Make your mind money magnet

make your mind money magnet

I am a Money Magnet: the Law of Attraction Journal, Notebook, Planner, Work Book for Manifestation of Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance with Affirmations. The LAW OF ATTRACTION is one of the most powerful forces in the UNIVERSE. This law applied correctly can give you everything your MIND. Here are 20 positive money mantras and affirmations to get you started: You are a money magnet. Money flows freely to me. I release all resistance to attracting. make your mind money magnet

Phrase: Make your mind money magnet

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Make your mind money magnet

‘I loved How to Become a Money Magnet. It’s packed with insight around the psychology of money as well as practical advice on how to unblock the flow of abundance&#; Since reading it I’ve cleared clutter from every area of my life and continue to attract amazing new money-making opportunities. I would recommend anyone who wants more wealth in their life to read it.’
Rachel Elnaugh, star of Dragons’ Den and founder of Red Letter Days

‘As soon as I finished reading How to Become a Money Magnet I was immediately inundated with offers of work, positive replies to film proposals I’d sent months before and emails from people wanting to collaborate on incredible projects. Something has shifted in me exactly as if an electromagnet has been switched on – I’m attracting well-paid work, but even more importantly, it’s work that I care about with people I love. I recommend this to anyone who thinks money is hard to come by.’
Andy Lee, documentary film maker

‘I’m sure this book How to Become a Money Magnet will help lots of people and they will pick up its underlying message. It is brilliant that you have written it.’
Diana Cooper

‘This book is full of inspiring real-world examples. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you’re coming from, you too can become a Money Magnet.’
Chantal Cooke, of Passion for the Planet

‘Initially skeptical, when I 72 bitcoin value How to Become a Money Magnet I was completely transformed. Beliefs going back to childhood were uncovered. It was enlightening. I am now a Money Magnet!’
Sally Inkster, make your mind money magnet, of Diva Dressing

‘If you want to “boost” your life to greater heights and attract more money in the process, make your mind money magnet, Marie-Claire is a powerhouse of positive energy that you must have on your team. I do!’
Paul Avins, make your mind money magnet, the Turbo Business Coach

‘I have just finished my ceremony for eliminating my old beliefs on money and wealth. I wrote out my old beliefs on strips of paper and ceremonially burned them whilst loudly exclaiming that they were wrong, I was wrong and that I no longer held to such beliefs because I now have new, better, more abundant ones!! The neighbours may think I have gone mad, but it felt great. Thanks again for helping me find myself.’
Phil Birch, business editor and director,

‘I know since I’ve read How to Become a Money Magnet that my attitude towards money has changed and I’m welcoming it with open arms now because I deserve it. It now comes to me easily and naturally.’
Amanda Daniels, of Koogar

‘I have now started to read How to Become a Money Make your mind money magnet. The book is more down to earth than The Secret and far easier to relate to.’
David Crayton, of Crayton Marketing

How to Become a Money Magnet is a breath of fresh air. The anecdotes and Marie-Claire’s own candour about her relationship with money makes this a must read for anyone who wants to improve their financial situation. This book comes straight from the heart, is extremely well-written, and offers lots of practical tips, make your mind money magnet. Thoroughly recommended.’
Hazel Thomson, director, Coach2Deliver

’While many people only look at the “physical” reality of money, I’ve been researching the mechanics of money creation and beyond. Marie-Claire does a wonderful job bitcoin ios wallet reddit exploring the metaphysics of money in her book so that you too can harness the energy and have it flow to you. You WILL find this book valuable!’
Bobby Gill

‘How to Become a Money Magnet is EXCELLENT – I advise anyone out there to go and buy a copy for themselves or at least a copy for someone you love.’
Maurice Kellegher, of Motivational Networking

‘Any woman who writes a book on attracting wealth gets my vote – a great read!’
Jane Kenyon, of Well Heeled Divas

‘I was SO meant to read your book&#; at the perfect time&#; I had been advertising my dog walking service through leaflet drops, newspaper advertising, leaving my cards with vets and pet stores – and wasn’t getting any leads&#; Easy way to earn money online when I started reading your book last Thursday, make your mind money magnet, I got a call that evening from my first client, and received another on Sunday from a client wanting me to look after her dog for three weeks, which would net me $! Thank you, thank you, thank you!’
Sue Dingwall, director, Positive Puppies

‘I bought How where to invest now in stocks Become a Money Magnet on Wednesday&#; had a meeting with a prospect who has subsequently offered me some work; had another successful meeting with another company that is very likely to provide me with work in the future; received the 4Front Chamber of Commerce magazine containing my short article and picture&#; and I’ve only read the first chapter!!!! So I’ve decided to send a copy to my sister for her birthday.’
Anna Cutts, of Redstart Consulting

‘What an inspiration – Marie-Claire has caught the negativity of the “credit crunch” and turned it around to make it work positively for me – and for many others I’m sure. This book will be one Make your mind money magnet will keep to refresh me when I need reminding, and also make your mind money magnet recommend to anyone experiencing money troubles or a change in their career. I can wholeheartedly recommend this book as my book of the year!’
Jo Pemberton

‘This book really works, so order a copy&#; start doing the exercises in the book, of course at your own pace, and with a bit of angel energy, expect MIRACLES! I can thoroughly recommend Marie-Claire and her book, make your mind money magnet. Change your thoughts today and make big changes to your life!’

‘I haven’t even finished the book yet (nearly there, last inch to go) and miracles are already happening. Thank you, Marie-Claire&#; you are like a female Harry Potter.’
Susie, Sussex

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Thoughts become things. If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand.

&#; Bob Proctor

My love for daily affirmation started with one simple mantra:

I&#;m good enough.

This powerful mantra helped me rebuild my self-esteem from the ground up and open a new chapter of my life with aplomb.

From my experience, I can promise you one thing about affirmations or mantra, if you&#;re new to them.

If you say affirmations enough times to yourself, it becomes your belief.

Case to the point: I no longer repeat the above mantra because I genuinely believe that I&#;m good enough.

This might sound a trivial thing, but not to someone who suffered from an inferiority complex her whole life.

But I wasn&#;t always successful with affirmations and I talked about my previous experience: 4 reasons affirmations didn&#;t work before.

If you are struggling to attract things you desire to your make your mind money magnet or you&#;re new to affirmations, my experience might shed some light and help you approach the affirmations the right way.

You&#;ll find out how to avoid making the same mistakes I did and how you can make money magnet affirmations below work for you.

As you read through the list of money affirmations below, choose one or two that you like the best and repeat them as frequently as you can.

The make your mind money magnet time is before going to bed, and after waking up. 

But nothing can stop you from repeating the powerful money affirmations throughout the day.

And remember, if any of the money magnet affirmations below create internal conflict, it may not be the right affirmation for you.

Say, for instance (as I shared in the above post), when you say &#;I&#;m wealthy&#;, you may hear a small voice inside you mocking at the same time and refute &#;No, you are not!&#.

Dr Joseph Murphy explained this conflict succinctly in his book The Power of Your Subconscious Mind.

Bottom line: your conscious mind and subconscious mind should be in harmony.

I can&#;t recommend the book highly enough if you want to learn about your subconscious mind and how to give the right command to it to achieve everything you want.

Bob Proctor Money Affirmation

I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis.

&#; Bob Proctor

When I first developed an interest in money affirmations, Bob Proctor&#;s money affirmation was one of the first I learned.

To this day, it&#;s my favourite of all.

The entire sentence just rolls off the tongue great sources of passive income most of all, it makes me feel good.

Probably because my conscious mind and subconscious mind are in harmony.

I feelhappy and grateful for every penny that hits my bank account.

Bob Proctor&#;s money affirmation is one of the best money magnet affirmations that works for me, which I repeat throughout the day.

What is a Good Affirmation for Money?

A good affirmation for money is one that resonates with you.

When I say another of my favourite money mantra below, I truly believe it.

Wealth and abundance flow throughout my entire being and life at every single moment.

Money mantra becomes beyond just words.

It directs the flow of energy, focus, and attitude towards money.

That&#;s the power of good money affirmations which you can find a list of below to choose from.

First, make your mind money magnet, believe that affirmations work.

With a firm belief, repeat them regularly.

Feel and act as if it&#;s already happened. You&#;ll soon attract them to your life.

&#;How Many Affirmations should I Say a Day?&#;

When you read through the list of money affirmations below, you&#;ll feel right with some more than others.

Pick those affirmations: one or two to begin with.

If you&#;re new to money affirmations, you may need to &#;force&#; yourself to say (and believe) it consciously, at least twice a day in the beginning: before going to bed and after waking up.

Until it becomes your belief that you no longer need to repeat with your conscious mind.

It seeps into your subconscious mind and becomes part of you.

Incorporate it into a day Challenge.

It really sticks.

If you&#;re still unconvinced whether these powerful money affirmations are a good idea, here&#;s one important thing to know.

I&#;ve shared it in my 6 Simple Steps to Success, make your mind money magnet it&#;s worthwhile to mention it again.

Here’s the key to success and the key to failure.
We become what we think about.
Throughout all history, the great wise men and teachers and philosophers and prophets have disagreed with one another on many different things. It’s only on this one point that they are in a complete and unanimous agreement.

&#; Earl Nightingale

How We Become What We Think About

The Rich vs The Poor

The rich pursue success and see a bright future.

Their vision includes a big fat bank account, growing investments, travel to exotic places, a debt-free home and so on.

As they think about positive things all day long, they continue to attract them into their life.

They attract what they think about.

Compare them to the poor who struggle with poverty.

All they think about is obstacles, worries and debt.

All they see is a bleak future, being poor, struggling and feeling hopeless.

As they focus on negativity and unhappiness, that&#;s what they feel and attract.

Be mindful of what you say and what you think about as it becomes your reality.

Money Magnet Affirmations below will set you on the right path to a wealthy and abundant life!

15 Money Magnet Affirmations

1. Money is wonderful. Money is energy.

2. I love money.

3. I enjoy making money.

4. I love having money.

5. There is plenty of money to go make your mind money magnet. My life is full of prosperity and abundance.

7. Being wealthy feels amazing.

8. Financial freedom is my birthright.

9. I am a powerful money magnet.

Money simply falls into my lap.

I always have enough money.

Attracting money is easy.

Money flows easily into my life.

Wealth and abundance flow throughout my entire being and life at every single moment.

I&#;m so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis. (Bob Proctor)

Final Thoughts

I worked hard to change a pessimistic internal dialogue that kept me from creating and living the life I always wanted.

If you&#;re plagued with a poor money mindset, pay attention to the language you use.

Understand that your wealth begins with what you say to yourself and what you think all day long.

No matter what circumstances you are in, trust the process, adopt daily money magnet affirmations, attract prosperity into your life, and live a wealthy and abundant life.

Recommended Books

If you want to learn more about how to talk to yourself in the right way, below are the best books.

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Listen to Money Magnet Affirmations While Sleeping

Here are wonderful lullabies to fall asleep to each night and let your make your mind money magnet mind do its magic:

Make you a money magnet!

Both are equally great and worth a listen.

(Male Voice &#; Money Affirmations)

You can actually SPEAK money into your life, try it!(Law Of Attraction)

(Female Voice &#; Money Affirmations)

"l AM" A MONEY MAGNET! Power Affirmations (Program Your Mind to Attract Wealth!) Law Of Attraction

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Almost everyone would like to amass more money, increase their income streams, and enjoy a more comfortable lifestyle if given a chance. Most people, however, have a tense relationship with money. It is difficult for them to attract money and wealth into their lives, so manifesting the life they desire becomes like a pipe dream.

The matter is that financial success begins in mind, and many people are held back by their beliefs about money and wealth. The Law of Attraction is a powerful tool for changing your money beliefs into a belief system that will open you to the abundance right in front of you. To see accurate results in your life, you will need to take some action at the onset.

The Law of Attraction can only be used effectively if you can first identify and resolve any limiting thoughts about money. A guide like “Miracle Money Magnet” by Croix Sather addresses these concerns, thereby allowing you to manifest whatever it is that you desire, make your mind money magnet.

With the help of Miracle Money Magnet, you can begin your journey toward financial abundance and raise your money vibration. In this guide, Croix Sather will show you how to make money fast, easy, and fun, regardless of whether you’re looking for a one-time windfall or a long-term strategy for success.

Is the Miracle Money Magnets program legit or another phony program? Does it work as per claims? This thorough Miracle Money Magnet review will answer all your questions.

So, Let’s get started!

What exactly is Miracle Money Magnet?

In this “Miracle Money Magnet” course from Croix Sather, you will learn a lot regarding mind-money relationships while having fun and feeling inspired as you work your way through the manifestation process. Maintaining a constant flow of abundance and success enables you to set your money vibration higher. It won’t force you to listen to any music, sound tunes, or a lecture on the science of manifesting. This guide will help you shift your mentality toward abundance rather than scarcity regarding money.

Active beliefs about money are transformed into positive ones, and as a result, you quickly see an increase in your financial resources. The program’s instructions can help alleviate the stress and anxiety of people dealing with issues in their personal lives, such as money, relationships, and more.

Practicing these methods often will raise your vibrational frequency, impact your financial situation and provide answers and solutions to any concerns. Using the Miracle Money Magnets program, you can expect results within two months. To achieve optimal results, you must adhere to the program’s instructions and put them to regular use.

What will you discover in this Miracle Money Magnet program?

Using Croix Sather’s Miracle Money Magnet program, you will learn five steps that will help you learn how to generate more money and overcome your financial problems. These actions can be used to reset your money vibration set-point and manifest whatever you desire. In the following order, here are the steps:

Step #1 &#; I am Worthy of Money and Wealth

Obtaining and preserving financial security can be difficult if you don’t believe you deserve it. You’ll learn why having a positive mindset is key to abundance during the first step. In addition, make your mind money magnet, you’ll know how important it is, to begin with, the mindset that you deserve more money than you currently receive before you even start the process. When you’re honest with yourself, you’ll recognize the resistance to money and ultimately remove it. make your mind money magnet #2 &#; Stop Using Words That Repel Money bitcoin investing canada for beginners Use Words to Attract Money

The words you use to express your thoughts and beliefs have a power that no one can fathom. You may be using words and phrases that are detrimental to your financial well-being. Five top stocks to invest in would be best to refrain from using words inconsistent with your financial status. To learn the words that deter money and the words that attract it, this guide will help. If you alter your vocabulary, you’ll gain self-assurance and stop squandering your earnings, make your mind money magnet.

Step #3 &#; Stop Negative Money Beliefs

Even if you’re not aware of it, you’re being forced to hold back money because of negative thoughts. Pessimism is a significant obstacle to achieving your goals in life. You won’t be seduced by money if you have such pessimistic views. Change your relationship with money and become a cash magnet with the help of this guide.

Step #4 &#; Money Vibration Reset

If you want to see a steady increase in your bank account, you must change your vibrational code. Here, you will learn all about vibration code and how to rewire it. It shows you how to change your financial vibrations for the better and start manifesting money right away. Change your money vibration if you want to improve your financial situation.

Step #5 &#; The Law of Millionaires

This final step will shed light on the actions of millionaires. Those who make a million dollars have a unique set of values and concepts separate from the average person. They have a completely different mentality in comparison to the average person. Those who follow the advice of millionaires can join the tens of thousands of new millionaires created each year. To be successful, you should take a page out of their book.

About Croix Sather

Croix Sather is the program’s creator. As an accomplished athlete and a motivational speaker, he has a long history of working with people worldwide to achieve their goals. He’s had so much success in his career because he learned how to harness the power of vibrations. He discusses the psychology of success, self-help, and achieving high goals in his self-help books. In his manifestation guides, he has shared some proven methods to help readers achieve their financial goals. Make your mind money magnet lofty goals, self-help, manifestation, and the psychology of success are all topics he covers in detail in this Miracle Money Magnet program.

Where to buy:

Miracle Money Magnet is available for a one-time fee of 97 dollars. However, for someone with many bills to pay, that could be prohibitively expensive. So, the program developers decided to make your life a lot easier and offer a one-time discount rate of more than 90 percent. The complete program now costs only $7.

After completing the purchase, customers can make your mind money magnet access it on their laptop, desktop, or smartphone. A day money-back guarantee from the developer of the Miracle Money Magnets is in place to ensure that you are entirely ok with your purchase. Consequently, if you use it for a few weeks and find it ineffective, you can return it and ask for your money back. Consumers can contact the company for order assistance or the program by email at:

  • Product and Order Support:!/


The Miracle Money Magnets program appears to bitcoin investor ervaringen 99 a helpful guide to building your ideal life and getting rid of financial worries as quickly as possible. Anyone can achieve a higher level of financial abundance by taking advantage of this program’s money vibration setting. Rewiring your thoughts and feelings about money, love, and happiness can help make your mind money magnet attract more of those things into your life.

To manifest your dream life, you’ll need to use this program regularly to gain clarity on what you want and then align your actions with that goal. Getting rid of the things that are getting in the way of your success is within your power, thanks to this program, make your mind money magnet. As a result, you make your mind money magnet be able to enjoy a better quality of life without having to worry about money.

Those who followed the training program’s recommendation to use the vibration code have reported increasing their financial well-being. Additionally, customers say that the methods in the Miracle Money Magnets guide made it easier to control their thoughts and feelings about wealth. Remember, to manifest; you must be willing to put in the time and effort, make your mind money magnet. Only then can you become a Money Magnet.

So, what’s the holdup? Get Miracle Money Magnet Program Today!

RELATED:The Prosperity Prime Review: Legit Program That Works or Scam

Affiliate Disclosure:

The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team income producing investments uk please know we only recommend high quality products.


Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely a substitute for sound medical advice from a licensed healthcare provider. Make sure to consult with a professional physician before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details make your mind money magnet above. Individual results may vary as the statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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Become a Money Magnet by Adopting These 5 Habits

I’m a money magnet. And you can be, too. This means, money flows through me easily and consistently, make your mind money magnet. Here is the thing, money doesn’t always flow through me and into my bank account. Sometimes, make your mind money magnet, money flows through me and into my client’s bank account. Sometimes, money flows through me and into the bank account of the organization I work for. Sometimes, money flows through me and into my friend’s pockets.

And yes, sometimes, the money does flow through me and into my personal life. It might be my bank account, my piggy bank, my IRA, my savings account, my apartment, my car, my closet, or the destination to which I’m traveling. The point is, money is flowing all around me at all times. Because I am a creator, I’m constantly creating opportunities for money to flow in and out of the doors, windows, and pathways that I make available for the flow of energy that is money.

I know, make your mind money magnet, I know, this might seem make your mind money magnet woo-woo, but the sooner you can open yourself up to feeling the high vibe that is money, you, too, will see how you are a consistent and abundant money magnet. I must admit, because of my past conditioning around the way I was brought up to think and believe in money, it is hard to maintain a positive and high vibe state when it comes to money, especially on the days it doesn’t feel easy, fun, or flowy.

Like anything else, staying connected make your mind money magnet the things we cannot see—hope, spirit, faith—and maintaining a positive relationship with money takes practice. Here are five habits I like to integrate into my life on a regular basis to keep the vibes high and consistently welcome more and more money into and through my life. In my experience, once I started taking action on these habits, the money truly did start to land in my bank account more often than not. I would encourage you to give it a try.

1. Show Gratitude to the Money You Do Have

If you don’t show the Universe you are grateful for the small, it will never gift you the big. How do you practice gratitude in your life? Do you even have a gratitude practice? If not, try this on for size:

Each morning, open up your bank account and look at the number there. It might be big. It might be small. Whatever it is, say this out loud, or write it in a journal:

“Thank you (amount in the bank account) for being with me today. I so appreciate that you are in my life today. I’m not sure what this day will bring, but I’m sure make your mind money magnet you are here to see it through with me. Let’s make magic together.”

Do the same for any cash and/or change you might have. I have a piggy bank and cookie jar with extra change and dollar bills in my living room, make your mind money magnet. Whenever I catch a glance at them, I spend an extra moment giving thanks to them for being there and make your mind money magnet out.

The Universe wants to hear you are grateful for what you do have. If you can’t appreciate even the smallest amounts, it will just think you aren’t ready for more. Show the Universe you are with as much gratitude as you can muster.

2. Write Bitcoin investor ervaringen analysis Letters to Money

When I first realized I was in a toxic relationship with money, and I was the problem, I turned to the tool I always used when asking for forgiveness from a friend or relative—I wrote money a letter.

In this letter, make your mind money magnet, I admitted all the things I had been doing wrong towards money, such as never being grateful to have it, never using it to do fun things (mindless spending only), always being mad at it because it wasn’t around, and always being upset that it was never enough. I promised money I would do better, treat it better, love it more, make your mind money magnet. Now, I write love letters to money letting it know how much I appreciate it, promising I will spend it wisely (on fun things or investments or saving for amazing things).

When I have a big purchase to make, like investing in a coaching program, I write a love letter to money before I hit the “purchase” button. In this letter, I tell money about the person I’m sending it to. How I know that money will do great things with this new person, and this isn’t goodbye but rather see you later. I know that money will be back with me some day, but for now it can go hang with someone else for a little while.

This letter writing helps me maintain an abundant and grateful state. Money loves being celebrated and thanked. Think about how it feels when you receive a love letter from someone who means a lot to you. This is how money feels, too. So, write your heart out and show that money just how much you adore it.

3. Do Money Magnet Dances

As you know, money is energy, just like you and me, make your mind money magnet. How do you feel when you dance wild and free without a care in the world? I know I feel so good (I love to dance). This is how money feels, too.

I specifically pick a song that makes me want to dance, and I will set the intention before I hit “play.” This dance is specifically to celebrate money. All the money I have, all the money bitcoin mining mit eigenem pc my way. Sometimes, I’ll do money magnet dances for my clients or friends.

You know that dancing brings the high vibes (even just watching others dance on reels or TikTok) so celebrate all the money you have, desire, and are calling in with a five-minute dance party to your favorite song. Don’t forget to make the special dedication “this one is for you money. Hit it!”

4. Manage What You Do Have

For so long, I was resistant to managing my money, because I felt I didn’t have enough to do it. But what I quickly realized is that, just like me, money likes to have a plan. It likes to know where it is going, when it is going there, what it is doing there, and how it can help.

If you only have $ in your life. Manage it. What are you going to do with it? Is it for savings? Is it for a special dinner? How about a little of both? Become a master at managing the money you do have, and money will feel appreciated and useful and want to be in your life more and more. If you need a good book on how to manage your money, I recommend, I Will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Sethi.

5. Make Money Affirmations

Have you heard make your mind money magnet the power of affirmations? These are positive statements that you repeat again and again to overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. The process is to repeat the affirmations to yourself—recommended while looking at yourself in the mirror— until you start to believe them and they become your truth.

This is a powerful way to rewrite the stories you tell yourself about money into statements that will work for you instead of against you, make your mind money magnet. Here are 10 powerful money magnet affirmations that I love to say loud and proud as often as possible:

  1. I am a money magnet.
  2. Money loves me and wants me to be happy.
  3. Money is a magical resource that helps me impact the world.
  4. Money is abundant and all around me.
  5. Money flows through me easily and consistently.
  6. Money is my best friend and loves me.
  7. Money and I do amazing magical things together every day.
  8. Money is coming to me right now and will be available to me when I need it.
  9. Money has my back always and knows how to support me.
  10. I am becoming richer and wealthier and more abundant.

For more on creating abundance in your life, check out How to Shift from a Scarcity to an Abundance Mindset.

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Achieving financial freedom and abundance is something that many of us desire. So what if I told you this was possible through the Law of Attraction? All you have to do is address any blocks you have to becoming a money magnet and use the powers of the universe to achieve it!

You heard me right - keep reading to learn my top 10 tips to becoming a money magnet!


What is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is one of the rules of the universe that states that the energy we put out into the universe is what we get back.

According to this theory, our thoughts and feelings literally create our reality. If we want to bring something into our lives, we can manifest it using the power of our being!

Want to learn more about the law of attraction? Check out this post!

Do you have blocks preventing <b>make your mind money magnet</b> from manifesting wealth and abundance? These 10 tips will help you to become a money magnet using the law of attraction! Including money affirmations and other secrets about manifesting money

This post contains affiliate links, make your mind money magnet. Click here to read my full disclosure.

How to Become a Money Magnet Using the Law of Attraction

One area of our lives that many of us wish to manifest more of is money - am I right?

While there can be negative views surrounding the desire to have more money, I actually think there is nothing wrong with wanting a financially abundant life where you can live comfortably. I make your mind money magnet all of us deserve to live this life and can live this life if we want to!

However, due to this having become a bit more of a sensitive topic, many of us will have developed blocks which prevent us from using the law of attraction to manifest money. Without addressing these blocks, the chances of us getting out of a place of lack and living a financially abundant life are slim.

So let’s change that! Using these 10 steps, you can quite literally turn yourself into a money magnet using the law of attraction. Let’s get started!

1. Evaluate your beliefs about money

Do you have deep rooted negative beliefs about money that you might not have noticed? Maybe you’re already aware and that’s the exact reason why you’re reading this post? This is one of the biggest blocks to manifesting a life of abundance, but make your mind money magnet can definitely be changed so don’t give up!

One of the most common negative beliefs about money is that it is “the root of all evil”. I have heard this phrase countless times and also heard people in my own life talk about how they don’t want make your mind money magnet be a part of this system we have in place.

In my personal opinion, this belief only limits you. The fact is, we live in a society where money is our chosen method of exchange, so to actively exclude yourself from this exchange means that you may miss out on some of the experiences and opportunities that it presents.

Now, I’m not saying money is everything. You can, of course, live a happy life with very little of it because happiness is all in our mindset. But, if you do wish to live more abundantly, let’s work at reframing those negative beliefs!


Reframing your beliefs

If you’re reading this post, then I’m almost certain you believe that everything in life involves an exchange of energy, right? Well… money is no different. My favourite way to reframe money in a positive light is to view it as an energy exchange.

The paper that we hold or the numbers we see in our bank accounts are simply a physical representation of this energy. The reality is, we put in the work to receive this energy back. We then have the reward of directing this energy wherever we want to invest it - whether that be in something physical like a house make your mind money magnet an experience like travel.

When you think about it this way, is there really anything wrong with this energy exchange? We put in the work and dedication and we are rewarded. That seems like a fair deal to me!

pile of american dollars

2. Use money affirmations to change your money magnet mindset

One of my favourite tools to work with the law of attraction is affirmations. Affirmations have the power to not only rewire your neural pathways, but to also send out those *good vibes* make your mind money magnet the universe that are vital for manifestation!

Here are some of my favourite money magnet mantras to manifest money fast. Try combining them with the 5x55 manifestation technique for even more powerful results!

  • I am a money magnet
  • I am financially abundant
  • I release all resistance to attracting make your mind money magnet flows freely to me
  • I am worthy of receiving money in exchange for my skills
  • Every dollar [or your currency] I spend comes back to me multiplied
  • I am grateful for the abundance that I have
  • I am connected to the universal supply of money


3. Practice gratitude for money

You’ll see that one of the affirmations I shared above includes gratitude, and that’s because gratitude is a huge part of manifesting with the law of attraction.

To get into a place of receiving, we have to show the universe that we’re grateful for what we’ve already got. In turn, the universe will reward us with more of that thing!

One thing we certainly do not want to do is approach attracting money from a place of lack. If we have the mindset that we “don’t have enough” then the reality is… we are never going to have enough. Instead, make your mind money magnet it! Try “I am grateful for the money that I already have, and I am open to receiving more.”

Stop obsessing over the money you want, and start focusing on your gratitude for what you already have. You’ll be surprised how much this shifts your energy, which in turn allows you to become a money magnet!

An easy way to incorporate gratitude into your financial life is to start expressing thanks every time you receive or give money. When you receive a payment, tell the universe how grateful you are to receive this money. Likewise, make your mind money magnet, when you pay for something, give thanks for the ability to exchange your money for goods.

You can try starting a gratitude journal where you can give thanks make your mind money magnet your finances, as well as many other areas of your life!

4. Visualize yourself being financially abundant

Visualization is such a powerful method to manifest your desires. Why? Because when we visualize the life we want why you should invest in ethereum live as if we are living it, our brains can’t actually tell make your mind money magnet difference. This means if we visualize strongly enough, and believe it to be true, we send out the energy that this is our reality.

If we want to become financially abundant, we have to visualize ourselves as financially abundant. Use the powers of your imagination to place yourself in the reality you want to live in.

This will be easier for those of you who are in touch with your creative imagination, but for those of you that struggle with this… I got you! I make your mind money magnet struggle with visualization and I find that the following techniques really help with this process so give them a try!

Create a vision board

A vision board is a great visualization tool because you are 6 million bitcoins lost forever your dreams into a visual reality that you can look at and etch into your memory. This is also a very fun way to get in touch with the creativity of your sacral chakra and make visualization easier in the long run.

You can create a vision board in a number of ways. Some of my favourite ways include:

  • Drawing/painting: if you have a creative flare, why not draw or paint the reality you want to live? You could try painting a picture of yourself as a money magnet or anything else you feel resonates with your intention.
  • Collage: Print out pictures that you feel resonate or cut out pictures from magazines, then arrange them on a board to create a collage of your vision. You might choose to include your dream house, make your mind money magnet, car, or images of money.
  • Digital collage: In a similar make your mind money magnet, you can pull images from the internet and use them to create a digital collage that you can then print. One of my favourite tools to do this is Canva.
  • A pinterest board: you can also create a board on pinterest and add resonating images to it. I like this idea because you can keep adding to the board regularly with new images that raise your vibration.

Whichever technique you choose to use, the key is to make yourself familiar with your vision board and look at it regularly. Remind yourself of what you are working towards and focus on positive feelings every time you look at it!


Write a magic cheque

This is another fun visualization technique, which is obviously targeted towards manifesting abundance! 

Use a printable magic cheque such as this one or create your own. Write in the date, your name and the exact amount of money you wish to receive.

Then place it somewhere where you will see it, and practice feeling as though you have received this money from the universe, while also practicing gratitude.

You may also choose to place your magic cheque in a manifestation box, if this is a tool you wish to use to increase the power of your manifestations!

person counting money


5. Give more to others

We have already spoken about money as being a form of energy exchange. So if we continue to view it in such a way, does make your mind money magnet really make sense to expect to receive when you are unwilling to give?

Giving to others is a selfless act, which increases your karmic energy and means you will receive in return at some point down the line. 

The key though is not to give heartlessly just because we want something back, but to give because we really want to have a positive influence on other people, regardless of the money it is costing us.

This doesn’t mean to say however that you should give what you don’t have. If you don’t have money to spare then don’t get yourself in needless debt. However, if you do have money to spare, giving to others is a way to not only make you feel fulfilled but to show the universe that you are participating selflessly in this beautiful energy exchange!

6. Invest in yourself

Similarly, you should also invest in yourself if you want to continue receiving. There is nothing wrong with spending money on yourself, and when used purposely it actually shows the universe that you are committed to yourself and willing to use your money to progress forward. 

For example, by investing in a course that you really want to do because you want to learn more, make your mind money magnet, or by investing in starting a business because you want to be completely responsible for your own finances, you are demonstrating that you can use your money wisely for self progression.

The universe then sees that you are embracing this energy exchange and using it to fulfill your needs, rather than withholding it through fear or a lack mindset (as we previously discussed). It also sends out the vibe that you believe you deserve to spend your hard earned money on yourself!

7. Believe that you deserve abundance

Following on from that last point, a common block to becoming a money magnet is believing that you actually deserve abundance. This may be hard to recognise at first, but when you look at this deeper, many of us actually have this block without realising it.

Because this isn’t actually as simple as having thoughts like “I don’t deserve money”, but may actually be more sneaky like “I’m not qualified enough for a job like that” or “people like me never get these things.” If you feel like you’ve had these thoughts or similar, ask yourself why you believe this? Who gets to decide this? (I’ll let you in on a secret… the answer is you). 

This block is a little trickier to get through than the others, because often these negative self beliefs are deep rooted and have been our narrative for years. I know because I’ve suffered with them myself, and there have been times in how to make money easy and fast with simple steps life where I’ve hated myself and believed I’m not worthy of anything.

But I’m changing that narrative, and you can too! One of my favourite tools to improve feelings of self worth is to use self love affirmations. These can help to rewrite our reality and allow us to see our true worth. I would also recommend self care practices, which help us to treat ourselves with tender love and care.

For more stubborn beliefs, journaling is a tool that I find second to none when it comes to self awareness and reflection. This really helps me to work through my thoughts and feelings. And of course, therapy is an amazing tool to work through these kind of things!

person holding pile of money

8, make your mind money magnet. Stop avoiding your bank account

This is one that I’m definitely guilty of… and one I’m almost certain a lot of you are guilty of too! Be honest!

Looking at your bank account can be scary when you know you are make your mind money magnet of money. We try to avoid looking at it because we believe that reminding ourselves of this “lack” means that we will be putting out this lack mindset to the universe.

But avoidance never does us any favours, and this tactic actually has a counterproductive effect when it comes to becoming a magnet for money.

By make money on the internet in south africa make your mind money magnet our financial situation, we are actually putting out the vibration that there is something to fear when it comes to money. This is definitely not the make your mind money magnet we want to be putting out.

Plus, this avoidance means that we are likely to slip down a rabbit hole of debt because we aren’t aware of what money we have to spend and how we can go about achieving more. 

Instead, we want to make ourselves aware of our financial situation and evaluate what can be done to improve it. By knowing an exact amount that we want to manifest to be financially free, we can be more direct with our practices and ask the universe for this specific amount. 

This clarity actually helps with the manifestation process. If you know you need $ in your account to become debt-free, focus on manifesting $!

9. Be happy for others' good fortune

The way our society has become means that we are often in a mindset of competition, rather than community. This means that often when we see other people’s success and good fortune, we become jealous and fearful that this means that there won’t be any left for us.

This is not how it’s supposed to be and that’s why #communityovercompetition is one of my favourite money mantras! The truth make your mind money magnet, there is enough abundance in the universe to go around. Someone else's success doesn’t have to equate to shark tank tv show investors “failure&rdquo.

Try to reframe this response, and practice being happy for others’ good fortune. When you see someone accomplish a great thing, tune into your feelings of love and feel happy for that person. Reach out to that person and congratulate them. Tell them they’re doing great!

There is no need to pit ourselves against each other, make your mind money magnet, and being isolated on our own journey is really no way to live either.

Become more comfortable with receiving

For some reason, we seem to have this idea in our society that we should decline help or gifts from others. It’s become the polite thing to say “no thank you” rather than to embrace the loving gesture and receive it with gratitude.

If somebody wants to offer you assistance, or they want to show their appreciation for you with a gift or money, make your mind money magnet, let make your mind money magnet As long as it doesn’t put them out, it’s totally okay to accept things from others, in the same way that you (hopefully) give to others. Remember, it’s ALL AN EXCHANGE!

By getting into the habit of accepting things from others, we show the universe that we are open to receiving. We get into a flow of giving and receiving that occurs naturally and we become the money magnets that we are striving to be!

Other resources for becoming a money magnet


Hopefully these tips help you to address any blocks that you have when it comes to manifesting money. Be sure to let me know which of these wealth attraction techniques were your favourite in the comments below!


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Looking to manifest wealth and abundance? Try these 10 tips to become a money magnet and manifest money using the magic of the universe!

About Esther

Esther is the founder of Through the Phases.  Her mission is to guide others to grow to their full potential and create their dream life using spiritual and personal growth practices. Read more about her story here!

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