Bitcoin investment sites hack

bitcoin investment sites hack

Crypto trading platform Bitmart says it will use its own money to reimburse victims of a large-scale security breach, in which hackers took as. If you've incorporated crypto into your investment portfolio or are interested in investing in Bitcoin or Ethereum in the future, here are some. Although exchanges invest some resources to protect their assets, experienced attackers can breach their security walls. Exchanges are targeted regularly as. bitcoin investment sites hack

Top 6 Bitcoin Investment Sites for 2021: Tried & Tested

Bitcoin invest­ment sites, also known as exchanges or “onramps,” are an impor­tant part of the industry. Onramps provide an easy way for people to buy and sell Bitcoin with their local currency. 

In the last year, we’ve seen a new class of trusted onramps that focus specif­i­cally on Bitcoin, bitcoin investment sites hack, the largest bitcoin investment sites hack most reputable cryptocurrency.

These “Bitcoin-only” onramps repre­sent a notice­able change from past ICO-mania where question­able exchanges exploded onto the scene. Many of these oppor­tunistic Bitcoin invest­ment sites have since been hacked, become insol­vent, or shut down for a myriad of other reasons.

Here at Swan we believe that being a bitcoin invest­ment company that is “Bitcoin-only” is a compet­i­tive advan­tage and we’re ready to prove it. 

In this article, we will cover:

  • Why going Bitcoin-only is a smart business decision
  • The benefits of setting up automatic recur­ring Bitcoin purchases
  • The top legit Bitcoin invest­ment sites 2020

Don’t have much time and just want to check out the list of the best bitcoin invest­ment compa­nies? No problem, here they are:

Why Businesses Should Go “Bitcoin-only”

While fans of alter­na­tive cryptocur­ren­cies might complain that their favorite token is being excluded for bitcoin investment sites hack reasons, the reality is: going “Bitcoin only” is a logical business decision. 

The benefits of focusing on bitcoin: 

  • Lower Fees
    By focusing on a single asset, compa­nies can maintain lower support costs which leads to better service with lower fees for users. 
  • Bitcoin has the majority of the volume
    As a business, it makes sense to focus on the asset (Bitcoin) that attracts high volume. 
  • Increased focus
    If you want to be the best website to invest bitcoin, the only way is to focus on Bitcoin alone. Going Bitcoin-only means your company will have no distractions/temptations from penny stock altcoins. Altcoins are oppor­tu­nity costs. 
  • Domain Exper­tise
    By focusing on a single asset, your team will become experts in that asset. Eventu­ally, your exper­tise will enable you to out-compete compa­nies who took a less focused approach. This compounds over time and leads to better products/services which attract long term customers. If you focus on altcoins, the tradeoff is you won’t be able to support Bitcoin as well. 
  • Long term success
    A business built on trading altcoins might be lucra­tive for a short period of time. These altcoin onramps popup in bull markets, rise to fame, and quickly crash in just a few years. On the other hand, Bitcoin-only onramps are more robust and will outlive all the altcoin bitcoin investment sites hack (read: altcoin casinos).
  • More Secure
    Onramps that focus exclu­sively on Bitcoin allow for increased security. Every time you offer another asset, your engineers are forced to develop increas­ingly complex security methods. On bitcoin investment sites hack other hand, focusing on Bitcoin exclu­sively allows engineers to take advan­tage of Bitcoin’s native features, such as multi-sig which results in more secure infrastructure. 
  • Less Regula­tory Burden
    Bitcoin-only onramps come with fewer regula­tory risks as Bitcoin has been given a pass by most regula­tors globally. Kraken publishes an annual report listing all the requests they receive from regula­tory bodies around the world. Compli­ance is extremely expen­sive, especially if you offer a bunch of altcoins. 
  • Aligned Incen­tives
    Compa­nies that focus exclu­sively on Bitcoin share aligned incen­tives with Bitcoiners. Both parties want Bitcoin to remain secure and increase in value over the long term.
  • Shared Infra­struc­ture
    As more compa­nies focus on Bitcoin’s native function­ality (multi-sig, partial signed Bitcoin trans­ac­tions, etc), we’ll see more open source standards emerge. For example, Unchained Capital open sourced a multisig protocol called Caravan that anyone can leverage. 

Learn more about the benefits of BTC invest­ment sites staying Bitcoin-only:

Learn how to delete your Coinbase account—the most notorious company promoting altcoins.

Why set up Automated Recurring Buys? DCA Benefits

Here at Swan, we believe that setting up automated recur­ring Bitcoin buys is the best strategy. In investing terms, this is a called “dollar cost averaging” (DCA).

Benefits of Automated Recur­ring Buys (Dollar Cost Averaging):

  1. No one can time the market, dollar cost averaging minimizes the risk of volatile price swings. 
  2. Set it and forget it, no need to log in every week.
  3. Remove your cogni­tive biases, the market and media are constantly trying to manip­u­late you. Avoid fear and FOMO.
  4. Avoid tax burden and fees of active trading.
  5. Get rich slowly, think long term!

Top 6 Best Bitcoin Investment Sites 

Here’s a list of the top Bitcoin invest­ment websites that are “Bitcoin-only” and currently avail­able in 2020.

1. Swan Bitcoin

Avail­ability: Swan is avail­able in all 50 US states as well as most inter­na­tional countries.

About Swan Bitcoin:Swan is Bitcoin investing made easy. Connect any major US bank account, set an amount, and Swan’s daily, bitcoin investment sites hack, weekly, or monthly savings options steadily convert your dollars to Bitcoin savings. You can also choose to buy additional Bitcoin whenever you’d like with the “buy instantly” button.

Swan’s goal is to be the easiest and most user-friendly way to acquire Bitcoin. The team is also focused on educating Bitcoiners of all experi­ence levels. Swan’s mission is to onboard the next million Bitcoin users. 


  • Automatic Recur­ring Buys
    Users can easily set up automatic recur­ring Bitcoin buys. Swan believes dollar cost averaging is the most effec­tive way to accumu­late Bitcoin. Select daily, weekly, or monthly recur­ring buys. 
  • Educa­tional Content
    Swan focuses on creating educa­tional content to improve the entire Bitcoin ecosystem. You can read the latest articles from the Swan team and their friends at Swan Signal.
  • Instant Buys
    Buy Bitcoin instantly and be billed for it after­ward via ACH.
  • Referral Program
    Swan is currently offering a referral program. When you refer a friend to Swan Bitcoin, they receive $10 and you receive 25% of their fees
  • Auto-withdrawals
    Users can schedule periodic Bitcoin withdrawals to move canadian value investing stocks amount of Bitcoin to a wallet of their choice.

2. Amber (Australia)

Avail­ability:Amber is currently only avail­able in Australia with plans to expand to Europe soon. 

About Amber: Amber is an app focused on making easy recur­ring buys of Bitcoin. Currently avail­able for both Android and iOS. Amber focuses on clean design and providing a simple way to acquire Bitcoin. 


  • Mobile App
    Amber is avail­able on both Android and iOS
  • Automatic recur­ring buys
    Users can set up recur­ring buys every day, week, or month. $5 AUD minimum purchase. Users can also make one-time purchases as they desire. 
  • Educa­tion
    The Amber team, lead by Aleks Svetski, produces high quality Bitcoin content that’s avail­able to the public. We recom­mend checking out Bitcoin Times. 

3, bitcoin investment sites hack. Bull Bitcoin (Canada)

Avail­ability: Bull Bitcoin is a top-tier bitcoin invest­ment platform but it’s only avail­able in Canada.

About Bull Bitcoin:Bull Bitcoin is a fixed rate Bitcoin exchange that enables Canadians to buy, sell, and spend Bitcoins online. Bull Bitcoin is run by self-proclaimed Cypher­punks and Bitcoin Maximal­ists and it shows. As one of the top bitcoin invest­ment sites, they focus on privacy, security, and enabling users to maintain full custody of their Bitcoin. 

The Bull Bitcoin team also devel­oped which is a modular Bitcoin full-node microser­vices API server archi­tec­ture and utili­ties toolkit to build scalable, secure apps/services without reliance on trusted third parties. 


  • Non-custo­dial
    Bull Bitcoin never takes control of users’ Bitcoin. Instead, users are fully sover­eign over their Bitcoin at all times. 
  • Bylls integra­tion
    A service that enables users to pay their Canadian bills by converting Bitcoins to Canadian Dollars. Part of the circular Bitcoin economy. 
  • Automated Dollar Cost Averaging
    Users can schedule recur­ring buys at the frequency they desire (daily, weekly, etc). 

4. Cash App (USA)

Avail­ability: USA

About Cash App:Cash App is an iOS/Android app that offers a Venmo/PayPal experi­ence as well as offering users to buy stocks and Bitcoin. It was created by Square/Twitter which makes it one of the most trusted Bitcoin invest­ment sites. Bitcoin investment sites hack to mention, Cash App is one of the most popular finan­cial apps in the app store.

Cash App has a great UX and buying Bitcoin is very fast on it. Square is the first publicly-traded company to sell Bitcoin. Jack Dorsey, bitcoin investment sites hack, CEO of Square/Twitter, is very bullish on Bitcoin-only. 


  • Buy/Sell Bitcoin
    Users can buy and sell Bitcoin through Cash App. $10k weekly purchase limit. 
  • Purchase Stocks
    Users can acquire as little as $1 worth of a US stock.
  • Direct Deposit Paychecks
    Users can elect to have their paychecks direct deposited into Cash App.
  • Cash Card
    Users can receive a Visa debit card attached to their Cash App account. 
  • Inter­na­tional payments
    Users can now send payments between the US and the UK. 

5. Coinfloor (UK)

Avail­ability: Coinfloor is a top BTC invest­ment site, but it’s only avail­able in the UK.

About Coinfloor:Coinfloor is the longest-running Bitcoin invest­ment site in the UK. They started by offering many different cryptocur­ren­cies and then later realized that it was a better business decision to focus on Bitcoin only. In early 2020 they removed support for all assets besides Bitcoin. 

Inter­est­ingly, Coinfloor is the only exchange in the world to provide Bitcoin audits (aka Proof of Reserves) which makes them one the most trusted bitcoin sites. According to the Coinfloor websites, their services are specif­i­cally designed to serve corpo­rate and insti­tu­tional investors, sophis­ti­cated investors and profes­sional traders. The minimum deposit was recently reduced from $1,300 to $300. Coinfloor supports just two trading pairs, BTC/GBP and BTC/EUR.


  • Proof of Reserves
    Coinfloor publishes a weekly audit of its Bitcoin reserves, hopefully lending some legit­i­macy. Theoret­i­cally, bitcoin investment sites hack reduces the risk of finan­cial insti­tu­tions running a deficit without customers being aware. Nic Carter, a partner at Castle Island Ventures, is pleased about that. 
  • Automatic Recur­ring buys (coming soon)
    Coinfloor antic­i­pates releasing Automatic Recur­ring buys soon. 
  • OTC trading desk
    Users get access to buy/sell through Coin Floor’s OTC desk. 
  • Bitcoin multisig custody
    They take advan­tage of Bitcoin’s native multi-sig capabil­i­ties which can be used to improve security. 

6. River Financial (USA)

Avail­ability: Currently River is avail­able in 8 US states (CA, TX, MA, PA, MD, WY, MT, WI). River intends to be avail­able in 40 US states by the end of 2020. Monitor avail­ability here.

About River Bitcoin black and white stacks River is focused on finan­cial services for Bitcoin holders. Similar to a Fidelity brokerage account but for Bitcoin. River is looking to differ­en­tiate by offering users access to more advanced Bitcoin technolo­gies including Partially Signed Bitcoin Trans­ac­tions (PSBTs), native multi-sig, and a language called Script Descrip­tors. Being Bitcoin-only enables more resources to be allocated to native Bitcoin features.

Why such limited avail­ability? As a brokerage, River must apply for bitcoin investment sites hack Trans­mitter License in the US which is done on a state by state basis. The team has invested heavily in this area and they plan on contin­u­ally rolling out new states over time. 


  • Recur­ring Buy Orders
    This feature allows users to set up an automatic purchase order of BTC at prede­ter­mined inter­vals, bitcoin investment sites hack. Users who sign up for automatic buys unlock a 20% discount off of River fees.
  • Perfor­mance Tracking
    River provides users with some tools to track how well your Bitcoin invest­ments are performing.
  • Deposits and Withdrawals
    Users can add Bitcoin to their River wallet as well as move Bitcoin from River to another wallet. 
  • Insti­tu­tional Accounts
    Enables finan­cial insti­tu­tions to buy, sell, and use Bitcoin. 

Support trusted Bitcoin-only onramps and start buying Bitcoin today

As businesses realize the benefits of going Bitcoin-only, we’ll see more and more legit Bitcoin invest­ment sites focused exclu­sively on Bitcoin. 

This trend will likely continue as Bitcoin-only compa­nies will outcom­pete compa­nies who are spread too thin supporting 100s of illiquid tokens. 

Here at Swan Bitcoin, we highly recom­mend two things:

  1. Investing in your personal Bitcoin educa­tion (we recom­mend our Swan Signal blog and Swan Signal Live podcast).
  2. Setting up an automated recur­ring Bitcoin purchase. For example: Every Saturday, you buy $50 worth of Bitcoin. 

Be sure to sign-up at

P.S. After you join, make sure you pass around your unique referral link. Both you and your friends will receive $10 worth of free Bitcoin for each person who signs up (limited time offer).

This blog offers thoughts and opinions on Bitcoin from the Swan Bitcoin team and friends. Swan Bitcoin is the easiest way to buy Bitcoin using your bank account automatically every week or bitcoin investment sites hack, starting with as little as $10. Sign up or learn more here.

Brandon Quittem

Brandon is an entrepreneur, writer, bitcoin investment sites hack, speaker, and passionate Bitcoiner. His articles have been read by more than 2 million people online, bitcoin investment sites hack. Most well known for exploring the parallels between bitcoin and mycelium.

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The Best Crypto Exchanges Of March 2022

As with its international industry-leading counterpart, Binance.US offers a still-extensive array of cryptocurrencies, from mainstays like Bitcoin and Ether to BNB, the platform’s proprietary stablecoin. This last one is important because frequent traders may lower trading costs by 25% when converting their investing dollars to BNB.

As with most exchanges, Binance.US rewards bitcoin investment sites hack crypto traders with progressively lower transaction fees, though this won’t kick in until you trade at least $50,000 of cryptocurrency within a 30-day period. (Keep in mind its base trading fee may be lower than competitors’ even before you hit that bitcoin investment sites hack provides two comprehensive market dashboards, named Simple and Advanced, bitcoin investment sites hack, with real-time market data.

As mentioned in its Best Overall writeup, Binance.US enables multiple order types, including limit, market and stop-limit, which should cover most crypto traders’ needs, as well as over-the-counter (OTC) trading.

You’ll be able to make these trades using U.S. dollars, USDT (a U.S. dollar stablecoin) and Bitcoin, bitcoin investment sites hack. It’s important to note, however, that Binance.US does not currently support margin trading—a risky practice that allows traders to use borrowed money to amplify returns while similarly increasing the amount they can lose. That is why it’s generally not recommended for beginner or even intermediate investors.

U.S. regulators are currently investigating how to handle crypto margin trading, and big names like Coinbase Pro have recently ceased margin trading in the U.S. for retail investors. Those dead set on using margin to trade crypto may look to Kraken, which has slightly higher trading fees that similarly decrease for high-volume traders.

Binance.US does not currently offer futures trading either; this feature is even pending regulatory approval for Kraken in the U.S.

Pros & Bitcoin investment sites hack and exchange-token discount, which can make already-low fees almost negligible.

  • More than 50 coins currently available for trading.
  • Basic order types as well as OTC trading enabled.
    • Coin offerings are limited compared to Binance and even other major exchanges, which may offer four to seven times as many coins.
    • No support for margin trading.
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    Hack Bitcoin investment sites hack raises $200M fund to back early-stage crypto startups

    The investors behind virtual hack.summit(), the world’s largest blockchain programmer event, have launched a $200 million crypto seed fund under the Hack VC umbrella, fund partner Alex Pack bitcoin investment sites hack TechCrunch in an interview.

    Ed Roman, formerly a solo GP, invested in early-stage tech and crypto companies for over 10 years through Hack VC before partnering with Pack, who previously co-founded global crypto fund Dragonfly Capital and led Bain Capital Ventures’ foray into digital assets. Pack and Roman have each invested in several early-stage crypto companies prior to launching this fund, including DeFi platforms Compound Finance and Terra, Pack said.

    Hack VC wrapped up fundraising last fall and has been quite active since — the fund has made “at least” 15 investments worth tens of millions of dollars to date, according to Pack. Its recent investments span a variety of areas within crypto — from NFT emoji startup Yat, to DeFi lending platform Goldfinch Finance, to metaverse gaming company SynCity.

    Hack’s thesis is centered around investing in what Pack describes as the “scaffolding” for a digital rights system for the whole internet, with a particular emphasis on emerging markets.

    “The easiest use case of a digital-native property rights system is a digital-native store of value, like Bitcoin, but honestly, that’s not very interesting to me, like building a digital gold or whatever. I think it has its place, but to me, building this property rights system that allows anyone bitcoin investment sites hack the world to participate in the open financial system is really big,” Pack said.

    The Hack VC team is comprised of around 10 people, about half of whom work within its dedicated in-house Crypto Lab, which Pack sees as a source of the venture firm’s competitive advantage. Crypto networks are user-owned, so it is important for investors in crypto companies to be early users of new protocols, Pack said.

    “We’ve got to stay on the cutting edge. We have to be more than capital. More than just a random trad [traditional] VC, bitcoin investment sites hack, we have to actually be using these protocols,” Pack said.

    Hack VC’s Crypto Lab, headed by a former senior trader at quant hedge fund Jane Street, employs engineers and quantitative researchers to that end. Its team engages in staking to secure networks and is “one of the most active participants” in the DeFi ecosystem through market-making, governance support and liquidity provisioning on various protocols, Pack said.

    Hack VC partner Alex Pack

    Hack VC partner Alex Pack. Image Credits: Courtesy of Hack VC

    The lab has also helped Hack source deals through analysis of on-chain data, he added.

    Hack Bitcoin investment sites hack raised capital for the seed fund from LPs including Sequoia Capital, Fidelity and a16z’s Marc Andreessen and Chris Dixon, alongside other institutional investors. A few of these LPs are active crypto investors themselves, including Sequoia, which last week raised a ~$500 million fund to invest in tokens. Firms like Sequoia and a16z investing in other crypto funds while also managing their own funds in the same sector is a relatively common phenomenon in the crypto world, although these firms are theoretically competing for the same sorts of deals.

    Pack said this overlap is a relic of the early days when investing in crypto startups was “the opposite of competitive.”

    “Back in the day, we all backed each other’s funds … Now, it’s getting a little bit more competitive. It used to be that we had to send each other deals, otherwise, our companies would go bankrupt. But now, we’re still friends,” Pack said.

    Today, Hack VC has “great coinvestor relationships” with other venture firms in the space, partially due to Pack’s involvement in providing seed funding to over a dozen crypto funds, including Multicoin, Polychain, Paradigm, Standard and Parafi, he said.

    Still, he believes Hack VC brings unique value to the ecosystem in backing deep-tech, edgy, early-stage crypto companies. Hack VC does, however, consider income earning potential versus consumptive values with some of its LPs in other areas — it recently invested in a metaverse startup alongside Twitch founder Justin Kan, leveraging Kan’s deep knowledge of gaming, he added.

    Pack attributes the support Hack VC earned from other crypto venture investors to its unique community of developers built through hack.summit.

    “We spent years building one of the biggest blockchain programming communities in crypto, and that’s very unusual. It’s hard for bitcoin investment sites hack traditional VC firm to build [that] because of structural reasons,” Pack said.

    “This is why I left Bain Capital Ventures back in the day — if you’re a lean team … you can’t just add a whole massive community arm, you can’t just add a 10-plus person engineering or quant trading team.”

    Источник: []

    Binance is one of the world’s biggest cryptocurrency exchanges. As of Tuesday, it’s now also the scene of a major cryptocurrency theft. In what the company calls a “large-scale security breach,” hackers stole not only 7,000 bitcoin—equivalent to over $40 million—but also some user two-factor authentication codes and API tokens.

    Theft has long been endemic to cryptocurrency; hackers stole more than $356 million from exchanges and infrastructure in the first three months of 2019 alone, according to a recent report from blockchain intelligence company Ciphertrace. But it’s less common to see an established exchange like Binance get hacked—and for the attackers to get so much other information along the way.

    The Hack

    Binance has been fairly forthcoming about the hack, detailing its impact in a blog post from Binance CEO Zhao Changpeng. “The hackers used a variety of techniques, including phishing, bitcoin investment sites hack, viruses and other attacks,” wrote Zhao. “The hackers had the patience to wait, and execute well-orchestrated actions through multiple bitcoin investment sites hack independent accounts at the most opportune time. The transaction is structured in a way that passed our existing security checks.”

    It appears that hackers were able to compromise several high-net-worth accounts, whose bitcoin was kept in Binance’s so-called hot wallet—which, unlike cold wallets, are connected to the internet—and filch those funds in a single transaction.

    Zhao says the company will conduct a security review of all its systems and data, which he expects to take about a week. In a surprising move, Bitcoin investing canada table will continue to allow trading during that time—even though hackers may still control some high-net-worth accounts—though it will disable deposits and withdrawals until it’s sure the hackers are accounted for.

    “Binance knows that they lost user credentials, that their users' 2FA got compromised, they do not know the exact extent of the attack, yet they keep trading going,” says Emin Gün Sirer, a computer scientist and codirector of Cornell University’s Initiative for Cryptocurrencies and Contracts. “This is a huge risk. Anyone how much bitcoin for 200 take highly risky positions, and if the trades turn sour, they can claim that it wasn't them, they were compromised by the hack.”

    Who’s Affected?

    Good question! Binance itself isn’t clear on the scope of the breach. The bad news is, if your bitcoin was in Binance’s hot wallet, it now belongs to bad guys. The good news is that $40 million comprises only 2 percent of Binance’s overall bitcoin holdings. The even better news is that the company will cover the losses out of its Secure Asset Fund for Users.

    Binance traders generally will also be affected, both because they won’t be able to deposit or withdraw their digital money and because, as Sirer notes, bitcoin investment sites hack, the uncertainty of who exactly is participating in those markets could lead to some mayhem. “Hackers may still control certain user accounts and may use those to influence prices in the meantime,” writes Zhao. “We will monitor the situation closely. But we believe with withdrawals disabled, there isn’t much incentive for hackers to influence markets.”

    The more interesting question might be who could have been affected, not by the hack itself but by Binance’s reaction. The company apparently considered doing a rollback on the bitcoin network, to bitcoin investment sites hack the offending transaction. They ultimately decided against it, but even the specter has implications.

    “It takes only a handful of miners who will go along with a reorg. And perhaps they wouldn't do it for $40 million, but there is a price at which they would do it,” says Sirer. “If it were to happen, bitcoin investment sites hack, it would undermine confidence in BTC, whose main claim to fame has always been security and immutability.”

    At the very least, all Binance users need to update their API keys and two-factor authentication immediately.

    How Serious Is This?

    On the face of it, maybe not so bad. Forty million is a plenty big number, but it’s only a small percentage of Binance funds, bitcoin investment sites hack, and users will apparently get their money back.

    But the fact that Binance can afford to take a mulligan doesn’t excuse what appears to be a devastatingly thorough hack. And it’s unclear whether the compromise of two-factor codes and API keys will have broader implications. Most bitcoin investment sites hack all, it’s the latest reminder that, for all the promise of cryptocurrency, bitcoin investment sites hack, it remains a Wild West for investors. If the price fluctuations don’t get you, a hacker, a fraud, or a scam is always just around the corner.

    Additional reporting by Lily Hay Newman.

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