Make money with microstock photography

make money with microstock photography

Stock Photography Compensation: Commissions & Tiers. Stock photographers earn a commission every time someone buys one of their photos. · 1. Invest in Decent (if. It'll take a while (unless you're incredibly lucky) and you'll need to upload a lot of images, but with a bit of perseverance and dedication, $$ a month. So aim for at least to good quality images, which will be approved by stock photography sites. With an average of four downloads per image, you will.

How to Sell Stock Photos and Make Money

By the global stock photography industry is expected to be worth an incredible $4 billion! How would you like to get a share of that?

Thanks to modern technology it's never been easier to sell your photos. These days it's entirely possible to take amazing photos using just your smartphone!

There are some people that do make thousands of dollars a month selling their photos. Realistically most people don't earn that much. However, for many people selling stock photos is an easy side gig that can help supplement your income. Plus, if you take lots of photos anyway, then why not try earning something for them!

Keep reading to learn what stock photography is, how to sell stock photos to make money, tips to succeeding selling stock photos, how much money you can make, and more!

Want Quick Money? Try These Methods! 👇

What Is Stock Photography?

Simply put stock photography is a term for images that people can buy geld anlegen österreich vergleich make money with microstock photography for their own content. This includes bloggers, websites, and physical media such as magazines or promotional materials.

As technology has advanced numerous platforms have begun offering libraries full of images and videos. Buyers can then license these images for their own use. Buying image's in this way is often far cheaper than creating your own images. Hiring professional photographers, models, make money with microstock photography, and props can be costly. 

It's much easier and cheaper to find images to use on a stock photography website. The cost can be anything from a few cents up to a few dollars. This is great news for you though as it means you have the potential to earn from your photos!

The most common form of making money from stock photography is known as microstock. Microstock is when images are sold from as little as a few cents up to about $ The sales are also sold on a royalty-free basis. Photographers get paid for every image download, usually on a monthly basis. Microstock is considered the easiest method of earning from stock photography.

Best Places to Sell Stock Photos

Why Stock Photography Is Make money with microstock photography Good Idea

There are lots of great reasons that stock photography is an easy side gig. First, if you can take high-quality photos, then you can upload them. Many smartphones have cameras that are easily capable of taking fantastic pictures. This means you don't need to buy expensive camera equipment.

A great thing about this side gig is that you have total control. You can put as much time into it as you like and take whatever photos you want. Once your portfolio is large enough you will then be earning a nice passive income!

Plus, if you are interested in working as a professional photographer, then you can use your portfolio to secure photography work.

Will I Get Rich From Stock Photography?

Let's be honest, you probably won't get rich selling your photos. If you make money with microstock photography hard you could make a full-time living from stock photography, but most people will hubpages can you make money into the side income range. This means realistically you could earn a few hundred dollars a month. Still, $$ a month isn't bad for just uploading photos you take anyway!

There is a massive amount of competition as most people have a smartphone capable of taking high-quality pictures. One stock website, Shutterstock, has more than million images!

That's not to say you can't get rich selling your photos. You could if you dedicated yourself to it. However, for most people, it's best to think about it as a side hustle and enjoy the extra passive income make money with microstock photography month.

How Hard Is It To Make Money From Stock Photography?

Many people often quit stock photography in the first few months. The main reason for quitting is due to not making much money. Keep in mind that this is not a get rich quick scheme. Like most things, it will take hard work and a little patience. By the way, if you find a get-rich-quick scheme that actually works let me know!

The main reason people earn nothing or truly little is due to uploading poor quality images. Another factor is the fact you are competing against make money with microstock photography of others.

To make money consistently you will need to upload lots of high-quality images, research what photos sell, and concentrate on creating the content people want to buy.

Make Money Selling Stock Photos Online

6 Tips For Succeeding At Stock Photography

Now that you know how the industry works here are some top tips to help you get the most out of it and more importantly, make money with microstock photography, earn more!


Potential buyers find images by searching for them. Attaching the right keywords to your photos is vital for buyers to find them.

Make sure that your keywords are specific, listed in order of importance, and as descriptive as possible. For example, you upload a picture of a dog jumping into a fountain. In this instance, you could write the following keywords &#; dog, jumping, fountain, animal.

Understanding how to use keywords will get easier with practice. Many sites also offer fantastic tools that can help with this. Getting it right means more people will find your photos which means more sales for you!

Take Multiple Shots

When taking a picture take it from as many angles as you can. The reason this is important is that different buyers are looking for different things. For example, you take a picture of your dog eating. A dog food company will want a picture that shows the food prominently, but a dog charity will want a photo focusing more on the dog. By having numerous photos of the same thing from different angles there is more potential to earn!

Think About What Sells Best

Some types of pictures will sell better than others. It's important to understand that and concentrate on taking photos of things that are more likely to sell.

Businesses mainly want photos showing people working for their websites or other promotional materials. Try getting photos of people talking on the phone, working on a computer, or doing a presentation.

A hugely popular category is food. Examples of popular food photos include people cooking, pictures of different meals, and even empty plates!

Nature and travel are two hot topics when it comes to stock photography. Photos of animals, birds, and flowers are always in demand. If you travel anywhere, then get lots of shots! The hotel, the local area or beach, and photos of local people are all popular types of stock photos. When traveling to a city try to get pics of buildings, commuters, and cityscapes.

These are some of the top areas that sell, but if you do your research there are others that may be in demand.

Make Sure To Regularly Upload Your Photos

Many platforms operate a system that promotes make money with microstock photography of users that are active. If you upload regularly, then your photos will have a better chance of being deemed more relevant than others.

Any old photos you have uploaded could still sell, but regularly uploading high-quality images gives you a better chance.

Have the Right Equipment

While it's perfectly possible to sell stock photos while shooting on a modern smartphone, there's a good chance those with more advanced equipment will outsell you.

You don't need to invest in the latest and greatest, however.

You can pick up a high quality camera for around $1,

Unfortunately for photographers, it doesn't end at the camera. Depending on the type of photography you plan to shoot, you might need to invest in various types of camera lenses. For example, landscape photographers will want to invest in a wide angle lens to capture wider shots. Portrait photographers will want to make money with microstock photography in a telephoto lens to capture more detail in closer settings. 

Invest in Software to Make More Money

Once you've taken your photos, the work doesn't stop, make money with microstock photography. Make money with microstock photography need to edit your photos using software like Photoshop to increase the quality of your photos. 

This software will cost around $50 per month for the cloud version or you could opt for a comparable software that make money with microstock photography free to save money. 

If you're new to photo editing software, you'll want to spend some time understanding how it works and the options you have. There are many different YouTube videos and books that are perfect resources for beginners. 

Related: Make Money with Photoshop

Best Places to Sell Stock Photos

There are lots of great sites or apps to sell photos to. To help you get started here are two of the best known.

Shutterstock is probably one of the best-known stock photography sites. As mentioned earlier the site has more than million images that are available to buyers in more than countries! That's a lot of potential customers.

Clients range from individual bloggers right up to large international corporations. The potential is there to make a steady income uploading your photos on Shutterstock.

Adobe Stock is a site that is remarkably like Shutterstock with similar rates of pay. One feature that is unique to Adobe Stock is that users of Adobe software can buy photos directly through any other Adobe platform, make money with microstock photography. This is great for reaching more potential customers. It's also a very easy platform to submit photos to.

These two sites are great places to start. The good news is that you don't have to limit yourself to one site. You can upload your photos across multiple sites and maximize your earnings. The only time you can't do this is if you have agreed to exclusive rights for a photo. Otherwise, you can upload to as many sites as you like!

3 More Ways To Make Money From Stock Photos

Apart from selling your photos on stock photography sites, there are some other ways you could earn from your photos.

Selfie Apps

Selling selfies is a great way of making some easy money from your photos. Terms and payments vary so make sure to check the requirements before starting, make money with microstock photography. To get started check out Pay Your Selfie and Scoopshot. Both are available on the Play Store and the App Store.

Start Your Own Blog Or Website

Selling photos directly using your own website or blog is a great way to earn more. This is because there are no fees or commissions to pay. You keep % of everything you sell!

All you need to do is create a simple site showcasing your work. You could sell photos individually or in bundles. If your site gets popular, then you can add more revenue streams such as ads or affiliate links.


There are 3 ways to make money from selling your photos via Instagram.

First, offer your photos for sale. Lots of brands want genuine photos to use in their ad campaigns. You could sell them individually or as bundles. Remember the topics make money with microstock photography are popular are things like food, travel, and nature.

Another way to earn from Instagram photos is once you've got a decent following. Many brands will pay you to post a photo with their product. If you have several thousand followers, this could be make money with microstock photography good earner.

One final method is to sell physical copies of your photos. In your bio put a link to your website or blog for buyers to follow and make an order.

Realistic Income From Stock Photography

Selling stock photography can be extremely lucrative with some photographers make well over 6 figures. 

But this likely isn't the case for most.

For most amateur photographers, you can expect to make a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per year selling stock photography at the beginning of your career. As you become more experienced and have more photos to sell, this number can increase dramatically. 

More seasoned photographers can realistically make over $10, annually from their photography side hustle. 

Final Thoughts on How to Sell Stock Photos and Make Money 

Making money from stock photography isn't easy, but it is perfectly doable and it can be a great side hustle to build your passive income portfolio.

If you regularly upload high-quality photos for popular topics, then you could easily start earning $ &#; $ per month or more.

As you become a more experienced photographer, you'll likely sell more photos, giving your earnings a boost. 

Have you made money selling stock photos? Comment your experience below!


Hey, I’m Chris. I have a degree in Business Economics from the University of Liverpool, own a small make money with microstock photography food business and run I will help you to make money, save money, and think about money in a way that will give you back your freedom.

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Top 11 Places to Sell Photos Online and Make Money

make money with microstock photography src="" alt="">

by Alexandra Bateman on Mar 19,

Do you want to sell your photos online and make some money? Wondering which websites allow you to sell stock photos?

As a photographer, make money with microstock photography, you can easily earn some extra cash (or even start a new career!) if you know the right places to sell your photos online. Photographers of various skill levels are in high demand for their work, now more than ever. Everyone from large corporations, small and medium size businesses to bloggers, graphic designers, make money with microstock photography, marketers and publishers buy and use photos regularly online. 

In this guide, we will share the top 12 best places to sell photos online and make money doing what make money with microstock photography love.

Who Buys Stock Photos, and What Type of Photos Sell the Best?

The largest buying base of stock photos are bloggers and small to medium sized website business owners.

What type of images are they buying the most of?

  • People — kids, adults and everyone in between from every country and culture!
  • People working — These images are very popular with businesses. Folks working on laptops, writing, speaking at a meeting, etc. Just don&#;t make them so generic they become a meme.
  • Food — Various types of delicious foods even empty unwashed plates.
  • Tools — Gears, hammers, nuts, bolts and screws can convey a lot of things for potential buyers.
  • Cities — Cityscapes, buildings, people commuting.
  • Nature — This is a no brainer which never gets old to shoot or sell.
  • Travel — Shots from around the world are always in high demand.

Pro-tip: Have a look at the categories for some of the image marketplaces we&#;ll discuss to see some more of the most popular images.

Best Places to Sell Your Photos Online

1. On Your Own Website

The number one best place to sell photos online is on your own website.

That&#;s because:

  • You can set your own prices.
  • No one else takes a cut.
  • You have % control over how to display your photos.
  • You can set your own terms and conditions.
  • In short, YOU&#;RE in control!

Don&#;t have a website yet? It&#;s not hard to start. Check this simple guide on how to create a photography website in WordPress. The majority of professional photography sites online are created on WordPress.

After creating your website, you need to showcase the photos beautifully to attract visitors and convince them to buy your images. We recommend using a top-rated WordPress plugin like Envira Gallery to create image galleries for your photos.

Envira Gallery

You can also create photo albums with beautiful customizable Lightboxes to display and categorize your images to stand out from your competitors.

Envira Gallery plugin also has a WooCommerce add-on that allows you to sell photos easily. If you choose to sell your images on your own site, make sure you learn how to sell your photos in WordPress.

Alternatively, if you decide not to use WordPress, here is a definitive guide on how to create a website using Wix or Squarespace.

2. Adobe Stock


Adobe Stock (formerly Fotolia) is a stock photo marketplace by the maker of the most popular photo editing software solutions, including Photoshop and Lightroom. This platform has been around for over 10 years and known to be the very first online marketplace to sell photos.

The thing you&#;ll like most about Adobe Stock is their royalty share, which is higher than other online shops.

Photos uploaded at Fotolia become a part of the Adobe Stock library, which means they are also available in other Adobe applications and thus reach millions of Adobe users and potential buyers.

Contributors make anywhere from 20% &#; 60% with Adobe Stock. And, make money with microstock photography, unlike some other marketplaces, Adobe Stock does not force you to give them exclusive selling rights to your images. So, you can sell on Adobe Stock and other platforms at the same time.

Given the behemoth that Adobe is, it&#;s likely that Adobe Stock will continue to become a prime destination for buyers and sellers of stock photography.

You can start selling on Adobe Stock&#;s site here.

3. Shutterstock

Shutterstock best places to sell photos

Shutterstock has been a popular site for over 15 years to buy stock photos online. They have over million images, videos, and music tracks for folks to purchase royalty free, which also means they have millions of purchasing customers.

As a photographer, you can earn great money with this marketplace in the long run. According to their site, sellers on Make money with microstock photography have made over $ million worldwide!

Shutterstock allows you to keep your copyrights protected, so it&#;s up to you to set the rights on your photos. Shutterstock also gives credit to the image&#;s owners, which is a major plus that protects your ownership and markets your brand.

Once you become a site contributor, you begin earning money every time someone purchases and downloads your content. As a contributor you can make anywhere from 20% to 30% of whatever your image sells for, make money with microstock photography, which Shutterstock pays out monthly.

Like Adobe Stock, Shutterstock doesn&#;t force you to use their marketplace exclusively. You might even consider selling on Adobe Stock and Shutterstock at the same time!

You can get started here to submit your photos through their platform.

4. Alamy


Alamy is another a great platform on which to sell stock photos, because it doesn&#;t have any hard and fast rules.

The site may not have as many buyers as Shutterstock and Adobe Stock, but it&#;s still a great contender and another great option for revenue. Photographers can upload their photos to Alamy without licensing or any other copyrights issues. To date, Alamy has made $ million in payouts to photographers.

Alamy&#;s rates eleavers make money competitive, too. The marketplace pays photographers 50% of each sale if you exceed the $25, limit per year, 40% for each sale if your annual sales are less than $25, but higher than $ and 20% for contributors whose annual sales are under $, which is higher than some of the other competing platforms.

Give Alamy a try today! Sign up here to get started as a contributor.

5. Etsy


Etsy is better known as a marketplace to buy and sell unique handmade goods, so you may not think of it when looking for places to sell stock photos. However, Etsy boasts over 30 million users and several different ways to sell your photos through their platform.

The great thing about Etsy is that they have a larger audience than most stock photo sites, and a demographic that is ready to purchase your images. Make money with microstock photography course, you can sell digital images on Etsy, make money with microstock photography, but you can also sell prints. So, if you&#;re looking to expand your photography business even make money with microstock photography, Etsy is a great option!

Just remember when selling prints, you&#;ll have to factor in the cost of printing, packing and shipping.

Etsy also allows you to price your own photos, and the site gives you full control over how you display your photos to buyers. If you want full control over your photo selling but don&#;t want to make your own site from scratch, Etsy might be a great fit for you.

6. Fotomoto


Fotomoto is not an online marketplace, but rather a widget that integrates with your website to help you sell photos online. After you add it to your site, the Fotomoto manages all the photo selling processes for you.

Like Etsy, Fotomoto allows you to offer digital photos, photo prints and even canvases to your site visitors. And, make money with microstock photography, Fotomoto handles the packaging of your material photos so you don&#;t have to. It doesn&#;t get much easier if you plan to sell physical photo prints or canvases!

What&#;s really great about Fotomoto is that the widget itself is customizable. You can adjust the widget&#;s settings to display your own branding information, including your logo! That way, customers come to learn your brand and associate it with your images.

Whether your a hobbyist photographer, professional photographer or even graphic designer, Fotomoto has some great features that will work seamlessly with your existing WordPress site, make money with microstock photography. Visit the widget website to learn more about its monthly, tiered plans and transaction fees, make money with microstock photography.

7. Crestock


Crestock can be a more passive way to earn money for your photography. Simply set up a free account on Crestock and upload your photos. Once the Crestock team evaluates your images, they&#;ll add them to you Crestock portfolio so that customers can purchase them.

You can add keywords and descriptions for each image, which increases your opportunities for approval by Crestock editors. And, those very same keywords and descriptions will make your photos easier to find amongst a sea of stock images on this site and others, make money with microstock photography.

8. px


px is an online marketplace that helps you create a portfolio of your images and earn money. It is one of the best places to sell photos online.

This free site boasts a &#;Pulse algorithm&#; that increases your exposure by adding your new uploads to a Discovery page, which is viewed by thousands of visitors each day.

The site also provides analytics and tracking services so that you can see how your images fare compared to those by your competitors. Ever wondered how many clicks your images receive? What about how you rank in comparison to your peers? px can help you make money with microstock photography answers to your burning questions.

Getting started on px is pretty simple. Just set up a free account and add your images, make money with microstock photography. Then, wait and see what you turn up! Also, watch out for contests to help you earn more and gain additional exposure.

9. Snapped4u


Snapped4u makes selling your event photos a piece of cake. If you shoot weddings, parties, engagements or other events, Snapped4u was designed to make your life easier and your pocket thicker.

With Snapped4u, you can make a gallery and upload images from an even you shot to that gallery. Then, you set the price of the photos and&#; that&#;s all!

From there, Snapped4u sells your images as jpeg files and emails them immediately to you buyers. Then, Snapped4u sends you the money you made via PayPal on the first of each month.

Because each Snapped4u seller has her own gallery page, make money with microstock photography, customers who book you for multiple events can always find your images in the same place, make money with microstock photography. And, you can give your personalized URL to anyone you think might want to purchase your photos.

Snapped4u gives you the biggest profit share on each sale. If the photos are sold on good prices, then Snapped4u will charge a commission.



PhotoShelter is an online shop to sell and deliver prints to the clients. They allow you to set up your template for sharing the photos.

However, you need to buy the space on their platform to upload the photos. There are multiple plans for monthly and yearly options with different features.



TourPhotos is a hub for tourists and travel photographers across the globe. In fact, many travel agencies and tour companies use it to upload photos of their adventure trips for attendees and general public to purchase.

It is a great platform for travel photographers to sell their photos online to a like-minded audience. And, you&#;ll likely feel inspired by all of the beautiful photography that winds up on TourPhotos!


We hope this guide has helped you to find the best places to sell photos online and make money. Let us know in the comments which stock photo site or strategy you&#;re most excited to try.

You may also want to check out our other guides:

If you like this guide, then please follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more free photography tips and resources.

Using WordPress and want to get Envira Gallery free?

Envira Gallery helps photographers create beautiful photo and video galleries in just a few clicks so that they can showcase and sell their work.

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Making Money from Selling Your Stock Photography

There is little question that photographs are important communication tools, make money with microstock photography. Many photographers have a desire to sell their photos. And professional photographers often include selling high-quality stock photos as part of their business plan.
It’s the ultimate compliment when someone pays to use your photography, especially when you see it published. Photographing for the stock photo business can offer a nice supplemental income.
Some photographers are even making a full-time living out of it.
A common question from those interested in selling stock photos is: ‘can I really make money?’
The answer is “Yes,” as the markets are bigger than ever. But so is the competition and the obvious surplus of stock photos on the market. While you can make money, it is important to understand that the stock photo business is challenging at best.
A solid strategy on what to shoot, how to shoot, and where to market or sell images make money with microstock photography essential.
For those interested in this type of photography, the following article will provide you with all the necessary tips to get started.
man running down an empty road - aerial photography

What Is A Stock Photo?

Imagine someone on Facebook just contacted you. They want to buy one of your posted photos and they’re offering money. You agree to the sale, they send you the money by PayPal and you give them written permission to use your photo.
You have just licensed one of your images as a stock photo.
That, in a nutshell, is the stock photo business! It is the licensing of existing photographs by another party who will use it for a specific purpose.  You create the photographs and make them available for purchase. Then a Buyer licenses them.
Photographers successful how does the creator of instagram make money the business often plan and research what they will create. Simply photographing random “pretty pictures” you hope to sell is a shot in the dark.
Those photographers earning the most income operate as a business. They carefully plan what, where, and how they shoot their subjects. They have researched markets and analyzed current trends. And they even use models, make money with microstock photography, props, and authentic locations.

Where to Start

Chances are you are already photographing what you love. But is your favorite subject suitable for stock photography?
You can look at stock photos as a product that must meet the needs of businesses. Your favourite subject must be crucial to a profitable enterprise.
Start by asking yourself: What do I love to photograph? Who buys what I love to photograph?  How will I sell my stock photography?

Shooting for Concepts

Creating Images that are in demand is a matter of research and planning, make money with microstock photography. Stock photos that sell well are often successful because they illustrate a concept.
A photo buyer&#;s goal is to find a stock image that meets a communication need. This is often around a specific concept.
four men bicycling in a desert
This photo illustrates various concepts from Winning to Competition, Leader, Ahead of the Pack, Race, Success, and more.
There are hundreds if not thousands of concepts that buyers search for and here are a few examples:

  • Teamwork
  • Family
  • Happiness
  • Pride
  • Performance
  • Quality
  • Reliability
  • Trust
  • Work

scientist in a laboratory
Lab Technician: Take a moment and look at this photo to see what types of concepts you can come up with.
They could be Research, Healthcare, Science, Prescription Drugs, and more. You can find effective minimum investment in bitcoin of Concepts everywhere.
Planning your shoot with concepts in mind will make your images more marketable, make money with microstock photography. And don’t forget to obtain model and property releases from all persons and private make money with microstock photography in your photographs. That will help you avoid a costly lawsuit.
I should mention that the previous image of the lab tech. was photographed in my studio. I purchased all the lab glass, clothing, and used models to play the part. You too can do this in your garage!

Preparing to Shoot

Most subjects have a market somewhere and the challenge is to find them. If your passion is tropical birds, make money with microstock photography, you probably already subscribe to publications or websites dedicated to them. You best investment brokerage firms 2022 and most likely will market to them.
Technical perfection is also crucial for good selling images. This includes quality lighting, perfect exposure, pleasing compositions, and subjects that appear natural rather than posed.
Additionally, bestselling stock photos are styled with the latest trends and make money with microstock photography. This can be anything from the latest clothing trends to the latest smartphone.

What Should You Shoot?

If you are open to photographing a variety of subjects, keep in mind subject demand. Business and technology along with lifestyle subjects are often at the top of make money with microstock photography list of bestseller. Nature and wildlife have lower demand. Just as important, photograph what you love to shoot!
If you’re a landscape photographer and considering aviation photography because you heard there is more demand, get busy becoming a very good aviation photographer. Your competitors in that niche may have years of experience, large image files, and may even be pilots.


Lifestyle images is a make money with microstock photography category. Ideas here might include couples make money with microstock photography on the beach, cooking together, or enjoying their children. Teenagers using technology, dating, hanging out with friends, or on college campuses are also good market areas.

This birthday party sold very well…during its time! The concept of Family is great, but the clothing has been outdated for years and this photo will no longer sell.
Because the concept is so strong, it would be worth photographing again with current styles. This scene make money with microstock photography also created in the studio rather than a home. The larger studio provided more room for studio-quality lighting.
a couple moving to a <i>make money with microstock photography</i> house and having rest with vine
Here is a good selling stock photograph due to the concepts: home buying and ownership. I asked friends to model, secured an empty home for half a day, and purchased empty boxes.
Then I photographed them packing and unpacking boxes, and moving make money with microstock photography the house. I also took this ‘celebration’ style photograph. It has been published in newspapers, advertisements, magazines, and more.
There is great demand also for retired people living the good life. Your pictures should show them in active situations. Hiking, cruising, dining, sailing, tennis, and golf are some good examples.
Anything related to financial security, healthy lifestyles, early retirement, has a consistent market.

Business and Industry

Don’t overlook Business and Industry subjects either. Technology changes daily and business images using the latest tech are in constant demand.
People at work, business meetings, make money with microstock photography, manufacturing processes, high-tech scenes, biomedical, and employees working together are also marketable subjects.
biomedical cups
When photographing industry, be sure to look at other angles like businesses going green, clean air and water, reforestation, pollution, global warming, solar technologies, wind power.
These are all subjects currently in demand.

Outdoor Photography

For outdoor photographers, there are many markets to shoot for.  There&#;s a magazine for just about every type of recreational sport and hobby.
Manufacturers of outdoor products use outdoor images in their marketing and advertising efforts.  Non-outdoor related businesses also use sports arts degrees that make money recreation images.
I once saw a poster produced by one of my hi-tech clients, of a rock climber and the catchphrase: Climbing to the top.
Landscapes and nature is the most popular subject among photographers! But, when it comes to selling landscape stock photos, this category is challenging. It’s a very crowded niche and there is a glut of images in the markets. But photos are still used in magazines, books, calendars, and more.
Marketable categories for stock photographers are limitless. Your strengths and interests should make money with microstock photography what you photograph.

waterfall in a jungle - shot with a long shutter speed

Beyond the Capture

Successfully selling stock photos means a highly organized and efficiently run business.  After the photo shoot, the digital files need to be edited and here you should be ruthless.
While you can make money with microstock photography all your files in a Lightroom catalog, it’s important to pick only the best make money with microstock photography market those. Keep a horizontal and vertical version, check for sharpness, and process the files for optimum quality.
Then market only one version and when a client asks to see other versions, show them what you have.  I will say it again, be ruthless in editing! There is an old saying in stock photography:
‘If in doubt, throw it out!’
Your image files also need to be organized. Some excellent programs designed to do this include Lightroom, Extensis Portfolio, Capture One, and ACD. Each of these programs offers something different. Your goal is to find an effective system for cataloging and tracking your images.
Over time your photo libraries will grow. Tracking things like image data and sales information is essential. Should a client contact you about an image, you can provide all the information they might need.

Be an Illusionist

Many photographers use Photoshop. And this skill can broaden creative opportunities for stock photographers. Besides making RAW files ‘usable’, images that are impossible to photograph can now be created digitally.
If you can imagine it, chances are you can create it in Photoshop.
A good place to start creating an image is to generate an idea based on a concept you want to do. Once you&#;ve photographed the elements, you can digitally assemble them to create more marketable stock photography.
Death Valley cracked sand photo with lightning storm composited in Photoshop in the background
This photograph demonstrates my point.
I needed a global warming concept photo. I dug around my archives and found cracked mud from my Death Valley files, and a storm cloud from my Florida files. Then I composited them together, and added the lightning in Photoshop.
stock photo of the silhouette of a person taking red pills
I created this image as a concept photo about prescriptions, drug abuse, and similar. The bright, white background makes the pills and bottle translucent and the face is almost in silhouette.

Marketing and Selling Stock Photos

If you don&#;t have a client willing to pay to use your stock photos, make money with microstock photography, they have no value. Getting your photography in front of buyers can be a daunting task.
There are two ways you can go about doing it: joining a stock photo agency to sell your photos or selling them yourself. Many photographers do both make money with microstock photography maximize their income.
Stock photo agencies seek photographers who consistently produce outstanding imagery.  The advantage of a stock photo agency is they handle everything from hosting to marketing, and the sale, but at a cost. The agents take a percentage of every sale and that percentage depends on the agency.
Prior to contacting a photo agency, evaluate your library of unique stock photos. Agents are interested in what you’ve photographed in the past. But they are probably more interested in what you will photograph in the future.
If you photograph what everybody else photographs in the same way, make money with microstock photography, they might not need you. But if you are photographing subjects in a new and unique way, they may be more interested.


If you are selling your own photography, then you need a marketing plan to reach potential buyers. This is much easier when you market locally. Local photo buyers will consist of advertising agencies, make money with microstock photography, graphic designers, book or magazine publishers, and web design firms.
You can find them through the phone book or online directories, make money with microstock photography. Finding addresses nationally is a bit more challenging due to the larger coverage with more cities and regions.
In these cases, consider buying a list of potential clients from places like Agency Access. This way you can target your preferred clientele, like magazine publishers.
Next, should you market by email or print? There are differing opinions as to which approach is best, but email is much cheaper than printing direct mail promotional pieces. The drawback to email is the Spam Folder.
How many reach the client? How many unsubscribes will you get?
For me, make money with microstock photography, print has worked better due to the fact that my printed piece will arrive at their office. That increases the likelihood that it make money with microstock photography land on the client’s desk. The disadvantage is higher costs!
print promotion for stock photography created by Charlie Borland
Here is one print promotion I ran for my stock photography. I had these professionally designed and printed showing my client list and the actual library numbers. The client could go to my website and see my photos online, search the number for the image, and buy it.
I then mailed 1, of them to my preferred client list. This resulted in two stock photo sales (of other images) and one large outdoor product photography assignment.

Create Your Own Mini Agency

You can also market and sell your own imagery. Before pursuing this route, there are some things to consider.
While a stock photo agent handles all the work, creating your own site means you do all the work.
This might include:

  • Building the website
  • Prepping all the digital image files (processing, captions, keywords)
  • Finding the buyers
  • Marketing the site to buyers
  • Negotiating the sales
  • Monitoring the sales channels every day

You can build a full e-commerce photo website to handle stock photo sales without you being there. Companies such as Ktools and Stockphotobox create software that allows you to easily set up stock photography websites for convenient purchases and download.
If you do not want to build your own site, look at Photoshelter.  It’s similar to a make money with microstock photography agency but is also a hosting site for photographers to sell their images.
Everything you need in a site is there. You upload your photos, add captions, keywords, set your pricing, then market to your clients. These photography sites will handle all transactions for you.
screenshot of a stock photography website
This is my friend Brenda Tharp’s Photoshelter site where she offers her landscape and travel photography for licensing.

Pricing and Licenses

One of the biggest challenges in selling stock photos is establishing a price, make money with microstock photography, but it does not need to be. While there are many licensing models currently in use, I will simplify it here with these three models:

  • RM-Rights Managed. When you license a photo as an RM image, you are licensing the photo for a specific usage, like the cover of a brochure, for one-time use. If the client later wants to use the image again, they pay again.
  • RF-Royalty Free. This licensing model allows the buyer to use the photo any way they wish and forever without paying for additional uses.
  • Microstock. This model licenses images at the low end and in some case below one dollar per image, and like RF, clients can use the images forever.

The model you choose can be set or flexible when you negotiate with the client. It is certainly well worth hearing them out on their needs, usages, and time frame, make money with microstock photography, and then quoting a price.
If you need assistance with pricing, visit major photo agency websites. You can look at their pricing calculator to determine a licensing fee.
Check our guide on setting wedding photography or real estate photography pricing for more tips. We have make money with microstock photography great review on selling images on foap to check out too!

Ready, make money with microstock photography, Set, Go

Selling stock photos is a business wide open for new talent. With focus and planning, make money with microstock photography, you can create images that earn you some, or even all of your income as a photographer.

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How to sell your photos online (and make money while traveling): the complete guide

In this article, I explain how you can make money selling your pictures on microstock websites. You can also find the list of the best microstock agencies updated to January

If you search a bit about the topic of selling photos online you’ll come across very different opinions: some say it’s not possible to earn much while others say that they made a bunch of money. This is an interesting topic because, after all, who wouldn’t like to travel, take pictures, and even make money at the same time?

The big question is: can you REALLY make money with your pictures?

I first became interested in this topic in but back in that year, I wasn’t really sure if it was worth spending a lot of time editing and uploading thousands of pictures on different microstock agencies. Years later I realized that I should have started earlier! After all selling microstock pictures is a great way to become a digital nomad and keep traveling the world. But don’t worry: it’s never too late and you can start selling your pictures even today. The important thing is that you have clear in mind the pros and cons of this type of business. That’s why I’m writing this in-depth article.

Selling your pictures: what does it mean?

Selling your photos basically means allowing someone to use your pictures in exchange for money. Keep in mind though that even if you allow someone to use your pictures, you are still the owner of the images. Where the pictures can be used and how is established by the type of license under which the images were sold.

Not long ago if you were a photographer and wanted to sell your pictures you could either do it in person or ask an agency to do it for you. Those agencies had physical archives with millions of pictures. Today things are pretty much the same: you can sell pictures directly or use an agency. The main difference is that there are no physical archives anymore: only web servers with millions of digital files.

Most Profitable Places to Sell Your Photos Online

So if you are interested in making money with your pictures what should you do? Selling them directly to the final customers or using an agency and letting them do all the marketing for you? Well, most of the time you’ll sell them through agencies, and in this guide, I’ll mainly talk about them, make money with microstock photography. In the real world, it doesn’t really happen often that a customer actually contacts you asking you to sell him your images.

One thing to remember is that all agencies keep a commission. They have to maintain servers that store millions of digital files and also spend money on marketing, to find customers. How much those agencies keep varies a lot though. While some keep ‘only’ 50% of the sale price as a commission others keep 85% of your earnings!

There are basically two main categories of agencies: microstock and macrostock.

What is Microstock?


Microstock agencies accept different types of files including photos, stock footage (short videos), audio files, and vectorial. Most of the time these files are sold with a Royalty-Free (RF) license.

  • Royalty-free, or RF, refers to the right to use copyright material or intellectual property without the need to pay royalties or license fees for each use or per volume sold, or some time period of use or sales.

You can decide if you prefer to be an exclusive contributor to one agency or not, make money with microstock photography. In that case, you’ll earn more but you won’t be allowed to sell the same (or very similar) images to other agencies. You can also decide to sell with an exclusive license only some pictures and upload the others to many agencies.

Microstock agencies have two main characteristics: the price per sale is usually very low. I’m talking here about 0,25$ per sale or lower. On the other hand, since the price is so cheap, you can sell the same image tens, if not hundreds, of times and this means that potentially you can make some good money. The most important Microstock agencies are:

What is Macrostock?

getty images

The other big players are the Macrostock agencies. As you can imagine, these agencies sell pictures for, usually, high prices, and most of the time the sale is made with a Royalty Managed (RM) license.

  • Rights-Managed or RM refers to a copyright license which, if purchased by a user, allows the one-time use of the photo as specified by the license.

This means that the pictures sold can be used only once. If the buyer wants to use the same picture in the future he has to buy it a second time. Now I’m sure you wonder: who would buy from a Macrostock agency if you have to spend more than you would on a Microstock site? Well, it’s true that the price per sale is usually high but most of the time the picture is only available on that particular agency.

There are few Macrostock sites left and the big players are mainly two:

Starting make money with microstock photography the end ofGetty images stopped selling RM licenses.

What about NFT?

NFTs are a relatively new technology that allows you to monetize digital art. It’s a complex topic that deserves a separate article. I’ve discussed it here if you’re interested. If you are familiar already with the NFT world but are looking for a good marketplace to sell your make money with microstock photography as NFT check out my complete review of Sloika.

If you want you can check out here my first NFT series.

Selling your photographs: Microstock vs Macrostock

Sunset at Corong Corong beach, El Nido, Palawan in the Philippines

So what about you? Where should you start to sell your pictures and make money even while traveling?

If you only look at things from a photographer’s perspective you would probably opt for macrostock. However, you have to look at things from a buyer perspective: if you have to buy a picture for a blog article or a Facebook AD campaign will you be willing to spend hundreds of dollars for a single image? Definitely not. That’s why today most of the people who need pictures buy them from Microstock websites such as Shutterstock.

Anyway, this is your decision, make money with microstock photography, but you have to think carefully about it because it’s difficult to revert things once you start selling.

A suggestion I give is to sell your pictures on Alamy. It’s not an agency with a high volume of sales, but the prices are much higher than its competitors and you keep a generous 40% of the final price.

If you want to learn quickly how to become a successful microstocker you might want to consider purchasing a video course. On my blog, I reviewed the Microstock Academy video series. Don’t miss the article.

How about selling your pictures independently?

Another option is selling your pictures directly through your website. This presents some challenges though: first, you need a lot of space in your hosting given the fact that every picture can take up a lot of space.

Then you have to set up an e-commerce or some kind of system to actually allow people to find and buy your images and that’s not easy. Of course, there will be times when some customers will actually contact you to purchase some of your images even if you don’t have an e-commerce, but that’s very unusual.

So what’s the best solution to sell your pictures through your website? There are several options out there, one of them was the platform (apparently now closed). These platforms allow you to create an online portfolio with integrated e-commerce so that you don’t have to think about the technical stuff.

These websites usually keep a percentage of your earnings as a commission as well.

What are some of the pros and cons of this system?


  • photographers have control over pricing and licensing
  • direct contact with customers


  • photographers have to pay fees to the platform used
  • photographers have to market their website. Without marketing, there will be no sales.

To me, the last point is the biggest disadvantage. In the real world, it’s very hard to compete with agencies such as Shutterstock, which has huge financial marketing resources.

Can you make lots of money quickly selling your photos online?

Nope. Sorry about it, but there are no legal ways to get rich quickly and photography is no exception. However, if you are resolute and methodical you can definitely make money and travel! It takes some time though. How long? It depends on the time end effort that you’ll put into this business.

This is a list of some of the main pros and cons of selling photos on the internet:

Passive income

positive aspects of microstock

Selling pictures can grant you a passive income: you can make money even while sleeping or diving in Thailand! How many jobs can give you the same opportunity? Obviously, there are some challenges to faceso the important thing is that you don’t give up after make money with microstock photography first difficulties.

It can take some time before you sell the first photo

negative aspects of microstock

Stock agencies use very sophisticated algorithms to rank the pictures on their websites. One of the very important ranking factors is the history of make money with microstock photography contributor. In other words: if you joined the agency a long time ago and sold already many pictures your images will show up most probably before similar images of new contributors. So it can take long (depending on your portfolio) before you rank higher.

You need a big portfolio

negative aspects of microstock

If you only earn a few cents per sale (with Microstock) it’s obvious that to make some decent money you need to sell many pictures. On the other hand, if it’s true that with Macrostock agencies the price per sale it’s much higher, the number of sales is lower so you need to upload many pictures if you want to maximize the chances of being found by new buyers.

High quality and interesting pictures

positive aspects of microstock

If you want people to buy your pictures you must communicate something with your images and they must be technically perfect as well. If you don’t know if your pictures are good enough don’t worry: after you upload them, an sm investments corporation stock code will check all your images and decide if they are ok or not. If you want to reduce the number of images rejected remember that it’s fundamental to use a sturdy tripod to avoid micro-shakes and grainy pictures (it happens when you shoot make money with microstock photography high ISO). But after all, I think that this is a positive aspect: rejections will definitely help you to improve and become more professional.

It takes some time to upload your images

negative aspects of microstock

Stock agencies accept only high resolutions photos (usually jpegs but sometimes also Tiffs) so the file size per image it’s high. It takes time to upload many pictures and after that, you have to manually add appropriate keywords and descriptions if you want people to find your images.

Unsold files

negative aspects of microstock

Pareto states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. In other words, most probably  80% of the money that you will make, will come roughly from your best 20% pictures. So don’t worry if many pictures will remain unsold. It happens to a lot of people.

Which camera should you get and which is the best software?

Actually, the best camera is the one you can afford. You definitely want to get a camera with at least an APS-C sensor. This is because smaller sensors will produce images with too much digital noise. This being said any make money with microstock photography DLSR will work just fine. I actually don’t recommend any brand. I use Canon because my first camera was a Canon, not for any other particular reason.

If you can afford it, you might consider getting a drone. Don’t forget to check if you can use it when traveling stocks to invest in uk and if you need special permits.

About the post-processing software, there are geld mit instagram verdienen two options: Lightroom and Photoshop. Lightroom is the best tool to edit tons of pictures in a short time but Photoshop is far more powerful, make money with microstock photography. I use Photoshop. If you often digital blend your multi-exposure images I recommend you to get the RayaPro panel for Photoshop. It will save you a lot of time. It’s actually my favorite Photoshop Panel.

Selling your photos online: is it worth it?

Sadly I can’t tell you what you are supposed to do and if you should jump into this adventure or not. But I can tell you that if you are looking for a get-rich-quick scheme this is not the right business for you. If you think that Microstock is bad because it’s ruining the market maybe you are right, but I learned that you cannot expect the market to adapt to you. It’s the other way round.

You can either accept the change and benefit from it, like many people have done for many years now, or just sit down and think about the good old days of analogic photography.  I can personally say that it’s possible to sell photos online and make money while traveling, but you need patience, humility, make money with microstock photography perseverance!

Which are the best MICROSTOCK websites to sell your photos in ?

fisherman cormorant

The landscape of stock agencies changes very quickly and the best agency today can be the worst tomorrow. I learned this the hard way and that is why I usually suggest people not be exclusive contributors to one agency.

Suppose you upload thousands of images to one agency and you make hundreds of dollars per month. After some time you decide to leave your job and become a digital nomad. Awesome. But what if that agency has some problems (it happened!!!) and you stop making money because the agency closes down? You’ll find yourself without income in a few hours.

If, on the other hand, you become contributors to several agencies make money with microstock photography will certainly make less money and it will take longer to upload your images (compared to exclusive contributors) BUT even if something happens to one of the agencies you contribute to, you can still rely on the income coming from the others. This principle is not a secret: the only people who kept their riches in time of crisis were those who diversified their investments (gold, art, stock market, real estate, etc…). The same concept can be applied to photography.

So the question is: which are the best MICROSTOCK agencies of ? This is my personal top 3:

  • Adobestock: This year could be the year of Adobestock, mainly thanks to Shutterstock, which has decided to cut the commissions by as much as 70%, make money with microstock photography. The main problem of Adobestock is that at the moment it does not accept editorial files, make money with microstock photography. Adobestock has in the past bought Fotolia, another agency extremely hated by contributors.
  • iStock: iStock was THE agency, for quite a long time. The Agency with the capital A, but this simply because it was the only real player in the market. When other agencies came around, iStock started its decline. The first contributors made a lot of money (especially the exclusive ones) but now iStock looks more like the Titanic: it’s sinking. It’s like a giant that couldn’t keep pace with new agencies. I’m listing iStock as the second-best performing agency simply because they have a lot of high paying old customers and this means that you can still make some decent money, but I don’t know for how long. Not to mention that they keep 85% of the commissions!
  • Eyeem: Eyeem it’s in third place. The income is not as steady as some other agencies but this agency can still help you to earn some decent money. In this article, you can find my review of EyeEm.
  • Pond5: If you are interested in selling Stock Footage, Pond 5 is one of the best agencies. Keep in mind that time-lapse videos sell way better than real-time videos. Here my review of LRTimelapse, the best software to create time lapses videos.

What about Shutterstock?

Up until May 31st, Shutterstock was, without doubt, the best microstock agency. In an unexpected move, however, Shutterstock decided to change the commission model, make money with microstock photography. You can read the announcement here. Without going into details, you only need to know that they decided to cut the commissions by a good 70%.

Here you can find the complete list of the best Microstock and Macrostock Agencies.

Final thoughts

Maybe after this article, you think that selling pictures it’s too difficult. Well, it’s true that it requires some knowledge but there are no legal ways to make money easily. If you spend a little bit of time trying to improve your pictures you’ll definitely be able to make money while traveling!

Don’t miss this article if you want to learn how to digital blend your images and here you can read how to take better travel photos. Here is my review of Microstock Academy, a new video make money with microstock photography that will teach me to become a successful microstocker.

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Column: Your pictures could make money as stock photos

Do you love to take photos with a digital camera or smartphone? You may be able to make money with photography. There are dozens of online platforms that could help you sell your photos online, ranging from stock photo sites to print-on-demand value of one bitcoin stock that pay royalties to sell mugs and iPhone cases decorated with your snapshots.

Although you normally won’t earn a lot on any given sale, you can sell the same photo many times and in many different ways. Regardless of whether you’re a professional photographer or a relative amateur, that could turn your popular shots into moneymakers that pay royalties year after year.

Stock photo sites

Stock photo sites are where many newspapers, magazines, web developers and bloggers go to find art to illustrate millions of pages of content every year. These can be shots of anything — sunsets, hands on keyboards, animals, a couple having a fight.

By and large, stock photo sites sell contributors’ photos on a nonexclusive basis. This means you can sell your images multiple times on multiple online platforms. You keep your copyright and the ability to sell those images anywhere and in any form. Beware of the rare sites that demand exclusivity. The right to sell your images widely is a right you shouldn’t give up unless you’re paid handsomely for it.

The more photos you upload to these sites, the better your chance of making a decent amount of money. That’s because each image sale is likely to bring in a few bucks — maybe even pennies. But popular photos can make money with microstock photography hundreds of times.

Selling stock photos is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Seasoned photographers say you can make a nice living, but it takes time, skill and strategy.

Some of the best stock-photo sites:

Adobe Stock is a division of software giant Adobe Inc., which is one of the biggest names in multimedia and creativity software. The site promises to pay photographers 33% to 35% of the amount it collects for your photos, make money with microstock photography. However, Adobe Stock makes its photos available to buyers largely through discounted subscription plans that give make money with microstock photography the ability to use between three and hundreds of images a month. Photographers who sell through the site are likely to earn between 33 cents and $ on any individual sale. Adobe Stock does not limit your rights to sell your photos elsewhere.

Shutterstock is one of the largest stock photo operations in the world. Like Adobe Stock, it encourages photographers and videographers to upload their images and pays royalties when those images sell. The royalties range from a low of 10 cents per photo to a high of $ (The $ payment is for an “enhanced” license that gives the buyer the right to use your image often and into perpetuity.) You also can earn money by referring other photographers or clients to the site.

By and large, Shutterstock pays a lower royalty rate than Adobe Stock. It also sells photos via package plans that are likely to keep royalty rates low except in unusual circumstances.

IStock, owned by Getty Images, is another major international stock photo site that shares your images with its sister companies. You apply to be a contributor by sending information about you and sample photos. Most IStock applicants are accepted or rejected within 30 days. If accepted, you can earn between 15% and 45% of the revenue from any sale of your work.

The percentage you earn depends on the number of photos you sell and whether you’re an “exclusive” or a “non-exclusive” contributor. If you’re invited to be an exclusive contributor, you can potentially earn more because you get a bigger cut of the sales price and your work is make money with microstock photography for premium prices. But you give up the right to sell photos — any photos, make money with microstock photography just the ones uploaded to iStock/Getty — on other sites. That’s a huge concession.

Alamy differentiates itself from its stock photo competition by paying higher royalty rates to its contributors. The catch: Alamy is smaller and sells fewer photos. So even though its terms are better, you should also list your photos with the big guys.

Foap enlists photographers — make money with microstock photography and professional — to submit smartphone photos for potential purchase by brands that want to illustrate advertising campaigns. Most photos are purchased for $ Foap takes a 50% commission, so you get $5 from each sale.

The site also offers “missions” where you can earn more by following directions and being chosen as the “winner.” Mission photos are typically sold for $60 or more. The catch: All the photos sold here are sold for commercial use, which is a type of use that normally generates better prices. It’s worth signing up here if you’re an amateur. But traditional stock photo sites are make money with microstock photography to perform better for professionals.

Goods decorated with your photos

A number of companies will sell your photos on canvas and as prints and use them as the art on puzzles, aprons, pillows — you name it. As with the stock photo sites, individual sales are not likely to make you rich. But if your photos become a viral sensation, the royalties add up and can continue rolling in for years. You may need make money with microstock photography market yourself to get the sales started. Here are some of the best options.

Etsy is one of the oldest and best-established sites to sell art, crafts, jewelry, handmade clothing and other items. It offers good opportunities for photographers too. Photographers on Etsy sell everything from artistic prints to digital downloads to provide backdrops for Photoshopped images. It’s cheap to list on the site: 20 cents per listing. You normally pay 8% in fees when your product sells. You set the prices.

Print-on-demand shopsFineArtAmerica, RedBubble and Society6 invite you to upload your art and pick the products you want it to decorate, make money with microstock photography. For instance, you might want to turn your favorite cityscape into a puzzle. Or see it on a coffee mug, T-shirt, shower curtain, baseball cap or iPhone case. Print-on-demand sites like these make, market and ship the products. You simply provide your art and get a royalty payment when a product that includes your art is sold. Each of these companies has a slightly different approach to paying royalties.

Kristof is the editor of, an independent site that reviews hundreds of money-making opportunities in the gig economy.

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How to Make Money Taking Stock Photography &#; Guide to Selling Photos

Selling original photos to microstock agencies like Shutterstock and iStock is one of the many side gigs you can start while working a full-time job. The more relevant question for aspiring stock photographers is: Does it pay enough to justify the effort?

The short answer, unfortunately, is that it often doesn’t. But the longer answer is a bit more hopeful.

How to Make Money Selling Stock Photos Online

Many stock photographers do earn substantial amounts of extra cash taking and selling stock photographs. Generally, but not always, stock photographer earnings are directly proportional to stock photographers&#; effort.

If you&#;re thinking starting a stock photography side hustle, you&#;ll need to consider the following:

Motley Fool Stock Advisor recommendations have an average return of %. For $79 (or just $ per week), join more than 1 million members and don't miss their upcoming stock picks, make money with microstock photography. 30 day make money with microstock photography guarantee. Sign Up Now
  • How much time and money you’re willing to expend to establish or improve your photography kit
  • How much time you can devote to shooting, editing, and uploading stock photos
  • How much you need to earn per month to cover your costs or otherwise justify the effort
  • How long you’re willing to wait to begin earning a meaningful income
  • Your talent and patience for photography and stock photo marketing

In most cases, more is better: more time and money invested upfront, more time devoted to shooting, and more patience for marketing and residual income.

Most professional photographers don’t live on income from stock photography alone.

Many combine stock photography with other paid work — for example, freelance photojournalism, event photography, and modeling shoots — to produce sustainable income streams. Stock photographers earn income every time a client buys their work, and high-quality photos continue to sell for years on end.

Stock Photography Witcher 2 make money Structure & Factors That Affect Earnings

Stock photography income can provide sorely needed financial stability for freelance shooters accustomed to feast-or-famine workloads. Make money with microstock photography time periods usually measured in years, that income can come to comprise a sizable portion of a talented, hardworking photographer’s take-home pay.

If that sounds appealing, stock photography could be a viable side income producer for make money with microstock photography. But have no illusions that selling stock photos online is a quick ticket to fame and fortune. After a few years of toil and some luck, serious hobbyists might clear $1, per month in residual income.

While that’s nothing to sneeze at, it’s enough only for the most frugal, self-sufficient folks to live on without other sources of income. And most casual stock photographers never get there.

That’s your reality check. But if you’re still interested in giving it a go, the next step is looking into the compensation for stock photographers and the variables that can affect total earnings.

Stock Photography Compensation: Commissions & Tiers

Stock photographers earn a commission every time someone buys ways of earning money online uk of their photos, make money with microstock photography. It’s known as “buying a license” in make money with microstock photography parlance.

The photographer (seller) transfers the photo copyright to the microstock website, which then licenses that copyright to the buyer and makes the work available for download — allowing them to use it more or less as they see fit.

Stock photography commissions vary widely by make money with microstock photography, total annual download volume, and whether you license the work exclusively to one website or preserve your right to sell through multiple stock photography websites (known as a nonexclusive license).

Generally, nonexclusive licenses are less lucrative for sellers.

For example, Shutterstock has six volume-based tiers with commissions ranging from 15% of the total sale price for sellers with total annual download volumes under to 40% for sellers with annual licensing volumes above 25,

iStock (also known as iStockPhoto) also has six tiers with commissions ranging from 15% for all nonexclusive licenses (regardless of volume) to 45% for exclusive licenses for sellers with at leastin total annual downloads.

Pond5 has a much simpler commission structure: a 50% cut for every photo.

Total download volumes are crucial, as they always affect absolute earnings (every download earns commission) and usually affect commission tier, make money with microstock photography. Other variables that can affect stock photographers’ take-home earnings include:

  • Pricing Method. Some microstock websites, such as Pond5, allow sellers to choose between setting their own photo prices or allowing an automated program to set pricing based on supply and demand. Others, including Shutterstock, don’t offer this flexibility. In either case, platforms are more likely to sell stock photos when they set the price, but sellers can earn more on each sale when they set their own rates.
  • Buyer Plans and Payments. Some microstock websites base contributor royalties on a factor beyond their control: the plan or subscription chosen by the buyer. For example, Adobe Make money with microstock photography (formerly Fotolia) pays anywhere from well under $1 per individual photo purchase to about $ per purchase, depending on the buyer&#;s plan type or buying volume.
  • Payout Minimums. Most microstock platforms require contributors to reach a minimum commission threshold before requesting or receiving payouts. These thresholds aren’t high in the absolute sense — $25 is typical. Nevertheless, new sellers can take months to reach them.
  • Subject Matter. While any subject is capable of breaking out, photos that feature human subjects or clearly convey broad concepts (such as “teamwork” or “frustration”) tend to sell better than things like generic landscape photos.
  • Durability. “Evergreen” photos tend to earn more over time than photos likely to become outdated in a matter of weeks or months. Generic photos of people and places are more make money with microstock photography than photos of specific events or consumer products.

Tips to Maximize Your Earnings as a Stock Photographer

Although there’s no tried-and-true path to stock photography success, prosperous stock photographers tend to fit a certain mold.

They’re willing and able to invest in and become familiar with quality camera equipment and accessories. They learn from photographers more experienced than they are. They have make money with microstock photography keen sense of the subjects, content, and keywords most likely to sell.

There&#;s more. Successful stock photographers cultivate profitable niches. They treat stock photography like a business. They seek out other sources of photography and videography income if and when stock photography proves inadequate. And they&#;re not averse to hard work.

Want to be like them? Follow these tips in roughly chronological order.

1. Invest in Decent (if Not Professional-Grade) Equipment

You can’t take excellent stock photos with your smartphone, no matter how powerful its camera purports to be.

Bite the bullet and invest in a decent digital camera — the Canon EOS D DSLR is a solid choice and a relative bargain at under $ with key accessories and an all-important SD card included.

Pick up a shoulder strap and some sort of portable external lighting source as well — the Lume Cube 2 is a must for shooting human subjects and illuminating make money with microstock photography indoor spaces.

2. Get to Know Your Equipment

Poring over a technical manual is no one’s idea of a fun evening, but your passive income-earning future self will thank you.

The two hours I spent reading my current camera’s manual paid off in the form of countless landscape photos I’m not embarrassed to post publicly.

3. Learn Sound Shooting Techniques & Review Microstock Websites’ Submission Guidelines

It’s your call whether you need to enroll in a photography certificate program at an online college or university. If you decide to forgo professional instruction, spend a few hours reading up on basic shooting techniques.

Buying a book isn’t overkill — I got more than my money’s worth out of “The Beginner&#;s Photography Guide: The Ultimate Step-by-Step Manual for Getting the Most from Your Digital Camera” by Chris Gatcum.

Whatever you read, you’ll learn how to put your camera’s various settings and features to good use and generate some creative ideas for your first shoots.

4. Study Successful Photographers & Photos

Stock photography is inherently derivative, so don’t feel bad about mimicking successful photographers’ work. Study the most downloaded photos at major microstock websites to get a feel for what sells — for example, take a look at Shutterstock’s most-downloaded collection.

Note any common themes that pique your interest or seem like an obvious fit for your skills and resources. Shutterstock’s most-downloaded trove contains plenty of photos of cute dogs, stunning landscapes, tasty-looking food, and human subjects conveying relatable emotions or concepts.

5. Focus on Durable Conceptual Content

Shutterstock’s most-downloaded trove is eclectic, but one common theme links most of its photos: durability.

Typically, electronic devices, public events, or current events references that can be dated to a particular point in time are completely absent. Brand names are quite rare as well, and those that do appear — Facebook, Tesla — are very well-known.

That’s no accident. The most successful stock photos sell for years after upload, which means successful stock photographers need to think about what’s likely to be in high demand three, five, even 10 years out. Chances are people won’t be talking about the current iPhone model or this year’s Comic-Con by then.

Anonymous, even boring photos are often the most profitable in the long run.

A close-up shot of scattered dollar bills against a solid white background conveys frugality. A simple picture of a woman frowning over a stack of papers, pen in hand, communicates concentration (or money woes). A multitude of hands touching in a huddle shouts “teamwork.”

While they must be technically sound, these photos don’t have to be pretty if they evoke relatable themes or emotions.

That said, superficially timely content can sometimes work to your advantage.

The news of any given week is peppered with familiar themes and events, even when names, places, and contexts vary. Natural disasters’ aftermath, political protests, people lined up to vote — quality photos of these and similar themes remain in demand year after year.

6, make money with microstock photography. Research & Choose Subjects With Marketable Keywords

Stock photo buyers use keywords to search microstock websites for relevant content just as they use key phrases to search for text and visual content on the wider Web.

If you’ve chosen to shoot relatable subjects, you’ll have a general idea of the keywords associated with your content: “teamwork” or “collaboration” for your hands-in shot, “mountains” or “snow” for your panoramic shot of high peaks in winter.

But buyers often search for more specific phrases, like “glacial lake with snowy peaks,” or even “glacial lake in the Rocky Mountains.” Look at similar photos’ titles and metadata for keyword inspiration and consider microstock websites’ suggestions (if offered) when relevant.

7. Take Copious Photos While Traveling

In an ideal world, make money with microstock photography, you’d travel with the sole purpose of shooting world-class landscapes, make money with microstock photography, historical sites, and slices of human life. But this isn’t an ideal world.

Unless you’re a relatively unencumbered soul with a decent-paying remote job that make money with microstock photography you to work from anywhere, you probably lack the time or budget (or both) to support frequent international travel.

Your next best strategy is to carry your camera and essential accessories whenever you hit the road. Approach every day trip, weekend getaway, or longer vacation to create residual income through stock photography.

Never stop looking for interesting subjects, be they oddly arranged clouds, make money with microstock photography, statues brooding in a city square, a larger-than-life ruin in the jungle — or sunlight playing off your breakfast plate just so.

8. Cultivate a Niche

Advice to shoot frequently while traveling (or otherwise going about your day) notwithstanding, you’re likely to earn more in the long run if you focus on cultivating a thematic niche that plays to your interests, skills, and routine. Popular niches include:

  • Nature scenes and landscapes, a good fit for active, outdoorsy photographers and frequent travelers
  • Conceptual scenes, like the woman frowning over a stack of paper, photos of payment cards and cash, and so forth
  • Business and commerce, which can include everything from generic interior photos of white-collar workspaces and warehouses to human subjects engaging in work
  • Fitness and lifestyle, another good fit for active photographers
  • Social photography, which are generic photos of human subjects raising glasses in a toast, laughing at a picnic, or celebrating life events

As you refine your niche and accumulate a bigger body of work within it, you’ll get better at choosing subjects and composing shots, make money with microstock photography. Hopefully, your newfound confidence and competence translate to higher earnings over time.

9. Always Get Permission From Human Subjects

Photos with human and animal subjects often, though not always, sell better than photos of landscapes or inanimate objects.

However, when a clearly identifiable person or group of people is the main focus of the photo, you must engage in a bit of legal cover and ask the subjects to sign releases waiving any claim to income or future use from the photos.

Carrying around paper model release forms is unwieldy, so use a smartphone app that your subjects can sign quickly in the field. Easy Release ($10 in the App Store) works well for iPhone and iPad, but there are plenty of others.

Submit to Libraries With Favorable Pay Structures

Early on, before you’ve fully formed your niche or even figured out which types of photos can sell well, submit to multiple microstock websites. You stand a much better chance of earning measurable income within months this way.

Over time, make money with microstock photography, focus more on the stock photography sites that meet two criteria: decent download volumes for your photos and higher net commissions.

Dreamstime, a lesser-known (but very popular) microstock website, offers commissions up to 60% on exclusive photos — a full 20% higher than Shutterstock’s top tier. Alamy, another lesser-known but contributor-friendly platform, pays up to 50% on eligible photos.

Use a Bulk Submission Tool to Submit Photos Faster

If you’re serious about earning real income from stock photography, you must submit thousands of original photos over time. Unfortunately, the process of submitting stock photos is time-consuming enough to constrain your shooting schedule.

Streamline your submission sessions with a tool like Dropstock ($5 per month to start), which simultaneously organizes and submit dozens of photos to multiple microstock websites.

Treat Your Operation Like a Business (& Make Sure You Pay Taxes)

You can earn more income from photo downloads if you buckle down and treat your photography operation as a true side business rather than a catch-as-catch-can hobby.

For starters, that means devoting a significant amount of your free time to shooting, editing, and submitting quality stock photos — if you can spare them, several hours per week on average.

There’s another reason to treat your photography operation as a business, even if you choose not to incorporate formally (though you can set up a legal business entity pretty quickly with LegalZoom).

Between startup costs and travel, a photography hobby can be quite expensive. You stand to substantially reduce your federal income tax burden by make money with microstock photography potential business tax deductions associated with the work.

While you should always consult with a tax professional before claiming sweeping business deductions a side gig that the IRS could argue is actually a hobby, you might be eligible to claim as business expenses such outlays as:

  • Travel expenses when the primary purpose of travel (or activity on certain days of your trip) is photography
  • Expenses related to a home office or studio used exclusively for your stock photography business
  • Costs for equipment and supplies related to your business, such as your camera, make money with microstock photography, external lighting, and storage media
  • Costs for software tools related to your business, such as photo editing software (Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop, for example) or more indirectly related products like a cloud-based accounting subscription

Set Up a Personal Website Showcasing Your Work

You don&#;t need your own website if you plan to limit your stock image submissions to relatively low-paying microstock websites like iStock, Shutterstock, or Alamy, which are fairly easy for competent photographers to break into.

However, if you plan to target higher-paying agencies like Getty Images (which owns iStock but operates a separate premium platform for established photographers), you need a photography-focused Web presence outside the microstock websites to which you contribute regularly. Many stock agencies are invite-only, and the only way to get in is to get noticed.

Use a low-cost Web publishing platform like Wix to set up a basic website that showcases a selection of your best work (with copyright watermarks to prevent illegal downloads).

If you want a little more control over the website, you can purchase a domain and hosting from Bluehost and then use a content management system like WordPress.

Follow up with a portfolio page on a high-visibility site like Adobe Portfolio to attract attention from agencies and buyers who can’t find your personal website. If you’re interested in branching out beyond stock photography into more lucrative work, such as wedding photography and videography, use these platforms to advertise your availability.

Final Word

Selling your photos to microstock websites won’t make you rich. It probably won’t even supply a full-time income that allows you to quit your day job crypto invest today live the good life abroad.

But over time, it can certainly provide a reliable infusion that helps you build an emergency fund on an irregular income, pads your discretionary budget, or makes it a bit more realistic to max out your retirement account contributions.

Plus, stock photography is fun. Whether you treat it as a legitimate side business or a modestly profitable hobby, that could be more than you can say for your full-time job.

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Beginner’s Guide to Earning Money in Stock Photography

Firstly let’s talk about the term stock photography; it is a business that make money with microstock photography opportunities to sell images, illustrations, and videos customers buy legally to incorporate them into the marketing and personal projects.

Types of Stock Photography 

Macrostock: it is the traditional stock photography which implies for the agencies that sell high priced images. They license individual images directly to the client and sell those photos in make money with microstock photography range between 30$ to $.

Microstock: it sells images for much less; the photographer gets paid per image downloaded instead, usually at the end of make money with microstock photography month 

Why use stock photography 

  • Anyone who can upload good-quality pictures can do it. 

  • You don’t need to have experience for an extended time to do it.

  • It is your decision to be a full-time job or a part-time job. You are your boss.

  •  The portfolio you’ll build up will help you in future employment.

  • Your photography skills will get better; it’ll force you to aim to make the quality of your photos, and you’ll make money doing so 

  • Obviously, it’ll take a lot of time to make good money selling images to stock to earn income. 


But it’s not a piece of cake as it sounds. You’ll need dedication even if it doesn't turn out to be a full-time job because of the change throughout the years; it’ll take a while, but you’ll get there. All it takes is hard work and patience. To gain money and make stock photography a full-time job, you should regularly upload for an extended period. For example, a user uploaded to a stock agency 30 photos; only ten were sold in 6 months and gained a tiny amount; on the other hand, a user uploaded images to several agencies and by uploading regularly earned a lot more per month.

Therefore hard work and dedication, creativity, and consistency will let you have a good income. 

What you’ll face when being a stock photographer 

There are a lot of elements that make or break you being a stock photographer. Some quit because they don’t see enough progress. Sometimes it’s the image quality. But, as said before, it takes hard work and dedication to upload images per month. With years of stock images already existing more than a decade ago, you also need to catch the market’s eye if your works are buyable for them. So always get creative, make money with microstock photography your imagination; that’s what will make you unique. Using stock images in the marketing campaigns can save time and money instead of planning an entire shoot and waste days when you can keep all that time by using stock images and videos. 

Tips for stock photography 

Keywording: The buyers will search for words related to the pictures that make them descriptive until it is easier for them to find them. 

Keep the end-users in your mind and look at what’s needed because it’s the bloggers, businesses, or magazines that run the stock photography.  

Ask questions such as what are they going to use for who would buy these photographs. 

Upload regularly more photos on the market; the better outcome you’ll have, your photos will be on the front in the search results.

In conclusion, take your time to keyword your photos and supply to the demand; know the market very well, understand what’s needed and work accordingly. Also, look out for logos and brands. Create your style and stick to it but be open to new ideas because photos nowadays get real outdated quickly. Be creative;  let your imagination reach the sky and go out, shoot more learn new techniques. And as always, enjoy the journey.


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