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Load and Visualise Bitcoin Market Data from Coinbase Pro via Python and REST

A step by step guide for beginners and experts

If you want to get started as a crypto investor and you want to take matters into your own hands, it is important that you are able to programmatically connect to a digital currency exchange such as Coinbase Pro. This is the first step to start data analysis and automation and advance towards algorithmic trading. Fortunately, it is very easy to connect to a crypto exchange. In this article you will learn how to do exactly that. Great news upfront: it is a simple four step process to pull Bitcoin (or any other digital currency) market data and display it in a nice candlestick chart using only Python.

After reading this article you will be able to do the following:

  • Connect to the public Coinbase Pro REST API with Python
  • Load data from Coinbase Pro into a Pandas data frame
  • Process and format digital currency market data to your own advantage
  • Visualise historic Bitcoin data in Python

If you want to tinker around with the example that are used in this article, please take a look at the full Python code that is available as a Jupyter Notebook on my GitHub page.

For the example, we need the following Python libraries:

  • Requests: For connecting to the REST endpoint from Coinbase Pro, we use the Requests HTTP library. It is extremely user friendly and you only need bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now few lines of code to connect via REST.
  • Pandas: For data analysis and manipulation we use every data scientist’s favourite library Pandas.
  • Matplotlib: Since we also want to visualise some of the data, we need the Matplotlib library which is heavily used by Machine Learning practitioners.
  • MPL Finance: Formerly part of Matplotlib, the finance module has been deprecated and is now in its own library. You can find more information here. We use this library to do the financial plotting at the end of this article.
  • Seaborn: For a nicer visualisation of the plots, we use Seaborn.

Since we connect to the Coinbase Pro REST API on multiple occasions, bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now, let’s start with defining the custom function connect first.

The function above takes a URL and optionally the parameters to a REST endpoint as an input. It then uses the Requests library to return a response object. If an error occurs, an exception is thrown and the error is printed.

First we will use the above defined function to connect to the Coinbase Pro API endpoint for retrieving product information. A product is a digital asset that can be traded on Coinbase Pro. The function returns a response object.

We then load the data within the response object into a Pandas data frame called bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now The response is in json format, therefore we can use the standard function read_json from Pandas.

Next, we print out a few basic information about the data frame such as number of columns and the available column headers. The last line prints out key information for the four shortlisted currencies that I am interested in. The code results in the following:

Number of columns in the dataframe: 17Number of rows in the dataframe: ['id', 'base_currency', 'quote_currency', 'base_min_size', 'base_max_size', 'quote_increment', 'base_increment', 'display_name', 'min_market_funds', 'max_market_funds', 'margin_enabled', 'post_only', 'limit_only', 'cancel_only', 'trading_disabled', 'status', 'status_message'] id quote_currency base_min_size base_max_size

Now that we have successfully loaded foundational information about the available products on Coinbase Pro, we want to further drill down into the four shortlisted currencies (MY_CURRENCIES). Let’s find out what has happened over the last 24 hours for each of our favourite currency:

  • Open: the opening value in EUR
  • High: the highest price in EUR
  • Low: the lowest price in EUR
  • Last: the current price in EUR
  • Volume: volume of trades

Therefore we use another REST endpoint from Coinbase Pro called stats, bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now In code, we iterate through the four currencies and for each iteration make an HTTP request to retrieve the data. Once we have all the data, we generate another Pandas data frame from it.

The result is as following (open, high, low values are in the quote currency, volume is in the respective digital asset’s base currency):

open high low volume

We now want to find out how the price has developed over the last 90 days. We will use Bitcoin as an example but you could use any other currency that you are interested in. Coinbase Pro expects three parameters when retrieving more detailed price information for the candles REST endpoint:

  • Start date: The start time of the time window in ISO format
  • End date: The end time of the time window why would you invest in the stock market ISO format
  • Granularity: The size of one time window in seconds. Only the following values are accepted: 60,,

Please note that the request must be designed in such a way that at most time slices will be returned. In this example we request daily time slices (86, seconds) for the last 90 days. All three parameters are passed to another HTTP call as following:

Again, we construct a Pandas data frame from the received data. The candles REST endpoint provides us with the following information:

  • Time: The time of the time window.
  • Low: The lowest price during the time window.
  • High: The highest price during the time window.
  • Open: The opening price at the beginning of the time window.
  • Close: The closing price at the end of the time window.
  • Volume: The total volume traded during the time window.

For better readability, let’s add a few more columns to the result such as year, month and day:

Printing the first five lines of the data gives us a pretty good idea on how the data is structured and what kind of information it contains:

low high open close volume year month day

12 25
12 24
12 23
12 22
12 21

Let’s use this data in our final step to generate some nice visualisation.

Fortunately, the MPL Finance library has a built-in functionality to create a candlestick chart. A candlestick chart is also sometimes referred to as an OHLC chart (Open - High - Low - Closing), bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now A perfect fit for the data that we have already retrieved in the previous step.

As a bonus we also add three different moving average (MAV) values to the chart. The moving average is a technical indicator that smoothens out price trends and reduces the noise of high fluctuations during a certain time period.

We can achieve all of this with just a few lines of making more money than your husband. First, we make a copy of the data frame and call it df_ohlc. The chart should only display the last 30 days, therefore we drop the remaining rows. Then we rearrange the columns so that they fit the expected how to invest in bitcoin canada for the chart. It is important to make the date the index of the data frame. Lastly, we must reverse the order so that the chart displays values from left to right in the natural reading order.

Here is the result of the code above. Pretty nice for only a few lines of code:

MPL uses the common nomenclature: white candlesticks represent periods where the closing price is above the opening price whereas black candlesticks represent periods where the closing price is below the opening price.

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to programmatically connect to a digital currency exchange to retrieve any kind of public market data. You do not need to be a professional developer to get things done. Coinbase Pro is a great platform to get started with crypto currency trading. The other major player is Kraken. Be sure to check best investment brokerage firms 2022 both of them before you start your journey.

I hope that the fire is ignited and you will start coding your own solution on top of the great digital currency APIs out there.

Go build!

Here are some of the websites and libraries mentioned in the article:

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KaKaRoTo&#;s Blog

Tips :

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Hello everyone!

Today, I received an email from a friend saying that he knows that I&#;m into crypto currencies recently and he wanted to know if I could give him some pointers&#; in true KaKaRoTo fashion, I wrote him a long email to explain everything there is to know about cryptocurrencies. I think there&#;s a lot of interesting stuff in there that others might find useful so I&#;ve decided to make it into a blog post.

Note that I didn&#;t edit the email, so read it as an &#;email to a friend&#.

Concerning crypto currencies, it&#;s a whole world and really quite interesting. I&#;ll try and give you as much info as i can. Note though that everything I say below may not be % accurate, as I might say something wrong, either because I misunderstood it myself or maybe to keep things simplified.
I don&#;t know how much you know about it, so at the risk of saying things you know, I&#;ll just assume you know nothing about cryptocurrencies.
So cryptocurrencies started with bitcoin in i think, satoshi nakamoto (an anonymous name of person or a group) released a white paper explaining the concept and created the currency, wallet, bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now, etc. Of course you can check bitcoin website for more info, but the concept is basically that btc have a value, which is defined by how much people want to pay for it, but as is, it&#;s just a number. The system works by constantly generating coins until a maximum is reached, the concept follows gold mining where as long as you mine, you get more of it but there is a limit on the bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now in the world and the value of gold depends on how much people want to pay for it, but other than that, it has no real value (it&#;s just a metal, right?).
I&#;ll explain about btc (bitcoin) then expand on the other cryptocurrencies (that we call altcoins).
Btc has a blockchain which is a public ledger which is made up of &#;blocks&#;, each containing transactions, in order to create an account you just generate a private and public key, the public key is your &#;account number&#; and the private key is your wallet. To send BTC from one person to another, you create a transaction containing your origin and destination accounts and the amount then sign it with your key then post it on the network which will add it to the current block, other nodes in the network will then check that the transaction was signed with the origin account&#;s private key, and they will sign your transaction in turn in order to confirm that it&#;s been verified.
At the same time, you have &#;miners&#; which are trying to generate the next block, more on that in a second. When a new block is generated, it gets added to the blockchain (ledger) and all new transactions get written into this new block. The previous one gets finalized. To ensure security of the bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now, new blocks are constantly being generated, for bitcoin it&#;s set to generate a new block every 10 minutes approximately. So, the block get generated by miners, to do that, they need to prove that they worked for it. The proof of work is based on a hashing algorithm, basically the take the current block header&#;s hash, they add random data to it then they make a hash of the data. I suppose you know what a hash is, so i won&#;t explain that. Basically the hash result must be below a specific threshold, if it is, you found the new block, if it&#;s not, you need to search bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now So imagine a sha1 hash where the first 10 bytes are 0x you must be extremely lucky bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now find such data that gives this kind of hash. Well that&#;s what the PoW (proof of work) is based on. You keep hashing millions of random data (which include the hash of the current block) until you find such a lucky hash that is below the threshold, thus proving that you did work hard to find the new block. You can see the blockchain here for the current block (at the moment) for example :
you see in the top-right where it says hash/previous block/next block, you see all the it starts with. That&#;s the block&#;s hash which is below a specific threshold, bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now The reward for finding such a hash/block is that when you create the new block, you will add a new transaction to it, the first transaction of a block is always a transfer of 25 btc from &#;nowhere&#; into your address. That&#;s your block reward. You can see it in the blockchain link I just gave you, it has all the transactions, and the first one has &#;no inputs&#; and has BTC (if it shows $ value, click on the green button below the value to show it in BTC). So there you go, that&#;s how you mine coins and generate new ones. Now the thing is, what is that threshold, and what happens if you can&#;t find the hash. Well, the threshold is called &#;difficulty&#; in the crypto world and it&#;s automatically adjusted after every block (or every 10 block or whatever the currency creator decided when he made it), and it&#;s based on the average time needed to generate the block. So let&#;s say you have 10 miners, each bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now 1GH/s comutation power, so the network has 10GH/s and for a difficulty of &#;5&#; (let&#;s assume it means first 5 bits are 0), it takes an average of 10 minutes to find the bitcoin plywood hot section cool section. Now new miners join the network with 10GH/s each, that&#;s GH/s more to the network and the total network hashrate is now GH/s. it will be a LOT easier to find that hash, so now it only takes 30 seconds to find it. But BTC spec says one block every 10 minutes, so the difficulty will increase to let&#;s say 13 to account for all the new hashing power, and now the hashes are found every 10 minutes. some miners leave the network, difficulty goes down, etc&#; Of course, it&#;s not exact, it&#;s based on luck, but it&#;s &#;how probable that the next hash will be found in 10 minutes considering the current hashing power of the network&#;, sometimes with the same hashrate and same difficulty, it spotify geld verdienen podcast seconds to find the next block, sometimes it can take hours. and yes, if it takes hours, then it takes hours, there&#;s nothing you can do about it, you just wait until it finds the block, then you lower the difficulty for the next one. No one actually sets the difficulty, it&#;s decided upon by the entire network. Everyone runs the same code, so everyone follows the same rules and agrees with each other. If for example someone doesn&#;t, then his hash/transaction/whatever will not be confirmed by other miners and it&#;s rejected. If two bitcoin investors dies update find the next block at the same time, then one will get orphaned and the other will get confirmed, not sure how that works, but there&#;s some race condition/concurrency protection in the way confirmations are done. The same applies for transactions and accounts, if you send money to someone but you didn&#;t have the correct private key, then it won&#;t get confirmed by anyone else and the transaction is useless. That&#;s why whenever you do a payment or transfer, any respectable site will tell you they wait for X confirmation before unlocking the funds for example, it&#;s usually 6 confirmations, which can take a few minutes, it depends on the network and the hashrate and number of miners, etc&#;
So. When you have an account, your private key is your wallet, and if you lose it, then you will have no way of signing any transaction for that account, meaning that the money is lost forever. that&#;s why it&#;s always very important to make a backup of your file somewhere safe, or to write how to invest in cryptocurrency in south africa on a piece of paper, or something like that. a lot of people have lost millions of dollars because their HDD failed and they didn&#;t have a backup of their One even just threw it out because he thought it was useless, back when 1BTC was valued at $. and then when 1 BTC became $, he regretted it.
Since BTC has a public ledger (the blockchain) and transactions are confirmed by the peers, and no one owns the network, then obviously, you can see the balance of any account you want (see previous blockchain and click on any address to see its full history and balance), that&#;s why some people will create a few new accounts (just generate a private key locally) for every transaction and split their funds through multiple accounts, this way someone seeing a transaction won&#;t know which of the destination is the one being paid and which one is the new account of the account holder. It is sometimes suggested to use one new account every time you make a transaction. but I don&#;t really do that myself.
Now one last item, we talked about mining, but mostly about what we call &#;solo mining&#;, which is having your CPU or GPU calculating hashrates until it finds the right one and then you &#;win&#; the 25BTC reward. But if you did that for real, you would never win bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now considering how many people are on the network, so what people do is use &#;mining pools&#;, which is basically a service that will send you much smaller computations to do and you give the result to them, and everyone joins the pool. When the pool is the one that finds the block, it will then share the reward proportionally with every miner depending on how many &#;shares&#; they sent. so for example, here&#;s one of my shares for BTC in one of the pools I&#;m in :
Block          Value                     Status          Duration          Hash Rate         Your Shares                        Payout
     BTC      43/       13 minutes       Ph/s       /       BTC
So, bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now, you see the block id which yielded BTC, it has 43 confirmations (out of required before the block is considered accepted/not-orphaned), it took 13 minutes to find it, the pool&#;s hash rate is Ph/s (my rate is GH/s), I sent shares out of a total of from the entire pool, and the payout is my portion of the BTC that was paid to me (yes, quite small for 11GH/s of hashing power, bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now, but consider the 10Ph/s of the pool&#; FYI, the network has 50PH/s).
Without mining pools, you wouldn&#;t be able to get anything. I mean, sure I could try to find the block, and maybe I could and if I do, I&#;d win 25 BTC which is a LOT of money, but considering how huge the network is, it might take me years to find the block, or maybe I&#;ll never do. so you join a pool and you share your luck with others. There are a few reward types a pool can use, either payout proportional to how much you contributed to that block, or proportional to the number of shares you sent in the past X minutes when a block is found (so if you&#;ve been on the pool for hours then you leave just before it finds a block, you still get something). anyways, not important. the important thing to know is that if the pool isn&#;t the one that finds the block (there are a LOT of pools) then you don&#;t get anything. You can see the various reward types here :
Oh and another thing, at specific blocks, the reward gets halved. BTC started with 50 BTC reward, then at th block, it became 25 BTC, bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now, it keeps getting halved until some point because, just like gold, the rarer it becomes, the harder it becomes to mine it. and the graph of number of coins in circulation should plateau towards the max, now jump right into it.

Anyways, now that the technical is out of the way, let&#;s talk about the theory of mining.
Mining bitcoin is impossible, not at home anyways. usually a latest gen GPU will give you a few hunderd MH/s hashing SHA, but Bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now mining is sonow everyone is using ASICs (Application-specific integrated circuit) which do a few TH/s easily. So any coin that is SHA is basically impossible to mine at home. you would probably get about $ USD after a year of mining. which would be less than your electricity costs. That&#;s where Litecoin (LTC) came into action! LTC uses Scrypt algorithm instead of SHA so the ASICs don&#;t support it, so it&#;s pretty much GPU exclusive, yeay! There are TONS of altcoins though, each with their own rules (how much reward per block, how much time per block) and their own specs (current difficulty, current exchange rate) which will be more or less profitable for you. The reference for me is coinwarz ( which I check every day because one very profitable coin today might be crap tomorrow. You can put your hashrate there (and electricity cost and power consumption of your GPUs) and it will tell you how much you will gain per day if you mined the coin. The problem is that Scrypt ASICs have just been released last week, so we&#;ll have people using ASIC for scrypt based coins soon&#; but they&#;re not that good, I mean, bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now, a $ ASIC gives you about KH/s which is slightly higher than a $ GPU which would safest way to buy cryptocurrency KH/s, but the nice thing is that it uses 2W of power, instead of W or whatever your GPU consumes.
There is also a new algo (kind of) called Adaptive-N Scrypt, which is just scrypt but with one of the constants made a variable (I think) which will make it hard to do an ASIC for it because who is behind bitcoin core requirements will increase everytime to prevent ASICs from catching up technology-wise. There&#;s also Keccak algo, but that&#;s only used by one coin, it&#;s called maxcoin and was released by Max Keiser, a financial journalist for RT (the tv channel). It was great, I made over $ with it pretty fast then value dropped so low that it was worth less than 20$. thankfully, it went back up a little and I sold them and made 40$ back and lost 2 weeks of mining&#; if only I knew it would crash, I would have sold it when my balance was worth $. but that&#;s part of playing the game! 🙂
This is another lesson, bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now, if you want to make it profitable, you mine something and you sell it right away into BTC (which is more stable). I mined maxcoin because it was by far the most profitable, giving me about 20$ per day, but back then the value of one MAX was BTC. then it kept going down until it reached BTC. I aaii stock investor pro mac to hold off selling until it started going back up then I sold it at just before it started dropping again, but if I had sold my mining revenue every day, I would have made a lot more money from it.
On the other hand, some things, you want to keep, for example, there&#;s Auroracoin ( which is a coin that was created for the icelandic people who have huge financial issues and where 50% of all the coins are pre-mined and will be distributed to all the citizens of iceland, so I mined it and I thought that it would be awesome to have coins from this currency which might be widespread in an entire country. but a couple of days ago they did the airdrop (where they allow icelandic citizens to claim their coins) and the value dropped.
Actually the value fluctuates depending on supply/demand. if a lot of people are selling, then the price drops because you compete on the price in order to sell yours first. if people want to buy, then price goes up. I suppose what happened with auroracoin is that people got their coins and just sold them in exchange for BTC since there was no infrastructure supporting AUR. But maybe in the future, it will start being accepted by merchants in iceland and people will start buying it and price goes back up. at least that&#;s the plan. Note also that it was basically a &#;free money for everyone&#; which goes against the whole idea of proof of work to get reward. what do you do when you get free money? Note that there&#;s also now a SpainCoin and a GreeceCoin following the same 50% pre-mined for citizens principle, and I&#;m mining bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now as well (got 4 AUR, 20 GRCE and 68 SPA (sold 15 of SPA already when it was very high price).)
There are also others than you want to hold onto because you know the price will go up, like for example, the very much liked and meme-based DOGECOIN! wouhouuu! ok, I do like dogecoin because it&#;s so popular. The dogecoin currency was created only as a joke by two guys, they never thought anyone would care, they made a logo using the shiba inu dog and used that meme as a base for the coin &#;wow, much coin, very transaction, etc.&#; and then they were wtf-ing when people actually started using it. turns out it became extremely popular and value is sky rocketting. Only problem is that since it was a joke, all the coins will be mined in 10 months or so. but difference is that there is no limit on the amount of DOGE as opposed to other currencies, it will just become really small reward after the limit. The reward was random between 10 and 1 DOGE bitcoin investing canada for beginners block with a bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now time of 1 minute. Right now, I think they changed it to become a fixed amount because people were abusing the system by only mining doge when the next reward was the highest (since it&#;s a consensus, remember, it means the &#;random reward&#; is not random at all, it&#;s based on an equation using the previous block&#;s hash as seed), which caused increased difficult on specific blocks and honest miners were only getting the small rewards. Anyways, it&#;s been halved once already so right now, it&#;s DOGE per minute, and the price is BTC, bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now oh and yes, most exchanges are BTC to altcoin or altcoin to BTC, sometimes to/from LTC as well, then it&#;s USD/CAD/WHATEVER$ to/from BTC or LTC. so yeah, you do the math from your altcoin to BTC then according to today&#;s value of BTC, you know your altcoin&#;s worth in $.
So anyways, what&#;s special about DOGE is that it&#;s very popular, reddit mostly is making it the altcoin of choice, you always hear about it everywhere, moneymakeredge during the US regulations talks, they would talk about BTC and LTC (as the main coins) and they mentioned &#;or a coin based on a dog meme&#. Doge is used a lot for tipping, charity, and all that, so you see a lot of causes evolving around doge, for bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now they raised $ to get the jamaican bobsled team to go to the olympics, there&#;s doge4water ( and just recently (last week actually, and funding finished yesterday) there was doge4nascar where they raised 50 $ to sponsor Josh Wise car in NASCAR racing. and since they raised it, it&#;s been on every news outlet ( Fox news, the guardian, etc. ) bitcoin investor ervaringen sign up is giving it a lot of exposure and popularity. and just imagine that bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now with dogecoin logo on national television during nascar. this will cause people to get interested in dogecoin, and to BUY dogecoin, which will cause the price to go UP! Also, in 30 days, the reward will be halved to DOGE, which means the value kind of has to double in order to keep miners interested in mining dogecoin for profitability. think about it, reward gets halved, means miners get half as much. so they will stop mining it, if value doesn&#;t double, then they won&#;t be get enough and other coins will be more profitable. of course, other possibility is that miners leave and the network hashrate (and so the difficulty) drops so those who remain get twice as much as before == same profitability&#; anyways even though dogecoin value has been dropping a lot lately, it is bound to go back up. It had already gained 10 times its value by the time I started mining it, unfortunately, I only had very little mined at that time (now I have around DOGE in my wallet). On the other hand. as someone recently told me &#;we don&#;t really see many parodies of gangnam style anymore&#; so maybe this hype around dogecoin is a bubble about to burst. you never know!
That being said. it&#;s a game, like stock market. you &#;buy&#; (in this case by using your GPU&#;s time and electricity) coins and hope it goes up. if you don&#;t hope that, then sell them right away. then move away to the next coin, etc.
one very interesting thing is at coin launches! What happens in a coin launch is that there&#;s pretty much no one around, so if you get in just at the right time, you can get a lot really quickly. like for example, my auroracoin, I mined it too late. my friend told me about it and I ignored him. difficulty was maybe or (don&#;t know what it represents exactly, but it&#;s not bits of 0s) and he made a few AUR in a day on his home PC GPU (a cheap gpu which gives 60KH/s) then people got &#;wow&#; over it and started mining it, the value of it jumped and difficulty became (which is HUGE for scrypt based coins) so I started mining it and only got like 2 AUR after 5 days of mining on my mining rig of MH/s&#; and my friend got &#;rich&#; quickly. he sold and bought himself a new GPU to mine some more&#; So the idea is to find coins that will have a lot of exposure and impact, that people will like and you mine them from the very beginning before everyone else joins. Sure, you&#;ll still be a drop in the ocean. but a 2MH/s drop in MH/s is better than a 2MH/s drop in 60GH/s network hashrate 🙂 You can see the network hashrate on coinwarz by the way.
So one interesting coin coming up is H2O it looked good a lot of people wanted to jump into it, the launch was meant for march 24th, but they had bugs and delayed it. rumor is that it&#;s going to be this friday. if you want to mine it and sell, then that might be my first choice. Second choice would be the spaincoin or greececoin because their difficulty is really low so you can make a lot of them really fast, and if they get adopted, their value can be worth a lot, but only in the future. also it could crash and value becomes and of course, dogecoin! but it might be better to buy dogecoin, its price is very low right now, (meaning 1 DOGE = BTC) and I think it will go to in less than a month., bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now and after nascar ( in two months) it could double again. You could also mine it, see how much you can make according to coinwarz. Be aware you need to find a good pool, bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now, if you use a small pool, there&#;s a chance it won&#;t find blocks and you won&#;t get anything. a good pool finds blocks more easily, but the pool&#;s hashrate is obviously higher so you get a smaller share, but often. a smaller pool will give you a bigger share, but less often, your choice which way to go.
Another way to look at it is that once ASICs start selling (There&#;s already one ASIC on the market, but the &#;Titan&#; asic is planned for Q2/Q3 of and is supposed to be massive), and asics take over the scrypt network, then you&#;ll see a LOT of people with their GPU mining rigs having to shift their focus, either by selling their rigs (so expect cheap GPUs soon, by the way AMD just dropped their prices yesterday on (not .ca)) or by making them mine bitcoin investing australia questions and answers &#;asic-proof&#; coin. and that&#;s where Scrypt-N comes into play. my prediction is that soon everyone will move to scrypt-n coins (spaincoin switched recently from scrypt to scrypt-n in an update) which means the difficulty for scrypt-n coins will go through the roof. and Vertcoin is the one who stated it all, and is probably the scrypt-n coin with the highest difficulty and highest exchange value. My prediction is that when all gpus go to it, its difficulty will go up a lot and by consequence, the rewards will get smaller (harder to mine), which means that for it to be profitable, its value has to increase, so it will probably have a big increase in exchange rate (it already seems to be increasing steadily along with its difficulty). so the vertcoins that I mined now (relatively easily, 5 VTC so far) will be worth a lot more in a few months (or a year).

You can go at this two ways, the hoarder mode with hopes that in 2 or 3 years, your coins will be worth millions, or a seller who will sell coins as soon as he mines them to make a profit right now., bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now or you can try to play the market, predict increases and decreases and all that. You could switch from one altcoin to another, or concentrate on only one&#;

Now the last thing about this &#;theory&#; section is about exchanges. obviously, altcoins can be exchanged for BTC and BTC for CAD or USD. and for that, you use exchanges, the most known one for BTC was MtGox which fucked up and closed and is under investigation and all that. there are a few who had issues, but the one I use and most people seem to use is cryptsy. there are other well known exchanges like Bter, bitstamp, mintpal, etc. The way it works is that it will generate an address for an altcoin just for you, you transfer money to that address and it counts as a deposit into your account, then you can trade (sell/buy) and you can withdraw the money afterwards. exchanges will have a balance for each of your altcoins so it kind of counts as a bank, but it&#;s not recommended to keep your money in anything other than your own wallet (and secure your MtGox lost millions of $ and many exchanges got hacked and lost people&#;s money. Same rule goes for pools, when you create an account in a pool, first thing you do is set your address for transfers and enable auto-payout, you don&#;t want to have the pool hacked or shut down and all your mined coins still in the pool.
So, I suggest cryptsy for most of your stuff, I like it. but while it supports a lot of currencies, it doesn&#;t do all bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now them, so you have to use others from time to time. for example, to sell my SPA (spaincoin), I had to use Mintpal since cryptsy doesn&#;t do SPA. For GRCE, I only found bittrex and cryptorush that support it (for now), etc.
Remember when I said mining new coins is very profitable. one issue though about new coins is that they will start with a high value on the market, let&#;s take GRCE (greececoin) for example, when it started it was valued at (BTC per GRCE) and I was mining it, great. now my first problem, the rewards I mined are unconfirmed in the network (to avoid an attack of the network if someone has 51% of the network hashrate, you need to wait blocks after the current one before you can use coins generated in that block), so I still can&#;t use them. need to wait for them to be confirmed. by the time they were confirmed, bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now, value dropped to but now I can&#;t sell my coins because first, not many exchanges support it. actually, only one at that time, secondly, no one wanted to buy it. it&#;s still new, no one is interested, the only people who know about it are those who follow the &#;new altcoin announcement&#; threads on bitcointalk forums, bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now, and those are already miners who mined a lot of the coin and who also want to sell it, they don&#;t want to buy it&#; so if i try to sell it, it won&#;t work. and when no one wants to buy and you want to sell, what do you do ? well, you sell your coins at a value lower than the market price, so as soon as a buyer comes in, he&#;ll buy your coins, not someone else&#;s. and bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now the miners fight over that by lowering the market price. by the time buyers are in, the price dropped 10 times. and currently, it&#;s atso. 80 times less than the initial market price. All you can hope for is that this new coin will be successful and people will like it enough that the price will eventually start going back up, and you are left with a lot of coins mined during the launch.

Ok, I think you got the theory, bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now, so now let&#;s talk about practice! There&#;s not a lot to say, you need a GPU (forget about cpu mining), it needs to be an AMD, because Nvidia SUCKS. you can look at the hardware comparison to get a good idea :
You can use your own hardware like my friend did until you earn enough by mining to buy more GPUs, or you can buy a dedicated rig, which is what I did (and also use my desktop GPU for mining when not in use). For your info, if you buy a rig, it&#;s better than just buying coins because once it pays for itself, then it will keep generating free money. but most importantly, at the end of the day, if all your coins are worthless, you still have hardware that has resale value. BUT whatever you invest in this, you have to be prepared to consider that money as &#;lost&#. in other words, don&#;t spend money you can&#;t afford to lose.
For reference, I &#;sacrificed&#; $ and bought a rig consisting of :
Power supply + Motherboard + CPU + RAM
2 Asus AMD Radeon R9
The power supply is quite important because your rig will use a lot of power, and the motherboard, you&#;ll want one with as much PCI-E ports as possible. mine has 4 PCI-E 16x and 2 PCI-E 1x so I could put 6 GPUs on it. problem is that a GPU uses two slots because of their width, and I can&#;t fit 4 in there. and that&#;s why you can buy PCI-E risers (look for it on ebay). Anyways, with 4 GPUs, bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now, you&#;ll most likely need a W PSU. what I did was buy 2 PSUs of W because then you can power 2 GPUs with one PSU and the other 2 with the second GPU and just force the second PSU to be always on (by shorting PS_ON with ground on the ATX connector). I bought two because PSU was on sale and even though I only need one, I thought might as well take the second one for half price :p
The GPU was on sale as well, normal price is I think $, I got mine for $., bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now now on the US newegg, price dropped to $ from what I saw yesterday.
I chose the R9 because a friend of mine said they are better than similar KH/s cards in terms of power consumption. I tweaked it until I got KH/s per card which is not bad.
I didn&#;t need an HDD because I used linux running off a usb stick. If you chose to install windows, you need an HDD though.
Here&#;s a nice guide which I followed : that website also has other nice articles if you want to read through them.
So I used the SMOS distribution bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now you just write to a usb key (no install) and you boot it and it starts mining right away, you&#;ll just have to edit the config file to point it to your own pools :
And it gives you a web access similar to this :
Only issue I had with it is that it has an auto-donate feature where it will stop your miner for 15 minutes and it will mine into its own pools&#; which was a big problem for me because when I was mining maxcoin, I had to use a different miner application and I wasn&#;t using their service for mining, so it couldn&#;t &#;stop the server&#; so it ran two instances of the miner who froze the cards and I wasted 2 days without mining before I noticed&#; so if you bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now to disable the auto-donate, just do a &#;crontab -e&#; as root and remove the scripts from crontab.
If you just want to use your desktop for mining, then you can use cgminer for AMD or cudaminer for Nvidia, but as you can see in the hardware comparison wiki, nvidia aren&#;t so good for mining. If you use cgminer, you must use versionbecause any version after that will *not* work for GPUs, as they dropped support for it. I use a fork of cgminer from &#;kalroth&#; (google kalroth cgminer) which has more option and bugfixes backported into If you use scrypt-n, then you need vertminer (google it) which supports scrypt-n.
In theory it would take about 8 months to get back the price of a GPU from mining, but if the coin crashes, you lose the time you mined that coin, or if the coin gets a 10x increase in value, it could take only 1 month to get the money back. you get the idea.
I&#;m not sure what other info I can give about the practical aspects of mining. you get/have hardware, you get the miner, register in a pool, open the wallet, configure the pool in the miner (there are lots of instructions if you google for it) and start mining. you put an auto-payout, and you hoard or sell depending on your preference.
For information, I&#;m using as pool for dogecoin, and for GRCE and SPA, and for VTC.

Now for the last chapter of my book (lol). Mining BTC itself! Yes I know, I said earlier it&#;s impossible, but I actually said &#;impossible on a GPU&#. I recently found this awesome site called in which you can trade BTC for GHS. It&#;s cloud mining but you don&#;t actually rent the GHs you buy them! Meaning that you get the GHS and you use it and mine from it forever or until you sell your GHS to someone else. this means that you can buy GHS (would be around $ at current GHS price), let it mine for a while, which will give you about 6$ per day of revenue for GHS, then when you&#;re tired of it, you sell back those GHS. The issue here is two fold, the first is that the BTC network hashrate increases all the time, and the difficulty increases by about 30% per month I think, which means that the 6$ per day you get today, in one month will be much lower unless you buy more GHS. The second issue is that since the value you bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now get from 1 GHS is lower every time the network hashrate increases, it means that the value, and so, the price of a GHS also decreases all the time, this means that when you sell back your GHS, you won&#;t get back the original amount of BTC (your $) you originally put in to buy them. but hopefully, if you used it for long enough, bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now you will have earned those $ through mining already. I think it would take about days to mine back your investment, then whatever you sell becomes extra money if you decide to sell your GHS.
The cool thing about is that you&#;re not renting the hardware, you&#;re buying it (or part of it), so if you have more GHS than what an ASIC miner provides, you can redeem the hardware and have it sent to you. of course you&#;d have to pay electricty and maintain it yourself then, so not a great idea, but it&#;s still good to have that option and know bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now you actually do own the GHS that you bought. By the way, every earning you get from mining BTC, a portion of it gets taken to pay for electricity and maintenance, etc. which is (according to them) about 13%, they have a complicated equation explained on the website, you pay per GHS you own and the time it&#;s been running (snice runs longer = more electricity use), this means that a portion of your earning goes into this maintenance fee, and the longer it takes to mine a BTC block, the higher the fee. Don&#;t forget, this is a pool so it&#;s a matter of luck. I&#;ve seen it sometimes take a few seconds to find a block, or you find 10 blocks with 5 to 10 minutes between each block found, then you can spend bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now hours without finding any block. the maximum fee I saw was about 50% and that was for the 2 hour delay before finding a block. I guess overall it would average to 13% maybe.
If you want to give a try, I&#;d appreciate it if you use my referral link to create your account, because the referal gets 3% bonus GHS when a referred user trades GHS. So if you buy 10GHS, I&#;d get extra (which I would lose if you sell, you can read the FAQ). Here is my referral link : please think about it when/if you decide to buy GHS to best investing advice BTC directly.
The advantage of BTC is that its value is pretty stable. sure, it fluctuates a lot, but it&#;s usually been between $ and $ in recent months, which is not like some altcoins (like maxcoin) which can see their value divided by in a couple of weeks.
What I&#;ve done is use my GPU to mine altcoins, then I sold earnest money deposit meaning in telugu of them (keeping AUR, VTC, GRCE, SPA and of course DOGE), and used that revenue to buy 11 GHS for myself and I&#;m leaving it mining now. unfortunately, GHS price dropped in the past couple of months, so if I sell my 11GHS, then I&#;d have lost some money, but hopefully in a week or two, I&#;d be making a profit.
Another interesting point about is that you can &#;preorder&#; GHS, they will add hardware on 26 of april and on 26 of may, and you can buy GHS for for the april deployment and for for the may deployment (currently active GHS can be traded for ) so you could spend the money on the may GHS and triple the investment in 2 months&#; but on the other hand, it is possible that the GHS price drops by the 26th of may, and then you&#;d have bought GHS at the same price it would be selling on the day it becomes online, but you paid for it 2 months in advance instead of using those 2 months for mining with currently available GHS. again, in this case, it&#;s a gamble. You can see the evolution of GHS value on for the past month to decide if bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now worth the risk.

Ok, I think that&#;s about it, I think I covered all the basics and advanced topics :-p

Don&#;t forget that if you decide to join, use my referral link here :

Also, if you found this post interesting, you are more than welcome to send me tips to my BTC or DOGE wallets :

BTC : 15fXq5FzKaUArzQ8zBWfJADMn1qTQ5w5Y6

DOGE : DK4uNKX99VTgEv8BZdeepsYJHKhev3oR1j

Thanks for reading!

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DeFi Alpha is a weekly newsletter published every Friday, contributed by Defiant Advisor and DeFi investor at 4RC, DeFi Dad, and our Degen in Chief yyctrader. It aims to educate traders, investors, and newcomers about investment opportunities in decentralized finance, as well as provide primers and guides about its emerging platforms.


Two years ago, DeFi investors could easily name every yield farming opportunity without much effort, bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now It was a simpler time, where only a handful of teams had launched with any liquidity to trade, lend, borrow, provide liquidity, or even demonstrate new primitives such as no-loss savings by PoolTogether.

But times have changed! DeFi liquidity has grown to hundreds of billions of dollars across Ethereum with new burgeoning DeFi economies taking shape on EVM-compatible chains such as Polygon and Avalanche and non-EVM chains such as Terra and Solana. Any given day, a new DeFi or NFT project is launching. So after writing and creating countless DeFi guides and tutorials sincewe at The Defiant agreed it’s time we publish a more detailed weekly guide on all you need to know to keep up with new and old yield earning opportunities. 

This is DeFi Alpha by The Defiant.

We are sending this issue to all Defiant subscribers. If you want to keep receiving this newsletter going forward please subscribe here:

🙌 Together with: 

  • Sperax USD, the FIRST Auto-yield stablecoin on Layer 2, connects you with modern money. Learn more!

  • The Celo Foundation launched a $M initiative called DeFi for the People, to make DeFi accessible to all. You can benefit from these rewards by depositing cUSD and other stablecoin pairs into Mobius today.

📈 Yield Alpha

Each week we will schnell geld verdienen apps options to earn yield on ETH, WBTC, stablecoins, and other major tokens.

  • ETH - Fixed rate lending WETH in 88mph on Fantom for a total of ~20% APR

    • This yield is issued in WETH lending interest, and then mostly MPH rewards.

    • To participate, Deposit WETH (on Fantom) into the 88mph dApp under Earn.

  • WBTC - Fixed rate lending WBTC in 88mph on Fantom for a total of ~20% APR

    • This yield is issued in WBTC lending interest, and then mostly MPH rewards.

    • To participate, Deposit WBTC (on Fantom) into the 88mph dApp bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now Earn.

  • AVAX - On YieldYak, you can earn compounding lending interest with AVAX on Benqi at % APY

  • SOL - lend stSOL with Francium on Solana to earn % APY (from Francium) + % APR from the underlying SOL staking rewards in stSOL

    • This yield is backed by borrowing interest paid by leveraged yield farmers on Francium as well as the % APR in staking rewards thanks to the liquid staking derivative stSOL by Lido.

    • To participate, go to the Francium dApp under Lendand skyrim how to make money fast in whiterun stSOL (by Lido).

  • LUNA - LP with LUNA-LunaX in TerraSwap to earn up to 50% APY

    • This yield is backed by auto-compounding LUNA staking rewards thanks to LunaX, trading fees on TerraSwap, and SD token rewards by Stader.

    • To participate on Terra, deposit 50% of LUNA into LunaX and then go here to TerraSwap to pair 50/50 LUNA<>LunaX as an LP and sit back to passively collect rewards.

    • The LunaX staking derivative alone is earning % APY.

  • ATOM - mint pATOM and stake the pATOMs on Ethereum to earn more pATOMs on pSTAKE at a rate of 12% APR

    • The yield earned is issued and claimable in pATOM and this yield is expected to hold steady for weeks/months unless pSTAKE changes their liquid staking model.

    • To participate, one must first mint a representation of ATOM as pATOM on Ethereum by using the pSTAKE dApp under Deposit

    • Then, deposit/stake pATOMs to get stkATOMs what is the best investment firm in canada earn 7% APR 

  • Stablecoins - earning a minimum of 33% APR as an LP for the Defrost H2O Curve factory pool on Avalanche

🪂 Airdrop Alpha

In each DeFi Alpha guide, we update a list of the most obvious DeFi protocols that have yet to announce and/or launch a token.

  • Arbitrum - one of the leading L2 solutions for Ethereum with live dApps such as Uniswap, SushiSwap, Hop, and more, we expect a token to eventually launch so by depositing assets or transacting, one might earn a future airdrop

  • Stader Labs - by depositing LUNA into LunaX (a liquid staking equivalent of LUNA) and pairing LUNA<>LunaX as an LP here on TerraSwap, one can farm SD rewards, the Stader protocol token that’s yet to be generated but is launching any day now, following its upcoming CoinList auction

  • Element Finance - stake/lend to earn fixed interest with fixed terms on Ethereum

  • Euler Finance - a non-custodial protocol on Ethereum that allows users to lend and borrow almost any crypto asset, just launched but has yet to launch a bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now Saver -  a one-stop dashboard for creating, managing and tracking DeFi positions across Aave, Compound, bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now, Maker, Liquity, and Reflexer

  • Set Protocol - one of the earliest DeFi protocols yet to launch a token for DeFi asset management, popular for TokenSets and known for powering IndexCoop indexes

  • Hop Protocol - bitcoin investing 2022 get an LP to enable bridging instantly between Ethereum Mainnet, Polygon, Arbitrum, or Optimism without waiting for long delays in withdrawals; DeFi Dad has a full blown video tutorial on how to become a Hop LP and potentially peter leeds invest in penny stocks a future HOP airdrop.

  • Francium - leveraged yield farming similar to Alpha Homora but on Solana, one can choose to simply lend single assets or hold leveraged LPs to potentially earn an airdrop here.

  • Optimism - one of the leading L2 solutions for Ethereum with live dApps such as Uniswap, Hop, Synthetix and more, we expect a token to eventually launch so by depositing assets or transacting, one might earn a future airdrop

  • Opyn - one of the OG decentralized options protocols on Ethereum, with major investors that signal a token has to be in their future. Buy/sell puts or call options to earn a possible future airdrop.

  • Polymarket - one of the strongest players in the DeFi prediction market vertical, bet on an outcome related to crypto, politics, sports and more or add liquidity

  • Yield Protocol - a newer protocol for fixed-term, fixed-rate lending in DeFi, backed by Paradigm, one might earn a future airdrop by lending DAI or USDC 

  • Zapper - participate in Zapper trading, lending, providing liquidity, or yield farming; given the Zapper Quests and NFT Rewards program, it can be surmised that if Zapper ever releases a token, this is one way they might do a retro airdrop

  • Zerion - same can be said speculated about Zerion; if they ever release a token, they’re likely to reward those who interacted with their smart contracts swapping, lending, providing liquidity, or borrowing.

🧑‍💻 Defiant Starter Tutorial

How to If i buy 10 dollars worth of bitcoin Fixed Interest with 88mph on Fantom

Opportunity:88mph is a protocol for earning fixed yield rates. It launched back in fall and they’ve been a long time innovator in DeFi, with ideas around tokenizing yield that are now being adopted by many other protocols. Despite the long term track record as builders launching across Ethereum, Avalanche, Polygon, and Fantom, they have about $75M in TVL. This is a battle-tested protocol and credible team, so I’m delighted to highlight some undiluted yields one can earn by simply lending stablecoins and blue chip tokens and then staking the MPH rewards.

Time to Complete: 5 minutes if paying the recommended HIGH gas price on the FTMScan Gas Tracker.

Estimated Length of Rewards Program:One can set a lending period with fixed interest rates as long as days.

Gas + Protocol Fees:Based on gas prices fluctuating between Gwei on Fantom, it could cost as little as bitcoin best price 5 minutes from now or much higher.

Fees:Other than network fees paid for Fantom transactions, be aware an early withdrawal of your deposit is allowed, but requires a % fee.

Risks: As always, this is not financial advice and you should do your own research. The following are risks I incur when participating in this opportunity.

  • Smart contract risk, oracle failure, and governance attacks in 88mph, plus any other associated DeFi protocols like Scream

  • Systemic risk in DeFi 

  • Pegged assets such as stablecoins may de-peg


  1. First, assuming I have tokens on Fantom in a wallet like MetaMask, I can go to the 88mph dApp under Earn for Fantom to connect my wallet.

  2. After reviewing the potential tokens I can earn fixed interest with, I choose to deposit my WFTM to earn % APR + % in subsidized MPH rewards.

  3. I specify how much WFTM to deposit and how many days (in this example 30 days but you can lock in for as much as days, which will likely bring the fixed interest rate down).

  1. I follow the prompts to Approve and then Deposit my WFTM.

  2. Lastly, I can return to claim my MPH anytime as I earn it, and then stake the MPH for xMPH on the Stake tab (eventually veMPH in the near future) to earn protocol fees.

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🦍 Defiant Degen Tutorial

Bridging to Metis and Yield Farming on Drachma DeFi

Metis is a Layer-2 scaling protocol for Ethereum that utilizes Optimistic Rollups. Natalia Ameline, the mother of Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin, is a member of the Metis team, which recently released its roadmap for the first half of

Drachma DeFi is a new stableswap protocol on Metis that will offer “Curve style hyper-efficient, low slippage swaps for both pegged and unpegged assets”, according to the website. 

Drachma launched a beta liquidity mining program on Feb 9.

To participate, we will need to provide liquidity to the USDC-USDT pool.

Note that the DRACHMA token has not been launched yet, so you will only be able to claim your rewards when it goes live. 

DRACHMA has a total supply of M tokens and will be fully community-owned, so participation is the only way to acquire some before the official launch. Tokenomics can be found here.

Let’s get started.

Step 1: Add the Metis Andromeda network to MetaMask. I used Chainlist, a handy tool for connecting to EVM-compatible chains.

Step 2: Head to the Metis Bridge and connect your MetaMask wallet to the Ethereum network. Enter the asset and amount you wish to transfer and confirm the transaction. 

Gas fees on Metis are paid in METIS tokens. First-time users who bridge over $ worth of ETH, USDC or USDT will be airdropped METIS. It’s recommended that you buy some more so that you don’t run out of gas. You can do so on Netswap. 

You are now ready to DeFi on Metis.

Step 3: Navigate to Drachma DeFi:

You’ll need equal amounts of USDC and USDT to provide liquidity.

Step 4: Add liquidity.

You’ll be asked to approve spending your assets. Confirm the transactions to receive your Liquidity Provider (LP) tokens.

Step 5: Stake your LP tokens in the farm to earn $DRACHMA tokens, which you can claim once the token is launched.

Note that you will not earn any token rewards if you miss this step.

📰 Elsewhere on The Defiant

Tuesday Tutorial on The Defiant YouTube: This week, Robin the different ways you can maximize stablecoin yield without going “too degen.” Learn how and subscribe to The Defiant on YouTube!

The information contained in this newsletter is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, financial advice. The authors are not financial advisors and the information contained here is not a substitute for financial advice from a professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation. We have done our best to ensure that the information provided are accurate but neither The Defiant nor any of its contributors shall be held liable or responsible for any errors or omissions or for any damage readers may suffer as a result of failing to seek financial advice from a professional.

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