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How to Make Money on YouTube (Without a Million Subscribers)

YouTube stars are today’s self-made celebrities—people who have earned an audience by creating content geared toward teaching, money maker full movie, entertaining, reviewing, and being awesome on the internet.

Most of these small-screen celebs do what they do just to do it, to scratch an itch for creating things and being in front of an audience.

Making money might not be your reason for starting a YouTube channel, but the opportunities to earn are a pleasant surprise once you realize how many of them there are.

  1. Who makes the most money on YouTube?
  2. Who’s going to watch your YouTube Channel?
  3. How to make money on YouTube
  4. How to “sell” without annoying your audience
  5. Are you ready to monetize your YouTube channel?

Who makes the most money on YouTube?

According to Forbes, these 10 channels were the top earners on YouTube from June to June

  1. MrBeat, money maker full movie, $54 million ( million subscribers)
  2. Jake Paul, $45 million ( million subscribers)
  3. Markiplier, money maker full movie million ( million subscribers)
  4. Rhett and Black keys money maker meaning, $30 million ( million subscribers)
  5. Unspeakable, $ million (13 million subscribers)
  6. Nastya, money maker full movie, $28 million ( million subscribers)
  7. Ryan Kaji, $27 million ( million subscribers)
  8. Dude Perfect, 20 million ( million subscribers)
  9. Logan Paul, $18 million ( million subscribers)
  10. Preston Arsement, $16 million ( million subscribers)

*The subscriber count listed as seen on 25 February,

This list might leave you with a lot of questions about how these YouTube stars earned their fortunes. Let’s explore some of those questions.

Do you get paid for uploading videos on YouTube?

Content creators aren’t paid by YouTube for the videos they upload. Neither are videos monetized by default. For you to start making money on YouTube, you have to enable monetization in your YouTube account settings. From there, you have options to join the YouTube Partners Program or have your videos listed on YouTube Premium.

How do you make money from YouTube?

There are a few takeaways from Forbes’ list, putting aside the millions of dollars made and subscribers gained. 

First, YouTube channels can be monetized even if they don’t have millions of subscribers. Your earning potential isn’t determined solely by the number of subscribers and views you have, money maker full movie, but also by the level of engagement you generate, the niche you cater to, and the revenue channels you explore.

That’s not to say subscriber count doesn’t matter—check out our tips to get more subscribers on YouTube.

Second, this list of top 10 earners money maker full movie give you the impression that money maker full movie millions of dollars made comes directly from YouTube. In fact, each of these channels has its own line of merchandise. These channels found and built their audiences first, money maker full movie, before launching their own merchandise.

If making money on YouTube is in your marketing plan, the first step is the same for everybody: have a clear understanding of your target audience.

Who’s going to watch your YouTube channel?

Building your own audience puts you in a money maker full movie position to monetize content in a variety of ways. But you’ll only be able to take full advantage of the opportunities you have if you understand the makeup of your audience.

For many YouTubers looking to monetize, the more niche your channel, the better position you’ll be in to work with brands looking to target specific audiences (more on that later).

Who's going to watch your <i>Money maker full movie</i> channel?

You'll want to pay close attention to:

  • The gender of your audience, to see if its skews toward one particular group.
  • The age range most of your audience falls into.
  • The geographic location—countries or cities—where your videos are being watched.
  • Your audience’s overall engagement, or “watch time.”

With this demographic information at hand, you’ll have a better understanding of your own audience and be able to work better with brands. All demographic insight can be pulled from your YouTube analytics, but to compare your own channel against others try a tool like Social Blade.

With that out of the way, we can start talking about the different ways your YouTube channel can make money.

How to make money on YouTube

Like learning how to make money on Instagram or via blogging, your audience might unlock your YouTube channel’s earning potential. But when you create multiple revenue streams, through side side hustles or businesses, it's easier to monetize.

Luckily, there are several ways to accomplish this:

  1. Become a YouTube Partner and earn money from ads.
  2. Sell products or merchandise.
  3. Crowdfund your next creative project.
  4. Let your audience support your work through “fan funding.”
  5. License your content to the media.
  6. Work with brands as an influencer or affiliate.

Let’s take a deeper look at each of these streams for how to make money on YouTube.

1. Join the YouTube Partner Program and earn money from ads

The first revenue stream you’ll likely explore is ads. Whether you want to make money on YouTube without creating videos or as a content creator, joining the YouTube Partners Program and setting up monetisation is a vital step. You can apply for monetisation once you’ve hit 1, subscribers and 4, watch hours over the past year.

How to enable monetization on YouTube

  1. Sign in to the YouTube account you want to monetise
  2. Click the icon for your account in the top right corner
  3. Click YouTube Studio
  4. In the left menu, select Other Features > Monetisation
  5. Read and agree to the YouTuber Partner Program terms
  6. Create a new AdSense account or connect an existing one to your channel (You need an AdSense account to get paid)
  7. Set your monetisation preferences.

Once that’s done, head back to the dashboard and click the Analytics tab on the left side. From there, you’ll need to choose Revenue from the tabs at the top, then scroll down to the chart Monthly Estimated Revenue to get an idea of your predicted revenue.

How many views do you need to make money on YouTube?

The number of views you get doesn’t correlate to revenue earned. If your video gets thousands of views but no one watches or clicks the ad, you won’t make any money. This is bitcoin investering 6 days of YouTube’s criteria for billing advertisers: a viewer must click an ad or watch the ad in full (10, 15, or 30 seconds) for you to get paid. 

However, with the release of YouTube Premium, you no longer need to rely on advertisers to create engaging or enticing ads to earn revenue.

Check out YouTube Premium

YouTube Premium is a paid membership program that allows fans to watch and support their favourite content creators without ads. For creators, not much changes, as they will get paid for content consumed by non-members on YouTube along with content on YouTube Premium.

Creators are paid for YouTube Money maker full movie based on how much members watch their content. Consider revenue earned from YouTube Premium as a secondary revenue stream in addition to what you’re already earning through ads.

While it’s easy to set up, money maker full movie, money maker full movie money through advertising as a YouTube Partner is far from the most lucrative revenue stream you can create for yourself.

Why should you look beyond ads for revenue?

YouTube received a lot of backlash due to its decision to be more transparent about advertising on the platform and what qualifies as “advertiser-friendly” content. Essentially, many creators feared that, due to the nature of their content, they would lose out on the ad revenue that helps support their channel.

According to YouTube, your content could get excluded from ad revenue if it includes:

  • Sexually suggestive content, including partial nudity and sexual humour
  • Violence, including displays of serious injury and events related to violent extremism
  • Inappropriate language, including harassment, profanity, and vulgar language
  • Promotion of drugs and regulated substances, including selling, use, and abuse of such items
  • Controversial or sensitive money maker full movie and events, including subjects related to war, political conflicts, natural disasters, and tragedies, even if graphic imagery is not shown

But the reality is that YouTube has been demonetising content that it doesn’t deem advertiser-friendly since via an automated process, without warning and without the content creator’s knowledge.

Now, the situation is actually better, as creators are notified when their content is flagged and can contest any time they feel a video was mistakenly excluded from YouTube’s advertising network.

Advertising might be a common means of generating passive income for creators, but the trade-off is that YouTube gets to keep around a 45% share of ad revenue. In , Google revealed that YouTube made around $ billion through advertising alone.

In short, YouTubers should explore other revenue streams to sustain their creative hobby.

Below, we’ll share how to make money on YouTube without AdSense.

2. Sell products or merchandise

If you’re wondering ‘how to make money on YouTube without making videos?’. Well, that’s not entirely possible, money maker full movie. There are plenty of products to sell that can help you make money through your YouTube channel. 

Selling merchandise—t-shirts, coffee mugs, tote bags, snapbacks, you name it—has a benefit beyond revenue. And your YouTube videos stocks to invest in tomorrow video descriptions) can be a great way to promote the products or merchandise you sell.

Merchandise increases your exposure by putting your online brand and personality out into the offline world and deepens the relationship between you and your fans as they literally “buy” into what you're doing.

Make money on Youtube by selling products or merchandise like Roman Atwood

Roman Atwood sells a variety of merchandise in his store under his Smile More brand. 

Selling branded swag is easier than it might seem at first.

You money maker full movie order affordable designs tailored for specific products, like t-shirts, using freelance sites such as Fiverr. You can even give your audiences a glimpse of how the finished products will look, with the use of options like t-shirt mockups.

And when it comes to handling orders, you can integrate your store with services such as Oberlo or one of the many print-on-demand providers that take care of shipping, fulfilment, and customer support, letting you reap all of the benefits of a dropshipping business that demands less effort on your part.

Alternatively, you can partner with an existing merchandising network for creators, such as DFTBA (Don’t Forget to Be Awesome). However, you’ll be competing with other YouTubers and have less control over adding products, offering discounts, integrating your content, and all the advantages that come with owning your own ecommerce site.

You can even go a step further by manufacturing and selling your own unique products and powering your business through your YouTube channel, like Luxy Hair did to sell its hair extensions with hair-related how-to video tutorials.

As a YouTuber who’s already earned an audience, you’ll have two advantages from the start that other store owners would be jealous of:

  1. A content engine that consistently drives traffic to your store
  2. Your audience's trust, which you've earned by regularly serving them your own brand of content for free.

3. Crowdfund your next creative project

When money is all that stands between an idea and its execution, crowdfunding is a good way to make it happen.

Whether you need help buying better equipment, hiring actors, or covering other production costs, you can call upon your own audience and the crowdfunding community to pitch in if your idea is compelling enough.

Many successful crowdfunded creative projects tend to offer a sneak peak or “trailer” that gets people excited, so consider shooting a video explaining your project or offering a taste of what it'll be like, such as this popular Kickstarter for Kung Fury, a short film paying homage to ’80s action movies.

make money on YouTube by Crowdfunding like this popular Kickstarter for Kung Fury, a short film paying homage to ’80s action movies.

Popular crowdfunding sites with a proven track record of campaigns from YouTubers include:

  • Kickstarter: One of the most well-known crowdfunding sites, great for funding cool products and creative projects, money maker full movie. Be sure to set an attainable funding goal because you’ll only secure it if you actually meet the goal you set.
  • Indiegogo: A Kickstarter alternative that offers more flexible funding options.

You could also try these platforms for specific niches like:

  • Mightycause: A well-known crowdfunding platform specialising in non-profit fundraising.
  • GoFundMe: A unique platform aiding personal fundraising. 
  • SeedInvest: A fundraising platform best for startups.

Learn more: 12 Creative Ways to Make Money: Earn Your First $ on the Side.

4. Let your audience support your work through “fan funding”

Similar to crowdfunding a project, you can also set up “fan funding” streams to source donations from your audience.

As a creator, money maker full movie, you’re contributing your voice to the internet without forcing your audience to pay for admission. So, if you’re offering good content, money maker full movie, your audience might be inclined to support you on an ongoing basis.

Many fan funding platforms offer creators another place for people to discover their content and a way to engage their most loyal audience and reward them for their support.

Make money on YouTube by setting up “fan funding” streams to source donations from your audience like Wait But Why

Wait But Why creates more long-form written content than YouTube videos, but is a great example of receiving support from the Patreon community. 

If you choose the crowdfunding route, be sure to follow a couple of best practices: 

  • First, create transparency around how the money will be spent. This will get your fanbase invested in your story or mission, and they will literally buy into the value of your content. 
  • Second, offer enticing rewards for better pledges. The more you can make donors feel like they’re getting something exclusive for being a loyal fan, the more likely you are to get donations and higher pledges.
  • Third, keep your audience updated about your progress. This will keep them engaged with your cause/ goal.

Some popular fan funding options include:

  • YouTube’s Super Chat: Super Chat is a feature used when going live on YouTube, money maker full movie. It lets you create a tipping jar for your viewers to donate whenever and however much they feel like contributing. You’ll need to set up your YouTube account for advertising as outlined above.
  • Patreon: The membership platform that makes it easy for creators to get paid. Fans can subscribe to their favorite creators for as little as a dollar a month and receive exclusive rewards.
  • Tipeee: Lets you get a combination of both one-off and recurring donations

5. License your content to the media

If you happen to create a viral video with mass appeal—say, a funny clip featuring your dog—you can license your content in exchange for money.

TV news outlets, morning shows, online news sites, and other creators might reach out about rights to use your videos if they happen to go viral.

You can also list your videos in a marketplace, such as Juken Media, money maker full movie your content will be easier for the right people to find and purchase. 

Make money on YouTube by licensing your content to the media

When this video of a woman wearing a Chewbacca mask went viral, tons of media outlets wanted in. 

6. Work with brands as an influencer or affiliate

Influencer marketing is going to be one of the advertising bedrocks of the next decade.

Gary Vaynerchuk

Brands are investing more and more in influencer marketing, spending their typically large advertising budgets on influencers who’ve already won the loyalty of their audiences. Studies reveal over 50% of consumers discover new brands through social media and word-of-mouth.

This creates a massive opportunity for you as a creator if you can negotiate the right deals.

Brendan Gahan, a YouTube marketing expert and influencer, recommends establishing your baseline flat fee by looking at the number of views your videos typically get and multiplying it by 5 to fifteen cents per view (which is around what many brands are willing to pay for views via YouTube ads).

Depending on your leverage—your audience demographics, content quality, and how unique and profitable your niche is—you might be able to negotiate a better deal if the brand is a good fit.

Becoming an influencer on YouTube is reported as the highest-paid platform for brand partnerships, according to Aqer. But to give you an idea of what you can potentially charge, a mid-level influencer charges a brand around $20 per 1, subscribers, or $2, per $, followers, according to one study.

The key when partnering on brand-sponsored content is to be transparent about it, not endorsing anything you don’t actually like or believe in, and being upfront with your audience about why you’re doing it.

Here are just a handful of the many influencer money maker full movie you can add your channel to and get discovered by brands both big and small:

  • Grapevine Logic: One of the more popular influencer marketplaces, money maker full movie, you need 10, YouTube subscribers to be eligible.
  • YouTube BrandConnect: With a wide range of brands to work with, you might find a sponsorship opportunity you’ll be proud to be a part of. Currently, an invite-only opportunity, eligible creators are expected to have over 25k subscribers to money maker full movie with
  • CovertKit: Partner with other YouTubers as well as brands.
  • Crowdtap: Complete small content creation “tasks” in exchange for money and other rewards. There’s no restriction on how money maker full movie followers you need to join.

Some influencer marketplaces offer you free products, while others are known for having big brands who are willing to pay more. Capitalise on the opportunities that best suit your needs, but list yourself in as many places as you can to ensure maximum visibility for your channel.

Alternatively, you can also become an affiliate marketer for brands and make residual passive income through commissions from every sale you generate through your channel. This works especially well if you review products as part take surveys make money your YouTube channel. Since there's no risk involved on the brand’s end (they only pay when they make sales), there's usually a low bar to getting started.

Popular affiliate programs include ClickBank (1% to 75% commission, depending on what the vendor sets) and Shopify Affiliate (earnings based on the user plan). You can also reach out to brands in your niche that are running their own affiliate programs, which isn’t uncommon in the ecommerce space.

How to “sell” without annoying your audience

Many of the above strategies for monetising involve promoting products or campaigns (e.g., crowdfunding a video series), money maker full movie. But you’ll want to make sure your promotions don’t sabotage the integrity of your content.

“Selling out” is a real concern for a lot of creators. But if you never ask, you’ll never get.

There are a number of “placements” you can choose from for promoting products or campaigns.

Record a call to action in your videos

“If you liked this video, then money maker full movie the Like button and subscribe.”

Many YouTubers include a call to action along those lines at the end of their videos to grow their viewership. By suggesting the intended action you want them to take, your audience is more likely to take it.

You can adapt this approach to direct your audience’s attention to a revenue-generating opportunity.

Add well-timed YouTube cards to your videos

Whether it’s part of your deal with a brand or you’re promoting your own products, YouTube Cards offer an eye-catching way to get the attention of engaged viewers.

You can set them to pop up at just the right moment, when they’re most relevant and least distracting, to increase their impact. Therefore, understanding the right posting time and frequency is crucial.

Add well-timed YouTube cards to your videos to make money on YouTube through engaging your audience

Add links in your video descriptions

You can funnel viewers to your store, Patreon page, Kickstarter campaign, or other revenue-focused parts of your online presence by adding links to your video descriptions.

Add links in your video descriptions to make money on YouTube as a referral marketer

If you’re a video creator who wants to focus money maker full movie generating revenue as an affiliate marketer, look at Unbox Therapy. Unbox Therapy specialises in product reviews, and it uses affiliate links in their video descriptions to make money via YouTube audiences. 

The channel is signed up as an Amazon affiliate. It places these unique links—pointing to the reviewed product on Amazon—in video descriptions. If the viewer purchases the item via clicking that link, the affiliate will earn a small percentage of the revenue share paid to them by Amazon.

If you’re creating videos about your own products and you own or manage a Shopify store, you can incentivise new customers to buy your products with buy X get Y promotions or discounts.

Ensure the content’s quality is intact 

Rather than overemphasise the product sale aspect, money maker full movie, make sure your content has quality to keep your viewers money maker full movie. People rely on YouTube for information, money maker full movie, to find quick fixes or hacks or simply educate themselves through videos.

A crucial aspect to making money on YouTube is to ensure your content’s integrity and quality does not diminish. You could easily lose subscribers if your content doesn't answer their questions, add value or relate to them in any income producing investments comparison your offer on other platforms

Just because your content is hosted on YouTube doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be taking advantage of all the other distribution channels out there.

Spread the word about new campaigns or discounts on Twitter, Facebook, and any other profiles you own.

The more places your message lives, the greater the chance it’ll be seen. So it’s always a good idea to grow your following beyond YouTube with social media marketing.

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Are you ready to monetize your YouTube channel?

What compels most creators to create is rarely money. It’s the thought of making something for the world to enjoy.

But ironically, that puts them in a great position to actually make money on YouTube in a content-obsessed world.

While the hard part for many businesses is getting and keeping their audience’s attention, YouTubers have already figured that bit out.

All that’s left is to get creative—to channel the entrepreneurial drive to explore ideas—with how you choose to monetise your passion.


How to make money on YouTube FAQs

How to make money on YouTube through videos?

Making money on YouTube through videos is largely affected by the number of view counts and subscribers you accumulate.

You could try these tips to increase your views and follower count:

  • Try making longer videos money maker full movie, 10 money maker full movie longer) for higher watch time and revenue generation via ad revenue.
  • Try collaborating with other YouTubers
  • Create quality content respective of your target audience (i.e., money maker full movie, engaging, informative, socially conscious, relatable)
  • Write gripping video descriptions to increase viewing chances
  • Maintain consistency to build an audience

How much money do you make per 1, views on YouTube in India?

The cost per thousand (or cost per mille) may vary based on your audience’s location. Generally, YouTubers can earn $ to $6 per views.

What are some strategies on how to make money on YouTube?

Although it may appear so, making money on YouTube requires sharing quality content and engaging with your audience.

Besides that, try these tips to bag some YouTube earnings:

  • Become a YouTube Partner and bag earning with ads
  • Generate revenue with crowdfunding or fan funding
  • Become an influencer
  • Become an affiliate marketer
  • Sell your own merchandise/ product

What are some tools every content creator needs to make money on YouTube?

Depending on your content, the tools you rely on may vary. Here’s a list of popular tools among YouTubers:

  • Channel management and growth tools like TubeBuddy, YouTube Studio or vidlQ
  • YouTube Keywords search tools like Morningfame, Google Keyword Planner ot YouTube Analytics
  • Video captioning tools like CaptionTube, vSync or Rev
  • Video editing tools like Lightworks, Shotcut or VSDC Free Video Editor
  • Live Streaming tools like Streamlabs, OneStream, Dacast or Wirecast
  • Graphic Design tools like Canva, Snappa or FotoJet

How much money do you make on YouTube with 1, subscribers?

Having or 10, money maker full movie, subscribers will earn you nothing if your channel is not monetised. Once you reach the subscribers mark, you need views to convert them into youtube earnings.

For instance, if you're a YouTube Partner, you could earn money when people watch your video through advertisements. Your YouTube earnings will vary based on the advertisements, video niche or brands you promote.

Which is the best YouTube earnings calculator tool?

It may be hard to determine YouTube earnings per view, but you can rely on YouTube Studio to find revenue figures.

You can also find multiple free YouTube earnings calculators online. YouTube Money Calculator is an easy tool giving you an estimate of your youtube earnings by inputting the daily video views and estimated CTR based on your channel’s performance and viola your daily, weekly, and yearly earning potentials are before you.

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    The 15 Best Movies of all Time About Making Money

    Closely tied to our very survival in the modern world, making money is a ubiquitous goal and not only in the modern world, but since the very beginning of the concept of money itself. Ask anyone, and making money is more or less among their priorities. And who can know more about the subject than those who live and breathe big bucks on Wall Street?

    Money have been the subject of many books and movies across the years, and Hollywood has made a very good job of creating some high profile titles about money making, with Wall Street in the spotlights. Today we&#;re going to take a look at some of the best movies that cover the topics of Wall Street, money, businesses, and the less pretty aspects from the inside of this world.

    It&#;s no surprise that on our list of The 15 Best Movies of all Time About Making Money, there are quite a few titles that describe tiny bits of Wall Street and its inside secrets, money maker full movie, with all the greed and corruption and big boys businesses, with classic titles like &#;The Wolf of Wall Street&#;, &#;The Big Short&#; and &#;Wall Street&#.

    So let&#;s have a look at this list:


    The Big Short ()

    The Big Short

    The financial crisis of was a huge subject and still lingers in the minds of many people across the world. While its consequences are something cryptocurrency you should invest in wants to remember, The Big Short is a must watch. The film gathered some of the top grossing actors of modern times, with names like Christian Bale, Ryan Gosling, Steve Carell and Brad Pitt. It&#;s a drama, but it&#;s a good one.

    Based on the eponymous best seller which describes how the hedge fund manager Michael Burry manages to predict the collapse of the U.S. housing market and succeeds in making some big money on it, the film is not to be missed.

    The Pursuit of Happyness ()

    The Pursuit of Happyness

    In The Pursuit of Happyness, Will Smith plays the role of a poor single father who struggles to care for his son. The film is emotional and covers the path of Chris (played by Will Smith), who faces the hardships of being evicted and sleeping in a subway bathroom and his rise after getting a job at a brokerage firm, money maker full movie. Will Smith received an Oscar nomination for Best Actor for the memorable way he played his role.

    Food, Inc ()

    Food, Inc

    Food, Inc is a documentary created by filmmaker Robert Kenner which exposes the big corporations that control the multibillion dollar food industry of the US, and the often bad ways food is processed and money maker full movie, with money maker full movie care about the final consumer. The film goes on to show the devastating economic effects all this has had on the small farmers in the food industry. Food, Inc is a must watch. It has changed the ways millions of people see this industry and how they eat.

    Freakonomics ()


    Freakonomics is based on a book written by journalist Stephen Dubner and economist Steven Levitt and covers the hidden side of almost everything in our lives and how incentives are at the base of why, money maker full movie, what and how we do things. The authors say that incentives are everything.

    Margin Money maker full movie ()

    Margin Call

    Margin Call describes one full day at a Wall Street investment bank in the first phases of the financial crisis and takes a closer look at the money maker full movie and fraudulent actions of many Wall Street companies, which finally led to the collapse of the US economy.

    During the following years, there money maker full movie been discovered several other investment firms like the one depicted in the movie, money maker full movie, which ignored obvious risks and greedily continued to sell their worthless assets.

    Trading Places ()

    Trading Places

    Trading Places is a comedy which puts homeless Billy Ray (Eddie Murphy) in the shoes of rich man Louis (Dan Aykroyd) who works at a commodity brokerage firm and vice versa. That happens when the owners of the brokerage firm make a bet to see what would happen if they reverse the two&#;s circumstances.

    9. Limitless ()


    In Limitless, Bradley Cooper plays the role of Eddie, a writer struggling with writer&#;s block, who takes a black market drug and suddenly reaches his money maker full movie brainpower, finally becoming a Wall Street genius.

    8. Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room ()


    The movie tells the story of how Enron, one of the biggest corporations in the US, managed to become the biggest bankruptcy in US history at the time when the events happened, money maker full movie. Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room depicts the corruption and bad ways in which Enron managed its business that eventually led its investors and employees with nothing but thin air. The film was nominated for an Oscar.

    7. Catch Me If You Can ()

    Catch Me <i>Money maker full movie</i> You Can

    Catch Me If You Can is based on the true story of teenager Frank Abagnale Jr. who manages to forge millions of dollars in checks and pose them as an airliner pilot, a doctor and a lawyer. The role is played by Leonardo DiCaprio, with Tom Hanks playing the FBI agent who&#;s on his tail and manages to catch him in France.

    6. The Company Men ()

    The Company Men

    The Company Men follows the lives of three men who struggle to get through the unemployment line after the company they worked for decided to downsize. The film stars Ben Affleck, Kevin Costner, Tommy Lee Jones and Chris Cooper and it&#;s probably one of the best on our list.

    5. Arbitrage ()


    Arbitrage shows the story of a hedge fund manager who apparently leads a good and easy life. But hidden away behind the curtains is a truth that he doesn&#;t want found out and tries to sell his company before that happens. When his brilliant daughter starts asking questions, and after a car accident that ends in disaster, his life becomes to fall apart.

    4. Boiler Room ()

    Boiler Room

    Boiler Room tells the story of a trainee stock broker who aids the FBI take down the illegal operations made through his small brokerage firm. The film delves into the pump and dump schemes and often fraudulent business deals that some stockbrokers do.

    3. The Wolf of Wall Street ()

    The Wolf of Wall Street

    The Wolf of Wall Street is probably one of the greatest Wall Street movies ever made. It was nominated for five Oscars. In the movie, Leonardo DiCaprio plays money maker full movie role of Jordan Belfort, a stockbroker who manages to scam investors for millions of dollars.

    The film is based on a true story and gives some shocking but enlightening insights at the same time about the infamous greed on Wall Street. It&#;s a must watch.

    2. Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps ()

    Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

    Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps is a sequel to the first movie on our list, and follows the story of Gordon Gekko &#; played by Michael Douglas &#; who returns from prison to continue the same schemes and manipulative businesses that got him in trouble in the first movie. While his daughter tries to stay away from him, money maker full movie, he gets close to her fiance, Jake, who&#;s a young investment banker.

    1. Wall Street ()

    Wall Street

    Michael Douglas plays Gordong Gekko, the main character in the movie Wall Street, a greedy and unscrupulous business man that embodies the many corporate riders and stock brokers who were conducting fraudulent business deals on Wall Street back in the the 80&#;s.

    The film became the archetype of the excess, wealth and power of those times and inspired many new traders to join the race for the millions.


    The 15 Best Movies of all Time About Making Money

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    The Smart Money Woman

    The Smart Money Woman
    Five glamorous millennials strive for success as they juggle careers, finances, love and friendships. Based on Arese Ugwu's best-selling novel.
    Starring:Osas Ighodaro, Ini Dima-Okojie, Kemi Lala Akindoju


    The Smart Money Woman

    Watch Episode 1. Episode 1 of Season 1.

    Business-minded Zuri finds her world falling apart when she breaks up with her wealthy boyfriend, her car breaks down and her job hangs in a balance.

    Watch Episode 2. Episode 2 of Season 1.

    After learning how to manage her expenses, Zuri sticks to a strict budget. Adesuwa clashes with her mother-in-law.

    Watch Episode 3. Episode 3 of Season 1.

    The women tackle financial emergencies after Tami's business reputation takes a hit and Zuri confronts her personal shortcomings.

    Watch Episode 4. Episode 4 of Season 1.

    After her presentation, Zuri spends some time getting to know Tsola. Each of the women navigates money maker full movie in their relationships and money matters.

    Watch Episode 5. Episode 5 of Season 1.

    When Tsola asks Zuri out, the group goes overboard preparing and gets lectured on reckless spending. The men in Adesuwa's life continue to mistreat her.

    Watch Episode 6, <b>money maker full movie</b>. Episode 6 of Season 1.

    After a death in the family, Money maker full movie grieves while adapting to a new lifestyle. Zuri gets a lesson in finance and love. Tami's past choices haunt her.

    Watch Episode 7. Episode 7 of Season 1.

    Amid romantic and financial losses, the women learn to invest in their most valuable assets: themselves.

    Osas IghodaroIni Dima-OkojieKemi Lala AkindojuToni TonesEbenezer EnoEso Okolocha DIkePatrick DiabuahKaribi FubaraTemisan EmmanuelTimini Egbuson
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