any amount of money.

Here’s why:

  1. Nobody but you gives a damn about square tomatoes
  2. Even if they did care, they wouldn’t spend any money

In other words, you need a large audience who buys things. Without that, nothing else matters. It’s a prerequisite for everything else.

In the case of Smart Blogger, I noticed early on that bloggers buy lots of different things:

what bloggers buy

In fact, there are companies with $10 million+ per year of revenue in most of those categories. It’s also a growing space with millions of people:

Blogger Statistics -

The only problem?

Loads of competition. Whether it be my previous employers Brian Clark or Neil Patel, my good friends over at Problogger, or the gazillion other “blogging about blogging” peeps infesting the social media space, everyone was intent on snagging a piece of the pie. They also had a several-year head start on me.

So, how did I compete? The honest answer:

2. Improve Your Content Skills

How to Make Money Blogging: The $ Million Case Study

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You’ve probably heard that “Content is king,” and it’s true… to an extent. A more accurate statement would be…

The Best Content Is King

If that’s hard to understand, think about it this way:

Lots of bloggers sit down and think, “What will I write today?” They jot down some thoughts, doing their best to be helpful, original, and entertaining. If they’re disciplined, they might even stick with it for a few months.

But it almost never works. Here are a few reasons why:

  • What you want to say isn’t what other people want to read
  • You weren’t using a proven content framework
  • It’s not the best post ever published on the topic

Granted, it’s not your fault. Until today, chances are no one ever told you about any of those requirements. You thought, to become a successful blogger, you just had to write interesting stuff and publish it.

No, grasshopper. No.

The truth is, having good ideas and powerful words isn&#;t enough. You have to create the best content ever published on blog topics lots of people are interested in learning more about. And that brings us to the three levels of content creation:

  1. You know what blog content is popular in your niche, and you write exclusively about those topics
  2. You’ve mastered frameworks proven to make your content more popular (list post, how to post, etc.)
  3. Your content delivers more value to the reader than any other post published on that topic

You’re probably thinking, “Geez. That sounds hard.” And you’re right, it is.

I personally spent about three years honing my skills by writing for other sites before I started my own blog. It doesn’t have to take that long — I’m just a perfectionist, so I wanted to learn from the best people in my space.

How to Quit Your Job - Problogger

It worked, though. Nowadays, my posts get millions and millions of visitors, not because I know some special “secret,” but because I’m really good at what I do.

Blogging is really no different than anything else. The more of a badass you are, the easier it is for you to make money online.

So you want to know how to make money blogging?

Become an awesome writer.

Then the next step is to…

3. Choose a Traffic Source (Google Search or Facebook)

When you’re a newbie, getting traffic is confusing.

Should you focus on optimizing your keywords? Growing your Facebook page? Leaving comments on blogs? Answering questions on Quora? Being active in Facebook groups? Creating videos for your YouTube channel? Starting a popular podcast?

And so on.

There are a gazillion traffic tactics out there. Everybody says theirs is the best.

But here’s the data:

referral traffic sources by topic

Pretty much all the traffic for written content comes from either Google or Facebook. The rest of traffic sources combined don’t even come close to competing with those two Goliaths.

So, how do you get them to send you a bunch of traffic?

One option is you can pay for it. They like that.

But chances are, you’re reading about how to make money blogging because you don’t want to pay for traffic. You want it for free, right?

Well, imagine this:

There’s an arena where all the bloggers in your space go to compete for traffic. The number of other challengers you defeat determines the amount of traffic you receive.

In other words, getting traffic is a sport.

  • There are winners, and there are losers
  • To be good, you have to train
  • You need to study your opponents

There are actually two sports, and I’d bet you’ve heard of both of them: search engine optimization (SEO) and going viral on Facebook. Both take years (yes, I said years) of study to master, but you can start getting pretty decent traffic after just a few months of study and practice.

Which one should you focus on?

Well, here are two questions to guide you:

  • Is your topic something your friends and family regularly talk about on Facebook? Examples: pets, parenting, self-improvement, and health. If so, focus on playing the viral traffic sport.
  • Is your topic something people actively search for information about on Google? Examples: product reviews, specific questions they would ask an expert, how-to information. If so, focus on SEO.

For most topics, you can do both, but one or the other will be dominant. In that case, focus on whichever one is dominant.

In the blogging space, for example, stuff about writing and grammar occasionally goes viral on Facebook, because we love criticizing our relatives about their terrible English. On the other hand, you rarely talk with your family about blogging platforms, WordPress plugins, affiliate marketing, digital marketing, keyword research, or any other blogging topics.

You will, however, search for them on Google. Just as you would guess then, the blogging niche is heavily dominated by search. Here’s a breakdown of Smart Blogger’s traffic by source:

Smart Blogger's Traffic Breakdown by Source

The truth is, we pretty much ignore Facebook. The volume of traffic available there comes nowhere close to the volume of traffic available from search engines. So, we focus on Google.

I also spend WAY more time keeping up to date on SEO stuff than I do on social stuff. I’m a geek about it. Throw me in a room full of Google engineers, and I’d probably know more than half of them.

Not to imply I’m the best, though. I’m also competing against people like Darren Rowse, Amy Lynn Andrews, and Neil Patel. They’re pretty freaking good too.

In time, I think I can be better, but who knows? That’s why sports are fun. You never know who is going to win.

If you’re good though, you’ll always be in the “playoffs,” for your space, and you’ll get lots of traffic. Maybe not the most, but still plenty.

And then you can focus on how to…

4. Grow Your Email List with Pop Ups

Grow Your Email List with Pop-Ups

Chances are, you see pop ups as an annoyance.

They get in the way when you’re trying to read. They ask you to hand over sensitive information like your name, email address, and phone number. Sometimes you have to deal with multiple pop ups on the same site, and it makes you feel hassled and uncared for.

And all that sucks. In my opinion, you have every right to be annoyed.

But here’s the thing…

That’s where the money comes from. The best predictor of the revenue for a money making blog is the size of their email list. Here’s a breakdown of our revenue at Smart Blogger comparing revenue dollars from email to other sources.

The rule of thumb is you can expect to make $1 per subscriber per month. So, if you have 10, email subscribers, you should be able to make about $10, per month.

So obviously, growing your email list is a top priority. You might, however, feel conflicted about using pop ups. What are you supposed to do?

Here’s a different way of looking at it:

If a visitor comes to your site and doesn’t give you their email address, the chances of them returning are nearly zero. You’ll never have another opportunity to help them.

If you believe your content is the best, and you believe you can help them over time, I believe you owe it to them to be as pushy as possible about staying in contact. In other words, not using a pop up is unethical. A little annoyance is a small price to pay for change.

And remember, that doesn’t mean you have to be extremely pushy or spammy. You can absolutely use pop ups in authentic ways.

But you absolutely must use them. Assuming you want to make money, anyway.

5. Begin Monetizing with Affiliate Programs

Begin Monetizing with Affiliate Offers

So, you’re operating in a profitable niche, and you have traffic and an email list. What next?

Lots of new bloggers jump into creating a course or book or community of some sort, but that’s a mistake, in my opinion. Before you start selling things, you need concrete evidence those things are what people want to buy. Otherwise, you’re risking wasting months or even years of your life trying to push a product no one wants.

The simplest way to obtain that evidence:

Affiliate programs.

By seeing what your audience buys from other people, you can get a much better sense of what they might want to buy from you. If you promote an affiliate product and it converts well, you should think about creating a similar product. If it doesn’t convert well, you should probably move on.

In other words, affiliate program offers are a form of market research. As a bonus, you just so happen to get paid commissions on the products your customers buy in the process. So not only are you learning what your target audience wants to buy, but you’re making money from your blog at the same time. Pretty sweet deal.

At Smart Blogger, I’ve tried lots of different offers. WordPress blog hosting, landing page tools, email marketing software, Amazon affiliate content links, WordPress themes, and half a dozen different types of high-quality courses. Since we sell courses, I pay the most attention to the results from those programs, and here are a couple of lessons:

  • End to end solutions sell best. Courses promising to take someone from knowing nothing to making money far outperformed the others. For instance, here’s a screenshot showing us as the #1 affiliate for Danny Iny’s Course Builder’s Laboratory:

#1 affiliate Leaderboard

  • Tools with a clear connection to money making also sell better than the others. For instance, landing page builders. As proof, here&#;s a screenshot of our earnings from promoting LeadPages:

LeadPages - Affiliate Commissions

By themselves, neither of those promotions really moved the needle on our revenue, but they did teach us useful lessons that went into creating Freedom Machine, which brings us to…

6. Develop a Unique Mechanism

Before you think about launching your own products or services, there’s one essential point about human nature you need to understand:

Whenever anyone purchases anything, they expect to transition from where they are now (Point A) to where they want to be (Point B). For example…

  • When you buy pizza, you want to transition from being hungry and craving pizza (Point A) to tasting delicious pizza and feeling full (Point B).
  • When you hire a plumber, you want to transition from having a clogged, overflowing toilet (Point A) to having a normally functioning toilet (Point B).
  • When you buy a course on SEO, you want to transition from feeling bewildered and getting ignored by Google (Point A) to ranking for competitive terms and getting great blog traffic.

The success of a product ultimately depends on helping customers make those transitions. If the customer doesn’t get to Point B, they typically view the experience as a failure.

So, here’s the magic question:

What makes you better equipped to deliver that transition than your competitors?

The answer to that question is what content marketing expert Todd Brown calls your “unique mechanism.” It’s a little different from a “unique selling proposition,” because it’s not just something about you that’s different. It’s something about you or your method that makes you better able to help customers than anyone else.

For Freedom Machine, we have multiple unique mechanisms:

  1. Get published on Medium — a platform with more than 60 million active readers looking for great content
  2. Content frameworks developed behind the scenes at Smart Blogger to produce popular, valuable content
  3. A monetization methodology proven by our success with Smart Blogger

Combined, those unique mechanisms are EXTREMELY convincing at setting us up as the superior solution. Therefore, the product sells like hotcakes.

To be clear… it’s not necessary to have 3 different unique mechanisms. Sometimes just one is all you need (i.e. fresh, hot pizza in 30 minutes or less). The core idea though is to make sure you are obviously far more capable than your competitors at delivering results.

Then all you have to do is…

7. Launch the Minimum Viable Funnel

Launch the Minimum Viable Funnel

Look around at successful entrepreneurs of any type, and you’ll find a surprising trend:

They tend to sell their products before the product is created.

To most people, this sounds like insanity at best or a disturbing lack of ethics at worst. How could you possibly ask people to buy something that doesn’t exist?

The answer:

It’s the same principle as Kickstarter.

Kickstarter campaign

You create a fancy minimal sales funnel of some sort (in this case, just a simple sales page), tell people the product is coming soon, and then wait to see if enough people sign up to justify making the product. If they don’t, you refund everyone’s money and start over.

In other words, it’s the final step in validating you have a viable product. The steps go like this:

  1. Identify demand by promoting affiliate products
  2. Find a unique mechanism that makes you clearly superior
  3. Test the demand for that unique mechanism with a quick and dirty launch before you create the product

In my case, the minimum viable funnel was a minute webinar. The first time I did it, there was no product, no follow-up sequence, nothing. It was just a bare-bones test.

And it resulted in $, in sales live on the webinar.

Seeing that $30, sales was my minimum for success, we went ahead and created the first version of the product live with students. About a year later, it’s now approaching $1 million in sales.

That’s also just one product. We have others, and we have still more in the research pipeline.

And guess what I would do if I had to start over again?

The exact same thing. It’s not easy, it’s not fast, it’s not even that sexy, but it works.

Let’s close with some questions and answers, shall we?

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FAQ about How to Make Money Blogging

So, we’ve covered the basic process. Now let’s step back for a moment and answer some of the questions I hear the most often:

Do bloggers make money?

I certainly do, but I don’t think that’s what you’re asking. I think you’re asking…

“Is it reasonable for me to learn how to make money blogging?”

The no BS answer:

It depends on how patient and persistent you are.

Starting a blog from scratch is just as difficult as starting a small business. For example, it requires the same time and effort as starting your own restaurant, software company, or accounting service. Yes, those businesses are wildly different, but the first few years are usually the same story: low income, lots of stress, big learning curve.

If you want a more concrete answer than that, we’ve found it takes even our smartest, most dedicated students years to make enough money from blogging to quit their jobs. And that sounds like a long time, but so what? years to be able to work from anywhere in the world, take a vacation whenever you want, and probably have passive income until the day you die?

Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

How much money can you make from blogging?

The fact is, most bloggers make as much money as any other type of entrepreneur:


And it’s not because there’s no money in it. This blog makes more than $1 million per year, for God sakes, and it’s nowhere close to the most profitable blog out there. Blogs like The Penny Hoarder, Moz, and Lifehacker power businesses worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Penny Hoarder - Affiliate Marketing

So why aren’t more bloggers rich?

The truth is, most people quit. They start a blog, write a post or two, realize it’s hard work, and walk away.

But if you’re patient and persistent?

You can make millions. I have. So have lots of other smart, dedicated entrepreneurs.

You just have to do the work. Consistently. For years.

Can you do that?

Then yeah, I think you can make six figures at least. Maybe more.

How do you make money blogging? (Or, How do bloggers make money?)

As I mentioned earlier, there 7 popular ways to make money blogging:

  1. Offering online courses and workshops
  2. Writing books and eBooks
  3. Affiliate marketing (recommending products and services in exchange for a commission)
  4. Blog ads
  5. Speaking at conferences
  6. Offering your expertise as a consultant or coach
  7. Selling freelance services such as writing, designing, and programming

Which is best for you will depend on your blog, your expertise, and your situation.

How do you start your own blog for free?

Lots of people say you can’t. They tell you to buy a domain name, a web hosting account (Bluehost is one you see pushed a lot by influencers), and a premium WordPress theme.

But I think that’s nonsense.

You can get started for free within five minutes on Medium. They also have over 60 million monthly readers, so you can get a lot of exposure there if you get featured.

Free Blogging on Medium

This great article walks you through that strategy, step-by-step.

Alternatively, you can write on, Linkedin, or any of the other platforms out there. It doesn’t really matter. The point is, start writing and learning as soon as possible.

Once people start sharing your great, informative posts, and you begin to understand how everything works, then you can go through the trouble of setting up your own site, installing WordPress, and all that jazz. Until then though, it’s just a headache you don’t need.

What are the most popular blogging platforms?

WordPress is by far the most popular. No one else is even close.

But that doesn’t mean it’s the best for everyone. There are several blogging platforms you can try — and most of them are free.

As I mentioned earlier, I think Medium is a good place to start. You can also create your own blog with tools like Blogger, Squarespace, Wix, Joomla, and countless others.

What are the top blogs about how to make money blogging?

I’d like to think Smart Blogger is the best (and most comprehensive) site on the topic, but it’s by no means the only one. Not all of these talk about how to make money blogging, but together, they give you a solid foundation:

  • Backlinko — Brian Dean doesn’t talk much about how to make money blogging, but he’s one of the top experts and educators in the world on SEO. What I love about his highly valuable content is how easy to understand it is, despite covering some incredibly complex topics. If you’re a beginner blogger looking for DIY insights, prepare for a treat.
  • Digital Marketer: — In my opinion, my friends over at Digital Marketer are the best in the world at monetizing traffic. If you’d like to learn about marketing, list building, customer research, automation, or funnels, there’s no better source.
  • Smart Passive Income — If you’re interested in using your blog to build passive income, Pat Flynn is a master at showing you how to build a tiny little business that can support you and the lifestyle you want. Both his blog and podcast are excellent.

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The Bottom Line about How to Make Money Blogging

Is it possible?

Absolutely, but only if you treat it like a blogging business.

Yes, you can start your blog as a side project. Yes, you can slowly grow it in the background. Yes, you can turn your blog into a source of passive, full-time income that eventually lets you quit your job, travel, spend a lot of time with your family, whatever you want to do.

But like anything worthwhile, it’s hard work getting there.

You have to study. Practice. Master your craft. Put in a lot of work. Hustle.

If you love writing, I can’t imagine a better business, though. Not only is blogging a great way to get your writing noticed, but it’s a great way to connect with people around the world who need you, teach them what you know, and get paid pretty damn well in exchange.

There’s never a day I regret dedicating myself to blogging. Never.

It’s not just because of the money, either. It’s because I also get to do what I love and help people at the same time.

What could be better than that?

Источник: []

If you are reading this, odds are, you want to know what are the best types of blogs that make money. This is a common question, or thought, for people that want to start a blog, but it’s also common amongst those that already have an established blog, but want to make more money with their website.

While it is true that you can make money with just about any type of blog, there are a few blog niches and types that tend to generate a far greater income than the rest. In this article, we’re going to look at the best 16 types of blogs that make money right now and will in the months and years to come.

If you’re new to blogging, make sure that when going through this list, you look for blog types that you are interested in and passionate about. It will make the journey all the more rewarding and you could even get there faster as you’ll be excited about writing and working on your blog.

To help give you some inspiration, I’ll include some examples of blogs that make money with each of these blogging niches. You should use these for income-generating ideas, potential ways that you can make money blogging as well, but don’t just go out and copy them.

Now, let’s get to the good stuff, here are 16 types of blogs that make money in

Business-related Types of Blogs that Make Money

I’ve grouped these into 3 categories, and while the category itself doesn’t necessarily mean you will earn more, the first of these categories do seem to have the blogs with the highest incomes. These are business-related blog types and as with most businesses, generally, the ones that solve the biggest problems (e.g., provide the largest monetary value) can earn the highest amounts.

There may be some overlap of course in different niches, but this should give you a good overview of what type of category your blog can fall into.

1. Finance Blog

First on this list are finance blogs, and if you’re someone that is great with money, this may be a great choice of a blog for you.

Finance blogs provide people with financial advice, this can be for people from all walks of life, whether you’re a college student, looking to pay off debts, parents, or have some extra cash that you’re looking to spend/invest wisely.

Finance blogs have in general some of the highest CPM’s when it comes to ads, as advertisers here have a lot of competition and can pay a lot more than most niches as their products tend to generate far greater revenue for them. For bloggers, this is of course a big win.

It’s not only ads that you can stand to benefit from though, as I have already said, but the products in this niche also tend to have a higher value, which means that if you sell products/services or are an affiliate for some of these products and services, you can earn quite a lot off of a relatively small number of traffic/conversions.

Blogging in this niche can be very diverse, but some of the main topics covered would be:

  • Budgeting
  • Saving money
  • Investing money
  • Passive income
  • Debt management
  • Side hustles
  • Working from home

If these are things you are passionate about and have some experience in, then maybe it’s time you start a finance blog.

Examples of finance blogs that make money:

The Money Ninja – $7,+ per month
Making sense of cents – $mil+ a year
Finsavvy Panda – $22,+ per month

2. Marketing Blog

This is another problem many businesses suffer with, especially in the digital age with the marketing landscape changing constantly. This is why a marketing blog is also one of the best types of blogs to make money with.

Marketing blogs help creators, marketers, and business owners navigate these new waters while increasing their reach, as well as increasing their conversions, both online and offline.

These types of blogs can be related to a specific sub niche, such as social media (which is how this blog you’re reading started, and is one of the main topics I cover here), but can also be as diverse as covering the entire industry.

With a marketing blog you can cover the latest trends in certain industries, cover how to get ahead on certain platforms or with certain mediums, and also provide strategy to increase your reach, be that with your website, email list, social media channels, or even through traditional marketing channels in a modern landscape.

Examples of marketing blogs that make money: – $,+ per month – $43,+ per month
Her Paper Route – $12,+ per month

3. Legal Blog

As the world becomes more digital, traditional services are slowly becoming more digital, and when you have a problem, one of the first things most people do is take out their phone and on a search engine like Google, they type in their problem. For legal problems, this is no different.

People want to see if they can solve their legal problems themselves, whether it’s something tax-related, or to see if what they are doing is legally correct. Lawyers are notoriously expensive, which means that there is a lot of opportunities online to provide solutions for what can be considered common or basic problems that might not need a one-on-one consultation with an expensive legal expert.

These could be a set of legal templates for your blog, a video guide on how to file your taxes in a certain country, applying for work in a foreign country, how to immigrate to a new country, and so on.

If you have any serious legal problems, however, then you should definitely consult a professional. And for ambitious legal bloggers, if you’re no longer practicing, you could even use your blog as a lead generating tool for a network of lawyers from around the world, because they’ll also be in the market for new clients and you can earn a good amount in commissions for doing a bit of match-making. 😉

Examples of legal blogs that make money and/or have a large readership: – $60,+ per month
Above the law – Over 50, Newsletter subscribers
Legal Eagle – mil+ YouTube Subscribers

4. Business Blog

When it comes to business related blogs, there can be quite a lot of overlap with marketing blogs. This is because a key success factor when it comes to running a business is marketing.

Business blogs discuss industry trends, they provide practical advice on starting and scaling a business, as well as different options for starting a business depending on your specific circumstances.

Some common topics covered by business blogs are:

  • How to make money online
  • Business ideas
  • How to market your business
  • Business trends
  • Funding and pitching advice
  • Entrepreneurial motivation
  • Business planning

These types of blogs do generally cover other topics that you’ll find in marketing and finance blogs as well due to the major overlap.

Examples of business blogs that make money:

Adam Enfroy – $83,+ per month
Melyssa Griffin – $,+ per month
Smart Passive Income – $,+ per month

Self-Help Related blog types that have money-making potential

In the previous section we covered blogs that solve problems generally related to money, as this deals with people’s livelihoods, these sites have high-income potential. Another area that has huge income potential, but for a completely different reason is self-help.

People are willing to invest in improving their habits to become the best version of themselves and they’re willing to spend large portions of their disposable income to reach these goals.

So, let’s take a look at some of the blogging niches that you could fall into.

5. Personal Development Blog

The first thing that springs to mind when you think of self-help would be personal development.

These blogs usually provide readers with help getting in touch with who they really are and managing their emotions to achieve their goals, vision, and the life that they are aspiring to have.

These blogs generally cover things like:

  • Life coaching
  • Emotional mastery
  • Dating and relationships
  • Mindset
  • Happiness
  • Mental health

Examples of self-improvement blogs that make money:

Women blazing trails – $4,+ per month
Let’s reach success – $5,+ per month
Goodbye, Self Help – $2,+ per month

6. Health and Fitness Blog

Self-help doesn’t only fall into the emotional and mental side of things. Many people are looking for ways to improve their physical health and appearance, and this is where health and fitness blogs have a large earning potential.

Fitness and health-related blogs help readers achieve a healthy lifestyle while improving strength and fitness. This doesn’t have to be a bodybuilding blog (although that could be a topic if you’re into that sort of thing), you can also write about a wealth of different topics such as:

  • Healthy eating
  • Niche workout and exercise plans (Bodybuilding, Yoga, Pilates, etc.)
  • Nutritional advice
  • How to do certain exercises
  • Mindfulness
  • Body positivity

There are a ton of different topics you can cover when it comes to health and fitness, and we can all relate to one or another aspect, meaning there is a vast audience waiting to read your content if this is something that you are interested in.

Examples of health and fitness blogs that make money:

Organize yourself Skinny – $13,+ per month
Fit Mom Journey – $10,+ per month
Nerd Fitness – $,+ per month

7. Parenting Blog

Sometimes also known as mom blogs as these are often written by mothers speaking about their first-hand experiences. Dads have started to enter the chat in this respect as well, so we’re going to go and just call these parenting blogs.

Parenting blogs are all about raising your children and cover a variety of different family topics. These blogs are a great way of sharing your own experiences as many parents are looking for advice on the same things and you can be that relatable hand that helps them along their journey.

Parenting blogs cover a variety of different topics, some being:

  • Home schooling
  • Raising teenagers
  • Handling work and kids
  • Traveling with children
  • Affordable parenting
  • Children’s nutrition

Parenting blogs also have the added benefit of being able to make money and spend more time at home with your kids.

Examples of parenting blogs that make money in

Mommy on Purpose – $+ per month
The Realistic Mama – $20,+ per month
The Soccer Mom Blog – $11,+ per month

8. Sustainability Blog

The topic of sustainability and eco-friendliness can overlap into just about every topic discussed here. Blogs that fall into this category generally only write about their sub-niche within this topic, however.

Sustainability blogs are about conserving the planet that we’re living on, helping readers become self-sufficient and bringing awareness to climate change, pollution and providing solutions that everyone can implement to make a positive impact on both themselves, but also the planet.

Topics covered by sustainability blogs are often:

  • Living off-grid
  • Self-sustainable gardening
  • Environmental alternatives for popular products
  • No waste living
  • Minimalism
  • DIY/Crafts

Examples of sustainability blogs that make money:

Embracing Simple Blog – $2,+ per month
Fork in the Road – $2,+ per month

Lifestyle and hobby-related Blogs that Make Money

These are often the first types of blogs that introduce beginners into the world of blogging. These are the passion projects and the typical “fun” styled blogs that get the most “And you can make a living like that?” questions.

Yes, you can make a living like that, and you can earn quite a lot in fact, as you’ll see below.

9. Travel Blog

If you love traveling, visiting new places and telling people about your adventures and the different things you saw, did, ate, etc. Then a travel blog may just be your calling.

Travel blogs showcase different places and provide readers with inspiration for their next holiday, things to do on their next trip, and ideas on where to eat. These blogs often have beautiful images (although you don’t have to be a professional photographer to have a great travel blog), comprehensive lists, and provide insights on the very best things to do and see from a local’s perspective.

These types of blogs write about a variety of different things, such as:

  • Traveling on a budget
  • Travel itineraries
  • Things to do and see
  • Local travel
  • Food in different countries
  • Remote work or online jobs to travel
  • Backpacking

Examples of travel blogs that make money:

Kara and Nate – $40,+ per month
Adventure in You – $19,+ per month
Two Wandering Soles – $16,+ per month

Fashion Blog

Would you consider yourself a stylish and fashion-forward person? Then it may be time to consider a fashion blog.

Fashion blogs can actually make quite a lot of money, with affiliate marketing, your own products, and of course ads being some of the best ways to earn an income with your fashion blog.

It’s not just about pretty picture and stylish outfits though, fashion blogs cover a variety of topics that provide their readers with value, things like:

  • Affordable fashion
  • DIY fashion/hacks (and fashion upgrades)
  • Environmentally friendly fashion
  • Seasonal style
  • Clothing for particular occasions (like weddings, interviews, etc.)
  • Fashion reviews
  • Latest style trends

Examples of fashion blogs that make money in

The Modest Man – $7,+ per month
Chic Pursuit – $4,+ per month
Affordable by Amanda – $4,+ per month

Food Blog

If you love cooking and experimenting in the kitchen, or just love trying different dishes and desserts, then a food blog might be ideal for you.

Food blogs revolve mostly around recipes but can cover a variety of different topics and subniches, things like:

  • Baking recipes
  • Quick meals
  • Growing your own fruit and vegetables
  • Affordable meals
  • Cooking without XYZ (like recipes without an oven, for example)
  • Drink recipes
  • Restaurant reviews

Food blogs, like fashion and travel, can be very visual, which is why being active on visual social networks like Pinterest and Instagram can help your blog’s growth.

Examples of food blogs that make money in

Green Thickies – $15,+ per month
Pinch of yum – $,+ per month
Show me the Yummy – $46,+ per month

DIY/Craft Blog

Do it yourself, or craft blogs, show readers how they can do things themselves. Whether that’s building a house or decorating your living room, the possibilities are endless.

If you’re a maker and have a knack for creating things yourself, then a DIY/craft blog can be a great way of sharing your knowledge with others, while earning a good income in the process. You can then work on projects you wouldn’t have had the time or money for before, or just enjoy the added freedom to do other things you love.

DIY/craft blogs can cover just about any topic, these are some popular ones:

  • Woodwork
  • Home Renovation
  • Arts and crafts
  • Clothing
  • Gardening
  • Holiday decorations
  • DIY life hacks

Some of the most popular videos on social networks like Facebook and YouTube are DIY videos, so if you want to showcase your DIY skills, it can help to grow your blog by incorporating videos and starting a YouTube Channel as well.

Examples of DIY/craft blogs that make money in

While she naps – $+ per month
Crochetpreneur – $17,+ per month
The Shabby Creek Cottage – $25,+ per month

Pet Blog

We all love our pets and if you enjoy writing about yours, then you may want to consider a pet blog.

You’re probably wondering if pet blogs can actually make money, and I’m here to tell you that they absolutely can, and they do. There are a few great ways to monetize your pet blogs, such as adding affiliate links to your favorite pet toys, gear, training, and other pet care products.

Pet blogs can cover a variety of different topics, or they can be completely niched down to one specific breed. Here are some of the most popular topics for different pet blogs:

  • Training your pet
  • Traveling with your pet
  • Adopting
  • Breed information
  • Dealing with exotic animals
  • Nutrition

Examples of pet blogs that make money or get a lot of traffic:

You Did What with Your Wiener – $10,+ per month
Sit Stay – 70,+ page visits per month
The Spruce Pets – 12mil+ page visits per month

Technology Blog

If you’re like me, then you can’t help yourself when a new tech gadget gets released and watch every review you can find as well as reading about all of the features and functions on various tech blogs.

Technology blogs provide information and reviews on the latest tech gear and help influence readers buying decisions, because of this, tech blogs can make a lot of money through affiliate commissions. People are normally already “warm” when they’re looking for a review on a specific product so when they click on your article and it’s an authentic review that shows the pros and cons, if the cons aren’t a deal-breaker for them, they may just click on your link and then make a purchase.

As tech products also tend to be high-value items, even if you’re an affiliate for Amazon where you earn a very small percentage as an affiliate commission, you can make quite a lot of money per transaction.

Tech blogs cover a wide variety of topics and niches, some of the most common are:

  • Product reviews
  • Product comparisons and rankings
  • Tutorials and guides
  • Affordable tech
  • News and leaks

Examples of technology blogs that get a lot of page visitors:

Photography Blog – ,+ page views per month
Ken Rockwell – mil+ page views per month
Laptop Mag – mil+ page views per month

Gaming Blog

Gaming is a genre very popular on YouTube, but with the gaming world migrating almost completely online, opportunities within the gaming niche are also growing for blogs.

Your gaming blog can be specific to a specific niche, cover the whole industry, only focus on a specific topic (like reviews), or you can use your blog to support your presence on YouTube or on a streaming service.

Here are some examples of different things you can write about for gaming:

  • Let’s play videos
  • Tutorials and game walkthroughs
  • Game reviews
  • Game comparisons

Examples of gaming channels that make money in

Pewdiepie – m+ YouTube Subscribers
BorasLegend – k+ YouTube Subscribers
CrazyPlayz – m+ YouTube Subscribers

Lifestyle Blog

The previous blogs types all had one thing in common, they focus on a specific topic or industry, this is where lifestyle blogs are a little bit different.

Lifestyle blogs tend to have many different topics and the way they are woven together to make a cohesive blog is the personality and the stories behind the writer or they write and cater to a specific audience.

This type of blog connects with their audience by being very relatable. If you can’t decide on exactly what you want to write about, but have value to share to a particular audience, then a lifestyle blog may be something to consider.

These blogs cover just about everything, with a strong overlap on some personal development topics. Here are some of the more popular topics:

  • Relationships
  • Learning a new skill
  • Productivity
  • Best XYZ for twenty-somethings (clothing brands, vacation destinations, etc.)

Examples of lifestyle blogs that make money

It’s Claudia G – $2,+ per month
Just a girl and her blog – $40,+ per month
Chasing Foxes – $19,+ per month

How to make money blogging

Now that we’ve covered the different types of blogs that make money, let’s take a look at how to make money blogging. There are a number of different ways to make money blogging, with the only real limitations being your imagination, so here are some of the most popular ways to make money blogging:

  • Run ads on your blog
  • Include affiliate links in your articles
  • Sell advertising space on your blog
  • Create and sell an eBook
  • Create and sell a course
  • Promote your services
  • Collect donations through PayPal or Patreon
  • Sponsored posts
  • Sell a virtual product (like a template or how-to guide)
  • Sell products on Etsy
  • Sell your blog (Ok, this one’s a bit extreme, but some blogs have sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars)

How to pick your blogging niche

Picking the type of blog that you want to make shouldn’t rely solely on the amount of money you can make within that niche.

As you’ve just seen, it’s very possible to make money with just about any niche.

What you need to get there however is the passion to see things through, as well as the interest and at least a decent understanding of the subject in order to provide value.

Of course, the more of an expert you are on a particular subject, the better, but just because you’re not an expert yet doesn’t mean that you cannot write about something you are passionate about and learning about.

Just by showing an interest in something, you’ll already have a far greater knowledge of a subject compared to the majority of people, and this knowledge you can share on your blog.

Even if you’re a beginner, your journey can be relatable to other people who are in a similar situation.

The simple answer to picking a blogging niche is to find something you’re passionate about in the list above, but if you’re still having difficulties, check out this article to find your blog niche in 5 easy steps.

Best Practices to Create a Blog That Will Make Money

Write for your audience

This means that you should think about your audience first and not yourself. Put yourself in their shoes and think about why they should read your blog. Once you’ve answered that question, you’ll know exactly what to write.

Be authentic

In the modern world, there are a lot of people faking it, with many even advocating for people to “fake it until you make it”. People aren’t stupid though, and you’ll get a lot further and live a much healthier life if you’re open and honest with your readers. People appreciate authenticity and by being authentic, you’re showing you’re a real person, with real problems that your readers will be able to relate to.

Provide solutions to problems

If you’re going to only take one thing from this post, let it be this: Provide solutions to your reader’s problems. If you can provide your readers with solutions, you’re providing them with value and that is the name of the game when it comes to blogging.

Give before you ask

This goes along the lines of the previous point about providing solutions. Show your readers that you can help solve their problems and only thereafter ask for something in return. This could be an affiliate product that takes it one step further, a course that will provide even more value, or you just asking them to read another article.

What’s Next

The next step, now that you know the types of blogs that make money, would be to start your own blog and get going.

If you’re ready to take the leap and get started, then I’ve put together an easy guide for beginners to start a blog in 20 minutes that you can read from the button below.

Get Started Today!

For more help along the way, I’ve included two of my favorite blogging courses depending on how far along you are in your journey that will help take you all the way from blog setup to six figures.

Launch Your Blog Biz

If you’re at the very beginning of your blogging journey and finding it tough getting started. I recommend the Launch Your Blog Biz course, from Alex and Lauren from Create & Go.

This course guides you through setting up your blog with WordPress, customizing themes, creating graphics, how to write blog posts, blogging fundamentals, building your list, and many more useful and professional tips and tutorials. In addition to the blogging stuff, you’ll also learn how to monetize your blog through affiliate marketing, sales, and email funnels, how to convert readers into buyers, using social media to get traffic to your posts, and much more.

Launch Your Blog Biz

If you want to get started making money with your blog, I highly recommend the course. You may even run into me in the private support group lending a hand. 😉

Six-Figure Blogger

If you’re already making some money with your blog and have an established audience and blog niche, then this is the course to help take you from hobby blogger to six-figure blogger.

Amira from (one of the profitable legal blogs mentioned earlier) is actually a student of the course and watching her go from 0-$60k per month has been quite incredible.

Six Figure Blogger Course

Find out more about the Six-Figure Blogger course here, or read my review.

Now that you know the 16 types of blogs that make money, which ones are you going to go after? Or have you already started and are well on your way?

Wherever you are in your journey, I hope this article has helped shed some light on the income potential you can make when you start a blog, content site, authority site, or whatever you want to call it.

Источник: []

Are you thinking about starting a blog but not sure which topics or niche to choose?

Choosing the right niche for your blog makes it easier to create engaging content and even make money online.

In this article, we&#;ll explain how to easily choose the best blogging niche that will eventually help you start earning online.

Best blogging niche to start a blog

What is a Blog?

A blog is a website that&#;s updated regularly with new pieces of content, which are normally written articles. These are called &#;posts&#; and appear in reverse chronological order, with the newest at the top of the list.

To learn more, see our guide on the difference between a blog and a website.

When blogs first started, they were mostly personal diaries, sharing information on a range of topics of interest to the person writing.

That&#;s still how some blogs work today, but a large number of blogs now focus on specific niches that interest the blogger and their target audience.

For instance, WPBeginner is a blog focused on helping non-techy users do more with WordPress through helpful tutorials, how-tos, and other articles.

How to Make a Blog?

To start a blog, you need three key things:

  • A domain name: the address of your site (ours is
  • Web hosting: online storage for your site, so visitors can access it
  • A blogging platform: special software that lets you easily create a blog without needing to do any coding

Normally, a domain name costs around $ per year and web hosting starts from $ per year.

That&#;s a significant investment, especially when you are just testing the waters.

Luckily, Bluehost has agreed to offer our users a free domain name and a generous discount on hosting. Basically, you can get started for $ per month.

→ Click Here to Claim This Exclusive Bluehost Deal ←

Need more options? See our guide on how to choose the best web hosting detailed comparison of top hosting providers.

When it comes to your blog platform, there are plenty of choices available, including many great free ones. See our list of the best blogging platforms for detailed comparison.

However, if you want to make money from your blog in the near future, then is your best option (this is what we use on WPBeginner).

It is easy to use and comes with thousands of design options and add-ons. Most importantly, it gives you the freedom to monetize your blog in any way you want.

For more details, see our detailed guide on how to start a WordPress blog.

Related:Why you should use WordPress

Can You Really Make Money Blogging?

Starting a blog isn&#;t going to make you rich overnight, but you can definitely make money blogging.

Many popular blogs make money online using different methods. Often, this is called &#;monetizing&#; your blog.

Smaller blogs with a specific target audience can easily make a nice side income. Many popular blogs make six and even seven-figure income (see: WPBeginner income &#; how much money does WPBeginner make?).

The following are just some of the most popular monetization methods used by blogs all over the world.

Advertising: Running ads, often through an advertising network like Google AdSense. Some bloggers sell ads directly to companies instead.

Sponsorship: Running sponsored (paid for) content from an advertiser. This is often in the form of sponsored blog posts, but could also include social media posts on Instagram or other social networks.

Affiliate marketing: Linking to products or services that offer commission when someone clicks on your link and makes a purchase. This is a great way to monetize your blog. We have lots of affiliate marketing tips and tools to make it easy for you.

Digital products: By selling digital products like Ebooks, online courses, printables, apps, software, music, and more. Digital products generally have low overheads and can work for almost any niche.

Services: If you&#;re a writer, photographer, coach, or similar, that can be a great way to monetize your blog. You might even start a blog to help you market an existing service you offer, like logo design or freelance writing.

Physical products: Although they have higher costs than digital ones, physical products can be a great way to make money. It&#;s easy to add an online store to your WordPress blog and start selling.

Things to Consider When Choosing Your Blogging Niche

Many new blogs die within a few weeks and most don&#;t even make it to a couple of months.

Whatever blogging niche you choose, make sure you are genuinely interested in that topic. This would make it easier to stick to it and keep yourself motivated.

It&#;s also important to consider:

Do you know enough about your niche to be able to write confidently? You don&#;t need to be an expert, but it&#;s best to start a blog on a topic that you&#;re able to write about without having to do loads of research.

Can you easily make money from your niche? While blogs on all sorts of topics can and do make money, some niches are a lot easier to monetize than others. A blog about a little-known or uninteresting topic might not get enough readers to make much money.

Have you chosen an appropriately sized niche? It&#;s best not to go too broad. If you&#;re aiming for an audience of &#;everyone&#;, you&#;re likely to end up with &#;no one&#;. Try to find a sub-niche that&#;s a great fit for you.

Are you happy to have your name associated with your niche? While it&#;s fine to blog anonymously if you want to, however you might find it difficult to monetize.

Top Blogging Niches That Will Make Money

You might already have a topic in mind for your blog, or you might not have any ideas at all. All the niches below are great ones to try, so long as you pick a topic that you&#;re truly interested in.

These are all big, popular niches that have been around for years and that can make a lot of money.

1. Health and Fitness

Health and fitness
Health and fitness are huge topics, and you&#;ll definitely find an audience if you&#;re blogging about something in this area.

Health and fitness is one of the most popular blogging niches. It is a lucrative niche which means there are a ton of blogs that will be competing with you.

The easiest way to build your voice is by narrowing it down to your general interest.

There are lots of different angles that you could take:

  • A particular diet: paleo, gluten-free, raw food, , keto&#;
  • A particular type of exercise: running, weight-lifting, CrossFit&#;
  • A specific audience: women, men, young, old, geeky&#;
  • A particular approach to health: homeopathy, acupuncture, wellness&#;
  • Sharing your progress: if you&#;re on a health journey of your own, you could update readers on that and share your lessons learned

Tip: We&#;ve got a list of the best WordPress themes for CrossFit gyms. A lot of those could work well for other health or fitness topics too, so take a look and see if one would be right for your blog.

2. Personal Finance

Personal finance

We all need money, and many of us want to earn more, spend less, or save more. Blogs on personal finance have found huge audiences, and again, there are lots of different angles and approaches you can take.

You might choose to write about:

  • Frugality: money saving tips, using coupons, anti-consumerism&#;
  • Investing: market tips, best index funds, angel investors&#;
  • Debt: paying it off, mortgages, student loans&#;
  • Budgeting: software, motivation, cost-cutting tips&#;
  • Sharing your progress: this is quite common with blogs that focus on getting out of debt

Related:Best WordPress themes for financial blogs.

3. Fashion

Fashion blog

Fashion is another immensely popular blogging niche and one that could be a great money-maker. It&#;s a particularly good fit if you love posting on Instagram, which is where some fashion bloggers have become especially influential.

Many fashion blogs focus on the blogger and include lots of photos. If you want to remain anonymous, or if you hate being photographed, then this type of fashion blogging probably isn&#;t for you. Instead, you might want to blog about particular trends within fashion, or share fashion-related news.

Although you might associate fashion blogging with female bloggers, this niche isn&#;t just for women.

There are plenty of men&#;s fashion blogs (often called &#;men&#;s style&#;) out there too. These tend to focus more on tips and product suggestions than on personal photos.

We have a complete guide on how to start a fashion blog and make money with step by step instructions.

4. Lifestyle

The Stack theme for WordPress

What&#;s the &#;lifestyle&#; niche in blogging? It can be a little confusing if you&#;re new to blogging, so let&#;s break it down.

Lifestyle means writing about a range of different topics that are connected through having the same audience.

For instance, you might have a lifestyle blog where you write about food, fashion, and motherhood. The connection is that you&#;re writing for women in their 30s and 40s who want to eat well and look great while raising young children.

Alternatively, you might have a lifestyle blog aimed at single women that focuses on travel, beauty, and hair. Or you might have a blog aimed at men aged 20 to 40 that&#;s all about style, fitness, and music.

The mix of topics is up to you, but it&#;s important to make sure your blog has a very clear brand to give it focus and direction.

Tip: Many fashion WordPress themes or fitness WordPress themes can be a good fit for lifestyle blogs. As with fashion blogs, design is really important in this niche, so invest in a premium theme if you can.

5. Business and Marketing

Business blog

There are loads of blogs out there that cover business and marketing related topics. If you&#;ve been reading a lot about blogging, you might feel like every popular blog talks about something to do with blogging, marketing or building a business!

If you&#;ve got a business or marketing background, then starting a blog in this niche could be a great idea. As with the other niches on our list, this is a huge one, so you&#;ll want to find a clear focus and voice for your own blog.

Depending on your expertise and interests, you might choose to blog about:

  • B2B (business-to-business) marketing
  • B2C (business-to-consumer) marketing
  • Entrepreneurship: starting and growing companies
  • Small businesses: more and more people are moving into self-employment, so this is a great area to target
  • A particular type of marketing or area of marketing: networking, social media marketing, copywriting, direct response marketing&#;

Tip: Almost any of these multi-purpose WordPress themes could work for your business or marketing website. Divi is an especially good option as it&#;s fully responsive and you can customize it however you like.

6. Technology and Gaming

Technology and gaming

The fast-paced technology niche is great for making money from affiliate income, either directly from manufacturers and software companies, or through a website like Amazon.

Your best monetization routes are likely to be through advertising and affiliate marketing. Even if you&#;re not writing in-depth product reviews, a technology or gaming blog will give you lots of chances to link to products or software using affiliate links.

You might not be able to break industry news or share insider information, but there are still lots of things you could write about in this niche:

  • Specific equipment or gadgets: phone handsets, digital cameras, fitness trackers, Chromebooks&#;
  • Games: for consoles, PCs, mobiles, Facebook&#;
  • Tutorials: either for a specific piece of software (e.g. Photoshop) or more wide-ranging
  • Latest news: usually about a particular company or type of product
  • Technology or gaming for a specific demographic, such as teens or boomers

Related: See our step by step complete affiliate marketing guide for beginners.

7. Travel

Start a travel blog

The final niche on our list is travel. Again, it&#;s a hugely popular niche, both with bloggers and with readers, and there are a lot of different approaches you could take to build a successful blog.

Blogging about your own travels could be monetized through affiliate links to hotels, recommended travel buys, and so on. It might even give you opportunities for free vacations.

Great photos are, of course, an important part of your travel blog. Even if you&#;re just writing about local attractions, people will want to see pictures.

You could focus your travel blog by writing about:

  • Specific countries or continents: things to do, restaurants to visit, ways to get around&#;
  • A particular type of traveler: families, solo female travelers, digital nomads&#;
  • Travel deals: for flights, hotels, packages&#;
  • Your own travels: having a key theme or brand can make this easier to monetize

For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to start a travel blog and make money from it.

Other Popular Blogging Niches to Consider

Of course, these aren&#;t the only ones you could make great money from. There are bloggers out there with successful blogs on almost any topic you could think of.

Maybe none of the ideas we&#;ve looked at sound like a good fit for you. Don&#;t push yourself to start a blog on a topic that you&#;re not interested in.

Here are some other good options to try. They all have the potential to make plenty of money.

Crafts Blog

If you love to knit, paint, sew, make jewelry, or engage in some other type of craft, why not blog about it? There are lots of great crafty blogs out there, and they tend to do really well on Pinterest.

As with other highly visual niches, like fashion, lifestyle, and travel, you&#;ll need to be able to include great photos. You could monetize by using affiliate links to any crafting tools and supplies that you want to promote or by selling your crafted items through a marketplace like Etsy.

DIY Blog

Do you enjoy decorating and remodeling your home? Or maybe you&#;ve gone further and redesigned or even rebuilt your home. There are plenty of DIY blogs out there, and this can be a great type of blogging to try if you enjoy writing tutorials and &#;how-to&#; articles.

Parenting Blog

Do you have kids? There are thousands of blogs out there about parenting, covering all sorts of different angles. While you might think the niche is already full of mommy bloggers, the audience for parenting blogs is so large that it&#;s definitely worth considering.

To help your parenting blog stand out, you&#;ll want a clear angle. You could write about a stage of parenting (like parenting toddlers) or you could write for a certain group of parents (like older parents or teen parents).

Educational Blog

Is there a topic that you know well and that you could teach others about? That could become a great niche for you.

For instance, perhaps you&#;re a keen amateur photographer and you could write detailed tutorials for beginners. Or maybe you&#;re an experienced developer and you could offer tips for people learning to code.

Sites that teach people how to do something can almost always be monetized through selling ebooks, online courses, or other information products.

Tip: You can also create and sell online courses along with your blog posts to make some serious dough.

Food Blog

We all need to eat! Blogs about food can be hugely popular. In this niche, you&#;ll almost certainly be sharing recipes, so you&#;ll want to take photos that make your food look great.

Again, it helps to have an angle or specific area that your blog focuses on within the broader niche. Perhaps you&#;ll be writing about quick and easy meals that taste great or about gluten-free or dairy-free recipes.

Advertising, affiliate links, or your own recipe book could all be great ways to monetize your food blog.

See our complete guide on how to start a food blog and make money for more advice and details.

Final Thoughts on Choosing the Best Blogging Niche

You could spend forever trying to pick the very best blogging niche. Or you could start your blog and, six months or a year from now, you could be making good money from it.

First, choose a niche that interests you and make sure you have a clear idea about how you can monetize it.

Then, choose a domain name that works well for your blog topic.

Finally, sign up for a hosting account and register your domain name. We recommend Bluehost, which will cost you just $ / month, with a free domain name included (this is a special offer for WPBeginner readers).

That&#;s all you need to do to get started with your blog.

We hope this article has helped you choose the best blogging niche to make money from your blog. You may also want to look at our list of online business ideas to make money, and our article on how to increase your blog traffic.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

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10 Types of Blogs That Make Money (With Examples)

types of blogs that make money

W ant to know the most popular types of blogs that make money? 

While starting a blog is a great way to make money online, most beginners don’t know what type of blog to create. Many of you have probably wondered, what are the most popular types of blogs? 

If this is you, then you’re in the right place! We’ve listed the 10 types of blogs that make the most money. And we’ve added examples to each type of blog. 

Sound good? Great!

Let’s get to it. 

10 Top Money Making Blogs 

Below you’ll find the 10 most popular types of blogs. Each of these types of blogs can be monetized. So hopefully, this list will inspire you to create your own money-making blogging strategy. 

1. Finance Blog 

Are you a pro at handling money? Then a finance blog might be a great choice for you. 

Finance blogs give actionable advice to any online user. Whether it’s a college student, young adult, or parent, everyone could gain more knowledge about their finances. 

 Let’s take a look at a popular finance blog, Get Rich Slowly. 

finance type of blog get rich slowly

Get Rich Slowly helps their readers pay off their debt and grow their money. They also cover other finance topics, like investing and your money mindset. 

As we mentioned before, finance reaches out to all different types of people, so there’s an infinite amount of finance topics to cover. This means you won’t get stuck on thinking of new blog posts in the long-run. 

Plus, there’s a ton of different finance blog niches to choose from. Some of these blog niches include: 

  • Frugal spending
  • Early-retirement
  • Passive-income
  • Side-hustles
  • Investing

This is why finance is one of the best types of blogs that make money. It’s useful for everyone, and you have an infinite amount of topics to cover. 

2. Fashion Blog 

Have you ever dreamed of starting your own clothing line? Start a fashion blog! 

A fashion blog is a great way to express your unique sense of style through photos, clothing, and beauty products. 

But wait… fashion blogs make money? 

Of course! There are many ways to monetize a fashion blog. You can sell products, add affiliate links, and become an influencer on Instagram. 

One of the most popular fashion blogs out there is We Wore What. 

we wore what fashion blog

Danielle Bernstein started We Wore What to photograph her outfits across New York City. Now she sells her own swimwear and overalls. Plus, she has over 2 million followers on Instagram. 

With that said, we suggest using Instagram along with your fashion blog. It’s another way to showcase your photos to your audience. You might want to check out our guide on using Instagram as a blogger. 

Some fashion blog niches you can write about are: 

  • DIY fashion
  • Affordable fashion
  • Fashion reviews
  • Fashion for a particular event (ie. Weddings)
  • Eco-friendly fashion

If you’re ready to get started, then check out our complete guide on how to start a fashion blog. 

3. Travel Blog 

When most people think about traveling, they imagine the Eiffel Tower, Patagonia, or Cancun. But what about the logistics, like planning and budgeting? Wouldn’t it be nice if someone could plan it all for you? 

With a travel blog, there is! Travel blogs are an invaluable resource to help anyone plan the trip of their dreams. They teach readers how to plan a trip, what destinations to visit, and how to budget wisely. 

travel blogs are a popular type of blog that makes money

Will Hatton, the owner of The Broke Backpacker, helps his reader’s travel on a tight budget. And by a tight budget, we mean less than 10 dollars a day! 

So how do travel blogs make money? 

Affiliate links are a popular way to monetize a travel blog. The Broke Backpacker, for example, uses affiliate links to promote travel gear. 

You could also sell your own services, like Will. Along with his travel guides, he helps his readers work as they travel. 

And even if you don’t travel internationally, you can still start a travel blog! Some other travel blog niches you can write about are: 

  • Traveling in your country
  • Road trips
  • Camping
  • Traveling on a budget
  • How to travel and work at the same time

4. Marketing Blog

One of the best types of blogs that make money is a marketing blog. 

A marketing blog helps readers learn and monetize online marketing skills to start a business. A lot of marketing blogs cover blogging, email marketing, eCommerce marketing, and SEO. 

We consider Blog Tyrant as a marketing blog! Our website is full of marketing resources for bloggers and small businesses. 

Another example of a marketing blog is WPBeginner. 

WPBeginner of one of the most popular types blogs that make money. This is an example of a marketing blog.

WPBeginner is the most popular blog for anything WordPress-related. They help their readers build and monetize their WordPress site for blogging and eCommerce shops. 

Marketing blogs are useful for anyone who wants to make money online. And it’s a great way to become an authoritative source. 

With that said, there are so many marketing strategies out there. So we suggest narrowing down a specific niche. This is the best way to get more traffic and gain authority. 

Look at WPBeginner. They narrowed their niche to WordPress, and now they’re the most popular resource for WordPress. 

Other marketing blog niches you can write about are: 

  • Small business marketing
  • Marketing yourself as a [insert profession here]
  • Business news and trends
  • How to build an online business in [insert profession here]
  • Digital marketing strategies (SEO, email marketing, website analytics)

5. Health and Fitness Blog

Are you into living a healthy lifestyle? Then a health and fitness blog might be for you. 

A health and fitness blog is great because everyone can relate to it. Whether it’s nutrition, exercise, or mental health, there’s something for everyone in this blog topic. 

Let’s take a look at Born Fitness. 

health and fitness type of blog

Born Fitness debunks myths and answers questions about nutrition and exercise. And they monetize their blog with health coaching. 

You can also make health and fitness blogs profitable with an online course, affiliate links, and selling your own products.

But as health impacts our daily lives, make sure to build trust with your readers. The last thing a person wants is inaccurate information about a health concern. 

With that, offer educational content, like videos, podcasts, and email newsletters to connect with your audience. 

Some other health and fitness blog niches are: 

  • Body empowerment
  • Eating healthy on a budget
  • Nutrition and exercise for children
  • Niche workout blog (Yoga, running, weight lifting)
  • Mindfulness

6. Mom Blog 

Also known as a parenting blog, a mom blog is all about raising your children and other family life topics. 

So how did mom blogs become popular? 

First, there are so many parents out there who share have the same questions about raising children. So it’s a great way to share your own stories and advice. 

And second, these parents realized that they can make money blogging AND stay at home with their kiddos. 

In fact, mom blogs are so popular that there are now mom blogs that help other moms create their own mom blog! 

We’ll check out Lucie’s List as our mom blog example. 

a mom blog example

Lucie’s List helps women transition into motherhood. They monetize their blog with affiliate links for baby and children’s products. 

But mom blogs don’t stop at how to raise children. With so many family dynamics in the world, there’s a ton of blog niches you can write about parenting. Some examples are: 

  • Working and parenting
  • Traveling with children
  • Homeschooling children
  • Affordable parenting
  • Raising teenagers

7. Food Blog 

Are you a foodie? Then a food blog is right up your alley. 

Food blogs are like recipe books—you get to teach readers how to make tasty dishes. And you get to take nice photos. 

A Sassy Spoon is a great example of a food blog. 

example of a food blog that makes money

A Sassy Spoon organizes their blog by recipe, diet, time-limits, and meal. So her site is easy to navigate for any type of reader. 

So now you might be wondering how much money a food blog makes. 

Jamie, the founder of Sassy Spoon, made over k from her food blog in ! This was all thanks to ads, affiliate marketing, and business coaching. We’ll talk about how to monetize your blog a little more later in the post. 

Some other types of food blogs you can create are: 

  • Restaurant reviews
  • Homemade recipes
  • Eating and traveling
  • Affordable eating
  • DIY drinks

Make sure to check out our guide on how to start a food blog for step-by-step instructions. 

8. Lifestyle Blog 

So far, the types of blogs that make money have been about one specific topic. But a lifestyle blog is a little different. 

Lifestyle bloggers write about a bunch of topics, like personal experience, culture, and relationships. 

A lifestyle blog attracts readers who want to read something similar to a magazine. They like stories, advice columns, and product recommendations. 

example of a lifestyle blog that makes money

Advice From a Twenty Something is a lifestyle blog for the average year-old. They write about anything a year-old wants to know about. Dating, fashion, and fitness are a few examples. 

This blog makes money from affiliate links. They also get traffic from allowing other users to submit blog posts to their site. This is also known as guest posting. 

If you have a bunch of blogging ideas, then a lifestyle blog might be a good place to start. As you blog, you’ll learn more about what you like to write about and who your ideal reader is.

Some topics people lifestyle blog about are: 

  • Dating and relationships
  • Self-improvement
  • Productivity
  • Learning a [insert hobby here]
  • Music

Don’t feel like you have to write about the above blog niches. The beauty of a lifestyle blog is that you can write about anything you want! 

Just make sure other people are interested in your blog content. In other words, make your lifestyle blog relatable. 

9. DIY Blog  

Do you have a knack for crafts? Then why not create a DIY blog! 

DIY stands for “Do it yourself.” So a DIY blog shows readers how to make crafts, clothing, home decor…the possibilities are quite endless. 

P.S I Made This, is one of the most popular DIY blogs out there. 

DIY blog example

P.S I Made This shows their readers how to craft all types of things. Some examples are clothing, beauty products, and home decor. 

Many DIY blogs use social media, like Pinterest and Instagram to showcase their products. You could even use YouTube and post videos of how you create your crafts! 

Some other DIY blog ideas you can use are: 

  • Arts and crafts
  • Home renovations
  • Gifts
  • Beauty products
  • DIY for teachers

Pet Blog 

Let’s face it—we’re obsessed with our pets. We love to play with them, cuddle with them, and write about them! 

A pets blog is great for anyone looking for DIY pet treats, training tips, and activities. 

So if you own a bunch of animals or know a lot about a specific breed, then a pet blog might be for you. 

types of blogs that make money - pet blog example

PuppyLeaks is a pet blog for dog owners. They have articles on puppy training, treats, and games. 

So are pet blogs profitable? 

Yes! The best way to monetize a pet blog is to add affiliate links to your favorite pet toys and pet care products. 

It’s also easy to think of a pet blog niche. For example, if you own a Labrador Retriever, then you can create a blog all about this dog breed. 

But if you get stuck, you always write about: 

  • Your pet breed
  • Pet adoption
  • Farm animals
  • Reptiles
  • Exotic animals

How Do Beginner Blogs Make Money? 

Now that you know the types of blogs that make money, you might be wondering how they become popular. What blogging strategies should you implement for success? 

The most popular blogs have the following 5 strategies in common with one another. 

1. Valuable Content 

Any blog that makes money knows how to bring value to the reader. Valuable content has the following 3 characteristics. 

Focused on the reader

Don’t write content just because it’s about your niche. Instead, you should write content for your reader. What do they want to learn more about? How will you help them take action? 

You can use tools like keyword research to see if your blog post topics are searched by your audience. You should also look up your blog topics on Google to see what type of blog posts are written about them. 

Easy to read

Think back to the last time you read an article that looked like this: 

An example of an unoptimized blog post.

It was probably difficult to read, right? 

Blog posts are much more user-friendly than textbooks. You should avoid large paragraphs or complicated vocabulary. This might scare your reader to another blog. 

Instead, write short paragraphs, use easy vocab, and add helpful images to your content. You can check out our guide, how to write a good blog post for more tips. 

Optimized for search

Your blog posts might be full of good info, but if it doesn’t rank on search then nobody will see it. This is bad news if you want to monetize your blog. But luckily it isn’t hard to optimize for search. 

To get started, you’ll want good keywords, a fast website, and optimized images. Our SEO guide for beginners will help you get started. 

2. A Unique Selling Proposition 

Optinmonster found that the number of bloggers was expected to grow to million this year. So if you want to create a profitable blog then you need to stand out from everyone else. 

You can do this with a unique selling proposition (USP). A USP is something that makes your blog different from everyone else—why should someone read your blog over another? 

A good example of a USP is the travel blog we mentioned earlier, The Broke Backpacker. Their USP is teaching readers to travel on less than $10 a day.

Most travel blogs don’t talk about traveling with this tight of a budget, so The Broke Backpacker stands out from the rest. And they target anyone who wants to travel on a low budget. 

So how do you find your own USP? 

Niche down your blog topic to something specific. So instead of creating a fitness blog for all ages, you could create a daily workout blog for college students. This topic is specific, yet reaches out to a large group of people. 

We thought of 89 blog niche ideas for you in case you get stuck. 

3. Google Adsense 

The easiest way to make a profitable blog is with Google Adsense. When you sign up for Google Adsense, your blog will display ads like below: 

An example of Google AdSense. Google Adsense is a great way for beginner blogs to make money

So anytime someone clicks on the ad, Google will charge the advertiser. And you’ll get 68% of the profit. 

It’s also easy to sign up for! All you have to do is get approved by Google and then add the code to your blog. 

So if Google Adsense is so easy to manage, then why doesn’t every beginner blogger promote their ads? 

If your blog has a ton of ads, then you might scare off new readers. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use Google Adsense. But instead, wait until you have consistent blog traffic. 

We talk about this more in our Google Adsense guide. 

4. Affiliate Marketing 

Think back to the last time you read a blog post about a product. Maybe you ended up clicking on the product link and purchasing it. 

This is called affiliate marketing. Most types of blogs that make money use this strategy. But how does it work? 

When you become an affiliate partner with an online store, you’ll promote and add a link to their products in your blog post. And if a reader clicks on that link and purchases the product, you’ll earn a commission. 

What’s great about affiliate marketing is that any blog can do it, especially if you chose one of the blog topics we mentioned earlier. 

You might want to check out our complete guide on getting started with affiliate marketing to learn more. 

5. Online Store 

Have any products or services to sell? You can always start an online store! 

The best part about running an online store is that all purchases go straight to your bank account. And you have the freedom to create a product of your own. 

You can also use organic marketing strategies like starting an email list or social media to promote your products to your readers. 

Oh, and another thing—it’s easier than ever to build an online store with WordPress! All you have to do is follow our guide on how to start an online store.  

And that’s it! 

Now you know 10 types of blogs that make money and how to get started. Try out these blog strategies and see what works for you. 

And remember, creating a profitable blog doesn’t happen overnight. But if you put in the hard work and determination, you’ll see results. 

Plus, you can always refer back to our site for the best blogging tips. If you liked this post, you might want to check out our guide on proven ways to make money online. 

And don’t forget to sign up for our email newsletter for more helpful blogging tips!


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Most Profitable Blog Niches (): 8 High-Paying Blog Niches to Try

Many bloggers start with aspirations of growing their blog into a business. If this sounds like you, welcome to the club!

Making money with a blog is an incredible feeling. It’s a sign that your digital labors and hours behind the laptop screen are coming to fruition.

However, one of the most important choices you make when starting out is your blogging niche. Additionally, if money is your goal, you want to pick a blog niche that has enough money on the table to be worth your time.

Why Picking a Blog Niche Matters

There are several advantages to picking a niche rather than being a lifestyle blogger. Picking a blog niche lets you:

  • Narrow Your Focus: Growing a business is hard, especially if you don’t have a target audience or theme.
  • Become An Expert: The more you write in a space, the more authoritative you become in the eyes of readers and Google (provided the content is valuable).
  • Face Less Competition: Multi-niche bloggers compete in every niche they cover, whereas you only worry about immediate competition as a single-niche writer.

However, it’s still a balancing act between narrowing your focus and having enough of an audience to make money, so keep this in mind.

Related: How to Choose a Blog Niche &#; 6 Critical Questions and 60 Niche Ideas

The Most Profitable Blog Niches ()

If you want to choose a blog niche that makes money, this tried and true list of ideas is an excellent place to begin brainstorming.

1. Personal Finance

When it comes to blog niches that make money, it’s no surprise that writing about money makes the list.

People don’t always talk about money, but they certainly read about it, so the personal finance niche gets attention year-round.

With recent events, topics like investing or budgeting have become even more pertinent as people figure out what to do with their stimulus checks or a recent job loss.

Plus, personal finance blogs have access to incredibly lucrative affiliate offers; things like credit cards, online banks, insurance plans, and mortgage lenders are examples that generally pay $ or more per conversion. And they are services that just about everyone needs at some point.

In a blogging income survey from, the personal finance niche dominated the affiliate income space:

Additionally, advertising rates in finance are typically high, so it’s the perfect income-combo between display ads and affiliate offers.

Pros: High-paying affiliate offers; always trending.

Cons: Incredibly competitive for SEO.

Blog Micro Niche Ideas: Frugality, side hustles, making money online, financial independence.

2. Education

Another profitable blog niche is education. This includes online-only education websites, college advice blogs, and even homeschooling blogs.

Education is a profitable niche for one primary reason: obtaining an education is generally very expensive.

Therefore, advertises and affiliate offers within the education space as immensely lucrative. I’m talking about $$+ cost-per-acquisitions (CPAs) for things like refinancing student loans, opening student bank accounts, or choosing an online school.

Plus, you still have options if you’re less interested in finance. Some education bloggers sell printables to fellow teachers or to students to help them organize their semester. If you cover college advice, it’s also easy to sprinkle in Amazon affiliate links for products you recommend.

Pros: High-paying affiliate offers.

Cons: Slightly seasonal based on when semesters start.

Blog Micro Niche Ideas: Surviving college; online college reviews; homeschooling tips for parents.

3. Food

Chances are, you’ve visited plenty of food blogs in your life. This blog niche is perhaps one of the most saturated niches out there. But it’s also a profitable blogging niche because of how creative you can get with monetization.

Many of the highest-earning food bloggers make money with multiple income streams, including:

  • Display ads
  • Affiliate links (for ingredients, appliances, food subscription services)
  • Sponsored posts
  • Selling printables and eBooks

Sponsored posts are a particularly profitable aspect of this niche. Large food publications get offers from brands to use their products in recipes all the time, and these agreements can easily reach thousands of dollars if you have a large audience.

One downside for this blogging niche is how saturated it is. To make it as a food blogger, you probably need to rely on some heavy Pinterest promotion and Tailwind usage to get through the noise.

Pros: Sponsored post opportunities; does well on social media.

Cons: Saturated space; usually requires significant social media marketing.

Blog Micro Niche Ideas: Keto diet; gluten-free baking; reproducing restaurant meals at home.

Related: Tailwind Review &#; Features, Pricing, Pros and Cons

4. Business & Marketing

Another profitable blog niche is the business and marketing space.

Granted, this niche is generally narrowed down into micro niches like:

  • Online businesses
  • Affiliate marketing
  • SEO and marketing best-practices
  • Entrepreneurship

However, two things these micro niches have in common are high-paying display ads and lucrative affiliate offers.

Like personal finance, business advertisers are willing to pay a premium for advertising on the right blog. This is because things like SaaS contracts or B2B products can easily cost thousands of dollars per year, so the payout is worth it.

Factor in high-paying affiliate offers and suddenly, even a small business and marketing based blog can earn a handsome sum.

Pros: High-paying affiliate programs.

Cons: Incredibly competitive for SEO; can be quite narrow in scope.

Blog Micro Niche Ideas: SEO software; email marketing.

Check out my free training &#;How to create a blog that gets attention, even in an oversaturated niche&#;

Click here to register.

5. Travel

With Covid, the travel niche got absolutely decimated.

Traffic and advertising rates plummeted. Travel affiliate programs also shut their doors. All-in-all, it’s been a brutal time to own a travel blog.

However, travel is a historically profitable blog niche. Furthermore, as the world begins to open up in the future, travel will resume. In fact, there’s already been an increase in domestic travel, so people are packing their bags once again.

As a travel blogger, this is excellent news. There are plenty of monetization options in this niche as well, including:

  • Display advertisements
  • Affiliate programs for hotels, travel gear, airlines, excursions, and travel insurance
  • Travel credit card affiliate programs
  • Writing sponsored posts
  • Branching into YouTube and vlogging

It’s hard to pinpoint when this niche will fully recover. However, there’s no denying that this profitable blogging niche is here to stay.

Pros: Does well on social media; can let you make money while traveling.

Cons: Slightly lower advertising rates; still recovering.

Best Blog Micro Niche Ideas: Local travel guide; digital nomadism; frugal travel.

6. Parenting

While this blogging niche can cross over into a lifestyle blog where you provide a glimpse of your daily life, the parenting space has always been a popular blog topic.

This popularity makes sense. Parenting books are always in demand, and parenting blogs that help others manage the hectic, wonderful responsibility of being a parent do extremely well.

There’s also room to get creative here. Here’s a few micro niche blog ideas for the parenting niche to mull over:

  • Stay-at-home work opportunities
  • Pregnancy
  • A guide for new parents
  • Healthy cooking for families
  • Traveling with kids

Again, the central theme is parenting, but what aspect of parenting you write about is up to you.

As for monetization, there’s the regular mix of display ads, affiliate offers, sponsored posts, and selling your own products. However, parents are willing to spend on products or services that improve their family’s life. If you promote affiliate offers you personally use and benefit from, your affiliate revenue can grow very quickly.

Pros: Incredibly flexible; readers are naturally more invested in the subject matter.

Cons: You generally have to be a parent to have authority in this niche, so it’s not easy for non-parent bloggers to get into.

Blog Micro Niche Ideas: See above list.

Related: Why Your Lifestyle Blog isn't Working (and How to Fix it)

7. DIY Blogs

While this is a broad profitable blogging niche, DIY bloggers also have an incredible number of monetization options at their disposal.

The nature of a DIY blog is instructional; you’re usually teaching people how to solve a specific problem or to create something on their own without having to pay full-price at the store.

This lends itself well to:

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Selling instruction booklets or printables
  • Branching out to other mediums, like starting a YouTube channel or selling on Etsy alongside your blog

Plus, DIY content typically does well on platforms like Pinterest, which can help you get more blog traffic.

Advertising rates for DIY content aren’t as high as niches like personal finance or business. But, it’s likely easier to convert readers into affiliate sales if they’re following instructional content than convincing a reader to sign up for a new credit card offer or something that involves more decision making.

Pros: Does well on social media; easy to branch out on Etsy or YouTube.

Cons: Slightly lower display advertising rates on average than niches like finance.

Blog Micro Niche Ideas: Woodworking; student crafts; vintage revivals.

8. Health and Wellness

Alright, time to talk about a profitable blog niche that’s also one of the most contentious.

The health and wellness space has been a goldmine for bloggers since the internet started. People are always searching for fitness advice, new recipes, or general wellness tips that can help them lead a better life. However, along the way, this niche has been plagued by fad diets, fake supplements, and a range of shady behavior.

Unsurprisingly, Google finally took note of this in After a massive algorithm update, Google determined that sites that talk about your money or your life (“YMYL blogs”) need to have expertise, authority, and trust to rank well.

In short, for this to be a profitable blog niche, you need to know your stuff and have the credentials to back it up. But, if you’re a doctor, certified dietitian, licensed fitness coach, or have an incredible personal story that relates to the niche, this requirement shouldn’t be a problem.

I wouldn’t get into this niche if you don’t know much about health and wellness. However, there are plenty of affiliate programs and ways to make money as a health and wellness blogger. Plus, online coaching is one monetization idea that does incredibly well for this niche. 

Pros: Lends itself well to coaching and affiliate marketing.

Cons: Ranking well on Google usually requires expertise and credentials.

Blog Micro Niche Ideas: Running; managing specific health conditions; staying fit as a working professional.

The #1 Factor for Picking a Profitable Blog Niche

One final piece of advice I want to give for picking a profitable blog niche is to always stick with what you know and care about.

The internet has millions of blogs, and more get added every day. The only way to stand out from the crowd is to write the best content out thereand give readers a reason to follow you.

Besides, wouldn’t you rather pick a niche you’re an expert in and love and make slightly less money than struggle to write in a niche you don’t care about?


This list of the most profitable blog niches is really scratching the surface of your options.

The truth is you should write about what you’re more knowledgeable and passionate about. As long as the audience isn’t too narrow, you can develop your blogging voice and audience over time and turn almost any blog niche into a profitable one.

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If you are reading this, odds are, blog ideas that make money, you want to know what are the best types of blogs that make money. This is a common question, or thought, for people that want to start a blog, but it’s also common amongst those that already have an established blog, but want to make more money with their website.

While it is true that you can make money with just about any type of blog, there are a few blog niches and types that tend to generate a far greater income invest in blockchain companies the rest. In this article, we’re going to look at the best 16 types of blogs that make money right now and will in the months and years to come.

If you’re new to blogging, make sure that when going through this list, you look for blog types that you are interested in and passionate about. It will make the journey all the more rewarding and you could even get there faster as you’ll be excited about writing and working on your blog.

To help give you some inspiration, I’ll include some examples of blogs that make money with each of these blogging niches. You should use these for income-generating ideas, potential ways that you can make money blogging as well, but don’t just go out and copy them.

Now, let’s get to the good stuff, here are 16 types of blogs that make money in

Business-related Types of Blogs that Make Money

I’ve grouped these into 3 categories, and while the category itself doesn’t necessarily mean you will earn more, the first of these categories do seem to have the blogs with the highest incomes. These are business-related blog types and as with most businesses, generally, the ones that solve the biggest problems (e.g., provide the largest monetary value) can earn the highest amounts.

There may be some overlap of course in different niches, but this should give you a good overview of what type of category your blog can fall into.

1. Finance Blog

First on this list are finance blogs, and if you’re someone that is great with money, this may be a great choice of a blog for you.

Finance blogs provide people with financial advice, this can be for people from all walks of life, whether you’re a college student, looking to pay off debts, parents, or have some extra cash that you’re looking to spend/invest wisely.

Finance blogs have now factory investors general some of the highest CPM’s when it comes to ads, as advertisers here have a lot of competition and can pay a lot more than most niches as their products tend to generate far greater revenue for them. For bloggers, this is of course a big win.

It’s not only ads that you can i like to make money get turnt g eazy to benefit from blog ideas that make money, as I have already said, but the products in this niche also tend to have a higher value, which means that if you sell products/services or are an affiliate for some of these products and services, you can earn quite a lot off of a relatively small number of traffic/conversions.

Blogging in this niche can be very diverse, but some of the main topics covered would be:

  • Budgeting
  • Saving money
  • Investing money
  • Passive income
  • Debt management
  • Side hustles
  • Working from home

If these are things you are passionate about and have some experience in, then maybe it’s time you start a finance blog.

Examples of finance blogs that make money:

The Money Ninja – $7,+ per month
Making sense of cents – $mil+ a year
Finsavvy Panda – $22,+ per month

2. Marketing Blog

This is another problem many businesses suffer with, especially in the digital age with the marketing landscape changing constantly. This is why a marketing blog is also one of the best types of blogs to make money with.

Marketing blogs help creators, marketers, and business owners navigate these new waters while increasing their reach, as well as increasing their conversions, both online and offline.

These types of blogs can be related to a specific sub niche, such as social media (which is how this blog you’re reading started, and is one of the main topics I cover here), but can also be as diverse as covering the entire industry.

With a marketing blog you can cover the latest trends in certain industries, cover how to get ahead on certain platforms or with certain mediums, and also provide strategy to increase your reach, be that with your website, email list, social media channels, or even through traditional marketing channels in a modern landscape.

Examples of marketing blogs that make money: – $,+ per month – $43,+ per month
Her Paper Route – $12,+ per month

3. Legal Blog

As the world becomes more digital, traditional services are slowly becoming more digital, and when you have a problem, one of the first things most people do is take out their phone and on a search engine like Google, they type in their problem. For legal problems, this is no different.

People want to see if they can solve their legal problems themselves, whether it’s something tax-related, or to see if what they are doing is legally correct. Lawyers are notoriously expensive, which means that there is a lot of opportunities online to provide solutions for what can be considered common or basic problems that might not need a one-on-one consultation with an expensive legal expert.

These could be a set of legal templates for your blog, a video guide on how to file your taxes in a certain country, applying for work in a foreign country, how to immigrate to a new country, and so on.

If you have any serious legal problems, however, then you should definitely consult a professional. And for ambitious legal bloggers, if you’re no longer practicing, you could even use your blog as a lead generating tool for a network of lawyers from around the world, because they’ll also be in the market for new clients and you can earn a good amount in commissions for doing a bit of match-making. 😉

Examples of legal blogs that make money and/or have a large readership: blog ideas that make money $60,+ per month
Above the blog ideas that make money – Over 50, Newsletter subscribers
Legal Eagle – mil+ YouTube Subscribers

4. Business Blog

When it comes to business related blogs, there can be quite a lot of overlap with marketing blogs. This is because a key success factor when it comes to running a business is marketing.

Business blogs discuss industry trends, they provide practical advice on starting and scaling a business, as well as different options for starting a business depending on your specific circumstances.

Some common topics covered by business blogs are:

  • How to make money online
  • Business ideas
  • How to market your business
  • Business trends
  • Funding and pitching advice
  • Entrepreneurial motivation
  • Business planning

These types of blogs do generally cover other topics that you’ll find in marketing and finance blogs as well due to the major overlap.

Examples of business blogs that make money:

Adam Enfroy – $83,+ per month
Melyssa Griffin – $,+ per month
Smart Passive Income – $,+ per month

Self-Help Related blog types that have money-making potential

In the previous section we covered blogs that solve problems generally related to money, as this deals with people’s livelihoods, these sites have high-income potential. Another area that has huge income potential, but for a completely different reason is self-help.

People are willing to invest in improving their habits to become the best version of themselves and they’re willing to spend large portions of their disposable income to reach these goals.

So, let’s take a look at some of the blogging niches that you could fall into.

5. Personal Development Blog

The first thing that springs to mind when you think of self-help would be personal development.

These blogs usually provide readers with help getting in touch with who they really are and managing their emotions to achieve their goals, vision, and the life that they are aspiring to have.

These blogs generally cover things like:

  • Life coaching
  • Emotional mastery
  • Dating and relationships
  • Mindset
  • Happiness
  • Mental health

Examples of self-improvement blogs that make money:

Women blazing trails – $4,+ per month
Let’s reach success – $5,+ per month
Goodbye, Self Help – $2,+ per month

6. Health and Fitness Blog

Self-help doesn’t only fall into the emotional and mental side of things. Many people are looking for ways to improve their physical health and appearance, and this is where health and fitness blogs have a large earning potential.

Fitness and health-related blogs help blog ideas that make money achieve a healthy lifestyle while improving strength and fitness. This doesn’t have to be a bodybuilding blog (although that could be a topic if you’re into that sort of thing), you can also write about a wealth of different topics such as:

  • Healthy eating
  • Niche workout and exercise plans (Bodybuilding, Yoga, Pilates, etc.)
  • Nutritional advice
  • How to do certain exercises
  • Mindfulness
  • Body positivity

There are a ton of different topics you can cover when it comes to health and fitness, and we can all relate to one or another aspect, blog ideas that make money, meaning there is a vast audience waiting to read your content if this is something that you are interested in.

Examples of health and fitness blogs that make money:

Organize yourself Skinny – $13,+ per blog ideas that make money Mom Journey – $10,+ per month
Nerd Fitness – $,+ per month

7. Parenting Blog

Sometimes also known as mom blogs as these are often written by mothers speaking about their first-hand experiences. Dads have started to enter the chat in this respect as well, so we’re going to go and just call these parenting blogs.

Parenting blogs are all about raising your children and cover a variety of different family topics. These blogs are a great way of sharing your own experiences as many parents are looking for advice on the same things and you can be that relatable hand that helps them along their journey.

Parenting blogs cover a variety of different topics, some being:

  • Home schooling
  • Raising teenagers
  • Handling work and kids
  • Traveling with children
  • Affordable parenting
  • Children’s nutrition

Parenting blogs also have the added benefit of being able to make money and spend more time at home with your kids.

Examples of parenting blogs that make money in

Mommy on Purpose – $+ per month
The Realistic Mama – $20,+ per month
The Soccer Mom Blog – $11,+ per month

8. Sustainability Blog

The topic of sustainability and eco-friendliness can overlap into just about every topic discussed here. Blogs that fall into this category generally only write about their sub-niche within this topic, however.

Sustainability blogs are about conserving the planet that we’re living on, helping readers become self-sufficient and bringing awareness to climate change, pollution and providing solutions that everyone can implement to make a positive impact on both themselves, but also the planet.

Topics blog ideas that make money by sustainability blogs are often:

  • Living off-grid
  • Self-sustainable gardening
  • Environmental alternatives for popular products
  • No waste living
  • Minimalism
  • DIY/Crafts

Examples of sustainability blogs that make money:

Embracing Simple Blog – $2,+ per month
Fork in the Bitcoin investing for beginners work – $2,+ per month

Lifestyle and hobby-related Blogs that Make Money

These are often the first types of blogs that introduce beginners into the world of blogging. These are the passion projects and the typical “fun” styled blogs that get the most “And you can make a living like that?” questions.

Yes, you can make a living like that, and you can earn quite a lot in fact, as you’ll see below.

9. Travel Blog

If you love traveling, visiting new places and telling people about your adventures and the different things you saw, did, ate, etc. Then a travel blog may just be your calling.

Travel blogs showcase different places and provide readers with inspiration for their next holiday, things to do on their next trip, and ideas on where to eat. These blogs often have beautiful images (although you don’t have to be a professional photographer to have a great travel blog), comprehensive lists, and provide insights on the very best things to do and see from a local’s perspective.

These types of blogs write about a variety of different things, such as:

  • Traveling on a budget
  • Travel itineraries
  • Things to do and see
  • Local travel
  • Food in different countries
  • Remote work or online jobs to travel
  • Backpacking

Examples of travel blogs that make money:

Kara and Nate – $40,+ per month
Adventure in You – $19,+ per month
Two Wandering Soles – $16,+ per month

Fashion Blog

Would you consider yourself a stylish and fashion-forward person? Then it may be time to consider a fashion blog.

Fashion blogs can actually make quite a lot of money, with affiliate marketing, your own products, and of course ads being some of the best ways to earn an income with your fashion blog.

It’s not just about pretty picture and stylish outfits though, fashion blogs cover a variety of topics that provide their readers with value, things like:

  • Affordable fashion
  • DIY fashion/hacks (and fashion upgrades)
  • Environmentally friendly fashion
  • Seasonal style
  • Clothing for particular occasions (like weddings, interviews, etc.)
  • Fashion reviews
  • Latest style trends

Examples of fashion blogs that make money in

The Modest Man – $7,+ per month
Chic Pursuit – $4,+ per month
Affordable by Amanda – $4,+ per month

Food Blog

If you love cooking and experimenting in the kitchen, or just love trying different dishes and desserts, then a food blog ideas that make money might be ideal for you.

Food blogs revolve mostly around recipes but can cover a variety of different topics and subniches, things like:

  • Baking recipes
  • Quick meals
  • Growing your own fruit and vegetables
  • Affordable meals
  • Cooking without XYZ (like recipes without an oven, for example)
  • Drink recipes
  • Restaurant reviews

Food blogs, like fashion and travel, can be very visual, which is why being active on visual social networks like Pinterest and Instagram can help your blog’s growth.

Examples of food blogs that make money in

Green Thickies – $15,+ per month
Pinch of yum – $,+ per month
Show me the Yummy – $46,+ per month

DIY/Craft Blog

Do it yourself, or craft blogs, show readers how they can do things themselves. Whether that’s building a house or decorating your living room, the possibilities are endless.

If you’re a maker and have a blog ideas that make money for creating things yourself, then a DIY/craft blog can be a great way of sharing your knowledge with others, while earning a good income in the process. You can then work on projects you wouldn’t have had the time or money for before, or just enjoy the added freedom to do other things you love.

DIY/craft blogs can cover just about any topic, these are some popular ones:

  • Woodwork
  • Home Renovation
  • Arts and crafts
  • Clothing
  • Gardening
  • Holiday decorations
  • DIY life hacks

Some of the most popular videos on social networks like Facebook and YouTube are DIY videos, so if you want to showcase your DIY skills, it can help to grow your blog by incorporating videos and starting a YouTube Channel as well.

Examples of DIY/craft blogs that make money in

While she naps – $+ per month
Crochetpreneur – $17,+ per month
The Shabby Creek Cottage – $25,+ per month

Pet Blog

We all love our pets and if you enjoy writing about yours, then you may want to consider a pet blog.

You’re probably wondering if pet blogs can actually make money, and I’m here to tell you that they absolutely can, and they do. There are blog ideas that make money few great ways to monetize your pet blogs, such as adding affiliate links to your favorite pet toys, gear, training, and other pet care products.

Pet blogs can cover a variety of different topics, or they can be completely niched down to one specific breed. Here are some of the most popular topics for different pet blogs:

  • Training your pet
  • Traveling with your pet
  • Adopting
  • Breed information
  • Dealing with exotic animals
  • Nutrition

Examples of pet blogs that make money or get a lot of traffic:

You Did What with Your Wiener – $10,+ per month
Sit Stay – 70,+ page visits per month
The Spruce Pets – 12mil+ page visits per month

Technology Blog

If you’re like me, then you can’t help yourself when a new tech gadget gets released and watch every review you can find as well as reading about all of the features and functions on various tech blogs.

Technology blogs provide information and reviews on the latest tech gear and help influence readers buying decisions, because of this, tech blogs can make a lot of money through affiliate commissions, blog ideas that make money. People are normally already “warm” when they’re looking for a review on a specific product so when they click on your article and it’s an authentic review that shows the pros and cons, if the cons aren’t a deal-breaker for them, they may just click on your link and then make a purchase.

As tech products also tend to be high-value items, even if you’re an affiliate for Amazon where you earn a very small percentage as an affiliate commission, you can make quite a lot of money per transaction.

Tech blogs cover a wide variety of topics and niches, some of the most common are:

  • Product reviews
  • Product comparisons and rankings
  • Tutorials and guides
  • Affordable tech
  • News and leaks

Examples of technology blogs that get a lot of page visitors:

Photography Blog – ,+ page views per month
Ken Rockwell – mil+ page views per month
Laptop Mag – mil+ page views per month

Gaming Blog

Gaming is a genre very popular on YouTube, but with the gaming world migrating almost completely online, opportunities within the gaming niche are also growing for blogs.

Your gaming blog can be specific to a specific niche, cover the whole industry, only focus on a specific topic (like reviews), or you can use your blog to support your presence on YouTube or on a streaming service.

Here are some examples of different things you can write about for gaming:

  • Let’s play videos
  • Tutorials and game walkthroughs
  • Game reviews
  • Game comparisons

Examples of gaming channels that make money in

Pewdiepie – m+ YouTube Subscribers
BorasLegend – k+ YouTube Subscribers
CrazyPlayz – m+ YouTube Subscribers

Lifestyle Blog

The previous blogs types all had one thing in common, they focus on a specific topic or industry, this is where lifestyle blogs are a little bit different.

Lifestyle blogs tend to have many different topics and the way they are woven together to make a cohesive blog is the personality and the stories behind the writer or they write and cater to a specific audience.

This type of blog connects with their audience by being very relatable. If you can’t decide on exactly what you want to write about, but have value to share to a particular audience, then a lifestyle blog may be something to consider.

These blogs cover just about everything, with a strong overlap on some personal development topics. Here are some of the more popular topics:

  • Relationships
  • Learning a new skill
  • Productivity
  • Best XYZ for twenty-somethings (clothing brands, vacation destinations, etc.)

Examples of lifestyle blogs that make money

It’s Claudia G – $2,+ per month
Just a girl and her blog – $40,+ per month
Chasing Foxes – $19,+ per month

How to make money blogging

Now that we’ve covered the different types of blogs that make money, let’s take a look at how to make money runescape money making guide 2022 afk. There are a number of different ways to make money blogging, with the only real limitations being your imagination, so here are neo bitcoin news of the most popular ways to make money blogging:

  • Run ads on your blog
  • Include affiliate links in your articles
  • Sell advertising space on your blog
  • Create and sell an eBook
  • Create and sell a course
  • Promote your services
  • Collect donations through PayPal or Patreon
  • Sponsored posts
  • Sell a virtual product (like a template or how-to guide)
  • Sell products on Etsy
  • Sell your blog (Ok, this one’s a bit extreme, but some blogs have sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars)

How to pick your blogging niche

Picking the type of blog that you want to make shouldn’t rely solely on the amount of money you can make within that niche.

As you’ve just seen, it’s very possible to make money with just about any niche.

What you need to get there however is the passion to see things through, as well as the interest and at least a decent understanding of the subject in order to provide value.

Of course, the more of an expert you are on a particular subject, the better, but just because you’re not an expert yet doesn’t mean that you cannot write about something you are passionate about and learning about.

Just by showing an interest in something, you’ll already have a far greater knowledge of a subject compared to the majority of people, and this knowledge you can share on your blog.

Even if you’re a beginner, your journey can be relatable to other people who are in a similar situation.

The simple answer to picking a blogging niche is to find something you’re passionate about in the list above, but if you’re still having difficulties, check out this article to find your blog niche in 5 easy steps.

Best Practices to Create a Blog That Will Make Money

Write for your audience

This means that you should think about your audience first and not yourself. Put yourself in their shoes and think about why they should read your blog, blog ideas that make money. Once you’ve answered that question, you’ll know exactly what to write.

Be authentic

In the modern world, there are a lot of people faking it, with many even advocating for people to “fake it until you make it”. People aren’t stupid though, and you’ll get a lot further and live a much healthier life if you’re open and honest with your readers. People appreciate authenticity and by being authentic, you’re showing you’re a real person, with real problems that your readers will be able to relate to.

Provide solutions to problems

If you’re going to only take one thing from this post, blog ideas that make money, let it be this: Provide solutions to your reader’s problems, blog ideas that make money. If you can provide your readers with solutions, you’re providing them with value and that is the name of the game when it comes to blogging.

Give before you ask

This goes along the lines of the previous point about providing solutions. Show your readers that you can help solve their problems and only thereafter ask for something in return. This could be an affiliate product that takes it one step further, a course that will provide even more value, or you just asking them to read another article.

What’s Next

The next step, now that you know the types of blogs that make money, blog ideas that make money, would be to start your own blog and get going.

If you’re ready to take the leap and get started, then I’ve put together an easy guide for beginners to start a blog in 20 minutes that you can read from the button below.

Get Started Today!

For more help along the way, I’ve included two of my favorite blogging courses depending on how far along you are in your journey that will help take you all the way from blog setup to six figures.

Launch Your Blog Biz

If you’re at the very beginning of your blogging journey and finding blog ideas that make money tough getting started. I recommend the Launch Your Blog Biz course, from Alex and Lauren from Create & Go.

This course guides you through setting up your blog with WordPress, customizing themes, blog ideas that make money, blog ideas that make money graphics, how to write blog posts, blogging fundamentals, building your list, and many more useful and professional tips and tutorials. In addition to the blogging stuff, you’ll also learn how to monetize your blog through affiliate marketing, sales, blog ideas that make money, and email funnels, how to convert readers into buyers, using social media to get traffic to your posts, and much more.

Launch Your Blog Bizblog ideas that make money you want to get bitcoin investing canada jones making money with your blog, I highly recommend the course. You may even run into me in the private support group lending a hand. 😉

Six-Figure Blogger

If you’re already making some money with your blog and have an established audience and blog niche, then this is the course to help take you from hobby blogger to six-figure blogger.

Amira from (one of the profitable legal blogs mentioned earlier) is actually a student of the course and watching her go from 0-$60k per month has been quite incredible.

Six Figure Blogger Course

Find out more about the Six-Figure Blogger course here, or read my review.

Now that you know the 16 types of blogs that make money, which ones are you going to go after? Or have you already started and are well blog ideas that make money your way?

Wherever you are in your journey, I hope this article has helped shed some light on the income potential you can make when you start a blog, content site, authority site, or whatever you want to call it.

Источник: []

There are lots of guides about how to make money blogging, but here’s what makes this one different:

I’ve taken three different blogs to over $1 million per year. In fact, the blog you’re reading right now has made a total of $ million.

And in this post, I’m going to give you a step-by-step case study showing you exactly how I did it, starting from nothing, along with my step-by-step guide for beginners trying to get started.

Let’s jump in.

7 Ways to Make Money Blogging (with Examples!)

  1. Online Courses and Workshops
  2. Books and Ebooks
  3. Affiliate Marketing
  4. Advertising
  5. Speaking Gigs
  6. Consulting/Coaching
  7. Selling Freelance Services

In a moment, I&#;m going to show you a general blog ideas that make money you can follow to start a profitable blog from blog ideas that make money first, let’s jump into the specifics of how to make real money blogging, including real-world examples you can study and learn from.

Free Training:The 31 Most PROFITABLE Niches for Bloggers in

Here are the top 7 awesome ways to make a good blogging income:

1. Online Courses and Workshops

Here at Smart Blogger, we make most of our income from online courses and workshops — over $1 million per year — but we are far from the only successful blog doing this. Most of the people making a lot of money from their blogs are doing it through online courses.

Ramit Sethi reportedly crossed $10 million dollars in annual revenue with his suite of premium courses:

Ramit Sethi - Premium Courses

And it’s not only business or wealth-focused topics that are doing well. You can find successful blogs on just about any topic or niche monetizing with online courses. For instance, the popular interior designer Maria Killam has quite a few courses and workshops in her catalog:

Maria Killam - Courses and Workshops

Online courses and workshops can bring in one-time payments or, depending on your model, recurring income via subscriptions.

2. Books and Ebooks

Quite a few writers have parlayed their blogging success into a major publishing deal. Mark Manson, for instance, published a blog post called The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck in Millions of readers later, he got a do twitter make money deal with Harper Collins and went on to sell over 3, copies in the US alone.

Mark Manson - The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

Self-published books have also been successful. The most notable success story among bloggers is probably James Altucher’s Choose Yourself, which is now sold overcopies:

James Altucher - Choose Yourself

3. Affiliate Marketing

If you’d like to create some passive income streams from your blog, one of the best choices is affiliate marketing — recommending the services, blog ideas that make money, digital products, and physical products of other companies in exchange for a commission.

Here at Smart Blogger, we make more than $, per year promoting affiliate products, most of that coming from casually recommending products we love like SiteGround (affiliate link) and Elementor (affiliate link).

Editor&#;s Note: Read our in-depth review of SiteGround here: SiteGround Review: Still the Best (Or Not-So-Good) in ? And, for an in-depth review of Elementor, blog ideas that make money, read: Elementor Review: Is it REALLY the Best Landing Page Builder?

But there are lots of other examples too. For instance, John Lee Dumas of EOFire made $, in affiliate income last year. Digital Photography School has reportedly made over $, in Amazon Associates commissions from promoting photography equipment:

Digital Photography School - Amazon Affiliates

With so many companies offering referral programs to help spread the word about their product or service, the number of different affiliate marketing opportunities is enormous.

Joining an affiliate network is one way to begin tapping into this revenue stream and to start earning extra income from your hard-earned organic traffic.

Free Bonus: Click here to get our &#;cheat sheet&#; for affiliate marketers delivered straight to your inbox (for free).

4. Advertising

Normally, we’re not big fans of selling ads on your site as a monetization strategy. You need roughly a million visitors per year for the large ad networks to take you seriously, and affiliate marketing is almost always more profitable and just as passive.

That being said, some niches like recipes, fashion, and news are hard to monetize through many of the other methods mentioned here, and they get LOTS of page views. In that case, putting a few banner ads on your site can make sense as a supplementary income source.

For example, blog ideas that make money, here’s a screenshot of a income report from Share the Yummy:

Share the Yummy - Income Report

Normally, you make money by joining an ad network. Nearly anyone can join Google AdSense, for example, and you can later grow into more selective networks like Mediavine and AdThrive.

5, blog ideas that make money. Speaking Gigs

If your blog takes off, and you start being recognized as an authority in your space, you might be surprised by how many invitations you get to speak at conferences. And it’s amazingly profitable. I typically make a minimum of $10, per speech and it can go as high as $, when you count product sales resulting from the speech.

Not bad for a minute talk. 🙂

Ryan Deiss Testimonial

6. Consulting/Coaching

While this certainly isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, doing a bit of coaching or consulting is an online job that can earn you a surprisingly nice living, even when your audience is small. I rarely do consulting anymore, but the last time I did regularly, I charged $1, an hour with a six-month waiting list.

But I’m not the only one. Going back to Maria, again, she’s been quite innovative in coming up with ways to do design consultations by photo and email, currently charging $1, per room:

Maria Killam - Consultations

You can make blog ideas that make money work in almost any niche. You just need to know what you’re doing and be confident in the value you are providing to clients.

7. Selling Freelance Services

The next step up from consulting is to actually do it for them.

Typically, you’ll make more money freelancing than with anything else, but it’s also the most draining and time-intensive. That being said, I’ve seen bloggers make six-figure incomes with no more than a few thousand readers on their blog, essentially using their blog as a lead mechanism to get clients.

It’s so profitable, even if successful bloggers continue to do it. For example, Elna Cain continues to sell her freelance writing services:

Elna Cain - Freelance writing services

If you’re a freelance writer, designer, photographer, programmer, or other blog ideas that make money provider where your skills can be sold digitally instead of you having to be there in person, you might want to consider this income stream from day one. All you really need to get started is a contact form for clients to reach out to you.

Okay, now for the fun part. Let me show you the framework I used to become an honest-to-goodness millionaire&#;

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If you’re a new blogger starting from scratch with no traffic or influential friends, it’s easy to wonder…

Is it reasonable for you to believe you can make money blogging?

For that matter, how do blogs even make money? Ads? Sponsored content? Sell products? Good luck? Or something else?

Well, let’s take a look at blog ideas that make money how I did it at Smart Blogger. Here’s my complete step-by-step process for how to make money blogging:

1. Choose the Right Blogging Niche (a Profitable One)

Let’s start with a little brutal truth, shall we?

  • Passion does not equal profit.
  • Neither does expertise.
  • Hard work doesn’t guarantee anything either.

For example:

You can be the world’s foremost expert on square-shaped tomatoes, wake up every morning with a burning passion to educate the public on their vast superiority to normal-shaped tomatoes, and work until your fingers bleed and your eyes fall out of your head, following all the right tactics for turning your new blog into a popular one, and…

You’ll never have a chance in hell at making any amount of money.

Here’s why:

  1. Nobody but you gives a damn about square tomatoes
  2. Even if they did care, they wouldn’t spend any money

In other words, you need a large audience who buys things. Without that, nothing else matters. It’s a prerequisite for everything else.

In the case of Smart Blogger, I noticed early on that bloggers buy lots of different things:

what bloggers buy

In fact, blog ideas that make money, there are companies with $10 million+ per year of revenue in most of those categories. It’s also a growing space with millions of people:

Blogger Statistics -

The only problem?

Loads of competition. Whether it be my previous employers Brian Clark or Bitcoin investor scam 99 Patel, my good friends over at Problogger, or the gazillion other “blogging about blogging” peeps infesting the social media space, everyone was intent on snagging a piece of the pie. They also had a several-year head start on me.

So, how did I compete? The honest answer:

2. Improve Your Content Skills

How to Make Money Blogging: The $ Million Case Study

Embed This Infographic On Your Site


You’ve probably heard that “Content is king,” and it’s true… to an extent. A more accurate statement would be…

The Best Content Is King

If that’s hard to understand, think about it this way:

Lots of bloggers sit down and think, “What will I write today?” They jot down some thoughts, doing their best to be helpful, original, and entertaining. If they’re disciplined, they might even stick with it for a few months.

But it almost never works. Here are a few reasons why:

  • What you want to say isn’t what other people want to read
  • You weren’t using a proven content framework
  • It’s not the best post ever published on the topic

Granted, it’s not your fault. Until today, chances are no one ever told you about any of those requirements. You thought, to become a successful blogger, you just had to write interesting stuff and publish it.

No, grasshopper. No.

The truth is, having good ideas and powerful words isn&#;t enough. You have to create the best content ever blog ideas that make money on blog topics lots of people are interested in learning more about. And that brings us to the three levels of content creation:

  1. You know what blog content is popular in your niche, and you write exclusively about those topics
  2. You’ve mastered frameworks proven to make your content more popular (list post, how to post, etc.)
  3. Your content delivers more value to the reader than any other post published on that topic

You’re probably thinking, “Geez. That sounds hard.” And you’re right, it is.

I personally spent about three years honing my skills by writing for other sites before I started my own blog. Bitcoin investor seriös doesn’t have to take that long — I’m just a perfectionist, so I wanted to learn from the best people in my space.

How to Quit Your Job - Problogger

It worked, though. Nowadays, my posts get millions and millions of visitors, not because I know some special “secret,” but because I’m really good at what I do.

Blogging is really no different than anything else. The more of a badass you are, the easier it is for you to make money online.

So you want to know how to make money blogging?

Become an awesome writer.

Then the next step is to…

3. Choose a Traffic Source (Google Search or Facebook)

When you’re a newbie, getting traffic is confusing.

Should you focus on optimizing your keywords? Growing your Facebook page? Leaving comments on blogs? Answering questions on Quora? Being active in Facebook groups? Creating videos for your YouTube channel? Starting a popular podcast?

And so on.

There are a gazillion traffic tactics out there. Everybody says theirs is the best.

But here’s the data:

referral traffic sources by topic

Pretty much all the traffic for written content comes from either Google or Facebook. The rest of traffic sources combined don’t even come close to competing with those two Goliaths.

So, how do you get them to send you a bunch of traffic?

One option is you can pay for it. They like that.

But chances are, you’re reading about how to make money blogging because you don’t want to pay for traffic. You want it for free, right?

Well, imagine this:

There’s an arena where all the bloggers in your space go to compete for traffic. The number of other challengers you defeat determines the amount of traffic you receive.

In other words, getting traffic is a sport.

  • There are winners, and there are losers
  • To be good, you have to train
  • You need to study your opponents

There are actually two sports, and I’d bet you’ve heard of both of them: search engine optimization (SEO) and going viral on Facebook. Both take years (yes, I said years) of study to master, but you can start getting pretty decent traffic after just a few months of study and practice.

Which one should you focus on?

Well, here are two questions to guide you:

  • Is your topic something your friends and family regularly talk about on Facebook? Examples: pets, parenting, self-improvement, and health. If so, focus on playing the viral traffic sport.
  • Is your topic something people actively search for information about on Google? Examples: product reviews, specific questions they would ask an expert, how-to information. If so, focus on SEO.

For most topics, you can do both, but one or the other will be dominant. In that case, focus on whichever one is dominant.

In the blogging space, for example, stuff about writing and grammar occasionally goes viral on Facebook, because we love criticizing our relatives about their terrible English. On the other hand, you rarely talk with your family about blogging platforms, WordPress plugins, blog ideas that make money, affiliate marketing, digital marketing, keyword research, blog ideas that make money any other blogging topics.

You will, however, search for them on Google. Just as you would guess then, the blogging niche is heavily dominated by search. Here’s a breakdown of Smart Blogger’s traffic by source:

Smart Blogger's Traffic Breakdown by Source

The truth is, blog ideas that make money, we pretty much ignore Facebook. The volume of traffic available there comes nowhere close to the volume of traffic available from search engines, blog ideas that make money. So, we focus on Google.

I also spend WAY more time keeping up to date on SEO stuff than I do on social stuff. I’m a geek about it. Throw me in a room full of Google engineers, and I’d probably know more than half of them.

Not to imply I’m the best, though. I’m also competing against people like Darren Rowse, Amy Lynn Andrews, and Neil Patel. They’re pretty freaking good too.

In time, I think I can be better, but who knows? That’s why sports are fun. You never know who is going to win.

If you’re good though, blog ideas that make money always be in the “playoffs,” for your space, and you’ll get lots of traffic. Maybe not the most, but still plenty.

And then you can focus on how to…

4. Grow Your Email List with Pop Ups

Grow Your Email List with Pop-Ups

Chances are, you see pop ups as an annoyance.

They get in the way when you’re trying to read. They ask you to hand over sensitive information like your name, email address, and phone number. Sometimes you have to deal with multiple pop ups on the same site, and it makes you feel hassled and uncared for.

And all that sucks. In my opinion, you have every right to be annoyed.

But here’s the thing…

That’s where the money comes from. The best predictor of the revenue for a money making blog is the size of their email list. Here’s a breakdown of our revenue at Smart Blogger comparing revenue dollars from email to other sources.

The rule of thumb is you can expect to make $1 per subscriber per month. So, if you have 10, blog ideas that make money, email subscribers, you should be able to make about $10, per month.

So obviously, growing your email list is a top priority. You might, however, feel conflicted about using pop ups. What are you supposed to do?

Here’s a different way of looking at it:

If a visitor comes to your site and doesn’t give you their email address, the chances of them returning are nearly zero. You’ll never have another opportunity to help them.

If you believe your content is the best, and you believe you can help them over time, I believe you owe it to them to be as pushy as possible about staying in contact. In other words, not using a pop up is unethical. A little annoyance is a small price to pay for change.

And remember, that doesn’t mean you have to be extremely pushy or spammy. You can absolutely use pop ups in authentic ways.

But you absolutely must use them. Assuming you want to make money, anyway.

5. Begin Monetizing with Affiliate Programs

Begin Monetizing with Affiliate Offers

So, you’re operating in a profitable niche, and you have traffic and an email list. What next?

Lots of new bloggers jump into creating a course or book or community of some sort, but that’s a mistake, in my opinion. Before you start selling things, you need concrete blog ideas that make money those things are what people want to buy. Otherwise, you’re risking wasting months or even years of your life trying to push a product no one wants.

The simplest way to obtain that evidence:

Affiliate programs.

By seeing what your audience buys from other people, you can get a much better sense of what they might want to buy from you. If you promote an affiliate product and it converts well, you should think about creating a similar product. If it doesn’t convert well, you should probably move on.

In other words, affiliate program offers are a form of market research. As blog ideas that make money bonus, blog ideas that make money, you just so happen to get paid blog ideas that make money on the products your customers buy in the process. So not only are you learning what your target audience wants to buy, but you’re making money from your blog at the same time. Pretty sweet deal.

At Smart Blogger, I’ve tried lots of different offers. WordPress blog hosting, landing page tools, email marketing software, Amazon affiliate content links, WordPress themes, and half a dozen different types of high-quality courses. Since we sell courses, I pay the most attention to the results from those programs, and here are blog ideas that make money couple of lessons:

  • End to end solutions sell best. Courses promising to take someone from knowing nothing to making money far outperformed the others. For instance, here’s a screenshot showing us as the #1 affiliate for Danny Iny’s Course Builder’s Laboratory:

#1 affiliate Leaderboard

  • Tools with a clear connection to money making also sell better than the others. For instance, landing page builders. As proof, here&#;s a screenshot of our earnings from promoting LeadPages:

LeadPages - Affiliate Commissions

By themselves, neither of those promotions really moved the needle on our revenue, but they did teach us useful lessons that went into creating Freedom Machine, which brings us to…

6. Develop a Unique Mechanism

Before you think about launching your own products or services, there’s one essential point about human nature you need to understand:

Whenever anyone purchases anything, they expect to transition from where they are now (Point A) to where they want to be (Point B). For example…

  • When you buy pizza, you want to transition from being hungry and craving pizza (Point A) to tasting delicious pizza and feeling full (Point B).
  • When you hire a plumber, you want to transition from having a clogged, overflowing toilet (Point A) to having a normally functioning toilet (Point B).
  • When you buy a course on SEO, you want to transition from feeling bewildered and getting ignored by Google (Point A) to ranking for competitive terms and getting great blog traffic.

The success of a product ultimately depends on helping customers make those transitions. If the customer doesn’t get to Point B, they typically view the experience as a failure.

So, here’s the magic question:

What makes you better equipped to deliver that transition than your competitors?

The answer to that question is what content marketing expert Todd Brown calls your “unique mechanism.” It’s a little different from a “unique selling proposition,” because it’s not just something about you that’s different. It’s something about you or your method that makes you better able to help customers than anyone else.

For Freedom Machine, we have multiple unique mechanisms:

  1. Get published on Medium — a platform with more than 60 million active readers looking for great content
  2. Content frameworks developed behind the scenes at Smart Blogger to produce popular, valuable content
  3. A monetization methodology proven by our success with Smart Blogger

Combined, those unique mechanisms are EXTREMELY convincing at setting us up as the superior solution. Therefore, the product sells like hotcakes.

To be clear… it’s not necessary to have 3 different unique mechanisms. Sometimes just one is all you need (i.e. fresh, hot pizza in 30 minutes or less). The core idea though is to make sure you are obviously far more capable than your competitors at delivering results.

Then all you have to do is…

7. Launch the Minimum Viable Funnel

Launch the Minimum Viable Funnel

Look around at successful entrepreneurs of any type, and you’ll find a surprising trend:

They tend to sell their products before the product is created.

To most people, this sounds like insanity at best or a disturbing lack of ethics at worst. How could you possibly ask people to buy something that doesn’t exist?

The answer:

It’s the same principle as Kickstarter.

Kickstarter campaign

You create a fancy minimal sales funnel of some sort (in this case, just a simple sales page), tell people the product is coming soon, and then wait to see if enough people sign up to justify making the product. If they don’t, you refund everyone’s money and start over.

In other words, it’s the final step in validating you have a viable product. The steps go like this:

  1. Identify demand by promoting affiliate products
  2. Find a unique mechanism that makes blog ideas that make money clearly superior
  3. Test the demand for that unique mechanism with a quick and dirty launch before you create the product

In my case, the minimum viable funnel was a minute webinar. The first time I did it, there was no product, no follow-up sequence, nothing. It was just a bare-bones test.

And it resulted in $, in sales live on the webinar.

Seeing that $30, sales was my minimum for success, we went ahead and created the first version of the product live with students. About a year later, it’s now approaching $1 million in sales.

That’s also just one product. We have others, and we have still more in the research pipeline.

And guess what I would do if I had to start over again?

The exact same thing. It’s not easy, it’s not fast, it’s not even that sexy, but it works.

Let’s close with some questions and answers, shall we?

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FAQ about How to Make Money Blogging

So, we’ve covered the basic process. Now let’s step back for a moment and answer some of the questions I hear the most often:

Do bloggers make money?

I certainly do, but I don’t think that’s what you’re asking. I think you’re asking…

“Is it reasonable for me to learn how to make money blogging?”

The no BS answer:

It depends on how patient and persistent you are.

Starting a blog from scratch is just as difficult as starting a small business. For example, it requires the same time and effort as starting your own restaurant, software company, or accounting service. Yes, those businesses are wildly different, but the first few years are usually the same story: low income, lots of stress, big learning curve.

If you want a more concrete answer than that, blog ideas that make money, we’ve found it takes even our smartest, blog ideas that make money, most dedicated students years to make enough money from blogging to quit their jobs. And that sounds like a long time, blog ideas that make money, but so what? years to be able to work from anywhere in the world, take a vacation whenever you want, and probably have passive income until the day you die?

Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

How much money can you make from blogging?

The fact is, most bloggers make as much money as any other type of entrepreneur:


And it’s not because there’s no money in it. This blog makes more than $1 million per year, for God sakes, and it’s nowhere close to the most profitable blog out there. Blogs like The Penny Hoarder, Moz, and Lifehacker power businesses worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Penny Hoarder - Affiliate Marketing

So why aren’t more bloggers rich?

The truth is, most people quit. They start stock investing for dummies barnes and noble blog, write a post or two, realize it’s hard work, and walk away.

But if you’re patient and persistent?

You can make millions. I have. So have lots of other smart, dedicated entrepreneurs.

You just have to do the work. Consistently. For years.

Can you do that?

Then yeah, I think you can blog ideas that make money six figures at least. Maybe more.

How do you make money blogging? (Or, How do bloggers make money?)

As I mentioned earlier, there 7 popular ways to make money blogging:

  1. Offering online courses and workshops
  2. Writing books and eBooks
  3. Affiliate marketing (recommending products and services in exchange for a commission)
  4. Blog ads
  5. Speaking at conferences
  6. Offering your expertise as a consultant or coach
  7. Selling freelance services such as writing, designing, blog ideas that make money, and programming

Which is best for you will depend on your blog, your expertise, and your situation.

How do you start your own blog for free?

Lots of people say you can’t. They tell you to buy a domain name, blog ideas that make money, a web hosting account (Bluehost is one you see pushed a lot by influencers), and a premium WordPress theme.

But I think that’s nonsense.

You can get started for free within five minutes on Medium. They also have over 60 million monthly readers, so you can get a lot of exposure there if you get featured.

Free Blogging on Medium

This great article walks you through that strategy, step-by-step.

Alternatively, you can write on, Linkedin, or any of the other platforms out there. It doesn’t really matter. The point is, start writing and learning as soon as possible.

Once people start sharing your great, informative posts, and you begin to understand how everything works, then you can go through the trouble of setting up your own site, installing WordPress, and all that jazz. Until then though, it’s just a headache you don’t need.

What are the most popular blogging platforms?

WordPress is by far the most popular. No one else is even close.

But that doesn’t mean it’s the best for everyone. There are several blogging platforms you can try — and most of them are free.

As I mentioned earlier, I think Medium is a good place to start. You can also create your own blog with tools like Blogger, Squarespace, Wix, Joomla, and countless others.

What are the top blogs about how to make money blogging?

I’d like to think Smart Blogger is the best (and most comprehensive) site on the topic, but it’s by no means the only one. Not all of these talk about how to make money blogging, but together, they give you a solid blog ideas that make money — Brian Dean doesn’t talk much about how to make money blogging, but he’s one of the top experts and educators in the world on SEO. What I love about his highly valuable content is how easy to understand it is, despite covering some incredibly complex topics. If you’re a beginner blogger looking for DIY insights, prepare for a treat.

  • Digital Marketer: — In my opinion, my friends over at Digital Marketer are the best in the world at monetizing traffic. If you’d like to learn about marketing, list building, customer research, automation, or funnels, there’s no better source.
  • Smart Passive Income — If you’re interested in using your blog to build passive income, Pat Flynn is a master at showing you how to build a tiny little business that can support you and the lifestyle you want. Both his blog and podcast are excellent.
  • Go to top

    The Bottom Line about How to Make Money Blogging

    Is it possible?

    Absolutely, but only if you treat it like blog ideas that make money blogging business.

    Yes, you can start your blog as a side project. Yes, blog ideas that make money, you can slowly grow it in the background. Yes, you can turn your blog into a source of passive, full-time income that eventually lets you quit your job, travel, spend a lot of time with your family, whatever you want to do.

    But like anything worthwhile, it’s hard work getting there.

    You have to study. Practice. Master your craft. Put in a lot of work. Hustle.

    If you love writing, I can’t imagine a better business, though. Not only is blogging a great way to get your writing noticed, but it’s a great way to connect with people blog ideas that make money the world who need you, teach them what you know, and get paid pretty damn well in exchange.

    There’s never a day I regret dedicating myself to blogging. Never.

    It’s not just because of the money, either. It’s because I also get to do what I love and help people at the same time.

    What could be better than that?

    Источник: []

    Are you thinking about starting a blog but not sure which topics or niche to choose?

    Choosing the right niche for your blog makes it easier to create engaging content and even make money online.

    In this article, we&#;ll explain how to easily choose the best blogging niche that will eventually help you start earning online.

    Best blogging niche to start a blog

    What is a Blog?

    A blog is a website that&#;s updated regularly with new pieces of content, which are normally written articles. These are called &#;posts&#; and appear in reverse chronological order, with the newest at the top of the list.

    To learn more, see our guide on the difference between a blog and a website.

    When blogs first started, they were mostly personal diaries, sharing information on a range of topics of interest to the person writing.

    That&#;s still how some blogs work today, but a large number of blogs now focus on specific niches that interest the blogger and their target audience.

    For instance, WPBeginner is a blog focused on helping non-techy users do more with WordPress through helpful tutorials, how-tos, and other articles.

    How to Make a Blog?

    To start a blog, you need three key things:

    • A domain name: the address of your site (ours is
    • Web hosting: online storage for your site, so visitors can access it
    • A blogging platform: special software that lets you easily create a blog without needing to do any coding

    Normally, a domain name costs around $ per year and web hosting starts from $ per year.

    That&#;s a significant investment, especially when you are just testing the waters.

    Luckily, Bluehost has agreed to offer our users a free domain name and a generous discount on hosting. Basically, you can get started for $ per month.

    → Click Here to Claim This Exclusive Bluehost Deal ←

    Need more options? See our guide on how to choose the best web hosting detailed comparison of top hosting providers.

    When it comes to your blog platform, there are plenty of choices available, including many great free ones. See our list of the best blogging platforms for detailed comparison.

    However, if you want to make money from your blog in the near future, then is your best option (this is what we use on WPBeginner).

    It is easy to use and comes with thousands of design options and add-ons. Most importantly, it gives you the freedom to monetize your blog in any way you want.

    For more details, see our detailed guide on how to start a WordPress blog.

    Related:Why you should use WordPress

    Can You Really Make Money Blogging?

    Starting a blog isn&#;t going to make you rich overnight, but you can definitely make blog ideas that make money blogging.

    Many popular blogs make money online using different methods. Often, this is called &#;monetizing&#; your blog.

    Smaller blogs with a specific target audience can easily make a nice side income. Many popular blogs make six and even seven-figure income (see: WPBeginner income &#; how much money does WPBeginner make?).

    The following are just some of the most popular monetization methods used by blogs all over the world.

    Advertising: Running ads, often through an advertising network like Google AdSense. Some bloggers sell ads directly to companies instead.

    Sponsorship: Running sponsored (paid for) content from an advertiser. This is often in the form of sponsored blog posts, but could also include social media posts on Instagram or other social blog ideas that make money marketing: Linking to products or services that offer commission when someone clicks on your link and makes a purchase. This is a great way to monetize your blog. We have lots of affiliate marketing tips and tools to make it easy for you.

    Digital products: By selling digital products like Ebooks, online courses, printables, apps, software, music, and more. Digital products generally have low overheads and can work for almost any niche.

    Services: If you&#;re a writer, photographer, coach, or similar, that can be a great way to monetize your blog. You might even start a blog to help blog ideas that make money market an existing service you offer, like logo design or freelance writing.

    Physical products: Although they have higher costs than digital ones, physical products can be a great way to make money. It&#;s easy to add an online store to your WordPress blog and start selling.

    Things to Consider Blog ideas that make money Choosing Your Blogging Niche

    Many new blogs die within a few weeks and most don&#;t even make it to a couple of months.

    Whatever blogging niche you choose, make sure you are genuinely interested in that topic. This would make it easier to stick to it and keep yourself motivated.

    It&#;s also important to consider:

    Do you know enough about your niche to be able to write confidently? You don&#;t need to be an expert, but it&#;s best to start a blog on a topic that you&#;re able to write about without having to do loads of research.

    Can you easily make money from your niche? While blogs on all sorts of topics can ebest investment securities do make money, some niches are a lot easier to monetize than others. A blog about a little-known or uninteresting topic might not get enough readers to make much money.

    Have you chosen an appropriately sized niche? It&#;s best not to go too broad. If you&#;re aiming for an audience of &#;everyone&#;, you&#;re likely to end up with &#;no one&#. Try to find a sub-niche that&#;s a great fit for you.

    Are you happy to have your name associated with your niche? While it&#;s fine to blog anonymously if you want to, however you might find it difficult to monetize.

    Top Blogging Niches That Will Make Money

    You might already have a topic in mind for your blog, or you might not have any ideas at all. All the niches below are great ones to try, so long as you pick a topic that you&#;re truly interested in.

    These are all big, popular niches that have been around for years and that can make a lot of money.

    1. Health and Fitness

    Health and fitness
    Health and fitness are huge topics, and you&#;ll definitely find an audience if you&#;re blogging about something in this area.

    Health and fitness is one of the most popular blogging niches. It is a lucrative niche which means there are a ton of blogs that will be competing with you.

    The easiest way to build your voice is by narrowing it down to your general interest.

    There are lots of different angles that you could take:

    • A particular diet: paleo, gluten-free, raw food,keto&#;
    • A particular type of exercise: running, weight-lifting, CrossFit&#;
    • A specific audience: women, men, young, old, geeky&#;
    • A particular approach to health: homeopathy, acupuncture, wellness&#;
    • Sharing your progress: if you&#;re on a health journey of your own, you could update readers on that and share your lessons learned

    Tip: We&#;ve got a list of the best WordPress themes for CrossFit gyms, blog ideas that make money. A lot of those could work well for other health or fitness topics too, so take a look and see if one would be right for your blog.

    2. Personal Finance

    Personal finance

    We all need money, and many of us want to earn more, spend less, or save more. Blogs on personal finance have found huge audiences, and again, there are lots of different angles and approaches you can take.

    You might choose to write about:

    • Frugality: money saving tips, using coupons, blog ideas that make money market tips, best index funds, angel investors&#;
    • Debt: paying it off, mortgages, student loans&#;
    • Budgeting: software, motivation, cost-cutting tips&#;
    • Sharing your progress: this is quite common with blogs that focus on getting out of debt

    Related:Best WordPress themes for financial blogs.

    3. Fashion

    Fashion blog

    Fashion is another immensely popular blogging niche and one that could be a great money-maker. It&#;s a particularly good fit if you love posting on Instagram, which is where some fashion bloggers have become especially influential.

    Many fashion blogs focus on the blogger and include lots of photos. If you want to remain anonymous, or if you hate being photographed, then this type of fashion blogging probably isn&#;t for you. Instead, you might want to blog about particular trends within fashion, or share fashion-related news.

    Although you might associate fashion blogging with female bloggers, this niche isn&#;t just for women.

    There are plenty of men&#;s fashion blogs (often called &#;men&#;s style&#;) out there too. These tend to focus more on tips and product suggestions than on personal photos.

    We have a complete guide on how to start a fashion blog and make money with step by step instructions.

    4. Lifestyle

    The Stack theme for WordPress

    What&#;s the &#;lifestyle&#; niche in blogging? It can be a little confusing if you&#;re new to blogging, so let&#;s break it down.

    Lifestyle means writing about a range of different topics that are connected through having the same audience.

    For instance, you might have a lifestyle blog where you write about food, fashion, and motherhood. The connection is that you&#;re writing for women in their 30s and 40s who want to eat well and look great while raising young children.

    Alternatively, you might have a lifestyle blog aimed at single women that focuses on travel, beauty, and hair. Or you might have a blog aimed at men aged 20 to 40 that&#;s all about style, fitness, and music.

    The mix of topics is up to you, but it&#;s important to make sure your blog has a very clear brand to give it focus and direction.

    Tip: Many fashion WordPress themes or fitness WordPress themes can be a good fit for lifestyle blogs. As with fashion blogs, blog ideas that make money, design is really important in this niche, so invest in a premium theme if you can.

    5. Business and Marketing

    Business blog

    There are loads of blogs out there that cover business and marketing related topics. If you&#;ve been reading a lot about blogging, you might feel like every popular blog talks about something to do with blogging, marketing or building a business!

    If you&#;ve got a blog ideas that make money or marketing background, then starting a blog in this niche could be a great idea. As with the other niches on our list, this is a huge one, so you&#;ll want to find a clear focus and voice for your own blog.

    Depending on your expertise and interests, you might choose to blog about:

    • B2B (business-to-business) marketing
    • B2C (business-to-consumer) marketing
    • Entrepreneurship: starting and growing companies
    • Small businesses: more and more people are moving into self-employment, so this is a great area to target
    • A particular type of marketing or area of marketing: networking, social media marketing, copywriting, direct response marketing&#;

    Tip: Almost any of these multi-purpose WordPress themes could work for your business or marketing website. Divi is an especially good option as it&#;s fully responsive and you can customize it however you like.

    6. Technology and Gaming

    blog ideas that make money and gaming">

    The fast-paced technology niche is great for making money from affiliate income, either directly from manufacturers and software companies, or through a website like Amazon.

    Your best monetization routes are likely to be through advertising and affiliate marketing. Even if you&#;re not writing in-depth product reviews, blog ideas that make money, a technology or gaming blog will give you lots of chances to link to products or software using affiliate links.

    You might not be blog ideas that make money to break industry news or share insider information, but there are still lots of things you could write about in this niche:

    • Specific equipment or gadgets: phone handsets, digital cameras, fitness trackers, Chromebooks&#;
    • Games: for consoles, PCs, mobiles, Facebook&#;
    • Tutorials: either for a specific piece of software (e.g. Photoshop) or more wide-ranging
    • Latest news: usually about a particular company or type of product
    • Technology or gaming for a specific demographic, blog ideas that make money, such as teens or boomers

    Related: See our step by step complete affiliate marketing guide for beginners.

    7. Travel

    Start a travel blog

    The final niche on our list is travel. Again, it&#;s a hugely popular niche, both with bloggers and with readers, and there are a lot of different approaches you could take to build a successful blog.

    Blogging about your own travels could be monetized through affiliate links to hotels, recommended travel buys, and so on. It might even give you opportunities for free vacations.

    Great photos are, of course, an important part of your travel blog. Even if you&#;re just writing about local attractions, people will want to see pictures.

    You could focus your travel blog by writing about:

    • Specific countries or continents: things to do, restaurants to visit, ways to get around&#;
    • A particular type of traveler: families, blog ideas that make money, solo female travelers, digital nomads&#;
    • Travel deals: for flights, hotels, packages&#;
    • Your own travels: having a key theme or brand can make this easier to monetize

    For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to start a travel blog and make money from it.

    Other Popular Blogging Niches to Consider

    Of course, these aren&#;t the only ones you could make great money from, blog ideas that make money. There are bloggers out there with successful blogs on almost any topic you could think of.

    Maybe none of the ideas we&#;ve looked at sound like a good fit for you. Don&#;t push yourself to start a blog on a topic that you&#;re not interested in.

    Here are some other good options to try. They all have the potential to make plenty of money.

    Crafts Blog

    If you love to knit, paint, sew, make jewelry, or engage in some other type of craft, why not blog about it? There blog ideas that make money lots of great crafty blogs out there, and they tend to do really well on Pinterest.

    As with other highly visual niches, like fashion, lifestyle, and travel, you&#;ll need to be able to include great photos. You could monetize by using affiliate links to any crafting tools and supplies that you want to promote or by selling blog ideas that make money crafted items through a marketplace like Etsy.

    DIY Blog

    Do you enjoy decorating and remodeling your home? Or maybe you&#;ve gone further and redesigned or even rebuilt your home. There are plenty of DIY blogs out there, and this can be a great type of blogging to try if you enjoy writing tutorials and &#;how-to&#; articles.

    Parenting Blog

    Do you have kids? There are thousands of blogs out there about parenting, covering all sorts of different angles. While you might think the niche is already full of mommy bloggers, the audience for parenting blogs is so large that it&#;s definitely worth considering.

    To help your parenting blog stand out, you&#;ll want a clear angle. You could write about a stage of parenting (like parenting toddlers) or you could write for a certain group of parents (like older parents or teen parents).

    Educational Blog

    Is there a topic that you know well and that you could teach others about? That could become a great niche for you.

    For instance, perhaps you&#;re a keen amateur photographer and you could write detailed tutorials for beginners. Or maybe you&#;re an experienced developer and you could offer tips for people learning to code.

    Sites that teach people how to do something can almost always be monetized through selling ebooks, online courses, or other information products.

    Tip: You can also create and sell online courses along with your blog posts to make some serious dough.

    Food Blog

    We all need to eat! Blogs about food can be hugely popular. In this niche, you&#;ll almost certainly be sharing recipes, so you&#;ll want to take photos that make your food look great.

    Again, it helps to have an angle or specific area that your blog focuses on within the broader niche. Perhaps you&#;ll be writing about quick and easy meals that taste great or about gluten-free or dairy-free recipes.

    Advertising, affiliate links, or your own recipe book could all be great ways to monetize your food blog.

    See our complete guide on how to start a food blog and make money for more advice and details.

    Final Thoughts on Choosing the Best Blogging Niche

    You could spend forever trying to pick the very best blogging niche. Or you could start your blog and, six months or a year from now, blog ideas that make money, you could be making good money from it.

    First, choose a niche that interests you and make sure you have a clear idea about how you can monetize it.

    Then, choose a domain name that works well for your blog topic.

    Finally, sign up for a hosting account and register your domain name. We recommend Bluehost, which will cost you just $ / month, with a free domain name included (this is a special offer for WPBeginner readers).

    That&#;s all you need to do to get started with your blog.

    We hope this article has helped you choose the best blogging niche to make money from your blog. You may also want to look at our list of online business ideas to make money, and our article on how to increase your blog traffic.

    If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

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    Most Profitable Blog ideas that make money Niches (): 8 High-Paying Blog Niches to Try

    Many bloggers start with aspirations of growing their blog into a business. If this sounds like you, welcome to the club!

    Making money with a blog is an incredible feeling. It’s a sign that your digital labors and hours behind the laptop screen are coming to fruition.

    However, one of the most important choices you make when starting out is your blogging niche. Additionally, if money is your goal, you want to pick a blog niche that has enough money on the table to be worth your time.

    Why Picking a Blog Niche Matters

    There are several advantages to picking a niche rather than being a lifestyle blogger. Picking a blog niche lets you:

    • Narrow Your Focus: Growing a business is hard, especially if you don’t have a target audience blog ideas that make money theme.
    • Become An Expert: The more you write in a space, the more authoritative you become in the eyes of readers and Google (provided the content is valuable).
    • Face Less Competition: Multi-niche bloggers compete in every niche they cover, whereas you only worry about immediate competition as a single-niche writer.

    However, it’s still a balancing act between narrowing your focus and having enough of an audience to make money, so keep this in mind.

    Related: How to Choose a Blog Niche &#; 6 Critical Questions and 60 Niche Blog ideas that make money Most Profitable Blog Niches ()

    If you want to choose a blog niche that makes money, this tried and true list of ideas is an excellent place to begin brainstorming.

    1. Personal Finance

    When it comes to blog niches that make money, it’s no surprise that writing about money makes the list.

    People don’t always talk about money, but they certainly read about it, so the personal finance niche gets attention year-round.

    With recent events, topics like investing or budgeting have become even more pertinent as people figure out what to do with their stimulus checks or a recent job loss.

    Plus, personal finance blogs have access to incredibly lucrative affiliate offers; things like credit cards, online banks, insurance plans, and mortgage lenders are examples that generally pay $ or more per conversion. And they are services that just about everyone needs at some point.

    In a blogging income survey from, the personal finance niche dominated the affiliate income space:

    Additionally, advertising rates in finance are typically high, so it’s the perfect income-combo between display ads and affiliate offers.

    Pros: High-paying affiliate offers; always trending.

    Cons: Incredibly competitive for SEO.

    Blog Micro Niche Ideas: Frugality, side hustles, making money online, financial independence.

    2. Education

    Another profitable blog niche is education. This includes online-only education websites, college advice blogs, and even homeschooling blogs.

    Education is a profitable niche for one primary reason: obtaining an education is generally very expensive.

    Therefore, advertises and affiliate offers within the education space as immensely lucrative. I’m talking about $$+ cost-per-acquisitions (CPAs) for things like refinancing student loans, opening student bank accounts, or choosing an online school.

    Plus, you still have options if you’re less interested in finance, blog ideas that make money. Some education bloggers sell printables to fellow teachers or to students to help them organize their semester. If you cover college advice, it’s also easy to sprinkle in Amazon affiliate links for products you recommend.

    Pros: High-paying affiliate offers.

    Cons: Slightly seasonal based on when semesters start.

    Blog Micro Niche Ideas: Surviving college; online college reviews; homeschooling tips for parents.

    3. Food

    Chances are, you’ve visited plenty of food blogs in your life. This blog niche is perhaps one of the most saturated niches out there. But it’s also a profitable blogging niche because of how creative you can get with monetization.

    Many of the highest-earning food bloggers make money with multiple income streams, including:

    • Display ads
    • Affiliate links (for ingredients, appliances, food subscription services)
    • Sponsored posts
    • Selling printables and eBooks

    Sponsored posts blog ideas that make money new penny stocks to invest in 2022 particularly profitable aspect of this niche. Large food publications get offers from brands to use their products in recipes all the time, and these agreements can easily reach thousands of dollars if you have a large audience.

    One downside for this blogging niche is how saturated it is. To make it as a food blogger, you probably need to rely on some heavy Pinterest promotion and Tailwind usage to get through the noise.

    Pros: Sponsored post opportunities; does well on social media.

    Cons: Saturated space; usually requires significant social media marketing.

    Blog Micro Niche Ideas: Keto diet; gluten-free baking; reproducing restaurant meals at home.

    Related: Tailwind Review &#; Features, Pricing, Pros and Cons

    4. Business & Marketing

    Another profitable blog niche is the business and marketing space.

    Granted, this niche is generally narrowed down into micro niches like:

    • Online businesses
    • Affiliate marketing
    • SEO and marketing best-practices
    • Entrepreneurship

    However, blog ideas that make money, two things these micro niches have in common are high-paying display ads and lucrative affiliate offers.

    Like personal finance, business advertisers are willing to pay a premium for advertising on the right blog. This is because things like SaaS contracts or B2B products can easily cost thousands of dollars per year, so the payout is worth it.

    Factor in high-paying affiliate offers and suddenly, even a small business and marketing based blog can earn a handsome sum.

    Pros: High-paying affiliate programs.

    Cons: Incredibly competitive for SEO; can be quite narrow in scope.

    Blog Bitcoin investopedia analysis Niche Ideas: SEO software; email marketing.

    Check out my free training &#;How to create a blog that gets attention, even in an oversaturated niche&#;

    Click here to register.

    5. Travel

    With Covid, the travel niche got absolutely decimated.

    Traffic and advertising rates plummeted. Travel affiliate programs also shut their doors. All-in-all, it’s been a brutal time to own a travel blog.

    However, travel blog ideas that make money a historically profitable blog niche. Furthermore, as the world begins to open up in the future, blog ideas that make money, travel will resume. In fact, there’s already been an increase in domestic travel, so people are packing their bags once again.

    As a travel blogger, this is excellent news. There are plenty of monetization options in this niche as well, including:

    • Display advertisements
    • Affiliate programs for hotels, travel gear, airlines, excursions, and travel insurance
    • Travel credit card affiliate programs
    • Writing sponsored posts
    • Branching into YouTube and vlogging

    It’s hard to pinpoint when this niche will fully recover. However, there’s no denying that this profitable blogging niche is here to stay.

    Pros: Does well on social media; can let you make money while traveling.

    Cons: Slightly lower advertising rates; still recovering.

    Best Blog Micro Niche Ideas: Local travel guide; digital nomadism; frugal travel.

    6. Parenting

    While this blogging niche can cross over into a lifestyle blog blog ideas that make money you provide a glimpse of your daily life, the parenting space has always been a popular blog topic.

    This popularity makes sense. Parenting books are always in demand, and parenting blogs that help others manage the hectic, wonderful responsibility of being a parent do extremely well.

    There’s also room to get creative here. Here’s a few micro niche blog ideas for the parenting niche to mull over:

    • Stay-at-home work opportunities
    • Pregnancy
    • A guide for new parents
    • Healthy cooking for families
    • Traveling with kids

    Again, the central theme is parenting, but what aspect of parenting you write about is up to you.

    As for monetization, there’s the regular mix of display ads, affiliate offers, sponsored posts, and selling your own products. However, parents are willing to spend on products or services that improve their family’s life. If you promote affiliate offers you personally use and benefit from, blog ideas that make money, your affiliate revenue can grow very quickly.

    Pros: Incredibly flexible; readers are naturally more invested in the subject matter.

    Cons: You generally have to be a parent to have authority in this niche, so it’s not easy for non-parent bloggers to get into.

    Blog Micro Niche Ideas: See above list.

    Related: Why Your Lifestyle Blog isn't Working (and How to Fix it)

    7. DIY Blogs

    While this is a broad profitable blogging niche, DIY bloggers also have an incredible number of monetization options at their disposal.

    The nature of a DIY blog is instructional; you’re usually teaching people how to solve a specific problem or to create something on their own without having to pay full-price at the store.

    This lends itself well to:

    • Affiliate marketing
    • Selling instruction booklets or printables
    • Branching out to other mediums, like starting a YouTube channel or selling on Etsy alongside your blog

    Plus, DIY content typically does well on platforms like Pinterest, which can help you get more blog traffic.

    Advertising rates for DIY content aren’t as high as niches like personal finance or business. But, it’s likely easier to convert readers into affiliate sales if blog ideas that make money following instructional content than convincing a reader to sign up for a new credit card offer or something that involves more decision making.

    Pros: Does well on social media; easy to branch out on Etsy or YouTube.

    Cons: Slightly lower display advertising rates on average than niches like finance.

    Blog Micro Niche Ideas: Woodworking; student crafts; vintage revivals.

    8. Health and Wellness

    Alright, time to talk about a profitable blog niche that’s also one of the most contentious.

    The health and wellness space has been a goldmine for bloggers since the internet started. People are always searching for fitness advice, new recipes, or general wellness tips that can help them lead a better life. However, along the way, this niche has been plagued by fad diets, fake supplements, and a range of shady behavior.

    Unsurprisingly, Google finally took note of this in After a massive algorithm update, Google determined that sites that talk about your money or your life (“YMYL blogs”) need to have expertise, authority, and trust to rank well.

    In short, for this to be a profitable blog niche, blog ideas that make money, you need to know your stuff and have the credentials to back it up. But, if you’re a doctor, certified dietitian, licensed fitness coach, or have an incredible personal story that relates to the niche, this requirement shouldn’t be a problem.

    I wouldn’t get into this niche if you don’t know much about health and wellness. However, there are plenty of affiliate programs and ways to make money as a health and wellness blogger. Plus, online coaching is one monetization idea that does incredibly well for this niche. 

    Pros: Lends itself well to coaching and affiliate marketing.

    Cons: Ranking well on Google usually requires expertise and credentials.

    Blog Micro Niche Ideas: Running; managing specific health conditions; staying fit as a working professional.

    The #1 Factor for Picking a Profitable Blog Niche

    One final piece of advice I want to give for picking a profitable blog niche is to always stick with what you know and care about.

    The internet has millions of blogs, and more get added every day. The only way to stand out from the crowd is to write the best content out thereand give readers blog ideas that make money reason to follow you.

    Besides, wouldn’t you rather pick a niche you’re an expert in and love and make slightly less money than struggle to write in a niche you don’t care about?


    This list of the most profitable blog niches is really scratching the surface of your options.

    The truth is you should write about what you’re more knowledgeable and passionate about, blog ideas that make money. As long as the audience isn’t too narrow, you can develop your blogging voice and audience over time and turn almost any blog niche into a profitable one.

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    10 Types of Blogs That Make Money (With Examples)

    types of blogs that make money

    W ant to know the most popular types of blogs that make money? 

    While blog ideas that make money a blog is a great way to make money online, most beginners don’t know what type of blog to create. Many of you have probably wondered, what are the most popular types of blogs? 

    If this is you, then you’re in the right place! We’ve listed the 10 types of blogs that make the most money. And we’ve added examples to each type of blog ideas that make money good? Great!

    Let’s get to it. 

    10 Top Money Making Blogs 

    Below you’ll find the 10 most popular types of blogs. Each of these types of blogs can be monetized. So hopefully, this list will inspire you to create your own money-making blogging strategy. 

    1. Finance Blog 

    Are you a pro at handling money? Then a finance blog might be a great choice for you. 

    Finance blogs give blog ideas that make money advice to any online user. Whether it’s a college student, young adult, or parent, everyone could gain more knowledge about their finances. 

     Let’s take a look at a popular finance blog, Get Rich Slowly. 

    finance type of blog get rich slowly

    Get Rich Slowly helps their readers pay off their debt and grow their money. They also cover other finance topics, like investing and your money mindset. 

    As we mentioned before, finance reaches out to all different types of people, so there’s an infinite amount of finance topics to cover. This means you won’t get stuck on thinking of new blog posts in the long-run. 

    Plus, there’s a ton of different finance blog niches to choose from. Some of these blog niches include: 

    • Frugal spending
    • Early-retirement
    • Passive-income
    • Side-hustles
    • Investing

    This is why finance is one of the best types of blogs that make money. It’s useful for everyone, and you have an infinite amount of topics to cover. 

    2. Fashion Blog 

    Have you ever dreamed of starting your own clothing line? Start a fashion blog! 

    A fashion blog is a great way to express your unique sense of style through photos, clothing, and beauty products. 

    But wait… fashion blogs make money? 

    Of course! There blog ideas that make money many ways to monetize a fashion blog. You can sell products, add affiliate links, and become an influencer on Instagram. 

    One of the most popular fashion blogs out there is We Wore What. 

    we wore what fashion blog

    Danielle Bernstein started We Wore What to photograph her outfits across New York City. Now she sells her own swimwear and overalls. Plus, she has over 2 million followers on Instagram. 

    With that said, we suggest using Instagram along with your fashion blog. It’s another way to showcase your photos to your audience. You might want to check out our guide on using Instagram as a blogger. 

    Some fashion blog niches you can write about are: 

    • DIY fashion
    • Affordable fashion
    • Fashion reviews
    • Fashion for a particular event (ie. Weddings)
    • Eco-friendly fashion

    If you’re ready to get started, then check out our complete guide on how to start a fashion blog. 

    3. Travel Blog 

    When most people think about traveling, they imagine the Eiffel Tower, Patagonia, or Cancun. But what about the logistics, like planning and budgeting? Wouldn’t it be nice if someone could plan it all for you? 

    With a travel blog, there is! Travel blogs are an invaluable resource to help anyone plan the trip of their dreams. They teach readers how to plan a trip, what destinations to visit, and how to budget wisely. 

    travel blogs are a popular type of blog that makes money

    Will Hatton, the owner of The Broke Backpacker, helps his reader’s travel on a tight budget. And by a tight budget, we mean less than 10 dollars a day! 

    So how do travel blogs make money? 

    Affiliate links are a popular way to monetize a travel blog. The Broke Backpacker, for example, uses affiliate links to promote travel gear. 

    You could also sell your own services, like Will. Along with his travel guides, he helps his readers work as they travel. 

    And even if you don’t travel internationally, you can still start a travel blog! Some other travel blog niches you can write about are: 

    • Traveling in your country
    • Road trips
    • Camping
    • Traveling on a budget
    • How to travel and work at the same time

    4. Marketing Blog

    One of the best types of blogs that make money is a marketing blog. 

    A marketing blog helps readers learn and monetize online marketing skills to start a business. A lot of marketing blogs cover blogging, email marketing, eCommerce marketing, and SEO. 

    We consider Blog Tyrant as a marketing blog! Our website is full of marketing resources for bloggers and small businesses. 

    Another example of a marketing blog is WPBeginner. 

    WPBeginner of one of the most popular types blogs that make money. This is an example of a marketing blog.

    WPBeginner is the most popular blog for anything WordPress-related. They help their readers build and monetize their WordPress site for blogging and eCommerce shops. 

    Marketing blogs are useful for anyone who wants to make money online. And it’s a great way to become an authoritative source. 

    With that said, there are so many marketing strategies out there. So we suggest narrowing down a specific niche. This is the best way to get more traffic and gain authority. 

    Look at WPBeginner. They narrowed their niche to WordPress, and now they’re the most popular resource for WordPress. 

    Other marketing blog niches you can write about are: 

    • Small business marketing which cryptocurrency to invest in yourself as a [insert profession here]
    • Business news and trends
    • How to build an online business in [insert profession here]
    • Digital marketing strategies (SEO, email marketing, website analytics)

    5. Health and Fitness Blog

    Are you into living a healthy lifestyle? Then a health and fitness blog might be for you. 

    A health and fitness blog is great because everyone can relate to it. Whether it’s nutrition, exercise, or mental health, there’s something for everyone in this blog topic. 

    Let’s take a look at Born Fitness. 

    health and fitness type of blog

    Born Fitness debunks myths and blog ideas that make money questions about nutrition and exercise. And they monetize their blog with health coaching. 

    You can also make health and fitness blogs profitable with an online course, affiliate links, and selling your own products.

    But as health impacts our daily lives, make sure to build trust with your readers. The last thing a person wants is inaccurate information about a health concern. 

    With that, offer educational content, like videos, podcasts, and email newsletters to connect with bitcoin otc order book audience. 

    Some other health and fitness blog niches are: 

    • Body empowerment
    • Eating healthy on a budget
    • Nutrition and exercise for children
    • Niche workout blog (Yoga, running, weight lifting)
    • Mindfulness

    6. Mom Blog 

    Also known as a parenting blog, a mom blog is all about raising your children and other family life topics. 

    So how did mom blogs become popular? 

    First, there are so many parents out there who share have the same questions about raising children. So it’s a great way to share your own stories and advice. 

    And second, these parents realized that they can make money blogging AND stay at home with their kiddos. 

    In fact, mom blogs are so popular that there are now mom blogs that help other moms create their own mom blog! 

    We’ll check out Lucie’s List as our mom blog example. 

    a mom blog example

    Lucie’s List helps women transition into motherhood. They monetize their blog with affiliate links for baby and children’s products. 

    But mom blogs don’t stop at how to raise children. With so many family dynamics in the world, there’s a ton of blog niches you can write about parenting. Some examples are: 

    • Working and parenting
    • Traveling with children
    • Homeschooling children
    • Affordable parenting
    • Raising teenagers

    7. Food Blog 

    Are you a foodie? Then a food blog is right up your alley. 

    Food blogs are like recipe books—you get to teach readers how to make tasty dishes. And you get to take nice photos. 

    A Sassy Spoon is a great example of a food blog. 

    example of a food blog that makes money

    A Sassy Spoon organizes their blog by recipe, diet, blog ideas that make money, and meal. So her site is easy to navigate for any type of reader. 

    So now you might be wondering how much money a food blog makes. 

    Jamie, the founder of Sassy Spoon, blog ideas that make money, made over k from her food blog in ! This was all thanks to ads, affiliate marketing, and business coaching. We’ll talk about how to monetize your blog a little more later in the post. 

    Some other types of food blogs you can create are: 

    • Restaurant reviews
    • Homemade recipes
    • Eating and traveling
    • Affordable eating
    • DIY drinks

    Make sure to check out our guide on how to start a food blog for step-by-step instructions. 

    8. Lifestyle Blog 

    So far, the types of blogs that make money have been about one specific topic. But a lifestyle blog is a little different. 

    Lifestyle bloggers write about a bunch of topics, like personal experience, culture, and relationships. 

    A lifestyle blog attracts readers who want to read something similar to a magazine. They like stories, advice columns, and product recommendations. 

    example of a lifestyle blog that makes money

    Advice From a Twenty Something is a lifestyle blog for the average year-old. They write about anything a year-old wants to know about. Dating, fashion, and fitness are a few examples. 

    This blog makes money from affiliate links. They also get traffic from allowing other users to submit blog posts to their site. This is also known as guest posting. 

    If you have a bunch of blogging ideas, blog ideas that make money, then a lifestyle blog might be a good place to start. As you blog, you’ll learn more about what you like to write about and who your ideal reader is.

    Some topics people lifestyle blog about are: 

    • Dating and relationships
    • Self-improvement
    • Productivity
    • Learning a [insert hobby here]
    • Music

    Don’t feel like you have to write about the above blog niches. The beauty of a lifestyle blog ideas that make money is that you can write about skyrim how to make money fast in whiterun you want! 

    Just make sure other people are interested in your blog content. In other words, make blog ideas that make money lifestyle blog relatable. 

    9. DIY Blog  

    Do you have a knack for crafts? Then why not create a DIY blog! 

    DIY stands for “Do it yourself.” So a DIY blog shows readers how to make crafts, clothing, home decor…the possibilities are quite endless. 

    P.S I Made This, is one of the most popular DIY blogs out there. 

    DIY blog example

    P.S I Made This shows their readers how to craft all types of things. Some examples are clothing, beauty products, and home decor. 

    Many DIY blogs use social media, like Pinterest and Instagram to showcase their products. You could even use YouTube and post videos of how you create your crafts! 

    Some other DIY blog ideas you can use are: 

    • Arts and crafts
    • Home renovations
    • Gifts
    • Beauty products
    • DIY for teachers

    Pet Blog 

    Let’s face it—we’re obsessed with our pets. We love to play with them, cuddle with them, and write about them! 

    A pets blog is great for anyone looking for DIY pet treats, training tips, and activities. 

    So if you own a bunch of animals or know a lot about a specific breed, then a pet blog might be for you. 

    types of blogs that make money - pet blog example

    PuppyLeaks is a pet blog for dog owners. They have articles on puppy training, treats, and games. 

    So are pet blogs profitable? 

    Yes! The best way to monetize a pet blog is to add affiliate links to your favorite pet toys and pet care products. 

    It’s also easy to think of a pet blog niche. For example, if you own a Labrador Retriever, then you can create a blog all about this dog breed. 

    But if you get stuck, you always write about: 

    • Your pet breed
    • Pet adoption
    • Farm animals
    • Reptiles
    • Exotic animals

    How Do Beginner Blogs Make Money? 

    Now that you know the types of blogs that make money, you might be wondering how they become popular. What blogging strategies should you implement for blog ideas that make money most popular blogs have the following 5 strategies in common with one another. 

    1. Valuable Content 

    Any blog that makes money knows how to bring value to the reader. Valuable content has the following 3 characteristics. 

    Focused on the reader

    Don’t write content just because it’s about your niche, blog ideas that make money. Instead, you should write content for your reader. What do they want to learn more about? How will you help them take action? 

    You can use tools like keyword research to see if your blog post topics are searched by your audience. You should also look up your blog topics on Google to see what type of blog posts are written about them. 

    Easy to read

    Think back to the last time you read an article that looked like this: 

    An example of an unoptimized blog post.

    It was probably difficult to read, right? 

    Blog posts are much more user-friendly than textbooks. You should avoid large paragraphs or complicated vocabulary. This might scare your reader to another blog. 

    Instead, write short paragraphs, use easy vocab, and add helpful images to your content. You can check out our guide, how to write a good blog post for more tips. 

    Optimized for search

    Your blog posts might be full of good info, but if it doesn’t rank on search then nobody will see it. This is bad news if you want to monetize your blog, blog ideas that make money. But luckily it isn’t hard to optimize for search. 

    To get started, you’ll want good keywords, a fast website, and optimized images. Our SEO guide for beginners will help you get started. 

    2. A Unique Selling Proposition 

    Optinmonster found that the number of bloggers was expected to grow to million this year, blog ideas that make money. So if you want to create a profitable blog then you need to stand out from everyone else. 

    You can do this with a unique selling proposition (USP). A USP is something that makes your blog different from everyone else—why should someone read your blog over another? 

    A good example of a USP is the travel blog we mentioned earlier, The Broke Backpacker. Their USP is teaching readers to travel on less than $10 a day.

    Most travel blogs don’t talk about traveling with this tight of a budget, so The Blog ideas that make money Backpacker stands out from the rest. And they target anyone who wants to travel on a low budget. 

    So how do you find your own USP? 

    Niche down your blog topic to something specific. So instead of creating a fitness blog for all ages, you could create a daily workout blog for college students. This topic is specific, yet reaches out to a large group of people. 

    We thought of 89 blog niche ideas for you in case you get stuck. 

    3. Google Adsense 

    The easiest way to make a profitable blog is blog ideas that make money Google Adsense. When you sign up for Google Adsense, your blog will display ads like below: 

    An example of Google AdSense. Google Adsense is a great way for beginner blogs to make money

    So anytime someone clicks on the ad, Google will charge the advertiser. And you’ll get 68% of the profit. 

    It’s also easy to sign up for! All you have to do is get approved by Google and then add the code to your blog. 

    So if Google Adsense is so easy to manage, then why doesn’t every beginner blogger promote their ads? 

    If your blog has a ton of ads, then you might scare off new readers. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use Google Adsense. But instead, wait until you have consistent blog traffic. 

    We talk about this more in our Google Adsense guide. 

    4. Affiliate Marketing 

    Think back to the last time you read a blog post about a product. Maybe you ended up clicking on the product link and purchasing it. 

    This is called affiliate marketing. Most types of blogs that make money use this strategy. But how does it work? 

    When you become an affiliate partner with an online store, you’ll promote and add a link to their products in your blog post. And if a reader clicks on that link and purchases the product, you’ll earn a commission. 

    What’s great about affiliate marketing is that any blog can do it, especially if you chose one of the blog topics we mentioned earlier. 

    You might want to check out our complete guide on getting started with affiliate marketing to learn more. 

    5, blog ideas that make money. Online Store 

    Have any products or services to sell? You can always start an online store! 

    The best part about running an online store is that all purchases go straight to your bank account. And you have the freedom to create a product of your own. 

    You can also use organic marketing strategies like starting an email list or social media to promote your products to your readers. 

    Oh, and another thing—it’s easier than ever to build an online store with WordPress! All you have to do is follow blog ideas that make money guide on how to start an online store.  

    And that’s it! 

    Now you know 10 types of blogs that make money and how to get started. Try out these blog strategies and see what works for you. 

    And remember, creating a profitable blog doesn’t happen overnight. But if you put in the hard work and determination, you’ll see results. 

    Plus, you can always refer back to our site for the best blogging tips. If you liked this post, you might want to check out our guide on proven ways to make money online. 

    And don’t forget to sign up for our email newsletter for more helpful blogging tips!


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