Make money redirecting traffic

make money redirecting traffic

Do you want to know how to make more money from your existing traffic? Here are 18 amazing ways to skyrocket your sales, without increasing. How to Make a Profit from Domain Redirect Traffic in ? Domain Redirect Traffic is a new ad format for online advertising. The results are. A landing page is any page on a website where traffic is sent makes the visitor a special offer or segments them to redirect them to a targeted offer.

Make money redirecting traffic - that

How to Make Money on YouTube in

Video content has become very popular and in demand among people of all ages. According to the Global Overview report , people aged 16 to 64 report watching some sort of video every week. This is 92% of users worldwide. Nowadays, video is frequently used in every business industry. No matter what products or services are on offer — the variety of videos impresses greatly. Each company strives to promote its products and raise its revenue by reaching potential clients and encouraging them to purchase. YouTube is a good option to enhance your business by using it directly or as a mediator to drive traffic to your website. In this article, you will have a better grasp of how to sell videos using YouTube.

It is up to a company what media channels to choose for its brand promotion. But it is essential to explore the market for the most-watched channels and those that lead to better marketing realization. YouTube is the second most popular social media site in the world after Facebook, with billions of users. It means your ad campaigns are likely to be viewed more on this global video platform.

Business models available with YouTube

YouTube uncovers a good deal of opportunities to expand a target audience and unveils diverse ways to earn revenue. When partnering with this media platform in the context of selling videos, it offers the following ways of making a profit:

  • Revenue on advertising. This method enables you to earn some profit by using AdSense, allowing ads to run on your videos. 
  • Affiliate marketing. According to this type of collaboration, you can get paid for commissions generated by purchased products you recommended.
  • Sponsorships (brand collaboration). You can interact with brands willing to expand their recognition and use their branding in your videos by being paid in return for profitable collaboration.
  • Channel membership. This involves offering exclusive content to paid members.
  • Sell off-platform products. This type of YouTube engagement allows you to sell products or services by redirecting the target consumer to a landing website.

Keeping in mind the number of business models available on YouTube, one can decide which approach suits them most and build a strategy on how to sell videos on YouTube. Of course, it depends on the marketing goals a company follows. Now, let’s talk about practical steps.

Key elements to start selling videos with YouTube

When it comes to the steps needed to sell videos on YouTube, it is important to account for common points in planning video marketing in your company. In general, there are three main points to be followed to start selling videos with YouTube:

  • Create a YouTube channel. If you haven’t published any videos yet or haven’t opened an account on YouTube, it’s high time you do this. Once you create your personal channel, you can upload meaningful content so people will become curious about the product or service you offer.
  • Build a base of loyal followers. For sure, your company might already have a bank of customers interested in your business. But it is essential to engage them on your YouTube channel and appeal to more viewers.
  • Think monetization over. Once you reach a particular number of subscribers on YouTube, you can make real money by selling videos. This stage requires other vital steps to generate traffic, which will be reviewed in detail in the next section. 

In addition, one should get acquainted with the requirements and rules the digital platform YouTube provides. Before becoming a YouTube partner and creating a marketing strategy, you should think about the following conditions:

  • Live in a country where YouTube partnerships are available;
  • Have at least subscribers on your channel and valid public watch hours;
  • Have a linked AdSense account;
  • Meet YouTube monetization policies;
  • Comply with YouTube Community Guidelines.

These conditions might seem pretty tough to achieve for one company and the revenue might seem impossible to obtain in the nearest future for others. For example, when deciding to drive revenue with YouTube ads, an expected return is not unattainable in the short run for two reasons. First, this channel keeps about 45% of your ad revenue. Second, you get paid only when viewers become engaged in your ad. If you want to generate good income, you will need dozens of thousands of views per day.

Regarding this, YouTube is still considered an invaluable marketing platform to develop strategic plans for driving traffic to a landing page when you want to grab viewers’ attention. So, you should accept the terms and conditions of the site and cooperate with it so as to accomplish good promotion of your channel and increase your traffic by selling videos on YouTube.

How to use YouTube as an effective marketing tool

Becoming a YouTuber for branding and advertising is a worthwhile deal to start. As Statista reports, in , YouTube’s global ad revenues were $28 billion. This amount significantly increased &#; up to 46% &#; in comparison with the previous year. This shows that a huge number of companies, agencies and other entities are investing in advertising on YouTube that makes the video advertising on-demand. So how to make money on YouTube when having a channel and a lot to offer an audience? This objective can be achieved by determining and completing the stages mentioned below.

Creating compelling YouTube videos

This stage is vital because the number of consumers you are aiming to gain and attract to your website also depends on the quality of your videos. So how can you upgrade ad formats to make your video content more compelling? Here are some tips to consider:

  • Video trailers. They are supposed to be one of the most popular video advertisements to promote your site. Typically, they are minutes long.
  • Teasers. This kind of ad video mixes dialog and footage and is shorter than trailers — a maximum of a minute.
  • Previews. Compared to teasers, previews show a real scene of an episode as it is.  
  • Product reviews. If your company manufactures some products or provides some services, video reviews are the best thing to create. This method is a great way to appeal to new followers of your YouTube channel.
  • Tutorials. It is important to consider “how-to” videos where experts’ pieces of advice and insights are discovered. This helps you build credibility online with your subscribers and “passerby” users.
  • Interviews with leaders involved in the company’s brand. The presence of famous and successful leaders in your videos who are working in your area will have only a positive impact on followers’ trust in your product or service. Such interviews should be created if possible.
  • Events. Whatever occasions your company might have &#; innovations in production, new partnerships, changes within the company, or even a party &#; it is essential to keep loyal subscribers in the loop and make them feel they are valuable to your company.

Free videos should be applied as a way to provide some value to consumers. Thus, viewers can be engaged with the website to get more information needed.

Linking YouTube videos to your website

Simply creating striking content is not enough to reach the goal of monetization. You need to link the content to your site or landing page in order to generate traffic. It can be attained by including in videos the following features:

  • clearly defined call-to-action (CTA);
  • the use of YouTube interactive tools &#; cards and an end screen where CTA and a specific URL are displayed;
  • website logo and web address;
  • deep integration of your brand launched by visualization and vocal.

Considering the above-mentioned points help entice potential consumers and redirect them to your web page, It will be no surprise that these approaches convert leads.

Marketing a YouTube channel

The last stage in making a profit with YouTube is the process of marketing your channel. This part is obviously essential as it affects the success of selling videos on YouTube. Let’s go through the basic components incorporated into a channel’s promotion:

  • YouTube SEO optimization. While YouTube is the second biggest social media site in the world it is also the second most-visited website after Google. Its videos are shown up in Google search in the first rankings. If you want your YouTube content to be found first in a search engine and immediately viewed, it is necessary to optimize search rankings. For this, highly searched keywords should be mentioned in titles, video descriptions, and tags.
  • Implement the “sequel” technique. This method leads to a boost in views by targeting your video to your niche. It involves advancing the original video by improving graphics, quality (content, audio), pacing, and content delivery. Keeping these features will boost the click-through rate (CTR) that makes videos stand out in the search results and suggestions. The higher your CTR, the more views your YouTube content will get.
  • Mind the video and watch time. When creating video content, its duration matters a lot. Its optimal length on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter ranges from 30 seconds to 2 or 3 minutes. In the case of YouTube videos the first 15 seconds play the most important role in captivating viewers and keeping them engaged. This parameter also influences a video’s visibility in search results.
  • Be exceptional. To stand out in the market, it is necessary to offer unique products, services, or solutions to people’s needs. This feature will capture more interest with a high number of views as a result. Try to take stock of your competitors and make your YouTube channel exceptional, not equal to any other.
  • Leverage partnerships. Promoting your videos outside the YouTube platform is also a good marketing approach. Interacting with other companies that can offer adventurous solutions helps you expand your influence on other social channels, blogs, community forums, and other sources that can result in a high conversion rate.

These are the main stages a company should follow willingly to sell videos on YouTube. They include content message development as well as improving technical features to increase the search ranking and visibility.

Where else can I monetize YouTube videos?

Besides YouTube, there are other methods to monetize your videos. Connected TV (CTV) is one of the well-run systems for monetization. It allows you to generate traffic through various internet-supported devices capable of streaming plenty of channels that aren’t available on linear TV.

You can create your own channel on CTV and develop a marketing strategy for sharing videos. Such an approach isn’t difficult to complete when deferring to the professionals from VlogBox. In addition, this platform offers monetization solutions that will promote your business to receive passive income from your videos more easily compared to YouTube.

Create your CTV channel


YouTube allows you to implement various video ad formats to promote brands, get people involved in some upcoming events, advertise a valuable product or service by encouraging viewers to buy it, and so forth. The application field can be endless as it requires creativity that is often something hard to pin down. But the membership and sales conditions of this digital platform might seem not beneficial to follow for a company that is willing to reach an expected income soon.

Accordingly, we recommend you take on board these tips when developing a strategy of selling videos on YouTube:

  • use the YouTube channel as a marketing tool to meet your goals instead of the main platform for selling videos;
  • provide relevant content to your subscribers to keep them engaged;
  • pay more attention to driving traffic to your website or another web page you want to deliver to captivated viewers;
  • consider other platforms for monetizing your videos.

There are always options to improve your advertising and marketing objectives by creating a YouTube channel for selling visual content.


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What Is a Landing Page? Landing Pages and Sales Pages Explained

The purpose of your website is to get visitors to take action and become customers or clients. However, converting a visitor into a customer or client usually requires a landing page.

Therefore, you’ll learn about:

  • What a landing page is
  • Different types of landing pages
  • Landing page best practices
  • Popular landing page builders

Let’s dive in.

What is a landing page and how does it work?

A landing page is a single web page that exists to get the visitor to take a specific action. 

The landing page may appear as a result of a specific action the visitor took (clicking on an ad, downloading a white paper, etc.), and the desired action is usually something like entering an email address, signing up for a webinar, or even making a purchase. 

While you don’t have to have a website to create a landing page (for example, you may just have an email list and direct people to a standalone landing page), most landing pages are a single page on a website.

We’ll dive into some specific examples of landing pages below.

Different types of landing pages

Spotting a landing page can be difficult as there are many different types of landing pages, depending on their purpose. Therefore, here are a few of the most common landing pages.

Squeeze page

The first type of landing page you’re probably most familiar with is the squeeze page. A squeeze page is designed to capture a visitor’s email address. Therefore, it typically includes an offer for gated content such as an ebook, a white paper, a checklist, or even just your newsletter.

Neville Medhora has a great example of a squeeze page where the value offer is his newsletter, and the benefit is learning how to write in a way that enables you to sell more:

In many cases, a squeeze page is simply a pop-up. 

OptinMonster has a squeeze page pop-up that offers a content upgrade in exchange for an email address.

Here, the value pitch for handing over your email address is several tactics to reduce lost sales.

Lead capture page

A lead capture page is similar to a squeeze page, though there are two main differences.

A lead capture page is either: 

  1. Shown to visitors that have demonstrated high interest (for example, they may have already downloaded an ebook), or it 
  2. Offers something of high value (such as a free best-selling book or tool) 

Therefore, it asks for more information than just an email address, such as company size, telephone number, industry, title, etc.

The lead capture for HubSpot’s marketing plan and strategy template offers various calls to action (CTAs) throughout relevant blog posts, so they know that the reader is already interested in the topic. 

Once you download it, you can see that it&#;s high value &#; about ten pages long and includes everything you need to create an effective marketing strategy.

However, note that it&#;s still a rather top of funnel offer, so they don’t ask for too much detailed information. In general, the less you ask, the more leads you’ll receive.

So if you want to increase lead volume, consider reducing the number of fields prospects have to fill out on your form.

Statistics show that back in , the average form contained 11 fields, and while the number has reduced, most lead capture pages are still too demanding.

Here’s another example of a lead capture page from a Facebook ad:

Notice that this book offer includes a video and testimonial from a doctor as proof of its quality. Even so, it only requires shipping information from the lead.

Splash page

A splash page is a landing page that either makes the visitor a special offer or segments them to redirect them to a targeted offer.

You can recognize splash pages as you won&#;t be able to navigate to any other part of the website until you&#;ve interacted with the splash page. While it may not be ideal for SEO, splash pages do help with conversions.

The best part about Noom&#;s splash page below is that it leads the visitor to more targeted information, which ultimately provides a better experience and improves conversions.

Long-form landing page

If you have an offer, such as a course or service, a long-form landing page is probably your best bet. Specifically, if what you sell is:

  • High ticket
  • Long-term commitment
  • High risk
  • Complicated

Think of virtually any fitness or coaching course. 

Most of them use long-form landing pages because while people know that a course may be a good idea, they want to know more about what makes your course special or better and why they should choose you as a coach. 

Therefore, you’ll usually see a section with bullet points of what the course entails and key benefits.

Here’s a great example of a long-form landing page from Dropship Lifestyle.

Service businesses also use long-form landing pages. Here’s a great example from a divorce attorney:

Notice that they include testimonials, key benefits, and multiple CTAs.

A final recommendation is virtually any of Ramit Sethi’s courses. Each one has a long-form landing page, and he generally drives people from his email list toward these landing pages.

error page

If you send a reader to a blank error page, there&#;s a good chance they will bounce. Therefore, it&#;s essential to have a landing page that sends readers back to a relevant page. 

Neil Patel has a great example of a error page. Given that most people are on his website to improve their traffic, he instead offers them his free tool to help them do that:

The point of a landing page is simply to redirect the visitor to something that they are interested in and prevent a bounce.

Unsubscribe/Cancel page

The unsubscribe or cancel page is a surprisingly crucial landing page. It&#;s much more expensive to acquire a new customer than retain an existing one, so making a last-ditch effort to retain your current customer (or at least understand why they are dissatisfied) is well worth the effort. 

Adobe Photoshop has a fantastic example of an ideal unsubscribe page. They have a four-part unsubscribe page where they ask you why you decided to leave, then show you what you&#;ll miss out on, then make a counteroffer to change the plan, and then show you everything you&#;ll lose one last time.

Thank you page

A thank you page is another landing page that offers a unique opportunity to businesses. In fact, statistics show that the probability of converting an existing customer is around 60 to 70 percent, while the probability of converting a brand-new prospect is only about 5 to 30 percent.

So, take advantage of your thank you page and be sure to offer upsell opportunities or additional (upgraded) content. 

HubSpot has a great example of this. Once you download a content upgrade from their website, you&#;re redirected to a thank you page where they ask you to get started with their free software:

If you have an ecommerce product, Amazon is perhaps the best example of a thank you page, as they will show you other relevant products. 

Items 1, 4, and 5 are the elements most relevant to upsells:


Landing page best practices

Once you know what kind of landing page you&#;re going to produce, what should it actually look like?

While best practices may vary slightly depending on the type of landing page you plan to build (such as a error page versus a lead capture page), here are some general guidelines to improve your conversion rates.

Provide a clear call to action (CTA) 

The purpose of a landing page is to get the reader to take a specific action, so no surprise that providing a clear CTA is essential.

Ideally, you should provide your CTA above the fold, and it should be in a brighter or more noticeable color than your other text. 

Here&#;s an example of a simple, yet effective, CTA:

Here’s another great example of a landing page with a strong CTA (and copywriting!):

Some statistics show that using the first person in the CTA can increase conversions, so this is an excellent example.

Show how it works

If you have a product or service, be sure that your landing page shows how it actually works. For example, you may have a video or even just an animated GIF that demonstrates the tool in action.

Here’s how Waze shows off their product:

Here’s another example from Oribi that shows off its main unique selling proposition (USP) &#; that it’s easier to use than Google Analytics:

Minimize distractions 

Another key to creating an effective landing page (particularly for squeeze pages and lead capture) is to minimize unnecessary distractions. 

Therefore, consider removing any other navigational links. If visitors have anywhere else to go on your website, it&#;s quite likely that they will prefer to click elsewhere. However, only about 16% of landing pages currently have no navigation links, so there&#;s certainly room for improvement. 

ClickFunnels&#;s homepage contains zero navigation links at the top. In fact, the only navigational links on the entire page are in the footer.

In addition, keep your design clean and simple. If your design pulls readers in too many different directions, it will deter them from clicking on your CTA.

If necessary, include just a sentence or a few bullet points to let the reader know what they will receive by giving their information. 

Again, Neville Medhora’s website is a perfect example of minimal distractions:

Provide benefits/avoid pain

Another key that is more on the copywriting side of creating a landing page is to help the reader see how their life can be better with your product or service. 

For example, Tony Robbins&#;s coaching program does an excellent job of highlighting key benefits in this long-form landing page:

When you’re writing about benefits and pain avoidance, consider the following questions:

For B2B:

  • How will it improve efficiency?
  • How will it make the business more money?
  • How will it help you beat the competition?
  • How will it help you meet company goals?

For B2C:

  • How will it affect your relationships?
  • How will it help you achieve personal goals?
  • How will it help you become healthier?
  • How will it help you become richer?
  • How will it make you happier?

Make it mobile-friendly

Another key is to ensure that your landing page is friendly on both desktop and mobile devices. This will not only help you improve conversions, but it will also help your SEO, as Google operates on a mobile-first indexing approach.

For example, this page is mobile-friendly &#; the desktop version readjusts to fit any device:

Maintain consistent messaging/branding

Finally, be sure that your landing page maintains consistent messaging and branding. This includes your tone of voice, colors, offer, and much more. 

Notice how the example below has consistent branding and messaging from one step to the next:

In both the Facebook ad and throughout the landing page, the messaging is clearly targeted at social media agencies. The value position is equally clear; it will make scheduling social posts easier. The icing on the cake is that the branding is similar throughout the journey.

Make your offer a no-brainer

Perhaps the best way to make your landing page successful is to make your offer a no-brainer to sign up. 

Making your offer a no-brainer means that you deeply understand your audience&#;s pain points and offer the perfect solution.

For example, if they signed up for your email list on a page about building links, your offer should be specific to that pain point around building links &#; it shouldn&#;t just be a generic offer that teaches SEO.

The more specific your offer is, the more likely it is to succeed.

You should also make your offer risk-free if it requires a credit card or purchase. This might be a free trial or a money-back guarantee. 

A/B testing landing pages

Since you&#;re landing pages nurture conversions, it&#;s essential to A/B test them once you have them up and running. So how do you know what to test? And how do you actually test it?

Let&#;s dive in.

Collect data

The first essential element is to collect real data of your current version. If you&#;ve followed all of the steps above, your landing page should already be fairly strong. To collect data, set up analytics, and be sure that you&#;re tracking conversions. 

You can use a tool like Google Analytics and set up goal tracking, or you can use a more advanced tool like Oribi. 

Once you have tracking in place, consider using a heatmap like Hotjar or CrazyEgg. A heatmap will show you where people are scrolling and what might be stopping them from making a purchase.

 With Hotjar, you can also ask for feedback with a question box.

Here’s an example of how you can use it to survey your audience and better understand what’s stopping them from making a purchase:

Create a version B

Once you’ve collected your data, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are people mousing over before leaving?
  • What are the most common complaints (from the survey box)?
  • Are there any key points people are not scrolling over?
  • Is there anything that can be omitted?
  • Do the channels people are coming from match the offer you’re presenting?

Now that you have some data, consider changing just one thing. Then, be sure to give the new version some time to collect data.

Once you have a winner from that test, repeat the process!

Popular landing page builders

Now that you know about the various types of landing pages, best practices for creating a landing page, and even how to A/B test a landing page, how do you actually build one?

Below are a few of the most popular landing page builders available. These are all very easy, no-code solutions, and many offer pre-built templates to make it easier than ever to create your landing page. You&#;ll also be able to run your A/B tests within these tools.


Instapage is a wonderful post-click landing page builder and has an easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface. It also enables team collaboration with a built-in chat to discuss specifics within the landing page. 

For those who want to personalize their landing pages, Instapage makes it easy to do so, as the software will dynamically pair visitors with relevant landing pages.

They also have more than pre-built templates, and you can A/B test your page inside their interface with extensive experimentation options, such as multi-variant testing capabilities and even built-in heatmaps:

They have more than reviews on G2, and 72% of them are five stars, while just 8% are less than four-stars. 

It easily integrates with HubSpot, Marketo, Pardot, LeadSquared, SharpSpring, Autopilot, ActiveCampaign, and more.

Pricing starts at $ per month for an annual plan and $ per month for a month-to-month plan.


Unbounce is another highly popular landing page builder that is also very user-friendly and requires zero coding. They have a drag-and-drop page builder with a variety of elements, and you can publish your landing page to your domain using their WordPress plugin. 

They also provide A/B testing tools for their top three plans, many templates, and dynamic personalization.

Perhaps their most notable difference is their smart traffic feature, which is basically AI that can automatically split test your landing pages based on data. They claim it can increase conversions by up to 30%.

A quick glance at G2 will also show you that they are well-liked with more than reviews, 69% of which are five stars, and only 6% are below four stars.

Their plans start at $80 per month, and each plan offers unlimited landing pages, sticky bars, and pop-ups per domain.


If you&#;re not already familiar with ClickFunnels, you might have heard of its co-founder, Russell Brunson. Therefore, it&#;s no surprise that this product is wonderful.

They make it easy for you to create an effective funnel that converts like crazy. Some of their top features include email integration with the most popular email software, various templates for upsells and downsells to maximize your funnel, and A/B testing for your campaigns.

They also have excellent resources to help you set up your funnel and make the most of each customer with videos, guides, and live support.

ClickFunnels also has one of the highest ratings on G2, with 85% of the reviewers giving it a five-star rating. 

It&#;s ideal for both beginners and advanced marketers.

Pricing starts at $97 per month.


Leadpages is the last landing page builder, and the most affordable with plans starting at just $25 per month. Therefore, it&#;s ideal for freelancers and small businesses.

While it is a drag-and-drop editor, it lacks the templates and overall quality of the Instapage and Unbounce editors. Although, it&#;s great if you&#;re just getting started with landing pages.

They offer A/B testing options on their standard and pro plans, but they don&#;t have the robust AI that Unbounce offers.

On G2, Leadpages has about reviews, 51% of which are five stars, and 14% percent are below four stars. 

Get started with your landing page

Now that you have an overview of everything you need to know about landing pages, get started on one today.

Landing pages are a great way to increase leads and conversions and provide a better customer experience with more targeted content. 

While there is a bit of a learning curve with landing pages, the best way to learn is simply by starting and running tests. 

If you don&#;t know where to start, consider just creating a splash page with one call to action.

You can add this to the front of your website, and as you get more comfortable with the software, you can create more advanced funnels to capture leads, upsell, downsell, and further nurture your customer relationships.

Landing page articles on Copyblogger

Grab our free ebook, Landing Pages: How to Turn Traffic into Money, by entering your email below.

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How do I join

Simply visit our sign-up page and create an account. Once your application has been submitted, you will be able to login and get your domains set-up immediately. You will also be assigned an Account Manager who will contact you to help you get started.

Are there any minimum requirements?

No, we work with all types of traffic including international.

Are you really the best international redirect for affiliate networks?

Yes! With our specialized geo-targeting system, we are easily able to increase international redirect revenue, making you free money on previously lost traffic.

How will my traffic be monetized?

Through our extensive research and optimization of domain website parking, we have developed a large number of landing page designs which are matched with a variety of offers. works with a combination of CPC (Cost-Per-Click), CPM (Cost-Per-Impression) and CPA (Cost-Per-Action) offers, so your revenue will not be based on clicks, but rather a combination of clicks, mpressions and leads.

How will my traffic be optimized?

Our optimization team is always testing new landing pages and offers to find the best combination to produce the highest level of revenue for your traffic. We currently have hundreds of different landing page designs, from prize certificates to surveys, available in our inventory which is growing constantly. Please note that it can take up to 48 hours for enough traffic data to be collected on your domains to begin the optimization process. Once this data has been collected, we will be able to start optimizing your account.

What other types of traffic does your service accept?

We are able to accept any type of traffic you send us. Whether you're buying it, link-building, redirecting or even showing exit pops, our system can monetize your traffic. If you're interested in using in a unique way, please contact your Account Manager and they can help you get started.

Will I have access to traffic and revenue statistics?

Yes! You will be able to see statistics for revenue, views, clicks, EPC and RPM by country when you log into your account.

How often are stats updated?

Traffic statistics are collected and updated in real-time. All other statistics are currently updated every 20 minutes.

Do you support subID parameters?

We do allow subIDs to be passed on all domains. Please contact your Account Manager for more information on how to setup your URLs to correctly accept subID parameters.

Is there a fee to work with

No! Working with is easy and free! Start earning money on your lost traffic today!

How often will I get paid for the revenue my domains produce?

All revenue is paid out on monthly Net 20 terms. Be sure to ask your Account Manager if you qualify for weekly wires!

Is there a minimum amount I need to make before I get paid?

Our minimum threshold to receive your first payment is $ All accounts that generate over $1, per week may qualify for weekly wires.

Do you offer PayPal payments?

Yes, our accounting team does support PayPal payments.

What does RPM stand for?

RPM stands for revenue per 1, impressions. (Total Revenue/Total Impressions)* = RPM.

Can I drive traffic to my domain parked at with email?

No. Any account with domains used in any spam-related activity will be closed and any income will be forfeited.
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 Make money from your website

For millions of people web sites are the major source of income. Thanks to the various ways to monetize a site, it is possible to make a living as a web master. However, this doesn't mean that every web master is a millionaire. Well, if you know how to monetize your web site, you might not get rich but at least chances are that under the worst possible scenario, you will be able to cover your hosting fees and the other expenses you make for your site.

Currently the most profitable ways to monetize your site are CPM ads, CPC ads, CPA ads, direct sales of ad space, and selling merchandise/goods/services. These ways are described in this article.

CPM Ads Can Bring In Cents

CPM ads (an abbreviation for Cost Per Thousand) is the oldest type of site monetization. You put banners on your site and advertisers pay you based on the number of unique impressions/page views your site has.

CPM ads are the easiest form of site monetization because they require almost no effort on your side, but they are also the least feasible because as a rule (unless you have really high traffic and your audience is well-targeted), the rates are low. Some CPM ad networks pay as low as $ per 1, uniques, which means that you need millions of visitors in order to make $ a month.

Popups and layer ads pay a bit more ($ per 1, uniques/pageviews). They could bring you a few dollars a month but many visitors find them especially irritating and this is why many web masters are not willing to put popups and/or layer ads on their sites.

There are high-paying CPM ads – for instance ads paying $ per 1, uniques but usually the networks that run them have very high traffic and quality requirements for the sites that are eligible. As a result, it is very hard to get into these networks and take advantage of these well-paid CPM ads.

There are many CPM networks we can recommend. For sites with lots of traffic the choice better and some of the good options are, TribalFusion, CasaleMedia, and ValueClick because there CPM rates are good. AdBrite, AdToll, Right Media, and BurstMedia are also good. Some of these networks are CPM-only, while others have other types of ads as well. Google also has CPM ads, so you may want to try them.

CPC Ads Are a Profitable Way to Monetize a Site

CPC ads (an abbreviation from Cost Per Click) are different from CPM because with CPC you get paid not when visitors view ads but when they click on them. The good news is that CPC rates are much, much better and as a result, it is possible to make a decent income even with a small site with not so high traffic. The key with CPC success is to have a well-targeted site in a niche where there are a lot of advertisers.

The most popular CPC network is Google Adsense and even though there are other CPC networks, the income you can make from Adsense is much higher. The reason is that Google Adsense has many advertisers and if your site is in a profitable niche, CPC can be the best way to monetize your site. Additionally, unlike some of the other CPC ad networks, Google Adsense is open to publishers from all over the world.

Usually CPC ads are text ads and you publish them in blocks. However, there are also intext ads, where the keyword is underlined and when the visitor puts the mouse on it, a tooltip with CPC ads appears. Intext ads are less obtrusive but it takes much more effort for the user to notice them (and above all – to click them), which means that your chances to make money are further decreased. Kontera is one of the most popular networks for intext CPC ads.

The list of good CPC ad networks is not as long as the list of CPM or CPA ad networks but still there is a choice. For instance, Google Adsense, Yahoo! Publisher Network (YPN), BidVertiser, Chitika, and Clicksor are generally considered top choices but since many CPM ad networks pay decent rates for clicks on their CPM ads, you might want to try them as well.

CPA Ads Could Make You Rich

Currently CPA (an abbreviation from Cost Per Action) is the most profitable way to monetize a site in a profitable niche. CPA, also known as “affiliate programs”, pays you a commission when your visitors perform an action. Most often this action is a purchase, but it could also be something else – i.e. download a free trial, or signup for the service of the advertiser.

Affiliate programs can make you rich because there are many products with really fat commissions. For niches such as health, finance, travel, etc. affiliate programs are a real golden mine.

However, affiliate programs require a lot of efforts on your side and still there is no guarantee that the offers you pick to promote will convert well and will make you money. Sometimes even the highest converting offers won't convert on your site and the only thing you can do is replace them with other offers, hoping that they will convert better.

There might be hundreds of CPM ad networks but for CPA they are thousands. It is practically impossible to try all of them personally and this is why we would like to recommend some of the best to start with. Amazon, eBay, ShareASale, Commission Junction, Clickbank, Max Bounty, Azoogle, Never Blue Ads, LinkShare, or PepperJam are just a few of the greatest CPA networks we can recommend.

Direct Sales of Ads

If you are not happy with the CPM rates of ad networks, or CPC and CPA don't convert well with your site, you could try to find direct advertisers. However, have in mind that such an endeavor is not necessarily bound to succeed and if your site doesn't have audience advertisers can't reach elsewhere, you will hardly be able to negotiate good prices. Still, for some sites direct sales of ad space are a viable alternative and this is why you could also try it.

Openads Ad Server and OIO Publisher Ad Platform are two of the sites where you could try your luck. AdBrite also allowa you to price your ad space. In fact, almost any major network gives you the chance to put a widget on your site to invite advertisers directly to advertise on your site.

Sell Merchandise/Goods/Services

In addition to CPA ads, where you are selling other merchants' products, you can try selling your own merchandise or products/services with your brand. This technique works well mainly for popular sites with loyal audience and is hardly the easiest way to monetize a site. You could try to sell merchandise/goods/services as a supplementary service and if you see that this monetization technique works, you can expand the business. CafePress is one of the best places where you can sell merchandise with your logo and the greatest thing is that they print on demand, which means you don't have to keep your merchandise in stock.

The monetization techniques we described here can be combined. You can run CPM ads together with CPA or CPC. You can also combine multiple ads from the same type (i.e. CPM, CPC, or CPA) from different ad networks, provided that this doesn't violate the terms of these networks. There isn't a universal prescription about the best way to monetize a site. The basic rule is that you need to try and see what works for you. The fact that a given monetization technique works for somebody else doesn't mean that it will work for you, so you need to try and see for yourself.

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Monetization of a website is not a myth. Or something that is reserved for a very few special talented individuals. In fact, just a little luck plus invest of solid work is needed. With that virtually anyone can turn their website into a valuable asset.
Successful Monetization enables you to earn passive income without spending too much time and effort.
However, many website and blog owners are still reluctant to create their website content in an appropriate way. The rasons are often a lack of information or resources on website monetization techniques.

From affiliate marketing to donations to sponsored posts &#; there are many ways to make money with your website. Here are some of them.

What is website monetization?

Website monetization is the process of converting your website traffic into revenue. Just by using it as an advertising platform for companies that offer relevant products and services. Monetizing websites also includes own selling of products and services. You can accept donations or offer premium content for an extra charge as well.

Your specific advantages:

  • Passive income opportunities. Some monetization methods require you to set them up once so that you can generate passive income from your website’s traffic.
  • Blog monetization. Website monetization is a great way to generate income from your blog.
  • There are a variety of options. Website monetization is not a single strategy or technique. There are several ways in which you can harness your website traffic.

How do you move from theory to practice? How can you get the most out of your website by converting traffic into sales?

Top strategies and tips for the monetization of websites

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the most common methods of monetizing website traffic. In fact, affiliate marketing spending is expected to exceed $ 8 billion by

This is how it works: Affiliate marketing relationships involve a provider and an “affiliate”. As an affiliate, you can earn commission for every click, lead or sale you generate.

For example, you can redirect your traffic to the provider&#;s website by linking your content to the provider&#;s pages. The more traffic your website receives, the more traffic can be redirected. So the revenue potential of your affiliate marketing efforts depends on the traffic to your site. Additionally, affiliate marketing is relatively easy to implement as many platforms can help you get your first few links live.

Google Adsense

Another way to Monetization is selling advertising space with Google Adsense. The Adsense platform helps website owners and bloggers to generate income by showing relevant ads alongside their online content.
First, you need to set up a Google Adsense account and apply to sell your ad space. Once Google approves your application, a special code will be embedded in your page to promote the advertisers&#; web pages that are relevant to the content and visitors of your own page. In addition, you can customize the visual appearance of ads to match the design of your website.
The amount of revenue you can get from Google Adsense will vary because advertisers pay different prices for different ads. This method is easy to implement and does not require any technical expertise. However, selling ad space can have a negative impact on the overall appearance of your website.

Sale of advertising space

If you&#;re looking to sell your ad space, Google Adsense isn&#;t your only option. You can monetize your website&#;s advertising space by showing ads on your content.
This monetization method is perfect for you if you are getting a lot of traffic. The amount you can potentially earn depends on the network you choose and the number of impressions or clicks you are generating. Alternatively, you can sell your ad space for native advertising.

Sponsored posts

Placing sponsored posts is another way for the monetization of your website. This means that a company pays to create and display promotional postings on your website.
When creating Sponsored Posts, a lot depends on your ability to write high quality content. Always double-check any sponsored posts or use special tools to avoid grammatical errors.

Selling any product or service

Setting up an online shop to sell physical or digital products has advantages and disadvantages. By selling your product or service online, you can reach a larger market and ultimately increase your sales. On the other hand, it can be difficult to get started because of the competition.

Online courses

If you have valuable knowledge that you want to share with your audience, you can use it to monetize your knowledge. With digital courses firmly established, you can use your website as a platform to offer learning experiences.
Digital courses can take many forms. You can use downloadable PDFs, recorded video courses, or ZOOM meetings to showcase study materials. Another advantage of online courses is their flexibility. They can be integrated into just about any website, including e-commerce platforms, blogs, and affiliate marketing websites.
In addition, you can use special learning platforms to become an instructor or tutor. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to share your knowledge with others while making extra money from your website.

Lead generation

Generating leads is another way to monetize your traffic. Lead generation brings potential customers into contact with companies that may be of interest to them.
Unlike affiliate marketing, the main goal of lead generation is not to sell a specific product or service. Instead, lead generation efforts should focus on showing customer brands that they might be interested in. When a lead you&#;ve been leading converts into a paying customer, you earn a commission.
Lead generation is one of the easiest ways to generate passive income. The key to successful lead generation lies in continually reviewing and analyzing what works best with your audience.


Podcasts are another way to make money from your website. In fact, the most successful podcasts use different strategies to generate additional income. Here are some options for enabling your podcast:

  • Earn income by promoting sponsorships during the show.
  • Direct support via premium content. Earn income by asking the audience to send money in support of your show. In return, offer access to premium content.
  • Complementary products. Earn income by selling goods, courses, consulting services, or accessing premium content related to your podcast.

Donations / subscription

Last but not least, you can generate income from your website by creating a donation or subscription based website.
If you want to make money accepting customer donations, keep in mind that you need an engaged audience who enjoys your service enough that they want to donate money. Beyond charities, you can start a subscription-based service that offers customers premium content or products at a fair price.
Alternatively, you can create a subscription-based job board to make it easier for your readers to contact employers.

Before the Monetization starts ….

What many website owners don&#;t realize is that there is no easy money to monetize websites. While some of these methods are faster and easier than others, monetizing them takes time, effort, and commitment.
The amount and quality of traffic are the critical factors affecting your website&#;s monetization efforts. When you have high quality traffic that can lead to conversions, you get paid for it. However, if your page is not already generating a lot of traffic, the first thing to do is to make an effort to build a solid customer base to attract more traffic to your website.
Of course, push notifications can be a great way to increase your traffic and ensure that your loyal audience not only stays with you, but is growing as well! Use the notifications to draw attention to the ways your audience can help you. Only few people can simply refuse a friendly request or a well-intentioned suggestion.

Monetization: Conclusion

There is no best or worst way to monetize your website. If implemented correctly, either method can be beneficial and profitable. With these methods you can take advantage of your site&#;s traffic and make extra money. However, do not limit yourself to the methods recommended here. Do further research and remember that higher income usually requires commitment and more effort!

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 Make money from your website

For millions of people web sites are the major source of income. Thanks to the various ways to monetize a site, it is possible to make a living as how to make money easy and fast with simple steps web master. However, this doesn't mean that every web master is a millionaire. Well, if you know how to monetize your web site, you might not get rich but at least chances are that under the worst possible scenario, you will be able to cover your hosting fees and the other expenses you make for your site.

Currently the most profitable ways to monetize your site are CPM ads, CPC ads, CPA ads, direct sales of ad space, and selling merchandise/goods/services. These ways are described in this article.

CPM Ads Can Bring In Cents

CPM ads (an abbreviation for Cost Per Thousand) is the oldest type of site monetization. You put banners on your site and advertisers pay you based on the number of unique impressions/page views your site has.

CPM ads are the easiest form of site monetization because they require almost no effort on your side, but they are also the least feasible because as a rule (unless you have really high traffic and your audience is well-targeted), the rates are low. Some CPM ad networks pay as low as $ per 1, uniques, which means that you need millions of visitors in order to make $ a month.

Popups and layer ads pay a bit more ($ per 1, uniques/pageviews). They could bring you a few dollars a month but many visitors find them especially irritating and this is why many web masters are not willing to put popups and/or layer ads on their sites.

There are high-paying CPM ads – for instance ads paying $ per 1, uniques but usually the networks that run them have very high traffic and quality requirements for the sites that are eligible. As a result, it is very hard to get into these networks and take advantage of these well-paid CPM ads.

There are many CPM networks we can recommend. For sites with lots of traffic the choice better and some of the good options are, TribalFusion, CasaleMedia, and ValueClick because there CPM rates are good. AdBrite, AdToll, Right Media, and BurstMedia are also good. Some of these networks make money redirecting traffic CPM-only, while make money redirecting traffic have other types of ads as well. Google also has CPM ads, so you may want to try them.

CPC Ads Are a Profitable Way to Monetize a Site

make money redirecting traffic width="" height="">

CPC ads (an abbreviation from Cost Per Click) are different from CPM because with CPC you get paid not when visitors view ads but when they click on them. The good news is that CPC rates are much, much better and as a result, it is possible to make a decent income even with a small site with not so high traffic. The key with CPC success is to have a well-targeted site in a niche where there are a lot of advertisers.

The most popular CPC network is Google Adsense and even though there are other CPC networks, the income you can make from Adsense is much higher. The reason is that Google Adsense has many advertisers and if your site is in a profitable niche, CPC can be the best way to monetize your site. Additionally, unlike some of the other CPC ad networks, Google Adsense is open to publishers from all over the world.

Usually CPC ads are text ads and you publish them in blocks. However, make money redirecting traffic, there are also intext ads, where the keyword is underlined and when the visitor puts the mouse on it, a tooltip with CPC ads appears. Intext ads are less obtrusive but it takes much more effort for the user to notice them (and above all – to click them), which means that your chances to make money are further decreased. Kontera is one of the most popular networks for intext CPC ads.

The list of good CPC ad networks is not as long as the list of CPM or CPA ad networks but still there is a choice. For instance, Google Adsense, make money redirecting traffic, Yahoo! Publisher Network (YPN), BidVertiser, Chitika, and Clicksor are generally considered top choices but since many CPM ad networks pay decent rates for clicks on their CPM ads, you might want to try them as well.

CPA Ads Could Make You Rich

bitcoin mining mit eigenem pc CPA (an abbreviation from Cost Per Action) is the most profitable way to monetize a site in a profitable niche. CPA, also known as “affiliate programs”, pays you a commission when your visitors perform an action. Most often this action is a purchase, but it could also be something else – i.e. download a free trial, or signup for the service of the advertiser.

Affiliate programs can make you rich because there are many products with really fat commissions. For niches such as health, finance, travel, etc. affiliate programs are a real golden mine.

However, affiliate programs require a lot of efforts on your side and still there is no guarantee that the investing in johannesburg stock exchange you pick to promote will convert well and will make you money. Sometimes even the highest converting offers won't convert on your site and the only thing you can do is replace them with other offers, hoping that they will convert better.

There might be hundreds of CPM ad networks but for CPA they are thousands. It is practically impossible to try all of them personally and this is why we would like to recommend some of the best to start with. Amazon, eBay, ShareASale, make money redirecting traffic, Commission Junction, Clickbank, Max Bounty, Azoogle, Never Blue Ads, LinkShare, or PepperJam are just a few of the greatest CPA networks we can recommend.

Direct Sales of Ads

If you are not happy with the CPM rates of ad networks, or CPC and CPA don't convert well with your site, you could try to find direct advertisers. However, have in mind that such an endeavor is not necessarily bound to succeed and if your site doesn't have audience advertisers can't reach elsewhere, you will hardly be able to negotiate good prices, make money redirecting traffic. Still, for some sites direct sales of ad space are a viable alternative and this is why you could also try it, make money redirecting traffic.

Openads Ad Server and OIO Publisher Ad Platform are two of the sites where you could try your luck. AdBrite also allowa you to price your ad space. In fact, almost any major network gives you the chance to put a widget on your site to invite advertisers directly to advertise on your site, make money redirecting traffic.

Sell Merchandise/Goods/Services

In addition to CPA ads, where you are selling other merchants' products, you can try selling your own merchandise or products/services with your brand. This technique works well mainly for popular sites with loyal audience and is hardly the easiest way to monetize a site, make money redirecting traffic. You could try to sell merchandise/goods/services as a supplementary service and if you see that this monetization technique works, you can expand the business. CafePress is one of the best places where you can sell merchandise with your logo and the greatest thing is that they print on demand, which means you don't have to keep your merchandise in stock.

The monetization techniques we described here can be combined. You can run CPM ads together with CPA or CPC. You can also combine multiple ads from the same type (i.e. CPM, CPC, or CPA) from different ad networks, provided that this doesn't violate the terms of these networks. There isn't a universal prescription about the best way to monetize a site. The basic rule is that you need to try and see what works for you. The fact that a given monetization technique works for somebody else doesn't mean that it will work for you, so you need to try and see for yourself.

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What Is Traffic Arbitrage and How Can You Earn on That?

Traffic arbitrage is a promising and accessible way to earn money by redirecting visitors from one website to another one. What are the peculiarities of this work and what needs to be done to make the biggest profit possible?

What is traffic arbitrage?

The arbitrage specialist redirects traffic – finds potential customers on a certain website, places an advertisement there, and lures them to another website. The net income is the difference between the ad cost on one resource and the reward paid by the other resource.

Traffic arbitrage is a simple way to make money on the Internet, available even to newbies. It allows people willing to try out this kind of business to start earning funds quite quickly and without heavy investments.

Advantages of arbitrage:

  • a possibility to make a profit without the need to create a website;
  • the start is possible with a small budget;
  • easily understandable operation schemes;
  • flexible make money redirecting traffic hours;
  • arbitrage services are in-demand.

Like any other business, arbitrage requires a planned approach and the maximum of insight into processes. In the long run, a diligent newbie can earn $ and more per month, and the income of an experienced arbitrage specialist equals to multi-digit numbers.

Main terms and notions in arbitrage

One of the important conditions for successful arbitrage is the ability to learn and regularly update your knowledge. To start your way in traffic redirection and making money from affiliate programs, you need to learn the basic terms and notions of this field.

Arbitrage specialist – the person that finds traffic for a certain resource and gets a reward for the brought users.

Advertiser – the end recipient of traffic, seller of goods or services, online resource that needs new users, buyers, customers. For example, an Internet store or online casino can act as an advertiser.

Affiliate program (referral) – a form of collaboration between advertiser and arbitrage specialist. The latter advertises and promotes services and gets money for the brought customers.

Offer – an offering from the advertiser. The offer specifies requirements to the traffic brought by the arbitrage specialist, defines the advertising tools and the amount of the reward.

CPA network – an intermediary between advertisers and arbitrage specialists. CPA networks count traffic, regulate the work of the affiliate program, bear responsibility for financial arrangements between parties.

Affiliate programs – a format of business partnership between arbitrage specialists and advertisers, in the process of which traffic is attracted to websites and rewards are guaranteed in return.

Georgia igaming affiliate conference: What Is Traffic Arbitrage and How Can You Earn on That? 1

Affiliate programs and their peculiarities

Arbitrage services and affiliates that provide them are in constant demand in the Internet marketing industry. Using this kind of collaboration, advertisers (Internet stores, gambling sites, game pages) attract a great number of new customers. The work is done according to a certain scheme.

  • Aiming to attract new customers, the advertiser publishes an affiliate program or places an offer in CPA networks.
  • The arbitrage specialist uses advertising materials to bring new users to the advertiser and earns money on that.

The sum depends on the type of offer and its conditions. The most widespread type of affiliate programs now are the ones that pay for the actions of visitors. For example, a person clicks on the link, goes to the website, registers, and the arbitrage specialist gets the preset percentage.

What do arbitrage specialists get money for?

The choice of the offer and advertising platform influences not only the efficiency of arbitrage but also the income of five ways to make money with advocare arbitrage specialist. There are several monetization models and anyone can choose the most suitable option.

Pay per click, PPC. The reward is paid each time the user clicks the referral link. Not the most popular type of affiliate program but a rather simple one. On average, a click costs from $ to $ In case you work with such an offer, the most convenient way to attract traffic is to use clickbait texts and eye-catching banner ads.

Pay per action, PPA, make money redirecting traffic. The affiliate gets a reward if a customer makes a certain action on the advertiser website, for example, registers or downloads some product. It is a rather profitable and not the most difficult type of the affiliate program, as you do not have to dispose users to make a purchase and spend money.

Cost per mille, CPM. The least profitable arbitrage option, when the reward is paid for ad views. The cost is set for 1, impressions.

Cost per sale, CPS. A profitable type of offer in terms of the price. In case the advertiser’s conditions are met, the affiliate gets a percentage of the revenue. For example, a customer follows the link of the arbitrage specialist and goes to the Internet store, where he or she makes a purchase. In this case, the arbitrage specialist gets the commission, make money redirecting traffic. In a variety of this model, customers are attached to affiliates on a regular basis and commission is paid from all purchases of the customer.

Standalone offers combine the pay per click and cost per sale models, make money redirecting traffic. Besides, one can earn money for the brought arbitrage specialists: their performance efficiency and income influence the commission rate (which is paid by the affiliate program).

Georgia igaming affiliate conference: What Is Traffic Arbitrage and How Can You Earn on That? 2

Why CPA networks are convenient for arbitrage specialists

Partnership with CPA networks is carried out according to the following scheme: the advertiser turns to the network to publish make money redirecting traffic offer (advertisement), arbitrage specialists register with the network and can choose the most interesting offers to work with.

Thanks to affiliate services, arbitrage specialists get the following bitcoin investors dies 3 weeks tracking tools;

  • possibility to sort out offers;
  • readymade landing pages;
  • monitoring of fulfilled actions;
  • control of payouts;
  • development of platforms intended for placing templates of landing pages and teaser ads.
  • Besides, it is very important to have the possibility to switch between advertising offerings in order to choose the most optimal and profitable one in practice. The main conditions of successful traffic arbitrage in CPA networks are a well-elaborated strategy chosen by the arbitrage specialist, ability and skill in choosing offers, efficient use of customer acquisition techniques.

    One should take into account that not all affiliate programs work with newbie arbitrage specialists, especially if they have no website. Besides, before you start the collaboration, you have to read the conditions, and feedbacks of other users attentively (about the timeliness of payouts, quality of technical support).

    Traffic acquisition techniques for arbitrage

    Arbitrage specialists can buy traffic at advertising exchanges for certain sums in order to make a profit for reselling this traffic, but there are also methods to get it free of charge. In this case, you will have to invest time and effort in the search for traffic by generating a huge amount of content.

    Personal website. You can attract new customers using high quality, interesting content that has to be updated regularly (articles, infographics, videos).

    Guest blogging. Placement of interesting and meaningful articles on third-party resources by agreement (with the reference to the author and his website).

    Social networks. Not only the development of themed groups and attracting people there but also active participation in discussions with non-intrusive advertising of your resource and content is important here.

    You can also get free traffic using newsletters (not spam), your own YouTube channel, and participating in discussions on third-party blogs.

    Paid traffic and its advantages

    If the desired audience is clearly defined bitcoin investor ervaringen sign up traffic is well paid, make money redirecting traffic, the webmaster may find it reasonable to make money redirecting traffic traffic. There are several ways to do it:

    • through teaser networks (low-budget option);
    • social networks (promotion and buying of posts);
    • contextual advertising intended for targeted users (one of the most expensive ways);
    • banner networks.

    Main advantages of paid traffic acquisition are high speed and efficiency. For the maximum of returns, make money redirecting traffic, one needs to define the target audience, the platform for ad placement, and models of reselling traffic.


    The core idea of traffic arbitrage is to redirect the user flow from one website to another one. The person that provides the end resource with visitors gets a certain payment for that. Traffic arbitrage allows earning both small and big sums. To work successfully and achieve a high level of revenues, one needs a systematic approach and accurate calculations. Upon a proper approach, invested effort, time, and money pay back.

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    How do I join

    Simply visit our sign-up page and create an account. Once your application has been submitted, you will be able to login and get your domains set-up immediately. You will also be assigned an Account Manager who will contact you to help you get started.

    Are there any minimum requirements?

    No, we work with all types of traffic including international.

    Are you really the best international redirect for affiliate networks?

    Yes! With our specialized geo-targeting system, we are easily able to increase international redirect revenue, making you free money on previously lost traffic.

    How will my traffic be monetized?

    Through our extensive research and optimization of make money redirecting traffic website parking, we have developed a large number of landing page designs which are matched with a variety of offers. works with a combination of CPC (Cost-Per-Click), CPM (Cost-Per-Impression) and CPA (Cost-Per-Action) offers, so your revenue will not be based on clicks, but rather a combination of clicks, mpressions and leads.

    How will my traffic be optimized?

    Our optimization team is always testing new landing pages and offers to find the best combination to produce the highest level of revenue for your traffic. We currently have hundreds of different landing page designs, make money redirecting traffic, from prize certificates to surveys, available in our inventory which is growing constantly. Please note that it can take up to 48 hours for enough traffic data to be collected on your domains to begin the optimization process. Once this data has been collected, we will be able to start optimizing your account.

    What other types of traffic does your service accept?

    We are able to accept any type of traffic you send us. Whether you're buying it, link-building, redirecting or even make money redirecting traffic exit pops, our system can monetize your traffic, make money redirecting traffic. If you're interested in using make money redirecting traffic a unique way, make money redirecting traffic, please contact your Account Manager and they can help you get started.

    Will I have access to traffic and revenue statistics?

    Yes! You will be able to see statistics for revenue, views, clicks, EPC and RPM by country when you log into your account.

    How often are stats updated?

    Traffic statistics are collected and updated in real-time. All other statistics are currently updated every 20 minutes.

    Do you support subID parameters?

    We do allow subIDs to be passed on all domains. Please contact your Account Manager for more information on how to setup your URLs to correctly accept subID parameters.

    Is there a fee to work with

    No! Working with is easy and free! Start earning money on your lost traffic today!

    How often will I get paid for the revenue my domains produce?

    All revenue is paid out on monthly Net 20 terms. Be sure to ask your Account Manager if you qualify for weekly wires!

    Is there a minimum amount I need to make before I get paid?

    Our minimum threshold to receive your first payment is $ All accounts that generate over $1, per week may qualify for weekly wires.

    Do you offer PayPal payments?

    Yes, our accounting team does support PayPal payments.

    What does RPM stand for?

    RPM stands for revenue per 1, impressions. (Total Revenue/Total Impressions)* = RPM.

    Can I drive traffic to my domain parked at with email?

    No. Any account with domains used in any spam-related activity will be closed and any income will be forfeited.
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    How to Make a Profit from Domain Redirect Traffic in ?

    Domain Redirect Traffic is a new ad format for online advertising. The results are much more lucrative than other ads show.

    Domain redirect traffic ad campaigns at RichAds have a 10 times higher conversion rate than pop make money redirecting traffic looks like a new gold mine. Let&#;s have a closer look and decide if it is worth trying.

    Domain redirect traffic is a fresh advertising format or a brand new way to advertise online. It is also known as Zero-click or Parked domain traffic.

    The name includes the phrase redirect traffic. This may lead you to think that we will discuss redirects familiar to SEOs. Yes, there will be a redirection technology here, but the main point is about the parked domains. Let&#;s now discuss salt.

    What is Domain Redirect Traffic?

    Domain redirect traffic is a type of traffic that offers a user&#;s redirect from a &#;parked&#; domain to the landing page of the advertiser&#;s offer.

    In this case, everything rests on users&#; mistakes when they type a query, brand, or site name in the search line. When some user types Addidas, Adidac, or something similar and hit enter, they are redirected to the advertiser&#;s offer page. It can be an e-Commerce offer with sneakers (it will convert the best) or any other offer.

    The redirect from the parked domain to the offer page works immediately. This means that the user does not even have time to realize they had visited a parked domain, make money redirecting traffic. There is no confusion whatsoever.

    Now you can almost understand why this traffic is called Domain Redirect and Parked Domain. Both of these factors are involved.

    The term &#;Zero-click&#; is often used to describe this type of traffic as well. Users do not have to click on any kind of advertisement to access the landing page. The page will appear if they make mistakes in typing.

    Domain redirect traffic has the advantage of focusing the user&#;s attention entirely on the opening page.
    You can expect them to look at whatever you want to show because they will not expect to see anything else besides the page they were looking for. They are the most interested and &#;warm&#; viewer. Take advantage of this.

    What is a Parked Domain?

    A parked make money redirecting traffic plays a crucial role in the chain between the user and the landing page. Due to it, an instant redirect to the advertiser&#;s offer page occurs.

    The term &#;parked domain&#; refers to a registered domain address that hasn&#;t been connected with a website. A person who plans to create a website should check if the domain name is free and register it for themselves. At this stage, it is not necessary to have a ready-made website.

    Parking make money redirecting traffic domain is nothing more than buying and reserving it for later use or resale.

    What are the URLs used as parked domains for Zero-Click traffic?

    Here are some examples of requests where people tend to make mistakes:

    • Names of famous brands (Addidas, Amzon, iBay),
    • requests that are commonly made,
    • popular website addresses.

    How to Get Redirect Traffic?

    Parked domains can be created or purchased ready-made and used at your discretion, for example, for advertising purposes.

    There is only one problem: if anybody plans to make good money on parked domain names, they need to register many items and have specific knowledge about how to set up &#;redirecting ads.&#; 

    In this case, an advertising network that has already collected a database of popular parked domain names can be a good choice. RichAds is one of them.

    How is Domain Redirect Traffic Generated?

    Now it&#;s time to make money redirecting traffic how Parked domain traffic is generated. The complete process of selling and buying this type of traffic is listed below. 

    To implement the scheme, you need a user, an advertiser, a &#;parked domain,&#; and a service that will connect them all in one place — an advertising network.

    1. When users type a popular domain name incorrectly and press Enter, they are redirected to parked domain pages. A parked domain is owned by a certain person named publisher.
    1. The system analyzes the data about the incoming user. This is technical information like country, computer, or mobile phone entered into the domain, OS, and browser, make money redirecting traffic. In which situation would a savings account be the best investment to earn interest? domains and IP addresses are also important. This information is sent to an advertising network make money redirecting traffic select the best offer.
    1. Meanwhile, an advertiser in the advertising network wants to show their ads. There is already an advertising campaign set up and a bid rate set.
    1. As soon as a user presses Enter on a misspelled address, their request is forwarded to the advertising network. In the meantime, a classic RTB auction is underway to match the most suitable user with the advertiser.
    1. During real-time bidding, the advertising network analyzes bids from different advertisers as well as the user&#;s technical goals. 
    2. The network&#;s system redirects the user to an offer page as soon as the highest bid is selected. It is not even possible for the user to notice that they were on the parked domain page, make money redirecting traffic. They immediately appear on the landing page with advertising.

    When a make money redirecting traffic domain is displayed, its owner receives make money redirecting traffic reward, make money redirecting traffic. Using advertising networks, the owners monetize their parked domains without much effort. The publisher can also consider earning money from banner ads or collecting push subscriptions, which are other ways to generate revenue.

    What are the Benefits of Domain Redirect Traffic?

    • An audience that is interested in what they will see

    The biggest plus is, of course, the &#;warmed up&#; audience. Best place to invest money safely uk aren&#;t distracted by ads. They purposefully look at the screen to see them.

    • Users are not disrupted by ads

    This is a point that follows from the previous one. Ads do not interrupt the user&#;s activity and do not distract them. The advertising network makes transitions seamless and instant, not spoiling the user experience.

    • CR is 10 times higher compared to the other ad formats

    Due to such a careful approach, CR for domain advertising campaigns is much higher than for the other traffic types. It is 10 times higher than on pops.

    • A high level of quality and engagement

    RichAds divides all traffic sources into 4 categories based on how they convert. The best traffic sources are grouped under the Premium category. About 80% of RichAds domain traffic comes from premium sources.

    • An extensive selection of geos

    Most people misspell site names and queries all over the world. Thus, domain traffic can be used for any geo without exception.

    What is RichAds?
    🔝 Push and pop ads,
    🔼 Domain Redirect traffic,
    🔝 CPM for domain ads starts from $ ,
    ⏫ CPC for push ads starts from $ ,
    🔼 CPM for pops — from $ in Tier 3, $1 in Tier 1,
    ⏫ large volumes of available traffic in more than goes.

    Domain Redirect traffic VS pops: What are the Differences?

    From the description of domain redirect traffic, it became obvious that there are a lot of similarities between it and pops, make money redirecting traffic. Make money redirecting traffic of all, make money redirecting traffic, the user is immediately make money redirecting traffic to a landing page or pre-landing page with an offer.

    Will there be any differences between the two, or are they the same?

    Comparison of domain traffic with popunders

    Domain redirect trafficPop traffic
    AppearanceNew tabNew tab/window
    User expirienceIs the expected continuation of what the user is doingInterrupt the process the user is currently engaged in
    What triggers adsThe user types a request with a mistake. Then they redirect to a landing page through a parked domain.The landing page is automatically opened by the user&#;s browser plugin when he enters the site or clicks on any part of it.
    How to set up the ad campaignNo differenceNo difference
    How it looks geld anlegen österreich vergleich mobile/desktopNew tabTypically, a new browser window is opened on computers, make money redirecting traffic, while it is a new tab on mobile.
    Cost modelCPMCPM
    How much does it costFrom $1,5From $0,5
    AdvantagesOpportunity to get the most interested target audience.

    The ads need to be shown to a smaller number of people than on pops to get a conversion.
    Low costs

    Huge amount of traffic

    The comparison shows that both formats have similar approaches to setup and promotion. However, domain traffic has a greater chance of being seen and converted. If you&#;ve worked with pops before, you ought to try domain traffic as well, make money redirecting traffic. You already know what&#;s going on inside.

    How Much Does Zero Click Parked Domain Traffic Cost?

    It cannot be said that zero click traffic is as cheap as pop songs. Still, it requires certain technical equipment and how to make a paper money cake to purchase the domains themselves from the publishers.

    CPM on pops starts from $, and for domain traffic, CPM starts from $


    The audience&#;s quality and willingness to view the promotional offer are the main factors that make this traffic so expensive. Landing pages on domain traffic is expected and wanted when on pops they are often dismissed and closed without allowing the page to load.

    The purchase costs are justified. Our tests show that offers on domain traffic are 10 times higher CR than on pops.

    What Verticals Work Best with Domain Redirect ads?

    In many ways, domain traffic resembles pop traffic, so it makes sense that the same verticals should convert. The truth is, they do.

    Here is the list of the best verticals for zero-click traffic:

    • Health and beauty,
    • E-commerce,
    • Gambling,
    • Betting,
    • Dating,
    • Crypto,
    • Sweepstakes.

    If we mainly talk about the RichAds advertising network, the best results show Betting, Casino ads, and Cryptocurrency.

    What is RichAds?
    🔝 Push and pop ads,
    🔼 Domain Redirect traffic,
    ⏫ large volumes of available traffic in more than goes.

    The Best Parked Domain Ad Network

    Since domain traffic is an exclusive commodity, you can only buy it from a few ad networks, and RichAds is one of them.

    When it comes to advertising, traffic volume will naturally be one of the main questions. RichAds has million daily clicks from parked domain traffic. This is, of course, incomparably less than the daily traffic volumes for pop traffic in our network — 10 million clicks.

    Consider that parked domain traffic is an exclusive new product, and pops have been around for more than a decade, and many ad networks offer them. Domain traffic is constantly growing and is expected to increase substantially in the future.

    If you have already launched a pops campaign, you can duplicate it for domain redirect traffic as well, make money redirecting traffic. This tactic shows good results.


    Steps to Displaying Your Domain Redirect Ads

    It&#;s no wonder we have discussed pop and domain traffic several times. Both campaigns are configured exactly the same way.

    Select the pops section of RichAds to buy domain redirect traffic.

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    Select the country for your ads and add a link to your landing page. Once you select a country, the recommended and top bid for that country will be displayed on the right. Focus on them when placing your bid.

    When it comes to advanced targeting options (device, OS, or browser language), don&#;t limit them first. By doing so, you can limit the number of potential customers. Run your campaign at the broadest settings possible.

    The only item that is very important to be configured is traffic sources. By default, all pops and domain traffic sources will be displayed.

    !It is essential to leave checkboxes only near domain sources. Green circles indicate where they are.

    Tips for Affiliates Who Launch Domain Redirect Ad Campaigns

    We&#;ve put together a few tips that will help you make traffic management more successful:

    • Run domain ads in separate campaigns, don&#;t mix them with pop ads in the same ad campaign.
    • If you have an ad campaign on pops, duplicate it for zero click ads and see the results.
    • Test as many geos as you can.
    • When setting up a bid, keep in mind CPM recommendations from your advertising account.
    • Use the Micro bidding feature in the optimization stage (it allows you to adjust bids for individual sources) to reduce costs.
    • Use the tracker.
    • Don&#;t be afraid to raise your bid if you hit your target cost per conversion.
    • Ask a personal manager for advice or setting up Micro bidding.

    What is RichAds?
    🔝 Push and pop ads,
    🔼 Domain Redirect traffic,
    🔝 CPM for what were the best investments during the great recession ads starts from $ ,
    ⏫ CPC for push ads starts from $ ,
    🔼 CPM for pops — from $ in Tier 3, $1 in Tier 1,
    ⏫ large volumes of available traffic in more than goes.

    Источник: []

    Make Money with Domain Redirect Traffic

    Update: This coupon is no longer available, however, we have a new one in thanks to SelfAdvertiser&#;s push ads launch. Click here to get it!

    A lot of people ask me about PPV traffic and most networks have millions of pops per day. While pops are a great way to get started one traffic source that I also recommend a lot to learn or simply to make money fast is domain/redirect traffic.


    In my opinion domain redirect traffic is the closest thing you can find to search traffic, and that means the quality is quite good and you get to understand easily why your campaigns work and how to scale them.

    Here are some of the advantages of domain traffic vs. pop traffic:

    Make Money Domain Redirect SelfAdvertiser Features

    Basically, the main advantage is the quality of the traffic and the easy ability to input keywords completely related to an offer and see the conversions pour in. While you normally buy traffic from all sites (RON) on pop networks and you need to use mass-appeal offers to monetize them, make money redirecting traffic, domain redirect traffic is warm traffic, meaning the user is already looking for something and it&#;s up to you to show them the right offers and get the conversion.

    A lot of domain traffic comes from typos and mistakes (typing instead of and some others just because people go to instead of

    The key here is to find good keywords to make money redirecting traffic and deploy a ton of campaigns to make massive volumes.

    The cons of domain redirect traffic are:

    1. The bids are higher (but this means the quality is better than pop)
    2. The volume is lower

    However, let me tell you that volume here isn&#;t as important as regular pop traffic because with high bids and very high conversion rates you can make a lot of money from just a couple thousand visits.

    If you received 3, visits per day with any regular pop traffic network you probably wouldn&#;t make more than a couple of bucks. However, Make money redirecting traffic have had several campaigns with domain traffic receiving just 1, visits per day making $ per day. And that was outside of the USA.

    It all depends on the keyword and your ability to monetize the traffic. Also, I&#;ve found domain traffic quite good to build your own email lists (cheaper than Facebook/Adwords in many cases) or your own subscription websites, so try to think a bit outside of the box and make it rain.

    Domain traffic with SelfAdvertiser

    A couple of months ago I launched an exclusive promo with the SelfAdvertiser crew where you can get a % match of your initial deposit up to $ You can read the whole review from February here.

    We&#;ve extended the promo so you can take advantage of it and start testing domain redirect traffic too. SelfAdvertiser recently got a lot of new publishers with domain traffic so there&#;s good volume available to play and monetize.

    Make Money Domain Redirect SelfAdvertiser Coupon

    You can sign up by clicking up the banner above this line or simply go to the registration page RIGHT HERE.

    This will help you to get approved fast by my manager and after that, all you need to do is use the promo code SRVNDSELF when making the payment as explained in the SelfAdvertiser review.

    Running Domain Redirect campaigns

    The way you create campaigns with SelfAdvertiser for domain traffic is pretty much the same as I explained a couple of months ago.

    You just need to make sure that you select the &#;Targeting Type&#; to be Keyword Targeted and also the &#;Traffic Type&#; to be Domain Redirect (also known as Zero Click). Here&#;s a screenshot:

    Make Money Domain Redirect SelfAdvertiser Campaign

    After that, just keep filling the regular settings like geo, devices, browsers, etc. and in the Keywords field add the keywords what currrent rate to mine a bitcoin want to target. For example, if you&#;re promoting a sweepstake offer you might want to select &#;iPhone&#; and similar keywords. If you&#;re promoting a streaming service &#;streaming&#; has a lot of volume, or &#;loans&#; if you&#;re doing CPL loan offers.

    You get the idea.

    Make Money Domain Redirect SelfAdvertiser Keywords

    While no network has more domain redirect traffic than what&#;s available on pop traffic, make money redirecting traffic, there&#;s still a lot of volumes to play with. SelfAdvertiser has a lot of domain traffic in the USA, but you can find also good volume in tier2 geos and some big tier 3 geos. Check the table below for more information.

    Make Money Domain Redirect SelfAdvertiser Volume

    Additionally, if you&#;re subscribed to my email list make money redirecting traffic receive in a few hours a detailed excel with many countries and all the volume available BY KEYWORD both in mobile and desktop traffic. Consider that a small gift for being a loyal subscriber.

    If you&#;re not a subscriber but you want to receive the excel file just sign up through the form at the end of this post (or at the sidebar) and answer my first email. I&#;ll reply back with the excel file in hours.

    One problem a lot of people have is they use the wrong keywords in the wrong geos and they get no traffic, so having this list will help you focus where the volume is and you&#;ll just have to test landers/offers instead of worrying about not receiving traffic.

    Anyways. If you&#;re having trouble monetizing pop traffic or just want to add more revenue to your campaigns, domain traffic is a great option as well. Don&#;t forget to SIGN UP HERE to get the $ bonus match with SelfAdvertiser.

    P.S. Having a great relationship with your traffic managers will help you get insider information like this in many networks.

    Filed Under: Guides and Tutorials

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