How to invest small amounts of money in canada

how to invest small amounts of money in canada

You can put money into a savings account if you have low risk tolerance. Or you can start an RRSP and take the funds out when you are ready to. If losing even the smallest amount of money will make you lose sleep, none of the other factors should matter, you have a low-risk tolerance. Long gone are the days where you needed thousands of dollars to invest. Now, thanks to robo-advisors, low-cost mutual funds, high-yield savings accounts. how to invest small amounts of money in canada

How to invest small amounts of money in canada - think, that

How to invest your money

Learn more about TD Direct Investing

This article will help you understand how to invest your money on your own, learn about the different investment accounts, and types of investments.

How to invest your money

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think about how to invest?

  • Is it excitement about discovering a stock you believe could be profitable?
  • Is it hesitation about how to get started in investing?
  • Is it confidence about the success you've enjoyed in other areas of your life, making you eager to tackle something new?

Learning how to invest can mean different things to different people. It can involve your own unlimited possibilities and may trigger some dreams you didn't even realize you had. When you're in charge of your investments, you may be motivated by what you can learn and potentially achieve on your own terms.

Why invest your money?

Whether you're saving for retirement, a house, education or just saving for the future, investing may help your money grow. If you keep your money in a savings account, it may not earn enough interest to keep up with inflation over time.

Knowing some investing basics helps to lay the groundwork so you can set your financial goals and decide what types of investments may help you reach them.

DIY investing

Do-it-yourself (DIY) investing refers to an investing approach where you can manage your investment portfolio yourself through sophisticated trading platforms or a simplified, goals-based app.

Here are some reasons why someone may consider managing their investments independently as a self-directed investor:

  1. Potentially lower fees.
  2. Freedom to make investment decisions on your own time.
  3. Greater control over your money's growth.
  4. Flexibility to choose from a larger pool of investment vehicles.

Other factors to also consider include, level of investment knowledge, how much one can devote to DIY investing and risk tolerance level.

There are extensive educational resources, tools, market information and research, and insights available which may help you.

Plan before you invest

Planning your time frame, risk level, investment objectives, and account types can help make your personal investment journey go a lot smoother. Before you look at the types of investments, ask yourself these questions:

  • How long will you invest?
    Determining your time horizon depends on your financial goals and how long you will invest before you need the money. When you invest funds for the long term such as for a retirement goal, you may consider reinvesting your returns to help provide compounded growth each year – potentially making your money grow faster.
  • How much risk can you take?
    Your risk tolerance can be defined as conservative, moderate, or aggressive. Your tolerance can determine which types of investments you choose. For example, if you have a short-term goal, you may consider lower-risk investments (a conservative approach). For long-term goals, your tolerance for market volatility could be higher (an aggressive approach).
  • What is your objective?
    You should have a clear objective in mind before you start making investing decisions. Consider your lifestyle and the fact that your objectives will likely change over time. For example, today your objective may be to put X dollars in your Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) or save for a particular purchase. Then life happens, priorities change, and your objectives can change too.
  • What account types are suitable for your different needs?
    Once you've established your financial goals, you can select different account types to suit the goals that you're saving for.

Which investment account is best for me?

Opening the right investment account can help towards attaining your financial goals. Here are some highlights of different accounts:

  • RRSPs (Registered Retirement Savings Plan) are typically used to save for retirement. Contributing to an RRSP can allow you to defer taxes on the returns you earn on the investments in the plan and to access the funds in retirement years when you may potentially be in a lower income tax bracket.
  • A Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) can be used to save for short- or long-term goals because it lets your savings grow tax-free. A TFSA can be used to save for various types of goals, like an upcoming vacation or large purchase.
  • Margin accounts1 can help you boost your buying power by leveraging value in your portfolio. You can borrow against value in the securities you already own to make additional investments and access sophisticated investment strategies, including option trades 2 and short selling. However, leveraged trades are not for everyone. Along with the potential for greater returns, comes the flip side of increased exposure and risk.
  • A cash account could be used to save for a variety of goals, can provide flexibility to easily access available cash in the account and you can trade a variety of securities on North American markets.

TD Direct Investing has many account types geared to different situations, including the RESP, RIF, LIRA, LIF and RDSP. Below is a brief description of four popular account types.

RRSP account

The purpose of a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) is to invest and grow your money on a tax-deferred basis until you retire and need to withdraw it to fund your retirement. No later than the end of the year you turn 71, you must convert an RRSP to a permitted form of retirement income, such as a Registered retirement Income Fund (RRIF) or an annuity or take the funds in cash. Since your income may be lower at this point in your life, you may be in a lower tax bracket when compared to your prime earning years. With an RRSP account you can:

  • Claim your RRSP contributions as r deductions from income on your annual tax return.
  • Let your investments potentially grow within your RRSP without paying any income tax on the investment returns or on the growth until you withdraw funds.

An RRSP account is designed for growing savings for your retirement, but under the Home Buyers’ Plan or Lifelong Learning Plan, you may be able to access your RRSP funds on a tax-free basis to help pay for your first-time home purchase or for education programs, subject to eligibility and conditions, including repayment requirements.


When you invest money in a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA), you don’t pay tax on any investment returns. When you withdraw money from a TFSA, you don't pay tax on the withdrawal.

You can contribute funds each year in accordance with the contribution limit defined by the federal government. The TFSA contribution limit for is $6, If you withdraw money from the TFSA, you can re-contribute amounts withdrawn. Note that withdrawn amounts are added to your contribution room only at the beginning of the following calendar year.

RRSP vs. TFSA – which account should you choose?

Whether you're saving for retirement, home ownership or education, both RRSPs and TFSAs can be an option. When you're evaluating whether an RRSP or TFSA is the right account to house some of your DIY investments, being able to determine your income needs can help you make that choice.

  • An RRSP is a tax-deferred savings vehicle. Financial institutions withhold a prescribed rate of tax at the time of a withdrawal; ultimately the amount withdrawn will be taxed as income at your marginal rate. If you know you'll have less income after retirement, the tax you will pay will likely be less than what you'd pay while earning the income.
  • With a TFSA, you invest with after-tax dollars and your investments can grow tax-free. This means you don't have to pay tax on any growth and you’re not taxed on withdrawals.

See a comparison of TFSA vs RRSP account features.

Cash account

A cash account is an investment account where all investments must be purchased using your own cash, with no borrowing. With this type of account, you can get started investing in stocks, mutual funds, fixed income and ETFs right away.

Margin account1

In a cash account, all purchases must be paid in full.

In a margin account, you may pay for a percentage of a stock's value, for example 30%, while borrowing the balance of the funds from your broker. This can allow you to increase your buying power to purchase more shares. Think of it as being able to buy a bigger house with a larger mortgage loan. Trading on margin does bring higher risk, so it is critical that you spend time learning about all the risks and account characteristics before considering opening a margin account.

What can you invest in?

Selecting your investments goes hand in hand with your account type and your appetite for risk. Many investors diversify their investments across different asset classes to help maintain a balanced portfolio.

Note that registered plans such as RRSPs and TFSAs are restricted to holding the types of investments which are considered qualified for such plans.

As well, if you plan to hold foreign securities within a registered plan, consult your tax advisor as there may be potential tax implications.

Stocks or Equities

When you buy stocks, you own part of a company and can benefit from its potential profits in either increased stock value or in dividends paid by the company or a combination of both. In some cases, you also get the right to vote on various company matters.

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)

Exchange Traded Funds, or ETFs, are a grouping of securities that trade on a stock exchange like a stock does.

  • ETFs hold many different assets within them, not just one stock which may make it easier for you to stretch your dollar when compared to buying individual stocks.
  • ETFs can be bought and sold throughout the day on the market and so their prices can change; in contrast, mutual funds are only priced once a day at the close of the markets.
  • Some ETFs track an index that emphasizes holding investments that pay dividends. These dividend ETFs are designed to provide investors with a regular income stream.

Mutual Funds

A mutual fund is similar to an ETF in that it is also a collection of different investments, exposing you to many different companies or asset classes with just one transaction. Investments within mutual funds are often grouped together by industry or other similarity.

The difference between mutual funds and ETFs is that ETFs trade on stock exchanges and can be bought and sold any time during the trading day while mutual funds are transacted at the end of the trading day.

Fixed Income Securities

Fixed income securities provide a fixed-rate return and include government and corporate bonds. They are flexible and can be sold at market value if you need to cash them.

As a self-directed investor you can buy and sell government and corporate bonds including:

  • Government of Canada bonds
  • Government agency bonds
  • Provincial and Municipal bonds
  • Investment Grade Corporate bonds
  • Strips (Zero Coupon) and Residual Bonds
  • U.S. Pay Bonds

Other fixed income choices are GICs, mortgage-backed securities, and money market instruments.


When you invest in Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs), you are lending your money to a financial institution for a certain rate of return, over a designated period of time.

A GIC gives you back % of your investment plus interest that's determined at the interest rate set for your GIC at the time of purchase.

Options Trading2

Options2 give you the right to buy (a "call option") or sell (a "put option") a security at a fixed price during a designated time period, designed to help you to leverage a stock's changing value and help protect you against drops in the market.

IPOs and New Issues

An IPO, which stands for Initial Public Offering, occurs when the shares or stocks of a private company are made available to the public, for purchase, for the first time. New issues refer to any security that a company offers to the public for the first time, including IPOs, secondary or treasury offerings.

There can be new issues after an IPO, but only one IPO occurs when a private company decides to go public.

Balancing your online investment portfolio mix

To help protect your investments from risk, you can potentially balance your portfolio by diversifying investments across different asset classes. Some different asset classes are:

  • stocks or equities
  • bonds and fixed income
  • cash equivalents and money market

The importance of a personal investment plan

A personal investment plan can help you lay out your finances and understand the timeline you'll need to achieve your goals. You can create a plan and adjust it over time as your lifestyle and circumstances change.

It's time to start your online investing journey!

Now that you know a few basics about how to invest, you can feel confident about taking the next step.

At TD Direct Investing, we can help you achieve your investing goals with trading platforms for a variety of trades using a range of investment types:

TD Direct Investing has many investing resources to help you build confidence in managing your own investments.

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How to Invest in the Stock Market With a Small Amount?

App Mobile pour budget et finance au Canada HardBacon

There are several myths that surround stock market investing. One common assumption is that investing in equities is difficult for the average retail investor and the other is you need huge amounts of capital to get started. However, there are several ways for retail investors to start investing in stocks and they can begin with even with a few hundred dollars.

Given the low interest rate environment, equities are an extremely attractive asset class right now. In fact, the S&P has generated annual returns of around 10% for the last six decades, easily outpacing the inflation numbers in developed countries. Keeping this in mind, let’s see how you can build a solid portfolio and begin your investment journey with a small amount.


Pay yourself first

In order to start investing, you first require capital. It means you need to save a small portion of your earnings each month. As a rule of thumb, you need to ideally save at least 10% to 20% of your income after tax and allocate it towards investments. In order to achieve your long-term financial goals, it’s imperative to save first and spend later.


Invest your tax refunds

There are several tax breaks you might be eligible for that can add up to a substantial amount. For example, you can save over $2, by using the Basic Personal Amount non-refundable tax break next year. In case you are eligible for the GST/HST tax credits, you will receive a few hundred dollars each year from the Canada Revenue Agency. The savings from these tax credits should be put to use by Canadians by investing them in the stock market. 


Maximize your contribution limits

In case you earn $50, annually, you are eligible to contribute $9, each year towards your RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Account). So, you can contribute around $ each month towards this registered account as well as lower your tax liability.

Now, Canadians can also invest $ each month or a cumulative amount of up to $6, in in a TFSA (Tax-Free Savings Account). So, a Canadian who earns $50, each year can invest up to a total of $15, in the above-mentioned registered accounts this year. 


Automate your investments

It’s always a good idea to automate your savings which will help you benefit from the power of compounding. You can start with small amounts of capital and then increase your investment contributions as you move higher up the corporate ladder. Today, there are several investment applications and web platforms that you can link to your bank account. For example, you can transfer 20% of your savings at the first of each month which will help you achieve financial freedom.


Invest in an exchange-traded fund like the S&P

The most famous investors including the great Warren Buffett strongly advocate investing in an exchange-traded fund or an ETF. This investment vehicle provides you with enough diversification that will lower your risk considerably. Generally, an ETF is passively managed and it tracks an index such as the S&P It also means the management fees and expense ratios for ETFs are significantly lower than actively managed funds.

The S&P is among the most popular indexes in the world and gives you exposure to the top companies in the U.S. including Apple, Tesla, Microsoft, Alphabet, Facebook, and Amazon.

The S&P has allowed investors to grow long-term wealth at a steady pace. While the stock market is volatile in the near term it is probably the best asset class that can consistently beat inflation rates over time.

So, you need to take a long-term view while investing in equities. Further, in case you have $1, to invest right now, it makes sense to invest $ over a period of 10 months and benefit from dollar-cost averaging as well as the power of compounding.

For example, if you invest $ each month for a period of months in an asset that derives annual returns of 10%, your total savings at the end of 10 years will balloon to $,. This figure at the end of 20 years will rise to $, and at the end of 30 years, your total investments will be worth close to a million dollars.


How can Canadian invest in the S&P

One Canadian ETF that tracks the S&P is the VFV or the Vanguard S&P Index ETF. The inception date of the VFV ETF was November 2, It has a management fee of % and its expense ratio is also the same. At the end of March , this fund had around $ billion in total net assets. Since its inception, the VFV ETF has generated annual returns of %.

Currently, the ETF is traded at a price of $ which means you can buy one unit of the fund for less than $ You can also enjoy a forward yield of % by investing in the VFV ETF. The dividends are paid every quarter which can be withdrawn or reinvested to purchase additional units of the ETF.

Another ETF that is part of Vanguard’s portfolio is the Vanguard S&P Index ETF (CAD-Hedged) or VSP. The only difference between the VSP and VFV is that the former hedges its exposure to the Canadian dollar (CAD), insulating the investor from foreign exchange fluctuations.

For example, in case the S&P gains 10% in the next year and the CAD appreciates by 4%, the VSP returns will be pegged at 10% while the VFV will return 6%. Alternatively, if the CAD depreciates against the USD, the VFV will return 14% in the next year while the VSP will remain at 10%.


The final takeaway

We can see how the stock market can help you create massive wealth and even accelerate your retirement if you have a disciplined approach towards investing. You need to take the first step by opening an investing account. Further, you need to automate your savings and keep it simple while letting the power of compounding work its magic.

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The Six Principles of Smart Investing

What is "asset allocation"?

The mix of investments within your portfolio is also known as your portfolio's asset allocation. A diversified portfolio typically holds a combination of savings, income and growth investments.

3. Invest regularly

It's generally much easier to come up with a smaller amount to invest on a monthly or weekly basis than to make a large, lump-sum contribution. A regular investment plan allows you to choose when and how often you make contributions - ensuring you make investing a priority. With a CIBC Regular Investment Plan, money will be automatically withdrawn from your account and invested in a range of CIBC investment solutions. You can invest with pre-authorized contributions of as little as $25 a month.

How can I lower the average cost of investing?

Investing smaller amounts in mutual funds over time - or "dollar-cost averaging" - can mean lower average costs than if you make infrequent purchases. For example, your money will buy more units of a mutual fund when prices are low; and fewer units when prices are high. Provided the fund gains in value over the long term, you'll profit from your purchases during short-term price declines.

4. Build a diversified portfolio

Spreading your assets across a wide range of investments is an effective way to reduce risk and increase potential returns over the long term. Holding a mixture of different types of investments will help cushion your portfolio from downturns, as the value of some investments may go up while the value of others may go down.

5. Monitor your portfolio

You should examine your investment portfolio with a CIBC advisor, or on your own, at least once a year to ensure that it continues to meet your needs. Market conditions, life events (marriage, children and retirement) and changing goals are cues to review your portfolio.

6. Align your investments with your time horizons

The type of investments you choose will depend on whether you're saving for long-term or short-term goals. For your long-term goals, you may want to consider long-term, growth-oriented investments. Your short-term goals call for investments that are more conservative, and more accessible. For example, if you're investing to save for a downpayment on a home, you'll want quick and easy access to your funds.

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Investing in Canada for Newcomers


Save and invest for your future in Canada.

What Can We Help You With?

Popular Investment Plans in Canada

Your future is important. Whether you’re here to stay or in Canada just for a while, with RBC you can invest in Canada’s popular investment plans to help you save, grow and protect your money.

Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)

How can I use it?

Save for anything you want in the next few years⎯an emergency fund, a car, renovation or retirement.

What is it?

A registered savings plan where investment earnings and withdrawals are tax-free41.

  • Canadian residents
  • Permanent residents/landed immigrants
  • Foreign workers42
  • International students

Eligibility requirements:

  • Have reached age of majority in your province of residence
  • Have a Social Insurance Number

Are contributions tax-deductible?


Do savings grow tax-free or tax-deferred?


Are withdrawals taxed?


What investment products can I hold in it?

  • Cash
  • GICs
  • Mutual funds
  • Savings deposits
  • Stocks, bonds, Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) and more46

Annual contribution limits

$6, for (subject to change) plus any unused contribution room from previous years54

Do I need to earn an income to contribute?


Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)

How can I use it?

Set money aside now, while you’re still working, to use when you retire.

What is it?

A registered investment plan where investment earnings are tax-deferred until retirement, and contributions are tax-deductible.

  • Canadian residents
  • Permanent residents/landed immigrants
  • Foreign workers44
  • International students44

Eligibility requirements:

  • Have earned income and file an income tax return in Canada
  • Under age 71 (you can contribute until December 31 of the year you turn 71)
  • Have available contribution room

Are contributions tax-deductible?

Yes⎯contributions reduce your taxable income

Do savings grow tax-free or tax-deferred?

Tax-deferred, until withdrawal

Are withdrawals taxed?

Yes⎯withdrawals are added to taxable income the year the money is withdrawn

What investment products can I hold in it?

  • Cash
  • GICs
  • Mutual funds
  • Savings deposits
  • Stocks, bonds, Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) and more46

Annual contribution limits

18% of previous year's earned income, less any pension adjustment, up to the maximum annual contribution limit45

Do I need to earn an income to contribute?


Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)

How can I use it?

Save for a child’s post-secondary education costs.

What is it?

A registered investment plan where investment earnings are tax-deferred. Some contributions are eligible for government incentives.43

  • Canadian residents
  • Permanent residents/landed immigrants
  • Foreign workers44
  • International students44

Eligibility requirements:

  • Have a Social Insurance Number (Canadian residency not required)

The beneficiary of an RESP (or the student), must:

  • Be a Canadian resident or permanent resident/landed immigrant
  • Have a Social Insurance Number

Are contributions tax-deductible?


Do savings grow tax-free or tax-deferred?

Tax-deferred,43 until withdrawal

Are withdrawals taxed?

May be taxed at a lower rate, or not taxed at all, when paid out to the beneficiary (or student) for their education costs

What investment products can I hold in it?

  • Cash
  • GICs
  • Mutual funds
  • Savings deposits
  • Stocks, bonds, Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) and more46

Annual contribution limits

No annual limit, but there is a lifetime contribution limit of $50, per beneficiary

Note: There are also government grants and bonds that you may be able to take advantage of to grow your child’s savings faster

Do I need to earn an income to contribute?


Non-Registered Investment Account

How can I use it?

Save for any reason in a flexible account that gives you easy access to your money.

What is it?

A non-registered investment account that you can contribute any amount to and withdraw from when needed.

  • Canadian residents
  • Permanent residents/landed immigrants
  • Foreign workers
  • International students

Eligibility requirements:

  • Have reached age of majority in your province of residence
  • Have a Social Insurance Number

Are contributions tax-deductible?


Do savings grow tax-free or tax-deferred?

Investment income, interest and capital gains are taxed

Are withdrawals taxed?


What investment products can I hold in it?

  • Cash
  • GICs
  • Mutual funds
  • Stocks, bonds, Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) and more46

Annual contribution limits

No limit to how much you can contribute

Do I need to earn an income to contribute?


Note: The chart above is intended for general information purposes only. It should not be regarded as comprehensive or a substitute for professional advice. For complete details on eligibility, contributions, withdrawals and more, please talk to an advisor.

Investment Products at RBC

To protect your initial investment or explore opportunities to grow your money, you can choose from our broad lineup of products, including:

Savings Deposits

A savings deposit is simple and safe, giving you easy access to your money and guaranteeing your original investment (principal) and the interest you earn.

May be right for you if:

  • You want to make a last-minute contribution to a registered plan
  • You’re not sure how you want to invest your money
  • You're looking to start saving in a registered account/plan

Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs)

A GIC is a secure fixed-income investment that guarantees % of your original investment, while earning interest at a fixed or variable rate, or based on a specific formula.

May be right for you if:

  • You want the security of knowing that % of your original investment is protected
  • You seek competitive rates that are guaranteed for the full term of your investment, including preferred rates for newcomers16
  • You’re looking for more growth potential than a savings deposit

Mutual Funds

A mutual fund is an easy way to invest in a pool of stocks, bonds and other investments that is managed on your behalf by a professional money manager.

May be right for you if:

  • You want to benefit from the expertise of a professional money manager
  • You’re looking to diversify your investments (a strategy to help reduce risk by holding investments across a variety of regions, sectors, industries and issuers)
  • You’re looking for more growth potential than a savings deposit or GIC
  • You want ease and convenience

Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)46

An ETF is similar to a mutual fund, except an ETF trades like a stock on an exchange. Like a mutual fund, you can buy ‘units’ in an ETF to own a proportional interest of a pool of assets (such as stocks or bonds).

May be right for you if:

  • You’re looking for instant diversification
  • You prefer their lower fees compared to other types of investments
  • You need the flexibility to easily buy and sell


Stocks (or equities) let you purchase a small part of an individual company. You can participate in and benefit from the company’s growth, and potentially receive tax-efficient dividend income and capital gains.

May be right for you if:

  • You’re comfortable with fluctuating returns
  • You want the potential for greater long-term returns compared to cash and fixed-income investments like GICs
  • You’re looking to earn dividends and capital gains


Bonds are conservative fixed-income investments issued by a company or government. When you buy a bond, the bond issuer pays you interest for a specific time period and repays your initial investment when the bond matures.

May be right for you if:

  • You want to reduce the overall risk in your investment portfolio
  • You want a relatively safe investment

Ways to Invest at RBC

There are a number of ways you can invest with us here at RBC. Not sure what’s right for you? No problem—we can help guide you!

With an RBC Royal Bank advisor

Whether you are saving for retirement, a big purchase, or your child’s education, RBC Royal Bank advisors and financial planners can provide you with holistic financial advice from goal planning to investment decisions. As an RBC Client you have access to MyAdvisorAnother RBC site, where you can keep an eye on all your investments, track your goals and connect with an advisor for personalized advice in person, by phone or via video chat.

With an RBC Wealth Management advisor

A dedicated RBC Wealth Management advisor can help you with your sophisticated or complex investing and wealth management needs. Advisors can create a personalized investment portfolio drawing on a complete range of investment choices, and provide customized wealth management solutions.

Visit RBC Wealth ManagementAnother RBC site

Self-directed, online investing with RBC Direct Investing

For those who want to make their own investment decisions, RBC Direct Investing offers in-depth research, a wide range of investment choices and accounts, and an innovative Community where you can learn, share ideas and connect with other investors—so you can invest online with confidence. Want to see how it works? Open a Practice Account to try online investing, risk free!

Visit RBC Direct InvestingAnother RBC site

Online with RBC InvestEase, guided by a portfolio advisor

If you want to leave the investing work to experts, RBC InvestEase can recommend an automated, online investment plan made up of a mix of ETFs in a professional portfolio. Our advisors work behind the scenes to help you stay on track.

Visit RBC InvestEaseAnother RBC site

The RBC Newcomer Advantage

Get everything you need for a great financial start in Canada. Discover products and services that can help you settle in faster–including offers valued at up to $83. Plus, get up to a $15, credit limit on a new RBC credit card9.

See What We Can Offer Newcomers

Why Newcomers Love Our Investment Solutions

With so many types of investments available in Canada, it can feel overwhelming to get started. We can help, with expert advice and the guidance you’ll need to create a bright future for you and your family.

  • Start investing before you have permanent residency

    If you’re in Canada under a temporary work or study permit, you can still invest for the years ahead.

  • Earn a better rate on a safe, secure investment

    We offer newcomers preferred interest rates on select Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs).16

  • Save for all the important things in life and track your progress

    Whether you're saving for a home or your kids’ education, we can help create a personalized investment plan.

  • Build and protect your wealth with confidence

    We make it easier to manage your more complex wealth management needs.

How to Invest

How do you want to invest? Talk to us today and we’ll help you start investing for your future in Canada.

See details on investing options under Ways to Invest at RBC.

For help making investment decisions:

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Investment advice is only provided by Royal Mutual Funds Inc. (RMFI) and RBC Dominion Securities Inc. (RBC DS) to their respective clients. RMFI is licensed as a financial services firm in the province of Quebec. RMFI, RBC DS, RBC Direct Investing Inc. (RBC DI) and Royal Bank of Canada are separate corporate entities which are affiliated. RBC DS and RBC DI are members of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada and the Canadian Investor Protection Fund. Royal Bank of Canada and certain of its issuers are related to RMFI, RBC DS and RBC DI.

RBC DI does not provide investment advice or recommendations regarding the purchase or sale of any securities. Investors are responsible for their own investment decisions. RBC Direct Investing is a business name used by RBC DI.

This publication is for informational use only and is furnished on the basis and understanding that none of RMFI, RBC DS, RBC DI and Royal Bank of Canada, nor any of their respective employees, agents or information suppliers, are to be under any responsibility or liability whatsoever in respect hereof. The strategies, advice and technical content in this publication are provided for the general guidance and benefit of readers based on information believed to be accurate and complete, but we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of such information. Interest rates, market conditions, tax and legal rules and other investment factors are subject to change. This publication is not intended as nor does it constitute tax or legal advice. Readers should consult their own professional advisors when planning to implement a strategy. This will ensure that individual circumstances have been considered properly and that action is taken based on the latest available information.

Mutual funds are distributed through RMFI, RBC DS and RBC DI. There may be commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus or Fund Facts before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed or covered by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation or by another government deposit insurer, their values change frequently, and past performance may not be repeated. For money market funds, there can be no assurances that the fund will be able to maintain its net asset value per security at a constant amount or that the full amount of your investment in the fund will be returned to you.

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Available to international students who have arrived in Canada within the last 5 years. Must show proof of entry into Canada with supporting documents, i.e., passport and study permit.


To participate in this offer, you must have an eligible RBC Debit Card, Personal Credit Card or Business Credit Card which is issued by Royal Bank of Canada (excluding RBC commercial credit cards) (“RBC Card”). An "Eligible RBC Credit Card" is any RBC personal credit card, excluding RBC Avion Visa Infinite Business, RBC Visa CreditLine for Small Business, RBC Visa Business, RBC Business Cash Back Mastercard and RBC Avion Visa Business. RBC Business Owners will only be able to link up to two (2) Business Credit Cards and one RBC Debit Card to a Be Well Card. For complete details, including the definition of the capitalized terms used in the disclosures below, please see full Terms and Conditions

You must be enrolled in RBC Online Banking in order to link your RBC Card to your Be Well Card. Card linking may take up to 2 business days to process before Be Well points can be applied to purchases.

Each time you scan your Be Well Card and pay with your Linked RBC Card, you will earn 50 Be Well points for every $1 spent on eligible purchases at Rexall Locations. For full details, and defined terms visit Be Well Terms and Conditions available at

Be Well points are not awarded on taxes; tobacco products; products containing codeine; lottery tickets; alcohol; bottle deposits; gift cards; prepaid cards and wireless or long distance phone cards; event tickets; transit tickets and passes; post office transactions; stamps; passport photos; cash back; gifts with purchases; delivery charges; environmental levies; Home Health Care services/rentals and any other products or services that we may specify from time to time or where prohibited by law.

Offer available to Eligible Personal Clients without a Personal Banking Account with Royal Bank at the beginning of the Promotional Period or in the five year period before the start of the Promotional Period, who open their first new Eligible Personal Banking account by March 31, and who comply with all other terms and conditions. Bonus $ with an RBC VIP Banking® account (monthly fee of $30) or RBC Signature No Limit Banking® account (monthly fee of $); or $ with an RBC Advantage® Banking account (monthly fee of $) (each, an “Offer”). You must also complete at least two of the following Qualifying Criteria by May 31, (i) set up at least two pre-authorized payments from the Eligible Personal Banking Account; (ii) set up at least one automated and recurring payroll or pension direct deposit to the Eligible Personal Banking Account; and/or (iii) set up at least two bill payments to a service provider from the Eligible Personal Banking Account. Offer will be deposited into your Eligible Personal Banking Account between 2 and 10 weeks of completing all Qualifying Criteria. Offer may not be combined with any other Personal Banking Account offers. Royal Bank of Canada may withdraw or amend this Offer at any time without notice. For full details including defined terms visit


Available only to (i) Newcomers to Canada who arrived within the last 5 years and (ii) for non-credit card accounts with RBC. Must show proof of entry into Canada and provide supporting documents such as landing papers or permanent resident card. Other conditions apply. See branch for details. This offer may be withdrawn at any time and is subject to change without notice.


An RBC Royal Bank credit card with no credit history required is available to RBC personal deposit clients who are (i) permanent residents and international students who arrived in Canada within the last 12 months, or (ii) temporary resident workers who arrived in Canada within the last 48 months, provided you meet all of the eligibility and credit criteria of Royal Bank of Canada.


No annual fee is available with the following RBC Royal Bank credit cards: RBCCash Back Mastercard, RBC Rewards + Visa, RBC Visa Platinum.


You may be eligible for an RBC Royal Bank residential mortgage or mortgage within an RBC Homeline Plan, even if you have no or thin Canadian credit history, provided you meet all of the eligibility and credit criteria of Royal Bank of Canada and do not have adverse credit bureau information . All residential mortgages and lending products are provided by Royal Bank of Canada are subject to its standard lending criteria. Available to permanent residents who have been in Canada less than 5 years. Temporary residents may also apply. To take advantage of these offers, you must show proof of entry into Canada and provide supporting documents such as a passport, and landing papers (work permit/visa) or Canadian permanent resident card. Additional documents may be required to validate down payment funds sourced from another country.


For applications that result in a written mortgage pre-approval or approval, containing an interest rate commitment, the interest rate is guaranteed for up to days from the rate commitment. The mortgage must fund within days from the start of the rate commitment. Other terms and conditions may apply. See your RBC mortgage specialist or find an RBC mortgage specialistAnother RBC site for more details.


Monthly fee will be waived for the first twelve months upon account opening of the RBC Advantage Banking account or RBC VIP Banking account. Thereafter the standard monthly fee applicable to your account type will be charged: monthly fee of $ for the RBC Advantage Banking account or monthly fee of $ for the RBC VIP Banking account. For RBC VIP Banking account, $10, CAD must be deposited into the account within 20 days of account opening to qualify for the promotional offer, which expires October 31, Other account transaction fees may apply. Monthly fee waiver for the first twelve months may be replaced with any in-market offer that applies to the RBC Advantage Banking or RBC VIP Banking account. Available only to newcomers; please see the eligibility requirements in above note 1. Offer may be withdrawn or amended at any time without notice. See complete terms and conditionsPDF that apply to this promotional offer.


Debit transaction means a withdrawal of funds from an account and includes an assisted transaction and an electronic self-serve transaction. RBC Virtual Visa Debits, RBC Royal Bank loan payments, RBC Royal Bank mortgage payments, pre-authorized or self-serve RBC Royal Bank credit card payments, contributions to RBC investment accounts (such as GICs, Royal Mutual Funds, Registered Savings Plans, Registered Education Savings Plans, Registered Disability Savings Plans and Tax-Free Savings Accounts) and electronic self-serve fund transfers from your savings account to any account in your name are free of charge. All other Debit Transactions from any Savings Account are counted as Debit Transactions in the account and give rise to an Excess Debit Transaction Fee, if any free monthly Debit Transaction is exceeded.


Your credit limit will be based on financially related information about you, including income and asset information. Offer available to RBC personal deposit accountholders who are (i) permanent residents who arrived in Canada within the last 12 months, or (ii) temporary resident workers who arrived in Canada within the last 48 months, applying for a new RBC Royal Bank personal credit card (excluding the RBC Rate Advantage Visa). Existing RBC Royal Bank personal credit card cardholders are not eligible. Royal Bank of Canada reserves the right to cancel, modify or withdraw this offer at any time. Higher credit limits are subject to higher income and asset requirements.


RBC Virtual Visa Debits, Third-party payment Debits, RBC Royal Bank loan payments, RBC Royal Bank mortgage payments, pre-authorized and self-serve RBC Royal Bank credit card payments and contributions to RBC investment accounts (such as GICs, Royal Mutual Funds, Registered Savings Plans, Registered Education Savings Plans, Registered Disability Savings Plans and Tax-Free Savings Accounts) from your RBC Day to Day Banking account, U.S. Personal Account, Leo’s Young Savers account or RBC Advantage Banking account for students are free of charge. All other Debit Transactions from these Accounts are counted as Debit Transactions towards the free monthly Debit Transactions included in the Account, and give rise to an Excess Debit Transaction Fee if the total free monthly Debit Transactions are exceeded.


International Money Transfer transactions that are under $1, will be $6 per transaction. Transactions between $1, to $2, will be $10 per transaction. Excess debit transaction fee may also apply depending on the account. Additional service fees by any intermediary and receiving bank may apply. Maximum of $2, Canadian dollars or Canadian dollar equivalent per client per day. Transfers can only be made from Canadian dollar bank accounts. The service is not available to recipients in Canada and in restricted countries. You cannot send an International Money Transfer from a U.S. dollar account or the RBC High Interest eSavings account.


Available to newcomers who are (i) permanent residents or international students who arrived in Canada within the last 12 months, or (ii) temporary resident workers who arrived in Canada within the last 48 months, provided you meet all of the eligibility and credit criteria of Royal Bank of Canada. If you don't qualify for an unsecured RBC Royal Bank credit card, you may still be eligible for a credit card provided you give us a security deposit and meet Royal Bank of Canada's eligibility criteria. To receive 2, welcome RBC Rewards points, your application form must be received by October 31, and approved by us. Upon enrolment, 2, bonus RBC Rewards points will appear on your first credit card statement. Additional cardholder(s), as well as existing RBC Rewards+ Visa cardholders as of the offer eligibility period, are not eligible for this offer. Offer may be amended or withdrawn at any time without notice.


To receive the 20, bonus RBC Rewards points, your application form must be approved by us. Upon enrolment, 20, bonus RBC Rewards points will appear on your first credit card statement. Bonus points offer is only offered to the Primary Business Cardholder on the account; Secondary Business Cardholder as well as existing RBC Avion Visa Business cardholders as of the offer eligibility period are not eligible for this offer. This offer may not be combined or used in conjunction with any other offer. RBC Royal Bank reserves the right to withdraw this offer at any time, even after acceptance by you.


Get preferred interest rates on select GICs. Contact an RBC branch for more details.


Available only to newcomers (please see the newcomer eligibility requirements in disclosure 1) who become RBC clients between April 1, and October 31, (Promotional Period) by opening an RBC Advantage Banking account, RBC Signature No Limit Banking account or RBC VIP Banking account (each an Eligible Personal Banking Account). International Money Transfer (IMT) transaction fee waivers will be given for up to 12 months from the date of account opening, with up to 2 IMT transactions per month (for a total of 24 IMT transactions) for RBC Advantage Banking and RBC Signature No Limit Banking accountholders and up to 3 IMT transactions per month (for a total of 36 IMT transactions) for RBC VIP Banking accountholders (the ""IMT Offer""). Rebates to be applied to the Eligible Personal Banking Account within 45 days of a qualifying IMT transaction. This IMT Offer applies only to the first personal banking account opened per newcomer during the Promotional Period, no matter how many Eligible Personal Banking Accounts one may open during the Promotional Period. If the first personal banking account opened is not an Eligible Personal Banking Account, the offer is not applicable, even if an Eligible Personal Banking Account is subsequently opened. The IMT Offer will apply if the first non-eligible account is upgraded to an Eligible Personal Banking Account within 30 days of the non-eligible account being opened, provided that both the non-eligible account is opened and the upgrade to an Eligible Personal Banking Account is completed within the Promotional Period. The IMT Offer applies to only one account opening during the Promotional Period per Eligible Personal Banking Account, even if the Eligible Personal Banking Account is opened jointly and by more than one co-owner newcomer. In this case, only the co-owner designated as the Primary Owner at the time of opening of the jointly-held Eligible Personal Banking Account will qualify for the IMT Offer. The Eligible Personal Banking Account opened to qualify for the IMT Offer must remain open and in good standing to receive the rebate. If an Eligible Personal Banking Account is downgraded to an ineligible account type or closed, the IMT Offer will cease to apply as of the time of downgrade or closure and unrebated transactions will not be credited.

After IMT Offer, International Money Transfer transactions that are under $1, have a fee of $6 per transaction. Transactions between $1, to $2, have a fee of $10 per transaction. Excess debit transaction fee may also apply depending on the account. Additional service fees by any intermediary and receiving bank may also apply. Maximum of $2, Canadian dollars or Canadian dollar equivalent per client per day. Transfers can only be made from eligible Canadian dollar bank accounts. The IMT service is not available for money transfer transactions with recipients in Canada or in restricted countries. You cannot send an IMT from a U.S. dollar account or an RBC High Interest eSavings account.


If you are a post-secondary student and an owner or co-owner of an RBC Advantage Banking for students account (each, an “Eligible Student Bank Account”) and the primary cardholder of either the Signature RBC Rewards Visa credit card or WestJet RBC MasterCard credit card (each, an “Eligible Student Credit Card”), you may be entitled to a rebate towards the annual fee of your Eligible Student Credit Card, every year. You will still be responsible for all other interest charges or fees. For any other RBC Royal Bank credit card, regular annual fees apply as they are not eligible for a rebate.

To benefit from a rebate towards the annual fee of an Eligible Student Credit Card, every year, you must:

  1. complete the Student Information section of the credit card application form in full,

  2. remain a student, and

  3. be an owner or co-owner of an Eligible Student Bank Account throughout your studies.

Eligible Credit CardsAnnual Fee Rebate
Signature RBC Rewards Visa card$39
WestJet RBC Mastercard$39

Subject to credit approval

You will continue to benefit from the rebate on your annual fee until: i) you close your Eligible Student Bank Account, or ii) until the Expected Graduation Year you have provided at the opening of your Eligible Student Bank Account, whichever occurs earlier, as long as your credit card account remains in good standing. Thereafter, you will no longer receive the rebate on the annual fee.

If, for some reason, the Expected Graduation Year you have provided at the opening of your Eligible Student Bank Account differs from the one you have indicated on your credit card application form, the Expected Graduation Year you have provided at the opening of your Eligible Student Bank Account will prevail and be used for determining the expiry of this offer.

Additional cardholders (co-applicants and authorized users) are not eligible for this offer. Only one credit card annual fee rebate per Eligible Student Bank Account is allowed. This means that if this is a jointly held Eligible Student Bank Account, and each co-owner is also the primary cardholder of an Eligible Student Credit Card, only the Primary Owner of the Eligible Student Bank Account will be entitled to the credit card annual fee rebate.


Subject to credit approval. As a sole or joint owner of an RBC VIP Banking (VIP) account and the primary cardholder of one of the eligible credit cards listed below, the annual fee of that eligible credit card will be fully or partially rebated (as indicated below), every year, as long as your credit card remains in good standing and you remain a VIP account owner. Additional cardholders’ annual fee is also fully or partially rebated (as indicated below), every year, as long as your eligible credit card remains in good standing and you remain a VIP account owner. Only one credit card annual fee rebate per VIP account is allowed, which means that if you own a joint VIP account and each co-owner is also the primary cardholder of an eligible credit card, only the primary owner of the VIP account will be entitled to the credit card annual fee rebate. Other conditions and restrictions apply. Rebates that apply to eligible credit cards are: (i) partial rebate of $ for the primary cardholder and $50 for the co-applicant on the annual fee of an RBC Avion Visa Infinite Privilege card, and (ii) annual fee fully rebated for the primary cardholder and the additional cardholders (co-applicant and authorized users) on any of the following cards: RBC Avion Visa Infinite, RBC Avion Visa Platinum, RBC Rewards Visa Preferred, RBC U.S. Dollar Visa Gold, RBC British Airways Visa Infinite, RBC Cathay Pacific Visa Platinum, RBC Cash Back Preferred World Elite Mastercard and WestJet RBC World Elite Mastercard.


RBC VIP Banking account comes with a choice of up to two additional Canadian dollar deposit accounts, to be selected among the RBC Day to Day Banking, RBC Enhanced Savings and RBC Day to Day Savings accounts, and one additional U.S dollar deposit account, limited to the U.S. Personal Account, with the monthly fees waived. Note: Due to system limitations all accounts must be opened by the client in the same geographic location or region to be recognized for this bundling feature. If you have questions, please speak to your branch.


Open an eligible business deposit account for your first business in Canada and receive a $50 bonus which will be credited to your new business deposit account within 90 days. Eligible business deposit accounts include: RBC Digital Choice Business account package, RBC Flex Choice Business account package and RBC Ultimate Choice account package. This offer is only available to Small Businesses registered in Canada by newcomers who have been in Canada for 5 years or less. This offer cannot be combined with any other offer. The account must remain open for at least 6 months from the date it was opened. If the account is closed within 6 months, Royal Bank of Canada reserves the right to recover the full cash credit. RBC can amend or withdraw this offer at any time without notice.


Must be enrolled in RBC Online Banking or the RBC Mobile app and have either a Canadian RBC Royal Bank chequing or savings account. Some restrictions may apply. Cannot send funds from a US dollar account, or the RBC High Interest eSavings account.


RBC Mobile is operated by Royal Bank of Canada, RBC Direct Investing Inc. and RBC Dominion Securities Inc. RBC Canada, RBC Rewards and RBC eGift are operated by Royal Bank of Canada. RBC Online Banking and Telephone Banking are provided by Royal Bank of Canada. Standard message and data charges apply. Transaction fees may apply for bill payments or fund transfers made through Online Banking and are separate from access fees.


Apple, Apple Pay, iPhone, iPad and MacBook Pro are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the US and other countries. Apple Pay and Touch ID are trademarks of Apple Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owner(s). View the full list of Terms and Conditions for use of RBC Royal Bank credit cardsAnother RBC site and/or debit cardsAnother RBC site with Apple Pay.


For sole proprietorship registration, "$89 back" offer, and for incorporation, "$ back" offer are each inclusive of any applicable taxes ("Offer"). Offer available when you register or incorporate with Ownr and apply and get approved for a new RBC business deposit account associated with the business registered or incorporated with Ownr ("BDA") within 60 days ("Application Criteria"). Royal Bank of Canada (not Ownr or RBC Ventures Inc.) will in its discretion make approval decisions for all BDA applications. Once you complete the Application Criteria, you must log back into your Ownr account and click 'Refund Me'. You will receive the Offer as a credit in your BDA within business days of clicking 'Refund Me'. To qualify for this Offer your BDA must remain open for a period of 1 year from the date it is opened but there is no minimum balance that must be maintained in your BDA. If you received this Offer then change or close your BDA within 1 year of the date it was opened, we reserve the right to debit from your BDA an amount equal to the value of this Offer (inclusive of applicable taxes), even if this places the BDA into overdraft. Offer may be revised or withdrawn at any time without notice.


Request Money is a feature of the Interac e-Transfer service. RBC business deposit accounts will incur an Interac e-Transfer fee of $ for each funds request sent. Recipients of the request may have payment limits at their Financial Institutions.


ATM use outside Canada
Each account cash withdrawal at an ATM outside Canada displaying the PLUS System symbol and any fees that may be imposed by any third party for using the ATM are converted to Canadian dollars at an exchange rate that is % above the benchmark rate set by the payment card company when the transaction is posted. Exchange rates fluctuate and, as such, the rate applied will usually differ from the posted exchange rate at the time of the transaction.

ATMs - 3 withdrawals from other bank ATMs refunded per Monthly Cycle 
ATM operator surcharge (also called a convenience fee) may apply. It is charged by a third party and added directly to the amount of your cash withdrawal. Totals are not cumulative, and if not used, may not be carried over into the next Monthly Cycle

ATM - Unlimited banking transactions including Interac and PLUS System network fees waived 
ATM operator surcharge (also called a convenience fee) may be charged by other ATM operators. The convenience fee is not a Royal Bank fee and is added directly to the amount of your cash withdrawal. All clients who use non-RBC ATMs may be charged a convenience fee regardless of the type of account they hold.


Autodeposit is a feature of the Interac e-Transfer service. There are no additional fees to register or receive funds via Autodeposit. Standard fees and charges, such as Regular account deposit fees, apply.


RBC will refund the Interac network access fee for RBC Signature No Limit Banking account holders, up to a maximum of 3 refunds per Monthly Cycle, if used. RBC will refund the Interac network access fee for RBC VIP Banking account holders, if used. ATM operator surcharge (also called convenience fee) charged by other ATM operators may apply. The convenience fee is not an RBC fee. It is added directly to the amount of your cash withdrawal. All clients who use non-RBC ATMs may be charged a convenience fee regardless of the type of account they hold.


The interest rate is an annual interest rate and a simple interest calculation. Interest is calculated daily on the closing credit balance. Deposit interest is paid monthly to the account on the second business day of the following calendar month, backdated to the previous business day. Interest rate is subject to change at any time without notice. RBC site


You will earn i) $ back for every $ (2% Cash Back Credit) in Grocery Store Purchases you make up to a maximum of $6, per Annual Period; ii) $ back for every $ (1% Cash Back Credit) in Grocery Store Purchases you make in excess of $6, during an Annual Period, unlimited; iii) $ back for every $ (% Cash Back Credit) in Net Purchases you make (including pre-authorized bill payments), other than Grocery Store Purchases, up to a maximum of $6, per Annual Period, and iv) $ back for every $ (1% Cash Back Credit) in Net Purchases you make (including pre-authorized bill payments), other than Grocery Store Purchases, in excess of $6, during an Annual Period, unlimited. Grocery Store Purchases are purchases made at merchants classified by Mastercard’s “Merchant Category Code” as “grocery stores and supermarkets” (MCC ). Royal Bank of Canada (“Royal Bank”) cannot guarantee that any merchant, operating in whole or in part as a grocery store, is classified by MCC and in no event will Royal Bank be liable or responsible for any claims with respect to a grocery store purchase made at a merchant that is not classified by MCC To consult the list of participating merchants, please visit RBC site. For complete details, please refer to the RBC Cash Back Program Terms and Conditions at RBC site.


You will earn i) 1 RBC Rewards point for every $ in Gas, Grocery, and Drug Store Purchases you make; and ii) 1 RBC Rewards point for every $ on all other purchases (including pre-authorized bill payments) you make on your card. Purchases made at merchants classified by Visa's “Merchant Category Code” (MCC) as: (i) “service stations” (MCC ) or “automated fuel dispensers” (MCC) are “Gas Purchases”; (ii) “grocery stores” (MCC ) are “Grocery Purchases”; and (iii) “drug stores & pharmacies” (MCC ) are “Drug Store Purchases” (“Eligible MCCs”). Even though some merchants may sell gas, grocery, and drug store merchandise, purchases made at these locations may not necessarily qualify as Eligible MCCs if the merchant is not classified as such by Visa. Also, you may make a purchase at a merchant that is not classified as an Eligible MCC but is located on the premises of a merchant that is classified as an Eligible MCC, in which case your purchase would not qualify as an Eligible MCC. We cannot guarantee that any merchant, operating in whole or in part as a gas, grocery or drug store, is classified as an Eligible MCC and in no event will we be liable or responsible for any claims with respect to a grocery store purchase made at a merchant that is not classified as an Eligible MCC. RBC Rewards points are earned on net purchases only; they are not earned on cash advances, balance transfers, cash-like transactions and bill payments that are not pre-authorized charges that you set up with a merchant, interest charges or fees, and credits for returns and adjustments will reduce or cancel the points earned by the amounts originally charged.


Down payment of less than 20% of the value of a property requires a maximum year amortization and will not qualify for a year amortization. In addition, if your down payment is less than 20%, you must pay a mortgage default insurance premium charged by a mortgage insurer. This insurance protects the financial institution if you ever default on your mortgage. Available for Conventional Newcomer Equity and Standard Programs. Default insured programs are limited to 25 years.


This is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal or other professional advice. Automotive financing products are offered by Royal Bank of Canada and are subject to its standard lending criteria.


This information is in summary form and is intended for general guidance and information only. It is not intended to provide financial, legal or other advice. It should not be regarded as comprehensive or a substitute for professional advice.


This publication provides general information only and is not intended to provide specific advice. Not intended to offer services or solicit customers where prohibited by law. Automotive financing products are offered by Royal Bank of Canada and are subject to its standard lending criteria. Some additional conditions apply. Offer may be changed or withdrawn at any time, without notice. Not available in combination with any other rate discounts, offers or promotions.


Income earned in a TFSA is tax-free in Canada. There are penalties if excess contributions are made. If a Canadian resident is subject to taxation on their world income in another country (e.g. based on citizenship), the TFSA income may not be tax-free in that country. U.S. taxpayers who hold TFSAs need to comply with U.S. tax requirements such as the annual filing on a timely basis of IRS Forms and A.


The TFSA only shelters foreign workers’ investment income from Canadian tax; seek professional advice regarding tax rules in other jurisdictions.


Income earned in an RESP is tax-deferred in Canada. There are penalties if excess contributions are made. If a Canadian resident is subject to taxation on their world income in another country (e.g. based on citizenship), the RESP income may not be tax-free in that country. U.S. taxpayers who contribute to RESPs need to comply with U.S. tax requirements such as the annual filing on a timely basis of IRS Forms and A.


Foreign workers and international students may begin contributing to an RRSP or RESP before obtaining or applying for permanent residency.


The maximum RRSP contribution limit for is $26,; for , it was $26,


ETFs, stocks and bonds may be purchased through RBC Direct Investing, our low-cost online investing and trading service for self-directed investors or RBC Wealth Management.


When you use Virtual Visa Debit to make a payment: a) The merchant performs an authorization on your personal deposit account at the time of the purchase and this authorization amount is immediately debited from that account. This process is followed by a settlement, typically business days after authorization, which finalizes the amount of the purchase and, in some cases, reflects adjustments to the initial authorization amount. When this happens, a credit adjustment in the amount of the original authorization will be credited to your account, followed immediately by a debit adjustment that reflects the final settlement amount of your purchase. b) The funds are debited from your personal deposit account, which is the account you access with your RBC Royal Bank Client Card when you select the “Chequing” option on a point-of-sale terminal or at an ATM. If the account linked to the primary chequing position on your Client Card is changed before a payment has been settled, it may impact the processing of that payment if the merchant needs to adjust the initial authorization amount. The final settlement amount will be processed on the account that is linked to the primary chequing position on your Client Card at the time of settlement, even if a different account was debited for the authorization amount. Please see your RBC Royal Bank Virtual Visa Debit Agreement for further details.


Debit transactions made using your Virtual Visa Debit Number do not count against any monthly transaction limits applicable to your personal deposit account. Other account fees may apply. Please see the RBC Royal Bank Disclosures and Agreements related to Personal Deposit Accounts booklet or other applicable account agreement for further details.


When you use your Virtual Visa Debit Number for a transaction in a currency other than Canadian dollars, we will convert the transaction amount into Canadian dollars at an exchange rate that is % over a benchmark rate Royal Bank of Canada pays Visa International, a subsidiary of Visa Inc., on the date of the conversion. For most transactions, the authorization amount debited by the merchant at the time of purchase will be adjusted at settlement to reflect changes in the applicable exchange rate.


You will earn i) $ back for every $ (1% Cash Back Credit) in Net Purchases you make (including pre-authorized bill payments) and, ii) for the first 3 full monthly statement periods (approximately 3 months from the date your Account is opened), you will earn an additional $ back for every $ (1% Cash Back Credit welcome bonus, for a total of 2%) in Net Purchases you make (including pre-authorized bill payments), up to a maximum combined Cash Back Credit of $ per Annual Period, when you use your RBC Business Cash Back Mastercard to pay. For clarity, the additional $ Cash Back Credit welcome bonus will only apply for the first 3 full monthly statement periods in your first Annual Period. Provided your New Cash Back Balance is $ or more, Cash Back Credits earned during the year will i) automatically be credited to your January Account balance and appear on your February monthly statement, and/or ii) be credited at any other time, upon request. Cash Back Credits are not earned on cash advances (including balance transfers, cash-like transactions and bill payments that are not pre-authorized charges that you set up with a merchant), interest charges or fees, and credits for returns and adjustments will reduce or cancel the cash back credits earned by the amounts originally charged. From time to time we may offer bonus cash back promotions and will disclose the terms and conditions in the offer details. For complete details, please refer to the RBC Cash Back Program Terms and Conditions at: Royal Bank of Canada reserves the right to withdraw or amend this benefit at any time.


Each time you use your linked Eligible RBC Card to pay for qualifying purchases at a Retail Petro-Canada Location, you will earn a bonus of twenty percent (20%) more Petro-Points than you normally earn, in accordance with the Petro-Points Terms and ConditionsExternal Site. Each time you use your linked Eligible RBC Card that earns RBC Rewards points to pay for purchases at a retail Petro-Canada location, you will earn a bonus of twenty percent (20%) more RBC Rewards points than you normally earn for every $1 in purchases in accordance with the RBC Rewards Terms and ConditionsAnother RBC site. Please allow up to ninety (90) days from the date the transaction is posted on your credit card statement for the bonus points to be deposited into your RBC Rewards account.


To participate in this offer, you must have an RBC debit or credit card which is issued by Royal Bank of Canada (excluding RBC commercial credit cards) (“Eligible RBC Card”). You must be enrolled in RBC Online Banking in order to link your Eligible RBC Card to your Petro-Points card. Card linking may take up to 2 business days to process before savings and bonus points can be applied to purchases. Each time you use your linked Eligible RBC Card to purchase any grade of gasoline, including diesel, at a retail Petro-Canada location, you will save three cents ($) per litre at the time of the transaction.


Petro-Canada and Petro-Points are trademarks of Suncor Energy Inc. Used under licence. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owner(s).


The annual contribution limit is $5, This limit will rise along with inflation in future years, in $ increments. In addition, you can carry forward unused contribution room indefinitely. Previous contribution limits were $5, for and , $10, for , $5, for and , and $5, for the years to Your TFSA contribution limit is tracked by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA); if you are unsure of your limit, please check with the CRA.


To participate in this offer as an RBC business client, you must have an RBC client card or credit card issued by Royal Bank of Canada (excluding RBC Commercial Avion, RBC Commercial U.S. Dollar Visa, RBC Commercial Cash Back Visa, and RBC Commercial Visa) ("Eligible RBC Card"). When you participate in the Linked Loyalty Program as an RBC business client, you will only be able to link up to two (2) eligible business RBC credit cards and one RBC client card to a Petro-Points account. You must be enrolled in RBC Online Banking for Business in order to link. Card linking may take up to 2 business days to process before savings and bonus points can be applied to purchases. For more information, visit RBC site.


Unlimited means there is no maximum cash back credits you can earn on Grocery Store Purchases and other purchases (up to your available credit limit) per Annual Period. For complete RBC Cash Back Program Terms and Conditions, please visit:


Includes electronic (digital) debit and credit transactions to the account, such as online bill payments, pre-authorized payments (PAPs) and point of sale (POS) transactions. Standard fees apply for other services, including cheques and cash deposited at RBC ATMs, Pay Employees & Vendors (PEV), Interac e-Transfer transactions and wire transfers not expressly included in the package when completed online.


Only includes outgoing Interac e-Transfer transactions sent on the RBC Online Banking for business platform. Excludes all other Interac e-Transfer services such as Autodeposit, Request Money, Request Money Fulfillment and Bulk Interac e-Transfer service.


There is a limit of free Interac e-Transfer Transactions per Month per Account; for every Interac e-Transfer Transaction over the limit, you will be charged $


To get a short-haul flight to any adjoining province/state in Canada or the U.S., you will need a total of 15, RBC Rewards points, for a maximum ticket price of $ To receive the 15, bonus RBC Rewards points which will appear on your first statement, your application form must be approved by us. Additional cardholder(s), as well as cardholder(s) with existing RBC Royal Bank travel rewards credit cards, applying for or transferring to an RBC Avion Visa Infinite card as of the offer eligibility period, are not eligible for this offer. This offer may not be combined or used in conjunction with another offer. All applicable taxes, service fees and surcharges are the responsibility of the traveller. For Air Travel Reward redemption details, visit RBC site. Some restrictions apply. For complete terms and conditions that apply to the RBC Rewards program, please visit: www.oldyorkcellars.comther RBC site or call Royal Bank of Canada reserves the right to withdraw this offer at any time, even after acceptance by you.


Trip Cancellation insurance is subject to a limit of $1, for each Covered Person (to an overall maximum of $5, for all Covered Persons) per trip, and it protects eligible cardholders against the cost of non-refundable travel arrangements that were purchased with your RBC Avion Visa Business card if the trip is cancelled prior to your departure due to an unexpected or unforeseen covered risk. Trip Interruption insurance is subject to a maximum limit of $5, for each Covered Person, per trip, for a total maximum of $25, This coverage provides reimbursement for the non-refundable unused portion of your prepaid travel arrangements purchased with your RBC Avion Visa Business card, and interrupted due to a covered risk, including the extra costs of economy class transportation to your departure point. Please refer to the Insurance Certificate for complete details regarding these coverages.


All insurance is subject to limitations and exclusions. Insurance benefits are available to Canadian residents only. Coverage underwritten by Aviva General Insurance Company in the Province of Quebec and by RBC Insurance Company of Canada in the rest of Canada. Please refer to the insurance certificates included in your Welcome Kit for complete details.


Interac e-Transfer Transactions expire 30 days after they are sent and cannot be claimed by the recipient after this time. You have 15 days after the Interac e-Transfer Transaction is sent to cancel without charge. A $ Interac e-Transfer Transaction Reclaim Fee is charged when a recipient does not accept it before it expires and the sender does not cancel the transaction before the day cancellation period.


An ATM operator surcharge (also called convenience fee) may be charged by other ATM operators. The convenience fee is not a Royal Bank fee. It is added directly to the amount of your cash withdrawal. All clients who use non-RBC ATMs may be charged a convenience fee regardless of the type of Account they hold.


When you use your Client Card to make a withdrawal in a currency other than Canadian dollars at an ATM outside Canada displaying the PLUS system symbol, we will convert the amounts withdrawn and any associated charges imposed by any third party for the use of the ATM to Canadian dollars when we deduct the funds from your Account. We will convert these amounts to Canadian dollars no later than the date we post the transaction to your Account at our exchange rate, which is % over a benchmark rate set by Visa International, a subsidiary of Visa Inc., and which Royal Bank of Canada pays on the date of conversion. This rate may be different from the rate in effect on the date your ATM withdrawal occurred or on the date of the transaction.


The length of hold will be four (4) business days after the day of the deposit if the cheque or other negotiable item is deposited in person with an employee at one of RBC’s branches or points of service and is in Canadian dollars, drawn on a Canadian branch of a Canadian financial institution.

The length of hold will be five (5) business days after the day of deposit if the cheque or other negotiable item is deposited in any other manner, such as at an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) or using our Mobile Cheque Deposit service, and is in Canadian dollars, drawn on a Canadian branch of a Canadian financial institution.

The length of hold will also be five (5) business days after the day of deposit if the cheque or other negotiable item is in U.S. dollars and drawn on a Canadian branch of a Canadian financial institution.


The length of hold will be fifteen (15) business days after the first business day of deposit if the cheque or other negotiable item is drawn on a U.S. bank and is deposited at a Canadian branch of a Canadian financial institution.


The length of hold will be twenty-five (25) business days after the first business day of deposit if the cheque or other negotiable item is drawn on a foreign bank other than a U.S. bank and is deposited at a Canadian branch of a Canadian financial institution.


Available to newcomers who are (i) permanent residents or international students who arrived in Canada within the last 12 months, or (ii) temporary resident workers who arrived in Canada within the last 48 months, provided you meet all of the eligibility and credit criteria of Royal Bank of Canada. If you don't qualify for an unsecured RBC Royal Bank credit card, you may still be eligible for a credit card provided you give us a security deposit and meet Royal Bank of Canada's eligibility criteria. To receive 2, welcome RBC Rewards points, your application form must be received by October 31, and approved by us. Upon enrolment, 2, bonus RBC Rewards points will appear on your first credit card statement. Additional cardholder(s), as well as existing RBC Rewards+ Visa cardholders as of the offer eligibility period, are not eligible for this offer. Offer may be amended or withdrawn at any time without notice.


Subject to credit approval. The variable annual interest rate will be determined based on information you provide on the application and any credit bureau information. The annual interest rate is based on the Prime Rate plus an additional premium that ranges between % and %. Your premium will be calculated on an annual basis and could only change once a year. Prime Rate means the annual rate of interest Royal Bank of Canada announces from time to time as a reference rate for determining interest rates on Canadian dollar commercial loans in Canada. Our Prime Rate in effect on the first business day of the month will be the Prime Rate we use for the purposes of calculating your annual interest rate for the statement period ending in that month, even if our Prime Rate has changed during the month. The Prime Rate may fluctuate from time to time. It can be found in all our branches or online at RBC site.


RBC Royal Bank style cheques can be ordered only through RBC’s third-party authorized cheque-printing service provider. The order must be placed within three years of the Account opening date. The first order is for 50 free personalized cheques with no special add-on cheque features and includes shipping and handling, afterwards fees apply.


Debit transactions made using your Virtual Visa Debit Number do not count against any monthly transaction limits applicable to your personal deposit account. Other account fees may apply. Please see the RBC Royal Bank Disclosures and Agreements related to Personal Deposit Accounts booklet or other applicable account agreement for further details. You must request a Virtual Visa Debit card.


When you enroll your eligible RBC personal bank account into the RBC Value Program, you will be eligible to earn RBC Rewards points within the RBC Rewards Program as an Eligible Personal Banking Client, and any such points earned will be deposited into the RBC Rewards account tied to your enrolled account. Purchases from your account refers to using your RBC Client Card to pay for items at a merchant or service provider with the amount electronically debited directly from your enrolled account or using your RBC Virtual Visa Debit for purchases online. RBC Rewards points are governed by the RBC Rewards Terms and ConditionsAnother RBC site available on our website, or a copy may be provided to you by contacting us. For complete details on the Value Program, please see the Value Program Terms &


RBC Advantage Banking for students allows eligible full-time students to receive a full waiver of the standard Monthly Fee applicable to our RBC Advantage Banking account. Please refer to the section labelled “Rebates and Discounts: RBC Advantage Banking for studentsPDF” in the document entitled “Addendum to April 30, Personal Deposit Accounts Disclosures and Agreements”, which provides information specific to the RBC Advantage Banking account to supplement the information provided in the Personal Deposit Accounts Disclosures and Agreements document.

To be considered a full-time student, you must attend a primary or secondary school OR be enrolled in a program at the post-secondary level at a college, university or other educational institution (whether in Canada or not). If you are a post-secondary student, you must take at least 60% of the usual course load for the program in which you are enrolled in any particular semester. Proof of enrollment may be requested at our discretion.


Your RBC Virtual Visa Debit is associated with your primary chequing account. This is the account you access with your RBC Royal Bank Client Card when you select the "Chequing" option on a merchant payment terminal or at an automated teller machine. RBC Virtual Visa Debit is not available to business clients.


RBC Mobile is operated by Royal Bank of Canada, RBC Direct Investing Inc. and RBC Dominion Securities Inc. RBC Mobile Student Edition is intended for clients under the age of RBC Online Banking is operated by Royal Bank of Canada.


Arrive is powered by RBC Ventures Inc., a subsidiary of RBC.


Offer available to Eligible Personal Clients without a Personal Banking Account with Royal Bank at the beginning of the Promotional Period or in the five year period before the start of the Promotional Period, who open their first new Eligible Personal Banking account by March 31, and who comply with all other terms and conditions. Bonus $ with an RBC VIP Banking® account (monthly fee of $30) or RBC Signature No Limit Banking® account (monthly fee of $); or $ with an RBC Advantage® Banking account (monthly fee of $) (each, an “Offer”). You must also complete at least two of the following Qualifying Criteria by May 31, (i) set up at least two pre-authorized payments from the Eligible Personal Banking Account; (ii) set up at least one automated and recurring payroll or pension direct deposit to the Eligible Personal Banking Account; and/or (iii) set up at least two bill payments to a service provider from the Eligible Personal Banking Account. Offer will be deposited into your Eligible Personal Banking Account between 2 and 10 weeks of completing all Qualifying Criteria. Offer may not be combined with any other Personal Banking Account offers. Royal Bank of Canada may withdraw or amend this Offer at any time without notice. For full details including defined terms visit


Offer available January 18, - March 31, (“Promotional Period”)

This offer is available to any Eligible Student Client without a Personal Banking Account with Royal Bank of Canada at the beginning of the Promotional Period or in the three-year period before the start of the Promotional Period, and who otherwise comply with the Terms opens another RBC site in a new windowof the offer. The Bonus Offer is $60 with an Eligible Personal Banking Account.

To qualify for the $60 you must open your first new Eligible Personal Banking Account by PM EST on March 31, and complete two of the following Qualifying Criteria by PM EST on May 31, using your Eligible Personal Banking Account:

i) a minimum of one (1) mobile cheque deposit using the RBC Mobile app;
ii) a minimum of one (1) Interac e-Transfer using RBC Online Banking or the RBC Mobile app; or
iii) a minimum of one purchase transaction completed using any of the following: your RBC Client Card, an RBC Virtual Visa Debit card associated with your Eligible Personal Banking Account, Interac Flash, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay.

Transactions carried out at an RBC Royal Bank branch or through the RBC Royal Bank ATM network, and bank fee transactions, are not included as qualifying transactions.

The $60 cash component of the Bonus Offer will be deposited into your Eligible Personal Banking Account within 2 to 8 weeks of completing the Qualifying Criteria, if applicable. Royal Bank of Canada may follow up with Eligible Student Clients to remind them to complete the Qualifying Criteria.

This offer may not be combined or used in conjunction with any other Personal Banking Account offers. Royal Bank of Canada reserves the right to withdraw this offer at any time without notice, even after acceptance by you. For full details including defined terms visit opens another RBC site in a new window


We will rebate the standard NSF fee of $ for your first NSF transaction in a given calendar year. You will be charged $ for each NSF in the calendar year thereafter. You may not carry over unused NSF fee rebates from previous calendar years.


Up to $ value is a combination of: (i) month monthly fee waiver with an RBC Advantage Banking account (a value of $ based on the monthly fee of $), (ii) fee waiver for up to 2 International Money Transfer transactions per month for one year ($10 for each IMT transaction, up to $ value) until October 31, , (iii) small safe deposit box fee waiver for two years ($ value) until December 31, , (iv) up to 6, RBC Rewards points with an RBC Rewards+ Visa credit card (up to $60 value). (v) $ cash bonus offer with an RBC Advantage Banking account that is opened between January 4, and March 31, with qualifying criteria completed by May 31,


Up to 6, RBC Rewards points is a combination of 2, welcome RBC Rewards points exclusive to eligible newcomers, as outlined in note 71, and the digital bonus offer of up to 3, RBC Rewards points set out in note


RBC Rewards+ Visa cardholders get our most popular $25 gift cards for 2, points. All rewards are subject to availability. The regular redemption rate for RBC Rewards members, other than RBC Rewards+ cardholders, is 3, RBC Rewards points for a $25 gift card for, iTunes, Starbucks, McCafe and Cineplex. Point redemption values may fluctuate. For complete terms, conditions and restrictions that apply to the RBC Rewards program, please visit or call Please note that the redemption rate for gift cards not listed above, including Petro-Canada gift cards, is 3, RBC Rewards points.


To receive 3, RBC Rewards points on your RBC Rewards+ Visa credit card account as part of our digital bonus offer, get points for completing each of the following activities within 60 days of credit card approval: (i) share your email address with us, (ii) sign up for eStatements for your card, (iii) download and sign into the RBC Mobile app, and provided you bank with RBC (with an RBC Day to Day Banking, RBC Advantage Banking, RBC Private Banking, RBC Signature No Limit Banking, RBC VIP Banking, US Personal Account, Ratelink Essential, Ratelink Preference, RBC Day to Day Savings, RBC Enhanced Savings or RBC High Interest eSavings account), (iv) make an Interac e-Transfer with the RBC Mobile app or RBC Online Banking, (v) Transfer funds with the RBC Mobile app or RBC Online Banking, (vi) deposit a cheque with the RBC Mobile app and (vii) pay a bill with the RBC Mobile app or RBC Online Banking. Additional cardholder(s), as well as existing RBC Rewards+ Visa cardholders as of the offer eligibility period, are not eligible for this offer. This offer may not be combined or used in conjunction with any other offer, unless otherwise indicated by us. Offer may be amended or withdrawn at any time without notice.


Limited time offer must be fulfilled within 60 days from date of credit card approval. This offer is not transferable, may not be combined or used in conjunction with any other offer. Offer may be changed, cancelled or withdrawn at any time. Only the Primary Cardholder of an RBC Rewards+ Visa card is eligible for this offer and may receive a one-time bonus of RBC Rewards points (“Bonus Points”) for each listed offer (each a “Bonus Offer”) up to a maximum of 3, RBC Rewards points. It may take up to 60 days after offer expires for the Bonus Points to appear on the credit card statement. Primary Cardholder can provide us their email address and sign up for eStatements through RBC Online Banking by visiting a branch or calling


To bank with RBC means you must hold any of the following RBC bank accounts (each an "Eligible Account"): RBC Day to Day Banking, RBC Advantage Banking,RBC Private Banking, RBC Signature No Limit Banking, RBC VIP Banking, US Personal Account, Ratelink Essential, Ratelink Preference, RBC Day to Day Savings, RBC Enhanced Savings or RBC High Interest eSavings. If you do not have an Eligible Account you may open one by visiting a branch.


Interac e-Transfer transactions are free for all RBC personal chequing accounts. US Dollar accounts are not eligible. A fee of $ may be charged to the sender for Interac e-Transfers sent from RBC personal savings accounts listed as an Eligible Account (see note 18).


Deposits are subject to the same maximum deposit limits as well as release and payment amounts as deposits made at an RBC Royal Bank ATM. Cheques will also be subject to our Personal Banking hold policies.


Available only to newcomers (please see the eligibility requirements in above note 1). Annual fees will be waived for RBC Advantage Banking and RBC Signature No Limit Banking accounts (each an "Eligible Account") for up to two-year rental (offer ends December 31, ) of a small safe deposit box (SDB), where such boxes are available. Standard safe deposit box fees are collected in advance in January for each calendar year. If you open, switch or are converted to an Eligible Account, the standard fee applicable to your eligible safe deposit box will be waived in full or in part for the current year, depending on the time when the box is opened, and in full for the following year. RBC VIP Banking account holders receive one small box free as a standard feature of that account type, so long as they maintain their RBC VIP Banking account in good standing; offer cannot be combined with any other safe deposit box offer. Offer is subject to change without notice

93Legal Disclaimer

Guaranteed investment certificates are issued by Royal Bank of Canada, The Royal Trust Company, Royal Trust Corporation of Canada and Royal Bank Mortgage Corporation. Royal Bank of Canada, The Royal Trust Company, Royal Trust Corporation of Canada and Royal Bank Mortgage Corporation are members of Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDlC). Deposits (such as deposits in a savings account, or GICs and other term deposits) with any of these institutions are eligible for CDIC deposit insurance coverage provided they are payable in Canada. For more information, including conditions of coverage, contact CDIC directly at or 1 () ‑

Quebec only: If a guaranteed investment certificate is with Royal Bank Mortgage Corporation or The Royal Trust Company, it is a deposit within the meaning of the Deposit Institutions and Deposit Protection Act (Quebec).

94Legal Disclaimer

Please consult the Application Package documents for restrictions, limitations, and additional conditions that apply to all wire transfers sent by you to us, or returned by us to you.

95Legal Disclaimer

All rewards are subject to availability and may change without prior notice. For complete terms, conditions and restrictions that apply to the RBC Rewards program, please visit: or call ROYAL ().

COVID Important Branch Information

For the health and safety of our employees and communities, RBC has temporarily closed a number of branches, reduced hours, and is limiting the number of clients permitted at any given time to practice physical distancing. Open branches also have Plexi Protection Screens installed.

If an in-person visit is required, please find a branch and book an appointment.

We encourage clients to bank at home if possible.

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Tips to Help You Make Your Money Grow in Canada

From your first savings account to the disbursement of your retirement income, choose the investment vehicles that best suit your needs and your investor profile. Here are the different options available to help you invest intelligently.

Principal-Protected Investments

Above all, these aim to protect your money from the ups and downs of the stock markets, but can in some cases provide you access to their growth potential. Some examples of different principal-protected investments are guaranteed investment certificates (GIC) at a fixed or variable rate of return and deposit notes.

Mutual Funds

Although the return is not guaranteed as with principal-protected investments, mutual funds are interesting if you are looking to get even more out of your savings over the long term while accepting part of the risk. With that said, investing in such a fund is still less risky than directly buying company shares on the stock market. With a mutual fund, a manager undertakes the selection of the companies that will be in his or her fund. Therefore, your money is invested in hundreds of companies (sometimes residing in the same sector or geographical market). This is a good way to diversify your portfolio and avoid putting all your eggs in one basket.

Exchange Traded Funds (ETF)

ETFs are comprised of various securities of companies traded on the stock market. They usually aim to replicate a particular index or follow a currency or another financial asset. Two characteristics, however, differentiate them from mutual fund investments. First, their low management fees are attractive to many investors. Secondly, they are traded the same way as a stock. You can quite simply buy or sell them when the stock markets are open.

> Read about the 6 tactics to use in order to maximize the benefits offered by ETFs

Arrived in Canada less than 5 years ago?

Learn about our bank account offer for newcomers.

Save for your retirement with an RRSP

A Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) is a government-registered savings plan with features that appeal to many Canadians. Its purpose is to help you build your savings for retirement by reducing the amount of income taxes you are required to pay.

  • You can contribute up to 18% of the income you earned in the previous year, subject to an annual cap.
  • Contributions are deducted from your income for tax purposes.
  • The investment income from an RRSP is not taxable until withdrawal (ideally after retirement when your tax rate will be lower).

Learn to Take Advantage of the TFSA

Created in , the Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) enables you to save and shelter your investment revenue from taxes, regardless of your annual income. There is an annual limit to the amount you can contribute each year. To find out the maximum contribution room established by the government, consult the Canada Revenue Agency website. Please note that unused contribution room is added up from one year to the next.

To be eligible for the TFSA, you must be at least 18 years old, be a resident of Canada and have a valid Social Insurance Number. The investment income earned in your TFSA is not taxable, even if withdrawn from the account. However, it does not provide any tax benefits (unlike an RRSP). The funds in a TFSA can be invested in a number of vehicles, from GICs to mutual funds.

Your financial planner can help!

A financial planner can help you understand Canadian investment products and solutions. Your financial planner will advise and support you in managing your finances, address your questions and concerns, and find the best solutions to power your ideas.

In addition to analyzing your financial situation, your advisor can offer you various services or direct you to the appropriate experts, as needed.

Choosing an advisor is a big decision; you want to be sure your finances are in good hands. Review the tips provided by the Autorité des marchés financiers to help you select a competent advisor.

Saving, A Basic Due Diligence

There are many reasons to put money aside: saving up for a trip, purchasing a home or preparing for retirement. Yet, even beyond these specific goals, saving is a means of being prepared. Saving allows us to shelter ourselves from the setbacks in life, to become more capable of helping those we love and to leave an inheritance to the next generation

Find more tips and advice about you finances in Canada by signing up for the National Bank’s newsletter.

Источник: []

The Six Principles of Smart Investing

What is "asset allocation"?

The mix of investments within your portfolio is also known as your portfolio's asset allocation. A diversified portfolio typically holds a combination of savings, income and growth investments.

3. Invest regularly

It's generally much easier to come up with a smaller amount to invest on a monthly or weekly basis than to make a large, lump-sum contribution. A regular investment plan allows you to choose when and how often you make contributions - ensuring you make investing a priority. With a CIBC Regular Investment Plan, money will be automatically how to invest small amounts of money in canada from companies to invest in now uk account and invested in a range of CIBC investment solutions. You can invest with pre-authorized contributions of as little as $25 a month.

How can I lower the average cost of investing?

Investing smaller amounts in mutual funds over time - or "dollar-cost averaging" - can mean lower average costs than if you make infrequent purchases. For example, your money will buy more units of a mutual fund when prices are low; and fewer units when prices are high. Provided the fund gains in value over the long term, you'll profit from your purchases during short-term price declines.

4. Build a diversified portfolio

Spreading your assets across a wide range of investments is an effective way to reduce risk and increase potential returns over the long term. Holding a mixture of different types of investments will help cushion your portfolio from downturns, as the value of some investments may go up while the value of others may go down.

5. Monitor your portfolio

You should examine your investment portfolio with a CIBC advisor, or on your own, at least once a year to ensure that it continues to meet your needs. Market conditions, how to invest small amounts of money in canada, life events (marriage, children and retirement) and changing goals are cues to review your portfolio.

6. Align your investments with your time horizons

The type of investments you choose will depend on whether you're saving for long-term or short-term goals. For your long-term goals, you may want to consider long-term, growth-oriented investments. Your short-term goals call for investments that are more conservative, and more accessible. For example, if you're investing to save for a downpayment on a home, you'll want quick and easy access to your funds.

Источник: []

How to invest your money

Learn more about TD Direct Investing

This article will help you understand how to invest your money on your own, learn about the different investment accounts, and types of investments.

How to invest your money

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think about how to invest?

  • Is it excitement about discovering a stock you believe could be profitable?
  • Is it hesitation about how to get started in investing?
  • Is it confidence about the success you've enjoyed how to invest small amounts of money in canada other areas of your life, making you eager to tackle something new?

Learning how to invest can mean different things to different people. It can involve your own unlimited possibilities and may trigger some dreams you didn't even realize you had. When you're in charge of your investments, you may be motivated by what you can learn and potentially achieve on your own terms.

Why invest your money?

Whether you're saving for retirement, a house, education or just saving for the future, investing may help your money grow. If you keep your money in a savings account, it may not earn enough interest to keep up with inflation over time.

Knowing some investing basics helps to lay the groundwork so you can set your financial goals and decide what types of investments may help you reach them.

DIY investing

Do-it-yourself (DIY) investing refers to an investing approach where you can manage your investment portfolio yourself through sophisticated trading platforms or a simplified, goals-based app.

Here are some reasons why someone may consider managing their investments independently as a self-directed investor:

  1. Potentially lower fees.
  2. Freedom to make investment decisions on your own time.
  3. Greater control over your money's how to invest small amounts of money in canada to choose from a larger pool of investment vehicles.

Other factors to also consider include, level of investment knowledge, how much one can devote to DIY investing and risk tolerance level.

There are extensive educational resources, tools, market information and research, and insights available which may help you.

Plan before you invest

Planning your time frame, risk level, investment objectives, and account types can help make your personal investment journey go a lot smoother, how to invest small amounts of money in canada. Before you look at the types of investments, ask yourself these questions:

  • How long will you invest?
    Determining your time horizon depends on your financial goals and how long you will invest before you need the money. When you invest funds for the long term such as for a retirement goal, you may consider reinvesting your returns to help provide compounded growth each year – potentially making your money grow faster.
  • How much risk can you take?
    Your risk tolerance can be defined as conservative, moderate, or aggressive. Your tolerance can determine which types of investments you choose. For example, if you have a short-term goal, you may consider lower-risk investments (a conservative approach). For long-term goals, your tolerance for market volatility could be higher (an aggressive approach).
  • What is your objective?
    You should have a clear objective in mind before you start making investing decisions. Consider your lifestyle and the fact that your objectives will likely change over time. For example, today your objective may be to put X dollars in your Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) or save for a particular purchase. Then life happens, priorities change, and your objectives can change too.
  • What account types are suitable for your different needs?
    Once you've established your financial goals, you can select different account types to suit the goals that you're saving for.

Which investment account is best for me?

Opening the right investment account can help towards attaining your financial goals. Here are some highlights of different accounts:

  • RRSPs (Registered Retirement Savings Plan) are typically used to save for retirement. Contributing to an RRSP can allow you to defer taxes on the returns you earn on the investments in the plan and to access the funds in retirement years when you may potentially be in a lower income tax bracket.
  • A Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) can be used to save for short- or long-term goals because it lets your savings grow tax-free. A TFSA can be used to save for various types of goals, like an upcoming vacation or large purchase.
  • Margin accounts1 can help you boost your buying power by leveraging value in your portfolio. You can borrow against value in the securities you already own to make additional investments and access sophisticated investment strategies, including option trades 2 and short selling. However, leveraged trades are not for everyone. Along with the potential for greater returns, comes the flip side of increased exposure and risk.
  • A cash account could be used to save for a variety of goals, can provide flexibility to easily access available cash in the account and you can trade a variety of securities on North American markets.

TD Direct Investing has many account types geared to different situations, including the RESP, RIF, LIRA, LIF and RDSP. Below is a brief description of four popular account types.

RRSP account

The purpose of a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) is to invest and grow your money on a tax-deferred basis until you retire and need to how to invest small amounts of money in canada it to fund your retirement. No later than the end of the year you turn 71, you must convert an RRSP to a permitted form of retirement income, such as a Registered retirement Income Fund (RRIF) or an annuity or take the funds in cash, how to invest small amounts of money in canada. Since your income may be lower at this point in your life, you may be in a lower tax bracket when compared to your prime earning years. With an RRSP account you can:

  • Claim your RRSP contributions as r deductions from income on your annual tax return.
  • Let your investments potentially grow within your RRSP without paying any income tax on the investment returns or on the growth until you withdraw funds.

An RRSP account is designed for growing savings for your retirement, but under the Home Buyers’ Plan or Lifelong Learning Plan, you may be able to access your RRSP funds on a tax-free basis to help pay for your first-time home purchase or for education programs, subject to eligibility and conditions, including repayment requirements.


When you invest money in a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA), you don’t pay tax on any investment returns. When you withdraw money from a TFSA, you don't pay tax on the withdrawal.

You can contribute funds each year in accordance with the contribution limit defined by the federal government. The TFSA contribution limit for is $6, If you withdraw money from the TFSA, you can re-contribute amounts withdrawn. Note that withdrawn amounts are added to your contribution room only at the beginning of the following calendar year.

RRSP vs. TFSA – which account should you choose?

Whether you're saving for retirement, home ownership or education, both RRSPs and TFSAs can be an option. When you're evaluating whether an RRSP or TFSA is the right account to house some of your DIY investments, being able to determine your income needs can help you make that choice.

  • An RRSP is a tax-deferred savings vehicle. Financial institutions withhold a prescribed rate of tax at the time of a withdrawal; ultimately the amount withdrawn will be taxed as income at your marginal rate. If you know you'll have less income after retirement, the tax you will pay will likely be less than what you'd pay while earning the income.
  • With a TFSA, you invest with after-tax dollars and your investments can grow tax-free. This means you don't have to pay tax on any growth and you’re not taxed on withdrawals.

See a comparison of TFSA vs RRSP account features.

Cash account

A cash account is an investment account where all investments must be purchased using your own cash, with no borrowing. With this type of account, you can get started investing in stocks, mutual funds, fixed income and ETFs right away.

Margin account1

In a cash account, how to invest small amounts of money in canada, all purchases must be paid in full.

In a margin account, you may pay for a percentage of a stock's value, for example 30%, while borrowing the balance of the funds from your broker. This can allow you to increase your buying power to purchase more shares. Think of it as being able to buy a bigger house with a larger mortgage loan. Trading on margin does bring higher risk, so it is critical that you spend time learning about all the risks and account characteristics before considering opening a margin account.

What can you invest in?

Selecting your investments goes hand in hand with your account type and your appetite for risk. Many investors diversify their investments across different asset classes to help maintain a balanced portfolio.

Note that registered plans such as RRSPs and TFSAs are restricted to holding the types of investments which are considered qualified for such plans.

As well, if you plan to hold foreign securities within a registered plan, consult your tax advisor as there may be potential tax implications.

Stocks or Equities

When you buy stocks, you own part of how to invest small amounts of money in canada company and can benefit from its potential profits in either increased stock value or in dividends paid by the company or a combination of both. In some cases, you also get the right to vote on various company matters.

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)

Exchange Traded Funds, or ETFs, are a grouping of securities that trade on a stock exchange like a stock does.

  • ETFs hold many different assets within them, not just one stock which may make it easier for you to stretch your dollar when compared to buying individual stocks.
  • ETFs can be bought and sold throughout the day on the market and so their prices can change; in contrast, mutual funds are only priced once a day at the close of the markets.
  • Some ETFs track an index that emphasizes holding investments that pay dividends. These dividend ETFs are designed to provide investors with a regular income stream.

Mutual Funds

A mutual fund is similar to an ETF in that it is also a collection of different investments, exposing you to how to invest small amounts of money in canada different companies or asset classes with just one transaction. Investments within mutual funds are often grouped together by industry or other similarity.

The difference between mutual funds and ETFs is that ETFs trade on stock make money online fast and legit and can be bought and sold any time during the trading day while mutual funds are transacted at the how to invest small amounts of money in canada of the trading day.

Fixed Income Securities

Fixed income securities provide a fixed-rate return and include government and corporate bonds. They are flexible and can be sold at market value if you need to cash them.

As a self-directed investor you can buy and sell government and corporate bonds including:

  • Government of Canada bonds
  • Government agency bonds
  • Provincial and Municipal bonds
  • Investment Grade Corporate bonds
  • Strips (Zero Coupon) and Residual Bonds
  • U.S. Pay Bonds

Other fixed income choices are GICs, mortgage-backed securities, and money market instruments.


When you invest in Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs), you are lending your money to a financial institution for a certain rate of return, over a designated how to invest small amounts of money in canada of time.

A GIC gives you back % of your investment plus interest that's determined at the money earned winning super bowl rate set for your GIC at the time of purchase.

Options Trading2

Options2 give you the right to buy (a "call option") or sell (a "put option") a security at a fixed price during a designated time period, designed to help you to leverage a stock's changing value and help protect you against drops in the market.

IPOs and New Issues

An IPO, which stands for Initial Public Offering, occurs when the shares or stocks of a private company are made available to the public, for purchase, for the first time. New issues refer to any security that a company offers to the public for the first time, including IPOs, secondary or treasury offerings.

There can be new issues after an IPO, but only one IPO occurs when a private company decides to go public.

Balancing your online investment portfolio mix

To help protect your investments from risk, you can potentially balance your portfolio by diversifying investments across different asset classes. Some different asset classes are:

  • stocks or equities
  • bonds and fixed income
  • cash equivalents and money market

The importance of a personal investment plan

A personal investment plan can help you lay out your finances and understand the timeline you'll need to achieve your goals. You can create a plan and adjust it over time as your lifestyle and circumstances change.

It's time to start your online investing journey!

Now that you know a few basics about how to invest, you can feel confident about taking the next step.

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TD Direct Investing has many investing resources to help you build confidence in managing your own investments.

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8 best short-term investments in March

If you&#x;re looking to invest money for the short term, you&#x;re probably searching for a safe place to stash cash before you need to access it in the not-so-distant future. The volatile markets and slumping economy led many investors to hold cash as the coronavirus crisis dragged on &#x; and things remain uncertain as the economy now faces surging inflation.

Short-term investments minimize risk, but at the cost of potentially higher returns available in the best long-term investments. As a result, you&#x;ll ensure that you have cash when you need it, instead of squandering the money on a potentially risky investment. So the most important thing investors should be looking for in a short-term investment is safety.

What is a short-term investment?

If you&#x;re making a short-term investment, you&#x;re often doing so because you need to have the money at a certain time. If you&#x;re saving for a down payment on a house or a wedding, for example, the money must be at the ready. Short-term investments are those you make for less than three years.

If you have a longer time horizon &#x; at least three to five years (and even longer is better) &#x; you can look at investments such as stocks. Stocks offer the potential for much higher returns. The stock market has historically risen an average of 10 percent annually over long periods &#x; but it has proven to be quite volatile. So the longer time horizon gives you the ability to ride out the ups and downs of the stock market.

Short-term investments: Safe but lower yield

The safety of short-term investments comes at a cost. You likely won&#x;t be able to earn as much in a short-term investment as you would in a long-term investment. If you invest for the short term, you&#x;ll be limited to certain types of investments and shouldn&#x;t buy riskier assets such as stocks and stock funds. (But if you can invest for the long term, here&#x;s how to buy stocks.)

Short-term investments do have a couple of advantages, however. They&#x;re often highly liquid, so you can get your money whenever you need it. Also, they tend to be lower risk than long-term investments, so you may have limited downside or even none at all.

The best short-term investments in March:

  1. High-yield savings accounts
  2. Short-term corporate bond funds
  3. Money market accounts
  4. Cash management accounts
  5. Short-term U.S. government bond funds
  6. No-penalty certificates of deposit
  7. Treasurys
  8. Money market mutual funds

Overview: Top short-term investments in March

Here are a few of the best short-term investments to consider that still offer you some return.

1. High-yield savings accounts

A high-yield savings account at a bank or credit union is a good alternative to holding cash in a checking account, which typically pays very little interest on your deposit. The bank will pay interest in a savings account on a regular basis.

Savers would do well to comparison-shop high-yield savings accounts, because it&#x;s easy to find which banks offer the highest interest rates and they are easy to set up.

Risk: Savings accounts are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) at banks and by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) at credit unions, so you won&#x;t lose money. There&#x;s not really a risk to these accounts in the short term, though investors who hold their money over longer periods may have trouble keeping up with inflation.

Liquidity: Savings accounts are highly liquid, and you can add money to the account. Savings accounts typically only allow for up to six fee-free withdrawals or transfers per statement cycle, however. (The Federal Reserve now allows banks to waive this requirement.) Of course, you&#x;ll want to watch out for banks that charge fees for maintaining the account or accessing ATMs, so you can minimize those.

2. Short-term corporate bond funds

Corporate bonds are bonds issued by major corporations to fund their investments. They are typically considered safe and pay interest at regular intervals, perhaps quarterly or twice a year.

Bond funds are collections of these corporate bonds from many different companies, usually across many industries and company sizes. This diversification means that a poorly-performing bond won&#x;t hurt the overall return very much. The bond fund will pay interest on a regular basis, typically monthly.

Risk: A short-term corporate bond fund is not insured by the government, so it can lose money. However, bonds tend to be quite safe, especially if you&#x;re buying a broadly diversified collection of them. In addition, a short-term fund provides the least amount of risk exposure to changing interest rates, so rising or falling rates won&#x;t affect the price of the fund too much.

Liquidity: A short-term corporate bond fund is highly liquid, and it can be bought and sold on any day that the financial markets are open.

3. Money market accounts

Money market accounts are another kind of bank deposit, and they usually pay a higher interest rate than regular savings accounts, though they typically require a higher minimum investment, too.

Risk: Be sure to find a money market account that is FDIC-insured so that your account will be protected from losing money, with coverage up to $, per depositor, per bank.

Like a savings account, the major risk for money market accounts occurs over time, because their low interest rates usually make it difficult for investors to keep up with inflation. In the short term, however, that&#x;s not a significant concern.

Liquidity: Money market accounts are highly liquid, though federal laws do impose some restrictions on withdrawals.

4. Cash management accounts

A cash management account allows you to put money in a variety of short-term investments, and it acts much like an omnibus account. You can often invest, write checks off the account, transfer money and do other typical bank-like activities. Cash management accounts are typically offered by robo-advisors and online stock brokers.

So the cash management account gives you a lot of flexibility.

Risk: Cash management accounts are often invested in safe low-yield money market funds, so there&#x;s not a lot of risk. In the case of some robo-advisor accounts, these institutions deposit your money into FDIC-protected partner banks, so you might want to make sure that you don&#x;t exceed FDIC deposit coverage if you already do business with one of the partner banks.

Liquidity: Cash management accounts are extremely liquid, and money can be withdrawn at any time. In this respect, they may be even better than traditional savings and money market accounts, which limit monthly withdrawals.

5. Short-term U.S. government bond funds

Government bonds are like corporate bonds except that they&#x;re issued by the U.S. federal government and its agencies. Government bond funds purchase investments such as T-bills, T-bonds, T-notes and mortgage-backed securities from federal agencies such as the Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae). These bonds are considered low-risk.

Risk: While bonds issued by the federal government and its agencies are not backed by the FDIC, how to invest small amounts of money in canada, the bonds how to invest small amounts of money in canada the government&#x;s promises to repay money. Because they&#x;re backed by the full faith and credit of the United States, these bonds are considered very safe.

In addition, a fund of short-term bonds means an investor takes on a low amount of interest rate risk. So rising or falling rates won&#x;t affect the price of the fund&#x;s bonds very much.

Liquidity: Government bonds are among the most widely traded assets on the exchanges, so government bond funds are highly liquid. They can be bought and sold on any day that the stock market is open.

6. No-penalty certificates of deposit

A no-penalty certificate of deposit, or CD, lets you dodge the typical fee that a bank how to invest small amounts of money in canada if you cancel your CD before it matures. You can find CDs at your bank, and they&#x;ll generally offer a higher return than you could find in other bank products such as savings accounts and money market accounts.

CDs are time deposits, meaning when you open one, you&#x;re agreeing to hold the money in the account for a specified period of time, ranging from periods of weeks up to many years, depending on the maturity you want. In exchange for the security of having this money in its vault, the bank will pay you a higher interest rate.

The bank pays interest on the CD regularly, how to invest small amounts of money in canada, and at the end of the CD&#x;s term, the bank will return your principal plus the earned interest.

A no-penalty CD may also be attractive in a period of rising interest rates, since you can withdraw your money without paying a fee and then deposit it elsewhere for a higher return.

Risk: CDs are insured by the FDIC, so you won&#x;t lose any money on them. The risks are limited for a short-term CD, but one risk is that you may miss out on a better rate elsewhere while your money is tied up in the CD. If the interest rate is too low, you may also end up losing purchasing power to inflation.

Liquidity: CDs are typically less liquid than other bank investments on this list, but a no-penalty CD allows you to avoid the charge for ending the CD early. So you can dodge the key element that makes most CDs illiquid.

7. Treasurys

Treasurys come in three varieties &#x; T-bills, T-bonds and T-notes &#x; and they offer the ultimate in safe yield, how to invest small amounts of money in canada, backed by the AAA credit rating of the U.S. federal government, how to invest small amounts of money in canada. So rather than buying a government bond fund, you might opt to buy specific securities, depending on your needs.

Risk: As with a bond fund, individual bonds are not backed by the FDIC, how to invest small amounts of money in canada, but are backed by the government&#x;s promise to repay the money, so they&#x;re considered very safe.

Liquidity: U.S. government bonds are the most liquid bonds on the exchanges, and can be bought and sold on any day the market is open.

8. Money market mutual funds

Don&#x;t confuse a money market mutual fund with a money market account. While they&#x;re named similarly, they have different risks, though both are good short-term investments

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Investing in Canada for Newcomers


Save and invest for your future in Canada.

What Can We Help You With?

Popular Investment Plans in Canada

Your future is important. Whether you’re here to stay or in Canada just for a while, with RBC you can invest in Canada’s popular investment plans to help you save, grow and protect your money.

Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)

How can I use it?

Save for anything you want in the next few years⎯an emergency fund, a car, renovation or retirement.

What is it?

A registered savings plan where investment earnings and withdrawals are tax-free41.

  • Canadian residents
  • Permanent residents/landed immigrants
  • Foreign workers42
  • International students

Eligibility requirements:

  • Have reached age of majority in your province of residence
  • Have a Social Insurance Number

Are contributions tax-deductible?


Do savings grow tax-free or tax-deferred?


Are withdrawals taxed?


What investment products can I hold in it?

  • Cash
  • GICs
  • Mutual funds
  • Savings deposits
  • Stocks, bonds, Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) and more46

Annual contribution limits

$6, for (subject to change) plus any unused contribution room from previous years54

Do I need to earn an income to contribute?


Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)

How can I use it?

Set money aside now, while you’re still working, to use when you retire.

What is it?

A registered investment plan where investment earnings are tax-deferred until retirement, and contributions are tax-deductible.

  • Canadian residents
  • Permanent residents/landed immigrants
  • Foreign workers44
  • International students44

Eligibility requirements:

  • Have earned income and file an income tax return in Canada
  • Under age 71 (you can contribute until December 31 of the year you turn 71)
  • Have available contribution room

Are contributions tax-deductible?

Yes⎯contributions reduce your taxable income

Do savings grow tax-free or tax-deferred?

Tax-deferred, until withdrawal

Are withdrawals taxed?

Yes⎯withdrawals are added to taxable income the year the money is withdrawn

What investment products can I hold in it?

  • Cash
  • GICs
  • Mutual funds
  • Savings deposits
  • Stocks, bonds, Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) and more46

Annual contribution limits

18% of previous year's earned income, less any pension adjustment, up to the maximum annual contribution limit45

Do I need to earn an income to contribute?


Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)

How can I use it?

Save for a child’s post-secondary education costs.

What is it?

A registered investment plan where investment earnings are tax-deferred. Some contributions how to invest small amounts of money in canada eligible for government incentives.43

  • Canadian residents
  • Permanent residents/landed immigrants
  • Foreign workers44
  • International students44

Eligibility requirements:

  • Have a Social Insurance Number (Canadian residency not required)

The beneficiary of an RESP (or the student), must:

  • Be a Canadian resident or permanent resident/landed immigrant
  • Have a Social Insurance Number

Are contributions tax-deductible?


Do savings grow tax-free or tax-deferred?

Tax-deferred,43 until withdrawal

Are withdrawals taxed?

May be taxed at a lower rate, or not taxed at all, when paid out to the beneficiary (or student) for their education costs

What investment products can I hold in it?

  • Cash
  • GICs
  • Mutual funds
  • Savings deposits
  • Stocks, bonds, Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) and more46

Annual contribution limits

No annual limit, how to invest small amounts of money in canada, but there is a lifetime contribution limit of $50, per beneficiary

Note: There are also government grants and bonds that you may be able to take advantage of to grow your child’s savings faster

Do I need to earn an income to contribute?


Non-Registered Investment Account

How can I use it?

Save for any reason in a flexible account that gives you easy access to your money.

What is it?

A non-registered investment account that you can contribute any amount to and withdraw from when needed.

  • Canadian residents
  • Permanent residents/landed immigrants
  • Foreign workers
  • International students

Eligibility requirements:

  • Have reached age of majority in your province of residence
  • Have a Social Insurance How to invest small amounts of money in canada contributions tax-deductible?


    Do savings grow tax-free or tax-deferred?

    Investment income, interest and capital gains are taxed

    Are withdrawals taxed?


What investment products can I hold in it?

  • Cash
  • GICs
  • Mutual funds
  • Stocks, bonds, Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) and more46

Annual contribution limits

No limit to how much you can contribute

Do I need to earn an income to contribute?


Note: The chart above is intended for general information purposes only. It should not be regarded as comprehensive or a substitute for professional advice. For complete details on eligibility, contributions, withdrawals and more, please talk to an advisor.

Investment Products at RBC

To protect your initial investment or explore opportunities to grow your money, you can choose from our broad lineup of products, including:

Savings Deposits

A savings deposit is simple and safe, giving you easy access to your money and guaranteeing your original investment (principal) and the interest you earn.

May be right for you if:

  • You want to make a last-minute contribution to a registered plan
  • You’re not sure how you want to invest your money
  • You're looking to start saving in a registered account/plan

Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs)

A GIC is a secure fixed-income investment that guarantees % of your original investment, while earning interest at a fixed or variable rate, or based on a specific formula.

May be right for you if:

  • You want the security of knowing that % of your original investment is protected
  • You seek competitive rates that are guaranteed for the full term of your investment, including preferred rates for newcomers16
  • You’re looking for more growth potential than a savings deposit

Mutual Funds

A mutual fund is an easy way to invest in a pool of stocks, bonds and other investments that is managed on your behalf by a professional money manager.

May be right for you if:

  • You want to benefit from the expertise of a professional money manager
  • You’re looking to diversify your investments (a strategy to help reduce risk by holding investments across a variety of regions, sectors, industries and issuers)
  • You’re looking for more growth potential than a savings deposit or GIC
  • You want ease and convenience

Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)46

An ETF is similar to a mutual fund, except an ETF trades like a stock on an exchange. Like a mutual fund, you can buy ‘units’ in an ETF to own a proportional interest of a pool of assets (such as stocks or bonds).

May be right for you if:

  • You’re looking for instant diversification
  • You prefer their lower fees compared to other types of investments
  • You need the flexibility to bitcoin investor ervaringen new york buy and sell


Stocks (or equities) let you purchase a small part of an individual company. You can participate in and benefit from the company’s growth, and potentially receive tax-efficient dividend income and capital gains.

May be right for you if:

  • You’re comfortable with fluctuating returns
  • You want the potential for greater long-term returns compared to cash and fixed-income investments like GICs
  • You’re looking to earn dividends and capital gains


Bonds are conservative fixed-income investments issued by a company or government. When you buy a bond, the bond issuer pays you interest for a specific time period and repays your initial investment when the bond matures.

May be right for you if:

  • You want to reduce the overall risk in your investment portfolio
  • You want a relatively safe investment

Ways to Invest at RBC

There are a number of ways you can invest with us here at RBC. Not sure what’s right for you? No problem—we can help guide you!

With an RBC Royal Bank advisor

Whether you are saving for retirement, a big purchase, or your child’s education, RBC Royal Bank advisors and financial planners can provide you with holistic financial advice from goal planning to investment decisions. As an RBC Client you have access to MyAdvisorAnother RBC site, where you can keep an eye on all your investments, track your goals and connect with an advisor for personalized advice in person, by phone or via video chat.

With an RBC Wealth Management advisor

A dedicated RBC Wealth Management advisor can help you with your sophisticated or complex investing and wealth management needs. Advisors can create a personalized investment portfolio drawing on a complete range of investment choices, and provide customized wealth management solutions.

Visit RBC Wealth ManagementAnother RBC site

Self-directed, online investing with RBC Direct Investing

For those who want to make their own investment decisions, RBC Direct Investing offers in-depth research, a wide range of investment choices and accounts, and an innovative Community where you can learn, share ideas and connect with other investors—so you can invest online with confidence. Want to see how it works? Open a Practice Account to try online investing, risk free!

Visit RBC Direct InvestingAnother RBC site

Online with RBC InvestEase, guided by a portfolio advisor

If you want to leave the investing work to experts, RBC InvestEase can recommend an automated, online investment plan made up of a mix of ETFs how to invest small amounts of money in canada a professional portfolio. Our advisors work behind the scenes to help you stay on track.

Visit RBC InvestEaseAnother RBC site

The RBC Newcomer Advantage

Get everything you need for a great financial start in Canada. Discover products and services that can help you settle in faster–including offers valued at up to $83. Plus, get up to a $15, credit limit on a new RBC credit card9.

See What We Can Offer Newcomers

Why Newcomers Love Our Investment Solutions

With so many types of investments available in Canada, it can feel overwhelming to get started. We can help, with expert advice and the guidance you’ll need to create a bright future for you and your family.

  • Start investing before you have permanent residency

    If you’re in Canada under a temporary work or study permit, you can still invest for the years ahead.

  • Earn a better rate on a safe, secure investment

    We offer newcomers preferred interest rates on select Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs).16

  • Save how to invest small amounts of money in canada all the important things in life and track your progress

    Whether you're saving for a home or your kids’ education, we can help create a personalized investment plan.

  • Build and protect your wealth with confidence

    We make it easier to manage your more complex wealth management needs.

How to Invest

How do you want to invest? Talk to us today and we’ll help you start investing for your future in Canada.

See details on investing options under How to invest small amounts of money in canada to Invest at RBC.

For help making investment decisions:

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Investment advice is only provided by Royal Mutual Funds Inc. (RMFI) and RBC Dominion Securities Inc. (RBC DS) to their respective clients. RMFI is licensed as a financial services firm in the province of Quebec. RMFI, RBC DS, RBC Direct Investing Inc. (RBC DI) and Royal Bank of Canada are separate corporate entities which are affiliated. RBC DS and RBC DI are members of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada and the Canadian Investor Protection Fund. Royal Bank of Canada and certain of its issuers are related to RMFI, RBC DS and RBC DI.

RBC DI does not provide investment advice or recommendations regarding the purchase or sale of any securities. Investors are responsible for their own investment decisions. RBC Direct Investing is a business name used by RBC DI.

This publication is for informational use only and is furnished on the basis and understanding that none of RMFI, RBC DS, RBC DI and Royal Bank of Canada, nor any of their respective employees, agents or information suppliers, are to be under any responsibility or liability whatsoever in respect hereof. The strategies, advice and technical content in this publication are provided for the general guidance and benefit of readers based on information believed to be accurate and complete, but we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of such information. Interest rates, market conditions, tax and legal rules and other investment factors are subject to change, how to invest small amounts of money in canada. This publication is not intended as nor does it constitute tax or legal advice. Readers should consult their own professional advisors when planning to implement a strategy. This will ensure that individual circumstances have been considered properly and that action is taken based on the latest available information.

Mutual funds are distributed through RMFI, RBC DS and RBC DI. There may be commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses associated with mutual fund how to invest small amounts of money in canada. Please read the prospectus or Fund Facts before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed or covered by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation or by another government deposit insurer, their values change frequently, and past performance may not be repeated. For money market funds, there can be no assurances that the fund will be able to maintain its net asset value per security at a constant amount or that the full amount of your investment in the fund will be returned to you.

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Available to international students who have arrived in Canada within the last 5 years. Must show proof of entry into Canada with supporting documents, i.e., passport and study permit.


To participate in this offer, you must have an eligible RBC Debit Card, Personal Credit Card or Business Credit Card which is issued by Royal Bank of Canada (excluding RBC commercial credit cards) (“RBC Card”). An "Eligible RBC Credit Card" is any RBC personal credit card, excluding RBC Avion Visa Infinite Business, RBC Visa CreditLine for Small Business, RBC Visa Business, RBC Business Cash Back Mastercard and RBC Avion Visa Business. RBC Business Owners will only be able to link up to two (2) Business Credit Cards and one RBC Debit Card to a Be Well Card, how to invest small amounts of money in canada. For complete details, including the definition of the capitalized terms used in the disclosures below, please see full Terms and Conditions

You must be enrolled in RBC Online Banking in order to link your RBC Card to your How to invest small amounts of money in canada Well Card. Card linking may take up to 2 business days to process before Be Well points can be applied to purchases.

Each time you scan your Be Well Card and pay with your How to invest small amounts of money in canada RBC Card, you will earn 50 Be Well points for every $1 spent on eligible purchases at Rexall Locations. For full details, and defined terms visit Be Well Terms and Conditions available at

Be Well points are not awarded on taxes; tobacco products; products containing codeine; lottery tickets; alcohol; bottle deposits; gift cards; prepaid cards and wireless or long distance phone cards; event tickets; transit tickets and passes; post office transactions; stamps; passport photos; cash back; gifts with purchases; delivery charges; environmental levies; Home Health Care services/rentals and any other products or services that we may specify from time to time or where prohibited by law.

Offer available to Eligible Personal Clients without a Personal Banking Account with Royal Bank at the beginning of the Promotional Period or in the five year period before the start of the Promotional Period, who open their first new Eligible Personal Banking account by March 31, and who comply with all other terms and conditions. Bonus $ with an RBC VIP Banking® account (monthly fee of $30) or RBC Signature No Limit Banking® account (monthly fee of $); or $ with an RBC Advantage® Banking account (monthly fee of $) (each, an “Offer”). You must also complete at least two of the following Qualifying Criteria by May how to invest small amounts of money in canada, (i) set up at least two pre-authorized payments from the Eligible Personal Banking Account; (ii) set up at least one automated and recurring payroll or pension direct deposit to the Eligible Personal Banking Account; and/or (iii) set up at least two bill payments to a service provider from the Eligible Personal Banking Account. Offer will be deposited into your Eligible Personal Banking Account between 2 and 10 weeks of completing all Qualifying Criteria. Offer may not be combined with any other Personal Banking Account offers. Royal Bank of Canada may withdraw or amend this Offer at any time without notice. For full details including defined terms visit


Available only to (i) Newcomers to Canada who arrived within the last 5 years and (ii) for non-credit card accounts with RBC. Must show proof of entry into Canada and provide supporting documents such as landing papers or permanent resident card. Other conditions apply. See branch for details. This offer may be withdrawn at any time and is subject to change without notice.


An RBC Royal Bank credit card with no credit history required is available to RBC personal deposit clients who are (i) permanent residents and international students who arrived in Canada within the last 12 months, or (ii) temporary resident workers who arrived in Canada within the last 48 months, provided you meet quickest way to make money skyrim of the eligibility and credit criteria of Royal Bank of Canada.


No annual fee is available with the following RBC Royal Bank credit cards: RBCCash Back Mastercard, RBC Rewards + Visa, RBC Visa Platinum.


You may be eligible for an RBC Royal Bank residential mortgage or mortgage within an RBC Homeline Plan, how to invest small amounts of money in canada, even if you have no or thin Canadian credit history, provided you meet all of the eligibility and credit criteria of Royal Bank of Canada and do not have adverse credit bureau information. All residential mortgages non stock investment options lending products are provided by Royal Bank of Canada are subject to its standard lending criteria. Available to permanent residents who have been in Canada less than 5 years, how to invest small amounts of money in canada. Temporary residents may also apply. To take advantage of these offers, you must show proof of entry into Canada and provide supporting documents such as a passport, and landing papers (work permit/visa) or Canadian permanent resident card. Additional documents may be required to validate down payment funds sourced from another country.


For applications that result in a written mortgage pre-approval or approval, containing an interest rate commitment, the interest rate is guaranteed for up to days from the rate commitment. The mortgage must fund within days from the start of the rate commitment. Other terms and conditions may apply. See your RBC mortgage specialist or find an RBC mortgage specialistAnother RBC site for more details.


Monthly fee will be waived for the first twelve months upon account opening of the RBC Advantage Banking account or RBC VIP Banking account. Thereafter the standard monthly fee applicable to your account type will be charged: monthly fee of $ how to invest small amounts of money in canada the RBC Advantage Banking account or monthly fee of $ for the RBC VIP Banking account. For RBC VIP Banking account, $10, CAD must be deposited into the account within 20 days of account opening to qualify for the promotional offer, which expires October 31, how to invest small amounts of money in canada, Other account transaction fees may apply. Monthly fee waiver for the first twelve months may be replaced with any in-market offer that applies to the RBC Advantage Banking or RBC VIP Banking account. Available only to newcomers; please see the eligibility requirements in above note 1. Offer may be withdrawn or amended at any time without notice. See complete terms and conditionsPDF that apply to this promotional offer.


Debit transaction means a withdrawal of funds from an account and includes an assisted transaction and an electronic self-serve transaction. RBC Virtual Visa Debits, RBC Royal Bank loan payments, RBC Royal Bank mortgage payments, pre-authorized or self-serve RBC Royal Bank credit card payments, contributions to RBC investment accounts (such as GICs, Royal Mutual Funds, Registered Savings Plans, Registered Education Savings Plans, Registered Disability Savings Plans and Tax-Free Savings Accounts) and electronic self-serve fund transfers from your savings account to any account in your name are free of charge. All other Debit Transactions from any Savings Account are counted as Debit Transactions in the account and give rise to an Excess Debit Transaction Fee, if any free monthly Debit Transaction is exceeded.


Your credit limit will be based on financially related information about you, including income and asset information. Offer available to RBC personal deposit accountholders who are (i) permanent residents who arrived in Canada within the last 12 months, or (ii) temporary resident workers who arrived in Canada within the last 48 months, applying for a new RBC Royal Bank personal credit card (excluding the RBC Rate Advantage Visa). Existing RBC Royal Bank personal credit card cardholders are not eligible. Royal Bank of Canada reserves the right to cancel, modify or withdraw this offer at any time. Higher credit limits are subject to higher income and asset requirements.


RBC Virtual Visa Debits, Third-party payment Debits, RBC Royal Bank loan payments, RBC Royal Bank mortgage payments, pre-authorized and self-serve RBC Royal Bank credit card payments and contributions to RBC investment accounts (such as GICs, Royal Mutual Funds, Registered Savings Plans, Registered Education Savings Plans, Registered Disability Savings Plans and Tax-Free Savings Accounts) from your RBC Day to Day Banking account, how to invest small amounts of money in canada, U.S. Personal Account, Leo’s Young Savers account or RBC Advantage Banking account for students are free of charge. All other Debit Transactions from these Accounts are counted as Debit Transactions towards the free monthly Debit Transactions included in the Account, how to invest small amounts of money in canada, and give rise to an Excess Debit Transaction Fee if the total free monthly Debit Transactions are exceeded.


International Money Transfer transactions that are under $1, will be $6 per transaction. Transactions between $1, to $2, will be $10 per transaction. Excess debit transaction fee may also apply depending on the account. Additional service fees by any intermediary and receiving bank skyrim how to make money fast in whiterun apply. Maximum of $2, Canadian dollars or Canadian dollar equivalent per client per day. Transfers can only be made from Canadian dollar bank accounts. The service is not available to recipients in Canada and in restricted countries. You cannot send an International Money Transfer from a U.S. dollar account or the RBC High Interest eSavings account.


Available to newcomers who are (i) permanent residents or international students who arrived in Canada within the last 12 months, or (ii) temporary resident workers who arrived in Canada within the last 48 months, provided you meet all of the eligibility and credit criteria of Royal Bank of Canada. If you don't qualify for an unsecured RBC Royal Bank credit card, you may still be eligible for a credit card provided you give us a security deposit and meet Royal Bank of Canada's eligibility criteria. To receive 2, welcome RBC Rewards points, your application form must be received by October 31, and approved by us. Upon enrolment, 2, how to invest small amounts of money in canada, bonus RBC Rewards points will appear on your first credit card statement. Additional cardholder(s), as well as existing RBC Rewards+ Visa cardholders as of the offer eligibility period, are not eligible for this offer. Offer may be amended or withdrawn at any time without notice.


To receive the 20, bonus RBC Rewards points, your application form must be approved by us. Upon enrolment, 20, bonus RBC Rewards points will appear on your first credit card statement. Bonus points offer is only offered to the Primary Business Cardholder on the account; Secondary Business Cardholder as well as existing RBC Avion Visa Business cardholders as of the offer eligibility period are not eligible for this offer. This offer may not be combined or used in conjunction with any other offer. RBC Royal Bank reserves the right to withdraw this offer at any time, even after acceptance by you.


Get preferred interest rates on select GICs. Contact an RBC branch for more details.


Available only to newcomers (please see the newcomer eligibility requirements in disclosure 1) who become RBC clients between April 1, and October 31, (Promotional Period) by opening an RBC Advantage Banking account, RBC Signature No Limit Banking account or RBC VIP Banking account (each an Eligible Personal Banking Account). International Money Transfer (IMT) transaction fee waivers will be given for up to 12 months from the date of account opening, with up to 2 IMT transactions per month (for a total of 24 IMT transactions) for RBC Advantage Banking and RBC Signature No Limit Banking accountholders and up to 3 IMT transactions per month (for a total of 36 IMT transactions) for RBC VIP Banking accountholders (the ""IMT Offer""). Rebates to be applied to the Eligible Personal Banking Account within 45 days of a qualifying IMT transaction. This IMT Offer applies only to the first personal banking account opened per newcomer during the Promotional Period, no matter how many Eligible Personal Banking Accounts one may open during the Promotional Period. If the first personal banking account opened is not an Eligible Personal Banking Account, the offer is not applicable, even if an Eligible Personal Banking Account is subsequently opened. The IMT Offer will apply if the first non-eligible account is upgraded to an Eligible Personal Banking Account within 30 days of the non-eligible account being opened, provided that both the non-eligible account is opened and the upgrade to an Eligible Personal Banking Account is completed within the Promotional Period. The IMT Offer applies to only one account opening during the Promotional Period per Eligible Personal Banking Account, even if the Eligible Personal Banking Account is opened jointly and by more than one co-owner newcomer. In this case, only the co-owner designated as the Primary Owner at the time of opening of the fun making money ideas Eligible Personal Banking Account will qualify for the IMT Offer. The Eligible Personal Banking Account opened to qualify for the IMT Offer must remain open and in good standing to receive the rebate. If an Eligible Personal Banking Account is downgraded to an ineligible account type or closed, the IMT Offer will cease to apply as of the time of downgrade or closure and unrebated transactions final fantasy 7 money making guide not be credited.

After IMT Offer, how to invest small amounts of money in canada, International Money Transfer transactions that are under $1, have a fee of $6 per transaction. Transactions between $1, to $2, have a fee of $10 per transaction. Excess debit transaction fee may also apply depending on the account. Additional service fees by any intermediary and receiving bank may also apply. Maximum of $2, Canadian dollars or Canadian dollar equivalent per client per day. Transfers can only be made from eligible Canadian dollar bank accounts. The IMT service is not available for money transfer transactions with recipients in Canada or in restricted countries. You cannot send an IMT from a U.S. dollar account or an RBC High Interest eSavings account.


If you are a post-secondary student and an owner or co-owner of an RBC Advantage Banking for students account (each, an “Eligible Student Bank Account”) and the primary cardholder of either the Signature RBC Rewards Visa credit card or WestJet RBC MasterCard credit card (each, an “Eligible Student Credit Card”), you may be entitled to a rebate towards the annual fee of your Eligible Student Credit Card, how to invest small amounts of money in canada, every year. You will still be responsible for all other interest charges or fees. For any other RBC Royal Bank credit card, regular annual fees apply as they are not eligible for a rebate.

To benefit from a rebate towards the annual fee of an Eligible Student Credit Card, every year, you must:

  1. complete the Student Information section of the credit card application form in full,

  2. remain a student, and

  3. be an owner or co-owner of an Eligible Student Bank Account throughout your studies.

Eligible Credit CardsAnnual Fee Rebate
Signature RBC Rewards Visa card$39
WestJet RBC Mastercard$39

Subject to credit approval

You will continue to benefit from the rebate on your annual fee until: i) you close your Eligible Student Bank Account, or ii) until the Expected Graduation Year you have provided at the opening of your Eligible Student Bank Account, whichever occurs earlier, as long as your credit card account remains in good standing. Thereafter, you will no longer receive the rebate on the annual fee.

If, for some reason, the Expected Graduation Year you have provided at the opening of your Eligible Student Bank Account differs from the one you have indicated on your credit card application form, the Expected Graduation Year you have provided at the opening of your Eligible Student Bank Account will prevail and be used for determining the expiry of this offer.

Additional cardholders (co-applicants and authorized users) are not eligible for this offer. Only one credit card annual fee rebate per Eligible Student Bank Account is allowed. This means that if this is a jointly held Eligible Student Bank Account, and each co-owner is also the primary cardholder of an Eligible Student Credit Card, only the Primary Owner of the Eligible Student Bank Account will be entitled to the credit card annual fee rebate.


Subject to credit approval. As a sole or joint owner of an RBC VIP Banking (VIP) account and the primary cardholder of one of the eligible credit cards listed below, the annual fee of that eligible credit card will be fully or partially rebated (as indicated below), every year, as long as your credit card remains in good standing and you remain a VIP account owner. Additional cardholders’ annual fee is also fully or partially rebated (as indicated below), every year, as long as your eligible credit card remains in good standing and you remain a VIP account owner. Only one credit card annual fee rebate per VIP account is allowed, which means that if you own a joint VIP account and each co-owner is also the primary cardholder of an eligible credit card, only the primary owner of the VIP account will be entitled to the credit card annual fee rebate. Other conditions and restrictions apply. Rebates that apply to eligible credit cards are: (i) partial rebate of $ for the primary cardholder and $50 how to invest small amounts of money in canada the co-applicant on the annual fee of an RBC Avion Visa Infinite Privilege card, and (ii) annual fee fully how to invest small amounts of money in canada for the primary cardholder and the additional cardholders (co-applicant and authorized users) on any of the following cards: RBC Avion Visa Infinite, RBC Avion Visa Platinum, RBC Rewards Visa Preferred, RBC U.S. Dollar Visa Gold, RBC British Airways Visa Infinite, RBC Cathay Pacific Visa Platinum, RBC Cash Back Preferred World Elite Mastercard and WestJet How to invest small amounts of money in canada World Elite Mastercard.


RBC VIP Banking account comes with a choice of up to two additional Canadian dollar deposit accounts, to be selected among the RBC Day to Day Banking, RBC Enhanced Savings and RBC Day to Day Savings accounts, and one additional U.S dollar deposit account, limited to the U.S. Personal Account, with the monthly fees waived. Note: Due to system limitations all accounts must be opened by the client in the same geographic location or region to be recognized for this bundling feature. If you have questions, please speak to your branch.


Open an eligible business deposit account for your first business in Canada and receive a $50 bonus which will be credited to your new business deposit account within 90 days, how to invest small amounts of money in canada. Eligible business deposit accounts include: RBC Digital Choice Business account package, RBC Flex Choice Business account package and RBC Ultimate Choice account package. This offer is only available to Small Businesses registered in Canada by newcomers who have been in Canada for 5 years or less. This offer cannot be combined with any other offer. The account must remain open for at least 6 months from the date it was opened. If the account is closed within 6 months, Royal Bank of Canada reserves the right to recover the full cash credit. RBC can amend or withdraw this offer at any time without notice.


Must be enrolled in RBC Online Banking or the RBC Mobile app and have either a Canadian RBC Royal Bank chequing or savings account. Some restrictions may apply. Cannot send funds from a US dollar account, how to invest small amounts of money in canada, or the RBC High Interest eSavings account.


RBC Mobile is operated by Royal Bank of Canada, RBC Direct Investing Inc. and RBC Dominion Securities Inc. RBC Canada, RBC How to make money from home legit and RBC eGift are operated by Royal Bank of Canada. RBC Online Banking and Telephone Banking are provided by Royal Bank of Canada. Standard message and data charges apply. Transaction fees may apply for bill payments or fund transfers made through Online Banking and are separate from access fees.


Apple, Apple Pay, iPhone, iPad and MacBook Pro are trademarks of Apple Inc., how to invest small amounts of money in canada, registered in the US and other countries. Apple Pay and Touch ID are trademarks of Apple Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owner(s). View the full list of Terms and Conditions for use of RBC Royal Bank credit cardsAnother RBC site and/or debit cardsAnother RBC site with Apple Pay.


For sole proprietorship registration, "$89 back" offer, and for incorporation, "$ back" offer are each inclusive of any applicable taxes ("Offer"). Offer available when you register or incorporate with Ownr and apply and get approved for a new RBC business deposit account associated with the business registered or incorporated with Ownr ("BDA") within 60 days ("Application Criteria"). Royal Bank of Canada (not Ownr or RBC Ventures Inc.) will in its discretion make approval decisions for all BDA applications. Once you complete the Application Criteria, you must log back into your Ownr account and click 'Refund Me'. You will receive the Offer as a credit in your BDA within business days of clicking 'Refund Me'. To qualify for this Offer your BDA must remain open for a period of 1 year from the date it is opened but there is no minimum balance that must be maintained in your BDA. If you received this Offer then change or close your BDA within 1 year of the date it was opened, we reserve the right to debit from your BDA an amount equal to the value of this Offer (inclusive of applicable taxes), even if this places the BDA into overdraft. Offer may be revised or withdrawn at any time without notice.


Request Money is a feature of the Interac e-Transfer service. RBC business deposit accounts will incur an Interac e-Transfer fee of $ for each funds request sent. Recipients of the request may have payment limits at their Financial Institutions.


ATM use outside Canada
Each account cash withdrawal at an ATM outside Canada displaying the PLUS System symbol and any fees that may be how to invest small amounts of money in canada by any third party for using the ATM are converted to Canadian dollars at an exchange rate that is % above the benchmark rate set by the payment card company when the transaction is posted. Exchange rates fluctuate and, as such, the rate applied will usually differ from the posted exchange rate at the time of the transaction.

ATMs - 3 withdrawals from other bank ATMs refunded per Monthly Cycle 
ATM operator surcharge (also called a convenience fee) may apply. It is charged by a third party and added directly to the amount of your cash withdrawal. Totals are not cumulative, and if not used, may not be carried over into the next Monthly Cycle

ATM - Unlimited banking transactions including Interac and PLUS System network fees waived 
ATM operator surcharge (also called a convenience fee) may be charged by other ATM operators. The convenience fee is not a Royal Bank fee and is added directly to the amount of your cash withdrawal. All clients who use non-RBC ATMs may be charged a convenience fee regardless of the type of account they hold.


Autodeposit is a feature of the Interac e-Transfer service. There are no additional fees to register or receive funds via Autodeposit. Standard fees and charges, such as Regular account deposit fees, apply.


RBC will refund the Interac network access fee for RBC Signature No Limit Banking account holders, up to a maximum of 3 refunds per Monthly Cycle, if used. RBC will refund the Interac network access fee for RBC VIP Banking account holders, if used. ATM operator surcharge (also called convenience fee) charged by other ATM operators may apply. The convenience fee is not an RBC fee. It is added directly to the amount of your cash withdrawal. All clients who use non-RBC ATMs may be charged a convenience fee regardless of the type of account they hold.


The interest rate is an annual interest rate and a simple interest calculation. Interest is calculated daily on the closing credit balance. Deposit interest is paid monthly to the account on the second business day of the following calendar month, how to invest small amounts of money in canada, backdated to the previous business day. Interest rate is subject to change at any time without notice. RBC site


You will earn i) $ back for every $ (2% Cash Back Credit) in Grocery Store Purchases you make up to a maximum of $6, per Annual Period; ii) $ back for every $ (1% Cash Back Credit) in Grocery Store Purchases you make in excess of $6, during an Annual Period, unlimited; iii) $ back for every $ (% Cash Back Credit) in Net Purchases you make (including pre-authorized bill payments), other than Grocery Store Purchases, up to a maximum of $6, per Annual Period, and iv) $ back for every $ (1% Cash Back Credit) in Net Purchases you make (including pre-authorized bill payments), other than Grocery Store Purchases, in excess of $6, during an Annual Period, unlimited. Grocery Store Purchases are purchases made at merchants classified by Mastercard’s “Merchant Category Code” as “grocery stores and supermarkets” (MCC ). Royal Bank of Canada (“Royal Bank”) cannot guarantee that any merchant, operating in whole or in part as a grocery store, is classified by MCC and in no event will Royal How to invest small amounts of money in canada be liable or responsible for any claims with respect how to invest small amounts of money in canada a grocery store purchase made at a merchant that is not classified by MCC To consult the list of participating merchants, please visit RBC site. For complete details, please refer to the RBC Cash Back Program Terms and Conditions at RBC site.


You will earn i) 1 RBC Rewards point for every $ in Gas, Grocery, and Drug Store Purchases you make; and ii) 1 RBC Rewards point for every $ on all other purchases (including pre-authorized bill payments) you make on your card. Purchases made at merchants classified by Visa's “Merchant Category Code” (MCC) as: (i) “service stations” (MCC ) or “automated fuel dispensers” (MCC) are “Gas Purchases”; (ii) “grocery stores” (MCC ) are “Grocery Purchases”; and (iii) “drug stores & pharmacies” (MCC ) are “Drug Store Purchases” (“Eligible MCCs”). Even though some merchants may sell gas, grocery, and drug store merchandise, purchases made at these locations may not necessarily qualify as Eligible MCCs if the merchant is not classified as such by Visa. Also, you may make a purchase at a merchant that is not classified as an Eligible MCC but is located on the premises of a merchant that is classified as an Eligible MCC, in which case your purchase would not qualify as an Eligible MCC. We cannot guarantee that any merchant, operating in whole or how to invest small amounts of money in canada part as a gas, grocery or drug store, is classified as an Eligible MCC and in no event will we be liable or responsible for any claims with respect to a grocery store purchase made at a merchant that is not classified as an Eligible MCC. RBC Rewards points are earned on net purchases only; they are not earned on cash advances, balance transfers, cash-like transactions and bill payments that are not pre-authorized charges that you set up with a merchant, interest charges or fees, and credits for returns and adjustments will reduce or cancel the points earned by the amounts originally charged.


Down payment of less than 20% of the value of a property requires a maximum year amortization and will not qualify for a year amortization. In addition, if your down payment is less than 20%, you must pay a mortgage default insurance premium charged by a mortgage insurer. This insurance protects the financial institution if you ever default on your mortgage. Available for Conventional Newcomer Equity and Standard Programs. Default insured programs are limited to 25 years.


This is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal or other professional advice. Automotive financing products are offered by Royal Bank of Canada and are subject to its standard lending criteria.


This information is in summary form and is intended for general guidance and information only. It is not intended to provide financial, legal or other advice. It should not be regarded as comprehensive or a substitute for professional advice.


This publication provides general information only and is not intended to provide specific advice, how to invest small amounts of money in canada. Not intended to offer services or solicit customers where prohibited by law. Automotive financing products are offered by Royal Bank of Canada and are subject to its standard lending criteria. Some additional conditions apply. Offer may be changed or withdrawn at any time, without notice. Not available in combination with any other rate discounts, offers or promotions.


Income earned in a TFSA is tax-free in Canada. There are penalties if excess contributions are made. If a Canadian resident is subject to taxation on their world income in another country (e.g. based on citizenship), the TFSA income may not be tax-free in that country. U.S. taxpayers who hold TFSAs need how to invest small amounts of money in canada comply with U.S. tax requirements such as the annual filing on a timely basis of IRS Forms and A.


The TFSA only shelters foreign workers’ investment income from Canadian tax; seek professional advice regarding tax rules in other jurisdictions.


Income earned in an RESP is tax-deferred in Canada. There are penalties if excess contributions are made. If a Canadian resident is subject to taxation on their world income in another country (e.g. based on citizenship), the RESP income may not be tax-free in that country. U.S. taxpayers who contribute to RESPs need to comply with U.S. tax requirements such as the annual filing on a timely basis of IRS Forms and A.


Foreign workers and international students may begin contributing to an RRSP or RESP before obtaining or applying for permanent residency.


The maximum RRSP contribution limit for is $26,; forit was $26,


ETFs, stocks and bonds may be purchased through RBC Direct Investing, our low-cost online investing and trading service for self-directed investors or RBC Wealth Management.


When you use Virtual Visa Debit to make a payment: a) The merchant performs an authorization on your personal deposit account at the time of the purchase and this authorization amount is immediately debited from that account. This process is followed by a settlement, typically business days after authorization, which finalizes the amount of the purchase and, in some cases, reflects adjustments to the initial authorization amount. When this happens, a credit adjustment in the amount of the original authorization will be credited to your account, followed immediately by a debit adjustment that reflects the final settlement amount of your purchase. b) The funds are debited from your personal deposit account, which is the account you access with your RBC Royal Bank Client Card when you select the “Chequing” option on a point-of-sale terminal or at an ATM. If the account linked to the primary chequing position on your Client Card is changed before a payment has been settled, it may impact the processing of that payment if the merchant needs to adjust the initial authorization amount. The final settlement amount will be processed on the account that is linked to the primary chequing position on your Client Card at the time of settlement, even if a different account was debited for the authorization amount. Please see your RBC Royal Bank Virtual Visa Debit Agreement for further details.


Debit transactions made using your Virtual Visa Debit Number do not count against any monthly transaction limits applicable to your personal deposit account. Other account fees may apply. Please see the RBC Royal Bank Disclosures and Agreements related to Personal Deposit Accounts booklet or other applicable account agreement for further details.


When you use your Virtual Visa Debit Number for a transaction in a currency other than Canadian dollars, we will convert the transaction amount into Canadian dollars at an exchange rate that is % over a benchmark rate Royal Bank of Canada pays Visa International, a subsidiary of Visa Inc., on the date of the conversion. For most transactions, the authorization amount debited by the merchant at the time of purchase will be adjusted at settlement to reflect changes in the applicable exchange rate.


You will earn i) $ back for every $ (1% Cash Back Credit) in Net Purchases you make (including pre-authorized bill payments) and, ii) for the first 3 full monthly statement periods (approximately 3 months from the date your Account is opened), you will earn an additional $ back for every $ (1% Cash Back Credit welcome bonus, for a total of 2%) in Net Purchases you make (including pre-authorized bill payments), up to a maximum combined Cash Back Credit of $ per Annual Period, when you use your RBC Business Cash Back Mastercard to pay. For clarity, the additional $ Cash Back Credit welcome bonus will only apply for the first 3 full monthly statement periods in your first Annual Period. Provided your New Cash Back Balance is $ or more, Cash Back Credits earned during the year will i) automatically be credited to your January Account balance and appear on your February monthly statement, and/or ii) be credited at any other time, upon request. Cash Back Credits are not earned on cash advances (including balance transfers, cash-like transactions and bill payments that are not pre-authorized charges that you set up with a merchant), interest charges or fees, and credits for returns and adjustments will reduce or cancel the cash how to invest small amounts of money in canada credits earned by the amounts originally charged. From time to time we may offer bonus cash back promotions and will disclose the terms and conditions in the offer details. For complete details, please refer to the RBC Cash Back Program Terms and Conditions at: Royal Bank of Canada reserves the right to withdraw or amend how to invest small amounts of money in canada benefit at any time.


Each time you use your linked Eligible RBC Card to pay for qualifying purchases at a Retail Petro-Canada Location, you will earn a bonus of twenty percent (20%) more Petro-Points than you normally earn, in accordance with the Petro-Points Terms and ConditionsExternal Site. Each time you use your linked Eligible RBC Card that earns RBC Rewards points to pay for purchases at a retail Petro-Canada location, you will earn a bonus of twenty percent (20%) more RBC Rewards points than you normally earn for every $1 in purchases in accordance with the RBC Rewards Terms and ConditionsAnother RBC site. Please allow up to ninety (90) days from the date the transaction is posted on your credit card statement for the bonus points to be deposited into your RBC Rewards account.


To participate in this offer, you must have an RBC debit or credit card which is issued by Royal Bank of Canada (excluding RBC commercial credit cards) (“Eligible RBC Card”). You must be enrolled in RBC Online Banking in order to link your Eligible RBC Card to your Petro-Points card. Card linking may take up to 2 business days to process before savings and bonus points can be applied to purchases. Each time you use your linked Eligible RBC Card to purchase any grade of gasoline, including diesel, at a retail Petro-Canada location, you will save three cents ($) per litre at the time of the transaction.


Petro-Canada and Petro-Points are trademarks of Suncor Energy Inc. Used under licence. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owner(s).


The annual contribution limit is $5, This limit will rise along with inflation in future years, in $ increments. In addition, you can carry forward unused contribution room indefinitely. Previous contribution limits were $5, for and$10, for$5, for andand $5, for the years to Your TFSA contribution limit is tracked by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA); if you are unsure of your limit, please check with the CRA.


To participate in this offer as an RBC business client, you must have an RBC client card or credit card issued by Royal Bank of Canada (excluding RBC Commercial Avion, RBC Commercial U.S, how to invest small amounts of money in canada. Dollar Visa, RBC Commercial Cash Back Visa, and RBC Commercial Visa) ("Eligible RBC Card"). When you participate in the Linked Loyalty Program as an RBC business client, you will only be able to link up to two (2) eligible business RBC credit cards and one RBC client card to a Petro-Points account. You must be enrolled in RBC Online Banking for Business in order to link. Card linking may take up to 2 business days to process before savings and bonus points can be applied to purchases. For more information, visit RBC site.


Unlimited means there is no maximum cash back credits you can earn on Grocery Store Purchases and other purchases (up to your available credit limit) per Annual Period. For complete RBC Cash Back Program Terms and Conditions, please visit:


Includes electronic (digital) debit and credit transactions to the account, such as online bill payments, pre-authorized payments (PAPs) and point of sale (POS) transactions. Standard fees apply for other services, including cheques and cash deposited at RBC ATMs, Pay Employees & Vendors (PEV), Interac e-Transfer transactions and wire transfers not expressly included in the package when completed online.


Only includes outgoing Interac e-Transfer transactions sent on the RBC Online Banking for business platform. Excludes all other Interac e-Transfer services such as Autodeposit, Request Money, Request Money Fulfillment and Bulk Interac e-Transfer service.


There is a limit of free Interac e-Transfer Transactions per Month per Account; for every Interac e-Transfer Transaction over the limit, how to invest small amounts of money in canada, you will be charged $


To get a short-haul flight to any adjoining province/state in Canada or the U.S., you will need a total of 15, RBC Rewards points, for a maximum ticket price of $ To receive the 15, bonus RBC Rewards points which will appear on your first statement, your application form must be approved by us. Additional cardholder(s), as well as cardholder(s) with existing RBC Royal Bank travel rewards credit cards, applying for or transferring to an RBC Avion Visa Infinite card as of the offer eligibility period, are not eligible for this offer. This offer may not be combined or used in conjunction with another offer. All applicable taxes, service fees and surcharges are the responsibility of the traveller. For Air Travel Reward redemption details, visit RBC site. Some restrictions apply. For complete terms and conditions that apply to the RBC Rewards program, please visit: www.oldyorkcellars.comther RBC site or call Royal Bank of Canada reserves the right to withdraw this offer at any time, even after acceptance by you.


Trip Cancellation insurance is subject to a limit of $1, for each Covered Person (to an overall maximum of $5, for all Covered Persons) per trip, and it protects eligible cardholders against the cost of non-refundable travel arrangements that were purchased with your RBC Avion Visa Business card if the trip is cancelled prior to your departure due to an unexpected or unforeseen covered risk. Trip Interruption insurance is subject to a maximum limit of $5, for each Covered Person, per trip, for a total maximum of $25, This coverage provides reimbursement for how to invest small amounts of money in canada non-refundable unused portion of your prepaid travel arrangements purchased with your RBC Avion Visa Business card, and interrupted due to a covered risk, including the extra costs of economy class transportation to your departure point. Please refer to the Insurance Certificate for complete details regarding these coverages.


All insurance is subject to limitations and exclusions. Insurance benefits are available to Canadian residents only. Coverage underwritten by Aviva General Insurance Company in the Province of Quebec and by RBC Insurance Company of Canada in the rest of Canada. Please refer to the insurance certificates included in your Welcome Kit for complete details.


Interac e-Transfer Transactions expire 30 days after they are sent and cannot be claimed by the recipient after this time. You have 15 days after the Interac e-Transfer Transaction is sent to cancel without charge. A $ Interac e-Transfer Transaction Reclaim Fee is charged when a recipient does not accept it before it expires and the sender does not cancel the transaction before the day cancellation period.


An ATM operator surcharge (also called convenience fee) may be charged by other ATM operators. The convenience fee is not a Royal Bank fee. It is added directly to the amount of your cash withdrawal. All clients who use non-RBC ATMs may be charged a convenience fee regardless of the type of Account they hold.


When you use your Client Card to make a withdrawal in a currency other than Canadian dollars at an ATM outside Canada displaying the PLUS how to invest small amounts of money in canada symbol, we will convert the amounts withdrawn and any associated charges imposed by any third party for the use of the ATM to Canadian dollars when we deduct the funds from your Account. We will convert these amounts to Canadian dollars no later than the date we post the transaction to your Account at our exchange rate, how to invest small amounts of money in canada, which is % over a benchmark rate set by Visa International, a subsidiary of Visa Inc., and which Royal Bank of Canada pays on the date of conversion. This rate may be different from the rate in effect on the date your ATM withdrawal occurred or on the date of the transaction.


The length of hold will be four (4) business days after the day of the deposit if the cheque or other negotiable item is deposited in person with an employee at one of RBC’s branches or points of service and is in Canadian dollars, drawn on a Canadian branch of a Canadian financial institution.

The length of hold will be five (5) business days after the day of deposit if the cheque or other negotiable item is deposited in any other manner, such as at an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) or using our Mobile Cheque Deposit service, and is in Canadian dollars, drawn on a Canadian branch of a Canadian financial institution.

The length of hold will also be five (5) business days after the day of deposit if the cheque or other negotiable item is in U.S. dollars and drawn on a Canadian branch of a Canadian financial institution.


The length of hold will be fifteen (15) business days after the first business day of deposit if the cheque or other negotiable item is drawn on a U.S. bank and is deposited at a Canadian branch of a Canadian financial institution.


The length of hold will be twenty-five (25) business days after the first business day of deposit if the cheque or other negotiable item is drawn on a foreign bank other than a U.S. bank and is deposited at a Canadian branch of a Canadian financial institution.


Available to newcomers who are how to invest small amounts of money in canada permanent residents or international students who arrived in Canada within the last 12 months, or (ii) temporary resident workers who arrived in Canada within the last 48 months, provided you meet all of the eligibility and credit criteria of Royal How to invest in bitcoin canada of Canada. If you don't qualify for an unsecured RBC Royal Bank credit card, you may still be eligible for a credit card provided you give us best money making method runescape 2022 security deposit and meet Royal Bank of Canada's eligibility criteria. To receive 2, how to invest small amounts of money in canada, welcome RBC Rewards points, your application form must be received by October 31, and approved by us. Upon enrolment, 2, bonus RBC Rewards points will appear on your first credit card statement. Additional cardholder(s), as well as existing RBC Rewards+ Visa cardholders as of the offer eligibility period, how to invest small amounts of money in canada, are not eligible for this offer. Offer may be amended or withdrawn at any time without notice.


Subject to credit approval. The variable annual interest rate will be determined based on information you provide on the application and any credit bureau information. The annual interest rate is based on the Prime Rate plus an additional premium that ranges between % and %. Your premium will be calculated on an annual basis and could only change once a year. Prime Rate means the annual rate of interest Royal Bank of Canada announces from time to time as a reference rate for determining interest rates on Canadian dollar commercial loans in Canada. Our Prime Rate in effect on the first business day of the month will be the Prime Rate we use for the purposes of calculating your annual interest rate for the statement period ending in that month, even if our Prime Rate has changed during the month. The Prime Rate may fluctuate from time to time. It can be found in all our branches or online at RBC site.


RBC Royal Bank style cheques can be ordered only through RBC’s third-party authorized cheque-printing service provider. The order must be placed within three years of the Account opening date. The first order is for 50 free personalized cheques with no special add-on cheque features and includes shipping and handling, afterwards fees apply.


Debit transactions made using your Virtual Visa Debit Number do not count against any monthly transaction limits applicable to your personal deposit account. Other account fees may apply. Please see the RBC Royal Bank Disclosures and Agreements related to Personal Deposit Accounts booklet or other applicable account agreement for further details. You must request a Virtual Visa Debit card.


When you enroll your eligible RBC personal bank account into the RBC Value Program, you will be eligible to earn RBC Rewards points within the RBC Rewards Program as an Eligible Personal Banking Client, and any such points earned will be deposited into the RBC Rewards account tied to your enrolled account. Purchases from your account refers to using your RBC Client Card to pay for items at a merchant or service provider with the amount electronically debited directly from your enrolled account or using your RBC Virtual Visa Debit for purchases online. RBC Rewards points are how to invest small amounts of money in canada by the RBC Rewards Terms and ConditionsAnother RBC site available on our website, or a copy may be provided to you by contacting us. For complete details on the Value Program, please see the Value Program Terms &


RBC Advantage Banking for students allows eligible full-time students to receive a full waiver of the standard Monthly Fee applicable to our RBC Advantage Banking account. Please refer to the section labelled “Rebates and How to invest small amounts of money in canada RBC Advantage Banking for studentsPDF” in the document entitled “Addendum to April 30, Personal Deposit Accounts Disclosures and Agreements”, which provides information specific to the RBC Advantage Banking account to supplement the information provided in the Personal Deposit Accounts Disclosures and Agreements document.

To be considered a full-time student, you must attend a primary or secondary school OR be enrolled in a program at the post-secondary level at a college, university or other educational institution (whether in Canada or not). If you are a post-secondary student, you must take at least 60% of the usual course load for the program in which you are enrolled in any particular semester. Proof of enrollment may be requested at our discretion.


Your RBC Virtual Visa Debit is associated with your primary chequing account. This is the account you access with your RBC Royal Bank Client Card when you select the "Chequing" option on a merchant payment terminal or at an automated teller machine. RBC Virtual Visa Debit is not available to business clients.


RBC Mobile is operated by Royal Bank of Canada, RBC Direct Investing Inc. and RBC Dominion Securities Inc, how to invest small amounts of money in canada. RBC Mobile Student Edition is intended for clients under the age of RBC Online Banking is operated by Royal Bank of Canada.


Arrive is powered by RBC Ventures Inc., a subsidiary of RBC.


Offer available to Eligible Personal Clients without a Personal Banking Account with Royal Bank at the beginning of the Promotional Period or in the five year period before the start of the Promotional Period, who open their first new Eligible Personal Banking account by March 31, and who comply with all other terms and conditions. Bonus $ with an RBC VIP Banking® account (monthly fee of $30) or RBC Signature No Limit Banking® account (monthly fee of $); or $ with an RBC Advantage® Banking account (monthly fee of $) (each, an “Offer”). You must also complete at least two of the following Qualifying Criteria by May 31, (i) set up at least two pre-authorized payments from the Eligible Personal Banking Account; (ii) set up at least one automated and recurring payroll or pension direct deposit to the Eligible Personal Banking Account; and/or (iii) set up at least two bill payments to a service provider from the Eligible Personal Banking Account. Offer will be deposited into your Eligible Personal Banking Account between 2 and 10 weeks of completing all Qualifying Criteria. Offer may not be combined with any other Personal Banking Account offers. Royal Bank of Canada may withdraw or amend this Offer at any time without notice. For full details including defined terms visit


Offer available January 18, - March 31, (“Promotional Period”)

This offer is available to any Eligible Student Client without a Personal Banking Account with Royal Bank of Canada at the beginning of the Promotional Period or in the three-year period before the start of the Promotional Period, and who otherwise comply with the Terms opens another RBC site in a new windowof the offer. The Bonus Offer is $60 with an Eligible Personal Banking Account.

To qualify for the $60 you must open your first new Eligible Personal Banking Account by PM EST on March 31, and complete two of the following Qualifying Criteria by PM EST on May 31, using your Eligible Personal Banking Account:

i) a minimum of one (1) mobile cheque deposit using the RBC Mobile app;
ii) a minimum of one (1) Interac e-Transfer using RBC Online Banking or the RBC Mobile app; or
iii) a minimum of one purchase transaction completed using any of the following: your RBC Client Card, an RBC Virtual Visa Debit card associated with your Eligible Personal Banking Account, Interac Flash, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay.

Transactions carried out at an RBC Royal Bank branch or through the RBC Royal Bank ATM network, and bank fee transactions, are not included as qualifying transactions.

The $60 cash component of the Bonus Offer will be deposited into your Eligible Personal Banking Account within 2 to 8 weeks of completing the Qualifying Criteria, if applicable. Royal Bank of Canada may follow up with Eligible Student Clients to remind them to complete the Qualifying Criteria.

This offer may not be combined or used in conjunction with any other Personal Banking Account offers. Royal Bank of Canada reserves the right to withdraw this offer at any time without notice, even after acceptance by you. For full details including defined terms visit opens another RBC site in a new window


We will rebate the standard NSF fee of $ for your first NSF transaction in a given calendar year. You will be charged $ for each NSF in the calendar year thereafter. You may not carry over unused NSF fee rebates from previous calendar years.


Up to $ value is a combination of: (i) month monthly fee waiver with an RBC Advantage Banking account (a value of $ based on the monthly fee of $), (ii) fee waiver for up to 2 International Money Transfer transactions per month for one year ($10 for each IMT transaction, up to $ value) until October 31,(iii) small safe deposit box fee waiver for two years ($ value) until December 31,(iv) up to 6, RBC Rewards points with an RBC Rewards+ Visa credit card (up to $60 value). (v) $ cash bonus offer with an RBC Advantage Banking account that is opened between January 4, and March 31, with qualifying criteria completed by May 31, how to invest small amounts of money in canada,


Up to 6, RBC Rewards points is a combination of 2, welcome RBC Rewards points exclusive to eligible newcomers, as outlined in note 71, and the digital bonus offer of up to 3, RBC Rewards points set out in note


RBC Rewards+ Visa cardholders get our most popular $25 gift cards for 2, points. All rewards are subject to availability. The regular redemption rate for RBC Rewards members, other than RBC Rewards+ cardholders, is 3, RBC Rewards points for a $25 gift card for, iTunes, Starbucks, McCafe and Cineplex. Point redemption values may fluctuate. For complete terms, conditions and restrictions that apply to the RBC Rewards program, please visit or call Please note that the redemption rate for gift cards not listed above, including Petro-Canada gift cards, is 3, RBC Rewards points.


To receive 3, RBC Rewards points on your RBC Rewards+ Visa credit card account as part of our digital bonus offer, get points for completing each of the following activities within 60 days of credit card approval: (i) share your email address with us, (ii) sign up for eStatements for your card, (iii) download and sign into the RBC Mobile app, and provided you bank with RBC (with an RBC Day to Day Banking, RBC Advantage Banking, RBC Private Banking, RBC Signature No Limit Banking, RBC VIP Banking, US Personal Account, Ratelink Essential, Ratelink Preference, RBC Day to Day Savings, RBC Enhanced Savings or RBC High Interest eSavings account), (iv) make an Interac e-Transfer with the RBC Mobile app or RBC Online Banking, (v) Transfer funds with the RBC Mobile app or RBC Online Banking, (vi) deposit a cheque with the RBC Mobile app and (vii) pay a bill with the RBC Mobile app or RBC Online Banking. Additional cardholder(s), as well as existing RBC Rewards+ Visa cardholders as of the offer eligibility period, are not eligible for this offer. This offer may not be combined or used in conjunction with any other offer, unless otherwise indicated by us. Offer may be amended or withdrawn at any time without notice.


Limited time offer must be fulfilled within 60 days from date of credit card approval, how to invest small amounts of money in canada. This offer is not transferable, may not be combined or used in conjunction with any other offer. Offer may be changed, cancelled or withdrawn at any time. Only the Primary Cardholder of an RBC Rewards+ Visa card is eligible for this offer and may receive a one-time bonus of RBC Rewards points (“Bonus Points”) for each listed offer (each a “Bonus Offer”) up to a maximum of 3, RBC Rewards points, how to invest small amounts of money in canada. It may take up to 60 days after offer expires for the Bonus Points to appear on the credit card statement. Primary Cardholder can provide us their email address and sign up for eStatements through RBC Online Banking by visiting a branch or calling


To bank with RBC means you must hold any of the following RBC bank accounts (each an "Eligible Account"): RBC Day to Day Banking, RBC Advantage Banking,RBC Private Banking, RBC Signature No Limit Banking, RBC VIP Banking, US Personal Account, how to invest small amounts of money in canada, Ratelink Essential, Ratelink Preference, RBC Day to Day Savings, RBC Enhanced Savings or RBC High Interest eSavings. If you do not have an Eligible Account you may open one by visiting a branch.


Interac e-Transfer transactions are free for all RBC personal chequing accounts. US Dollar accounts are not eligible. A fee of $ may be charged to the sender for Interac e-Transfers sent from RBC how to invest small amounts of money in canada savings accounts listed as an Eligible Account (see note 18).


Deposits are subject to the same maximum deposit limits as well as release and payment amounts as deposits made at an RBC Royal Bank ATM. Cheques will also be subject to our Personal Banking hold policies.


Available only to newcomers (please see the eligibility requirements in above note 1). Annual fees will be waived for RBC Advantage Banking and RBC Signature No Limit Banking accounts (each an "Eligible Account") for up to two-year rental (offer ends December 31, ) of a small safe deposit box (SDB), where such boxes are available. Standard safe deposit box fees are collected in advance in January for each calendar year. If you open, switch or are converted to an Eligible How to invest small amounts of money in canada, the standard fee applicable to your eligible safe deposit box will be waived in full or in part for the current year, depending on the time when the box is opened, and in full for the following year. RBC VIP Banking account holders receive one small box free as a standard feature of that account type, so long as they maintain their RBC VIP Banking account in good standing; offer cannot be combined with any other safe deposit box offer. Offer is subject to change without notice

93Legal Disclaimer

Guaranteed investment certificates are issued by Royal Bank of Canada, The Royal Trust Company, Royal Trust Corporation of Canada and Royal Bank Mortgage Corporation. Royal Bank of Canada, The Royal Trust Company, Royal Trust Corporation of Canada and Royal Bank Mortgage Corporation are members of Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDlC). Deposits (such as deposits in a savings account, or GICs and other term deposits) with any of these institutions are eligible for CDIC deposit insurance coverage provided they are payable in Canada, how to invest small amounts of money in canada. For more information, including conditions of coverage, contact CDIC directly at or 1 () ‑

Quebec only: If a guaranteed investment certificate is with Royal Bank Mortgage Corporation or The Royal Trust Company, it is a deposit within the meaning of the Deposit Institutions and Deposit Protection Act (Quebec).

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Please consult the Application Package documents for restrictions, limitations, and additional conditions that apply to all wire transfers sent by you to us, or returned by us to you.

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All rewards are subject to availability and may change without prior notice. For complete terms, conditions and restrictions that apply to the RBC Rewards program, please visit: or call ROYAL ().

COVID Important Branch Information

For the health and safety of our employees and communities, RBC has temporarily closed a number of branches, reduced hours, and is limiting the number of clients permitted at any given time to practice physical distancing. Open branches also have Plexi Protection Screens installed.

If an in-person visit is required, please find a branch and book an appointment.

We encourage clients to bank at home if possible.

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Are you in search of how to start investing in Canada but not sure how to get started?

With all of the different options, it can be overwhelming to figure out how to begin investing in Canada.

No matter what level of an investor you are at, you can always learn more. 

I’ve worked for over a decade in the finance industry in Canada and am constantly learning new things about investing.

I've created this article to serve as a one-stop guide on how to start investing in Canada. It’s the guide I wish I had when I started investing!

According to a survey, one in four Canadians don’t know the difference between the TFSA and RRSP

Before You Start: Investing Beginner Basics

How to start investing Infographics

Before you learn how to begin investing, it is crucial to understand some of the basics about the whole thing. I am going to discuss some of the basic aspects of investing in Canada: Investing Goals 

setting goal

According to a study conducted in by Dr. Gail Matthews, people who put down their goals in writing have a 42% higher success rate in meeting them than those who don’t.

Set goals for what you would like your investments to achieve, so you can know what you are aiming for in the end. 

When you are setting investment goals, the SMART approach can help you create viable goals:

  • Specific: Create a clear cut goal that is highly specific
  • Measurable: The goal you set should be measurable in a way that you can easily realize when you have achieved it
  • Achievable: Your goal needs to be realistic, and you need to be capable of meeting the requirement to achieve that goal before you set it up
  • Relevant: You need to consider whether the goal you have set is realistic and applies to your plan with life
  • Time-based: Assign a timeframe to each goal so you can hold yourself accountable and track the performance of meeting your goal

S.M.A.R.T Goal Examples by Age

Notice that all of these goals meet the SMART criteria above:

Young Adult (Age ) – focused on buying things, paying off debt

  • Save a 20% down payment to buy a $, house in two years 
  • Pay off student loans by the age of 30 by paying back $X per month
  • Save for a vacation in one year by putting aside $X per month
  • Save $X per month for wedding in 18 months

Older Adults (Age ) – focused more on saving for retirement

  • Pay off mortgage by 50 by paying $X per month
  • Accumulate retirement savings of $1, by 60 through investing X% income for X years
  • Sell my home in Toronto and move to Vancouver in X years
  • Budget $X per month for healthcare

Retirees (Aged 60+) – having enough money in retirement to live the lifestyle they want.

  • Put aside $X for buying grandchildren gifts for Christmas each year
  • Budget $X per month for essential expenses
  • Budget $X per year for vacation
  • Budget $X per year for charitable donations

These goals you set are the end result of what you’re trying to achieve with your investments and savings.

Break your investment goals into short- medium- and long-term selections wherever applicable. I like to set one-year, five-year, and year goals at the beginning of each year.

2. What is Your Risk Tolerance?

As an investor, the risk you are willing to withstand in your investments is called your risk tolerance.

Knowing your risk tolerance is a crucial part of learning how to invest. It will determine how much of a certain asset class you will buy. Generally speaking, equities (stocks) are riskier than fixed income (bonds). The higher your risk tolerance, the more you can invest in stocks. 

1. Financial Situation

If your income barely covers the cost of your expenses or you are deeply in debt, you will not be able to take on very much risk, how to invest small amounts of money in canada. On the other hand, if you have multiple sources of income that more than cover your costs, you can take on much more risk. 

2. Job Stability and Income

The more stable your job and the higher your income is, the higher your risk tolerance can be.

3. Time Horizon

The longer the time horizon towards your investment goals, the more risk you are able to take. For example, a year-old who is saving for retirement can take on much more risk than a year-old who will retire in 5 years. 

4. Investment knowledge

Generally speaking, the more experienced and knowledgeable about investing you are, the more risk you can take. 

5. Your Willingnessto Take Risk

If losing even the smallest amount of money will make you lose sleep, none of the other factors should matter, you have a low-risk tolerance and should invest accordingly to that. This is your willingness to take risk. 

Note that if you have a high willingness to take risk, but a low ability to take risk (for example, your job and income isn’t stable), you should stick to a low-risk investment strategy.  

Risk Tolerance Examples:

Example 1: George is a year old who is making $, a year as a software developer. Because he has a long time horizon (is young) and makes a lot of money, George has a high-risk tolerance. 

Example 2: Justine is a year old who makes $45, per year as a mechanic. She is knowledgeable about investing and has set clear goals for retirement. Justine has a medium-risk tolerance because she doesn’t have a high income, but has a long time-horizon and investment knowledge. 

Example 3: Ellen is a year old investor who earns over $, per year as an executive. But because she has only a low willingness to take on risk, Ellen has a low-risk tolerance. 

In my experience, people often overestimate their risk tolerance. Try to start with a lower risk tolerance than you think you need.

3. What Type of Investor Are You?

I’ll break down a few different bitcoin investor seriö s quality of investors you can be based on your risk tolerance.

Aggressive Investor

Risk Tolerance: High
Equity Allocation: ~60% or More

Investors with an aggressive approach tend to have a better understanding of markets. Knowing the intricacies of different securities and the level of risk involved allow such investors to purchase assets with high volatility. The assets they are inclined to invest in can offer them phenomenal returns while significantly putting their capital at risk. Aggressive risk tolerance is not for investors who cannot afford to lose capital.

Moderate Investor

Risk Tolerance: Medium
Equity Allocation: ~% 

Investors willing to accept some level of risk to their capital, but they balance their investments, so they do have significant upside potential. They combine various asset classes with investment horizons ranging from a period of five to ten years. 

A combination of large-company mutual funds with securities like bonds with lower volatility can see investors see a mix of securities with around a 50/50 structure, how to invest small amounts of money in canada. A moderate strategy can see half of the capital invested in dividend-paying growth funds.

Conservative Investor

Risk Tolerance: Low
Equity Allocation: ~30% or Less

Investors who are willing to accept little to no risk to their capital have conservative risk tolerance. Typically, retirees who have spent a lifetime building a sizable nest egg are less inclined to allow any risk to their capital. 

Conservative investors usually target investment vehicles with how to invest small amounts of money in canada returns and offer high liquidity. While their returns might not be significant, it also ensures relative safety to their capital. Risk-averse investors typically have investment portfolios that consist of low-risk and low-return securities.

Rule of thumb: If you’re not sure what your risk tolerance is, go more conservative instead of more aggressive. 

4. Other Ways to Figure Out Your Fixed Income/Equity Split a questionnaire

Try taking a questionnaire like this Vanguard one that can help determine your proper asset mix.

&#; Age Rule

A general rule of thumb when it comes to the fixed income and equity split is to minus from your age. The number you get is the percentage of stocks you should hold in the split.

If you are 60 years old, the minus age rule states to hold 40% in stocks while the rest of your capital should be invested how to invest small amounts of money in canada high-grade bonds, government debt, and other safer assets, how to invest small amounts of money in canada. While this rule of thumb presents a simplified picture for splitting equity and fixed-income investments, making the ideal choice depends largely on your risk tolerance.

Ultimately, the minus the age guideline presents a basic guideline. You should adjust it based on your risk tolerance and goals for life as you grow older. If you have a higher risk tolerance, you can set it to or minus your age. If you have a lower risk tolerance, you can set it to 80 or 90 minus your age.

How to Invest in Stocks, Bonds, and ETFs

An important part of investing is figuring out how much time you want to spend on your investments. Time is money, so you should try to figure out the way you can invest in the most efficient manner possible. 

Stocks (Equities)

Risk-tolerance: Medium-High
Time you can spend: Medium – High
Transaction Fees: None-Low

Also known as equity, a stock is a type of security that represents ownership of a fraction of a publicly-traded company. 

Stocks are traded on stock exchanges, but there can be private sales of stocks as well. Stocks are a particular favorite for investors, and they have historically outperformed many other asset classes.

Some stocks benefit investors through the increased value of the shares, while others also pay shareholders dividends from the profits the company earns. Companies sell stocks to raise funds to help them operate their businesses.

If you’re investing in stocks the right way, you’ll be doing a lot of analysis on things like earnings reports and financial statements. This can be very time-consuming, and many investors skip this research part which can lead to big mistakes. 

Bonds (Fixed Income)

Risk-tolerance: Low – medium
Time commitment: Low-medium
Fees: Low to none

Bonds are referred to as fixed-income assets and are generally lower risk than stocks. A bond is another type of security that you can own as an investor. It is a fixed-income investment tool that essentially represents a loan that the investor makes to a borrower. For instance, if you buy a corporate bond, you have issued a loan to said corporation.

Companies, municipalities, states, and sovereign governments can use bonds to finance various operations and projects.

Bonds and fixed income are a balance to the equities in your investment, and the main method you can use to control the riskiness of your investments. The less risky you want your portfolio, the more you allocate to bonds. 

Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) 

Risk-tolerance: Low – high
Time commitment: Low
Transaction Fees: Low

Exchange-Traded Funds or ETFs are all the rage these days. Billions of Canadian dollars flow into ETFs each year, and that number is forecasted to only increase. 

ETFs can contain many types of investments like stocks, bonds, commodities, or even a mixture of them. An ETF is a marketable asset, which means that it has a price associated with it that allows you to buy and sell it easily. 

ETFs can invest in a wide range of sectors or utilize several strategies when it comes to creating the group of securities that each of them consists of, ranging from very low-risk bond ETFs, to high-risk marijuana stock ETFs. Beware of how much risk you are taking on in each ETF.

These funds, as their name suggests, can be traded on exchanges. In many ways, ETFs are like mutual funds, but they are listed on exchanges, and they can trade throughout the day like ordinary stocks on the stock market.

It’s easy to see why ETFs have exploded in popularity. ETFs can offer you easy diversification with almost no research needed, and at a very low fee.

Mutual Funds

Fees: Very High

I don’t invest in mutual funds, even though I used to work for one of the largest fund companies in Canada. Mutual funds are not proven to outperform the market after the high-fees to run a fund is taken into account. 

The S&P semi-annual report from reported that over 85% of Canadian equity managers underperformed the S&P/TSX Composite Index. Small market capitalization managers performed the worst, with 88% of them lagging their benchmark.

The long-term performance money making hobbies for retirement most active managers also falls short of their benchmark, according to the S&P report. The report also noted that just 46% of the Canadian equity funds that existed a decade ago were still active in June  

It’s no wonder why Canadians are fleeing mutual funds to ETFs in droves, with over $ billion invested at the start of

If you want more details, read my guide on the 7 best investment options in Canada here.

Investing in Canada with Discount Brokerages

Investment Knowledge Needed: Medium to High
Time commitment: Low to High (depends on your investment)
Fees: Low to None

Discount brokers allow you to trade bonds, stocks, ETFs, and a few how to invest small amounts of money in canada types of investments online. They are not acting as a middleman that buys or sells stocks for you. Discount brokerages present one of the most ideal methods to begin investing in Canada. 

They lower the barrier to entry into the world of stock market investing for the average Canadian investor. The decision to how to invest small amounts of money in canada between a full-time stockbroker and a discount broker can depend on several factors.

Discount brokers facilitate stock market trading, but they do not offer direct investment advice. Discount brokerage accounts are usually available as online platforms that essentially provide investors with a self-service option. Discount brokers charge fees, but their fees are low compared to that of traditional stockbrokers since you utilize little to no help from them to make investment decisions.

Typically, investors who develop more of an understanding of the markets, how to invest small amounts of money in canada, and do not need investment advice should choose discount brokers.

Pros of Using Discount Brokerage

  • Free ETF purchases
  • Affordable trades for stocks and other assets
  • Simple to use platforms
  • Offer helpful information to novice investors
  • Do not have vested interest in selling you particular stocks or other securities

Cons of Using Discount Brokerage

  • There is no guidance for you to refer to. Beginner investors might struggle with this
  • Hidden fees can exist with some discount brokers. Discount brokers offer lower commission rates, but they can charge extra for services like issuing stock certificates or mailing statements.
  • No face to face interaction can be annoying for investors who require that in case they run into issues. You can get in touch with online brokerages through phone or online but not in person.

Here is a handy chart of three online brokerages in Canada that can give you a better idea of which one is more suitable for your needs.

Online BrokerAnnual FeesMinimum InvestmentTransfer FeeInactivity FeeWithdrawal Fee
Wealthsimple Trade$0$00$0$0
TD Direct Investing$$0$75$25$

My two top picks for a discount broker with some of the lowest fees in Canada are:

To learn more, check out my review on the best trading platforms in Canada here.

How to Invest with Robo-Advisors

Investment Knowledge Needed: Just a little
Time commitment: Very low
Fees: Low 

Robo-advisors are investing platforms that design and manage your investment portfolio for you, usually automatically. It is a hands-off approach to investing in Canada. 

Robo-advisors select investments or investment classes and create a portfolio for you based on metrics after tallying against the risk tolerance that you pre-define to them. They build the portfolio based how to invest small amounts of money in canada your investment goals and automatically rebalance the how to invest small amounts of money in canada to align with your investment goals and risk tolerance.

Robo-advisors buy and balance a basket of ETFs for you based on your investment goals and risk tolerance. They determine everything by conducting a risk survey to help them understand what type of portfolio suits your needs. 

Since robo-advisors operate solely online and trade low-cost ETFs, you can expect low fees for their services. If you want to get in touch with them, you can contact them via email, chat, or phone. Many of them even offer additional features like tax-loss harvesting during tax season.

Pros of Using a Robo Advisor

  • Low fees 
  • High-quality and low-cost ETF portfolios
  • Access to human advisors
  • Simple to use
  • Many robo-advisors offer services such as tax-loss harvesting to increase your after-tax returns if you use a taxable account

Cons of Using a Robo-Advisor

  • No face-to-face meetings with advisors
  • Higher fees than discount brokerages

Here are my top picks for the best robo-advisors available to Canadians right now.

Robo-advisors can often be the best option for first-time investors as they are building an understanding of investing and constructing portfolios based on financial goals. Robo advisors provide you with financial advice and hands-off portfolio management based on your preferences. 

I consider Wealthsimple the best overall robo advisor platform in Canada for its wide product selection and customer service. You can find out more details about it in my WealthSimple Review.

Investing how to invest small amounts of money in canada Big Five Banks

The Big Five is a term used to describe five of the largest banks in Canada:

  • Royal Bank of Canada
  • The Bank of Montreal
  • Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
  • The Bank of Nova Scotia
  • Toronto-Dominion Bank

When it comes to investing in Canada, traditional brick-and-mortar banks how to invest small amounts of money in canada the first option for most Canadians. I worked briefly as a financial advisor at a Big Five bank.

I want to stress that most financial advisors are good and decent hard-working people. But the harsh reality is that their paycheck is often based on how many bank-created products they can sell you.

 A financial advisor's fiduciary duty to provide sound and unbiased advice to you can be clouded by the incentive systems set up by the banks. 

Also, the investment products offered by banks are usually its mutual funds, which contain some of the highest fees in the world. 

For these reasons, it’s my opinion that most investors are better off either doing their own research and using discount brokerages or investing with robo-advisors if they need more guidance.

How to Invest with High-Interest Savings Accounts and Guaranteed Income Certificates

While technically not a way to invest, High-Interest Savings Accounts (HISA) and Guaranteed Income Certificates (GICs) offer you the opportunity to park your funds in savings accounts to earn a certain percentage return.

If you need to make a purchase in the short-term (2 years or less), a HISA or GIC is an ideal place to park your money as there is virtually no chance of losing money. 

Many Canadians park their capital in savings accounts and rely on the interest rates to earn returns on their money. However, traditional savings accounts are not the ideal place to park your funds because they do not offer significant returns on your &#;investment.&#; 

Canadians resort how to invest small amounts of money in canada using savings accounts because they entail zero risks to their capital. The rate of returns from traditional accounts, however, usually cannot keep up with the rate of inflation since the interest rates are not favorable enough.

HISAs and GICs are both safe and secure investment avenues that involve minimal risk to your capital. Both of them also help you make sure that your savings do not depreciate over time due to the rate of inflation.

How HISA and GICs differ from normal savings account

HISAs operate like traditional bank savings accounts, but they offer you much higher interest rates for your savings. For instance, normal savings accounts at one of the Big Five Banks can provide you with %, while the same bank can offer you % for its HISA.

GICs are an investment option that offers you a guaranteed income. Some of them offer you fixed-income interest rates, while others offer variable rates. These two options are ideal for investors who require liquidity but do not want to take on any risk to their capital. 

They are still an option for conservative investors and do not offer returns as substantial as other investment vehicles, but they do present you with the safest options.

While you can resort to the Big Five Banks for HISAs and GICs, smaller banks offer you better rates of returns. Here are my top three picks and their rates for HISAs and GICs that you can use:

BankHISA Rate (Annual)GIC Rate (1-Year)
EQ Bank%%
Oaken Financial%%

Read my guide on the 7 Best High-Interest Savings Accounts in Canada for more details

Real Estate Investing in Canada

Investment Knowledge How to invest small amounts of money in canada Very high
Time commitment: Very high
Fees: Very high 

You might have been wondering why I have not even bothered to mention real estate investing in Canada yet. I know many people who want to learn how how to invest small amounts of money in canada start investing in Canada so they can learn how to invest in real estate. Considering the fact that Canada’s housing market has seen double-digit increases in value over the past decade, it is only natural to want to learn about it.

Real estate certainly seems like the most enviable asset class to have. With residential property rates in Vancouver and Toronto soaring, property owners have made astronomical profits from their assets. Real estate also has how to invest small amounts of money in canada much higher emotional attachment for most investors, as it’s a tangible asset you can see and touch.

Of course, it does not come as easy as how to invest small amounts of money in canada might want to think it is. While you might think that buying property and then flipping it for a higher price is a guaranteed method to earn profits, there is plenty of homework you need to do.

The creator of GT Canada and Synergy Asset Management, Joe Canavan, is among the most successful entrepreneurs in Canada. He figured out that he can make significantly more money by investing in equities rather than real estate. There are several reasons that contribute to this line of thought.

When you accumulate all the property taxes, insurance, necessary maintenance fees, and more hidden costs related to owning real estate, it amounts to a significant expense that many investors might not want to deal with. According to Canavan, the returns on stock market investment outweigh the returns of owning real estate assets.

In the past 25 years, the S&P/TSX Composite Index grew by %. Canavan suggests that tying up money in a house is not as smart a money move as opposed to investing in the equity market and maintaining liquidity.

While there is no guarantee about what the future holds, I can tell you that investing in the stock market offers you more flexibility and liquidity. Owning real estate has several pitfalls. 

There are ways to capitalize on the advantages of the real estate industry without exposing yourself to the hassle of owning properties. You can invest in the stock of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). REITs are companies that invest in their own portfolio of properties and disburse payments to shareholders from the revenue that the company earns from its properties.

Saying all this, I have invested in real estate in Asia. Real estate investing can be a good option for those that are willing to put in the extensive time and research needed.

Check out my guide on the Best Real Estate Investment Options in Canada for more details.

How Much Should I Invest and Save?

When you are learning how to start investing in Canada, you should know, understand, and appreciate the role of budgeting in your financial situation. Many people might see budgeting as something with a negative context, but it is one thing that can help you improve your overall financial situation. 

When you are investing, you also need to know that you cannot simply tie up all your funds in investments. There are several things you should consider when deciding how much money you should allocate for savings and investments.

1. Your Age

Your age helps you determine what you can allocate your funds towards. Older investors can have a higher allocation for investments as opposed to younger investors. However, you also need to consider how much money you need to put towards your future goals in life, like retirement or buying a home. Younger investors typically have lower incomes than older investors. Consequently, an investor in his 20s or 30s might be able to put away smaller amounts towards investments compared to investors in their 50s with a few retirement assets already in hand.

2. Disposable Income

Disposable income is the amount left over after you have taken care of all your necessary expenses. You can spend your disposable income on leisure today, or you can set it aside for useful purposes like saving for long-term goals or investment. While you should use some of your money to have fun, you might want how to invest small amounts of money in canada prioritize putting your disposable income to make income through how to invest small amounts of money in canada. Liquidity

Liquidity determines how quickly you can sell your assets for cash. Your liquidity levels can determine the kind of interest rates you can receive or how fast you can access your money. If you have money tied up in an account that only allows you to make withdrawals after a certain number of years, that cash is illiquid. The level of liquidity you want to maintain should align with your investment goals.

4. Allocating the Funds

You should try and review your spending habits to track what you are spending on. These figures can help you create a budget that adequately works with your goals. Remember that you do not need to budget too harshly that you have no fun at all during your younger years. However, your budget allocation should keep in mind the long-term goals in life. 

The older you become, you will have more access to stable retirement assets, how to invest small amounts of money in canada. Besides putting aside money for rainy day expenses, you should prioritize long-term investments. As you grow older and your disposable income increases, adjust the allocation based on your preferences.

Alternative Ways how to invest small amounts of money in canada Figure Out How Much to Save and Invest

/30/20 rule

Allocate 50% of your budget for essentials like food, shelter, and transportation, 30% for discretionary spending (less if possible), and at least 20% of your money should be saved and invested. multiple

One school of thought is that you should save 1x of your pre-retirement income by 30, 3x the amount by 40, 7x by the age of 55, and 10x by the time you hit For instance, if you think you’re going to need $70, income during retirement, you need to save $70, by the time you turn 30, $, by the time you turn 40, how to invest small amounts of money in canada, and so on.

Common Beginner Mistakes When Investing

What better way to avoid making mistakes by learning from the mistakes others have already made. In this how to invest small amounts of money in canada of my guide to start investing in Canada, I will discuss some of the most frequent mistakes beginner investors make that you need to be aware of.

1. Not Understanding Investments

When you are investing in an asset, whether it is a bond, how to invest small amounts of money in canada, stock, or ETF it is crucial how to invest small amounts of money in canada understand how it works. Warren Buffett, one of the world's most successful investors, says that you should invest only in the businesses you understand. Stock market investors buying the shares of a company should not simply treat the shares as stocks. According to Buffett, understanding how the company works helps you make better judgment calls about your stock position. Avoid investing in companies or ETFs that you do not understand. 

2. The Danger of Impatience

Slow and steady wins the race. I'm sure you've heard this time and time again. The phrase applies to every aspect of life, and it is true for the world of investors as well. A disciplined, how to invest small amounts of money in canada, slow, and steady approach can help investors go a lot further than an impatient one, how to invest small amounts of money in canada. Many investors make the mistake of making risky moves without gauging the situation. They expect their portfolios to do more than what they are designed to do, and that can be disastrous for them. Keeping realistic expectations can help you make the most of your investment career.

3. Failing to Diversify

Diversification can be an investor’s best friend. While you might see some professional investors make substantial returns by investing with a focused approach, beginners should not attempt to do this. Diversification through ETFs how to invest small amounts of money in canada you with exposure to a wide range of spaces and offers your capital more security, how to invest small amounts of money in canada. If you’re starting out, try not to invest more than 5% to 10% of your funds to one stock.

4. Too Much Investment Turnover

Jumping in and out of positions as an investor kills your chances of making significant returns with your capital. The transaction costs of changing your positions in an investment can eat up any returns. You also have the how to invest small amounts of money in canada cost of missing out on potential long-term gains.

Tips for Beginner Investors

Now that I’ve warned you of some of the most common mistakes investors make when they start out, here are some tips to help you on your way. Remember that learning how to start investing in Canada is not hard. Here is some advice for first-time investors:

1. Start as Early as Possible

I will recommend that you start investing as soon as possible. Whether you are a mid-career professional in our 40s who has just realized the importance of investing, or a young professional about to get your first paycheck &#; start as soon as you can. The longer you invest, the more your investments can pay off in the long run.

2. Invest Regularly

Make investing a habit rather than something to do occasionally. Even if you are investing a seemingly insignificant amount, you should put some how to invest small amounts of money in canada towards your investments. That spare change from when you bought a chai tea latte might not seem like much, but investing that amount into an income-generating asset can result in massive long-term returns due to the power of compounding.

3. Stay invested

Many investors try to time the market and wait along on the sidelines waiting for the right time to invest. The idea is to invest in the stock of a company while it bottoms so you can make the maximum profit when it bounces back. It might produce short-term gains, but generally sitting on the sidelines as an investor causes more losses than gains, since the direction of the stock market trends upwards over time.

4. Automate Investments

Automated investment allows you to capitalize on your capital with little to no experience in investing. Platforms like WealthSimple offer you the chance to allocate funds to your savings portfolio automatically. It is a low-cost investment option you can use to automate your investing without having to worry about taking a hands-on approach.

5. Your Company’s RRSP

If you have a full-time job at a company, you can take advantage of tax-savings through your company's Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP). Set your RRSP to automatically deduct a fixed amount from your salary and allocate it to investments. Always sign up for any type of matching RRSP or pension contribution that your company offers, as that is free money for you.


Just like Rome wasn’t built in a day, I know and understand that learning how to start investing in Canada can’t happen overnight. It is a lengthy process, and you will face challenges due to many unforeseen events. You might even fail many times on your way.

I’m not ashamed to admit that I’ve made bad investments myself in the past. However, I’ve used those opportunities to learn and progress. It helped me learn and understand the stock market better, how to invest small amounts of money in canada, and what types of investments work for me.

Investing is a skill that you get better at, like learning the guitar or playing hockey. Though the stakes are a lot higher, as it is the livelihood for you and your family, so start slow and keep on learning!

I’ve created this guide to help you learn from my experience. While it will not lay down everything for you on a platter, it can help you understand what to expect.

I really hope this article turns out to be helpful for you. Best of luck!

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Recent Investment Announcements


Renewable energy company Innogy, a subsidiary of Germany-based RWE, has announced plans to develop two solar projects in Alberta. Construction on the MWp Prairie Sunlight II and MWp Prairie Sunlight III projects is scheduled to begin in the second quarter of Commercial operations are expected by the end of


Netflix has announced it will open its first Canadian office in Toronto. This first corporate office will join Netflix’s current studio operations in Toronto and Vancouver and how to invest small amounts of money in canada the company’s recognition of the entertainment and media industry in Canada. To date, Netflix has invested $ billion in productions in Canada. 


HSBC has opened its Global Data & Innovation Lab in Toronto, citing the city’s interest, investment and development of artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced machine learning. The 3, square foot energy efficient lab will soon employ over 50 skilled AI professionals, technologists, co-op students and interns, adding to the over 1, employees located in Toronto.


US-based online retail giant Amazon has expanded its tech hub in Toronto, Canada, how to invest small amounts of money in canada. It has opened a newsq. ft. office in Scotia Plaza which is expected to create new job opportunities. The new positions will be focused on software development, machine learning, cloud computing, how to invest small amounts of money in canada, digital advertising and artificial intelligence.


Shell Canada, Mitsubishi, Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS), Petronas and PetroChina are jointly developing a $40 billion liquefied natural gas (LNG) export facility near Kitimat, Canada. The largest private sector investment project will create 10, jobs at the height of construction.

General Motors

General Motors Canada, a subsidiary of US-based General Motors, will invest $ million into its assembly plant in Oshawa, Ontario. The plant will serve as a stamping facility, producing parts for GM vehicles and will also have a test track for autonomous vehicles.

Mitsubishi Aircraft

Mitsubishi Aircraft, a subsidiary of Japan-based Mitsubishi, will invest $ million to open a new office in Montréal, Québec. It will focus on certification and entry into service of Mitsubishi SpaceJet products and will create new jobs initally with a further jobs plans in the future. 

Mondelez International

US-based Mondelez International is investing $40 million to expand its existent manufacturing facility in Hamilton, Ontario. The expansion has encompassed the implementation of a new $40 million candy production line and sq m of additional site area. The new line will serve the Canadian market and is expected to create 50 new jobs.


BHE Canada, a subsidiary of Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Energy, will break ground on a $million, megawatt wind farm in southeastern Alberta next year. The Rattlesnake Ridge Wind project will be located southwest of Medicine Hat and produce enough energy to supply the equivalent of 79, homes.


Greengate Power Corporation and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners have entered into an agreement  to fund the further development and construction of the Travers Solar project. Located in Vulcan County, Alberta, Travers Solar is expected to be Canada’s largest operating solar energy project, with an estimated capital cost of $ million. It is anticipated to provide electricity for more than , homes and to create more than full-time jobs during construction.


US-based Mastercard has opened a new $ million global intelligence and cyber centre in Vancouver, British Columbia. The centre, located at the existent office of Mastercard's subsidiary NuData Security, has created new jobs, how to invest small amounts of money in canada, with staff to focus on areas including artificial intelligence and Internet of Things (IoT). 


Google plans to more than triple its work force in Canada over the next three years to as many as 5, employees across Toronto, Montréal and Ontario’s Kitchener-Waterloo region. The expansion will include three new offices, with the biggest growth in Kitchener, where it could have up to 3, employees working by


US-based chemical company Dow will invest between $ million and $ million to expand its ethylene plant in Fort Saskatchewan. The expansion will increase the plant's capacity bytonnes per year. 


Ireland-based Accenture, a consulting and technology services firm, has opened a new hub in St. Catherines, Ontario. The new office is Accenture's second in the region and the company's third intelligent operations centre in Canada. The company plans to create an additional local jobs by


DHL Express Canada, a global logistics company operating as a subsidiary of Germany-based Deutsche Post, will invest $ million to expand its sorting facility at the Hamilton International Airport in Ontario. The firm will increase its facility from 18, sq m to 74, sq m and create new jobs. 

Your Canadian Guide

Your Canadian Advantage

This pitchbook provides a detailed outline of the Canadian business environment and the numerous advantages it offers to global investors.

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How to Invest in the Stock Market With a Small Amount?

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There are several myths that surround stock market investing. One common assumption is that investing in equities is difficult for the average retail investor and the other is you need huge amounts of capital to get started. However, there are several ways for retail investors to start investing in stocks and they can begin with even with a few hundred dollars.

Given the low interest rate environment, equities bitcoin investor seriö s 0 2 an extremely attractive asset class right now. In fact, the S&P has generated annual returns of around 10% for the last six decades, easily outpacing the inflation numbers in developed countries. Keeping this in mind, let’s see how you can build a solid portfolio and begin your investment journey with a small amount.


Pay yourself first

In order to start investing, you first require capital. It means you need to save a small portion of your earnings each month. As a rule of thumb, you need to ideally save at least 10% to 20% of your income after tax and allocate it towards investments. In order to achieve your long-term financial goals, it’s imperative to save first and spend later.


Invest your tax refunds

There are several tax breaks you might be eligible for that can add up to a substantial amount. For example, you can save over $2, by using the Basic Personal Amount non-refundable tax break next year. In case you are eligible for the GST/HST tax credits, you will receive a few hundred dollars each year from the Canada Revenue Agency. The savings from these tax credits should be put to use by Canadians by investing them in the stock market. 


Maximize your contribution limits

In case you earn $50, annually, you are eligible to contribute $9, each year towards your RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Account). So, you can contribute around $ each month towards this registered account as well as lower your tax liability.

Now, Canadians can also invest $ each month or a cumulative amount of up to $6, in in a TFSA (Tax-Free Savings Account). So, a Canadian who earns $50, each year can invest up to a total of $15, in the above-mentioned registered accounts this year. 


Automate your investments

It’s always a good idea to automate your savings which will help you benefit from the power of compounding. You can start with small amounts of capital and then increase your investment contributions as you move higher up the corporate ladder. Today, there are several investment applications and web platforms that you can link to your bank account. For example, you can transfer 20% of your savings at the first of each month which will help you achieve financial freedom.


Invest in an exchange-traded fund like the S&P

The most famous investors including the great Warren Buffett strongly advocate investing in an exchange-traded fund or an ETF. This investment vehicle provides you with enough diversification that will lower your risk considerably. Generally, an ETF is passively managed and it tracks an index such as the S&P It also means the management fees and expense ratios for ETFs are significantly lower than actively managed funds.

The S&P is among the most popular indexes in the world and gives you exposure to the top how to invest small amounts of money in canada in the U.S. including Apple, Tesla, Microsoft, Alphabet, Facebook, and Amazon.

The S&P has allowed investors to grow long-term wealth at a steady pace. While the stock market is volatile in the near term it is probably the best asset class that can consistently beat inflation rates over time.

So, you need to take a long-term view while investing in equities. Further, in case you have $1, to invest right now, it makes sense to invest $ over a period of 10 months and benefit from dollar-cost averaging as how to invest small amounts of money in canada as the power of compounding.

For example, if you invest $ each month for a period of months in an asset that derives annual returns of 10%, your total savings at the end of 10 years will balloon to $,. This figure at the end of 20 years will rise to $, and at the end of 30 years, your total investments will be worth close to a million dollars.


How can Canadian invest in the S&P

One Canadian ETF that tracks the S&P is the VFV or the Vanguard S&P Index ETF. The inception date of the VFV ETF was November 2, It has a management fee of % and its expense ratio is also the same. At the end of Marchthis fund had around $ billion in total net assets. Since its inception, the VFV ETF has generated annual returns of %.

Currently, how to invest small amounts of money in canada, the ETF is traded at a price of $ which means you can buy one unit of the fund for less than $ You can also enjoy a forward yield of % by investing in the VFV ETF. The dividends are paid every quarter which can be withdrawn or reinvested to purchase additional units of the ETF.

Another ETF that is part of Vanguard’s portfolio is the Vanguard S&P Index ETF (CAD-Hedged) or VSP. The only difference between the VSP and VFV is how to invest small amounts of money in canada the former hedges its exposure to the Canadian dollar (CAD), insulating the investor from foreign exchange fluctuations.

For example, in case the S&P gains 10% in the next year and the CAD appreciates by 4%, the VSP returns will be pegged at 10% while the VFV will return 6%. Alternatively, if the CAD depreciates against the USD, the VFV will return 14% in the next year while the VSP will remain at 10%.


The final takeaway

We can see how the stock market can help you create massive wealth and even accelerate your retirement if you have a disciplined approach towards investing. You need to take the first step by opening an investing account. Further, you need to automate your savings and keep it simple while letting the power of compounding work its magic.

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