Wow money making professions wod

wow money making professions wod

Guide to Leveling Engineering and Making Gold in Shadowlands to other professions in that it can do a number of very valuable old world. It's still good money, though. Number 4 - Tailoring / Blacksmithing / Leatherworking. Pros. You get BoP crafting materials to make some really. In-depth guide and comparison of the most profitable Professions in World of Warcraft classic. Find out which profession to choose, and which one will earn.

Wow money making professions wod - opinion

World of Warcraft Pro &#; Profession and Gold making Guide

Editor&#;s Note

This is a structured collection of guides on WoW-Pro, which means that I&#;m not the original author of most of the following. I&#;ve simply collected all the goldmaking tips we have here on WoW-Pro, updated them, added some of my own, and given them a common design. Check out Section 17 for credits, the original authers are mentioned there. Some of the poorer guides are not included, neither are the completely outdated ones (from an older expansion, or if the quests have been removed from the game etc., you got the point, however, a few short sections on making money before WotLK are kept). Like WoW-Pro got its own leveling guide, WoW-Pro is gonna have its own gold making guide!
So, to sum up what this guide will include:

  • The early levels &#; We will go through the early levels, the fast methods to make gold during the low-levels.
  • The Auction House &#; The guide will include tips on how to use the auction house, and how to gain use of it.
  • Gold making at high level &#; The guides which gives &#;the most rewardful&#; gold outcome, reffered to level 80&#;s.
  • Add-Ons &#; The best addons which is either needed, or just helping you out.
  • And alot more!

Note again that most of the tips is not written by me, I&#;ve checked most but I&#;ve no particular experience with them.

Table of Contents

Useful Keywords
The Basics Gathering Professions
Crafting Professions
Secondary Professions
How to get most out of Quest Rewards The Auction House Basics
The Auction House Advanced
Low-level Gold Making Alliance
Both Alliance Daily Grinds Icecrown Circuits
Grizzle Hills Circuits Horde Daily Grinds Icecrown Circuits
Grizzle Hills Circuits Methods for a Short burst of Gold Strategy 1
Strategy 2
Strategy 3
Strategy 4
Strategy Saronite/Titanium Mining Routes
Icethorn/Lichbloom Herbalism Routes
Eternal Farming Eternal Fire
Eternal Air
Eternal Life
Eternal Water
Eternal Shadow
Eternal Earth The Burning Crusade Money Making
World of Warcraft Original Money Making
Tips Low-level Tips
General Tips Add-Ons
Shikamaru&#;s Weekly Gold Posts

Useful keywords

When reading this guide you may run into some words that you don&#;t understand. These words will help you through the guide, or help you understand peoples in-game tips. If there is something you didn&#;t find on the list, check out WoW-Pro&#;s World of Warcraft Dictionary.

  • AH &#; Auction House, a place where we&#;re trading items for money.
  • Undercutting &#; Undercutting happens on the Auction House. People are always trying to beat each others prices (cheaper), when many people are doing that, the prices become cheaper.
  • Dailies &#; Daily Quests, I kind of quest which you can repeat everyday. Oftenly a quest which is not included in any quest chain, or a quest that needs to be unlocked.
  • WTS &#; Want to sell, usually used in trade channels, when people are trying to sell something.
  • WTB &#; Want to buy, usually used in trade channels, when people are trying to sell something.
  • LW &#; Leatherworker, a crafting profession skill.
  • BS &#; Blacksmith, a crafting profession skill.
  • ENCH &#; Enchanting, a profession skill.
  • DE &#; Disenchanting, good items can be &#;disenchanted&#; into several kind of dust (which can be used in Enchanting).

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The Basics

Before you even start reading this guide, ask your self, do I want to spend time on getting money? The guide will show you the fast ways, but time is still needed. If the answer is yes, we can go to the next step.

Choosing Professions:
Professions is one of the most important things while making money. You can only have two professions, so you have to choose wisely. There is two kinds of professions. The first one is gathering professions, the second is crafting professions. You must have atleast one gathering profession, the gathring profession makes a benefit difference of the outcome if you wanna make money. Your second profession can be a crafting profession if you like to (some may want to create their gear in level 80), but a second gathering profession is pretty much preffered if you wanna get the best income of money.

    • Gathering Professions
      • Skinning &#; Skinning allows players to gather leather and hides by skinning animals. Leather and hides are used for leatherworking. Leather is also used for some blacksmithing, engineering, and tailoring recipes. For skinning you will be needing a skinning knife, which can be bought from a merchant who sell profession-related items.
      • Mining &#; Mining is used to extract ores, stones, and gems from mineral nodes found throughout the world. Generally, more of these nodes can be found in the underground than on the surface. In addition to gathering the raw materials, it&#;s up to the miners to smelt the ores taken from the ground into metal bars. These are the raw materials that artisans such as Blacksmiths and Engineers is using. For mining you will be needing a Mining Pick which can be bought from a merchant who sell profession-related items.
      • Herbalism &#; With Herbalism you can gather herbs and plant all over the world. Herbalism is an almost necessary requirement for Alchemy. Alchemy is a great skill that allows you to generate all sorts of instant and temporary potions to improve a character&#;s effectiveness.

Crafting Professions

    • Blacksmithing &#; Blacksmiths take bars of metal from miners and work them into finely crafted arms and armor. There are many unique weapons and other armaments that cannot be found on any of the vendors or monsters in the game, but can only be created by blacksmiths. Blacksmiths can create weapons, mail and plate armor for Paladins or Warriors, and trade items. Blacksmiths can construct special sharpening stones that can be used to temporarily improve weapon damage. They can also create several items that are used as ingredients for other Professions recipes, such as Enchanting. Blacksmiths can also create a few items that are needed for quests. They can put these items in the auction house to generate additional income. Blacksmithing is great for Paladins or Warriors, who can use the skill to create their own equipment. It is also good for making money by selling weapons and armor to the classes that can use them.
    • Leatherworking &#; Leatherworking is a crafting profession that goes hand-in-hand with the gathering profession of Skinning. As a leatherworker, you will create leather and mail armor out of the skins and hides. You can also create armor kits, which are single-use items that give a permanent armor or statistic boost to any type of hand, leg, chest, and foot armor. At high levels, leatherworkers can create epic quality armor, some of which can only be created by a leatherworker of a particular specialization.
    • Tailoring &#; Tailoring allows players to cut and weave various pieces of cloth into armor, bags, shirts, and other cloth items. Tailors can create cloth items for cloth wearing classes: Mages, Warlocks, and Priests. Tailors play an especially important role in guilds because they can create bags for the entire guild. They can also create specialty bags such as Herbalism bags that can increase gathering for the guild. They can learn powerful rare recipes as the highest levels which allow them to create powerful gear useful in raiding. Tailors can create shirts or dress-up items. Tailors do not require any special equipment to create their items, such as blacksmiths require anvils. Tailors can create items wherever they want, as long as they have the proper required ingredients. Tailoring does not require a gathering profession. Proper ingredients must be gathered from monsters or purchased from other players. If your friends know you&#;re a tailor they also may collect tailoring ingredients for you, provided you let them know exactly what you need.
    • Inscription &#; the Inscription profession allows its practitioners, called &#;scribes,&#; to enhance the spells and abilities of players&#; characters, such as enhancing a rogue&#;s Backstab ability to deal more damage to stunned targets, or allowing a priest&#;s Circle of Healing to heal one more target. Scribes can also aid enchanters by permitting them to sell their enchantments directly on the Auction House, or help other characters by creating enhancing scrolls like Scroll of Strength.
    • Engineering &#; Engineering is a very fun and creative Profession. You can create all kinds of wacky things that are fun to use and also entertain and amaze other players. Engineering is used to assemble metal and stones into parts needed to make explosives, guns, scopes, bullets, mechanical dragons, aquatic helmets, and much more. More than any other Profession, engineering products require several steps to be completed. Most items created by engineers can only be used by engineers. You can sometimes create something you can sell to another engineer. Many engineering recipes require a lot of different parts before the item can be created. This will require more space in your bags than other Professions.
    • Enchanting &#; Enchanters use their magical formulae to grant permanent augmentations to weapons, armor and other equipment. Enchanting requires the use of special ingredients that can only be gathered by disenchanting magical items. Using these ingredients, enchanters can make items more powerful. With the right methods, enchanting can produce a big amount. Enchanting is an advanced skill.
    • Alchemy &#; The Alchemist mixes herbs in order to generate potions with a variety of effects. A player can create healing, invisibility, elemental resistance, and mana potions; oils to coat weapons; and much more.

You have to choose one gathering, and one random. You&#;ve maybe noticed that some professions has good combinations. To gain most gold, Mining and Skinning, or Herbalism and Skinning is the best combination in my opinion, but it&#;s is up to you. Things you should not choose: Engineering. Engineering is useful in other ways, but do not belong to gold making.
Beside the two main professions, you&#;re able to have all the Secondary Professions too! which you should make sure to have.

    • Secondary Professions
    • Cooking &#; As you&#;re traveling around the world, you&#;ll notice that you often receive pieces of meat, which, instead of being sold to merchants, could be used to create food. If you&#;re a player that relies on food, such as a non-healing player or a player that solos, food should become very important to you. You can buy food from merchants, but the food gained through cooking is nearly free and it is actually much more effective.
    • Fishing &#; As a secondary skill, fishing occupies its own unique space in World of Warcraft. Although it is essentially a gathering skill akin to skinning, herbalism, or mining, the mechanics of the skill make it almost like a mini-game. Just like the real-life equivalent, to become a master fisherman you&#;ll have to spend considerable time standing next to bodies of water while holding a fishing pole. Catching a fish will be a test of your reaction time, as you have to right-click the bobber immediately after you see it dip into the water indicating you&#;ve caught something. Along with the requisite marine life such as fish, eels, and squid, you also might haul up some odds and ends from time to time &#; including even valuable items, some of which may only be caught by fishing. The fish you catch can be eaten on their own to regain health, or they can be used in cooking recipes. The cooked fish will often provide useful effects when eaten. You will be needing a Fishing Pole which can be bought from a merchant who sells Profession-related items.
    • Archaeology (supposted to be added in patch ) &#; Archaeology is the new secondary profession that will be joining the ranks of cooking, fishing, and first aid in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. Archaeology allows the player to unlock new abilities and rewards by discovering ancient treasures throughout the world. Each archaeologist uses the profession to uncover clues hidden in the world around them, such as troll relics or map fragments, and decipher their meaning, enabling the clever archaeologist to manipulate pieces of the past, learning the location of a treasure cache or valuable artifact. Such artifacts are highly sought after by the Archaeology Society, and they pay in gold and items for their return. Those who have mastered archaeology can find Titan artifacts, earning special currency used to unlock character paths and allowing the player to further customize their character.

How to get most out of Quest Rewards

    1. Make sure you&#;re getting upgrades. Using Rating Buster, you should compare the stats on the gear usable to you, to check for upgrades. If none are found, you continue onto step two..
    2. When using gear better than a quest reward, mouse over each of them, and select the one that has the greatest number after the gold symbol. If they give the same amount, look at the number after the silver symbol, and so on. This may be after &#;Sells For:&#; instead, depending on your version of Sellfish.
    3. To save yourself some time, you could look up some quest rewards corresponding to quests in the zone you&#;re in, or corresponding to Jame&#;s guide, while you&#;re unable to play. Preferably use WoWhead or Thottbot, in my opinion, I&#;ve gotten spyware from Allakhazam before!

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The Auction House Basics

The Auction House is a place where players can trade things between each other, or sell almost every kind of stuff that you like to. It&#;s very important to understand the Auction House, so you can gain use of it. Everything we are farming such as herbs, skins, ores etc. are we going to sell on the Auction House, however it sounds strange that people are willing to buy it from high prices, it&#;s true, I gurantee you.

How do you use the Auction House?

The Auction House can be found in every racial capital city, NOT in Dalaran or Shatrath City. If you can&#;t find it, ask a guard that will give you a waypoint to where it is. The Auction House got three different options:


&#;Browse&#;, is the place where all the Auctions that other players has made is. You can either search at the search option, or if you&#;re searching for something specific (like two-hand axes), in the column to the left. If you want buy something, you can either bid, or buyout. If you buyout, you will get the item directly in a mail (in the mailbox).


&#;Bids&#; is the place where you can view your own bids on other players Auctions. If you&#;ve bid on a item, you can see in the bed window how long time there is before the Auction runs out. If you were the highest, you will recive the item in a mail.


&#;Auctions&#; is the place where you view your own Auctions. The box on the left side allow you to create the Auction, drag your item into the little item box, and then write a bed price, and a buyout price. You can also see if anyone has bid on your Auctions or how long time they stay on the Auction House, before the time runs out and you get the Auction back in a mail.

==NOTE==You will need to pay a fee to set an Auction up. If someone buy aout one of your Auctions, you will get a mail with the money the played payed.
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The Auction House Advanced (requires Auctioneer Add-on)

I assume you know the basics of using the Auction House now, then, let&#;s go further!

The Auction House is Your Friend

    • This is something that can&#;t be ignored. The Auction House is the place where you can make bulks of gold, if you know what you are doing.


    • You think you can make more money farming? Dream on and get real, I&#;d even take a bet on that (and I don&#;t take bets easily). With Auctioneer, you will be scanning the AH two/three times a day.


    • Do this for weeks and you&#;ll have a pretty accurate spreadsheet of how you server&#;s economy is set up.


Knowing what sells

    • That is no idea in trying to sell a rare weapon at the fee of 25g if you keep getting that mail: Auction has Expired? One of the important things when using the Auction House is to know what sells, and what doesn&#;t. Things such as cloth, ores, herbs, skins and hides etc. almost sell every time.


Scan your Auction House Frequently

    • Scan your Auction House frequently &#; atleast the first weeks so you can get an overview of your server economics, &#;what sells, what do not&#;, &#;at what time of the day&#;, &#;when do I have to sell it&#;, &#;what is undercutted&#;, &#;will the price rise&#;, all these question needs to be answered before you will get succes by selling on the Auction House.


Patch Notes

    • People like me are always, always happy when new (PTR) patch notes are released. Don&#;t know what I&#;m talking about? Shame on you! You have no idea what you are missing, or already have missed. These are the current PTR patch notes, they are updated frequently.

You should always read them and keep track of any changes that occur. For those who didn&#;t know: Patch Notes are a gold mine.

Don&#;t flood the Market

Like the real economy WoW&#;s has a Demand: Price ratio, wherein the more an item is readily available the less it is worth. So, if you flood the market using the same method you will lose out on gold. Put up a maximum of 5 stacks each time you&#;re trying to sell dust, skin or anything else that sells. If things has been very cheap, that is typical a player(s) who have overflood the market. Wait a few days and check again, the price may have gone up with the demand.

Earning money is like in the real World

    • Earning money in World of Warcraft is like in real life. It&#;s about getting a great idea, what about Blizzard? Great Idea creating World of Warcraft, huh? Yes, in my opinion, you have to do &#;the same&#; in-game. Be smart and buy Silk Cloth for 50 silver, sell it later on same day for 1 gold&#; you got the point. It&#;s all about being a bit creative and try to figure out what is selling good, and what is not.


Differrent prices at Different times of the Day

    • Yes, believe it or not, but prices vary, very much to be exactly. You can earn alot of money if you buy things earlier on the day ( &#; ) and sell it later on(), sometimes for the double, or even more. In the weekends, much more people will get online (no school or work), of course more activiness on the Auction House too! If you&#;re smart, you buy plenty of stuff at the end of the weekend (things you&#;re going to sell the following week) so all the prices has been undercutted very low. The prices will surely grow again at the end of the workdays.


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Gold making at low Level (requires Auctioneer)

The best ways of making money as a low level, through skinning, mining or herbing.


    • At level 5 you should have enough money to buy your professions, whatever race you are, you need to have mining and skinning (skinning is optional). Mining can be trained two different locations:
      • Gorum Stonebeard &#; Ironforge, Great Forge
      • Dane Lindgren &#; Stormwind, Dwarven District

First off, get to Stormwind, if you&#;re a human this is easy, just check your map.
If you&#;re a dwarf or a gnome take the Deeprun Tram from Ironforge and you&#;re there!
If you&#;re a Draenei or a Night Elf, take the boat to Auberdine and then take the boat to Stormwind Harbor.
In Stormwind, scan the Auction House using the Auctioneer AddOn. Do this by talking to one of the auctioneers and pressing the &#;scan&#; button. Go do something for 10 minutes (call your girlfriend/boyfriend/mother for a change ) and then return when it&#;s done scanning. Buy a Mining Pick and a Skinning Knife (optional), and make sure your bag(s) are empty.
Here is the route we&#;re going to follow

Start off by heading to the south and then follow the red line I drew on the map above! Easy right? While walking kill everything that gets in the way and don&#;t forget to skin them! If you&#;re still around level 10 you can actually get quite a nice amount of experience from this too.
When you get to the the Fargodeep Mine (the first one) just enter one of the entrances and walk through the cave all the way to the other entrance.
South of Eastvale Logging Camp is one node, you can choose to take this one if you feel like you don&#;t have enough yet, but I usually leave it there, since you won&#;t really miss it.
The Jasperlode Mine only has one entrance/exit so just walk all the way to the end of the cave and then just head back out.
The end is right where you&#;ve started, at Stormwind. I suggest taking a break since it can be quite boring and the mining veins need time to respawn. Time to cash in! Go to the Auction House and see what price your Auctioneer Add-on advices you to set for a stack! If you have a stack with less then 20 ores, don&#;t be afraid to dump it there too, the add-on will automatically set the right price comparing to a full stack. Do not remeber to sell your Linen Cloth if you got any (use Auctioneer AddOn).


At level 5 you should have enough money to buy your professions, whatever race you are, you need to have mining and skinning (skinning is optional). Mining can be trained four different locations:

    • Ug&#;thok &#; Orgrimmar, Valley of Honor
    • Guillaume Sarowy- Silverpine Forest, The Sepulcher
    • Thrag Stonehoof &#; Thunder Bluff, Elevation 1
    • Brasil Frye &#; Undercity, War Quarter

First, move to Orgrimmar. Then just follow the black line on the map. While walking the route, kill everything that attacks, don&#;t forget to skin them! If you&#;re still around lvl 10 you can actually get quite a nice amount of experience from this too.

The route ends and start at Orgrimmar. I suggest taking a break since it can be quite boring and the mining veins need time to respawn. Time to cash in! Go to the Auction House and see what price your Auctioneer Add-on advices you to set for a stack! If you have a stack with less then 20 ores, don&#;t be afraid to dump it there too, the add-on will automatically set the right price comparing to a full stack. Do not remeber to sell your Linen Cloth if you got any (use Auctioneer AddOn).


    1. First thing&#;s first, go train enchanting (or have your bank/AH-alt train it if you have one and don&#;t want to give up your precious professions, trust me I know that feeling).
    2. Next, go straight to the auction house and look up Strange Dust. This stuff sells for surprisingly well on most servers, the average being about gold per stack of (If this isn&#;t the case, and they are cheaper this method isn&#;t really worth the time and money spent).
  1. Click on either the armor or weapons tab and hit search (without typing anything into the box), click on the &#;current bid&#; tab on the top row of options and make sure the arrow is pointing downward, now you will have the lowest current bid on all items. Buy GREEN items (needs to be greens, can&#;t DE greys or whites and blues will be too expensive) which buyout prices are around silver (any higher and you are paying to much). Do this for about 10 items, you will have spent about 3 gold by now (hopefully you&#;ll have picked a few cheap 11 silver greenies) If you have spent more that&#;s fine, but try not to spend more than 5 gold on this.==Note== I&#;ve found armor is generally cheaper than weapons for some reason.
  2. Go get them in the mail and disenchant. Most of these super cheap greens will require only 1 skill point in enchanting, and most of them will drop about  Strange Dust&#;s. (Note: if you don&#;t have twenty of them when all of the items are DE&#;ed you can buy a few (normally about ) of them from the enchanting supplier in your city. But be aware that there is a limited stock).
  3. Anyway, sell your Strange Dust at the lowest price on your auction house. This should be around 10 gold, but can be as high as 20 gold if you are supremely lucky.==Note== Lesser Magical Essence&#;s may also drop from the disenchanced items, though Strange Dust is more common, if so these also sell fairly well on the auction house.

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Alliance Daily Grinds

The most optimal quest circuits for the Alliance (Only level 80). Original guide here by Hairbo.


  • I am level 80
  • I have a regular flying mount
  • I have purchased cold weather flying training
  • I have completed most of the quests in Icecrown

If you do not meet these requirements don&#;t panic, I have some solutions. First of all, if you aren&#;t level 80 I suggest following Jame&#;s Guides thoroughly until you reach If you do not have the money (approximately gold) to purchase your basic flying mount and cold weather flying training, you probably haven&#;t finished all of the regular quests in Northrend. I suggest completing each zone in Northrend because regular quests give almost the same amount of gold as 80 daily quests do. Finally, If you haven&#;t completed quests in Icecrown yet, do them. Doing these quests will not only open up much needed daily quests, but will also provide you with extra gold.

Icecrown Circuits

    • Head to Dalaran, then to Krasus Landing [68,43]. Once there talk to Officer Van Rossem, who is located to the immediate right as you walk in, with four body guards. Click the &#;Take me to the ship.&#; option.

When you land get the quest [80] Blood of the Chosen behind you. Take the left staircase down and get the following quests from Thrassarian:

[80] That&#;s Abominable!
[80] Drag and Drop
[80] Not a Bug

Find Absalan the Pious patting around the ship, he is a dwarf with blackish hair. When you find him get his quest: [80] Slaves to Saronite.

In the middle of the deck of the ship, you should see a sloped indent in the floor, if you go around it you should see a staircase, go down it. Head down one of the two staircases leading down to the final floor of the ship, and get the quests [80] The Solution Solution and [80] Retest Now.

    1. Mount up and get out of the ship. Head South-Southeast to the Broken Front [68,62]. Once you&#;ve arrived here we&#;re going to do two things:-Look for Pile of Bones, Abandoned Armor, and Abandoned Helm&#;s which are scattered all over the ground.-Kill Hulking Abominations until they drop Chilled Abomination you have collected a pile of bones, an abandoned armor, and an abandoned helm, use your Smuggled Solution on the ground and watch a Skytalon take it and explode. Do this three times to complete [80] The Solution Solution.
    2. After you get a Chilled Abomination Guts head to [66,63] and use your Abomination Reanimation Kit. This will allow you to control an Abomination pet for a little while. You have two abilities: Faltulate and Burst at the Seams. Faltulate stuns all the targets around the Abomination, and Burst at the Seams makes your pet explode, killing all targets near him. When you pet is summoned, send him into the pile of undead right in front of the Death Gate [66,33]. Stun adds as you pull more then explode when you have a decent amount of adds. Remember to be close to your abomination when he explodes, or you won&#;t get credit for the kills. Rinse and Repeat until [80] That&#;s Abominable! is completed.==Note== Remember each time your Abomination dies you have to kill more Hulking Abominations to get Chilled Abomination Guts to resummon your pet.==Note== from now on keep any Vrykul Bones you get.
    1. Mount up and head north to a pit with alliance soldiers in it [62,51]. You should see two daily quests, but we&#;re only doing one. Pick up [80] Assault by Ground and start the escort. You&#;ll be escorting 4 Skybreaker Infantry and a Skybreaker Squad Leader through Vrykul assaults on the way to Ymirheim. You&#;ll get ambushes of about  Vrykul, all of which are ranged. Let the NPCs tank the adds as you kill one add at a time. DO NOT let the NPCs die however, or you&#;ll need to restart. After the escort is finished proceed to step 4.
    2. Continue west through Ymirheim [59,53]. Slay the rest of the Vrykul you need for [80] Blood of the Chosen as you head up the slope going north.
    3. Once you get to the top of the slope take a left and enter the cave. In the mine you&#;ll see NPC&#;s called Saronite Mine Slaves. Approach one and click the option &#;Go on, you&#;re free. Get out of here!&#; The NPC will either run free and you&#;ll get credit for your quest, or will attack you. He might also just run away, doing neither. Talk to these until [80] Slaves to Saronite is completed.
    4. Get out of the mine and head south to a little gnome called Frazzle Geargrinder [56,62]. Now before you get her quest [80] King of the Mountain, watch this short video in high you turn in the quest (as instructed on the video) mount up and head back to the pit [62,51] where [80] Assault by Ground was and turn the quest in.
  1. Head to the north of Ymirheim where you&#;ll find a cultist camp [55,46]. Start killing Bitter Initiate&#;s. WARNING: Do not kill Dark Subjugator. When an Initiate drops an Orb of Illusion, find a Dark Subjugator and target it, use the orb on them. Do this three times until [80] Drag and Drop is completed.
  2. Mount up and head north to Aldur&#;thar [54,31]. Drink your Diluted Cult Tonic and start to kill everything around here. Focus on killing Void Summoner&#;s and their Enslaved Minions. Use your Rod of Siphoning on the corpses of Enslaved Minions to get dark matter. Keep clearing around here until you have 10 Tainted Essence&#;s and 5 Dark Matter.
    ==Note== Remember to refresh your Diluted Cult Tonic buff every 10 minutes, or the Tainted Essence won&#;t drop.
  3. After you have 10 Tainted Essence&#;s and 5 Dark Matter, head to a cultist camp about yards away from where the summoner&#;s were [53,33]. Dismount in the center of the camp and click the Summoning Stone. When your done channeling, re mount and head west [48,34].
  4. In this cultist camp you should see three cauldrons. Combine your Tainted Essence&#;s by clicking the Tainted Essence in your bag (similar to motes/eternals} to form a Writhing Mass. Stand near a cauldron and click the Writhing Mass in your bag.
  1. Mount up and head northwest to The Shadow Vault [43,24]. Sell your junk, but remember not to sell Vrykul Bones yet. Get the following quests at The Shadow Vault:[80] Leave Our Mark
    [80] Vile Like Fire!Do not get [80]Shoot Em&#; Up. This quest has been bugged since the PTR and is extremely hard to do, thus a waste of time.
  2. Mount up and head southwest to Jotunheim [32,42]. You might notice we are outside a cave, go inside and turn in 15 Vrykul Bones for a Fate Rune of your choice. Eat this and it gives you 30 minute buff to help you out with your quests.
  3. Start killing Vrykul while heading north through Jotunheim. Remember to use your Ebon Blade Banner on the corpses of dead Vrykul. Keep any Vrykul Bones you get here.
  4. Clear until you get to a ledge with many Proto-Drakes on it [27,39]. Don&#;t worry if you haven&#;t finished your 15 Vrykul kills yet. Get close to one of the Photo-Drake&#;s and right click it to mount it. Use your Burst of Speed spell to move quickly, and use your Strafe Jotunheim Building spell to light the roofs of buildings here on fire. Go around and light 8 roofs on fire until [80] Vile Like Fire! is completed.
  5. Once you&#;ve gotten your 8 roofs lit, demount by clicking the red drop arrow on the right hand side of your custom bar. Keep killing Vrykul until you have [80] Leave Our Mark completed.==Note== If you have 15 more Vrykul Bones at this point, you can head back to the cave to get another Fate Rune buff [32,42]. If you don&#;t care for a buff, move on to the next step.
  6. Mount up and head west along the cliff line to Death&#;s Rise [20,47]. Sell junk. Get the following quests here:
    [80] No Fly Zone
    [80] From Their Corpses, Rise!
    [80] Intelligence Gathering
  1. Head northwest to Onslaught Harbor. Once you get there make sure Bone Gryphon is on your bar. Start killing Gryphon Rider&#;s while on your Bone Gryphon, and use your Darkmender&#;s Tincture on them. Also if they drop a key you should use the key on the chest&#;s lying around the ground and on the Once you&#;ve gotten all your Gryphon Rider&#;s slain, go to the beaches on the northern side of the island [6,39] and clear here for the rest of your intel documents, lots of Scarlet mobs around this until you complete [80] No Fly Zone, [80] From Their Corpses, Rise!, and [80] Intelligence Gathering.
  2. Fly back to Death&#;s Rise [20,47] and turn in everything. Take the flight path, which is a bat on the ridge of the Death&#;s Rise and fly to The Shadow Vault. Turn in everything.
  3. Mount up and head back to the ship, turn in everything here.
    Icecrown Complete &#; 14/25 Daily&#;s Complete &#; + Gold Earned.

Grizzly Hills Circuit

    • From the ship head southeast to Crusaders&#; Pinnacle [79,72] and take the flight to Amberpine Lodge.

Mount up and head northeast to Blue Sky Logging Grounds [39,43]. At this location pick up the following quests:

[74]Shredder Repair
[74] Life or Death
[74] Pieces Parts
[74] Kick &#;Em While They&#;re Down

Head into the Logging Grounds [34,40] and complete the following objectives: 15 horde units your Renewing Bandage on 10 Alliance Infantry (only counts if the person is kneeling or lying down) the parts needed for [74] Pieces Parts which are scattered all over the ground.

Once these three objectives are complete, find a Broken-Down Shredder.

Hop in it and run it back to the camp [39,43] click the spell &#;Shredder Delivery. Do this three times. Turn in:

[74] Shredder Repair
[74] Life or Death
[74] Pieces Parts
[74] Kick &#;Em While They&#;re Down

Mount up and fly south-southwest to Venture Bay [21,80]. At this camp pick up the following quests:

[74]Smoke &#;Em Out
[74] Down With Captain Zorna
[74] Keep Them at Bay!

Go across the river to the west and you should see a Lumber mill [18,79]. Use your Smoke Bomb on the Venture Company Stragglers. Clear horde while working your way toward the other Lumber mill [16,76] and smoke the Venture Company Stragglers out here. Finally clear horde up to the house on the hill at [14,76] and smoke the rest of the Venture Company Stragglers you need. Get out of the house and jump off the mini cliff and clear the horde on the dock [14,78]. You should see a tent on the dock near here, kill Captain Zorna under this tent. Finish killing horde until [74] Keep Them at Bay! is complete.

Mount up and go back to the camp in Venture Bay. Turn in all the quests.

Grizzly Hills Complete &#; 21/25 Dailies Complete &#; +g Earned.

[Back to the top]

Horde Daily Grinds

The most optimal quest circuits for hordes (only level 80). Original guide here by Hairbo.


  • I am level 80
  • I have a regular flying mount
  • I have purchased cold weather flying training
  • I have completed most of the quests in Icecrown

If you do not meet these requirements don&#;t panic, I have some solutions. First of all, if you aren&#;t level 80 I suggest following Jame&#;s Guides thoroughly until you reach If you do not have the money (approximately gold) to purchase your basic flying mount and cold weather flying training, you probably haven&#;t finished all of the regular quests in Northrend. I suggest completing each zone in Northrend because regular quests give almost the same amount of gold as 80 daily quests do. Finally, If you haven&#;t completed quests in Icecrown yet, do them. Doing these quests will not only open up much needed daily quests, but will also provide you with extra gold.

Icecrown Circuits

    • Head to Dalaran, then to Krasus Landing [68,43]. Once there talk to Sky-Reaver Klum, who is located to the immediate right as you walk in, with four body guards. Click the &#;Take me to the ship.&#; option.

When you land get the quest [80] Blood of the Chosen from a wandering orc named Warbringer Davos Rioht. After finding the orc, find the room on the deck with a horde flag outside it. Inside get the following quests from Koltira Deathweaver:

[80]That&#;s Abominable!
[80]Drag and Drop
[80]Not a Bug

Find Brother Keltan patting around the ship, blood elf with blue-green hair. When you find him get his quest: [80] Slaves to Saronite. Head down one of the two staircases leading down to the center of the ship. Go to the very back of the center of the ship and you should see a goblin,get the quests [80] Volatility and [80] Retest Now from him.

    1. up and get out of the ship. Head South-Southeast to the Broken Front [68,62]. Once you&#;ve arrived here we&#;re going to do two things:

-Look for Pile of Bones, Abandoned Armor, and Abandoned Helm&#;s which are scattered all over the ground.

-Kill Hulking Abominations until they drop Chilled Abomination Guts.

Once you have collected a pile of bones, an abandoned armor, and an abandoned helm, use your Copperclaw&#;s Volatile Oil on the ground and watch a Skytalon take it and explode. Do this three times to complete [80] Volatility.

  1. After you get a Chilled Abomination Guts head to [66,63] and use your Abomination Reanimation Kit. This will allow you to control an Abomination pet for a little while. You have two abilities: Faltulate and Burst at the Seams. Faltulate stuns all the targets around the Abomination, and Burst at the Seams makes your pet explode, killing all targets near him. When you pet is summoned, send him into the pile of undead right in front of the Death Gate [66,33]. Stun adds as you pull more then explode when you have a decent amount of adds. Remember to be close to your abomination when he explodes, or you won&#;t get credit for the kills. Rinse and Repeat until [80] That&#;s Abominable! is completed.==Note== Remember each time your Abomination dies you have to kill more Hulking Abominations to get Chilled Abomination Guts to resummon your pet.==Note== from now on keep any Vrykul Bones you get.
  2. Mount up and head north to a pit with horde soldiers in it [58,46]. You should see two daily quests, but we&#;re only doing one. Pick up [80]Assault by Ground and start the escort. You&#;ll be escorting 4 Korkron Infantry and a Kor&#;Kron Squad Leader through Vrykul assaults on the way to Ymirheim. You&#;ll get ambushes of about  Vrykul, all of which are ranged. Let the NPCs tank the adds as you kill one add at a time. DO NOT let the NPCs die however, or you&#;ll need to restart. After the escort is finished proceed to step 4.
  3. Continue west through Ymirheim [59,53]. Slay the rest of the Vrykul you need for [80] Blood of the Chosen as you head up the slope going north.
  4. Once you get to the top of the slope take a left and enter the cave. In the mine you&#;ll see NPC&#;s called Saronite Mine Slaves. Approach one and click the option &#;Go on, you&#;re free. Get out of here!&#; The NPC will either run free and you&#;ll get credit for your quest, or will attack you. He might also just run away, doing neither. Talk to these until [80] Slaves to Saronite is completed.
  5. Get out of the mine and head west to a goblin called Blast Thunderbomb [51,57]. Now before you get his quest [80] King of the Mountain, watch this short video in high you turn in the quest (as instructed on the video) mount up and head back to the pit [58,46] where [80] Assault by Ground was and turn the quest in.
  6. .Head to the north of Ymirheim where you&#;ll find a cultist camp [55,46]. Start killing Bitter Initiate&#;s. WARNING: Do not kill Dark Subjugator. When an Initiate drops an Orb of Illusion, find a Dark Subjugator and target it, use the orb on them. Do this three times until [80] Drag and Drop is completed.
  7. Mount up and head north to Aldur&#;thar [54,31]. Drink your Diluted Cult Tonic and start to kill everything around here. Focus on killing Void Summoner&#;s and their Enslaved Minions. Use your Rod of Siphoning on the corpses of Enslaved Minions to get dark matter. Keep clearing around here until you have 10 Tainted Essence&#;s and 5 Dark Matter.==Note== Remember to refresh your Diluted Cult Tonic buff every 10 minutes, or the Tainted Essence won&#;t drop.
  8. After you have 10 Tainted Essence&#;s and 5 Dark Matter, head to a cultist camp about yards away from where the summoner&#;s were [53,33]. Dismount in the center of the camp and click the Summoning Stone. When your done channeling, re mount and head west [48,34].
  9. In this cultist camp you should see three cauldrons. Combine your Tainted Essence&#;s by clicking the Tainted Essence in your bag (similar to motes/eternals} to form a Writhing Mass. Stand near a cauldron and click the Writhing Mass in your bag.
  1. Mount up and head northwest to The Shadow Vault [43,24]. Sell your junk, but remember not to sell Vrykul Bones yet. Get the following quests at The Shadow Vault:[80] Leave Our Mark
    [80] Vile Like Fire!Do not get [80]Shoot Em&#; Up. This quest has been bugged since the PTR and is extremely hard to do, thus a waste of time.
  2. Mount up and head southwest to Jotunheim [32,42]. You might notice we are outside a cave, go inside and turn in 15 Vrykul Bones for a Fate Rune of your choice. Eat this and it gives you 30 minute buff to help you out with your quests.
  3. Start killing Vrykul while heading north through Jotunheim. Remember to use your Ebon Blade Banner on the corpses of dead Vrykul. Keep any Vrykul Bones you get here.
  4. Clear until you get to a ledge with many Proto-Drakes on it [27,39]. Don&#;t worry if you haven&#;t finished your 15 Vrykul kills yet. Get close to one of the Photo-Drake&#;s and right click it to mount it. Use your Burst of Speed spell to move quickly, and use your Strafe Jotunheim Building spell to light the roofs of buildings here on fire. Go around and light 8 roofs on fire until [80] Vile Like Fire! is completed.
  5. Once you&#;ve gotten your 8 roofs lit, demount by clicking the red drop arrow on the right hand side of your custom bar. Keep killing Vrykul until you have [80] Leave Our Mark completed.==Note== If you have 15 more Vrykul Bones at this point, you can head back to the cave to get another Fate Rune buff [32,42]. If you don&#;t care for a buff, move on to the next step.
  6. Mount up and head west along the cliff line to Death&#;s Rise [20,47]. Sell junk. Get the following quests here:[80] No Fly Zone
    [80] From Their Corpses, Rise!
    [80] Intelligence Gathering
  1. Head northwest to Onslaught Harbor. Once you get there make sure Bone Gryphon is on your bar. Start killing Gryphon Rider&#;s while on your Bone Gryphon, and use your Darkmender&#;s Tincture on them. Also if they drop a key you should use the key on the chest&#;s lying around the ground and on the Once you&#;ve gotten all your Gryphon Rider&#;s slain, go to the beaches on the northern side of the island [6,39] and clear here for the rest of your intel documents, lots of Scarlet mobs around this until you complete [80] No Fly Zone, [80] From Their Corpses, Rise!, and [80] Intelligence Gathering.
  2. Fly back to Death&#;s Rise [20,47] and turn in everything. Take the flight path, which is a bat on the ridge of the Death&#;s Rise and fly to The Shadow Vault. Turn in everything.
  3. Mount up and head back to the ship, turn in everything www.oldyorkcellars.comwn Complete &#; 14/25 Daily&#;s Complete &#; + Gold Earned.

Grizzly Hills Circuits

    • From the ship head southeast to Crusaders&#; Pinnacle [79,72] and take the flight to Conquest Hold.

Mount up and head northeast to Blue Sky Logging Grounds [34,32]. At this location pick up the following quests:

[74] Making Repair
[74] Shred the Alliance
[74] Keep &#;Em on Their Heels
[74] Overwhelmed!

Head into the Logging Grounds [34,40] and complete the following objectives: 15 alliance units your Renewing Bandage on 10 Wounded Skirmishers (only counts if the person is kneeling or lying down) the parts needed for [74] Making Repair which are scattered all over the ground.

Once these three objectives are complete, find a Broken-Down Shredder.

Hop in it and run it back to the camp [34,32] click the spell &#;Shredder Delivery. Do this three times. Turn in:

[74] Making Repair
[74] Shred the Alliance
[74] Keep &#;Em on Their Heels
[74] Overwhelmed!

Mount up and fly south-southwest to Venture Bay [10,76]. At this camp pick up the following quests:

[74] Smoke &#;Em Out
[74] Crush Captain Brightwater!
[74] Keep Them at Bay

Go across the river to the east and you should see a house [14,76]. Use your Smoke Bomb on the Venture Company Stragglers. Clear alliance while working your way toward the Lumbermill [16,76] and smoke the Venture Company Stragglers out here. Finally clear alliance to the second Lumbermill at [17,79] and smoke the rest of the Venture Company Stragglers you need. Get out of the lumber mill and clear the alliance on the dock [14,78]. You should see a ship on the dock, similar to the ones that carry you to Northrend. On the main deck you should see Captain Brightwater, kill him. Finish killing alliance until [74] Keep Them at Bay! is complete.

Mount up and go back to the camp in Venture Bay. Turn in all the quests.

Grizzly Hills Complete &#; 21/25 Dailies Complete &#; +g Earned.

[Back to the top]

Methods for a Short Burst of Gold

Strategy 1


        • Herbalism.
        • A character level 68 or above (in order to gain access to Northrend).
        • No specific mount required.
        • 5 minutes.

    Disclaimer: Prices are very server dependant!

First head over to Borean Tundra. The place where we are going to be farming is a little lake in the middle of the map called . Here is a map of Borean with the lake circled.

Ok, now to the route. As you can see on the map below there are quite a few spawns of Tiger Lily here. If you use a route like one on the map below you can cover the whole of the area in mere minutes.

This usually nets me about 1/2 a stack of Tiger Lily, which on my server is worth around 12g50s; all that for just 5 minutes of work. However that is not the only money source. Occasionally you will get Crystallized Life drop with the herbs, gather it up; it&#;s worth about 10g minimum for one Eternal Life (which is 10 Crystallized Life). However, the drops keep on coming, you will also get some Deadnettle drops. This sells for about 25g a stack. Finally if you are lucky you will get some Frost Lotus dropping. These beautys are worth around 25g each!

So to sum up you will be gathering:

        • Tiger Lily (25g a stack)
        • Deadnettle (25g a stack)
        • Eternal Life (10g each)
        • Frost Lotus (25g each)

    Continue to do this until your bags are full, this will take a while, be patient. It is best to fill your bags, then go back back to the Auction House and put them on. Do not put all the ones that you have farmed on the Auction House at once. This will crash the market, put a maximum of about 3 on at a time.

If you aggro one of the Loot Crazed Divers around the edge of the lake, dont worry, just kill it and collect the loot; you can get greens drop and Fur Clothing Scraps sell for 10s each, which is pretty nice for a grey drop.

If you collect Nesingwary Lackey Ears which drop off the Loot Crazed Divers then you can also hand in Ears of Our Enemies for 9g86s, XP and reputation with the Cenarion Expedition!
The repeatable version of the quest is called Can&#;t Get Ear-nough and the reward is reputation with the Cenarion Expedition.

Strategy 2


      • Able to enter Wintergrasp.
      • Time = minutes.
      • Part 2 requires Engineering (minimum to use Zapthrottle Mote Extractor).
      • Part 3 requires Mining ( recommended, minimum; but you will only be able to mine the normal Saronite Deposits).
      • Additionally you can use a Herbalism route instead of Part 3.

There are 3 parts to this following guide, and some can be used in conjunction so you can make as much gold per hour as possible.

Part 1

All characters can do this, but with varying success (it requires grinding level 80s with a fair bit of health). The location is the Cauldron of Flames in South-Eastern Wintergrasp.

Here you will be farming Crystallized Fire. I would advise that you only kill the Flame Revenants, although you can kill the smaller ones if you want or your faction does not control Wintergrasp. This tactic works best if your faction controls Wintergrasp, as Flame Revenants do not appear if your faction is not in control. Flame Revenants have a % drop chance for Crystallized Fire, usually dropping around 3. If your faction is in control and you can see these then I recommmend that you do not kill the smaller elementals because they do not drop Crystallized Fire as often as Revenants, and in this guide I am trying to maximise the amount you get in the time taken. However they will still drop the occasional Crystallized Fire so if you have the time every little helps .

After having killed the Flame Revenants that have spawned you will have a little bit of time before they spawn again, in which I suggest doing Part 2 or Part 3.

Part 2

For this part you will require Engineering.

While you are killing Flame Revenants (and elementals) look out for Cinder Clouds which spawn around the cauldron (as shown on the map below), these can be &#;mined&#; using the Zapthrottle Mote Extractor, and yield 3 or 4 Crystallised Fire.

The Cinder Clouds look like this:

Part 3

For this part you will require at least mining (preferable ).

You will be looking for nodes of Saronite, Rich Saronite or Titanium nodes. I suggest you use a route similar to the one shown on the map below, it usually yields one or two nodes, more if you are lucky.

Once you have completed the circuit you will be back in the Cauldron of Flames, and ready to begin again. If they have not spawned yet then you can log off and do other things and come back later.

==Note== It is possible to do a similar thing with herbalism, however I do not have herbalism on the character that I do this with and as such have no routes established. But you can easily construct your own little circuit around the Cauldron of Flames using an addon such as Cartographer, Gathermate or Gatherer.

Strategy 3


  • Enchanting skill level
  • Level 60+.
  • Epic Grund Mount (optional).
  • of all, get to Zul&#;farrack. While in there, mount up and run past as many mobs as possible without getting aggro of them (it is impossible to NOT get aggro of anyone, just ignore them, in the case you get dazed, stop and kill them). Only kill the bosses (after you&#;ve killed them you may have to kill some mobs who did followed you). Loot them, and disenchant their loots.
    Here is a video of Tommyhales doing it:

    So bassically, all you have to do is running through the instance and kill the bosses. The disenchanted loot will pretty much be Small Radiant Shard&#;s, and Large Radiant Shard&#;s.

Strategy 4


  • Enchanting skill level
  • Level 60+.
  • Epic Grund Mount (optional).
  • minutes.
  • The scarlet to Scarlet Monastry Armory in Tirisfal Glades. Here you will be doing the same as in Strategy 3, but here you can&#;t mount. Run instead, and try to avoid aggro. Run to Herald (which is the only boss in Scarlet Monastry Armory), kill him and disenchant his loot.

    Here is a video of Tommyhales doing it:

    The drops in Scarlet Monastry Armory, will disenchant into Small Radiant Shard&#;s.
    Both large and small shards sells pretty good on the Auction House, so mail them to your banker, or use your Hearthstone to get to a capital city.

Strategy 5


  • Level 30+ characther
  • You need to be Alliance

Part 1

Buy cats. It may sound crazy, but it can make up to g a week! First, you got to buy the cats. The catseller is located in a cottage in Elwynn Forest. If you go from Goldshire to Norshire Abbey, you will find the cottage at your left side in the woods. The cats cost about 50s but you can sell them in Booty Bay for 10g! Another catseller is Lil´Timmy in Stormwind. He is a rare spawn and sell only 1 white kitten per spawn. It to cost around 50s. So far I´ve got it twice and I sold it the first time for g and the second time for g.

Part 2
Now you bought your bags full of cats and maybe your where lucky and bought the white kitten. Now it´s time to go to Booty Bay or Gadgetzan and put them on the AH. Why you should put them on the neutral AH, because the pets can only be bought by Alliance players. That means, that you can make a profit out of Horde players. Put the cats up for sale at about 10g and the white kitten for about g.

[Back to the top]

Saronite/Titanium Mining Routes

Basically the most common routes for Mining. (Requires +skill).

Sholazar Basin

    • Highly recommend Sholazar, may face some competition from others, but plenty of ore here for you to mine.



    • Great area to get some mining done, be wary of stiff competition and mobs getting inbetween you and your ores.


The Storm Peaks

    • Really large area, prepare to spend lots of time in here mining.


[Back to the top]

Icethron/Lichbloom Herbalism Routes

Basically the most common routes for Herbalism if you wanna farm Icethron/Lichbloom. (Requires + skill).


    • Great area to get some mining done, be wary of stiff competition and mobs getting inbetween you and your ores.


The Storm Peaks

    • Really large area, prepare to spend lots of time in here gathering herbs.


[Back to the top]

Eternal Farming

Maps on where to farm Eternals. Original Guide here by Shikamaru.

There are 6 Eternals: Air, Water, Shadow, Fire, Earth and Life.

Eternal Air, average AH price is 50G.

Eternal Water, average AH price is 10G.

Eternal Shadow, average AH price is 10G.

Eternal Fire, average AH price is 50G.

Eternal Earth, average AH price is 5G.

Eternal Life, average AH price is 50G.

Eternals are used in almost every high-end crafting profession, from Alchemy to Enchanting. In most cases it is better to farm Eternals than normal gold grinding, it will give you a higher gold/hour ratio.

As you can see, Eternal Life Fire, Air, are worth far more than Eternal Water, Shadow and Earth. This is based on WoWhead and on my own server economics. Note that the prices may vary per server!


  1. You can do Eternal farming alongside Daily circuits or gathering materials for Alchemy as an example.
  2. Wintergrasp is a place where almost all Eternals can be farmed, but be careful: Wintergrasp is a PvP area.
  3. Example: You need 10x Crystallized Fire to create Eternal Fire. This applies to any of the Eternals we talked about before.
  4. You can only farm in Wintergrasp when your faction is in control!
  5. Herbalists can get additional Crystallized Life from herbs, Miners can get additional Crystallized Earth from mining nodes.

Eternal Fire

There are several places to farm Crystallized Fire.

    • Wintergrasp is a good place to go. Flaming Revenants and Raging Flames will be your targets. Look at the map above to find them. I recommend going to the bigger area where the mobs are mixed, this is by far the best place to farm them.

The Storm Peaks

Besides Wintergrasp, The Storm Peaks is a good place to go, too. Your targets will be Seething Revenants and Wailing Winds, shown in the map above. The drop rate is lower than in Wintergrasp, but still decent.
==Note== drops Relic of Ulduar. These can be turned in for Airy Pale Ale, Worg Tooth Oatmeal Stout and much more.

Eternal Air

There are plenty of spots to farm Crystallized Air, but I&#;ll give you the ones that will give you the highest drop rate.

    • And again, we are in Wintergrasp. But not for Fire , for Air this time! You will be hunting on Tempest Revenants and Whispering Winds, shown in the map about. These two have the best drop rate on Crystallized Air out there. They are spread throughout the area marked on the map.

Sholazar Basin

Storm Revenants in Stormwright&#;s Shelf have a decent drop rate, too. There are plenty in the area, as you can see in the map above.
==Note== while you&#;re here, you can farm Crystallized Water, too!

The Storm Peaks

If you don&#;t want your grinding to be interrupted, Howling Hollow is the place to be. Scion of Storms will be your target, as show in the map above. Here you won&#;t get interrupted by other mobs attacking you and they have a ~30% drop rate on Crystallized Air.
==Note== drops Relic of Ulduar.

Eternal Life

This&#;ll be a bit harder to farm assuming you aren&#;t a Herbalist. This is because Wintergrasp doesn&#;t have Life Revanants &#; it only has Life Elementals, and they don&#;t have a % drop rate, sadly enough. I&#;ll give you two spots to farm Crystallized Life.


Yes, we are in Wintergrasp again. As shown in the map above, you target will be Living Lashers. They have a ~30% drop rate on Crystallized Life, but they&#;re tightly packed, so don&#;t worry.


In the map above you will see that your targets are Mossy Rampagers this time. I, personally, don&#;t like this spot. The Rampagers are spread out and they are mixed with other mobs, which slows down your Eternal farming. These also have a ~30% drop rate.

Eternal Water

Crystallized Water is one of the easier Eternals to get your hands on. If your fishing skill is high enough, you can fish them up and Miners can get them from Titanium and Cobalt mining nodes. Below I&#;ll give you 3 spots to farm for Crystallized Water and 2 spots to fish them up.


Your targets will be Water Revenants and Glacial Spirits. No further explanation needed. There are much more Glacial Spirits than Water Reverants, though.

The Storm Peaks

Icebound Revenants in The Storm Peaks will be your target as you can see in the map above. They&#;re tightly packed and have a ~25% drop rate.

Sholazar Basin

And we&#;re back in Sholazar Basin again. Your targets will be the Aqueous Spirits wandering around Stormwright&#;s Shelf. As I said before, you can farm Crystallized Air here too.

Fishing: Howling Fjord

There are 2 major spots in Howling Fjord to fish up Crystallized Water, as you can see in the map above.
Happy fishing!
==Note== Crystallized Water is a random drop while fishing. You will need fishing to cast in Howling Fjord and to prevent fishes/Crystallized Water from getting away.

Eternal Shadow

I&#;ll be giving you 2 spots to farm Crystallized Shadow.

    • If you look at the map above, you will see that your targets are Shadow Revenants and Wandering Shadows. Shadow Revenants have a drop rate of ~%, so you&#;ll get atleast 1 Crystallized Shadow per kill. Wandering Shadows&#; drop rate is around 30%.


Your targets will be Deathbringer Revenants, as shown in the map above. The drop rate is around ~25%, slightly lower than Wandering Shadows.

Eternal Earth

In my point of view, it&#;s a waste of time to farm Crystallized Earth. The Eternals go for 5G median on the Auction House, so it&#;s better to use your time farming the other Eternals. But for those that really want to farm them:


Your targets will be Earthbound Revenants, as shown in the map above. No further explanation needed.

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The Burning Crusade Gold Making

In case that someone don&#;t have the expansion (WotLK), here is a guide on making g in 30 minutes.

Isle of Quel&#;Danas Daily Quests

  1. You take the Shattrath Portal to Isle of Quel&#;Danas from Shattrath City and end up in the middle of Sun&#;s Reach Sanctum. Jump down from the tower and go inside it. Get the quests: [70] The Battle Must Go On, [70] The Air Strikes Must Continue and [70] Know Your Ley Lines
  2. Go southeast to Sun&#;s Reach Armory. Take the spiral staircase upstairs. Pickup [70] Keeping the Enemy At Bay on the way. In the top get [70] Crush the Dawnblade. Run back out to the staircase and jump down and take [70] Dont Stop Now&#;
  3. Mount up and ride north to the Inn and get [70] Open For Business and southeast to the Silvermoon&#;s Pride(the boat) and take [70] Disrupt the Greengill Coast. From here ride east out Greengill coast.==Note== From now on pick up any Bloodberry you happen to pass by until you have the 5 required. Theres gonna be a lot in the forest on the west side, so it will be no problem getting them, however you might as well pick them up if you happen to be next to it. If you are a herbalist you can track the Bloodberries on your minimap
  4. Here you go south killing all Darkspine Sirens and Darkspine Myrmidons. Make sure to loot them for Darkspine Chest Key and Orb of Murloc Control. Use the Orb of Murloc Control on the little green murlocs to free them(if they are red it means that someone else has allready freed them). Its possible to free pr orb, so if your lucky with bundle of murlocs, you only need orbs. The orbs are % drop chance.
    The Darkspine Chest Keys are used for opening the small Darkspine Ore chests you find all along the coast. The keys arent % drop chance, so you might have to kill a few Myrmidons to get the 3 keys.
    As you move south you come to the Naga shrine [61,62] where you need to use the Astromancer&#;s Crystal in your inventory. If you are not done with freeing murlocs and getting ore keep killing while you move north.
    As soon as you are done, mount up and ride back to the Silvermoon&#;s Pride and turn in [70] Disrupt the Greengill Coast.
  5. Ride west and then northwest to Shattered Suns Staging Area. Inside the hut you get [70] Further Conversations and [70] Arm the Wards!
  6. From the hut ride north and find Ayren Cloudbreaker at the end of the dock. You need to dismount manually before you get on any of his missions. The order here doenst matter, so I just start with the top one which is going on an air strike for [70] The Air Strikes Must Continue. Locate Arcane Charges in your inventory and put it in a hot key spot, this can be done after talking to him as it takes some time getting to the bombing area.
  7. When you reach The Dead Scar you can start to bomb. You need to kill 2 Pit Overlords, 3 Eredar Sorcerers and 12 Wrath Enforcers. The Enforcers and Sorcerers should die from 1 charge, while the Pit Overlords needs to be hit twice. There are plenty of mobs and they respawn quite fast, so its easy to get it all in 1 round, I at least have never tried not getting all my kills.
  8. You land back at Ayren Cloudbreaker and talk to him again and accept the other mission for &#;intercepting the Dawnblade reinforcements&#; for [70] Keeping the Enemy at Bay. Here you need the Flaming Oil in your inventory. You only need to click it 3 times, but you can put it on a hotkey if you like.
    You come to the Sin&#;Loren first, click the Flaming Oil and use it at the big mast. The bird then fly to the Dawnchaser, wait with throwing till you are on the eastside of the boat. Last the bird fly to the Bloodoath and here you throw from the west side of the boat.
    The reason I say where to throw it from is that Ive experienced that its not working from certain points, and the ones mentioned works every time.
    As you bomb the boats, make a note if there are horde or ally killing mobs on them as you need to slay 6 Dawnblade Rerservists next.
    You land on the Sin&#;Loren in the middle and can stay there and kill Dawnblade Rerservists or move to another boat.
    When you are done, talk to the Unrestrained Dragonhawk, which will take you back to land.
  9. Mount up and head west into the forest. Here you need to kill Wretched Fiends and Wretched Devourers for 4 Mana Remnants for [70] Arm The Wards!, keep picking up Bloodberries if you havent gotten 5 yet and kill Erratic Sentries. When you killed a sentry, make sure to loot it first as it usually holds a grey item and sometime Motes of Mana. Afterwards rightclick the Attuned Crystal Cores in your inventory and click the sentry. Now you converted 1 sentry out of 5 needed for [70] Further Conversations.
    Stay in the forest until you gathered the 4 Mana Remnants, converted 5 sentries and looted 5 Bloodberries.
  10. Depending on where in the forest you are when are done, ride south or east into the Dawnstar Village. Here you need to kill 6 Summoners, 6 Blood Knights and 3 Marksman. As you kill the mobs, move to the Blood Crystal [42,35] and do a reading with the Astromancer&#;s Crystal. Its very easy to kill Summoners in this room as they often dont have a pet, and if they do, you can kill the pet first without the Summoner aggroing.
  11. Continue east under the bridge and start killing Demons for [70] The Battle Must Go On. You need to slay 6 Demons and impale the Emissary of Hate with the Shattered Sun Banner. You can impale the Emissary of Hate no matter if its your kill or not, so focus on killing your 6 demons and go kill the Emissary of Hate if no one has by then. At [48,44] you do the last reading with the Astromancer&#;s Crystal.
  12. Move northwest to the Sun&#;s Reach Armory and get close to a Crystal Ward (those big red crystals you can find all over) and click Mana Remnants in your inventory. Now turn in [70] Dont Stop Now&#; While you are here, repair and sell the gray items.
    Run upstairs and turn in [70] Keeping the Enemy At Bay and [70] Crush the Dawnblade.
  13. Jump down and mount up. Ride north to the Inn and deliver [70] Open For Business. Continue southwest and deliver [70] The Battle Must Go On, [70] The Air Strikes Must Continue and [70] Know Your Ley Lines.
    Ride north and deliver [70] Arm The Wards! and [70] Further Conversations.
    In this hut you find Eldare Dawnrunner who is the Shattered Sun Quartermaster. Furter more, when you achieve friendly, honored, revered and exalted reputation, she will give you a care package filled with pots, elixirs and rep items you can sell for more gold.
  14. From your inventory use the Darnarian&#;s Scroll of Teleportation from your inventory. You now find yourself back in the middle of Shattrath at least g richer done in approx 30 mins.

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World of Warcraft Originial Money Making

In the case that some don&#;t have the expansions (WotLK and The Burning Crusade), here is one of the strategies that can be done.
==Note== This for Alliance only.

The idea is to do the reputation grind for the Wintersaber Trainers, which gives a nice mount in the end. While doing this, you should skin every slain beast, mine every node or pick every bush you come across. Of course, this guide does not guarantee gold, but I&#;m sure you can come close to that.


  • 58+ character
  • hours per day
  1. Class, skills and other recommendationsThe class can be any; it doesn&#;t matter as long as you enjoy the class. For skills, however, I highly recommend you get Skinning and Mining or Herbalism, because thats where the bulk of the money comes from. You need to level these , to be on the safe not needed, I do recommend on having an alt character that has Enchanting. Which is capable of disenchanting items varying from level 51 to This is not a must, because you can also sell the items you loot on the Auction House. So first, check what sells a % mount does help, this makes the process alot faster.
    ==Note== This will be done in Wintergrasp, so start heading there!
  2. Rivern FrostwindYou&#;ll get to know him pretty well in the upcoming days, because he is the reason behind the grind to the gold. The mount he sells is unique, and even though the reputation grind has been made easier, this guide is still worth following. He can be found in the very north of Winterspring, at Frostsaber the tooltip states here: Reins of the Winterspring Frostsaber, the mount itself is a very fast mount but only requires 75 riding skill!
  3. The quest[60] Frostsaber Provisions is the first quest Rivern gives you, and the only one we will use in this guide. For this quest you need to get:5x Shardtooth Meat. Drops from the various bears, but you&#;ll mostly likely kill Elder Shardtooth bears, because they are near the chimera&#;s you need to kill, too.
    5x. Chillwind Meat. Drops from various chimera&#;s, but you will most likely kill Chillwind Ravager&#;s.
    This quest gives reputation points.

    You can find Elder Shardtooth Bears and Chillwind Ravager&#;s in the blue marked area.
  4. Your incomeIf you don&#;t have a bank character, make one now. A bank character is a character you make and is standing in a major city. All he does is picking up all the loot you send to him/her and that bank account sells it. This saves you the travel to the major city every time you want to sell stuff, at the auction house. This is the reason it&#;s a must for this you know that the idea is to skin every mob, mine every node and collect every bush you come across. With a bank character ready, simply visit the mailbox in Everlook once in a while and send it. The greens, blue&#;s or even epic&#;s you get, will sell nice, otherwise the materials you get from disenchanting them, will.

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Low-level Tips

  1. Pay attention to how much money you are making for the time spent playing
    At the lowest levels you shouldn&#;t worry about it too much but it can still apply if you want it to. With that said, it is still possible to think about gold making as a whole other game. A game within a game if you will.
    If you are going to dedicate time to simply making money you should definitely consider your hourly gold rate and seek to maximize it.
    Some specific examples include,
    • Time spent traveling is time spent not making money.
    • If you are going to grind for xp or money, at least kill mobs that drop useful loot and lots of it. Some mobs have small loot tables and some have very large loot tables. We want large. Some mobs actually drop nothing a significant amount of time. Certain beast mobs are like that. Kill them when you have to but otherwise do not seek them out. What we want are mobs that drop cloth and money and items, like humanoids, or skinnable beast mobs that also drop a large numbers of other things.
    • Kill mobs near large concentrations of harvestable resources.
    • Combine tasks that can be done at the same time. If you have to travel on foot make a point of killing every mob between point A and point B. You get xp and gold. That&#;s double plus good. Gathering herbs and metal while traveling on foot is also a good idea. I should tell you that I am the Master of the Obvious.
    • Think about how to use your character in ways that kills faster or more mobs at the same time. AoE farming by mages can be pretty profitable if you know what you are doing. Rogues using Blade Flurry can kill two mobs at a time every few minutes. Mo money, mo money, mo money. Killing mobs 2 to 4 levels lower than you speeds up the rate of loot drops as well as speeding up the rate of xp gain. Being uber and tackling elite mobs five levels higher than you is great and all, but it takes too damn long.
  2. Get your gathering Profession(s) at level 5To earn fast money, for sure the best way is to get your gathering professions as fast as possible. You need to be level 5 to get your professions &#; that&#;s why gold making start at level 5 in www.oldyorkcellars.comt in a Mining Pick, or a Skinning Knife too (only if you got Skinning or Mining, of course).
  3. Shirts
    This may sound weird, but you can actually buy shirts at vendors just beside the Auction House at the price of 4 silver, and sell it on the Auction House for 50+ silver. I&#;m gonna use Common Gray Shirts as an example. The dark color looks great on rogues, I see alot wearing them. Tailors cannot create these, so many people do not know where these shirts come from. These shirts can usually be sold from a vendor close to the Auction House, or in the same city from a Cloth Merchant.
  4. Meat
    The meat that drops from low level animals is more valuable than most people realize. Things like stringy wolf meat only sell to vender for a few copper but I don&#;t usually have a problem getting 50 silver out of a stack of 20 meat. The meat is handy for hunters that are too lazy to find meat for their pets or people that want to raise their cooking profession quickly. And like I mentioned before high level players normally find it a lot faster and easier to buy their way through professions.
  5. Limited Inventory Items
    Limited Inventory Items are also good. I don&#;t go out of my way to find these but when I see them I almost always buy them. These are usually recipes but can be other things. These are things that have a small number in the corner that indicates how many a vendor has. This means that if they just have one and you buy it, no one else can get it for a while. So you can buy a recipe for 10s off a vendor, put in the auction house for a gold and probably sell it real easy. I usually check wowhead or allakhazam before buying it just to be sure. There are a few that aren&#;t worth the time but a majority of the time you&#;ll be fine to just grab it and list it.
  6. Building crafting professions are money sinksIf you want money, make your life easier and take two gathering professions as your primaries when you start your character. Only take up a building profession when you can afford it, after you get your mount.
    Fishing is a gathering skill. Think about that for a minute. It&#;s a secondary skill but it&#;s a gathering skill just like some of the primaries. If you can stand watching a bobber and clicking on it at the exact right time than you should find a fishing guide and read up on the finer details of the profession. It can make you money but dang fishing annoys the crap out of me.

General Tips

  1. Bags
    Probably the most important thing you need to do to make money, is get big bags. I recommend you get big bags as soon as you can afford too. I usually start off with 12 slot bags. They are usually reasonably priced on most servers and will serve you well until you can move up to bigger sizes. Being able to hold more will improve your ability to make money because you won&#;t have to pass up on things because your bags are full and increase efficiency since you won&#;t have to run to town all the time to empty them back out.
  2. Always sell Grey/white stuff and Junk at the Vendor
    In general, do never forget to loot grey, or white items from dead mobs. These are actually much worth especially in the high levels, at the merchant. When I levelled my Death Knight from , I think / gold came from white and grey items.
  3. Create a Banker
    A banker is a character that is selling all your stuff at the Auction House. If you don&#;t already have one, make a new character and run to a capital city. When you have been gathering all of your skins or nodes, send them to the banker and log on daily selling them on the Auction House.
  4. Find Limited Recipes
    Most recipes can be bought from a specific vendor, however some can only be bought once or maybe twice from a vendor in a certain time frame. The recipes that have limited availability and have a vendor who may not be easy to get to will usually sell very well.
  5. Neutral Auction Houses
    Keep you eye out for factional type stuff that can be sold over the neutral AH for a decent profit. Recipes, pets, items, and more can all be sold for gold if you have the patience.
  6. Disenchant Green Gear
    If you&#;re enchanter, go for disenchanting all green colored gear if the price is worth it (sometimes the items sells better at the vendor than the dust does on Auction House, depending on your server economy).
  7. Be careful when you&#;re posting on Auction House
    Be care ful about what you&#;re selling, when you reach the levels between and are trying to sell rarely droppped Epics or Rares, you will mostly pay g fee just to set up the Auction on the Auction House.
  8. Try sell in the Trade Channel
    If you got some Epic or Rare items which is expensive to post on the Auction House, try yelling in the Trade channel (/2): &#;WTS &#;item&#; cheap /whisper me offers!&#; or something simulair to that, just everytime you&#;re in a capital city.
  9. Invest In Macro Training
    If you are planning to bark out that you are doing enchants in a busy city, make sure that you can do so without needing to type a small paragraph each time. 3 lines seems to be the respectable max for a post in the trade channel.
  10. Fishing May Be Boring, But Worth It
    You would be suprised at what fisherman pull up. Yes, I know it&#;s boring sometimes, repetitive all the time, and most of the time you get worthless fish. But if you know where to fish, that changes the game. Fish schools of specific fish like Oily Blackmouth or Firefin Snappers and they sell well in a stack. Find yourself with some Stonescale Eels and they sell for gold. Not to mention all the junk you can get out of the water from wreckage
  11. Gold Farmers Are People Too
    This is fast becoming a time honored tradition in WoW that is simultaneously loved and hated for various reasons. If you&#;re good about it, farming from a gathering skill in the right areas is like panning for gold and consistently getting it.
  12. Increase your Movement Speed
    Once you have a mount, that is a tremendous speed boost in your gathering ability that can help you earn money at a faster rate. Plus, it&#;s nice to be able to travel at faster speeds.

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  • Auctioneer &#; Auctionner Addon is pretty much a must, alos needed in several of the sections in the guide. It will surely help you out in many ways when farming gold. Auctioneer allow you to scan the Auction House &#; the key to discover your server economics. The addon does also help you posting auctions at the Auction House at the right price, and allow you to see what items that are undercutted.
  • Gathermate &#; Shows locations of Nodes on the minimap and world map, adds them to a database.
  • Gathermate_Data &#; Contains locations of almost every Node in the game, extremely useful.
  • SellJunk &#; &#;This is a really simple little addon that will make your life much easier! It adds a &#;SellJunk&#; button to every Vendor window that will automatically sell all the gray items in your inventory. You can also configure it to sell all your gray items automatically when you talk to a vendor NPC. You don&#;t even have to click the button! In addition to gray items, you can also manually specify other items to sell automatically or items that should never be sold automatically even if they are gray.&#;
    Quote from Loise Hand from
  • Rating Buster &#; An add-on of great significance when deciding on a quest reward. Simpler stats? Yes please! Simpler item comparison and deciding if an item is an upgrade is the biggest purpose. In the end, it alone can save you much money, since you will not waste quest rewards only to see your DPS, TPS, or HPS go down after you equip it. Much less disappointment, and much more gold; I&#;ll let you decide if it&#;s a fair trade!
  • Sellfish &#; Another key add-on in the art of making money from vendor trash, also, not just quest rewards! At low levels, this can save you by helping you decide which piece of gray loot you throw out to get that quest item, thus losing the least money possible. This and Rating Buster go hand in hand because when none of the quest rewards are an upgrade, you get a larger amount of gold than just clicking on one and turning the quest in. It when combined with Rating Buster is an add-on of great worth in the process of making money from quest rewards.
  • Vendor Bait &#; This is an add-on that automatically highlights the most profiting item, making it so that you don&#;t even have to compare prices with sellfish on your own! Rather spectacular, imo.

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Shikamaru&#;s Weekly Gold Post

Shikamaru, which is another user on Wow-Pro has recently started a Weekly Gold Post.

So far, one is done! Shikamaru&#;s Weekly Gold Post.

Follow his progress here on the site!

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Here is a list of the original authors of gudies tips and comments. I hope I have managed to include all:

  • Shikamaru &#; Couldn&#;t have done this without Shikamaru. Most of the Auction House information comes from Shikamaru&#;s gold posts, as do all the Eternal routes and mapes.
  • Hairbo &#; I only had to copy his great text into this compilation. The excellent Daily Circuits come straight from Hairbo.
  • World of Warcraft Europe &#; Much of the information about professions, was borrowed from Great thanks to them.
  • Crunge75/Trollvink &#; The section about Gold Making at Original WoW was written by Crunge75, and edited by Trollvink.
  • Requim &#; He&#;s guides and tips were a great help, thanks.
  • Johanneslars &#; He has given so many useful tips.
  • Night_Hawk &#; His guide about methods for short bursting gold farming are just great.
  • Tommyhales &#; These videos shows alternetive ways of gold making, going through instances, and other things. Vevy nice.
  • à˜ffelbà¸v &#; The Quel&#;Danas daily quest section was copyed from à˜ffelbà¸v&#;s guide, thanks!
  • Arkaen &#; Arkaen did also have some tips to share, and helped me out on how to get most out of quest rewards.
  • Zerinj &#; His maps about Mining/Herbalism are great, I borrrowed some of those without shame.
  • Thijz, Toogie, Dolin, Ishyma, Benniboy C and Athor Pel &#; Has contributed to the low-level guides, great thanks to them all.
  • Jame &#; I&#;ve borrowed Jame&#;s logo to the front image, great thanks.
  • And of course thanks to all of you who have been posting useful comments to improve the various guides, and everyone that has taken time to read through this guide!

I wanna make this very clear; This is not Eric&#;s guide. It is WoW-Pro&#;s. Most of the information is either researched, or copyed from WoW-Pro&#;s gold making section, and WoW-Pro&#;s WotLK daily section. All copyrights reserved to the original authors.

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Источник: []

Professions are an important part of gameplay in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. Professions serve as a major way many players make money, especially while they are still on their way to max level. There are many professions to choose from, so here are some of the best when looking to make money.


Herbalism is a great profession to choose, especially when paired with other professions (like Enchanting or Alchemy) that use herbs for crafting or another gathering profession like Mining. Players can find herbs throughout the world as they travel and with the help of Herbalism they can harvest and sell these items at the auction for profit.


With Jewelcrafting, players can craft vanity items and gems that will boost the stats of its user. The vanity items made by Jewelcrafters (Necklaces, Rings, ETC.) can be sold at auction for a large amount of money. Gems will also be a large money-maker for Jewelcrafters.

Related: Every Zone in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands


Players that choose the Enchanting profession can give armor and weapons stat boosts. Enchanting gear is essential to high-level players, making players in the Enchanting profession valuable and necessary. Pairing Enchanting with other professions like Tailoring or Blacksmithing will allow players to also craft their own equipment to enchant, cutting out the need to purchase these things from other players.


Professions that allow players to craft armor are very important and lucrative. Pairing Blacksmithing with other professions like Mining or Skinning will allow players to be self-sufficient when crafting. Players can eventually craft legendary pieces which sell for very high prices in the auction, though these are also expensive to craft.


Alchemy allows practices to create things like potions, oils, elixirs, and other items that give the users varying special effects. The Alchemy profession also works well with other professions as it allows players to transmute minerals and gems that can be further crafted by other professions. Herbalism pairs especially well with Alchemy because it allows the gathering of materials to be used in Alchemy which removes the step of buying ingredients and materials. Alchemy is vital to World of Warcraft, and practices can make a reliably large amount of money.

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There are plenty of ways to make money in World of Warcraft—and Shadowlands is no exception. Almost all the professions in the game are sought after in one way or another, catered for raiding, dungeons, battlegrounds, and arena. 

If all you care about is gold, though, and making it as quickly and as effectively as possible, here’s a comprehensive guide to the highest paying professions in Shadowlands

1) Mining and Herbalism

Mining and Herbalism are two of the most valuable professions in WoW, offering essential resources. Ore and herbs can be sold in bulk on the auction house for a pretty penny, depending on your realm and the state of the market, but they can also be combined with other professions to make stacks of gold. Blacksmithing, Engineering, and Jewelcrafting need ore, while Alchemy, Inscription, and Leatherworking require herbs. 

The gathering professions are valuable when farming legacy content, too. Ore and herbs from previous expansions, like Elementium, Dark Iron, and Titanium ore for Mining, and Fadeleaf, Heartbloom, and Gromsblood for Herbalism, sell like hot cakes on the auction house.

2) Alchemy

Alchemy, similar to the two main gathering professions, provides a stable income of gold in WoW. Raiders and avid dungeon-runners will always be on the lookout for flasks and potions. On raid nights especially, the profession can make bags of gold. Potions like Potion of the Spectral Agility, Intellect, Stamina, and Strength, and flasks like Spectral Flask of Power and Stamina, will always be in high demand. But oils, such as Embalmer’s Oil for healers and Shadowcore Oil for ranged DPS, are valuable too.

3) Inscription

Inscription is one of the most underrated professions in WoW, catering to all sorts of end-game content in Shadowlands. Contracts, which provide a boost of reputation to factions like The Ascended, The Undying Army, The Wild Hunt, and the Court of Harvesters every time you complete a world quest, Missives, an essential reagent when crafting Legendary items, and Darkmoon cards, which can be handed in for a powerful trinket, are all highly lucrative.

4) Enchanting

Enchanting provides a steady income of gold, offering weapon, cloak, chest, bracer, glove, boot, and ring enchants. But disenchanting is where the profession comes into its own. When combined with Tailoring, Enchanting is especially profitable. Buying cloth from the auction house or gathering it in the open world, crafting cuffs or bracers, and disenchanting them can be a powerful gold-making tool.

5) Leatherworking and skinning

Leatherworking and skinning are well-worth pursuing in Patch Balance changes to the game have shifted the priority for Legendary items, opening up avenues for the professions.

Players will be looking to upgrade or change their Legendaries in line with the meta, pushing up the price of base items. For this reason, skin will also be sought-after in the auction house.

Источник: []

WOW TBC Classic Best professions for gold: Best gold making professions in burning crusade classic

To make money in the World of Warcraft Classic Burning Crusade, there are a lot of methods! You can sell items in the auction house, run dungeons and slay enemies, and more! If you are tired of the long and boring farming process, you can also choose to buy WOW TBC Classic Gold with real-world money! Choose the best profession is also a vital part to earn money in Burning Crusade Classic.

WOW TBC Classic Professions Introduction

There are main four types of professions: Production Professions, Service Professions, Gathering Professions and Other. Production Professions concludes Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Cooking, Engineering, Jewelcrafting, Leatherworking, and Tailoring professions, and these professions require players to craft powerful gear that can be equipped or traded.

Service Professions concludes Enchanting and First Aid professions, which allow the player to create items that benefit players. Gathering Professions concludes Herbalism, Mining, Skinning, and Fishing professions, which allow players to acquire materials that are required to create the powerful trade goods. Except for these professionas, Riding, Poisons, and Pickpocketing are included!

WOW TBC Classic Best Professions for Gold

S-Tier Professions &#; Jewelcrafting

Jewelcrafting is a new profession that has been added to TBC Classic, which allows players to cut precious gems and create specialty items that many players will frequently need. The Jewelcrafting profession is known as the best profession for making gold, Jewelcrafting allows players to puts &#;sockets&#; on specific pieces of gear, which can be filled with Gems that increase the stats that the piece of gear yields. Gems are sold nicely in Jewelcrafting especially epic ones. You can also craft some precious items like “Necklace of the Deep”, and then sell them for gold at Auction House with a high price.

A-Tier Professions &#; Alchemy, Herbalism, Mining, Skinning

Alchemy &#; Alchemy is one of the A-tier professions for earning gold, Alchemy can craft powerful Potions, Elixirs, Flasks, and perform Transmutes to create reagents for other professions. For example, if you transmute the Primal Might, many players will be willing to spend large sums of gold to get them.

Herbalism &#; Herbalism allows you to collect various plants and herbs that have many different uses, such as making flasks and potions using alchemy. Herbalism can be an excellent profession for earning Classic TBC Gold from raw materials.

Mining &#; If you are expert in mining, you can gather ore and gems from ore nodes and smelting ore into bars, which can be used in several professions such as Blacksmithing, Engineering, Alchemy and Enchanting. Miners can also use the spell Find Minerals to find nearby ore, which can be sold for exchanging gold.

Skinning &#; Skinning &#; For skinning profession, the resources come right to you, and you can pick up some extra value when killing Beast mobs of all kinds by picking it up. And you can use Skinning combined to Leatherworking, and you’ve got yourself a combo that can be used to create a host of incredibly useful items and make tons of cash.

If you want to farm TBC Classic Gold, you can try these S-tier and A-tier professions we mentioned. By the way, the above is a personal opinion, welcome everyone to supplement your views in the comment area.

Have any thoughts on this? Let us know down below in the comments or carry the discussion over to our Twitter or Facebook.

Editors&#; Recommendations:

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Discovering ways to make money in World of Warcraft is an important part of getting the most enjoyment out of the game. There are many different and effective ways to make enough money for repairs, consumables, equipment, and other items.

Some players attempt to purchase gold from third party gold sellers. This form of making money is against Blizzard's terms of service and may lead to a permanent ban on an account. It may also lead to real world identity theft or theft of the purchaser's WoW account depending on the reliability and intentions of the gold selling company.

There are four major money making strategies: farming, crafting, daily quests and playing the auction house. The amount of gold earned depends on the dedication of the player, the economy of the auction house on the server, the server ratios of casual, serious, and hardcore players, and time periods surrounding a major patch.


This guide covers many of the ins and outs of both making money, and spending it wisely. Many players have "secret" strategies for making money that they wouldn't want to put in a public info site, since it gives them their edge in the marketplace. If you can gain the trust of a successful WoW tycoon, you should ask them some of their techniques. However, this guide covers many of the more common strategies.

Quick guide

If you don't want to read this entire article, but you're primarily focused on how to get your mount at level 20, follow these steps. They will work for anyone, require no grinding sessions, and generally offer a high reward-to-time ratio:

  • If you do nothing else, do this: Learn to use the Auction House, both for buying and selling.
  • Consider installing the Auctioneer addon and use it to your advantage in the Auction House.
  • Bargain hunt, do not pay full price.
  • Always post a buyout price on your auctions - many players will not bid on an auction with no buyout, unless the item is heavily discounted, and then it usually sells for a fraction of what it could have gotten. You will have more sales at a higher price and get your money more quickly if you post a proper buyout price.
  • When you have saved around 5g (and you will quickly, due to having taken gathering professions), you can start investing. Buy cheap items on the AH and then re-list them for a profit. Only buy and sell what you know, and test your theories in small quantities.
  • Take one or (better yet) two of the gathering professions: Mining, Herbalism, or Skinning. All of them are surefire moneymakers. Mining is said to bring in more money at the cost of being slightly more difficult to farm, while skinning is simple but time-consuming and can fill your bags very quickly.
  • While you don't have to Fish (and fishing is not to everyone's taste, as it involves a lot of sitting and staring at a bobber), fishing can become a good source of income as you level.
  • Wait until you are level 40, or even level 70 to take crafting professions—they can be money sinks and you can buy the items you would have purchased with the extra money from gathering. Raw materials are usually worth more than a crafted product.
  • If you do craft, learn what sells - large bags are astonishingly valuble when an update is due to come out.
  • Generally, do not craft white items unless you know there is a demand for that item.
  • Learn what stats are useful and craft items that appropriately enhance those stats.
  • Do not overproduce; increased supply depresses price. You will get a better price per item if you sell fewer of an item.
  • Be frugal upgrading your gear.
  • Every bright, shiny new piece of gear is going to be old and shabby in a level or two. If you socket gems, you'll lose them when you upgrade your weapon.
  • Learn what stats help your character, and stick to that gear - avoid having to replace gear.
  • You do not need to upgrade at every opportunity, especially while leveling.
  • Does the gear you are thinking of upgrading to offer a significant improvement? Think in percentage increases.
  • Plan on getting gear from quest rewards, drops, or instances.
  • Remember that as you level, you will be replacing your gear soon, no matter how good it looks now.
  • When leveling, avoid investing a lot in high-priced gear, especially blue or purple gear. You do not need rare or epic gear to level.
  • Remember that the demand for blue and purple gear is driven primarily by twinks and alts. These are players that have substantial financial resources already, and can afford to pay a premium. As a result, you will not find many bargains in such gear; they tend to be vastly overpriced.
  • Participating in raid groups into instances can get you the same gear.
  • If you're a first-time player, learn first. Research. Ask. Test. Try, wisely. And above all, always spend cautiously--you'll need that money later.

If you follow this basic advice you should have no problem at paying for the mount at level 20, and you will always be able to afford skill training, food and potions along the way.

Cold booting your economy

You've started a new character with no alts for support, and you are dealing in the coppers level. How do you get your financial engine rolling?

Most of these should sell for silvers each in the auction house:

Harvest Small Eggs and sell them.

Harvest Stringy Wolf Meats and sell them.

Harvest Chunk of Boar Meats and sell them.

Harvest Linen Cloths and turn them into Bolts of Linen Cloth or sell them directly.

Train and get tools for two gathering professions. Do this even if you plan on taking different professions at higher levels - this can give you orders of magnitude more cash in just one run:

Invest in Apprentice Level Mining Profession Training, mine copper, and sell it. You may get g for a stack of 20 bars on an established server.

Invest in Apprentice Level Skinning Profession Training, skin leathers, and sell them. Low level leathers will sell for a bit of silver each, making a stack over 1g or more on some servers.

Invest in Apprentice Level Herbalist Profession Training, gather herbs, and sell them. Low level herbs will sell for a few gold for stacks, with Briarthorn going up to g a stack on some servers.

Detailed guide

For those interested in more details on spending wisely, and generating good cashflow, we cover a number of topics in more detail. Please note that this guide represents the accumulated wisdom of many people. You don't necessarily have to do all of these things--there is no one "right" way to make and manage money. However, these pointers will give you ideas on how to establish a firm financial foundation for your character.

Saving your money

The most important step in being able to buy a mount and make other large purchases should be self-evident: saving. Economize as often as you can, and don't buy anything unless you absolutely have to. You can burn through hundreds of gold even before level 20 by visiting the auction house for new equipment at every opportunity. If you do so, over the long haul you will be left with very little to show for it. Before level 20, keep your eyes on the prize: getting that mount. The mount helps you move faster. Faster movement means faster killing, faster questing, faster quest turn-ins, and faster leveling. It is the most important tool to fast leveling you can get at level 20, and infinitely more important than getting your hands on that Left-Handed Vorpal Cleaver of the Zipswitch that you could have purchased at level Stay focused.

The same goes for the level 40 mount. An elite ground mount means still-faster leveling. Not only that, but you'll get knocked off considerably less often by mobs while getting around inside zones, meaning you'll die less often as well. Remember, as the goblins are so fond of saying, "Time is money, friend!" So it behooves you to get an elite ground mount as rapidly as possible.

Once your character makes it to Outland and beyond, cashflow frees up considerably. The quest rewards are much better than in Azeroth. In fact, a typical character will earn from g in quest rewards and vendor trash while leveling in Outland, and perhaps g from in Northrend. The tendency is, therefore, to spend more freely after one hits However, it is important for players not to go crazy on their spending once they make it to Hellfire. One thing is, training costs, repair costs, and consumable costs are also higher. More important, there is a large purchase that you are going to want to make at some point after level 60, your first flying mount and skill. The "bird" costs 40g, the skill will cost you far more. Not only that, but if you want to fly it in Northrend at level 70, you'll have to shell out another g for Cold Weather Flying. And for those characters who will be 'farming' herbs or ore in either Outland or Northrend, an elite flying mount is almost essential, as it helps you gather almost twice as fast. That's another g you'll be looking at. Therefore, budgeting carefully during the leveling process is essential to ensuring you have sufficient cash on hand for making those purchases. Saving your pennies early makes that bird appear that much sooner.

Here are some things to consider when budgeting your money:

Bank alt

An alt (low level or no) in a capital city is an effective way to not only cheaply increase your available bank space, but to be a simple savings and auctioneer account. This character can serve as your bank, an auctioneer, bag-space creator and a time saver. Get one. (There may or may not be Item Recovery issues with characters below level 10, in cases where one's account is hacked.)

To use it as a bank, figure out how much you want to have on-hand on your character based on how much you normally spend on repairs, food, ammo, etc. and send the rest to the bank alt. The principle here is "Out of sight, out of mind.". Money "you don't have" cannot be spent, requiring you to log out of your character, and then to log into the alt.

To use it as an auctioneer, send all your auctionable items from your alts to your bank alt, and organize all your auctions from this character. This saves your time spent on auction house management, focuses all your income to one character and allows for easier overview of your cash flow. Consider using an alt management addon to be able to access all information about your alts from your bank character. One such addon is Altoholic

To use it as a bag-space creator, simply send excess items to the bank alt whenever you're near a mailbox for a low price of only 30c a slot. Even if you accidentally send the wrong item to the bank alt, it can be returned-to-sender for free. It's very quick, due to the fact that sending mail between characters on the same account is always instant.

Altogether, focusing all these activities on one character saves large amounts of time. Do consider leveling it above level 1, though, because a number of player use addons that block messages from level 1 characters. Usually level is fine, and that only takes a couple of hours to reach.

Economizing on professions

Improper leveling of your production profession skills can cost a small fortune. Heck, even proper leveling of some production skills can cost a small fortune. And keep in mind that equipment you produce using your profession will typically be slightly worse than equipment otherwise obtainable at your level via the Auction House and/or instances. It is therefore strongly recommended not to take on a production trade skill until you hit at least level 30, or better yet, level 70+. However, if you are determined to take on such a profession (particularly under level 30), read a suitable leveling guide in order to gain whatever skill level you desire for the least amount of money.

Getting good gear without breaking the bank

The most important part of saving is to never buy equipment unless you're positive that it will increase your earning potential, or significantly speed your character's leveling progress. While it is true that gear is important (particularly for melee combat characters), it is also true that an overemphasis on having great gear before maximum level is dumb. Who cares if you're wearing a green sword at level 43? If you're advancing well, you aren't going to be level 43 for very long anyway. The only gear that currently "counts" is max level gear.

The two best ways to get good equipment are:

  • Finding quests with rewards that will be useful to you. If you can get yourself in a good guild, or team up with some higher level players in group quests, you can often get higher level quest equipment that you couldn't get on your own.
  • Using the Looking for Group interface, or joining a good guild, and doing instances that are around your level. You'll learn valuable grouping skills, and the level of loot in an instance is typically much better than what you could find on your own. If possible, concentrate on instances with humanoid mobs, since selling the cloth that they drop is a good way to make money.

A common mistake of new players is to upgrade their gear at every opportunity, paying for a new piece even if it will only add one or two new stat points over an existing item. Likewise, investing in headgear, neckwear, trinkets, and rings at the earliest available levels can also consume valuable cash. While it might seem foolish to leave an available slot empty, you will eventually find something to fill it. Blizzard will see to it via the quest rewards you'll get along the way. In the mean time, the 1g or more you save will serve you well if you invest it wisely. The bottom line is that one can easily level all the way to the maximum relying on just quest/drop greens. The gear you get from regular questing can help you perform well in dungeons, which gets you even better equipment.

This is not to say that you should never buy gear. Having equipment that is reasonably current while leveling allows you to kill enemies faster, and die less often in the process. Faster leveling = sooner to higher levels (where the real money is to be made). Likewise, death = loss of time. And, as we all know, "Time is money, friend!" So, players should not hesitate to make well-considered equipment acquisitions during their leveling up, but only if they represent a substantial improvement over their existing equipment and if the price is right. Try to find good deals. It should go without saying that you should never purchase any equipment from vendors; always use the Auction House. Look several levels above and below your own for bargains. Don't buy items that you won't hold onto for at least levels. And don't always use the buyout option at the AH. Some of the best deals come from bidding and being patient - it'll be two days at the most. Of course, if you play too hard you may have surpassed that weapon by the time you win it. In which case, you may want to auction it again. If you know there's an item that would be great for you, say, five levels from now, keep your eye out for it and bid on it, several times if need be. When you get it, stuff it away for later. That's why you have a bank alt.

Note that these general principles do not apply to blue or purple items. If you are a first-time player, there is absolutely no reason to purchase these items. None. Sub rare and epic items are only for the alts or twinks of established players that have money to waste (because that's what it is) by showing off their Staff of Jordan (or whatever). Blues and purples are completely cost-ineffective for first-time characters. Within a few levels, you will find green gear that is roughly comparable, or you'll get better blues from instance runs at the same level. So, do not buy these items, under any circumstances, if you are a first-time character (no matter how cool they look). And even if you're reasonably well-off financially, think twice. This is especially true as your character gets closer to levels 58 and Even the most basic quest-reward gear in Outland will have substantially better stats than anything you can buy off the AH for a level 56 character. The same is true of Northrend gear at level 68 vis-a-vis the stuff you'll get in Outland at level As such, smart players stop making AH gear purchases by about level 54 or so, and then just gut it out until level The same is true at levels Within the first several quests in Hellfire and/or Northrend you'll have replaced half of your gear in any case, guaranteed.

Buying items on the Auction House

The Auction House is always the best option for getting good equipment at a good price. The only items you should be buying from Vendors are basic consumables: food, drinks, arrows, bullets, vials, dyes, etc. Most other things should come from the Auction House, as they are generally cheaper. Keep these tips in mind when buying items off the Auction House:

  • Always check each of the prices of the item, and look over a spread of several days. This is not so important on small items, but anything that you are spending hundreds of gold on you need to check prices carefully. It is also a good idea to check a website such as Allakhazam, Goblin Workshop, Wowhead or WoWuction to see what an item normally sells for.
  • Make sure you have an idea of how much you should be spending on an item. Don't be afraid to ask for a price check on the Trade channel, or from members of your guild. Other players may have the item, or may have seen it on the AH before. This can prevent you getting ripped off.
  • Be warned that players will occasionally list items in the Auction House that are sold by vendors. This typically applies to limited sale quantity items or items in remote, harder to reach locations. Items from Outland that advance certain skills (such as books for training Cooking or First Aid past a skill of ) are typical. These items are notoriously listed for 2, 3, or even 10 times their vendor purchase-able price. Using an add-on such as Auctioneer Advanced can forewarn you of such a tactic. You should ONLY buy such items if your server is so full and busy that you simply are unable to acquire the item on your own. Otherwise, wait for the vendor to re-stock (usually takes about 20 minutes to 1 hour depending upon the vendor). You'll save yourself a considerable amount of money. See Buying Items from Vendors for Resale below for more on this.

The Auctioneer addon

Anyone who is serious about using the Auction House should consider getting the Auctioneer addon. Auctioneer assists players in the auction house by automatically gathering price information for your server. Among other things, Auctioneer offers the following useful features:

  • The normal auction house window is augmented with additional functionality to search current auctions for cheap deals and buyouts
  • By using the BottomScanner module of Auctioneer, it is possible to have an alert displayed when an unusually cheap item is listed in the AH -- the item can then be bought for resale or disenchanting
  • Several convenience functions for searching, listing items and displaying past transactions have been added
  • Auctioneer displays statistical data on the rarity, historical and recent pricing for your item, as well as vendor prices, the stack size for the item, and what trade skills it is used in
  • Note, however, that recent versions of Auctioneer have become increasingly complex. Some would say too complex, in that the addon now has a myriad of options for searching for and/or auctioning items. Be prepared to spend some time with the tool to become acquainted with options.

Maximizing training bang for the buck

There are a lot of skills and spells you can train as you progress, each of which costs money. When you can afford to, you should train all the abilities that your class trainer offers. If you're completely broke, it's fine to put off upgrading abilities you rarely use for a level or two so that you can upgrade your most-used abilities. If this happens, you should ask yourself whether you are spending too much money on buying unnecessary equipment upgrades or leveling production trade skills. Be sure to save enough for class abilities and riding training before spending money on other things. This assumes you're earning money at a rate where buying skills makes a difference at all. If you have a hundred gold from two gathering professions by level 20, those skill ranks costing a fraction of a gold won't make any difference to your purse.

If you are dead set on leveling a production trade skill instead of taking two of the gathering skills, remember that not everything your trainer offers is worth buying. While it might be nice to have a long list of colorful shirts and dresses to produce as a tailor, for instance, the truth is they offer very little in the way of potential revenue. Also keep in mind that, generally, whatever items you craft at lower levels will not likely sell for more money than you could have made by simply selling the raw materials used to make them. For this reason, two gathering skills are highly recommended until you get closer to 80 (70 if you don't have the WotLK expansion or 60 if you don't have the TBC expansion).

  • EXCEPTION: If you are leveling trade skills while advancing, review the materials requirements of every recipe, pattern, plan, or formula that are planning on purchasing from a trainer. For example, some of the shirt patterns for tailors use very few materials and thus yield a more efficient manner of leveling the trade skill. Check profession leveling guides here on the wiki, ask a guild-mate or friend, or check out information on other web sites to help in this area. A little pre-planning and fore-thought can save you huge investment costs in the long run.

World of Warcraft offers a lot of ways to make money (gold). There is no one "right" way to make money, although there are some definite wrong ways! Some people like to play the Auction House, some people do their daily quests, some people tend to farm, etc. Many characters do a combination of all three of these along with other activities. Below is a compendium of money-making methods.

Selling vendor trash

Any item with a grey name is considered vendor trash or poorquality. White items have some use such as tradeskills, spell reagents or reputation raisers, so you may want to check to see if they're worth more than the vendor price. Keep your eyes out for regular quality weapons, as even the worst of these tend to sell for several silver, or several gold at high level. Always check the tooltip for the vendor price before discarding anything. Also, white (or even grey) shoulder armor under level 20 sells regularly on the auction house, mainly because there is nothing better available at that level.

Unless low quality items have some known quest use or are coveted by other players, you should try to sell it as soon as possible to create bag space. Always (or almost always, see above exceptions) keep things like cloth, leather, herbs, or large stacks of white/gray items over other loot when you have to decide what to keep when your bags get full. It might be worth your while to invest in larger bags ( slot), especially if you know a tailor.

AutoProfit is a particularly handy addon if you regularly bring home several bags' worth of trash all mixed in with the rest of your inventory - it allows you to sell all gray items to the vendor with a single click.

In general, if you have bag space, you should always pick up whatever vendor trash you can, particularly weapons, even if they are grey. Don't be too proud. This stuff may not sell for much, but vendor trash can easily pay for your repair bills, and as you level past your 60s that's not an inconsiderable amount of money.

Playing the Auction House

The Auction House (AH) is a brilliant way of making money if you know the tricks on how to do it. The basic strategy with the AH is to buy things cheap, re-list them on the AH, and then sell them for a profit. Even better, of course, is to get good items from drops and then sell them on the Auction House for pure profit. Many players generate most or all of their cashflow simply by speculating on the AH. So a good understanding of the it, as well as some time to invest, is essential to turning it into a money-making proposition for you. It is also highly recommended that you get the Auctioneer addon for quick listing auctions, and knowing the average price of items. Another great addon that can assist you in flipping items for profit on the Auction House is Tycoon. This addon analyzes items on the Auction House such as cloth, ore, and even TCG mounts. Once the information is recorded, Tycoon will inform you of the most profitable items possible, and exactly how much you can make by either farming them, or buying them at their current price and then relisting them.

Your server population may determine how much profit you can make. Lower population servers generally have lower prices in the AH as there is less demand, but rare items or recipes can really make a profit as they are harder to come by. Higher population servers have a higher demand. However, they are more likely to have a flooded market, which makes items hard to sell, especially in the case of low-level gathering professions.

General Tips

  • Know the price of your items and how much they are worth; make sure you check this as the more accurate the price, the more sales you will get. Auctioneer can help with this, but also use your own common sense.
  • Always post a buyout price on your auctions. Don't think that "They'll just bid it up anyway." Many players will not bid on an auction with no buyout price unless the item's bid price is heavily discounted to begin with. This can lead to bidding wars, but in many cases the item will sell for a fraction of what you could have gotten if you had posted a buyout price in the first place. You will have more sales at a higher price and get your money more quickly if you post a proper buyout price.
  • When selling, make sure that you are not pricing way above the others; the best bet is to aim higher if you know it will sell before it expires, or at the same price or lower if there is lots of competition.
  • Don't gouge your customers. You can make plenty of money on the AH without charging exorbitant prices. Demand is price sensitive, and people tend to have a good feel for what an item is really worth. If your items don't sell, you are probably charging too much.
  • A tactic for guaranteeing the sale of your auction is to "underbid" the current auctions. Create a low bid price, but a value you will be happy with. This will make your auction appear at the top of AH searches, and make it unlikely the item will return to your mailbox, meaning you have to list it again.
  • Be aware of the seasonality of items. Check what items are used in seasonal achievements, such as Delicious Chocolate Cake or Small Egg during Children's Week. When the Darkmoon Faire is in season, Darkmoon cards and decks (Furies, Elementals, Lunacy, etc.) tend to sell well, but prices also tend to get depressed. When the Faire leaves, prices return to normal, but sales volume decreases. The same is true of things like Snowman kits, Red Holiday wear, etc. Holding onto that Snowman kit for a few months, and then listing it in July, can net you a significant profit.
  • Be patient. If you are trying to sell an item for a large amount of money you might have to post it for several days in a row, or post it then wait a week and post it again.
  • Be aware that the listing costs of items are very important. For instance, Armor and (especially) Weapons have high listing costs, meaning that if you're going to buy them on speculation, you had better be darned sure they will sell within a few listings, or the listing cost will destroy your profit margin.
  • Recipes, plans, etc. have lower listing costs, making listing them over and over again less painful.
  • Be cold-blooded about admitting that you've taken a bath on an item. If you bought that sword for 5g, listed it for 10g, and the listing cost is 2g50s each time, after two times it had better sell just to break even. Once you hit that point, don't keep listing it over and over in desperation trying to make something off the AH. D/E it, or vendor it, and move on. Lesson learned. Don't get trapped in the fallacy of sunk costs.
  • Some of the best things that can be sold in the auction house are special items or pets (see making money with companions) that can only be found in certain areas. For example, the Savory Deviate Delight recipe can only be found in Horde areas, and for this reason sells really really well on the Alliance AHs.
  • If you have Auctioneer, run it for several weeks before beginning to speculate. That will give you a well-populated database to work with, which will have enough historical data to make reasonable purchasing decisions.
  • Keep track of the median disenchant value of the items you are selling. In some cases, if an item doesn't sell after a listing or two, simply D/E'ing may be more profitable than trying to sell the item at fire-sale prices just to get rid of it.
  • Don't put all your eggs in one basket. It's a lot better to spend your working capital on buying forty items for auction, each with the potential for profit, than to take all your working capital and invest it in that one purple leatherworking recipe that you hope will make you several hundred gold. If that puppy doesn't sell, or doesn't sell for what you want, you've just wasted all your working money, and deprived yourself of a lot of flexibility. Leave speculating on purple items until you have a few thousand gold squirreled away.

Buying items for speculation

Buying items for speculation means buying item cheap in hopes of reselling for more. This works well, but only if you know your market. Stick to what you know. Make cautious forays into unknown areas to test the waters.

Items to speculate on are not merely cheap; there must also be a demand or you will end up with a lot of cheap items sitting in your inventory. Items that are always in demand are:

  • Quality gear. These can be greens, rares, whatever. However, always think, "Who needs this?" Items that have stats like Stamina are typically useful to all players. Items with stats like Spirit are only useful to a subset. Items that combine two highly sought-after stats, like Stamina and Intelligence (which all casters need) will sell for more than items that combine two stats like Agility and Spirit (which practically no class needs).
  • Materials ('mats') - items that get used in professions. This is driven more by use than by source; for example, copper is very easy to mine, but it is widely in demand, and you can often find bargains in copper, bargains you can profit from. Contrarily, some very scarce mats may have low demand, may only be used in one mediocre recipe, and may not sell.

Recipes - provide in-game capability to create more kinds of items, and so are always in demand, BUT be careful; if the ingredients are obscure, and the benefits marginal, or the recipe is too common, this is not a good option. Some otherwise very good recipes drop far to often to hold value - Copper Chain Vest comes to mind. This produces an excellent entry-level item, but the recipe is available for low silver at the auction house.

Pets - Reasonably good for speculation, but track demand a bit before you invest.

Main article: Making money with companions

If you make a mistake in speculating, admit that you made a mistake and move on. Sell the item for what you can to recover as much as you can.

Twink items

Many players who already have higher level characters create alts that they level to a certain point and then stop. Often, these twinks are level , , , etc. for the purpose of going to battlegrounds at the top of their tiers and kicking butt. Since these twinked characters are owned by higher level players with lots of cash, they usually outfit them with the best gear available at their level. Thus, items that require level , level , or any other items around this level, with good stats or dps, often sell for much higher prices than they normally would. This is especially true on an older server, and also especially true of blue (rare) items. In general, "good stats" include Cloth "of the Eagle" (for mages, warlocks), Leather "of the Monkey" (for hunters and rogues), and Mail "of the Bear" (for warriors/paladins)as well as weapons with these suffixes that can be used by the right class.

Neutral Auction House

The goblins of the Steamweedle cartel have set up several neutral auction houses about Azeroth. Gadgetzan, Booty Bay, and Everlook all house neutral auction houses. The neutral is useful for making money, as commodities that Alliance players can get easily can be sold at a cheap price to Horde players (or vice versa), and then sold at a higher price at a major city.

Buying items from vendors for resale

Although you usually don't want to buy items to sell from vendor, some items can be sold for much more than you pay for them from the vendor. There are a few reasons people will buy a vendor item for a higher cost at the AH. They vendor may be hard to get to, the recipe only sells in limited stock, or the buyer simply may not know where the item is from.

Some players even turn this into their profession by systematically "plundering" vendors in the game world and then selling the items on the auction house at a significant markup. The reason why this works (even for items which are on unlimited supply at vendors) is, that many players don't want to spend time traveling to specific vendors to get hold of a recipe or skill book. They would rather pay a slightly higher price at their local auction house. In some sense, they use the auction house as a "super market" or "convenience store". So it is completely reasonable and legitimate to be the supplier for this convenience store and make money out of it.

This scheme works particularly well with items such as:

  • Vanity Pets
  • All kinds of recipes (cooking, alchemy, tailoring, etc.)
  • Limited stock items from almost any vendor (eg. Strong Fishing Pole, Aquadynamic Fish Reactor)

Players wishing to avoid spending vastly over the odds on a vendor pattern should consider using Adspace, which will add information to tooltips for patterns, books and similar items detailing their vendor cost and location.

Using Your guild

Guilds are perhaps one the most effective ways of progressing your character, and in turn, making money. Most 'high-end' guilds have a guild bank where members donate items for other members. This may range from potions, reagents, and craftable plans. Usually you will have to donate to a guild bank in order to receive items as well as stay active in your guild, but receiving potions that will aid your progression and craftable plans allowing you to profit off selling the products will benefit you in the long run. Also, donating to your guild bank may mean donating something you cannot use in turn receiving something you can use. Sometimes, additional services such as VoIP servers are provided and play a key role especially in end-game content; communication is paramount to a the success of an efficient group. Efficiency results in receiving gear faster, running more frequently in a shorter amount of time, and in turn making more money from runs. In a well put together guild, members become a close knit community including financial and questing support, which are among the most profitable benefits. If you have not considered joining a guild as part of your strategy moving through the game, you may wish to strongly reconsider.

Soloing Instances

If you can Solo an instance, you have two options. The first is to take the place apart yourself and sell all the drops on the Auction House. For level 80 characters, Scarlet Monastery, Uldaman, and other mid-level instances are easily soloable, and are a very popular source of cloth and marketable blue and green items. If you're reasonably well-geared, and feeling more adventurous, Scholomance and Stratholme are also soloable, and can be extremely lucrative as a source of auctionable items.

Soloing an instance can be all the more profitable if your character is an enchanter. During any solo instance run, you'll end up with some items which can be sold or traded, and some that are bind-on-pickup. Non-enchanters can only sell these soulbound items to a vendor, but an enchanter can disenchant the bind-on-pickup rare items, and then sell the shard/dust/essence instead of just selling the blue item to a vendor. (A side benefit of selling enchanting materials is that they do not require a deposit to list in the auction house, allowing you to list endlessly until the item sells.)

Alternately, you can offer to run people through the instance for a price. Some people get so desperate to run a certain instance for whatever reason, be it rep, a quest, or specific loot, they're willing to pay a pretty penny to go through it. You can turn that desperation into a tidy profit.

Video guide for soloing instances

Earn gold in 8 hours each week

Completing quests

Nearly all quests offer cash or items as a reward, and often both. While completing quests shouldn't be your main form of wealth generation, it is something you are going to do anyway. The key to making the most of quests is picking your reward items wisely. Don't always pick the item that most fits your class - if it isn't demonstrably better than your current item, instead go for whatever reward sells for the greatest amount to the vendor. You can select the in-game interface option to display it in the tooltip. In general, if you can't use a quest reward for your character, pick either a plate-armor or melee weapon as your reward--these tend to sell to vendors for more than other items.

Completing daily quests

Repetitive daily quests are a legitimate method of generating significant cashflow. Players who spend several hours a day doing daily quests can often generate g per hour. Many players have funded the purchase of their elite flying mounts solely through doing daily quests. Another trick for higher level players is to do level 70 dailies as a level If you have a hankering to get a Netherdrake, for instance, and you already have a fast flying mount (which is a pre-requisite for the drake), you will find your mids an ideal time to go get that drake. Not only will the quests be a lot easier to do at level 75+, but the dailies will pay about g as you level rep, and you'll get XP along the way to boot (albeit not as much as quests in Northrend.) So if you're looking for a break from the grind of leveling to 80, and want to kick back, spank some level 69s and make some decent money along the way, doing lower level dailies can be a fun way to make some extra cash.

Elemental Items

Elemental items (Primals, Eternals, etc.) can be a good source of money, because they are always in demand on the AH. See which mobs you will most benefit from farming, then set out for a few hours. In the process you will also most likely collect significant vendor trash, and may get other profitable item drops as well. Note, however, that older elemental drops usually lose profitability compared to newer ones, i.e. Primal Water sold well to level 70 players in BC, but sells far less well to level 80 players in WotLK, because level 80 gear requires Eternal this'n'that.

Using your Trade Skills (Professions)

Look in the Auction House for items that sell for good prices, but don't have a big supply in the market, so your prices won't get much competition.

Sometimes you can make money by crafting items with ingredients supplied by other players who give you a tip to make the item. This is not necessarily a reliable source at low levels, but it can be a good supplemental income source at higher levels, particularly if you have good recipes. And if you can charge for the customer using your materials (as opposed to materials supplied by him/her), you can mark those up.

Gathering skills

Mining, Skinning, and Herbalism are all good money-making professions, particularly at higher levels.

With Mining, from the moment you take the skill you can make good money selling stacks of the bars or ores in the Auction House. Blacksmiths, Engineers and Jewelcrafters are interested in the bars, while Jewelcrafters and even other miners may want to buy the ores. Make sure to check the relative prices of ore versus bars before smelting. As your skill increases, so does your earning potential. At the maximum level you may smelt Titansteel for a daily fee.

Skinning is both highly profitable and convenient, in that you will be skinning the monsters that you're already killing as you level. A skinner starts by collecting relatively worthless ruined leather scraps, but soon moves on to light leather, which can be sold for a good profit. An excellent way to farm leather is to skin the kills of other players, especially if you are following along in the wake of a group. However, do wait to start skinning until it's clear that the other player has abandoned the kill. Don't assume that the other player doesn't skin just because they are not a leather-wearer, for example. Note that your chances of getting a better grade of leather increases with your experience; it is possible, though rare, to get light leather from rabbits. Higher grades of leather yield higher profits. A skinner/miner has potent earning power through the auction house, but often runs out of inventory space.

Herbalism is also a good source of money. Herbs are required by alchemists and scribes. Unlike ore which is found only in rocky areas, herbs can be found in many places. Be sure to check on the auction house for what herbs are in demand for a high value; often a lower level one is very valuable, so you can farm an area you already know for quick money.

While taking both Mining and Herbalism is not recommended, as you cannot track both on the minimap, consider getting the Gatherer addon. This maps nodes and herbs on your minimap, allowing you to visit these places again and again if you are farming.


Common item recipes to look for include:

These items sell well for decent money, even though they are common quality items. Beware, these recipes can be pricey if you buy them, so try to get a bargain and ask around to see if you are getting a good price.

Blacksmiths should also watch the prices for "Needed by" items such as the metal rods used by enchanters, and compare the price for the raw materials. For example, a Golden Rod requires The different types of rods are no longer required.

  • 1 Gold Bar
  • 4 Coarse Stone

There's a good chance you can buy the raw materials for 25% - 75% of the going rate of the finished item, or mine them for free. The fee for an 8 hour auction is only 1 silver, so you can afford to re-auction rods that don't sell the first time. Be careful of making too many rods or other parts of a kind at once, though, as you may get stuck with them for a long time when others produce the same item and set a cheaper price to it.


Main article: Making money with engineering

A good money maker for Engineers are Scopes, which are all crafted by engineers and essential for hunters.

Certain quests require items that can be crafted. A couple of examples:


There is usually good money to be made selling bags, particularly the upper-level bags. This is particularly profitable if you are able to farm the majority of the materials.


There is a constant market for transmutations. If you are capable of doing these, you can charge an upcharge on each of those transmutes. A player who logs on his/her character each day, and sticks to it, can generate a significant subsidiary revenue scheme through transmutes. Likewise, if you have a transmute that allows you to transmute a lower value element (such as Earth) into a high-priced one (like Water or Fire), you can make a cool g profit every day by simply doing your transmutes.

Arcanite Bars still remain a great source of income for Alchemists due to its continuous demand.


Crafting gems is profitable if you have the right designs. Usually only the high level jewelcrafting (JC) are sought for gems, but you can make gold at low levels from JC too!

Jewelcrafters can create jewelery for other players, which can make big profits. Often players buying for their alts will invest in low-level rings and necklaces, simply as rings and necklaces from quests are hard to find. You can make a tidy sum by selling these items in the Auction House.

Jewelcrafting also offers players the Prospecting ability; players can break down most Mining ores to find gems used in Jewelcrafting. The Enchantrix addon can calculate the prospecting value of an ore, and when combined with the Auctioneer addon, you can compare the prospect value to the ore's value and determine whether it has a fair chance of producing a profit. For example, on most servers Tin Ore has a significantly higher prospect value than the ore itself, and players can make a tidy profit by prospecting tin from the AH. The low skill needed to prospect tin ore makes this a great profession choice for bank alts!


Glyphs are pretty cheap to produce and some of them are highly sought after, especially those learned at higher levels. Learn which glyphs are in demand and you may get a nice amount of gold by selling them. Don't assume that a high average price of a glyph means that it is in demand; if nobody is buying it, it doesn't matter what the price is.

You should also further develop your inscription skill through minor and Northrend Inscription Research. If you're lucky, you may get a glyph that people want and not every inscriber can make, which can give you more gold. Research them every day to get those high yield recipes faster.

Additionally, you can make tomes held in the off-hand and the Darkmoon cards. These take more materials to make, but the tomes are classified as rare items and can fetch a good price, and even the lower level decks of cards can get you a BoE rare to sell.


While enchanting is generally considered expensive to level, you can make a profit with it as soon as you start disenchanting for profit. It is not unlikely that almost any green item in this case will have a buyout price for a lot less than the materials it disenchants into. Likewise, it is lucrative to check the auction house for green items with unpopular suffixes, such as "of the Gorilla," with low starting bids.

You may want to get a another player or friend to disenchant items for you. Of course offer them some kind of fee or tip for their time, your overall profit will be greater.

Selling enchants can also make some money, but usually only when you have very high level (over ). Thus, enchanting is isn't really recommended as a good early money making source, particularly because its leveling costs are quite high.

If you use a dedicated banker alt, that does nothing but work the Auction House, have him/her pick up enchanting, so this character can disenchant low-level items.



Rogues can make fast money from pickpocketing mobs, opening lockboxes and selling items that drop from those on the AH. If you don't have a rogue make one and get him to at least level Rogues can also make some money by picking locks for people and getting tips. Not a great revenue source, but a decent one to supplement multiple strategies for making money. Generally, the usual lockpicking tip is between 50s to 1 gold, the most common being 50 silver. Sometimes, you can get lucky and have someone tip up to 5 gold for lockpicking several (or even just one) boxes. It's always beneficial for a rogue spending time doing repairing, training, etc. in a city to put up a lockpicking advertisement on the trade channel. Just make sure you let the buyers decide the price and that your lockpicking level is high enough.

Summoning or portal opening

These are Warlock- and Mage-only skills which can net you some money. It's not much, but a few gold is worth it. Note that Mages have an easier time with this than Warlocks as Warlocks need to be at the location for the summoning and need an additional person (a 3rd) for the group to help out with the summons. Mages only need the reagent to open the portal. While the Warlock doesn't incur a cost (except the loss of a soul shard), the Mage will typically be more successful at finding employment using this method.

Risky Tactics


If you don't care about etiquette, you can make a small amount of money this way, but it isn't as efficient as the regular (and respectable) ways of making money. You can never tell how an unknown player is going to react, but if you do any amount of begging you will probably earn some dislike.

Promising to pay strangers back if they give you the money is a nice gesture, but is likely to be met with skepticism and cynicism. Better to try this with a friend or a guildmate than with strangers, and always, always keep your word.

If you find yourself coveting your first mount, and with no money to purchase it, try to swallow your frustration and work at earning and saving up so you can buy it honestly. Nothing is more annoying to other players who are working hard to earn their own money than hearing someone begging for gold so that they can buy a mount or fancy piece of gear.

That being said, there are occasions when a little kindness is not unwarranted. A typical example is a new player who just dinged level They are suddenly confronted with a whole set of relatively expensive skills at his or her class trainer, and the cost of mount and riding training, and needs a small amount of money to learn those new skills. Likewise, sometimes one sees a player who, just by the way he or she walks, is clearly a new player. Kindness to non-whiny, well-intentioned, legitimately inquisitive newbies is karmically rewarding, and one should not worry about shelling out an occasional boon to such players. Remember, at that level, a few gold can go a long way. Heck, even a few older bags that you have lying around collecting dust in your vault will often be much appreciated.


This is a risky way to make money, and not recommended. Tell a player that if he beats you in a duel you will give him 10 gold, but if you beat him he has to give you 5 gold. This can be very effective if you are skilled in PvP and make the bet with a trustworthy person, or friends. It is a very risky strategy, as you may lose gold, or the other player won't cough up the money anyway. You will also get a bad reputation if you don't cough up the money in the case of defeat.

Treat Your Profession Like A Business

Perhaps the best and most secure way to make money within the game is to apply some basic business practice to your Professions. While some of these tips are common sense and common knowledge, it can't hurt to be reminded of basic principles of trade.

As previously stated, people will only buy your wares if they want it. Do not waste time gathering or producing items that people do not need. Focus on items that will most likely be wanted and bought.

  • Understand what kind of players need what kind of items. For example, Leatherworkers making Leatherarmor should focus on items with stats that only druids, hunters, rogues, and shamans would want. Demand is mostly built on the need of players.
  • Some recipes produce items with random attributes. While random, it is not necessarily too risky to craft these items in hopes of getting something good.
  • Many players, even the experienced ones, will base the power and worth of an item on its rarity. As such, Rare items are more likely to sell than Uncommons. Focus on trying to put these items together where possible and profitable.
  • Similarly, itemsets also quickly attract the eyes of buyers. Even some of the older pre-BC and pre-WotLK items whose bonuses are outclassed by newer items from BC will still find demand simply because most people are natural collectors. Try it when you can.

Profit is only created if you make sure your costs are less than your earnings. This is not so much an issue for gatherers who simply trade in some time and effort to gain their wares, but for production professions, this must be kept in mind. Many high-end items that sell well require materials that cannot be provided by the gathering profession normally paired with your production profession. To craft these items, purchasing the raw material from the AH or another player becomes necessary. You must keep record of how much you spent to obtain these materials, or else you may price the finished product inaccurately, either too low that you sell it at a loss, or too high that you can't sell it all.

Record keeping is thus necessary to ensure profit. Listing expenditures in a notebook or the like will help make sure you sell your items at the right price. This may seem excessive and time consuming, but it will save you a lot of time and effort in your endeavors to earn cash.

For items that you can gather directly, you have the choice of either going out to gather them yourself or to buy them from the AH. The former adds no cost to your item but requires time and effort, while the latter can be quick and hassle-free. Even should you choose to get the materials yourself, don't forget to add them to your cost — your labor and time should be compensated for, even if just a little.

When buying raw materials from the AH, keep an eye out for bargains. Choose only the cheapest items available to keep costs down. Try scanning the whole section of item listings in the AH to check prices; often the prices for stacks of items in the AH are much cheaper than individual pieces (for example, a single Thorium Bar may be priced at 3 , but a stack of 10 may actually be priced at only 2 per Thorium Bar) — you may spend more to acquire your materials, but you also save more and ensure larger profit in the long run. You can find a lot of terrific bargains this way.

Once you have assembled all the materials required to make the item, you can then refer to your records for how much you spent to acquire those goods in order to come up with your total cost — the price at which you would break even if you sell the item. From there, you can assign a higher selling price that gives your profit.

When assigning a selling price, do not aim for too low a price that would give you too little profit, but certainly do not assign too high a price. Too much greed is never a good thing, and the AH is filled with items that do not sell due to excessive inflation. A very common tactic in the AH is to sell for lower than what another player is offering, and many players make a lot of money that way. Similarly, losing sales thanks to being undercut is never fun. Aim for as low a price you can that will still make you a good profit. If you can keep producing the same item over and over, sell cheaply yet make a good amount of the item, you will reliably make a lot of money by volume. Moving inventory is the best kind of inventory.

Similarly, when earning by volume, do not overload the AH with your items. Basic supply and demand: too much supply will make your wares too common and unwanted. Furthermore, with great demand and a cheaper price, you may end up starting a price war with your competitors, with them actively trying to undercut and outdo you. Moderate the amount of items you're selling on the AH to small batches, refilling them only when sold out.

Once you have your finished product and have a price for it, keep in mind that using either your faction AH or the neutral AH also costs money: if the item does not sell, its deposit is taken by the AH; if it does sell, the deposit is returned, but a cut from the payment it taken by the AH as a commission. You must factor this into your selling price: your faction's AH will take 5% from your sale, while the neutral ones will take 15%. You can factor this into your cost to determine the minimum price at which you need to sell to at least break even:

In factioned Auction Houses:
Break Even price = Cost /
In the neutral Auction House:
Break Even price = Cost /

In the event your item does not sell but you still wish to try selling it again in the AH, factor in the deposit you paid for the previous auction.

In factioned Auction Houses:
New price = Item's original price + (deposit / )
In the neutral Auction House:
New price = Item's original price + (deposit / )

This is cumulative, as you take into account each failed sale as a loss. In the event too many deposits accumulate, you must decide whether to continue selling the item inflated by too many sales or finding of another way to dispose of it. One final tip: when you find that an item fails to sell in one AH, selling it on the other may finally dispose of it and get you your earnings.

Seed Raiding

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You can be able to use your Legion Seed to be able to produce more money in-game. Go Seed Raiding!

Among the Seven Seed Types in Legion, five can be used in seed raids. Basically, up to 10 characters are able to gather seeds 15 seconds next to the first gathering.

You can use the following seeds for the seed raid: Aethril, Dreamleaf, Fjarnskaggl, Foxflower, and Starlight Rose. This method of gathering in-game gold is very profitable.

To do this, you will need up the WoW Legion Expansion, a maximum of 10 characters including a Herbalist at Lvl +, and, of course, Seeds! You can get the seeds by farming them, doing Herbalism World Quests, or buying or trading them in the Auction House. Usual seed raids can are for 30, 50, and seeds and raiding them can take up to a maximum of two hours.

Next, you would have to find a suitable fertile land for your particular seed in the Broken Isles.

There are some rules that are implemented in raids. The most common are the following three:

Max 50% Dreamleaf seeds.

These seeds are the most common among the five and they also have the least value among them. The restriction is implemented is to ensure that everyone gets a fair share from the raid.

Felwort rank 3 is required.

The Felwort rank 3 helps the player to obtain seeds just by gathering orbs. This includes the herbs that will be planted and gathered in the raid. Having this can help you gather 25% more seeds from the ones you plant.

Aethril rank 3

Not actually common because the Aethril R3 Perk has been nerfed. This perk allows the user to proc another spawn of the node which increases the number of seeds gathered from the seeds planted.

The most usual system of Seed Raids is that every player will take turns in planting the seeds he has brought and every one in his party will be able to harvest for himself. This process will continue until everyone has planted his seeds.

The profits from these raids start from the minimum of k Gold if you are in a party of 10 plating 50 seeds with R3 Felwort.


Whatever your approach, if you use some common sense and apply yourself, you can make significant quantities of money in the game. By managing your cashflow, conserving and budgeting where you can, and investing wisely in those activities that make you money, you can become financially solvent relatively early in your career, and remain comfortably well-off (while still buying good gear) at level Good luck!

See also

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External;Discover the most profitable recipes in each profession. Online database for making gold.
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[Top 5] WoW Shadowlands Professions for Money (and Usefulness)

Professions have always played a vital role in stifling the WoW economy. Aside from that, they serve as a way to improve the overall performance of all class/spec combinations in the game, given their ability to craft higher level items and performance boosting miscellanea. Some professions, like Jewelcrafters and Enchanters, may also generate various item enhancements including weapon enchantments and stat boosting gems that can be socketed on different armor pieces. 

In this article, we will provide you with an overview of the top 5 most useful and gold producing professions in Shadowlands Patch There is something for everyone, so let’s get you started!

5. Armor Crafting Profession (Blacksmithing, Tailoring, or Leatherworking)

Armor crafting professions are essential for character progression in Shadowlands. They allow you tocraft base armor Legendaries for a variety of cloth, leather, mail, and plate wearing classes. Although craftable pieces are quite useless in the game (except when you’re leveling a new character and would like a slight boost in ILVL when you hit max level), certain professions could make as much as k gold for a single Legendary base. Armor Crafting professions, of course, rely on basic materials like metals, animal hides, and different cloth items in order to craft respective pieces.

These professions are typically partnered with a gathering profession like Mining or Skinning, allowing armor crafters to be independent in acquiring basic materials. It goes without saying that your choice of profession should be purely dependent upon the class which you play. If you main a Mage for example, you would need to select Tailoring, with the Blacksmith role usually being occupied by Paladins, Death Knights, or Warriors, and Leatherworking for Druids, Monks, Rogues, Hunters, and Shamans.

Although these professions can be quite profitable, they can t be a gold-sink. Armor crafters spend a lot of time and resources crafting a single legendary piece which could be circulating in the Auction House for several days until it has been sold. Barring their indubitable usefulness, these professions will require more effort to produce gold than some of their competitors.

Why are Armor crafting professions highly useful?

  • Ability to craft base Legendary items during Shadowlands
  • Always in demand

Pick Armor crafting professions if you:

  • Want to make your own legendaries

4. Herbalism & Mining


Herbalism and Mining are gathering professions that allow players to find and harvest/mine various herbs/ores around the world. These raw materials are later on used by professions like Alchemists or Blacksmiths to craft an assortment of useful items. Although Herbalism and Mining do not necessarily generate a crazy amount of gold, they are one of the most relaxing and easy professions to level.  Let’s not forget that if you are not max level, herbs and ores will also give you small amounts of exp each time you acquire one.

I usually combine these two professions on all my characters, as I simply have to roam the world in order to acquire the resources, which I then sell for profit on the Auction House. During initial expansion launches, these professions are extremely profitable but at the expense of time consumption.  Granted I do not make as much gold as say for example an Alchemist, or an Enchanter, at least I don’t have to worry about all those crafting requirements and long auction selling times. Herbalists and Miners will never run out of business!

 Why are Herbalism & Mining highly useful?

  • Always in demand
  • Other professions depend on them for crafting
  • Can hasten leveling process

Pick Herbalism and/or Mining if:

  • You want an easy profession to master
  • You don’t want to spend time crafting
  • You want quick and easy money

3. Enchanting


Enchanters rely on magical resources to create permanent stat boosts for various armor pieces and weapons. These formulas require different ingredients and reagents which the Enchanter can generate through disenchanting mixed loot items, or by purchasing them on the Auction House. Bearing in mind its limitless serviceability, Enchanting has always been considered as one of the go-to professions in WoW’s history. Smells like opportunity to me!

How often do you see top performing players without their gear being fully enchanted? Rarely huh. Enchanting is so critical that it plays an active part in shaping the overall WoW economy. As an Enchanter, you will have a lot of freedom with the way you make gold. If you want to maximize profit, you’ll need to carefully consider the ebb and flow of market demand and supply and how such factors relate to overall patch transitions.

For example, you can choose to pair up with another primary profession, like Tailoring, to craft your own gear and then disenchant to generate profitable ingredients that you can sell for profit on the Auction House. This would’ve been better at the beginning of patch rather than now, considering the abundance of Enchanters who constantly saturate and undercut market prices. Although Enchanting will not make you especially cash-rich, it is unarguably one of the most useful professions in the game.

What makes Enchanting highly useful:

  • Limitless serviceability through permanent item augmentations
  • High demand

Pick Enchanting if you:

  • You want to be independent for item Enchants
  •  Would like to make money in various ways
  • If you already have another primary crafting profession

2. Jewelcrafting


Jewelcrafting allows players to craft various vanity items and stat boosting gems. These gems can be attached to PvP or PvE items which sometimes have a chance to include a socketed gem slot. Jewelcrafters may create an assortment of rings, necklaces, and trinkets that can be sold on the Auction house for profit. Players can also prospect various mining ores in order to break them down into basic gems.

Jewelcrafting is most profitable during the beginning of an expansion when people are just hitting max level and want to increase their base item level with higher geared items. Since we are probably reaching the halfway point of Shadowlands’ lifespan, Jewelcrafters will primarily rely on their gems for gold making.

 In contrast to armor crafting professions like Tailoring, Blacksmithing, and Leatherworking, Jewelcrafters only have to worry about crafting two Legendary slots (Ring and Neck). By narrowing down your crafting requirements, you will have an easier time to mass produce these specific items for higher profit.  The addition of Domination Shards on armor pieces has also incentivized players to switch legendary equipment in favor of Shadowghast Rings, ensuring a boat-load of cash to be made by Jewelcrafters in Patch

What makes Jewelcrafting highly useful:

  • Currently very profitable
  • High demand
  • Can prospect gems from various mining ores
  • Ability to craft Shadowghast ring legendary

Pick Jewelcrafting if:

  • You want to make massive amounts of gold
  • You want to be independent when it comes to gems
  • You want to create necklaces, rings, and trinkets, for personal use

1. Alchemy


Alchemy is a profession that utilizes herbs and other reagents to create elixirs, potions, flasks, oils, and cauldrons with a variety of special effects. They can also transmute gems, minerals, and elementals, for further use by other professions.  Alchemist concoctions are typically used to restore health and mana through potions, generate passive stat buffs for raids using special cauldrons, as well as flasks and elixirs which provide active buffs and temporary effects like invisibility.

Alchemists are extremely vital to both PvP/PvE performance, as well as the general economy of each WoW server. You will never see a top DPS without Spectral Flasks equipped, whilst top healers do not venture into rough boss fights without their precious mana potions. As a result of its varying efficiencies, it comes as no surprise that Alchemists can generate the most gold out of any profession in the game.

If you would like to increase your economic productivity even further, choose Herbalism as a secondary spec. In doing so, you will never have to worry about buying those basic materials, considering that you can just fly around Shadowlands zones and farm them yourself. Should you have resources like Rising Glory or Nightshade left over after crafting, you may also sell them for extra profit.

What makes Alchemy highly useful:

  • Infinite usability in both PvP and PvE
  • Always in demand
  • Most gold potential from all WoW professions
  • Combines very well with Herbalism

Pick Alchemy if:

  • You want to make massive amounts of gold
  • You want to be independent when it comes to Flasks, Elixirs, Potions, Oils

So there you have it ladies and gentlemen. We hope that this article has been somewhat useful in helping you narrow down your choice of profession in WoW. Now stop reading and go get that bread!

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Guide to Leveling Engineering and Making Gold in Shadowlands


Engineering in Shadowlands

As usual, Engineering is all about explosives, fun toys and ways to interact with the world increative ways (that might backfire, of course)! You will be able to add unique abilities to your belt, such as Belt Modification: Dimensional Shifter IconBelt Modification: Dimensional Shifter, resurrect allies in combat with Disposable Spectrophasic Reanimator IconDisposable Spectrophasic Reanimator and even teleport at will around Shadowlands with Wormhole Generator: Shadowlands IconWormhole Generator: Shadowlands as shown in this clip!

Engineering in Shadowlands

You can add swimming movement speed and increase your primary stats after completing world quests through the new Engineering optional reagents, and will also be able to create scope enchants for ranged weapons and an unique pet, PHA7-YNX IconPHA7-YNX

PHA7-YNX Engineering Pet

Finally, unique Engineering goggles are back and you can use them to zoom in to target locations around you, similar to how Eagle Eye IconEagle Eye works. They also increase your skill in Shadowlands Engineering, which is required in order to craft PHA7-YNX IconPHA7-YNX if you are not a Gnome.


Leveling Engineering from in Shadowlands

Reaching skill in Shadowlands Engineering is quick, especially if you can pick up the materials before you start leveling. Because it might be hard to sell your crafts for a profit due to the profession's niche nature, we will focus on low-cost leveling.

Feel free to craft the toys and belt enchants at any point while leveling. They are expensive but well worth it, depending on your playstyle.

The trainer can be found in Oribos, in the southeastern part of the Hall of Shapes:

Engineering Trainer Location

Shadowlands Engineering

Note: you will need vanilla engineering crafted tools such as Gyromatic Micro-Adjustor IconGyromatic Micro-Adjustor and Arclight Spanner IconArclight Spanner to create some Shadowlands items. These can be very expensive in the auction house, so we would recommend just buying a cheap Gnomish Army Knife IconGnomish Army Knife instead, which also saves you a lot of bag space! Ultimate Gnomish Army Knife IconUltimate Gnomish Army Knife also works, so just buy whichever tools are cheapest in your server.

Craft Handful of Laestrite Bolts IconHandful of Laestrite Bolts or Porous Polishing Abrasive IconPorous Polishing Abrasive until Level 25 and your choice of Mortal Coiled Spring IconMortal Coiled Spring (cheaper, but less useful for later recipes) or Wormfed Gear Assembly IconWormfed Gear Assembly until Level

These are the baseline engineering crafted materials you will need for the best crafts later, so you might as well level with them, to save money later.

Total Materials for 25 Handful of Laestrite Bolts IconHandful of Laestrite Bolts and 50 Wormfed Gear Assembly IconWormfed Gear Assembly: Laestrite Ore IconLaestrite Ore, Handful of Laestrite Bolts IconHandful of Laestrite Bolts, Porous Polishing Abrasive IconPorous Polishing Abrasive and 50 Machinist's Oil IconMachinist's Oil.

Shadowlands Engineering

Craft Infra-green Reflex Sight IconInfra-green Reflex Sight or Optical Target Embiggener IconOptical Target Embiggener to level 91 and your choice of Grounded Ectoplasmic Specs IconGrounded Ectoplasmic Specs, Articulated Ectoplasmic Specs IconArticulated Ectoplasmic Specs, Reinforced Ectoplasmic Specs IconReinforced Ectoplasmic Specs or Flexible Ectoplasmic Specs IconFlexible Ectoplasmic Specs to

You will finally be able to make gold by selling or using the scopes you craft here. While crafting goggles is not ideal gold-wise because they are bind on pickup, they are by far the most reliable way to get to

Total Materials for 16 Optical Target Embiggener IconOptical Target Embiggener and 3 Articulated Ectoplasmic Specs IconArticulated Ectoplasmic Specs: 25 Wormfed Gear Assembly IconWormfed Gear Assembly, 95 Handful of Laestrite Bolts IconHandful of Laestrite Bolts, 19 Angerseye IconAngerseye, 16 Oriblase IconOriblase, 3 Umbryl IconUmbryl, 15 Desolate Leather IconDesolate Leather and 15 Pallid Bone IconPallid Bone.


Making Gold with Engineering in Shadowlands

Gold making with engineering is mostly about selling Disposable Spectrophasic Reanimator IconDisposable Spectrophasic Reanimators (as they are consumed on use) and Wormhole Generator: Shadowlands IconWormhole Generator: Shadowlands (which are bothersome to craft). Scopes, the crafted gun and the pet, PHA7-YNX IconPHA7-YNX can also be good, depending on your server's prices.

Goggles, the belt enchants and the bind on pickup toys are also great reasons to roll this profession, but do not make any gold.

Because there are so many people leveling Engineering due to its unique tools, crafting and selling basic reagents such as Porous Polishing Abrasive IconPorous Polishing Abrasive, Handful of Laestrite Bolts IconHandful of Laestrite Bolts, Wormfed Gear Assembly IconWormfed Gear Assembly and Mortal Coiled Spring IconMortal Coiled Spring is usually quite worth it!

There could be a market for Nutcracker Grenade IconNutcracker Grenade and its companion explosives, but dealing only damage, rather than having a powerful incapacitate attached like their WoW Vanilla counterpart, Iron Grenade IconIron Grenade, diminishes their potency, as does their 5-minute cooldown.

Engineering is special compared to other professions in that it can do a number of very valuable old world crafts that still sell for very high amounts. The most notable of these is the Sky Golem IconSky Golem, which is still the only mount that allows non-Druid players to harvest herbs without dismounting. There are other mounts to sell, but will generally sell slower since they are cosmetic-only.

You can also craft Goblin Glider Kit IconGoblin Glider Kit which are widely used while leveling and questing in the world. You can check this Reddit thread, by Kurraga for more details on old crafts you can sell.

As ever, we recommend using The Undermine Journal to track prices for both raw materials and the crafts you want to sell in your server. Try to buy the raw materials in the days they tend to sell for low amounts, and sell your crafts in the days they sell for more, usually in the typical raid days of Wednesday, Sunday and Tuesday.

Crafter's Marks (Item Level Upgrades)

Like all professions, engineers can craft item upgrade optional reagents such as Crafter's Mark II IconCrafter's Mark II These are optional reagents that increase the item level of crafted gear when used while crafting. In Patch , there are two new ranks, for a total of six:

Crafter's Mark of the First Ones

Engineering Optional Reagents

Progressing through Zereth Mortis will allow you to unlock two new optional reagents besides the crafter's marks: Erratic Genesis Matrix IconErratic Genesis Matrix and Pure-Air Sail Extensions IconPure-Air Sail Extensions. These are cheap to create and add some quality of life features.

In the example below we use a Jewelcrafting-crafted optional reagent on an Alchemy gear craft to make it more powerful without any downsides.

Optional Reagent Craft Example

You can unlock these optional reagents through a random drop in Zereth Mortis, the Unformed Essence IconUnformed Essence, which can come from any enemy in the zone. This will allow you to start a short quest that unlocks the usage of optional reagents in your crafts.

Optional Reagent Usage Unlock
  • 17 Feb. Updated for Patch
  • 26 Jun. Updated for Patch
  • 09 Mar. Removed journal mention.
  • 01 Jan. Added information on the Engineering Battle Resurrection item, leveling tools and more gold making strategies based on live testing.
  • 30 Nov. Added a small clip showcasing the usefulness of the Wormhole Generator.
  • 28 Nov. Added a note on how Engineering is one of the few professions that can make a lot of gold with old world content.
  • 25 Nov. Guide added.
Источник: []

WoW Classic: Most Profitable Professions Guide


WoW Classic: Most Profitable Professions Guide

Find out which professions will earn you the most gold in World of Warcraft Classic


Gold is very easy to come by in retail World of Warcraft nowadays, wow money making professions wod. Daily Quests, Auction House, Professions, and even things like WoW Tokens provide Players with a wide variety of Gold making possibilities, not to mention that Everybody gets new Skills for free after leveling up. This comfortable state of affairs results in people not appreciating the value of the WoW's in-game currency. However, things look much different in WoW: Classic. When you start your adventure with Classic World of Warcraft, you will almost immediately notice that Quests award pitiful amounts of money, Skills have to be learned from Class Trainers and cost a ton of Gold, flipping the Auction House is not really an option during the early weeks of the Game, because no one has any Gold and everyone is quickly vendoring almost every Item, but most of all, you will realize that level 40 Mount costs a small fortune and there is no way that you will save enough Gold to learn your Riding Skill and buy it by just leveling

With this Guide, we will try to prepare you for Classic's economic every-day reality by comparing all Professions and helping you choose the ones that will earn you the most Gold during your adventure in Azeroth. On the other hand, if you are more of a Fighter that prefers to take Gold from your enemies' dead bodies, rather than being a Gatherer or Crafter, check out our guide on WoW's Best Farming locations.

Important Note: Despite being underwritten by experience and extensive research, some of the information featured in this Guide might be somewhat subjective, and not % accurate. Please keep that in mind, and if you notice a piece of information that you don't agree with please let us know, and we will do our best to update and correct it.

Making a real fortune in Classic is quite an achievement.

WoW Professions breakdown

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Leatherworking allows you to Craft Wow money making professions wod and Mail Armor pieces, as well as Cloaks, Quivers, Ammo Pouches and various Armor Kits from raw Leather, Hides, and some wow money making professions wod, more rare materials. At high skill levels, Leatherworking branches into three distinct specializations:

  • Dragonscale Leatherworking - Focuses on crafting Mail Armors well-suited for Hunters and Shamans, and requires a lot of Dragonscales for its Patterns. Notable Dragonscale Leatherworking-Specific crafts are Chromatic Gauntlets (they provide some Attack Power, 1% Crit, and +5 to Nature, Frost, Fire, and Shadow Resistances), Black Dragon Mail Set (four pieces set that provides a lot of Fire Resistance and Attack Power which makes it great for Hunters and Enhancement Shamans), and Dreamscale Breastplate (which is Best in Slot for Hunters and  even Warriors or Paladins for the AQ 40 Nature Resistance Gear that is mandatory for some encounters).
  • Elemental Leatherworking - Focuses on crafting Leather Armors with mainly Rogue/Feral Druid stat combinations. Notable Elemental Wow money making professions wod crafts are Molten Helm and Molten Belt (these are great for the Molten Core, wow money making professions wod, as they provide you with Fire Resistance), Stormshroud Armor Set (four pieces set used mainly by Feral Druids), Shifting Cloak, and the Living Breastplate (Suited mainly for Restoration Druids).
  • Tribal Leatherworking - The most popular out of the three Leatherworking Specializations. Tribal Leatherworking focuses on making Gear with Intellect and Spirit stats, which is best suited for Restoration and Balance Druids, but the abundance of highly demanded Crafts makes it very desirable for any Leatherworker. Notable Tribal Leatherworking-Specific crafts are  Corehound Belt and Hide of The Wild (Best in Slot Healing items for early Raids), and Devilsaur Armor (two pieces Leather set that provides Attack Power, Hit Rating and Critical Strike chance and is very desirable by Rogues, Feral Druids, and all other Physical Damage Dealers),

These specializations limit you when it comes to the variety of High-Level items that you can craft, as you can pick only one of them, which blocks you from learning Recipes specific for any of the other two. If you are Profit-oriented, you should probably choose between Dragonscale and Tribal Leatherworking.

Leatherworking requires a rather high Gold/Time investment to level up but can provide you with some advantages during leveling in return.

Note: Leatherworking is often paired with its corresponding Gathering Profession, Skinning.

Gold-making potential/advantages of the profession in the early days of Classic Servers - Skilling up Leatherworking will generate costs rather than profits, but the ability to Craft Level-appropriate Gear will make the leveling process much easier if you are willing to take your time and grind Leatherworking's Crafting materials in order to skill it up.
Gold-making potential/advantages of the profession on Classic Servers with the established economy (few months after launch) - Ability to craft starting End-Game gear might come in handy, and there is some Gold-making potential in selling ready Crafted Items that are in high demand or charging fees for Crafting them with other people's materials. Overall, Leatherworking is a mid-tier profession when it comes to Gold-Making on matured servers.


Tailoring focuses on Crafting Cloth Armor and Bags from various Cloths, Threads, and other rarer materials. Unlike other Crafting professions, it doesn't have a Gathering profession associated with it, but players often pair it with Enchanting, as skilling up Tailoring creates a large number of Uncommon Items that can be Dusted for Enchanting purposes, wow money making professions wod. Cloths mainly come from slain Humanoid Enemies and the amount of them that is needed for skilling up Tailoring forces Tailors to do quite a lot of mob grinding/spending money on Auction House.

Tailoring allows Players to make three Bind on Pickup Robes: Robe of the Void for Warlocks, Robe of the Archmage for Mages (Best in Slot before AQ 40), and the Truefaith Vestments for Priests (please note that these items are BoP and therefore can not be traded to other Players). The other notable Tailoring Crafts are Flarecore Leggings (they grant 16 Fire Resistance and 43 Spell Power), the Bloodvine Garb Set (available from Zul'Gurub Raid, provides Intellect, wow money making professions wod, Spell Damage and Healing, and Spell Hit), Sylvan Set (recipes available from AQ Raids, it provides some Spell Power and a lot Nature Resistance that is mandatory for Princess Huhuran as well as some other AQ40 encounters), and Felcloth Items (Felcloth Hood, Felcloth Gloves, and Felcloth Bag, which is a 24 Slot Soul Bag), unlike the above-mentioned Robes, wow money making professions wod, these Items can be sold to other Players, and will provide you with some nice profit when Crafted and sold on the Auction House. There are also Bottomless Bags (18 slots), that make money online no scams please expensive to make but sought out by rich players nevertheless.

Note: It is important to use your Mooncloth cooldown each day, wow money making professions wod, as Mooncloths will be in high demand constantly.

Gold-making potential/advantages of the profession in the early days of Classic Servers - The ability to craft Bags and wow money making professions wod Gear is very appealing, especially to Cloth-Wearing Classes that don't require First Aid (as the First Aid competes with Tailoring for Cloths). Bags will be in very high demand on Classic's early days, and aspiring Tailors will make good money out of Crafting and selling them. Some lower level Tailoring recipes, like Spider Belt (which on use effect resembles Gnome's Escape Artist racial), are also sought after and valuable but must be bought/farmed as they are not available from Trainers.
Gold-making potential/advantages of the profession on Classic Servers with the established economy (few months after launch) - Bags will be in high demand for the whole lifespan of Classic Servers, and thus will enable Tailors to make a steady profit. Some of the Cheap-to-Make Cloth items, wow money making professions wod, like White Bandit Mask, may allow you to make Gold by buying Materials on the Auction House, Crafting them, Disenchanting, and selling the acquired Dust at a large profit. New in-demand recipes will become available with successive Raid Tiers, so you will be able to make a decent profit for the most of Server's life cycle if you are lucky enough to get the recipes. Overall, Tailoring is a very good choice for making Gold cryptocurrency to invest in may 2022 matured Servers.


Blacksmiths convert Bars of various metals and other, more exotic materials into Melee Weapons, Heavy, Mail or Plate Armor, wow money making professions wod, Skeleton Keys needed for opening Locked Chests, wow money making professions wod, Metal-based Trade Goods (Rods and Belt Buckles) and some Item-Enhancements, like Shield Spikes, Weapon Chains and Sharpening Stones. Blacksmithing is a good choice for Plate Classes, which means that Paladins and Warriors will often opt to skill it up. There are two specializations available for Blacksmithing, with one of them having wow money making professions wod further specializations (just like with Leatherworking, you have to choose one of those specializations, and can not change it, unless you want to skill your Blacksmithing again from scratch):

  • Weaponsmithing (further specializations: Axesmith, Swordsmith, and Hammersmith) - Allows a Blacksmith to craft various powerful Weapons, including Blackfury (Lvl 60 Polearm with bonuses to Stamina, Strenght, Fire Resistance, and Critical Strike), Dark Iron Pulverizer (Lvl 50 Two-Handed Mace with wow money making professions wod slow Attack Speed that has a chance to Stun Target for 8 s. on Hit), and Heartseeker (Lvl 58 Dagger with Attack Speed, +4 Strenght, and +1% Critical Strike chance).
    • Axesmithing - Allows Blacksmith to create Dawn's Edge (Lvl 50 Axe with a 1% Critical Strike bonus), Nightfall (Lvl 60 Axe which has a chance of increasing Target's Spell Damage taken by 15% for 5s), Dark Iron Destroyer (Lvl 60 Axe with +10 Strenght and +6 Fire Resistance), and an Annihilator (Lvl 58 Axe with fast, Attack Speed and chance to reduce Target's Armor on Hit).
    • Swordsmithing - Allows Blacksmith to create Blazing Rapier (Lvl 51 Sword with a Attack Speed, and a chance to Burn Target for Damage over 30 seconds), Blackguard (Lvl 60  Tanking Sword with +9 Stamina and +1% chance to Parry), Sageblade (A Caster Sword with +14 Stamina, wow money making professions wod, + 6 Intellect, +20 Spellpower, and  an effect that decreases Target's magical wow money making professions wod against your spells), and Dark Iron Reaver (Lvl 60 Sword with Attack Speed, +10 Stamina, and +6 Fire Resistance).
    • Hammersmithing - Allows Blacksmith to create Enchanted Battlehammer (Lvl 51 Two-Handed Mace with +1% Parry, and +2% Hit Chance), Persuader how to invest in ipo through upstox 58 Mace with Attack Speed, +1% Hit Chance, and +1% Critical Strike chance), and Hammer of the Titans (Lvl 58 Two-Handed Mace with a slow Attack Speed, and a chance to Stun Target for 3 seconds on Hit).
  • Armorsmithing - Armorsmithing does not have any further specializations, but it requires completing a very long and expensive Quest Chain (much longer that Quests associated with other Wow money making professions wod specializations). Completing wow money making professions wod chain gives you a Glimmering Mithril Insignia (A Trinket that Increases your Armor by 50, all resistances by 10, and provides you with  Fear resistance for 30 seconds on use, with a minute Cooldown - very strong PvP item). Armorsmithing allows Blacksmith to craft various High-Level Gear pieces, including, but not limited to Dark Iron Set (Mixed Rare and Epic Plate set that provides Stamina, a lot of Fire Resistance, and some Agility, without any Set bonuses, however - very desirable in the Molten Core Raid), Firey Chain Girdle and Fiery Chain Shoulders (Mail Belt and Shoulders that provide Stamina, Intellect, Spirit (belt only), and Fire Resistance - again, good for Molten Core), Invulnerable Mail (Lvl 57 Mail Chest that increases your Defense by 13 and has a 5% chance to make you invulnerable to Melee Damage for 3 seconds after you are struck in combat once every 30 seconds - this is one of those weird Enhancement Shaman Tank items), Stronghold Gauntlets (Lvl 60 Plate Hands that provide +12 Stamina, +1% Chance to Parry, +1% Critical strike chance, and an Immunity to Disarm investing money msn investments market index these are great for PvP, thanks to the anti-disarm effect), and Enhanced Thorium 200 day moving average bitcoin 50 day, Chest, and Leggings with bonuses to Stamina, Strenght, and Defense).

All Blacksmithing specializations give access to many worthwhile Patterns, but Armorsmithing beats all Weaponsmith specializations when it comes to Crafting Wow money making professions wod for profit.

Note: Blacksmithing is often paired with its corresponding Gathering Profession, Mining.

Gold-making wow money making professions wod of the profession in the early days of Classic Servers - Leveling up Blacksmithing will require a lot of Gold/Time investment, but will also provide you with access to some much-needed Armors and Weapons, which are especially great for leveling as a Warrior, for example. The abundance of Descent Statted wow money making professions wod, which you will create during leveling Blacksmithing, that can be sold on the Auction House will let you get at least some of your Gold/Time back (and you may even profit if the demand on the Auction House is high enough - and it wow money making professions wod likely will be, as Warrior will be very popular Class). Ability to craft Rods (that are needed by enchanters), Grinding Stones, Shield Spikes, wow money making professions wod, and Mithril Spurs will be a nice additional source of profit when leveling.
Gold-making potential/advantages of the profession on Classic Servers with the established economy (few months after launch) - The demand for Weapons and Armor will always be there, so Blacksmiths will not have problems wow money making professions wod money on matured servers. New Raids will provide you with access to new Patterns (for example Ironvine Set from AQ40 - an essential Nature Resistance Plate Set), wow money making professions wod the demand for your services and Crafted Items should remain stable for the whole lifespan of the Server. Overall, Blacksmithing is a great profession for Gold-making if you have time to Farm Crafting Materials/Advertise your services on Trade chat.


Alchemists brew various Potions, Elixirs, Flasks, and Oils from Herbs and other, more exotic ingredients. These brews have many positive and sometimes very interesting effects, like Restoring Mana or Health, Increasing Primary Stats or Health Total, Raising Resistances, or even making you immune to all Crowd Control effects for some time. Skilled alchemists can also transmute more common materials into very rare and powerful magical ones, like Arcanite.

The main source of Alchemist's income comes from selling large quantities of consumable Flasks, Potions, and Elixirs. Most of them do not require too many rare or expensive ingredients, which makes Alchemy one of the top Gold-making Professions. The more interesting, highly valuable, in-demand Alchemical brews include:

  • Flask of Distilled Wisdom (Lvl 50 Flask that increases maximum mana by for 2 hours; Brewed from 30 Dreamfoil, 10 Icecap, and 1 Black Lotus. This recipe drops from Balnazzar in the Stratholme Dungeon)
  • Flask of the Titans (Lvl 50 Flask that increases maximum health by for 2 hours; Brewed from 30 Gromsblood, 10 Stonescale Oil, and 1 Black Lotus. This recipe drops from General Drakkisath in  the Upper Black Rock Spire)
  • Flask of Supreme Power (Lvl 50 Flask that increases Spell Damage by for 2 hours; Brewed from 30 Dreamfoil, 10 Mountain Silversage, and 1 Black Lotus. This recipe drops from Rus Frostwhisper in the Scholomance Dungeon)
  • Various levels of Health and Mana potions, mainly:
    • Major Health Potion (Lvl 45 Potion that restores to Health; Brewed from 2 Golden Samsam and 1 Mountain Silversage. This recipe can be purchased wow money making professions wod Everlook, Winterspring). 
    • Major Mana Potion (Lvl 49 Potion that restores to Mana; Brewed from 3 Dreamfoil and 2 Icecap. This recipe drops Darkmaster Gandling in Scholomance Dungeon or purchased after completing the main Scholomance quest chain). 
  • Greater Fire Espn chris moneymaker story Potion (Lvl 48 Potion that absorbs to Fire Damage and lasts for 1 Hour; Brewed from 1 Elemental Fire and 1 Dreamfoil. This Recipe drops in the Lower Blackrock Spire and is essential for Molten Core and Onyxia's Lair Wow money making professions wod Nature Protection Potion (Lvl 48 Potion that absorbs to Nature Damage and lasts for 1 Hour; Brewed from 1 Elemental Earth and 1 Dreamfoil. This Recipe drops in Western Plaguelands from Decaying Horrors and Rotting Behemoths, and is essential for AQ40 progression). 
  • Free Action Potion (Lvl 20 Potion that makes you immune to Stuns and movement impairing effects for 30 seconds, but does not remove currently active effects; Brewed from 2 Blackmouth Oil and 1 Stranglekelp. This recipe can be purchased from Alchemy supplies vendors located in Ironforge and Orgrimar).  
  • Living Action Potion (Lvl 47 Potion that makes you immune to Stuns and movement impairing effects for 5 seconds and also removes all existing Stun and Movement Impairing effects; Brewed from 2 Icecap, 2 Mountain Silversage, and 2 Heart of the Wild. This recipe can be fun making money ideas from Zandalar Tribe's quartermaster at an Exalted Reputation and is even more overpowered that Free Action Potion in some circumstances, as it works like improved Insignia). 
  • Swiftness Potion (Lvl 5 Potion that increases movement speed by 50% for 15 seconds; Brewed from 1 Swiftthistle and 1 Briarthorn. This is a world drop). 
  • Arcane Elixir (Lvl wow money making professions wod Elixir that increases Spell Damage by up to 20 for 30 minutes; Brewed from 1 Blindweed and 1 Goldthorn. Learned from an Alchemy Trainer).  
  • Frost Oil (Lvl 30 Weapon Oil that gives your Weapon a 10% chance of casting a Frostbolt when it Hits; Brewed from 4 Khadgar's Whisker and 2 Wintersbite. The recipe can be purchased from NPC Bro'kin located in Alterac Mountains).
  • Elixir of Brute Force (Lvl 45 Elixir that increases Stamina and Strenght by 18 for 1 hour; Brewed from 2 Gromsblood and 2 Plaguebloom. This recipe can be awarded in Un'Goro crater for turning in 15 Bloodpetal Sprouts, the drop rate is very low, however).
  • Elixir of Mongoose (Lvl 46 Elixir that increases Agility by 25 and Critical Hit chance by 2% for 1 hour; Brewed from 2 Mountain Silversage and 2 Plaguebloom. This recipe drops from various Satyr Demons in Felwood and Azshara Zones). 
  • Elixir of Sages (Lvl 44 Elixir that increases Intellect and Spirit by 18 for 1 hour; Brewed from 1 Dreamfoil and 2 Plaguebloom. This recipe drops from Scarlet Wow money making professions wod followers in Tyr's Hand, Eastern Plaguelands). 

Note1: Flasks can be created only at the Alchemy Lab located in the Scholomance Dungeon.

Note2:  Remember to always use your Transmute cooldowns, as transmuted materials are limited in supply and in great demand because of that.

Note3: Alchemy is often paired with its corresponding Gathering Letter to return earnest money, Herbalism. It also requires a lot of ingredients that come from Fishing, wow money making professions wod the sight of an Alchemist with a Fishing Pole will be a common one.

Gold-making potential/advantages of the profession in the early days of Classic Servers - Leveling Alchemy will consume some Gold, time and effort, but will repay you with various buffs and bitcoin investing 2022 machine almost immediately. The market for various level potions will be present for the earliest days of Classic Servers, as consumables greatly improve Leveling efficiency. Almost every potion that you make to level up Alchemy can be utilized for your own benefit or sold to other Players at a profit.
Gold-making potential/advantages of the profession on Classic Servers with the established economy (few months after launch) - Flasks, Elixirs, and Potions are essential for Raid progression, so the Market for them will always be there, and the prices will skyrocket each time a new Raid Tier opens. This, combined with the abundance of rather cheap-to-make, powerful recipes makes Alchemy the best Gold-making profession for matured Servers with established economies (and we didn't even mention bonus gold that comes from Transmuting Arcanite every 48 hours).


Engineers craft various helpful, wow money making professions wod, interesting, and often very deadly, volatile, unstable, and unreliable gadgets, explosives, and equipment, like Googles, Trinkets, and Guns. They mainly utilize Metals, wow money making professions wod, but also commonly use Leathers, Cloths and some rarer, more exotic materials. Engineering has two distinct specializations, that have their unique set of Schematics:

  • Goblin Engineering - Goblins love to blow stuff up, and even when they don't blow stuff up, they invent things that closely resemble, well explosives in the form of Helmets, for example
    • Goblin Rocket Helmet that can be used to charge at an enemy, knocking him silly for 30 Seconds (this is a 30s soft Crowd Control effect), but also stunning you for a short period of time.
    • Goblin Mortar, a Trinket that deals to Fire Damage and Stuns Targets in 5-yard radius for 3 seconds when used (on a minute Cooldown), very useful in PvP.
    • The Big One, which is a LAAARGE bomb that deals to Fire Damage and incapacitates all enemies in a yard radius.
    • Goblin Bomb Dispenser, a Trinket that creates a mobile Bomb that charges at the nearest Target and explodes for to Fire Damage.
    • Goblin Construction Helmet that provides 15 Fire Resistance and absorbs to Fire Damage when activated. It is also used for crafting a previously-mentioned Goblin Rocket Helmet (very useful in Molten Core and Onyxia's Lair Raids).
  • Gnomish Engineering - Less volatile but also weirder than Goblin variant, Gnomish Engineering provides a lot of interesting gadgets, wow money making professions wod, like:
    • World Enlarger that "Enlarges the entire World for 5 minutes or until you attack".
    • Gnomish Mind Control Cap that gives you a chance to Mind Control an Enemy for 20 seconds, but can misfire badly.
    • Gnomish Harm Prevention Belt that shields you from next damage that you would normally take over the next 10 minutes, but can "Overload when struck and temporarily remove you from this dimension".
    • Gnomish Death Ray, a trinket that charges itself over is today a good day to invest in the stock market and releases a burst of powerful energy at your Target, dealing high amounts of Damage.

Other handy Engineering Schematics include various Grenades that are useful in both PvP and PvP and the Field Repair Bot 74A which is a consumable that allows an Engineer to set up a mobile Repair Station for every Raid member. Hyper-Radiant Flame Reflector (Trinket that provides 15 Fire Resistance and can be used to reflect a Fire Spell at its Caster once every 5 minutes. Very useful in the Molten Core Raid). Other useful Engineering gadgets are Goblin and Gnomish Rocket Boots that increase wearer's movement speed for 20 seconds but have a chance to misfire (great in PvP).

The main sources of Gold for an engineer are Crafting Fees charged for creating items from rare Schematics, which means that making a living out of Engineering is rather difficult, and requires fast Schematic farming.

Note: Engineering is often paired with its corresponding Gathering Profession, Mining.

Gold-making potential/advantages of the profession in the early days of Classic Servers - Leveling up Engineering Skill will consume your precious Gold, and require you to Mine a lot of minerals, wow money making professions wod. The time and Gold investment will return to you in wow money making professions wod form of various utility items provided by your Engineering Profession. Grenades will allow you to escape packs of mobs more easily and enable you to stop enemies from kiting you in world PvP. Engineering Inventions can be sold on the Auction House, but the market for them is very limited, as most of them require Engineering Skill to use. You can still make some money out of selling Scopes and Guns to Hunters.
Gold-making potential/advantages of the profession on Classic Servers with the established economy (few months after launch) - Do not expect to make a lot of Gold out of Engineering in the late Game. You will charge a fee for crafting a Rare Engi Item from time to time, but the biggest benefit provided by Engineering Skill will not be measured in Gold, and rather in the convenience and fun. Engi gadgets will make your life more interesting, PvP experience more rewarding, and will provide you with a thrill each time you activate one of your inventions (those random misfires, man).


Enchanters permanently imbue Items with various magickal effects, using magic Dust, Shards and Essences extracted from other magic Items. They are also able to create Wands. Every Player who wants to stay competitive needs their Gear Enchanted, which means that the market for Enchanters is always present. The most powerful and in-demand Enchants and other Enchanting Recipes include:

  • Enchant Weapon - Healing Power (Adds up to 55 Healing to Healing Spells), Enchant Weapon - Spellpower (Adds 30 Damage to Spells). These drop from the Molten Core Raid.
  • Enchant Gloves - Shadow Power, Enchant Gloves - Fire PowerEnchant Gloves - Frost Power (These add +20 Damage to Shadow, Fire, and Frost spells and abilities respectively), Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility (Adds + 15 Agility to Gloves), Enchant Gloves - Healing Power (Increases Healing done by spells by 30),  Enchant Cloak Stealth (Improves the effectiveness of Stealth), and Enchant Cloak - Dodge (Adds what is the best currency to invest in right now chance to Dodge an attack). These drop from all bosses in Ahn'Quiraj Raids. There are also two formulas that drop only from Twin Emperors in AQ These are: Enchant Gloves - Threat (Increases Threat generated by 2%) wow money making professions wod Enchant Cloak - Subtlety (Decreases threat generated by 2%)
  • Enchant Weapon - Investieren aktienmarkt +15 Agility to a Weapon) and Enchant Two-Handed Weapon Agility (Adds 25 Agility to a 2H Weapon). The first one requires Honored Reputation and the second requires  Friendly Reputation with the Timbermaw Hold.
  • Enchant Weapon - Mighty Spirit (Adds +20 Spirit to a Weapon), wow money making professions wod, Enchant Weapon - Strenght (Adds +15 Strenght to a Weapon), and Enchant Weapon - Mighty Intellect (Adds +22 Intellect to a Weapon). These three Enchanting Recipes require high Reputation with the Thorium Brotherhood (Strenght - Friendly, Spirit - Honored, Intellect - Revered).
  • Enchant Cloak - Greater Fire Resistance (Adds 15 Fire Resistance to a Cloak) and Enchant Cloak - Greater Nature Resistance (Adds 15 Nature Resistance to a Cloak). These require Friendly (Fire) and Honored (Nature) reputation with the Cenarion Circle, and are needed by all players who want to raid Molten Core, Onyxia's Lair or AQ
  • Enchant Bracer - Mana Regeneration (Provides 4 mp5) and Enchant Bracer - Healing (Increases effectiveness of Healing Spells by 24). The first one requires Honored Reputation and the second requires Revered Reputation with the Argent Dawn.
  • Brilliant Mana Oil (Adds 12 mp5 and 25 Healing Spell Top stocks to invest in august 2022 to a Weapon for 30 minutes) and Brilliant Wizard Oil (Adds 1% Spell Critical Chance and 36 Spell Damage to a Weapon for 30 minutes). These require reputation with the Zandalar Tribe (Mana Oil - Friendly, Wizard Oil - Honored).
  • Enchant Chest - Greater Stats (Add +4 All Stats to a Chestpiece). This randomly drops from trash mobs in Raids and from World Bosses.
  • Enchant Weapon - Fiery Weapon (Gives Weapon a chance to sometimes deal Fire Damage). This drops from the Pyromancer Loregrain in Black Rock Depths Dungeon.
  • Enchant Weapon - Crusader (Makes Weapon sometimes restore 75 to Health to its wielder and increase his Strenght by for 15 seconds). This is a World Drop that can be acquired from members of the Scarlet Crusade in Western Plaguelands and Tyr's Hand.

Note1: Enchanting does not have corresponding gathering Profession, so it is often paired with Tailoring, which provides a steady supply of magic Items to Disenchant.

Note2: Collecting all High-End Enchanting Recipes requires a lot of Dungeon, Raid, and Reputation Grinding. This means that the profession is well-suited only for persistent and competitive Players who have quite a lot of time to play (if taken with making Gold in mind, that is).

Note3: If you plan to make real money out of Enchanting, you should wow money making professions wod a large stock of Enchanting Materials. This will allow you to sell ready Enchants to People that don't have their own mats.

Gold-making potential/advantages of the profession in the early days of Classic Servers - Enchanting is very expensive to level and will consume enormous amounts of Uncommon Items. The market for low level enchants will not be too profitable, but you wow money making professions wod be able to make some money by making Wands, which are needed for leveling Warlocks, Priests and Mages, wow money making professions wod. If you manage to get a Rare Recipe early on, you might be able to make some good money by charging fees for enchants, wow money making professions wod. Selling Dust and Essences can also provide some additional income, at the expense of leveling up the actual Enchanting Skill.
Gold-making potential/advantages of the profession on Classic Servers with the established economy (few months after launch) - Making good money out of enchanting will require you to be an active Raiding Guild member, as most of the expensive, well-selling enchant formulas come from man Raids. If you manage to collect most of the formulas and grind all needed reputations, you might be able to build up a base of Clients who will return to you for all their enchants, which will result in nice money from fees, wow money making professions wod. Good advertising is the key (spam that Trade chat), and providing discounts for multiple services is a good idea. Disenchanting cheap-to-make Tailoring Items and selling Enchanting Materials on the Auction House can be a good source of Gold as well (this can also be done by grinding low-level Dungeons and disenchanting all uncommon and rare drops).


Skinners collect Animal Hides and Leather from slain beasts. Collected materials can be then used how to make passive income in singapore Leatherworking Profession to create Mail and Leather Armors, as well as some other useful items or sold to other Players or even Vendored for profit.

Leatherworking is the most convenient of the three available Gathering Professions, as Skinnable monsters are encountered naturally during adventures and questing, and going out of one's way to make use out of skinning is not required. Moreover, being able to Skin monsters will open up some Grinding Spots that would not provide you with a worthwhile profit otherwise.

Gold-making potential/advantages of the profession in the early days of Classic Servers - Skinning is a great starting Profession that will provide you with a steady Gold influx during your Wow money making professions wod Classic adventures. Collected materials can be used to level up Leatherworking or sold for a profit at the Auction House (or even Vendored if the Server is very young, and Wow money making professions wod prices are almost equal to Vendor prices). Overall, the Skinning profession, at the early stages of the Classic, is a very convenient way of getting some additional income.
Gold-making potential/advantages of the profession on Classic Servers with the established economy (few months after launch) - Market for Leathers will always be present but as the Server progresses, the demand will shift towards High-End Leathers and Hides (Rugged Leathers, Rugged Hides, Devilsaur Leathers, etc.). At this point, you will probably be better off leveling up Leatherworking and offering ready Gear crafted with your own, gathered materials.

On Odealo multiple sellers compete for your attention. You are guaranteed to find WoW Classic Gold at the best price.



Miners extract various Minerals, Stones, and Ore from Veins, wow money making professions wod, and then smelt gathered Ore into Metal Bars that can be used by Engineers and Blacksmiths.

Mining is less convenient than Skinning when it comes to making use out of it, as Ore Veins are encountered mainly on ridgelines, hilltops, and in the mountains, which means that Miners have to make detours to gather them.

Note: Prices of Ore wow money making professions wod sometimes be higher than prices of the corresponding Metal Bars, as people use Ores to level up their Mining in a more convenient way. Be sure to always compare Auction House prices before Smelting on your own.

Gold-making potential/advantages of the profession in the early days of Classic Servers - Mining can be treated similarly to Wow money making professions wod in the early Wow money making professions wod, as it will provide you with some additional income (but most likely much lower than that provided by Skinning). Leveling up Mining can be troublesome, as Ore Veins are not too abundant, and active farming might be necessary for Mining to not fall behind your Character Level. If you are lucky, some additional Gold income will come from rare Vein drops, wow money making professions wod, like Arcane Crystals and other Gems. Overall, Mining is best chosen with one of its corresponding Crafting Professions - Blacksmithing or Engineering.
Gold-making potential/advantages of the profession on Classic Servers with the established economy (few months after launch) - Demand for Bars will increase over time, as more and more people will start to level up their Crafting professions or look for ways of upgrading their Equipment via Blacksmithing Recipes. This will result in higher income from Mining on matured Servers. The demand for Crafted Weapons and Armor will also raise so, selling unprocessed Bars might turn out to not be less beneficial than using them to level up Blacksmithing Skill in order to provide people with Crafted, High-End Gear.


Herbalists gather Herbs wow money making professions wod by Alchemists for crafting various Potions, Flasks, Oils, and Elixirs. The popularity of Alchemy makes Herbalism a very profitable Gathering Profession, but still not as convenient as Leatherworking. Leveling up Herbalism will require some hassle, but not as much as leveling up Mining will.

Herbalism, especially combined with Alchemy will provide you with worthwhile profits, as there are many low-cost Alchemical Consumables that are in high demand constantly, wow money making professions wod. Selling Herbs on the Auction House will present you with a high income as well (thanks to the above-mentioned popularity of the Alchemy Profession, and the great demand for consumables).

Gold-making potential/advantages of the profession in the early days of Classic Servers - Herbalism will provide you with some additional profits, or various buffs, bonuses, and utilities if combined with Alchemy, from the wow money making professions wod days of Classic. Herbs should be in high demand (the popularity of Alchemy, again) constantly, and monetizing your gathered Herbs should not be a problem at any time. However, putting some additional effort into farming Herbs, and leveling up Alchemy with them early might be a better idea than just selling them, as unlike other Crafting Professions, Alchemy provides you with great benefits and some Gold from the start.
Gold-making potential/advantages of the profession on Classic Servers with the established economy (few months after launch) - Herbalism greatly rises in value over time, wow money making professions wod, as more and more people start to use Consumables, which bumps up the value of Herbs and Potions/Flasks/Elixirs/Oils. If you don't have Alchemy at this point, you should strongly consider leveling it up quickly and getting your hands on highly demanded Alchemy Recipes as fast as possible, because additional income is literally passing you by at this stage of the game.

Most profitable Profession's Combinations

Double Gathering Professions

A great choice for the earliest stages of the game. Picking up two Gathering Professions will allow you to get your Mount money more easily. If you are power leveling, you can just quickly vendor all gathered materials. Otherwise, you can be more patient, and sell them as they steadily rise in value. The other idea wow money making professions wod to Pick one gathering profession to profit from, and the second one to gather materials for leveling up the corresponding Crafting Profession in the future wow money making professions wod example, you make money out of Skinning, and collect Herbs for your future Alchemy Profession at the same time).

The best combination of double Gathering Professions is most likely Skinning+Herbalism (in reality, Skinning is the one that you should get, and Herbalism can be freely swapped for Mining).

Crafting Profession + Corresponding Gathering Profession

The standard Profession combination. Great if you plan to take best way to invest money for retirement income time and level up Crafting profession steadily as you Level up your Character. The choice between Leatherworking+Skinning, wow money making professions wod, Blacksmithing+Mining, Engineering+Mining, and Alchemy+herbalism should depend on your Class, preference, and playstyle, for example, engineering supports dynamic players that like to PvP, Leatherworking, and Blacksmithing are great for leveling up Classes with corresponding Armor Types, and Alchemy is just great in all circumstances (which means that you should probably pick Herbalism+Alchemy if you are only Gold-oriented, after all).

Tailoring + Enchanting

We treat this combination separately, as Tailoring and Enchanting complement themselves well, wow money making professions wod not fit into any of the above categories at the same time. This combination is great for every Cloth Armor Class and can be profitable if enough effort is put into developing both skills. Leveling them up is troublesome and time-consuming, however, as you will not get enough Cloths during Questing, and Enchanting is the hardest Profession to Skill up.

Secondary Professions

First Aid
First Aid

First Aid lets Players make Bandages out of Cloths and Anti Venoms out of Venom Sacks, wow money making professions wod. Bandages can be used in combat, which makes them almost mandatory for Classes that can not Heal themselves via magickal ways.

Gold-making potential/advantages of the profession in the early days of Classic Servers - First Aid is a very good quality-of-life and support profession, but leveling it up will consume some resources that would be otherwise sold on the Auction House/Vendored. It is worth it for Rogues, Warriors, and to a lesser extent Hunters, Mages and Warlocks. Bandages will allow you to increase your efficiency, save some Gold by replacing Food from time to time, wow money making professions wod, and let you avoid Death in close call situations. Moreover, Bandages make money fast working from home out of Silk and Higher Level Cloths are worth more at a Vendor than their components, which means that Cloths can be turned into bandages for some increased Vendor value (if the price of Cloths on the Auction House is low, or the Server's economy is not established yet).
Gold-making potential/advantages of the profession on Classic Servers with the established economy (few months after launch) - On matured Servers, First Aid remains the main source of In-Combat healing for some classes, and a stack of Bandages should be carried at all times. The prices of Cloths will raise over time, making selling them on the Auction House more profitable than Vendoring Bandages.


Cooking lets Wow money making professions wod prepare Hearty Meals out wow money making professions wod raw ingredients and Spices, wow money making professions wod. The Food provides various Buffs that make Questing and Raiding much easier. Collecting all worthwhile Cooking Recipes requires some Questing, leveling up Fishing (to catch Fishes required for some Cooked Fish Recipes, and completing Fishing Quests that award those Recipes), and visiting many far corners of Azeroth. The best and most useful Cooking Recipes include:

  • Savory Deviate Delight (Food that transforms you into a Ninja or a Pirate, used for roleplaying and for fun). The Recipe is a rare drop from Wailing Caverns Dungeon and from monsters found in The Barrens Zone, which makes it very rare, and very expensive on the Alliance side).
  • +6 Stamina and Spirit Food (For example Crocolisk Gumbo, Curiously Tasty Omelet, and Murloc Fin Soup) Used mainly by players in the level range of 15 to 24 and Level 19 Twinks. These will be cheap, but still sellable.
  • +8 Stamina and Spirit Food (For example Mystery Stew, Hot Wolf Ribs, Carrion Surprise, and Jungle Stew). These are useful for level 29 Twinks and lower level Players (Level 25 to 34). There will be a demand for these constantly, but the prices will not be extremely high.
  • +12 Stamina and Spirit Food (For example Spider Sausage and Heavy Kodo Stew). These are widely used by Players at wow money making professions wod 35+, as they provide quite high Stamina buff. The demand for this kind of food will be very high for the whole lifespan of a Server.
  • Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops (Provides +25 Stamina, the Recipe is available as a reward from a Quest chain acquired from NPC Narain Soothfancy, Tanaris). This provides the strongest Food Buff for Tanks.
  • Grilles Squid (Provides +10 Agility, can be acquired from NPC Gikkix, Tanaris). This provides the strongest Food Buff for Hunters and Rogues.
  • Smoked Desert Dumplings (Provides +20 Strenght, the Recipe is a reward from the Sharing the Knowledge Quest acquired from the Sandy Cookbook located in Silithus, this will become available on the AQ launch). This provides the strongest Food Buff for Warriors.
  • Nightfin Soup (Provides 8 mp5, can be acquired from NPC Gikkix, wow money making professions wod, Tanaris). This provides the strongest Food Buff for all mana users with sustain problems.
  • Runn Tum Tuber Surprise (Provides +10 Intellect, can be dropped from NPC Pusillin that can be found in the Dire Maul Dungeon (which means that it will not be available on launch), Feralas). This provides the strongest Food Buff for all mana users without sustain problems.

Note: Learning Cooking Secondary Profession also teaches you how to set a Basic Campfire that can be used for preparing meals and provides a minor Spirit Buff.

Gold-making potential/advantages of the profession in the early days of Classic Servers - Cooking is a very convenient secondary skill, especially in the early game on a new Server, as it provides you with very good Stamina + Spirit food Buff from the start, and allows you to save some of your valuable Gold by preparing your own meals instead of buying them (and they get very expensive very quickly). Processed Cooking ingredients usually Vendor for more than unprocessed ones, so Cooking every dropped piece of meat can provide you with a slight increase in Gold gain, even if you don't want to post Cooked food on the Auction House.
Gold-making potential/advantages of the profession on Classic Servers with the established economy (few months after launch) - On matured Servers, Cooking will remain very useful and provide you with constant benefits in the form of Food Buffs and Gold savings (as long as you will farm Leather, and get raw Cooking ingredients in the process, for example). The best kinds of food will also be required by some Raiding Guilds, so there will be a demand for them on the Auction House.


Fishermen catch various types of Fish, as well as other Aquatic Animals, and are able to salvage floating wreckage. A lot of caught Fish find application in Cooking and Alchemy, which makes Fishing a  rather worthwhile Gold-making Secondary profession. The most valuable and in-demand Fish include:

  • Oily Blackmouth (Used by Alchemists to create the Blackmouth Oil needed in some Alchemy Recipes (Swim Speed Potion and more importantly, the valuable Free Action Potion). Blackmouth Oil is also an ingredient for the Enchant Gloves - Fishing. Oily Blackmouth Schools can be found in Darkshore, Loch Modan, The Barrens, Silverpine Forrest, and Westfall. The fish can also be caught in Feralas, Felwood, Azshara, Western Plaguelands and some other High-Level zones).
  • Deviate Fish (Used in the Savory Deviate Delight Cooking Recipe. This fish is especially precious for the Alliance, as it can only be caught in Wailing Caverns that are located in the Horde territory of The Barrens. If you manage to catch this Fish as an Alliance Player, and by some miracle have the Recipe, you will be able to make a fortune).
  • Stonescale Eel (Fish used by Alchemists to create Stoneskin Oil that is used in various High-end Alchemy Recipes. Stonescale Eel Swarms can be found at the northern part of the coast of Tanaris and along the Western coast of the Stranglethorn Vale. Stonescale Eel can also be caught in the Bay of Storms, Azshara).
  • Raw Nightfin Snapper (used by Cooks in the previously-mentioned Nightfin Soup Recipe. This fish can be caught only during the Server's nighttime in Un'Goro Crater, Feralas, Felwood, Western Plaguelands, Moonglade, wow money making professions wod, Azshara, Winterspring, Eastern Plaguelands, and other High-level zones, including Raids and Dungeons).
Gold-making potential/advantages of the profession in the early days of Classic Servers - Leveling up Fishing can be very relaxing, or infuriatingly boring, depending on your approach and temper. The skill will provide you with some Raw Fish that can be eaten or Cooked (and then eaten) in order to save some Gold that would otherwise be spent on Food. Some of the in-demand Fish are wow money making professions wod for low-level Fishermen (these include Oily Blackmouth and Deviate Fish), which makes Fishing a great Gold-making Profession for low-level Characters. If the Auction House prices are too low, be patient and wait for the market to develop. The prices are bound to raise with the progressing economy.
Gold-making potential/advantages of the profession on Classic Servers with the established economy (few months after launch) - Fish are needed in a lot of in-demand Alchemy and Cooking recipes, which means that Fishing will remain a good Gold-making secondary Profession on matured Servers. If you can't be bothered to Farm Herbs, Leather or Ore, Fishing is a very good alternative, especially if you are not level-capped yet.

Odealo is one of the most secure World of Warcraft Classic marketplaces. It allows regular players to buy, sell, and trade WoW Classic Gold and Items with the use of real cash. 



Earning Gold as a highly-skilled professional is an inherent part of the Classic World of Warcraft experience. With the help of this Guide, you will be able to choose the most profitable professions and make Gold with increased efficiency. Empty pockets will become a thing of the past.

We hope that you have found this Guide useful and informative.  If we have missed a piece of information that is important to you, please let us know! 

Please do note that this is an early version of our guide, and we will be happy to receive wow money making professions wod criticism, that will help us improve it, so leave your suggestions in the comments section below.

Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of Blizzard Entertainment

Buy WoW Classic Gold

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WOW TBC Classic Best professions for gold: Best gold making professions in burning crusade classic

To make money in the World of Warcraft Classic Burning Crusade, there are a lot of methods! You can sell items in the auction house, run dungeons and slay enemies, and more! If you are tired of the long and boring farming process, wow money making professions wod, you can also choose to buy WOW TBC Do authors make a lot of money Gold with real-world money! Choose the best profession wow money making professions wod also a vital part to earn money in Burning Crusade Classic.

WOW TBC Classic Professions Introduction

There are main four types of professions: Production Professions, Service Income statement and retained earnings example, Gathering Professions and Other. Production Professions concludes Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Cooking, Engineering, Jewelcrafting, Leatherworking, and Tailoring professions, wow money making professions wod, and these professions require players to craft powerful gear that can be equipped or traded.

Service Professions concludes Enchanting and First Aid professions, which allow the player to create items that benefit players, wow money making professions wod. Gathering Professions concludes Herbalism, Mining, Skinning, and Fishing professions, which allow players to acquire materials that are required to create the powerful trade goods. Except for these professionas, Riding, Poisons, and Pickpocketing are included!

WOW TBC Classic Best Wow money making professions wod for Gold

S-Tier Professions &#; Jewelcrafting

Jewelcrafting is a new profession that has been added to TBC Classic, which allows players to cut precious gems and create specialty items that many players will frequently need. The Jewelcrafting profession is known as the best profession for making gold, Jewelcrafting allows players to puts &#;sockets&#; on specific pieces of gear, which can be filled with Gems that increase the stats that the piece of gear yields. Gems are sold nicely in Jewelcrafting especially epic ones. You can also craft some precious items like “Necklace of the Deep”, and then sell them for gold at Auction House with a high price.

A-Tier Professions &#; Alchemy, Herbalism, Mining, Skinning

Alchemy &#; Alchemy is one of the A-tier professions for earning gold, Alchemy can craft powerful Potions, Elixirs, wow money making professions wod, Flasks, and perform Transmutes to create wow money making professions wod for other professions. For example, if you transmute the Primal Might, many players will be willing to spend large sums of gold to get them.

Herbalism &#; Herbalism allows you to collect various plants and herbs that have many different uses, such as making flasks and potions using alchemy. Herbalism can be an excellent profession for earning Classic TBC Gold from raw materials.

Mining &#; If you are expert in mining, you can mit umfragen geld verdienen österreich erfahrungen ore and gems from ore nodes and smelting ore into bars, which can be used in several wow money making professions wod such as Blacksmithing, wow money making professions wod, Engineering, Alchemy and Enchanting. Miners can also use the spell Find Minerals to find nearby ore, which can be sold for exchanging gold.

Skinning &#; Skinning &#; For skinning profession, the resources come right to you, and you can pick up some extra value when killing Beast mobs of all kinds by picking it up. Where to invest now in stocks you can use Skinning combined to Leatherworking, and you’ve got yourself a combo that can be used to create a host of incredibly useful items and make tons of cash.

If you want to farm TBC Classic Gold, you can try these S-tier and A-tier professions we mentioned. By the way, the above is a personal opinion, welcome everyone to supplement your views in the comment area.

Have any thoughts on this? Let us know down below in the comments or carry the discussion over to our Twitter or Facebook.

Editors&#; Recommendations:

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There are plenty of ways to make money in World of Warcraft—and Shadowlands is no exception. Almost all the professions in the game are sought after in one way or another, catered for raiding, dungeons, battlegrounds, and arena. 

If all you care about is gold, though, and making it as quickly and as effectively as possible, here’s a comprehensive guide to the highest paying professions in Shadowlands

1) Mining and Herbalism

Mining and Herbalism are two of the most valuable professions in WoW, offering essential resources. Ore and herbs can be sold in bulk on the auction house for a pretty penny, wow money making professions wod, depending on your realm and the state of the market, but they can also be combined with other professions to make stacks of gold. Blacksmithing, Engineering, and Jewelcrafting need ore, while Alchemy, Inscription, and Leatherworking require herbs. 

The gathering professions are valuable when farming legacy content, too. Ore and herbs from previous expansions, wow money making professions wod, like Elementium, Dark Iron, and Titanium ore for Mining, and Fadeleaf, Heartbloom, and Gromsblood for Herbalism, sell like hot cakes on the auction house.

2) Alchemy

Alchemy, similar to the two main gathering professions, provides a stable income of gold in WoW. Raiders and avid dungeon-runners will always be on the lookout for flasks and potions. On raid nights especially, the profession can make bags of gold. Potions like Potion of the Spectral Agility, Intellect, Stamina, and Strength, and flasks like Spectral Flask of Power and Stamina, will always be in high demand. But oils, such as Embalmer’s Oil for healers and Shadowcore Oil for ranged DPS, are valuable too.

3) Inscription

Inscription is one of the most underrated professions in WoW, catering to all sorts of end-game content in Shadowlands. Contracts, which provide a boost of the best 5g stock to invest in to factions like The Ascended, The Undying Army, The Wild Hunt, wow money making professions wod, and the Court of Harvesters every time you complete a world quest, Missives, an essential reagent when crafting Legendary items, and Darkmoon cards, which can be handed in for a powerful trinket, are all highly lucrative.

4) Enchanting

Enchanting provides a steady income of gold, wow money making professions wod, offering weapon, cloak, chest, bracer, glove, boot, and ring enchants. But disenchanting is where the profession comes into its own. When combined with Tailoring, Enchanting is especially profitable. Buying cloth from the auction house or gathering it in the open world, crafting cuffs or bracers, and disenchanting them can be a powerful gold-making tool.

5) Leatherworking and skinning

Leatherworking and skinning are well-worth pursuing in Patch Balance changes to the game have shifted the priority for Legendary items, opening up avenues for the professions.

Players will be looking to upgrade or change their Legendaries in line with the meta, pushing up the price of base items, wow money making professions wod. For this reason, skin will also be sought-after in the auction house.

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Guide to Leveling Engineering and Making Gold in Shadowlands


Engineering in Shadowlands

As usual, Engineering is all about explosives, wow money making professions wod, fun toys and ways to interact with the world increative ways (that might backfire, of course)! You will be able to add unique abilities to your belt, wow money making professions wod as Belt Modification: Dimensional Shifter IconBelt Modification: Dimensional Shifter, resurrect allies in combat with Disposable Spectrophasic Reanimator IconDisposable Spectrophasic Reanimator and even teleport at will around Shadowlands with Wormhole Generator: Shadowlands IconWormhole Generator: Shadowlands as shown in this clip!

Engineering in Shadowlands

You can add swimming movement speed and increase your primary stats after completing world quests through the new Engineering optional reagents, and will also be able to create scope enchants for ranged weapons and an unique pet, PHA7-YNX IconPHA7-YNX

PHA7-YNX Engineering Pet

Finally, unique Engineering goggles wow money making professions wod back and you can use them to zoom in to target locations around you, similar to how Eagle Eye IconEagle Eye works. They also increase your skill in Shadowlands Engineering, which is required in order to craft PHA7-YNX IconPHA7-YNX if you are not a Gnome.


Leveling Engineering from in Shadowlands

Reaching skill in Shadowlands Engineering is quick, especially if you can pick up the materials before you start leveling. Because it might be hard to sell your crafts for a profit due to the profession's niche nature, we will focus on low-cost leveling.

Feel free to craft the toys and belt enchants at any point while leveling. They are expensive but well worth it, depending on your playstyle.

The trainer can be found in Oribos, in the southeastern part of the Hall of Shapes:

Engineering Trainer Location

Shadowlands Engineering

Note: you will need vanilla engineering crafted tools such as Gyromatic Micro-Adjustor IconGyromatic Micro-Adjustor and Arclight Spanner IconArclight Spanner to create some Shadowlands items. These can be very expensive in the auction house, so we would recommend just buying a cheap Gnomish Army Knife IconGnomish Army Knife instead, which also saves you a lot of bag space! Ultimate Gnomish Army Knife IconUltimate Gnomish Army Knife also works, so just buy whichever tools are cheapest in your server.

Craft Handful of Laestrite Bolts IconHandful of Laestrite Bolts or Porous Polishing Abrasive IconPorous Polishing Abrasive until Level 25 and your choice of Mortal Coiled Spring IconMortal Coiled Spring (cheaper, but less useful for later recipes) or Wormfed Gear Assembly IconWormfed Gear Assembly until Level

These are the baseline engineering crafted materials you will need for the best crafts later, so you might as well level with them, to save money later.

Total Materials for 25 Handful of Laestrite Bolts IconHandful of Laestrite Bolts and 50 Wormfed Gear Assembly IconWormfed Gear Assembly: Laestrite Ore IconLaestrite Ore, Handful of Laestrite Bolts IconHandful of Laestrite Bolts, Porous Polishing Abrasive IconPorous Polishing Abrasive and 50 wow money making professions wod src="" alt="Machinist's Oil Icon">Machinist's Oil.

Shadowlands Engineering

Craft Infra-green Reflex Sight IconInfra-green Reflex Sight or Optical Target Embiggener IconOptical Target Embiggener to level 91 and your choice of Grounded Ectoplasmic Specs IconGrounded Ectoplasmic Specs, Articulated Ectoplasmic Specs IconArticulated Ectoplasmic Specs, Reinforced Ectoplasmic Specs IconReinforced Ectoplasmic Specs or Flexible Ectoplasmic Specs IconFlexible Ectoplasmic Specs to

You will wow money making professions wod be able to make gold by selling or using the scopes you craft here, wow money making professions wod. While crafting goggles is not ideal gold-wise because they are bind on pickup, they are by far the most reliable way to get to

Total Materials for 16 Optical Target Embiggener IconOptical Target Embiggener and 3 Articulated Ectoplasmic Specs IconArticulated Ectoplasmic Specs: 25 Wormfed Gear Assembly IconWormfed Gear Assembly, 95 Handful of Laestrite Bolts IconHandful of Laestrite Bolts, 19 Angerseye IconAngerseye, 16 Oriblase IconOriblase, 3 Umbryl IconUmbryl, 15 Desolate Leather IconDesolate Leather and 15 Pallid Bone IconPallid Bone.


Making Gold with Engineering in Shadowlands

Gold making with engineering is mostly about selling Disposable Spectrophasic Reanimator IconDisposable Spectrophasic Reanimators (as they are consumed on use) and Wormhole Generator: Shadowlands IconWormhole Generator: Shadowlands (which are bothersome to craft). Scopes, the crafted gun and the pet, PHA7-YNX IconPHA7-YNX can also be good, depending on your server's prices.

Goggles, the belt enchants and the bind on pickup toys are also great reasons to roll this profession, but do not make any gold.

Because there are so many people leveling Engineering due to its unique tools, crafting and selling basic reagents such as Porous Polishing Abrasive IconPorous Polishing Abrasive, Handful of Laestrite Bolts IconHandful of Laestrite Bolts, Wormfed Gear Assembly IconWormfed Gear Assembly and Mortal Coiled Spring IconMortal Coiled Spring is usually quite worth it!

There could be a market for Nutcracker Grenade IconNutcracker Grenade and its companion explosives, but dealing only damage, rather than having a powerful incapacitate attached like their WoW Vanilla counterpart, Iron Grenade IconIron Grenade, diminishes their potency, as does their 5-minute cooldown.

Engineering is special compared to other professions in that it can do a number of very valuable old world crafts that still sell for very high amounts. The most notable of these is the Sky Golem IconSky Golem, which is still the only mount that allows non-Druid players to harvest herbs without dismounting. There are other mounts to sell, but will generally sell slower since they are cosmetic-only.

You can also craft Goblin Glider Kit IconGoblin Glider Kit which are widely used while leveling and questing in the world. You can check this Reddit thread, by Kurraga for more details on old crafts you can sell.

As ever, we recommend using The Undermine Journal to track prices for both raw materials and the crafts you want to sell in your server, wow money making professions wod. Try to buy the raw materials in the days they tend to sell for low amounts, and sell your crafts in the days they sell for more, usually in the typical raid days of Wednesday, Sunday and Tuesday.

Crafter's Marks (Item Level Upgrades)

Like all professions, engineers can craft item upgrade optional reagents such as Crafter's Mark II IconCrafter's Mark II These bitcoin investing 2022 get optional reagents that increase the item level of crafted gear when used while crafting. In Patchthere are two new ranks, for a total of six:

Crafter's Mark of the First Ones

Engineering Optional Reagents

Progressing through Zereth Mortis will allow you to unlock two new optional reagents besides the crafter's marks: Erratic Genesis Matrix IconErratic Genesis Matrix and Pure-Air Sail Extensions IconPure-Air Sail Extensions. These are cheap to create and add some quality of life features.

In the example below we use a Jewelcrafting-crafted optional reagent on an Alchemy gear craft to make it more powerful without any downsides.

Optional Reagent Craft Example

You can unlock these optional reagents through a random drop in Zereth Mortis, the Unformed Essence IconUnformed Essence, which can come from any enemy in the zone. This will allow you to start a short quest that unlocks the usage of optional reagents in your crafts.

Optional Reagent Usage Unlock
  • 17 Feb. Updated for Patch
  • 26 Jun. Updated for Patch
  • 09 Mar. Removed journal mention.
  • 01 Jan. Added wow money making professions wod on the Engineering Battle Resurrection item, wow money making professions wod, leveling tools and more gold making strategies based on live testing.
  • 30 Nov. Added a small clip showcasing the usefulness of the Wormhole Generator.
  • 28 Nov. Added a note on how Engineering is one of the few professions that can make a lot of gold with old world content.
  • 25 Nov. Guide added.
Источник: []

World of Warcraft Pro &#; Profession and Gold making Guide

Editor&#;s Note

This is a structured collection of guides on WoW-Pro, which means that I&#;m not the original author of most of the following. I&#;ve simply collected all the goldmaking tips we have here on WoW-Pro, updated them, added some of my own, and given them a common design. Check out Section 17 for credits, the original authers are mentioned there, wow money making professions wod. Some of the poorer guides are not included, neither are the completely outdated ones (from an older expansion, or if the quests have been removed from the game etc., you got the point, however, a few short sections on making money before WotLK are kept). Like WoW-Pro got its own leveling guide, WoW-Pro is gonna have its own gold making guide!
So, to sum up what this guide will include:

  • The early levels &#; We will go through the early levels, the fast methods to make gold during the low-levels.
  • The Auction House &#; The guide will include tips on how to use the auction house, and how to gain use of it.
  • Gold making at high level &#; The guides which gives &#;the most rewardful&#; gold outcome, reffered to level 80&#;s.
  • Add-Ons &#; The best addons which is either needed, or just helping you out.
  • And alot more!

Note again that most of the cryptocurrency invest 2022 is not written by me, I&#;ve checked most but I&#;ve no particular experience with them.

Table of Contents

Useful Keywords
The Basics Gathering Professions
Crafting Professions
Secondary Professions
How to get most out of Quest Rewards Wow money making professions wod Auction House Basics
The Auction House Advanced
Low-level Gold Making Alliance
Both Alliance Daily Grinds Icecrown Circuits
Grizzle Hills Circuits Horde Daily Grinds Icecrown Circuits
Grizzle Hills Circuits Methods for a Short burst of Gold Strategy 1
Strategy 2
Strategy 3
Strategy 4
Strategy Saronite/Titanium Mining Routes
Icethorn/Lichbloom Herbalism Routes
Eternal Farming Eternal Fire
Eternal Air
Eternal Life
Eternal Water
Eternal Shadow
Eternal Earth The Burning Crusade Money Making
World of Warcraft Original Money Making
Tips Low-level Tips
General Tips Add-Ons
Shikamaru&#;s Weekly Gold Posts
Bitcoin investing 2022 edition Comments

Useful keywords

When reading this guide you may run into some words that you don&#;t understand. These words will help you through the guide, or help you understand peoples in-game tips. If there is something you didn&#;t find on the list, check out WoW-Pro&#;s World wow money making professions wod Warcraft Dictionary.

  • AH &#; Auction House, wow money making professions wod, a place where we&#;re trading items for money.
  • Undercutting &#; Undercutting happens on the Auction House. People are always trying to beat each others prices (cheaper), when many people are doing that, the prices become cheaper.
  • Dailies &#; Daily Quests, I kind of quest which you can repeat everyday. Oftenly a quest which is not included in any quest chain, or a quest that needs to be unlocked.
  • WTS &#; Want to sell, usually used in trade channels, when people are trying to sell something.
  • WTB &#; Want to buy, usually used in trade channels, when people are trying to sell something.
  • LW &#; Leatherworker, a crafting profession skill.
  • BS &#; Wow money making professions wod, a crafting profession skill.
  • ENCH &#; Enchanting, a profession skill.
  • DE &#; Disenchanting, good items can be &#;disenchanted&#; into several kind of dust (which can be used in Enchanting).

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The Basics

Before you even start reading this guide, ask your self, do I want to spend time on getting money? The guide will show you the fast ways, but time is still needed. If the answer is yes, we can go to the next step.

Choosing Professions:
Professions is one of the most important things while making money. You can only have two professions, so you have to choose relationship between income consumption investment and saving. There is two kinds of professions. The first one is gathering professions, the second is crafting professions. You must have atleast one gathering profession, the gathring profession makes a benefit difference of the outcome if you wanna make money. Your second profession can be a crafting profession if you like to (some may want to create their gear in level 80), wow money making professions wod, but a second gathering profession is pretty much preffered if you wanna get the best income of money.

    • Gathering Professions
      • Skinning &#; Skinning allows players to gather leather and hides by skinning animals. Leather and hides are used wow money making professions wod leatherworking. Leather is also used for some blacksmithing, engineering, and tailoring recipes. For skinning you will be needing a skinning knife, wow money making professions wod, which can be bought from a merchant who sell profession-related items.
      • Mining &#; Mining is used to extract ores, stones, and gems from mineral nodes found throughout the world. Generally, wow money making professions wod, more of these nodes can be found in the underground than on the surface. In addition to gathering the raw how to begin investing in cryptocurrency, it&#;s up to the miners to smelt the ores taken from the ground into metal bars. These are the raw materials that artisans such as Blacksmiths and Engineers is using, wow money making professions wod. For mining you will be needing a Mining Pick which can be bought from a merchant who sell profession-related items.
      • Herbalism &#; With Herbalism you can gather herbs and plant all over the world. Herbalism is an almost necessary requirement for Alchemy. Alchemy is a great skill that allows you to generate all sorts of instant and temporary potions to improve a character&#;s effectiveness.

Crafting Professions

    • Blacksmithing &#; Blacksmiths take bars of metal from miners and work them into finely crafted arms and armor. Sm investments corporation stock code are many unique weapons and other armaments that cannot be found on any of the vendors or monsters in the game, but can only be created by blacksmiths. Blacksmiths can create weapons, mail and plate armor for Paladins or Warriors, and trade items, wow money making professions wod. Blacksmiths can construct special sharpening stones that can be used to temporarily improve weapon damage. They can also create several items that are used as ingredients for other Professions recipes, such as Enchanting. Blacksmiths can also create a few items that are needed for quests. They can put these items in the auction house to generate additional income. Blacksmithing is great for Paladins or Warriors, who can use the skill to create their own equipment. It is also good for making money by selling weapons and armor to the classes that can use them.
    • Leatherworking &#; Leatherworking is a crafting profession that goes hand-in-hand with the gathering profession of Skinning. As a leatherworker, you will create leather and mail armor out of the skins and hides. You can also create armor kits, which are single-use items that give a permanent armor or statistic boost to any type of hand, leg, chest, and foot armor. At high levels, leatherworkers can create epic quality armor, some of which can only be created by a leatherworker of a particular specialization.
    • Tailoring &#; Tailoring allows players to cut and weave various pieces of cloth into armor, bags, shirts, and other cloth items. Tailors can create cloth items for cloth wearing classes: Mages, Warlocks, and Priests. Tailors play an especially important role in guilds because they can create bags for the entire guild. They can also create specialty bags such as Herbalism bags that can increase gathering for the guild. They can learn powerful rare recipes as the highest levels which allow them to create powerful gear useful in raiding. Tailors can create shirts or dress-up items. Tailors do not require any special equipment to create their items, such as blacksmiths require anvils. Tailors can create items wherever they want, as long as they have the proper required ingredients. Tailoring does not require a gathering profession. Proper ingredients must be gathered from monsters or purchased from other players. If your friends know you&#;re a tailor they also may collect tailoring ingredients for you, provided you let them know exactly what you need.
    • Inscription &#; the Inscription profession allows its practitioners, called &#;scribes,&#; to enhance the spells and abilities of players&#; characters, such as enhancing a rogue&#;s Backstab ability to deal more damage to stunned targets, or allowing a priest&#;s Circle of Healing to heal one more target. Scribes can also aid enchanters by permitting them to sell their enchantments directly on the Auction House, wow money making professions wod, or help other characters by creating enhancing scrolls like Scroll of Strength.
    • Engineering &#; Engineering is a very fun and creative Profession. You can create all kinds of wacky things that are fun to use and also entertain and amaze other wow money making professions wod. Engineering is used to assemble metal and stones into parts needed to make explosives, wow money making professions wod, guns, scopes, bullets, mechanical dragons, aquatic helmets, and much more. More than any other Profession, engineering products require several steps to be completed. Most items created by engineers can only be used by engineers. You can sometimes create something you can sell to another engineer. Many engineering recipes require a lot of different parts before the item can be created. This will require more space in your bags than other Professions.
    • Enchanting &#; Enchanters use their magical formulae to grant permanent augmentations to weapons, armor and other equipment. Enchanting requires the use of special ingredients that can only be gathered by disenchanting magical items, wow money making professions wod. Using these ingredients, enchanters can make items more powerful. With the right methods, enchanting can produce a big amount. Enchanting is an advanced skill.
    • Alchemy &#; The Alchemist mixes herbs in order to generate potions with a variety of effects. A player can create healing, invisibility, elemental resistance, and mana potions; oils to coat weapons; and much more.

You have to choose one gathering, and one random. You&#;ve maybe noticed that some professions has good combinations. To gain most gold, Mining and Skinning, wow money making professions wod, or Herbalism and Skinning is the best combination in my opinion, but it&#;s is up to you. Things you should not choose: Engineering, wow money making professions wod. Engineering is useful in other ways, but do not belong to gold making.
Beside the two main professions, you&#;re able to have all the Secondary Professions too! which you should make sure to have.

    • Secondary Professions
    • Cooking &#; As you&#;re traveling around the world, you&#;ll notice that you often receive pieces of meat, which, instead of being sold to merchants, could be used to create food. If you&#;re a player that relies on food, such as a non-healing player or a player that solos, food should become very important to you. You can buy food from merchants, but the food gained through cooking is nearly free and it is actually much more effective.
    • Fishing &#; As a secondary skill, fishing occupies its own unique space in World of Warcraft. Although it is essentially a gathering skill akin to skinning, herbalism, or mining, the mechanics of the skill make it almost like a mini-game. Just like the real-life equivalent, to become a master fisherman you&#;ll have to spend considerable time standing next to bodies of water while holding a fishing pole. Catching a fish will be a test of your reaction time, as you have to right-click the bobber immediately after you see it dip into the water indicating you&#;ve caught something. Along with the requisite marine life such as fish, eels, and euromoney investor relations, you also might haul up some odds and ends from time to time &#; including even valuable wow money making professions wod, some of which may only be caught by wow money making professions wod. The fish you catch can be eaten on their own to regain health, or they can be used in cooking recipes. The cooked fish will often provide useful effects when eaten. You will be needing a Fishing Pole which can be bought from a merchant who sells Profession-related items.
    • Archaeology (supposted to be added in patch ) &#; Archaeology is the new secondary profession that will be joining the ranks of cooking, wow money making professions wod, and first aid in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. Archaeology allows the player to unlock new abilities and rewards by discovering ancient treasures throughout the world. Each archaeologist uses the profession to uncover clues hidden in the world around them, such as troll relics or map fragments, and decipher their meaning, enabling the clever archaeologist to manipulate pieces of the past, learning the location of a treasure cache or valuable artifact. Such artifacts are highly sought after by the Archaeology Society, and they pay in gold and items for their return. Those who have mastered archaeology can find Titan artifacts, earning special currency used to unlock character paths and allowing the player to further customize their character.

How to get most out of Quest Rewards

    1. Make sure you&#;re getting upgrades. Using Rating Buster, you should compare the stats on the gear usable to you, to check for upgrades. If none are found, you continue onto step two.
    2. When using gear better than a quest reward, mouse over each of them, and select the one that has the greatest number after the gold symbol. If they give the same amount, look at the number after the silver symbol, and so on. This may be after &#;Sells For:&#; instead, depending on your version of Sellfish.
    3. To save yourself some time, you could look up some quest rewards corresponding to quests in the zone you&#;re in, wow money making professions wod, or corresponding to Jame&#;s guide, while you&#;re unable to play. Preferably use WoWhead or Thottbot, wow money making professions wod, in my opinion, I&#;ve gotten spyware from Allakhazam before!

[Back to the top]

The Auction House Basics

The Auction House is a place where players can trade things between each other, or sell almost every kind of stuff that you like to. It&#;s very important to understand the Auction House, so you can gain use of it. Everything we are farming such as herbs, skins, ores etc. are we going to sell on the Auction House, however it sounds strange that people are willing to buy it from high prices, it&#;s true, I gurantee you.

How do you use the Auction House?

The Auction House can be found in every racial capital city, NOT in Dalaran or Shatrath City. If you can&#;t find it, wow money making professions wod, ask a guard that will give you a waypoint to where it is. The Auction House got three different options:


&#;Browse&#;, is the place where all the Auctions that other players has made is. You can either search at the search option, or if you&#;re searching for something specific (like two-hand axes), in the column to the left. If you want buy something, you can either bid, or buyout. If you buyout, you will get the item directly in a mail (in the mailbox).


&#;Bids&#; is the place where you can view your own bids on other players Auctions. If you&#;ve bid on a item, you can see in the bed window how long time there is before the Auction runs out. If you were the highest, you will recive the item in a mail.


wow money making professions wod &#;Auctions&#; is the place where you view your own Auctions. The box on the left side allow you to create the Auction, drag your item into the little item box, and then write a bed price, and a buyout price. You can also see if anyone has bid on your Auctions or how long time they stay on the Auction House, before the time runs out and you get the Auction back in a mail.

==NOTE==You will need to pay a fee to set an Wow money making professions wod up. If someone buy aout one of your Auctions, you will get a mail with the money the played payed.
[Back wow money making professions wod the top]

The Auction House Advanced (requires Auctioneer Add-on)

I assume you know the basics of using the Auction House now, then, let&#;s go further!

The Auction House is Your Friend

    • This is something that can&#;t be ignored. The Auction House is the place where you can make bulks of gold, if you know what you are doing.


    • You think you can make more money farming? Dream on and get real, I&#;d even take a bet on that (and I don&#;t take bets easily). With Auctioneer, wow money making professions wod, you will be scanning the AH two/three times a day.


    • Do this for weeks and you&#;ll have a pretty accurate spreadsheet of how you server&#;s economy is set up.


Knowing what sells

    • That is no idea in trying to sell a rare weapon at the fee of 25g if you keep getting that mail: Auction has Expired? One of the important things when using the Auction House is to know what sells, wow money making professions wod, and what doesn&#;t. Things such as cloth, ores, herbs, skins and hides etc. almost sell every time.


Scan your Auction House Frequently

    • Scan your Auction House frequently &#; atleast the first weeks so you can get an overview of your server economics, wow money making professions wod, &#;what sells, what do not&#;, &#;at what time of the day&#;, &#;when do I have to sell it&#;, &#;what is undercutted&#;, &#;will the price rise&#;, wow money making professions wod, all these question needs to be answered before you will get succes by selling on the Auction House.


Patch Notes

    • People like me are always, always happy when new (PTR) patch notes are released. Don&#;t know what I&#;m talking about? Shame on you! You have no idea what you are missing, or already have missed, wow money making professions wod. These are the current PTR patch notes, they are updated frequently.

You should always read them and keep track of any changes that occur. For those who didn&#;t know: Patch Notes are a gold mine.

Don&#;t flood the Market

Like the real economy WoW&#;s has a Demand: Price ratio, wherein the more an item is readily available the less it is worth. So, if you flood the market using the same method you will lose out on gold. Put up a maximum of 5 stacks each time you&#;re trying to sell dust, skin or anything else that sells. If things has been very cheap, that is typical a player(s) who have overflood the market. Wait wow money making professions wod few days and check again, the price may have gone up with the demand.

Earning money is like in the real World

    • Earning money in World of Warcraft is like in real life. It&#;s about getting a great idea, what about Blizzard? Great Idea creating World of Warcraft, huh? Yes, in my opinion, you have to do &#;the same&#; in-game. Be smart and buy Silk Cloth for 50 silver, sell it later on same day for 1 gold&#; you got the point. It&#;s all about being a bit creative and try to figure out what is selling good, and what is not.


Differrent prices at Different times of the Day

    • Yes, believe it or not, but prices vary, very much to be exactly, wow money making professions wod. You can earn alot wow money making professions wod money if you buy things earlier on the day ( &#; ) and sell it later on(), sometimes for the double, or even more. In the weekends, much more people will get online (no school or work), of course more activiness on the Auction House too! If you&#;re smart, you buy plenty of stuff at the end of the weekend (things you&#;re going to sell the following week) so all the prices has been undercutted very low. The prices will surely grow again at the end of the workdays.


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Gold making at low Level (requires Auctioneer)

The best ways of making money as a low level, through skinning, mining or herbing.


    • At level 5 you should have enough money to buy your professions, whatever race you are, you need to have mining and skinning (skinning is optional). Mining can be trained two different locations:
      • Gorum Stonebeard &#; Ironforge, Great Forge
      • Dane Lindgren &#; Stormwind, Dwarven District

First off, get to Stormwind, if you&#;re a human this is easy, just check your map.
If you&#;re a dwarf or a gnome take the Deeprun Tram from Ironforge and you&#;re there!
If you&#;re a Draenei or a Night Elf, take the boat to Auberdine and then take the boat to Stormwind Harbor.
In Stormwind, scan the Auction House using the Auctioneer AddOn. Do this by talking to one of the auctioneers and pressing the &#;scan&#; button. Go do something for 10 minutes (call your girlfriend/boyfriend/mother for a change ) and then return when it&#;s done scanning. Buy a Mining Pick and a Skinning Knife (optional), and make sure your bag(s) are empty.
Here is the route we&#;re going to follow

wow money making professions wod alt="">

Start off by heading to the south and then follow the red line I drew on the map above! Easy right? While walking kill everything that gets in the way and don&#;t forget to skin them! If you&#;re still around level 10 you can actually get quite a nice amount of experience from this too.
When you get to the the Fargodeep Mine (the first one) just enter one of the entrances and walk through the cave all the way to the other entrance.
South of Eastvale Logging Camp is one node, you can choose to take this one if you feel like you don&#;t have enough yet, but I usually leave it there, since you won&#;t really miss it.
The Jasperlode Mine only has one entrance/exit so just walk all the way to the end of the cave and then just head back out.
The end is right where you&#;ve started, at Stormwind. I suggest taking a break since it can be quite boring and the mining veins bitcoin mastercard plastic card sweden time to respawn. Time to cash in! Go to the Auction Wow money making professions wod and see what price your Auctioneer Add-on advices you to set for a stack! If you have a stack with less then 20 ores, don&#;t be afraid to dump it there too, the add-on will automatically set the right price comparing to a full stack. Do not remeber to sell your Linen Cloth if you got any (use Auctioneer AddOn).


At level 5 you should have enough money to buy your professions, wow money making professions wod, whatever race you are, you need to have mining and skinning (skinning is optional). Mining can be trained four different locations:

    • Ug&#;thok &#; Orgrimmar, Valley of Honor
    • Guillaume Sarowy- Silverpine Forest, The Sepulcher
    • Thrag Stonehoof &#; Thunder Bluff, Elevation 1
    • Brasil Frye &#; Undercity, War Quarter

First, move to Orgrimmar. Then just follow the black line on the map. While walking wow money making professions wod route, kill everything that attacks, don&#;t forget to skin them! If you&#;re still around lvl 10 you can actually get quite a nice amount of experience from this too.

The route ends and start at Orgrimmar. I suggest taking a break since it can be quite boring and the mining veins need time to respawn. Time to cash in! Go to the Auction House and see what price your Auctioneer Add-on wow money making professions wod you to set for a stack! If you have a stack with less then 20 ores, don&#;t be afraid to dump it there too, the add-on will automatically set the right price comparing to a wow money making professions wod stack. Do not remeber to sell your Linen Cloth if you got any (use Auctioneer AddOn).


    1. First thing&#;s first, go train enchanting (or have your bank/AH-alt train it if you have one and don&#;t want to give up your precious professions, trust me I know that feeling).
    2. Next, go straight to the auction house and look up Strange Dust. This stuff sells for surprisingly well on most servers, the average being about gold per stack of (If this isn&#;t the case, and they are cheaper this method isn&#;t really worth the time and money spent).
  1. Click on either the armor or weapons tab and hit search (without typing anything into the box), click on the &#;current bid&#; tab on the top row of options and make wow money making professions wod the arrow is pointing downward, now you will have the lowest current bid on all items. Buy GREEN items (needs to be greens, can&#;t DE greys or whites and blues will be too expensive) which buyout prices are around silver (any higher and you are paying to much). Do this for about 10 items, you will have spent about 3 gold by now (hopefully you&#;ll have picked a few cheap 11 silver greenies) If you have spent more that&#;s fine, but try not to spend more than 5 gold on this.==Note== I&#;ve found armor is generally cheaper than weapons for some reason.
  2. Go get them in the mail and disenchant. Most of these super cheap greens will require only 1 skill point in enchanting, and most of them will drop about  Strange Dust&#;s, wow money making professions wod. (Note: if you don&#;t have twenty of them when all of the items are DE&#;ed you can buy a few (normally about ) of them from the enchanting supplier in your city. But be aware that there is a limited stock).
  3. Anyway, sell your Strange Dust at the lowest price on your auction house. This should be around 10 gold, but can be as high as 20 gold if you are supremely lucky.==Note== Lesser Magical Essence&#;s may also drop from the disenchanced items, though Strange Dust is more common, if so these also sell fairly well on the auction house.

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Alliance Daily Grinds

The most optimal quest circuits for the Alliance (Only level 80). Original guide here by Hairbo.


  • I am level 80
  • I have a regular flying mount
  • I have purchased cold weather flying training
  • I have completed most of the quests in Icecrown

If you do not meet these requirements don&#;t panic, I have some solutions. First of all, if you aren&#;t level 80 I suggest following Jame&#;s Guides thoroughly until you reach If you do not have the money (approximately gold) to purchase your basic flying mount and cold weather flying training, you probably haven&#;t finished all of the regular quests in Northrend. I suggest completing each zone in Northrend because regular quests give almost the same amount of gold as 80 daily quests do. Finally, If you haven&#;t completed quests in Icecrown yet, do them, wow money making professions wod. Doing these quests will not only open up much needed daily quests, but will also provide you with extra gold.

Icecrown Circuits

    • Head to Dalaran, then to Krasus Landing [68,43]. Once there talk to Officer Van Rossem, who is located to the immediate right as you walk in, with four body guards. Click the &#;Take me to the ship.&#; option.

When you wow money making professions wod get the quest [80] Blood of the Chosen behind you. Take the left staircase down and get the following quests from Thrassarian:

[80] That&#;s Abominable!
[80] Drag and Drop
[80] Not a Bug

Find Absalan the Pious patting around the ship, he is a dwarf with blackish hair. When you find him get his quest: [80] Slaves to Saronite.

In the middle of the deck of the ship, you should see a sloped indent in the floor, if you go around it you should see a staircase, wow money making professions wod, go down it. Head down one of the two staircases leading down to the final floor of wow money making professions wod ship, and get the quests [80] The Solution Solution and [80] Retest Now.

    1. Mount up and get out of the ship. Head South-Southeast to the Broken Front [68,62]. Once you&#;ve arrived here we&#;re going to do two things:-Look for Pile of Bones, Abandoned Armor, and Abandoned Helm&#;s which are scattered all over the ground.-Kill Hulking Abominations until they drop Chilled Abomination you have collected a pile of bones, an abandoned armor, and an abandoned helm, use your Smuggled Solution on the ground and investors with money a Skytalon take it and explode, wow money making professions wod. Do this three times to complete [80] The Solution Solution.
    2. After you get a Chilled Abomination Guts head to [66,63] and use your Abomination Reanimation Kit. This will allow you to control an Abomination pet for a little while. You have two abilities: Faltulate and Burst at the Seams. Faltulate stuns all the targets around the Abomination, and Burst at the Seams makes your pet explode, killing all targets near him. When you pet is summoned, send him into the pile of undead right in front of the Death Gate [66,33]. Stun adds as you pull more then explode when you have a decent amount of adds. Remember to be close to your abomination when he explodes, or you won&#;t get credit for the kills. Rinse and Repeat until [80] That&#;s Abominable! is completed.==Note== Remember each time your Abomination dies you have to kill more Hulking Abominations to get Chilled Abomination Guts to resummon your pet.==Note== from now on keep any Vrykul Bones you get.
    1. Mount up and head north to a pit with alliance soldiers in it [62,51]. You should see two daily quests, but we&#;re only doing one. Pick up [80] Assault by Ground and start the escort. You&#;ll be escorting 4 Skybreaker Infantry and a Skybreaker Squad Leader through Vrykul assaults on the way to Ymirheim. You&#;ll get ambushes of about  Vrykul, all of which are ranged. Let the NPCs tank the adds as you kill one add at a time. DO NOT let the NPCs die however, or you&#;ll need to restart. After the escort is finished proceed to step 4.
    2. Continue west through Ymirheim [59,53]. Slay the rest easy ways to make money in nyc the Vrykul you need for [80] Blood of the Chosen as you head up the slope going north.
    3. Once you get to the top of the slope take a left and enter the cave. In the mine you&#;ll see NPC&#;s called Saronite Mine Slaves. Approach one and click the option &#;Go on, you&#;re free. Get out of here!&#; The NPC will either run free and you&#;ll get credit for your quest, or will attack you. He might also just run away, doing neither. Talk to these until [80] Slaves to Saronite is completed.
    4. Get out of the mine and head south to a little gnome called Frazzle Geargrinder [56,62]. Now before you get her quest [80] King of the Mountain, watch this short video in high you turn in the quest (as instructed on the video) mount up and head back to the pit [62,51] where [80] Assault by Ground was and turn the quest in.
  1. Head to the north of Ymirheim where you&#;ll find wow money making professions wod cultist camp [55,46], wow money making professions wod. Start killing Bitter Initiate&#;s. WARNING: Do not kill Dark Subjugator. When an Initiate drops an Orb of Illusion, find a Dark Subjugator and target it, use the orb on them. Do this three times until [80] Drag and Drop is completed.
  2. Mount up and head north to Aldur&#;thar [54,31]. Drink your Diluted Cult Tonic and start to kill everything around here. Focus on killing Void Summoner&#;s and their Enslaved Minions, wow money making professions wod. Use your Rod of Siphoning on the corpses of Enslaved Minions to get dark matter. Keep clearing around here until you have 10 Tainted Essence&#;s and 5 Dark Matter.
    ==Note== Remember to refresh your Diluted Cult Tonic buff every 10 minutes, or the Tainted Essence won&#;t drop.
  3. After you have 10 Tainted Essence&#;s and 5 Dark Matter, head to a cultist camp about yards away from where the summoner&#;s were [53,33]. Dismount in the center of the camp and click the Summoning Stone. When your done channeling, re mount and head west [48,34].
  4. In this wow money making professions wod camp you should see three cauldrons. Combine your Tainted Essence&#;s by clicking the Tainted Essence in your bag (similar to motes/eternals} to form a Writhing Mass. Stand near a cauldron and click the Writhing Mass in your bag.
  1. Mount up and head northwest to The Shadow Vault [43,24]. Sell your junk, but remember not to sell Vrykul Bones yet. Get the following quests at The Shadow Vault:[80] Leave Our Mark
    [80] Can you pay uber with bitcoin Like Fire!Do not get [80]Shoot Em&#; Up. This quest has been bugged since the PTR and is extremely hard to do, thus a waste of time.
  2. Mount up and head southwest to Jotunheim [32,42]. You might notice we are outside a cave, go inside and turn in 15 Vrykul Bones for a Fate Rune of your choice. Eat this and it gives you 30 minute buff to help you out with your quests.
  3. Start killing Vrykul while heading north through Jotunheim. Remember to use your Ebon Blade Banner on the corpses of dead Vrykul, wow money making professions wod. Keep any Vrykul Bones you get here.
  4. Clear until you get to a ledge with many Proto-Drakes on it [27,39]. Don&#;t worry if you haven&#;t finished your 15 Vrykul kills yet. Get close to one of the Photo-Drake&#;s and right click how to make fake money look real to mount it. Use your Burst of Speed spell to move quickly, and use your Strafe Jotunheim Building spell to light the roofs of buildings here on fire. Go around and light 8 roofs on fire until [80] Vile Like Fire! is completed.
  5. Once you&#;ve gotten your 8 roofs lit, demount by clicking the red drop arrow on the right hand side of your custom bar. Keep killing Vrykul until you have [80] Leave Our Mark completed.==Note== If you have 15 more Vrykul Bones at this point, you can head back to the cave to get another Fate Rune buff [32,42]. If you don&#;t care for a buff, move on to the next step.
  6. Mount up and head west along the cliff line to Death&#;s Rise [20,47]. Sell junk. Get the following quests here:
    [80] No Fly Zone
    [80] From Their Corpses, Rise!
    [80] Intelligence Gathering
  1. Head northwest to Onslaught Harbor. Once you get there make sure Bone Gryphon is on your bar. Start killing Gryphon Rider&#;s while on your Bone Gryphon, and use your Darkmender&#;s Tincture on them. Also if they drop a key you should use the key on the chest&#;s lying around the ground and on the Once you&#;ve gotten all your Gryphon Rider&#;s slain, go to the beaches on the northern side of the island [6,39] and clear here for the rest of your intel documents, lots of Scarlet mobs around this until you complete [80] No Fly Zone, [80] From Their Corpses, Rise!, and [80] Intelligence Gathering.
  2. Fly back to Death&#;s Rise [20,47] and turn in everything. Take the flight path, which is a bat on the ridge of the Death&#;s Rise and fly to The Shadow Vault. Turn in everything.
  3. Mount up and head back to the ship, turn in everything here.
    Icecrown Complete &#; 14/25 Daily&#;s Complete &#; + Gold Earned.

Grizzly Hills Circuit

    • From the ship head southeast to Crusaders&#; Pinnacle [79,72] and take the flight to Amberpine Lodge.

Mount up and head northeast to Blue Sky Logging Grounds [39,43]. At this location pick up the following quests:

[74]Shredder Repair
[74] Life or Death
[74] Pieces Parts
[74] Kick &#;Em While They&#;re Down

Head into the Logging Grounds [34,40] and complete the following objectives: 15 horde units your Renewing Bandage on 10 Alliance Infantry (only counts if the person is kneeling or lying down) the parts needed for [74] Pieces Parts which are scattered all over the ground.

Once these three objectives are complete, find a Broken-Down Shredder.

Hop in it and run it back to the camp [39,43] click the spell &#;Shredder Delivery. Do this three times. Turn in:

[74] Shredder Repair
[74] Life or Death
[74] Pieces Parts
[74] Kick &#;Em While They&#;re Down

Mount up and fly south-southwest to Venture Bay [21,80]. At this camp pick up the following quests:

[74]Smoke &#;Em Out
[74] Down With Captain Zorna
[74] Keep Them at Bay!

Go across the river to the west and you should see a Lumber mill [18,79]. Use your Smoke Bomb on the Venture Company Stragglers. Clear horde while working your way toward the other Lumber mill [16,76] and smoke the Venture Company Stragglers out here. Finally clear horde up to the house on the hill at [14,76] and smoke the rest of the Venture Company Stragglers you need. Get out of the house wow money making professions wod jump off the mini cliff and clear the horde on the dock [14,78]. You should see a tent on the dock near here, kill Captain Zorna under this tent. Finish killing horde until [74] Keep Them at Bay! is complete.

Mount up and go back to the camp in Venture Bay. Turn in all the bitcoin investition online Hills Complete &#; 21/25 Dailies Complete &#; +g Earned.

[Back to the top]

Horde Daily Grinds

The most optimal quest circuits for hordes (only level 80). Original guide here by Hairbo.


  • I am level 80
  • I have a regular flying mount
  • I have purchased cold weather flying training
  • I have completed most of the quests in Icecrown

If you do not meet these requirements don&#;t panic, I have some solutions. First of all, if you aren&#;t level 80 I suggest following Jame&#;s Guides thoroughly until you reach If you do not have the money (approximately gold) to purchase your basic flying mount and cold weather flying training, you probably haven&#;t finished all of the regular quests in Northrend. I suggest completing each zone in Northrend because regular quests give almost the same amount of gold as 80 daily quests do. Finally, If you haven&#;t completed quests in Icecrown yet, wow money making professions wod, do them. Doing high income earners 2022 quests will not only open up much needed daily quests, wow money making professions wod, but will also provide you with extra gold.

Icecrown Circuits

    • Head to Dalaran, then to Krasus Landing [68,43]. Once there talk to Sky-Reaver Klum, who is located to the immediate right as you walk in, with four body guards. What is investing in stocks on cash app the &#;Take me to the ship.&#; option.

When you land get the quest [80] Blood of the Chosen from a wandering orc named Warbringer Davos Rioht. After finding the orc, find the room on the deck with a horde flag wow money making professions wod it. Inside get the following quests from Koltira Deathweaver:

[80]That&#;s Abominable!
[80]Drag and Drop
[80]Not a Bug

Find Brother Keltan patting around the ship, blood elf with blue-green hair. When you find him get his quest: [80] Slaves to Saronite. Head down one of the two how to claim bitcoin gold on bittrex leading down to the center of the ship. Go to the very back of the center of the ship and you should see a goblin,get the quests [80] Volatility and [80] Retest Now from him.

    1. up and get out of the ship. Head South-Southeast to the Broken Front [68,62]. Once you&#;ve arrived here we&#;re going to do two things:

-Look for Pile of Bones, Abandoned Armor, and Abandoned Helm&#;s which are scattered all over the ground.

-Kill Hulking Abominations until they drop Chilled Abomination Guts.

Once you have collected a pile of bones, an abandoned armor, and an abandoned helm, use your Copperclaw&#;s Volatile Oil on the ground and watch a Skytalon take it and explode. Do this three times to complete [80] Volatility.

  1. After you get a Chilled Abomination Guts head to [66,63] and use your Abomination Reanimation Kit. This will allow you to control an Abomination pet for a little while. You have two abilities: Faltulate and Burst at the Seams. Faltulate stuns all the targets around the Abomination, and Burst at the Seams makes your pet explode, killing all targets near him. When you pet is summoned, send him into the pile of undead right in front of the Death Gate [66,33]. Stun adds as you pull more then explode when you have a decent amount of adds. Remember to be close to your abomination when he explodes, or you won&#;t get credit for the kills. Rinse and Repeat until [80] That&#;s Abominable! is completed.==Note== Remember each time your Abomination dies you have to kill more Hulking Abominations to get Chilled Abomination Guts to resummon your pet.==Note== from now on keep any Vrykul Bones you get.
  2. Mount up and head north to a pit with horde soldiers in it [58,46]. You should see two daily quests, but we&#;re only doing one. Pick up [80]Assault by Ground and start the escort. You&#;ll be escorting 4 Korkron Infantry and a Kor&#;Kron Squad Leader through Vrykul assaults on the way to Ymirheim. You&#;ll get ambushes of about  Vrykul, wow money making professions wod of which are ranged. Let the NPCs tank the adds as you kill one add at a time. DO NOT let the NPCs die however, or you&#;ll need to restart. After the escort is finished proceed to step 4.
  3. Continue west through Ymirheim [59,53]. Slay the rest of the Vrykul you need for [80] Blood of the Chosen as you head up the slope going north.
  4. Once you get to wow money making professions wod top of the slope take a left and enter the cave, wow money making professions wod. In the mine you&#;ll see NPC&#;s called Saronite Mine Slaves. Approach one and click the option &#;Go on, you&#;re free. Wow money making professions wod out of here!&#; The NPC will either run free and you&#;ll get credit for your quest, or will attack you. He might also just run away, money making ideas runescape 2022 neither. Talk to these until [80] Slaves to Saronite is completed.
  5. Get out of the mine and head west to a goblin called Blast Thunderbomb [51,57]. Now before you get his quest [80] King of the Mountain, watch this short video in high you turn in the quest (as instructed on the video) mount up and head back to the pit [58,46] where [80] Assault by Ground was and turn the quest in.
  6. .Head to the north of Ymirheim where you&#;ll find a cultist camp [55,46]. Start killing Bitter Initiate&#;s. WARNING: Do not kill Dark Subjugator. When an Initiate drops an Orb of Illusion, find a Dark Subjugator and target it, use the orb on them. Do this three times until [80] Drag and Drop is completed.
  7. Mount up and head north to Aldur&#;thar [54,31]. Drink your Diluted Cult Tonic and start to kill everything around here. Focus on killing Void Summoner&#;s and their Enslaved Minions. Use your Rod of Siphoning on the corpses of Enslaved Minions to get dark matter. Keep clearing around here until you have 10 Tainted Essence&#;s and 5 Dark Matter.==Note== Remember to refresh your Diluted Cult Tonic buff every 10 minutes, or the Tainted Essence won&#;t drop.
  8. After you have 10 Tainted Essence&#;s and 5 Dark Matter, head to a cultist camp about yards away from where the summoner&#;s were [53,33]. Dismount in the center of the camp and click the Summoning Stone. When your done channeling, wow money making professions wod, re mount and head west [48,34].
  9. In this cultist camp you should see three cauldrons. Combine your Tainted Essence&#;s by clicking the Tainted Essence in your bag (similar to motes/eternals} to form a Writhing Mass. Stand near a cauldron and click the Writhing Mass in your bag.
  1. Mount up and head northwest to The Shadow Vault [43,24]. Sell your junk, but remember not to sell Vrykul Bones yet. Get the following quests at The Shadow Vault:[80] Leave Our Mark
    [80] Vile Like Fire!Do not get [80]Shoot Em&#; Up. This quest has been bugged since the PTR and is extremely hard to do, thus a waste of time.
  2. Mount up and head southwest to Jotunheim [32,42]. You might notice we are outside a cave, go inside and turn in 15 Vrykul Bones for a Fate Rune of your choice. Eat this and it gives you 30 minute buff to help you out with wow money making professions wod quests.
  3. Start killing Vrykul while heading north through Jotunheim. Remember to use your Ebon Blade Banner on the corpses of dead Vrykul. Keep any Vrykul Bones you get here.
  4. Clear until you get to wie geld verdienen mit aktien ledge with many Proto-Drakes on it [27,39]. Don&#;t worry if you haven&#;t finished your 15 Vrykul kills yet. Get close to one of the Photo-Drake&#;s and right click it to mount it. Use your Burst of Speed spell to move quickly, wow money making professions wod, and use your Strafe Jotunheim Building spell wow money making professions wod light the roofs of buildings here on fire. Go around and light 8 wow money making professions wod on fire until [80] Vile Like Fire! is completed.
  5. Once you&#;ve gotten your 8 roofs lit, demount by clicking the red drop arrow on the right hand side of your custom bar. Keep killing Vrykul until you have [80] Leave Our Mark completed.==Note== If you have 15 more Vrykul Bones at this point, you can head back to the cave to get another Fate Rune buff [32,42]. If you don&#;t care for a buff, move on to the next step.
  6. Mount up and head west along the cliff line to Death&#;s Rise [20,47]. Sell junk. Get the following quests here:[80] No Fly Zone
    [80] From Their Corpses, Rise!
    [80] Intelligence Gathering
  1. Head northwest to Onslaught Harbor. Once you get there make sure Bone Gryphon is on your bar. Start killing Gryphon Rider&#;s while on your Bone Gryphon, and use your Darkmender&#;s Tincture on them. Also if they drop a key you should use the key on the chest&#;s lying around the ground and on the Once you&#;ve gotten all your Gryphon Rider&#;s slain, go to the beaches on the northern side of the island [6,39] and clear here for the rest of your intel documents, lots of Scarlet mobs around this until you complete [80] No Fly Zone, [80] Wow money making professions wod Their Corpses, Rise!, and [80] Intelligence Gathering.
  2. Fly back to Death&#;s Rise [20,47] and turn in everything. Take the flight path, which is a bat on the ridge of the Death&#;s Rise and fly to The Shadow Vault. Turn in everything.
  3. Mount up and head back to the ship, turn in everything www.oldyorkcellars.comwn Complete &#; 14/25 Daily&#;s Complete &#; + Gold Wow money making professions wod Grizzly Hills Circuits

      • From the ship head southeast to Crusaders&#; Pinnacle [79,72] and take the flight to Conquest Hold.

    Mount up and head northeast to Blue Sky Logging Grounds [34,32]. At this location pick up the following quests:

    [74] Making Repair
    [74] Shred the Alliance
    [74] Keep &#;Em on Their Heels
    [74] Overwhelmed!

    Head into the Logging Grounds [34,40] and complete the following objectives: 15 alliance units your Renewing Bandage on 10 Wounded Skirmishers (only counts if the person is kneeling or lying down) the parts needed for [74] Making Repair which are scattered all over the ground.

    Once these three objectives are complete, find a Broken-Down Shredder.

    Hop in it and run it back to the wow money making professions wod the spell &#;Shredder Delivery. Do this three times. Turn in:

    [74] Making Repair
    [74] Shred the Alliance
    [74] Keep &#;Em on Their Heels
    [74] Overwhelmed!

    Mount up and fly south-southwest to Venture Bay [10,76]. At this camp pick up the following quests:

    [74] Smoke &#;Em Out
    [74] Crush Captain Brightwater!
    [74] Keep Them at Bay

    Go across the river to the east and you should see a house [14,76]. Use your Smoke Bomb on the Venture Company Stragglers. Clear alliance while working your way toward the Lumbermill [16,76] and smoke the Venture Company Stragglers out here. Finally clear alliance to the second Lumbermill at [17,79] and smoke the rest of the Venture Company Stragglers you need. Get out of the lumber mill and clear the alliance on the dock [14,78]. You should see a ship on the dock, similar to the ones that carry you to Northrend. On the main deck you should see Captain Brightwater, kill him, wow money making professions wod. Finish killing alliance until [74] Keep Them at Bay! is complete.

    Mount up and go back to the camp in Venture Bay. Turn in all the quests.

    Grizzly Hills Complete &#; 21/25 Dailies Complete &#; +g Earned.

    [Back to the top]

    Methods for a Short Burst of Gold

    Strategy 1


          • Herbalism.
          • A character level 68 or above (in order to gain access to Northrend).
          • No specific mount required.
          • 5 minutes.

      Disclaimer: Prices are very server dependant!

    First head over to Borean Tundra. The place where we are going to be farming is a little lake in the middle of the map called. Here is a map of Borean with the lake circled.

    Ok, now to the route. As you can see on the map below there are quite a few spawns of Tiger Wow money making professions wod. If you use a route like one on the map below you can cover the whole of the area in mere minutes.

    This usually nets me about 1/2 a stack of Tiger Lily, which on my server is worth around 12g50s; all that for just 5 minutes of work, wow money making professions wod. However that is not the only money source. Occasionally you will get Crystallized Life drop with the herbs, gather it up; it&#;s worth about 10g minimum for one Eternal Life (which is 10 Crystallized Life). However, the drops keep on coming, you will also get some Deadnettle drops. This wow money making professions wod for about 25g a stack. Finally if you are lucky you will get some Frost Lotus dropping. These beautys are worth around 25g each!

    So to sum up you will be gathering:

          • Tiger Lily (25g a stack)
          • Deadnettle (25g a stack)
          • Eternal Life (10g each)
          • Frost Lotus (25g each)

      Continue to do this until your bags are full, this stupid website ideas that make money take a while, be patient. It is best to fill your bags, then go back back to the Auction House and put them on. Do not put all the ones that you have farmed on the Auction House at once. This will crash the market, put a maximum of about 3 on at a time.

    If you aggro one of the Loot Crazed Divers around the edge of the lake, dont worry, just kill it and collect the loot; you can get greens drop and Fur Clothing Scraps sell for 10s each, which is pretty nice for a grey drop.

    If you collect Nesingwary Lackey Ears which drop off the Loot Crazed Divers then you can also hand in Ears of Our Enemies for 9g86s, XP and reputation with the Cenarion Expedition!
    The repeatable version of the quest is called Can&#;t Get Ear-nough and the reward is reputation with the Cenarion Expedition.

    Strategy 2


        • Able to enter Wintergrasp.
        • Time = minutes.
        • Part 2 requires Engineering (minimum to use Zapthrottle Mote Extractor).
        • Part 3 requires Mining ( recommended, minimum; but you will only be able to mine the normal Saronite Deposits).
        • Additionally you can wow money making professions wod a Herbalism route instead of Part 3.

    There are 3 parts to this following guide, and some can be used in conjunction so you can make as much gold per hour as possible.

    Part 1

    All characters can do this, but with varying success (it requires grinding level 80s with a fair bit of health). The location is the Cauldron of Flames in South-Eastern Wintergrasp.

    Here you will be farming Crystallized Fire. I would advise that you only kill the Flame Revenants, although you can kill the smaller ones if you want or your faction does not control Wintergrasp. This tactic works best if your faction controls Wintergrasp, as Flame Revenants do not appear if your faction is not in control. Flame Revenants have a % drop chance for Crystallized Fire, usually dropping around 3. If your faction is in control and you can see these then I recommmend that you do not kill the smaller elementals because they do not drop Crystallized Fire as often as Revenants, and in this guide I am trying to maximise the amount you get in the time taken. However they will still drop the occasional Crystallized Fire so if you have the time every little helps .

    After having killed the Flame Revenants that have spawned you will have a little bit of time before they spawn again, in which I suggest doing Part 2 or Part 3.

    Part 2

    For this part you will require Engineering.

    While you are killing Flame Revenants (and elementals) look out for Cinder Clouds which spawn around the cauldron (as shown on the map below), these can be &#;mined&#; using the Zapthrottle Mote Extractor, and yield 3 or 4 Crystallised Fire.

    The Cinder Clouds look like this:

    Part 3

    For this part you will require at least mining (preferable ).

    You will be looking for nodes of Saronite, Rich Saronite or Titanium nodes. I suggest you use a route similar to the one shown on the map below, it usually yields one or two nodes, more if you are lucky.

    Once you have completed the circuit you will be back in the Cauldron of Flames, and ready to begin again. If they have not spawned yet then you can log off and do other things and come back later.

    ==Note== It is possible to do a similar thing with herbalism, wow money making professions wod, however I do not have herbalism on the character that I do this with and as such have no routes established. But you can easily construct your own little circuit around the Cauldron of Flames using an addon such as Cartographer, Gathermate or Gatherer.

    Strategy 3


    • Enchanting skill level
    • Level 60+.
    • Epic Grund Mount wow money making professions wod of all, get to Zul&#;farrack. While in there, mount up and run past as many mobs as possible without getting aggro of them (it is impossible to NOT get aggro of anyone, just ignore them, in the case you get dazed, bitcoin investor seriö s rights and kill them). Only kill the bosses (after you&#;ve killed them you may have to kill some mobs who did followed you). Loot them, and disenchant their loots.
      Here is a video of Tommyhales doing it:

      So bassically, all you have to do is running through the instance and kill the bosses. The disenchanted loot will pretty much be Small Radiant Shard&#;s, and Large Radiant Shard&#;s.

    Strategy 4


    • Enchanting skill level
    • Level 60+.
    • Epic Grund Mount (optional).
    • minutes.
    • The scarlet to Scarlet Monastry Armory in Tirisfal Glades. Here you will be doing the same as in Strategy 3, but here you can&#;t mount. Run instead, and try to avoid aggro. Run to Herald (which is the only boss in Scarlet Monastry Armory), kill him and disenchant his loot.

      Here is a video of Tommyhales doing it:

      The drops in Scarlet Monastry Armory, will disenchant into Small Radiant Shard&#;s.
      Both large rsitez money making small shards sells pretty good on the Auction House, so mail them to your banker, or use your Hearthstone to get to a capital city.

    Strategy 5


    • Level 30+ characther
    • You need to be Alliance

    Part 1

    Buy cats. It may sound crazy, but it can make up to g a week! First, you got to buy the cats. The catseller is located in a cottage in Elwynn Forest. If you go from Goldshire to Norshire Abbey, you will find the cottage at your left side in the woods. The cats cost about 50s but you can sell them in Booty Bay for 10g! Another catseller is Lil´Timmy in Stormwind. He is a rare spawn and sell only 1 white kitten per spawn. It to cost around 50s. So far I´ve got it twice and I sold it the first time for g and the second time for g.

    Part 2
    Now you bought your bags full of cats and maybe your where lucky and bought the white kitten. Now it´s time to go to Booty Bay or Gadgetzan and put them on the AH. Why you should put them on the neutral AH, because the pets can only be bought by Alliance players. That means, that you can make a profit out of Horde players. Put the cats up for sale at about 10g and the white kitten for about g.

    [Back to the top]

    Saronite/Titanium Mining Routes

    Basically the most common routes for Mining. (Requires +skill).

    Sholazar Basin



      • Great area to get some mining done, be wary of stiff competition and mobs getting inbetween you and your ores.


    The Storm Peaks

      • Really large area, wow money making professions wod, prepare to spend lots of time in here mining.


    [Back to the top]

    Icethron/Lichbloom Herbalism Routes

    Basically the most common routes for Herbalism if you wanna farm Icethron/Lichbloom. (Requires + skill).


      • Great area to get some mining done, be wary of stiff competition and mobs getting inbetween you and your ores.


    The Storm Peaks

      • Really large area, prepare to spend lots of time in here gathering herbs.


    [Back to the top]

    Eternal Farming

    Maps on where to farm Eternals. Original Guide here by Shikamaru.

    There are 6 Eternals: Air, Water, Shadow, Fire, Earth and Life.

    Eternal Air, average AH price is 50G.

    Eternal Water, average AH price is 10G.

    Eternal Shadow, average AH price is 10G.

    Eternal Fire, average AH price is 50G.

    Eternal Earth, average AH price is 5G.

    Eternal Life, average AH price is 50G.

    Eternals are used in almost every high-end crafting profession, from Alchemy to Enchanting. In most cases it is better to farm Eternals than wow money making professions wod gold grinding, it will give you a higher gold/hour ratio.

    As you can see, Eternal Life Fire, Air, are worth far more than Eternal Water, Shadow and Earth. This is based on WoWhead and on my own server economics. Note that the prices may vary per server!


    1. You can do Eternal farming alongside Daily circuits or gathering materials for Alchemy as an example.
    2. Wintergrasp is a place where almost all Eternals can be farmed, but be careful: Wintergrasp is a PvP area.
    3. Example: You need 10x Crystallized Fire to create Eternal Fire. This applies to any of the Eternals we talked about before.
    4. You can only farm in Wintergrasp when your faction is in control!
    5. Herbalists can get additional Crystallized Life from herbs, Miners can get additional Crystallized Earth from mining nodes.

    Eternal Fire

    There are several places to farm Crystallized Fire.

      • Wintergrasp is a good place to go. Flaming Revenants and Raging Flames will be your targets. Look at the map above to find them. I recommend going to the bigger area where the mobs are mixed, this is by far the best place to farm them.

    The Storm Peaks

    Besides Wintergrasp, The Storm Peaks is a good place to go, too. Your targets will be Seething Revenants and Wailing Winds, shown in the map above. The drop rate is lower than in Wintergrasp, but still decent.
    ==Note== drops Relic of Ulduar. These can be turned in for Airy Pale Ale, Worg Tooth Oatmeal Stout and much more.

    Eternal Air

    There are plenty of spots to farm Crystallized Air, wow money making professions wod, but I&#;ll give you the ones that will give you the highest drop rate.

      • And again, wow money making professions wod, we are in Wintergrasp. But not for Firefor Air this time! You will be hunting on Tempest Revenants and Whispering Winds, shown in the map about. Wow money making professions wod two have the best drop rate on Crystallized Air out there. They are spread throughout wow money making professions wod area marked on the map.

    Sholazar Basin

    Storm Revenants in Stormwright&#;s Shelf have a wow money making professions wod drop rate, too. There are plenty in the area, as you can see in the map above.
    ==Note== while you&#;re here, you can farm Crystallized Water, too!

    The Storm Peaks

    If you don&#;t want your grinding to be interrupted, Howling Hollow is the place to be. Scion wow money making professions wod Storms will be your target, as show in the map above. Here you won&#;t get interrupted by other mobs attacking you and they have a ~30% drop rate on Crystallized Air.
    ==Note== drops Relic of Ulduar.

    Eternal Life

    This&#;ll be a bit harder to farm assuming you aren&#;t a Herbalist. This is because Wintergrasp doesn&#;t have Life Revanants &#; it only has Life Elementals, and they don&#;t have a % drop rate, sadly enough. I&#;ll give you two spots to farm Crystallized Life.


    Yes, we are in Wintergrasp again. As shown in the map above, wow money making professions wod, you target will be Living Lashers. They have a ~30% drop rate on Crystallized Life, but they&#;re tightly packed, so don&#;t worry.


    In the map above you will see that your targets are Mossy Rampagers this time. I, personally, don&#;t like this spot. The Rampagers are spread out and they are mixed with other mobs, which slows down your Eternal farming, wow money making professions wod. These also have a ~30% drop rate.

    Eternal Water

    Crystallized Water is one of the easier Eternals to get your hands on. If your fishing skill is high enough, you can fish them up and Miners can get them from Titanium and Cobalt mining nodes. Below I&#;ll give you 3 spots to farm for Crystallized Water and 2 spots to fish them up.


    Your targets will be Water Revenants and Glacial Spirits. No further explanation needed. There are much more Glacial Spirits than Water Reverants, though.

    The Storm Peaks

    Icebound Revenants in The Storm Peaks will be your target as you can see in the map above. They&#;re tightly packed and have a ~25% drop rate.

    Sholazar Basin

    And we&#;re back in Sholazar Basin again. Your targets will be the Aqueous Spirits wandering around Stormwright&#;s Shelf. As I said before, you can farm Crystallized Air here too.

    Fishing: Howling Fjord

    There are 2 major spots in Howling Fjord to fish up Crystallized Water, as you can see in the map above.
    Happy fishing!
    ==Note== Crystallized Water is a random drop while fishing. You will need fishing to cast in Howling Fjord and to prevent fishes/Crystallized Water from getting away.

    Eternal Shadow

    I&#;ll be giving you 2 spots to farm Crystallized Shadow.

      • If you look at the map above, you will see that your targets are Shadow Revenants and Wandering Shadows. Shadow Revenants have a drop rate of ~%, so you&#;ll get atleast 1 Crystallized Shadow per kill. Wandering Shadows&#; drop rate is around 30%.


    Your targets will be Deathbringer Revenants, as shown in the map above. The drop rate is around ~25%, slightly lower than Wandering Shadows.

    Eternal Earth

    In my point of view, it&#;s a wow money making professions wod of time to farm Crystallized Earth. The Eternals go for 5G median whats the average electricity bill for a bitcoin miner the Auction House, so it&#;s better to use your time farming the other Eternals. But for those that really want to farm them:


    Your targets will be Earthbound Revenants, as shown in the map above. No further wow money making professions wod needed.

    [Back to the top]

    The Burning Crusade Gold Making

    In case that someone don&#;t have the expansion (WotLK), here is a guide on making g in 30 minutes.

    Isle of Quel&#;Danas Daily Wow money making professions wod src="" alt="">

    1. You take the Shattrath Portal to Isle of Quel&#;Danas from Shattrath City and end up in the middle of Sun&#;s Reach Sanctum. Jump down from the tower and go inside it. Get the quests: [70] The Battle Must Go On, [70] The Air Strikes Must Continue and [70] Know Your Ley Lines
    2. Go southeast to Sun&#;s Reach Armory. Take the spiral staircase upstairs. Pickup [70] Keeping the Enemy At Bay on the way. In the top get [70] Crush the Dawnblade. Run back out to the staircase and jump down and take [70] Dont Stop Now&#;
    3. Mount up and ride north to the Inn and get [70] Open For Business and southeast to the Silvermoon&#;s Pride(the boat) and take [70] Disrupt the Greengill Coast. From here ride east out Greengill coast.==Note== From now on pick up any Bloodberry you happen to pass by until you have the 5 required. Theres gonna be a lot in the forest on the west side, so it will be no problem getting them, however you might as well pick them up if you happen to be next to it. If you are a herbalist you can track the Bloodberries on your minimap
    4. Here you go south killing all Darkspine Sirens and Darkspine Myrmidons. Make sure to loot them for Darkspine Chest Key and Orb of Murloc Control. Use the Orb of Murloc Control on the little green murlocs to free them(if they are red it means that someone else has allready freed them). Its possible to free pr orb, so if your lucky with bundle of murlocs, wow money making professions wod, you only need orbs. The orbs are % drop chance.
      The Darkspine Chest Keys are used for opening the small Darkspine Ore chests you find all along the coast. The keys arent % drop chance, so you might have to kill a few Myrmidons to get the 3 keys.
      As you move south you come to the Naga shrine [61,62] where you need to use the Astromancer&#;s Crystal in your inventory. If you are not done with freeing murlocs and getting ore keep killing while you move north.
      As soon as you are done, mount up and ride back to the Silvermoon&#;s Pride and turn in [70] Disrupt the Greengill Coast.
    5. Ride west and then northwest to Shattered Suns Staging Area. Inside the hut you get [70] Further Conversations and [70] Arm the Wards!
    6. From the hut ride north and find Ayren Cloudbreaker at the end of the dock. You need to dismount manually before you get on any of his missions. The order here doenst matter, so I just start with the top one which is going on an air strike for [70] The Air Strikes Must Continue. Locate Arcane Charges in your inventory and put it in a hot key spot, this can be done after talking to him as it takes some time getting to the bombing area.
    7. When you reach The Dead Scar you can start to bomb. You need to kill 2 Pit Overlords, 3 Eredar Sorcerers and 12 Wrath Enforcers. The Enforcers and Sorcerers should die from 1 charge, while the Pit Overlords needs to be hit twice. There are plenty of mobs and they respawn quite fast, so its easy to get it all in 1 round, I at least have never tried not getting all my kills.
    8. You land back at Ayren Cloudbreaker and talk to him again and accept the other mission for &#;intercepting the Dawnblade reinforcements&#; for [70] Keeping the Enemy at Bay. Here you need the Flaming Oil in your inventory. You only need to click it 3 times, but you can put it on a hotkey if you like.
      You come to the Sin&#;Loren first, click the Flaming Oil and use it at the big mast. The bird then fly to the Dawnchaser, wait with throwing till you are on the eastside of the boat, wow money making professions wod. Last the bird fly to the Bloodoath and here you throw from the west side of the boat.
      The reason I say where to throw it from is that Ive experienced that its not working from certain points, and the ones mentioned works every time.
      As you bomb the boats, make a note if there are horde or ally killing mobs on them as you need to slay 6 Dawnblade Rerservists next.
      You land on the Sin&#;Loren in the middle and can stay there and kill Dawnblade Rerservists or move to another boat.
      When you are done, talk to the Unrestrained Dragonhawk, which will take you back to land.
    9. Mount up and head west into the forest. Here you need to kill Wretched Fiends and Wretched Devourers for 4 Mana Remnants for [70] Arm The Wards!, keep picking up Bloodberries if you havent gotten 5 yet and kill Erratic Sentries. When you killed a sentry, make sure to loot it first as it usually holds a grey item and sometime Motes of Mana. Afterwards rightclick the Attuned Crystal Cores in your inventory and click the sentry. Now you converted 1 sentry out of 5 needed for [70] Further Conversations.
      Stay in the forest until you gathered the 4 Mana Remnants, converted 5 sentries and looted 5 Bloodberries.
    10. Depending on where in the forest you are when are done, ride south or east into the Dawnstar Village. Here you need to kill 6 Summoners, 6 Blood Knights and 3 Marksman. As you kill the mobs, move to the Blood Crystal [42,35] and do a reading with the Astromancer&#;s Crystal. Its very easy to kill Summoners in this room as they often dont have a pet, and if they do, you can kill the pet first without the Summoner aggroing.
    11. Continue east under the bridge and start killing Demons for [70] The Battle Must Go On. You need to slay 6 Demons and impale the Emissary of Hate with the Shattered Sun Banner. You can impale the Emissary of Hate no matter if its your kill or not, so focus on killing your 6 demons and go kill the Emissary of Hate if no one has by then. At [48,44] you do the last reading with the Astromancer&#;s Crystal.
    12. Move northwest to the Sun&#;s Reach Armory and get close to a Crystal Ward (those big wow money making professions wod crystals you can find all over) and click Mana Remnants in your inventory. Now turn in [70] Dont Stop Now&#; While you are here, repair and sell the gray items.
      Run upstairs and turn in [70] Keeping the Enemy At Bay and [70] Crush the Dawnblade.
    13. Jump down and mount up. Ride north to the Inn and deliver [70] Open Wow money making professions wod Business. Continue southwest and deliver [70] The Battle Must Go On, [70] The Air Strikes Must Continue and [70] Know Your Ley Lines.
      Ride north and deliver [70] Arm The Wards! and [70] Further Conversations.
      In this hut you find Eldare Dawnrunner who is the Shattered Sun Quartermaster. Furter more, young giftz money makin mitch you achieve friendly, honored, revered and exalted reputation, she will give you a care package filled with pots, elixirs and rep items you can sell for more gold.
    14. From your inventory use the Darnarian&#;s Scroll of Teleportation from your inventory, wow money making professions wod. You now find yourself back in the middle of Shattrath at least g richer done in approx 30 mins.

    [Back to the top]

    World of Warcraft Originial Wow money making professions wod Making

    In the case that some don&#;t have the expansions (WotLK and The Burning Crusade), here is one of the strategies that can be done.
    ==Note== This for Alliance only.

    The idea is to do the reputation grind for the Wintersaber Trainers, which gives a nice mount in the end. While doing this, you should skin every slain beast, wow money making professions wod, mine every node or pick every bush you come across. Of course, this guide does not guarantee gold, but I&#;m sure you can come wow money making professions wod to that.


    • 58+ character
    • hours per day
    1. Class, skills and other recommendationsThe class can be any; it doesn&#;t matter as long as you enjoy the class. For skills, however, I highly recommend you get Skinning and Mining or Herbalism, because thats where the bulk of the money comes from. You need to level theseto be on the safe not needed, I do recommend on having an alt character that has Enchanting. Which wow money making professions wod capable wow money making professions wod disenchanting items varying from level 51 to This is not a must, because you can also sell the items you loot on the Auction House. So first, check what sells a % mount does help, this makes the process alot faster.
      ==Note== This will be done in Wintergrasp, so start heading there!
    2. Rivern FrostwindYou&#;ll get to know him pretty well in the upcoming days, because he is the reason behind the grind to the gold. The mount he sells is unique, and even though the reputation grind has been made easier, this guide is still worth following. He can be found in the very north of Winterspring, at Frostsaber the tooltip states here: Reins of the Winterspring Frostsaber, the mount itself is a very fast mount but only requires 75 riding skill!
    3. The quest[60] Frostsaber Provisions is the first quest Rivern gives you, and the only one we will use in this guide. For this quest you need to get:5x Shardtooth Meat. Drops from the various bears, but you&#;ll mostly likely kill Elder Shardtooth bears, because they are near the chimera&#;s you need to kill, too.
      5x. Chillwind Meat. Drops from various chimera&#;s, but you will most likely kill Chillwind Ravager&#;s.
      This quest most profitable ways to make money from home reputation points.

      You can find Elder Shardtooth Bears and Chillwind Ravager&#;s in the blue marked area.
    4. Your incomeIf you don&#;t have a bank character, make one now. A bank character is a character you make and is standing in a major city. All he does is picking up all the loot you send to him/her and that bank account sells it. This saves you the travel to the major city every time you want to sell stuff, at the auction house. This is the reason it&#;s a must for this you know that the idea is to skin every mob, mine every node and collect every bush you come across. With a bank character ready, simply visit the mailbox in Everlook once in a while and send it. The greens, blue&#;s or even epic&#;s you get, wow money making professions wod, will sell nice, otherwise the materials you get from disenchanting them, will.

    [Back to the top]


    Low-level Tips

    1. Pay attention to how much money you are making for the time spent playing
      At the lowest levels you shouldn&#;t worry about it too much but it can still apply if you want it to. With that said, it wow money making professions wod still possible to think about gold making as a whole other game. A game within a game if you will.
      If you are going to dedicate time to simply making money you should definitely consider your hourly gold rate and seek to maximize it.
      Some specific examples include,
      • Time spent traveling is time spent not making money.
      • If you are going to grind for xp or money, wow money making professions wod, at least kill mobs that drop useful loot and lots of it. Some mobs have small loot tables and some have very large loot tables. We want large. Some mobs actually drop nothing a significant amount of time. Certain beast mobs are like that. Kill them when you have to but otherwise do not seek them out. What we want are mobs that drop cloth and money and items, like humanoids, or skinnable beast mobs that also drop a large numbers of other things.
      • Kill mobs near large concentrations of harvestable resources.
      • Combine tasks that can be done at the same time. If you have to travel on foot make a point of killing every mob between point A and point B. You get xp and gold. That&#;s double plus good. Gathering herbs why bitcoin is not gold metal while traveling on wow money making professions wod is also a good idea. I should tell you that I am the Master of the Obvious.
      • Think about how to use your character in ways that kills faster or more mobs at the same time. AoE farming by mages can be pretty profitable if you know what earnest money contract philippines are doing. Rogues using Blade Wow money making professions wod can arts degrees that make money two mobs at a time every few minutes. Mo money, mo money, mo money. Killing mobs 2 to 4 levels lower than you speeds up the rate of loot drops as well as speeding up the wow money making professions wod of wow money making professions wod gain. Being uber and tackling elite mobs five levels higher than you is great and all, but it takes too damn long.
    2. Get your gathering Profession(s) at level 5To earn fast bitcoin investing australia questions and answers, for sure the best way is to get your gathering professions as fast as possible. You need to be level 5 to get your professions &#; that&#;s why gold making start at level 5 in www.oldyorkcellars.comt in a Mining Pick, or a Skinning Knife too (only if you got Skinning or Mining, of course).
    3. Shirts
      This may sound weird, but you can actually buy shirts at vendors just beside the Auction House at the price of 4 silver, wow money making professions wod, and sell it on the Auction House for 50+ silver, wow money making professions wod. I&#;m gonna use Common Gray Shirts as an example. The dark color looks great on rogues, I see alot wearing them. Tailors cannot create these, so many people do not know where these shirts come from. These shirts can usually be sold from a vendor close to the Auction House, or in the same city from a Cloth Merchant.
    4. Meat
      The meat that drops from low level animals is more valuable than most people realize. Things like stringy wolf meat only sell to vender for a few copper but I don&#;t usually have a problem getting 50 silver out of a stack of 20 meat, wow money making professions wod. The meat is handy for hunters that are too lazy to find meat for their pets or people that want to raise their cooking profession quickly. And like I mentioned before high level players normally find it a lot faster and easier to buy their way through professions.
    5. Limited Inventory Items
      Limited Inventory Items are also good. I don&#;t go out of my way to find these but when I wow money making professions wod them I almost always buy them, wow money making professions wod. These are usually recipes but can be other things. These are things that have a small number in the corner that indicates how many a vendor has. This means that if they just have one and you buy it, no one else can get it for a while. So you can buy a recipe for 10s off a vendor, put wow money making professions wod the auction house for a gold and probably sell it real wow money making professions wod. I usually check wowhead or allakhazam before buying it just to be sure. There are a few that aren&#;t worth the time but a majority of the time you&#;ll be fine to just grab it and list it.
    6. Building crafting professions are money sinksIf you want money, make your life easier and take two gathering professions as wow money making professions wod primaries when you start your character. Only take up a building profession when you can afford it, after you get your mount.
      Fishing is a gathering skill. Think about that for a minute. It&#;s a secondary skill but it&#;s a gathering skill just like some of the primaries. If you can stand watching a bobber and clicking on it at the exact right time than you should find a fishing guide and read up on the finer details of the profession. It can make you money but dang fishing annoys the crap out of me.

    General Tips

    1. Bags
      Probably the most important thing you need to do to make money, wow money making professions wod get big bags. I recommend you get big bags as soon as you can afford too. I usually start off with 12 slot bags. They are usually reasonably priced on most servers and will serve you well until you can move up to bigger sizes. Being able to hold more will improve your ability to make money because you won&#;t have to pass up on things because your bags are full and increase efficiency since you won&#;t have to run to town all the time to empty them back out.
    2. Always sell Grey/white stuff and Junk at the Vendor
      In wow money making professions wod, do never forget to loot grey, or white items from dead mobs. These are actually much worth especially in the high levels, at the merchant. When I levelled my Death Knight fromI think / gold came from white and grey items.
    3. Create a Banker
      A banker is a character that is selling all your stuff at the Auction House. If you don&#;t already have one, make a new character and run to a capital city. When you have been gathering all of your skins or nodes, send them to the banker and log on daily selling them on the Auction House.
    4. Find Limited Recipes
      Most recipes can be bought from a specific vendor, however some can only be bought once or maybe twice from a vendor in a certain time frame. The recipes that have limited availability and have a vendor who may not be easy to get to will usually sell very well.
    5. Neutral Auction Houses
      Keep you eye out for factional type stuff that can be sold over the neutral AH for a decent profit. Recipes, pets, items, and more can all be sold for gold if you have the patience.
    6. Disenchant Green Gear
      If you&#;re enchanter, go for disenchanting all green colored gear if the price is worth it (sometimes the items sells better at the vendor than the dust does on Auction House, depending on your server economy).
    7. Be careful when you&#;re posting on Auction House
      Be care ful about what you&#;re selling, when you reach the levels between and are trying to sell rarely droppped Epics or Rares, you will mostly pay g fee just to set up the Auction on the Auction House.
    8. Try sell in the Trade Channel
      If you got some Epic or Rare items which is expensive to post on the Auction House, wow money making professions wod, try yelling in the Wow money making professions wod channel (/2): &#;WTS &#;item&#; cheap /whisper me offers!&#; or something simulair to that, just everytime you&#;re in a capital city.
    9. Invest In Macro Training
      If you are planning to bark out that you are doing enchants in a busy city, make sure that you can do so without needing to type a small paragraph each time. 3 lines seems to be the respectable max for a post in the trade channel.
    10. Fishing May Be Boring, But Worth It
      You would be suprised at what fisherman pull up. Yes, I know it&#;s boring sometimes, repetitive all the time, and most of the make money with microstock photography you get worthless fish. But if you know wow money making professions wod to fish, that changes the game. Fish schools of specific fish like Oily Blackmouth or How much bitcoin for 200 Snappers and they sell well in a stack. Find yourself with some Stonescale Eels and they sell for gold. Not to mention all the junk you can get out of the water from wreckage
    11. Gold Farmers Are People Too
      This is fast becoming a time honored tradition in WoW that is simultaneously loved and hated for various reasons. If you&#;re good about it, farming from a gathering skill in the right areas is like panning for gold and consistently getting it.
    12. Increase your Movement Speed
      Once you have a mount, that is a tremendous speed boost in your gathering ability that can help you earn money at a faster rate, wow money making professions wod. Plus, it&#;s nice to be able to travel at faster speeds.

    [Back to the top]



    • Auctioneer &#; Auctionner Addon is pretty much a must, alos needed in several of the sections in the guide, wow money making professions wod. It will surely help you out in many ways when farming gold. Auctioneer allow you to scan the Auction House &#; the key to discover your server economics. The addon does also help you posting auctions at the Auction House at the right price, and allow you to see wow money making professions wod items that are undercutted.
    • Gathermate &#; Shows locations of Nodes on the minimap and world map, wow money making professions wod, adds them to a database.
    • Gathermate_Data &#; Contains locations of almost every Node in the game, extremely useful.
    • SellJunk &#; &#;This is a really simple little addon that will make your life much easier! It adds a &#;SellJunk&#; button to every Vendor window that will automatically sell all the gray items in your inventory. You can also configure it to sell all your gray items automatically when you talk to a vendor NPC. You don&#;t even have to click the button! In addition to gray items, you can also manually specify other items to sell how much is 200 bitcoin in dollars or items that should never be sold automatically even if they are gray.&#;
      Quote from Loise Hand from
    • Rating Buster &#; An add-on of great significance when deciding on a quest reward. Simpler stats? Yes please! Simpler item comparison and deciding if an item is an upgrade is the biggest purpose. In the end, it alone can save you much money, since you will not waste quest rewards only to see your DPS, TPS, or HPS go down after you equip it. Much less disappointment, and much more gold; I&#;ll let you decide if it&#;s a fair trade!
    • Sellfish &#; Another key add-on in the art of making money from vendor trash, also, not just quest rewards! At low levels, this can save you by helping you decide which piece of gray loot you throw out to get that quest item, thus losing the least money possible. This and Rating Buster go hand in hand because when none of the quest rewards are an upgrade, you get a larger amount of gold than just clicking on one and turning the quest in. It when combined with Rating Buster is an add-on of great worth in the process of making money from quest rewards.
    • Vendor Bait &#; This is an add-on that automatically highlights the most profiting item, making it so that you don&#;t even have to compare prices with sellfish on your own! Rather spectacular, imo.

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    Shikamaru&#;s Weekly Gold Post

    Shikamaru, which is another user on Wow-Pro has recently started a Weekly Gold Post.

    So far, one is done! Shikamaru&#;s Weekly Gold Post.

    Follow his progress here on the site!

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    Here is a list of the original authors of gudies tips and comments. I hope I have managed to include all:

    • Shikamaru &#; Couldn&#;t have done this without Shikamaru. Most of the Auction House information comes from Shikamaru&#;s gold posts, as do all the Eternal routes and mapes.
    • Hairbo &#; I only had to copy his great text into this compilation. The excellent Daily Circuits come straight from Hairbo.
    • World of Warcraft Europe &#; Much of the information about professions, was borrowed from Great thanks to them.
    • Crunge75/Trollvink &#; The section about Gold Making at Original WoW was written by Crunge75, and edited by Trollvink.
    • Requim &#; He&#;s guides and tips were a great help, thanks.
    • Johanneslars &#; He has given so many useful tips.
    • Night_Hawk &#; His guide about methods for short bursting gold farming are just great.
    • Tommyhales &#; These videos shows alternetive ways of gold making, going through instances, and other things, wow money making professions wod. Vevy nice.
    • à˜ffelbà¸v &#; The Quel&#;Danas daily quest section was copyed from à˜ffelbà¸v&#;s guide, thanks!
    • Arkaen &#; Arkaen did also have some tips to share, and helped me out on how to get most out of quest rewards.
    • Zerinj &#; His maps about Mining/Herbalism are great, I borrrowed some of those without shame.
    • Thijz, Toogie, Dolin, Ishyma, Benniboy C and Athor Pel &#; Has contributed to the low-level guides, great thanks to them all.
    • Jame &#; I&#;ve borrowed Jame&#;s logo to the front image, great thanks.
    • And of course thanks to all of you who have been posting useful comments to improve the various guides, and everyone that has taken time to read through this guide!

    I wanna make this very clear; This is not Eric&#;s guide. It is WoW-Pro&#;s. Most of the information is either researched, or copyed from WoW-Pro&#;s gold making section, wow money making professions wod, and WoW-Pro&#;s WotLK daily section. All copyrights reserved to the original authors.

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Professions are an important part of gameplay in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. Professions serve as a major way many players make money, especially while they are still on their way to max level. There are many professions to choose from, so here are some of the best when looking to make money.


Herbalism is a great profession to choose, especially when paired with other professions (like Enchanting or Alchemy) that use herbs for crafting or another gathering profession like Mining. Players can find herbs throughout the world as they travel and with the help of Herbalism they can harvest and sell these items at the auction for profit.


With Jewelcrafting, players can craft vanity items and gems that will boost the stats of its user. The vanity items made by Jewelcrafters (Necklaces, Rings, ETC.) can be sold at auction for a large amount of money. Gems will also be a large money-maker for Jewelcrafters.

Related: Every Zone in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands


Players that choose the Enchanting profession can give armor and weapons wow money making professions wod boosts. Enchanting gear is essential to high-level players, making players in the Enchanting profession valuable and necessary. Pairing Enchanting with other professions like Tailoring or Blacksmithing will allow players to also craft their own equipment to enchant, cutting out the need to purchase these things from other players.


Professions that allow players to craft armor are very important and lucrative. Pairing Blacksmithing with other professions like Mining or Skinning will allow players to be self-sufficient when crafting. Players can eventually craft legendary pieces which sell for very high prices in the auction, though these are also expensive to craft.


Alchemy allows practices to create wow money making professions wod like potions, oils, elixirs, and other items that give the users varying special effects. The Alchemy profession also works well with other professions as it allows players to transmute minerals and gems that can be further crafted by other professions. Herbalism pairs especially well with Alchemy because it allows the gathering of materials to be used in Alchemy which removes the step of buying ingredients and materials. Alchemy is vital to World of Warcraft, and practices can make a reliably large amount of money.

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