Geld mit instagram verdienen

geld mit instagram verdienen

MIT INSTAGRAM GELD VERDIENEN Du möchtest mit Instagram Geld verdienen, hast aber keine Follower und möchtest anonym bleiben? Dann bist du hier genau richtig. Unsicher ob du eine Instagram Kooperation annehmen sollst? Was ist Betrug und was ist Wie viel Geld kann ich mit meinem Instagram Account verdienen? 9728 Followers, 973 Following, 1993 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Mira • Online geld verdienen (@miraennen).

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Geld mit instagram verdienen

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Werde von Brands gesponsert!

Erstelle ich die Stories aus der App heraus?

Yes! Nachdem dein bestelltes Produkt angekommen ist, kannst du in der yamuntu App ein Bild aufnehmen. Dann wirst du zu Instagram weitergeleitet, wo du es bearbeiten kannst. Klingt easy - ist es auch.

Kann die Story aussehen wie auch immer ich will?

Was sonst, Hauptsache es sieht geil aus. Du willst ja dein Umfeld inspirieren. Es liegt bei dir, wie du es gestaltest. Du kannst dich selbst mit deinem Produkt zeigen, oder nur das Produkt. Was auch immer du willst!
Wichtig ist, dass die Story im Hochformat ist und keine schwarze Ränder hat, also das komplette Hochformat ausnutzt. Deine Story darf keine anstößigen Inhalte enthalten wie Waffen, Gewaltelemente oder Drogen beinhalten - das ist klar. Ansonsten sind deiner Kreativität keine Grenzen gesetzt - vorausgesetzt du bist kreativ! ;)

Wie viel verdiene ich?

Deine Partner sponsern dich mit unterschiedlichen Konditionen. Finde einfach selbst in der App heraus, was dir gegönnt wird. Je nach Partner, verdienst du 5-30€ für 2 min Aufwand, das schmeckt.

Wie lange dauert es, bis ich mein Geld erhalte?

Nachdem wir deine Story gesehen haben, erhältst du dein Cashback innerhalb von 48h per PayPal! Falls das nicht der Fall ist, melde dich bitte direkt bei unserem Instagram per DM.

Erstelle ich die Stories aus der App heraus?

Yes! Nachdem dein bestelltes Produkt angekommen ist, kannst du in der yamuntu App ein Bild aufnehmen, das wird dann zu Instagram weitergeleitet, wo du es bearbeiten kannst. Klingt easy - ist es auch.

Kann die Story aussehen wie auch immer ich will?

Was sonst, Hauptsache es sieht geil aus. Du willst ja dein Umfeld inspirieren. Es liegt bei dir, wie du es gestaltest, du kannst dich selbst mit deinem Produkt zeigen, oder nur das Produkt. Was auch immer du willst!
Wichtig ist, dass die Story im Hochformat ist und keine schwarze Ränder hat, also das komplette Hochformat ausnutzt. Deine Story darf keine anstößigen Inhalte enthalten wie Waffen, Gewaltelemente oder Drogen beinhalten - das ist klar. 
Ansonsten sind deiner Kreativität keine Grenzen gesetzt - vorausgesetzt du bist kreativ ;)!

Wie viel verdiene ich?

Deine Partner sponsern dich mit unterschiedlichen Konditionen. Finde einfach selbst in der App heraus, was dir gegönnt wird. Je nach Partner, verdienst du 5-30€ für 2 min Aufwand, das schmeckt.

Wie lange dauert es, bis ich meinen Geld erhalte?

Nachdem wir deine Story gesehen haben, erhältst du dein Cashback innerhalb von 48h per PayPal! Falls das nicht der Fall ist, melde dich bitte direkt bei unserem Instagram per DM.

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Du verstehst gerade nur Bahnhof? Was zur Hölle ist „Influencer Marketing“?!
Okay, beginnen wir mit den Basics. Film, Fernsehen und auch die Sozialen Netzwerke haben doch immer wieder den Hinweis „unterstützt durch Produktplatzierungen“ oder „sponsored by…“, das hast Du auf jeden Fall schon einmal gesehen. Denn das ist ja das Prinzip von „Influencer Marketing“: Gesehen werden!

Eine Marke, bzw. ein Werbepartner nimmt Kontakt zu Dir auf, damit Du mit ihm zusammenarbeiten kannst. Du stellst zum Beispiel ein Produkt vor oder baust es in Deine Tweets, Pics oder Videos ein. „Ich liebe das Shirt auf diesem Instagram Pic, das hab ich mir erst mal bestellt“, „Dieser Youtuber trinkt in seinen Videos immer die Energy Drinks dieser Marke, ich hol mir den auch mal“ – das ist der Effekt, den Du generieren möchtest.
Es ist eine Win-Win Situation, denn Du bekommst hochwertige Produkte zur Verwendung und/oder verdienst Geld mit Deiner Social Media Präsenz und Deine Werbepartner werden dank Deiner Reichweite und Deinem Content gesehen!

Источник: []

The 7 Best Ways to Make Money on Instagram

You’ve probably heard stories of Instagrammers cashing in on the pictures they snap and share every day. You might’ve even looked at your own sizable following and thought, “Maybe I can do that full time too.”

Just like bloggers, YouTubers, and anyone who’s amassed an audience around the content they produce, Instagrammers have reach and influence figured out—two things many companies struggle with.

Together, reach and influence offer the opportunity for Instagram creators to explore multiple streams of potential revenue, whether they want to build an empire or just earn some extra cash and free stuff.

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Free Webinar: How to Grow and Monetize Your Instagram Account

A free workshop with field-tested Instagram marketing tips. Learn how to grow your Instagram audience and monetize it with an online store.

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How to make money on Instagram

Depending on your unique brand of Instagram content, your target audience, and your level of commitment, you can use Instagram to make money in the following ways:

  1. Work with brands on sponsored posts
  2. Become an affiliate
  3. Open your own ecommerce store
  4. Create an Instagram shop
  5. Sell your photos online or on things
  6. Make money off your content
  7. Sell old stuff

The beauty here is that chasing one revenue stream doesn’t necessarily rule out another.

So let’s start with the most common approach to Instagram monetization: partnering with brands as an influencer.

1. Work with brands on sponsored content

The term “Instagram influencer” gets thrown around a lot these days.

An influencer is basically anyone who’s built themselves an online reputation by doing and sharing awesome things online. To their audiences, influencers are tastemakers, trendsetters, and trusted experts whose opinions about certain subjects are respected.

Many brands just can’t compete with that, so they partner with influencers on sponsored content like posts, Reels, and Stories that help get the word out about their products.

instagram influencer example

But it’s not just the follower count and reach of your Instagram account that brands want—it’s your audience’s trust and engagement with high-quality content.

It can be hard to balance your revenue as an influencer and your integrity as a creator, but if you’re not relying on your Instagram marketing income to stay afloat, you always have the freedom to be selective about the brands you work with, just as brands will be selective about the Instagrammers they work with.

How to decide what to charge as an influencer

Typically these influencer deals involve the creation of content—Instagram ads, a post, a video, or a Story—and will sometimes include permission for the brand to use this content on their own site or in an ad.

Most of these deals are negotiable and can involve a single post or an entire campaign in exchange for a fee, a free product, a service, a gift, the promise of exposure, or some combination of these.

Keep in mind when negotiating that you’re not just offering content but access to your audience—a potentially large reach on one of the most popular social media platforms around—and usage rights.

The average influencer who has upward of 100,000 followers charges up to $500 per post, just to give you an idea of what some brands are willing to pay and how to negotiate based on the cards you’re holding.

Finally, it's important as an influencer to also know your own audience.

What is the makeup of your audience, and what is your engagement rate (total engagement divided by your number of followers)? You can dig up numbers to back this up in your Instagram analytics report, if you’ve switched to a business account. This will help you be prepared when it comes time to negotiate.

How to find brands to work with

If you’re big enough, chances are brands will find you. But you can also look for brands to work with that are on a similar level in terms of personality and values, so your audience won’t feel like you’re “selling out.”

You can reach out to them directly to try to work out a deal, but you can also list yourself on one of the many influencer marketplaces out there to increase your chances of being discovered, including:

  • Fohr. Connect your Instagram, blog, YouTube channel, and other social platforms to create an influencer “card” that shows your different profiles and total reach to brands shopping for a partnership. You can also access a list of brands and their wants, so you can take the initiative to reach out too.
  • Crowdtap. Do small content creation tasks to earn rewards. This is great if you’ve got a smaller audience. Available in the US only. 
  • indaHash. Brands post campaigns you can participate in. Post a picture with the specified hashtags on Instagram and get paid. You need at least 700 engaged followers to be eligible.

The rules vary when it comes to sponsored content, but to be on the safe side and respect your audience’s trust, consider adding a #sponsored hashtag to indicate sponsored posts.

You can find examples of sponsored posts and how Instagrammers integrate brands into their story or caption by searching #sponsored on Instagram, like this one from How He Asked, an account that shares wedding proposal stories and partners with a jewelry business:

paid partnership example

Instagram also has a “Paid Partnership with” tag that prominently identifies sponsored posts, which some brands might require you to use to disclose your relationship with them.

2. Become an affiliate

Unlike an influencer, an affiliate is more invested in making sales for the partner brand—not just generating awareness—in exchange for a commission.

This is typically done with a trackable link or unique promo code to ensure clicks actually translate into sales. Use a mix of clickable links in your Instagram profile bio and Instagram Stories or through stickers. Since you can’t put links in Instagram posts, you can create promo codes so you can make money from different angles. 

Consider reaching out to one of the many online merchants offering affiliate programs. Or you can explore popular marketplaces like:

  • ClickBank. An affiliate platform with a tier-based commission that’s open to everyone.
  • LTK. An invitation-only fashion and lifestyle influencer network that offers 20% commissions.
  • Amazon Associates. A popular option that pays out a 10% commission.

Though it sounds like a numbers game, affiliate marketing is also an art, and you’ll have a better chance at success if you have a plan going into it and expand your online presence to include a website and other marketing channels.

Tip: Affiliate links can be long and ugly, so I recommend a URL shortener like Bitly, especially if the links are going in your Instagram bio.

3. Open your own ecommerce store

By now it might sound like the only way for an Instagrammer to make money is to sell out and work with other brands.

But creators of all kinds are in a good position to “sell out” with their own products: physical goods, services, or digital items that can be an extension of their brand, building a business with an audience at its center.

The ability for [content creators] to sell products is just so natural because their abundance of content allows them to have those moments of plugging their products.

Chris Vaccarino, founder of Fanjoy

You need to invest some time upfront, but in today’s world, it’s almost natural for creators to make the leap to entrepreneurship. That’s becoming easier with the growing list of Instagram tools available to build an audience. 

Just look at Loki the Wolfdog, one of the biggest Instagram dog-preneurs of his time.

loki the wolfdog website

By selling your own stuff, you don’t need to worry about integrating messages from other brands into your posting strategy. Better yet, you can get your own brand out there on the products you sell.

Fans can show their love and support your work by buying from you—a purchase they can feel good about.

There are a few ways to sell your own merch:

  • You can use a print-on-demand service to print and ship your own t-shirts, pillows, coffee mugs, wall art, and more.
  • You can sell services such as photography or consulting using your bio to direct interested people to a contact email or a link to your professional website.
  • You can sell digital products such as online courses, ebooks, or design templates.
  • You can use your Instagram business account to launch a startup selling your own original products. You can use dropshipping fulfillment so you don’t have to deal with holding inventory or returns.

If you plan on selling several items in your own Shopify store, you can also make purchases through Instagram possible on your website using one of the available Instagram gallery apps.


4. Create an Instagram Shop

The past few years have been huge for ecommerce brands and creators who want to sell on social media. Instagram has released a ton of features under the Instagram Shopping umbrella, which allows people to easily shop your business’ videos and images on the platform. 

It all starts with an Instagram shop, a.k.a. your storefront. There, you can share your story and sell products. Instagram provides a sleek experience for shoppers to browse and buy your collections. All you need to set up Instagram Shopping is a Business or Creator account. 

alo yoga bio

You can customize your shop by creating collections or curated products presented in themes. Common themes include new arrivals, gifts, or seasonal trends. 

Instagram shop example

Just like your online store, you can also create product description pages in your shop. Here you can include all relevant product information, like pricing and descriptions. You can send people to your website to complete a purchase or let them buy through the app using Instagram checkout. 

alo yoga instagram shop

It doesn’t stop there. People can also buy your products throughout Instagram via features like:

  • Shoppable posts and Stories. You can use product tags to showcase items from your catalog in videos and images. People simply need to tap to learn more about an item.
  • Shoppable ads. You can also add product tags to ads and extend the reach of your shoppable posts. Setup is simple inside Ads Manager, or you can boost existing Instagram posts in your feed.
  • Instagram Shop tab. Instagram’s shopping tab is a destination for people looking to discover new brands that are relevant to them. This helps you more easily reach new customers on the app.
  • Live shopping. Do you love livestreaming content? Then you’ll find Instagram live shopping helpful for making money. Just go live and tag products from your catalog (or Facebook shop) to feature in your broadcast. The product will show up at the bottom of the screen, where people can tap to purchase instantly.

The best part? Setting up an Instagram shop is free. You’ll only pay a commission if someone purchases through Instagram checkout.

5. Sell your photos online or on things

Someone might get famous on Twitter by telling 140-character jokes, but Instagram is a photo-sharing app at its core. And photos are assets that can be licensed, printed, and sold in a variety of ways.

If photography is what got you into the Instagram game in the first place, you can list your photos in marketplaces like 500px or Twenty20, where brands and publishers might license them.

However, you can also sell your photos as prints and on other physical products using a similar method described in the last section. Services like Printful and Teelaunch let you put your photos on posters, phone cases, pillows, and more, taking care of fulfilling orders and customer service, so all you really need to worry about is making sales.

Take the story of Daniel Arnold, who, according to an interviewin Forbes, went from “eating toast three meals a day” to making $15,000 in 24 hours by offering to sell prints of his popular-but-controversial photos. If you've already got the demand, all you need to do is take the initiative and offer your audience the opportunity to buy your photography from you.

6. Make money off your content 

Monetize your videos with ads

Another way for entrepreneurs to make money on Instagram is through in-stream video ads. With these ads, brands can promote themselves within the videos you produce. 

How much you earn depends on the amount of views your video gets, or “Monetizeable Plays,” according to Instagram. You’ll get 55% of ad revenue generated from each view, paid monthly to your bank account. 

Turn on In-stream Video Ads and start earning in three steps:

  1. Go to Account Settings. Tap Creator, then In-Stream Video Ads.
  2. Tap Get Started. Read and agree to the terms and conditions. 
  3. Toggle Allow Monetization on your existing Instagram videos, then tap Continue to finish. 

To earn through In-Stream Video Ads, your content must be original and you need to own the rights to any music. Your video needs to be two minutes or more to monetize. Images, polls, looping videos, slideshows, or text montages don’t qualify. 

Live badges

Live badges are a newer feature, helping creators and influencers make money on Instagram. A popular concept taken from Twitch and TikTok, think of Instagram Live badges as tips you can receive during a live broadcast. 

live badges on Instagram

With this feature, viewers can purchase a badge during the livestream that shows in the comments and unlocks features, including a place on the creators’ badge list and access to a special heart. 

People can buy:

  • One heart for $0.99
  • Two hearts for $1.99
  • Three hearts for $4.99

7. Sell old stuff

If you’re not an influencer and just want to make some extra cash, Instagram is a great place to sell old stuff. Whether it’s furniture, clothing, collectors items or even Mason jars, you can make side income selling it on Instagram. Plus, you can declutter your home and help save the environment.

Take Lavender Loveseat, for example. Based in Chicago, the team finds older pieces of furniture, refinishes them, and sells them through Instagram. The brand shares fun, entertaining content on its page to attract buyers and earn sales. 

sell old stuff on Instagram

How much do Instagram influencers make?

There are a number of factors that determine how much an Instagram influencer makes. They can earn anywhere from a few dollars to a million dollars per post. 

The amount you make depends on a few factors: 

  1. Number of followers
  2. Engagement rates
  3. Affiliate marketing tactics

The good news? There is room for any size account to make money on Instagram. There are generally five tiers of influencer marketing, broken down by follower count. 

  • Nano-influencer: 1,000–10,000 followers ($10–$100 per post)
  • Micro-influencer: 10,000–50,000 followers ($100–$500 per post)
  • Mid-tier influencer: 50,000–500,000 followers ($500–$5,000 per post)
  • Macro-influencer: 500,000–1 million followers ($5,000–$10,000 per post)
  • Mega-influencer: 1 million+ followers ($10,000–$1 million+ per post)

If you don’t have a lot of followers, don’t get discouraged. Earning your followers’ trust and engaging with them will help your account grow. More than the number of followers, brands look for influencers to work with that have an active following.

So even if you only have 1,000 followers, you can still make some real money. To give you a little inspiration, here are some examples of the top non-celebrity influencers who have made the most of Instagram with their accounts:

How many Instagram followers do you need to make money?

If by now you’re wondering how many followers you need to start bringing in real revenue, the short answer is: not as many as you think.

The long answer depends on factors that range from:

  • What niche you’re in and how easily you can directly tie it to a product category (fashion, food, beauty, and fitness are popular niches, based on top Instagram hashtags)
  • How engaged your followers are (100,000 fake followers won’t amount to much)
  • Which revenue channels you explore

Naturally, the more engaged followers you have, the better. Check out our tips on how to get more followers on Instagram.

While top Instagrammers make thousands of dollars per post, even those with small but engaged followings of 1,000 have the potential to start making money.

Getting paid on Instagram and beyond

What started as a hobby—making people laugh, doing silly photoshoots with your dog, or sharing pictures of food—can snowball into the chance to turn your Instagram page into a source of income fuelled by your engaged following. But why stop there? 

There’s a world of possibilities for creators to make money on the web. If you want to open up more revenue streams online, be sure to check out our tips on how to make money on YouTube. Your Instagram followers are bound to join you on other channels. You just have to open the doors for them to walk through.

Ready to create your business? Start your free 14-day trial of Shopify—no credit card required.

Make money on Instagram FAQ

Can you get paid on Instagram?

Yes. You can get paid on Instagram in the following ways:

  • Create sponsored posts for brands that want to get in front of your audience
  • Become an affiliate and making a commission selling other brands’ products
  • Create and selling a physical or digital product or offering a paid service
  • Set up an Instagram Shop
  • Sell licenses for your photography or videos
  • Monetize your content

How many followers do you need to make money on Instagram?

The more followers you have on Instagram, the more money you can make. Rates are also determined by engagement, quality of content, name recognition, audience demographic, and skill set. The standard is $10 per 1,000 followers, but can vary depending on your contract and sponsor.

How much money does 10K Instagram followers bring in?

Micro-influencers, or accounts with 10,000 followers or less, can make around $88 per post on Instagram.

Photo of Michael Keenan

About the author

Michael Keenan

Michael is a SaaS Marketer and SEO and founder of Peak Freelance. He’s inspired by learning people’s stories, climbing mountains, and traveling with his partner and two Xoloitzcuintles.

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Hi! Wir sind stylink, die Vergütungs-Plattform für Influencer.

stylink ist dein Partner, der sich bei Onlineshops wie H&M, asos, OTTO, fashionette, Boohoo oder ABOUT YOU für dich stark macht. Wir bilden das Netzwerk zwischen Influencern, YouTubern, Followern und Onlineshops. Erstelle mit unserem Linkmaker spielend einfach und kostenlos Empfehlungslinks für deine Instagram Story oder dein YouTube-Video. Sobald deine Follower auf diesen Link klicken, erhältst du eine Vergütung – ganz einfach und ohne Umschweife. Bei uns verdienst du dein Geld pro Klick und wirst auf Wunsch sofort ausgezahlt.

Damit du mit Instagram und YouTube erfolgreich Geld verdienen kannst, steht stylink dir jederzeit zur Seite. Eine persönliche Betreuung ist uns wichtig, damit du dich dauerhaft bei stylink wohl fühlst. Bei Fragen oder Problemen sind wir für dich da – am Telefon, per E-Mail, WhatsApp oder wie du es wünschst. Du und deine Follower stehen bei uns im Mittelpunkt.

Lerne uns kennen  >

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1,876 Avg. Engagement per Post

1,852 Avg. Likes per Post

24 Avg. Comments per Post


💰Online Geld verdienen Average Engagement

0.29 Avg. Posts per Month


💰Online Geld verdienen Total Post

💰Online Geld verdienen Instagram Profile contains videos of Instagram photos, Instagram videos, and Instagram Stories from @damilbauer. From, you can view historical data and analytics of posts, likes, comments, engagement, tags, mentions, captions, time, and date for 💰Online Geld verdienen Instagram Profile, which has 15,588 Followers and 132 Following. Since 💰Online Geld verdienen joined Instagram, there have been 8 photos or videos posted. Upgrade your Instagram Analytics & TikTok Analytics subscription to get more 💰Online Geld verdienen Instagram insights, or 💰Online Geld verdienen follower demographics such as Age, Gender and Country Location, and 💰Online Geld verdienen follower authenticity

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Wir verwenden Cookies oder ähnliche Informationen (z.B. deine IP-Adresse, Zählpixel) sowie Funktionen von Drittanbietern, die Cookies setzen. Das dient der Funktionalität auf (z.B. sichere Datenübermittlung, Bereitstellung von Inhalten, Verknüpfung von Geräten, Betrugsvermeidung), der Verknüpfung mit sozialen Netzwerken, der Produktentwicklung (z.B. Fehlerbehebung, neue Funktionen), der Monetarisierung zu Gunsten von t3n, der Abrechnung mit Autoren, Content-Lieferanten und Partnern, der Analyse und Performance (z.B. Ladezeiten, personalisierte Inhalte, Inhaltsmessungen) oder dem Marketing (z.B. Bereitstellung und Messung von Anzeigen, personalisierte Anzeigen, Retargeting).

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The 7 Best Ways to Make Money on Instagram

You’ve probably heard stories of Instagrammers cashing in on the pictures they snap and share every day. You might’ve even looked at your own sizable following and thought, “Maybe I can do that full time too.”

Just like bloggers, YouTubers, geld mit instagram verdienen, and anyone who’s amassed an audience around the content they produce, Instagrammers have reach and influence figured out—two things many companies struggle with.

Together, reach and influence offer the opportunity for Instagram creators to explore multiple streams of potential revenue, whether they want to build an empire or just earn some extra cash and free stuff.

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Free Webinar: How to Grow and Monetize Your Instagram Account

A free workshop with field-tested Instagram marketing tips. Learn how to grow your Geld mit instagram verdienen audience and monetize it with an online store.

Reserve your seat now

How to make money on Instagram

Depending on your unique brand of Instagram content, your target audience, geld mit instagram verdienen, and your level of commitment, you can use Instagram to make money in the following ways:

  1. Work with brands on sponsored posts
  2. Become an affiliate
  3. Open your own ecommerce store
  4. Create an Instagram shop
  5. Sell your photos online or on things
  6. Make money off your content
  7. Sell old stuff

The beauty here is that chasing one revenue stream doesn’t necessarily rule out another.

So let’s start with the most common approach to Instagram monetization: partnering with brands as an influencer.

1. Work with brands on sponsored content

The term “Instagram influencer” gets thrown around a lot these days.

An influencer is basically anyone who’s built themselves an online reputation by doing and sharing awesome things online. To their audiences, influencers are tastemakers, trendsetters, geld mit instagram verdienen, and trusted experts whose opinions about certain subjects are respected.

Many geld mit instagram verdienen just can’t compete with that, so they partner with influencers on sponsored content like posts, geld mit instagram verdienen, Reels, and Stories that help get the word out about their products.

instagram influencer example

But it’s not just the follower count and reach of your Instagram account that brands want—it’s your audience’s trust and engagement with high-quality content.

It can be hard to balance your revenue as an influencer and your integrity as a creator, geld mit instagram verdienen, but if you’re not relying on your Instagram marketing income to stay afloat, you always have the freedom to be selective about the brands you work with, just as brands will be selective about the Instagrammers they work with.

How to decide what to charge as an influencer

Typically these influencer deals involve the creation of content—Instagram ads, a post, a video, or a Story—and will sometimes include permission for the brand to use this content on their own site or in an ad.

Most of these deals are negotiable and can involve a single post or an entire campaign in exchange for a fee, a free product, a service, a gift, the promise of exposure, or some combination of these.

Keep in mind when negotiating that you’re not just offering content but access to your audience—a potentially large geld mit instagram verdienen on one of the most popular real money making surveys media platforms around—and usage rights.

The average influencer who has upward of 100,000 followers charges up to $500 per post, just to give you an idea of what some brands are willing to pay and how to negotiate based on the cards you’re holding.

Finally, it's important as an influencer to also know your own audience.

What is the makeup of your audience, and what is your engagement rate (total engagement divided by your number of followers)? You can dig up numbers to back this up in your Instagram analytics report, if you’ve switched to a business account. This will help you be prepared when it comes time to negotiate.

How to find brands to work with

If you’re big enough, chances geld mit instagram verdienen brands will find you. But you can also look for brands to work with that are on a similar level in terms of personality and values, so your audience won’t feel like you’re “selling out.”

You can reach out to them directly to try to work out a deal, but you can also list yourself on one of the many influencer marketplaces out there to increase your chances of being discovered, including:

  • Fohr. Connect your Instagram, blog, YouTube channel, and other social platforms to create an influencer “card” that shows your different profiles and total reach to brands shopping for a partnership. You can also access a list of brands and their wants, so you can take the initiative to reach out too.
  • Crowdtap. Do small content creation tasks to earn rewards. This is great if you’ve got a smaller audience. Available in the US only. 
  • indaHash. Bitcoin investition card post campaigns you can participate in. Post a picture with the specified hashtags on Instagram and get paid. You need at least 700 engaged followers to be eligible.

The rules vary when it comes to sponsored content, but to be on the safe side and respect your audience’s trust, consider adding a #sponsored hashtag to indicate sponsored posts.

You can find examples of sponsored posts and how Instagrammers integrate brands into their story or caption by searching #sponsored on Instagram, like this one from How He Asked, an account that shares wedding proposal stories and partners with a jewelry business:

paid partnership example

Instagram also has a “Paid Partnership with” tag that prominently identifies sponsored posts, which some brands might require you to use to disclose your relationship with them.

2. Become an affiliate

Unlike an influencer, geld mit instagram verdienen, an affiliate is more invested in making sales for the partner brand—not just generating awareness—in exchange for a commission.

This is typically done with a trackable link or unique promo code to ensure clicks actually translate into sales. Use a mix of clickable links in your Instagram profile bio and Instagram Stories or through stickers. Since you can’t put links in Instagram posts, you can create promo codes so you can make money from different angles. 

Consider reaching out to one of the many online merchants offering affiliate programs. Or you can explore popular marketplaces like:

  • ClickBank. An affiliate platform with a tier-based commission that’s open to everyone.
  • LTK. An invitation-only fashion and lifestyle influencer network that offers 20% commissions.
  • Amazon Associates. A popular option that pays out a 10% commission.

Though it sounds like a numbers game, affiliate marketing is also an art, and you’ll have a better chance at success if you have a plan going into it and expand your online presence to include a website and other marketing channels.

Tip: Affiliate links can be long and ugly, so I recommend a URL shortener like Bitly, especially if the links are going in your Instagram bio.

3, geld mit instagram verdienen. Open your own ecommerce store

By now it might sound like the only way for an Instagrammer to make money is to sell out and work with other brands.

But creators of all kinds are in a geld mit instagram verdienen position to “sell out” with their own products: physical goods, services, or digital items that can be an extension of their brand, geld mit instagram verdienen, building a business with an audience at its center.

The ability for [content creators] to sell products is just so natural because their abundance of content allows them to have those moments of plugging their products.

Chris Vaccarino, founder of Fanjoy

You need to invest some time upfront, but in today’s world, it’s almost natural for creators to make the leap to entrepreneurship. That’s becoming easier with the growing list of Instagram tools available to build an audience. 

Just look at Loki the Wolfdog, one of the biggest Instagram dog-preneurs of his time.

loki the wolfdog website

By selling your own stuff, you don’t need to worry about integrating messages from other brands into your posting strategy. Better yet, you can get your own brand out there on the products you sell.

Fans can show their love and support your work by buying from you—a purchase they can feel good about.

There are a few ways to sell your own merch:

  • You can use a print-on-demand service to print and ship your own t-shirts, pillows, coffee mugs, wall art, and more.
  • You can sell services such as photography or consulting using your bio to direct interested people to a contact email or a link to your professional website.
  • You can sell digital products such as online courses, ebooks, geld mit instagram verdienen, or design templates.
  • You can use exchange american express serve card fot bitcoin Instagram business account to launch a startup selling your own original products. You can use dropshipping fulfillment so you don’t have to deal with holding inventory or returns.

If you plan ashe guide the money maker selling several items in your own Shopify store, you can also make purchases through Instagram possible on your website using one of the available Instagram gallery apps.


4. Create an Instagram Shop

The past few years have been huge for ecommerce brands and creators who want to sell on social media. Geld mit instagram verdienen has released a ton of features under the Instagram Shopping umbrella, which allows people to easily shop your business’ videos and images on the platform. 

It all starts with an Instagram shop, a.k.a. your storefront. There, geld mit instagram verdienen, you can share your story and sell products. Instagram provides a sleek experience for shoppers to browse and buy your collections. All you need to set up Instagram Shopping is a Business or Creator account. 

alo yoga bio

You can customize your shop by creating collections or curated products presented in themes. Common themes include new arrivals, gifts, or seasonal trends. 

Instagram shop example

Just like your online store, you can also short term investments accounting examples product description pages in your shop. Here you can include all relevant product information, like pricing and descriptions. You can send people to your website to complete a purchase or let them buy through the app using Instagram checkout. 

alo yoga instagram shop

It doesn’t stop there. People can also buy your products throughout Instagram via features like:

  • Shoppable posts and Stories. You can use product tags to showcase items from your catalog in videos and images. People simply need to tap to learn more about an item.
  • Shoppable ads, geld mit instagram verdienen. You can also add product tags to ads and extend the reach of your shoppable posts. Setup is simple inside Ads Manager, or you can boost existing Instagram posts in your feed.
  • Instagram Shop tab. Instagram’s shopping tab is a destination for people looking to discover new brands that are relevant to them. This helps you more easily reach new customers on the app.
  • Live shopping. Do you love livestreaming content? Then you’ll find Instagram live shopping helpful for making money. Just go live and geld mit instagram verdienen products from your catalog (or Facebook shop) to feature in your broadcast. The product will show up at the bottom of the screen, where people can tap to purchase instantly.

The best part? Setting up an Instagram shop is free. You’ll only pay a commission if someone purchases through Instagram checkout.

5. Sell your photos online or on things

Someone might get famous on Twitter by telling 140-character jokes, but Instagram is a photo-sharing app at its core. And photos are assets that can be licensed, printed, and sold in a variety of ways.

If photography is what got you into the Instagram game in the first place, you can list your photos in marketplaces like 500px or Twenty20, geld mit instagram verdienen, where brands and publishers might license them.

However, you can also sell your photos as prints and on other physical products using a similar method described in the last section. Services like Printful and Teelaunch let you put your photos on posters, phone cases, pillows, and more, taking care of fulfilling orders and customer service, so all you really need to worry about is making sales.

Take the story of Daniel Arnold, who, according to an interviewin Forbes, went from “eating toast three meals a day” to making $15,000 in 24 hours by offering to sell prints of his popular-but-controversial photos. If you've already got the demand, all you need to do is take the initiative and offer your audience the opportunity to buy your photography from you.

6, geld mit instagram verdienen. Make money off your content 

Monetize your videos with ads

Another way for entrepreneurs to make money on Instagram is through in-stream video ads. With these ads, brands can promote themselves within the videos you produce. 

How much you earn depends on the amount of views your video gets, or “Monetizeable Plays,” according to Instagram. You’ll get 55% of ad revenue generated from each view, paid monthly to your bank account. 

Turn on In-stream Video Ads and start earning in three steps:

  1. Go to Account Settings. Tap Creator, then In-Stream Video Ads.
  2. Tap Get Started. Read and agree to the terms and conditions. 
  3. Toggle Allow Monetization on your existing Instagram videos, then tap Continue to finish. 

To earn through In-Stream Video Ads, your content must be original and you need to own the rights to any music. Your video needs to be two minutes or more to monetize. Images, polls, looping videos, slideshows, or text montages don’t qualify. 

Live badges

Live badges are a newer feature, helping creators and influencers make money on Instagram. A popular concept taken from Twitch and TikTok, think of Instagram Live badges as tips you can receive rare gold coins investment a live broadcast. 

live badges on Instagram

With this geld mit instagram verdienen, viewers can purchase a badge during the livestream that shows in the geld mit instagram verdienen and unlocks features, including a place on the creators’ badge list and access to a special heart. 

People can buy:

  • One heart for $0.99
  • Two hearts for $1.99
  • Three hearts for $4.99

7. Sell old stuff

If you’re not an influencer and just want to make some extra cash, Instagram is a great place to sell old stuff. Whether it’s furniture, clothing, collectors items or even Mason jars, you can make side income selling it on Instagram. Plus, you can declutter your home and help save the environment.

Take Lavender Loveseat, for example. Based in Chicago, the team finds older pieces of furniture, refinishes them, geld mit instagram verdienen, and sells them through Instagram. The brand shares fun, entertaining content on its page to attract buyers and earn sales. 

sell old stuff on Instagram

How much do Instagram influencers make?

There are a number of factors that determine how much an Instagram influencer makes. They can earn anywhere from geld mit instagram verdienen few dollars to a million dollars per post. 

The amount you make depends on a few factors: 

  1. Number of followers
  2. Engagement rates
  3. Affiliate marketing tactics

The good news? There is room for any size account to make money on Instagram. There are generally five tiers of influencer marketing, broken down by follower count. 

  • Nano-influencer: 1,000–10,000 followers ($10–$100 per post)
  • Micro-influencer: 10,000–50,000 followers ($100–$500 per post)
  • Mid-tier influencer: 50,000–500,000 followers ($500–$5,000 per geld mit instagram verdienen 500,000–1 million followers ($5,000–$10,000 per post)
  • Mega-influencer: 1 million+ followers ($10,000–$1 million+ per post)

If you don’t have a lot of followers, don’t get discouraged. Earning your followers’ trust and engaging with them will help your account grow. More than the number of followers, brands look for influencers to work with that have an active following.

So even if you only have 1,000 followers, you can still make some real money. To give you a little inspiration, here are some examples of the top non-celebrity influencers who have made the most of Instagram with their accounts:

How many Instagram followers do you need to make money?

If by geld mit instagram verdienen you’re wondering how many followers you need to start bringing in real revenue, the short answer is: not as many as you think.

The long answer depends on factors that range from:

  • What niche you’re in and how easily you can directly tie it to a product category (fashion, food, beauty, and fitness are popular niches, based on top Instagram hashtags)
  • How engaged your followers are (100,000 fake followers won’t amount to much)
  • Which revenue channels you explore

Naturally, the more engaged followers you have, the better. Check out our tips on how to get more followers on Instagram.

While top Instagrammers make thousands of dollars per post, even those with small but engaged followings of 1,000 have the potential to start making money.

Getting paid on Instagram and beyond

What started as a hobby—making people laugh, geld mit instagram verdienen, doing silly photoshoots with your dog, or sharing pictures of food—can snowball into the chance to turn your Geld mit instagram verdienen page into a source of income fuelled by your engaged following. But why stop there? 

There’s a world of possibilities for creators to make money on the web. If you want to open up more revenue streams online, be sure to check out our tips on how to make money best funds to invest in now YouTube. Your Instagram followers are bound to join you on other channels, geld mit instagram verdienen. You just have to open the doors for them to walk through.

Ready to create your business? Start your free 14-day trial of Shopify—no credit card required.

Make money on Instagram FAQ

Can you get paid on Instagram?

Yes. You can get paid on Instagram in the following ways:

  • Create sponsored posts for brands that want to get in front of your audience
  • Become an affiliate and making a commission selling other brands’ products
  • Create and selling a physical or digital product or offering a paid service
  • Set up an Instagram Shop
  • Sell licenses for your photography or videos
  • Monetize your content

How many followers do you need to make money on Instagram?

The more followers you have on Instagram, the more money you can make. Rates are also determined by engagement, quality of content, name recognition, audience demographic, and skill set. The standard is $10 per 1,000 followers, but can vary depending on your contract and sponsor.

How much money does 10K Instagram followers bring in?

Micro-influencers, or accounts with 10,000 followers or less, can make around $88 per post on Instagram.

Photo of Michael Keenan

About the author

Michael Keenan

Michael is a SaaS Marketer and SEO and founder of Peak Freelance. He’s inspired by learning people’s stories, climbing mountains, and traveling with his geld mit instagram verdienen and two Xoloitzcuintles.

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Du verstehst gerade nur Bahnhof? Was zur Hölle ist „Influencer Marketing“?!
Okay, beginnen wir mit den Basics. Film, Fernsehen und auch die Sozialen Netzwerke haben doch immer wieder den Hinweis „unterstützt durch Produktplatzierungen“ oder „sponsored by…“, das hast Du auf jeden Fall schon einmal gesehen. Denn das ist ja das Prinzip von „Influencer Marketing“: Gesehen werden!

Eine Marke, bzw. ein Werbepartner nimmt Kontakt zu Dir auf, damit Du mit ihm zusammenarbeiten kannst. Du stellst zum Beispiel ein Produkt vor oder baust es in Deine Tweets, Pics oder Videos ein. „Ich liebe das Shirt auf diesem Instagram Pic, das hab ich mir erst mal bestellt“, geld mit instagram verdienen, „Dieser Youtuber trinkt in seinen Videos immer die Energy Drinks dieser Marke, ich hol mir den auch mal“ – das ist der Effekt, den Du generieren möchtest.
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Deine Partner sponsern dich geld mit instagram verdienen unterschiedlichen Konditionen. Finde einfach selbst in der App heraus, was dir gegönnt wird. Je nach Partner, verdienst du 5-30€ für 2 min Aufwand, das schmeckt.

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Nachdem wir deine Story gesehen haben, erhältst du dein Cashback innerhalb von 48h per PayPal! Falls das nicht der Fall ist, melde dich bitte direkt bei unserem Instagram per DM.

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