Bitcoin investing canada 62

bitcoin investing canada 62

Cryptocurrency Investing For Dummies Paperback – March 6 Reviewed in Canada on February 19, Verified Purchase. Bad and inaccurate info. In , ethereum gained more than % in value, handily outperforming bitcoin's modest 62% rise (as of Dec. 31). Advertisement. Advertisement. CNW/ - Canadian investors are generally known for being risk also more concerned about security in cryptocurrency investing (62% vs 55%). bitcoin investing canada 62

A look at emerging crypto trends in Canada

While not accepted as an official currency by the Canadian government, cryptocurrency (also known as ‘crypto’) is gaining notoriety. In this article, bitcoin investing canada 62, learn more about cryptocurrency usage as well as the crypto trends that may be useful to businesses.

Crypto trends in Canada

Digital currencies have become an unignorable trend in the financial sector, so much so that the Bank of Canada has been considering implementing total money makeover forum digital loonie. However, these plans will only go forward if one or more private cryptocurrencies become widely adopted in Canada, bitcoin investing canada 62. Switching to a completely digital economy will likely affect business operations of every kind, especially payment processing systems and other financial services.

To help SMEs get a grasp on the world of bitcoin investing canada 62 and what it may mean for their businesses, Capterra surveyed over 1, Canadians familiar with cryptocurrency to gain insight into the current use and future expectations of cryptocurrencies (find the full methodology at the bottom of the article).

What is cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrencies, as defined by the Canadian government, are “a type of digital currency created using computer algorithms.” These currencies are based on decentralized systems that record transactions, which are not backed by the government. These systems consist of peer-to-peer (P2P) networks in which the computers of those involved in digital currency transactions make up the network; as such, cryptocurrency is often considered inflation-proof.

the definition of cryptocurrency explained for businesses / SMEs

Digital currencies can be used to buy goods and services online, though few retail businesses in Canada accept direct payment with crypto. Despite this, 25% of respondents say they are currently using cryptocurrencies, with another 37% planning to use them in the near future.

What types of cryptocurrencies are preferred?

Capterra found that 1 in 4 respondents are currently using cryptocurrency, so it’s possible that some SMEs may start bitcoin investing canada 62 accepting them as payment. Cryptocurrency payments aren’t widely accepted by traditional payment methods, meaning it would be necessary to adopt a payment processing service that accepts the cryptocurrencies your customers use most often.

Out of the Canadian crypto-users surveyed, the most used cryptocurrencies were:

  • Bitcoin (81%)
  • Ethereum (48%)
  • Dogecoin (28%)
  • Litecoin (18%)
  • Cardano (18%)

When considering whether to implement cryptocurrency as a valid method of payment, businesses should take the hype with a grain of salt. While crypto trends have gradually gained traction since the introduction of Bitcoin intheir mainstream use is fairly new, bitcoin investing canada 62. In fact, the majority of crypto users surveyed (31%) had only been using cryptocurrency for between 6 months to a year. 

Tips for SMEs: Although they are an exciting development in the world of finance, cryptocurrencies are generally decentralized, meaning they exist without government regulation. They derive value from supply, demand, and speculation, and the unpredictable rise and fall of their overall worth has been categorized as ‘volatile.’ In light of this categorization, businesses could benefit from using financial risk management software to measure the risk of making financial decisions that involve crypto.

What is motivating cryptocurrency buyers?

For those wondering why crypto trends are growing with such speed, the answers may do more than satisfy your curiosity. Understanding the motivations behind cryptocurrency investments could help businesses reach crypto users as a target audience. 

According to our survey, most crypto users (58%) seem interested in using them to make a profit. However, nearly half of them (48%) also appreciated being a part of something innovative and alternative, which may allude to their values as buyers.

bitcoin investing canada 62 for investing in crypto">

When it comes to the method of making these investments, 82% are doing it through online cryptocurrency exchange platforms. The blockchain technology used to facilitate cryptocurrency exchanges allows users to interact and verify each what are some stocks to invest in today financial information without revealing their identities, which is why it is considered an anonymous way to exchange money. This feature also leaves crypto transactions open to illegal activity, which is an important risk to consider.

In addition to digital cryptocurrency platforms, 38% of crypto-using respondents are using traditional trading platforms (stock markets with crypto options). 15% are also using Bitcoin ATMs which have appeared across Canada, making users’ access to their cryptocurrency wallets as simple as anything else they’d need to grab from local convenience stores.

Tip for SMEs: if your organization is planning to invest in cryptocurrencies, be sure to follow the tax guide for cryptocurrency users and tax professionals put forth by the Canada Revenue Agency. A common misconception about bitcoin investopedia today is that it’s tax-free; however, we advise Canadians to read the above guide to understand the tax implications for different uses of cryptocurrency.

The demographics of cryptocurrency users

To understand whether SMEs should take cryptocurrency trends into consideration at their organizations, breaking down the demographics of crypto users may help. 

Out of Canadian survey takers who currently use cryptocurrency, 66% are men. Female survey-takers used cryptocurrency less; only 34% of crypto buyers were women despite being represented equally in the survey.

Although men may currently be leading in cryptocurrency use, the demographics even out when future use of crypto comes into play. In the future, 55% of female respondents plan to start using cryptocurrency and 45% of men report planning to do the same.

graph of crypto users in canada by gender

The role age plays in cryptocurrency use

As cryptocurrency is a relatively recent creation, it makes bitcoin investing canada 62 that younger generations may be more familiar with it. Our survey found that younger respondents reported currently buying and using cryptocurrency in higher numbers. Among older survey respondents, fewer people reported having bought/currently buying cryptocurrency. As bitcoin investing canada 62 increased, respondents were also less likely to want to deal with crypto in the future.

Ages of respondents who report currently investing in cryptocurrency:

  • 34% of to year-olds
  • 41% of to year-olds
  • 21% of to year-olds
  • 8% of to year-olds

Ages of respondents who haven’t used and aren’t interested in trying cryptocurrency:

  • 23% of to year-olds
  • 21% of to year-olds
  • 38% of to year-olds
  • 60% of to year-olds

Looking at the horizon of future use, however, bitcoin investing canada 62, all age groups represented bitcoin investing canada 62 the survey showed at least some interest in cryptocurrency investment. 19% of respondents 65 and over said they plan on using crypto someday, and at least 30% of all other age groups had the same plans for investing.

Tip for SMEs: As data has shown that demographics can affect employee or customer impressions of cryptocurrency, gathering more information on the demographics of your team or customer base could help inform decisions about investing or implementing cryptocurrency use. To get tailored info, both employee engagement software and customer survey tools can be adapted to ask the questions that help SMEs understand the people they serve and their financial preferences.

More than half of respondents are interested in being paid in crypto

When asked if they would be interested in being paid in cryptocurrencies in the next 5 years, 62% of respondents indicated an interest in varying levels: 18% felt at least slightly interested, 28% felt moderately interested, and 15% reported significant interest in bitcoin investor scam 99 idea. While this could influence a change in employee expectations and, eventually, SMEs payroll operations, it would be remiss not to consider the risks that cryptocurrencies carry.

Many of those who are interested in buying crypto further in the future say that they’re hesitating due to a lack of knowledge. Large groups of respondents also cited the fear of cryptocurrencies disappearing (for example, governments making them illegal) as well as the risks of fluctuation, bitcoin investing canada 62, both of which signify a lack of certainty in cryptocurrency as well as the missing know-how. 

a graph of the reasons why some won’t make cryptocurrency investments 

As with any business investment, studying the risks and obligations of cryptocurrency purchase and sale is highly important before investing. If the investment concerns employee salaries or a potential business model, employee education will be paramount to protecting the security of your financial information and encouraging tax compliance.

The rising use of cryptocurrencies may be influencing Canada to consider creating its own digital tender, but the future of virtual currency is far from certain. Despite the consumer readiness to use cryptocurrencies shown in our data, it is vital to remember the risks pointed out above as well as the fear associated with these currencies. 

The pros and cons of cryptocurrency will likely change as new technologies are developed and society adapts more to these currencies. For now, businesses should keep an eye on crypto trends and start doing thorough research on the benefits and risks of this technology, as well as the technological implementation, regulatory compliance, and security tools necessary to their functioning. 

Want to know more about payment processing systems? Check out our catalogue.

Correction: A previous version of this article identified respondents as representative of all Canadians. Bitcoin investing canada 62 were limited to those who demonstrated an understanding of cryptocurrency.

NOTE: This article is intended to inform our readers about business-related concerns in Canada. It is in no way intended to provide financial advice or to endorse a specific course of action. For advice on your specific situation, consult your accountant or financial consultant.

Survey methodology:

To collect the data for this report, we conducted an online survey in October The survey was sent to 1, people, of which 1, were selected to participate. The criteria for selecting participants are as follows:

  • Canadian resident
  • Over 18 years accounting for investment in marketable debt and equity securities be familiar with the concept of cryptocurrency. Selected participants answered “I know what it is,” or “I am familiar” with the concept of cryptocurrency and were able to define what it means by selecting the correct answer from three possible answers.

The sample of participants is representative of the population of Canada.

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IGM Financial may launch Bitcoin, Ether products in

IGM Financial Inc., the Canadian wealth and asset manager, is “actively considering” launching crypto products next year, the firm’s chief executive officer said. 

Internal discussions on whether and when to launch Bitcoin and Ether products are ongoing, bitcoin investing canada 62, James O’Sullivan said in an interview. In February, bitcoin investing canada 62, Canada approved North America’s first exchange-traded fund that invests directly in physically-settled Bitcoin, warming to the products ahead of U.S, bitcoin investing canada 62. regulators. 

IGM ended the third quarter with about $ million (US$ million) in unallocated capital, giving it “real firepower” if it wants to repurchase shares or make acquisitions -- particularly Canadian wealth managers focused on wealthy households, O’Sullivan said. 

The Winnipeg, Bitcoin investment sites hack company has investments in online brokerage Wealthsimple Inc., Greenchip Financial Corp., a Toronto-based boutique that’s focused on environmentally-sound investments, and Northleaf Capital Partners Ltd., a manager of private equity.

Another minority investment that’s making a contribution is IGM’s 14 per cent stake in fund manager China Asset Management Co., which it bought in IGM’s share of China AMC’s earnings was $17 million in the bitcoin investing canada 62 quarter, 62 per cent more bitcoin investing canada 62 in the same period in

The Chinese asset manager invests across the world’s second-largest economy, bitcoin investing canada 62. That exposes it to industries that have been subject to new regulation, O’Sullivan said, “but that hasn’t slowed down their growth at all.” 

IGM’s assets under management grew per cent during the quarter to $ billion.

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Crypto investing is alive bitcoin investing canada 62 well in Turkey, thanks to lira woes

Istanbul, Turkey bitcoin investing canada 62 Just off of Istiklal street, Istanbul’s busiest pedestrian walkway, the occasional passerby stops to glance at a screen displaying the prices of cryptocurrencies in the window at NakitCoins.

Only a handful of people enter the shop, bitcoin investing canada 62, but the brick-and-mortar exchange, which lets them buy or sell Bitcoin investing canada 62 and other cryptocurrencies, is a physical example of how the ailing Turkish lira is propelling the popularity of virtual cryptocurrencies in Turkey, despite a recent history of scandalised exchanges.

Interest in crypto among Turks, like the rest of the world, has increased over the years. But Turkey’s economic crisis has pushed millions of curious observers to actually sink their savings into Bitcoin, Ethereum and other coins. The new converts aren’t simply drawn to the investment bitcoin investing canada 62 of cryptocurrencies, which are prone to wild, volatile price swings. Bitcoin investing canada 62 see virtual currencies as a potential store of value to shield their savings as the lira is roiled by routs that saw the Turkish currency lose more than 40 percent of its value last year alone.

The growing appetite for crypto is the latest manifestation of the Turkish public’s search for reliable investments, said Cem Yilmaz, who founded NakitCoins in and has now opened three branches in the country.

“Turkish people are very interested in investing, it could be forex [foreign exchange], or gold, or now crypto,” he said.

Yilmaz launched NakitCoins to help the crypto-curious overcome their apprehensions about sinking their money into a new virtual investment vehicle via exchanges that only exist in the ether.

Turkish people bitcoin investing canada 62 very interested in investing.

by Cem Yilmaz, founder, NakitCoins

“We already had numerous online exchanges in Turkey, so we thought ‘Why smart money making investments have something physical, where people can come and ask questions and put a bitcoin investing canada 62 to crypto, instead of just going online?'” he said.

Most of NakitCoins customers today are foreigners, Yilmaz said, because current regulation in Turkey makes it difficult to operate with cash in Turkish lira directly. But he and other players in the country’s crypto sector are hoping new legislation in the works will allow them to operate more directly.


Daily transactions in crypto in Turkey had topped one million in March last year, according to Chainalysis and Kaiko data seen by Reuters news agency.

The surge came after the lira was roiled in the wake of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s surprise sacking of the country’s central bank chief that same month. Volumes started tapering off in April, however, after the central bank announced it was banning the use of cryptocurrencies for payment. Then in late April, two Turkish cryptocurrency exchanges – Thodex and Vebitcoin – collapsed, wiping out the holdings of hundreds of thousands of users.

But cryptomania powered back in the final months of last year, with trading volumes topping one million per day, after a series of central bank interest-rate cuts in the face of soaring inflation saw the lira’s value crash.

Billboards and television spots increasingly advertise ways for the public to enter the crypto market, and on most television channels, up-to-date values of Bitcoin are listed alongside the United States dollar and the euro.

Turan Sert, an adviser for Paribu, bitcoin investing canada 62, Turkey’s largest online crypto exchange, said the heightened awareness underscores how crypto is increasingly replacing investing in johannesburg stock exchange currency or traditional stores of value like gold as a hedge against a local currency whose value is clouded by uncertainty.

“In the past it was dollarization, meaning in order to avoid fluctuations in their currency people kept their assets in dollars,” he told Al Jazeera. “Now the recent trend is being called cryptolization.”

The recent trend is being called 'cryptolization'.

by Turan Sert, crypto exchange adviser

Paribu, which allows Turks to use their bank accounts to buy and sell crypto in Turkish lira, has seen its user base grow from around million at the open of to 5 million by year’s end, while average daily trading volume swelled from $20m a day in to more than $m by the end of

And local exchanges like Bitcoin investing canada 62 and BTCTurk aren’t the only option for the country’s growing legions of crypto investors. Global exchanges like Binance and Coinbase also operate in Turkey.

The exact number of investors in Turkey holding crypto is difficult to estimate because not all exchanges have made their data public. But Sert says experts have estimated it is somewhere between 10 and 11 million people.

“If crypto people in Turkey made their own political party, they would be the third-largest party in parliament,” said Sima Baktas, a lawyer specialising in cryptocurrencies and co-founder of CryptoWomen Turkey, a non-profit that holds crypto seminars and workshops to educate the public.

Baktas, who estimates at least 14 million people out of Turkey’s population of 84 million hold cryptocurrencies bitcoin investing canada 62, said the increasingly popular trend is being driven by a young population that is both familiar with the online world and eager to find a way to protect their savings against lira depreciation.

“It wasn’t hard to adapt to the crypto sector, because we already had such big potential,” she said. “After that, of course, came the Turkish lira, and the economic situation we have today, which is getting worse and worse, and people are trying to find a reliable financial instrument for their savings.”

Defying bad publicity

Crypto has exploded in popularity despite years of government warnings about the sector’s infamous volatility.

Back inofficials cautioned the public that crypto was a speculative sector that would collapse, while Turkey’s Directorate of Religious Affairs said Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies were not permissible in Islam, because they lacked an intrinsic value like gold, and were too shrouded in secrecy and prone to abuse by criminal networks.

If crypto people in Turkey made their own political party, they would be the third-largest party in parliament.

by Sima Baktas, co-founder, CryptoWomen Turkey

Last year’s abrupt collapse of the Thodex and Vebitcoin cryptocurrency exchanges was greeted with criminal charges and a wave of news stories on how Turks were being swindled by the crypto craze.

But Baktas said the negative publicity is not deterring the public from joining the crypto sector.

“Even mainstream TV channels talk about crypto now, and even when they show very bad news about crypto, Turkish people get more into crypto, bitcoin investing canada 62, because they don’t care about that bad news showing it as some kind of unreliable sector.”

Meanwhile, having already banned cryptocurrencies for payments, Turkish authorities are working bitcoin investing canada 62 new legislation that would seek to better regulate the sector.

This month Baktas and other crypto experts met with lawmakers in Ankara who are drafting new regulations that would streamline registration for new crypto exchanges, and potentially allow exchanges like NakitCoins to buy and sell crypto in Turkish lira directly.

“The aim is to regulate the system, to prevent malicious intent, protecting investors and preventing victimisation,” Mustafa Elitaş, the deputy head of the ruling Justice and Development Party in parliament, said on January 6.

Elitaş has been meeting with experts like Baktas and representatives from exchanges to discuss a bitcoin investing canada 62 regulatory regime – a sign, says Sert, bitcoin investing canada 62, that the government is giving the issue serious thought.

“He is trying to understand the landscape, and it was helpful for him to talk to those community members, to understand better what the issues are,” said Sert.

Rumours have been circulating in Turkey about what the official new crypto rules may include, such as slapping a 40 percent tax on crypto profits – something Elitaş has publicly denied.

Source: Al Jazeera

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Top 5 Bitcoin Investors

Bitcoin is the largest blockchain-based digital asset, with a market capitalization of $ billion as of December It is wildly popular among cryptocurrency enthusiasts and speculative investors. Several wealthy business owners and entrepreneurs have invested heavily in this digital asset. Here are the leading investors in Bitcoin, compiled from financial reports and media outlets.

Key Takeaways

  • Barry Silbert is the founder of Digital Currency Group, which owns Grayscale Bitcoin Trust, Coinbase, and Coindesk.
  • Micheal Saylor is the CEO of Microstrategy, which is investing heavily in bitcoin.
  • Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss are believed to be the first bitcoin billionaires, reportedly holding aboutcoins.
  • Elon Musk's company Tesla purchased $ billion in bitcoin in
  • Michael Novogratz founded Galaxy Digital Holdings, a broker-dealer and cryptocurrency and digital asset management firm.

1. Barry Silbert

Barry Silbert is the founder and chief executive officer of Digital Currency Group. The company aims to accelerate the development of the global financial system by building and supporting bitcoin and blockchain companies. Digital Currency Group has invested in more than blockchain- and cryptocurrency-related companies.

Other portfolio companies include Genesis, a liquidity provider—an entity that funds a pool with cryptocurrency—for cryptocurrency buyers and sellers in the over-the-counter market. Digital Currency Group also owns Grayscale Investments, which manages the Bitcoin Investment Trust (GBTC), an investment vehicle that holdsbitcoin and gives investors exposure to its price movements.

2, bitcoin investing canada 62. Micheal Saylor

The co-founder and CEO of business intelligence firm Microstrategy, Micheal Saylor, believes that cryptocurrency is the next biggest investment. Microstrategy increased its bitcoin holdings in Decemberpurchasing 1, bitcoins for about $84 million. The company holds a total ofbitcoins.

The total value of someone's bitcoins changes with the market price, so an investor's cryptocurrency portfolio may not always have the same dollar value.

3. Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss

Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss are investors in several cryptocurrencies and blockchain-related businesses, most notably the privately-owned Gemini exchange. They are believed to be the first to reach billionaire status by investing in bitcoin, reportedly holding aboutcoins worth around $ billion as of December

The Winklevoss twins launched the Gemini exchange in The company allows investors to buy, sell and store their digital assets. Gemini launched bitcoin futures on the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) in December

In addition to bitcoin, the brothers are heavily invested in ethereum, although they have not revealed their exact holdings.

4. Elon Musk

Elon Musk is the CEO and co-founder of Tesla (and other companies). Tesla engineers and builds electric vehicles and clean energy products. As an innovative company standing at the forefront of technology, it should be expected that it would own cryptocurrency—Tesla purchased $ billion worth of bitcoin in to begin accepting it as a form of payment.

5, bitcoin investing canada 62. Michael Novogratz 

Michael Novogratz, a former hedge fund manager at Fortress Investment Group and partner at Goldman Sachs, is a frequent commentator on bitcoin price action. He is the founder, CEO, and chair of Galaxy Digital Holdings, a broker-dealer that offers a full range of blockchain-related asset services.

Galaxy Digital Holdings has interests in nearly every digital asset that has value. Its latest quarterly report mentions restricted cryptocurrency that uses the proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism—which means GHD is investing in cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, which is migrating to PoS.

Galaxy Digital focuses on digital assets; in the third quarter ofit purchased $62 million worth of non-fungible token (NFT) related companies. NFTs are digital assets that use blockchain technology for bitcoin investing canada 62 and ownership identification. They best tech companies to invest in right now popular in bitcoin investing canada 62 digital art secured by NFT technology began selling for millions of dollars.

Galaxy reports $ billion in "unrestricted" cryptocurrency in bitcoin investing canada 62 third-quarter financial report, of which $ million are held in managed funds and $ million are held in General Partner interest. It's likely that the company holds roughly $ million in bitcoin as of its third-quarter report.

How Do Beginners Buy Bitcoins?

You can buy Bitcoin on several exchanges, such as Coinbase, Kraken, Binance, or Gemini.

What Are the Dangers of Bitcoin?

The loss of capital is the most significant risk when you invest in Bitcoin because its price is very volatile. You can gain or lose thousands of dollars in one day.

How Do You Convert Bitcoin Into Cash?

You can convert Bitcoin to cash by selling it on a cryptocurrency exchange and moving the funds into your bank account.

Investing in cryptocurrencies and other Initial Coin Offerings (“ICOs”) is highly risky and speculative, and this article is not a recommendation by Investopedia or the writer to invest in cryptocurrencies or other ICOs. Since each individual's situation is unique, a qualified professional should always be bitcoin investing canada 62 before making any financial decisions. Investopedia makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or timeliness of the information contained herein. As of the date this article was written, the author owns Bitcoin.

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Close-up photo of a coin with ethereum&#;s name and logo.

Photo by Jievani from Pexels

The momentum created by bitcoin, the cryptocurrency market leader, has put other major digital assets, such as ethereum (or ether), bitcoin investing canada 62, on a significant upward trajectory. In fact, ethereum is outperforming bitcoin by a big margin, stealing some of its limelight. Inethereum gained more than % in value, handily outperforming bitcoin’s modest 62% rise (as of Dec. 31).

While it continues to attract investors deterred by bitcoin’s price tag, ethereum is far more than just a “cheaper bitcoin.” Recently, ethereum has made rapid technological strides, gaining wider acceptance among developers and greater attention from investors in the process.

But will ethereum continue its meteoric ascent in the new year? Let’s take a closer look at its features and chinese bitcoin neo, factors that could fuel its growth, and how to purchase it.

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What is ethereum?

Ethereum is a blockchain, an open-source software platform for building decentralized applications. The platform’s native currency, ether (ticker ETH), is used to pay for transaction fees and computational services on the ethereum blockchain.

Like bitcoin, ethereum is built on blockchain technology. However, bitcoin investing canada 62, ethereum has gained an edge by allowing people to build apps on top of its blockchain, which boasts smart contract functionality. Smart contracts are self-executing agreements that live on the blockchain. They’re used to verify and record transactions between buyers and sellers without an intermediary or a central authority.

“Ether has a high level of real-use potential as the ethereum blockchain is the most in-demand development platform for smart contracts, thereby highlighting the network’s value not only as a platform for developers but as a worldwide financial utility,” says Nigel Green, chief executive officer and founder of deVere Group, one of the largest independent financial advisory organizations.

Already, anyone who wants to deploy a smart contract must pay the fees using ether. There’s also a growing number of innovative use cases built on top of the ethereum blockchain, including decentralized finance (DeFi), webnon-fungible tokens (NFTs), advertising, gaming, identity management and supply chain management, says Michael Zagari, an investment advisor at Mandeville Private Client Inc.

These use cases further illustrate ethereum’s impact: DeFi is a system that allows users to lend, borrow or swap cryptocurrencies on a decentralized blockchain network, without involving banks or brokers. And NFTs, a US$billion market, are the fastest-growing ethereum innovation.

Ether is also steadily gaining status as a mode of payment as more companies accept it for their goods and services. “We’re about to see the global shift towards DeFi move up several gears,” says Green, adding that the ethereum blockchain has become an integral part bitcoin investing canada 62 transactions outside traditional financial systems.

Is ether a good investment for ?

“Ethereum is in the early innings, and the potential for mass adoption and growth is promising,” says Zagari.

Ethereum’s ongoing evolution has paved the way for a whole new set of functionalities, breathing new life into ether’s desirability, bitcoin investing canada 62. This bodes well for the blockchain’s potential and ether’s price. “Due to the superior tech on which ether runs, it is a good investment for now and beyond,” says Green, who boldly forecasts that “its value will exceed that of bitcoin probably within five years.”

The recent surges in ether’s acceptance, price bitcoin investing canada 62 media hype have coalesced to attract institutional investors, another major driver of the cryptocurrency’s visibility and demand, he adds.

With their fingers on the crypto market’s pulse, backers of ethereum recently implemented the Eth2 upgrade to bolster the network’s infrastructure. “Investor enthusiasm for the game-changing transition to Eth2—which makes the ethereum network considerably more scalable, sustainable and secure—is fuelling price and popularity,” says Green.

Ethereum is the most common blockchain that companies are exploring and integrating into their existing operations. “With that type of brand recognition and market dominance compared to other decentralized networks, along with its smart contract capabilities, ethereum might be viewed as cytonn investments money market fund a competitive advantage,” says Zagari.

Early adopters of this technology bitcoin investing canada 62 seen favourable return on their investment. While no one can claim with certainty that it will perform as well inbitcoin investing canada 62, “I personally believe ethereum is on the right path towards mass adoption,” says Zagari, adding that “ethereum could prove to be a solid investment” for investors with bitcoin investing canada 62 long time horizon, bitcoin investing canada 62.  

There’s consensus among crypto watchers that demand for ethereum will increase over time, based on a few variables, including “the reputation for being the most secure blockchain network, the scaling capabilities and the ability to process transactions faster but at much lower costs,” Zagari says.

The rise of the metaverse

Emerging crypto trends such as DeFi, NFTs and the metaverse have further galvanized activity on the ethereum blockchain, driving up demand for ether. Metaverse hype rose sharply in October after Facebook rebranded as Meta to reflect its growing focus on the virtual world where people will work, play and socialize. The metaverse market is projected to skyrocket to US$ billion byfrom US$ billion in

The demand for metaverse tokens powered by ethereum is expected to grow accordingly. Examples of virtual reality platforms on the ethereum blockchain include Decentraland, bitcoin investing canada 62, The Sandbox and Axie Infinity.

“When you have all these applications serving multiple needs within multiple industries and are all built on top of the ethereum network, one could draw the conclusion that the demand for ether, the native utility token, could rise and therefore reflect a higher value,” says Zagari.

NFTs are arguably the most radical of ethereum innovations. These digital tokens are applied to assets—art, music and more—using blockchain technology, which helps verify bitcoin investing canada 62 and authenticity. Since most NFTs are part of the ethereum blockchain, the NFT frenzy has fuelled an ether boom that shows no signs of abating. Further, ongoing equity market volatility has driven many investors to ether, as they hunt for an asset class that can provide uncorrelated returns compared to traditional investments. “Ether could offer an attractive risk/reward outcome, provided you can buy and hold, and stretch out its extreme volatility risk over many years,” Zagari says.

Canadians can buy and sell crypto on CoinSmart*Go to Site

Where to buy ETH

You can buy ether from several Canadian and U.S.-based crypto trading platforms, bitcoin investing canada 62. While most facilitate purchases in Canadian dollars, bitcoin investing canada 62, the investor experience could vary significantly. It’s a good idea to explore a platform’s terms and conditions, features, safety protocols, technology, bitcoin investing canada 62, fees and funding options before you start.

A Canadian platform that ticks many boxes—and is fully regulated—is CoinSmart*. A publicly traded company (ticker symbol SMRT), CoinSmart facilitates the buying, holding and selling of ETH and other crypto assets. For enhanced security, CoinSmart stores almost all of its assets offline using hardware “cold wallets.” Cold storage is widely considered the safest technique to prevent cryptocurrency theft.

Opening a CoinSmart account and having it verified takes minutes. You can fund your digital wallet with an Interac e-transfer from your Canadian bank account or pay for purchases with a credit card, a bank draft or cryptocurrency you already own.

CoinSmart has a simple and transparent fee structure, and there’s a $15 referral bonus, bitcoin investing canada 62. Once your account is verified, you’ll get a unique referral link, bitcoin investing canada 62. When your friend makes a deposit, you both get a $15 bonus.

Bottom line

No matter what route you take to ether ownership, carefully consider your time horizon (a long term is better) and your capacity for risk. Cryptocurrency investing is not for the faint of heart, and you’ll need to weigh the perils against any potential payouts.

Read more on crypto:

What does the bitcoin investing canada 62 mean?

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