Best blog topics that make money

best blog topics that make money

Ever wondered how to start a blog and make enough money blogging to quit your job? You can swap out your theme any time, so choose something that's good. › Blogging. 8 Popular Blogs Driving Traffic and Making Money · 1 Sewing · 2 Parenting Blog · 3 Health · 4 Lifestyle · 5 Frugal Living · 6 Home Decor · 7 Newborn.

Best blog topics that make money - not

Most Profitable Blog Niches (2022): 8 High-Paying Blog Niches to Try

Many bloggers start with aspirations of growing their blog into a business. If this sounds like you, welcome to the club!

Making money with a blog is an incredible feeling. It’s a sign that your digital labors and hours behind the laptop screen are coming to fruition.

However, one of the most important choices you make when starting out is your blogging niche. Additionally, if money is your goal, you want to pick a blog niche that has enough money on the table to be worth your time.

Why Picking a Blog Niche Matters

There are several advantages to picking a niche rather than being a lifestyle blogger. Picking a blog niche lets you:

  • Narrow Your Focus: Growing a business is hard, especially if you don’t have a target audience or theme.
  • Become An Expert: The more you write in a space, the more authoritative you become in the eyes of readers and Google (provided the content is valuable).
  • Face Less Competition: Multi-niche bloggers compete in every niche they cover, whereas you only worry about immediate competition as a single-niche writer.

However, it’s still a balancing act between narrowing your focus and having enough of an audience to make money, so keep this in mind.

Related: How to Choose a Blog Niche — 6 Critical Questions and 60 Niche Ideas

The Most Profitable Blog Niches (2022)

If you want to choose a blog niche that makes money, this tried and true list of ideas is an excellent place to begin brainstorming.

1. Personal Finance

When it comes to blog niches that make money, it’s no surprise that writing about money makes the list.

People don’t always talk about money, but they certainly read about it, so the personal finance niche gets attention year-round.

With recent events, topics like investing or budgeting have become even more pertinent as people figure out what to do with their stimulus checks or a recent job loss.

Plus, personal finance blogs have access to incredibly lucrative affiliate offers; things like credit cards, online banks, insurance plans, and mortgage lenders are examples that generally pay $100 or more per conversion. And they are services that just about everyone needs at some point.

In a blogging income survey from, the personal finance niche dominated the affiliate income space:

Additionally, advertising rates in finance are typically high, so it’s the perfect income-combo between display ads and affiliate offers.

Pros: High-paying affiliate offers; always trending.

Cons: Incredibly competitive for SEO.

Blog Micro Niche Ideas: Frugality, side hustles, making money online, financial independence.

2. Education

Another profitable blog niche is education. This includes online-only education websites, college advice blogs, and even homeschooling blogs.

Education is a profitable niche for one primary reason: obtaining an education is generally very expensive.

Therefore, advertises and affiliate offers within the education space as immensely lucrative. I’m talking about $100-$200+ cost-per-acquisitions (CPAs) for things like refinancing student loans, opening student bank accounts, or choosing an online school.

Plus, you still have options if you’re less interested in finance. Some education bloggers sell printables to fellow teachers or to students to help them organize their semester. If you cover college advice, it’s also easy to sprinkle in Amazon affiliate links for products you recommend.

Pros: High-paying affiliate offers.

Cons: Slightly seasonal based on when semesters start.

Blog Micro Niche Ideas: Surviving college; online college reviews; homeschooling tips for parents.

3. Food

Chances are, you’ve visited plenty of food blogs in your life. This blog niche is perhaps one of the most saturated niches out there. But it’s also a profitable blogging niche because of how creative you can get with monetization.

Many of the highest-earning food bloggers make money with multiple income streams, including:

  • Display ads
  • Affiliate links (for ingredients, appliances, food subscription services)
  • Sponsored posts
  • Selling printables and eBooks

Sponsored posts are a particularly profitable aspect of this niche. Large food publications get offers from brands to use their products in recipes all the time, and these agreements can easily reach thousands of dollars if you have a large audience.

One downside for this blogging niche is how saturated it is. To make it as a food blogger, you probably need to rely on some heavy Pinterest promotion and Tailwind usage to get through the noise.

Pros: Sponsored post opportunities; does well on social media.

Cons: Saturated space; usually requires significant social media marketing.

Blog Micro Niche Ideas: Keto diet; gluten-free baking; reproducing restaurant meals at home.

Related: Tailwind Review — Features, Pricing, Pros and Cons

4. Business & Marketing

Another profitable blog niche is the business and marketing space.

Granted, this niche is generally narrowed down into micro niches like:

  • Online businesses
  • Affiliate marketing
  • SEO and marketing best-practices
  • Entrepreneurship

However, two things these micro niches have in common are high-paying display ads and lucrative affiliate offers.

Like personal finance, business advertisers are willing to pay a premium for advertising on the right blog. This is because things like SaaS contracts or B2B products can easily cost thousands of dollars per year, so the payout is worth it.

Factor in high-paying affiliate offers and suddenly, even a small business and marketing based blog can earn a handsome sum.

Pros: High-paying affiliate programs.

Cons: Incredibly competitive for SEO; can be quite narrow in scope.

Blog Micro Niche Ideas: SEO software; email marketing.

Check out my free training “How to create a blog that gets attention, even in an oversaturated niche”

Click here to register.

5. Travel

With Covid-19, the travel niche got absolutely decimated.

Traffic and advertising rates plummeted. Travel affiliate programs also shut their doors. All-in-all, it’s been a brutal time to own a travel blog.

However, travel is a historically profitable blog niche. Furthermore, as the world begins to open up in the future, travel will resume. In fact, there’s already been an increase in domestic travel, so people are packing their bags once again.

As a travel blogger, this is excellent news. There are plenty of monetization options in this niche as well, including:

  • Display advertisements
  • Affiliate programs for hotels, travel gear, airlines, excursions, and travel insurance
  • Travel credit card affiliate programs
  • Writing sponsored posts
  • Branching into YouTube and vlogging

It’s hard to pinpoint when this niche will fully recover. However, there’s no denying that this profitable blogging niche is here to stay.

Pros: Does well on social media; can let you make money while traveling.

Cons: Slightly lower advertising rates; still recovering.

Best Blog Micro Niche Ideas: Local travel guide; digital nomadism; frugal travel.

6. Parenting

While this blogging niche can cross over into a lifestyle blog where you provide a glimpse of your daily life, the parenting space has always been a popular blog topic.

This popularity makes sense. Parenting books are always in demand, and parenting blogs that help others manage the hectic, wonderful responsibility of being a parent do extremely well.

There’s also room to get creative here. Here’s a few micro niche blog ideas for the parenting niche to mull over:

  • Stay-at-home work opportunities
  • Pregnancy
  • A guide for new parents
  • Healthy cooking for families
  • Traveling with kids

Again, the central theme is parenting, but what aspect of parenting you write about is up to you.

As for monetization, there’s the regular mix of display ads, affiliate offers, sponsored posts, and selling your own products. However, parents are willing to spend on products or services that improve their family’s life. If you promote affiliate offers you personally use and benefit from, your affiliate revenue can grow very quickly.

Pros: Incredibly flexible; readers are naturally more invested in the subject matter.

Cons: You generally have to be a parent to have authority in this niche, so it’s not easy for non-parent bloggers to get into.

Blog Micro Niche Ideas: See above list.

Related: Why Your Lifestyle Blog isn't Working (and How to Fix it)

7. DIY Blogs

While this is a broad profitable blogging niche, DIY bloggers also have an incredible number of monetization options at their disposal.

The nature of a DIY blog is instructional; you’re usually teaching people how to solve a specific problem or to create something on their own without having to pay full-price at the store.

This lends itself well to:

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Selling instruction booklets or printables
  • Branching out to other mediums, like starting a YouTube channel or selling on Etsy alongside your blog

Plus, DIY content typically does well on platforms like Pinterest, which can help you get more blog traffic.

Advertising rates for DIY content aren’t as high as niches like personal finance or business. But, it’s likely easier to convert readers into affiliate sales if they’re following instructional content than convincing a reader to sign up for a new credit card offer or something that involves more decision making.

Pros: Does well on social media; easy to branch out on Etsy or YouTube.

Cons: Slightly lower display advertising rates on average than niches like finance.

Blog Micro Niche Ideas: Woodworking; student crafts; vintage revivals.

8. Health and Wellness

Alright, time to talk about a profitable blog niche that’s also one of the most contentious.

The health and wellness space has been a goldmine for bloggers since the internet started. People are always searching for fitness advice, new recipes, or general wellness tips that can help them lead a better life. However, along the way, this niche has been plagued by fad diets, fake supplements, and a range of shady behavior.

Unsurprisingly, Google finally took note of this in 2019. After a massive algorithm update, Google determined that sites that talk about your money or your life (“YMYL blogs”) need to have expertise, authority, and trust to rank well.

In short, for this to be a profitable blog niche, you need to know your stuff and have the credentials to back it up. But, if you’re a doctor, certified dietitian, licensed fitness coach, or have an incredible personal story that relates to the niche, this requirement shouldn’t be a problem.

I wouldn’t get into this niche if you don’t know much about health and wellness. However, there are plenty of affiliate programs and ways to make money as a health and wellness blogger. Plus, online coaching is one monetization idea that does incredibly well for this niche. 

Pros: Lends itself well to coaching and affiliate marketing.

Cons: Ranking well on Google usually requires expertise and credentials.

Blog Micro Niche Ideas: Running; managing specific health conditions; staying fit as a working professional.

The #1 Factor for Picking a Profitable Blog Niche

One final piece of advice I want to give for picking a profitable blog niche is to always stick with what you know and care about.

The internet has millions of blogs, and more get added every day. The only way to stand out from the crowd is to write the best content out thereand give readers a reason to follow you.

Besides, wouldn’t you rather pick a niche you’re an expert in and love and make slightly less money than struggle to write in a niche you don’t care about?


This list of the most profitable blog niches is really scratching the surface of your options.

The truth is you should write about what you’re more knowledgeable and passionate about. As long as the audience isn’t too narrow, you can develop your blogging voice and audience over time and turn almost any blog niche into a profitable one.

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Many niches are up with profitable blog ideas might be difficult.

If you want to monetize your blog and profit from your efforts, choose a niche before you begin.

You boost your chances of establishing a good following and having monetization options by developing material based on trending niches, selecting the most profitable blog themes, and avoiding broad topic matter.

You should consider these if you want to blog for a living.

Before diving deep to explore the most profitable blog niches, first, we'll understand what a blog is and what blog topics to choose in 2022.

This post will look at what niches are what are the best blog topics to make money.

Then we'll go through ten of the best blog niches to pick from, ranging from the most popular to the most profitable.

Let's get started!

What Is A Blog?

A blog is where people publish their thoughts, feelings, or opinions online.

They virtually manage this website on their own and are in charge of social media marketing, monetization, public relations, and editing, among other things.

Blogs can be hosted on various platforms, including WordPress, Squarespace,Wix, and Showit, the newest child on the block.

While it can be expensive, other free blogging platforms are available until you commit to your site and spend money on it fully.

You won't make money from your website until you start putting money into it.

What Are The Most Profitable Blog Topics?

While it is true that you can blog about anything, not all topics are equal in terms of earning potential.

As a result, if your goal is to make money, you'll need an issue that can help you do it.

It's critical to remember that the most profitableblogging topics for beginners are always changing.

As a result, you may be able to come up with new blog niche ideas, but this list should last for years.

1. Health and Fitness

10 Best Blog Topics To Make Money in 2022

One of the best blog topics to make money, Health and fitness are enormous topics, and if you blog about one of them, you'll undoubtedly find an audience.

It is listed as one of the most high-demand blog topics. Because it is a lucrative area, many blogs will be vying for your attention.

The simplest strategy to develop your voice is to focus on your general interests.

Since the dawn of the internet, the health and wellness niche has been a gold mine for bloggers.

People are constantly looking for exercise advice, new recipes, and general wellness suggestions to help them live a healthier lifestyle.

However, fad diets, bogus supplements, and other dubious practices have plagued this sector along the way.

2. Fashion

Everyone wants for the next big thing in fashion, and as a fashion blogger, you could be the one to point them in the right direction.

There are several ways to run a fashion blog.

A method to go about it is to flaunt your unique blog ideas and style to make a reputation for yourself in the fashion world.

The other strategy is to cover a wide range of fashion styles and make each one work.

Fashion is a popular topic, and you may make a lot of money blogging about it.

Many fashion blogs are photo-heavy and feature the blogger. This form of fashion blogging is probably not for you if you wish to remain anonymous or dislike being photographed.

Instead, consider blogging about certain fashion trends or sharing fashion-related news.

There are also good sponsorship opportunities since you're constantly working with branded products to study trending, niche blog topics.

You may easily spread your brand to other platforms, such as Instagram and YouTube, to generate more revenue streams and accelerate your profit margins.

3. Lifestyle

10 Best Blog Topics To Make Money in 2022 (2)

It is another best blog topic to make money in 2022.

Lifestyle writing entails covering a wide range of themes linked by the fact that they appeal to the same audience.

You could, for example, write about food, fashion, and motherhood on a lifestyle blog.

You're writing for ladies in their 30s and 40s who want to eat properly and look good while parenting young children.

Alternatively, you may start a single women's lifestyle blog that focuses on travel, beauty, and hair.

You might alsowrite a blog about style, exercise, and music for males aged 20 to 40.

It's up to you what topics you cover, but make sure your blog has a distinct identity to give it focus and direction.

You can create a blog that chronicles your life. However, it must have some form of connection to trending genres and a general topic that is enjoyable, relatable, and useful.

For example, mother blogs, family trip blogs, or even urban living blogs.

The aim is to detail how you conduct your life, which may frequently lead to lucrative ventures because you can demonstrate useful tips for people to use in their own lives.

This niche blog concept has spawned a whole business, with several prospects for sponsorships and other forms of monetization.

4. Social Media

Although social media is widely used, not everyone understands how to use it.

However, the big challenge isn't just how to utilize social media; it's how to use it effectively.

Setting up an account and publishing for the first time can be a little tricky, but it's not impossible.

The difficult aspect is gaining the attention your writings deserve from a huge readership.

With a blog centered on social networking, there are many possibilities for development, content, and, most importantly, profit.

Blogging has become very trending in recent years that there is now a substantial blog niche dedicated to helping novices break into the industry.

In 2020, more than 31 million bloggers will be in the United States.

It can range from blogging and freelance writing to working as a virtual assistant or launching your own internet company.

In recent years, bloggers and influencers have become more significant in the world of digital marketing.

In 2021, the global influencer marketing industry was anticipated to reach $13.8 billion.

5. DIY

10 Best Blog Topics To Make Money in 2022 (3)

Over the years, do-it-yourself (DIY) manuals and projects have grown popular.

These inventive crafts can be utilized for various purposes, including saving money, spending time with family, and simply having fun.

The DIY market continues to develop year after year and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

When it comes to DIY, you will find a lot of themes and projects to blog about, as you could expect.

It is listed as one of the most effective blogging niches for utilizing affiliate links.

Linking to materials readers will need to finish a project is logical to create an extra revenue stream for the blog.

If you're a maker with a talent for making things, a DIY/craft blog might be a terrific opportunity to share your skills while also earning money.

You can use the extra time and money to work on ideas you wouldn't have had time or money for previously or enjoy the flexibility to do other things you want.

6. Travel

Travel is the final niche on our list. Again, it's a tremendously popular niche among bloggers and readers, and you may use various techniques to create a successful site.

Blogging about your travels could earn you money through affiliate connections to hotels, suggested travel purchases, and other methods.

It may even allow you to take advantage of free getaways. Of course, great photos are a vital component of your vacation blog.

People will want to see photographs even if you're only blogging about local sites.

The amount of traffic and advertising on the site decreased dramatically. Affiliate programs for travel have also closed their doors.

Overall, it's been a challenging time to run a travel blog.

On the other hand, travel has proven to be a profitable blog specialty in the past.

Travel will also return when the world begins to open up in the future. Indeed, there has been an upsurge in domestic travel, so individuals pack their bags once again.

7. Parenting

10 Best Blog Topics To Make Money in 2022 (4)

While this blogging niche can be expanded to include a lifestyle blog where you share a glimpse of your daily life, the parenting niche has always been a popular one.

Parenting is a lucrative topic and a popular blog that new bloggers can start. Hundreds of thousands of things are available just for parents.

For moms, parenting is the bestblog topic to make money. Moms are found throughout the world. Thus, this is a universal specialty.

This popularity is understandable.

Parenting books and parenting websites that assist people in managing the busy, joyful responsibilities of being a parent are in high demand.

8. Personal Development

In recent years, self-care has become a fashionable trend.

People have grown more aware of their mental health due to these extraordinary times, which has resulted in a surge in interest in personal development and wellness.

Despite this, 80 percent of Americans desire to exercise self-care even after the pandemic.

Furthermore, according to a recent Google survey, individuals are always searching for wellness-related keywords, and personal development is no longer a "New Year's fad."

You can also pursue working in the self-care business if you're a qualified psychologist, wellness coach, or counselor.

Morning routines, stress management, mindfulness practices, and journaling are just a few of the things you can write about.

9. Technology

If you're one of those who can't stop yourself from watching every review, you can find and read about all of the features and functionalities on various tech sites when a new tech item is introduced.

Technology blogs allow you to get the information and reviews on the latest tech gear and can help readers make purchasing decisions to earn a lot of money through affiliate commissions.

People are usually "warm" when they're looking for a review on a specific product.

So, if they make a click on your article and it's an authentic review with positives and negatives, they may click on your link and make a buy if the cons aren't a deal-breaker for them.

10. Personal Finance and Advising

10 Best Blog Topics To Make Money in 2022 (4)

According to the same statistics, investing and stock-related app searches have also increased significantly.

People are constantly on the lookout for improved ways to manage their finances.

According to Google data, mobile searches for financial planning and management have surged by more than 70% in the last two years.

Personal finance, as a result, can be the best blog topic to make money.

As a financial advisor, you can assist people in properly managing their money, whether by saving for retirement or making the right investments.

On the other hand, if you're advising on how to save money and spend wisely, you might be wondering how you might entice people to shop on your site.

The key is to sell something that will allow them to earn more money over time.


Developing a niche new blog idea can assist you in being focused and relevant to your followers.

Professional bloggers, on the other hand, desire to make money blogging.

Going into one of the more popular and profitable niches could make it easier to make a living, so we propose thinking about these popular blog ideas and building your brand with niche blog themes daily while writing.

The above list of the best blog topics to make money only scratches the surface of what's available to you.

The truth is that you should write on topics about which you are more knowledgeable and enthusiastic.

You may grow your blogging voice and audience over time and turn practically any blog niche into a profitable one as long as the audience isn't too limited.

Let me know in the comments section if you have any questions left that aren't covered in this post.

And if you find this post helpful then share it now on your social media!

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10 Types of Blogs That Make Money (With Examples)

types of blogs that make money

W ant to know the most popular types of blogs that make money? 

While starting a blog is a great way to make money online, most beginners don’t know what type of blog to create. Many of you have probably wondered, what are the most popular types of blogs? 

If this is you, then you’re in the right place! We’ve listed the 10 types of blogs that make the most money. And we’ve added examples to each type of blog. 

Sound good? Great!

Let’s get to it. 

10 Top Money Making Blogs 

Below you’ll find the 10 most popular types of blogs. Each of these types of blogs can be monetized. So hopefully, this list will inspire you to create your own money-making blogging strategy. 

1. Finance Blog 

Are you a pro at handling money? Then a finance blog might be a great choice for you. 

Finance blogs give actionable advice to any online user. Whether it’s a college student, young adult, or parent, everyone could gain more knowledge about their finances. 

 Let’s take a look at a popular finance blog, Get Rich Slowly. 

finance type of blog get rich slowly

Get Rich Slowly helps their readers pay off their debt and grow their money. They also cover other finance topics, like investing and your money mindset. 

As we mentioned before, finance reaches out to all different types of people, so there’s an infinite amount of finance topics to cover. This means you won’t get stuck on thinking of new blog posts in the long-run. 

Plus, there’s a ton of different finance blog niches to choose from. Some of these blog niches include: 

  • Frugal spending
  • Early-retirement
  • Passive-income
  • Side-hustles
  • Investing

This is why finance is one of the best types of blogs that make money. It’s useful for everyone, and you have an infinite amount of topics to cover. 

2. Fashion Blog 

Have you ever dreamed of starting your own clothing line? Start a fashion blog! 

A fashion blog is a great way to express your unique sense of style through photos, clothing, and beauty products. 

But wait… fashion blogs make money? 

Of course! There are many ways to monetize a fashion blog. You can sell products, add affiliate links, and become an influencer on Instagram. 

One of the most popular fashion blogs out there is We Wore What. 

we wore what fashion blog

Danielle Bernstein started We Wore What to photograph her outfits across New York City. Now she sells her own swimwear and overalls. Plus, she has over 2 million followers on Instagram. 

With that said, we suggest using Instagram along with your fashion blog. It’s another way to showcase your photos to your audience. You might want to check out our guide on using Instagram as a blogger. 

Some fashion blog niches you can write about are: 

  • DIY fashion
  • Affordable fashion
  • Fashion reviews
  • Fashion for a particular event (ie. Weddings)
  • Eco-friendly fashion

If you’re ready to get started, then check out our complete guide on how to start a fashion blog. 

3. Travel Blog 

When most people think about traveling, they imagine the Eiffel Tower, Patagonia, or Cancun. But what about the logistics, like planning and budgeting? Wouldn’t it be nice if someone could plan it all for you? 

With a travel blog, there is! Travel blogs are an invaluable resource to help anyone plan the trip of their dreams. They teach readers how to plan a trip, what destinations to visit, and how to budget wisely. 

travel blogs are a popular type of blog that makes money

Will Hatton, the owner of The Broke Backpacker, helps his reader’s travel on a tight budget. And by a tight budget, we mean less than 10 dollars a day! 

So how do travel blogs make money? 

Affiliate links are a popular way to monetize a travel blog. The Broke Backpacker, for example, uses affiliate links to promote travel gear. 

You could also sell your own services, like Will. Along with his travel guides, he helps his readers work as they travel. 

And even if you don’t travel internationally, you can still start a travel blog! Some other travel blog niches you can write about are: 

  • Traveling in your country
  • Road trips
  • Camping
  • Traveling on a budget
  • How to travel and work at the same time

4. Marketing Blog

One of the best types of blogs that make money is a marketing blog. 

A marketing blog helps readers learn and monetize online marketing skills to start a business. A lot of marketing blogs cover blogging, email marketing, eCommerce marketing, and SEO. 

We consider Blog Tyrant as a marketing blog! Our website is full of marketing resources for bloggers and small businesses. 

Another example of a marketing blog is WPBeginner. 

WPBeginner of one of the most popular types blogs that make money. This is an example of a marketing blog.

WPBeginner is the most popular blog for anything WordPress-related. They help their readers build and monetize their WordPress site for blogging and eCommerce shops. 

Marketing blogs are useful for anyone who wants to make money online. And it’s a great way to become an authoritative source. 

With that said, there are so many marketing strategies out there. So we suggest narrowing down a specific niche. This is the best way to get more traffic and gain authority. 

Look at WPBeginner. They narrowed their niche to WordPress, and now they’re the most popular resource for WordPress. 

Other marketing blog niches you can write about are: 

  • Small business marketing
  • Marketing yourself as a [insert profession here]
  • Business news and trends
  • How to build an online business in [insert profession here]
  • Digital marketing strategies (SEO, email marketing, website analytics)

5. Health and Fitness Blog

Are you into living a healthy lifestyle? Then a health and fitness blog might be for you. 

A health and fitness blog is great because everyone can relate to it. Whether it’s nutrition, exercise, or mental health, there’s something for everyone in this blog topic. 

Let’s take a look at Born Fitness. 

health and fitness type of blog

Born Fitness debunks myths and answers questions about nutrition and exercise. And they monetize their blog with health coaching. 

You can also make health and fitness blogs profitable with an online course, affiliate links, and selling your own products.

But as health impacts our daily lives, make sure to build trust with your readers. The last thing a person wants is inaccurate information about a health concern. 

With that, offer educational content, like videos, podcasts, and email newsletters to connect with your audience. 

Some other health and fitness blog niches are: 

  • Body empowerment
  • Eating healthy on a budget
  • Nutrition and exercise for children
  • Niche workout blog (Yoga, running, weight lifting)
  • Mindfulness

6. Mom Blog 

Also known as a parenting blog, a mom blog is all about raising your children and other family life topics. 

So how did mom blogs become popular? 

First, there are so many parents out there who share have the same questions about raising children. So it’s a great way to share your own stories and advice. 

And second, these parents realized that they can make money blogging AND stay at home with their kiddos. 

In fact, mom blogs are so popular that there are now mom blogs that help other moms create their own mom blog! 

We’ll check out Lucie’s List as our mom blog example. 

a mom blog example

Lucie’s List helps women transition into motherhood. They monetize their blog with affiliate links for baby and children’s products. 

But mom blogs don’t stop at how to raise children. With so many family dynamics in the world, there’s a ton of blog niches you can write about parenting. Some examples are: 

  • Working and parenting
  • Traveling with children
  • Homeschooling children
  • Affordable parenting
  • Raising teenagers

7. Food Blog 

Are you a foodie? Then a food blog is right up your alley. 

Food blogs are like recipe books—you get to teach readers how to make tasty dishes. And you get to take nice photos. 

A Sassy Spoon is a great example of a food blog. 

example of a food blog that makes money

A Sassy Spoon organizes their blog by recipe, diet, time-limits, and meal. So her site is easy to navigate for any type of reader. 

So now you might be wondering how much money a food blog makes. 

Jamie, the founder of Sassy Spoon, made over 100k from her food blog in 2019! This was all thanks to ads, affiliate marketing, and business coaching. We’ll talk about how to monetize your blog a little more later in the post. 

Some other types of food blogs you can create are: 

  • Restaurant reviews
  • Homemade recipes
  • Eating and traveling
  • Affordable eating
  • DIY drinks

Make sure to check out our guide on how to start a food blog for step-by-step instructions. 

8. Lifestyle Blog 

So far, the types of blogs that make money have been about one specific topic. But a lifestyle blog is a little different. 

Lifestyle bloggers write about a bunch of topics, like personal experience, culture, and relationships. 

A lifestyle blog attracts readers who want to read something similar to a magazine. They like stories, advice columns, and product recommendations. 

example of a lifestyle blog that makes money

Advice From a Twenty Something is a lifestyle blog for the average 20-year-old. They write about anything a 20-year-old wants to know about. Dating, fashion, and fitness are a few examples. 

This blog makes money from affiliate links. They also get traffic from allowing other users to submit blog posts to their site. This is also known as guest posting. 

If you have a bunch of blogging ideas, then a lifestyle blog might be a good place to start. As you blog, you’ll learn more about what you like to write about and who your ideal reader is.

Some topics people lifestyle blog about are: 

  • Dating and relationships
  • Self-improvement
  • Productivity
  • Learning a [insert hobby here]
  • Music

Don’t feel like you have to write about the above blog niches. The beauty of a lifestyle blog is that you can write about anything you want! 

Just make sure other people are interested in your blog content. In other words, make your lifestyle blog relatable. 

9. DIY Blog  

Do you have a knack for crafts? Then why not create a DIY blog! 

DIY stands for “Do it yourself.” So a DIY blog shows readers how to make crafts, clothing, home decor…the possibilities are quite endless. 

P.S I Made This, is one of the most popular DIY blogs out there. 

DIY blog example

P.S I Made This shows their readers how to craft all types of things. Some examples are clothing, beauty products, and home decor. 

Many DIY blogs use social media, like Pinterest and Instagram to showcase their products. You could even use YouTube and post videos of how you create your crafts! 

Some other DIY blog ideas you can use are: 

  • Arts and crafts
  • Home renovations
  • Gifts
  • Beauty products
  • DIY for teachers

10. Pet Blog 

Let’s face it—we’re obsessed with our pets. We love to play with them, cuddle with them, and write about them! 

A pets blog is great for anyone looking for DIY pet treats, training tips, and activities. 

So if you own a bunch of animals or know a lot about a specific breed, then a pet blog might be for you. 

types of blogs that make money - pet blog example

PuppyLeaks is a pet blog for dog owners. They have articles on puppy training, treats, and games. 

So are pet blogs profitable? 

Yes! The best way to monetize a pet blog is to add affiliate links to your favorite pet toys and pet care products. 

It’s also easy to think of a pet blog niche. For example, if you own a Labrador Retriever, then you can create a blog all about this dog breed. 

But if you get stuck, you always write about: 

  • Your pet breed
  • Pet adoption
  • Farm animals
  • Reptiles
  • Exotic animals

How Do Beginner Blogs Make Money? 

Now that you know the types of blogs that make money, you might be wondering how they become popular. What blogging strategies should you implement for success? 

The most popular blogs have the following 5 strategies in common with one another. 

1. Valuable Content 

Any blog that makes money knows how to bring value to the reader. Valuable content has the following 3 characteristics. 

Focused on the reader

Don’t write content just because it’s about your niche. Instead, you should write content for your reader. What do they want to learn more about? How will you help them take action? 

You can use tools like keyword research to see if your blog post topics are searched by your audience. You should also look up your blog topics on Google to see what type of blog posts are written about them. 

Easy to read

Think back to the last time you read an article that looked like this: 

An example of an unoptimized blog post.

It was probably difficult to read, right? 

Blog posts are much more user-friendly than textbooks. You should avoid large paragraphs or complicated vocabulary. This might scare your reader to another blog. 

Instead, write short paragraphs, use easy vocab, and add helpful images to your content. You can check out our guide, how to write a good blog post for more tips. 

Optimized for search

Your blog posts might be full of good info, but if it doesn’t rank on search then nobody will see it. This is bad news if you want to monetize your blog. But luckily it isn’t hard to optimize for search. 

To get started, you’ll want good keywords, a fast website, and optimized images. Our SEO guide for beginners will help you get started. 

2. A Unique Selling Proposition 

Optinmonster found that the number of bloggers was expected to grow to 31.7 million this year. So if you want to create a profitable blog then you need to stand out from everyone else. 

You can do this with a unique selling proposition (USP). A USP is something that makes your blog different from everyone else—why should someone read your blog over another? 

A good example of a USP is the travel blog we mentioned earlier, The Broke Backpacker. Their USP is teaching readers to travel on less than $10 a day.

Most travel blogs don’t talk about traveling with this tight of a budget, so The Broke Backpacker stands out from the rest. And they target anyone who wants to travel on a low budget. 

So how do you find your own USP? 

Niche down your blog topic to something specific. So instead of creating a fitness blog for all ages, you could create a daily workout blog for college students. This topic is specific, yet reaches out to a large group of people. 

We thought of 89 blog niche ideas for you in case you get stuck. 

3. Google Adsense 

The easiest way to make a profitable blog is with Google Adsense. When you sign up for Google Adsense, your blog will display ads like below: 

An example of Google AdSense. Google Adsense is a great way for beginner blogs to make money

So anytime someone clicks on the ad, Google will charge the advertiser. And you’ll get 68% of the profit. 

It’s also easy to sign up for! All you have to do is get approved by Google and then add the code to your blog. 

So if Google Adsense is so easy to manage, then why doesn’t every beginner blogger promote their ads? 

If your blog has a ton of ads, then you might scare off new readers. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use Google Adsense. But instead, wait until you have consistent blog traffic. 

We talk about this more in our Google Adsense guide. 

4. Affiliate Marketing 

Think back to the last time you read a blog post about a product. Maybe you ended up clicking on the product link and purchasing it. 

This is called affiliate marketing. Most types of blogs that make money use this strategy. But how does it work? 

When you become an affiliate partner with an online store, you’ll promote and add a link to their products in your blog post. And if a reader clicks on that link and purchases the product, you’ll earn a commission. 

What’s great about affiliate marketing is that any blog can do it, especially if you chose one of the blog topics we mentioned earlier. 

You might want to check out our complete guide on getting started with affiliate marketing to learn more. 

5. Online Store 

Have any products or services to sell? You can always start an online store! 

The best part about running an online store is that all purchases go straight to your bank account. And you have the freedom to create a product of your own. 

You can also use organic marketing strategies like starting an email list or social media to promote your products to your readers. 

Oh, and another thing—it’s easier than ever to build an online store with WordPress! All you have to do is follow our guide on how to start an online store.  

And that’s it! 

Now you know 10 types of blogs that make money and how to get started. Try out these blog strategies and see what works for you. 

And remember, creating a profitable blog doesn’t happen overnight. But if you put in the hard work and determination, you’ll see results. 

Plus, you can always refer back to our site for the best blogging tips. If you liked this post, you might want to check out our guide on proven ways to make money online. 

And don’t forget to sign up for our email newsletter for more helpful blogging tips!


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5+ Top Best Blog Topics that Make the Most Money + Real Life Proof

In Today’s article, I will be showing you the best Blog Topics that Make the Most Money.

There are so many niches out there that coming up with profitable blog ideas might be difficult. If you intend to monetize your blog and profit from your efforts, choosing a niche before you begin is essential.

You’ve come to the right place if you’re seeking the most profitable blog subjects. Here are the best money-making blog ideas!

Wordpress, Blogging, Writing, Typing

See how To Make Money Online Internationally 

What is a Blog?

If you’re reading this, you must grasp what a blog is before diving into money-making blog ideas.

A blog, at its most basic level, is a website where someone begins to publish their thoughts, feelings, or opinions online. They virtually manage this website on their own and are in charge of social media marketing, monetization, public relations, and editing, among other things.

Blogs can be hosted on a variety of platforms, including WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, and Showit, which is the newest child on the block. While it can be expensive, there are other free blogging platforms available until you are ready to fully commit to your site and spend money on it.

You won’t be able to make money from your website until you start putting money into it. You’ll get our WordPress Beginner Blogger Course for free when you start a blog. This course will teach you how to create, design, and maintain a professional website from the ground up… even if you aren’t particularly tech-savvy


What Types Of Blogs Topics  Make The Most Money?

Wordpress, Blogging, Blogger, Editor

It’s time to address the age-old subject of what types of blogs generate revenue. Learn more about the money-making blog niches below, as well as how much some of the most successful bloggers in each field make every month.

Check out Easy Ways to Earn With Your Website

Parenting/Mom Blogs

Are you a mother or father? Then, as one of the top money-making blog ideas, you may easily create your mom or parenting blog.

This is one of the most popular money-making blog niches, thus it’s a crowded market in the blogging world. That isn’t to suggest you can’t create your parenting blog with a unique perspective or strategy that hasn’t been done before.

For example, perhaps you only work with babies or children in middle school. Whatever you decide to do, make sure it’s unique and distinct from any other mom or parenting blog out there.

Other possibilities include focusing on ways to keep youngsters occupied, kid-friendly cuisine, and how to parent teenagers. To be honest, the possibilities for a parenting or motherhood blog are limitless.

Sponsored posts, ads, and affiliate income are the most prevalent ways for bloggers in this sector to make money. A significant number of bloggers in this field also generate money by selling digital products to their readers.

Sincerely, This is one of the Blog topics that can make the most money.

Man, Reading, Touchscreen, Blog, Digital

Food and Recipe Blogs

9 Top Blog Advertising Sites and 4 Pricing Models to choose from

Food is another one of the most profitable themes, which makes sense because people are always looking for new ways to improve their cooking skills.

This is also a popular blogging niche for Pinterest marketing, but that may be a separate blog post.

Similar to mom and parenting blogs, there are a plethora of different perspectives or themes you can take with a food blog, even though this is already a popular area. You may concentrate entirely on one type of food, such as Italian, or simply on healthful meals.

I’m sure you’ve looked for a receipt and wound up on a culinary blog a few times – perhaps without even recognizing it. These types of blogs are excellent for increasing traffic and ranking in search engines.

Affiliate income, adverts, and sponsored posts are the most typical ways for people to generate money from food blogs.

It can be more difficult to create passive revenue from digital items in this sector because few people would want to buy a cookbook from you when most of your recipes are already available for free on your blog.

Notepad, Table, Decoration, Notes

Technology or Gaming Blogs

Consider launching a technology-related blog. This can be a very profitable blog niche, especially because technology is continually evolving and we want to stay on top of the latest trends.

People want to know if buying a costly piece of equipment is worthwhile, and your evaluation could be quite useful to them.

Video games are another prominent subset of the technology umbrella. This can be computer games or games for another platform, but it can bring a lot of traffic to your website, especially from gamers.

Here are 40+ Q&A Websites to Answer and Earn Money

Affiliate income is a typical way to make money with this type of blog, as it is with the other blogs on our list. Technology is also expensive, so if you can persuade someone that a product is worthwhile and they click to buy it through your link, you can profit handsomely.

Tech and video game bloggers can also monetize their sites through sponsorships and advertising. Passive income from digital products can be a little more challenging in this type of blog than it is with culinary blogs.

Adam Enfroy of Adam Enfroy made $80,000 in a month from his software review blog – there’s certainly a lot of money to be made in the IT sector.

Laptop, Workstaion, Office, Work

Travel Blogs

Another one of the money-making blog ideas is writing in the travel sector. People are always looking to travel, regardless of the season.

When you’ve traveled before, you’ve almost probably used the internet to assist plan your plans and ended up on a travel blog. As humans, we value other people’s opinions and use reviews as social evidence to determine whether certain attractions are worthwhile.

If you enjoy traveling or are a frequent traveler, this could be a good theme for you to blog about.

However, while this is one of the most profitable blog themes, you should keep in mind that there may be lulls in travel from time to time, such as in 2020.

When it comes to travel blogging, the possibilities are unlimited. Perhaps you’d like to start a location-specific blog and write exclusively about your favorite city or even your native state. These have recently been shown to be more profitable than blogs with several destinations.

You might also concentrate on a specific continent or area, or a specific mode of travel, such as sustainable travel.

Advertisements, affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and paid trip opportunities are all ways for travel bloggers to generate money.

Office, Home Office, Creative, Apple

Health and Fitness Blogs

50+ Ways to make money from apps for android phones

One of the most profitable blog niches is health and fitness. People are constantly looking for new methods to keep in shape, especially as more people begin working from home.

When it comes to this specialty, you can choose from a variety of options, such as a certain sport, a specific sort of exercise, or simply documenting your health and fitness.

Another strategy you may take to help someone manage stress and anxiety is wellness, such as yoga or meditation. For health and wellness, the possibilities are unlimited, and you’ll almost certainly never run out of blog article ideas.

Bloggers in this sector earn money from advertising and affiliate marketing, but they can also supplement their monthly revenue by selling a variety of digital items and services. When it comes to selling items or services, ebooks and private coaching are just a few options.


Work, Computer, Apple, Business, Office

Beauty and Fashion Blogs

Beauty and fashion are two blog topics that will almost certainly always be profitable. Trends in these industries are constantly changing, and the public frequently looks on bloggers to keep them up to date on the latest styles.

You can blog about fashion in several different ways. You may do things like write fashion reviews, talk about current trends, and show off different looks depending on the season.

Fashion bloggers, in particular, have grown in popularity on social media, particularly on Instagram. This can lead to a slew of sponsored post opportunities, allowing you to supplement your side hustle income.

While you should never establish a blog just to receive free things, beauty bloggers are notorious for receiving a slew of free products to feature in their posts, especially as their following grows and they achieve legendary influencer status.

Watch this video for Ways to Make More Money.


Related Resources to Blogs


Hopefully, this article has assisted you in identifying successful blog topics that make the most money ideas, and you are now ready to select a profitable niche.

Hard work and consistency are essential when it comes to blogging, so stay on top of the current trends, learn about SEO, and start monetizing as soon as possible to start making money.

Do you know anyone who is thinking about establishing a blog? Share this article with your friends and family to let them know about the profitable blog niches!

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100+ Profitable Blog Niche Ideas That Make Money in 2022

So you want to start a blog but you’re not sure what to blog about? How can you find blog niche ideas that make money and let you become a successful online entrepreneur?

Regardless of how much experience you have, choosing the perfect blog niche can be tough. You’re riddled with a myriad of questions, like:

  • What is the most profitable blog niche?
  • How can I make money with my blog?
  • How do I pick the perfect name for my blog?
  • What are the most popular blog topics in 2022?
  • What should I blog about to keep me interested?

And hey, these are all questions you should think about! Remember: every successful blogger started with nothing.

Now, if you’re just starting out with blogging, you’ve probably heard advice like:

  • You need to be passionate about your blog topic.
  • You must position yourself as an expert in a field you love.

And while these points can’t really hurt you per se, they’re not the whole truth.

Because the thing is:

There are tons of great blog niche ideas out there that allow you to make money even if you’re not too passionate about them.

When I started my first blog, I had no clue about what I was doing. But I was sure my blog niche was just about perfect. (Which it was, as I found out later!)

In fact, I know for a fact that you can make money in almost any blog niche you choose.

Sure, some niches are easier to monetize than others. But broadly speaking, any niche where you can find and solve a problem your readers are struggling with will do.

Hence, profitability is more about finding a popular blog topic rather than one you’re passionate about.

With that said, in this post I’ll share with you 100+ profitable blog topic ideas that you can make money with – starting now!

Let’s jump right in!

Here are a few related posts you may find helpful, too:

Disclosure: This page contains affiliate links, meaning I receive a commission if you decide to purchase using my links, but at no additional cost to you. Please read my disclosure for more information.

How do I find the perfect blog niche in 2022?

If you’re not quite sure what to blog about, don’t worry. I’m here to help you out!

I know you want to build a successful, profitable blog from scratch.

But you don’t want to make any wrong decisions in the beginning when you’re just setting up your blog.

Believe me, even a small mistake in the technical setup of your blog could cost you hundreds of hours of sleepless nights in the future.

If you haven’t started a blog just yet, head over to my step-by-step tutorial for starting a WordPress blog in just 15 minutes.

In the tutorial, I’ll share with you everything I learned while building my successful online blogging business from scratch. I’ll see you inside the guide!

Now, knowing that you want to start a blog is one thing. But knowing what to blog about is another.

For a detailed guide, check out my complete article on how to find the perfect blog niche and topic.

And now, my friend, let’s get down to business!

101 profitable blog niche ideas to start a blog about in 2022

If you want to monetize your blog, you need to attract targeted, high-converting traffic to your articles and other content.

Therefore, you want to start by knowing who your blog target audience is.

If you are new to blogging, you absolutely must understand what your potential readers want and need from you.

Once you do, creating valuable content for them will be much easier. Thus, you’ll make more money with less effort.

Now, to help you find a profitable blog topic more easily, I’ve grouped my ideas below into the following sub-topics:

  1. Travel (1-8)
  2. Health (6-15)
  3. Fitness and sports (16-25)
  4. Hobbies (26-45)
  5. Food (46-56)
  6. Entertainment (57-62)
  7. Gaming (63-67)
  8. Finance (68-72)
  9. Relationships (73-77)
  10. Family and home (78-87)
  11. Education and career (88-92)
  12. Social networks (93-96)
  13. Politics and society (97-100)

Alright, let’s get started!

Here are 101 great, profitable blog niche ideas that you can start a blog about and make money online:

Blog topic ideas that make money

Travel blog ideas (1–8)

1. City guide

Explore your own city and its surroundings. Recommend unusual places to visit. Great for budget traveling.

2. General travel tips

Share your tips and tricks for traveling. Getting through long flights, packing efficiently, etc.

3. Cultural differences and tips

Share what you’ve learned about the customs and proper manners in a foreign culture. This is a great niche for helping expats and travellers respect local customs.

4. Language and travel

If you like learning languages, why not create a blog about it? Help your readers learn some basic words and useful phrases for their next trip.

For even more value, create a few helpful PDF cheat sheets that your readers can print out!

5. Traveling for work

Do you work for an airline or just travel a lot for work? Use your layovers to capture the essence of each city and country. Share your stories with the world – you have a global audience waiting!

6. Local travel tips during the COVID pandemic

Depending on where you live, you may be going through at least some type of a lockdown due to the pandemic.

Most of us are responsibly staying home and avoid traveling long distances. Why not share your local travel tips for day trips with the kids, for example?

7. Travel tips for backpackers

Blogging about backpacker-friendly travel tips is an evergreen blog topic that’s popular around the world.

8. Traveling with kids

Share your top travel tips for families with kids. Remember to include tips for free stuff to do with kids, too!

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Health blog ideas (9–19)

9. Diets

This is one of the most profitable blog niches out there. There’s always a new trendy diet to focus on – you just need to start your blog asap to outdo your competition!

Health, diets, nutrition - Blog niche ideas to make money blogging

10. Safety and health with COVID-19

Pretty much the entire world is going through some very strange times right now. Why not blog about healthy lifestyle choices and daily practices during the pandemic?

Share your favorite tips for staying safe, keeping up your health, and taking care or yourself.

11. Nutrition and supplements

We all know we should eat better foods – but why is it so difficult? Help your readers achieve their goals and nourish their bodies with healthy foods!

12. Meditation

Share your experience and tips for achieving a clear state of mind with meditation. Provide beginner-level guided meditations to attract new readers and grow your reach.

13. Herbal remedies

Teach your blog target audience how they can benefit from what nature has to offer.

14. Mindfulness

Mindfulness and slowing down is a big thing in the health and wellness niche. It is a great blog topic to make money online, too. Share your tips for practising mindful living in everyday life.

15. Mental health

Help your readers find the root causes of depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

Keep your tips simple and make sure you don’t give medical advice if you’re not a certified practitioner.

16. Self-care and self-worth

We do so many things for so many other people every day. How can your readers achieve a happier life by dedicating more time to themselves instead of spending their days working for the needs of other people?

17. Confidence boosting

Help your audience with self-esteem issues. If you’ve struggled with feeling good about yourself, share your story and how you overcame the issue! How can your readers achieve a better confidence to succeed in life and become happier in general?

18. Skincare

There are plenty of skin health topics to write about. Here are just a few sub-topics to get you inspired:

  • Acne treatments
  • Anti-ageing skincare
  • Skincare tips for sensitive skin
  • Men’s skincare
  • Natural cosmetics

19. Traditional medicine

Alternative medical treatments are becoming more and more popular. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayurveda, acupuncture – the list is long!

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Fitness and sports blog ideas (20–30)

20. Yoga

This niche has incredible potential for making money by blogging. If you’re a certified yoga instructor, create a series of articles and publish them as an e-book.

21. Weight loss

Dieting and losing weight is an endless source of blog post ideas! It’s one of the most popular niches when it comes to starting a blog to make money.

22. Staying fit during lockdown

The COVID pandemic brings about a few big challenges for staying fit. Gather and share your best tips for exercising and doing sports while staying safe.

23. Crossfit training

Share your story, experience, and tips on how your readers can achieve their fitness goals with crossfit training.

24. Cycling and mountain biking

How to take care of your bike? What to pay attention when buying one? Write about the best biking trips in your region or make it into a travel blog on two wheels!

25. Running and marathons

Running is one of the most popular forms of exercising with huge global readership potential. Write about running tips and techniques, seasonal training for summer and winter, training for marathons, running equipment etc.

26. Extreme sports

Parachuting, base jumping, you name it! This blog niche is easy to turn into a travel blog if you tour the world looking for the next adrenaline rush.

27. Hiking

Write about urban hiking, day trip tips in your area, hiking challenges, or pilgrimage routes.

28. Cheerleading

This is the most interesting part of a football game to many, but it’s also a great sport!

29. Pilates

If you know pilates, why not share your tips and experience with the world?

30. Personal training

This would be the ultimate traffic magnet for your blog. If you can write about exercising tips and offer workout and meal plans, you could make yourself a big name online. Write about fitness tips for busy people!

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Blog topic ideas that make money

Hobby blog ideas (31–51)

31. Gardening

Tons of different areas to focus on: urban gardening, growing flowers, organic gardening, growing vegetables, etc.

32. Drawing

Create a series of articles where you teach your readers how they can become better at drawing.

33. Art

Share your own work or those of others. Give tips on where to go in your city for great art.

Hobbies, DIY, arts and crafts - Blog topic ideas

34. Music

Make your own music or blog about that of others. Teach your readers how to play an instrument!

35. Writing

Copywriting is a popular topic these days. Why not show your readers how they can become successful freelance writers, for instance?

36. Hobbies for kids

Being forced to spend more time at home during the COVID pandemic can be a blessing – but also a small curse.

When your kids can’t go to school or meet their friends, you know what I’m talking about.

Why not blog about cool and fun things to do for kids at home?

37. Motorcycles

Blog about the best models, vintage pieces, or maintenance advice, for example.

38. Gambling

How to play poker? How to become a successful gambler online?

39. Technology

Write about the latest gadgets, new technologies, tips and tricks for using them.

40. Programming and web development

Help your readers learn programming so that they can start new careers in the technology industry. Tackle topics such as:

  • How to build a website?
  • How to create a mobile application to sell on App Store?
  • How to learn to code?
  • How to become a freelance web developer?

For some inspiration, check out my tech blog at

41. Boating and fishing

Review equipment, give your recommendations, and share your experience out on the sea.

42. Photography

You could offer photography tips and write a helpful beginner’s guide for taking beautiful photos. If you want to, you can niche down to portrait, nature, or product photography, for example.

43. Fashion

Blog about fashion trends, share your best looks, and establish yourself a name in the fashion blogosphere.

44. Makeup

Write a blog and create YouTube videos with makeup tutorials. Lots of makeup gurus are already going viral online with millions of followers and their own makeup brands. You just need to add your own flavor to the soup and you can do it, too.

45. Golf

Share your golf hacks and learning tips. If you travel with your golf bag, share your experience about the best golf courses around the world.

46. Astronomy and horoscopes

Writing about start signs is a great blog niche to sell personal horoscopes and teach your readers about astronomy.

47. Horseback riding

48. Self-defence and martial arts

49. Interior design

50. Dancing

51. Dogs, cats, pets

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Food and cooking blog ideas (52–62)

52. Wines and champagne

If you know a lot about wines, share that passion with the world.

53. Craft beer

Blog about what makes craft beer so awesome and establish yourself a name online. How to make craft beer at home?

54. Exotic cuisine

Share your favorite tips and recipes for preparing authentic meals from countries far away.

55. Cooking

Choose a niche and help your readers with easy but tasty recipes. How about blogging about 30-minute meals or affordable cooking for families, for example?

56. Home-cooked meals

We all love a delicious home-cooked meal, right? There’s just something about traditional cooking that warms our souls and makes us feel good.

Share your family recipes, gather them together to publish a branded cook book, and sell it easily through SendOwl!

57. Health foods, super foods

How to cook and eat to stay healthy? What seasonal foods should your readers focus on in each month of the year?

Blogging ideas for beginners - Food, cooking and recipes

58. Baking

Muffins, cupcakes, pancakes, frosted cakes. If you can spell it, you can bake it!

59. Recipes

Gather the best recipes you can find for a particular niche. Then cook them and write roundup posts on them.

Recipe blogs are huge right now – especially if you plan on using a solid Pinterest strategy to attract massive traffic to your blog!

60. Kitchen equipment

Share your tips on which pots and pans to use. There are tons of utensils to make cooking easier and more enjoyable.

Write honest reviews and make sure to include affiliate links for your readers to click and buy the products right away.

61. Veganism and plant-based diet

How to become a vegan step-by-step? Share your tips and favorite recipes with your readers!

What should your readers do when they start feeling a craving for something non-vegan again?

62. Coffee or tea

Write for all of us caffeine addicts – and drop me a link so I can check it out!

Share your coffee tips and teach your readers new things about their favorite hot beverages.

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Entertainment blog ideas (63–68)

63. Movies

Review films, create lists with the best movies for each genre out there.

64. TV shows

Similar to movies – rate and review TV shows! If you’re using Netflix or Amazon Prime Video, you can focus on a single streaming service and rate the most recent shows out there, for instance.

65. Funny cat videos

Find the funniest videos online and make them go viral. Attract enough visitors and make money with ads on your blog.

66. Theatre, opera, and ballet

Review pieces in your region or write about old and new pieces for your visitors to read and learn more about.

67. Stand-up comedy and improvisation

Offer tips and create fun, helpful content you can turn into a book some day. Why not offer workshops, courses, or 1-to-1 coaching, too?

68. Upcoming events

Write about events that attract attention in a specific target group, such as families with kids, single guys and gals, or people looking to network within a certain industry, for example.

The more people are interested in reading about them, the more traffic you get.

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Blog topic ideas that make money

Gaming blog ideas (69–73)

69. Video game tutorials for beginners

Help others enjoy their games more!

70. Game walkthroughs and tips

Adventure games are the ideal candidates for walkthrough posts, like Tomb Raider.

71. Strategy game best practices

There’s so much to learn about an advanced strategy game like Civilization or Cities: Skylines. Write a blog or start a YouTube channel – or both!

72. Card and board games

Although not digital, playing cards and board games is still popular! Why not share your opinions on board games and make it into a blog where you review games.

73. Outdoor games

Get your readers out in the nature! Write an article about 50 different outdoor games for kids and publish the collection as an e-book. Sell it at a discount to schools!

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Finance blog ideas (74–79)

74. Personal finance and frugal living

How to manage your finances the best? Everyone is interested in making the most out of their bucks. Frugal living is one of the most popular blog topics right now!

75. Financial independence

Share your tips for achieving financial independence by saving, investing, and planning for the long run.

76. Insurances and savings

How to find the best insurances and save wisely?

Profitable blog niche ideas to make money - Personal finance, investment, frugal living

77. Retirement and pension savings

We are all ageing and getting closer to retirement every day. Although it might be decades away, most of us are interested in learning how we could start saving now already.

78. Managing the family budget

It’s not always easy to make ends meet with a bigger family. Share tips for saving money in daily things like groceries, transportation, hobbies, clothing, etc.

79. Finance tips for the COVID pandemic

The pandemic has brought about some big changes and challenges for many of us. A lot of people struggle to make ends meet, or even face unemployment. Blog about your top tips for overcoming financial difficulties in these strange times.

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Relationships and marriage blog ideas (80–84)

80. Dating guide

Everyone is looking for love! Write a dating guide – you can choose to be serious, satirical, or funny, for example.

81. Moving together and starting a family

How to make it work with the significant other? Blog about tips for new couples who want to start a family.

82. Weddings and marriage

Wedding blogs are HUGE right now. Help people plan their weddings and come up with wedding concepts. Offer your help as a wedding planner!

83. Relationship advice

How to take care and cherish your relationship and make it last?

84. Divorce and separation

Well, it just doesn’t always work out with relationships, right?

Help your readers overcome their divorce. There are many different topics you can help people with: legal advice, self-care, dealing with frustration and anger, forgiveness, etc.

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Family and home blog ideas (85–94)

85. Pregnancy and becoming parents

Write a series of blog posts about pregnancy! Every mother and father have a bunch of questions they need answers for during this time.

86. Parenting and childcare

Every parent needs help with their kids from time to time. Solve their parenting problems with helpful articles on your blog. How to be a cool mom or a cool dad? How to deal with a tantrum at the supermarket?

87. Family holidays

Where to go with the whole family for holidays? How to make the most out of the holiday budget and pinch a few pennies?

88. Hobbies for the whole family

What to do and where to go together with the entire family?

Profitable blog topic ideas - Family and parenting

89. Saving money

Help parents come up with ideas for things they can do for free with their kids. Or how they can save money when doing groceries or buying clothes for their kids.

90. House and garden

Write helpful how-to posts with tips about taking care of the house and garden. Renovation, makeovers, maintenance – the list goes on and on!

91. Homeschooling

Share your knowledge and experience about homeschooling. How does it work? Who can do it? Where do you start?

92. School and bullying

How to help children who are bullied? What signs should parents pay attention to so that they can intervene as early as possible? How to stop bullying altogether?

93. Education

Blog about different options for school or college. How to finance your kid’s college degree? How to write the perfect college application?

94. Eco-friendly homes

Write about how to turn any apartment or house into an eco-friendly, green home. Also, you could blog about how your family takes care of the environment at home in your daily life.

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Education and career blog ideas (95–99)

Education and career advice - Blog niche ideas for beginners

95. Career path advice

How to find your passion and the right career and job to fit?

96. Promotions and career coaching

Help your readers achieve their career goals more quickly.

97. Learning new skills

Languages, management skills, IT & software skills. If you’ve taken online courses on a learning platform like Udemy, share your favorites and write detailed course reviews, for example.

98. Study hacks

How to learn more efficiently? How to party in college but still nail your exams?

99. SAT tips and tricks

How to prepare for your SATs and get top scores?

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Social media blog ideas (100–104)

100. Social media marketing

Do you know how to use social media for online marketing? Great!

Start a blog and share your favorite tips and strategies for gaining momentum on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest.

Psst… you can find my top tips for Pinterest marketing right here.

101. Instagram celebrities

How to become a social media celebrity on Instagram?

102. Mastering a social network

How to boost your business on social media?

103. Social media detox

Help your readers with their phone addiction!

104. Beginner’s guides

Write about the basics of social networks. How to start using them and how to make the most out of them?

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Politics and society blog ideas (105–108)

105. News and current events

Write about your own views on the hottest topics in the media right now.

106. Political satire

Capture your readers’ attention with witty perspectives and your personal touch to current political events.

107. Society and politics

Address political issues in the society. Choose a matter you wish to stand for and create a community around it.

108. Educational blog

Teach people about political systems, processes and why their voice matters in every election they can participate in.

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Bonus tip: Blog about yourself

If you can’t find a blog niche that you can relate to, why not just blog about yourself? 

If you manage to write in a fun, engaging way, you can generate surprisingly many visitors to succeed with your blog.

First, figure out how you can come up with a “storyline” about your life. You can write about:

  • Your teenage years
  • Your life as a single guy or gal in a big city
  • How you’re starting a family and sharing your experience on seeing how your kids are growing up

Or perhaps you could write about your career, how it’s developing and how it’s been.

And of course, blogging in your retirement years is just as exciting! That’s when you can break free from the world of office hours and unpaid leave!

Blogging about yourself lets you be very creative and come up with a very personal perspective to the world around you.

Final thoughts: 100+ profitable blog niche ideas in 2022

This list with profitable blog niche ideas could go on forever, trust me! I hope you found a few helpful ideas and inspiration for your blog here.

Due to the COVID pandemic, people are spending more time online, searching for helpful tips and resources. Why not cater for their needs and launch a successful blog right now?

What blog topics could you see yourself writing about? Let me know in the comments below!

The bottom line is: whatever you want to blog about, you can monetize any topic as long as there’s enough readers you can reach. After all, monetizing your blog is all about having a common interest with your readers.

Thus, make sure you pick a topic that can generate enough traffic. After that, it’s all about finding your own inspiration and motivation for writing about it for years to come. 

As long as you write blog posts that your audience wants to read about, you’re all set for success!

If you’re still not sure about your niche, check out my detailed guide on 11 popular blog ideas that REALLY make money.

Now that you’ve found some good ideas on what to blog about, it’s time to start your blog right away!

How can I start a profitable blog today?

Now let’s get your blog up and running right away!

Head over to my free beginner’s guide on how to start a successful blog in 10 minutes. Seriously, you can get everything set up today, even if you’ve never launched a blog before.

And it gets better:

I’ve even gone the extra mile to negotiate an exclusive blog launch deal for my readers, too. Click here to get started – I’ll see you there!

Here are a couple of helpful, related articles for you:

P.S. If you liked this post on profitable blog niche ideas, make sure you drop me a line in the comments below! You have another profitable blog niche idea in mind? Feel free to share it, I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Happy blogging!
– Mikke

Blog topic ideas that make money
100+ Profitable Blog Niche Ideas That Make Money in 2022100+ Profitable Blog Niche Ideas That Make Money in 2022100+ Profitable Blog Niche Ideas That Make Money in 2022100+ Profitable Blog Niche Ideas That Make Money in 2022100+ Profitable Blog Niche Ideas That Make Money in 2022100+ Profitable Blog Niche Ideas That Make Money in 2022100+ Profitable Blog Niche Ideas That Make Money in 2022100+ Profitable Blog Niche Ideas That Make Money in 2022100+ Profitable Blog Niche Ideas That Make Money in 2022100+ Profitable Blog Niche Ideas That Make Money in 2022

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I'm Mikke, a blogging strategist and online entrepreneur addicted to delicious coffee and sharing my growth hacks for small businesses. I'm also a professional web designer and web developer. I help my fellow content creators start a blog the right way, earn money blogging and work from home so that they can spend more time with their friends and family. Come join me on Pinterest or Twitter!

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10 Blog Topics That Make The Most Money

There are so many niches out there that it can be hard coming up with blog ideas that make money. If you know that you eventually want to monetise your blog and make some money off all your hard work, then considering your niche before you start is pertinent.

I started my current blog almost nine years ago now, back in 2012. I was just in high school and didn’t bother thinking about the most profitable blog niches, and ended up choosing book blogging. As time went on, I realised this niche was not profitable and combined it with another passion: travel.

Since then, I’ve started another blog centred around Denver, Colorado, as well as a website with a blog to help showcase my services as a freelance creative branding expert, web designer, and social media manager.

If you are looking for blog topics that make the most money, then you’re in the right place. You might not even know about #9!

Here are the top blog ideas that make money!

Table of Contents

What is a Blog?

If you’re reading this post, it’s pertinent that you fully understand what a blog is before digging into blog ideas that make money.

At its most basic level, a blog is a website that someone starts to share their opinions, thoughts, or feelings online. They practically run this website all on their own and are also in charge of their social media marketing, monetisation, public relations, editing, and more.

blog topics that make money

Blogs can be hosted on many different platforms, including WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, or even the new kid on the block, Showit. While it can be costly, there are also free blogging platforms out there until you are ready to fully dive into it and devote some money to your site.

You won’t start making money from your website until you begin to put money into it from experience.

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When you start a blog, you’ll get our WordPress Beginner Blogger Course for free. This course shows you how to start, design, and grow a professional website from scratch… even if you’re not tech-savvy.


What Types Of Blogs Make The Most Money?

It’s time to answer the age-old question: what kinds of blogs make money? Below, learn more about the blog niches that make money, and also find out how much some of the more popular bloggers in each niche make on average each month.

1. Mom/Parenting Blogs

Are you a parent? Then you could easily start your own mom or parenting blog, which is one of the best blog ideas that make money.

This is one of the most popular blog niches that make money, so it is a saturated niche in the blogging industry. However, that’s not to say that you can’t start your own parenting blog and take a unique stance or approach that hasn’t been done before.

For instance, maybe you focus solely on newborns or an older age like middle school kids. Whatever you choose to do, just make sure that it’s original and isn’t the same as another mom or parenting blog out there.

Some other ideas could include focusing on ways to keep children busy, recipes specifically for children, or how to parent teenagers. Honestly, the possibilities with a parenting or mom blog are endless.

The most common way for bloggers in this niche to make money is with sponsored posts, advertisements, and affiliate income. A fair amount of bloggers in this niche also make money through digital products that they sell to help their audience.

2. Food and Recipe Blogs

Another one of the topics that make the most money is food, which makes sense because people are always looking for ways to up their recipe game.

This is also a successful blogging niche for marketing on Pinterest, but that could be a blog post all on its own.

food and recipe blogs that make an income

Similar to mom and parenting blogs, with a food blog, there are so many different stances or focuses you could take despite this being a popular niche already. You could focus solely on a specific type of food, like Italian, or focus on healthy meals only.

I’m sure that you’ve searched for a receipt and ended up on a food blog at least once or twice — maybe without even realizing it. These types of blogs are great for ranking in SEO and getting traffic.

The most common way for people to make money off food blogs include affiliate income, advertisements and sponsored posts.

This can be a more challenging niche to try to make passive income from digital products because not many people will want to buy a cookbook from you when most of your recipes are free to view on your blog anyway.

3. Technology or Gaming Blogs

Consider starting a blog focused on technology. This can be an incredibly lucrative blog niche, especially because technology is always changing, and we have a desire to keep up with the latest trends.

The most common way to have a technology blog is to do tech reviews. People want to know if purchasing an expensive piece of equipment is worth it, and your review could help them immensely.

Another niche under the umbrella of technology that’s popular is video games. This can be computer games or games for another console but can get you a decent amount of traffic to your website, especially from the gaming community.

Similar to other blogs on this list, a common way to make money with this type of blog is affiliate income. Technology also costs a lot, so if you can convince someone that a particular product is worth it and they click to purchase it through your link, you can make a pretty penny from them.

Sponsorships and advertising are also ways that tech and video game bloggers make money on their sites. Like food blogs, passive income from digital products can be a bit more complicated in this type of blog.

Adam from Adam Enfroy once made $80,000 in a month from his blog about software reviews — there’s a lot of money to be made in the tech niche for sure.

4. Travel Blogs

Writing in the travel niche is another one of the blog ideas that make money. People are always looking to travel, no matter the time of year.

travel blogs

You’ve most likely turned to the internet to help plan your itineraries when you’ve travelled before and have almost certainly ended up on a travel blog.

As humans, we trust the experiences of others and look to reviews as social proof to decide whether certain attractions are worth it or not.

If you are a traveller yourself or love travelling, this could be an excellent niche for you to consider blogging in.

However, while this is one of the blog topics that make the most money, you may also want to consider that sometimes there will be lulls in travel, just like during the year 2020.

When it comes to blogging about travel, the ideas are also endless. Maybe you’d like to have a location-specific blog and focus solely on blogging about your favourite city or even your home state. These have been proven recently to be more lucrative than blogs that cover multiple destinations.

You could also focus on a particular continent or country, or a type of travel, like sustainable travel. 

Travel bloggers make money from advertisements, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and paid trip opportunities.

5. Health and Fitness Blogs

Health and fitness are among the most profitable blog niches. People are always looking for ways to stay fit, especially as more people start working from home.

When it comes to this niche, you could take many different focuses, such as a particular sport, type of exercise, or even just document your own health and fitness.

Another approach you could take might be wellness, such as yoga or meditation, to help someone cope with stress and anxiety. The possibilities are endless for health and wellness, and you’ll most likely never run out of blog post ideas.

Bloggers in this niche make money through advertising and affiliate marketing, but they can also sell tons of digital products and services to buffer their monthly income. Ebooks and private 1:1 coaching are just a few possibilities when it comes to offering products or services.

6. Beauty and Fashion Blogs

Beauty and fashion are two blog ideas that will probably always make money. Trends in these industries are always evolving, and often, bloggers are looked to by the public to keep them informed on the latest styles.

beauty and fashion blogs

There are lots of different ways that you could blog about fashion. You could write fashion reviews, discuss current trends, or share different styles depending on the season. 

In particular, fashion bloggers have gained lots of popularity on social media, especially on Instagram. This can lead to lots of sponsored post opportunities, which can add a bit more income to your side hustle.

While you should never start a blog to get anything for free, beauty bloggers are known for getting lots of free products to share in their posts, especially as they begin to gain more followers and get that famed influencer status.

Most bloggers make money with this niche through sponsored social media posts, affiliate marketing, and advertising.

7. Personal Finance Blogs

Believe it or not, but blogging about money is actually one of the blog topics that make the most money. It seems crazy, right? But it’s 100% true, with many finance bloggers earning more than 100K per month. 

Money bloggers can take many different focuses, from paying off student loan debt to living more frugally. Many money bloggers also focus specifically on saving money as a family or saving money to have more financial freedom.

Everyone wants to know how to make more money. That’s why you’re reading this article, right? That’s why blogging about it can be incredibly lucrative, and it can also help a lot of people.

Most financial bloggers earn their income through affiliate marketing and advertisements. They can also make money through digital products, like ebooks or worksheets, to help their audience stay on top of debt and income.

Another popular way that finance bloggers make money is through courses where they teach others to make money through side hustles, buying and selling products, and more. They can also offer services to help others through consultation calls which can earn bloggers even more money.

8. Arts and Crafts Blogs (DIY)

How many times have you turned to the internet before to find out how to do a craft at home? Pretty often, right? That’s what makes arts and crafts one of the most profitable blog niches.

arts and crafts blogs

If you have an adoration for crafting, whether it be knitting, sewing, or something else, you can easily start a blog about it. The great thing about this niche is that DIY craft posts do incredibly well on Pinterest, so it’s pretty easy to get traffic in this niche.

Another significant aspect of this niche is that there are an endless amount of arts and crafts out there. Plus, you could easily publish based on the season, which could help you rank even better on Google.

Arts and crafts blogs help many different people, including parents, teachers, art clubs, and more. That’s what makes it one of the most searched niches on the internet when it comes to blog posts.

Bloggers in this niche make money from affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and advertisements. 

9. Interior Design Blogs

Similar to arts and crafts, interior design is another blog idea that make money. Whether you’re an interior designer or it’s just a hobby of yours, this could be a blog niche that you consider if you want to make some extra income.

People are moving all the time, and are always looking to the internet to help them when it comes to different ways to furnish their new homes.

Interior design blogs can also be helpful if you’re interested in fixer-uppers because you could document all the projects in the house that could, in turn, help others.

A more simple way to approach having an interior design blog could be updating furniture that you already have in your house. This is also a trendy niche on Pinterest and YouTube, which you could also add to your content marketing plan to help with your monthly income.

Interior design blogs make their money usually through advertising and affiliate marketing income. They might also offer services, like going to people’s houses and fixing up different parts of their home, or digital products.

If you’re wondering what kinds of blogs make money, interior design is one of the most underrated.

10. Lifestyle Blogs

The lifestyle niche is one of the top blog ideas that make money. Lifestyle can kind of mean a bit of everything, from organizing your life and finding a healthy balance between work and downtime, to life while in college.

lifestyle blog

The one thing that sets a lifestyle blog apart from other blogs is that it usually focuses on a particular age group. For example, maybe the lifestyle blog focuses on college students or recent retirees.

Lifestyle blogs are extremely lucrative because there will always be someone that fits the demographic you target. However, it might be strange to be still blogging about college when you graduated five years ago, which is something to consider.

One of the beauties of lifestyle blogging is that you could change your demographic as you age. Some bloggers do that, and they are pretty successful with it.

Lifestyle bloggers make money through sponsored posts, sharing their own digital products, and also advertising and affiliate marketing.

There are quite a few things to consider when deciding on what your blog niche should be. While this blog post is all about what kind of blog niches make money, you should never start your blog solely because you want more income.

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If your desire to blog is money-driven, then you’ll most likely soon regret it — making money is something that takes a long time to do on a blog. Most bloggers don’t even start seeing any income until they are at least a year in.

You can’t become an overnight sensation when it comes to blogging. It takes a long time to start to see results even from just SEO so that you can rank well on Google and begin to get more exposure and traffic.

First of all, you need to be sure that you are picking a niche that you are passionate about. If you’ve never been on a trip in your life, then you probably shouldn’t choose the travel niche for your blog’s focus.

You’ll also want to consider what blog niche you can come up with tons of blog post ideas for.

You don’t want to start a blog only to find that you only have two different post ideas that you can come up with. A blog could easily fail if you don’t post consistently.

Last but not least, you will want to consider what other people are doing. You don’t want to start a blog only for it to hide away from the many other blogs in the same niche.

Take a specific stance on a popular niche or find a way that makes you stand out from the rest of the crowd.

As long as you don’t start your blog solely because you want to make money, you should find a niche that you are happy with.

How To Start a Blog

Here are a few simple steps to help you start a website of your own.

1. Pick A Purpose and A Topic

Before you even begin blogging, you have to take the time to choose a niche. Hopefully, this post has helped you come up with a few ideas to get you started on this step.

start a blog and decide on the purpose of your blog

Whatever niche you choose, make sure that it is one that you can write a lot about and that you won’t get sick of it in a year or two. Don’t feel bad if it takes you a while to choose a niche, because it took me quite a bit of time.

After deciding on a niche, it’s time to come up with a name, which may be even more difficult than picking a niche.

2. Choose Your Name, Buy A Domain, and Claim Your Social Media Handles

Picking a name might honestly be the most challenging step out of these five. It probably took me about a month to choose a name for my website.

Remember that once you choose a name, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it has to be your blog’s name for eternity. However, changing your blog name once you get more established can prove to be pretty tricky and costly.

When choosing a name, try to pick one that has to do with your topic. So many blogs are just named after someone’s full name, which doesn’t tell visitors that much about what their blog is about.

Once you pick a name, make your way to the internet to purchase your domain from a site like GoDaddy. This usually will cost you only about $12 per year, so it’s incredibly cheap. Note: if you host your website with Bluehost, the domain name is included.

During this time, you’ll also want to start claiming your social media handles so that they match your domain. Every handle should be the same to help build brand awareness.

3. Pick Your Blogging Platform

After choosing your name and niche, it’s time to decide on a web hosting platform. There are many different ones out there, so make sure you take your time to do research and pick the one that’s best for you.

The most popular one out there is WordPress. If you choose WordPress, make sure you also purchase hosting from another provider like Bluehost or SiteGround.

When choosing a host for your blog, make sure you read all of the reviews. Some hosts aren’t particularly known for having excellent customer service, which could be a deal-breaker.

A few of the top blogging platforms include WordPress, Squarespace, and Wix.

4. Decide On Branding and Design Your Site

This next step is probably the most fun part. Now, you can take the time to finally start designing your website and make your blog come to life.

Designer team sketching a logo in digital design studio on computer

There are many options to this, especially when you are first starting to blog. You could use a free template, create your own using something like Divi or Elementor, or purchase a paid template from an online shop.

Most beginners usually opt just to use a free template for a while until they feel that they are ready to take the leap and begin paying for parts of their website.

During this time, be sure also to create a logo and come up with branding to have consistency across your site. As a web designer myself, there is nothing worse than someone having 500 different fonts.

5. Write and Publish Your First Post

After you’ve done all the other steps, you can write your first blog post and hit publish. Remember that your first post does not have to be perfect; I know mine wasn’t, and I’m sure many other bloggers will say the same about theirs.

Over time, you can go back through and update your blog posts with SEO if you don’t want to learn how to do it right now, even though it will save you tons of time.

Once you get the hang of it, be sure to try to post consistently, at least once a week, to start gaining authority in your industry.


Hopefully, this post has helped you discover blog ideas that make money and you’re now ready to choose a profitable niche.

With blogging, hard work and consistency are crucial, so make sure that you stay on top of the latest trends, learn about SEO, and start monetising the second you can to make a profit.

Do you have a friend who is considering starting a blog? Be sure to share this post to let them know about the blog niches that make money!

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“10 Blog Topics That Make The Most MoneyTop 10 Blog Topics That Make Money“10 Profitable Blog Niche Ideas That Make Money This Year


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This blog niche list will help you find the types of blogs that make money, along with examples of blogs that make money in each niche.

Certain blogging niches are profitable because they share two certain characteristics. We are going to talk about what those two characteristics are so that you can evaluate the profitability of a niche, and be more likely to make money blogging.

One thing most people wonder before (or even after) they’ve started their blog is whether or not the topic they chose is actually going to make money…

Trying to figure out what to blog about is a complicated process!

Which begs the question: are there certain types of blogs that make money? 

Certainly, some niches are easier to scale and profit from than others, but I definitely think that almost any type of blog can make money. And as I’ll explain below, it’s not always about popularity.

Which is why today, I’m going to be talking about the different types of blogs that make money as well as show you some real-life examples.

Keep in mind that if you don’t see your blog niche on this list, that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to monetize your efforts!

This is just a starting place for you to understand what types of blogs make money so that you can do the same for your own blog.

Most Profitable Blogging Niches

Let’s dive into some of the types of blogs that make money to help you find which niche you’d like to write about!

1. DIY/Craft

If you’re a creative who can make interesting things, a DIY blog is definitely a blog you can start to make you money.

The key to starting a craft-type blog is to be creating crafting ideas that your audience will be keen to re-create. Like any blog, diving into your audience is super important.

Are they moms who are looking for crafts to do with young kids? Are they single new-homeowners who are looking to spruce up their place with DIY decor? Or maybe they are young women looking to knit?

While all audiences fall into the same niche, both of their interests are vastly different! A successful DIY blog will cater to the right audience and develop content to keep them coming back time and time again.

Examples of blogs that make money in this niche:

2. Finance

People will always want to know how to save money and pay off debt. It’s an evergreen topic that will never go out of style, and if you are about to provide valuable insight to this niche, you can make money yourself.

As this niche is generally trying to save money, you likely won’t be able to promote many high-priced affiliate products, however, you can make a lucrative income from ads and the traffic pouring into your blog.

Examples of blogs that make money in this niche:

3. Health & Fitness

Another popular topic that people will always be searching is health and fitness, and anything related to diet and exercise.

As we talked about above, you can choose to cover a topic that is more evergreen, or you can venture into fad diets/exercises if you want to make money in a less competitive niche (with more risk).

This is a pretty competitive space, but don’t let that turn you off.

Depending who you are targeting you can likely promote higher-priced affiliate products in this niche (as opposed to the finance niche).

Examples of blogs that make money in this niche:

4. Pets

"Travelling with a dog" logo with a paw print

People love their pets and are willing to spend any amount of money on them (I can personally attest to this).

The pet niche is a great example of a type of blog that can generate tons of income off affiliate products because quite honestly, people are willing to splurge on their furry-friends.

Examples of blogs that make money in this niche:

5. Food

I’ve read that food blogs are a bit more difficult to monetize and I believe this is because a lot of people search up recipes and don’t get too invested in the content.

What I mean by that is they don’t tend to read the preamble before the recipe – they just scroll right down to the recipe.

But don’t let that deter you away from starting up a food blog if you are passionate about it. There are many food bloggers who have successfully turned their blogs into full-time careers with cookbooks, YouTube channels and sponsorships.

Even then, you can make money from the ads placed on your website, so if people aren’t exactly buying from your affiliate links in the food niche, you can still rely on income from ads.

Examples of blogs that make money in this niche:

6. Parenting

Families are always looking for people to speak their truth and let them know they aren’t alone in the sometimes crazy life of being a parent.

Parenting blogs are kind of evergreen in nature, in the sense that your audience might change a bit more frequently than others.

For example, if you blog about newborn tips, your audience is going to be cycling in and out every several months once their newborns grow and your tips are no longer relevant.

To keep your audience longer, don’t corner yourself by only writing about a specific age!

Examples of blogs that make money in this niche:

7. Travel

The travel niche has taken off immensely within the last few years.

With a growing trend to work remotely, this niche isn’t slowing down anytime soon. Travel bloggers and influencers can earn a pretty penny by collaborating with brands such as hotels and other tourism companies.

Examples of blogs that make money in this niche:

8. Sustainable/Green Living

I believe this topic will really take off within the next little bit.

With the warning from scientists around the world that we need to drastically find ways to conserve energy, consumers are also going to be searching for ways they can alter their consumption patterns.

The search term “sustainable clothing” is one example of a term that is steadily growing and has been over the last couple of years, with an increased growth within the last year.

Screenshot of Google trends line graph

Examples of blogs that make money in this niche:

9. Business

While this topic is incredibly competitive, it’s a topic that will always hold interest.

Business blogs can talk about a range of topics from social media marketing tips to e-commerce strategies. There are many different niches within the business category that can earn you money.

If you have experience with something, business blogs can often sell digital products such as courses, e-books and trainings as a way to monetize.

Examples of blogs that make money in this niche:

10. Fashion/Beauty

Beauty and fashion trends change all the time. If you like to keep up with the trends, consider blogging about fashion or beauty! There are so many different options for sub-niches in this particular category.

For example, you could focus on luxury fashion (where you can make high affiliate sales per product). Or you could write about the best fashion finds from Walmart, which won’t result in high-ticket affiliate items, but could potentially drive tons of traffic.

Examples of blogs that make money in this niche:

Characteristics of the Types of Blogs that Make Money

There are two types of blogs that make money:

  • evergreen content
  • trending content

Evergreen Content

Evergreen content is content that has a long lifespan and is always relevant. Content around evergreen topics are often more competitive, but they are a bit safer to write on because people’s interest in the topic isn’t going to fluctuate, making it a stable way to earn an income.

The reason why these types of blogs make money is that they have a longer lifespan. If you are new to blogging and aren’t sure how to monetize your blog, I recommend picking an evergreen niche.

Examples of evergreen content include health tips (excluding fad diets), workout tips, parenting tips, money saving ideas and so much more.

Trending Content

Trending content is another type of blog that makes money. Trendy content is a bit riskier but can often be less competitive, making it easier to earn an income if you can find a trending topic with little competition.

Topics such as fad diets (think Keto) or journaling trends (BuJo, anyone?) are types of content that will have shorter lifespans than evergreen content.

That isn’t to say they will have short lifespans, as a blog in the Keto diet space can be viable for several years, however, these trends tend to rise and fall in popularity.

Trending topics are best blogged about right before the trend is about to take off, so in order to find a good trending topic you need to do a lot of research to find what is currently on the rise!

Every year, Pinterest releases a trends report that can help you identify some of the most popular blog topics for the upcoming season.

Take the search term “instant pot recipes” for example:

Screenshot of Google trends line graph

Notice how this trend started growing after Black Friday in 2017? I remember the crazy popularity around instant pots during this time, and it looks like right after they go on sale, there is a huge spike in queries related to instant pot recipes.

If you have a blog centering around instant pot recipes, you’d be seeing a surge of traffic (and income) during those spikes. But it’s not sustainable as you can see.

A word of advice: you are often faced with time constraints if you want to monetize off a trending topic, so I don’t recommend starting your first blog in a trending topic in order to monetize. You might find that by the time you really understand how to make money from your blog, the topic is no longer popular or profitable.

How to Find a Profitable Blogging Niche

Before I go into the nine types of blogs that make money, here are some tips for finding a profitable niche.

First, take a look at Amazon’s Fee Schedule.

A screenshot of Amazon's commission structure. It is a table with two columns: Product category and the Fee rates.

If you are planning on choosing a profitable affiliate niche, the best thing to do is to choose one of the categories that yield the highest commission rates. As per the schedule above, those niches are:

  • Luxury beauty
  • Digital music, physical music, handmade, digital videos

If you plan to monetize with affiliate marketing, finding profitable affiliate programs can help you figure out a niche that will give you the highest commission rates.

You can also check out this list of the best affiliate programs for bloggers.

Now, let’s move onto profitable blogging niches that can make you money.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do personal blogs make money? Personal blogs (I also like to call these “lifestyle blogs“) can absolutely make money, as long as you are writing about the topics in a way that benefits the reader. Remember: your blog needs to solve a problem for the reader and provide valuable information. If your blog can do that (and it’s a popular enough topic) I believe it can make money.

Do I need to blog about blogging to make money? No. I’ve started multiple blogs in niches far from blogging and business, and have found that they are generally less competitive and easier to grow in.

What is the best blogging platform to make money? There are many different blogging platforms, but WordPress is the best in my opinion. WordPress accounts for over 35% of all the websites in the world, and one reason why it’s so popular is that:

  • it’s affordable (self-hosting with Siteground starts at only $6.99 per month).
  • it can grow with you. With WordPress, you have the ability to transform your site into an eCommerce store, collect leads, have ads and many more capabilities that you can easily add on through plugins and other software.

Do all Types of Blogs Make Money?

Not every blogging niche will make you rich, but doing your research will help you identify the types of blogs that make money so you can increase your chances of starting a profitable blog.

If you are just looking to start a blog, I recommend reading through some of my resources that are meant for bloggers who are just starting out:

The Beginner’s Guide to Building a Blog That Makes Money

Now you know what types of blogs make money, you’ll want to make sure you start off your blog on the right foot.

My “From Pennies to Profit” eBook is 75 pages of strategies, tips and helpful information that I’ve used to build multiple profitable blogs.

A photo of a book on a white background

This eBook is full of simple tips that are broken down and explained so that anyone will be able to follow along to start their very first profitable blog.

Click here to take a look at my “From Pennies to Profit” eBook.

Who is this book for?

This book is for anyone looking to earn a profit from their blogs. Whether they want to earn their first $1,000 or just create a blog that brings in enough revenue to pay your monthly bills.

You’re going to learn everything from creating high-converting affiliate blog posts to pitching brands to secure brand partnerships.

And if you’re thinking, “I don’t have an audience yet, will this book still help me?”

Absolutely! This book was made for you!

Click to find out more about “From Pennies to Profit”.

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