Stupid website ideas that make money

stupid website ideas that make money

45 Weird Sites Sold On That Prove You Can Make Money In ANY Niche · 01 - Horse Lane - Horse Shaped Gifts · 02 - Send Cat Facts - Send Anonymous Cat. Six Crazy Internet Money Making Ideas (That Worked) · 1) Extreme Home Trade · 2) High Tech Begging · 3) Tiny Little Dots · 4) Purity for Sale · 5). Imogen knew she thought it was stupid to make up a word. I think you have a website or app idea percolating around in that gorgeous head of yours too.

15 outrageous ideas that made people ridiculously rich

The Asahi Shimbun via Getty Images) random jobs that make alot of money

Lots of people have million-dollar ideas, but people rarely act on them. Mistakes, too, can sometimes even mean millions —  if the timing is right.

For entrepreneurs, one good idea can prove extraordinarily fruitful — even if it's as silly as something like the Snuggie. The Slinky, for example, was born after a naval engineer made a clumsy mistake; meanwhile, the infamous Furby was crafted after its creator was introduced to Tamagotchis, and felt an overwhelming urge to pet it. 

Here are some of the wildest ideas that left innovators with millions of dollars.

Beanie Babies, created by Ty Warner in 1993, were the plush, bean-filled toy fad of the 90s. Warner's Ty Inc. reportedly made $700 million in one year, selling the Beanies for stupid website ideas that make money a piece. By 1999, the company had over $1 billion in sales.

beanie babies
AP/Peter Barreras stupid website ideas that make money stupid website ideas that make money

Warner made the decision to not sell stupid website ideas that make money toys at nationwide chains like Toys-R-Us and Walmart, driving up the market at small, independent stores and creating a craze. Some stores even received instructions from Ty Inc. not to sell more than a certain amount to one customer. Beanies began going up on the resale market — many with five-figure asking prices.

Since its creation, it is estimated Beanie Babies were able to bring in nearly $6 billion for Warner. 

Today, Warner has a net worth of over $2.6 billion. 

Source: The New York Times, The New York Times, Forbes

Alex Tew had the idea for The Million Dollar Homepage when he was a 21-year-old college kid. He would sell 1 million pixels for $1 a piece in advertising space. The profit? You guessed it.

Million Dollar Home Page
The Million Dollar Homepage

Million Dollar Homepage "sold out" just 4 months after it went up in 2005. It all came about because Tew was interested in making money while also attending Nottingham University in England. And after the site began to gain media attention and all ad space was bought up, stupid website ideas that make money, he dropped out and began his career as a serial entrepreneur.

He has since gone on to co-found the newly billion-dollar unicorn startup and stupid website ideas that make money how to make lego candy machine that takes money meditation app, Calm. 

Source: BBC News,Business Insider

The Slinky, created by accident by Richard James, is now in the Toy Hall of Fame, with over 350 million sold and profits reaching $3 billion.

Business Insider Toy Fair Slinky 3
Robert Haynes-Peterson stupid website ideas that make money

James dropped a tension spring he was working with and watched it slink away across the floor — and thus, the Slinky was born. In reality, though, it did not happen that quickly: James spent over two years developing just how long the toy would be and experimented with different formulas to find the perfect slink-down-the-stairs toy he imagined in his head. His wife, Betty, went on to helm the Slinky business when he moved to Bolivia to join a cult. Betty died in 2009.

In her obituary, The New York Times found that the number of Slinkys that have bitcoin investor seriö s vacation sold could circle the world over 150 times.

Source: CNBC, The Atlantic, The New York Times

Gary Dahl, an advertising executive, was known to joke. After listening to his friends talk about the perils of caring for a pet, he created the Pet Rock in 1975, putting nearly $6 million in his pocket.

pet rock
Getty Images

He sold the rocks as "hassle-free" pets, stupid website ideas that make money, complete with a pet training manual and a cardboard box fashioned after a pet carrier. The rocks were an instant hit and turned into one of the greatest fads of all time.

San Jose-based Dahl tried to replicate his Pet Rock success with other ventures, though everything else eventually flopped, including a book about the "untold story" behind the parody pet and another spoof on fitness. 

Source: The New York Times, The Mercury News

Furby, the stupid website ideas that make money, furry, hamster-mixed-with-an-owl electronic toy, took over the 90s, but its popularity dropped off quickly thereafter. However, Furby remained a hot toy long enough to make $500 million annually at its peak.

ways to earn money online as a teenager The Asahi Shimbun via Getty Images)

Fun fact: The National Security Agency banned Furbies from its office in 1999, according to a CBS article with the same date, saying the children's toy was a "Chinese-manufactured spy" with the capability to listen in on conversations pertaining to intelligence.

Furbies do not have the ability to record, according to Roger Shiffman, the man who heads Tiger Electronics, which makes the toy. They are known, however, to frequently glitch — talking, walking, and vibrating without cues, sometimes in the middle of the night. Creepy.

Source: Thrillist, CBS

In the 1980s, Scott Stillinger invented the Koosh Ball — a rubbery ball with colorful fibers all over it. Hasbro bought the Koosh Ball for $100 million in 1997. Time magazine named it one of the greatest toys of all time.

Acey Harper/The LIFE Images Collection/Getty Images

The Koosh Ball came out of a want to have something in between the weight of a foam ball and a bean bag, according to a 1995 Los Angeles Times article.

As Stillinger's company grew, so did the size of the Koosh balls. You can still find over a dozen varieties of the Koosh ball today. And in 1995, business was already doing well: OddzOn, the original maker of the toy, said "millions and millions" have been sold at $5 a piece.

Source: Time, Los Angeles Times

Ken Hakuta became a millionaire in 1985, thanks to his Wacky Wall Walker — an eight-armed, slimy toy resembling an octopus, how to calculate annual rate of return on investment in excel, when stuck to the wall, looked like it was walking as gravity pulled it down. Millions were sold.

Screen Shot 2019 03 01 at 3.36.40 PM
Nowstalgic Toys/Amazon

But Hakuta didn't come up with the idea for the toy itself. He bought the rights for the original Chinese toy his mother sent him for $100,000 and began marketing it in the DC area.

Sales crawled along until a reporter for The Washington Post stumbled upon his product and wrote about it. The buzz from the article began one of the greatest marketing fads of all time. Within just a few months, more than 240 million were sold, netting Hakuta about $80 million.

For years, you could find the toy in cereal boxes, like Corn Pops, but today you can find them on Amazon and some independent toy stores. 

Source: The Washington Post

In 1963, stupid website ideas that make money, Harvey Ball drew a smiley face outlined with a circle and filled with yellow for $45 to liven up buttons and badges. He never trademarked the design, though. Today, SmileyWorld owns the design and makes over $250 million a year.

smiley face
John Fischer/flickr stupid website ideas that make money

Ball first drew the happy face for his PR company's client, State Mutual Life Insurance. The only money he ever made from the simple sketch was the two-figure dollar amount they made selling it to the client.

Two brothers, Bernard and Murray Spain, stumbled upon the unrealized potential of the smiley. Wanting to start a novelty store, the Spains bought the legal rights to the mark along with the now infamous tag-line, "Have a nice day." The brothers began slapping the image on everything possible — including, most famously, the to-go plastic bag. 

Source: VICE

While people have been playing with hoops of varying materials all throughout history, the modern plastic Hula Hoop was invented by Arthur K. "Spud" Melin and Richard Knerr, cofounders of the Wham-O toy company.

Governors Ball mud 2013 hula hoop
Business Insider/Aly Weisman

Melin and Knerr got their idea for mass-produced hula hoops from Australian schoolkids using bamboo hoops for exercise. The two started manufacturing brightly-colored plastic hoops in 1958, selling them for $1.98 a piece. The idea took off almost instantly — 25 million Wham-O Hula Hoops were sold within four months. Melin patented it in 1963.

Source: Wired, History

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10 Totally Stupid Online Business Ideas That Made Someone Rich

10 Totally Stupid OnlineBusiness Ideas That Made Someone Rich

How to get rich the smart way? Read what some creative people did:

1. Million Dollar Homepage

1000000 pixels, stupid website ideas that make money, charge a dollar per pixel – that’s perhaps the dumbest idea for online business anyone could have possible come up with, stupid website ideas that make money. Still, Alex Tew, a 21-year-old who came up with the idea, is now a millionaire.

What is the idea? (from FAQ on the site)

The idea is simple: to try and make $1m (US) by selling 1,000,000 pixels for $1 each. Hence, ‘The Million Dollar Homepage”. The main motivation for doing this is to pay for my degree studies, because I don’t like the idea of graduating with stupid website ideas that make money huge student debt. I know people who are paying off student loans 15-20 years after they graduated. Not a nice thought!

So, everyone is welcome to buy my pixels, which are available in 100-pixel ‘blocks’ (each measuring 10×10 pixels). You will see the homepage is divided into 10,000 of these 100-pixel blocks (hence there are 1,000,000 pixels in total). The reason for selling them in 100-pixel blocks is because anything smaller would be too small to display anything meaningful.

You can buy as many pixels as you like, as long as there are some available (see the live stats in the top right corner of the page). When you buy some pixels, you can then display an image/ad/logo of your choice in the space you have purchased. You can also have the image click through to your own website. However, no obscene or offensive images are allowed.

The pixels you buy will be displayed on the homepage permanently. The homepage will not change. Using some of the money I make from the site, I guarantee to keep it online for at least 5 years, but hopefully much longer. I want it to become a kind of internet time capsule. So, in the long run, I believe the pixels will offer good value. You will have a piece of internet history!

2. SantaMail

Ok, how’s that for a brilliant idea. Get a postal address at North Pole, Alaska, pretend you are Santa Claus and charge parents 10 bucks for every letter you send to their kids? Well, Byron Reese sent over 200000 letters since the start of the business in 2001, which makes him a couple million dollars richer.

About SantaMail from their site

Since 2002, Santa has been helping us write over 275,000 personalized Christmas letters. Santa makes sure that we use the finest heirloom-quality, acid-free linen paper so that his letters last a lifetime.

As Santa’s helpers, we help Santa print his letters and then mail them to him in North Pole, Alaska where he affixes a Christmas stamp on it and sends it on the way to your child. From there, the letter gets postmarked and mailed. (After December 16, he has us mail them directly from Austin, Texas so they reach the children in time!).

3. Doggles

Create goggles for dogs and sell them online? Boy, this IS the dumbest idea for a business. How in the world did they manage to become millionaires and have shops all over the world with that one? Beyond me.

About Doggles from their site

We are famous for Doggles goggles for dogs – the first and only eye protection designed and created just for dogs! Seen on CNN, Regis and Kelly, The Today Show, Good Morning America and many others, they are quite a hit with everyone who has tried them! We are also an environmentally conscious organization, using as much “green” or recycled fabrics and materials in our products as stupid website ideas that make money, always keeping in mind that what is good for our planet is also good for our pets. Our standards are high, and you will see this in each and every one of our products. We are market leaders in the design and manufacture of tough and durable and yes, even “green”, dog toys. Please be sure to check our offerings in the toy category as you look through our site. Our outdoor line has won the praise of many an outdoor enthusiast as we continue to grow and improve the line. And of course, our fashion sense has never ended as we are always adding and improving to our fashion harness line. We have a wide range of products that are truly functional and have helped many pets over the years as we continue to innovate in the pet products field. As always, keep an eye on us for more.

4. LaserMonks is a for-profit subsidiary of the Cistercian Abbey of Our Lady of Spring Bank, an eight-monk monastery in the hills of Monroe County, 90 miles northwest of Madison. Yeah, real monks refilling your cartridges. Hallelujah! Their 2005 sales were $2.5 million! Praise the Lord.

5. AntennaBalls

You can’t sell antenna ball online. There is no way. And surely it wouldn’t make you rich. But this is exactly what Jason Wall did, and now he is now a millionaire.

6. FitDeck

Create a deck of cards featuring exercise routines, and sell it online for $18.95. Sounds like a disaster idea to me. But former Navy SEAL and fitness instructor Phil Black reported last year sales of $4.7 million. Surely beats what military pays.

7, stupid website ideas that make money. PositivesDating.Com

How would you like to go on a date with an HIV positive person? Paul Graves and Brandon Koechlin thought that someone would, so they created a dating site for HIV positive folks last year. Projected 2006 sales are $110,000, and the two hope to have 50,000 members by their two-year mark.

8. Designer Diaper Bags

Christie Rein was tired of carrying diapers around in a freezer bag. The 34-year-old mother of three found herself constantly stuffing diapers for her infant son into freezer bags to keep them from getting scrunched up in her purse. Rein wanted something that was compact, sleek and stylish, so in November 2004, she sat down with her husband, Marcus, who helped her design a custom diaper bag that’s big enough to hold a travel pack of wipes and two to four diapers. With more than $180,000 in sales for 2005, Christie’s company, Diapees & Wipees, has bags in 22 different styles, available online and in 120 boutiques across the globe for $14.99.

9. PickyDomains

Hire another person to think of a cool domain name for you? No way people would pay for this. Actually, naming domain names for others turned out a thriving business, especially, when you make the entire process risk free. PickyDomains currently has a waiting list of people who want to PAY the service to come up with a snappy memorable domain name. PickyDomains is expected to hit six figures this year.

10. Lucky Wishbone Co.

Fake wishbones. Now, this stupid idea is just destined to flop, stupid website ideas that make money. Who in the world needs FAKE PLASTIC wishbones? A lot of people, it turns out. Now producing 30,000 wishbones daily (they retail for 3 bucks a pop) Ken Ahroni, the company founder, expects 2006 sales to reach $1 million.

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Unusual Business Ideas That Work

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For the past few days, i’ve been adding to this list and digging up old ideas i’ve had. hopefully they’ll inspire/help/motivate some of you guys and get those creative juices flowing :mrgreen: Let me know what you think. Some are a bit stupid, i’ll admit, but others a hidden gems 😉


Social networking site which allows you to add companies, bands, music, movies, locations & teams you hate to you profile., stupid website ideas that make money. The idea is that we find out who the most hated people, places and things are online and they get shamed with frontpage status.

Blank Website

I create a completely blank website bitcoin investor ervaringen 99 no content, stupid website ideas that make money, no links, nothing on it. I then order reviews and pay for linkbacks to it and see how people react and if they accept/reject the review requests. thus, i’ll find out who’s a money grabber and who actually cares about their readers, who they link to etc.

Super Teddy

I buy a teddy, then post him to someone in a different country. That person then posts the teddy to another person in another country and so on. all the time, the teddy is pictured at famous landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, Statue of Liberty etc. and the pictures and blog entries from owners are put up on his website. He then becomes the most famous teddy on the world.

Internet Pyranha’s

This is a community of do-gooders who can’t stand spam and scammers. the Internet Pyranha community (name after the pyranha fish) target individual websites/email addresses one at a time and pvm money making rs3 them with hate emails and stupid comments until they change their ways or get fed up of being spammed and take down the website.

De-pimp my ride

This is a community which specializes in de-pimping cars/bikes/buses and restoring them to their original state. Tutorials are given on how to take off all that extra plastic exterior and the go-faster stripes. The community also gathers videos/pictures of boy racers in their pimped out rides and tries to contact the owners and offer their knowledge/experience in how to de-pimp a car.

My Arse

Social networking site which displays people’s arses and their friends arse’s. Also has a hotornot type rating feature and widgets which can be placed on your other social networking profiles.

Rate the Referee

Simple site which allows you to rate Referees for sports matches. Stats/Profiles are kept on the referee along with video’s and pictures of the referee in action. People can then rate the referee and see if he favours one side over another.


Site displaying every widget known to man and which one’s work well and which one’s don’t. Site offers thorough reviews of all widgets and allows users to rate and comment of their favourites.

Net Never Forgets

This site keeps a list of all known deaths i.e people who had myspace/bebo pages or blogs and passed away. A short profile of the person is displayed and it acts as a place for people to come and pay their respects by comments or video message etc… the idea being that their memory will always live on on the internet.

Heres what i think of you

Site which displays user submitted images of thousands of middle fingers making the shape of one big middle finger. Anytime anyone says something stupid on a forum or leaves a stupid comment somewhere, people link to ‘hereswhatithinkofyou’.

Off with your Head

This site displays a list of famous people. Users get to chop someone’s head off once a day (every 24 hours). This is basically if a celebrity does something stupid or a football manager is under pressure. The users get to decide who’s head is put on the chopping board. All chopped heads are the kept in the ‘already chopped’ section.

Rorrim (mirror spelt backwards)

This is a site which literally mirrors any text you have and want to disguise for some reason. You copy and paste it into an application and it will churn out the mirrored text, rendering it useless or double dutch to most people. It acts as a safety feature for valuable text files you may have. When you need to read the text again, you simply return to the website and copy/paste the code back in and de-mirror it.

I dare you

This is a site which offers people the chance to make money. It displays a list of dares people have thought up of. (e.g i dare you to run around a cinema naked). People then chip in money to the stupid website ideas that make money kitty and whoever takes on the dare gets the cash. Someone can reserve that bet and has 24 hours to complete it. They must then submit a video of themselves doing the bet and they will then get the money.

Energetically Challenged

A global community of energetically challenged (a.k.a lazy) people who demand that ‘lazy’ be removed from the english language and replaced with the more politically correct ‘energetically challenged’. The site starts a petition and gets members to sign it, then sends it off to the relevant bodies.

Hot, now you’re not

A website which displays a list of things/people which were hot once upon a time, but aren’t anymore. Also targets sports people and bands who’ve passed their sell by dates but are still playing and websites which were once cool, but aren’t anymore. Digg-like feature which allows members to rate who’s not hot.

Charity Bypass

Site which displays a list of charities and beggars on the streets, their known collecting locations/times and generally known hot spots where they deploy people on the streets looking for sign ups or spare change. Also displays begging scandals such as illegal begging at ATM machines, ticket machines etc.

Brat Zone Alert

A website which displays a list of known hotels/apartments/housing estates/streets often full of kids. Also displays if the kids are attended or unattended and their age group. This is to let people know what they’re in for when they book a hotel or buy/rent a house/go visiting a city etc.

Queue Frustration

Users submit videos/images of ridiculous traffic jams/queues/congestion they get caught up in. the site acts a place for those people to vent their anger and also as a warning for other people not to go near that particular airport/road/shop etc.

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How To Waste Money On Your Website: Stupid Idea 1

Whether you’re blatantly throwing money away on bad ideas or losing potential revenue by failing to capitalize on good ones, here are some surefire ways electrician or plumber make more money make the least out of your investment.

When was the last time someone offered you a valuable product or service and you said, “No thanks, I’d rather have that other really crummy one over there“?

You may not realize it, but it could be the last time you talked about your website. Before you spend another cent on something you didn’t need, want or expect, take a moment to reflect on this stupid idea and make sure it doesn’t apply to you.

Stupid Idea 1: Hire Someone To Do It “Cheap”.

Somewhere along the way our mothers told us that there’s “no such thing as a free lunch”. Somewhere along the way our fathers warned that “you get what you pay for”, stupid website ideas that make money. But somewhere along the way we conveniently forget or ignore that advice and convince ourselves that we’re going to be smart enough/frugal enough/business savvy enough to get something of great value for much less than the other guy paid.

Sure you can have a website built for $500. You can sign up for a search marketing program for $19.99. But what you can’t get for $19 or $500 is quality.

What you can get “cheap” is a website that isn’t standards-compliant. One that may or may not work in different browsers so that when your customers go to check out your services or buy your product they won’t be able to.

What you can get cheap is a contact form that may not work, or may send through nothing but spam and empty fields. You can get a shopping cart that may fail, be too slow or too cumbersome for customers to use, or simply not be able to accommodate the way you want to sell your products and force you to sacrifice or compromise the way you do business.

What you can get cheap are graphics that may not load, load too slowly or weigh negatively on your site’s search listings. Or graphics that look “fuzzy” and unprofessional. Or look like the generic, cliché, overused stock art/photography that they are.

What you can get cheap is a navigation nightmare so your customers never really find the valuable information you want to share or may not even bother to try.

What you can get cheap is poor search optimization so you won’t be listed well in search engines, sacrificing exposure, leads, sales and ultimately business.

What you can get cheap is a site that looks like geld anlegen österreich vergleich million others, with the same layout, the same “man-in-business-suit” photo and no interesting or credible content to persuade visitors to become customers.

What you can get cheap is a site that has no true relevance or value to your business, churned out in a couple of hours with little or no input from you.

Instead of throwing even a few hundred dollars away on “cheap”, here’s some conventional wisdom you can live with: do it right the first time. If you want a quality site you need someone who has the experience, knowledge and expertise to build one.

You need someone who understands the importance of web standards and optimization techniques and knows how to use them. You need someone who understands how your web site relates to your business and how to make it a valuable part of your business and not just an online billboard that just looks… cheap.

When you “buy” your web site, you’re buying more than a couple of HTML pages and a few Photoshop graphics. You’re buying a stake in your own business and hopefully you’ve hired someone who knows how to make your site an integral part of that business.

Hopefully you’ve hired someone who is willing and able to invest the many hours, days and even weeks that it takes to understand your business, develop a web strategy, build a good site and make it work as part of your total marketing plan.

So sure, you can get a cheap web site. But if you care about your business and how your site reflects on it and supports it, be prepared to consider that money lost, because chances are you’re going to be starting all over again when you finally reacquaint yourself with an old, maybe cliché, but always relevant truth: whether it’s a car, a kitchen table or a web site, you do get what you pay for.

Have you ever tried the “cheap” route only to regret it later?

Read More In The “How To Waste Your Money” Series

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23 unique website ideas for your next side project

11. Restaurant website 

You don’t need to run a restaurant to stupid website ideas that make money money from a restaurant website. You’d be surprised how many small businesses like restaurants have outdated websites or don’t have a website at all. If you have web design skills, consider reaching out to local businesses and pitch them on a website redesign package. 

Get to know the people who run some of your favorite restaurants and independent businesses and offer your design services. These types of projects won’t just put a bit of extra money in your pocket, but will also help you gain skills and experience as a designer. 

12. Review website

If you enjoy movies, music, books, or some niche product and have opinions you’d like to share, consider building a review website. Writing reviews and making videos are fun ways to share your thoughts with others and connect with other fans.

Let’s say you’re into movies, stupid website ideas that make money. You could start your own movie review blog and become the next Leonard Maltin.

Leonard Maltin's movie review website.

Including some well-placed affiliate links and appropriate ads will help you generate a bit of passive income off of your own review website. Once you gain a following, you can also reach out to brands for freebies like movie passes or products in exchange for an honest review on your website. 

13. Comparison website

Comparison websites like Camelcamelcamel provide an easy way for consumers to find the best deals on what they’re after.

The camelcamelcamel website.

Comparison sites allow consumers to compare similar products based on different variables. Product specs, pricing, and other information are often presented in infographics, making it easier for people to quickly understand the similarities and differences between products. 

While comparison websites aren’t an ideal web design project for beginners, they can be lucrative for designers antminer s7 asic bitcoin miner 4 73th s feel confident building and managing many moving parts. Once you set up the site to pull in relevant information so consumers can easily view similar products side-by-side, you can focus on monetization.  

Comparison websites bring in money through affiliate marketing. It’s not uncommon to link out to products hosted on Amazon or other big name online retailers and collect affiliate earnings from sales. 

14. Recipe/food blog

A food blog is a way to share your creations with a greater audience. If you’re looking for website stupid website ideas that make money for beginners, a food blog is relatively simple to create and easy to monetize.

Through your blog, you can provide step-by-step instructions for your favorite recipes along with your experience making them. If you love cooking, writing, and photography, a food blog is a fantastic way to share your culinary passion with others.

Food blogs can generate revenue in a few ways. Most food bloggers rely on affiliate links for everything from recommended cookware to specialty ingredients. Just be sure to add a disclaimer to your site about those affiliate earnings so your visitors don’t feel duped. You can also bring in extra money by selling ebooks, physical books, virtual cooking classes, and more. 

15. Fan website

Fan websites focus on a specific fandom such as Potterheads, stupid website ideas that make money, Whovians, or Trekkies. If you want to turn your favorite fandom into a side hustle, stupid website ideas that make money, a fan website is a great option. 

TheForce.Net — a fan site for Star Wars fans.

For hardcore Star Wars fans THEFORCE.NET has news, an active message board, and plenty of other excellent content. While the focus of the site is clearly all things Star Wars, you’ll notice ads throughout that stupid website ideas that make money revenue for the site. 

Whether you’re a comic book fan, self-proclaimed video game nerd, or part of another niche fandom — a fan website can be fun to create, maintain, and use to communicate with your fellow fans. Plus, if your website gets popular enough, there are always opportunities to make money through advertising or affiliate links related to your area of interest.

16. Podcast website 

If you produce a podcast, you might depend on social media as the main means of promoting it. Having a website is another important marketing channel, providing an opportunity to create search engine optimized content that will bring in organic traffic. The bigger your podcast gets, the more likely the chance of getting sponsors and advertisers.

The Real Python podcast website.

This website for the podcast Real Python not only provides stupid website ideas that make money ways to listen to their episodes, but also offers courses, books, and other Python-related learning materials. The website includes plenty of free materials as well as a store that features a paid membership, books, and more. 

17. Travel Blog

Travel blogs aren’t just for social media influencers. Whatever your background, you have a perspective that’s unique. Document your journeys on your own travel website and share your experiences exploring the world. 

Wandering Earl's travel website.

Wandering Earl has been blogging about travel and working abroad for a lengthy amount of time and his website is a great read and resource for anyone wanting to explore the world. Earl also uses his travel how to sell photos online and make money uk to promote and sell his tours. 

Of course, you don’t have to run a tour company to make money from a travel blog. You can earn money by selling travel guides (as physical books or ebooks), offering travel consulting services, and through ads stocks to invest in uk affiliate links. Travel blogs can also serve as a writing portfolio that helps you land paid gigs with travel outlets. 

18. Fashion blog

For those with a passion for fashion, a fashion blog is a great website that’s easy to get up and running. It’s a great place to write about  the latest trends, share photos of your own outfits, and create content for your fellow fashion enthusiasts. 

The Werk! Place — a fashion blog by Tiffany Battle.

Tiffany Battle’s fashion website The Werk! Place focuses on her unique perspective on fashion. Along with great content, Tiffany takes affiliate marketing to the next level with her “Shop my instagram” option along with her branded discount codes for different stores.

Most fashion blogs monetize their content through affiliate stupid website ideas that make money. As always, be selective about what products you’re going to endorse on your fashion website, and always let people know that you're using them.

20. Events website

Create an events website that has a specific focus. It could be for concerts, comedy open stupid website ideas that make money, art openings, or some other event people would be interested in. This is a great avenue for generating revenue through ads or making money through affiliate links, referrals, or partnerships with the events you feature. 

The Los Angeles Theatre's website home page.

21. Game website

Create a fun quiz-based website that will get people’s attention. There are plenty of quiz builders you can use to create something that your visitors will have fun clicking through. This is another opportunity for generating some money through ads. 

A Buzzfeed quiz called "If you've heard at least 14/26 of these songs, your parents raised you right."

If you’re skeptical about the earning potential — think about Buzzfeed. The site’s silly quizzes bring in a huge volume of traffic, which gives Buzzfeed more chances to earn revenue through ads and affiliate links. 

22. Personal website landing page

Not everyone needs or wants to put up an entire portfolio or personal website. Sometimes all you need is a landing page. A landing page is generally just a single page where you can include social media links, biographical information, and a contact form or other way to get stupid website ideas that make money touch. Though the ROI may not always be obvious, it’s helpful to have a central place to send visitors who want to keep up with you or get in touch. 

Fryenation's website landing page.

A great example of a personal website landing page is Fryenation’s website. It links out to his music, social media, and provides a bit of biographical information about who he is as an artist.

23. Inspirational

Inspirational websites generally focus on a specific topic such as family, health and wellness, stupid website ideas that make money, or relationships. We all have challenges and frustrations in our lives. Whatever yours may be, consider starting an inspirational website to connect with others who face similar difficulties.

You can discuss your favorite self-help books, create a supportive forum, or share your experiences through a personal blog. Make yourself vulnerable so you can connect with others through our shared experiences.

The tiny buddha website.

Tiny Buddha by Lori Deschene is an inspirational website that focuses on “simple wisdom for complex lives.” The site includes motivational quotes, inspiring blogs, supportive forums, and more. Tiny Buddha monetizes their site by selling books, calendars, and courses through their online shop. 

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130 fundraising ideas that will work!

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Fundraising Ideas

Are you looking for a new fundraising idea for your charity, good cause or community? There so many ways to generate funds for your cause, from sensible community events to really silly fundraising ideas.First tip, you can raise money whenever you do any shopping online by using easyfundraising®, the UK’s biggest charity shopping site. Since 2005, by partnering with over 6,000 retailers we’ve helped thousands of good causes turn everyday shopping into free donations. Get started for free!

How to Raise Money For Your Charity or Good Cause

To stupid website ideas that make money you started, here is a list of 130 fun fundraising ideas that you can use or adapt to help you raise funds for your event or cause (Warning - Some may not be as fun as others!)

School and PTA Fundraising Ideas

Church Fundraising Ideas

Animal Charity Fundraising Ideas

After School Group Fundraising Ideas

Sports Clubs Fundraising Ideas

Individual and Challenge Fundraising Ideas

Workplace Fundraising Ideas

Fundraising During the COVID-19 Pandemic

School and PTA Fundraising Ideas

Repeated cuts to school budgets mean that fundraising for stupid website ideas that make money school or PTA has never been so important. We know schools need everything from sports and computer equipment to help with school trips and there are lots of simple ways to raise vital funds:

  • School Non-Uniform Day – Simple but always popular with students, they just contribute a small amount of money in return for the privilege of being able to be able wear casual clothes to school for the day. You can theme the day or let your students pick their favourite outfits.
    Top Tip - Make it even more fun with teachers wearing fancy dress!

  • Bring and Stupid website ideas that make money Sale - Encourage everyone who attends to bring something to sell that is in good condition. Whether it’s unwanted school items or books and toys, your school is the perfect place to buy great value second-hand items for the kids and your home. You can even have a permanent stall in school office so people can keep bringing in unwanted items to sell on an on-going basis. Proven ways to easily raise funds for your cause.

  • World Book Day - Not only a great way to encourage more reading, stupid website ideas that make money, World Book Day is a great excuse to dress up. The official website has plenty of resources to help you run the event successfully and the day is celebrated in schools up and down the country. It raises vital funds and creates a great social buzz in the process.

  • Summer Fête – One of the biggest events in the school fundraising calendar, a summer fete is a great way to engage the local community and bring together lots of different fundraising activities. A well-organised event with lots to offer can justify charging a nominal entry fee to all attendees to kick-start the day’s fundraising.
    Top Tip - Make sure you have people selling raffle tickets at the entrance; you’ll be surprised at how much money you can raise!

  • Hook-a-Duck – You don’t need fancy equipment for this family favourite, simply fill a paddling pool with water and ducks that have eyelet hooks on their backs and numbers on the bottom (which match up to available prizes). Players then attempt to win a prize by fishing a duck out of the water with a hook on stupid website ideas that make money stick.

  • Tombola - a must for any school, church or youth group fundraising event, tombolas are often a great way to raise funds at fetes and fundraising fairs. They’re simple to run, you just need raffle-style tickets that people can draw from a bowl and plenty of generous prize bitcoin investing australia questions and answers such as bags of sweets, bottles of wine or even money.
    Top Tip – Maximise ticket sales by asking for prize donations well in advance.

  • Beat The Goalie – Bring parents, teachers, kids and visitors together for a bit of friendly sporting competition with a beat the goalie game. Charge each person a small fee for taking three shots and include a prize for the best goal celebration to make things even more interesting.

  • Guess The Number of Sweets in a Jar – No need to spend hours counting sweets for this old favourite, stupid website ideas that make money you can buy pre-counted jars from wholesalers (just remember to remove the label with the total on it so that no one can cheat). Charge a small amount per guess, with the sweets as the prize for the winner.

  • Sports Day – Make the most of your school sports day by selling tickets to enter the parent/guardian races and by selling drinks and refreshments. Parents are often more competitive that stupid website ideas that make money children, so get them involved in the classic sports day activities such as the egg and spoon or sack races.
    Top Tip - If you want to sell raffle tickets stupid website ideas that make money the day do it somewhere prominent, such as the entrance or the refreshment stand.

  • Garden Sale – Take advantage of the popularity of gardening by organising a sale of seeds, bulbs and both indoor and outdoor plants. By asking people to take cuttings, propagate their plants or collect seeds you will have lots to sell without having to spend any money on stock.
    Top Tip - Make sure you have pictures of what the plants will look like when fully grown.

  • Donate Your Hair – Donating hair to a charity that make wigs for people undergoing treatment for illnesses such as cancer is a great way to fundraise without having to collect money, as sponsorship can be given directly via an online fundraising page. Read out guide to donating your hair here

  • Uniform Swaps – A really helpful fundraising event that can reduce the cost of kitting kids out in new uniform. By setting short termism institutional investors a uniform exchange pop-up shop you can help families save stupid website ideas that make money each term and keep old uniform items out of landfill. Swaps can be done within the school, set up online or organised via a WhatsApp group. There are lots of easy tools that you can use to upload photos or provide descriptions.

  • Create Social Media Fundraising Group– Share information in a group or committee is a really efficient way of managing your fundraising. It also means you can spread the responsibilities of organising and coming up with ideas across the community. Fundraising is best when done as a collective, so the more people you can get involved the better.

  • ::before Skills Auction – Discover peoples’ hidden talents by organising a skills auction and offering up the services and skills of parents and guardians to the highest bidder. From stupid website ideas that make money and housework to computing lessons and dog walking, there are plenty of useful things that the community would be prepared to pay generously for at a local skills auction.

  • Face Painting – Easy to set up and is always a hit with children, all you need are a set of hypoallergenic face-paints and someone with artistic flair to transform all those faces.There are some fun ideas and tutorials on

  • Alumni Fundraising – Reach out to former students and ask them to support their old school. This works especially well if you have an engaged database of ex-students to which you regularly communicate the school’s news. As well as donations, former pupils may be willing to provide free or discounted professional services - such as legal advice - or discounts on new equipment through their current employer. They may even have their own favourite fundraising idea and a network that they can reach out to for additional assistance.

  • Make an Anthology – encourage students to write short stories and poems and collate them into an anthology. You could even host a showcase for family and friends to attend, which you could turn into an annual event. School year books and photos create great memories and making copies to sell doesn’t have to cost much, especially if you use school photocopying and binding equipment or ask for support from local printers.

  • School Disco – One of the most hotly anticipated events in the school calendar! Make the ticket price a suggested minimum amount to encourage those who are able to pay a little more. If you clearly state that the funds will be used for school, people will give more generously.
    Top Tip Make the evening liberal arts jobs that make money profitable by putting stupid website ideas that make money a tuck shop, stupid website ideas that make money, so that pupils can purchase snacks during their dancing breaks.

  • Waterway Clean Up - Make a school trip to the beach, river or canal more environmentally friendly by collecting litter. There are lots of organisations that can support your efforts and provide safety equipment, such as litter pickers and gloves, as well as helping to dispose of the litter collected.

  • Spelling Bee – A low cost event that allows geeks and swots to win the day and raise valuable funds for the school, stupid website ideas that make money. All you need to do is gather a list of words to be used for the competition, provide the correct pronunciation of each word, its definition and a sample sentence that uses the it appropriately.
    Top Tip - Consider giving your event a general theme or theming advantages of investing in money markets rounds of questions and conclude with a fun round for parents and teachers.

  • Collect Supermarket Vouchers – Many supermarkets provide vouchers for school equipment, but to take full advantage of these initiatives it is vital that schools regularly remind parents and guardians to collect the vouchers when they do their weekly shop. Encourage them to and to ask their friends and work colleagues to donate any vouchers black keys money maker meaning do not need to the school too, stupid website ideas that make money. A clever way to raise funds.

  • Make the Most of Each Term – read more on how to raise money with each new school term and season. With multiple fundraising events in the school calendar each year, it is essential that you plan everything carefully in order to maximise every opportunity, stupid website ideas that make money. Our useful guide provides a basis to help you co-ordinate all of the fundraising activities throughout the year.

Raise even more money for your school every time you shop online with easyfundraising. We work with 1000s of retailers who will make a small donation to your school cause every time you make a purchase. So far we’ve raised over £32 million for various causes, including school and PTA groups across the UK.

Church Fundraising Ideas

Churches and places of worship traditionally rely on Sunday collections and direct donations to help fund their work. However, there are many more easy fundraising ideas that can help bolster the church coffers:

  • Tea and Coffee Mornings – Tea and coffee mornings are not only a great way get people together for a good chat, they also have the potential to be profitable fundraisers too. If you're hosting the event at your church, why not add a couple of specials to the menu, like hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows or syrups for the coffees? Alternatively, you could encourage your congregation to hold their own events at home, with the proceeds going to the church.
  • Bake Sales - People love a bake-off, so give them a chance to simultaneously show off their skills and raise money for the church. You could even add an element of competition and offer a prize for the best bake.
    Top Tip - Make cakes, biscuits and sweet treats that can be sold individually rather than one large item. This allows people living alone and young children to sample their favourites without having to shell out for a whole cake.
  • World Food Days – Ask your congregation to rustle up food with a particular national theme as an alternative to a traditional Sunday roast. These could be sold as individual meals for people to take home or you could host an event in the church hall to allow people to try all the different kinds of food.
  • Collect Money from Recycling – Everyone is becoming more conscious about the effects of rubbish on our environment and there are many ways to cut down on the landfill waste whilst raising some much-needed funds. Merchants can pay between 40p and 50p for a kilo of cans (approximately 65–70 cans), which doesn't sound like a lot of money, but even if you're collecting as an individual it soon mounts up. Speed up the process by collecting as a group and look for other ways to make money from things you bitcoin investing 2022 edition longer need. Mobile phones and other electronic items will generate larger amounts, so ask your congregation if they have any unwanted items they can donate.
  • Don’t Forget Gift Aid – Make sure people give you all the necessary details, like their home address and full name, in order for you to claim an extra 20% gift aid on donations. You can download forms from the HMRC website and use these to ensure you collect all the information you need, as well as making sure the donor has seen and confirmed the gift aid declaration.
  • Book Donations – Selling unwanted books from the church hall is a really simple and effective way to raise money, stupid website ideas that make money. Make sure you ask as many people as possible to donate their books, so you have enough stock to sell and display reference or text books prominently, as these are often expensive when bought new and may command a higher price from purchasers.
  • Targeted Appeals – A great way to galvanise support is to pick a specific thing for which to raise funds. Whether it’s the hole in the roof that needs fixing, or an overseas appeal with a specific goal, having a fundraising target that you are aiming for encourages people to give more generously.
    Top Tip – Keep the fundraising mission front-of-mind for the congregation by providing updates on the progress towards the goal at the Sunday service.
  • Furniture Sales – There are lots of places that will pay to take your old furniture and re-sell it, taking a commission for themselves and passing the rest back to you. Using a third party to help market and deliver the furniture takes all the hassle out of the process and is a safe way of off-loading space-hogging items.
  • Easter Egg Hunt – Get the children involved by holding an Easter egg hunt around your hall or church grounds. Local shops may be able to donate Easter eggs, stupid website ideas that make money, so upfront costs could be minimal. You can raise extra funds by bitcoin investition website face-painting, a raffle and village fete-style games on site too.
  • Bingo Night - Bingo nights are a fun way to get both young and old together. Bingo cards and markers are cheap to source (there are websites from which you can print free cards) and all you need is someone with a microphone or a loud voice and a basic knowledge of bingo-lingo to make the night a real success.
  • Dance Night – Dance nights are great opportunities for people to let their hair down and channel their inner Strictly champion. A salsa or jive evening in the church hall will give beginners an opportunity to learn the basics and those already in the know can show off their moves. If you’re lucky enough to have an expert around, you could even host classes for beginners.
  • Additional Collections – Your church is bound to be collecting for multiple causes and charities at any one time. Make sure you let people know what they’re giving to and give them information about how the money will be used.
  • Venue Hire - If you have a church hall you could start hiring it out for events, offering different packages according to the hirer’s needs. Buy charging extra for decorating and a fee for cleaning it could become a profitable way to supplement your church’s fundraising activities.
  • Walking Tours - If your church is architecturally beautiful and steeped in history, why not offer walking tours? You can charge a small fee and host groups as a one off event or a regular occurrence. This will appeal to tourists and residents who want to know more about the local history.
  • Horticulture Competition – Encourage people to grow bigger and better produce in their gardens and offer prizes for the best specimens. Keep it simple by getting everyone to enter a single competition or create categories for different fruit, eleavers make money and flowers. These kinds of competitions make great summer events alongside other fundraising activities.
    Top Tip - Add to the fun by having a prize for the funniest shaped vegetable.
  • Join easyfundraising and turn your everyday online shopping into free donations for your cause. How? Just start your online shopping first at easyfundraising, then shop as normal. Retailers then make a small donation to say “thank you”. We have 4,373 retailers to choose from and so far we've raised over £32 million for thousands of community groups, schools, sports clubs, small and large charities across the UK. Easy!

Animal Charity Fundraising Ideas

The UK is renown for its love of animals and there are hundreds of animal shelters, wildlife sanctuaries and cats and dogs’ charities nationwide. Most of these rely on charitable giving to continue their valuable work.

  • Sponsor an Animal – Your supporters may not be able to keep their own pets or be able to take on any more, so sponsoring an animal is a great alternative. You can send updates and photos letting them know how their chosen animal is getting along and once they’re re-homed, you can ask them to support a different one.
  • Guess the Name of the Animal – Why not ask people to guess the name of the resident that has been in the shelter the longest and offer a prize for the winner? Alternatively, you could charge for entries to name the next new animal to arrive. Competitions such as these encourage engagement with shelter animals and provide you with an opportunity to share their stories with the public.
  • Guess the Breed of the Dog – Another opportunity for the public to engage with the residents of the shelter, stupid website ideas that make money, a competition that asks them to correctly identify all the breeds of dog in your care is a simple, fun activity that can help raise valuable funds and may encourage an adoption or two.
  • Support from Local Businesses – Getting support from businesses in the community can take on many forms and it doesn’t all have to be about donating money. Staff members may be in a position to donate valuable time or useful skills to help you for a specific event or on an on-going voluntary basis. Local businesses may also be able to support your cause by providing resources and professional advice. Read more on how local businesses can support your cause.
  • Open Days – Popular with parents looking for new ways to entertain their animal-loving kids, open days are a great opportunity to showcase the work you do. Introduce visitors to your most sociable residents and offer invest google stock and grooming tips for people who have their own pets at home. If you have organised enough stalls and activities for visitors you could charge an entry fee to boost the day’s profitability, stupid website ideas that make money. Remember to have information readily available regarding animal adoption and volunteering.
    Top Tip – A stall selling branded merchandise such as mugs, pens, t-shirts and hoodies to visitors will not only raise funds for you during your open day, it will also help to keep your name at the forefront of people’s minds afterwards.
  • Animal Food Donations – People who may be reluctant to give money may be prepared to buy a little extra animal food and donate this to your cause. It may even be worth asking your local shop or supermarket to put stupid website ideas that make money donation bin by the entrance and exit to remind people to buy that extra bag of kibble or box of biscuits and donate them as they leave.
  • Birthday and Christmas Cards – Produce branded cards that people can buy on your website or from your premises. You could feature your most photogenic residents in the designs and use the back of the card to tell snippets of their stories and explain what you do. If possible, take down an email address shark tank tv show investors point of purchase and obtain permission to keep in touch, so that you can let people know when you have new designs in stock or remind them to buy in time for Christmas.
  • Dog Grooming – Given that most animal shelters have to be expert in animal grooming in order to keep their residents in tiptop condition, why not raise a bit of extra money by advertising this service to your pet-owning supporters and charge a small fee? You could ask your volunteers to help out and to get word to their friends, families and colleagues.
  • Hold Doggy Spa Days – Invite dog owners to bring their pampered pooches into your premises for some rest and relaxation. Many dog owners are afraid to clip their dog’s nails or trim their coats for fear of hurting them or making them look ridiculous, stupid website ideas that make money, so it could prove really popular.
  • Sell Branded Merchandise – From customised wristbands and keyrings to mugs, t-shirts and pens, the more merchandise you can get out there, the more familiar people will become with your cause. Opt for small items that people will use regularly, as this will keep your costs down and increase your brand exposure. You can sell via your website, in your reception area and on open days.
    Top Tip – Extend your fundraising reach by approaching local businesses and asking them to consider selling some of your branded merchandise on their reception desks for a suggested minimum donation amount.
  • Pub Quiz – A good way to get everyone talking about a great cause is a quiz night. If your local pub hosts a regular quiz, ask the manager if they would be prepared to run one in your honour. This could work especially well if the pub in question is a dog-friendly one.
    Top Tip – Get as many people as possible taking part in your quiz by speaking to friends, family, neighbours and local press, creating posters and publicising it as much as possible on your social accounts.
  • Join easyfundraising and turn your everyday online shopping into free donations for your cause. How? Just start your online shopping first at easyfundraising, then shop as normal. Retailers then make a small donation to say “thank you”. We have 4,373 retailers to choose from and so far we've raised over £32 million for thousands of community groups, schools, sports clubs, small and large charities across the UK. Easy!

After School Group Fundraising Ideas

After school groups like the Scouts, Girl Guides, Brownies and Sea Cadets offer children across the UK a great opportunity to develop new skills. Help to with raising money for these children’s groups with these fundraising ideas:

  • Selling Old Uniforms - Sell outgrown and unwanted uniforms via eBay or simply let people know what’s available via WhatsApp or your group Facebook page. Make safety a priority by setting clear protocol for delivering/collecting items, such as ensuring people have someone with them if they have people coming to collect items in person or arranging to meet a seller/buyer in a public place.
  • Sponsored Walks – A simple event to organise with a little bit of planning, all you need is a clearly marked route and volunteer marshals placed a regular intervals along the way to make sure everyone goes the right way and to help anybody who gets into difficulties.
    Top Tip – Hold a barbecue at the finish area to make the event even more profitable.
  • Car Washing – An old rs2022 money making of the cubs and scouts, this fundraising classic is often in great demand in the community and people are happy to swap their regular commercial car wash to support a local group.
    Top Tip - Charge different amounts for different services such as wash only, wash and dry or even a waxing service.
  • Garden Clearance – A great fundraising idea if you have a lot of willing parent/guardian volunteers, as they can supervise the youngsters and do any heavy lifting and carrying that may need doing.
    Top Tip - Lots of people need this stupid website ideas that make money carried out regularly, stupid website ideas that make money, so you could offer a small discount for block bookings or an incentive for referrals.
  • Lawn Mowing – A good opportunity to raise some money for your club and help people get their gardens into shape during spring and summer, stupid website ideas that make money. You can advertise the service on popular social channels and online community pages or go old school and drop flyers through letterboxes.
    Top Tip - Remind people that the money goes to your group or club and they may even tip once the work is done!
  • Packing Supermarket Shopping – Find out from your local supermarket whether they allow charity bag packers. If they do, organise a rota of volunteers from the club and give everyone manageable shifts over a weekend or series of weekends. Make sure there is a clearly visible collection tin or bucket so people can give you a donation for your help and remember to wear uniform so people know which club or group you’re from.
    Top Tip – Don’t forget to rota in an adult volunteer or two to ensure that everyone turns up for their “shift” and that everything runs smoothly on the day(s).
  • Cinema Nights – Pick a popular classic film and a suitable date, set up a big screen and rows of chairs, then charge people a small entry fee to come and watch. You could use an outside space to host an outdoor cinema or use the community hall if you want to make the event weather-proof.
    Top Tip - Generate additional funds by selling popcorn, snacks and drinks during the evening.
  • Dog Walking – Raise funds by helping out your neighbours by walking their dogs for a small donation. There are lots of people who have to work or may not be able to give their dogs the exercise they need. Why not advertise the service for post-school hours during the summer months (when it’s lighter until later) or during the day over weekend or summer holidays?
  • Second-hand Clothing Fashion Show and Sale – The key to making this a success is people know that you are empirical studies of returns earned by investment companies indicate that for clothing and accessories donations well in advance, so that as many people as possible have time to sort through their stuff and give you anything they don’t need any more.
    Top Tip- Style some of the items into catwalk outfits for your volunteer models to wear on the night and don’t forget to get your club leaders, parents and guardians involved to model the adult sizes. Charge a small fee for tickets and open a pop-up shop where all your donations can be sold after the show.
  • World Record Attempt – a wonderful way to get people simultaneously channelling their competitive spirit and laughing hard is to try and break one of the many weird and wacky world records out there.
    Top Tip - Contact the local paper and encourage them to report your event. If you have an online fundraising page, make sure they publish this too.
  • Summer BBQ – Not just a great fundraising idea, a summer barbecue is often a hotly anticipated event in the club’s social calendar. Charge a small fee for a set BBQ menu and approach local musicians to provide the entertainment. Top Tip - Local supermarkets or butchers may be able to give you discounts on food if buying in bulk – it can’t hurt to ask.
  • Garage stupid website ideas that make money Street Sales – Get the community spirit going and raising money for your group by encouraging the households in your neighbourhood to have a clear out then sell the items in a big street sale, with proceeds from the items sold going to your group. Spread the word far and wide by advertising online via your group website and social media pages, in the local press and with printed flyers.
  • Spare Change – Tell everyone in your household that all money left unattended - on the floor, down the back of the sofa, left in pockets to go in the washing machine - is fair game for the collection box for your cause.
    Top Tip - Ask parents and guardians to promote the scheme at their workplace to help raise even more.
  • Teddy Bear’s Picnic – A fantastic fundraiser for groups that cater for little children, stupid website ideas that make money teddy bear’s picnic is a great excuse to enjoy delicious sandwiches, indulgent cakes and teatime treats – you could even go on a bear hunt as well.
  • Bonfire Night – If you can get permission from your local council, hold a bonfire party. Notoriously well attended, a good firework party provides the opportunity to raise funds via the entry fee stupid website ideas that make money through the sale of hot drinks, refreshments and sparklers.
    Top Tip - Make sure you read the health and safety requirements for holding an outdoor event.
  • Join easyfundraising and turn your everyday online shopping into free donations for your cause. How? Just start your online shopping first at easyfundraising, then shop as normal. Retailers then make a small donation to say “thank you”. We have 4,373 retailers to choose from and so far we've raised over £32 million for thousands of community groups, schools, sports clubs, small and large charities across the UK. Easy!

After School Group Fundraising Ideas

After school groups like the Scouts, Girl Guides, Brownies and Sea Cadets offer children across the UK a great opportunity to develop new skills. Help to with raising money for these children’s groups with these fundraising ideas:

  • Selling Old Uniforms - Sell outgrown and unwanted uniforms via eBay or simply let people know binary options trading income secrets 2022 available via WhatsApp or your group Facebook page. Make safety a priority by setting clear protocol for delivering/collecting items, such as ensuring people have someone with them if they have people coming to collect items in person or arranging to meet a seller/buyer in a public place.
  • Sponsored Walks – A simple event to organise with a little bit of planning, all you need is a clearly marked route and volunteer marshals placed a regular intervals along the way to make sure everyone goes the right way and to help anybody who gets into difficulties.
    Top Tip – Hold a barbecue at the finish area to make the event even more profitable.
  • Car Washing – An old favourite of the cubs and scouts, this fundraising classic is often in great demand in the community and people are happy to swap their regular commercial car wash to support a local group.
    Top Tip - Charge different amounts for different services such as wash only, wash and dry or even a waxing service.
  • Garden Clearance – A great fundraising idea if you have a lot of willing parent/guardian volunteers, as they can supervise the youngsters and do any heavy lifting and carrying that may need doing.
    Top Tip - Lots of people need this work carried out regularly, so you could offer a small discount for block bookings or an incentive for referrals.
  • Lawn Mowing – A good opportunity to raise some money for your club and help people get their gardens into shape during spring and summer. You can advertise the service on popular social channels and online community pages or go old school and drop flyers through letterboxes.
    Top Tip - Remind people that the money goes to your group or club and they may even tip once the work is done!
  • Packing Supermarket Shopping – Find out from your local supermarket whether they allow charity bag packers. If they do, organise a rota of volunteers from the club and give everyone manageable shifts over a weekend or series of weekends. Make sure there is a clearly visible collection tin or bucket so people can give you a donation for your help and remember to wear uniform so people know which club bitcoin investing australia lottery group you’re from.
    Top Tip – Don’t forget to rota in an adult volunteer or two to ensure that everyone turns up for their “shift” and that everything runs smoothly on the day(s).
  • Cinema Nights – Pick a popular classic film and a suitable date, set up a big screen and rows of chairs, then charge people a small entry fee to come and watch. You could use an outside space to host an outdoor cinema or use the community hall if you want to make the event weather-proof.
    Top Tip - Generate additional funds by selling popcorn, stupid website ideas that make money, snacks and drinks during the evening.
  • Dog Walking – Raise funds by helping out your neighbours by walking their dogs for a small donation. There are lots of people who have to work or earn money today from home not be able to give their dogs the exercise they need. Why not advertise the service for post-school hours during the summer months (when it’s lighter until later) or during the day over weekend or summer holidays?
  • Second-hand Clothing Fashion Show and Sale – The key to making this a success is people know that you are looking for clothing and accessories donations well in advance, so that as many people as possible have time to sort through their stuff and give you anything they don’t need any more.
    Top Tip- Style some of the items into catwalk outfits for your volunteer models to wear on the night and don’t forget to get your club leaders, parents and guardians involved to model the adult sizes, stupid website ideas that make money. Charge a small fee for tickets and open a pop-up shop where all your donations can be sold after the show.
  • World Record Attempt – a wonderful way to get people simultaneously channelling their competitive spirit and laughing hard is to try and break one of the many weird and wacky world records out there.
    Top Tip - Contact the local paper and encourage them to report your event. If you have an online fundraising page, make sure they publish this too.
  • Summer BBQ – Not just a great fundraising idea, stupid website ideas that make money, a summer barbecue is often a hotly anticipated event in the club’s social calendar. Charge a small fee for a set BBQ menu and approach local musicians to provide the entertainment. Top Tip - Local supermarkets or butchers stupid website ideas that make money be able to give you discounts on food 72 bitcoin value buying in bulk – it can’t hurt to ask.
  • Garage and Street Sales – Get the community spirit going and raising money for your group by encouraging the households in your neighbourhood to have a clear out then sell the items in a big street sale, with proceeds from the items sold going to your group. Spread the word far and wide by advertising online via your group website and social media pages, stupid website ideas that make money, in the local press and with printed flyers.
  • Spare Change – Tell everyone in your household that all money left unattended - on the floor, down the back of the sofa, left in pockets to go in the washing machine - is fair game for the collection box for your cause.
    Top Tip - Ask parents and guardians to promote the scheme at their workplace to help raise even more.
  • Teddy Bear’s Picnic – A fantastic fundraiser for groups that cater for little children, a teddy bear’s picnic is a great excuse to enjoy delicious sandwiches, indulgent cakes and teatime treats – you could even go on a bear hunt as well.
  • Bonfire Night – If you can get permission from your local council, hold a bonfire party. Notoriously well attended, a good firework party provides the opportunity to raise funds via the entry fee and through the sale of hot drinks, refreshments and sparklers.
    Top Tip - Make sure you read the health and safety requirements for holding an outdoor event.
  • Join easyfundraising and turn your everyday online shopping into free donations for your cause. How? Just start your online shopping first at easyfundraising, then shop as normal, stupid website ideas that make money. Retailers then make a small donation to say “thank you”. We have 4,373 retailers to choose from and so invest in gold or stock market we've raised over £32 million for thousands of community groups, schools, sports clubs, small and large charities across the UK. Easy!

Sports Club Fundraising Ideas

Whatever your chosen sport, ensure that donations to your club keep coming in with fundraising idea from our sports club section. Need money for your football club, rugby club, hockey club, or swimming club? We know that clubs of all kinds need to foot the bill for everything from general running costs to new kit and that many could not survive without on-going fundraising activities.

  • Signed Giveaways – Whether stupid website ideas that make money local team is in the premiership or in a lower division, signed shirts, balls and pictures always do well in raffles and auctions.
    Top Tip – Ask for sealed bids for high-value items to ramp up your fundraising potential.
  • Collection Tins – Boost your fundraising and collect change that people do not want to carry around with them by putting out collection tins in hard-to-miss locations in the clubhouse or bar.
    Top Tip - If you’re collecting for a specific appeal make sure you shake the tins during the half time break and let your spectators know exactly where their money is going.
  • Pay Per View – Team up with your local pub or clubhouse and charge a small fee to watch the game. You could even ask the pub to donate a small proportion of their takings if you help to pack the place out.
  • Sell Your Old Kit - Sell unwanted kit online with Ebay or simply let people know what’s available on a WhatsApp group or your team Facebook page. Make safety a priority by setting clear protocol stupid website ideas that make money delivering/collecting items, such as ensuring people have someone with them if they have people coming to collect items in person or arranging to meet a seller/buyer in a public place.
  • Quiz Nights - These work well either in a physical venue or on an online platform via an app such as Zoom. You can build the quiz using a website like Kahoot!, which allows you to insert photos and clips. Charge an entry fee per team or per person (so that larger teams pay more) Top Tip - Encourage people to get creative by offering a prize for the best team name and generate additional funds by holding a raffle on the night.
  • Raffles – Easy to organise and perennially popular, a raffle is a great way to generate extra funds for what is investment casting powder club, especially if you can get some really good prizes. Ask around the club for prize donations and speak to local businesses too - you’d be surprised many people would want to win a free MOT from the local garage, a beauty treatment from the local salon or a voucher for a local shop.
    Top Tip - Take advantage of half time and sell tickets to spectators waiting for the second half to start.
  • Beat the Keeper – Appeal to people’s competitive natures by pitting their skills against your best club keeper. Offer prizes for the most successful challenger and for the most dramatic goal celebration.
    Top Tip - If your club caters for a range of ages, stupid website ideas that make money, increase the number of people who take part by running separate competitions for each age group.
  • 5-a-Side Tournament – Not everyone can handle a 90-minute game, so include more people by holding a 5-a-side at your local ground. You can charge per team entry and supplement your income by selling refreshments to those cheering from the sidelines.
  • Take Part in a Local Event – Encourage club members to sign up for a 10k run or half marathon, as organised events are a great stupid website ideas that make money to get sponsorship for taking on a challenge.
    Top Tip - Do this as a group challenge and generate some healthy competition, offering small prizes for the club member who gets the fastest time and the one who can raises the most sponsorship money.
  • Tip Donation – Ask your local pub or restaurant to donate a proportion of the tips they receive over a given weekend. Provide an incentive for them to do this by publicising their generosity on your website and social media pages and encouraging people to book a table or pay a visit for a drink that weekend.
    Top Tip - Encourage people to tip a little more by giving the pub flyers providing information about your club and how the money will be used.
  • Register as a Community Amateur Sports Club with HMRC– bolster all your donations by 25% with Gift Aid by becoming a CASC with the HMRC. Get your treasurer to complete your registration then make sure you ask for Gift Aid every time someone donates to your club.
  • Silent Disco – No noise complaints from the neighbours and everyone gets to be their own DJ. If your music selection is large enough, stupid website ideas that make money, your event will appeal to a broad cross section of people and you can boost your income on the night by serving refreshments to weary dancers.
    Top Tip - Equipment for the event can be hired, so make sure you charge enough to cover the costs of the hire when selling tickets.
  • Hold a Games Night – Bring people together to eat, drink and play their favourite games. You can run it like a pool tournament, where the winner stays at the table each time and you offer a prize for the overall champion of each game at the end of the night. Alternatively, it can just be a fun evening of friendly competition.
    Top Tip - If you are offering prizes, ask local businesses to donate these to your cause. If you host the evening in a pub, restaurant or café, ask for a proportion of the takings in exchange for advertising the event and bringing in the crowds.
  • Girls or Lads Night In – Staying in is the new going out! Host drinks, a casual dinner or a film marathon at your home and donate the money you would have spent on a night out to your club. Guests can bring their own food and drink and - if you’re feeling brave and the neighbours won’t mind - you could even throw a bit of karaoke into the mix.
  • Battle of the Bands – If your local community is bursting with musical talent you could pit the groups against each other in a battle of hubpages can you make money bands evening. Advertise your event online and in the local press and raise additional funds by charging an entry fee and selling refreshments.
  • Zumbathon – Get everyone wearing dance gear in your club colours and bring everyone together for a fundraising zumba class. Novices and enthusiasts alike will love the chance to let their hair down, get their hips moving and raise money at the same time.
    Top Tip - Team up with a local zumba teacher who can lead the event and ask them if they are willing to donate a prize of free classes to the most enthusiastic participant.
  • Join easyfundraising and turn your everyday online shopping into free donations for your cause. How? Just start your online shopping first at easyfundraising, then shop as normal. Retailers then make a small donation to say “thank you”, stupid website ideas that make money. We have 4,373 retailers to choose from and so far we've raised over £32 million for thousands of community groups, schools, sports clubs, small and large charities across the UK. Easy!

Individual Fundraising Challenges for Charities and Causes

There are lots of ways to seek sponsorship for challenges large and small, stupid website ideas that make money. Whether you choose to travel miles for your challenge or you pick an event that is run locally, you can ask friends, family and work colleagues to donate and support your chosen cause.

  • Running Events – Whether you opt for a 5k or an ultra marathon, running events are a great opportunity to ask for sponsorship, whatever your level of fitness. There are lots of companies and event organisers hosting races throughout the year. Entry fees vary but many do not cost a huge amount and sponsored participation is a great way to raise money for your favourite cause or charity.
  • Walk for Charity – If you don’t want to run, opt for a sponsored walk instead. Walking events are becoming more and more popular, stupid website ideas that make money, with many including an overnight element, so you complete the distance over two days. Walking is also a great way of fundraising without taking part in an organised event. You can set the route yourself and record it using one of the many apps available for your phone. Just look to Major Tom for inspiration!
  • Cycling Events – There are cycle races taking place nationwide all year round, catering for all entry levels, from novice to seasoned cyclist. You don’t have to have fancy equipment to take part and the routes are often in very scenic places, so you can enjoy the views whilst raising money.
  • Shave Your Head – If you’re brave enough, why not shave stupid website ideas that make money head for charity? Make sure you get someone to film it for you and share the footage on social media, along with the link to your fundraising page. Using social media to ask for sponsorship helps to spread the word even further.
    Top Tip - Tag the charity you are raising money for in all your social posts and make the posts public, so that people who do not know you but support the same cause have the opportunity to sponsor you.
  • Sponsored Skydive – There are lots of skydives to choose from stupid website ideas that make money the country stupid website ideas that make money many charities organise their own. If you raise enough money the cost of the sky dive is usually covered, so make sure you ask as many people as possible to sponsor you before you take the leap.
  • Bungee Jump For Charity – For adrenaline junkies, a bungee jump can be an exhilarating way to raise money and showcase a daredevil nature.
  • Abseiling – Whether you have ambitions to abseil down a building, landmark or rock face, there are plenty of resources online to help in your quest to abseil for charity.
    Top Tip - It will reduce your costs if you are able join an existing abseiling event organised by your chosen charity or if you are able to find a group of people who would like to take on the bitcoin investor scam uber with you.
  • Quit Smoking – Even non-smokers are aware of how challenging it can be to kick a smoking habit, so this challenge will often inspire generous donations.Ask your friends and family to sponsor you in order to motivate you to quit for a bitcoin investition card (which does not have to be Stoptober, stupid website ideas that make money, it can be any month). You’ll find that it’s hard to cheat when people start giving you money to stop and you could even donate the money you don’t spend on cigarettes. By kicking the habit for a month, you may even find it easier to stop for good.
  • Dry January (or any month!) - The perfect way to get healthy and all for a good cause, stupid website ideas that make money. As well as getting sponsorship for going dry, you can save up the money you would have spent down the pub and donate this at the end of the month too.
    Top Tip - Get your friends and family involved in the challenge too. This will help to raise even more money and reduce the likelihood of you cheating!
  • Set up a Fundraising Page – There are stupid website ideas that make money of online fundraising platforms that make organising your sponsorship really easy. Switching from paper forms to online sponsorship usually raises more money and, in many cases, the online providers also manage the collection of Gift Aid.
    Top Tip - Make sure you add your story and pictures to your page to make it extra special.
  • Reach Out to Your Chosen Charity – Your chosen cause will have lots of resources - from sponsorship forms to a possible perfect fundraising idea – and they will be able to support and advise you throughout. Larger charities may even provide T-shirts and other promotional items.
  • Bean Bath – You may need to go to local wholesaler to get enough beans to fill a bath without bankrupting yourself, but this old school fundraising idea is bound to get the interest of your local paper.
  • Charity Dinner Party – Host your own Come Dine With Me event, charging your guests to taste your culinary delights. You could even inject a little competition and get friends and family to host their own as well, so you can score the evening and the cooking.
  • Shave Your Beard – Whether your beard is a recent addition or you’ve been sporting one for years, people will pay good money to see it come off! Make sure you turn the shaving of the beard into an event itself so you can collect more donations on the day.
  • Movember – Growing a moustache for charity can be a great team activity. Make sure you give plenty of notice so that those who want to be involved have plenty of time to start growing and grooming a fine moustache.
  • Sponsored Swim – Whether it’s outdoor wild swimming or using your local pool, swimming is a great way of raising money for charity. You can organise your own attempt or join a pre-existing event in your local area or further afield.
  • Santa Run – Get up on Boxing Day and join thousands of people dressed as Santa and running off their festive excesses, stupid website ideas that make money. A great way to kick start your New Year health kick and raise much-needed charitable funds. Get your family involved and create a fundraising page to maximise the donations you can achieve.
  • Boxing Day Swim – If you’re feeling very brave, then why not take the plunge and take part in a Boxing Day swim? Lots of people wouldn’t dare so it’s a good opportunity to raise sponsorship money for your favourite cause or charity.
  • Join easyfundraising and turn your everyday online shopping into free donations for your cause. How? Just start your online shopping first at easyfundraising, then shop as normal. Retailers then make a small donation to say “thank you”. We have 4,373 retailers to choose from and so far we've raised over £32 million for thousands of community groups, schools, stupid website ideas that make money, sports clubs, small and large charities across the UK. Easy!

Fundraising in the Workplace

Raising money as a business or in your department is a great way of getting everyone in your work community involved in doing good.

  • Choose an Annual Charity – Get people throughout your office or organisation involved in choosing which cause you will raise money for each year, stupid website ideas that make money. You can hold an annual voting event, during which people can give talks on the benefits of supporting their nominated charity. Making employees part of the decision will help galvanise on-going support.
  • Dress Down Days – Whether you opt for casual clothing or you make it a fancy dress event, dress down days in the office always go down well. You can charge a small fee for allowing people to wear non-work clothes and charge people a fine if they forget.
    Top Tip - Turn this idea into a regular earner by charging employees a small fee to wear jeans each Friday.
  • Donate Your Coffee Money – People love their speciality coffees and spend a lot each month on their favourite caffeine fix. Ask people to forego their daily coffee just once and donate the money they would have spent to your chosen cause stupid website ideas that make money to Work – Why not do your health and the environment a favour and cycle to work? You can turn it into a stupid website ideas that make money challenge by donating the money saved on fuel or travel fares to your chosen cause. Many workplaces offer bike-to-work scheme or provide employees with help to purchase their own bikes via salary sacrifice arrangements.
  • Lunchtime Quizzes – Host a lunchtime quiz and charge a donation for each team entry. You can download quizzes online and if you can’t get everyone together, you can use Zoom or Microsoft Teams to run it as a virtual quiz instead.
  • Collect Plastic Milk Bottle Tops – A really simple way to raise money and reduce the amount of plastic waste going to landfill is to collect plastic milk bottle tops. You can make £60 per tonne, which may seem money makin mitch lyrics a lot of lids, but if you ask the canteen to keep theirs, encourage colleagues to bring them in from home and even ask your favourite local coffee shop to save theirs for you, they will soon add up.
    Top Tip - Check whether your chosen charity has any information on their website regarding other ways you can get involved in recycling to benefit their cause.
  • Matched Donations – Does your company have a matched donation scheme? Many organisations will match what you raise up to a certain amount, so make sure you let HR or your community representative know if your fundraising for charity. Your chosen charity can help when it comes to letting you know how your employer can stupid website ideas that make money any matched funds over to them.
  • Duvet Days – Who wouldn’t pay good money to enter a raffle for a chance to win a duvet day? Whether it’s a stand-alone prize or part of a bigger raffle with other smaller prizes, this one always sells tickets. Make sure you check with line managers or HR before offering it as a prize though!
  • Silent Auction – Source donations of auction items from colleagues, suppliers and local businesses and hold a silent auction via your intranet. Hold the auction over a set time period – maybe a couple of days early in the week – and announce the winners on Friday.
  • Singles Night – Why not host an event for your single friends, family and work colleagues? Encourage more attendees by making it free to come along and raising funds through raffles and games and by selling food and drinks throughout the evening. There are lots of online resources to help your singles night go smoothly and get people in the mood to find love!
  • Ugly Jumper Competition – An alternative to Christmas jumper day that works at any time of year.Offer prizes for the ugliest or funniest jumper worn and post the global investors meet chennai highlights on your intranet or message board to allow colleagues to vote for the worst.
    Top Tip setting up a bitcoin mining server If you work for a large company, offer individual prizes departmental winners and a grand prize for the worst knitwear offence in the company.
  • Karaoke Night – Many of us have a secret favourite karaoke song and are just waiting for the chance to unleash our inner diva and belt it out for charity. Check out this ultimate list of karaoke songs to see which classics make the cut and whether your favourite is among them.
    Top Tip - Make a night of it and include food and drinks to maximise your fundraising efforts.
  • Payroll Giving – speak with your HR team to find out how employees can give via the monthly payroll. It is often possible to give to more than one charity and some employers will match what you give up to a certain amount.
  • Business Travel – Remember to use easyfundraising to book your business travel and raise donations at the same time. Travel retailers give some of the highest donations, so it’s an effective way to raise money, making arrangements you were going to have to make anyway.
  • Swear Box – Keep it traditional and charge a fine for all bad language used in the office or get people to pay up for using management speak, stupid website ideas that make money. Anyone caught encouraging colleagues to ‘thinking outside the box’ or ‘get all their ducks in a row’ owes you a charity donation.
  • Busking – If you have a high traffic entrance way to your office you could arrange to sing or play music to entertain colleagues and visitors as they come and go. Ask for more money to do requests or serenade people on their lunch break.
    Top Tip - This only works if you are genuinely musically gifted, otherwise you best funds to invest in now have to get people to pay you to stop.
  • Recipe Book – If many of the people in your office seem to enjoy cooking, ask colleagues to contribute recipes that you can collate into a printed charity cookbook. You could even sell an e-book version to reduce printing costs. People will love seeing their family name in print, and you might find a new dish that becomes your family favourite.
  • 24 Hour Dance-a-thon – Challenge the staff of your office to dance for 24 hours straight. This works best if you organise everyone into teams, with each team taking a stint of a few hours before resting and refuelling ready for the next dance session.
    Top Tip - Stream it live on Facebook so your colleagues and friends can follow you throughout the day (and night).
  • Sponsored Silence – Take the opportunity not to speak to anyone all day with a sponsored silence. This may not work if your job is in a call centre, but there are lots of lines of work that could accept the challenge of communicating entirely via the written word all day.
  • Car Share – Pool your resources and share cars with colleagues to travel to and from work. Not only is this fantastic for the environment but you can save a small fortune in fuel and parking costs. You can give a proportion of what you save to your favourite cause or charity.

Fundraising During the COVID 19 Pandemic

COVID-19 has had a massive impact on UK causes, from national charities to local groups and organisations. With large gatherings cancelled, charities and causes up and down the country have seen vital fundraising streams closed off to try and stem the spread of coronavirus. Here are some simple ways in which you can keep supporting charities, even when you’re in lockdown.

  • Virtual Best upcoming crypto to invest in – If you can’t get outside to run, walk or swim as often or safely as you’d like, why not use your treadmill or even your back garden to clock up the miles? You can do live streams of your progress on social media. Lots of charities and event companies are running virtual events for fundraising right now so there are lots of resources available.
  • Do the Distance Anyway – with all mass participation events cancelled due to social distancing rules, the only alternative is to do the distance on your own. Make sure you record the miles you’ve run or cycled on one of the many free tracking apps you can use on your phone. Charities have worked hard to come up with lots of ideas to help you go it alone, so check out their websites for inspiration and motivation.
  • Donate Food – Many supermarkets and food bank charities are providing safe places for people to drop off gifts of food. It’s a very meaningful way to support those in your community who are struggling. You could even offer to help with distribution and many organisations have very clear social distancing processes and PPE available to make this safe as we continue to deal with the on going pandemic.
  • Direct Donations – Many people are losing income as a result of coronavirus, but if you are one of the how much money have you made bitcoin mining who is actually saving money by being at home, you could consider donating some of your savings to charity. Maybe your fuel costs have gone right down or you’re not earnest money refund oklahoma money on those weekend nights out. Even the smallest regular donation can really help causes and charities right now.
  • Donate Whilst You Shop Online – Don’t forget you can raise money each time you shop online with easyfundraising. easyfundraising turns your everyday online shopping into free donations for your favourite cause. Just start your shopping at and continue as normal. Our retail partners will then make a small donation to say “thank you”.
  • Sell Unwanted Items on eBay – Use the opportunity of spending more time at home to have a good clear out and sell any unwanted items on Ebay or through Facebook Marketplace. Donate the money to your favourite cause or charity and enjoy the newfound space in your home.
  • Get Crafty – If you have perfected a new skill in lockdown or have always taken pride in your homemade gifts, start selling what you make online. You can list stupid website ideas that make money items cheaply on Etsy or Ebay and help to raise extra funds for your favourite cause or charity at this difficult time.
  • Birthday Fundraiser – If you have added your birthday to your Facebook profile, your friends will all be reminded of it on the day. Take advantage of this free publicity by fundraising for a cause on your birthday and requesting donations instead of gifts.
    Top Tip - If you do not have a Facebook profile, you can set up an online fundraising page to collect birthday donations and you’ll be able to get the 25% extra in Gift Aid too. Send the link to friends and family via email or WhatsApp.
  • Virtual Disco – If you are a budding DJ (or you know someone who is) live stream a DJ set to fellow music fans. Platforms like Twitch will provide how to make crores of money with the technical capabilities you need, so pick a theme for your disco and get on the decks. This article will show you how to get set up.
  • Online Wine and Cheese Tasting – If you or someone you know has a passion for wine and pairing it with delicious cheeses, host a wine tasting night and live stream it to a small group of paying participants. Sell tickets that include mini bottles of wine and food, delivered with no contact, which everyone can then taste and discuss during your event.
  • Host a Workshop – Lockdown prompted thousands of people to take up distance or online learning. If you’re an expert at something and can teach other people, stupid website ideas that make money, take advantage of this trend and host an online workshop. You can sell tickets and get sign-ups on Eventbrite.
  • Game-athon - Host a live-stream where you’re sponsored to play and stream your favourite game. With gaming now almost exclusively online, you should be able to publicise and gather other participants from within the gaming community without leaving your favourite chair in the living room.
  • Donate Your Time – If the Coronavirus pandemic has left you with a bit of extra time on your hands, stupid website ideas that make money, donate that time to a good cause. A number of volunteer co-ordinating organisations are arranging to collect prescriptions, go shopping and generally support people who are shielding and it is an easy way for many of us to give something back to the local community.

Whether you are fundraising for a large charity or you’re a small community group raising money, easyfundraising can help you reach your goals quicker. You can raise money every time you shop at over 4000 retailers online, and you can encourage your supporters to help by doing the same. Sign your cause up to easyfundraising today.

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How To Waste Money On Your Website: Stupid Idea 14

Whether you’re blatantly throwing money away on bad ideas or losing potential revenue by failing to capitalize on good ones, here are some surefire ways to make the least out of your investment.

This next stupid idea is about… well, literally about being stupid. Now, don’t get all offended. Just pay attention and you won’t be stupid website ideas that make money this category!

Stupid Idea 14: Say “I Don’t Know” A Lot

The shoulder shrug, stupid website ideas that make money. The raised eyebrow. The puzzled look. If any of those follow a question about your website then somewhere along the line you’ve either already wasted your money or are bound to eventually.

Where is your domain registered (and when does it expire)? Where is your site stupid website ideas that make money (and how much does it cost for what services)? How many people visited your site last month (and what percentage were new visitors)? What are you getting in your monthly SEO package (and what is the return on your investment)? How are people getting to your site (and what do geld jetzt in aktien investieren think of it)?

So many questions, so few answers.

If you can’t answer the simple ones listed above then your website is already a financial drain, stupid website ideas that make money. There are different types of questions and the consequences of not knowing the answers will vary depending on the type. Some questions are logistical. Those may involve your domain or hosting. If you’ve read our previous admonishments to know where your domain is registered and understand your hosting platform, then you already know how not knowing these details can haunt you in the long run. It might cost you money to fix problems that could have been avoided or cost time and resources to untangle the answers when you need them.

Some questions concern the marketing of your site. Those involve visitor and customer behaviors, social marketing strategies or SEO programs. You don’t need to be an expert in everything – that’s why you hire developers, marketers and consultants – but you should have an understanding of what’s going on with your site and at the very least have access to a reliable source who is an expert and can educate you when you need to make important decisions about how, where and why to invest your marketing budget, stupid website ideas that make money. Otherwise you’ll never know if you’re spending wisely or if your site is generating business. You could be losing revenue and not earnest money in tender malaysia know it. Or failing to capitalize on a good opportunity. Unless you ask questions and insist on answers you’re not in control of your marketing.

Every time you say “I don’t know” you watch another dollar fly out the window and plunge to its untimely death. We’ll end with one disclaimer: not knowing isn’t inherently bad. It’s willful ignorance that’s the real problem. It’s not knowing and then not caring enough or thinking it’s important enough to find out. You’ll never know everything but you should always be ready, willing and able to find the answers. The success of your web site depends on it.

Start asking yourself some hard questions about your web site and marketing… what’s your “I don’t know” question, and how can you find out the answer?

Read More In The “How To Waste Your Money” Series

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