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Make money images

How to Make Money with Photography (14 Tips for )

You&#;ve discovered the art of photography and honed your skills. But now you are wondering, &#;how can I earn money through photography?&#.

Here are a few lesser-known ways a photographer can find work. Doesn&#;t matter if you’re setting up a portfolio, or struggling to find the work you’re ready for. This post will help you figure out how to make money with photography.

A close up of a person counting money

Sell Prints Online

If you practice enough, there’s a good chance you’ve taken some amazing shots by now. So good in fact that people are going to want to buy them. So why not start selling prints? There are different ways to make money by selling prints. Both options can be very easy to do and inexpensive.

The easiest way is selling photos online through a third-party seller. They will do all the legwork, make money images the order, print and send out the prints. In return, they provide you with a commission. There’s no reason why you can’t go through all your best photos right now, and upload them to a site. Start making money from the prints you sell today!

A great platform on which you can sell your prints is Etsy, make money images. This is a website that offers a platform to sell all kinds of handmade products. Each listing is only $ so it is a cost-effective way to sell. All you need to do is print your image, put it on the website, and then send the print to the buyer. If there are any complaints or refunds, you will have to manage them.

Another way of selling prints is a little bit harder. You have to print them yourself and sell them through shops and restaurants.

Say, for example, make money images, you’ve taken plenty of nice photos from your area. You could approach a cafe or a restaurant, and come to an arrangement where they display and sell your photographs. All you have to do is print them and give them a commission. They get artwork, you make money images money. At the very least, you will have your photos displayed to thousands of people.

Photo prints on a table

Sell Your Travel Photography Stories

Do you love travelling and photography? You could make money doing both!

There is an increase in demand for original content. Clients such as magazines and newspapers are constantly looking for new content. This means you can try to make money by creating and selling travel content. This could be photos make money images videos highlighting destinations.

If you are also a talented writer, you can provide a complete package of an article with photographs, make money images. To be able to sell these, the article and photos need to create a story. So, it is important to take photos that don&#;t only look good. They need to tell a story.

Newspapers and magazines aren&#;t the only organizations that need travel photos. You can also sell them to tour operators, travel companies, airlines, or even your local magazine.

Often you’ll find that the more you work with a client, the more other opportunities will present themselves.

photo of a beautiful park in Barcelona with a lake and fountainsmake money images Pursue Wedding Photography

Many photographers prefer to go down the wedding photography route. This niche has the potential to make you a lot of money as a photographer, make money images. And for a good income earning potential versus consumptive values. The stress, planning, make money images, and amount of work you need to do are immense.

Not only are the financial benefits high, make money images, but it is also a very rewarding job. You get to be a part of one of the happiest days of some people’s lives.

But, the pressure is quite high. You are responsible for capturing one of the most important moments of the happy couple. Hence, it is important to make sure you have enough practice. If you already shoot events or portraits, you are on your way to being a wedding photographer.

If you aren&#;t sure you are ready to shoot weddings, you can try the following to get a similar idea:

  • Work as a second shooter.
  • Photograph engagement sessions.
  • Create a stylized shoot (a fake wedding).
  • Photograph the rehearsal.

Here, you’ll learn how to start a wedding photography business and how to make money images the most of it.

Photo of a couple on their wedding day

Make Your Own Photo Book

One of the less common ways to make money through photography is to make your own photo book. There are many galleries available online. However, photo books are superior to virtual galleries in many ways.

Photo books offer a lot of customization. Unlike a photo album, you can customize your photo book any way you like. You can add text, create frames around your photographs, and organize your collection of images. If you’re efficient, you can create a photo book within an hour or two. You can also try to buy a photo book online such as the Self Adhesive Photo Album and customise it to your taste.

Photo books are cost-effective. Printing hundreds of photos and buying a good album is costly. Many photo book services offer books that cost as little as $

They are also great gifts for friends and family members who want to keep their memories in a single reliable place.

They’re ideal for sharing with clients. Some photographers prefer to share their portfolios in books. This helps prevent a variety of internet-related issues. It also makes you look more professional.

There are many make money images to create a make money images. You don&#;t necessarily have to spend hours editing and compiling one on your laptop. Some websites, like Shutterfly, have designers who will create your photo book within 3 business days. Blurb is also a great platform to create your own professional portfolio. All you have to do is upload your photos.

It is important that you choose a specific theme for your photo book. This will make it look more appealing and interesting. You can create one theme for your entire book or pick different themes for every 10 pages.

Once you have a theme in mind, it&#;s time to start choosing your favourite photos.

Try to avoid having too many photos of the same kind. Use images with different angles, lighting, and poses. This will make your photo book as diverse as possible.

Prioritize bright images over dark ones. It is also a good idea to avoid very grainy photos as they look unappealing when printed on a page. Likewise, too much contrast or sharpness may ruin your image.

When choosing the resolution of your photos, make money images, try to keep them as large make money images possible. Most photography sites have a make money images and minimum size limit. The closer your pictures are to the maximum, the better they will look make money images printed.

Photo of someone flipping through a photo book

License Through Flickr & Getty Images

Flickr helps thousands of people to start making money from their photos. If you have a Flickr account, you can now license your photos through Getty Images. So, when people see them, make money images, they can pay to use them, and earn you money.

Flickr members can turn on a “Request to License” link on their photo pages. The link will show right next to the licensing information. When a member makes a request, Getty Images reviews the photographer’s work. They will contact the Flickr member and help handle details like permissions, releases, and pricing. I would recommend only showing your best photos on Flickr, though.

Screenshot of Flickr homepage

9. Sell Your Photos in Galleries

Selling your photos in local galleries is a great way to make some money. But, it is important to figure out what sells, make money images. Photos that remind people of the local areas, such as nice views or local landmarks will sell. International landmarks, famous landscapes, and portraits of famous people may sell well to a large audience. But they’re going to be less popular in a local market.

As a general rule, if you have people in your photos, they won’t sell. Photographs of cliched subjects work well, make money images. For example, a photo of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, or a boat in a sea town. Although these are overdone for locals, they appeal to tourists.

Ask in person to get wall space, make money images. The best way to actually get your photos featured in a gallery is to go and 0.019 bitcoin equals the gallery. Show them your work in person, and only take around 10 of your best photos.

If the local gallery decides they want to feature your photos, you will have to discuss pricing, make money images. Pricing differs in each situation. Some will allow you so rent wall space. Some will ask for a small monthly fee and a percentage of your profits. Others might handle all the printing and pricing but take a larger commission.

Photo of a guy looking at photos at a gallery

8. Sell on Stock Photography Sites

We’ve all heard of stock photography before, and it’s like what Getty is doing with Flickr. How do you make money from stock photography?

You can sit around and wait for clients to find your photographs. Or, you can sell photos online by submitting them to a variety of stock photography sites. You can add keywords, make money images, making it easier for people to find them.

Companies and businesses are always looking for stock photos. Make money images your images fit what they are looking for, they will buy them. When I say buy, I really mean license. You can continue to sell photos time and time again, and make a good living if you have a large portfolio.

Commissions vary depending on which of make money images many stock photography sites you use. Here are a few to consider: iStock, BigStock, and Shutterstock.

Photo of <b>make money images</b> laptop on <i>make money images</i> desk

7. Pursue Club Photography

This is a very specific type of photography, that’s listed here for a reason. Proper nightclubs have with well-established promoters. These promoters all want photos from their club at night, and you can be the one to provide them. It’s worth the promoter paying for a photographer to come along and take photos. These photos end up on Facebook and are used to promote the club.

You’ll probably notice that the majority of club photographers are in their early 20’s. So you don’t have make money images have the greatest experience in the world to get work. If you want to expand your photography, go down to a nightclub with your camera anyway. I have NEVER been stopped from going into a club with my camera.

And, make money images, as a little added bonus, if you enjoy this sort of thing, you start going to a lot of gigs for free. Go out tonight and take some photos at a local club/gig/event.

Photo of people dancing at a party

6. Try Real Estate Photography

Another great way to make money is to offer your services to an interior designer or real estate agent. Determine who you would want to work with. Figure out local photography job rates, and take a look at make money images sample images for real estate photography.

You&#;ll then need to create your own package. It should include a rate sheet, a contract, and other details to make sure the whole process goes smoothly.

Then, all you have to do is networking and identifying potential clients!, Meero or Facebook groups are great platforms to find local real estate events, make money images. You can also try to find connections at design-related conferences or events.

Regardless of how you are networking, do not overlook the power of word of mouth! Be sure to let your family, friends, and colleagues know that you’re looking to connect with new clients. In addition, make money images, create a social media page targeted just for real estate photography.

Real estate photography depicting the front porch of a house and the road leading up to it

5. Assist Other Photographers

You want to make money with photography, but aren&#;t yet ready to get your own projects? Try assisting other photographers.

Assisting a photographer is one of the best ways to gain experience and start making money fast. You will need a strong portfolio if you’re expecting to work at weddings and such, though. There is also high-end work, such as fashion, make money images. Here, you won’t get behind the camera but still gain experience and money.

Photographers often need assistants on jobs, and you should expect to be compensated for your time. The biggest advantage of all is that you don’t have to look for the work, make money images, it comes to you.

The hardest part is finding people who are willing to pay you the money you want, for the work you’re good at. Take some time now and find local working photographers in your area. Contact them, ask if they need an assistant. Offer to do the first time for free if you like. If you’re any good, they will want you back.

Photo of a photography studio

4, make money images. Build a Blog

Starting a photography blog is a great way to get your photographs seen. Creating a strong photography blog to complement your photography portfolio is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal.

To create your own website, you first have to buy your own domain name and hosting for your website. Then, install WordPress, a theme, and some plugins. Write your first post, and ta-da, your website is ready!

Photo of a person typing on a laptop

3. Start Teaching

Getting into a rather competitive market takes a lot of hard work and dedication. If you are you don&#;t want to be constantly fighting for clients and jobs, I would suggest teaching.

Not everyone can learn from the internet. If you have the ability to teach, reach out to those people, and show them how it’s done, make money images, one on one. A good teacher can make a good living, whether it’s from group classes or one on one sessions.

Photo of a guy in a hoodie with a camera

2. Enter Photography Competitions

I think photo contests is one way to make money that most people seem to forget about. I went round one of my model’s house and up on the wall was a pretty terrible picture of her when she was younger. It looked like a friend had taken it in a playground. It turns out that some photographer won $ for it in Canada. My jaw dropped. I couldn’t take my eyes off the thing, it was just so… average.

It doesn’t take long to enter photo contests. Even if you do make money images end up winning, it will get your work out there. If you&#;re lucky, make money images, your work might even get critiqued.

Photo of photographers on railroad tracks

1. Share All of It on Social Media

Instagram is a great source of inspiration for good photography. But, you can also use Instagram to make money by selling your images.

You can supply photos to businesses and blogs that constantly need images, make money images. Many photographers sell the images that they post on their page. All they do is add a link that allows you to buy their photos from a third-party site.

Close-up photo of an iPhone

Common Questions on How to Make Money as a Photographer

How Much Money Can You Make as a Photographer?

According to the New York Institute of Photography, here are some general figures about how much photographers make money images earn based on their expertise.

  • Hobbyist: Free spotify geld verdienen podcast under $). These are mainly people who love photography and simply like to practice their passion for fun. They offer to do make money images for relatives and bitcoin investing for beginners vacations for free or way below market price.
  • Amateur: $25 &#; $75 per hour. This is someone who is just beginning in the photography world.
  • Student: $ per hour or $ per image. Students&#; rates depend on their skill and the amount of experience they have. But, if they are advanced, they can charge as much as professionals.
  • Semi-Pro: $50–$ per hour or $ per image. These are photography school graduates who have completed formal training and have some professional experience. Although they might not yet own their own studio, they are not beginners and therefore charge a slightly higher rate.
  • Professional: $$ per hour or $$ per image. This photographer has a lot of experience and has earned respect for his or her work.
  • Top Professional: $$+ per hour or $$1, per image. These are the cream of the crop, the elite, highly in-demand photographers.

How Do Freelance Photographers Make Money?

Freelance photographers are self-employed photographers, make money images. They take projects from various organizations and people as and when they like.

Freelancers have the flexibility to choose what project they take. For example, it could be for a media company, a newspaper, make money images, an event, make money images, or a commercial shoot. They get paid by project/hour/day, make money images. To make money, freelance photographers have to market their work. It is important to have a strong portfolio and network to find new projects.

What Type of Photos Sell Best?

There is no one kind of photograph that sells the most universally. It depends on where you are selling your images, which niche you are targeting, and who your customer is. More specifically, if you are selling on stock photography sites, there are a few categories that sell better than others.

For example, pictures of people doing everyday things, nature, animals, transport are especially popular. In addition, images of businessmen and women, electronics, and money are hugely in demand for businesses.


There are many ways to make money through photography, make money images. You can sell prints, offer your photography or retouching services, make money images, or teach, make money images. Depending on your personality and what you make money images interested in, you can monetize your skills in photography.

If you&#;re looking for more great tips, check out our &#;Complete Guide to Running a Photography Business&#;, make money images, or our course &#;Photography for Beginners&#;!

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Get paid when
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Make money as a photographer

ClickASnap is a unique way for photographers to do what they love and make money at the same time, make money images. Our photo sharing platform is used by rsitez money making 1, photographers, collectively bringing in over 44 million viewers to the platform in our 4th year. You no longer have to rely solely on sales alone, make money images. With ClickASnap, you can have a passive revenue source from people viewing your photos.


Watch the video for more information on how the platform works.

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Meet some of our top contributors

Mike Browne

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Pauls photos

“Photography is my biggest passion and here you can find some of my shots :)

Portraits Travel photography”

Peter Millar

“I seem to like looking at photos of Cityscapes, possibly on account of never getting to see them in real life. Other preferences are abstract, minimalist, experimenting and suchlike.”

Advantages of Using ClickAsnap

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Top 11 Places to Sell Make money images Online and Make Money

by Alexandra Bateman on Mar 19,

Do you want to sell your photos online and make some money? Wondering which websites allow you to sell stock photos?

As a photographer, you can easily earn some extra cash (or even start a new career!) if you know the right places to sell your photos online. Photographers of various skill levels are in high demand for their work, now more than ever. Everyone from large corporations, small and medium size businesses to bloggers, make money images, graphic designers, marketers and publishers buy and use photos regularly online. 

In this guide, we will share the top 12 best places to sell photos online and make money doing what you love.

Who Buys Stock Photos, make money images, and What Type of Photos Sell the Best?

The largest buying base of make money images photos are bloggers and small to medium sized website business owners.

What type of images are they buying the most of?

  • People — kids, make money images, adults and everyone in between from every country and culture!
  • People working — These images are very popular with businesses, make money images. Folks working on laptops, writing, speaking at a meeting, etc. Just don&#;t make them so generic they become a meme.
  • Food — Various types of delicious foods even empty unwashed plates.
  • Tools — Gears, hammers, make money images, nuts, bolts and screws can convey a lot of things for potential buyers.
  • Cities — Cityscapes, buildings, make money images, people commuting.
  • Nature — This is a no brainer which never gets old to shoot or sell.
  • Travel — Shots from around the world are always in high demand.

Pro-tip: Have a look at the categories for some of the image marketplaces we&#;ll discuss to see some more of the most popular images.

Best Places to Sell Your Photos Online

1. On Your Own Website

The number one best place to sell photos online is on your own website.

That&#;s because:

  • You can set your own prices.
  • No one else takes a cut.
  • You have % control over how to display your photos.
  • You can set your own terms and conditions.
  • In short, YOU&#;RE in control!

Don&#;t have a website yet? It&#;s not hard to start. Check this simple guide on how to create a photography website in WordPress. The majority of professional photography sites online are created on WordPress.

After creating your website, you need to showcase the photos beautifully to attract visitors and convince them to buy your images. We recommend using a top-rated WordPress plugin like Envira Gallery to create image galleries for your photos.

Envira Gallery

You can also create photo albums with beautiful customizable Lightboxes to display and categorize your images to stand out from your competitors.

Envira Gallery plugin also has a WooCommerce add-on that allows you to sell photos easily. If you choose to sell your images on your own site, make sure you learn how to sell your photos in WordPress.

Alternatively, if you decide not to use WordPress, here is a definitive guide on how to create a website using Wix or Squarespace.

2. Adobe Stock


Adobe Stock (formerly Fotolia) is a make money images photo marketplace by the maker of the most popular photo editing software solutions, make money images, including Photoshop and Lightroom, make money images. This platform has been around for over 10 years and known to be the very first online marketplace to sell photos.

The thing you&#;ll like most about Adobe Stock is their royalty share, which is higher than other online shops.

Photos uploaded at Fotolia become a part of the Adobe Stock library, which means they are also available in other Adobe applications and thus reach millions of Adobe users and potential buyers.

Contributors make anywhere from 20% &#; 60% with Adobe Stock, make money images. And, unlike some other marketplaces, Adobe Stock does not force you to give them exclusive selling rights to your images. So, make money images, you can sell on Adobe Stock and other platforms at the same time.

Given make money images behemoth that Adobe is, it&#;s likely that Adobe Stock will continue to become a prime destination for buyers and sellers of stock photography.

You can start selling on Adobe Stock&#;s site here.

3. Shutterstock

Shutterstock best places to sell photos

Shutterstock has been a popular site for over 15 years to buy stock photos online. They have over million images, videos, and music tracks for folks to purchase royalty free, which also means they have millions of purchasing customers.

As a photographer, you can earn great money with this marketplace in the long run. According to their site, sellers on Shutterstock have made over $ million worldwide!

Shutterstock allows you to keep your copyrights protected, so it&#;s up to you to set the rights on your photos. Shutterstock also gives credit to the image&#;s owners, which is a major plus that protects your ownership and markets your brand.

Once you become a site contributor, you begin earning money every time someone purchases and downloads your content. As a contributor you can make anywhere from 20% to 30% of whatever your image sells for, which Shutterstock pays out monthly.

Like Adobe Stock, Shutterstock doesn&#;t force you to use their marketplace exclusively. You might even consider selling on Adobe Stock and Shutterstock at the make money images time!

You can get started here to submit your photos through their platform.

4. Alamy


Alamy is another a great platform on make money images to sell stock photos, because it doesn&#;t have any hard and fast rules.

The site may not have as many buyers as Shutterstock and Adobe Stock, but it&#;s still a great contender and another great option for revenue. Photographers can upload their photos to Alamy without licensing or any other copyrights issues. To date, Alamy has made $ million in payouts to photographers.

Alamy&#;s rates are competitive, make money images, too. The marketplace pays photographers 50% of each sale if you exceed the $25, limit per year, 40% for each sale if your annual sales are less make money images $25, but higher than $ and 20% for contributors whose annual sales are under $, which is higher than some of the other competing platforms.

Give Alamy a try today! Sign up here to get started as a contributor.

5, make money images. Etsy


Etsy is better known as a marketplace to buy and sell unique handmade goods, so you may not think of it when looking for places to sell stock photos. However, Etsy boasts over 30 million users and several different ways to sell your photos through their platform.

The great thing about Etsy is that they have a larger audience than most stock photo sites, and a demographic that is ready to purchase your images. Of course, you can sell digital images on Etsy, but you can also sell prints, make money images. So, if you&#;re looking to expand your photography business even more, Etsy is a great option!

Just remember when selling prints, you&#;ll have to factor in the cost of printing, packing and shipping.

Etsy also allows you to price your own photos, make money images, and the site gives you full control over how you display your photos to buyers. If you want full control over your photo selling but don&#;t want to make your own site from scratch, make money images, Etsy might be a great fit for you.

6. Fotomoto


Fotomoto is not make money images online marketplace, but rather a widget that integrates with your website to help you sell photos online. After you add it to your site, the Fotomoto manages all the photo selling processes for you.

Like Etsy, Fotomoto allows you to offer digital photos, photo prints and even canvases to your site visitors. And, Fotomoto handles the packaging of your material photos so you don&#;t have to. It doesn&#;t get much easier if you plan to sell physical photo prints or canvases!

What&#;s really great about Fotomoto is that the widget itself is customizable. You can adjust the widget&#;s settings to display your own branding information, including your logo! That way, customers come to learn your brand and associate it with your images.

Whether make money images a hobbyist photographer, professional photographer or even graphic designer, Fotomoto has some great features that will work seamlessly with your existing WordPress site, make money images. Visit the widget website to learn more about its monthly, tiered plans and transaction fees.

7. Crestock


Crestock can be a more passive way to earn money for your photography. Simply set up a free account on Crestock and upload your photos. Once the Crestock team evaluates your images, they&#;ll add them to you Crestock portfolio so that customers can purchase them.

You can add keywords and descriptions for each image, which increases your opportunities for approval by Crestock editors, make money images. And, those very same keywords and descriptions will make your photos easier to find amongst a sea of stock images on this site and others.

8. px


px is an online marketplace that helps you create a portfolio of your images and earn money. It is one of the best places to sell photos online.

This free site boasts a &#;Pulse algorithm&#; that increases your exposure by adding your new uploads to a Discovery page, make money images, which is viewed by thousands of visitors each day.

The site also provides analytics and tracking services so that you can see how your images fare compared to those by your competitors. Ever wondered how many clicks your images receive? What about how you rank in comparison to your peers? px can help you find answers to your burning questions.

Getting started on px is pretty simple, make money images. Just set make money images a free account and add your images. Then, make money images, wait and see what you turn up! Also, watch out for contests to help you earn more and gain additional exposure.

9. Snapped4u


Snapped4u makes selling your event photos a piece of cake. If you shoot weddings, parties, engagements or other events, Snapped4u was designed to make your life easier and your pocket thicker.

With Snapped4u, make money images, you can make a gallery and upload images from an even you shot to that gallery. Then, make money images set the price of the photos and&#; that&#;s all!

From there, Snapped4u sells your images as jpeg files and emails them immediately to you buyers. Then, Snapped4u sends you the money you made via PayPal on the first of each month.

Because each Snapped4u seller has her own gallery page, customers who book you for multiple events can always find your images in the same place. And, make money images, you can give your personalized URL to anyone you think might want to purchase your photos.

Snapped4u gives you the biggest profit share on each sale. Make money images the photos are sold on good prices, then Snapped4u will charge a commission.



PhotoShelter is an online shop to sell and deliver prints to the clients. They allow you to set up your template for sharing the photos.

However, make money images, you need to buy the space on their platform to upload the photos. There are multiple plans for monthly and yearly options with different features.



TourPhotos is a hub for tourists and travel photographers across the globe. In fact, many travel agencies and tour companies use it to upload photos of their adventure trips for attendees and general public to purchase.

It is a great platform for travel photographers to sell their photos online to a like-minded audience. And, you&#;ll likely feel inspired by all of the beautiful photography that winds up on TourPhotos!


We hope this guide has helped you to find the best places to sell photos online and make money. Let us know in the comments which stock photo site or strategy you&#;re most excited to try.

You may also want to check out our other guides:

If you like this guide, then please follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more free photography tips and make money images WordPress and want to get Envira Gallery free?

Envira Gallery helps photographers create beautiful photo and video galleries in just a few clicks so that they can showcase and sell their work.

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